Weld Calculations

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Weld Volume/Filler Metal Weight Calculator Copyright Magnatech 2001

Magnatech Pipe Welding Systems


The purpose of this program is to allow quick calculation of arc times, weld times, and filler metal
requirements for manual, semiautomatic, and mechanized pipe welding projects. Four of the most
common pipe joint preparations can be used in the calculations.

A guide to approximate deposition rates for different processes is given. Attention: these are for
welding pipe in the fixed position only and are not representative of higher rates achievable when the
pipe can be rolled. Although deposition rates and duty cycles have been taken from a wide range of
industry sources, they are to be used a guidelines only. Individual applications, welder skills, and
whether the welding is to be done in a fabrication facility or during field erection can make these
assumptions inaccurate. We encourage each user to check the standard assumptions against actual
company productivity data and use this actual data for any calculations. Certain applications, for
example welding materials requiring strict control of interpass temperature, markedly affect the duty
cycle, whether the welding is done manually or with mechanized equipment. We encourage you to
check calculated times for future projects against actual welding rates achieved.

This Calculator allows a quick comparison between manual and mechanized techniques and provides
realistic information on the productivity improvements that can be achieved using mechanized
welding. However, it should be used as a guide only. Given the many workplace variables,
Magnatech can assume no liability or responsibility for the accuracy of this Calculator to predict actual
arc times and weld times for all circumstances.

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P.O. Box 260
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Phone: (860)653-2573
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Web: www.magnatech-lp.com
E-Mail: info@magnatech-lp.com

welding pipe in the fixed position only and are not representative of higher rates achievable when the
assumptions inaccurate. We encourage each user to check the standard assumptions against actual
This Calculator allows a quick comparison between manual and mechanized techniques and provides
Magnatech can assume no liability or responsibility for the accuracy of this Calculator to predict actual
Magnatech Pipe Welding Systems
Weld Volume/Filler Metal Weight Calculator Copyright Magnatech 2001


All assumptions based on welding in fixed 5G position. The torch must be moved around stationary


1. Deposition Rate - Weld Metal Deposited Assuming 100% "Arc On"/Duty Cycle Time
>Manual or Mechanized Orbital GTAW - 1lb/hr (0.45 kg/hr)
>Manual SMAW - 6 lbs/hr (2.27 kg/hr)
>Semiautomatic GMAW/FCAW - 8 lbs/hr (3.6 kg/hr)
>Mechanized Orbital GMAW/FCAW - 8 lbs/hr (3.6 kg/hr)

2. Efficiency Factor - Percentage of Actual "Arc On"/Duty Cycle Time
>Manual SMAW or GTAW - 15-25%
>Semiautomatic GMAW/FCAW - 20-40%
>Mechanized Orbital GTAW or GMAW/FCAW - 70-80%

3. Arc Time
>Time to weld the joint assuming 100% duty cycle

4. Weld Time
>Time to weld the joint assuming realistic duty cycle.
Magnatech Pipe Welding Systems
Weld Volume/Filler Metal Weight Calculator Copyright Magnatech 2001


Typical ranges of dimensions are given below as a guide only - use specific dimensions, if


(Angles Are for Each Pipe End. Included Angle = 2 x Angle)

V = Bevel:
A = Bevel Angle: 37.5 (ASME) or 30 (API)
L = Land Thickness: 0.062 - 0.125" (1.5 - 3mm)
G = Gap: 0.062 - 0.125" (1.5 - 3mm)
C = Cap Height 0.125" (3mm)

Compound V-Bevel:
A1 = Primary Bevel Angle: 37.5 (Angle closest to ID)
A2 = Secondary Bevel Angle: 10% (Angle closest to OD)
L = Land Thickness: 0.062 - 0.125" (1.5 - 3mm)
G = Gap: 0.062 - 0.125" (1.5 - 3mm)
H = Dimension to A2: 0.75" (19mm) (Dimension from pipe ID at which bevel angle changes)
C = Cap Height: 0.125" (3mm)

A = Bevel Angle: 20
L = Land Thickness: 0.050" - 0.062" (1.3 - 1.5mm)
E = Land Extension: 0.030 - .050" (.75 - 1.3mm)
C = Cap Height: 0.125" (3mm)
R = Radius: 0.094" (2.4mm)

Compound J-Bevel:
A1 = Primary Bevel Angle: 37.5 (Angle closest to ID)
A2 = Secondary Bevel Angle: 10% (Angle closest to OD)
L = Land Thickness: 0.050 - 0.062" (.75 - 1.5mm)
E = Land Extension: 0.030 - 0.050" (.75 - 1.3mm)
H = Dimension to A2: 0.75" (19mm)(Dimension from pipe ID at which bevel angle changes)
C = Cap Height: 0.125" (3mm)
R = Radius: 0.094" (2.4mm)

Magnatech Pipe Welding Systems
Weld Volume/Filler Metal Weight Calculator Copyright Magnatech 2001
Joint Details Production Details

Diameter in Inches (D) 10.75 Deposition Rate in lbs/hr 8.00
Wall Thickness (T) 0.594 Efficiency Factor in % 70%
Land Thickness (L) 0.15 # of Weld Joints 1
Bevel Angle (A) 30 Hours per Shift 8
Root Gap (G) 0.125 Shifts per Day 1
Cap Height (C) 0.125 Days per Week 5
Total No of Welding Systems 1
0.444 T-L 0.637687 0.188067
Volume Calculations Time Calculations Time Calculations
0.27 0.31
8.79 0.44
0.28 26.66
2.49 2.49
Time Calculations Multiple Systems
Cross Section Area (in2)
Volume of weld (in3)
Weight of Steel (lbs per in3)
Weld Metal joint (lbs)
Arc Time per/joint
Weld Time per/joint (hr.)
Weld Time per/joint (min.)
Total Weld Weight
Welding Duration in hrs
Welding Duration in Shifts
Welding Duration in Days
Welding Duration in Weeks
Total ArcTime (Hours)
Total Weld Time (Hours)
Total ArcTime (Hours)
Total Weld Weeks
Magnatech Pipe Welding Systems
Weld Volume /Filler Metal Weight Calculator Copyright Magnatech 2001
Joint Details Production Details

Diameter in Inches (D) 36.000 Production Details
Wall Thickness (T) 0.625
Radius (R) 0.094 Deposition Rate in lbs/hr 1.00
Land Extension (E) 0.030 Efficiency Factor in % 70%
Land Height (L) 0.060 # of Weld Joints 110
Bevel Angle (A) 20 Hours per Shift 8
Cap Height (C) 0.10 Shifts per Day 1
Days per Week 5
0.565 0.471 Total No of Welding Systems 1
Volume Calculations Time Calculations
0.22 8.76
30.938 12.51
0.283 750.47
8.76 963.10
0.590542 0.275949 1375.86
Time Calculations Multiple Systems
Cross Section Area ( in
Volume of Weld (in
Weight of Steel (lbs per in
) Weld Time per/joint (min.)
Weld Metal Joint (lbs)
Arc Time per/joint
Weld Time per/joint (hr.)
Total Weld Weight
Total Arc Time (Hours)
Welding Duration in Days
Welding Duration in Weeks
Total Arc Time (Hours)
Arc Time per/joint
Welding Duration in hrs
Welding Duration in Shifts
Total Weld Weeks
Magnatech Pipe Welding Systems
Weld Volume/Filler Metal Weight Calculator Copyright Magnatech 2001
Joint Details Production Details
Diameter in Inches D 18.000 Deposition Rate in lbs/hr 8.00
Wall Thickness T 2.000 Efficiency Factor in % 70%
Land Height L 0.150 # of Weld Joints
Bevel Angle 1 A1 30.000 Hours per Shift 8
Bevel Angle2 A2 20.000 Shifts per Day 1
Root Gap G 0.125 Days per Week 5
Cap Height C 0.125 Total No of Welding Systems 1
dist to Angle 2 H 0.750

Volume Calculations Time Calculations
1.893 3.98
112.611 5.69
0.283 341.45
31.869 0.00
e16 1.7277 0.60 e14 0.00
f16 2.10854 1.25 e15 0.00
Time Calculations Multiple Systems

Cross Section Area ( in
Volume of Weld (in
Weight of Steel (lbs per in
Weld Metal Joint (lbs)
Arc Time per/joint
Total Weld Weight
Welding Duration in Shifts
Total Arc Time (Hours)
Weld Time per/joint (hr.)
Total Arc Time (Hours)
Welding Duration in Days
Total Weld Time (hours)
Weld Time per/joint (min.)
Welding Duration in hrs
Welding Duration in Weeks
Total Weld Weeks
Magnatech Pipe Welding Systems
Weld Volume/Filler Metal Weight Calculator Copyright Magnatech 2001
Joint Details Production Details

Diameter in Inches D 1.750 Deposition Rate in lbs/hr 4.60
Wall Thickness T 0.250 Efficiency Factor in % 80%
Radius R 0.093 # of Weld Joints 1
Land Extension E 0.030 Hours per Shift 8
Land Thickness L 0.050 Shifts per Day 1
Bevel Angle1 A1 20 Days per Week 5
Bevel Angle 2 A2 0 Total No of Welding Systems 1
Cap Height C 0.10
Dist to Angle 2 H 0.00
0.200 0.107 -0.14 0.250 0.026907 0.141905
Volume Calculations Time Calculations
0.027 0.01
0.2 0.02
0.283 0.97
0.059 0.06
Time Calculations Multiple Systems
Cross Section Area ( in
Volume of Weld (in
Weight of Steel (lbs per in
Weld Metal Joint (lbs.)
Weld Time per/joint (min.)
Welding Duration in hrs
Welding Duration in Weeks
Arc Time per/joint
Total Weld Weight
Welding Duration in Shifts
Total Arc Time (Hours)
Weld Time per/joint (hr.)
Total Arc Time (Hours)
Welding Duration in Days
Total Weld Time (hours)
Total Weld Weeks

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