Case Study

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Unmanned Arial Vehicle

System to be designed is an Unmanned Arial Vehicle. (UAV) The Unmanned Aircraft has a complex
electronic, communication, sensor and computation systems content, all of which need to operate reliably,
for up to 30 hours. UAV is used for Oil, gas and mineral exploration and production monitoring.

This UAV is used to perform geophysical surveys, where the processed measurements of the differential
Earth's magnetic field strength are used to calculate the nature of the underlying magnetic rock structure.
Knowledge of the underlying rock structure helps trained geophysicists to predict the location of mineral
deposits. The production side of oil and gas exploration and production entails the monitoring of the
integrity of oil and gas pipelines and related installations. For above-ground pipelines, this monitoring
activity could be performed using digital cameras.

UAV is used for low level (20 m above ground) night flying (when disturbances to the earth's magnetic
field and cultural noises are typically at their lowest and there are few civilian flights about) over what
could be rugged terrain. The UAV has slow flying capabilities (down to 40 knots, or so) of the Unmanned
Aircraft, allowing for data integration and consequent noise reduction. UAV causes very small
perturbation the small, mostly carbon fiber, Unmanned Aircraft has minimal influence on the surrounding
magnetic and gravitational fields. The aircraft controls are in magnetically and electromagnetically
shielded units.

The system is made of the following sub-systems: (a) Payload System has two sub-systems- Payload 1
& Payload 2 (b) Communication Sub-system (c) Weather Station (d) Navigation Assistance. All
subsystems communicate with a centralized Navigation Computing, Communication & Control
Subsystem (NCCCS) you need not design the NCCCS using a high speed 1Mbps wired serial link.

Working of the AUV: Three Phases(i) From Gate to Take off: UA within local line-of-sight of Airport/
Ground Control Station. (GCS). (ii) From Take off during flight out of LoS and (iii) Landing of AUV

Navigation Assistance:

All data detected for navigational assistance is sent to NCCCS.

Work to be done during take-off/landing: (1) sensing of obstacles on the runway (2) sensing runway and
runway number (3) reading signs beside the runway. For this on board the following is present: 2 Offside
video cameras each send data serially in MPEG-2 data format- four-wire serial interface at up to 115.6
kbps. Data is shifted out serially as 32 bit data. Other than the data line the 4 wire interface has Gnd,
Clock input for shifting data, Select input that has to be generated every time data is to be sent to and
from the camera. The select input has to be high for at least for a period of 3 clock ticks. The camera can
be triggered at regular intervals of time by sending commands over the serial interface.


Obstacle Detection : SAR is used for obstacle detection. Data is analyzed for presence of obstacles and
data is sent to NCCCS. Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR), uses mathematical techniques, to combine
reflected signal phase and amplitude information, as a function of time, from several adjacent-in-time
RADAR pulses to build up (synthesise) a high resolution image, matching the quality achievable from
a much larger antenna, without any additional mathematical manipulation. While SAR is often used
because of its all-weather, day-or-night capability, it also finds application because it renders a different
view of a target," with synthetic aperture radar being at a much lower electromagnetic frequency than
optical sensors. The SAR used by this UAV is a two-pound "NanoSAR" radar.

NanoSAR Key Specifications: Transmitted Power: 1W, Range Resolution: 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 m, Standoff
Range: 1-4 km, Frequency: X-Band, Power- < 30 W consumed, Supply Voltage 12-18V,
Communication - RS-232 Max 56kbps , Standard Ethernet, Image Products - Google Earth, Complex

Payload Subsystem:

Payload 1: Used for sensing mineral deposits in the area aeronautically surveyed. It has the following
sensing devices

(a) 2 Magnetometers on each wing
A magnetometer is used to measure the strength of the Earths magnetic field. To get a feel for the
sensitivity of these magnetometers, the earths magnetic field strength in London on 24 SEP 2005
was 48,489 nT, increasing by 31.43 nT per annum.

Specifications of Potassium Magnetometer:

Sensitivity 0.5 pT @ 1 Hz; (0.1 pT option), Heading Error + / 0.05 nT , Resolution 0.0001
nT, Absolute Accuracy +/- 0.1 nT, Dynamic Range 20,000 to 100,000 nT, Gradient Tolerance
35,000 nT/m, Sampling 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 Hz (higher optional). Magnetometer can be turned off &
on as required.

(b) 1 Gravimeter under the belly of the AUV near the wing.

Measurements of minute ( 1:200,000,000 ) changes in the gravitational field over a region can
indicate the location of: hydrocarbon deposits, such as oil and gas, minerals, underground tunnels -
new tunnels and collapsed mines and tunnels, refilled by earth. The measurement relies on
precisely timed zero-crossings.

Performance Specifications:

Accuracy: 2uGal (observed agreement between FG5 instruments), Precision: 15uGal/sqrt(Hz) at a
quiet site: about 1.0uGal after 225 cycles (elapsed time = 225 seconds = 3.75 minutes), about
0.1uGal after 22,500 cycles (elapsed time = 22,500 seconds = 6.25 hours)

The Gal unit is named after Galileo, and equals 1 cm/s
. The gravitational constant = g =
980.665 Gal.

(c) 2 Gamma Ray spectrometer on the wings.

The purpose of gamma-ray spectrometry, is to provide information about the distribution of the
three radioactive elements,uranium, thorium and potassium. The distribution of these elements in
hydrocarbon exploration is significant, since they are affected by the alteration effects of
hydrocarbon micro-seepage. Radiometrics is a term applied to the measurement of the gamma ray
spectrum at three specific windows, where emissions for uranium, thorium, and potassium are
located - Bismuth 214, represents the Uranium window at 1,760 KeV, Thallium 208, represents the
Thorium window at 2,620 KeV, Potassium has a single emission energy at 1,460 KeV. A standard
interpretation for hydrocarbon exploration consists of looking for decreases in gamma emissions
from all of these windows, or, a decrease in the total count. Seepage anomalies from those are
related to the lithology. Changes in radiometric response can also be attributed to road surface
changes, outcrops, drainages, road cuts and road fill. Keen observation, is the key to culling the
false anomalies from the seepage anomalies. Radiometrics is a first wave culling tool, for other
types of geochemical survey.

A gamma ray spectrometer consists of a detector crystal and an optical sensor. The detector,
typically a sodium iodide crystal, absorbs the gamma radiation and converts it to a light flash or
scintillation. The NaI is doped with Thallium, which acts as an 'activator'. The Thallium doped NaI
is described as NaI(Tl). The light sensor is a sensitive photomultiplier tube, which converts the light
flash to a voltage (0 3.0 V), proportional to the intensity of the light flash. The magnitude of the
peak voltage is indicative of the energy of the gamma ray. The larger the crystal volume (112 cubic
inches or more) and the slower the aircraft (40 knots for UAV 130 for manned), the higher the
number of gamma counts, that can be collected.

(d) 2 Gas sensor under the wings

In order to detect hydrocarbons, such as methane, or, ethane, from natural gas leaks. The detection
system will be based on photoacoustic spectroscopy , a technique that can be used to measure gas
concentrations with remarkable sensitivity. Photoacoustic spectroscopy is the measurement of the
effect of absorbed electromagnetic energy (particularly of light) on matter by means of acoustic
detection. The discovery of the photoacoustic effect dates to 1880 when Alexander Graham Bell
showed that thin discs emitted sound when exposed to a beam of sunlight that was rapidly
interrupted with a rotating slotted disk. The absorbed energy from the light causes local heating and
through thermal expansion a pressure wave or sound. Later Bell showed that materials exposed to
the non-visible portions of the solar spectrum (i.e., the infrared and the ultraviolet) can also produce
sounds. Photoacoustic detectors still rely on the same principles as Bells apparatus, however to
increase the sensitivity the following modifications have been made: .Use of intense lasers instead
of the sun to illuminate the sample since the intensity of the generated sound is proportional to the
light intensity; this technique is referred to as laser photoacoustic spectroscopy or LPAS 2.The
ear has been replaced by sensitive microphones. The microphone signals are further amplified and
detected using lock-in amplifiers and zero- crossing detectors giving frequencies veering from
200Hz 10 KHz

Payload 2:

Used for capturing high resolution images has the following image processing units integrated with it.
These Images are retrieved and sent to GCS via NCCCS.

(a) Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) Camera 2 on the wings of the aircraft


Resolution: 3,872 x 2,592 = 10.2 M, frame rate 3bps JPEG compression size - 3.5 M. Data stored
on memory of camera- data can be retrieved from memory camera using I2C interface. Camera has
a Zoom Lens that can be vertical and horizontally rotated along a spiral axis using two servo meters
of high resolution amounting to 1
. Servo motors have drivers that accept a frequency input of 100
KHz. Resolution is determined by TON varying from 10% to 90% in steps of 1 %.

(b) Ultra Violet (UV) sensor 4 on wings of aircraft

Used to - Detect the start of a forest fire, or, a fire near a building, Detect the start of a fire on an
Unmanned Aircraft. The Hamamatsu R1723-01 is a high sensitivity UVtron. Voltage LV (0-

Weather Station:

Weather is monitored for every 30 seconds and information is sent to the NCCS every 2 minutes.
For Weather monitoring:
(a) RG200 6" Rain Gauge Rainfall Measurement- instrument for monitoring rain rate and total
rainfall. The tipping bucket sensor mechanism activates a sealed reed switch that produces a
contact closure for each 0.01" or 0.25 mm of rainfall Number of bucket tips/sec gives rainfall
(b) WE570 Wind Direction Sensor- Type Wind vane with potentiometer, Output 4-20 mA, Range 0 to
360, Sensitivity 1 m/s (2.2 mph), Accuracy 1% full scale, Operating Voltage 10 to 36 VDC,
Warm-up Time 3 seconds minimum, Operating Temperature:-40 to +55C, Sensor Size 8" dia.
x 10" (21.5 cm dia. x 26.7 cm), Weight 1 lb
(c) Wind Speed Sensor Specifications- Output: 4-20mA, Range: 0-100 MPH, Accuracy: .2 MPH
over the range 11 to 55 MPH, Operating Voltage: 10-36VDC, Warm Up Time: 3 seconds
minimum, Operating Temp: -40 to +55C, Size of Probe: 7 diameter x 8 long, Weight: 1 lb.
(d) Solar Radiation Sensor: Output: 4-20mA, Range: 0-1500 W m
,Accuracy: 1% of full scale,
Operating Voltage: 10-36VDC,Warm Up Time: 3 seconds minimum, Operating Temperature: -
40C to +55C, Size of Probe: 3" diameter x 1 1/2" high, Weight: 1/4 lb.
(e) Humidity Sensor Specifications: Output: 4-20mA, Range: 0-100% RH, Accuracy: + 2% RH,
Operating Voltage: 10-36VDC, Current Draw: 3 mA plus sensor, Warm Up Time: 3 seconds
minimum, Operating Temp: -40 to +55C , Size of Probe: 1 diameter x 7 long, Weight:
(f) Temperature Sensor Specifications: Output: 4-20mA, Range: -50 C to + 50 C, Accuracy:
0.2 F or 0.1 C, Operating Voltage: 10-36VDC, Warm Up Time: 5 seconds minimum,
Operating Temperature: -50C to +100C, Size of Probe: " diameter x 4 " long, Weight: lb.
(g) Barometric Pressure Sensor Specifications: Output: 4-20mA, Range: 800-1100 millibars,
Accuracy: +1% of full scale, Operating Voltage: 10-36VDC, Warm Up Time: 3 seconds
minimum, Operating Temp: -40 to +55C ,

Communication Subsystem:

BLoS(Beyond LoS):

In the command and control system shown next for use on small Unmanned Aircraft, several important
features are supported:

AUV uses a 9,600 bps, duplex, satellite link which can be implemented using a small, light, relatively
inexpensive satellite phone modem. On the uplink from the GCS to the Unmanned Aircraft, 4,800 bps of
the 9,600 bps duplex data rate is used for direct UA control, which might be in response to an ATC
request or order. In order to make it more difficult for an unauthorised person to gain control of the UA,
this data is encrypted with a lossless encryption algorithm, and then coded with Forward Error Correction
(FEC) at the GCS, so FEC decoding followed by decryption must be applied in the Unmanned Aircraft
receiver. 9.6 kbps BLOS sat comms link is used, both the transmit and the receive paths are divided into
two equal data rate channels A and B, each operating at 4.8 kbps.

Commands received by Communication Subsystem is analyzed and sent to NCCCS. Data from the NCCS
is also sent via BLOS link.

Each subsystem has to be designed separately.
(a) Built the complete block diagram of each module using the appropriate processor(s).
(b) Which components of the processor/controller will you be using for designing the corresponding
(c) Initialize the components of the processor/controller that you will be using.
(d) Is the system to be designed distributed in nature? Justify.

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