The Benefits of Learning A Foreign Language

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The Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language

If you're wondering whether or not it's worth the time to learn a foreign
language, read these Top Benefits of Learning A Foreign Language before
you decide.

#1 Reason for learning a foreign language: More money and better job

A recent article in the NY Times quoted New York State Attorney General
Eliot Spitzer on the subject of a lawsuit filed against the State of NY charging
that "lack of basic translation services in several New York City hospitals is
endangering immigrant patients and violating state and federal law."

It's lawsuits like this that underline the importance of employers hiring
people that can speak a foreign language. As the lawsuit points out, it's no
longer a matter of political correctness to be able to service your customers
in their native language. In some instances, such as public health and public
safety organizations, it can be truly a matter of live or death!

Many employers are responding to the need to hire people who speak a
foreign language by offering more money to start and higher raises
throughout their career.

In addition to pay scale, being able to speak a foreign can also help open the
opportunity to qualify for more exotic and interesting jobs such as foreign
service officer for the CIA or State Department, or foreign language specialist
for the National Security Agency.

#2 Reason for learning a foreign language: Increased perception of


It is a generally accepted notion that people who speak a second or foreign

language are perceived as being more intelligent than those who do not have
any foreign language skills. In Europe, where the majority of the population
speaks their own native language as well as at least English, if not a third or
even fourth foreign language, Americans are perceived as being less
intelligent because we are not bilingual for the most part.

#3 Reason for learning a foreign language: More social opportunities

When you speak a foreign language you have the opportunity to associate
with others who either speak the language natively or have learned a foreign
language in addition to their own native language. You end up expanding
your circle of social and business contacts and, as a result, you are open to
being invited to more social and business functions.
#4 Reason for learning a foreign language: More rewarding travel

It's just plain more fun and interesting when you vacation in a country where
you speak the language. Not only do the locals treat you better, because
they see that you made an effort to learn their language, but you get better
service in shops and restaurants because you can read the signs, understand
the menu, and converse better with the staff. Being able to speak the native
foreign language can be a lifesaver if you have a medical emergency and
have to communicate your symptoms to medical staff who may not speak
English as well as you would hope they could

Personal Benefits of Foreign Language Study. ERIC

For a long time Americans tended to think that knowing English was sufficient for all
their needs. As a result, Americans developed an image as the people who cannot say
even the most rudimentary phrase in any other language. Fortunately, however, many
business, political, and educational leaders are belatedly realizing that the whole world
does not speak English, and that even many of those who have learned English as a
second language prefer to converse, to do business, and to negotiate in their native

Not long ago learning a foreign language was considered to be merely a part of a liberal
education or an intellectual exercise through the study of grammar and literature. It was
automatically assumed that anyone studying foreign language as a major field was going
to be either a teacher, an interpreter, or a translator and had no other career options. There
is still a need for people in those professions. There is also a growing need for individuals
who possess advanced skills in foreign languages and are trained in various technical
areas. This is a result of increased activity in international business, the inflow of large
amounts of foreign capital to the Unitied States, increased internationalization, and an
expanded awareness of the need to conduct not only business but also diplomatic
relations in the language of the host country.

A second language is now becoming a vital part of the basic preparation for an increasing
number of careers. Even in those cases where the knowledge of a second language does
not help graduates obtain a first job, many report that their foreign language skills often
enhance their mobility and improve their chances for promotion.

In addition to any technical skills that foreign language students choose to develop, they
also have further tangible advantages in the job market. In a recent study that sought to
ascertain which college courses had been most valuable for people who were employed
in the business world, graduates pointed not only to career-oriented courses such as
business management, but also to people-oriented subjects like psychology, and to
classes that had helped them to develop communication skills. Foreign language students,
whose courses focus heavily on this aspect of learning, often possess outstanding
communication skills, both written and oral. Furthermore, recent trends in the job
marketplace indicate a revived recognition of the value of liberal arts training in general
in an employee's career preparation.


It is a very common and growing desire of Americans, perhaps especially among young
people, to travel abroad. Only a generation or two ago people rarely ventured beyond
their home states, but now, as the planet shrinks at an unprecedented pace, large numbers
of people travel to other North and South American countries, to Europe, and even to
Asia and Africa with increasing frequency for both work and pleasure.

Certainly it is possible to travel in foreign lands without knowing the language. In fact, as
much as our generation travels, for many it would be impossible to learn the language
spoken in every country that they might visit. Nevertheless, the traveler who knows the
language of the country not only has an easier time solving everyday problems associated
with travel, but also has a more pleasant experience and greater understanding both of the
people of the foreign country and of their culture. Therefore, every language Americans
master will enhance their enjoyment and reduce their frustration and isolation as they
travel around the world.



As the globe has shrunk, international business opportunities have multiplied and travel
has grown apace. Mutual understanding and meaningful communication between nations,
which have always been difficult to achieve, have now gained increased urgency. As a
result, significant numbers of people in the United States have begun to call for better
international understanding, and many of them have been urging more foreign language
study as an important means to attaining this goal. Such exhortations are eminently well-
founded, because the study of another language provides the most effective tool for
penetrating the barrier of a single language and a single culture. Furthermore, experience
with another culture enables people to achieve a significantly more profound
understanding of their own.

Knowledge of a foreign language is not guaranteed to create empathy with and

understanding for the native speakers of the language. However, the development of
these qualities in individuals with a desire to understand and empathize is greatly
facilitated by language study. Furthermore, foreign language study tends to help dissolve
misconceptions and often helps to create feelings of sympathy for native speakers of the
language, especially if the study is begun early and pursued for a long period of time.


There was a time in the United States when learning a foreign language was regarded
primarily as a mental discipline for developing intellectual capacity. Even though it is
now clear that language learning has numerous applications of both a practical and a
humanistic nature, researchers as well as language educators still recognize that spin-off
benefits accrue from foreign language study for other academic areas. For example, as
Eugene Saviano stated, "The person who has never comprehended, spoken, read or
written a language other than his mother tongue has little or no perspective on his own
language,...he has never penetrated the rich areas of learning and experience lying beyond
monolingual communication."

Novelist John Updike attributes the deterioration of writing skills in America to two
generations growing up without Latin: "In some curious way, the study of this dead and
intricate language enabled writers to write a beautiful, clear idiomatic English." It may be
that these benefits are not to be gained only from Latin. As Vermont Royster said, "What
is involved is a process in which the study of a different language gives a person an
understanding of the nature of language itself, a sense of structure that is difficult to
acquire from studying one's own familiar language. Any new language forces us to think
why...we need to do what we do to express ourselves clearly."

For many decades researchers have attempted to reinforce with empirical evidence the
intuitive sense of the value of foreign language study in improving the cognitive
functioning of the brain, and many research projects have lent credence to these ideas,
particularly that foreign language study enhances a student's achievements in English.
For example, one researcher found that students who had taken a foreign language in
high school had a significantly higher grade point average in all high school subjects as
well as in freshman English courses in college. In addition, data from the Admission
Testing Program of the College Board show a definite positive correlation between
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores and the study of foreign languages. In one recent
test group, for example, students who had taken no foreign language in high school
achieved a mean score of 366 on the verbal portion of the SAT, and 409 on the math
portion. Students who had taken only one year of a foreign language had slightly higher
scores (378 and 416), whereas students with two years of foreign language showed more
dramatic increases (417 and 463). Each additional year of language study brought a
further rise in scores, with students who had studied a language for five years or more
achieving an average of 504 on the verbal and 535 on the math portion of the exam.

The College Board also calculated correlations between length of study of certain
subjects, including English, math, biological sciences, physical sciences, and social
studies, and SAT scores, and found that in almost all cases the longer a student studied
one of these subjects, the higher were the scores. However, the verbal scores of students
who had taken four or five years of a foreign laguage were higher than verbal scores of
students who had studied any other subject for an equal length of time. Similar results
have been obtained by other researchers who have examined foreign language study and
SAT scores.
A number of studies in bilingual education also seem to lead to the conclusion that
foreign language study can aid and even accelerate the cognitive development of the
brain. Bilingual subjects in various tests have outperformed similar monolingual subjects
on verbal and nonverbal tests of intelligence. This discovery has led some researchers to
speculate that bilinguals may have a language ability that enables them to achieve greater
mental flexibility. Along with the certainty that people who know more than one
language and culture can communicate more effectively with people of other countries
and cultures, it is indeed possible that through learning another language and culture,
people become more effective problem-solvers, closer to achieving solutions to pressing
social problems because of an increased awareness of a wider set of options

Benefits of Learning a Second Language

Why is it important to learn a second language? To find out the benefits of learning a second language read
on …

We find diversity in the cultures and people make the so-called small world an enormous ocean
of people; people boasting of their own cultures, traditions and languages. Their ways to express
ideas were vary and so do their dialects. Benefits of learning a second language come in to
picture when it comes to understanding and experiencing this diversity. Learning a second
language is the acquisition of a language other than one’s native language. It is a learning to
express oneself in the words of other communities. It is like expressing one’s ideas in the other’s

It is important to learn a second language to tickle the ‘linguistic hemisphere’ of your brain. It is
important to exploit brain potential to the maximum possible extent. One way to do it is learning
different languages. Learning a second language develops the cognitive abilities. It is seen to be
improving learning skills of a person. It increases the grasping power of a person’s brain.
According to an observation, people knowing many languages are likely to stay young!

Language lovers always find it interesting to explore languages other than their own. They are
eager to dive into the sea of languages and master some of them. But for those who only engage
in solving Math problems or delve into science inventions, it is necessary to even peep into the
world of languages. Just see how enriched you feel on learning a second language.

Ask yourself the question, "Why is it important to learn a second language?" Your inner mind will
respond by saying that it is always keen to learn new things, understand new cultures and be
able to think and feel in different ways. Knowing just one language is not enough. Our mind
yearns for new ways of expression. It is a human tendency to discover new means of
communication. Second language can quench the thirst of newness. Brainpower depends on how
active the brain is kept. It is proportional to the exercise given to the brain. Learning a second
language is a good brain exercise. It involves comprehension of a completely new technique of
expression. It includes the understanding of new words, their pronunciations and the meanings as
well as the feelings they convey.

Another benefit of learning a second language is that it deepens the understanding of one’s own
language and culture. Knowing a language other than one’s native language build confidence in
him/her. It increases the scope of one’s knowledge. It enables a person communicate with people
speaking that language. Languages always serve as communication links between people. If one
learns a second language he/she automatically becomes approachable to the community that
speaks it. It earns him/her friends of other regions and religions.

Second language learning is found to manifest its benefits in school children. The strategies that
children apply in learning the first language are applicable while learning a second language also.
Knowing how to read and write in the first language supports the learning of a second language.
Learning a second language build creativity in children and develops their literacy skills. School
children who study a second language do better than their monolingual peers. Cultural and
language experts believe in the benefits of learning a second language. They say that school
children must be taught a second language. It widens their horizons. Some say, it is best to gain
knowledge of a second language at an early age while others do not think an early age a

By not learning a second language, we limit the expanse of our knowledge. We miss the
experience of the variety of people. We restrict our learning skills. Moreover, learning a second
language can be fun. If this has convinced you of the benefits of learning a second language, go
ahead! It is never too late!

Benefits of Second Language Learning

The Impact of Second Language Education study shows the benefits of learning a second
language are much broader than simply the ability to speak in another language. It reports
on research that affirms the importance of second language education on intellectual
potential, scholastic achievement, first language skills, citizenship and the economy.

The research conclusions in each area are as follows:

Intellectual Potential

• Students fluent in two language score higher in both verbal and non-verbal
• Students studying a second language are superior in divergent thinking tasks and
in memory ability and attention span.

Scholastic Achievement

• Second language students have higher test scores in reading, language and
• Each additional year of second language training created a greater positive
differential compared to students not receiving a second language.
Effect on First Language

• Second language education significantly strengthens first language skills in areas

of reading, English vocabulary, grammar and communication skills.
• The earlier the start, the greater the positive effect on the first language.


• Students studying a second language have superior cross-cultural skills and adapt
better to varying cultural contexts.
• Students studying a second language display greater cultural sensitivity.

Economic Potential

• There is an urgent requirement for qualified speakers of languages other than

English in areas of science, technology, medicine and global commerce.

Last Updated: Monday, 1 November, 2004, 00:45 GMT

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Languages 'boost work and love'

People who are able to
speak foreign languages
have increased earning
power and are popular with
the opposite sex, a report

Speaking a second language

can increase an average
worker's salary by £3,000 a Linguists can expect to earn more than
year, or £145,000 in a other workers, the report says

Among higher earners the difference is even greater, the

study for the Michel Thomas Language Centre says.

A survey of 2,700 firms found nine out of 10 thought their

businesses could benefit from better language skills.

The sector most in need of language skills is media, sales

and marketing, according to the companies surveyed.

Dating agencies

The study was carried out by business journalist Philip

Beresford, who compiles the Sunday Times Rich List.

He suggests there is a personal benefit to having a second

language, as well as a financial one.

He contacted 270 dating agencies in the UK and found 97%

asked their clients if they had a second language.

The agencies said they did so because prospective daters

saw someone with a foreign language as both more
intelligent and sexier than other people.

Michel Thomas, whose business teaches languages in the US

and the UK, said: "When I opened my language centre in
Beverley Hills in 1947, I was convinced that learning another
language could change your life for the better.

"Now, in the form of this report, we finally have concrete

proof that this is the case."

This year the government removed the requirement for all

children in England to study a foreign language to GCSE

The education inspectorate, Ofsted, said last month that less

than half of the 16 year olds in deprived areas were studying
a foreign language.

Instead, primary schools are being encouraged to give

children foreign language lessons by 2010. Learning a second language

can be difficult: it takes much time, patience and practicing. Knowing a second language can
create a better understanding of different cultures, open job opportunities; help with academic
success, make traveling easier, and help people communicate throughout the world. A foreign
language can take the learner out of the comfort zone and allow them to experience different
cultures; also it has been reported that learning a second language gives the brain more
stimulation (BBC News, 2004).

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