Network File System (NFS)
Network File System (NFS)
Network File System (NFS)
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Network File System (NFS)
What is NFS?
A Network File System (NFS) allows to manage files on several computers inside a
network as if they were on the local hard disk. So, there's no need to know where the files
are physically located in order to access them.
The Network File System (NFS) was developed to allow machines to mount a disk
partition on a remote machine as if it were on a local hard drive. This allows for fast,
seamless sharing of files across a network.
It also gives the potential for unwanted people to access your hard drive over the
network (and thereby possibly read your email and delete all your files as well as
break into your system) if you set it up incorrectly. So please read the Security
section of this document carefully if you intend to implement an NFS setup.
There are other systems that provide similar functionality to NFS. Samba
( provides file services to Windows clients. The Andrew
File System from IBM (,
recently open-sourced, provides a file sharing mechanism with some additional
security and performance features. The Coda File System
( is still in development as of this writing but is
designed to work well with disconnected clients. Many of the features of the
Andrew and Coda file systems are slated for inclusion in the next version of NFS
(Version 4) ( The advantage of NFS today is that it is
mature, standard, well understood, and supported robustly across a variety of
NFS (Network File System) allows hosts to mount partitions on a remote system
and use them as though they are local file systems. This allows the system
administrator to store resources in a central location on the network, providing
authorized users continuous access to them.
Two versions of NFS are currently in use. NFS version 2 (NFSv2), which has
been around for several years, is widely supported by various operating systems.
NFS version 3 (NFSv3) has several more features, including a variable file
handle size and better error reporting. Red Hat Linux supports both NFSv2 and
NFSv3, and uses NFSv3 by default when connecting with a server that supports
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Linux uses a combination of kernel-level support and continuously running
daemon processes to provide NFS file sharing, however, NFS support must be
enabled in the Linux kernel in order to function. NFS uses Remote Procedure
Calls (RPC rfc 1831)to route requests between clients and servers, meaning that
the portmap service must be enabled and active at the proper runlevels for NFS
communication to occur. Working with portmap, the following processes ensure
that a given NFS connection is allowed and may proceed without error:
rpc.mountd The running process that receives the mount request from
an NFS client and checks to see if it matches with a currently exported file
rpc.nfsd The process that implements the user-space components of
the NFS service. It works with the Linux kernel to meet the dynamic
demands of NFS clients, such as providing additional server threads for
NFS clients to use.
rpc.lockd A daemon that is not necessary with modern kernels. NFS
file locking is now done by the kernel. It is included with the nfs-utils
package for users of older kernels that do not include this functionality by
rpc.statd Implements the Network Status Monitor (NSM) RPC
protocol. This provides reboot notification when an NFS server is restarted
without being gracefully brought down.
rpc.rquotad An RPC server that provides user quota information for
remote users.
Not all of these programs are required for NFS service. The only services that
must be enabled are rpc.mountd, rpc.nfsd, and portmap. The other daemons
provide additional functionality and should only be used if the server environment
requires them.
RPC is a powerful technique for constructing distributed, client-server based applications. It
is based on extending the notion of conventional, or local procedure calling, so that the called
procedure need not exist in the same address space as the calling procedure. The two
processes may be on the same system, or they may be on different systems with a network
connecting them. By using RPC, programmers of distributed applications avoid the details of
the interface with the network. The transport independence of RPC isolates the application
from the physical and logical elements of the data communications mechanism and allows the
application to use a variety of transports.RPC makes the client/server model of computing
more powerful and easier to program
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RPC call
NFS version 2 uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to provide a stateless
network connection between the client and server. NFS version 3 can use UDP
or TCP running over an IP. The stateless UDP connection minimizes network
traffic, as the NFS server sends the client a cookie after the client is
authorized to access the shared volume. This cookie is a random value stored
on the server's side and is passed along with RPC requests from the client. The
NFS server can be restarted without affecting the clients and the cookie will
remain intact.
NFS only performs authentication when a client system attempts to mount a
remote file system. To limit access, the NFS server first employs TCP wrappers.
TCP wrappers read the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files to
determine if a particular client should be permitted or prevented access to the
NFS server. For more information on configuring access controls with TCP
After the client is granted access by TCP wrappers, the NFS server refers to its
configuration file, /etc/exports, to determine whether the client can mount any
of the exported file systems. After granting access, any file and directory
operations are sent to the server using remote procedure calls.
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NFS and portmap
NFS relies upon remote procedure calls (RPC) to function. The portmap service
is required to map RPC requests to the correct services. RPC processes notify
portmap when they start, revealing the port number they are monitoring and the
RPC program numbers they expect to serve. The client system then contacts
portmap on the server with a particular RPC program number. portmap then
redirects the client to the proper port number to communicate with its intended
Because RPC-based services rely on portmap to make all connections with
incoming client requests, portmap must be available before any of these services
start. If, for some reason, the portmap service unexpectedly quits, restart portmap
and any services running when it was started.
The portmap service can be used with TCP wrappers' hosts access files
(/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny) to control which remote systems are
permitted to use RPC-based services on the server. Access control rules for
portmap will affect all RPC-based services. Alternatively, it is possible to specify
each of the NFS RPC daemons to be affected by a particular access control rule.
The man pages for rpc.mountd and rpc.statd contain information regarding the
precise syntax for these rules.
Trouble shooting NFS with portmap
As portmap provides the coordination between RPC services and the port
numbers used to communicate with them, it is useful to be able to view the status
of current RPC services using portmap when troubleshooting. The rpcinfo
command shows each RPC-based service with its port number, RPC program
number, version, and IP protocol type (TCP or UDP).
To make sure the proper NFS RPC-based services are enabled for portmap, use
the rpcinfo -p command:
program vers proto port
100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
100000 2 udp 111 portmapper
100024 1 udp 1024 status
100024 1 tcp 1024 status
100011 1 udp 819 rquotad
100011 2 udp 819 rquotad
100005 1 udp 1027 mountd
100005 1 tcp 1106 mountd
100005 2 udp 1027 mountd
100005 2 tcp 1106 mountd
100005 3 udp 1027 mountd
100005 3 tcp 1106 mountd
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
100021 1 udp 1028 nlockmgr
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100021 3 udp 1028 nlockmgr
100021 4 udp 1028 nlockmgr
The -p option probes the portmapper on the specified host or defaults to
localhost if no specific host is listed. Other options are available from the rpcinfo
man page.
From this output, it is apparent that various NFS services are running. If one of
the NFS services does not start up correctly, portmap will be unable to map RPC
requests from clients for that service to the correct port. In many cases, restarting
NFS as root (/sbin/service nfs restart) will cause those service to correctly
register with portmap and begin working.
NFS Server Configuration Files
Configuring a system to share files and directories using NFS is a simple
process. Every file system being exported to remote users via NFS, as well as
the access rights relating to those file systems, is located in the /etc/exports
file. This file is read by the exportfs command to give rpc.mountd and rpc.nfsd
the information necessary to allow the remote mounting of a file system by an
authorized host.
The exportfs command allows the root user to selectively export or unexport
directories without restarting the NFS service. When exportfs is passed the
proper options, the file systems to be exported are written to /var/lib/nfs/xtab.
Since rpc.mountd refers to the xtab file when deciding access privileges to a file
system, changes to the list of exported file systems take effect immediately.
Various options are available when using exportfs:
-r Causes all directories listed in /etc/exports to be exported by
constructing a new export list in /etc/lib/nfs/xtab. This option effectively
refreshes the export list with any changes that have been made to
-a Causes all directories to be exported or unexported, depending on
the other options passed to exportfs.
-o options Allows the user to specify directories to be exported that
are not listed in /etc/exports. These additional file system shares must
be written in the same way they are specified in /etc/exports. This option
is used to test an exported file system before adding it permanently to the
list of file systems to be exported.
-i Ignore /etc/exports; only options given from the command line are
used to define exported file systems.
-u Unexports directories from being mounted by remote users. The
command exportfs -ua effectively suspends NFS file sharing while
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keeping the various NFS daemons up. To allow NFS sharing to continue,
type exportfs -r.
-v Verbose operation, where the file systems being exported or
unexported are displayed in greater detail when the exportfs command is
If no options are passed to the exportfs command, it displays a list of currently
exported file systems.
Changes to /etc/exports can also be read by reloading the NFS service with the
service nfs reload command. This keeps the NFS daemons running while re-
exporting the /etc/exports file.
The /etc/exports file controls which file systems are exported to remote hosts
and specifies options. Blank lines are ignored, comments can be made by
starting a line with the hash mark (#), and long lines can be wrapped with a
backslash (\). Each exported file system should be on its own individual line.
Lists of authorized hosts placed after an exported file system must be separated
by space characters. Options for each of the hosts must be placed in
parentheses directly after the host identifier, without any spaces separating the
host and the first parenthesis.
In its simplest form, /etc/exports only needs to know the directory to be
exported and the hosts permitted to use it:
After re-exporting /etc/exports with the /sbin/service nfs reload command,
the host will be able to mount /some/directory and can mount /another/exported/directory. Because no options are
specified in this example, several default NFS preferences take effect:
ro Read-only. Hosts mounting this file system will not be able to
change it. To allow hosts to make changes to the file system, the rw (read-
write) option must be specified.
async Allows the server to write data to the disk when it sees fit. While
this is not important if the host is accessing data as read-only, if a host is
making changes to a read-write file system and the server crashes, data
could be lost. By specifying the sync option, all file writes must be
committed to the disk before the write request by the client is actually
completed. This may lower performance.
wdelay Causes the NFS server to delay writing to the disk if it suspects
another write request is imminent. This can improve performance by
reducing the number of times the disk must be accessed by separate write
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commands, reducing write overhead. The no_wdelay option turns off this
feature, but is only available when using the sync option.
root_squash Strips root users connected remotely from having root
privileges by assigning them the nobody userid. This effectively
"squashes" the power of the remote root user to the lowest local user,
preventing remote root users from acting as though they were the root
user on the local system. Alternatively, the no_root_squash option turns off
root squashing. To squash every remote user, including root, use the
all_squash option. To specify the user and group IDs to use with remote
users from a particular host, use the anonuid and anongid options,
respectively. In this case, a special user account can be created for
remote NFS users to share and specify (anonuid=<uid-
value>,anongid=<gid-value>), where <uid-value> is the userid number
and <gid-value> is the group ID number.
In order to override these defaults, you must specify an option that takes its
place. For example, if you do not specify rw, then that export will only be shared
read-only. Each default for every exported file system must be explicitly
overridden. Additionally, other options are available where no default value is in
place. These include the ability to disable sub-tree checking, allow access from
insecure ports, and allow insecure file locks (necessary for certain early NFS
client implementations). See the exports man page for details on these lesser
used options.
When specifying hostnames, use the following methods:
single host Where one particular host is specified with a fully qualified
domain name, hostname, or IP address.
wildcards Where a * or ? character is used to take into account a
grouping of fully qualified domain names that match a particular string of
letters. Wildcards are not to be used with IP addresses; however, they
may accidently work if reverse DNS lookups fail.
However, be careful when using wildcards with fully qualified domain
names, as they tend to be more exact than you would expect. For
example, the use of * as wildcard will allow to access an exported file system, but not To match both possibilities, as well as, you would have to provide *
IP networks Allows the matching of hosts based on their IP addresses
within a larger network. For example, will allow the first 16
IP addresses, from to, to access the exported
file system but not and higher.
netgroups Permits an NIS netgroup name, written as @<group-name>, to
be used. This effectively puts the NIS server in charge of access control
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for this exported file system, where users can be added and removed from
an NIS group without affecting /etc/exports.
The format of the /etc/exports file is very precise, particularly in regards to use
of the space character. Remember to always separate exported file systems from
hosts and hosts from one another with a space character. However, there should
be no other space characters in the file except on comment lines.
For example, the following two lines do not mean the same thing:
/home (rw)
The first line allows only users from read-write access to the
/home directory. The second line allows users from to mount the
directory read-only (the default), but the rest of the world can mount it read-write.
NFS Client Configuration Files
Any NFS share made available by a server can be mounted using various
methods. The share can be manually mounted, using the mount command.
However, this requires that the root user type the mount command every time the
system restarts. Two methods of configuring NFS shares to be mounted
automatically at boot time include modifying the /etc/fstab or using the autofs
Placing a properly formatted line in the /etc/fstab file has the same effect as
manually mounting the exported file system. The /etc/fstab file is read by the
/etc/rc.d/init.d/netfs script at system startup and any NFS shares listed
there will be mounted.
A sample /etc/fstab line to mount an NFS export looks like the following:
<server>:</path/of/dir> </local/mnt/point> nfs <options> 0 0
The <server-host> corresponds to hostname, IP address, or fully qualified
domain name of the server exporting the file system.
The </path/of/directory> is the path to the exported directory.
The </local/mount/point> specifies where on the local file system to mount the
exported directory. This mount point must exist before /etc/fstab is read or the
mount will fail.
The nfs option specifies the type of file system being mounted.
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The <options> area specifies mount options for the file system. For example, if
the options area states rw,suid, the exported file system will be mounted read-
write and the user and groupid set by the server will be used.
One drawback to using /etc/fstab is that, regardless of how infrequently a user
may access the NFS mounted file system, the system must dedicate resources
to keep that mount in place. This is not a problem with one or two mounts, but
when the system is maintaining mounts to a dozen systems at one time, overall
system performance can suffer. An alternative to /etc/fstab is to use the kernel-
based automount utility, which will mount and unmount NFS file systems
automatically, saving resources.
The autofs script, located in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory, is used to control
automount through the /etc/auto.master primary configuration file. While
automount can be specified on the command line, it is more convenient to specify
the mount points, hostname, exported directory, and options in a set of files
rather than typing them all by hand. By running autofs as a service that starts
and stops in designated runlevels, the mount configurations in the various files
can be automatically implemented.
The autofs configuration files are arranged in a parent-child relationship. A main
configuration file (/etc/auto.master) refers mount points on your system that are
linked to a particular map type, which take the form of other configuration files,
programs, NIS maps, and other less common mount methods. The auto.master
file contains lines referring to each of these mount points, organized like this:
<mount-point> <map-type>
The <mount-point> element of this line indicates the location of the mount on the
local file system. The <map-type> relates to the way in which the mount point will
be mounted. The most common method for auto mounting NFS exports is to use
a file as the map type for the particular mount point. The map file, usually named
auto.<mount-point>, where <mount-point> is the mount point designated in
auto.master, contains lines that look like this:
<directory> <mount-options> <host>:<exported-file-system>
The <directory> refers to the directory within the mount point where the
exported file system should be mounted. Much like a standard mount command,
the host exporting the file system, as well as the file system being exported, are
required in the <host>:<exported-file system> section. To specify particular
options to be used when mounting the exported file system, place them in the
<mount-options> section, separated by commas. For NFS mounts that use
autofs, place -fstype=nfs in the <mount-options> section.
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While autofs configuration files can be used for a variety of mounts to many
types of devices and file systems, they are particularly useful in creating NFS
mounts. For example, some organizations store a user's /home/ directory on a
central server via an NFS share. Then, they configure the auto.master file on
each of the workstations to point to an auto.home file containing the specifics for
how to mount the /home/ directory via NFS. This allows the user to access
personal data and configuration files in their /home/ directory by logging in
anywhere on the internal network. The auto.master file in this situation would
look similar to this:
/home /etc/auto.home
This sets up the /home/ mount point on the local system to be configured by the
/etc/auto.home file, which may look similar to this:
* -fstype=nfs,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nosuid
This line states that any directory a user tries to access under the local /home/
directory (due to the asterisk character) should result in an NFS mount on the system within its exported /home/ file system. The mount
options specify that each /home/ directory NFS mounts should use a particular
collection of settings.
Common NFS Mount Options
Beyond mounting a file system via NFS on a remote host, a number of different
options may be specified at the time of the mount that can make it easier to use.
These options can be used with manual mount commands, /etc/fstab settings,
and autofs, and other mounting methods.
The following options are the most popular for NFS mounts:
hard or soft specifies whether the program using a file via an NFS
connection should stop and wait (hard) for the server to come back online
if the host serving the exported file system is unavailable, or if it should
report an error (soft).
If hard is specified, the user cannot terminate the process waiting for the
NFS communication to resume unless intr option is also specified.
If soft, is specified, the user can set an additional timeo=<value> option,
where <value> specifies the number of seconds to pass before the error is
intr allows NFS requests to be interrupted if the server goes down or
cannot be reached.
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nolock is occasionally required when connecting to older NFS server.
To require locking, use the lock option.
noexec does not permit the execution of binaries on the mounted file
system. This is useful if the system is mounting a non-Linux file system via
NFS that contains incompatible binaries.
nosuid does not allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to
take effect.
rsize=8192 and wsize=8192 may speed up NFS communication for
reads (rsize) and writes (wsize) by setting a larger data block size, in
bytes, to be transferred at one time. Be careful when changing these
values; some older Linux kernels and network cards may not work well
with larger block sizes.
nfsvers=2 or nfsvers=3 specify which version of the NFS protocol to
Many more options are listed on the mount man page, including options for
mounting non-NFS file systems.
Securing NFS
NFS works well for sharing entire file systems with a large number of known
hosts in a largely transparent manner. Many users accessing files over an NFS
mount may not be aware that the file system they are using is not local to their
system. However, with ease of use comes a variety of potential security
The following points should be considered when exporting NFS file systems on a
server or mounting them on a client. Doing so will minimize NFS security risks
and better protect data on the server.
Host Access
NFS controls who can mount an exported file system based on the host making
the mount request, not the user that will actually use the file system. Hosts must
be given explicit rights to mount the exported file system. Access control is not
possible for users, other than file and directory permissions. In other words, once
a file system is exported via NFS, any user on any remote host connected to the
NFS server can access the shared data. To limit the potential risks,
administrators can only allow read-only access or squashing users to a common
user and groupid. But these solutions may prevent the NFS share from being
used in the way it was originally intended.
Additionally, if an attacker gains control of the DNS server used by the system
exporting the NFS file system, the system associated with a particular hostname
or fully qualified domain name can be pointed to an unauthorized machine. At
this point, the unauthorized machine is the system permitted to mount the NFS
share, since no username or password information is exchanged to provide
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additional security for the NFS mount. The same risks hold true to compromised
NIS servers, if NIS netgroups are used to allow certain hosts to mount an NFS
share. By using IP addresses in /etc/exports, this kind of attack is more difficult.
Wildcards should be used sparingly when granting exporting NFS shares as the
scope of the wildcard may encompass more systems than intended.
File Permissions
Once the NFS file system is mounted read-write by a remote host, the only
protection each shared file has is its permissions. If two users that share the
same userid value mount the same NFS file system, they will be able to modify
each others files. Additionally, anyone logged in as root on the client system can
use the su - command to become a user who could access particular files via
the NFS share. For more on NFS and userid conflicts, refer to the chapter titled
Managing Accounts and Groups in the Red Hat Linux System
Administration Primer.
The default behavior when exporting a file system via NFS is to use root
squashing. This sets the userid of anyone accessing the NFS share as the root
user on their local machine to a value of the server's nobody account. Never turn
off root squashing.
If exporting an NFS share read-only, consider using the all_squash option, which
makes every user accessing the exported file system take the userid of the
nobody user.