Dynsim 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Dynsim 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Dynsim 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Getting Started:
An Installation and
Tutorial Guide
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DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................... i
Steady State vs. Dynamic Simulation .............................................................. ii
Who Can Benefit from Dynamic Simulation?.................................................. iii
Who Should Read This Manual ...................................................................... iv
Conventions Used ............................................................................................ v
How This Manual is Organized ........................................................................ v
Information Links .............................................................................................. v
Online Documentation .............................................................................. vi
Online Help ..................................................................................................... vi
Additional Resources ...................................................................................... vi
PRO/II Documentation: ............................................................................ vi
DYNSIM Documentation: ........................................................................ vii
Technical Support .......................................................................................... vii
Installation.. ................................................................................... 1
Check Package Contents ................................................................................ 1
Installation Media ...................................................................................... 1
Documentation .......................................................................................... 1
Prepare to Install .............................................................................................. 2
Hardware/Software Requirements ................................................................... 3
Minimum system requirements are listed below: ............................................. 3
Software Security ............................................................................................. 4
Local Hardware Security ........................................................................... 4
FLEXlm Security ........................................................................................ 5
SimExecutive Licensing ............................................................................ 5
DYNSIM 5.0 software Installation .................................................................... 6
Installation Options .................................................................................... 6
Pre-install Checklist ................................................................................... 7
Software Co-existence ............................................................................ 11
Control Emulation and I/A Compatibility .................................................. 12
Thermo Data Manager Installation Background ...................................... 13
Installing DYNSIM 5.0 Application ................................................................. 13
DYNSIM 64-bit Engine Installation ................................................................ 17
Custom OTS engines Installation .................................................................. 17
Installing OPC Unified Architecture Server .................................................... 18
Advanced Installation Options ....................................................................... 19
DSS Host Configuration Editor ................................................................ 19
Systems with Multiple FSIM Stations ...................................................... 21
Multiple Network Interface Card Setup ................................................... 23
Setup DYNSIM Infrastructure in Distributed Mode .................................. 23
Running the Simulation Executive or other GUIs On Separate Computers24
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Switching Security Types for PC ................................................................... 24
How to Apply a DYNSIM Patch ............................................................... 25
Starting DYNSIM Application .................................................................. 26
Translation: PRO/II to DYNSIM ................................................... 27
Translating PRO/II files into DYNSIM ............................................................ 27
Option I Exporting a Simulation from PRO/II ........................................ 27
Option II Importing a Simulation into DYNSIM ..................................... 28
Supported PRO/II to DYNSIM Versions ........................................................ 29
Getting Started Tutorial .............................................................. 30
What You will Learn in this Tutorial ............................................................... 30
Starting DYNSIM Application ......................................................................... 30
Creating a New Simulation ............................................................................ 31
Data Input Conventions ................................................................................. 32
Tab Status Indication ..................................................................................... 32
Setting up a Simulation .................................................................................. 33
Step 1: Define the Units of Measure (UOM) .......................................... 33
Step 2: Select Components and Define Component Slates .................. 34
Step 3: Define a Thermodynamic Method .............................................. 38
Step 4: Lay Down Models ...................................................................... 39
Step 5: Connect the Flowsheet Objects Using Appropriate Streams .... 45
Step 6: Executing the Simulation ........................................................... 46
Set-up DYNSIM in Distributed Mode .......................................... 52
Summary ........................................................................................................ 52
Before you start .............................................................................................. 52
Steps to Configure Distributed Mode ............................................................. 53
Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 67
Troubleshooting Guidelines ........................................................................... 67
Installation Problems and Solutions ........................................................ 67
How to Get DYNSIM to work after McAfee Firewall Install ..................... 69
SimSci-Esscor Diagnostics Framework .................................... 75
Introduction .................................................................................................... 75
Using Diagnostics Log ................................................................................... 76
Event Viewer Logs .................................................................................. 76
Database Logs ........................................................................................ 77
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide i
Tools for computer-aided process engineering are extensively utilized in the
Process Industries for scale-up and design of green field plants and to enhance
the operation of existing units. The rapid development of this field is being
driven by the availability of powerful, user-friendly software systems that run
on personal computers (PC) and engineering workstations and employ a
familiar Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Process modeling and computer simulations are extremely crucial engineering
tools for the design and optimization of chemical and refining processes.
Computer simulation is currently used for the creation, synthesis, analysis,
design and optimization of industrial processes. Competence in process
simulation requires a sound knowledge of engineering fundamentals, modeling
and computational skills and familiarity with commercial simulators.
A majority of the process industries has identified computer modeling of
chemical manufacturing methods as a strategic technology. The use of
computer models enables them to:
Lower manufacturing costs
Train plant operating personnel
Reduce various forms of pollution
Increase process efficiency
Enhance plant safety
Release new products to market quicker
Improve product quality
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide ii
The ability of todays computers to perform extensive calculations can afford
the process industries many benefits. These benefits must be tempered with the
realization that:
If adequate care is not exercised, they are also capable of furnishing
incorrect answers to high degrees of precision
Subsequent detection of such errors becomes correspondingly more
laborious as the extent of computerized activity develops and the
complexity of programs increases
Steady State vs. Dynamic Simulation
The critical difference between steady state and dynamic simulation is that the former
assumes equilibrium results for all unit operations and the latter does not as the actual
plant is normally moving either towards or away from a steady state. This steady state
approach disregards transient effects that are detailed in the dynamic simulation.
One key element that sets dynamic simulation apart from steady state is the amount of
information required to realize a successful, accurate simulation. A more rigorous
process description is required. For instance, dynamics require equipment sizes, metal
masses, desired holdups and process control schemes amongst other pieces of data.
Intermediate equipment, such as surge tanks and ones that account for the dead volume
in line must be incorporated to provide an accurate representation of the transient
process. This requires more insight from and data collection on the part of the modeling
Viewing and interpreting the results can consume more time than steady state
simulations due to the dramatic increase in the amount of data generated. PRO/II
simulations yield reports, which include numerical results for the energy and mass
balances. Viewing data in this fashion within DYNSIM
dialog boxes.
Additional Resources
PRO/II Documentation:
1. Online Documentation V 9.1
2. Release Notes V 9.1
3. Tutorial Guide V 9.1
4. Users Guide V 9.1
5. Installation Guide V 9.1
6. Keyword Manual V 9.1
7. Application Briefs Manual V 9.1
8. Component and Thermodynamic Data Input Manual, Volume I V 9.1
9. Component and Thermodynamic Data Input Manual, Volume II V 9.1
10. Reference Manual Volume I V 9.1
11. Reference Manual Volume II V 9.1
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide vii
DYNSIM Documentation:
1. Dynamic Simulation Suite Users Guide
2. Dynamic Simulation Suite Reference Manuals
3. DYNSIM Application Brief Guide
4. Getting Started with Dynsim
5. Dynsim Best Practices Documentation
Technical Support
Support Center from the following address list, or get in touch with your local
SimSci-Esscor representative.
To expedite your request for assistance, please have the following details
available with you when you call:
A brief description of the problem encountered.
The installation CD sent along with this package.
The configuration of the computer you are using along with the
following information:
1. Available free disk space where DYNSIM 5.0 is installed.
2. Quantity of installed memory.
3. CPU type and frequency.
4. Operating system, version, and any applied patches.
5. List of all Java
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DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide x
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DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Chapter 1
The objective of this chapter is to help you identify the contents of your release
package and assist you with the process of installing DYNSIM 5.0 application
in your system.
Check Package Contents
The following materials have been sent in order to install DYNSIM
5.0 software.
Installation Media
The DYNSIM 5.0 software application installation kit has a DYNSIM
installation CD.
A comprehensive online Help system is an integral part of the DYNSIM 5.0
application. A list of Dynamic Simulation Suite documents is furnished below.
Release Notes and FLEXlm
or Microsoft Office prior to installing DYNSIM software. Open Microsoft Excel sheet
at least once to register the Microsoft Excel product key. This ensures DYNSIM
software installation installs the appropriate Microsoft Primary Interop Assemblies
required for DYNSIM Checkout and DYNSIM Bulk Configurator.
Lower speed or lesser amounts of RAM will lead to degradation in performance.
Windows Classic desktop theme is preferred over any other theme.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Software Security
SimSci-Esscors software warrants the use of a foolproof security for execution
of its software applications. The install options available for security are USB,
9.5, FlexNet 11, Token and TOKENnet. The options are discussed in
detail below:
Local Hardware Security
The hardware key is a SafeNet USB Security Key. To use this,
1. Ensure that there is no USB key plugged into a USB port when you
install DYNSIM 5.0 software for the first time. After DYNSIM 5.0
software installation, the required USB driver should be installed on
your system.
2. Use StartSettingsControl PanelAdd/Remove Program to
check if "Sentinel System Driver" is installed.
3. Change the security option in servers\system\product.ini to USB.
4. Plug-in the USB key to USB port. If DYNSIM 5.0 software is
installed correctly, the Operating System will auto detect the new
USB hardware and use the SafeNet USB drivers. If this feedback
does not appear, then your USB key will not function.
5. Use StartSettingsControl PanelAdministrative
ToolsComputer ManagementDevice ManagerUniversal
Serial Bus controllers to check if there is a USB hardware that is
not working properly (mark with a yellow tag). Delete it.
6. Reboot your PC and plug in USB key. Again, the auto detect
message for this new hardware will appear.
If you are using USB security hardware key, DO NOT INSERT the
USB key until after DYNSIM software installation is complete. The DYNSIM
software install includes installation of the SafeNet driver security services and
if you install the USB key before the SafeNet driver security services you will
need to perform a manual install of SafeNet services.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
FLEXlm Security
SimSci-Esscor provides a FLEXlm 9.5 and FLEXNet 11 security option in the
FLEXlm Server Application installation CD. The FLEXlm License Manager is
a third-party concurrent-user software licensing tool from Macrovision
Corporation. SimSci-Esscor has customized this client/server tool.
FLEXlm Server runs on Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 and is not
supported on OS running on 64 bit hardware. The FLEXNet server runs on 64-
bit operating systems. The server must have a minimum of 5 MB of available
disk space. To install, learn, and troubleshoot FLEXlm security, follow the
instructions provided in the FLEXlm Security Guide included in the standard
release package.
If you are using FLEXlm or FLEXNet security, you will need the name of the
FLEXlm or FLEXNet security server name or its fixed IP address, which will
be requested during the install. If you want to use a FLEXlm 9.5 or FLEXNet
11 server at your site, choose the FLEXlm 9.5 or FLEXNet 11 option during
the installation process. The install option will set up the version 9.5 or 11.0
dlls for the application. FLEXlm software and FLEXNet supports borrowing of
FLEXNet licenses by the software application for a fixed period of time.
To run the application using Token licensing, select the Token licensing option
during the DYNSIM Simulation Suite install. Token licensing will require the
FLEXlm server to be of FLEXlm 9.2 or higher version. To run the application
using TokenNet licensing, select the TokenNet licensing option during the
DYNSIM Simulation Suite install.
The SIM4ME License User Guide packaged with the DYNSIM install
provides answers to common questions and troubleshooting frequent licensing
SimExecutive Licensing
In DYNSIM 5.0 software, a new licensing mechanism has been implemented.
The SimExecutive will launch only if a valid Dynamic Simulation Suite license
(any one of DYNSIM, DYNSIM-P, DYNSIM Runtime, DYNSIM-P Runtime,
CheckOut, OTS Engines, FSIM Plus
and PRO/II
versions has issue with identification of older thermo edlib files for
very specific install sequences (DYNSIM 5.0 installed followed by
installation of older versions of PRO/II or ROMeo). Reference Known
Issues SC1#10012 for instruction to repair.
14. I/A Series
processes MUST be disabled and not running before
install/uninstalling DYNSIM on I/A system. If I/A series processes are
running, use Control Panel Foxboro
Visual Flow
Installing DYNSIM 5.0 also installs Windows Installer 4.5. For systems
with Windows Installer 4.5 installed ROMeo 5.1x and ARPM 5.1x require the
user to set LaunchAsClient=No in the following 3 files in the install
\client\user folder; ROMeo.ini (or ARPM.ini), OPSServer.ini and
Installing DYNSIM 5.0 application also installs MS SQL 2008 Server.
Software such as HEXTRAN 9.2x that use previous MSDE 2000 may not
properly install if MS SQL 2008 Server is already installed on machine.
Recommend to install HEXTRAN 9.2x and other software using MSDE 2000
prior to installing DYNSIM 4.5x and other software that installs MS SQL 2008.
Control Emulation and I/A Compatibility
DYNSIM 5.0 at time of release is only compatible with the following:
FSIM 4.5x and above
TRISIM 2.x and above
I/A Series
Processor 2.8 MHz with minimum of 2 GB of RAM. Perform the steps listed under the
DSS Host Configuration Editor section above.
Switching Security Types for PC
DYNSIM 5.0 provides the following security options:
USB Single User Security
FLEXlm Security
FLEXNet Security
The security option used is normally chosen during the install procedure. If you want to
switch to a different security method after installation,
1. Click Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Change and select the
Change option from the SimSci Esscor DYNSIM 5.0 installation program.
2. Click Next.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
3. Select the desired security option and click Next. Your security option is now
How to Apply a DYNSIM Patch
Starting DYNSIM 4.1, patch install kits will no longer be supported. Each maintenance
version of DYNSIM, such as DYNSIM 4.1.1, when available, will include the full
install kit and require a full re-install.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Starting DYNSIM Application
After you install the program, a DYNSIM shortcut is displayed on your desktop. You
may use this icon to start the program or follow the steps given below:
1. Start DYNSIM by clicking on Start/ Programs/SIMSCI/DSS50 and selecting
the DYNSIM icon.
2. This brings up the DYNSIM login screen. Youll be prompted for a
Username and Password. Use simsci for both the username and password
and launch the application by clicking on Login.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Chapter 2
Translation: PRO/II to DYNSIM
SimSci-Esscors concerted efforts to blend the concepts of Steady State and
Dynamic Simulation into one integrated software environment is a reality.
The transition has been collective, comprehensive and constructive in meeting
its objective.
The DYNSIM integration with our steady state simulator is specifically geared
to PRO/II V 8.0. It has the inherent capability to provide a seamless import
capability from PRO/II to DYNSIM application.
Translating PRO/II files into DYNSIM
There are currently two options made available to the user to translate files
from PRO/II to DYNSIM application. They are as follows:
Option I Exporting a Simulation from PRO/II
This option requires a current PRO/II license and DYNSIM license. A typical
procedure is:
1. User develops a steady state flowsheet in a typical PRO/II environment.
2. The required data for generating a flowsheet needs to be satisfied in
PRO/II Simulation.
3. The user should Perform Output Calculations before exporting to
DYNSIM software. The flowsheet has to be Run (i.e., converged) and
Saved for retrieval during the exporting stage.
4. Using the Output menu, select the Send to DYNSIM option. This
allows the user to forward the current flowsheet to the DYNSIM
5. The flowsheet is processed to create a DYNSIM flowsheet.
6. Subsequent to a successful translation, DYNSIM application is started
and populated with the processed flowsheet.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Exporting from PRO/II into DYNSIM application
Option II Importing a Simulation into DYNSIM
This option requires the PRO/II version installed to match the version of the prz
file that is translated. A current DYNSIM license is required but does not
require a PRO/II license.
1. DYNSIM software user can select a previously saved PRO/II flowsheet
in a way similar to selecting a previously saved DYNSIM flowsheet.
Within the Open Simulation dialog box, the user must change the
Files of Type option from SIM4ME Files *.s4m to PRO/II
Simulation Files *.prz.
2. On applying the Open command, the flowsheet is processed to
generate a DYNSIM flowsheet. The Open command then proceeds the
same way as the native DYNSIM Open command.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Seamless Importing PRO/II Input in DYNSIM application
Users are directed to refer to the Translation Reference Manual wherein
detailed explanation of the Translation concepts is furnished.
Supported PRO/II to DYNSIM Versions
The following versions of PRO/II will translate into corresponding DYNSIM
PRO/II 8.3x -> DYNSIM 4.2x, 4.3x, 4.4x, 4.5x and 5.0
PRO/II 9.0x -> DYNSIM 4.2x, 4.3x, 4.4x, 4.5x and 5.0
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Chapter 3
Getting Started Tutorial
In this chapter, we will walk you through the basic steps required to simulate
process flowsheets within DYNSIM software.
What You will Learn in this Tutorial
We will show you how to accomplish these tasks as described below:
1. Starting DYNSIM.
2. Creating a New Simulation.
3. Setting up a Simulation.
4. Executing the Simulation.
5. Interpret the results generated during this simulation.
Starting DYNSIM Application
After you install the program, a DYNSIM starter icon is displayed on your
desktop. You may use this icon to start the program or follow the steps given
1. Start DYNSIM by clicking on Start/ Programs/SIMSCI/DSS50 and
selecting the DYNSIM icon.
2. This brings up the DYNSIM login screen. Youll be prompted for a
Username and Password. Use simsci for both the username and
password and launch the application by clicking on Login .
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
DYNSIM Login Screen
Creating a New Simulation
Once the user has logged into the DYNSIM session, you now need to create a
new simulation. The steps are as follows:
1. Under the File menu select New and Simulation. The New Simulation
dialog box will appear and prompt the user for a simulation name.
New Simulation Dialog Box
2. Use ReverseFlow as the simulation name and Click OK.
The simulation name must not contain spaces or symbols
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
3. The simulation will be created in a default user directory
(C:\SIMSCI\DSS50\User\ Reverse Flow.s4m).
Data Input Conventions
The DYNSIM Graphical User Interface distinguishes the input data as follows:
Required The user must enter data in order to run the simulation. Without a
valid entry, the input for the simulation is incomplete and an error
message will be displayed if the simulation is executed. The default
color for this type is red.
Default The default value is usually a good estimate and a value that is
commonly used for that parameter. The value may be overridden if
desired. The default color for this type is green.
Caution Indicates a value that is not realistic and might produce erroneous
results. The default color for this type is yellow.
Optional Data, which is not explicitly required by DYNSIM software for its
execution. A Colorless cell is used for this type of data.
A Colorless cell also means that the required or default data has been
Tab Status Indication
Any data in the data fields of the DEW of an individual object is validated and the
status is indicated for the individual tabs. The DEW uses the following to indicate the
status of input data, as follows:
Valid Data Entry of valid data in all the data fields of an individual tab of a
DEW. Any default data (green data field) or optional data
(colorless data field) are also considered as valid and the status is
indicated by .
Invalid Data Any required data (red data field) or data, which is not realistic
(yellow data field) in any of the cells of a DEW, is considered
invalid and the status is indicated by .
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Setting up a Simulation
The DYNSIM interface has been designed to incorporate many of the features
that are built in the PRO/II GUI. Hence, similar to a PRO/II simulation, the user
can follow a series of steps to setup a simulation.
They are detailed as below:
1. Define the Units of Measure (UOM).
2. Select components and define component slates.
3. Specify a thermodynamic method.
4. Configure the flowsheet objects.
5. Connect the objects through relevant streams.
Once the above steps are accomplished the user will run the simulation and
monitor the dynamic behavior of the process under study; specifically on how
to model reverse flow through a valve. This simple example illustrates the fact
that DYNSIM software is well equipped with a state of the art pressure-flow
solver, critical for modeling more complex unit operations such as distillation
columns with precision.
The steps to fix up the parameters are enumerated below.
Step 1: Define the Units of Measure (UOM)
1. Click on the UOM icon , which will display the Units of Measure dialog
box as indicated below.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
UOM Dialog Box
2. The user can choose from the predefined UOM slate list.
3. Alternatively, you have also got the flexibility to define a custom UOM
slate by clicking on the New Slate button. Hence, for any specific class the
user can define a custom unit of measure or utilize the default unit
available. For this particular example we will be using the SI UOM list.
Click OK once the option has been selected.
Step 2: Select Components and Define Component Slates
In this step you will be defining the specific components to be used in the
simulation. There is a significant change in approach employed in SimSci-
Esscors related products like PRO/II and ROMeo applications. In the PRO/II
application, the user selects the components and in doing so defines a single
component slate that is used for all of the process units and streams in the
simulation. In the ROMeo application, the user has the ability to create multiple
component slates to be used by individual process units as applicable. In
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
DYNSIM software employs the more flexible approach to ensure that the
computational problem is defined as efficiently as possible.
1. Bring up the DYNSIM thermodynamic GUI by clicking on the
Component icon in the toolbar. Notice that both components and
thermodynamics are displayed in this window.
2. The first tab is titled Library and allows the user to add any of the
pure or library components. The user can enter a component by typing
the technical name, alias or the chemical formula in the Add Library
Component cell and clicking on Add.
3. The user can selectively display components based on the Component
Full Name, Alias Name or Formula by clicking on the appropriate sort
column and entering characters in the Filter box at the lower right.
By default, only the most commonly used components are listed.
Additional components can be exhibited by selecting a different Component
Family (located above the filter box).
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Components & Thermodynamics Slate Dialog Box
Similar to the PRO/II application, if you wish to define a Petro component, a
minimum of two physical properties among the listed parameters below must be
Boiling Point
Molecular Weight
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Defining Petro Component Properties
The next stage is to define the component slates. A component slate can consist
of a few select components (e.g. in the case of a cooling water stream there
might only be one - water). The primary objective is that when DYNSIM
software performs property or equilibrium calculations, for instance a drum or
separator, it only needs to consider those components defined in the component
slate and not all the components defined for the entire simulation. This will
enable faster computational speed, especially for simulations containing a large
number of components.
1. Click on the Slate tab wherein the New Component Slate box appears at the
left-hand corner of the application. The screen appears as shown below.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Creating up a Component Slate
2. Create a new component slate by typing PROCESS in the New Component
Slate box and then click the Add button.
3. Drag and drop Ethane, Ethylene, isoButane and Propane from the Selected
Components list to the Components in Slate list.
4. Users have the flexibility to define as many slates as per their requirements.
However, you must first define a component in the Selected Components
list before it can be added to any given slate.
The user may drag and drop multiple components by selecting
marginally outside the icon of one of the selected components.
Step 3: Define a Thermodynamic Method
Once the component slate is defined, the next step is to specify a suitable
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
thermodynamic method. The sequence of operation is as follows:
1. Click on the Method tab. In the New Method Slate cell, enter SRK and
click Add.
2. Now expand the Thermodynamic Data tree against SRK created by you
and observe the available methods for equilibrium, enthalpy, entropy,
and density calculations by right-clicking with the mouse.
Selection of a Thermodynamic Method
3. Choose the appropriate equation of state method as per the simulation
requirements. For this particular simulation, the components selected
are light hydrocarbons and hence an equation of state method such as
Soave-Redlich-Kwong or Peng-Robinson would be suitable. Once the
selection is made, click OK to save and Close the Component and
Thermodynamic Data Entry Window.
Step 4: Lay Down Models
Once the above step has been completed in all aspects the user is now faced
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
with a blank canvas. To start configuring the flowsheet, the user needs to select
the appropriate models. You have the option to choose from one of two
methods for adding objects to the flowsheet.
1. The first method is through selecting the Palette icon . This appears
on the main toolbar and can also be accessed by clicking on the View
menu and selecting it there. Upon selection, a floating Icon Palette
similar to the PFD Palette found in PRO/II appears. You can now
select streams, equipment models, or other configurations to lay down
on the flowsheet.
2. Alternatively, the user can select the Types tree on the bottom left hand
corner of the screen. The Types tree contains a complete list of the
entire model Libraries in DYNSIM software including Primitives,
Widgets, References, Connectors, Points, Base Equipment, Controls,
Electrical Grid, and Utilities.
The Icon Palette contains only a subset of the most common
models present in DYNSIM software. If a particular unit operation is
not listed on the icon palette the user is instructed to locate the same in
the Types tree.
3. From the Icon Palette, select a Source and fix it on the flowsheet.
4. Now Double-click on the source icon or Right-click and select Data
Entry . This will exhibit a Data Entry window through which the
user can configure the source.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
The default action on a double-click depends on the state of the
flowsheet. For example, when running a simulation, double-clicking on a
valve brings up a slider, which allows you to manipulate the valve position.
All options are always available through the right mouse click menu.
Configuring a Flowsheet
Remember that if you select the Edit option, the Object Editor Viewer
(OEV) window pops up. This window contains a comprehensive set of all the
parameters associated with this model.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Normally it is expected that only expert users will configure models using the
OEV interface.
Enter the following data: Elevation: 6.096 m
Pressure: 3350 kPa
Temperature: 395 K
Until you select the Thermo tab and select the Process slate, the
Boundary Condition tab will display all the components selected for the
simulation. After you have selected the PROCESS slate and fixed SRK as
the thermodynamic method, go back to the Boundary Condition tab.
Enter the following data: Ethane: 2 kg-mol
Ethylene: 3 kg-mol
iButane: 2 kg-mol
Propane: 4 kg-mol
Now you will observe that the Process slate composition is displayed. Notice
that this data is pertaining to the composition data and that you are entering
values, which will be normalized to determine the stream composition. The
flow is a calculated value, which is dependent on the pressure network.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Process Slate Composition
5. After clicking OK for the Source, Select a valve and sink and place them on
the flowsheet.
6. To increase the canvas area, select the View menu, Click on Change
Toolbars and choose Abbreviated. Notice that in addition to Abbreviated
there are four other options under Change Toolbars. Each of these options
refers to a specific user profile.
7. Administrator ensures that all DYNSIM softwares options are displayed.
Operator, Instructor and Engineer configures the toolbar to suit a specific
user profile. For example, an engineer might need to edit and modify a
simulation. However, it might not be the case for an operator training on a
particular DYNSIM simulation. These options indicate that DYNSIM
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
software is not limited to engineering studies alone. Apparently, its also
utilized for Operator Training Applications (OTS) in which the operator,
the instructor, and the engineer use a single integrated modeling
8. Enter the following information as exhibited in the screen below for the
Valve model. As in the case of the Source, the Thermo method is SRK and
the component slate is Process. For the Sink model, the pressure is fixed at
200 kPa.
Valve Model Configuration
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Step 5: Connect the Flowsheet Objects Using Appropriate Streams
The next step in building the simulation is to connect the flowsheet objects
using the appropriate streams. For the purpose of simplicity only the process
streams are considered for this example. However, there are other stream types
available in DYNSIM software as indicated in the table below.
These include:
Stream Type Description
Process Stream
Used for connecting unit operations from the base
equipment library. Represents compositional streams.
Heat Stream
Used for linking utility exchangers to equipment
models that can have a heat duty associated with
E.g. Distillation Column, Separator, etc.
Mechanical Stream
Used to associate a motor or expander to a pump or
compressor. It can also link to a motor, expander,
pump, and compressor to a shaft so that all
equipment operates at the same speed.
Electrical Stream
Used for interconnecting objects from the electrical
Used to connect model parameters to each other, e.g.
a process variable to a controller or a controller
output to a valve open command.
Classification of Streams
In DYNSIM software, as in PRO/II software, valid port locations are highlighted
and green (required).
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Connecting Flowsheet Objects and Streams
Step 6: Executing the Simulation
Once the selected simulation is complete in all aspects, the user to run the
simulation can adopt the following instructions.
1. Click the Start button, , to initiate the simulation engine. This
causes DYNSIM software to start the simulation and leave it in a
frozen state.
2. To run the simulation the user should click on the Run button, .
Controlling a Simulation
3. Finally with the simulation running the user can begin to examine the
dynamic behavior of the system. For example to monitor the flow rate
through the valve, select a Flow Rate Indicator from the References
library on the Types tree. Place this on the canvas just below the valve.
When prompted for a name, enter the stream name that needs to be
tracked, in this case S2. A green arrow denotes a positive flow rate in
the direction specified by the stream. A red arrow denotes reverse flow.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Dynamic Simulation Features
4. Double-click on the valve flowsheet icon. The Operate Valve window
will pop up. This allows the user to adjust the valve position using a
Slider. Set the position to 100% open. Notice that the Flow Rate Initiator
indicates a positive flow rate in the direction of flow specified by the
user (green arrow).
Under ideal conditions, you would wish to have the flexibility to
modify the boundary condition of the sink (i.e. its pressure) without
having to edit the parameter in the tabbed dialog box. DYNSIM
software allows you to drop a Slider on the canvas and link it to
flowsheet parameters such as a sink pressure. Hence, in this mode you
have the option to easily alter the sink pressure and see how it affects
the flow though the valve.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
5. Select a Slider from the Widgets library on the Types tree. Locate it on
the canvas. Right-click with the mouse and select Draw Attributes. For
Point Name, select SNK1.PB, which is the name of the Sink followed
by the parameter you opt to control.
The Maximum /Minimum ranges for the slider are set to 5,000 and 500
kPa respectively, and the orientation is set to vertical.
Modification of Boundary Conditions
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
6. Before varying this parameter (Sink Pressure Boundary) remotely, the
user must first change its designation from static to dynamic. To do this
highlight the Sink, right-click on it and select, Edit . This exhibits the
OEV interface, which allows the user to edit any variable associated
with this model.
Static To Dynamic Condition Changeover
7. The user can now alter the pressure of the Sink by varying the pointer
on the slider. To track the exact value of the pressure at the sink at a
specific point of time, the user can select a Point from the References
library on the Types tree. Locating the Point on the canvas next to the
Sink, the user is prompted for a name. Now enter the name as
SNK1.PB and observe that the sink pressure appears in blue.
8. Alternatively, try to induce reverse flow in the model. Start increasing
the pressure at the sink (SNK1) by adjusting the position of the pointer
on the vertical slider on the left hand side of the flowsheet. Remember
you have already linked this slider to set the boundary pressure at the
sink. The higher the pressure at the sink, the smaller the flow rate
across the valve. Eventually, a point is reached where the pressure at
the sink is sufficiently high, that it results in reverse flow.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Reverse Flow in a Valve
9. To complete the demo, select a Rectangle from the Primitives library on
the Types tree. Draw a rectangle around the slider, right-click, select
Draw Attributes and choose a fill color. To summarize, the ultimate step
illustrates the flexibility available to the users to customize the
flowsheet graphics according to their requirements.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Customization of a Flowsheet
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
Chapter 4
Set-up DYNSIM in
Distributed Mode
This chapter describes the details of setting up DYNSIM
software in a distributed
environment for projects.
Before you start
a. Establish the exact (case sensitive) account and password on every machine on
which DYNSIM software is deployed in a distributed environment. The user
should be a member of the Administrators group. With local System
Administrator privileges, the user can be added to the Administrators group.
To accomplish this go to Control Panel Administrative Tools Computer
Management. Then always use this account while using DYNSIM software in
distributed mode.
b. If the system administrator has established Active Directory Control and a
group policy that enforces this, then a workgroup needs to be established,
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
including all users that are allowed Administrative privileges on each of the
machines. The system administrator should apply the new policy.
c. A basic test is to run a \\<remote_machine_name> (see example below) from
the windows run command. If you are queried for user credentials to access
\\<remote_machine_name>, then the DYNSIM services will certainly not be
able to start a DYNSIM process on the remote machine. If this simple test
works, also verify that you can create and delete files on the remote machine
and manage user accounts on the remote machine.
Steps to Configure Distributed Mode
Steps 1-5 establish that DYNSIM software is installed properly on each machine.
1. On each machine use Start Programs SIMSCI DSS50 DSS Host
Configuration Editor. Use the reset button on this application to reset services for
the local machine. Verify the various services are running OK.
2. If you have Windows XP SP2, verify the Windows Firewall service is stopped and
disabled. See Start Control Panel Administrative Tools Services.
3. Check the status of these services. Each should be started and automatic mode. If
the service is not started use the Windows services utility to start the service. If the
service fails to start, review the Windows event viewer System Log and Application
Log for root cause.
DYNSIM 5.0 Getting Started: An Installation and Tutorial Guide
If there is a third party firewall, such as McAfee