Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction: Trasformers

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Definition of Transformer: Electrical power transformer is a static device which transforms electrical
energy from one circuit to another without any direct electrical connection and with the help of mutual
induction between two windings. It transforms power from one circuit to another without changing its
frequency but may be in different voltage level.
Working rinciple of Transformer: The working principle of transformer is very simple. It depends
upon !araday"s law of electromagnetic induction. #ctually$ mutual induction between two or more
winding is responsible for transformation action in an electrical transformer.
!araday"s %aws of Electromagnetic Induction: #ccording to these !araday"s laws$ &'ate of change of
flu( linkage with respect to time is directly proportional to the induced E)! in a conductor or coil&.
*asic Theory of Transformer
+ay you have one winding which is supplied by an alternating electrical source. The alternating current
through the winding produces a continually changing flu( or alternating flu( that surrounds the
winding. If any other winding is brought nearer to the previous one$ obviously some portion of this flu(
will link with the second. #s this flu( is continually changing in its amplitude and direction$ there must
be a change in flu( linkage in the second winding or coil. #ccording to !araday"s law of
electromagnetic induction$ there must be an E)! induced in the second. If the circuit of the later
winding is closed$ there must be an electric current flowing through it. This is the simplest form of
electrical power transformer and this is the most basic of working principle of transformer.
!or better understanding$ we are trying to repeat the above e(planation in a more brief way here.
Whenever we apply alternating current to an electric coil$ there will be an alternating flu( surrounding
that coil. ,ow if we bring another coil near the first one$ there will be an alternating flu( linkage with
that second coil. #s the flu( is alternating$ there will be obviously a rate of change in flu( linkage with
respect to time in the second coil. ,aturally emf will be induced in it as per !araday"s law of
electromagnetic induction. This is the most basic concept of the theory of transformer.
The winding which takes electrical power from the source$ is generally known as primary winding of
transformer. -ere in our above e(ample it is first winding.
The winding which gives the desired output voltage due to mutual induction in the transformer$ is
commonly known as secondary winding of transformer. -ere in our e(ample it is second winding.
Object 1 Object 2 Object 3

The above mentioned form of transformer is theoretically possible but not practically$ because in open
air very tiny portion of the flu( of the first winding will link with second. so the electric current that
flows through the closed circuit of later$ will be so small in amount that it will be difficult to measure.
The rate of change of flu( linkage depends upon the amount of linked flu( with the second winding.
+o$ it is desired to be linked to almost all flu( of primary winding to the secondary winding. This is
effectively and efficiently done by placing one low reluctance path common to both of the winding.
This low reluctance path is core of transformer$ through which ma(imum number of flu( produced by
the primary is passed through and linked with the secondary winding. This is the most basic theory of
)ain /onstructional arts of Transformer
The three main parts of a transformer are$
0. Primary Winding of transformer 1 which produces magnetic flu( when it is connected to
electrical source.
2. Magnetic Core of transformer 1 the magnetic flu( produced by the primary winding$ that will
pass through this low reluctance path linked with secondary winding and create a closed
magnetic circuit.
3. Secondary Winding of transformer 1 the flu($ produced by primary winding$ passes through
the core$ will link with the secondary winding. This winding also wounds on the same core and
gives the desired output of the transformer.
Transformer /ore and +hell type /onstruction:

In both types of transformer core design$ the magnetic flu( linking the primary and secondary windings
travels entirely within the core with no loss of magnetic flu( through air. In the core type transformer
construction$ one half of each winding is wrapped around each leg 4or limb5 of the transformers
magnetic circuit as shown above.
The coils are not arranged with the primary winding on one leg and the secondary on the other but
instead half of the primary winding and half of the secondary winding are placed one over the other
concentrically on each leg in order to increase magnetic coupling allowing practically all of the
magnetic lines of force go through both the primary and secondary windings at the same time.
-owever$ with this type of transformer construction$ a small percentage of the magnetic lines of force
flow outside of the core$ and this is called 6leakage flu(7.
+hell type transformer cores overcome this leakage flu( as both the primary and secondary windings
are wound on the same centre leg or limb which has twice the cross1sectional area of the two outer
limbs. The advantage here is that the magnetic flu( has two closed magnetic paths to flow around
e(ternal to the coils on both left and right hand sides before returning back to the central coils.
This means that the magnetic flu( circulating around the outer limbs of this type of transformer
construction is equal to 892. #s the magnetic flu( has a closed path around the coils$ this has the
advantage of decreasing core losses and increasing overall efficiency.
Definition of Ideal Transformer
#n ideal transformer is an imaginary transformer which does not have any loss in it$ means no core
losses$ copper losses and any other losses in transformer. Efficiency of this transformer is considered as
deal Transformer Model
deal transformer model is developed by considering a transformer which does not have any loss.
That means the windings of the transformer are purely inductive and the core of transformer is loss
free. There is <ero leakage reactance of transformer. #s we said$ whenever we place a low reluctance
core inside the windings$ ma(imum amount of flu( passes through this core$ but still there is some flu(
which does not pass through the core but passes through the insulation used in the transformer. This
flu( does not take part in the transformation action of the transformer. This flu( is called leakage flu(
of transformer. In an ideal transformer$ this leakage flu( is also considered nil. That means$ 0::;
flu( passes through the core and links with both the primary and secondary windings of transformer.
#lthough every winding is desired to be purely inductive but it has some resistance in it which causes
voltage drop and I
' loss in it. In such ideal transformer model$ the windings are also considered
ideal$ that means resistance of the winding is <ero.
,ow if an alternating source voltage =
is applied in the primary winding of that ideal transformer$
there will be a counter self emf E
induced in the primary winding which is purely 0>:? in phase
opposition with supply voltage =
!or developing counter emf E
across the primary winding$ it draws electric current from the source to
produce required magneti<ing flu(. #s the primary winding is purely inductive$ that current @:? lags
from the supply voltage. This current is called magneti<ing current of transformer I
This alternating current I
produces an alternating magneti<ing flu( 8 which is proportional to that
electric current and hence in phase with it. #s this flu( is also linked with secondary winding through
the core of transformer$ there will be another emf E
induced in the secondary winding$ this is mutually
induced emf. #s the secondary is placed on the same core where the primary winding is placed$ the emf
induced in the secondary winding of transformer$ E
is in the phase with primary emf E
and in phase
opposition with source voltage =
The above chapter was about a brief discussion about ideal transformer$ it has also e(plained the basic
ideal transformer model.
Theory of Transformer On !o"load# and $a%ing !o Winding Resistance and !o
&eakage Reactance of Transformer
%et us consider one electrical transformer with only core losses$ which means$ it has only core losses
but no copper loss and no leakage reactance of transformer. When an alternating source is applied in
the primary$ the source will supply the electric current for magneti<ing the core of transformer. *ut this
current is not the actual magneti<ing current$ it is little bit greater than actual magneti<ing current.
#ctually$ total electric current supplied from the source has two components$ one is magneti<ing
current which is merely utili<ed for magneti<ing the core and other component of the source current is
consumed for compensating the core losses in transformer. *ecause of this core loss component$ the
source current in transformer on no"load condition supplied from the source as source current is not
e(actly at @:? lags of supply voltage$ but it lags behind an angle B is less than @:?.
If total electric current supplied from source is I
$ it will have one component in phase with supply
voltage =
and this component of the current I
is core loss component. This component is taken in
phase with source voltage$ because it is associated with active or working losses in transformer. Cther
component of the source current is denoted as I
This component produces the alternating magnetic flu( in the core$ so it is watt1less. means it is
reactive part of the transformer source current.
-ence I
will be in quadrature with =
and in phase with alternating flu( 8.
-ence$ total primary current in transformer on no"load condition can be represented as
,ow you have seen how simple is to e(plain the theory of transformer in no1load.
Theory of Transformer on &oad
Theory of Transformer On &oad '(t $a%ing !o Winding Resistance and &eakage
,ow we will e(amine the behavior of above said transformer on load$ that means load is connected to
the secondary terminals. /onsider$ transformer having core loss but no copper loss and leakage
reactance. Whenever load is connected to the secondary winding$ load current will start to flow through
the load as well as secondary winding. This load current solely depends upon the characteristics of the
load and also upon secondary voltage of the transformer. This current is called secondary current or
load current$ here it is denoted as I
. #s I
is flowing through the secondary$ a self mmf in secondary
winding will be produced. -ere it is ,
$ where$ ,
is the number of turns of the secondary winding
of transformer.
This mmf or magneto motive force in the secondary winding
produces flu( D
. This D
will oppose the main magneti<ing flu(
and momentarily weakens the main flu( and tries to reduce
primary self induced emf E
. If E
falls down below the primary
source voltage =
$ there will be an e(tra current flowing from
source to primary winding. This e(tra primary current I
E produces
e(tra flu( DE in the core which will neutrali<e the secondary
counter flu( D
. -ence the main magneti<ing flu( of core$ 8
remains unchanged irrespective of load.
+o total current$ this transformer draws from source can be
divided into two components$ first one is utili<ed for magneti<ing
the core and compensating the core loss i.e. I
. It is no1load
component of the primary current. +econd one is utili<ed for
compensating the counter flu( of the secondary winding. It is
known as load component of the primary current.
-ence total no load primary current I
of a electrical power transformer having no winding resistance
and leakage reactance can be represented as follows
Where B
is the angle between +econdary =oltage and +econdary /urrent of transformer.
,ow we will proceed one further step toward more practical aspect of a transformer.
Theory of Transformer On &oad# With Resisti%e Winding#
'(t !o &eakage Reactance
,ow$ consider the winding resistance of transformer but no leakage
reactance. +o far we have discussed about the transformer which has
ideal windings$ means winding with no resistance and leakage
reactance$ but now we will consider one transformer which has internal
resistance in the winding but no leakage reactance. #s the windings are
resistive$ there would be a voltage drop in the windings.
We have proved earlier that$ total primary current from the source on
load is I
. The voltage drop in the primary winding with resistance$ '
. Cbviously$ induced emf across primary winding E
$ is not e(actly equal to source voltage =
. E

is less than =
by voltage drop I
#gain in the case of secondary$ the voltage induced across the secondary winding$ E
does not totally
appear across the load since it also drops by an amount I
$ where '
is the secondary winding
resistance and I
is secondary current or load current.
+imilarly$ voltage equation of the secondary side of the transformer will be
Theory of Transformer On &oad# With Resistance As Well As &eakage Reactance
in Transformer Windings
,ow we will consider the condition$ when there is leakage reactance of transformer as well as winding
resistance of transformer.
%et leakage reactances of primary and secondary windings of the transformer are F
and F

-ence total impedance of primary and secondary winding of transformer with resistance '
and '

respectively$ can be represented as$
We have already established the voltage equation of a transformer on load$ with only resistances in
the windings$ where voltage drops in the windings occur only due to resistive voltage drop. *ut when
we consider leakage reactances of transformer windings$ voltage drop occurs in the winding not only
because of resistance$ it is because of impedance of transformer windings. -ence$ actual voltage
equation of a transformer can easily be determined by Gust replacing resistances '
H '
in the
previously established voltage equations by I
and I
Therefore$ the voltage equations are$
'esistance drops are in the direction of current vector but$ reactive drop will be perpendicular to the
current vector as shown in the above %ector diagram of transformer.
Core &osses in Transformer
-ysteresis loss and eddy current loss$ both depend upon magnetic properties of the materials used to
construct the core of transformer and its design. +o these losses in transformer are fi(ed and do not
depend upon the load current. +o core losses in transformer which is alternatively known as iron loss
in transformer can be considered as constant for all range of load.
ysteresis loss in transformer is denoted as$
Eddy c(rrent loss in transformer is denoted as$
Where$ J
K -ysteresis constant.
K Eddy current constant.
K form constant.
/opper loss can simply be denoted as$
E L +tray loss
Where$ I
K load of transformer$ and '
E is the resistance of transformer referred to secondary.
,ow we will discuss -ysteresis loss and Eddy current loss in little bit more details for better
understanding the topic of losses in transformer
$ysteresis &oss in Transformer
-ysteresis loss in transformer can be e(plained in different ways. We will discuss two of them$ one is
physical e(planation and the other is mathematical e(planation.
Physical E)planation of $ysteresis &oss
The magnetic core of transformer is made of E/old 'olled Mrain Criented +ilicon +teelE. +teel is very
good ferromagnetic material. This kind of materials are very sensitive to be magneti<ed. That means$
whenever magnetic flu( would pass through$ it will behave like magnet. !erromagnetic substances
have numbers of domains in their structure. Domains are very small regions in the material structure$
where all the dipoles are paralleled to same direction. In other words$ the domains are like small
permanent magnets situated randomly in the structure of substance. These domains are arranged inside
the material structure in such a random manner$ that net resultant magnetic field of the said material is
<ero. Whenever e(ternal magnetic field or mmf is applied to that substance$ these randomly directed
domains get arranged themselves in parallel to the a(is of applied mmf. #fter removing this e(ternal
mmf$ ma(imum numbers of domains again come to random positions$ but some of them still remain in
their changed position. *ecause of these unchanged domains$ the substance becomes slightly
magneti<ed permanently. This magnetism is called & +pontaneous )agnetism&. To neutrali<e this
magnetism$ some opposite mmf is required to be applied. The magneto motive force or mmf applied in
the transformer core is alternating. !or every cycle due to this domain reversal$ there will be e(tra work
done. !or this reason$ there will be a consumption of electrical energy which is known as -ysteresis
loss of transformer.
What is Eddy C(rrent &oss *
In transformer$ we supply alternating current in the primary$ this alternating current produces
alternating magneti<ing flu( in the core and as this flu( links with secondary winding$ there will be
induced voltage in secondary$ resulting current to flow through the load connected with it. +ome of the
alternating flu(es of transformer. may also link with other conducting parts like steel core or iron body
of transformer etc. #s alternating flu( links with these parts of transformer$ there would be a locally
induced emf. Due to these emfs$ there would be currents which will circulate locally at that parts of the
transformer. These circulating current will not contribute in output of the transformer and dissipated as
heat. This type of energy loss is called eddy current loss of transformer. This was a broad and simple
e(planation of eddy current loss. The detail e(planation of this loss is not in the scope of discussion in
that chapter.
What is +oltage Reg(lation *
The voltage regulation is the percentage of voltage difference between no load and full load voltages of
a transformer with respect to its full load voltage.
E)planation of +oltage Reg(lation of Transformer
+ay an electrical power transformer is open circuited$ means load is not connected with secondary
terminals. In this situation$ the secondary terminal voltage of the transformer will be its secondary
induced emf E
. Whenever full load is connected to the secondary terminals of the transformer$ rated
current I
flows through the secondary circuit and voltage drop comes into picture. #t this situation$
primary winding will also draw equivalent full load current from source. The voltage drop in the
secondary is I
where I
is the secondary impedance of transformer. ,ow if at this loading
condition$ any one measures the voltage between secondary terminals$ he or she will get voltage =

across load terminals which is obviously less than no load secondary voltage E
and this is because of
voltage drop in the transformer.
E)pression of +oltage Reg(lation of Transformer
E(pression of +oltage Reg(lation of Transformer$ represented in percentage$ is
+oltage Reg(lation of Transformer for &agging Power Factor
,ow we will derive the e(pression of voltage regulation in detail. +ay lagging power factor of the load
is cosB
$ that means angle between secondary current and voltage is B
-ere$ from the above diagram$
#ngle between C/ H CD may be very small$ so it can be neglected and CD is considered nearly equal
to C/ i.e.
+oltage reg(lation of transformer at lagging power factor$
+oltage Reg(lation of Transformer for &eading Power Factor
%et"s derive the e(pression of voltage regulation with leading current$ say leading power factor of the
load is cosB
$ that means angle between secondary current and voltage is B
-ere$ from the above diagram$
#ngle between C/ H CD may be very small$ so it can be neglected and CD is considered nearly equal
to C/ i.e.
+oltage reg(lation of transformer at leading power factor$

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