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I.Nageswara Rao,B.Tech.,MBA Dr.C.S.G.Krishnamacharyulu,B.E.,MBA.h.D

Research Scholar, ro!essor,
De"#. o! Business Managemen# De"#. o! Business Managemen#
Tiru"a#i $ %&'%()*A.+ Tiru"a#i $%&'%()*A.+
,os"i#al is #he organi-a#ion #ha# .reams u" an i.ea o! ser/ice o!!ering *#rea#men#+, which will
sa#is!y #he cus#omer0s *"a#ien#0s+ e1"ec#a#ions *o! ge##ing cure.+. The ser/ice is a com2ina#ion o!
#angi2le an. in#angi2le as"ec# wi#h #he in#angi2le as"ec# .omina#ing #he #angi2le as"ec#. A
hos"i#al o!!ers an in#angi2le ser/ice calle. heal#h care, charac#eri-e. 2y inse"ara2ili#y,
in#angi2ili#y, /aria2ili#y, "erisha2ili#y, an. simul#anei#y.
The range o! ser/ices a hos"i#al o!!ers #he !ollowing.
o Causality Services 3I# a )4hrs causali#y .e"ar#men#, which a##en.s #o #he
acci.en# or emergency case.
o Emergency Services-Emergency ser/ices an. care are a "ar# o! hos"i#al. The hos"i#als
main#ain am2ulances3#he IC56s on wheels, su"er/ision 2y me.ical an. ara3me.ical
s#a!!. In some case #here is hi3#ech #elecommunica#ion a/aila2ili#y #o a "a#ien# in an
emergency a# any gi/en #ime.
o Diagnostic Services,os"i#als re7uire .iagnos#ic !acili#ies !or i.en#i!ying .iseases. As
such mos# o! #he hos"i#als are e7ui""e. wi#h such !acili#ies. 8or some so"his#ica#e. ones,
cases may re!er #o .iagnos#ic cen#res.
o Pharmacy Services-Mos# hos"i#als also ha/e a "harmacy which is o"en )4hrs. I# ca#ers #o
#he nee.s no# only o! #he in"a#ien#s 2u# also #he "a#ien#s !rom o#her hos"i#als #ha# re7uire
emergency .rugs.
o Consultancy and treatment services ,os"i#als "ro/i.e consul#a#ion !acili#y #o "a#ien#s
an. #rea#men# !acili#y !or #hose who re7uire such ser/ices. Thus #here will 2e ou#3"a#ien#
an. in3"a#ien# ca#egories o! ser/ices.
The heal#h care com"rises hos"i#als, me.ical in!ras#ruc#ure, me.ical .e/ices,
clinical #rials, ou#sourcing, #eleme.icine, heal#h insurance an. me.ical e7ui"men#.
The In.ian hos"i#al ser/ices sec#or genera#e. re/enue o! o/er 5S9 4% 2illion in )(&). This
re/enue is e1"ec#e. #o increase a# a com"oun. annual grow#h ra#e *CAGR+ o! )( "er cen#
.uring )(&)3)(&', #o a RNC:S re"or# #i#le., 6In.ian Me.ical De/ice Mar;e#
:u#loo; #o )(&'.
In.ia is su2s#an#ially un.er3in/es#e. in heal#hcare wi#h &'< o! #he worl.=s "o"ula#ion, 2u#
only >< o! #he 2e.s. Meager "u2lic heal#hcare s" in In.ia "resen#s a 2ig in/es#men#
o""or#uni#y !or "ri/a#e "layers. The grow#h in now !ocuse. on !as# e1"ansion in#o #ier II ?
III ci#ies in #he coun#ry. The grow#h .ri/ers are@
The ser/ices sec#or *which accoun#s !or %% "er cen# o! GD+ will grow as economy
is "oise. !or s#a2le grow#h o! o/er %<. Sachs es#ima#es #ha# #he In.ian
economy is li;ely #o grow a# !i/e "er cen# annually !or #he ne1# 4% years.
The #o#al e1"en.i#ure on heal#h "er ca"i#a in In.ia has increase. !rom 9&A in )((( #o
9B> *a# a/erage e1change ra#es+ in )((%. This incremen#al s" "er ca"i#a was
largely accoun#e. !or 2y "ri/a#e s" ra#her #han "u2lic *go/ernmen#+ s"
*"er ca"i#a s" 2y go/ernmen# increase. !rom 9 4 #o 9 ' .uring #he same
I# is "re.ic#e. #ha# me.ical #ourism will grow in#o a ) 2illion 5S9 *.ollar+ 2usiness
2y )(&4. a#ien#s are coming !rom neigh2oring coun#ries *Sri Can;a, Ne"al,
Bangla.esh, A!ghanis#an an. a;is#an+, as well !rom coun#ries li;e 5K, #he 5S an.
#he Mi..le Eas#.
Since #he &A'(s, #here has 2een a s#ea.y grow#h in #he cor"ora#e hos"i#als #o ma;e In.ia
!a/ore. .es#ina#ion !or heal#h care. The "ush !ac#ors an. "ull !ac#ors !or #he grow#h o!
"ri/a#e hos"i#als es"ecially cor"ora#e hos"i#als are gi/en *E1"ress ,eal#h Care, )((D+.
Table 1- Fac!"# i$%l&e$ci$' "i#e !% c!"(!"ae )!#(ial#
T*(e Fac!"#
ush !ac#ors $
Cimi#a#ions #o "u2lic
In!luence o! Bri#ish, *!ree ai.+ Ina.e7ua#e "u2lic heal#h
in!ras#ruc#ure, an. go/ernmen# resource crunch.
ull !ac#ors $ Su""or# 2y go/ernmen#, Rising mi..le class, Rising grey
re!erence #o "ri/a#e
"o"ula#ion, re!erence #o "ai. an. 2e##er ser/ices, New
.iseases, Encouraging, ri/a#e en#re"reneurshi",
8oreign .irec# in/es#men#, Insurance su""or# an. ne#wor;
hos"i#als an. Me.ici#ies.
5n#il #he &AD(s, mos# o! #he hos"i#als in In.ia were ei#her run 2y #he go/ernmen# or 2y "ri/a#e
chari#ies an. #rus#s. The conce"# o! cor"ora#e hos"i#als has come in#o e1is#ence wi#h #he a./en#
o! A"ollo ,os"i#als En#er"rise Cimi#e. as a "u2lic com"any in #he year &A'A.
The 6cor"ora#i-a#ion= o! hos"i#als gaine. momen#um only .uring early &AA(=s wi#h #he
li2erali-a#ion o! #he In.ian economy. The grow#h o! cor"ora#e hos"i#als is encourage. 2y se/eral
F!"ei'$ Di"ec I$+e#,e$ 3The li2erali-a#ion o! !oreign in/es#men# "olicy in Eanuary
)(((, allowing 8oreign Direc# In/es#men# *8DI+ #hrough au#oma#ic rou#e in hos"i#als in
In.ia an. mo2ili-a#ion o! ca"i#al #hrough o#her !orms li;e American De"osi#ory Recei"#s
*ADRs+ an. Glo2al De"osi#ory Recei"#s *GDRs+, u" #o 4A "er cen#, ha/e s#imula#e. #he
es#a2lishmen# o! cor"ora#e hos"i#als. Some o! #he e1am"les o! #he hos"i#als es#a2lishe.
#hrough #he 8DI rou#e inclu.e A"ollo Gleneagles, Colum2ia Asia an. Ma1 ,eal#hcare.
I$#&"a$ce #&((!" ! )eal) ca"e - :"ening u" o! #he insurance mar;e# !or "ri/a#e "layers
in )((( was a maFor ini#ia#i/e 2y #he Go/ernmen# #ha# will !ur#her .ri/e #he grow#h o!
cor"ora#e hos"i#als in #he long run. Ca#er in )((), #he Insurance Regula#ory De/elo"men#
Au#hori#y *IRDA+ allowe. Thir.3ar#y A.minis#ra#ors, which ma.e me.ical insurance more
a##rac#i/e wi#h cashless hos"i#ali-a#ion. De3#ari!!ing o! general insurance in )((' #ha#
allowe. crea#ion o! cus#omi-e. me.ical insurance "ro.uc#s !ur#her accelera#e. #he grow#h
an. enhance. #he acce"#ance o! me.ical insurance in In.ia.
Ne-!". H!#(ial# a$/ Me/iciie# 3 This .eca.e *)((& 3 )(&&+ is sla#e. !or increase
ac#i/i#y in #he =cor"ora#i-a#ion= o! hos"i#als in In.ia. Cor"ora#e hos"i#als are !ocusing on a
"an3In.ia 2asis #o ha/e economies o! scale in #heir o"era#ions. Mos# o! #he cor"ora#e
hos"i#als ha/e !ocuse. on #he hu2 an. s"o;e mo.el o! ne#wor;ing .Curren#ly, #he A"ollo
hos"i#als ne#wor; a2ou# )> hos"i#als while 8or#is ,eal#hcare runs &B hos"i#als an.
&> sa#elli#e cen#res. Goc;har.# has &) hos"i#als.
There is an emerging conce"# o! me.ical ci#ies an. =hos"o#el.= Ghile me.ici#ies are mainly
!ocuse. on #he o""or#uni#y #hrown3u" 2y me.ical /alue #ra/el 2y a##em"#ing #o "ro/i.e all
#he "ossi2le heal#hcare ser/ices a# a single loca#ion, hos"o#els inclu.e ho#els wi#hin #he
hos"i#al cam"uses.
Des"i#e #he gallo"ing "ace o! #he heal#hcare sec#or, #here remain many o2s#acles in i#s "a#h
#owar.s grea#er grow#h. Some o! #he challenges 2eing !ace. 2y cor"ora#e hos"i#als inclu.e
#he !ollowing.*Aanshu Sarma,)(&(+
S)!"a'e !% ("!%e##i!$al#3lanning commission re"or# *)((D+ sugges#s #ha# In.ia is shor# o!
si1 la;h .oc#ors, &( la;h nurses an. #wo la;h .en#al surgeons.
P"!ble,# !% /ia'$!#ic ce$e"#3 Cac; o! s;ille. an. #echnical #alen#s, limi#e. regula#ory
re7uiremen#s, ine!!ec#i/eH non3com"liance o! a/aila2le accre.i#a#ions an. 7uali#y,
a2sence o! any regula#ory 2o.y an. #he !ac# #ha# general "hysicians s#ill ha/e #he larges#
.ecision ma;ing "ower are #he ;ey challenges !ace. 2y #he .iagnos#ics in In.ia,
*E, News Bureau, )(&(+.
L!- (e$e"ai!$ !% i$#&"a$ce -In In.ia, a""ro1. >(< o! #he #o#al heal#h e1"en.i#ure comes
!rom sel! 3"ai. ca#egory as agains# go/ernmen#0s con#ri2u#ion o! )%3B( <.. Curren#ly, in
In.ia only ) million "eo"le *(.) < o! #o#al "o"ula#ion o! & 2illion+, are co/ere. Me.
claim, whereas in .e/elo"e. na#ions li;e 5SA a2ou# '% < o! #he #o#al "o"ula#ion are
co/ere. some insurance scheme.
E#calai$' C!##-The acu#e nee. #o co"e wi#h #he a./ance in #he me.ical #echnology,
in#egra#e. hos"i#al managemen# sys#em, so"his#ica#e. la2ora#ory #es#s an. e7ui"men# an.
im"lemen#ing na#ional, has le. #o an increase in #he o/erall hos"i#al e1"enses.
Hi')-C&#!,e" E0(ecai!$#- Gi#h increase. awareness an. #he emergence o!
consumerism, "a#ien#s ha/e 2ecome highly an. #a;e an im"or#an# role in #he
me.ical .ecision ma;ing "rocess. The me.ia is rea.y #o "u2lici-e un!or#una#e inci.en#s an.
.amage #he re"u#a#ion o! hos"i#als.
,eal#hcare has en#ere. a #igh#ene. mar;e# economy. 8or #hese reasons, #he mar;e#ing o!
heal#hcare ser/ices has 2ecome essen#ial !or #he !inancial sur/i/al o! "hysicians an.
heal#hcare organi-a#ions. ,eal#hcare Mar;e#ing=, a #wo3.ay con!erence an. wor;sho", hel.
!rom Eune %#h an. >#h )(&(, Bangaluru highligh#e. #he mar;e#ing nee.s o! heal#h care
DrDha/al Bha## 3 Manager A.minis#ra#ion, Breach Can.y ,os"i#al says, I,os"i#almar;e#ing
encom"asses all as"ec#s 2ran. Gi#hin a hos"i#al #oo, #here are cer#ain
.e"ar#men#s li;e in "a#ien# care, emergency ser/ices, cri#ical care ser/ices e#c., where 2ran.
"erce"#ion *hos"i#al or .oc#or+ " sales a""roach o! mar;e#ing.
Dr G Rao2 E1ecu#i/e Direc#or, Jasho.a Grou" o! ,os"i#als, ,y.era2a., o2ser/e.@
IThe mar;e#ing .e"ar#men# se#s #he #one o! #he hos"i#al where #he 2ran. is crea#e., car/e.,
!ashione. an. communica#e..K
Dr Bha## sai. Ia#ien# cen#ric an. "a#ien# ! ac#i/i#ies, /isi2ili#y im"ro/emen# an.
2ran. recall ini#ia#i/es, an. .eli/ering ser/ices as "romise. .uring mar;e#ing cam"aign
s#reng#hens #he mar;e#ing "lan. 8ur#her, i# is e1#remely im"or#an# #o "re"are a mar;e#ing
"lan 2ase. on s#ra#egic goals an. o2Fec#i/e o! #he hos"i#al.
Mass Communica#ion@ a./er#ising in news"a"ers, 2rochures, inser#s,
mul#ime.ia e#c.
ersonali-e. Communica#ion@ Bul; SMS, emails, loyal#y "rogramme e#c.
u2lic Rela#ion Ac#i/i#ies@ Communi#y .e/elo"men# ini#ia#i/es,,
achie/emen# e#c.
Bran. Ac#i/i#ies@ Bran. recall ac#i/i#ies, 2ran. "erce"#ion
im"ro/emen# ac#i/i#ies e#c.
Incen#i/e 2ase. Sales@ Direc# #o consumer a""roach, s"ecial "ac;aging H
ra#es e#c.
Social ne#wor; or .igi#al me.ia
The cor"ora#e hos"i#als con#ri2u#e a2ou# '< o! 2e. ca"aci#y. The increase. inci.ence o!
chronic li!es#yle .iseases an. 7uali#y o! care in "u2lic hos"i#als has !orce. e/en
#he lower mi..le class "a#ien#s #o s"en. 2eyon. #heir means. In #he las# !ew yearsL #he shi!#
o! #he clien#ele #o cor"ora#e hos"i#als has 2een o/erwhelming. The emergence o! cor"ora#e
hos"i#als as !a/ore. cen#ers o! heal#h care !or !oreigners is ano#her "osi#i/e .e/elo"men#. All
#hese .e/elo"men#s are "osing challenges #o #he cor"ora#e hos"i#als #o main#ain high in .eli/ery o! ser/ices #o im"ro/e an. re#ain image. They re7uire o"era#ional
e1cellence an. mar;e#ing e!!ec#i/eness, #o a##rac# "a#ien#s, an. sa#is!y #hem.
A# #he #wo .ay con!erence s"ea;ers ha/e highligh#e. #he nee. !or mar;e#ing *E, News
Bureau *)(&(+.
S.rem Kumar, CE:, A"ollo ,os"i#als, sai.. IGe are a2le #o a##rac# "a#ien#s a# #he A"ollo
clinics as well as in #he hos"i#als. Muali#y is #he ;ey #o a##rac# "a#ien#sN.
DrDharmen.ra Nagar2 Managing Direc#or, aras ,os"i#als, Gurgaon cau#ione.@
The role o! mar;e#ing .e"ar#men# is no# res#ric#e. #o crea#ing awareness !or e1#ernal
cus#omers only. Their Fo2 is #o .issemina#e in!orma#ion a2ou# ser/ices in#ernally #o i#s
e1is#ing cus#omers an. also 2e ini#ia#e a !ee.2ac; mechanism !or #he managemen# a2ou#
"erce"#ion o! #he le/el o! ser/ices 2eing "ro/i.e. as well any ga" wi#hin #he ser/ices which
#he o"era#ional #eam uses #o 2e on con#inuous im"ro/emen# an. sel! 3assessmen# "a#h.
The "resen# s#u.y !ocuses on #he i.en#i!ica#ion o! mar;e#ing ac#i/i#ies;en 2y
cor"ora#e hos"i#als an. !in. how !ar #heir "a#ien#s are sa#is!ie. wi#h #he ser/ices.
The sur/ey o! li#era#ure, wi#h re!erence #o heal#h care mar;e#ing "ro/ #he !ollowing
&. Ma".ei$' !"ie$ai!$ "ele+a$
Researchers em"hasi-e. #he nee. !or a""lica#ion o! mar;e#ing a""roach 2y hos"i#als an. "u2lic
ser/ice organi-a#ions *Ko#ler an. Ce/y, &A>A, Oal#man an. Per#ins;y &A'&+. The !ailure #o;e ac#i/i#ies in res"onse #o #arge# "o"ula#ion an. mal"rac#ices #ha# le. #o nega#i/e image
*Simon,&A'D+ on one si.e an. #o enhance e!!iciencies an. "er!ormance.*e#yaTren.a!ilo/a,
)((A+ on #he o#her are reasons s#a#e. !or such a./ice. .
). O"'a$i4i$' %!" ,a".ei$'
Mar;e#ing !unc#ion is .e"en.en# on #he num2er o! 2e.s an. is in.e"en.en# o! #he occu"ancy ra#e
*Mc.De/i## &AD'L Calhoun,>++. In case o! small hos"i#als *Q%( 2e.s+ a chie! e1ecu#i/e
o!!icer is in3charge o! .aily mar;e#ing ac#i/i#ies *Clar;e an. Neiman,&ADD+, u2lic rela#ions an.
"lanning !unc#ions are maFor "ar# o! #he mar;e#ing !unc#ion.*Ko#ler an. Clar;e ,&AD'+.
B. F&$ci!$# !% ,a".ei$'
A$al*#i# 3 Mar;e#ing s#ar#s wi#h in#ernalHe1#ernal assessmen# !or .e#ermining
ac#ions5.,illes#a. &AD&, an. .Cie.;a ,&AA)+.
Se',e$ai!$ is sugges#e. 5S#an#on, an. Daley, &AD)+. I# is !oun. #ha# *i+ ,eal#h care
segmen#s can e1is# e/en in rural areas which are rela#i/ely homogenous !rom a .emogra"hic
s#an."oin# an. *ii+ use!ul !or ser/ice mi1 .esign an. o!!er *8ram2ach, Inge, an. ArFan &AA'+.
Se"+ice# "a$'e increase., o/er #he years, wi#h s"eciali-a#ion an. lower cos#s * 8arley an.
,ogan &AA(+ an. "ro.uc# line managemen# 2ecame im"or#an# *Burger, an. Malho#ra, &AA&+.
The role o! #echnology an. inno/a#ion is a""recia#e. Ki""s an. Mi..le#on, &AA(+
P"ice .e#ermina#ion is in!luence. 2y charac#eris#ics o! organi-a#ions an. "a#ien#s *Ga#ers an.
,ussey, )((4+. Reasons !or "a#roni-ing a hos"i#al inclu.e #he !ollowing3 *i+ con/enience in
searching #he ser/ice "ro/ *ii+ ease o! ge##ing rela#e. ser/ices a# #he same "lace *iii+ .iscoun#s
#o age grou"s an. *i/+ A##i#u.e o! me.ical s#a!! an. o#hers *Moschis, LBellengerL an. 8ol;man ,
6&ali* is #he main !ocus !or heal#h care uni#s !or goo. "ro!i# "er!ormance *RaFu an. Conial,
)(()+. hysicians0 "erce"#ions *S#e"hanie an. Delene, &AAB+ as well as "a#ien#s0 "erce"#ions
*Oei#hamle#. al, &AA(+ o! 7uali#y were consi.ere. im"or#an#. erce"#ions o! "hysicians an.
"a#ien#s .i!!er in mos# cases * Me.ico 8rien. Circle ,&AABL Brown an. Swar#- ,&ADA an. Sis; &AA(+.
P"!,!i!$ has .ominan# role on hos"i#al mar;e#ing *Ro22insL .Kane@ an.Sulli/an *&AAD+
In#egra#e. communica#ion conce"# gaine. currency in hos"i#al mar;e#ing *Caren Cha/e-3BorFa,
)(()+. Consumers wan#7uali#y in!orma#ion a2ou# hos"i#al ser/ices, me.ical "rograms, an. #he
;in.s o! .oc#ors a/aila2le.*Bell an. Pis#as &AA)L Tuc;er,Oarem2a an. :gil/ie, &AA)+.
Im"or#ance o! hos"i#ali#y in hos"i#als *Den/er )((D+ an. me.ical #ourism are highligh#e.
2y researchers * an., &AD'+. In#erne# an. rela#e. #echnologies change
cus#omer e1"erience *McKesson, )(((, Er.em an. ,arrison3Gal;er, )((>+. ,owe/er,
main#aining we2si#e *Gi.nier, an. Da/i., &AAA+ is a challenge.
Paie$ #ai#%aci!$ a$/ ("!%iabili* are im"or#an# ou#comes. Sa#is!ac#ion is in!luence. 2y
a !acili#y0s en/ironmen#al aes#he#ics, or #he array o! ser/ices, an. "hysician0s com!or#ing
manner an. no# on #he #echnical as"ec# o! #he 7uali#y o! care 5TaylorL Cronin Er. an. Eose"h,
&AA4,, &AA%, Tomes an. Ng, &AA%, an. Carman, )(((+.
a#ien#s gi/e /alue #o care "ro/i.e. 2y "hysician an. nurses no# cos#s *Gan3I Cee,,
)(('+. In#ernal mar;e#ing is ;ey !or cus#omer sa#is!ac#ion *Newman e# al.0 )((& L :## an. /an
DiF; )((%+.,os"i#al mar;e#ing orien#a#ion lea.s #o goo. hos"i#al "er!ormance *Nai.u an.
illari,&AA)L Re..y an. Cam"2ell ,&AABL Charles ,egFi )((>L Calhoun,,)((>+ es"ecially
!or small hos"i#als *RaFuL ,)(((+.
,os"i#als can succee. in crea#ing "osi#i/e 2ran. e7ui#y an. image i! #hey can manage
rela#ionshi"s wi#h #heir cus#omers well * Kyung,oon Kim, ,)((' an. Chao3Chan Gu
I$/ia$ #&/ie#
In.ian s#u.ies ha/e corro2ora#e. #he rele/ance o! mar;e#ing an. a./oca#e. increasing
com"e#i#i/e .i!!eren#ia#ion *Goel, &AA4 an. Murali.haran, &AAA , ,)((&,+. Im"or#ance
o! 7uali#y an. !ee.2ac; are highligh#e. 2y Eawahar *)(('+ an. Su.hahar an. Sel/am.* )((D+.
Pen;a#esh. *)((D+ e1amine. how heal#hcare has 2een re/olu#ioni-e. 2y #echnology.
C!$cl&#i!$# The re/iew lea.s #o #he !ollowing conclusions
,os"i#al shoul. ha/e mar;e#ing orien#a#ion #o succee..
To#al 7uali#y managemen# !or im"ro/ing an. .eli/ering 7uali#y ser/ices is im"or#an#.
a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion an. !ee.2ac; shoul. 2e maFor concerns. E7ually im"or#an# is
em"loyee sa#is!ac#ion an. !ee.2ac;.
The 2ene!i#s li;e 2ran. e7ui#y an. "ro!i#a2ili#y can 2e measure..
8rom #he a2o/e e1"osi#ion, i# is clear #ha# #here are a !ew s#u.ies on mar;e#ing o! cor"ora#e
hos"i#al ser/ices. *GiriFa an. Tha.amalla )((D+, an. Pasan#ha Kumar, )(&&+. They highligh#e.
#he s#e"s #o 2e #a;en 2y #he hos"i#als #o s#ay com"e#i#i/e. ,owe/er, such s#u.ies are essen#ial !or
.i!!eren# hos"i#als, an. also !rom #ime #o #ime !or #wo reasonsL *i+ hos"i#als .i!!er in ser/ices an.
"hiloso"hy an. *ii+ #he en/ironmen# is .ynamic. The "resen# s#u.y is an a##em"# #o a.. u".a#e.
in!orma#ion on mar;e#ing "rac#ice an. "a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion #o #he li#era#ure on hos"i#als mar;e#ing
The s#u.y is;en wi#h #he !ollowing o2Fec#i/es@
To i.en#i!y #he mar;e#ing ac#i/i#ies o! selec# cor"ora#e hos"i#als
To measure #he "a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion wi#h #he ser/ices o! selec# cor"ora#e hos"i#als
To sugges# measures #o im"ro/e #he mar;e#ing "rac#ices o! selec# cor"ora#e hos"i#als.
The !ollowing hy"o#heses are !rame. !or "ursuing #he in7uiry.
In#egra#e. communica#ion conce"# gaine. currency in hos"i#al mar;e#ing *Caren Cha/e-3BorFa,
)(()+. Consumers wan# 7uali#y in!orma#ion *Bell an. Charles, &AA)L Tuc;er, R &AA)+.
5se o! we2si#e has enhance. communica#ion o""or#uni#ies. *She"here. an. 8ell, &AAD
McKesson, )(((+.
In /iew o! #he a2o/e, #he !ollowing hy"o#hesis is "ro"ose..
H-19 C!"(!"ae )!#(ial# a/!( i$e'"ae/ c!,,&$icai!$ a(("!ac) %!" ("!,!i!$ !%
a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion is in!luence. 2y a !acili#y0s en/ironmen#al aes#he#ics, or #he array o! ser/ices,
an. "hysician0s com!or#ing manner an. no# on #he #echnical as"ec# o! #he 7uali#y o! care
5Taylor, &AA4,, &AA%, Tomes an. Ng &AA%, an. Carman, )(((+.
Base. on #he a2o/e !in.ings, #he !ollowing hy"o#hesis is !rame..
H-:9 Paie$ #ai#%aci!$ i# i$%l&e$ce/ b* a +a"ie* !% #e"+ice#1
To i.en#i!y #he segmen# o! "a#ien#s no# sa#is!ie., analysis is .one across, e.uca#ion an.
income. ,ence #he !ollowing hy"o#hesis is !rame..
H-;9 Paie$ #ai#%aci!$ i# i$/e(e$/e$ !% 'e$/e"2 e/&cai!$ a$/ i$c!,e i$ #elec )!#(ial#
As #he s#u.y is;en in #wo cor"ora#e hos"i#als, a com"arison will 2e use!ul #o
.eri/e meaning!ul conclusions
The !our#h hy"o#hesis aime. a# such com"arison
H-< Paie$ #ai#%aci!$ i# #a,e %!" A(!ll! a$/ Ya#)!/a )!#(ial#
The s#u.y has a.o"#e. #he !ollowing me#ho.s an. a""roaches.
C)!ice !% )!#(ial#
Two hos"i#als are chosen !or s#u.y. They are Jaso.a an. A"ollo hos"i#als which are
rela#i/ely ol. an. large.
S.No ,os"i#al Jear o!
Be.s De"ar#m
S#a!! S#a!!3"a#ien# ra#io
Doc#ors Nurses Non
& A"ollo &ADD &((( %( &((( >%(( &.B &.&
) Jasho.a &ADA &)(( >) >(( &&(( &.B &.&
Daa #!&"ce#@ The .a#a !or #he s#u.y is 2o#h "rimary an. secon.ary. The secon.ary .a#a
#he annual re"or#s, 2rochures, a./er#isemen#s an. me.ia in!orma#ion *"rin#, TP an. we2si#es+.
The "rimary .a#a is o2#aine. !rom #he "a#ien#s. A sur/ey o! o"inions o! "a#ien#s is organi-e. #o
un.ers#an. mar;e#ing e!!ec#i/eness.
Daa c!lleci!$ $ Da#a are collec#e. !rom #he "a#ien#s wi#h #he hel" o! a s#ruc#ure. 7ues#ionnaire
an. in#er/iews.
The 7ues#ionnaire com"onen#s are chosen 2ase. on #he earlier 7ues#ionnaires *Denise 8orna-ari,
an. New#on Kara3Eose e#. al, )((>L Noor ,a-ilahA2.Mana! an. hangSiewNooi, )((%+.
Mos# o! #he 7ues#ions are close. en. wi#h JesHNo o"#ion or mul#i"le answers. There are as many
as &4 7ues#ions re7uiring res"onse on a % "oin# scale o! sa#is!ac#ion
Scale@ %3 Com"le#ely Sa#is!ac#ory 4 $ Somewha# sa#is!ac#ory B3 Neu#ral )3 Somewha#
.issa#is!ac#ory &3 Com"le#ely .issa#is!ac#ory
There are #wo 7ues#ions which re7uire res"onse on a % "oin# scale o! agreemen#.
Scale3 % $S#rongly agree 43 Agree B $ Neu#ral ) $ Disagree &3S#rongly .isagree
The "a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion sur/ey re7uire. sam"le o! "a#ien#s in #he #wo hos"i#als. The sam"le
ma.e use o! in3"a#ien#s, who are going #o 2e shor#ly .ischarge. !or #hree reasons $ *i+ #hey will
ha/e e1"erience wi#h /arious ser/ices. *ii+ Also #hey are a/aila2le !or con#ac# .uring leisure
#imes an. *iii+ #hey can 2e con#ac#e. o/er "hone #o "ro/i.e "os# $.ischarge /iews on hos"i#al in a
!ree en/ironmen#. The sur/ey was "lanne. !or one mon#h .uring May $Eune, )(&B. During #ha#
"erio. #he in3"a#ien#s are con#ac#e. an. "a#ien#s who e1"resse. willingness #o #a;e "ar# in #he
s#u.y were gi/en 7ues#ionnaires. The 7ues#ionnaire was collec#e. a!#er ) or B .ays, lea/ing
enough #ime #o "ro/i.e answers in a rela1e. manner.
Gi/en cos# an. #ime consi.era#ions, i# is .eci.e. #o secure a sam"le o! &(( "a#ien#s in each
hos"i#al. A2ou# &)( 7ues#ionnaires are .is#ri2u#e. in each hos"i#al .uring #he !iel. s#u.y "erio..
The usa2le 7ues#ionnaire !or analysis is as gi/en
,os"i#al A"ollo Jasho.a
Num2er o! "a#ien#s &(( &((
Daa a$al*#i#
Da#a !rom #he !ille. in 7ues#ionnaires is #a2ula#e. an. analy-e. wi#h #he hel" o! "ercen#ages,
mean an. .e/ia#ions. Mul#i"le regressions are ma.e #o ascer#ain #he rela#ionshi"
2e#ween sa#is!ac#ion an. .i!!eren# ser/ices. 8or #es#ing hy"o#heses on mean .i!!erences in "a#ien#
sa#is!ac#ion across selec# .emogra"hics an. hos"i#al, #3#es#s !or large sam"les are .one.
Some o! #he limi#a#ions o! #he s#u.y are, #hose associa#e. wi#h .a#a collec#ion.
The !in.ings are a""lica2le #o in $"a#ien#s only. They .o no# "er#ain #o ou#3"a#ien#s.
The !in.ings are 2ase. on e7ual weigh#age o! all ser/ices. In !ac#, some ser/ices li;e
rece"#ion are rela#i/ely less im"or#an# #han .oc#or an. nursing ser/ices.
The res"onses are su2Fec#i/e. The res"onses rela#e #he /iew hel. on #he .ay o! res"onse.
Any un!a/ora2le e/en# la#er may al#er #he /iew. Such /aria#ions are e1"ec#e. #o 2e
a/erage., an. re.uce. 2y large sam"le.
S&,,a"* !% Fi$/i$'#9
I# is e/i.en# #ha# #he cor"ora#e hos"i#als a.o"# in#egra#e. communica#ion a""roach !or
"romo#ion o! ser/ices. Mos# o! #he res"on.en#s search !or #he in!orma#ion #he
7uali#y heal#h care, #he eminen# .oc#ors a/aila2ili#y, cos# incurre. in ge##ing cure., #he
general ser/ices a/aila2le e#c., in #he cor"ora#e hos"i#als.
a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion is in!luence. 2y a /arie#y o! ser/ices such as Rece"#ion, Emergency,
hysicians, nursing "ersonnel, Diagnos#ic, Die#ary, A.mission "rocess, General ser/ices,
Billing, ser/ices a# lea/ing #he hos"i#al e#c. a#ien#s !el# highly sa#is!ie. o/er #he
Emergency ser/ices an. #he care #a;en u" 2y #he hysicians as well as #he nursing
"ersonnel in #he selec# cor"ora#e hos"i#als.
I# is !oun. !rom #he s#u.y #ha# #he a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion is in.e"en.en# o!, e.uca#ion
an. income in selec# hos"i#als. ,igh income grou" !el# sa#is!ac#ion an. also #he mi..le
grou", where as #he lower income "eo"le ge# sa#is!ac#ion o/er #he ser/ices wi#h #he
!inancial su""or# !rom #he go/ernmen# schemes.
I# is !oun. #ha# #he a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion is similar #owar.s #he ser/ices a/aila2le a# #he #wo
selec# hos"i#als.
S&''e#i!$# a$/ C!$cl&#i!$9
8or ge##ing more sa#is!ac#ion o! #he in"a#ien#s, #he cor"ora#e hos"i#als nee. #o !ocus more
on #he !ollowing.
hysicians an. nursing s#a!! shoul. 2e more cour#eous #o #he "a#ien#s in gi/ing
A.mission #ime shoul. 2e !ur#her re.uce. #o ge# highly sa#is!ac#ion !rom #he "a#ien#s.
Though #he #ime #a;en !or #he consul#a#ion wi#h #he concerne. .oc#ors is minimum, i#
shoul. no# cause any #e.ious #o #he "a#ien#s. ,ence, i# woul. 2e 2e##er #o "ro/i.e ser/ice
2y #he concerne. "hysician as .esire. 2y #he "a#ien#. #he nursing ser/ices, #heir a##en#ion is more nee.e. in case o! "ro/
2e."an or hel"ing "a#ien#s in ge##ing #hem #o #oile#s.
The general a.minis#ra#ion shoul. concen#ra#e more on #he 2eha/ior o! #he s#a!! li;e
swee"ers, a##en.ers, as i# is !oun. in some cases #ha# #hey .eman. money !rom #he
"a#ien#s a# #he #ime o! .ischarge.
The cor"ora#e hos"i#als !ocus more on .eri/ing "a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion 2y all means o! "romo#ional
ac#i/i#ies an. in "ar#icular #he wor. o! mou#h. 8or #his "ur"ose i# is nee.e. #o "in "oin# a2ou# #he
ser/ices o!!ere. an. o/ercome #he lacunae o! #he e1"ec#a#ions an. #he ac#ual ser/ices o!!ere. #o
#he "a#ien#s. The researcher woul. conclu.e #hus #he "a#ien# sa#is!ac#ion is similar irres"ec#i/e o!
#he small or 2ig ailmen# an. #he cos#s incurre. in ge##ing cure. !rom #he cor"ora#e heal#h sec#or.

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