12 December 2007 (Annual Membership)
12 December 2007 (Annual Membership)
12 December 2007 (Annual Membership)
Minutes of the 2007 Annual Membership Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri nonprofit corporation, held its annual membership meeting at the Chesterfield Family Center on Republic Road in Springfield, Missouri on December 11, 2007 at 7:00 pm. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Pam Breedlove, Kathey Grodi, Mary Myers, and Dwayne Turnage. Directors Linda Becker, Julie Mason, and Dr. Ramon Shane were unable to attend. Approximately twelve homes were represented by one or both homeowners. Homeowners received copies of the 2006 annual membership meeting minutes, summary balance sheet as of November 30, 2997, a profit and loss previous year comparison (December, 2006 through November, 2007), and a proposed budget for the 2007-08 year. A. Secretarys Report Pam Breedlove read the December, 2006 annual membership meeting minutes. She noted a correction; a sentence had been repeated. Jim Wilbur made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted with the correction; Lyndie Bossing seconded the motion. Motion passed. B. Treasurers Report President Turnage reviewed the November 30, 2007 Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Previous Year Comparison Sheet in the absence of Treasurer Julie Mason. Clubhouse rentals increased. Trash fees increased. Pool monitor expenses were the same. Most of the Cox Road fence project costs were part of the 2007 common grounds expenses. Office supplies expense was larger due to the printing costs of new directories and purchase of our own QuickBooks software. Clubhouse and pool area lighting was replaced; timers and electronic eyes either added or updated. Long-term liabilities are the two remaining payments to Modern Tractor for the lots near the clubhouse. Our certificates of deposit amounts as of 9/20/07 were $34,685.27 and $32,348.98. Money Market account balance was $13,774.33. Checking account balance is $50,884.02. Director Kathey Grodi pointed out that Accounts Receivable should not be a minus amount; this error will be corrected. The 2008 Budget Proposal was reviewed with homeowners. Kathey Grodi made a motion to approve the 2007-08 budget; J.D. Wiggs seconded her motion. Motion carried. C. Common Grounds/Maintenance Report President Dwane Turnage reported that the Cox Road fence project was all completed. Our contracted landscaping company had replaced the dead shrubs in the brick monument areas. President Turnage expressed his desires to make the Cox Road entrances match the Scenic entrance. The earlier plan of attaching to homeowners irrigation systems on Winchester and Dearborn Streets to water Cox Road shrubs was nixed. This would have been a complicated issue regarding homeowners who sell their home and new residents not agreeing to this plan, determining reimbursements for water, maintenance of irrigation heads, etc. Water efficient shrubs and plants were chosen for planting, and occasional watering will be provided by our contracted lawn service. Homeowner Jim Wilbur asked if the top of the Cox Road brick monuments were completely enclosed. President Turnage replied that probably no maintenance will be needed.
President Turnage voiced his satisfaction with our lawn service company. Homeowner Harry Lightfoot agreed; he expressed that DC Lawn Care has a genuine interest in the neighborhood. J.D. Wiggs also reiterated his opinion that DC Lawn Care had done a good job with common areas maintenance. Homeowners inquired about replacing trees along Chesterfield Boulevard. Dwane informed homeowners that the coming Saturday morning would be designated workday. Holes will be dug and trees placed nearby the hole. Homeowners are needed to replace the dirt and spread mulch around the tree. If several residents meet at 10:00 am with shovels and rakes, it should not take but 2-3 hours to plant the 25 trees. This project was funded through the Neighborhood Woods grant. The City assumed costs for removing damaged trees, grinding stumps, digging holes, and for the new trees. Red Maples will be planted; these are identical to the existing trees but are hardier and are recommended by the Urban Forester. We will be responsible for watering the new trees. D. Clubhouse Report Board Director Mary Myers shared that clubhouse rentals were up 101% in 2007, as compared to 2006. She thanked Steve and Diana Deford for assuming her duties during the two months she was recovering from her injuries. She reminded homeowners that there will be the usual spring workday to clean in and around the clubhouse. Mary thanked outgoing board directors for their support and cooperation. E. Architectural Control Director Kathy Grodi reported that there were only 8 covenant violations in 2007, as compared to 23 in 2006. Violation issues last year included satellite dish placement, trashcans left out over 24 hours, yard maintenance, an address plaque, a mailbox, and cars/RV parking on the streets. The violations for 2007 included weeds, a tree, a fence, and unpaid CAMS matters. She reminded homeowners that we are to consult the Board of Directors before changing the color, landscape, etc. on the outside of our home. Kathey expressed that the only outstanding violation is the fence at 2414 Dearborn. She read the list of actions taken by the current Board: repeated letters to the homeowner (including registered mail), calls to the homeowner, letters and conversation with the fence company, and consultation with our CVHA attorney. The attorney has sent the homeowner two letters. Homeowners present encouraged the Board to pursue legal action to uphold the covenants. New homeowners Allen and Marian Penrod shared that they selected a home in the neighborhood because of the covenants. Kathey reminded all that other homeowners had voiced that they would have liked to have built an 8 fence also, but did comply with our standards. A question was raised regarding the white fence on the corner of LaSalle and Jewell Court. That fence was approved by the Cox family, original owners of Chesterfield Village, before CVHA was formed. F. Neighborhood Watch President Turnage gave a report in Linda Beckers absence. There were less crime reports in 2007 than 2006. Two home break-ins had just occurred recently (Thanksgiving weekend). One LaSalle Street homeowner was actually at home when the man entered. Dwane reminded homeowners to watch for suspicious activity, especially during the Christmas season and to watch homes of those who frequently travel or who live elsewhere part time. We have Block Captains for all zones. Watch for information posted on the CVHA website. Residents voiced their concern regarding vehicle speeds on the Boulevard and the number of minor
accidents that had occurred. Dwane encouraged all homeowners to voice those concerns by calling the police department. Dwane also reminded residents that pool passes were orange for this year and to discard the blue passes. Cards may be issued in a new color each spring to ensure that only residents and their guests enjoy the pool, tennis courts and clubhouse. Homeowner Lyndie Bossing asked for clarification whether a homeowner always had to accompany guests, especially if guests were immediate family and had the correct pool pass. President Turnage shared his feeling that the homeowner did not always need to be present. He said that most homeowners use good judgment in terms of the number of guests and are willing to assume responsibility for their guests. He noted that many grandparents in the Village enjoy for their grandchildren to swim but to not wish to go themselves. President Turnage shared that two social events and two neighborhood garage sales would likely be planned for 2008. April 15th is the date set for the spring garage sale. New Business President Turnage expressed his appreciation to 2007 Board Directors and asked for nominations to replace Directors Pam Breedlove, Kathy Grodi, and himself. J.D. Wiggs expressed his appreciation to the outgoing directors and encouraged them to run again, but the three declined. Mary Myers nominated Lora Turnage and Lora Turnage nominated Jay Jones. President Turnage nominated Steve Webb. Lyndie Bossing made a motion that all nominations cease and that those nominated be voted in by acclamation. Harry Lightfoot seconded the motion. Motion passed. The January 2008 Board meeting will allow for reorganizing and for determining board positions. Jay Jones made a motion to adjourn the 2007 annual membership meeting; Harry Lightfoot seconded the motion. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Pam Breedlove, Secretary Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors 2101 W. Chesterfield Boulevard Building C, Suite 100 PMB69 Springfield, MO 65807