This document discusses the number of rakaats (units of prayer) that should be performed for Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan. It states that according to all schools of Islamic jurisprudence, Taraweeh consists of 20 rakaats. It describes how the prophet Muhammad and the caliph Umar unified Muslims on performing 20 rakaats of Taraweeh prayers in congregation, and this practice was approved by the Sahabah and followed by the entire Muslim community for centuries. However, recently some people have claimed that Taraweeh is only 8 rakaats, contradicting the established tradition. The document emphasizes there should be no compromise on the number being 20 rakaats, as instructed
This document discusses the number of rakaats (units of prayer) that should be performed for Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan. It states that according to all schools of Islamic jurisprudence, Taraweeh consists of 20 rakaats. It describes how the prophet Muhammad and the caliph Umar unified Muslims on performing 20 rakaats of Taraweeh prayers in congregation, and this practice was approved by the Sahabah and followed by the entire Muslim community for centuries. However, recently some people have claimed that Taraweeh is only 8 rakaats, contradicting the established tradition. The document emphasizes there should be no compromise on the number being 20 rakaats, as instructed
This document discusses the number of rakaats (units of prayer) that should be performed for Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan. It states that according to all schools of Islamic jurisprudence, Taraweeh consists of 20 rakaats. It describes how the prophet Muhammad and the caliph Umar unified Muslims on performing 20 rakaats of Taraweeh prayers in congregation, and this practice was approved by the Sahabah and followed by the entire Muslim community for centuries. However, recently some people have claimed that Taraweeh is only 8 rakaats, contradicting the established tradition. The document emphasizes there should be no compromise on the number being 20 rakaats, as instructed
This document discusses the number of rakaats (units of prayer) that should be performed for Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan. It states that according to all schools of Islamic jurisprudence, Taraweeh consists of 20 rakaats. It describes how the prophet Muhammad and the caliph Umar unified Muslims on performing 20 rakaats of Taraweeh prayers in congregation, and this practice was approved by the Sahabah and followed by the entire Muslim community for centuries. However, recently some people have claimed that Taraweeh is only 8 rakaats, contradicting the established tradition. The document emphasizes there should be no compromise on the number being 20 rakaats, as instructed 20 July 12 Taraweeh Salaah is Sunnah Muakkadah (an emphasised Sunnah). One who discards it deliberately and repeatedly becomes sinful. The unanimous ruling of all the madhaahib (schools of jurisprudence) is that Taraweeh consists of 20 Rak'aats. Congregational Taraweeh in Ramadhan was established by Rasulullah r himself. Thereafter, it was Sayyiduna 'Umar t who had unified the Ummah upon 20 rakaats of Taraweeh. His decision to unify the Taraweeh behind one Imam was met with approval and consensus of all the Sahaabah y and Tabi'een of that era, without record of any objection. For the centuries that followed thereafter, this remained the uninterrupted practice of the entire Ummah. Unfortunately, in the recent past, there are people who claim that Taraweeh is 8 rakaats. They claim that there exists no additional night prayer in Ramadhan besides the usual 8 rakaats of Tahajjud! Such people have thereby opposed the tradition and consensus of the entire Ummah. Prior to this, the question of how many rakaats Taraweeh consists of was never raised due to its unanimity. To undermine this duty is to undermine the integrity of the Sahabah y as well as the integrity of the entire Ummah! The fact that Sayyiduna 'Umar t had approved and established 20 rakaats, and the other Khulafaa maintained it, is sufficient to prove its importance and incumbency. The Hadith states: . (Abu Dawud) Hafidh Ibn Rajab Hambali (rah) says: (Jaami'ul 'Uoom, vol.1 pg.774) Infact, the Sunnah (practices) of Sayyiduna 'Umar t, enjoy an added significance. Rasulullah r said regarding him (Abu Dawud) Ramadhan is a golden opportunity that arrives once in a year. Why compromise our reward and profit by being neglectful and lazy? The idea to curtail the number of rakaats stems from the inherent laziness and desire of man not to fulfil his Deeni obligations. Ramadhan is the month in which we train ourselves to overcome these lowly tendencies and strive for the hereafter. Hold on firmly to my Sunnah and that of the rightly guided Khulafaa. (i.e Sayyiduna Abu Bakr t, Sayyiduna Umar t, Sayyiduna Uthman t,and Sayyiduna Ali t The directive in this Hadith to follow the Khulafaa is as incumbent as following the Sunnah of Rasulullah r himself. Surely Almighty Allah has placed accuracy on the tongue of 'Umar. May Allah Ta'ala guide the Ummah. Aameen. TARAWEEH IS 20 RAKAATS NO COMPROMISE