July 2014 Minutes

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation,
held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri on July
7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice published in the newsletter.

The following board members were present: Melissa Wittmer (President), Jennifer Choi (Treasurer), Edd
Liniger (Neighborhood Watch), Charles Hyde (Architectural Control), and Terry Ebbrecht.

Absent were: Lorna Hammock (Vice President) and Jackie Campbell (Secretary).
Also present were homeowners: Mark Lanois

A. Secretarys Report
In the secretarys absence, no minutes from the June 2014 were provided.

B. Treasurers Report
Treasurer Jennifer Choi reported on the following changes that were made since the June 2013

Current Assets: $$188,742.46
We made the final payment for the pool loan. There is a Liberty bank CD with $38,500.00. Another
CD with $25,135.35. The Board discussed combining the two CDs in December for a reserve fund.
C. Clubhouse
Five Rentals in June
Terry reported that hes had many compliments about the purchase of the new grill and about the
condition of the clubhouse. With each renter, he asks about the state of the clubhouse and has not
received any complaints. All renters thoroughly cleaned after their events.

D. Architectural Control
3915 S. Jewell: Boat left in driveway. Charley will send a notice in the mail on July 11.
2530 Lasalle Street: 3 trashcans left outside of house; residents complied
3618 Britain: political sign; Charley sent a letter requesting the removal
2250 Dearborn: trailer in driveway, multiple cars coming and going: trailer was immediately removed
and complainant was told to contact the police for the second issue

2414 Dearborn: Board voted to file a civil suit with the HOA attorney for covenant violation: trashcan
left outside

E. Neighborhood Watch
2 minor thefts reported: wreath stolen from a front door on Dearborn and a concrete yard
ornament stolen from a yard on Tolliver
Resident requested having Pedestrian crossings installed along Chesterfield Boulevard to slow
down traffic.
F. Pool
Pool passed inspection by the City, all is running well
Lights switched to LED in poles
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Water Heater in clubhouse is original and broke down July 6. New one will be installed for
approximately $2,000. 50-gallon water heater.
Tennis courts need to be patched up. Rick will seek a bid in September.
A pool umbrella was broken; Board decided to wait to replace it.

G. New Business and updates on Old Business
Maid Service Discussion
Melissa Wittmer made a motion to remove the maid service discussion from the Table. Rick Petitt
Discussion: the cost of regular cleaning was not budgeted for; funds are tight; Board members
supportive of twice a year deep cleaning by professionals; Rick Petitt cleans restrooms weekly; A
complaint about the state of the bathrooms was received by a resident during the week when Rick was
out of town. Restrooms were cleaned upon his return.
Charley Hyde made motion to continue the fiscal year without regular cleaning service. Edd Liniger
seconded the motion. 5 voted in favor the motion. 1 voted against by proxy. Motion passed. It was
proposed to allocate funds for cleaning service when the Budget is proposed at the annual meeting in
Fall Yard Sale
The Board set a date of September 13 for the neighborhood fall yard sale.

Melissa Wittmer made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Edd Liniger seconded the motion. Motion carried and
the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Melissa Wittmer

Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors
2101 W. Chesterfield Boulevard
Building C, Suite 100
PMB 69
Springfield, MO 65807

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