Materials Chemistry and Physics: Confinement of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in Ordered Mesoporous Silica MCM-41
Materials Chemistry and Physics: Confinement of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in Ordered Mesoporous Silica MCM-41
Materials Chemistry and Physics: Confinement of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in Ordered Mesoporous Silica MCM-41
C for 23h.
For the ZnO loading inside the mesoporous silica, different
weight percent (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%) of Zn(NO
was mixed with pristine mesoporous silica by grinding it in the
mortar. The resultant mixture was heated at 540
C for 5h in the
tube furnace by controlled heating at a rate of 23
in an
open atmosphere. The structure and crystallinity of the ZnOMS
samples were characterized using small and wide angle X-ray
diffraction(XRD) whichwereperformedonanX-raydiffractometer
(Rigaku miniex) using CuK radiation source (=0.154nm).
Fig. 4. Diffuse reectance UVVis spectra of calcined MS and ZnOMS samples for
different weight percent of Zn loading 130% Zn loading.
P.B. Lihitkar et al. / Materials Chemistry and Physics 133 (2012) 850856 853
The N
adsorptiondesorption isotherms were obtained using
Quantachrome Autosorb automated gas sorption system under
continues adsorption condition. BrunauerEmmettTeller (BET),
BarretJoynerHalenda (BJH) methods were used to determine
total specic surface area (S
) and pore size distribution respec-
tively of the MS and resultant ZnOMS samples. For this, P/P
was used. Here, P is pressure at which gas is adsorbed and P
saturation vapour pressure of adsorbate.
UVvisible absorbance and photoluminescence of ZnOMS
powder samples were performed by using Perkin Elmer instru-
ments Lambda 950 and LS-55 respectively. Fourier TransformInfra
Red (FT-IR) analysis of the samples was made using Thermo Scien-
tic Nicolet 6700 instrument. KBr was used as standard reference
and was mixed with the samples in order to take the IR spectra.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the dry pow-
der samples was made using Omicron ESCA, UK instrument using
MgK (energy=1253.6eV) source of X-rays and concentric hemi-
spherical analyzer with 50eV pass energy.
3. Results and discussions
ZnO nanoparticles are conned in the mesoporous silica (MS)
by the decomposition of pristine MS and zinc nitrate salt using
controlled thermal treatment. Fig. 1A illustrates the small angle
XRD patterns of the calcined MS and different weight percent of
Zn loaded ZnOMS samples. They exhibit a strong diffraction peak
due to (100) plane. Small intensity peaks due to (110) and (200)
planes also appeared in all the samples. This indicates that the
mesoporous structure in the ZnOMS sample remains intact. The
XRD pattern of calcined MS having 2 =1.75
and d=5.05nmvalue
conrmthe presence of mesoporous structure of MCM-41 [8].
Introduction of ZnO inside the MS for all the samples leads to a
small shift of diffractionpeaks to a slightly lower angle withrespect
to the peak due to calcined MS as shown in Fig. 1A. The slight shift
in the diffraction peaks may be due to an increase in the interplanar
distances of the hexagonal structure of the MS sample. In ZnOMS
samples, small peaks due to (100), (101) and (002) planes of
hexagonal ZnO were observed in the XRD patterns as shown in
Fig. 1B. Althoughthe XRDpeaks due toZnOare of very lowintensity
they are consistent with some earlier reports on similar systems.
Jiang et al. [13] did not observe any diffraction peaks due to ZnO
even for 30% Zn in SBA-15. Similarly Wang et al. [28] also reported
low intensity XRD peaks due to CuO in case of CuO/SBA-15. We
shall show using TEMand N
adsorptiondesorption analysis that
ZnO is indeed present inside the pores of the MS.
The mesoporous structure of the MS and ZnOMS after calcina-
tions at 550
or water molecules
adsorbed on the ZnO surface. Zn2p region of ZnOMS sample for
30% Zn content is shown in Fig. 8C. The binding energy for Zn2p
and Zn2p
at 1022.2eV and 1045.3eV respectively give a spin
orbit splitting (SOS) of 23.1eV. The binding energy observed at
1022.1eVby Fernandez et al. [25] is associated withbulk ZnO. Chen
et al. [14] have also observed the binding energy for Zn2p
peak at
1022.2eV and conclude the appearance of ZnO instead of chelated
zinc ions. SOS is sensitive to the chemical environment. There-
fore, in Zn metal it is 24.6eV but 22.2eV in pure ZnO [33]. Here,
in ZnOMS sample, it is 23.1eV which implies that the ZnOMS
material is not having pure ZnO but ZnO nanoparticles bonded to
surface of MS.
4. Conclusions
In summary, we have synthesized ordered mesoporous silica
with ZnO nanoparticles inside it. XRD analysis as well as TEM
analysis shows the presence of mesoporous structure. Electron
diffraction pattern as well as XPS conrm the presence of ZnO in
the ZnOMS samples. Decrease in the specic surface area, pore
volume and pore size of ZnOMS sample gives the strong evi-
dence of formation of ZnO inside the pores of mesoporous silica.
UVVis absorption and PL spectra also support the formation of
ZnO nanoparticles.
P.B.L. would like to thank Department of Science and Tech-
nology (DST), Govt. of India for the fellowship. S.K.K. would
like to thank University Grant Commission (UGC) for constant
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.01.106.
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