Cloud Computing Industry Trends

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Cloud Computing Industry Updates 2014

Brendan Lin

Silicon Valley U.S. Export Assistance Center | U.S. Department of Commerce | Submitted 07/09/2014

Summary of Findings:
Larger companies are beginning to invest more in Internet-of-Things and cloud computing
capabilities through acquisitions, development, and strategic partnerships.
Several major corporations have formed an Internet-of-Things consortium, dedicated to
promoting interoperability between IoT devices.
The United Kingdom is a fast-growing market for cloud computing, according to the Cloud
Industry Forum (CIF).
CodeSpaces, a code-hosting company, went out of business after hackers attacked its
account on the cloud.
Specific Items of Interest:
Acquisitions, Mergers, and Partnerships
SalesForce and Philips announce strategic partnership to deliver connected digital health system
Launched Philips eCareCoordinator for healthcare providers and Philips eCareCompanion
for patients. These Internet-of-Things apps allow doctors to remotely monitor patients.
Salesforce has also partnered with Microsoft and HP.
EMC Corporation purchases TwinStrata, a Massachusetts-based enterprise cloud storage company
EMC will integrate TwinStrata technologies and services in its VMAX3 Family enterprise
storage array.
VMAX3Family will be available in the third quarter of 2014.
MicroStrategy, a business intelligence company, partners with Amazon Web Service on mobile
MicroStrategy plans to sell cloud-hosted versions of its analytics and data visualization
CEO: In many cases its not just about avoiding the cost of computing resources, or even
avoiding the delay of putting in place an application architecture within an in-house
datacentre. It seems to me that if youre very serious about doing enterprise applications
today, if you have less than a hundred full time experts who have spent their entire career
doing this, you probably cant get anything close to critical mass.
Broadcom, Dell, Samsung, Intel, Atmel, Wind River, and others establish Internet-of-Things
Purpose is to promote interoperability between Internet-of-Things devices.
Cloud Computing Industry Updates 2014
Brendan Lin

Silicon Valley U.S. Export Assistance Center | U.S. Department of Commerce | Submitted 07/09/2014

Exists alongside the Qualcomm-led AllSeen Alliance, a similar consortium that includes
Adesto Technologies announces Internet-of-Things chips that can use 100 times less energy
Adesto wants to compete with flash memory, using Conductive Bridging Random Access
Memory (CBRAM), or resistive memory.
CBRAM chips can withstand hospital sterilization processes without loss of data, unlike
flash memory. This means that Internet-of-Things devices can be used in sterile hospital
environments, like surgery rooms.
San Jose-based Atmel Corporation buys wireless chip maker Newport Media for $140 million
Atmel makes microcontrollers and touch screens. It plans to leverage Newport Medias
capabilities into low-energy Wi-Fi and Bluetooth products.
Joins other companies like Intel, Qualcomm, Imagination Technologies, Spansion, Adesto in
Internet-of-Things investments.
The United Kingdom
UK cloud computing rose 15% since September 2013, according to Cloud Industry Forum (CIF)
78% of UK organizations had formally adopted at least one cloud-based service.
85% of polled organizations stated that they offered part of their systems on-site.
SoftLayer (IBM) announces new UK data center, aims for France and Germany later this year
Will complement SoftLayers existing Amsterdam location and Point of Presence London
IBM sees London as key cloud market, with 1/3
of the worlds largest companies and some
of the worlds largest financial institutions located there.
Other, a code-hosting provider, goes out of business after hackers attack its account on
Amazons Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Began with DDoS attack and ended with extortion attempt. Companys assets deleted.
CodeSpaces: Code Spaces will not be able to operate beyond this point, the cost of resolving
this issue to date and the expected cost of refunding customers who have been left without
the service they paid for will put Code Spaces in an irreversible position both financially and
in terms of ongoing credibility. As such at this point in time we have no alternative but to
cease trading and concentrate on supporting our affected customers in exporting any
remaining data they have left with us.

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