The Week & Term in Reflection: Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783

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Launching Place Primary School

Issue 8 Thursday 26th March 2015

The Week & Term in Reflection

Well, here we are at the end of our first term in the 2015 school year hard to believe! Time certainly flies by! We
would like to acknowledge our Foundation students for completing their first term of schooling; we are sure each
and every one of them will be enjoying lots of sleep ins, rest and relaxation over the holidays.
We would also like to acknowledge our hardworking, dedicated staff for laying the foundations for a successful year,
across all levels. Thanks also to our community for supporting a busy but fruitful term. It is really important to
remember to have a rest over the holidays, but we urge students to continue reading and make the most of the extra
time to enjoy a good book.
Term One highlights include:
Getting to know you interviews.
WHYLD community market.
Prep/ buddy/ new families barbecue.
Family Science night.
Camp Quality incursion for all students.
Athletics sports day grades 3-6.
Football clinic (Hawthorn footballers) grade 1/2.
Grade 6 puberty talk.
Easter hat parade and P & F Easter raffle.

New Smoking Bans to Apply on School Grounds and at School Entrances

From 13 April 2015, smoking will be banned within four metres of an entrance to all primary
and secondary schools in Victoria, and within the school grounds, under an amendment to
the Tobacco Act 1987. A similar ban applying to the entrances and grounds of Victorian
childcare centres and kindergartens will be introduced at the same time.
We trust that you will be respectful of these new guidelines and thank you for your support.

Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783

End of Term One
2.30pm Finish
Start of Term Two
9.00am start
Curriculum Day
(No students required)
Grade P-2 Photo Trail
Aerobic Comp Geelong

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School Council
Last Tuesday 17th March our new 2015 School Council met for the first time. Our first meeting was a productive one and we are
looking forward to working with the dedicated parents and staff that make up Council, throughout the year.
One of our first tasks was to elect 2015 office bearers. We are pleased to announce that Amanda Pitts was elected as School
Council President with Andrew Smith as Vice President. Bianca Amore was elected as our Treasurer and Sonia Dunn as Secretary.
We thank everyone for their willingness to accept these roles of responsibility.
Sub-Committees were also formed. Thank you to councilors for taking on roles in the following areas:
Narelle Messerle, Jacqui Eycken, Amanda Pitts, Bianca Amore.
Debbie Hobbis, Gemma Wynd, Jaimie Comer, Kasey Shuttleworth, Janine Knight.
Buildings and Grounds
Andrew Smith, Andrew Devisser, Amanda Pitts

Sporting Achievements
It is wonderful to see so many of our students engaged in sporting activities after school and on weekends.
Last weekend two teams of very keen children played off in the Upper Yarra Basketball Association grand
finals. Congratulations to Subzero, and to team members Kimberley D and Tahlia B, who won the final.
What a great effort! Also well done to the Outlaws team of Brodie L, Oscar D, Ryan I, Darcy C, Joel C, Josh
E, Mitchell S who came second. Brodie L was also awarded Most Valuable Player for the season.
Special mention must also be made of the great efforts of Mitchell H who came third overall in the grade 6
boys championship at our recent athletics sports.
Well done to all of you on your fantastic sporting achievements!

Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email

ABN 96 199 518 803

Page 3

Earth Hour
This Saturday people around the globe will once again celebrate Earth Hour. The WWFs Earth Hour takes on its biggest challenge ever this year by
strengthening the focus on the globe's most stubborn environmental challenge climate change. As the opportunity for action on climate change peaks
in 2015, the worlds largest grassroots movement will raise its voice to change climate change. The ninth edition of Earth Hour rolls across the globe at
8:30 pm local time on Saturday, 28 March 2015.
Climate change is the one of the biggest environmental challenges our planet faces today. Earth Hour aims to inspire
and empower individuals, businesses and governments around the world to push climate change to the top of the
agenda. From promoting renewable energy and sustainable agriculture to funding projects to protect forests and
ecosystems and encouraging climate education, there are many actions we can take as individuals and organisations
to help change climate change.
Lets all make an effort to turn our lights off for an hour to show that the families of LPPS are committed to helping our
environment. Earth Hour is just the beginning. Further information can be found at:

Lost Property

Production DVD
At the moment we have a very large collection of unnamed,
misplaced or lost articles of clothing overflowing from our lost
property container. The items have been placed in the hallway so
please feel free to visit the school and browse through our
collection. Uniforms are not cheap to replace.

There are a few copies of A Royal Spectacle

production DVD for sale at $15 each, please see Sonia
at the school office.

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement.

Page 4

Parents and Friends

Well the Easter Raffle has been ran and won and was a great success. Thank you for all your tickets
purchases and hamper donations, we raised over $700 for our school. Congratulations to all our 22
winners, prizes were collected from the office by students or winners have been notified. Also
congratulations to Prep N for the most weight of chocolate donated a chocolate prize was shared within
the grade on Wednesday. We wish all families a fun, relaxing and safe holiday and Easter break and look
forward to more activities in term 2. Next meeting is Monday 20th April in GP room after assembly.
P & F team.

Country Fair
Some preparations are underway for the Fair in term 4. We would love to
hear from anyone with ideas or services they could provide. Any
interested market or stall holders should also leave their details at the
school office or join our next meeting on Wednesday 22ns April in GP
room at 9.15am.

If you or your child/ren have any ideas or suggestions that could be used in canteen either
on special lunch order days or the one off treat. Please see myself or leave a note at the
school office.
May you all have a enjoyable and safe Easter break as you indulge in your favourite
Just a reminder that Slushies will not be available in terms two and three.
For the moment we have Cheesey Rice Wheel, Spc Apple Jelly, Two Fruits Tubs at 50 each.
BBQ Lone Star are at 30 until stock runs out.

Lara T

Prep N

Amy W

Prep N

Madison P

1/2 T

Justin T

1/2 T

James D

3/4 S

Jaycob F

3/4 S

Ashlyn E

5/6 C

Trak B

5/6 C

Kimberley D

5/6 L

Erica C

5/6 L

All awards will be presented

at first assembly in term two.

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Launching Place Junior Netball Club is

seeking players for all age groupsunder
9s, 11s, 13s and 15s. season starts Friday
17th April at the Yarra Centre. For more
information please contact
Taryn 0400 858 618 or
Shelley 0410 626353 as soon as possible.

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