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Code No: V3109/R07 Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the following types of errors in M.I instruments

i. Hysterisis error
ii. Temperature error
iii. Error due to stray magnetic fields
iv. Error on account of change of frequency.
(b) Derive the expression for capacitance to be connected across the multiplier of
a M.I voltmeter so as to make its circuit non-inductive for frequencies upto
125 Hz. [10+6]

2. Explain the effect of the following on the characteristics of potential transformers.

(a) Burden (VA) of secondary winding cirucuit

(b) Power factor of secondary winding circuit
(c) Frequency and
(d) Supply voltage.


3. (a) Explain the errors in electrodynamometer type wattmeter in detail.

(b) Explain the constructional details of an electrodynamometer type wattemeter.
Derive the expression for torque when the instrument is used on A.C supply.

4. (a) What is phantom loading? Explain with an example how is it more advantages
than teating with direct loading?
(b) The constant for a three phase, 3 element integrating energymeter is 0.12
revolution of disc per Kwh. If the meter is normally used with a potential
transformer of ratio 22,000/110v and a current transformer of ratio 500/5A.
Find the error expressed as a percentage of the correct reading from the fol-
lowing test results for the instrument only:
Line voltage = 100V; Current =5.25 A; p.f=1 . Time to complete 40 revolu-
tions=61sec. [10+6]

5. (a) Describe the steps when D.C. crompton’s potentiometer is used to measure
an unknown resistance?

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Code No: V3109/R07 Set No. 1

(b) A basic slide wire potentiometer has a working battery voltage of 3 volts with
negligible internal resistance. The resistance of slide wire is 400 Ω and its
length is 200 cm. A 200 cm scale is placed along the slide wire. The slide wire
has 1 mm scale divisions and it is possible to read upto of a division. The

instrument is standardized with 1.018 V standard cell with sliding contact at
the 101.8 cm mark on scale. Calculate:
i. Working current
ii. The resistance of series rheostat
iii. The measurement range and
iv. The resolution of the instrument. [10+6]

6. (a) Explain the Ammeter-Voltmeter method of measurement of resistances. There

are two ways in which the circuit of Ammeter Voltmeter method can be used.
i. Ammeter connected to the side of unknown resistance and
ii. Voltmeter connected to the side of unknown resistance. Derive a condi-
tion, that decides which circuit is to be used for a particular set of Am-
meter, Voltmeter and unknown resistance. Assume equal relative error in
both the cases.
(b) In a laboratory a voltmeter of 200 Ω resistances and an ammeter of 0.02 Ω
resistance are available. Calculate the value of resistance that can be mea-
sured by the Ammeter voltmeter method for which the two different circuit
measurements give equal errors. [10+6]

7. Explain the following:

(a) Why is schering bridge particularly suitable for measurement at high voltage?
(b) Why a spark is connected across resistance arms in a schering bridge?
(c) Why is vibration galvanometer widely used as detector for operation of A.C.
(d) Why is wagner’s earthing device used in measurements by A.C. bridges?

8. (a) Derive an expression for equation of motion of a ballistic galvanometer?

(b) A flux meter is connected to a search coil having 500 turns and a mean area
of 500 mm2 . The search coil is placed at the center of a solenoid 1 metre long,
wound with 800 turns. When a current of 5A is reversed, there is a deflection
of 25 scale divisions. Calculate the flux linkages per scale division. [10+6]


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Code No: V3109/R07 Set No. 2

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Derive the expressions for deflection in case of

i. Heterostatic connection and
ii. Idiostatic connection, if the instrument is spring controlled.
(b) The movable vane of a quadrant electrometer turned through 25 scale divi-
sions when idiostatically connected to a potential difference of 60 V. When
used heterostatically with the quadrants connected to a small voltage V and
the needle connected to 900 V supply, the deflection was 10 scale divisions.
Determine V. [10+6]
2. A potential transformer rated 6900/115V has 22,500 turns in the primary winding
and 375 turns in the secondary winding. With 6900V applied to the primary and
the secondary circuit open circuited, the primary winding current is 0.005A lag-
ging the voltage by 73.7o . With a particular burden connected to the secondary,
the primary winding current is 0.0125A, lagging the voltage by 53.1o Primary
winding resistance=1200Ω ; primary winding reactance=2000 Ω secondary winding
resistance=0.4Ω ; secondary winding reactance=0.7Ω .

(a) Find the secondary current and terminal voltage, using the applied primary
voltage Vp=6900+jO as reference. Find the load burden also.
(b) Find the actual transformation ratio and also the phase angle. [16]
3. (a) Give the constructional details of double element 3-phase wattmeter.
(b) The indication on a 110V, 5A wattmeter used in conjunction with potential
and current transformers of nominal ratios of 100/1 and 20/1 respectively is
350w. If the resistance and inductance of the wattmeter pressure coil circuit
are 362Ω and 100mH respectively and the ratio errors and phase angles of P.T
and C.T at particular and the ratio errors and phase angle of P.T and C.T
at particular working conditions are +0.8%,-450 and -0.2% +900 , what is the
true value of the power being measured? The load phase angle is 50o lagging.
Frequency is 50Hz. [8+8]
4. (a) How will you test the single phase energy meter? Explain the procedure of
adjustments of different compensation systems?
(b) The following readings are obtained for one month, find the average monthly
load factor and power factor. [8+8]
KVARh meter :83,830 Kvah
Kwh meter :291,940 kwh
Max. Demand indicator: 1400 kw.
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Code No: V3109/R07 Set No. 2

5. (a) Explain standardizing of A.C. potentiometers and use of transfer instruments
in case of a.c. potentiometer.
(b) Measurements for the determination of the impedance coil are made on a co-
ordinate type of potentiometer. The results are: Voltage across 1 Ω standard

resistance in series with the coil + 0.952V on in phase dial and - 0.340 V on
quadrate dial; voltage across 10:1 potential divider connected to the terminals
of the coil: +1.35 V on inphase dial and + 1.28 V on quadrate dial. Calculate
the resistance and reactance of the coil. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain the loss of charge method for measurement of insulation resistance of
(b) A length of cable is tested for insulation resistance by the loss of charge
method. An electrostatic voltmeter of infinite resistance is connected between
the cable conductor and earth, forming there with a joint capacitance of 600
pF. It is observed that after charging the voltage falls from 250V to 92V in 1
minute. Calculate the insulation resistance of the cable. [10+6]

7. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of Hay’s bridge. Also, draw the pahsor diagram
under balance condtions.
(b) Define Quality factor of a coil? Why is Hay’s bridge suited for measurement
of inductance of high Q coils?
(c) State the advantages and dis-advantages of Hay’s bridge? [6+5+5]

8. (a) Give the advantages and disadvantages of ring and bar specimens used in

magnetic testing of materials.
(b) In a power loss test on a 10 kg specimen of sheet steel laminations, the max-
imum flux density and wave form factor are maintained constant and the
following results are obtained:
Frequency (Hz) 25 40 50 60 80
Total loss (Watt) 18.5 36 50 66 104
Calculate the eddy current loss per kg at frequency of 50 Hz. [6+10]


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Code No: V3109/R07 Set No. 3

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain how a potential divider arrangement is used for multipliers used for
multi range voltmeters. Derive the expressions for resistance of different sec-
tions for a 4 range voltmeter.
(b) A basic d0 Arsonval meter movement with an internal resistance Rm =100 Ω
and a full scale current of Im = 1 mA is to be converted in to a multi range d.c.
voltmeter with ranges of 0-10 V, 0-50 V, 0-250 V, 0-500 V. Find the values of
various resistances using the potential divider arrangement. [10+6]

2. (a) On what principle does Weston frequency meter operate?

(b) Why is Moving Iron powerfactor meter less accurate than dynamometer type?
(c) What is sychroscope and where is it used?
(d) What are the modifications required on a 3-phase rotating field power factor
meter to use in a single-phase circuit? [4+4+4+4]

3. (a) What are the errors introduced in the dynamometer type Wattmeter due to
resistance of pressure coil? How it can be compensated?

(b) What are the special feature of a wattmeter suitable for working on low power
factor circuits?
(c) Write short note on extension of wattmeter range by instrument transformers?

4. (a) Draw the circuit diagram for the measurement of the energy in a 3-phase, 3
wire system using a 2 element energy meter. Is the above arrangement suitable
for the measurement of energy in a 3-phase, 4-wire system?
(b) A correctly adjusted single phase 240v energy meter has a meter constant of
600 revolutions. Determine the speed of the disc for a current of 8A at a
lagging p.f of 0.6. [10+6]

5. (a) Explain how “time zero” is obtained in a crompton?s potentiometer?

(b) Explain the reasons why a separate “standard cell dial circuit” is provided in
modern d.c. potentiometer? [8+8]

6. Explain the following:

(a) Why is Kelvin’s double bridge superior to the wheat-stone bridge for the
purpose of low resistance measurement?
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Code No: V3109/R07 Set No. 3

(b) How the difficulties associated with the measurement of a very high resistance
are over come?
(c) How the effects of contact resistance and resistance of the connecting leads
are eliminated in the measurement of resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge?

(d) Why is the Voltmeter-Ammeter method unsuitable for the precise measure-
ment of the low resistance? [4+4+4+4]

7. (a) What are the limitations of L.V. schering bridge?

(b) Define dissipation factor? Derive the equation for dissipation factor in case of
L.V. schering bridge?
(c) In a Low-voltage schering bridge designed for the measurement of permittivity,
the branch ab consists of two electrodes between which the specimen under
test may be inserted; arm bc is a non-reactive resistor R3 in parallel with a
standard capacitor C3 ; arm CD is a non-reactive resistor R4 in parallel with a
standard capacitor C4 ; arm da is a standard air capacitor of capacitance C2 .
Without the specimen between the electrodes, balance is obtained with the
following values, C3 = C4 = 120 pF, C2 = 150 PF, R3 = R4 = 5000 Ω. With
the specimen inserted, these values become C3 = 200 PF; C4 = 1000 pF; C2
= 900 pF, and R3 = R4 = 5000 Ω In each test w = 5000 rad/sec. Find the
relative permittivity of the specimen. [3+5+8]

8. (a) Derive an expression for equation of motion of a ballistic galvanometer?

(b) A flux meter is connected to a search coil having 500 turns and a mean area
of 500 mm2 . The search coil is placed at the center of a solenoid 1 metre long,

wound with 800 turns. When a current of 5A is reversed, there is a deflection
of 25 scale divisions. Calculate the flux linkages per scale division. [10+6]


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Code No: V3109/R07 Set No. 4

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain how a potential divider arrangement is used for multipliers used for
multi range voltmeters. Derive the expressions for resistance of different sec-
tions for a 4 range voltmeter.
(b) A basic d0 Arsonval meter movement with an internal resistance Rm =100 Ω
and a full scale current of Im = 1 mA is to be converted in to a multi range d.c.
voltmeter with ranges of 0-10 V, 0-50 V, 0-250 V, 0-500 V. Find the values of
various resistances using the potential divider arrangement. [10+6]

2. Explain the construction and working of a 3-phase rotating field powefactor meter.
Prove that the deflection of the moving system is equal to the phase angle of the
system. [16]

3. (a) Draw the necessary circuit diagram for measurement of three phase power
by two wattmeter method. Make necessary derivations. In case of balanced,
discuss the effects of the following load power factors on the two wattmeter

i. zero
ii. unity
(b) The power to a 3-phase induction motor was measured by this method, and
the readings were 3,400 and ?1,200 watts respectively. Calculate the total
power and power factor. [10+6]

4. (a) Explain with a neat sketch the working of single phase Energymeter. Discuss
the friction compansation and creep prevention in an Energy meter.
(b) A 3-phase, 2 element energy meter has a constant of 0.2 revolution of disc per
kwh. The meter is being used with a P.T of ratio 22 KV/220 V and a C.T of
ration 100/5A. If the live vlotageis 220V, current is 10 A, time to complete 100
revolutions is 30 seconds on unity power factor, detemine the error expressed
as a percentage of the correct reading? [8+8]

5. (a) Explain the reasons why d.c. potentiometers cannot be used for a.c. measure-
ments? Explain the modifications that are needed in a d.c. potentiometer to
be used for A.C applications.
(b) Design a volt-ration box with a resistance of 20 /V and ranges 3V, 10V, 30V,
100V. The volt ratio box is be used with a potentiometer having a measuring
range of 1.6V. [8+8]

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Code No: V3109/R07 Set No. 4

6. (a) What are the different difficulties encountered in the measurement of high
resistances? Explain how these difficulties are overcome?
(b) A highly sensitive galvanometer can detect a current as low 0.1 nano-Amperes.
This galvanometer is used in a wheat-stone bridge as a detector. The resistance

of galvanometer is negligible. Each arm of the bridge has a resistance of 1KΩ.
The input voltage applied to the bridge is 20V. Calculate the smallest change
in resistance, which can be detected. The resistance of the galvanometer can
be neglected as compared with the internal resistance of bridge. [10+6]

7. (a) Explain the working of Hay’s bridge for measurement of inductance with a
circuit diagram. Derive the equations for balance and draw the phasor diagram
under balanced conditions.
(b) The four arms of a Hay’s bridge are arranged as follows: AB is a coil of
unknown impedance; BC is a non-reactive resistor of 100 Ω; CD is a non-
reactive resistor of 833 Ω in series with a standard capacitor of 0.38µF; DA is
non-reactive resistor of 16800 Ω. If the supply frequency is 50 Hz, determine
the inductance and the resistance at the balanced conditions. [10+6]

8. Explain how the value of a.c. permeability of magnetic materials is determined

through the use of :

(a) Maxwell’s bridge and

(b) Campbell’s bridge. [8+8]


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