The Along Track Scanning Radiometer
The Along Track Scanning Radiometer
The Along Track Scanning Radiometer
Ian J. Barton
CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
CSIRO Marine Laboratories, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
The Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) is a new-generation infrared radiometer
which was built specifically to supply accurate measurements of sea surface temperatures
(SST) for environmental and climate applications. The instrument has been operating for
almost four years and there have been a variety of applications developed for the data.
The main product (an averaged SST for climate applications) has been validated against
accurate surface measurements, and is now available to the research community for use in
global and regional climate models. A replacement instrument (ATSR-2) has just been
successfully launched on the ERS-2 satellite. This instrument includes three visiblelnear
infrared channels to enhance the use of the data over land surfaces.
The European Space Agencys First Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS- 1) was launched from
their Kourou facility in French Guyana during 1991. The instruments on this new satel-
lite have a prime objective of studying the earths oceans using active and passive remote
sensing. Included in the payload is a new-generation infrared radiometer that has been
specifically designed to measure the surface temperature of the global oceans with an ac-
curacy of about 0.3K. This is the accuracy desired by scientists who require the data for
studies of the earths climate and climate change. The instrument is the Along Track Scan-
ning Radiometer (ATSR) which has been supplied to the European Space Agency (ESA) by
a consortium of laboratories in the U. K., France and Australia.
During the latterhalf of 1991 several ship cruises were undertaken in Australian waters to
collectdata for the ATSR scientific
program which includes geophysical validation,atmo-
spheric absorption correction, cloud classification
and instrument performance assessment.
For studies of the land surface severalground stations have been deployed to assess the po-
tentialof ATSR data in determining land surface properties. The unique scan mechanism of
the ATSR provides two (almost) simultaneous views of the earths surface from two different
The ATSR now flying on ERS-1
The ATSR instrument that was launched in 1991 has been described in the literature (See list
of ATSR references). Operational estimates of sea surface temperature (SST) are currently
derived using the AVHRR instruments on the NOAA operational meteorological satellites.
ATSR has the same infrared wavelengths as AVHRR (3.7, 10.8 and 11.9 micrometres) but
contains several innovations which have been included to ensure that the ATSR can supply
surface temperatures with the improved accuracy. A comparison of the two instruments is
given in Table 1.
Infrared bands (pm) 3.710 .811.9 3.710 .811.9
Vis.NIR bands (pm) 1.6 0.60.9
Surface views Double Single
Calibration black bodies 2 1
Space views o 1
Aperture (cm) 10 20
Integration time (psec) 80 20
Detector temp. (K) 80 105
Digitisation (bits) 12 10
Detector NEDT (K) 0.03 0.12
Passive microwave channels Yes No
Surface swath (km) 500 2800
Nadir ~ixeI size (km] 1.1 1.1
The ATSR incorporates active cooling of the infrared detectors to near 80K using a Stir-
ling cycle cooler developed in the U.K. by Oxford University and the Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory. This is the first such cooler to fly on a civilian satellite and is now performing
well within its specifications. Two on-board black body cavities provide an accurate abso-
lute calibration of the radiometer at the upper and lower ends of the expected sea surface
temperature range. A dual-angle view of the surface is provided by an offset conical scan
which provides a near nadir cross track scan swath of 500 km and a second scan about 900
km ahead of the sub-satellite point, again with a swath of 500 km. The combination of these
two views enable an improved atmospheric correction for the data which reduces the errors
in sea surface temperature estimates. The complicated scan geometry of the ATSR is well
described by Prata et al. in the IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sensing (see references).
The combination of actively cooled detectors and longer integration times give the ATSR
infrared channels extremely low noise temperatures. This alIows the usefuI digitisation of
the data to 12 bits. These two features are also complemented with high quality black body
calibration targets which provide a stable absolute calibration. These three features are all
required to provide an accurate radiometric measurement - if one of the three is not present
then the value of including the other two is greatly diminished!
The instrument also includes a channel at a wavelength of 1.6 micrometres to assist in the
discrimination between clouds, ice and snow. A dual channel microwave radiometer is also
included to supply estimates of the water vapour column in the atmosphere. Both these
attributes are included to improve the quality and accuracy of the global SST product.
The ERS-2 satellite, launched on April 21, 1995, is a carbon copy of ERS - 1 with two
additions; an instrument (GOME) for monitoring global ozone levels is included, and the
ATSR instrument includes three extra channels situated in the visible/near infrared band at
wavelengths of 550, 670 and 870 nanometres. ESA has provided the extra data rates required
for 12-bit transmission of data in all channels in almost all cases. An on-board calibration
unit for these new channels is also included - a feature that hitherto has been absent from
many satellite instruments sampling in this spectral region.
Global and regional remote sensing of vegetation is currently undertaken with AVHRR and
the thematic mapper on the LANDSAT satellites. ATSR-2 has significant advantages over
these instruments and will be ideal for mapping vegetation and monitoring any changes
in the land surface. When combined with the high temperature resolution of the thermal
channels many new techniques are expected to develop pertaining to agriculture and land
use management. Some instruments proposed for future EOS programs have hi-directional
views of the earths surface, but the ATSR-2 will, for several years be the only instrument
providing high quality hi-directional information on a global basis.
The AATSR has been accepted by ESA for flight on its polar platform, ENVISAT. This
instrument is now in the construction phase and is basically identical to the previous AT-
SRS. This reproduction of design is desirable as the major justification for inclusion of the
instruments in the payloads is to produce a long term data set for climate modelling. Thus
any differences in instrument performance or characteristics lead to questions about the
continuity of the data set.
Several validation cruises have been undertaken in Australian waters and elsewhere, and the
results show that the ATSR can supply sea surface temperatures with the design accuracy.
Detailed comparisons between ATSR, AVHRR and ship measurements all taken on the same
day, have shown that ATSR data and derived products exhibit less noise than those of the
AVHRR, as well as agreeing well with the ship data.
Detailed ATSR images of the infrared radiance leaving the ocean surface show many finescale
features that provide information on surface currents and eddies. When combined with
altimeter data (ERS- 1 and-2 both carry altimeters) the ATSR data give surface currents
and some measure of the thermal structure of the oceanic mixed layers.
Climate research
The high spatial resolution SST data are averaged over half degree latitude by half degree
longitude boxes. These data are available for each orbit and can be used to derive global
data sets with different temporal resolutions. Future averaged data sets will also include
averages over ten arc-minutes cells (i.e. one ninth the area of the previous data). This will
give a spatial resolution close to 15 km in the tropics.
Land surfaces
Instrumented ground sites have been used to assess the ability of the ATSR to provide land
surface temperatures (LST). The extra information supplied by the dual view capability
of the ATSR can supply a more accurate estimate of the surface emissivity, and thus an
improved surface temperature. Improved (over AVHRR) results are obtained when a single
channel of data is used with two different view angles. The use of these data reduces any
emissivity variations in the analysis.
The stereoscopic view of ATSR allows the determination of the height of the targets in the
scenes. This ability has been tested in cloud free scenes where land surface topography can
be assessed. This is probably not of any practical use as there are far better ways of obtaining
elevation data from space - but it does provide a degree of confidence in the estimation of
the height of water, ice, and volcanic clouds.
The stereoscopic view allows the determination of volcanic cloud heights. This should be
of operational use to the aviation industry, as well as providing valuable information to cli-
matologists and volcanologists. Previous attempts to estimate volcanic cloud heights have
due to the spectraldifferencesbetween volcanic and water/ice
been difficult cloud signatures.
Also the temperature of a volcanic cloud is not an indication of its height as they can exist
well into the stratosphere.
The different signature in the ATSR infrared channels is being used to assess the amount and
distribution of volcanic aerosol from the Pinatubo eruption which occurred just one month
before launch.
Cloud physics
Cloud heights. The stereoscopic view can be used to assess cloud heights.
Cloud optical depths. The extra information supplied by the different channels of the ATSR
(six channels - three wavelengths at two angles) can be used to estimate the infrared optical
depth of high clouds. This information is valuable to climatologists, and cannot be provided
with any degree of confidence from existing satellite instruments.
Cloud height winds Pattern recognition in the two ATSR views can be used to assess the
cross-t rack winds at cloud height.
The six infrared channels have a different response to water vapor in the lower atmosphere.
The use of these channels to determine water vapor profiles is under investigation. A knowl-
edge of the water vapor vertical distribution will allow an improved determination of SST as
well as providing vital measurements for climate research. Current vertical profilers (TOVS
on the NOAA satellites and VAS on the GOES satellites) have an extremely poor height
resolution in the lower atmosphere.
The ATSR series of instruments will provide a valuable global data set of accurate SST
over a twelve year period. The first instrument is nearing the end of its life, the second
has just been launched and the third is under construction. The instrument has been most
successful - mainly due to the philosophy of defining an instrument for a single specific
purpose. However, the data are also finding many uses in a wide range of applications.
Future studies of climate and climate change will undoubtedly use much of the information
being supplied by the ATSR series of instruments.
The ATSR data are used by courtesy of the European Space Agency. The Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory (RAL) of the U.K. Science and Engineering Research Council processed
and provided the ATSR data products.
Delderfield, J. et al., 1985, The along track scanning radiometer (ATSR) for ERS- 1, Pmt.
lnt. Sm. Opt. Eng., 589, 114-120.
Data Processing
Eymard, L., 1994, The ERS-1 microwave radiometer, lnt. J. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 845-857.
Harrison, D. L., and C. P. Jones, 1993, A user appraisal of ATSR near-real-time prod-
ucts, F+-oc. Ist ERS-I Symp., Eur. Space Agency Spec. Publ., ESA SP-359(2), 791-795.
Zavody et al., 1994, The ATSR data processing scheme developed for the EODC, lnt. J.
Remote Sensing, 15(4), 827-843.
Bailey, P., 1994, SADIST Products (Version 600), Space Science Department, Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory, U. K.
OBrien, D. M., and A. J. Prata, 1990, Navigation of ERS-1 along track scanning radiometer
(ATSR) images,, ESA Jornal, 14, 447-465.
Prata, A. J. et al., The along track scanning radiometer for ERS-1 scan geometry and
data simulation, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sensing, 28(l), 3-13.
Barton. I. J. et al., 1995, Validation of the ATSR in Australian waters, J. Atmos. Oceanic.
Technol., 12, 290-300.
Barton, I.J. and A.J. Prata, 1994, Satellite-derived sea surface temperature data sets for
climate applications, In Press, Adv. Space Res..
Barton, I. J. et al., 1994, Intercomparison of AVHRR and ATSR data and data products,
l+oc. 2nd ERS-I Symp., ESA SP-361, 1099-1102..
Barton, I. J. et ai., 1993, The along track scanning radiometer an analysis of coinci-
dent ship and satellite measurements, Adv. Space Res., 13(5), 69-74,
Edwards, T. E. et al., 1990, The along track scanning radiometer measurement of sea
surface temperature from ERS- 1, JBL5, 43, 160-180.
Forrester, T. N., et al., 1993, Validation of ATSR sea surface temperatures near the Faroes,
Proc. Ist EM-I Symp., Eur. Space Agency Spec. Publ., ESA SP-359(2), 807-811.
Gohil, B. S. et al., 1994, An algorithm for sea surface temperature estimation from ERS-1
ATSR using moisture dependent coefficients: A simulation study, ~nt. J. Remote Sensing,
15(5), 1161-1167.
Llewellyn-Jones, D.T. et al., 1993, SST measurements from ATSR on ESAS ERS-1 satellite
- Early results, Proc. IGARSS Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, August 1993, pp155-156.
Mutlow, C. T. et al., 1994, Sea surface temperature measurements by the along-track scan-
ning radiometer on the ERS1 satellite: Early results, J. Geophys. Res., 99(C1 1), 22,575-
Smith, A. F. et aL, 1994, The validation of ATSR using aircraft radiometer data, J. At-
mos. Oceanic. Technol., 11, 789-800.
Thomas, J. P. et al., 1993, A comparison of ATSR and shipboard SST measurements along
transects between the UK and the Antarctic, Proc. Ist -ERS-I Symp., Eur. space Agency
Spec. Publ., ESA SP-359(2), 801-805.
Yu, Y., and I. J. Barton, 1994, A non-regression-coefficients method of sea surface tem-
perature retrieval from space, lni. J. Rem. Sensing, 15, 1189-1206.
Other applications
Barton, I. J. et aj., Water vapour retrievals using combined ATSR infrared and microwave
data, Proc. .2nd ERS-1 Symp, ESA SP-361, 819-824.
Bamber, J. L., and A. R. Harris, 1994, The atmospheric correction for satellite infrared
radiometer data in polar regions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 21(19), 21112114.
Francois, C., and C. Ottle, 1994, Estimation of the angular variation of the sea surface
emissivity with the ATSR/ERS-l data, Rem. Sensing. Environ., , .
Harris, A. R. et al., 1994, The effect of windspeed on sea surface temperature retrieval
from space, Geophys. Res. Lett., 21(16), 1715-1718.
Prata, A. J., and I. J. Barton, 1993, A multichannel, multiangle method for the deter-
mination of infrared optical depth of semitransparent high cloud from an orbiting satellite.
Part I: Formulation and simulation, J. Appl. Meteorol., 32(l), 1623-1637.
Prata, A. J., and P. J. Turner, 1995, Cloud top height determination using ATSR data,
Rem. Sens. Environ., Submitted.
Prata, A. J. 1994. Land surface temperatures derived from AVHRR and ATSR. II: Experi-
mental results and validation of AVHRR algorithms, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 13,02513,058.
Prata, A. J., 1993, Land surface temperatures derived from the AVHRR and ATSR I: The-
ory, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 16,68916,702.
Zavody, A.M. et al., 1994, Quantitative remote sensing in the 1lpm wavelength region using
ATSR, Proc. Second ERS-1 Symp., ESA SP-361, 829-833.