Scorpion Electronics: Time Division Multiplexing & Demultiplexing

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East Strt, !a"ara#ar Na$ar, Th%r&'a("%)&r, Ch((a%* +,,,-1. Ph/ ,-- * 2-02120-
B3456 D%a$ra" 47 T%" D%'%s%4( M&3t%839%($ & D"&3t%839%($
A Multiplexer can be regarded as any system that enables information from a single data line to be
distributed on a sequential time-share basis to a number n of independent data lines.
A Demultiplexer is the opposite of a Multiplexer. It enables information from a number n of
independent data lines to be sequentially applied to a single data line.
T%" D%'%s%4( M&3t%839%($ :TDM;
DM enables the !oint utili"ation of a common transmission channel by a se#eral independent
message sources $ithout mutual interference. he concept of DM is illustrated in %loc& diagram.
(ig. )ho$s ho$ a four- $ay Multiplexer can be used to control four *+Ds do$n a single data line.
In fig. Assume that the multiplex dri#er continuously sequences the Multiplexer through the 1-2-'-, cycle
rapid rate- and is synchroni"ed to the 1-2-'-, segments of the data line. hus- in each cycle- in the 1 period
*+D1 is off. in the 2 periods *+D2 is on. in the ' periods *+D' is on- and in the , periods *+D, is off. he
state of each of the four *+Ds is thus controlled #ia the logic bit of the single data line.
(ig. )ho$s ho$ a four-$ay Demultiplexer can be used to feed four independent input signals do$n a
single cable- and ho$ a Multiplexer can be used to con#ert signals bac& into four independent signals at the
other end. In practice- each /sample0 period of the data line must be short relati#e to the period of the highest
#oice frequency. period 1 is used to synchroni"e the signals at the t$o ends of the data line.
Tr&th Ta<3
I(8&t stats ON 5ha((3
I(h%<%t B A X =
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, , 1 1 1
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, 1 1 > >
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(rom the abo#e description it can be seen that a CMOS n channel Multiplexer can be regarded as a
single-pole n-$ay bilateral s$itch- and that a CMOS Multiplexer can be con#erted into a Demultiplexer by
simply transposing the notations of the input and output terminals. An n-$ay single-pole bilateral s$itch can
thus be described as an n-channel Multiplexer 2 Demultiplexer.
?a'74r" 47 I(8&t@4&t8&t Aata S%$(a3
1. S%(
2. SB&ar
>. Tr%a($3
-. DC V43ts
IC 2,>2 :S%$(a3 G(rat4r;
he I5 67'6 $a#e form generator I5 is a medium-quality de#ice that can produce simultaneous sine-
square and triangle outputs- $ith #ariable duty cycles- at frequencies ranging from a fraction of a 8" to abo#e
17798". Its output signals can be sub!ected to frequency s$eeping and modulation :(M;- and it can be
po$ered #ia either single-ended supplies in the range 17 to '7<- or split ones in the =or- 1 to =or- 11< range.
he 67'6 is- ho$e#er- a popular de#ice and is $idely used as a general purpose $a#e form generator.
he Demultiplexed 2 data cable $ill ha#e $a#eform similar to the one sho$ and belo$. his
$a#eform sho$s the time di#ision multiplexed signal of composite $a#eforms chosen by us for transmission.


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