Balance Nordea

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Annuu| Poporl 2C12

Un|versal and relat|onsh|p bank|ng

|s lundamental to Nordea. Close
cooperat|on w|th and comm|tment to
customers are based on the compe
tence and values ol Nordea's people.
As one ol the largest banks |n
Northern Europe, Nordea also has
a strong locus on cap|tal, cost and
l|qu|d|ty ell|c|ency, r|sk management
and prol|tab|l|ty.
Th|s |s how we shape the luture
relat|onsh|p bank.
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 1
!"# %&'(#) *+,-.#,,
CEO |ollor 2
oroou ul u g|unco 4
Slrulog|c o|rocl|on - shup|ng lho uluro 9
Bus|noss Arous 13
Polu|| Bun||ng 13
Who|osu|o Bun||ng 21
Wou|lh Munugomonl 29
Mur|ol pos|l|ons 36
Corporulo Soc|u| Pospons|b|||ly 37
Our poop|o - Wo grow logolhor 4C
Tho oroou shuro uno shuroho|oors 43
*&)'( &/ 0-'#12&',3 '#4&'2 56
F|nunc|u| Pov|ow 2C12 48
Bus|noss urou rosu|ls 52
P|s|, L|qu|o|ly uno Cup|lu| munugomonl 55
Corporulo Oovornunco Poporl 69
Pomunorul|on 76
Proposoo o|slr|bul|on o ourn|ngs 8C
7-.).1-)8 ,2)2#9#.2,
F|nunc|u| slulomonls oroou Oroup 81
olos lo Oroup |nunc|u| slulomonls 94
F|nunc|u| slulomonls Puronl compuny 169
olos lo Puronl compuny |nunc|u| slulomonls 179
S|gn|ng o lho Annuu| Poporl 2C5
Auo|lor's roporl 2C6
Logu| slrucluro 2C7
Bouro o D|roclors 2C8
Oroup Exocul|vo Munugomonl 21C
Oroup Orgun|sul|on 211
Pul|ngs 211
Annuu| Oonoru| Mool|ng 212
F|nunc|u| cu|onour 212
Th|s Annuu| Poporl conlu|ns orwuro|oo||ng slulomonls lhul ro|ocl munugomonl's curronl v|ows w|lh rospocl lo corlu|n uluro ovonls uno
polonl|u| |nunc|u| porormunco. A|lhough oroou bo||ovos lhul lho oxpoclul|ons ro|ocloo |n such orwuro|oo||ng slulomonls uro rousonub|o, no
ussurunco cun bo g|von lhul such oxpoclul|ons w||| provo lo huvo boon corrocl. Accoro|ng|y, rosu|ls cou|o o|or mulor|u||y rom lhoso sol oul |n
lho orwuro|oo||ng slulomonls us u rosu|l o vur|ous uclors. lmporlunl uclors lhul muy cuuso such u o|oronco or oroou |nc|uoo, bul uro nol
||m|loo lo: (|) lho mucrooconom|c oovo|opmonl, (||) chungo |n lho compol|l|vo c||mulo, (|||) chungo |n lho rogu|ulory onv|ronmonl uno olhor govorn
monl ucl|ons uno (|v) chungo |n |nlorosl rulo |ovo| uno oro|gn oxchungo rulo |ovo|s. Th|s roporl ooos nol |mp|y lhul oroou hus unoorlu|on lo
rov|so lhoso orwuro|oo||ng slulomonls, boyono whul |s roqu|roo by upp||cub|o |uw or upp||cub|o sloc| oxchungo rogu|ul|ons
| uno whon c|rcumsluncos ur|so lhul w||| |ouo lo chungos compuroo lo lho oulo whon lhoso slulomonls woro prov|ooo.
A slrong bun|
w|lh |nlornul|onu|
<#)82" =).);#9#.2
oroou |s lho rog|on's |urgosl ussol
munugor, w|lh sorv|cos lo pr|vulo
bun||ng cuslomors, |nsl|lul|onu| cuslom
ors uno w|lh|n L|o & Pons|ons. 4);# >?
oroou rou||y
unoorslunos |ocu|
bus|nossos us wo||
@#2)-8 *).A-.;
Polu|| Bun||ng oors u||rungo
|nunc|u| sorv|cos lo housoho|o uno
corporulo cuslomors. 4);# B5
Huv|ng your
bun| so c|oso,
lhul's un|quo
<"&8#,)8# *).A-.;
Tho |urgo mu|l|nul|onu| corporulos, |nsl|lu
l|ons uno sh|pp|ng uno oshoro cuslomors
uro sorvoo by cuslomor loums w|lh son|or
ro|ul|onsh|p munugors. 4);# CC
Janne Vangen Solheim, CEO of Janus AS
and Arne Fonneland, Managing Director
of Janusfabrikken AS, large corporate
customer in Norway.
enrik A
ndersen, C
of ISS A
holesale banking custom
er in D
Heikki Kystil, Private Banking customer
in Finland.
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 2
0#)' D")'#"&8(#'E
2012 was a challenging year in many
respects for society, companies, house-
holds and banks. The political actions
necessary to resolve the sovereign debt
crisis were taken and had stabilising
effects on public deficits and debt in
Europe. However, fiscal austerity and
weak consumer confidence led Europe
to lean into a recession, with increasing
unemployment, low interest rates and
volatile markets. Several European
banks adapted to new regulations by
reducing credits and loans, which con-
strained growth further.
Nordea chose a different path. On the
base of our stability, scale and diversi-
fied business model, we were able to
increase efficiency while supporting a
growing number of customers and
ensuring a sustained contribution to the
development and growth of the socie-
ties in which we operate.
:+' F@#8)2-&.,"-4 D2')2#;G3 "),
1&.2-.+#( 2& (#8-H#'
Our values, Great Customer Experi-
ences, Its All About People and One
Nordea Team, continue to be our guid-
ing lights. In 2012, we took further
steps to empower our staff and
develop tools to add value in each
piece of advice provided. We are
proud that these efforts contributed to
an increase in household relationship
customers with 85,000 new customers
to the bank and growth in corporate
business volumes of EUR 2bn.
Wo hold closo lo 2 millior advisory
meetings with customers and ena-
bled 300,000 families to buy a new
home through new mortgage loans.
The total increase in loans and
credits to households was 6%.
Wo hold advisory sossiors wilh
300,000 small and medium-sized
enterprises, supporting our clients
through the financial turmoil and
economic uncertainty.
Wo orablod LLR 12Obr ir corporalo
bonds and syndicated loans to com-
panies in addition to bilateral loans,
making investments and new jobs
possible. We have maintained our
market-leading position among the
largest Nordic corporate customers,
with significantly more lead cus-
tomer relationships than any other
Nordic bank.
Wo woro orlruslod wilh moro of our
customers savings and investments
than ever. In 2012, assets under
management surpassed the EUR
200bn milestone.
In total, the Nordea Groups income
grew by 8% in 2012 with a reduced
number of employees while costs and
risk-weighted assets were reduced.
The hard work and complete dedica-
tion of Nordeas 32,000 employees
clearly paid off, providing Nordea
with a strong foundation as we now
look ahead to the post-crisis Euro-
pean banking market.
I//-1-#.1G /&' 2"# J#.#/-2 &/
Nordeas relationship strategy rests
on its leading value to create great
customer experiences. This can only
be achieved if everybody at Nordea
always does their utmost for each
customer. Equally important is ensur-
ing Nordeas stability and reliability.
Nordea cont|nues to del|ver on |ts
relat|onsh|p strategy. Not only were
we named Best Bank |n Western
Europe by The Banker: more |mpor
tantly, we served a record number ol
relat|onsh|p customers, lead|ng to the
h|ghest cap|tal and h|ghest operat|ng
prol|t ever. We |ncreased |ncome and
reduced costs and r|skwe|ghted
assets |n an env|ronment ol eurozone
turmo|l, low |nterest rates, |ncreased
regulatory costs and l|erce compet|
t|on. ln 2012, Nordea la|d the lounda
t|on lor shap|ng |ts luture relat|onsh|p
model by enhanc|ng ell|c|ency wh|le
help|ng customers to nav|gate the
uncerta|nty and challenges ol the
recess|on |n Europe.
CEO |ollor
Shup|ng lho uluro
b id with significantly more lead cus-
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 3
Our l|nanc|al stab|l|ty |s more |mportant
than ever to help people and compan|es
w|th the l|nanc|al tools they need to
shape the|r own luture
Each customer must know that they
can trust our advice and that we will
be there for them when they need us
the most not least in periods of
financial turmoil and economic
decline. Efficiency is fundamental in
our customer-based strategy. Only by
achieving a return on equity clearly
above the markets cost of capital can
we ensure low funding costs and our
long-term ability to support our cus-
tomers and finance their plans and
In 2011, we therefore initiated action
to ensure cost efficiency by executing
on the flat cost target for the Group
and cost ceilings for each unit of the
bank. The number of employees was
reduced, mainly by voluntary agree-
ments, and a broad range of initiatives
were taken to reduce costs in the
banks operations. In parallel, a broad
efficiency enhancement programme
for risk-weighted assets was initiated,
comprising measures to create capital-
efficient products and solutions and
improved collateral, thus reducing the
risk of default and loss given default.
Throughout the year, we have devel-
oped our products and services in
many ways to improve customer
experiences and ensure efficient and
competitive offers. We have taken sig-
nificant steps in redesigning our distri-
bution model by improving advice
capacity at branches and increasing the
service range of contact centres, the
internet bank and mobile bank.
Our mobile apps new features have
been well received and the number of
active mobile bank users has increased
by more than 100%. This is a customer-
friendly and cost-efficient way of
delivering banking services while at
the same time enabling our customers
to do their banking business wherever
and whenever they desire. And they
do. On average, a mobile bank cus-
tomer visits his or her bank once every
two days. In 2012, we surpassed
100,000 likes on our Facebook pages,
enabling us to obtain rapid feedback
and deeper understanding of the cus-
tomers desires and wishes.
Unfortunately, instability in the IT
systems caused problems for many
customers in the spring. Full focus on
finding solutions led to a clear
improvement in the autumn. However,
continued hard work will be necessary
in 2013 to ensure customers ability to
use their netbanks and mobile banks
at all times.
In 2012, we reduced the number of
funds and developed management
and pricing models to sharpen our
offerings and improve performance.
Life products were rendered more cap-
ital-efficient. The initiatives have con-
tributed to strong investment returns,
increased levels of service and all-time
high assets under management.
Our service for the largest compa-
nies was reorganised to enable us to
help resolve any financial issue faced
by our clients even faster. Our teams
work across borders and business
units to bring the best expertise the
bank can offer to resolving any specific
issue. We developed capital-light prod-
ucts which meet our clients needs
under the new banking regulations
and continued to attract a growing
share of ancillary business among our
corporate clients.
Our achievements in 2012 gained
widespread recognition at the end of
the year. We were named the safest
bank in the Nordics by Global Finance,
and Bank of the Year in Western
Europe by The Banker, thanks to our
combination of efficiency measures
and maintained focus on customer
D")4-.; 2"# /+2+'# 1+,2&9#'
We are proud of our achievements and
the awards we received in 2012. More
than this, however, we are humble. To
continue to attract even more custom-
ers and grow income, we will need to
increase efficiency further, ensure a
healthy profitability and strong capital
generation. In 2013, we will take fur-
ther action to stay at a core tier 1 capi-
tal ratio above 13%, in line with our
new capital policy. We have set an
ambitious financial target of a return
on equity of 15% in a normalised
interest rate environment and with a
core tier 1 capital ratio of above 13%.
The 2012 results confirm our solid
foundation. The scale and diversifica-
tion of the Group has given one of the
most stable performances in terms of
return on equity of any large bank
globally in the last five years. In each
market, we have achieved absolute
top-league results among banks, con-
firming our efficiency and the attrac-
tiveness of our customer relationships
and offerings.
Our flat cost policy for 2012 will
continue in 2013 as a key lever for
increased operational efficiency and
competitive customer offerings. Fur-
ther measures to reduce risk-weighted
assets will be taken, enabling a build-
up of capital while continuing to grow
our customer base and income. Our
prudent approach to risk, which has
led to relatively small loan losses
through the financial crisis will be
maintained and guide us throughout
the prevailing economic uncertainty.
Nordea can only ensure great cus-
tomer experiences, sustained stability
and a positive contribution to financ-
ing growth through high operational
efficiency and a strong customer focus.
In uncertain and challenging times for
many customers, our financial stability
is more important than ever to help
people and companies with the finan-
cial tools they need to shape their own
This is how we fulfil our mission
Making it possible!
Best regards
Christian Clausen
CEO |ollor
oroou |n br|o oroou ul u g|unco
Our v|s|on |s to be a Great European
bank, acknowledged lor our people,
creat|ng super|or value lor our
customers and shareholders.
Our a|m |s to create great customer exper|ences. That |s what
our relat|onsh|p bank|ng strategy |s all about. Enhanced rela
t|onsh|ps lead to deep |ns|ght that lower our r|sk and cost ol
cap|tal and |n turn add value lor the customer.
Shup|ng lho uluro
ro|ul|onsh|p bun|
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 4
Our s|ze, pos|t|on and strong locus on
operat|onal excellence, |nnovat|on and
relat|onsh|p bank|ng enable our customers
to be as br|ll|ant as they need to be.
'' ''
Future relat|onsh|p bank
A susta|nable bus|ness model that
del|vers a POE well above cost ol
cap|tal on a lully loaded balance sheet
C?BK 48). L M8&,#' '#8)2-&.,"-4,
%#N %&'9)8 48).
O#&48# ).(
A conv|nc|ng
equ|ty story
and market
A strong
brand w|th
clear values
oroou |n br|o oroou ul u g|unco
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 5
Key lactors dr|v|ng Nordeas perlormance
Macroeconom|c, l|nanc|al
market and regulatory env|ronment
The environment in which Nordea
operates is characterised by a chal-
lenging macroeconomic development,
volatile financial markets, a low-inter-
est-rate environment and an ongoing
and increased focus on the new regu-
=)1'&#1&.&9-1 (#H#8&49#.2
Global economic growth outlook
weakened further during the year.
The Nordic economies continued to
perform relatively well compared to
the rest of Europe, benefitting from
overall sound public finances, but still
with differences within the region.
Denmark, which is still the most
affected country, followed the euro-
zone into recession. Finland experi-
enced slightly negative growth, while
Norway maintained stronger growth.
Although Swedish growth has
decreased, it remained positive.
Unemployment has been unchanged
in the region, while consumption
growth slowed down, with Denmark
remaining weak. A positive develop-
ment has been the stabilisation of
house prices in Denmark, while the
other Nordic housing markets remain
0#H#8&49#.2, &. /-.).1-)8 9)'A#2,
Developments on financial markets
were primarily driven by additional
central bank initiatives. Market inter-
est rates fell further and remain low.
Equity markets rose substantially, but
concerns over the implementation of
proposed solutions for Europe persist.
Strong investor demand for Nordic
sovereign debt persisted throughout
the year.
%#N '#;+8)2-&.,
The CRDIV and CRR in the EU, with
higher capital and liquidity require-
ments, are expected to be finalised
and implemented during 2013. Banks
will be required to hold more core tier
1 capital, although uncertainty
remains. Both higher capital require-
ments and higher demands on liquid-
ity imply considerably increased costs
for banks, the financial sector and for
the business environment.
Furthermore, intense discussions are
under way globally and in the EU con-
cerning recovery and resolution
regimes, including the possible intro-
duction of bail-in capital, as well as
ringfencing of specific activities and
regarding a single supervisory mecha-
nism, the EU Banking union.
Nordea is in a strong starting posi-
tion, but the challenging low-growth,
low-interest-rate and macroeconomic
environment as well as new regulatory
environment are being addressed
through the 2015 plan, which follows
on from the New Normal plan,
shaping the future relationship bank.
Comm|tted to
un|versal bank and
relat|onsh|p strategy
Comm|tted to ell|c|ency on
cap|tal, cost and l|qu|d|ty
and to r|sk management
Comm|tted to |mproved
value propos|t|ons |n all
bus|ness areas
2015 plan - shap|ng the
luture relat|onsh|p bank
Tho p|un |s lho nuluru| oxlons|on o lho ow ormu| p|un...
to a POE well
above the cost
ol cap|tal
... uno w||| supporl us |n
croul|ng u pos|l|vo oocl
or cuslomors, |nvoslors
uno soc|oly
Amb|l|ous |nunc|u| lurgol o
15% rolurn on oqu|ly (POE) |n u
normu||soo |nlorosl rulo onv|ron
monl uno w|lh u coro l|or 1 cup|
lu| rul|o o ubovo 13%, wh|ch |s
|n ||no w|lh lho cup|lu| po||cy
Focus on bus|ness
and repr|c|ng
es esss
Take out cost and
|mprove cap|tal
A strong bank
w|th bus|ness
Top league POE
Able to lend to
the real economy
Access to lund|ng
Key l|nanc|al l|gures
oroou ul u g|unco
2008 2012 2011 2010 2009
%&'(#) ,")'# 4#'/&'9).1#
1&94)'#( 2& I+'&4#).
S.1&9# ,2)2#9#.2 ).( J)8).1# ,"##2 -2#9,
@#2+'. &. #T+-2G U@:IV
or lho lh|ro quurlor 2C11, oxc|uo|ng roslruclur|ng prov|s|on
Income, profit and business volumes, key items 2012 2011
Net interest income, EURm 5,752 5,456
Net fee and commission income, EURm 2,504 2,395
Net result on items at fair value, EURm 1,784 1,517
Equity method and other income, EURm 196 133
Total operating income, EURm 10,236 9,501
Total operating expenses, EURm 5,186 5,219
Profit before loan losses, EURm 5,050 4,282
Net loan losses, EURm 933 735
Operating profit, EURm 4,117 3,547
Net profit for the year, EURm 3,126 2,634
Loans to the public, EURbn 346.3 337.2
Deposits from the public, EURbn 200.7 190.1
Assets under Management, EURbn 218.3 187.4
Total assets, EURbn 677.4 716.2
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 6
!&2)8 #T+-2GE W'&+4
EP 28,216,CCC,CCC
!&2)8 &4#')2-.; -.1&9# :4#')2-.; 4'&/-2
(+2% |usl your)
(+8% compuroo lo |usl your)
(oxc|uo|ng roslruclur|ng prov|s|on 2C11, olhorw|so +16%)
+8% +11%
2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2011
M)4-2)8 4&,-2-&.E 1&'# 2-#' B 1)4-2)8 ')2-&
oxc|uo|ng lruns|l|on ru|os
oroou STOXX Europo 6CC Bun|s |noox





oroou ul u g|unco
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 ?
Nordea |s one ol the largest l|nanc|al serv|ces
groups |n Northern Europe w|th a market
cap|tal|sat|on ol approx. EUP 30bn, total assets ol
EUP 6??bn and a core t|er 1 cap|tal rat|o ol 13.1%.
Nordea |s the reg|on's largest asset manager w|th
EUP 218bn |n assets under management.
Nordea - large customer base and welld|vers|l|ed operat|ons
brunch |ocul|ons g|vo slrong
o|slr|bul|on powor
1C bn
EP |n lolu|
oporul|ng |ncomo
625 lh
corporulo cuslomors,
9% unnuu| |ncomo
growlh s|nco 2CC7
lolu| numbor o cuslomors
11 m|||
3.2 m|||
Oo|o uno Pr|vulo Bun||ng
cuslomors. 5% unnuu|
growlh rulo
brunch |ocul|ons g|vo slrong
o|slr|bul|on powor
EP |n lolu|
oporul|ng |ncomo
corporulo cuslomors,
9% unnuu| |ncomo
growlh s|nco 2CC7
cuslomors. 5% unnuu|
growlh rulo
Total operat|ng |ncome d|str|but|on, %

DN#(#. CKX
%&'N)G BKX
7-.8).( B6X
0#.9)'A C5X
O&8).(E *)82-1 1&+.2'-#,
).( @+,,-) 6X
677 bn
EP lolu| ussols
218 bn
EP Assols unoor
1) Sh|pp|ng, Oshoro & O|| Sorv|cos, lnlornul|onu|
Pr|vulo Bun||ng uno Oroup uncl|ons.
oroou |n br|o oroou ul u g|unco
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 8
Awards and results 2012
YN)'(, C?BC
osl barkirg group ir Dormark,
Norway and Sweden, second year
in a row the UK magazine
World Finance.
osl privalo barkirg sorvico pro-
vider in the Nordic and Baltic
region, for the fourth year in a row
1ho bosl bark ard lho bosl irvosl-
ment bank in Finland Euromoney.
osl Rogioral Cash Maragor: Nor-
dic and Baltic region Euromoney.
osl 1rado Iirarco ark 2O12 ir
Denmark, Finland and Norway
Global Finance Magazine
Mosl Irrovalivo Now Solulior:
Nordeas Global Cash Pool Global
Finance magazine
osl ark for Risk Maragomorl ir
Nordic region Global Finance
osl Dobl ark ir lho Nordic
region Global Finance
osl Irovidor of Moroy Markol
Funds in the Nordic region Global
Finance magazine
Nordoa agair ramod lho safosl
bank in the Nordic region by
Global Finance and as 24th safest
osl Nordic oquily loam, 2O12
Nordoa is ramod by lho magaziro
The Banker as Bank of the Year
2012 in Western Europe.
Nordoa ir Dormark ard ir Iirlard
also named Bank of the Year 2012
by The Banker.
@#,+82, C?BC R ,2'&.; 1)4-2)8
4&,-2-&.E /8)2 1&,2, ).( ;'&N-.;
2012 showed continued high total
income, up 8% compared to 2011 to a
record level. Net interest income
increased 5% compared to last year.
Lending volumes increased 3% and
deposit volumes 6%.
Net fee and commission income
increased 5% and net result from
items at fair value increased by 18%
from last year.
Total expenses were down some-
what in local currencies excluding
restructuring costs in 2011 and
excluding performance-related sala-
ries and profit-sharing and staff costs
decreased 2%.
Net loan losses increased 27% to a
loan loss ratio of 28 basis points, fol-
lowing higher loan loss provisions in
shipping and a continued elevated
provisions level in Denmark.
Operating profit increased 11%
from last year, excluding the restruc-
turing costs last year, and reached an
all-time-high level of EUR 4,117m.
The core tier 1 capital ratio exclud-
ing transition rules increased to
13.1%, up 1.9 %-points from last year.
Nordea received the award Bank of the Year in Western Europe 2012 from FTs The Banker
and also Bank of the Year in Denmark and in Finland.
NNo d rdea received d h the awward Bank off the Year in Western Europe 2012 from FTs The Banker
and also Bank of the Year in Denmark and in Finland
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 9
Slrulog|c o|rocl|on - shup|ng
lho uluro ro|ul|onsh|p bun|
Our relat|onsh|p strategy
and lead|ng market pos|
t|ons have created s|gn|l|
cant value lor all our stake
holders throughout the
l|nanc|al cr|s|s. Th|s has
been ach|eved by locus|ng
ellorts on customers'
needs |n a costell|c|ent
manner, manag|ng our cap
|tal base and ma|nta|n|ng
our low r|sk prol|le and low
earn|ngs volat|l|ty. The
needs ol customers and
our relat|onsh|p strategy
are also the start|ng po|nt
lor our amb|t|ous l|nanc|al
plan ol 15% return on
equ|ty |n a normal|sed |nter
est rate env|ronment and
w|th a core t|er 1 cap|tal
rat|o ol above 13%.
Nordea is a universal bank guided by
its established customer-centric and
advisory-led relationship strategy. The
main pillar supporting this strategy is
our awareness that our success and
the purpose of our operations start
with meeting the needs of our custom-
ers. Moreover, our long-term strategic
objectives reflect our conviction that
we are an integral part of the societies
we serve. We aim to be an enabling,
positive force for customers, society
and investors by focusing on creating
a sustainable business system for all
our stakeholders.
Our vision is to become a Great
European bank which is acknowl-
edged for its people and creates supe-
rior value for customers and share-
holders. Our vision and strategic
targets are firmly supported by our
culture and values Great customer
experiences, Its all about people and
One Nordea team.
Our roadmap towards the future is
a result and reflection primarily of the
needs of our customers and the chal-
lenging macroeconomic and regula-
tory environment in which we oper-
ate. Our work begins with the
customer by providing Great cus-
tomer experiences and holistic finan-
cial solutions in a low-risk, efficient
and diversified manner. In opera-
tional terms, we constantly improve
our cost and capital efficiency in order
to maintain a sustainable operating
model and remain a solid banking
institution. By servicing our custom-
ers and fine-tuning our business sys-
tem, we are convinced that we can
continue to access funding at compet-
itive price levels, lend to the real econ-
omy and shape the future of Nordeas
relationship business model to deliver
an attractive return on equity and
top-tier total shareholder return. Cus-
tomers needs and our relationship
strategy are also the starting point for
our ambitious financial plan to earn
15% return on equity in a normalised
interest rate environment and with a
core tier 1 capital ratio of above 13%.
In order for our banking model to
oroou Slrulogy
Future relat|onsh|p bank
A susta|nable bus|ness model that
del|vers a POE well above cost ol
cap|tal on a lully loaded balance sheet
C?BK 48). L M8&,#' '#8)2-&.,"-4,
%#N %&'9)8 48).
O#&48# ).(
A conv|nc|ng
equ|ty story
and market
A strong
brand w|th
clear values
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 10
W'#)2 1+,2&9#' #Z4#'-#.1#, S23, )88 )J&+2 4#&48# :.# %&'(#) 2#)9
Wo ocus on gonorul|ng su|c|onl rolurn on cup|lu|
Wo ocus on slr|cl cosl munugomonl, pruoonl r|s| conlro| uno o|c|onl cup|lu| munugomonl
7&+.()2-&.[ O'&/-2 &'-#.2)2-&. ).( 4'+(#.2 1&,2E '-,A ).( 1)4-2)8 9).);#9#.2
D2'&.; 1+,2&9#'L&'-#.2#( H)8+#, ).( 1+82+'#
Y W'#)2 I+'&4#). J).AE
)1A.&N8#(;#( /&' -2, 4#&48#E 1'#)2-.; ,+4#'-&' H)8+#
/&' 1+,2&9#', ).( ,")'#"&8(#',
Wo lh|n| uno ucl w|lh
lho cuslomor |n m|no
Wo unoorsluno |no|v|ouu|
cuslomor nooos uno oxcooo
Wo oo||vor prooss|onu||y
Wo croulo |onglorm ro|ul|onsh|ps
Wo uc|now|oogo lhul poop|o
mu|o lho o|oronco
Wo onub|o poop|o lo pororm
uno grow
Wo oslor |n|l|ul|vo lu||ng uno
l|mo|y oxocul|on
Wo ussoss porormunco |n un
honosl uno u|r wuy
Wo loum up lo croulo vu|uo
Wo wor| logolhor ucross lho
Wo show lrusl uno ussumo
Wo mu|o ru|os uno |nslrucl|ons
c|our uno upp||cub|o
evolve going forward, we are continu-
ing to work with three main focus
areas to reach our objectives and cre-
alo a suslairablo busiross syslom:
alarcod cuslomor focus. Wo slrivo
to provide a balanced customer
focus, building on a customer-centric
organisational design, in which we
deliver the right products in the
right manner. In all of our business
areas, we provide a full suite of
advice-driven products piloted by
client demand and regulatory direc-
tion. We constantly adapt to our
changing environment to ensure
that all our products are fairly priced
based on the real cost of providing
Iooplo focus. Wo aim lo rurluro
clear values and principles, reflected
in the objectives and incentives we
set, how we lead and listen and how
we develop and support our people.
Our economic profit framework
remains at the heart of how we man-
age and support our people. It has
been and will continue to be devel-
oped to adjust to the new normal
environment and its regulatory
plimisod valuo chair irlogralior.
We aspire to adopt and develop best
practice and remain loyal to simplic-
ity, transparency and reducing com-
plexity in order to manage our
resources while maintaining focus
on our customers and their goals.
Our three value chains and business
areas are designed to support the
focused relationship strategy. Hav-
ing one operating model and busi-
ness area ownership of the end-to-
end value chain ensures a
comprehensive view, accountability
and congruity. It safeguards opera-
tional efficiency by improving the
quality of customer relationships,
increasing the time spent with cus-
tomers and reducing the time
required to bring new products and
services to market.
\&+,#"&8( ,2')2#;G
Household customers are divided into
four segments based on their business
with us. For each segment, a value
proposition has been developed
including contact policy, service level,
pricing and product solutions. The
core philosophy of this strategy is to
provide the best service, advice and
Pelat|onsh|p bank|ng and l|nanc|al adv|ce are key to the
strategy and to creat|ng great customer exper|ences
oroou Slrulogy
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 11
o uro u un|vorsu| bun| w|lh u ocusoo ro|u
l|onsh|p slrulogy. Tho |nunc|u| p|un |s sol |n oroor
lo shupo lho uluro o oroou or suslu|nub|o pro
|lub|||ly uno o|c|oncy, c|osor cuslomor ro|ul|on
sh|ps uno u so||o cup|lu| pos|l|on.
product solutions to customers, thus
ensuring loyalty, brand value and
increasing business and income.
Prices are transparent and generally
non-negotiable. This is normally
viewed as a win-win situation. We
have a broad and high-performing
product range, a highly skilled product
organisation and strong distribution
power. Product development is geared
to reducing complexity and develop-
ing products with a low capital
requirement in order to meet both the
demands of customers and regulatory
requirements. Our savings product
offering is designed to take account of
customers wealth, their level of
involvement, stage of life and risk
We pursue a multichannel distribu-
tion strategy. The aim is to improve
M&'4&')2# ,2')2#;G
Corporate customers comprise four
segments based on their business
potential and banking needs com-
plexity. For each segment, we have
developed a value proposition includ-
ing contact policy, service level and
customer satisfaction while reducing
the cost of serving. Proactive contact
with our customers is conducted by
local branches and supplemented by
contact centres, online services and
the mobile bank. We aim at having
recurring advisory meetings with all
existing and potential relationship
customers, taking their entire
finances and long-term preferences
into account in order to provide a
comprehensive financial solution.
Assols ` EP 25C|
Tho bosl oroou hus
lo oor
vo|umo ` EP 3C|,
no. o prooucls ` 5
umoo uov|sor - pr|or|ly |n
uccoss - bosl |xoo pr|co
vo|umo ` EP 6|,
no. o prooucls ` 3
Porsonu| sorv|co whon
nooooo - uvourub|o pr|co
Acl|vo cuslomor
Bus|c sorv|co - u|r pr|co
Slrulog|c purlnorsh|p
- sponsor, cuslomor
loum uno numoo uov|sor -
lu||oroo, |no|v|ouu| so|ul|ons
Purlnorsh|p - numoo uov|sor
uno spoc|u||sls
- |no|v|ouu| so|ul|ons
Bus|noss ro|ul|onsh|p
- numoo uov|sor
- |no|v|ouu| so|ul|ons
- slunouro prooucls
Porsonu| ro|ul|onsh|p
- bus|c sorv|co
- o|c|onl huno||ng
Oo|o uno
D#;9#.2)2-&. ).( H)8+# 4'&4&,-2-&.
R \&+,#"&8( 1+,2&9#',
D#;9#.2)2-&. ).( H)8+# 4'&4&,-2-&.
R M&'4&')2# 1+,2&9#',
M'-2#'-) ).( P)8+#
4'&4&,-2-&. D#;9#.2
???, P)8+# 4'&4&,-2-&.
oroou Slrulogy
Nordea Annual Peport 2012 12
product solutions to provide compre-
hensive financial solutions and ensure
house bank relationships. Relation-
ship managers take a holistic view of
the customers situation and targets
and organise the relationship accord-
ingly. Our strength and size as a
banking group enable us to offer
unparalleled solutions to the benefit of
our corporate customers.
The strategy for our largest corpo-
rate customers has proven robust dur-
ing the ongoing transformation of our
industry. The local sales organisations
combined with a global production
platform enable us to reap the benefits
of both relationship banking and econ-
omies of scale. We are committed to
becoming the leading bank in the
wholesale segment in all our Nordic
markets. For customers in the Large
and Medium segments, we are contin-
uing to integrate corporate risk man-
agement products and capital market
transactions into the basic product
offering. Within the Small segment, the
adviser profile and service concept
Small Entrepreneurs is being expanded
to meet business and personal banking
needs in the segment.
M+,2&9#' )12-H-2G -. C?BC

Wo ho|o c|oso lo 2 m||||on uov|
sory mool|ngs w|lh cuslomors.

Dur|ng lho your, wo wo|comoo
85,CCC now Oo|o, Prom|um uno
Pr|vulo Bun||ng cuslomors rom
ouls|oo lho bun|.

Euch wor||ng ouy, moro lhun
8,CCC poop|o v|s|loo u oroou
brunch uno roco|voo u compro
hons|vo ovorv|ow o lho|r por
sonu| |nuncos uno u c|our v|ow
on how lo mu|o lho|r umb|l|ons

Wo mol w|lh 3CC,CCC smu|| uno
moo|ums|zoo corporulo cuslom
ors uno woro ub|o lo ho|p muny
onlropronours uousl lo bolh
s|ugg|sh oomuno uno oocls o
now bun||ng rogu|ul|on.

Wo supporloo |urgo uno mu|l|nu
l|onu| compun|os |n |no|ng
|nunc|ng on lho |nunc|ng mur
|ols uno conoucloo |ssuos o
EP 12Cbn o corporulo bonos
uno syno|culoo |ouns.

Wo mu|nlu|noo our mur|ol|ouo
|ng pos|l|on umong lho |urgosl
oro|c corporulo cuslomors,
w|lh s|gn||cunl|y moro |ouo cus
lomor ro|ul|onsh|ps lhun uny
olhor oro|c bun|, uno uss|sloo
corporulo uno |nsl|lul|onu| cus
lomors |n hoog|ng o lho|r |nun
c|u| r|s|s uno cush |ow oxpo

Our ussols unoor munugomonl
(AuM) huvo novor boon |urgor
uno now oxcooo EP 218bn.

Tho numbor o roquonl mob||o
bun| cuslomors moro lhun oou
b|oo rom lho slurl o lho your lo
u|mosl 8CC,CCC.
oroou Slrulogy
Polu|| Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
Bus|noss Arou
Polu|| Bun||ng
Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 13
O#'/&'9).1# C?BC ).( D2')2#;-1 (-'#12-&.

5% |ncomo growlh, or|von by nol |nlorosl |ncomo

uno nol oo uno comm|ss|on |ncomo. Dopos|l vo|u
mos grow wh||o oomuno or |ono|ng wus |ow. H|gh
|nlorosl |n |nvoslmonl prooucls supporloo nol oo
uno comm|ss|on |ncomo. ol |oun |ossos up 1C%,
bul romu|ns |rm|y unoor conlro|. Oporul|ng pro|l
|ncrousoo 19%.

D|vors||oo runch|so oo||vor|ng grow|ng |ncomo w|lh

|ow vo|ul|||ly.

C|osor ro|ul|onsh|ps uno |ncrousoo shuro o wu||ol.

D|slr|bul|on opl|m|sul|on.
]#G /-;+'#,
2C11 2C12
EP bn
Bus|noss Arous Polu|| Bun||ng
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 14
1anne vangen Solhe|m, CEO ol 1anus AS and Arne
Fonneland, Manag|ng D|rector ol 1anuslabr|kken AS,
corporate customer |n Bergen, Norway.
Polu|| Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 15
Locu| bus|noss |ns|ghl
uno muluu| lrusl mu|o
oroou u purl o our uluro
Janne Vangen Solheim, President of Janus AS:
When Arne Fonneland and
1anne vangen Solhe|m met
Nordea two years ago, they
met genu|ne people |nter
ested |n work|ng as a team
and bu|ld|ng a platlorm ol
trust to the benel|t ol both
The Janus factory in Bergen has been
in production since 1895 and is one of
Europes largest sites of its kind, man-
ufacturing woollen underwear and
socks for children and adults. Janus is
the market leader in Norway and
well-known for its brand within fibre
textile. Two years ago, the CEO of
Janus Janne Vangen Solheim and
Managing Director of Janusfabrikken
Arne Fonneland saw a need to change
their banking relations.
S.2#'#,2 -. /-.).1-.; ^).+,
The companys ownership structure
had changed and we took the op-
portunity to ask several banks if they
were interested in working with us,
says Arne Fonneland.
When they met with Nordea, the
senior relationship manager almost
immediately confirmed Nordeas
interest in being a part of financing
Janus business.
That was a great customer experi-
ence, says Arne Fonneland. Nordea
showed a real interest in our business
and we felt that the people we met
were genuine - not just bankers but
individuals who really saw us and our
Since then our relationship has
grown into a strong platform of trust.
We have so many projects running
in the company and need a bank that
is on top of everything. Nordea is
always fully aware of what is going
on in our business, continues Arne.
Janus uses the whole palette of
financial services that Nordea offers,
such as short-term credit lines, for-
eign exchange, trade finance and pen-
sion products as well as internet store
and credit card solutions.
D#.-&' '#8)2-&.,"-4 9).);#'
,2'+12+'# ) ;'#)2 )(H).2);#
For Arne Fonneland, the primary
advantage of working with Nordea is
the structure with one main contact
the senior relationship manager.
He knows our situation and our
opportunities very well, which means
he can react quickly. We dont need to
explain everything from the begin-
ning. This simplifies communication
and saves time.
CEO Janne Vangen Solheim agrees.
We are running a pretty large
business and we really need a bank
that can act quickly. Nordea really
understands local businesses as well,
which is key. They are a part of the
local business community and make
us better at what we do. Our relation-
ship is very honest, open and we trust
each other.
Janne Vangen Solheim specifically
remembers one particular occasion.
It was when we got an opportu-
nity to buy another company. The
company was not in great shape, but
we saw the prospect of a very good
deal. We called Nordea and told them
that we wanted to go through with
the acquisition. They trusted us and
arranged the financing. That was a
great customer experience.
S.H&8H#( -. &+' 48).,
She continues, another great cus-
tomer experience is when Nordea vis-
its our factory. They walk around and
talk to all the people at the factory,
not only the management, but every-
one on the floor as well. This is prob-
ably a reason why they are always
updated and well aware of what is
going on at our business. To be met
with that attitude and competence is
fantastic. It is unique.
Janus is a growing company with
many plans for the future.
We have extensive strategic plans
for the future, and are open with Nor-
dea about them. We discuss how the
business can be developed further
together. Nordea is involved in our
plans for the future.
Ho|go E|oo |s Son|or
Po|ul|onsh|p Munugor |n
oroou's corporulo sorv|co
un|l |n Borgon. Ho |s lho
conlropo|nl o oroou's
loum o prooss|onu| uno
h|gh|y s||||oo porsonno|
lhul covors lho bun||ng
bus|noss nooos o Junus.
From lho slurl, ho wus ub|o
lo con|rm oroou's |nlor
osl |n |nunc|ng Junus.
oroou hus boon ub|o
lo oo||vor croo|l uno |oun
uc|||l|os our|ng lho who|o
o lho |nunc|u| cr|s|s. Our
w|oo rungo o prooucls
uno prooss|onu| spoc|u|
|sls w|lh|n vur|ous urous
uro u|so vory |mporlunl.
Tho sumo cou|o bo su|o
uboul lho prooss|onu|
uno ucl|vo sorv|co ull|luoo
o lho cuslomor loum uno
o lho loum's ro|o us u o|s
cuss|on purlnor, suys
Ho|go E|oo.
Tho mosl |mporlunl mullor lowuros lho cuslomor |s our
proo|club|||ly uno ub|||ly lo covor lho cuslomor's nooos.
Bus|noss Arous Polu|| Bun||ng
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 16
Peta|l Bank|ng
Retail Banking serves close to 10 mil-
lion household and corporate custom-
ers in eight markets. Household and
corporate customers are served on all
financial needs and the ambition is to
be a full service provider to our cus-
tomers. The business area incorpo-
rates the whole value chain including
sales force, channels, product units,
back office and IT.
Retail Banking operates under one
strategy, one operating model and
one governance system in all markets.
Our focus in based on a common
superior banking approach to be
delivering the best customer experi-
ences in each of our markets.
Retail Bankings ambition is to create
a leading retail banking franchise in
Europe in terms of profitability, effi-
ciency and customer experience. The
plan builds on a strong commitment
to relationship banking and a con-
trolled approach to developing this
strategy from the current branch-cen-
tric model to a true multichannel rela-
tionship retail bank.
For our relationship customers, we
further develop our sales model with
named advisers proactively contact-
ing customers with further business
potential, while we expand the
opportunities for 24/7 banking with
access to competent advice and self-
guided advice and service in our
online channels: mobile and Internet.
Our plan is to keep up business
momentum and continue to support
our good customers good projects
while focusing on controlling and
optimising scarce resources.
Nordea is open for all customers.
Clear segmentation, differentiated
business models, emphasis on servic-
ing the full customer wallet and fair
pricing are the tools to make all cus-
tomer relations profitable.
Operationally, we will measure our
business momentum in terms of asset
productivity rather than top-line,
directing attention to the share of
wallet and optimal pricing.
In the household business, we will
continue to focus on acquiring new
Gold and Premium customers.
Household prices are generally non-
negotiable, which, together with cen-
trally supported CRM, increase multi-
channel opportunities, and strict
resource allocation create a highly
efficiency sales model.
In the corporate business, focus is
on profitability at customer level by
securing full wallet share at the right
price reflecting the risk in the individ-
ual customer relationship.
Re-pricing will continue to be on
top of the agenda and the attention
will be broadened from mainly focus-
ing on lending margins to an equal
focus on all pricing elements includ-
ing fees and deposit margins.
Through a number of cost, capital
and funding efficiency measures,
moderate business growth will be
possible, keeping cost, RWA and
funding gap flat for at least two years.
The core sales staff and branch net-
work have been adjusted to the future
need with reduced branch locations,
sharply reduced locations offering
manual cash handling and reformat-
ting the branch network allocation
resources to advising relationship
customers. The process of optimising
the distribution setup will continue,
driven by market opportunities to
adjust to changing customer behav-
iour. However, the main driver for
further cost efficiency in Retail Bank-
ing will come from digitalising and
optimising processes end-to end,
increased efficiency in supporting
functions and further changing cus-
tomer behaviour related to cash han-
Increased capabilities in Internet
and mobile banking and digitalising
customer processes using digital
archiving and signatures will
Keep|ng up bus|ness momentum and cont|nu|ng
to support our good customers' good projects,
wh|le locus|ng on controll|ng and opt|m|s|ng
scarce resources
O'#,#.2 S.1&9#
O*Y ), .)9#( )(H-,&'

S|lver w|th
potent|al and
Bronze w|th
M+,2&9#' ,2')2#;G J),#( &. -.1&9# ).( 4&2#.2-)8
P Gold
Gold Care
Polu|| Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 17
enhance the customer experience,
increase sales force efficiency and
decrease the cost of paper handing in
front and back office.
Manual processes will be further
centralised in national production
units and off-shored to the Nordea
Operation centre in Poland.
The RWA efficiencies are concentrated
on three headlines:
usiross soloclior or cuslomor lovol
to allocate capital to most profitable
Capilal-oplimiso irdividual cus-
tomer relationships securing less
capital-intensive solutions
RWA officiorcy ir modols ard irlor-
nal processes.
- Pelat|onsh|p
M&'4&')2# 1+,2&9#', R &42-9-,-.;
1+,2&9#' '#8)2-&.,"-4,
Nordeas corporate business is seg-
mented into small, medium and large
corporates. Our clear segmentation
enables us to be disciplined and have
a more structured approach to the
way we interact with our corporate
customers. One sales process covers
all our eight markets and Nordeas
relationship manager structure with
assigned customer teams generates
great customer experiences. Our strat-
egy has been successful and has led to
increased asset productivity and capi-
tal efficiency.
Nordea is currently the house bank
of the main part of its corporate cus-
tomers and the ambition is to increase
the share, which in turn generates
further business growth.
Different type of products offered
include: lending, risk management
products, transaction products, cash
management, corporate netbank,
trade and project finance, custody ser-
vices, finance products (leasing), sales
and asset finance, efficient solutions
for working capital financing, car
financing, need for floor plan solu-
tions at car retailers and equipment
financing for vendors and manufac-
turers of industrial equipment.
- Gold segment
\&+,#"&8(, R S.1'#),#( 1+,2&9#'
In order to fulfil our ambition of creat-
ing great customer experiences, Nor-
dea has developed a unique contact
policy and a clear segmentation, ena-
bling targeted and relevant contact
with our best customers. The relation-
ship banking for Gold and Premium
customers has been developed even
further with named advisers for all
customers and the content of the sales
meetings has been in focus. A consoli-
dation of the number of branches to
enhance operational excellence has
released time for the advisers to con-
centrate on developing and deepening
the relations with their customers.
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2[ -.1'#),-.;
2"# W&8( 1+,2&9#' J),#
The focus on developing the potential
in the customer base and acquiring
new customers continued to be suc-
cessful with a 2% net increase in the
number of Gold and Premium cus-
Around 85,000 Gold and Premium
customers were new customers to
Nordea. This reflects Nordeas strong
brand and competitive offering
through the loyalty programme and
advisory services.
Tho succoss o oroou's rolu|| bus|noss
|s ounooo on u slrong comm|lmonl lo
ro|ul|onsh|p bun||ng. Wo lu|o cuslomor
nooos us our slurl|ng po|nl, huvo u ho||s
l|c upprouch lo sorv|ng u|| cuslomor
nooos uno ucl proucl|vo|y |n lho cuslom
ors' bosl |nlorosl. Wo w||| conl|nuo lo
bu||o on our slrong ro|ul|onsh|p bun||ng
uno oovo|op lh|s rom u brunchconlr|c
lo u mu|l|chunno| ro|ul|onsh|p mooo|.
Dosp|lo lho oconom|c onv|ronmonl,
wo como oul o 2C12 us u slrongor
bun|. Wo huvo ullrucloo muny now
gooo cuslomors uno wo huvo munugoo
lo mool sl||| moro o our cuslomors,
|ouo|ng lo |ncrousoo |ncomo por cus
lomor. Al lho sumo l|mo, wo huvo s|gn||
cunl|y |ncrousoo our cosl uno cup|lu|
o|c|oncy, suys M|chuo| Pusmusson,
Houo o Polu|| Bun||ng.
Michael Rasmussen is Head of Retail Banking.
Our succoss
|s ounooo
on u slrong
lo ro|ul|on
sh|p bun||ng
Bus|noss Arous Polu|| Bun||ng
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 18
Kjell Larsson, Gold customer at Nordea,
together w|th branch manager KentOve
Polu|| Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 19
A r|ono|y ull|luoo uno
h|gh oxporl|so uro mosl
|mporlunl or u bun|
Kjell Larsson, Segeltorp, Sweden:
Kjell Larsson lrom Segel
torp has had many pos|t|ve
customer exper|ences w|th
Nordea. He leels that the
bank really helped h|m and
h|s partner to make a
dream come true. Nordea
was there lor them when
others were not.
Kjell Larssons contacts with Nordea
started when he and his partner saw
the chance of a lifetime to buy a shop.
At the time, Kjell was a customer of a
different bank, and naturally turned
to them to explore the possibility of
borrowing money, but to no avail.
So, we turned to Nordea. My part-
ner, Birgitta, was a customer there.
They had a completely different atti-
tude. Even though I hadnt been a
customer for long, they were very
helpful indeed and sorted out the
papers and signatures that very day,
says Kjell.
Kjell and Birgitta met the branch
manager at the first meeting, and
after a thorough review and discus-
sion, the entire deal was done that
very day.
This was a natural deal. Both were
working so both had an income
besides the shop. Also, only a small
proportion of their home was mort-
gaged, says Kent-Ove Hjrtstrm,
now branch manager of the Solna
That was ten years ago. Now, the
shop has been sold, and Kjell is a pen-
sioner and no longer works. He is still
a Gold customer of Nordea, where he
has gathered all of his banking busi-
Kjell has regular meetings with
branch manager Kent-Ove Hjrt-
strm. When something needs doing,
however, they are in closer contact.
As branch manager, I dont have
deep specialist knowledge anylonger,
so depending on the matter, Kjell also
meets with specialist advisers such as
our savings or pensions specialist.
Y8N)G, ;-H#. ) /'-#.(8G ,#'H-1# JG
%&'(#)3, 4#&48#
Kjell feels that he is always given a
friendly service by Nordeas warm
and welcoming people.
Even when youre not completely
up to speed with everything, youre
always given a friendly service by
warm and caring people. I always feel
welcome, which is great. It is very
positive, says Kjell.
He also emphasises the importance
of obtaining expert advice and having
everything properly explained, so he
knows exactly what to expect.
When I leave a meeting, its im-
portant to me to feel Ive been given
This is completely in line with how
branch manager Kent-Ove Hjrtstrm
views his role.
Its all about ensuring that cus-
tomers feel important and attended to.
When customers leave a meeting, they
should feel that Nordeas people care
about their situation, that the meeting
made a difference to them and that
they would gladly recommend us to
friends and acquaintances, concludes
Ko|| Lursson hus rogu|ur
mool|ngs w|lh brunch mun
ugor KonlOvo Hurlslrom.
As brunch munugor, l oon'l
huvo ooop spoc|u||sl |now|
oogo uny|ongor, so oopono|ng
on lho mullor, Ko|| u|so
mools h|s Porsonu| Bun||ng
Aov|sor or our suv|ngs or pon
s|ons spoc|u||sl.
Ko||'s v|ow o u gooo bun|
|s comp|olo|y |n ||no w|lh how
KonlOvo Hurlslrom v|ows
h|s ro|o.
ll's u|| uboul onsur|ng lhul
cuslomors oo| |mporlunl uno
ullonooo lo. Whon cuslomors
|ouvo u mool|ng, lhoy shou|o
oo| lhul oroou's poop|o curo
uboul lho|r s|luul|on, lhul lho
mool|ng muoo u o|oronco lo
lhom uno lhul lhoy wou|o
g|uo|y rocommono us lo
r|onos uno ucquu|nluncos,
conc|uoos KonlOvo.
ll's u|| uboul onsur|ng lhul lho cuslomor
oo|s |mporlunl uno ullonooo lo
Kent-Ove Hjrt-
strm is branch
manager in Solna,
outside Stockholm,
Bus|noss Arous Polu|| Bun||ng
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2C
The transformation of the branch net-
work in the Nordic countries was
finalised during 2012. Nordea has
moved from traditional mixed
branch formats to formats that focus
on either advice or service. This
implies a strong customer focus, new
ways of working and a larger propor-
tion of advisory branches. 65% of the
770 branches are in focused for-
mats. The corresponding transforma-
tion of the branch networks in the
Baltic countries and Poland is ongo-
ing and scheduled to be finalised by
the end of 2013.
The number of Gold and Premium
customers amounted to 3.12 million,
an increase of 56,000 during 2012.
Close to 2 million household and cor-
porate advisory meetings were held,
an increase of 4% compared to the
year before.
The number of manual transactions
continues to decrease and was down
by 21% in 2012 compared to 2011.
Nordea accommodates this by reduc-
ing the number of manual cash out-
lets. 55% of the Nordic branch office
locations offer manual cash services.
Total income increased 5% compared
to last year. A positive development in
lending spreads was a main driver for
the increase in net interest income,
while higher funding costs had a neg-
ative impact. Deposit volumes grew
while demand for lending was low,
especially from corporate customers,
given the present macroeconomic
environment. High interest in invest-
ment products supported the growth
in net fee and commission income.
Following the efficiency initiatives
executed throughout the whole value
chain, total expenses decreased 2%
(4% in local currencies) and the num-
ber of employees (FTEs) was down 7%.
Bank|ng Denmark
The number of externally acquired
Gold and Premium customers was
more than 28,000 for the full year 2012.
The Danish Netbank welcomed cus-
tomer number 1 million in December.
Continued uncertainty and low
consumer confidence have resulted in
moderate household consumer
spending and a continuous focus on
debt reduction. Corporate market
activity level is moderate with invest-
ments at a low level, though there was
a relatively high inflow of corporate
customers during the year.
Loan losses remained at an elevated
level due to the prolonged difficult
economic environment.
Bank|ng F|nland
High business momentum was main-
tained with increased customer meet-
ing activity. Customer meeting activ-
ity increased and customer
acquisition stayed at a good level. The
number of externally acquired Gold
and Premium customers was 19,900.
Due to the subdued macroeconomic
environment and consumers cau-
tiousness in the mortgage market,
customer demand changed from
being lending to savings oriented. In
the low interest rate environment, the
high number of advisory sessions
resulted in strong sales of investment
products. External factors such as
new bank regulations have started to
affect price levels.
Bank|ng Norway
There was a strong income trend
throughout the year with focus on
improved risk pricing and a positive
price development for corporate lend-
ing. Adaption to future legal require-
ments and regulations is on-going.
Competition for corporate deposits
stayed fierce. In the household seg-
ment, the number of externally
acquired Gold and Premium custom-
ers was 10,900 and the number of
meetings was at a high level.
There was high focus on capital
efficiency during the year with major
effects on risk-weighted assets.
Despite 7% lending growth, risk-
weighted assets were reduced by 4%.
Bank|ng Sweden
Even though the activity level in the
Swedish economy slowed down, busi-
ness development remained strong
with a good financial outcome and
23,500 new externally acquired Gold
and Premium customers. Deposit vol-
umes from household customers had
a strong development and customer
demand for investment products
remained high. Corporate customers
demand for financing was low, while
deposit volumes increased following
growing cash management business.
In local currency, total income
increased by 5% from last year while
total expenses decreased by 4%.
Bank|ng Poland
The Polish economy has suffered a
slowdown comparable to that
observed in 2009. Demand on loans
was relatively poor and income from
deposits decreased following lower
short-term interest rates and fierce
competition. In general, the perfor-
mance in the corporate segment was
better off than for the household.
Balt|c countr|es
The economies in the Baltic countries
have remained resilient to the Euro-
pean sovereign debt crisis and weaker
export demand. Positive economic
development has increased corporate
customer activity and the quality of
the corporate loan portfolio has im-
proved. Deposit volumes have shown
a good development even though
fierce pricing competition continues.
Risk-weighted assets were signifi-
cantly down following the approval of
the FIRB model in the Baltic countries
as well as an improvement in the
credit quality.
Growth |n |ncome ol 5% |n 2012,
lower total expenses and str|ct control
ol r|skwe|ghted assets
Polu|| Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 21
Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 21
O#'/&'9).1# C?BC ).( D2')2#;-1 (-'#12-&.

Slrong growlh |n |ncomo |n 2C12, or|von by con

l|nuoo ropr|c|ng uno slrong cup|lu| mur|ols
ucl|v|l|os. Eocl|vo rosourco munugomonl w|lh
rooucoo PWA, owor FTEs uno u conl|nuoo |ow
cosl/|ncomo rul|o. Loun |ossos or|von by sh|p
p|ng uno u ow |no|v|ouu| oxposuros.

Bus|noss so|ocl|on |s u |oy slrulogy lo onhunco

pro|lub|||ly. Focus on coro cuslomor ro|ul|on
sh|ps, shuro o bus|noss uno oobusoo |ncomo.

A||gnmonl o lho vu|uo chu|n lo |mprovo cus

lomor sorv|co oxpor|onco uno or|vo o|c|oncy,
slr|cl |nlornu| rosourco munugomonl.
]#G /-;+'#,
2C11 2C12
EP bn
Bus|noss Arou
Who|osu|o Bun||ng
Bus|noss Arous Who|osu|o Bun||ng
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 22
Henr|k Andersen, CFO ol lSS A/S.
Who|osu|o Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 23
ll |s |mporul|vo lhul oroou ooosn'l
chungo |ls upprouch bul romu|ns
|oyu| lo lho ro|ul|onsh|p mooo|
Henrik Andersen, CFO of ISS A/S:
The relat|onsh|p between
a bank and |ts customer
can develop |nto a true
partnersh|p based on
mutual trust and comm|t
ment. The global lac|l|ty
serv|ce g|ant lSS A/S has
such a relat|onsh|p w|th
Nordea and both part|es
put h|gh value to |t.
The close relationship between ISS
and Nordea has developed over many
years, covering several phases with
changing ownership and manage-
ment teams for ISS. Nordea has also
changed significantly, but both par-
ties have remained committed to the
relationship during good as well as
challenging times. As Henrik
Andersen, CFO of ISS puts it: Meta-
phorically speaking, the best part of
the relationship is that Nordea is so
close to us that they might as well
have a part of our building.
The main driver in such a close
relationship is a deep mutual trust. Jan
de Haas is Nordeas Senior Relation-
ship Manager for ISS and sums it up
by saying: We can always count on
ISS. This means that we feel confident
with them and we are always involved
in strategic discussions whether they
ask or we present new ideas and ways
The connection between ISS and
Nordea is a clear example of what
Nordea aims to achieve with its rela-
tionship strategy and how it creates
value to the customers. More than a
decade ago, there was a period when
senior individuals from Nordea spent
much time with ISS to help manage a
situation and get the business back on
track. On the other hand, when times
have been good, ISS has remained a
significant customer to Nordea even
if ISS obviously also has business
relations and opportunities with many
other banks and financial partners.
This is the true commitment of rela-
tionship banking.
However, a close relationship is not
only about being there for each other.
My expectation as the customer of
a bank is that they understand the
business cycle we go through says
Henrik Andersen and continues:
Nordea should keep having people
who know what goes on at corporate
customers so they can remain a bank
which stays close to the customers.
We are very satisfied with Nordea so
it is imperative that they dont change
their approach but remain loyal to
their own values and the profile they
have today.
The largest corporate customers in
Nordea are serviced by Corporate &
Institutional Banking (CIB) which is
part of Wholesale Banking. Each CIB
customer is assigned a customer team
headed by the Senior Relationship
Manager (SRM). The SRM functions
as a one point of entry to Nordea and
is responsible for the coordination of
internal activities and for making sure
that all relevant competences and re-
sources in Nordea support the specific
customers needs.
Obviously, the SRM is not the only
person in Nordea talking to the cus-
tomers. The relationship is anchored
with individuals throughout the or-
ganisation, often including a sponsor
in the executive management of the
bank. This ensures that the customer
is well known across Nordea and
has direct contact with the relevant
experts. The customer team stays in
close contact in order to work on ideas
related to the customer.
Both ISS and Nordea appreciate
the value of their close relationship.
Henrik Andersen frames it by saying
I have seen and personally experi-
enced Nordea as part of ISS for many
years. Having your bank so close
and having had such a relationship
through all these years, thats unique.
This is something you cant expect
from many banks and Nordea should
hold on to it.
Tho c|oso conlucl w|lh lSS
u||ows mo lo |oonl|y bus|
noss opporlun|l|os uno p|unl
|oous |nlornu||y wh|ch our
oxporls cun wor| on uno
oovo|op |nlo so|ul|ons or
lSS. A vory |mporlunl purl o
my ob |s lo lo|| lho slory
uboul lSS |nlornu||y |n or
oou lo |ncrouso lho poss|b||
|ly lo croulo groul cuslomor
ll |s u vory c|oso uno ooop
ro|ul|onsh|p uno wo cun
u|wuys counl on lSS. ll |s
|mporlunl lhul l us lho|r SPM
unoorsluno lho nooos o lSS.
Jun oo Huus conc|uoos:
Bo|ng lho SPM lo lSS |s u
h|gh|y onoyub|o ob. Busoo
on lh|s, u|| proroqu|s|los or
lho conl|nuoo oovo|opmonl o
lho ro|ul|onsh|p uro |n p|uco.
Bo|ng lho Son|or Po|ul|onsh|p
Munugor lo lSS |s u h|gh|y onoyub|o ob
Jan de Haas is
Senior Relationship
Manager in CIB in
Copenhagen and
responsible for the
ISS relationship.
Bus|noss Arous Who|osu|o Bun||ng
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 24
Wholesale Banking provides services
and financial solutions to the largest
corporate and institutional customers
in Nordea. The business area incorpo-
rates the whole value chain including
customer and product units as well as
the supporting IT and infrastructure.
This allows for an integrated service
offering, including tailor-made solu-
tions to fit the needs of individual
As the leading wholesale banking
provider in the Nordic region, Nordea
has the strength to provide its cus-
tomers with the best financial tools to
optimise their business and manage
their risks. The operating model built
on a Nordic scale and strong local
presence enables full alignment
between the customer units and
product experts, thus ensuring inten-
sity and relevance in all customer dia-
The business model of Wholesale
Banking has proven robust during the
on-going industry transformation.
The local sales organisations com-
bined with a global production plat-
form allow Nordea to harvest the
benefits of relationship banking as
well as the economies of scale. The
relationship strategy ensures deep
knowledge about customers and their
industries which strengthens Whole-
sale Bankings customer offering. The
broad, high-quality product delivery
increases the number of core/lead
relationships and reduces earnings
Building on its strong position,
Wholesale Banking continued its
incremental strategy in 2012 with
focus on daily business selection,
resource management and further
alignment of the organisational value
chain. This was supported by initia-
tives to adapt pricing, increase cross-
selling and strengthen the product
offering. It also included the discon-
tinuation of marginal product lines
and streamlining of processes.
In addition to this, Wholesale
Banking continued to leverage its bal-
ance sheet and its strong access to the
capital and loan markets to ensure
attractive financing solutions for its
The Wholesale Banking result was
strong and income increased signifi-
cantly over 2011. The year was char-
acterised by subdued economic
growth which affected the activity
level and investment appetite of
Nordeas customers. However, a
strengthened political determination
to address the European sovereign
debt crisis led to a general reduction
of the volatility in the financial mar-
Wholesale Banking benefited from
its proven relationship strategy and
remained a preferred financial part-
ner to large Nordic corporates. This
resulted in solid customer activity
despite the external challenges.
The business area retained a strict
focus on business selection, resource
management and cost efficiency. This
led to a further reduction in RWA and
in the total number of employees
The activity from corporate customers
was solid with steady day-to-day
business. The event-driven business
increased, primarily driven by bond
Financial institution customer
activity remained subdued due to the
impact of the sovereign debt crisis.
The activity with shipping custom-
ers was subdued due to challenging
conditions within the tanker, dry
cargo and containership markets.
Within the offshore and oil service
sectors, customer activity was high.
The bus|ness model ol Wholesale Bank|ng has
proven robust dur|ng the ongo|ng |ndustry
translormat|on - w|th locus on da|ly bus|ness
select|on and resource management
M+,2&9#' (-9#.,-&.[ =+82-L8&1)8 4'#,#.1# _ -.2#.,-2G






D2')2#;-1 4&,-2-&.[ A lead|ng pos|t|on bu|lt on local presence and global
scale, result|ng |n deep customer understand|ng and compet|t|ve solut|ons
Who|osu|o Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 25
M)4-2)8 9)'A#2,
Nordea Markets delivered strong
results during the year with signifi-
cantly increased income compared to
the previous year.
Customer activity was primarily
driven by the Foreign Exchange and
Fixed Income product areas and sup-
ported by strong risk management
Primary bond issuance increased,
driven by improved investor interest.
Loan syndication activity decreased
due to lower demand from corporate
In the secondary equity and corpo-
rate finance areas, customer activity
increased but remained moderate due
to low market activity.
Total income for 2012 was EUR
2,795m, 8% up from 2011. Both net
interest income and fee and commis-
sion income decreased somewhat
while the result from items at fair
value increased significantly due to
the strong result in Nordea Markets.
Net loan losses increased due to
higher provisions in Shipping, Off-
shore & Oil Services. Operating profit
stayed at the high level from last year
and was EUR 1,547m, down 1% from
the previous year.
Corporate &
Corporate & Institutional Banking
(CIB) is comprised of the customer
units servicing the largest Nordic cor-
porate and institutional customers.
CIB is the leading Nordic financial
service provider to large corporate
customers, both in terms of market
share and strength of the relationship.
The business strategy is based on rela-
tionship banking with close, on-going
dialogue with customers as well as
thorough knowledge of markets and
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2
The business activity was largely sta-
ble compared to the previous year and
the day-to-day business remained
solid as a result of Nordeas strong
customer relationships. However, the
continued low economic growth out-
look impacted customers investment
Corporate customer activity was
solid, driven by daily business such as
cash management, loan refinancing
and risk management. Low economic
growth and improved access to bond
financing led to somewhat lower
demand for new corporate lending
during the second half of the year.
The event-driven business with cor-
porate customers increased, driven by
high activity within bond issuance as
well as stable M&A and leveraged
Activity with institutional custom-
ers decreased despite a strong start to
the year as the sovereign debt crisis
led to lower demand for new transac-
Competitive pressure was signifi-
cant in the Nordic corporate and insti-
tutional banking segment, particu-
larly for products with low associated
demands for capital and liquidity.
Competition for cash management
and working capital mandates
remained strong.
The customer relationship strategy
is the anchor for servicing customers
in CIB. A customer team, led by a
Senior Relationship Manager, ensures
the customers coherent service across
Nordea and proactive identification of
opportunities. In accordance with the
strategy, CIB is a committed partner
to its customers, building long-term
"The core ol our relat|onsh|p strategy |s
to put global resources and expert|se at
the d|sposal ol our customers |n the
most ellect|ve way", says Casper von
Koskull, Head ol Wholesale Bank|ng.
ln 2012, we managed to leverage and
develop our strong customer relat|on
sh|ps and reta|ned our sol|d bus|ness
act|v|ty |n the challeng|ng bus|ness env|
ronment. Th|s enabled Wholesale
Bank|ng to adapt to the |ncreas|ng regu
latory requ|rements wh|le rema|n|ng the
prelerred l|nanc|al partner to large Nor
d|c corporates.
ln add|t|on, we reta|ned our str|ct
locus on resource management and
cost ell|c|ency to lurther |ncrease our
l|nanc|al strength and serve our custom
ers even dur|ng challeng|ng t|mes."
Casper von Koskull is Head of Wholesale Banking.
Wo pul g|obu|
rosourcos uno
oxporl|so ul lho
o|sposu| o our
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 26
Bus|noss Arou Who|osu|o Bun||ng
Nordea Markets trading floor in Stockholm, one of the main venues for executing customer transactions.
relationships and serving them even
during challenging times.
Global Finance Magazine named
Nordea the best trade finance bank
2012 (Denmark, Finland and Norway)
and the best bank for risk manage-
ment in the Nordic region. In addi-
tion, the magazine named Nordeas
Global Cash Pool the most innovative
new solution.
CIB remained focused on ensuring
attractive financing for customers
through the use of the balance sheet
and Nordeas strong access to the
bond and loan syndication markets.
CIB continued strict resource man-
agement whilst safeguarding the ser-
vice level towards customers. The effi-
cient application of resources is a key
driver behind CIBs ability to remain a
strong partner to its customers and is
supported by active business selection
and increased operational efficiency.
Lending volumes decreased, driven
by the lower demand for corporate
lending towards the end of the year.
Deposit volumes increased as CIB
benefitted from Nordeas strong rat-
ings in the competition for deposits
from Nordic and international corpo-
rate and institutional customers.
Total income for the year increased to
EUR 1,777m, up 2% from 2011. Net
loan losses increased to EUR 68m cor-
responding a loan loss ratio of 15 basis
points in 2012. The operating profit
decreased 1% to EUR 1,222m.
Who|osu|o Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 27
Ollshore & O|l
Shipping, Offshore & Oil Services
(SOO) is the division in Wholesale
Banking responsible for customers in
the shipping, offshore, oil services,
cruise and ferries industries world-
wide. Customers are served from the
Nordic offices as well as the interna-
tional branches in New York, London
and Singapore. Nordea is a leading
bank to the global shipping and off-
shore sector with strong brand recog-
nition and a world-leading loan syn-
dication franchise. The business
strategy is founded on long-term cus-
tomer relationships and strong indus-
try expertise.
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2
Customer activity during the year was
moderate compared to 2011. Loan
Tho succoss o our runch|so |s bu||l on u
ooop unoorsluno|ng o our cuslomors'
nooos or r|s| munugomonl uno |nvosl
monl uov|sory.
Our h|gh|y s||||oo poop|o wor| c|oso|y
logolhor ucross rosourch, su|os, uov|sory,
oxocul|on uno lruo|ng lo soo| lho bosl
poss|b|o so|ul|ons or our cuslomors.
suys Muos O. Ju|obson, Houo o Mur|ols
F|xoo lncomo, Curronc|os uno Commoo|
l|os (FlCC).
%&'(#) =)'A#2, |s lho |ouo|ng cup|lu|
mur|ols uno |nvoslmonl bun||ng orgun|
sul|on |n lho oro|c rog|on. Dosp|lo lho
chu||ong|ng mur|ol cono|l|ons ovor lho
|usl |vo yours, |ncomo hus u|mosl ooub|oo.
Mur|ols |s u cuslomoror|von oporul|on,
prov|o|ng |nunc|u| mur|ol so|ul|ons, cup|
lu| mur|ol uccoss uno uov|sory. Mur|ols |s
u||y |nlogruloo |nlo oroou's ro|ul|onsh|p
slrulogy w|lh ocus on bu||o|ng slrong
ro|ul|onsh|ps uno sluy|ng ucl|vo |n lho
|nunc|u| mur|ols lo supporl lho cuslom
ors ovon our|ng l|mos o h|gh mur|ol
Mur|ols sorvos cuslomors lhroughoul
oroou w|lh prooucl urous such us |xoo
|ncomo, curronc|os, commoo|l|os, oqu|l|os,
corporulo |nunco uno oobl cup|lu| mur
|ols. Tho ocus |s on prov|o|ng |nlogruloo
so|ul|ons uno proucl|vo|y |oonl|y|ng
opporlun|l|os or |ls cuslomors. Tho
orgun|sul|on wor|s c|oso|y logolhor w|lh
lho cuslomor un|ls |n Polu|| Bun||ng uno
Who|osu|o Bun||ng lo |ovorugo |ls slrong
uccoss lo lho oro|c uno |nlornul|onu|
cup|lu| uno |oun mur|ols |n oroor lo
onsuro ullrucl|vo |nunc|ng uno r|s| mun
ugomonl or lho cuslomors.
Mur|ols hus oxlons|vo oxporl|so w|lh|n
munugomonl o |nunc|u| r|s| or cuslom
ors lhrough lho uso o |nslrumonls such
us oor|vul|vos. Cuslomors uso lhoso
|nslrumonls us un |nlogruloo purl o lho|r
bus|noss, og lo roouco uncorlu|nly uno
m|n|m|zo lho nogul|vo |mpucl o |ucluul
|ng |nlorosl rulos, oxporl curronc|os uno
ruw mulor|u| pr|cos. Through vur|ous oor|v
ul|vos prooucls, cuslomors uoupl cush
|ows lo mulch lho|r nooos uno r|s| uppo
oroou Mur|ols
Mads G. Jakobsen,
Head of Markets
syndication activity was generally
lower than last year while business
activity within bond origination was
high as a result of attractive market
conditions and a focused effort to
increase this type of financing.
Demand for export credit financing
services remained firm, mainly due to
limited availability of capital among
traditional industry banks. The high-
est customer activity was in the off-
shore and oil services sector, partially
driven by high exploration and pro-
duction spending by the oil and gas
industries. New lending transactions
were executed on conservative terms
and at increased loan margins.
Nordeas end-of-year lending vol-
ume to the Shipping, Offshore and
Oil services industries decreased by
3% to EUR 13bn.
The deterioration of global eco-
nomic growth strongly affected cycli-
cal sectors such as the shipping
industry. Weak market conditions in
the tanker, dry cargo and container-
ship markets resulted in a general
decline in vessel values during the
year. As a result of this, Nordeas loan
losses related to the shipping industry
increased but remained in line with
the general industry development.
Total income decreased 3% to EUR
422m compared to 2011. Net loan
losses increased to EUR 240m, which
corresponds to a loan loss ratio of 176
basis points in 2012, reflecting the
challenging conditions in certain
shipping segments. Operating profit
was EUR 114m, down 51% from the
previous year.
Nordea Markets
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2
Customer activity in the large Fixed
Income and Foreign Exchange areas
continued the strong development
and the result from management of
the risk inherent in customer transac-
tions increased over the previous
year. Nordea was ranked the Nordic
leader for FX by Prospera.
Bus|noss Arous Who|osu|o Bun||ng
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 28
Primary bond market customer
activity was strong as many corporate
customers took advantage of an
improved access to bond market
financing and attractive interest rates.
Syndicated loan activity decreased
somewhat due to lower demand from
corporate and institutional customers.
Nordea retained its lead position in
the Nordic bond and loan syndication
markets according to Dealogic and
was ranked the Nordic leader for syn-
dicated loans by Prospera.
Secondary equity activity increased
somewhat but remained moderate
due to low market activity. Nordea
improved its market position in all
the Nordic markets according to the
annual Prospera survey and
increased the portfolio allocations
from several large institutional cus-
tomers. Nordea was awarded the title
as the Best Nordic Equity Team 2012
by Starmine. Corporate finance activ-
ity also increased but remained mod-
erate in line with the general market
conditions in the Nordic region.
The majority of the result from Nor-
dea Markets is allocated to the cus-
tomer units and the residual is
included in Wholesale Banking
Total income was EUR 2,354m, up
14% from the previous year. The
income increased as a result of the
continued development in customer
activities as well as the strong result
from risk management.
Bank|ng Puss|a
Nordea Bank in Russia is a wholly-
owned, full-service bank offering ser-
vices to corporate and household cus-
tomers. A particular focus is on
making business with large global
companies in Russia and core Nordic
clients. The customer base includes
40% of the top 100 Russian compa-
The Russian operation offers all
regular banking products, including
cash management, lending and capi-
tal markets services. It counts among
the 25 largest banks in the country.
Based on the very strong presence
in the Nordic countries, Nordea offer
companies active both there and in
Russia very good solutions for their
banking services.
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2
Banking Russia showed strong devel-
opment in 2012 with higher total
income and largely stable lending and
deposit volumes.
Total income increased 19% from last
year to EUR 259m. Net loan losses
stayed at low levels and were EUR
6m, corresponding to a loan loss ratio
of 9 basis points.
Bank|ng other
(including Capital Markets
Wholesale Banking other is the resid-
ual result not allocated to customer
units. This includes the unallocated
income from Capital Markets, Trans-
action Products, International Units
and the IT divisions. It also includes
additional liquidity premium for the
funding cost of long-term lending and
deposits within Wholesale Banking.
Wholesale Banking other is not
actively managed as the optimisation
of the business takes place in the rele-
vant product and service units.
The Wholesale Banking other total
income increased to EUR 337m and
the operating profit increased signifi-
cantly compared to 2011 to EUR 66m,
primarily driven by strong income
from management of the risk inherent
in customer transactions.
Cont|nued h|gh level ol |ncome and
operat|ng prol|t w|th a part|cularly strong
result |n Nordea Markets
Polu|| Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 29
Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 29
O#'/&'9).1# C?BC ).( D2')2#;-1 (-'#12-&.

AuM growlh o 16% lo EP 218bn, nol |n|ow

EP 9bn uno pos|l|vo |ow |n u|| |oy sogmonls uno
mur|ols. 84% o |nvoslmonl compos|los guvo
vu|uo uoooo lo cuslomors uno cosl/|ncomo |mpro

Focus on slronglhon|ng uov|sory concopls, pro

oucls uno sorv|cos. lncrouso shuro o wu||ol uno
boosl cuslomor ucqu|s|l|on |n rolu|| suv|ngs.

Acco|orulo roorru| o cuslomors rom Polu|| lo

Pr|vulo Bun||ng, wh||o boosl|ng oxlornu| cuslomor

M|grulo lo cup|lu| ||ghl prooucls |n L|o & Pons|on.

]#G /-;+'#,
2C11 2C12
EP bn
EP bn
Bus|noss Arou
Wou|lh Munugomonl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 3C
Bus|noss Arous Wou|lh Munugomonl
He|kk| Kyost|l, Pres|dent ol Planmeca Group
and Pr|vate Bank|ng customer |n F|nland.
Wou|lh Munugomonl Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 31
A slrong bun| w|lh |nlornul|onu|
bus|noss |s vory |mporlunl
Heikki Kystil, President of Planmeca Group and Private Banking customer in Helsinki:
He|kk| Kyost|l |s a true
entrepreneur. He started
h|s company Planmeca 40
years ago and today |t |s a
rap|dly grow|ng |nterna
t|onal bus|ness employ|ng
some 2,400 people. He
has been a Pr|vate Bank|ng
customer w|th Nordea lor
20 years.
Nordea is the market leader in Fin-
land with a long tradition in Private
Banking. The organisational structure
of one contact point for the client and
the broad spectra of financial services
are very attractive to large clients as
Heikki Kystil. He established his
business Planmeca in 1971, which
produces high-tech dental equipment,
3D digital imaging devices and soft-
ware. When he started he had practi-
cally no capital and now, 40 years
later he is a wealthy man. The per-
sonal service that Nordea can provide
is very important to Heikki. He works
very closely with his Private Banker,
Petri Salmi.
a!"# 8#H#8 &/ ,#'H-1# ).( &.# 1&.L
2)12 4&-.2 -, H#'G H)8+)J8#b
I work hard and need a lot of sup-
port since my time is scarce. To me,
the level of service and one contact
point is very valuable Heikki
Kystil tells.
Nordea has a strong focus on entre-
preneurs in Private Banking as they
are the ones who will grow in capital
and hence also may be a potential
corporate client.
Private Banking works closely
together with Retail Banking and
Wholesale Banking to find synergies
and new innovative ways to serve
their clients. The cooperation also
increases the competence and aware-
ness among Nordea employees.
We are known as a safe and stable
bank and the high competence
among our people make customers
satisfied even when the markets are
turbulent Petri Salmi says.
Private Banking customers often
have a corporate relation with the
bank as well and they appreciate that
they can benefit from the internal
cooperation between different busi-
nesses within Nordea, Petri Salmi
D2'&.; -.2#'.)2-&.)8 4'&/-8#
Heikki Kystil is also a corporate
customer as Planmeca has all its
financial business with Nordea. In his
role as both private and corporate
customer he needs a large bank with
international presence. According to
Heikki, Nordea is the best bank in
Finland to provide this. He has
noticed the increased competition in
the Private Banking area but few
banks have the same strong interna-
tional profile as Nordea.
As I want to work with one main
bank both for my private investments
and my corporate business it is very
important to have a strong bank with
international business, Heikki
Kystil points out.
Heikki Kystil also appreciates the
high level of competence of the
employees of Nordea.
If I ask for a special service I
always get it accurate and at a high
level and I always get substantial
information about all the risks
involved which makes me feel safe.
l rospocl Ho||||'s l|mo us ho
|s u huro wor||ng bus|noss
munugor so wo lu|| on u
woo||y bus|s. Wo huvo un
ugonou o whul wo wunl lo
uccomp||sh ovory woo| bul
wo u|so huvo un ongo|ng o|s
cuss|on on |nvoslmonl |oous.
l lh|n| our cuslomors
upproc|ulo oroou us wo uro
u bun| lhul u|||s lho|r nooos
|n muny o|oronl |nunc|u|
urous. Wo g|vo lhom gooo
uov|co, gooo |nvoslmonl por
ormunco uno wo uro suo
uno slub|o. Tho h|gh |ovo| o
compolonco uno prooss|on
u||sm umong our poop|o
mu|os cuslomors sul|s|oo,
suys Polr| Su|m|.
Wo uro ro||ub|o uno suo uno cun oor
lho c||onl u brouo vur|oly o prooucls
Petri Salmi is a
Chief Investment
Manager and
Senior Private
Banker in Nordea
in Helsinki.
Bus|noss Arous Wou|lh Munugomonl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 32
Wealth Management provides high
quality investment, savings and risk
management products. We manage
Nordea customers assets, provide
wealth planning and give investment
advice to affluent and high-net-worth
individuals as well as institutional
investors. The business area consists
of the business units Asset Manage-
ment, Private Banking and Life &
Pensions as well as the service unit
Savings & Wealth Offerings. Nordea
is the largest wealth manager in the
Nordics with EUR 218bn in assets
under management (AuM). The busi-
ness area has approximately 3,600
employees, of which approximately
600 are employed outside the Nordic
region, primarily in Europe.
Y22')12-H# 1+,2&9#' H)8+# 4'&4&,-L
2-&., ).( 4'&/-2)J8# ;'&N2"
Being the leading wealth manager in
all Nordic markets with global reach
and global capabilities that is the
ambition of Wealth Management.
This requires a business model pro-
viding customers high-quality advice,
a high standard of service and a full
offering of high-quality products
through a cost and capital-efficient
delivery model. To consolidate this
position, Wealth Management has
three strategic priorities:
1. Develop the next generation value
propositions to existing and new
2. Deliver growth at a low marginal
3. Improve cost and capital efficiency
These strategic priorities are sup-
ported by a substantial number of
projects across the business units. Key
activities include ramping up the
quality of our online value proposi-
tions, exploiting the full potential of
customer referral from Retail Banking
to Private Banking, and continuing to
migrate life customers to capital-effi-
cient products.
It is at the core of Wealth Manage-
ments strategy to provide advice
based on deep understanding of cus-
tomers needs and to always act in the
The strateg|c pr|or|t|es are to develop the
next generat|on value propos|t|ons to ex|st|ng
and new customers as well as del|ver growth
at a low marg|nal cost w|th cap|tal ell|c|ency
M&.1#42, ).(
,)8#, ,+44&'2
D#'H-1#, c )(H-1#
L|le and
wrappers wrappers
products products
*+,-.#,, 9&(#8 J),#( &. ). -.2#;')2#( H)8+# 1")-.
Asset Management
L|le & Pens|ons
Sav|ngs & Wealth
Asset Allocat|on Adv|ce
Peta|l Bank|ng
Pr|vate Bank|ng
Wou|lh Munugomonl Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 33
customers interest. High-quality
value propositions are tailored to the
specific customer segments needs,
and specific customers needs where
appropriate. The delivery model has
proven to be cost-efficient and scala-
ble. The diversified business model
has demonstrated its strength in dif-
ferent market climates.
D2'&.; -.H#,29#.2 4#'/&'9).1#
Nordea Asset Management is respon-
sible for actively managed investment
products. The products are managed
in-house by independent investment
boutiques covering equity, fixed
income, credit and multi asset prod-
ucts. In addition, Nordea Asset Man-
agement has a manager selection team
responsible for selecting products
from external managers in order to
complement the product range.
The products of Nordea Asset Man-
agement are distributed to Nordeas
retail and private banking customers,
3rd party distributors and to corporate
and institutional clients. Nordea Asset
Management is responsible for sales
to institutional clients and wholesale
of funds via 3rd party distributors and
is licenced for wholesale fund distri-
bution across 20 countries worldwide.
Nordea Asset Management employs
approximately 570 people and is
with a combination of global experi-
ence and Nordic standards a strong,
"Our organ|sat|on uch|ovoo u now m||o
slono o EP 218bn |n Assol unoor
Munugomonl uno 84% o our compos
|los oulporormoo lho|r bonchmur|s
o||owoo by slrong |n|ow rom our cus
lomors |n 2C12. Th|s shows lhul our
ucl|vo munugomonl ph||osophy |s
uc|now|oogoo. Tho slrulogy o sh|l|ng
lo cup|lu|o|c|onl prooucls conl|nuoo,
wh|ch |n comb|nul|on w|lh lho wo||
provon ro|ul|onsh|p slrulogy conlr|buloo
urlhor lo our u|rouoy robusl uno wo||
o|vors||oo oporul|ng mooo|.
Our umb|l|on |s lo bocomo lho |ouo|ng
wou|lh munugor |n u|| oro|c mur|ols,
w|lh g|obu| rouch uno g|obu| cupub|||l|os.
To uch|ovo uno mu|nlu|n lhul, wo nooo lo
onsuro lhul wo prov|oo h|ghquu||ly
uov|co uno prooucls lo cuslomors, lhul
our bus|noss mooo| |s cosl o|c|onl,
cup|lu| o|c|onl uno scu|ub|o uno lhul
wo mu|o |nvoslmonls lo mool lho uluro
cuslomor nooos, so lhul wo conl|nuo lo
ourn curronl uno now cuslomors' lrusl.
Gunn Wrsted is Head of Wealth Management.
...u now m||o
slono |n ussols
unoor munugo
ormunco o
uno slrong
competitive player both in the Nordic
home markets and globally.
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2 C?BC
AuM in Nordea Asset Management
increased EUR 21.4bn to EUR 137.8bn,
up 18% from one year ago. The
increase is explained by a positive
investment return of EUR 12.8bn and
a strong net inflow of EUR 8.6bn.
2012 was characterised by the posi-
tive momentum in the financial mar-
kets, despite periods of high volatility
due to continued structural problems
caused by indebtedness in Southern
Europe. Nordea managed the invest-
ment performance well in 2012 as
84% of the investment composites
outperformed their benchmarks in
2012. All of our fixed-income compos-
ites and balanced products delivered
value-adding performance. Equity
composites performance was good,
although a few failed to deliver value
added. On a long-term horizon (36
months), Nordeas relative investment
performance continues to be strong.
72% of the investment composites
have outperformed their benchmarks.
The sale of retail funds to custom-
ers was strong with a net inflow of
EUR 4.2bn. Product-wise, the custom-
ers particularly favoured fixed income
and balanced products, while there
has been a minor outflow in equity
Nordeas institutional asset man-
agement continued the positive devel-
opment from previous years and
ended 2012 with a net inflow of EUR
1.1bn. All countries contributed posi-
tively except for Denmark. Sweden
experienced a breakthrough with a
solid year and Norway delivered for
more than five consecutive years pos-
itive flow. Sales to international cli-
ents could not keep up the pace from
last year, but is still on the right path
with yet another positive year. The
margin composition of the in- and
outflows was also positive, with the
average margin being lowest on the
Global Fund Distribution reported
a strong net inflow of EUR 2.1bn in
2012. In the first half of the year,
Bus|noss Arous Wou|lh Munugomonl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 34
demand for Nordic fixed income, as a
euro diversification and US Invest-
ment grade was strong. In the second
half of the year, investors returned to
more risky assets and this produced
positive inflows in European and US
High Yield solutions as well as a
slightly higher appetite for equities.
Global Fund Distribution has
expanded the distribution network
during 2012, penetrating new impor-
tant retail networks and entering into
four distribution agreements with top
global wealth managers.
As a part of the strategy in Asset
Management and as the first asset
manager in Nordics, the first cross-
border fund mergers and master-
feeder fund structures were imple-
mented. During the year, 21 new
funds were launched in the strategi-
cally important product areas such as
North American equities and fixed
income, Emerging Markets as well as
offerings to the Private Banking seg-
ment in Norway. In addition, the
focus has been in gaining efficiencies
from merging and consolidating
funds; these activities will also con-
tinue in 2013.
Pr|vate Bank|ng
O'-H)2# *).A-.; L 2"# 8#)(-.;
N#)82" )(H-,#' -. 2"# %&'(-1,
Nordea Private Banking provides full-
scale investment advice, wealth plan-
ning, credit, tax and estate planning
services to affluent and high-net-
worth individuals, business owners
and trusts and foundations. Custom-
ers are provided with a holistic over-
view of their financial situation and
with advice and solutions that meet
their needs and preferences.
The 106,000 Private Banking cus-
tomers are served from 80 branches
in the Nordic countries as well as
from offices in Luxembourg, Switzer-
land, Spain and Singapore by a total
of approximately 1,200 employees.
Customer service is supported by a
tight cooperation with Retail
Nordea Private Banking is with
EUR 69.4bn in AuM the largest Pri-
vate Bank in the Nordic region, and
was named the best Nordic Private
Bank by Euromoney in 2009, 2010,
2011, 2012 and 2013.
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2 C?BC
Continued uncertainty around the
sovereign debt crisis in Europe had a
negative impact on Nordea Private
Banking customers risk appetite. The
customers responded by reducing
their risk exposure from high margin
products and shifting their asset mix
towards low income yielding deposit
products. In the second half of the
year, risk appetite picked up due to
strong developments in financial
markets around the world. Positive
actions and statements from central
banks, in particular from the Euro-
pean Central Bank and US Federal
Reserve System, also drove momen-
As a result, due to a strong pick up
in the second half of the year, the
AuM increased with EUR 8.4bn to
EUR 69.4bn in 2012, up by 14% com-
pared to the previous year. The con-
tribution to the increase in AuM con-
sisted of EUR 1.3bn in net inflow and
EUR 7.1bn due to asset appreciation.
During the year, the number of
Nordea Private Banking customers
increased to 106,000, up 3% compared
to the previous year. The quality of
the customer base continued to
increase, as smaller customers with
less complex needs were referred to
Retail Banking and new customer
acquisition focused on higher assets
clients. More than 100,000 wealth
planning meetings were executed. An
extensive effort to enhance productiv-
ity in all Private Banking units con-
tinued, including activity to stream-
line processes and upgrade IT
systems, to make room for improve-
ments of value propositions and to
meet the higher service standards
likely demanded by customers in
L|le & Pens|ons
M)4-2)8 #//-1-#.1G -, ) 4'-&'-2G
Life & Pensions serves Nordeas
Retail, Private Banking and corporate
customers with a full range of pen-
sion, endowment and risk products as
well as tailor-made advice for bank
distribution. Life & Pensions is oper-
ating in the Nordic countries, Poland,
the Baltic countries, the Isle of Man
and Luxembourg. In the Danish, Nor-
wegian and Polish markets, sales are
conducted through Life & Pensions
own sales force as well as through
tied agents and insurance brokers.
Life & Pensions employs approxi-
mately 1,300 people.
The Life & Pensions business lev-
erages Nordea Asset Managements
expertise, a strong bancassurance
model and Life & Pensions cost-effi-
cient administration. Nordea Life &
Pensions is the largest life insurer in
the Nordic market with a combined
market share of 11.4% based on gross
written premiums and EUR 51.3bn in
assets under management.
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2 C?BC
The financial markets in 2012 were
characterised by continuously low
interest rates and some volatility, pro-
viding a challenging environment for
the life and pension industry. Being
able to utilise its in-house Asset and
Liability Management expertise to
successfully navigate the short-term
challenges, Nordea Life & Pensions
was able to additionally build a strong
base for a life insurance group tai-
lored to meet the challenges of the
upcoming Solvency II regulatory
The overall strategic direction with
emphasis on capital-efficient products
distributed cost-efficiently through
Nordeas branch network began to be
visible in 2012. Although the total
gross written premium volume
slightly decreased from 2011, the
quality of the inflow was significantly
increased. Sales of market return and
pure risk products accounted for 75%
of total gross written premiums, up
16 %-points from the previous year.
Strong |nllow |n Assets under Management,
|ncreased bus|ness volumes |n Pr|vate
Bank|ng and ?5% ol new prem|ums |n L|le &
Pens|ons |n cap|talell|c|ent products
Wou|lh Munugomonl Bus|noss Arous
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 35
This, combined with 57% of the gross
written premiums being distributed
through the cost-efficient bank chan-
nel clearly underlines the long-term
profitability of the Nordea Life & Pen-
sions business.
While the primary focus during the
year has been on profitability rather
than volume, Nordea Life & Pensions
was still able to maintain its position
as the largest life and pension insurer
in the region measured in gross writ-
ten premiums. The shift in strategy is
also distinctly reflected in the net
flows in Life & Pensions products, as
traditional products experienced net
outflow of EUR 1.4bn and conversely
the net inflow to market return prod-
ucts was EUR 2.8bn.
The strong growth in market return
products, combined with a strong
investment return of 7.4% in the tradi-
tional portfolios, was the driver
behind the AuM increase by 13% to
the all-time high level of 51.3bn. The
strengthening of the financial buffers
continued, ending at 7.5% of technical
provisions due to strong asset/liabil-
ity management focused on decreas-
ing the financial risk borne by the
Life & Pensions operating profit for
the year ended at EUR 335m, which is
62% higher than in the previous year.
The increase was partly driven by rec-
ognition of fee income relating to pre-
vious years attributable to part of the
traditional portfolio, but also by a
strong increase in the underlying
profit driven by market return prod-
MCEV increased by EUR 1,048m in
2012 to EUR 3,762m, driven by
strengthened financial buffers and
higher asset values, higher than
expected earnings during the year
along with continuous inflow of prof-
itable new business. New business
sales contributed with EUR 173m to
MCEV in 2012.
Sav|ngs & Wealth
d+)8-2G -. ,#'H-1# ).( )(H-1#
Savings & Wealth Offerings (S&WO)
is a service unit in Wealth Manage-
ment with approximately 350 employ-
ees located in the Nordic countries
and Poland.
S&WOs role is to align, define,
partly develop, package and commu-
nicate Nordeas product and service
offerings to fulfil the customers indi-
vidual savings and investments
The primary deliveries are: concept
and value proposition development,
financial planning and asset alloca-
tion, market views and recommenda-
tions, product portfolio management,
online business development, broker-
age and trading, sales support and
education of advisors all of this
compliant with the regulatory frame-
works. All savings and investment
related activities are planned and exe-
cuted as an integral part of the value
chain in Retail Banking and Private
Banking. Furthermore, more than
770,000 financial plans were executed
with the financial planning tool in
Nordea. An objective of SWO is to
ensure cost synergies across customer
segments and markets and to contin-
uously increase quality and efficiency
in the advice session.
*+,-.#,, (#H#8&49#.2 C?BC
Despite market volatility, good
returns were delivered to customers
in 2012 especially for customers
who followed Nordeas investment
advice. The Nordea-recommended
portfolios yielded between 10.214.5%
in 2012 in local currency. Overall,
there was a significant increase in the
savings flow in 2012 compared to
2011. This was primarily driven by
investment products more specifically
by more advanced fixed income/credit
and balanced products.
The new tax wrapper in Sweden,
(ISK) has fuelled AuM growth. Nor-
dea was a first mover in launching the
ISK, not only in traditional channels,
but also online. By year end, over
92,000 ISK accounts were opened
with a total AuM of approximately
EUR 2.4bn. On deposits, low interest
rates led to declining margins, but
still generated positive net flows. The
investment product income grew by
approx. 6% in 2012 compared to 2011,
although margins declined due to
asset allocation changes from equities
to fixed income.
Total income for 2012 was EUR
1,492m, up 15% from 2011. Both net
fee and commission income and net
result from items at fair value
increased significantly driven by the
strong result in Asset Management
and in Life & Pensions. Operating
profit increased 28% compared to last
year and was EUR 708m.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 36
Mur|ol Pos|l|ons
Mur|ol pos|l|ons
=)'A#2 4&,-2-&.,E C?BC
Denmark Finland Norway Sweden Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Russia
Luxembourg Total
Number of customers, 000s
Corporate customers 55 128 89 245 18 9 7 66 6 2 625
Household customers 66
Household customers in
customer programme 1,586 2,475 872 3,124 122 103 148 602 n.a. 9,032
of which Gold and
Premium customers 720 1,011 283 959 25 21 17 83 n.a. 3,120
(change 2012/2011, %) 1% 1% 5% 2% 4% 5% 19% 6% 2%
Private Banking 43 27 10 14 0.5 1.0 0.3 1.3 n.a. 12 106
(change 2012/2011, %) 4% 3% 9% 4% 26% 16% 46% 6% 0% 3%
Net banking, active users 921 1,305 335 1,439 95 101 146 367 n.a. 4,709
(change 2012/2011, %) 11% 3% 4% 2% 7% 0% 2% 9% 5%
Mobile banking 164 127 63 425 789
(change 2012/2011, %) 180% 47% 276% 95% 105%
Number of branch locations 207 235 97 231 16 13 11 138 30 978
Market shares, % (change 2012/2011, %-points)
Corporate lending 24 (0) 30 (3) 13 (1) 15 (1) 23 (+1) 16 (+1) 14 (+1) 2 (0) 1 (0)
Corporate deposits 25 (0) 34 (4) 14 (2) 17 (2) 13 (+5) 6 (+1) 10 (+1) 2 (0) 1 (0)
Institutional investment funds 4 (6) 30 (+3) 9 (+1) 8 (0)
Household investment funds 16 (0) 24 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (0)
Life & Pensions 18 (+1) 25 (1) 13 (1) 5 (2) 5 (1)
Household mortgage
lending 17 (+1) 30 (1) 12 (0) 15 (0) 16 (+1) 19 (+1) 13 (+1) 5 (1) <1
Consumer lending 21 (0) 30 (1) 7 (0) 8 (1) 6 (2) 2 (0) 10 (+1) <1 <1
Household deposits 22 (1) 31 (0) 8 (1) 16 (1) 6 (0) 6 (0) 2 (0) 1 (0) <1

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Polu|| Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
Corporulo Soc|u| Pospons|b|||ly
Our poop|o
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 37
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 38
oroou conl|nuoo lo |nlogrulo suslu|nub|||ly
|n lho coro bus|noss
ln 2C12, our CSP wor|
ocusoo on urlhor |nlogrul
|ng CSP w|lh our coro bus|
noss |n ||no w|lh our slrul
ogy uno |ong lorm gou|. ll |s
u conl|nuous procoss uno
onlu||s lu||ng onv|ronmon
lu|, soc|u| uno govornunco
uspocls |nlo uccounl |n ovo
rylh|ng wo oo. Tho wor|
|nvo|voo |s onorgy wo||
sponl bocuuso, us our CEO
suys: rospons|b|o bus|noss
|ouos lo suslu|nub|o rosu|ls.
The financial crisis has shown the
importance of strong and stable banks
for societies to prosper. Nordeas pri-
mary responsibility is to remain strong
and stable so that we can help our cus-
tomers be it individuals, families, com-
panies or corporations to realise their
aspirations. All our stakeholders have
to be able to depend on us for the long
term. CSR plays an important part.
In 2012, we focused on strengthen-
ing compliance, further developing
our lending practices, expanding our
investment products with positive
screening, introducing a new Sustain-
ability Policy and a whistle blowing
system, and continuing to reduce our
ecological footprint.

D2'#.;2"#.-.; 1&948-).1# JG
1&9J)2-.; 1'-9-.)8 .#2N&'A,
Financial services represents one of
the key pillars of a healthy, stable
society. Banks facilitate trade, saving
and investment the basic engines of
a modern economy. Yet banks can be
the target of criminal individuals and
networks. Global anti-crime authori-
ties are today investing considerable
energy and resources in combatting
money laundering and money trans-
fers to terrorist organisations. Many
of the new regulations in our sector
relate to these endeavours. Nordea
welcomes this. As a responsible inter-
national bank, we are committed to
supporting all efforts to combat
organised crime and terrorism.
In 2012, Nordea set up dedicated
Anti-Money Laundering teams in all
the markets where we operate. Each
team has an Executive Manager with
overall responsibility for country-
based risks associated with money
laundering and terrorist financing.
This year our Board of Directors
agreed a company-wide standard for
our internal compliance processes in
these two areas. Nordeas Group
Compliance function coordinates and
monitors the work of our country-
based Anti-Money Laundering teams.
We introduced a mandatory course
for all new employees in Anti-Money
Laundering and as of 2012 all employ-
ees receive regular updates on overall
Operational Risk and Compliance
through e-learning and classroom
training sessions. In 2011 we intro-
duced Compliance Awareness Train-
ing for Senior Management that
included external board members,
Group Executive Management mem-
bers and their own management
group. This programme continued in
As a Nordic company, Nordeas cul-
ture is marked by a tradition of open-
ness and trust. While this is an essen-
tial foundation for any compliance
system, we need standardised pro-
cesses and for this reason, we intro-
duced a formal whistle blowing sys-
tem in 2012. The decision reflects our
status as a Global Systemically
Important Bank and ensures our
compliance with the standards set out
in the UK Bribery Act and European
Banking Authority Guidelines.
Nordeas whistle blowing system
offers employees a range of different
avenues for reporting their ethical
concerns. The first port of call is gen-
erally their manager or, if they prefer,
another manager. If this is not appro-
priate, they can voice their concerns
directly to a Risk and Compliance
Officer. It may be that an employee
would rather keep his or her identity
private, In which case they can print
off a form from the banks intranet
and send it anonymously to Group
@#,4&.,-J8# 8#.(-.;
In 2012, in Nordeas corporate lending
we continued to renew the environ-
mental, social, political and govern-
ance (ESG) analyses in the credit pro-
cess. Nordeas current analytical tools,
Environmental Risk Assessment and
Social and Political Risk Assessment,
will be combined and made interac-
tive. Going forward we will focus our
ESG analyses on credits with higher
probability of ESG risks. Certain
industries and countries are more
prone to ESG risks than others which
our procedures take into account. We
will also integrate ESG aspects with
the know-your-customer process. If
this analysis will raise a red flag, a
wider analysis with the new tool will
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 39
be performed. The new process will
be tested starting in the first quarter
of 2013 aiming for a rollout during the
second half of 2013.
S.H#,2-.; JG 4&,-2-H# ,1'##.-.;
In 2012, Nordeas Responsible Invest-
ment Team continued its active
approach to investments holding
biannual dialogues with companies
invested in and participating in
Annual General Meetings. The
Responsible Investment fund, Emerg-
ing Stars, which was launched in
2011, grew in popularity in 2012. The
funds focus on companies with a pos-
itive trend and with sustainability as
their platform for growth. Emerging
Stars have shown solid outper-
In 2012, the Responsible Investment
Committee decided to sell all hold-
ings in companies that produce or
develop nuclear weapon systems or
technology. The Committees reason-
ing is that nuclear weapons are not
conducive with human rights. Hold-
ings in some 20 companies were
D2)A#"&8(#' (-)8&;+#,
Nordeas CSR Secretariats stake-
holder dialogues were dominated by
socially responsible investors (SRI).
The interest from the SRIs has
increased and at year end 31% of Nor-
deas shares were owned by institu-
tions that have publicly stated overall
responsible investments policy and/or
signatories to the UNs Principles for
Responsible Investment. This is quite
significant as the average percentage
owned by SRIs in European and
North American listed companies is
10 to 15% (study from 2010). The dia-
logues were held in face to face meet-
ings, via telephone as well as surveys
with follow up conversations.
The annual customer satisfaction
survey and employee satisfaction sur-
vey provides information on CSR
aspects customers and employees
view as important. We also carried
out an online discussion board and
stakeholder survey to ensure that we
are addressing the most material
issues for our business.
MD@ D2)A#"&8(#' *&)'(
CSR is owned by the business in Nor-
dea. The task of the CSR Stakeholder
Board is to work towards business
ownership of CSR in the Group. The
CSR Stakeholder Board will consist of
businesses and functions most rele-
vant to promote CSR in Nordea. Three
members were added to the CSR
Stakeholder Board in 2012, the Head of
Investor Relations, Branding and
Responsible Investments. The mem-
bers represent business areas and
group functions to ensure group wide
perspective and consensus in our
CSR work.
For more information about Nor-
deas CSR work, please see Nordeas
CSR Report 2012 available on www.
By ho|p|ng housoho|os uno compun|os rou||so lho|r
p|uns uno oroums, wo ho|p bu||o lho uluro o our
soc|ol|os. Thorooro our CSP wor| |s pr|mur||y ocusoo on our
coro bus|noss rospons|b|o croo|ls uno rospons|b|o |nvoslmonls
Nordeas CSR Report 2012, available on
Our poop|o
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 4C
Po|ul|onsh|ps counl. Th|s |s
why ul oroou, wo bo||ovo
|n pull|ng poop|o |rsl -
ospoc|u||y our omp|oyoos.
Whon lhoy grow, wo grow -
lho|r s|||| uno ooo|cul|on
|oop us uhouo uno mu|o
oroou groul.
O#&48# ,2')2#;G
Our people strategy is defined by our
business vision, strategy and values.
According to our people strategy,
Nordea can reach its goals only if our
employees reach theirs, and we there-
fore provide opportunities for our
people to flourish and live well-bal-
anced lives. Teamwork is an integral
part of working at Nordea. In line
with our one Nordea team value,
employees can fulfil both their own
and Nordeas ambitions while enjoy-
ing being part of a high-performing
7&1+, &. H)8+#, ).( 8#)(#',"-4
Nordeas values and leadership are
the strongest drivers for performance
and building corporate culture.
Building a great European bank
requires great leaders. Nordea
defines great leadership as the ability
to engage and motivate people to
reach out for Nordeas vision, and to
create the right team to make it hap-
pen. Successful leaders at Nordea are
committed, engaged and seek to ena-
ble those around them to flourish
and develop not just themselves.
Developing the capabilities of others,
unlocking their potential and provid-
ing constructive feedback are inher-
ent leadership qualities.
In 2012, Nordea introduced a
Leadership Pipeline Framework to
take our leaders to the next level.
New leaders are quickly initiated in
their new roles through a special
introduction programme providing
them with the requisite information
and understanding of tools and pro-
cesses for their managerial roles.
Other programmes seek to train
managers in the skills and perspec-
tives required at different stages as
they progress through the bank. The
leadership pipeline targets all man-
agers and comprises classroom and
work-based learning. The 2012
employee satisfaction survey showed
satisfaction with immediate manag-
ers at an index rate of 79, confirming
that Nordeas managers are above
the industry average. The index rate
for living our values increased to 79
from 78.
7##(J)1A 1+82+'#
R ) 2N&LN)G ,2'##2
Nordea prioritises open dialogues in
employee relationships. We know
that people feel valued when they
feel heard. Regular feedback is also
key to their ongoing development.
This culture of responsiveness is ena-
bled by our Employee Satisfaction
Index (ESI) and our Performance &
Development Dialogue (PDD) pro-
cess. The one-on-one PDD talk
between employee and manager is
fundamental to accelerating growth
and validating our culture of perfor-
mance and progress. We assess per-
formance, plan a short- and long-
term career path and decide on
development initiatives/activities. In
2012, 97% of employees reported that
they participated in this review pro-
The ESI survey is a gauge for Nor-
dea as an employer. It shows what our
employees think about our employ-
ment practices, our governance stand-
ards and our values. In 2012, 94%
responded to the ESI. This exception-
ally high response rate indicates a
combined commitment to enhance
operations. We follow up on the feed-
back from the ESI both at local and
group level.
:44&'2+.-2-#, 2&
/8&+'-," ).( ;'&N
Nordea aims to offer many opportu-
nities for employees to develop
within the Group. Development is
the joint responsibility of the man-
ager and employee. Nordea provides
group-wide leadership and employee
development. The business areas pro-
vide training in specific skills and
knowledge developed to secure com-
mon expertise within a market area.
Much of our training occurs on the
production floor. Such on-the-job
learning has proved to be a highly
effective way of keeping training rel-
evant. We supplement this with
classroom teaching, e-learning and
virtual workshops. Helping our
employees achieve their full potential
is crucial, because their skills and
dedication keep us ahead and make
Nordea great. The Talent Manage-
ment process ensures that we have
strong leaders, competent specialists
and high-quality succession.
Wo grow logolhor
Our poop|o
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 41
Y 1&94).G N-2"
9).G 4&,,-J-8-2-#,
Mobility is key to developing skills.
We advertise our vacancies internally
and endeavour to find candidates
among our colleagues. One way of
learning about jobs and competence
needs in the Group is by joining our
career days, run on a country basis.
Most career mobility takes place
within the same country, although
the opportunity to work across bor-
ders and in different value chains is
also greatly valued by our staff par-
ticularly graduate programme partic-
ipants. Nordeas graduate programme
plays an important role in bringing
new talents to the bank. The pro-
gramme is in high demand and is
thus a good measure of our ability to
attract some of the best young tal-
ents. Graduates are hired for a partic-
ular position and combine work with
the graduate training programme
during their first year as a Nordea
@#,4&.,-J8# '#,2'+12+'-.;
The financial turbulence and new
global requirements regarding capi-
tal, liquidity and costs have resulted
in a need for sustained cost and capi-
tal efficiency measures throughout
the entire financial industry. In 2011,
Nordea announced a restructuring
programme in the Nordic countries.
While it was not a step we took
lightly, it was crucial to the banks
future. It has led to a reduction of
around 2,700 employees at group
level since the second quarter of 2011.
Reductions thus far have mainly
occurred through natural attrition
and internal mobility, combined with
I948&G##, (-,2'-J+2#( JG );#
% o omp|oyoos 31 Doc 2C12
5% 2C% 15% 1C% 3C% 25%
I948&G## ,)2-,/)12-&. ,+'H#G '#,+82,
ESI, index 2012 2011 2010
Satisfaction and motivation 71 72 73
Development 73 71 73
Considered a good workplace 74 74 79
Proud to tell others where I work 76 76 82
Recommend others join Nordea 72 72 78
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 42
Our poop|o
%+9J#' &/ #948&G##,E JG )'#) &' /+.12-&.

Full-time equivalents (FTEs) 2012 2011
Retail Banking 17,947 19,252
Banking Denmark 3,934 4,279
Banking Finland 3,996 4,177
Banking Norway 1,402 1,428
Banking Sweden 3,306 3,505
Banking Poland 1,629 2,000
Banking Baltic countries 799 873
Retail Banking other 2,881 2,990
Wholesale Banking 6,066 6,274
Corporate & Institutional Banking 213 212
Shipping, Offshore & Oil Services 87 96
Banking Russia 1,486 1,547
Capital Markets Products 2,091 2,153
Wholesale Banking other 2,189 2,266
Wealth Management 3,561 3,639
Nordic Private Banking 906 914
International Private Banking & Funds 302 305
Asset Management 559 567
Life & Pensions 1,277 1,334
Savings 324 322
Wealth Management other 193 197
Group Operations & Other Lines of Business 2,482 2,430
Group Corporate Centre 430 441
Group Functions and Other 980 1,032
Nordea Group 31,466 33,068
highly cautious external recruitment
and refraining from extending tem-
porary employment contracts. In the
Nordics, over 300 people made career
moves within the bank in the context
of our internal People Matching Pro-
cess. People also chose to leave Nor-
dea with mutually agreed redun-
dancy packages with the possibility of
outplacement support.
2CC5 2CC6 2CC7 2CC8 2CC9 2C1C 2C11 2C12
%+9J#' &/ #948&G##, U/+88 2-9# #T+-H)8#.2,E 7!I,V
Polu|| Bun||ng Bus|noss Arous
Tho oroou shuro uno shuroho|oors
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 43
2008 2012 2011 2010 2009
%&'(#) ,")'# 4#'/&'9).1#
1&94)'#( 2& I+'&4#). J).A,E
oroou STOXX Europo 6CC Bun|s |noox





Tho oroou shuro uno shuroho|oors
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 44
Tho oroou shuro uno shuroho|oors
date of the merger between Mer-
itaNordbanken and Unidanmark,
the Nordea share has appreciated
74% and clearly out performed the
STOXX Europe 600 Banks index
(51%) and the NASDAQ OMX
OMXS30 index (28%).
Nordeas share price can be moni-
tored on, where it is
also possible to compare the perfor-
mance of the Nordea share with com-
petitors and general indexes as well as
to find historical prices for the Nordea
!&2)8 ,")'#"&8(#' '#2+'. C?BC
Total shareholder return (TSR) is the
market value growth per share and
reinvested dividends. Total share-
holder return in 2012 was 21.0%
(24.4% in 2011). Nordea ranked
number 14 among the European peer
group banks in terms of TSR in 2012
(number five 2011, nine 2010, seven
2009, two 2008 and number three in
2007 and 2006.) The average TSR for
the peer group was 42%.
!+'.&H#' R 2"# 9&,2 8-T+-( %&'(-1
/-.).1-)8 ,")'#
The Nordea share was the most liquid
Nordic financial share in 2012, with
an average daily trading volume of
approx. EUR 73m, corresponding to
approx. 11 million shares. Turnover
on all stock exchanges combined
totalled EUR 18.2bn in 2012, corre-
oroou's |nunc|u| lurgol
|s lo rouch 15% rolurn
on oqu|ly (POE) |n u
normu||soo |nlorosl rulo
onv|ronmonl uno w|lh u
coro l|or 1 cup|lu| rul|o o
ubovo 13%.
The market capitalisation of Nordea
at the end of 2012 was EUR 29.3bn.
Ranked by market capitalisation
Nordea was the fourth largest com-
pany in the Nordic region and among
the ten largest European financial
The Nordea share is listed on the
NASDAQ OMX Nordic, the stock
exchanges in Stockholm (in SEK),
Helsinki (EUR) and Copenhagen

D")'# 4'-1# (#H#8&49#.2
The international equity markets
recovered in 2012 and the Nordea
share price appreciated 17% on the
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Stock
Exchange from SEK 53.25 to SEK
62.10. The daily closing prices listed
for the Nordea share during 2012
ranged between SEK 66.90 and SEK
51.55. In 2012, the NASDAQ OMX
OMXS30 index appreciated by 12%
and the STOXX Europe 600 Banks
index by 23%. Since 6 March 2000, the
%&'(#) ,")'# 4#'/&'9).1# 1&94)'#( 2&
I+'&4#). J).A,E C???RC?BC
Jun Muy Jun Ju| Aug Sop Ocl ov Doc Apr Mur Fob

ASDAO OMX lolu| A|lornul|vo oxchungos lolu|
D2&1A #Z1").;# 2+'.&H#' &/ 2"# %&'(#) ,")'# C?BC
sponding to over 2.6 billion shares.
A large part of the total trading
takes place on new alternative trading
and reporting venues. 13% of the total
volume traded in Nordea shares takes
place over other exchanges such as
BATS Chi-X Europe, Burgundy and
Turquoise. Out of the total number of
Nordea shares traded in 2012, approx.
83% were SEK denominated, 9% EUR
denominated and 8% DKK denomi-
%#N 1)4-2)8 4&8-1G
Nordea has established a new capital
policy for the new regulatory envi-
ronment, which states that, no later
than 1 January 2015, the target for the
core tier 1 capital ratio is to be above
13% and for the total capital ratio
above 17%. The dividend policy
remains unchanged. Excess capital is
expected to be distributed to share-
D")'# 1)4-2)8
In order to implement the Long Term
Incentive Programme 2012 (LTIP
2012) in a cost-efficient manner the
AGM 2012 decided on an issue of
2,679,168 redeemable and convertible
C-shares. The C-shares should hedge
the programme against negative
financial effects from share price
appreciations. C-shares do not entitle
to any dividend. From 3 May 2012
when the C-shares were converted to





oroou STOXX Europo 6CC Bun|s |noox
Tho oroou shuro uno shuroho|oors
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 45
e)';#,2 '#;-,2#'#(f ,")'#"&8(#', -. %&'(#)E >B 0#1 C?BC
No of shares,
Sampo plc 860.4 21.4
Swedish state 544.2 13.5
Nordea-fonden 158.2 3.9
Swedbank Robur Funds 135.9 3.4
AMF Insurance & Funds 74.1 1.8
Norwegian Petroleum Fund 71.5 1.8
SHB Funds 59.2 1.5
SEB Funds 47.4 1.2
Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund 44.7 1.1
AFA Insurance 41.1 1.0
Nordea Funds 39.0 1.0
Varma Mutual Pension Fund 30.4 0.8
Skandia Life Insurance 27.4 0.7
First Swedish National Pension Fund 25.7 0.6
Alecta 25.5 0.6
Third Swedish National Pension Fund 22.2 0.6
Nordea Profit-sharing Foundation 21.4 0.5
Second Swedish National Pension Fund 20.0 0.5
SPP Funds 19.6 0.5
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency 18.0 0.4
Total, 20 largest shareholders 2,306.4 56.7
Source: SIS garservice, Nordic Central Securities Depository, VP Online.
* Excluding nominee accounts.
Swoo|sh |nsl|lul|ons, 21%
Swoo|sh pub||c, 3%
orwuy, 2%
K, 4%
Olhors, 7%
S, 11%
Dun|sh |nsl|lul|ons, 6%
Dun|sh pub||c, 3%
F|nn|sh |nsl|lul|ons, 25%
F|nn|sh pub||c, 5%
Swoo|sh slulo, 13%
D")'#"&8(#' ,2'+12+'#E >B 0#1 C?BC
Jan May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Apr Mar Feb
ordinary shares, the share capital
amounts to EUR 4,049,951,919.
All ordinary shares in Nordea
carry voting rights, with each share
entitled to one vote at General Meet-
ings. Nordea is not entitled to vote for
own shares at General Meetings.
Further to the Long Term Incentive
Programmes, there are no convertible
%&'(#) ,")'#E )H#');# &/
).)8G,2 '#1&99#.()2-&., C?BC
bond loans or staff/management
options in Nordea.
0-H-(#.( 4&8-1G ).( 4'&4&,#(
Nordea pursues a policy of high divi-
dends. The policy is that the total div-
idend payment will exceed 40% of net
profit for the year.
The Board of Directors proposes a
dividend of EUR 0.34 per share for
2012. The total dividend payment for
2012 would then be EUR 1,370m, cor-
responding to a payout ratio of 44% of
the net profit after tax, which is in
line with the dividend policy. The
dividend yield calculated on the share
price at 28 December 2012 is 4.7%.
%&'(#) N#-;"2-.; -. 2"#
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Jun Muy Jun Ju| Aug Sop Ocl ov Doc Apr Mur Fob
%&'(#) ,")'#E #T+-2G ).)8G,2,3 )H#');# 2)';#2 4'-1#
).( )12+)8 ,")'# 4'-1# C?BC
Acluu| shuro pr|co




Turgol shuro pr|co
Tho oroou shuro uno shuroho|oors
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 46
0-,2'-J+2-&. &/ ,")'#,E >B 0#1 C?BC
Distribution of shares
Number of
shareholders Shareholders, %
Number of
shares Shares, %
11,000 328,180 74% 102,161,310 3%
1,00110,000 111,790 25% 269,205,393 7%
10,001100,000 5,724 1% 137,350,799 3%
100,0011,000,000 612 0% 189,411,659 5%
1,000,001 300 0% 3,331,554,265 82%
Total 446,606 4,029,683,426
D")'# ()2) K G#)',
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
Share price SEK 62.10 SEK 53.25 SEK 73.15 SEK 72.90 SEK 54.70
High/Low (SEK) 66.90 / 51.55 79.60 / 48.30 76.00 / 60.30 79.10 / 30.50 108.00 / 52.50
Market capitalisation EUR 29.3bn EUR 24.2bn EUR 33.0bn EUR 28.7bn EUR 13.0bn
Dividend EUR 0.34
EUR 0.26 EUR 0.29 EUR 0.25 EUR 0.20
Dividend yield
4.7% 3.8% 3.6% 3.1% 4.0%
TSR 21.0% 24.4% 3.7% 78.6% 46.9%
STOXX Europe 600 Banks index 23.1% 34.0% 27.0% 46.9% 64.0%
P/E (actual) 9.3 9.7 12.36 11.85 7.20
Price-to-book 1.03 0.92 1.34 1.34 0.90
Equity per share
EUR 7.01 EUR 6.47 EUR 6.07 EUR 5.56 EUR 5.29
Earnings per share
EUR 0.78 EUR 0.65 EUR 0.66 EUR 0.60 EUR 0.79
Outstanding shares
4,029,683,426 4,029,023,222 4,027,129,675 4,024,167,751 2,594,108,227
1) Excluding shares held for the Long Term Incentive Programmes.
2) Proposed dividend.
3) Dividend yield calculated at starting price on payment day, for 2012 calculated at price per 28 December 2012.
4) Previous years restated due to rights issue.
M").;# -. ,")'# 1)4-2)8
Quota value per
Number of shares
Nominal change
Total number of
Share capital
11 May06 Bonus issue 1.00 1,566 2,594,108,227 2,594
08 Jun07 New issue
1.00 3,120,000 3 2,597,228,227 2,597
15 May08 New issue
1.00 2,880,000 3 2,600,108,227 2,600
30 Apr09 New issue
1.00 1,416,811,607 1,417 4,016,919,834 4,017
17 May09 New issue
1.00 13,247,917 13 4,030,167,751 4,030
18 May09 New issue
1.00 7,250,000 7 4,037,417,751 4,037
6 May10 New issue
1.00 5,125,000 5 4,042,542,751 4,043
5 May11 New issue
1.00 4,730,000 5 4,047,272,751 4,047
2 May12 New issue
1.00 2,679,168 3 4,049,951,919 4,050
1) A presentation of changes in share capital before 2006 is presented and available at
2) As of January 2006, nominal value has been replaced by quota value according to the new Swedish Companies Act.
3) C-shares issued for the Long Term Incentive Programme 2007. Converted to ordinary shares 18 June 2007.
4) C-shares issued for the Long Term Incentive Programme 2008. Converted to ordinary shares 22 May 2008.
5) Shares issued in relation to the Nordea rights offering.
6) C-shares issued for the Long Term Incentive Programme 2009. Converted to ordinary shares 12 May 2009.
7) C-shares issued for the Long Term Incentive Programme 2010. Converted to ordinary shares 11 May 2010.
8) C-shares issued for the Long Term Incentive Programme 2011. Converted to ordinary shares 17 May 2011.
9) C-shares issued for the Long Term Incentive Programme 2012. Converted to ordinary shares 3 May 2012.
The dividend is denominated in
EUR, Nordeas accounting currency.
The payment currency depends on
the country in which the shares are
registered. Owners of shares regis-
tered in Sweden can choose between
dividend in SEK or EUR. An official
exchange rate is published. In Den-
mark, dividends are paid in EUR. If
the shareholder does not have a EUR
account the dividend is converted into
local currency. Each custody institute
decides its own conversion rate. In
Finland, the dividend is paid in EUR.
With approx. 450,000 registered
share holders at the end of 2012,
Nordea has one of the largest share-
holder bases of all Nordic companies.
The number of shareholders in
Sweden is approx. 90,000, in Finland
approx. 187,000 and in Denmark
approx. 169,000 numbers which were
largely unchanged from last year.
The largest shareholder category is
Finnish institutions (including Sampo
plc), with a 25% holding of Nordea
shares at year-end. Swedish institu-
tional shareholders held 21% while
non-Nordic shareholders held 22% of
the capital at the end of 2012. The
largest individual shareholder is
Sampo plc with a holding of 21.4%.
The Swedish state held 13.5% at the
end of 2012.
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2C11 2C12
EP bn
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 47
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 48
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
D2'&.; 1)4-2)8 4&,-2-&.E /8)2 1&,2, ).(
;'&N-.; -.1&9#
Total operating income increased 8%
Total operating expenses decreased 1%
Net loan losses 28 basis points (23 basis points)
Operating profit increased 11%
(excluding the restructuring costs in the previous year)
Return on equity (ROE) 11.6% (last year 11.1%)
Risk-adjusted profit increased 20%
Core tier 1 capital ratio 13.1%, excluding transition rules
(last year 11.2%)
Overall credit quality remained solid
85,000 relationship customers were new to Nordea
Assets under Management up 16% to EUR 218bn
Ambitious financial target and new capital policy
e#;)8 ,2'+12+'#
Nordea aims at continuous simplification of its legal struc-
ture and as regards the Nordic banks the aim is that Nor-
dea Bank AB (publ) will be converted into a European
company. Among other things, a conversion is conditional
on Nordea obtaining necessary approvals from the rele-
vant authorities.
The final regulatory responses to the financial crisis and
the New Normal are yet to be seen, and to be evaluated.
Nordea is following up and analysing the changes in pro-
cess, which are not expected to be finalised during 2013.
=)1'&#1&.&9-1 (#H#8&49#.2
The environment in which Nordea operates is character-
ised by a challenging macroeconomic development, vola-
tile financial markets, a low-interest-rate environment and
an ongoing and increased focus on the new regulations.
Global economic growth outlook has weakened further
in the year. The Nordic economies have continued to per-
form relatively well compared to the rest of Europe, bene-
fitting from overall sound public finances, but still with
differences within the region. Denmark, which is still the
most affected country, followed the eurozone into reces-
sion. Finland experienced marginally negative growth,
while Norway continued to stand out as the strongest
economy. Although Swedish growth has decreased, it
remained positive.
Unemployment has been unchanged in the region, while
consumption growth slowed down, with Denmark
remaining weak. A positive development has been the sta-
bilisation of housing prices in Denmark, while the other
Nordic housing markets remain solid.
@#,+82 ,+99)'G /&' C?BC
Total income increased by 8% in 2012 compared to 2011
and total expenses were down somewhat in accordance
with the flat cost target. Net loan losses increased from last
year to a level of 28 basis points of loans, broadly in line
with the credit risk appetite. Operating profit was up 11%
when excluding the restructuring costs last year (up 16%
including these). Risk-adjusted profit increased by 20%
compared to the preceding year.
Net interest income increased 5% compared to 2011. Lend-
ing volumes increased 3%, mainly household mortgage
lending, and corporate lending spreads were higher, while
deposit spreads decreased from 2011. Net interest margin,
the average net interest income on lending and deposits,
was 1.06%, down somewhat from last year.
Net fee and commission income increased 5% due to
strong commission income from savings and investments
as well as higher payments and lending commissions.
Net result from items at fair value increased by 18%
compared to last year, following stable customer-driven
capital markets activities, high results from the life insur-
ance operations as well as good results from management
of the risks inherent in the customer transactions.
Income under the equity method was EUR 93m (EUR
42m) and other income was EUR 103m (EUR 91m).
Total expenses increased 3% compared to last year and
staff costs increased 3%, when excluding the restructuring
costs last year. Total expenses decreased 0.5% compared to
2011 in local currencies when excluding the restructuring
costs last year and excluding performance-related salaries
and profit-sharing, ie with the cost definition for the cost
target in the New Normal plan. Staff costs decreased 2% in
local currencies when excluding the restructuring costs
last year and excluding performance-related salaries and
Net loan losses
Net loan loss provisions increased to EUR 933m, corre-
sponding to a loan loss ratio of 28 basis points (23 basis
points last year, excluding provisions related to the Danish
deposit guarantee fund). As expected, provisions for future
loan losses in Denmark and shipping remained at elevated
levels. In other areas, the losses were low. The loan loss
ratio was broadly in line with the credit risk appetite.
The effective tax rate in 2012 was 24.1%, compared to
25.7% last year. The 2012 effective tax rate was affected by
a reduction in income tax expenses due to a one-off effect
of recalculation mainly of deferred tax liabilities, following
the lowering of the tax rate in Sweden.
Net profit and Return on equity (ROE)
Net profit increased 19% to EUR 3,126m, due to the record-
high income and somewhat lower costs than last year.
Return on equity (ROE) was 11.6% (last year 11.1%,
when excluding the restructuring costs in last year).
Risk-adjusted profit
Risk-adjusted profit increased 20% compared to last year
to EUR 3,245m.
F|nunc|u| Pov|ow 2C12
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 49
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
Market Consistent Embedded Value (MCEV)
The MCEV increased 39% to EUR 3,762m due to higher
asset values, strengthening of the financial buffers and
continuous inflow of profitable new sales. The value of
new business was EUR 173m.
7-.).1-)8 ,2'+12+'#
Total assets decreased by 5% or EUR 39bn to EUR 677bn
during 2012. Total liabilities decreased by 6% or EUR 41bn
to EUR 649bn. All balance sheet items in foreign curren-
cies are translated to EUR at the year-end rates when con-
solidated into the Nordea Group. See Note G1 for more
information on accounting policies and section 27 therein
for cross-currency rates used.
The euro weakened against both the Swedish and Norwe-
gian krona and was largely unchanged against the Danish
krona during 2012. The effect of changes in currency
exchange rates amounted to a total increase in the Groups
assets of EUR 8bn. Liabilities increased by EUR 7bn.
The decrease in total assets was driven by a 6% decrease in
total loans, amounting to EUR 24bn, to EUR 365bn com-
pared with one year ago and calculated in local currencies
the decrease amounted to 8%. The decrease was mainly in
loans to central banks, which is largely explained by a simi-
lar increase in cash and balances with central banks.
Investments in interest-bearing securities and shares
increased by EUR 10bn, or 8%, to EUR 131bn.
Deposits and funding activities
Deposits and borrowings increased by EUR 11bn or 4% to
EUR 256bn, while debt securities in issue increased by EUR
4bn or 2%. Total debt securities in issue as per the end of 2012
amounted to EUR 184bn. During 2012, long-term issuance
under Nordea funding programmes amounted to EUR
29bn, excluding Danish covered bonds.
Life insurance activities
Net premiums received in the Life business are invested in
interest-bearing securities, shares and properties.
Increases of fair values on these investments as well as
higher premiums written led to an increase in liabilities
to policyholders by EUR 5bn or 11%.
The balance sheet items Derivatives reflect the net pre-
sent value of derivative contracts split on positive and neg-
ative fair values. Both positive and negative fair values
decreased by EUR 53bn, mainly due to that a larger por-
tion of the derivatives were subject to central counterparty
clearing, but also due to an active compression of the
derivatives portfolio. The derivatives volume, measured in
nominal terms, decreased by EUR 147bn, or 2%, to EUR
6,677bn. For more information, see Notes G1 and G17.
7-.).1-)8 2)';#2
Nordea has established the financial target to increase
return on equity (ROE) to reach a ROE of 15% in a normal-
ised interest rate environment and with a core tier 1 capital
ratio of above 13%.
M)4-2)8 4&,-2-&. ).( .#N 1)4-2)8 4&8-1G
The Groups core tier 1 capital ratio, excluding transition
rules, increased to 13.1% at the end of 2012, a strengthen-
ing by 1.9 %-points from the end of last year. The total cap-
ital ratio excluding transition rules increased 2.8 %-points
to 16.2%. Improved capital ratios have been achieved by
strong profit generation and a decrease in risk-weighted
assets (RWA).
Nordea has established a new capital policy, which states
that, no later than 1 January 2015, the target for the core
tier 1 capital ratio is to be above 13% and for the total capi-
tal ratio to be above 17%. The dividend policy remains
unchanged. Excess capital is expected to be distributed to
The capital policy is based on managements current
best view on capitalisation although there is still uncer-
tainty regarding the final outcome of the CRD IV/CRR.
The targets are considered minimum targets under normal
business conditions, as the regulatory framework is
dynamic through the cycle.
A description of the Capital position is presented under
Capital management on page 66 and in Note G40.
M'#(-2 4&'2/&8-&
Total loans to the public, lending, increased to EUR 346bn,
up 3% from one year ago. The share of lending to corporate
customers was 53%. Lending to the shipping industry con-
stituted 3.3% of the Groups total lending and lending to
companies owned by private equity funds was less than
3% of total lending, of which 99% are senior loans.
Migration continued to be slightly positive in 2012,
mainly in the retail and institutions credit portfolios. The
total effect of improved credit quality on RWA was a
decrease by approx. 1.3% in 2012.
Impaired loans gross in the Group increased 35% to
EUR 6,905m at the end of the year compared to last year.
58% of impaired loans gross are performing loans and 42%
are non-performing loans. This development has been
expected, since at this point of the business cycle,
it has been easier to identify specific customers, where
there is a need for a loan loss provision.
Further information about the credit portfolio is
presented under Risk management on page 57, in Note
G47 and in the Capital and Risk Management Report
2012 published on the web pages.
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Nordea Bank AB (publ) in December 2012 entered into a
guarantee agreement with its wholly-owned subsidiary
Nordea Bank Finland Plc. The guarantee is an arms-length
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 5C
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
internal guarantee at a total amount of maximum EUR 60bn
which will transfer the credit risk attached to an identified
portfolio of corporate exposures held by Nordea Bank Fin-
land Plc to Nordea Bank AB (publ). The guarantee does not
have any net impact on the risk position at Group level.
Further information is presented in supplements to base
prospectuses at and in Note P38 Contingent
%&'(#)3, /+.(-.; &4#')2-&.,
Nordea issued approx. EUR 29bn of long-term debt during
the year, excluding Danish covered bonds.
Liquidity management is presented on page 64. A matu-
rity analysis is presented in Note G45.
=)'A#2 '-,A
A description of Market risk is presented on pages 6162.
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Nordea uses hedge accounting in order to have a symmet-
rical accounting treatment of the changes in fair value of
the hedged risks in the hedged items and of the hedging
instruments and in order to hedge the exposure to varia-
bility in cash flows and net investments in foreign opera-
tions. More information on the hedged risks is presented
in Note G1.
!"# %&'(#) ,")'#
According to the Articles of Association shares in Nordea
may be issued in two classes, ordinary shares and
C-shares. The total number of shares in the Company is
During May 2012, the directed new issue of C-shares in
Nordea resolved at the AGM 2012 as part of a hedging of
the Long Term Incentive Programme 2012 was completed
and the C-shares were converted into ordinary shares. Fol-
lowing these changes the total number of shares and votes
in Nordea amounts to 4,049,951,919. All shares are ordi-
nary shares, see also Statement of changes in equity on
page 174 and a table showing the change in share capital is
found on page 46. The voting rights are described on page
70. C-shares are not entitled to any dividend.
In addition, there are provisions in the Articles of Asso-
ciation which will ensure that the reciprocal rights and
obligations between each owner and each class remain in
the event of any issuance of new shares, warrants or con-
vertibles. There are no restrictions in law or in the Articles
of Association regarding the right to transfer shares and
the Company is not aware of any agreements between
shareholders in this respect.
However, since Nordea is a credit institution, a direct or
indirect acquisition of shares in Nordea, which causes the
acquirers total holding to comprise a qualifying holding
(represents 10% or more of the equity capital or of the vot-
ing capital) or an increase of qualified holdings, may only
take place following consent by the Swedish Financial
Supervisory Authority according to the Swedish Banking
and Financing Business Act.
On 31 December 2012 Sampo plc was the largest indi-
vidual shareholder with a holding of 21.4%. The second
largest was the Swedish state with a holding of 13.5%.
They were the only shareholders with a holding of more
than 10%. A table showing the largest registered share-
holders in Nordea, end of 2012 is found on page 45.
The employees have an indirect shareholding of 0.5% in
the Company through Nordea Profit-sharing Foundation
(see table on page 45) and a minor indirect shareholding in
the Company through the pension foundation. Voting
rights are in neither case exercised directly by the employ-
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As of 31 December 2012, Nordea held 26,900,445 shares
(0.5% of total number of shares) in Nordea. The quota
value is EUR 1 and the acquisition price amounts to EUR
65m. These shares are partly held for trading purposes and
partly as hedges of conditional rights in the Long Term
Incentive Programmes.
The Board of Directors and CEO propose to the AGM a div-
idend of EUR 0.34 per share (EUR 0.26), corresponding to a
payout ratio of 44% of net profit, in line with the dividend
policy. Total proposed dividend amounts to EUR 1,370m.
The ex-dividend date for the Nordea share is 15 March
2013. The proposed record date for the dividend is 19
March, and dividend payments will be made on 26 March.
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In order to be able to adjust the companys capital structure
to the capital requirement existing at any time and to use
own shares as payment in connection with acquisitions or in
order to finance such acquisitions, the Board of Directors
proposes to the AGM 2013 an authorisation to decide on
repurchase of own shares on a regulated market where the
companys shares are listed, or by means of an acquisition
offer directed to all shareholders. The authorisation is lim-
ited so that Nordeas holdings of own shares is a maximum
of 10% of all shares. The Board of Directors further proposes
an authorisation to decide on conveyance of own shares, to
be used as payment for or financing of acquisitions of com-
panies or businesses. Conveyance may be made in another
way than on a regulated market and with deviation from
shareholders pre-emptive rights.
During 2012, an authorisation to repurchase newly
issued C-shares in connection with the LTIP 2012 has been
in place.
=).()2# 2& -,,+# &/ 1&.H#'2-J8# -.,2'+9#.2,
The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM 2013 should
authorise the Board of Directors to decide on issuing of
convertible instruments, with or without preferential
rights for existing shareholders. The authorisation means
that the share capital may be increased by a maximum 10%
of the Companys share capital. The authorisation may be
used on one or several occasions up until the next AGM.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 51
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
An issue of convertible instruments should be done on
market conditions.
The purpose of the authorisation is to facilitate a flexible
and cost-effective adjustment of the Companys capital
structure to meet new capital requirements rules and
attaching to new capital instruments.
Ratings of the Nordea Group are presented on page 211.
Personnel expenses, significant agreements with key man-
agement personnel and the distribution by country and
gender are disclosed in Note G7. More information is pre-
sented in Our people on page 40.
O'&/-2 ,")'-.; ).( ,")'#LJ),#( -.1#.2-H# ,G,2#9,
In 2012, a total of approx. EUR 77m was expensed under
Nordeas ordinary profit-sharing scheme for all employees
and the Long-Term Incentive Programmes for managers
and key employees.
For 2012, each employee could receive a maximum of
EUR 3,200, of which EUR 2,600 was based on Return On
Equity and an additional EUR 600 based on the level of
customer satisfaction.
The Profit Sharing scheme for 2013 is based on Return
On Equity and Customer Satisfaction and the possible
maximum outcome of the programme is unchanged. If
both performance criteria are met, the cost of the scheme
will amount to a maximum of approx. EUR 100m.
The AGM 2012 approved a Long Term Incentive Pro-
gramme (LTIP 2012), for up to 400 managers and key
employees. To be part of the programme, the participants
had to invest in Nordea shares and thereby align their
interest and perspectives with the shareholders. LTIP 2012
is based on similar principles as previous programmes
with matching and performance shares measuring perfor-
mance over a longer time period. LTIP 2012 has as LTIP
2011 and LTIP 2010 a three-year vesting period instead of
two years as the previous programmes and is based on
shares free of charge instead of rights to acquire Nordea
shares. The performance measures are Risk-adjusted
Return on Capital at Risk and Price to Book.
O#.,-&. 8-)J-8-2-#,
The total pension obligation in Defined Benefit Plans has
decreased from EUR 3,484m to EUR 3,423m during 2012.
The decrease is mainly due to pensions paid, actuarial
gains and negative past service cost, partly offset by dis-
counting effects, new pension rights earned and transla-
tion differences. The fair value of plan assets has increased
from EUR 2,848m to EUR 3,125m, mainly reflecting the
return on plan assets and paid contributions, partly offset
by pension payments. Total unrecognised actuarial losses
before social charges and income tax amounts to EUR
251m at the end of 2012 (EUR 534m). See Note G33 for
more information.
e#;)8 4'&1##(-.;,
Within the framework of the normal business operations,
the Group faces a number of claims in civil lawsuits and
disputes, most of which involve relatively limited amounts.
Presently, none of the current disputes are considered
likely to have any significant adverse effect on the Group
or its financial position.
Further information is presented in Note G37.
I.H-'&.9#.2)8 1&.1#'., ).( 1&'4&')2# ,&1-)8
Nordea is committed to sustainable business and develop-
ment by combining financial performance with environ-
mental and social responsibility as well as sound govern-
ance practices. Nordea has adopted a Nordea
Sustainability Policy that spells out the Groups values and
commitments to ethical business. The Policy is based on
the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, the UN Dec-
laration of Human Rights, ILO-conventions and the OECD
Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Sustainabil-
ity Policy has a specific section on environmental issues
providing guidance on how the Group is to manage and
control environmental issues in its business activities and
its own operations. All employees of Nordea Group,
including non-permanent staff working on behalf of Nor-
dea, are subject to this Policy.
Nordea Policies are supported by a number of specific and
concrete policies to ensure compliance with the principles in
everyday business. Examples are the human resources poli-
cies, the anti-corruption policies and investment and credit
Further information is presented under Corporate Social
Responsibility on page 38 and in Nordeas CSR Report avail-
able on the web pages.
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The parent company has foreign branches in Norway,
Finland, Denmark, Poland and China.
Y..+)8 W#.#')8 =##2-.; C?B>
The AGM will be held on Thursday 14 March 2013 in
Stockholm. Further information is presented on the last
page of the Annual Report.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 52
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
Bus|noss urou rosu|ls
@#2)-8 *).A-.;E &4#')2-.; 4'&/-2 4#' 9)'A#2
Poland & Baltic
EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 3,967 3,673 1,220 1,166 622 683 904 670 1,218 1,076 315 288 312 210
Net fee and commission income 1,153 1,129 175 205 330 310 192 168 405 397 80 78 29 29
Net result on items at fair value 364 431 85 97 77 78 77 80 112 119 26 56 13 1
Equity method 21 14 21 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other operating income 48 25 5 2 20 10 3 1 6 0 4 4 10 8
Total operating income 5,553 5,272 1,506 1,484 1,049 1,081 1,176 919 1,741 1,592 425 426 344 230
Staff costs 1,330 1,336 338 351 223 235 159 149 289 287 69 74 252 240
Other expenses and depr. 1,779 1,834 499 532 423 445 335 337 593 596 125 123 196 199
Total operating expenses 3,109 3,170 837 883 646 680 494 486 882 883 194 197 56 41
Profit before loan losses 2,444 2,102 669 601 403 401 682 433 859 709 231 229 400 271
Net loan losses 610 556 443 400 46 57 43 39 38 34 40 25 0 1
Operating profit 1,834 1,546 226 201 357 344 639 394 821 675 191 204 400 272
Cost/income ratio, % 56 60 56 60 62 63 42 53 51 56 46 46
RAROCAR, % 16 13 17 13 16 14 20 11 30 26 12 13
Other information, EURbn
Lending to corporates 90.7 90.3 23.7 23.6 14.7 14.9 21.3 20.2 22.7 23.8 8.2 7.8
Household mortgage lending 126.8 119.9 30.1 28.9 25.2 24.6 27.3 25.2 37.2 34.3 7.1 7.1
Consumer lending 24.2 24.7 12.4 12.7 5.2 5.2 0.7 0.7 5.9 5.9
Corporate deposits 47.4 45.5 7.8 7.4 10.6 10.0 11.9 12.2 13.1 12.7 4.1 3.2
Household deposits 76.6 72.6 23.0 21.6 22.2 22.3 8.5 7.7 20.9 19.1 2.0 1.8
Corporate &
Banking (CIB)
Shipping, Off-
shore & Oil
Wholesale Banking
other (including
Capital Markets
EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 1,177 1,212 820 784 331 324 231 188 205 84
Net fee and commission income 541 545 555 540 64 81 17 14 95 90
Net result on items at fair value 1,066 821 402 413 27 28 9 14 628 366
Equity method 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other operating income 11 5 0 0 0 0 2 1 9 4
Total operating income 2,795 2,583 1,777 1,737 422 433 259 217 337 196
Staff costs 789 718 39 39 26 24 69 58 655 597
Other expenses and depr. 145 125 448 436 42 41 39 40 384 392
Total operating expenses 934 843 487 475 68 65 108 98 271 205
Profit before loan losses 1,861 1,740 1,290 1,262 354 368 151 119 66 9
Net loan losses 314 173 68 31 240 135 6 8 0 1
Operating profit 1,547 1,567 1,222 1,231 114 233 145 111 66 8
Cost/income ratio, % 33 33 27 27 16 15 42 46
RAROCAR, % 21 19 23 21 26 28 32 22
Other information, EURbn
Lending to corporates 88.8 91.8 42.9 45.5 13.0 13.6 6.2 6.1 26.7 26.6
Lending to households 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Corporate deposits 63.7 59.1 39.8 37.0 4.8 4.7 2.2 2.4 16.9 15.0
Household deposits 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
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oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 53
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
W'&+4 M&'4&')2# M#.2'#E &4#')2-.; 4'&/-2
EURm 2012 2011
Net interest income 404 358
Net fee and commission income 6 12
Net result on items at fair value 86 12
Equity method 0 0
Other operating income 3 1
Total operating income 487 359
Total operating expenses 164 161
Operating profit 323 198
<#)82" =).);#9#.2E &4#')2-.; 4'&/-2 4#' +.-2

Private Banking Life & Pensions
Management other
EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 127 130 1 4 113 116 0 0 13 10
Net fee and commission income 918 839 427 381 286 263 205 194 0 1
Net result on items at fair value 408 308 4 5 85 92 319 221 0 0
Equity method 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other operating income 39 16 6 4 11 7 22 1 0 4
Total operating income 1,492 1,293 438 384 495 478 546 416 13 15
Staff costs 475 451 117 109 163 149 122 125 73 68
Other expenses and depr. 307 290 100 103 179 170 89 84 61 67
Total operating expenses 782 741 217 212 342 319 211 209 12 1
Profit before loan losses 710 552 221 172 153 159 335 207 1 14
Net loan losses 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Operating profit 708 552 221 172 151 159 335 207 1 14
Cost/income ratio, % 52 57 50 55 69 67 39 50
RAROCAR, % 20 25 32 30 13 13
Other information, EURbn
Lending to households 9.0 8.0 9.0 8.0
Deposits from the public 10.5 10.7 10.5 10.7
e-/# c O#.,-&.,E 4'&/-2 ('-H#',
EURm 2012 2011
Profit drivers
Profit Traditional products 119 39
Profit Market Return products 118 75
Profit Risk products 56 55
Total product result 293 169
Return on shareholders equity,
other profits and group adjustments 42 38
Operating profit 335 207
=MIP 1&94&,-2-&. &/ %&'(#) e-/# c O#.,-&.,
EURm 2012 2011
Denmark 910 421
Finland 1 219 800
Norway 883 821
Sweden 464 475
Poland 285 198
Total 3,762 2,714
Value of new business
Traditional business (APE) 24 34
Unit-linked (APE) 146 150
Risk products 3 4
New business margin
Traditional business 15% 7%
Unit-linked 33% 31%
Risk products 14% 18%
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 54
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
!&2)8 %&'(#) W'&+4 ).( *+,-.#,, Y'#),
Group Corporate
Group Functions,
Other and
Eliminations Nordea Group
EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 3,967 3,673 1,177 1,212 127 130 404 358 77 83 5,752 5,456
Net fee and commission income 1,153 1,129 541 545 918 839 6 12 102 106 2,504 2,395
Net result on items at fair value 364 431 1,066 821 408 308 86 12 140 55 1,784 1,517
Equity method 21 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 28 93 42
Other operating income 48 25 11 5 39 16 3 1 2 44 103 91
Total operating income 5,553 5,272 2,795 2,583 1,492 1,293 487 359 91 6 10,236 9,501
Staff costs 1,330 1,336 789 718 475 451 71 61 383 547 3,048 3,113
Other expenses 1,669 1,742 106 104 304 285 92 100 311 317 1,860 1,914
Depreciations 110 92 39 21 3 5 1 0 125 74 278 192
Total operating expenses 3,109 3,170 934 843 782 741 164 161 197 304 5,186 5,219
Net loan losses 610 556 314 173 2 0 0 0 7 6 933 735
Operating profit 1,834 1,546 1,547 1,567 708 552 323 198 295 316 4,117 3,547
Cost/income ratio, % 56 60 33 33 52 57 34 45 51 55
RAROCAR, % 16 13 21 19 20 25 17.6 15.5
Volumes, EURbn
Lending to corporates 90.7 90.3 88.8 91.8 6.4 2.1 185.9 184.2
Household mortgage lending 126.8 119.9 0.4 0.4 5.6 4.9 132.8 125.2
Consumer lending 24.2 24.7 3.4 3.1 27.6 27.8
Corporate deposits 47.4 45.5 63.7 59.1 2.3 2.0 113.4 106.6
Household deposits 76.6 72.6 0.2 0.2 10.5 10.7 87.3 83.5
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 55
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
P|s|, L|qu|o|ly uno Cup|lu| munugomonl
Munugomonl o r|s|, ||qu|o|ly uno cup|lu| |s
u |oy succoss uclor |n lho |nunc|u| sor
v|cos |nouslry.
Maintaining risk awareness in the organisation is incorpo-
rated into the business strategies. Nordea has defined clear
risk, liquidity and capital management frameworks,
including policies and instructions for different risk types,
capital adequacy and capital structure.
=).);#9#.2 4'-.1-48#, ).( 1&.2'&8
Board of Directors and Board Risk Committee
The Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for
limiting and monitoring the Groups risk exposure as well
as for setting the targets for the capital ratios. Risk is meas-
ured and reported according to common principles and
policies approved by the Board of Directors, which also
decides on policies for credit, market, liquidity, business,
life and operational risk management as well as the
ICAAP. All policies are reviewed at least annually.
The Board of Directors approves the credit instructions
where powers-to-act for all credit committees in the
organisation are included. These authorisations vary for
different decision-making levels, mainly in terms of the
size of limits but also depending on the internal rating of
customers. The Board of Directors furthermore decides on
the limits for market and liquidity risk in the Group.
The Board Risk Committee assists the Board of Directors
in fulfilling its responsibilities in terms of overseeing man-
agement and control of risk, risk frameworks as well as
controls and processes associated with the Groups opera-
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has the overall respon-
sibility for developing and maintaining effective risk,
liquidity and capital management principles and control.
The CEO in Group Executive Management (GEM)
decides on the targets for the Groups risk management
regarding Structural Interest Income Risk (SIIR).
The CEO and GEM regularly review reports on risk
exposure and have established a number of committees for
risk, liquidity and capital management.
The Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO), chaired by
the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), prepares issues of
major importance concerning the Groups financial oper-
ations and financial risks as well as capital management
for decision by the CEO in GEM.
The Risk Committee, chaired by the Chief Risk Officer
(CRO), oversees the management and control of the
Groups risks at an aggregate level and evaluates the suf-
ficiency of the risk frameworks, controls and processes
associated with these risks. Furthermore, the Risk Com-
mittee decides, within the scope of resolutions adopted
by the Board of Directors, on the allocation of the market
risk limits as well as the liquidity risk limits to the risk-
taking units. The limits are set in accordance with the
business strategies and are reviewed at least annually.
The heads of the units allocates the respective limits
within the unit and may introduce more detailed limits
and other risk-mitigating techniques such as stop-loss
rules. The Risk Committee has established sub-commit-
tees for its work and decision-making within specific risk
The Group Executive Management Credit Committee
(GEM CC) and Executive Credit Committee (ECC) are
chaired by the CRO, while the Group Credit Committee
Retail Banking (GCCR) and the Group Credit Committee
Wholesale Banking (GCCW) are chaired by the Chief
Credit Officer (CCO). These credit committees decide on
major credit risk customer limits and industry policies for
the Group. Credit risk limits are granted as individual
limits for customers or consolidated customer groups and
as industry limits for certain defined industries.
Within the Group, two units, Group Risk Management
and Group Corporate Centre, are responsible for risk,
capital, liquidity and balance sheet management. Group
Risk Management, headed by the CRO, is responsible
for the risk management framework and processes as
well as the capital adequacy framework. Group Corpo-
rate Centre, headed by the CFO, is responsible for the
capital policy, the composition of the capital base and
for liquidity risk management.
Each business area and group function is primarily
responsible for managing the risks in its operations
within the decided limits and framework, including
identification, control and reporting.
Risk appetite
Risk appetite within Nordea is defined as the level and
nature of risk that the bank is willing to take in order to
pursue the articulated strategy on behalf of shareholders,
and is defined by constraints reflecting the views of share-
holders, debt holders, regulators and other stakeholders.
The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the
Group's overall risk appetite and for setting principles
regarding how risk appetite is managed. The Board Risk
Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling these
responsibilities by reviewing the development of the risk
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 56
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
profile in relation to risk appetite and making recommen-
dations regarding changes to the Groups risk appetite.
Nordeas risk appetite framework is based on explicit
top-down risk appetite statements ensuring the compre-
hensive coverage of key risks faced by the Group. These
statements collectively define the boundaries for Nordeas
risk-taking activities and will also help identify areas with
scope for additional risk-taking. The statements are
approved by the Board of Directors, and set the basis for a
new risk reporting structure. Moreover, the framework
supports management decision processes such as planning
and target setting.
The Risk Appetite framework considers key risks rele-
vant to Nordeas business activities and is at an aggregate
level represented in terms of credit risk, market risk, oper-
ational risk, solvency, compliance/non-negotiable risks and
liquidity risk.
The Risk Appetite framework is further presented in the
Capital and Risk management Report.
Monitoring and reporting
The Policy for internal Control and Risk Management in
the Nordea Group states that the management of risks
includes all activities aimed at identifying, measuring,
assessing, monitoring and controlling risks as well as
measures to limit and mitigate the consequences of the
risks. Management of risk is proactive, emphasising train-
ing and risk awareness. The Nordea Group maintains a
high standard of risk management by means of applying
available techniques and methodology to its own needs.
The control environment is, among other things, based on
the principles for segregation of duties and independence.
Monitoring and reporting of risk is conducted on a daily
basis for market and liquidity risk and on a monthly and
quarterly basis for credit and operational risk.
Risk reporting, including reporting on the development
of RWA, is regularly made to GEM and the Board of Direc-
tors. Group Internal Audit (GIA) makes an independent
evaluation of the processes regarding risk and capital
management in accordance with the annual audit plan.
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Additional and more detailed information on risk and cap-
ital management is presented in the disclosure in line with
the requirements of the CRD in the Basel II framework.
The report with this disclosure, Capital and Risk Manage-
ment Nordea Group 2012, is publicly available at www.
Nordea's Capital
and Risk Man-
agement Report
2012, available on
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 57
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
M'#(-2 @-,A 9).);#9#.2
Group Risk Management is responsible for the credit pro-
cess framework and the credit risk management frame-
work, consisting of policies, instructions and guidelines for
the Group. Group Risk Management is responsible for con-
trolling and monitoring the quality of the credit portfolio
and the credit process. Each division/unit is primarily
responsible for managing the credit risks in its operations
within the applicable framework and limits, including
identification, control and reporting.
Within the powers to act granted by the Board of Direc-
tors, credit risk limits are approved by credit decision-
making authorities on different levels in the organisation.
The rating and the exposure of the customer decide at
what level the decision will be made. Responsibility for a
credit risk lies with a customer responsible unit. Custom-
ers are assigned a rating or score in accordance with
Nordeas rating and scoring guidelines.
M'#(-2 '-,A (#/-.-2-&. ).( -(#.2-/-1)2-&.
Credit risk is defined as the risk of loss if customers fail to
fulfil their agreed obligations and that the pledged collat-
eral does not cover the existing claims. Credit risk stems
mainly from various forms of lending, but also from guar-
antees and documentary credits, counterparty credit risk
in derivatives contracts, transfer risk attributable to the
transfer of money from another country and settlement
risk. For monitoring of the distribution of a portfolio,
improving the risk management and defining a common
strategy towards specific industries there are specific
industry credit principles and industry credit policies in
place establishing requirements and caps.
S.(-H-(+)8 ).( 1&88#12-H# ),,#,,9#.2 &/ -94)-'9#.2
Throughout the process of identifying and mitigating
credit impairments, Nordea works continuously to review
the quality of the credit exposures. Weak and impaired
exposures are closely and continuously monitored and
reviewed at least on a quarterly basis in terms of current
performance, business outlook, future debt service capac-
ity and the possible need for provisions.
A provision is recognised if there is objective evidence
based on loss events or observable data that the customers
future cash flow is weakened to the extent that full repay-
ment is unlikely, collateral included. Exposures with pro-
visions are considered as impaired. The size of the provi-
sion is equal to the estimated loss being the difference of
the book value of the outstanding exposure and the dis-
counted value of the future cash flow, including the value
of pledged collateral. Impaired exposures can be either
performing or non-performing. Exposures that have been
past due more than 90 days are by definition regarded as
non-performing, and reported as impaired or not
impaired depending on the deemed loss potential.
In addition to individual impairment testing of all indi-
vidually significant customers, collective impairment test-
ing is performed for groups of customers that have not
been found to be impaired on individual level. The collec-
tive impairment is based on the migration of rated and
scored customers in the credit portfolio as well as man-
agement judgement. The assessment of collective impair-
ment reacts to up- and down-ratings of customers as well
as new customers and customers leaving the portfolio.
Moreover, customers going to and from default affect the
calculation. Collective impairment is assessed quarterly
for each legal unit. The rationale for this two-step proce-
dure with both individual and collective assessment is to
ensure that all incurred losses are accounted for up to and
including each balance sheet day.
Further information on credit risk is presented in Note
G47 to the Financial statements.
P|sk management
M'#(-2 (#1-,-&.L9)A-.; ,2'+12+'# /&' 9)-. &4#')2-&.,
%&'(#) R *&)'( &/ 0-'#12&', i *&)'( @-,A M&99-22##
Po||cy mullors / Mon|lor|ng / Ou|oo||nos / P|s| uppol|lo
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* Making decisions and allocations within limits approved by ECC.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 58
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
M'#(-2 4&'2/&8-&
Credit risk is measured, monitored and segmented in dif-
ferent ways. On-balance lending constitutes the major part
of the credit portfolio and the basis for impaired loans and
loan losses. Credit risk in lending is measured and pre-
sented as the principle amount of on-balance sheet claims,
i.e. loans to credit institutions and to the public, and off-
balance sheet potential claims on customers and counter-
parts, net after allowances. Credit risk exposure also
includes the risk related to derivative contracts and securi-
ties financing.
Including off-balance sheet exposures and exposures
related to securities and Life insurance operations, the
total credit risk exposure at year end was EUR 618bn (EUR
643bn last year). Total credit risk according to the CRD
definition was at year end after Credit Conversion Factor
EUR 513bn (EUR 516bn). See more info and breakdown of
exposure according to the CRD definition in Note G47 and
in the Capital and Risk management report.
Nordeas total loans to the public increased by 3% to
EUR 346bn during 2012 (EUR 337bn 2011). It is attributa-
ble to an increase of approx. 1% in the corporate portfolio
and 5% in the household portfolio. The overall credit qual-
ity is solid with strongly rated customers and a slightly
positive effect from rating migration on total in the portfo-
lio. Out of lending to the public, corporate customers
accounted for 53% (54%) and household customers 46%
(45%). Lending in the Baltic countries constitutes 2.4%
(2.5%) and the shipping and offshore industry 3.3% (3.6%)
of the Groups total lending to the public. Lending to com-
panies owned by private equity funds constitutes less than
3% of total lending, of which 99% are senior loans. Loans
to credit institutions, mainly in the form of inter-bank
deposits, decreased to EUR 19bn at the end of 2012 (EUR
Loans to corporate customers
Loans to corporate customers at the end of 2012 amounted
to EUR 183bn (EUR 181bn), up 1%. The industries that
increased the most in 2012 were Consumer Staples, Real
Estate, and Other while the sectors that decreased most
were Industrial Commercial Services, Financial Institu-
tions and Retail Trade. The concentration of the three larg-
est industries is approximately 21% of total lending. Real
Estate remains the largest sector in Nordeas lending port-
folio, at EUR 45.4bn (EUR 44.8bn). The real estate portfolio
predominantly consists of relatively large and financially
strong companies, with 80% (76%) of the lending in rating
grades 4- and higher. More than 40% of the lending to the
real estate industry is to companies managing mainly resi-
dential real estate.
Loans to shipping and offshore decreased by 7% to EUR
11.4bn in 2012 (EUR 12.2bn). The portfolio is well diversi-
fied by type of vessel, has a focus on large and financially
robust industrial players and exhibits strong credit quality,
with an average rating slightly below 4. Nordea is a lead-
ing bank to the global shipping and offshore sector with
strong brand recognition and a world leading loan syndi-
cation franchise. Reflecting Nordeas global customer strat-
egy, there is an even distribution between Nordic and non-
Nordic customers.
The distribution of loans to corporates by size of loans
shows a high degree of diversification where approx. 69%
(67%) of the corporate volume is for loans up to EUR 50m
per customer.
Credit risk mitigation is an inherent part of the credit
decision process. In every credit decision and review, the
valuation of collaterals is considered as well as the ade-
quacy of covenants and other risk mitigations.
Pledging of collateral is the main credit risk mitigation
technique. In corporate exposures, the main collateral
types are real estate mortgages, floating charges and leas-
ing objects. Collateral coverage is higher for exposures to
financially weaker customers than for those who are
financially strong.
Regarding large exposures, syndication of loans is the
primary tool for managing concentration risk, while credit
risk mitigation by the use of credit default swaps is applied
to a limited extent.
Covenants in credit agreements do not substitute collat-
erals, but are an important complement to both secured
and unsecured exposures. Most exposures of substantial
size and complexity include appropriate covenants. Finan-
cial covenants are designed to react to early warning signs
and are carefully monitored.
Loans to household customers
In 2012 lending to household customers increased by 5% to
EUR 159bn (EUR 151bn). Mortgage loans increased by 8%
to EUR 129bn and consumer loans decreased by 4% to
EUR 29bn. The proportion of mortgage loans of total
household loans was 82% (80%), of which the Nordic mar-
ket accounted for 94%.
Geographical distribution
Lending to the public distributed by borrower domicile
shows that the Nordic countries and Poland, Baltic coun-
tries and Russia account for 91% (91%). The portfolio is
geographically well diversified with no market accounting
for more than 30% of total lending. Of the Nordic countries
M'#(-2 '-,A #Z4&,+'# ).( 8&).,
(excluding cash and balances with central banks and
settlement risk exposure)
31 Dec
31 Dec
Loans to credit institutions 18,574 51,865
Loans to the public 346,251 337,203
of which corporate 182,774 181,221
of which household 158,831 150,960
of which public sector 4,646 5,023
Total loans 364,825 389,069
Off-balance credit exposure
105,989 109,572
Counterparty risk exposure
44,294 44,910
Treasury bills and interest-bearing
79,784 76,337
Total credit risk exposure in the
banking operations 594,892 619,888
Credit risk exposure in the life insurance
operations 23,120 23,419
Total credit risk exposure including life
insurance operations 618,012 643,307
1) Of which for corporate customers approx. 90%.
2) After closeout netting and collateral agreements, including current market value
exposure as well as potential future exposure.
3) Also includes treasury bills and interest-bearing securities pledged as collateral
in repurchase agreements.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 59
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
Finland has the largest share of lending with approx. 27%
or EUR 92bn. Other EU countries represent the main part
of lending outside the Nordic countries.
At the end of 2012, lending to customers in the Baltic
countries was EUR 8.4bn (EUR 8.3bn), in Poland EUR
5.7bn (EUR 5.6bn), and in Russia EUR 4.8bn (EUR 4.5bn).
Rating and scoring distribution
One way of assessing credit quality is through analysis of the
distribution across rating grades, for rated corporate custom-
ers and institutions, as well as risk grades for scored house-
hold and small business customers, ie retail exposures.
e&)., 2& 2"# 4+J8-1 ).( 2& 1'#(-2 -.,2-2+2-&.,E
JG 1&+.2'G ).( -.(+,2'G
20121231, EURm Denmark Finland Norway Sweden
countries Poland Russia
Energy (oil, gas etc) 5 980 1,022 1,514 92 9 1,193 4,814 4,984
Metals and mining materials 20 339 213 242 14 2 1,075 1,906 1,984
Paper and forest materials 346 806 90 711 44 5 126 2,129 2,512
Other materials (building materials etc.) 591 1,739 507 1,787 386 96 647 5,753 5,929
Industrial capital goods 432 514 214 723 15 34 17 1,950 2,022
Industrial commercial services, etc. 5,547 1,444 3,407 3,032 256 186 3 13,876 16,007
Construction and engineering 1,171 814 1,700 699 274 42 38 4,739 4,951
Shipping and offshore 946 4,050 5,624 796 1 3 0 11,419 12,172
Transportation 780 728 936 1,321 598 27 226 4,616 4,505
Consumer durables (cars, appliances etc) 462 846 959 888 80 15 27 3,277 3,455
Media and leisure 933 558 667 696 100 25 5 2,985 2,803
Retail trade 4,167 2,224 1,511 2,519 554 90 71 11,136 11,559
Consumer staples (food, agriculture, etc.) 7,773 1,641 2,273 542 374 122 12 12,737 11,819
Health care and pharmaceuticals 561 302 220 805 61 2 25 1,976 2,088
Financial institutions 3,366 800 699 6,793 170 54 0 11,883 12,547
Real estate 7,886 8,192 10,569 16,430 1428 307 563 45,374 44,823
IT software, hardware and services 745 381 225 365 11 12 0 1,738 1,505
Telecommunication equipment 11 90 1 5 1 0 36 144 175
Telecommunication operators 129 549 121 499 6 15 65 1,384 1,229
Utilities (distribution and productions) 1,522 1,073 974 1,764 540 35 0 5,908 5,406
Other, public and organisations 1,860 28,619 111 2,141 279 23 0 33,033 28,744
Total corporate loans 39,253 56,688 32,043 44,273 5,282 1,106 4,128 182,774 181,221
Household mortgage loans 28,980 26,885 28,727 37,323 3,067 4,135 380 129,498 120,354
Household consumer loans 12,072 7,395 1,196 6,402 73 41 29,333 30,606
Public sector 1,195 768 87 2,193 31 369 2 4,646 5,023
Total loans to the public 81,499 91,737 62,054 90,190 8,380 5,683 4,553 346,251 337,203
Loans to credit institutions 6,439 7,860 546 3,261 2 3 279 18,574 51,865
Total loans 87,938 99,597 62,600 93,451 8,382 5,687 4,831 364,825 389,069
@-,A ;')(# (-,2'-J+2-&. S@* @#2)-8 1+,2&9#',
The credit quality was slightly improved in the corpo-
rate credit portfolio as well as in the scoring portfolio in
2012. 26% of the number of corporate customers migrated
upwards (32%) while 24% were down-rated (21%). Expo-
sure-wise, 23% (35%) of the corporate customer exposure
migrated upwards while 21% (16%) was down-rated.
79% (78%) of the corporate exposure were rated 4 or
higher, with an average rating for this portfolio of 4+.
Institutions and retail customers on the other hand exhibit
a distribution that is biased towards the higher rating
grades. 92% (89%) of the retail exposures is scored C or
higher, which indicates a probability of default of 1% or
@)2-.; (-,2'-J+2-&. S@* M&'4&')2# 1+,2&9#',
6+ 6 6- 5+ 5 5- 4+ 4 4- 3+ 3 3- 2+ 2 2- 1+ 1 1-
2C11 2C12
2C11 2C12
A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E+ E E- F+ F F-
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 6C
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
S94)-'#( 8&)., ;'&,, ).( )88&N).1#,E JG 1&+.2'G ).( -.(+,2'G
U2& 2"# 4+J8-1 ).( 2& 1'#(-2 -.,2-2+2-&.,V
20121231, EURm Denmark Finland Norway Sweden
countries Poland Russia Group
ing ratio
Energy (oil, gas etc) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -
Metals and mining materials 1 1 54 0 0 0 0 56 19 35%
Paper and forest materials 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 8 8 109%
Other materials (building mtrl etc) 27 143 75 82 16 7 13 362 211 58%
Industrial capital goods 18 13 0 0 0 0 0 32 48 153%
Industrial commercial services etc 279 141 20 26 20 3 0 488 197 40%
Construction and engineering 104 41 26 10 10 39 18 247 125 51%
Shipping and offshore 293 329 195 54 0 0 0 871 295 34%
Transportation 35 22 3 4 0 7 0 70 31 44%
Consumer durables (cars,appl.etc) 44 28 1 2 1 0 0 77 55 72%
Media and leisure 54 47 5 7 2 0 0 115 61 53%
Retail trade 175 140 11 15 22 5 0 369 178 48%
Consumer staples (food, agric. etc) 888 18 7 3 11 1 4 932 274 29%
Health care and pharmaceuticals 12 13 2 0 0 0 0 27 11 41%
Financial institutions 135 16 1 4 0 0 0 157 92 59%
Real estate 324 17 114 17 217 0 0 687 243 35%
IT software, hardware, services 25 46 4 18 0 0 0 93 40 43%
Telecommunication equipment 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 94%
Telecommunication operators 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 41 14 35%
Utilities (distribution, production) 14 1 5 0 0 0 0 19 11 56%
Other, public and organisations 205 42 0 0 9 0 0 256 97 38%
Total corporate impaired loans 2,636 1,064 565 243 307 62 34 4,911 2,023 41%
Household mortgage loans 531 73 41 61 201 54 4 964 193 20%
Household consumer loans 592 235 40 126 3 9 1,004 603 60%
Public sector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104%
Credit institutions 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 24 28 116%
Total impaired loans gross 3,759 1,396 646 429 508 120 47 6,905
Total allowances 1,397 643 283 216 192 75 38 2,848
Provisioning ratio 37% 46% 44% 50% 38% 62% 81% 41%
lower. Impaired loans are not included in the rating/scor-
ing distributions. The total effect on credit risk-weighted
amount (RWA) from rating migration was a decrease of
approx. 1.3% during the full year 2012
Impaired loans
Impaired loans gross in the Group increased 35% during
the year to EUR 6,905m from EUR 5,125m, corresponding
to 188 basis points of total loans. 58% of impaired loans
gross are performing loans and 42% are non-performing
loans. Impaired loans net, after allowances for individu-
ally assessed impaired loans amounted to EUR 4,505m
(EUR 3,233m), corresponding to 123 basis points of total
loans. Allowances for individually assessed loans
increased to EUR 2,400m from EUR 1,892m. Allowances
for collectively assessed loans decreased to EUR 448m
from EUR 579m following improved rating of the corpo-
rate customers. The ratio of individual allowances to cover
impaired loans was unchanged at 35% while total allow-
ances in relation to impaired loans decreased to 41% (45%).
The increase in impaired loans is mainly related to Den-
mark where an increase of 53% was seen in 2012. Due to
the prolonged difficult economic environment, the hous-
ing market remains weak. Core fundamentals in Danish
economy are still relatively strong with expected moderate
GDP growth in 2013, strong public financials, low interest
rate, low unemployment level and the number of house-
hold mortgage customers facing problems is limited. Most
corporates are financially strong with a relatively good
outlook. The sectors with the largest increases in impaired
loans were Shipping and Offshore, Consumer Staples, Real
Estate as well as household mortgages.
Past due loans 6 days or more to corporate customers
that are not considered impaired increased to EUR 1,929m
(EUR 1,443m) while past due loans to household custom-
ers were largely unchanged at EUR 1,773m (EUR 1,754m)
in 2012.
During 2012, forbearances such as negotiated terms of
interests/maturities due to borrowers financial distress
have been on a slightly higher level than last year. Typi-
cally impairment testing is undertaken in a forbearance
At the end of 2012, gross impaired loans in the Baltic
countries amounted to EUR 509m or 607 basis points of
total loans and receivables, compared with EUR 497m or
596 basis points at the end of 2011. The total allowances for
the Baltic countries at the end of 2012 were EUR 191m
(EUR 252m) corresponding to 223 basis points of the lend-
ing portfolio (293 basis points). The provisioning ratio in
the Baltic countries was 38%, down from 51% one year ago.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 61
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
S94)-'#( 8&)., ).( ')2-&,
EURm 2012 2011
Impaired loans gross, Group 6,905 5,125
of which performing 4,023 2,946
of which non-performing 2,882 2,179
Impaired loans ratio, basis points 188 131
Total allowance ratio, basis points 77 63
Provisioning ratio 41% 48%
Net loan losses
Loan losses increased to EUR 933m in 2012 from EUR
735m in 2011. This corresponded to a loan loss ratio of 28
basis points (23 basis points last year). Nordeas risk appe-
tite over the cycle is 25 basis points in loan losses. Loan
losses were mainly concentrated to two specific areas,
Denmark and Shipping. In other areas loan losses were
relatively stable at a low level.
EUR 676m relates to corporate customers (EUR 481m)
and EUR 253m (EUR 263m) relates to household custom-
ers of which EUR 191m is loan losses relating to consumer
loans (EUR 201m). Within corporates the main losses were
in sectors Shipping and Offshore, Consumer Staples and
Construction and Civil Engineering. The tanker, dry cargo,
and container markets have been weak due to lower global
demand and growth. This has affected freight rates nega-
tively and caused further deterioration of collateral, result-
ing in additional loan loss provisions in Shipping. The
reduced investment appetite for shipping assets and
banks lower willingness to lend to shipping companies
has made restructurings more difficult. In other shipping
segments, the situation is more stable. Nordea has neces-
sary work-out resources to handle problem customers and
early identification of new potential risk customers.
Collective net loan losses were positive EUR 131m fol-
lowing positive rating migration during the year (EUR
In the Baltic countries, the loan loss ratio was 4 basis
points compared to 14 basis points a year ago.
%#2 8&). 8&,,#, ).( 8&). 8&,, ')2-&,
Basis points of loans 2012 2011
Net loan losses, EURm 933 735
Loan loss ratio, Group 28 23
of which individual 31 30
of which collective 3 7
Loan loss ratio, Retail Banking 26 23
Loan loss ratio, Corporate & Institutional
Banking 15 7
Loan loss ratio, Shipping, Offshore &
Oil Services 176 99
Loan loss ratio, Baltic countries 4 14
Counterparty risk
Counterparty risk is the risk that Nordeas counterpart in a
FX, interest, commodity, equity or credit derivative con-
tract defaults prior to maturity of the contract and that
Nordea at that time has a claim on the counterpart. The
pre-settlement risk (worst-case-scenario) at the end of
2012 was EUR 44bn, of which the current exposure net
(after close-out netting and collateral reduction) represents
EUR 11bn. 49% of the pre-settlement risk and 18% of the
current exposure net was towards financial institutions.
=)'A#2 '-,A
Market risk is defined as the risk of loss in Nordeas hold-
ings and transactions as a result of changes in market
rates and parameters that affect the market value, for
example changes to interest rates, credit spreads, FX rates,
equity prices, commodity prices and option volatilities.
Nordea Markets and Group Treasury are the key con-
tributors to market risk in the Nordea Group. Nordea Mar-
kets is responsible for the customer-driven trading activi-
ties whereas Group Treasury is responsible for funding
activities, asset and liability management, liquidity portfo-
lios, pledge/collateral portfolios and investments for Nor-
deas own account. For all other banking activities, the
basic principle is that market risks are transferred to
Group Treasury where the risks are managed.
Structural FX risk arises primarily from investments in
subsidiaries and associated enterprises denominated in
foreign currencies. The general principle is to hedge this
by matched funding, although exceptions from this princi-
ple may be made in markets where matched funding is
impossible to obtain, or can only be obtained at an exces-
sive cost.
Earnings and cost streams generated in foreign curren-
cies or from foreign branches generate an FX exposure,
which for the individual Nordea companies is handled in
each companys FX position. Direct profit and loss in for-
eign exchange in the individual Nordea companies must
be hedged at least monthly.
In addition to the immediate change in the market value
of Nordeas assets and liabilities from a change in finan-
cial market variables, a change in interest rates could also
affect the net interest income over time. In Nordea, this is
seen as structural interest income risk (SIIR).
Market risk on Nordeas account also arises from the
Nordea-sponsored defined benefit pension plans for
employees (pension risk) and from the investment of poli-
cyholders money with guaranteed minimum yields in
Life & Pensions.
Measurement of market risk
Nordea calculates VaR using historical simulation. This
means that the current portfolio is revaluated using the
daily changes in market prices and parameters observed
during the last 500 trading days, thus generating a distri-
bution of 499 returns based on empirical data. From this
distribution, the expected shortfall method is used to cal-
culate a VaR figure, meaning that the VaR figure is based
on the average of the worst outcomes from the distribu-
tion. The 1-day VaR figure is subsequently scaled to a
10-day figure using the square-root of time assumption.
The 10-day VaR figure is used to limit and measure mar-
ket risk at all levels both in the trading book and in the
banking book.
Separate VaR figures are calculated for interest rate,
credit spread, foreign exchange rate and equity risks. The
total VaR includes all these risk categories and allows for
diversification among them. The VaR figures include both
linear positions and options. The model has been cali-
brated to generate a 99% (confidence interval) VaR figure.
This means that the 10-day VaR figure can be interpreted
as the loss that will statistically be exceeded in one out of a
hundred 10-day trading periods.
It is important to note that while every effort is made to
make the VaR model as realistic as possible, all VaR models
are based on assumptions and approximations that have
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 62
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
M&.,&8-()2#( 9)'A#2 '-,A /-;+'#,E P)@
EURm Measure 31 Dec 2012 High 2012 Low 2012 Average 2012 31 Dec 2011
Total risk VaR 30.8 67.1 28.6 43.2 47.2
Interest rate risk VaR 35.9 74.6 28.2 42.3 37.9
Equity risk VaR 10.6 11.6 1.9 5.6 6.1
Credit spread risk VaR 15.9 19.3 8.1 12.9 11.2
Foreign exchange risk VaR 13.2 16.5 2.8 8.0 5.0
Diversification effect VaR 60% 60% 15% 37% 22%
1) For a description of Nordeas VaR model, see Measurement of market risk p.61
significant effect on the risk figures produced. While his-
torical simulation has the advantage of not being depend-
ent on a specific assumption regarding the distribution of
returns, it should be noted that the historical observations
of the market variables that are used as input may not give
an adequate description of the behaviour of these variables
in the future. The choice of the time period used is also
important. While using a longer time period may enhance
the models predictive properties and lead to reduced cycli-
cality, using a shorter time period increases the models
responsiveness to sudden changes in the volatility of finan-
cial markets. The choice of using the last 500 days of his-
torical data has thus been made with the aim to strike a
balance between the pros and cons from using longer or
shorter time series in the calculation of VaR.
Market risk analysis
The consolidated market risk for the Nordea Group, pre-
sented in the table above, includes both the trading book
and the banking book. The total VaR was EUR 31m at the
end of 2012 (EUR 47m at the end of 2011) demonstrating a
considerable diversification effect between interest rate,
equity, credit spread and foreign exchange risk, as the total
VaR is lower than the sum of the risk in the different cate-
gories. The commodity risk was at an insignificant level.
The fair value of the portfolio of illiquid alternative
investments was EUR 584m at the end of 2012 (EUR 638m
at the end of 2011), of which hedge funds EUR 173m, pri-
vate equity funds EUR 277m, credit funds EUR 115m and
seed-money investments EUR 19m. All four types of
investments are spread over a number of funds.
7&'#-;. #Z1").;# ')2# 4&,-2-&., -. 7g P)@

EURm 2012 2011
DKK 1,600.0 315.2
NOK 151.1 10.6
CHF 129.3 34.8
USD 85.5 110.3
SEK 6.9 0.6
Other 12.3 46.8
1) The disclosed FX positions relate to positions in financial instruments
in the banking book and trading book. Financial derivatives are
included with their delta equivalent. Structural FX risk e.g. related to
investments in subsidiaries and associated companies or related to
earnings and cost streams denominated in foreign currencies, are not
Structural Interest Income Risk (SIIR)
Structural Interest Income Risk (SIIR) is the amount Nor-
deas accumulated net interest income would change dur-
ing the next 12 months if all interest rates changed by one
percentage point.
SIIR reflects the mismatch in the balance sheet items
and the off-balance sheet items when the interest rate
repricing periods, volumes or the reference rates of assets,
liabilities and derivatives do not correspond exactly.
Nordeas SIIR management is based on policy statements
resulting in different SIIR measures and organisational
procedures. Policy statements focus on optimising finan-
cial structure, balanced risk taking and reliable earnings
growth, identification of all significant sources of SIIR,
measurement under stressful market conditions and ade-
quate public information.
Group Treasury has the responsibility for the opera-
tional management of SIIR.
SIIR measurement methods
Nordeas SIIR is measured through dynamic simulations
by calculating several net interest income scenarios and
comparing the difference between these scenarios. Several
interest rate scenarios are applied, but the basic measures
for SIIR are the two scenarios s (increasing rates and
decreasing rates). These scenarios measure the effect on
Nordeas net interest income for a 12 month period of a one
percentage point change in all interest rates as shown in
the table below, which also covers repricing gaps over 12
months. The balance sheet and margins on assets and
deposits are assumed to be constant over time, however
main elements of the customer behaviour and Nordeas
decision-making process concerning Nordeas own rates
are taken into account.
SIIR analysis
At the end of the year, the SIIR for increasing market rates
was EUR 442m (EUR 179m) and the SIIR for decreasing
market rates was EUR 492m (EUR 276m) These figures
imply that net interest income would increase if interest
rates rise and decrease if interest rates fall. The methodol-
ogy for deriving SIIR figures was improved during 2012
which explains the largest change in SIIR from 2011 as
2011 figures have not been restated.
:4#')2-&.)8 '-,A
Operational risk is defined as the risk of direct or indirect
loss, or damaged reputation, resulting from inadequate or
failed internal processes, from people and systems, or from
external events.
Operational risk includes compliance risk, which is the
risk of business not being conducted according to legal and
regulatory requirements, market standards and business
ethics. Managing operational risk is part of the manage-
ments responsibilities. In order to manage these risks, a
common set of standards and a sound risk management
culture is aimed for with the objective to follow best prac-
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 63
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
tice regarding market conduct and ethical standards in all
business activities. The key principle of Operational risk in
Nordea is the three lines of defence. The first line of
defence is represented by the business organisation which
includes the risk and compliance officer network. The risk
and compliance officers ensure that operational and com-
pliance risk is managed effectively within the business
organisation and consequently they are located in the first
line of defence but performing second line of defence
tasks. Group Operational Risk and Compliance, represent-
ing the second line of defence, has defined a common set
of standards (Group Directives, processes and reporting)
in order to manage these risks.
The key process for active risk management is the
annual risk and control self-assessment process which puts
focus on identifying key risks as well as ensuring fulfil-
ment of requirements specified in the group directives.
Key risks are identified both through top-down Division
management involvement and through bottom-up analysis
of result from control questions as well as existing infor-
mation from processes such as incident reporting, quality
and risk analyses, and product approvals. The timing of
this process is synchronised with the annual planning
process to be able to ensure adequate input to the Groups
overall prioritisations. In addition to the risk and control
self-assessment process, Nordea has, in 2012, introduced a
group-wide scenario analysis process focusing on extreme
operational risks
Group Internal Audit, representing the third line of
defence, provides assurance to the Board of Directors on
the risk management, control and governance processes.
e-/# -.,+').1# '-,A ).( 9)'A#2 '-,A, -. 2"# e-/#
c O#.,-&., &4#')2-&.,
The Life & Pensions business of Nordea Life & Pensions
generally consists of a range of different products, aligned
with the social and tax legislation in the countries, from
endowments with a duration of a few years to very long-
term pension savings contracts, with durations of more
than 40 years. The two major risks in the life insurance
business are in particular market risk and secondly life
insurance risks.
The life insurance risk is the risk of unexpected losses
due to changes in mortality rates, longevity rates, disability
rates, surrender/lapse risks and selection effects. These
risks are primarily controlled using actuarial methods, i.e.
through tariffs, rules for acceptance of customers, reinsur-
ance contracts, stress tests and provisions for risks.
The market risks arising from the shareholders' equity
invested in Life & Pensions affects Nordeas own account,
while market risks from the customer portfolio are man-
aged through an Asset Liability Management Policy. The
market risk for Nordeas own account from the custom-
ers' funds arises mainly from investment return, size of
financial buffers and the interest level and is measured as
a loss in operating income, due to movements in financial
market prices.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 64
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
]#G -,,+#, (+'-.; C?BC
During 2012, Nordea continued to benefit from its focus on
prudent liquidity risk management, in terms of maintain-
ing a diversified and strong funding base. Nordea had
access to all relevant financial markets and was able to
actively use all of its funding programmes. Nordea issued
approximately EUR 29bn in long-term debt, of which
approximately EUR 12bn in the Swedish, Finnish and Nor-
wegian covered bond markets. Swedish FSA has intro-
duced Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) requirement to be
implemented in the beginning of 2013, and Nordea is LCR
compliant in all currencies combined and separately in
USD and EUR.
=).);#9#.2 4'-.1-48#, ).( 1&.2'&8
Group Treasury is responsible for pursuing the Nordeas
liquidity strategy, managing the liquidity and for compli-
ance with the group-wide limits set by the Board of Direc-
tors and the Risk Committee. Furthermore, Group Treas-
ury develops the liquidity risk management frameworks,
which consist of policies, instructions and guidelines for
the Group as well as the principles for pricing liquidity
The Board of Directors defines the liquidity risk appetite
by setting limits for applied liquidity risk measures. The
most central measure is survival horizon, which defines
the risk appetite by setting the minimum survival of one
month under institution-specific and market-wide stress
scenarios with limited mitigation actions.
Liquidity risk management
Liquidity risk is the risk of being able to meet liquidity
commitments only at increased cost or, ultimately, being
unable to meet obligations as they fall due. Nordeas
liquidity management and strategy is based on policy
statements resulting in various liquidity risk measures,
limits and organisational procedures.
Policy statements stipulate that Nordeas liquidity mana-
gement reflects a conservative attitude towards liquidity
risk. Nordea strives to diversify its sources of funding and
seeks to establish and maintain relationships with investors
in order to ensure market access. A broad and diversified
funding structure is reflected by the strong presence in the
Groups four domestic markets in the form of a strong and
stable retail customer base and the variety of funding pro-
grammes. Funding programmes are both short-term (US
commercial paper, European commercial paper, commercial
paper, Certificates of Deposits) and long-term (covered
bonds, European medium-term notes, medium term notes)
and cover a range of currencies.
Nordeas funding sources are presented in a table below.
As of year-end 2012, the total volume utilised under short-
term programmes was EUR 57.2bn with the average matu-
rity being 0.2 years. The total volume under long-term pro-
grammes was EUR 127.2bn with average maturity being 6.1
years. During 2012, the volume of long-term programmes
increased by EUR 14.1bn whilst the volume of short-term
programmes decreased by EUR 9.6bn. Trust is fundamental
in the funding market, therefore Nordea periodically publis-
hes information on the liquidity situation of the Group.
Nordeas liquidity risk management includes stress tes-
ting and a business continuity plan for liquidity manage-
ment. Stress testing is defined as the evaluation of potential
effects on a banks liquidity situation under a set of excep-
tional but plausible events. Stress testing framework inclu-
des also survival horizon metrics (see below), which repre-
sents a combined liquidity risk scenario (idiosyncratic and
market-wide stress).
Liquidity risk measurement methods
The liquidity risk management focuses on both short-term
liquidity risk and long-term structural liquidity risk. In
order to manage short-term funding positions, Nordea
measures the funding gap risk, which expresses the
expected maximum accumulated need for raising liquidity
in the course of the next 30 days. Cash flows from both
on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet items are included.
Funding gap risk is measured and limited for each cur-
rency and as a total figure for all currencies combined. The
total figure for all currencies combined is limited by the
Board of Directors.
To ensure funding in situations where Nordea is in
urgent need of cash and the normal funding sources do
not suffice, Nordea holds a liquidity buffer. The buffer
minimum level is set by the Board of Directors. The
liquidity buffer consists of central bank eligible high-grade
liquid securities held by Group Treasury that can be read-
ily sold or used as collateral in funding operations.
During 2011, the Survival horizon metric was intro-
duced. It is conceptually similar to Basel Liquidity Cover-
age Ratio. The metric is composed of the liquidity buffer
and funding gap risk cash flows, and includes expected
behavioural cash flows from contingent liquidity drivers.
Survival horizon defines the short-term liquidity risk
appetite of the Group and expresses the excess liquidity
after a 30-day period without access to market funding.
The Board of Directors has set the limit for minimum
survival without access to market funding during 30 days.
The structural liquidity risk of Nordea is measured and
limited by the Board of Directors through the NBSF, which
is defined as the difference between stable liabilities and
stable assets. These liabilities primarily comprise retail
deposits, bank deposits and bonds with a remaining term
to maturity of more than 12 months, as well as sharehold-
ers equity, while stable assets primarily comprise retail
loans, other loans with a remaining term to maturity
longer than 12 months and committed facilities. The CEO
in GEM has set as a target that the NBSF should be posi-
tive, which means that stable assets must be funded by
stable liabilities.
Liquidity risk analysis
The short-term liquidity risk remained at moderate levels
throughout 2012. The average funding gap risk, i.e. the
average expected need for raising liquidity in the course of
the next 30 days, was EUR +10.1bn (EUR 5.8bn). Nordeas
liquidity buffer range was EUR 57.3 68.9bn (EUR 51.3bn
65.0bn) throughout 2012 with an average buffer size of
EUR 63.1bn (EUR 59.3bn). Nordeas liquidity buffer is
highly liquid, consisting of only central bank eligible secu-
rities held by Group Treasury, as shown in the table below.
Survival horizon was in the range EUR 23.2bn 68.0bn
(EUR 8.3bn 50.9bn) throughout 2012 with an average of
EUR 47.2bn. The aim of always maintaining a positive
NBSF was comfortably achieved throughout 2012. The
L|qu|d|ty management
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 65
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
yearly average for the NBSF was EUR 54.1bn (EUR 48.4bn).
The methodology for deriving NBSF was changed during
2012 and the figure for 2011 is not directly comparable as it
has not been restated.
The Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) for the Nordea
Group was 127% at the end of 2012. The LCR in EUR was
181% and in USD 283% at the end of 2012.
7+.(-.; ,&+'1#,E >B 0#1#9J#' C?BC
Liability type, EURm
rate base
(years) EURm
Deposits by credit institutions
shorter than 3 months Euribor etc 0.0 52,721
longer than 3 months Euribor etc 1.0 2,705
Deposits and borrowings
from the public
Deposits on demand Administrative 0.0 122,052
Other deposits Euribor etc 0.3 78,626
Debt securities in issue
Certificates of deposits Euribor etc 0.3 18,627
Commercial papers Euribor etc 0.2 38,524
Mortgage covered
bond loans
Fixed rate,
market-based 7.5 84,198
Other bond loans
Fixed rate,
market-based 3.3 42,992
Derivatives n.a. 114,203
Other non-interest-
bearing items n.a. 41,440
Dated subordinated
debenture loans
Fixed rate,
market-based 6.8 5,219
Undated and other
subordinated debenture
Fixed rate,
market-based n.a. 2,578
Equity 28,216
Total (total liabilities and equity) 632,100
Liabilities to policyholders (in the Life
insurance operations) 45,320
Total (total liabilities and equity)
including Life insurance operations 677,420
For a maturity breakdown, see Note G45.
%#2 J)8).1# &/ ,2)J8# /+.(-.;E >B 0#1#9J#' C?BC
Stable liabilities and equity, EURbn Amount
Tier 1 and tier 2 capital 27.5
Secured/unsecured borrowing >1 year 115.9
Stable retail deposits 31.4
Less stable retail deposits 61.2
Wholesale deposits <1 year 84.3
Total stable liabilities 320.2
Stable assets, EURbn Amount
Wholesale and retail loans >1 year 238.4
Long-term lending to banks and
financial companies 1.5
Other illiquid assets 9.8
Total stable assets 249.6
Off-balance-sheet items 2.7
Net balance of stable funding (NBSF) 67.9
e-T+-(-2G J+//#' ,48-2 JG 2G4# &/ ),,#2 ).( 1+''#.1GE >B 0#1#9J#' C?BC
According to Swedish FSA and Swedish Bankers Association definition, as well as Nordea definition
EURm SEK EUR USD Other Total
Cash and balances with central banks 1,005 12,711 16,971 13,378 44,065
Balances with other banks 942 0 0 25 967
Securities issued or guaranteed by sovereigns, central banks
or multilateral development banks * 1,804 5,159 5,300 3,966 16,230
Securities issued or guaranteed by municipalities or other
public sector entities * 846 428 372 281 1,928
Covered bonds *:
- Securities issued by other bank or financial institute 7,626 8,632 352 9,110 25,719
- Securities issued by the own bank or related unit 62 3,212 0 9,560 12,834
Securities issued by non-financial corporates * 0 0 0 0 0
Securities issued by financial corporates,
excluding covered bonds * 125 220 2,090 103 2,538
All other eligible and unencumbered securities 0 35 195 10 240
Total (according to Swedish FSA and Swedish Bankers Association definition) 12,411 30,397 25,279 36,432 104,519
Adjustments to Nordeas official buffer ** 2,150 13,054 17,132 8,396 40,732
Total (according to Nordea definition) 10,261 17,343 8,143 28,036 63,787
* 020 % risk weight
** Cash and balances with other banks/central banks (-), central bank haircuts(-)
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 66
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
M)4-2)8 9).);#9#.2
Nordea strives to be efficient in its use of capital and there-
fore actively manages its balance sheet with respect to dif-
ferent asset, liability and risk categories. The goal is to
enhance returns to shareholders while maintaining a pru-
dent capital structure.
The Board of Directors decides ultimately on the targets
for capital ratios, capital policy and the overall framework
of capital management in Nordea.
The ability to meet targets and to maintain minimum
capital requirements is reviewed regularly within the
Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO) and the Risk Com-
Nordea is included in the Financial Stability Boards
(FSBs) list of globally systemically important banks,
G-SIBs. The inclusion is expected to lead to additional cap-
ital requirements in 2013 as the CRD IV comes into force.
M)4-2)8 '#T+-'#9#.2,
The capital requirement and the capital base described in
this section follow the CRD rules and not accounting
standards, see Note G40 for details. Therefore the capital
requirement and the capital base are only applicable for
the Financial Group of Nordea Bank AB (publ), in which
the insurance companies are not consolidated. Hence, the
risks inherent in the insurance companies are instead cap-
tured in the Economic Capital framework.
M)4-2)8 '#T+-'#9#.2, ).( @<Y
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Basel II
Basel II
Credit risk 11,627 145,340 161,604
IRB foundation 9,764 122,050 123,686
of which corporate 7,244 90,561 86,696
of which institution 671 8,384 11,215
of which retail SME 915 11,439 13,017
of which retail mortgage 721 9,007 10,005
of which retail other 101 1,264 1,345
of which other 112 1,395 1,408
Standardised 1,863 23,290 37,918
of which sovereign,
institutions 81 1,009 1,663
of which corporate 732 9,160 23,557
of which retail 860 10,752 9,934
of which other 190 2,369 2,764
Market risk 506 6,323 8,144
of which trading book,
Internal approach 312 3,897 4,875
of which trading book,
Standardised approach 138 1,727 2,571
of which banking book,
Standardised approach 56 699 698
Operational risk 1,298 16,229 15,452
Standardised 1,298 16,229 15,452
Sub total 13,431 167,892 185,200
Adjustment for transition rules
Additional capital requirement
according to transition rules 3,731 46,631 38,591
Total 17,162 214,523 223,791
%#N 1)4-2)8 4&8-1G
Nordea has established a new capital policy for the new
regulatory environment.
The capital policy states that, no later than 1 January
2015, the target for the core tier 1 capital ratio is to be
above 13% and for the total capital ratio to be above 17%.
The dividend policy remains unchanged. Excess capital is
expected to be distributed to shareholders.
The capital policy is based on managements current
best view on capitalisation although there is still uncer-
tainty regarding the final outcome of the CRD IV/CRR.
The targets are considered minimum targets under nor-
mal business conditions, as the regulatory framework is
dynamic through the cycle.
=-.-9+9 1)4-2)8 '#T+-'#9#.2,
Risk-weighted assets (RWA) are calculated in accordance
with the requirements in the CRD. Nordea had 78% of the
exposure covered by internal rating based (IRB) approaches
by the end of 2012 and has during the year implemented
the Foundation IRB approach for the corporate and institu-
tions portfolio in Baltic countries as well as in International
Nordea is approved to use its own internal Value-at-Risk
(VaR) models to calculate capital requirements for the major
share of the market risk in the trading book. For operational
risk the standardised approach is applied.
S.2#'.)8 1)4-2)8 ),,#,,9#.2
Nordea bases its internal capital requirements under the
Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)
on the minimum capital requirements and on internally
identified risks. In effect, the internal capital requirement
is a combination of risks defined by Capital Requirements
Directive (CRD) and identified risks which are incremen-
tal to those defined by the CRD. The following major risk
types are included: credit risk, market risk, operational
risk, business risk and life insurance risk. Additionally,
interest rate risk in the banking book, risk in Nordeas
sponsored defined benefit pension plans, real estate risk
and concentration risk are explicitly accounted for.
In addition to calculating risk capital for its various risk
types, Nordea conducts a comprehensive capital adequacy
stress test to analyse the effects of a series of global and
local shock scenarios. The results of the stress tests are
considered, along with potential management interven-
tions, in Nordeas internal capital requirements as buffers
for economic stress. The internal capital requirement is a
key component of Nordeas capital ratio target setting.
The ICAAP also describes Nordea's management, miti-
gation and measurement of material risks and assesses the
adequacy of internal capital by defining internal capital
requirements reflecting the risk of the institution.
Nordeas Economic Capital model is based on the same
risk components as the ICAAP but also includes risks in
the insurance businesses. EC is calculated for the legal
group whereas the ICAAP, which is governed by the CRD,
covers only the financial group.
Economic Capital (EC including Nordea Life and Pen-
sions) was at the end of 2012 EUR 17.9bn (EUR 17.7bn).
Regulatory buffers are introduced with the implementa-
Cap|tal management
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 67
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
tion of CRD IV. This might lead to higher capitalisation
requirements than what is determined in the internal cap-
ital requirement. Should the regulatory capital require-
ment exceed the internal capital requirement, additional
capital will be held to meet those regulatory requirements
with a margin.
Economic Profit (EP)
Nordea uses EP as one of its financial performance indica-
tors. EP is calculated as risk-adjusted profit less the cost of
equity. Risk-adjusted profit and EP are measures to sup-
port performance management and for shareholder value
creation. In investment decisions and customer relation-
ships, EP drives and supports the operational decision
making process in Nordea. The EP model also captures
both growth and return. EC and expected losses (EL) are
inputs in the EP framework.
Expected losses (EL)
EL reflects the normalised loss level of the individual
credit exposure over a business cycle as well as various
The EL ratio used in the EP framework, calculated as EL
divided by exposure at default (EAD), was 19 basis points
as of year-end 2012 (21 basis points as of 2011) excluding
the sovereign and institution exposure classes.
EL is a more stable measure than actual losses, but it
will vary with the business cycle as a consequence of
shifts in the repayment capacity (PD dimension) and col-
lateral coverage (LGD dimension) distributions.
Capital base
Capital base (referred to as own funds in the CRD) is the
sum of tier 1 capital and tier 2 capital after deductions.
Tier 1 capital is defined as capital of the same or close to
the character of paid-up, capital-eligible reserves and a
limited portion of subordinated capital loans (undated
loans) instruments (maximum 50% of tier 1). Profit may
only be included after deducting the proposed dividend.
Goodwill and deferred tax assets are deducted from tier 1.
Tier 2 comprises undated loans and dated loans. The
total tier 2 amount may not exceed tier 1. Dated tier 2
loans may not exceed half the amount of tier 1. The limits
are set after deductions, i.e. investment in insurance and
other financial companies.
D+99)'G &/ -2#9, -.18+(#( -. 1)4-2)8 J),#
31 Dec
31 Dec
Calculation of total capital base
Equity 28,216 26,120
Proposed/actual dividend 1,370 1,048
Subordinated capital loans 1,992 1,964
Deferred tax assets 201 169
Intangible assets 3,094 2,986
IRB provisions excess (+)/shortfall () 554 243
Deduction for investments in credit
institutions (50%) 103 117
Other items, net 933 880
Tier 1 capital (net after deduction) 23,953 22,641
of which subordinated capital 1,992 1,964
Tier 2 capital 5,440 3,924
of which undated subordinated loans 708 723
IRB provisions excess (+)/shortfall () 554 243
Deduction for investments in credit
institutions (50%) 103 117
Other deduction 1,462 1,367
Total capital base 27,274 24,838
M)4-2)8 )(#T+)1G ')2-&,
2012 2011
Core tier 1 ratio excluding transition rules (%) 13.1 11.2
Tier 1 ratio excluding transition rules (%) 14.3 12.2
Capital ratio excluding transition rules (%) 16.2 13.4
Capital adequacy quotient (Capital base / cap-
ital requirement excluding transition rules) 2.03 1.68
Core tier 1 ratio including transition rules (%) 10.2 9.2
Tier 1 ratio including transition rules (%) 11.2 10.1
Capital ratio including transition rules (%) 12.7 11.1
Capital adequacy quotient (Capital base / cap-
ital requirement including transition rules) 1.59 1.39
M)4-2)8 ,-2+)2-&. &/ 2"# /-.).1-)8 1&.;8&9#')2#
As the Sampo Group had an owner share of more than
20% in Nordea Bank AB (publ) as of December 31, Nordea
is part of the Sampo financial conglomerate and falls
under the same supervisory authority as Sampo Group
(which is the Finnish FSA) in accordance to the Finnish Act
on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomer-
ates (2004/699), based on Directive 2002/87/EC.
7+'2"#' -./&'9)2-&. R
%&2# W5? M)4-2)8 )(#T+)1G ).( 2"# M)4-2)8 ).( @-,A
=).);#9#.2 @#4&'2
Further information on capital management and capital
adequacy is presented in Note G40 Capital adequacy and
in the Capital and Risk Management Report at www.nor-
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 68
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
New regulat|ons
The European Commission issued a proposal of the Capi-
tal Requirement Directive IV (CRD IV) and Capital
Requirement Regulation (CRR) for the European financial
market in July 2011. The Directive will be implemented
through national law in all EU countries while the Regula-
tion will become applicable in all EU countries directly
through the European process. In addition to CRD IV/
CRR, there are several closely related proposals emerging.
M@0 SP ).( M@@
The CRD IV/CRR is intended to set a single rule book for
all banks in all EU Member States in order to avoid diver-
gent national rules. The European Banking Authority
(EBA) will support the process by issuing binding techni-
cal standards and are expected to deliver more than 100
standards due to CRD IV/CRR.
The CRD IV/CRR includes several key initiatives, which
change the current requirements that have been in effect
since 2007. The regulation requires higher and better qual-
ity capital, better risk coverage, the introduction of a lever-
age ratio as a backstop to the risk-based requirement,
measures to promote the build-up of capital that can be
drawn down in periods of stress, and the introduction of
liquidity standards.
The CRD IV/CRR requires banks to comply with the fol-
lowing minimum capital ratios.
Coro lior 1 (roforrod lo as Commor oquily lior 1 ir
CRD IV/CRR) capital ratio of 4.5%
1ior 1 capilal ralio of 6%
1olal capilal ralio of 8%
Besides the change to the capital base, a capital conser-
vation buffer of 2.5% will be established above regulatory
minimum requirements. Further, a countercyclical capital
buffer is implemented as an extension of the capital con-
servation buffer, which will be developed by national juris-
dictions when excess credit growth is judged to be associ-
ated with a build-up of system-wide risk. In addition, the
CRD IV/CRR allows for a Systemic Risk Buffer (SRB) to be
added. The SRB should be seen in conjunction with the
other buffers and are to be covered by core tier 1. A breach
of this combined buffer requirement will restrict banks
capital distribution, such as dividend. The Basel Commit-
tee has proposed that global systemically important banks
(G-SIBs) should have an additional buffer ranging from
1.0% to 2.5% of RWA. According to the G-SIB framework
in November 2012 Nordea would be subject to an addi-
tional 1% core tier 1 requirement. The Swedish authorities
have stated that they will require the four large Swedish
banks to hold 10% core tier 1 from 2013 and 12% from
Risk-weighted assets will mainly be affected by addi-
tional requirements for counterparty credit risk, by intro-
ducing capital requirements for Credit Valuation Adjust-
ment-risk and Central Counterparties, and an introduction
of an asset correlation factor for exposures towards large
financial institutions. In addition the Swedish FSA has
issued a proposal to increase the risk weights for residen-
tial mortgage by setting a risk weight floor of 15% at port-
folio level within pillar 2. Also in Norway the discussion is
to increase the risk weight for residential mortgages.
The CRD IV/CRR introduces a non-risk-based measure,
the leverage ratio, in order to limit an excessive build-up of
leverage on credit institutions balance sheets, thus helping
to contain the cyclicality of lending.
There is also a proposal to introduce two new quantitative
liquidity standards; the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and
net stable funding ratio (NSFR). LCR aims to ensure that a
bank maintains an adequate level of unencumbered, high-
quality assets that can be converted into cash to meet its
liquidity need for a 30-day time horizon in a scenario of
acute liquidity stress. NSFR establishes a minimum accepta-
ble amount of stable funding based on the liquidity charac-
teristics of an institutions assets and activities over a one-
year horizon. LCR is expected to be phased in from January
2015 while NSFR might be introduced as a minimum stand-
ard by January 2018, but local requirements might give ear-
lier implementation. The Swedish FSA has progressed faster
in liquidity regulations and published their LCR require-
ment in November 2012. The LCR requirement is to be com-
plied with from the beginning of 2013.
:2"#' .#N '#;+8)2-&.
FSB has published the Consultative Document of Effec-
tive resolution of Systemically Important Financial institu-
tions and Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes
for Financial Institutions. Also the EU Commission pub-
lished the Consultative documents Crisis Management
Directive, which is planned to be adopted by 2014. The
objective of the new regulations is to reduce the risk of a
bank failure through better planning for financial disas-
The BCBS has published a consultative document on a
fundamental review of the trading book. The aim is to
strengthen the resilience to market risks due to observed
weaknesses during the crisis. The proposal is still at an
early stage, and an analysis of its impact requires a range
of assumptions. The review sets out a potential definition
of the scope of the trading book and proposes either a
trading evidence-based approach or a valuation-based
approach. In addition, the proposal is to strengthen the
relationship between the standardised and internal mod-
els-based approaches.
In 2012, the Commission presented a proposal to move
to a full banking union in the eurozone. The proposal for a
single supervisory mechanism for banks in the eurozone
should be seen as an important step in strengthening the
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). A banking union
can be defined as a fully integrated bank regulatory and
supervisory system within a federal structure.
In February 2012, the EU Commission established a
High-level Expert Group (HLEG) with the task to assess
whether additional reforms on the structure of individual
banks should be considered. The HLEG presented a report
in October 2012 with the suggestion to have a mandatory
separation of proprietary trading and other so called high
risk trading activities from the normal banking activities.
New regulation is also approaching the insurance busi-
ness. The Solvency II Directive published in 2009 is
expected to remain largely unchanged apart from the date
of implementation and some other clarifications. The
implementation date is now expected to be 2015/2016.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 69
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
Strong corporate governance is all about companies having
clear and systematic decision-making processes, thus giv-
ing clarity concerning responsibilities, avoiding conflict of
interests, and ensuring satisfactory transparency. Business
commitment to Nordeas mission and vision requires the
integration of good corporate governance practices into
regular business activities, to ascertain to the extent
possible that the corporation is both well governed and
well managed.
Corporate governance deals with the relationship
between the shareholders and the companys board and
CEO/executive management as well as the corporate goals.
This Corporate governance report is based on a share-
holder perspective as it is prepared in accordance with the
requirements in the Swedish Annual Accounts Act as well
as in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the
Code). The main emphasis is on the Board of Directors in
its role as the main decision-making body in Nordeas cor-
porate governance structure and the interaction with the
other bodies to ensure good corporate governance.
Nordeas system for Internal control and risk management
regarding financial reporting is also covered.
M&'4&')2# ;&H#'.).1# -. %&'(#)
Nordea Bank AB (publ) is a Swedish public limited
company, listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic, the stock
exchanges in Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen. Cor-
porate governance in Nordea follows generally adopted
principles of corporate governance. The external frame-
work which regulates the corporate governance work
includes the Swedish Companies Act, the Banking and
Financing Business Act, the Annual Accounts Act, the
Annual Accounts Act of Credit Institutions and Securities
Companies, the NASDAQ OMX Nordic rules and the rules
and principles of the Code. Nordea complies with the
Code with one exception during 2012; the explanation is
presented below under the heading Nomination process.
The Company has during 2012 had neither any infringe-
ment of the applicable stock exchange rules nor any breach
of good practice in the securities market reported by the
relevant exchanges disciplinary committee or the Swedish
Securities Council.
This Corporate Governance Report has been
examined by the auditors. The Code can be found at
0-H-,-&. &/ 4&N#', ).( '#,4&.,-J-8-2-#,
The management and control of Nordea is divided among
the shareholders (in the General Meeting), the Board of
Directors and the President and CEO, pursuant to the
provisions of the external framework, the Articles of
Association and the internal instructions laid down by
the Board of Directors.
W#.#')8 =##2-.;, UBV
The General Meeting is the Companys highest decision
making body, where the shareholders exercise their voting
rights. At the General Meeting decisions are taken regard-
ing among other things the annual accounts, dividend,
election of the Board of Directors and auditors, remunera-
tion to the Board members and auditors, and guidelines
for remuneration to the executive officers.
Corporulo Oovornunco Poporl
M&'4&')2# W&H#'.).1# D2'+12+'#
Shuroho|oors |n Oonoru| Mool|ng (1)
Oroup lnlornu| Auo|l (8)
om|nul|on Comm|lloo (2)
S.2#'.)8 7')9#N&'A
Arl|c|os o Assoc|ul|on, lho Churlor, lnslrucl|ons or lho CEO,
po||c|os, |nslrucl|ons, gu|oo||nos uno oroou's vu|uos
IZ2#'.)8 7')9#N&'A
Log|s|ul|on, rogu|ul|on, lho Cooo, sloc| oxchungo ru|os
Oroup Comp||unco`
Oroup P|s| Munugomonl`
Pros|oonl uno CEO (7)
Auo|lors (9)
P|s| Comm|lloo (5) Pomunorul|on Comm|lloo (6) Auo|l Comm|lloo (4)
E|ocloo / uppo|nloo by
Poporl|ng lo / |norm|ng
The numbers in the brackets refer to text paragraphs.
* Group Risk Management as well as Group Compliance are described in separate sections and information is presented on page 38 to 39 and 55 to 63.
Bouro o D|roclors (3)
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 7C
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
General Meetings are held in Stockholm. For the
minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2012,
The AGM 2013 will be held on Thursday 14 March 2013.
P&2-.; '-;"2,
According to the Articles of Association, shares may be
issued in two classes, ordinary shares and C-shares. All
shares in Nordea carry voting rights, with each ordinary
share entitled to one vote and each C-share entitled to one
tenth of one vote at General Meetings. At General Meet-
ings, each shareholder is entitled to vote for the full num-
ber of shares that he or she owns or represents. Nordea is
not entitled to vote for its own shares at General Meetings.
More information about the Nordea share is presented in
the section The Nordea share and shareholders on page
44 and in the "Financial Review 2012" on page 48.
Y'2-18#, &/ Y,,&1-)2-&.
The Articles of Association can be found at www.nordea.
com. Amendments to the Articles of Association are
resolved by the General Meetings in accordance with
Swedish law and are subject to approval by the Swedish
Financial Supervisory Authority.
=).()2# 2& '#4+'1"),# ).( 1&.H#G &/ &N. ,")'#,
Information on mandate to repurchase and convey of own
shares is presented in the Financial Review on page 50.
=).()2# 2& -,,+# &/ 1&.H#'2-J8# -.,2'+9#.2,
Information on mandate to issue of convertible instru-
ments is presented in the Financial Review on page 50.
%&9-.)2-&. 4'&1#,, UCV
The AGM 2012 decided to set up a Nomination Committee
whose task in reference to the AGM 2013 is to propose
Board members, Chairman of the Board and auditor as
well as remuneration to the Board members and auditor.
The Nomination Committee comprises Bjrn Wahlroos
(Chairman of the Board) and the four largest shareholders
in terms of voting rights as of 31 August 2012, who wished
to participate in the Committee. The appointment of the
members of the Nomination Committee was made public
on 27 September 2012. This was about two weeks later
than the stipulated announcement date which according to
the Code should be no later than six months before the
AGM. The reason for the deviation was practical difficul-
ties in finding a suitable date for the Committees statutory
meeting. At the date of constitution, the Nomination Com-
mittee represented approximately 41% of the shareholders
votes. Sampo plc appointed Torbjrn Magnusson, the
Swedish government appointed Michael Thorn, Nordea-
fonden appointed Mogens Hugo and AMF appointed
Peder Hasslev. Torbjrn Magnusson was appointed chair-
man of the Committee.
The proposals of the Nomination Committee is
presented in the notice of the AGM 2013 and at
%&'(#) *&)'( &/ 0-'#12&', U>V
Composition of the Board of Directors
According to the Articles of Association the Board of
Directors shall consist of at least six and no more than fif-
teen members elected by the shareholders at the General
Meeting. The term of office for Board members is one year.
Nordea has neither a specific retirement age for Board
member nor a time limit for how long a Board member
may serve on the Board. There are no such requirements in
the external framework.
Further, according to the Articles of Association the aim
shall be that the Board, as a whole, for its operations pos-
sesses the requisite knowledge and experience of the
social, business and cultural conditions prevailing in the
regions and market areas in which the Groups principal
operations are conducted.
The Board currently consists of nine members elected by
the General Meeting. In addition three members and one
deputy member are appointed by the employees. Employ-
ees are entitled under Swedish legislation to be represented
in the Board. The CEO of Nordea is not a member of the
Board. The composition of the Board of Directors appears
from the table on page 72 and further information regard-
ing the Board members elected at the AGM 2012 is pre-
sented in the section "Board of Directors" on page 208.
Independence of the Board of Directors
Nordea complies with applicable rules regarding the inde-
pendence of the Board. The Nomination Committee con-
siders all of the members elected by the shareholders inde-
pendent of the Company and its executive management.
All Board members elected by the shareholders, apart
from Bjrn Wahlroos and Kari Stadigh, are independent in
relation to the Companys major shareholders. Bjrn Wahl-
roos is board chairman of Sampo plc and Kari Stadigh is
managing director and CEO of Sampo plc, which owns
more than ten per cent of all shares and votes in Nordea.
Thus, the number of Board members who are independ-
ent in relation to the Company and its executive manage-
ment as well as independent in relation to the Companys
major shareholders exceeds the minimum requirements.
No Board member elected by the General Meeting is
employed by or works in an operative capacity in the Com-
pany. All Board members and deputy Board members
appointed by the employees are employed by the Group
and therefore not independent of the Company.
The independence of the individual Board members is
also shown in the table on page 72.
The work of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors annually establishes its working
plan, in which the management and risk reporting to the
Board also is established. The statutory meeting following
the AGM 2012 elected the vice Chairman and appointed
the Board Committee members. The Board has adopted
written work procedures governing its work and its work
carried out in the Board committees (the Charter). For
example, the Charter sets forth the Boards and the Chair-
mans areas of responsibility, documentation and quorum
as well as the frequency of meetings. It also contains, rules
regarding conflicts of interest and confidentiality. Further-
more, the Board of Directors has adopted Instructions for
the CEO specifying the CEOs responsibilities as well as
other charters, policies and instructions for the operations
of the Group. These together with the Articles of Associa-
tion, the Charter and Nordeas values constitute the inter-
nal framework, which regulate corporate governance in
Nordea. Further information regarding Nordeas values is
presented in the section "Strategic direction shaping the
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 71
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
future relationship bank", page 9.
The Board is charged with the organisation of Nordea
and the management of the Companys operations and the
overall management of the Nordea Groups affairs in
accordance with the external and internal framework. Fur-
ther, the Board shall ensure that the Companys organisa-
tion in respect of accounting, management of funds, and
the Companys financial position in general includes satis-
factory controls. The Board is ultimately responsible for
ensuring that an adequate and effective system of internal
control is established and maintained.
Group Internal Audit (GIA) issues yearly to the Board an
overall Assurance Statement on Nordeas governance, risk
management and control processes. The assurance state-
ment for 2012 concludes that the internal control system is
adequate and effective. Further information regarding
internal control within Nordea is given below under the
heading Internal control process.
At least once a year the Board meets the external auditor
without the CEO or any other Company executives being
present. In addition the auditor in charge meets separately
with the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the
Board Audit Committee.
During 2012, the Board held 12 meetings. Nine meetings
were held in Stockholm, one in Stavanger and two meet-
ing were held per capsulam. For more information see
table on page 72. The Board regularly follows up on the
strategy, financial position and development and risks. The
financial targets and the strategy are reviewed on an
annual basis. In 2012, the Board also dealt with for exam-
ple reports on and issues related to financial market and
macro-economic development, new regulatory initiatives,
capital and liquidity, Internal Capital Adequacy Assess-
ment Process (ICAAP), the work of the Board Committees,
remuneration issues and transactions of significance.
Secretary of the Board of Directors is Lena Eriksson,
Head of Group Legal.
The Chairman
The Chairman of the Board is elected by the shareholders
at the General Meeting. According to the Charter, the
Chairman shall ensure that the Board work is conducted
efficiently and that the Board fulfils its duties. The Chair-
man shall among other things organise and lead the
Boards work, maintain regular contact with the CEO,
ensure that the Board receives sufficient information and
documentation and ensure that the work of the Board is
evaluated annually and that the Nomination Committee is
informed of the result of the evaluation.
Evaluation of the Board
The Board of Directors annually carries out a self-evalua-
tion process, through which the performance and the work
of the Board is evaluated and discussed by the Board. The
evaluation is based on a methodology which includes
questionnaires evaluating the Board as a whole, the Chair-
man and individual Board members.
Board Committees
In accordance with the external framework and in order to
increase the effectiveness of the board work, the Board of
Directors has established separate working committees to
assist the Board by preparing matters, belonging to the
competence of the Board and to decide in matters dele-
gated by the Board. The duties of the Board Committees,
as well as working procedures, are defined in the Charter.
Each Committee regularly reports on its work to the
Board. The minutes are communicated to the Board.
The Board Audit Committee (4)
The Board Audit Committee (BAC) assists the Board of
Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by
among other things monitoring the Nordea Groups finan-
cial reporting process, and in relation to this the effective-
ness of the internal control and risk management systems,
established by the Board of Directors, the CEO and Group
Executive Management (GEM), as well as the effectiveness
of Group Internal Audit. The BAC is further accountable
for keeping itself informed as to the statutory audit of the
annual and consolidated accounts and reviewing and
monitoring the impartiality and independence of the
external auditors and in particular the provision of addi-
tional services to the Nordea Group. In addition, the BAC
is accountable for the guidance and evaluation of the GIA.
Members of the BAC are Svein Jacobsen (chairman),
Stine Bosse and Sarah Russell. Generally, the Group Chief
Audit Executive (CAE) and the Chief Financial Officer
(CFO) are present at meetings with the right to participate
in discussions, but not in decisions.
According to the Swedish Companies Act and the Code,
the majority of the members of BAC are to be independent
of the Company and the executive management of the
Company. At least one of the committee members who are
independent of the Company and its executive manage-
ment is also to be independent of the Companys major
shareholders. Nordea follows the law requirement as well
as complies with the Code. For more information see table
on page 72.
The Board Risk Committee (5)
The Board Risk Committee (BRIC) assists the Board of
Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities con-
cerning management and control of the risks, risk frame-
works, controls and processes associated with the Groups
operations, including credit, market, liquidity, business,
life and operational risk.
The duties of the BRIC include reviewing the develop-
ment of the Groups overall risk management and control
framework, as well as the Groups risk profile and key risk
issues. In addition, the BRIC reviews and makes recom-
mendations regarding the Groups risk appetite and limits
for market and liquidity risks. Further the BRIC reviews
resolutions made by lending entities concerning credit or
limit above certain amounts as well as strategic credit pol-
icy matters and the development of the credit portfolio.
Members of the BRIC are Kari Stadigh (chairman), Lars
G Nordstrm and Tom Knutzen. Generally the Head of
Group Risk Management and, when deemed important
and to the extent possible, the CEO are present at meet-
ings with the right to participate in discussions, but not in
decisions. Further information regarding the credit deci-
sion-making structure for main operations and risk man-
agement within Nordea is presented in the section "Risk
management", page 57.
There are no rules on independence of members of the
BRIC in the external framework. For more information see
table on page 72.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 72
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
The Board Remuneration Committee (6)
The Board Remuneration Committee (BRC) is responsible
for preparing and presenting proposals to the Board of
Directors on remuneration issues. This duty includes pro-
posals regarding the Nordea Remuneration Policy and
underlying instructions as well as guidelines for remuner-
ation to the executive officers to be decided by the AGM.
Furthermore, proposals regarding the remuneration for
the CEO, other members of GEM as well as the CAE and,
on proposal by the CEO, for the Group Compliance Officer
and the Head of Group Credit Control.
At least annually, the BRC follows-up on the application
of the Nordea Remuneration Policy and underlying
instructions through an independent review by the GIA as
well as exercises an assessment of the Nordea Remunera-
tion Policy and remuneration system with the participa-
tion of appropriate Control Functions. The BRC also has
the duty to annually monitor, evaluate and report to the
Board on the programmes for variable remuneration to
GEM, as well as the application of the guidelines for remu-
neration to executive officers. At the request of the Board
the BRC also prepares other issues of principle for the con-
sideration of the Board.
Members of the BRC are Marie Ehrling (chairman),
Peter F Braunwalder, as from AGM 2012, and Bjrn Wahl-
roos. Generally, the CEO and the Head of Group Human
Resources are present at the meetings, with the right to
participate in discussions, but not in decisions. The CEO
does not participate in considerations regarding his own
employment terms and conditions.
According to the Code the members of the BRC are to be
independent of the Company and the executive manage-
ment of the Company. Nordea complies with this rule.
Further information regarding remuneration within
Nordea is presented in the separate section Remunera-
tion, page 76 and in Note G7, page 117.
=##2-.;,E )22#.().1# ).( -.(#4#.(#.1#
The table below shows the number of meetings held by the
Board of Directors and its committees as well as the
attendance of the individual Board members. It also shows
the independence of the individual Board members in rela-
tion to the Company as well as to the major shareholders.
!"# MI: ).( W'&+4 IZ#1+2-H# =).);#9#.2 U6V
Nordeas President and CEO is charged with the day-to-
day management of Nordea Bank and the Nordea Groups
affairs in accordance with the external and internal frame-
work. The internal framework regulates the division of
responsibilities and the interaction between the CEO and
the Board. The CEO works closely with the Chairman of
the Board with planning of Board meetings.
The CEO is accountable to the Board for the manage-
ment of the Nordea Groups operations and he is also
responsible for developing and maintaining effective sys-
tems for internal control within the Group. Further infor-
mation regarding the control environment for risk expo-
sures is presented in the section; Risk, Liquidity and
Capital management, page 55. The CEO works together
with executive officers within the Group in GEM. Pres-
Board of
Board Audit
Board Risk
Inde pendence
in relation to
the Company
in relation to
the major
Number of meetings 12 8 7 10
(of which per capsulam) 2 1
Meetings attended:
Elected by AGM
Bjrn Wahlroos
12 10 Yes No
Marie Ehrling
12 10 Yes Yes
Stine Bosse 12 7 Yes Yes
Peter F Braunwalder
9 7 Yes Yes
Svein Jacobsen 12 8 Yes Yes
Tom Knutzen 12 7 Yes Yes
Lars G Nordstrm 12 7 Yes Yes
Sarah Russell 12 8 Yes Yes
Kari Stadigh 12 7 Yes No
Appointed by employees
Kari Ahola
(deputy 1 Nov 201230 Apr 2013) 10 No Yes
Ole Lund Jensen
(deputy 1 May 201231 Oct 2012) 12 No Yes
Lars Oddestad
(deputy 1 Nov 201130 Apr 2012) 12 No Yes
Steinar Nickelsen 12 No Yes
1) For additional information, see Independence on page 70.
2) Chairman from AGM 2011.
3) Vice Chairman from AGM 2011.
4) Board and Committee member from AGM 2012.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 73
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
ently GEM consists of six members and the CEO. GEM has
recorded weekly meetings. These meetings are chaired by
the CEO, who reaches decisions after consulting with the
other members of GEM. Further information regarding the
CEO and GEM is presented in the section Group Execu-
tive Management, page 210.
S.2#'.)8 1&.2'&8 4'&1#,,
The Internal control process is a process, carried out by the
Board of Directors, management and other personnel
within Nordea, designed to provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of objectives in terms of effec-
tiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of opera-
tional and financial reporting, compliance with external
and internal regulations, and safeguarding of assets,
including sufficient management of risks in operations.
The Internal control process is based on the Control Envi-
ronment, Risk and Control Assessment, Control Activities,
Information & Communication and Monitoring.
The framework for the Internal control process aims at
creating the necessary preconditions for the whole organi-
sation to contribute to the effectiveness and the high qual-
ity of internal control, through eg clear definitions, assign-
ments of roles and responsibilities as well as common tools
and procedures.
Roles and responsibilities in respect of internal control
and risk management are divided in three lines of defence.
In the first line of defence, the business organisation and
Group Functions are responsible for operating its business
within limits for risk exposures and in accordance with the
decided framework for internal control and risk manage-
ment. As second line of defence, the centralised risk group
functions are responsible for providing the framework of
internal control and risk management. Group Internal
Audit performs audits and provides assurance to stake-
holders on internal controls and risk management pro-
cesses, which is the third line of defence.
S.2#'.)8 )+(-2 UQV
Group Internal Audit (GIA) is an independent function
commissioned by the Board of Directors. The Board Audit
Committee is responsible for guidance on and evaluation
of GIA within the Nordea Group. The Group Chief Audit
Executive (CAE) has the overall responsibility for GIA.
The CAE reports functionally to the Board of Directors
and the Board Audit Committee and reports administra-
tively to the CEO. The Board of Directors approves the
appointment and dismissal of the CAE.
GIA does not engage in consulting activities unless the
Board Audit Committee gives it special assignments. The
purpose of GIAs assurance activity is to add value to the
organisation by assuring the quality of the governance,
risk management and control processes as well as promot-
ing continuous improvement.
All activities, including outsourced activities and enti-
ties of the Nordea Group fall within the scope of GIA.
GIA operates free from interference in determining the
scope of internal auditing, in performing its audit work,
and in communicating its results. GIA is authorised to
carry out all investigations and obtain all information
required to discharge its duties. The work of GIA shall
comply with the Standards for the International Profes-
sional Practice of Internal Auditing issued by the Institute
of Internal Auditors and the Standards for Information
Systems Auditing issued by ISACA. The annual audit
plans are based on a comprehensive risk assessment.
S.2#'.)8 1&.2'&8 4'&1#,,
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govornunco, r|s|
munugomonl uno
conlro| procossos.
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uncl|ons, og Oroup
Oporul|onu| P|s| uno
Oroup Comp||unco,
Oroup F|nunco.
Supporls ||no orgun|su
l|on uno oslub||shos
po||c|os uno rumowor|,
uc|||lulos r|s| ussoss
monl uno o||owup.
@-,A M&.2'&8
8-.# &/ (#/#.,#
Bus|noss Arous uno
Oroup Funcl|ons.
Owns r|s| uno r|s|
munugomonl ucl|v|l|os.
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oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 74
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
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According to the Articles of Association one or two audi-
tors shall be elected by the General Meeting for a term of
one year. At the AGM 2012, KPMG AB was re-elected
auditor for the time period up to the end of the AGM 2013.
Carl Lindgren is the auditor-in-charge.
@#4&'2 &. -.2#'.)8 1&.2'&8 ).( '-,A 9).);#9#.2
'#;)'(-.; /-.).1-)8 '#4&'2-.;
The systems for internal control and risk management
over financial reporting are designed to give reasonable
assurance concerning reliability of financial reporting and
the preparation of financial statements for external pur-
poses in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles, applicable laws and regulations, and other
requirements for listed companies. The internal control
and risk management activities are included in Nordeas
planning and resource allocation processes. Internal con-
trol and risk management over financial reporting in Nor-
dea can be described in accordance with the COSO frame-
work (Internal Control - Integrated framework, by the
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
commission) as follows.
M&.2'&8 I.H-'&.9#.2
The control environment constitutes the basis for Nordeas
internal control and contains the culture and values estab-
lished by the Board of Directors and executive manage-
ment. Further information regarding Nordeas values is
presented in the section Strategic direction shaping the
future relationship bank, page 9.
A clear and transparent organisational structure is of
importance for the control environment. Nordeas busi-
ness structure aims to support the overall strategy, with a
strong business momentum and increased requirements
on capital and liquidity. The business as well as the organ-
isation is under continuous development. Further infor-
mation on the relationship strategy is presented on page 9.
The key principle of risk management in Nordea is the
three lines of defence, with the first line of defence being
the business organisation and Group Functions, the sec-
ond line of defence the centralised risk group functions
which defines a common set of standards and the third
line of defence being the internal audit function, see illus-
tration Internal control process (under the heading Inter-
nal control process). The second line of defence function
for internal control over financial reporting, Accounting
Key Controls (AKC), implements a Nordea Group-wide
system of key controls. This is done to ensure that controls
essential for the financial reporting are continuously iden-
tified, monitored and assessed and are covering e.g. the
core Group Finance processes.
@-,A Y,,#,,9#.2,
The Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for
limiting and monitoring Nordeas risk exposure and risk
management is considered as an integral part of running
the business. The main responsibility for performing risk
assessments regarding financial reporting risks lies with
the business organisation. To have the risk assessments
performed close to the business, increases the possibility of
identifying the most relevant risks. In order to govern the
quality, central functions stipulate in governing documents
when and how these assessments are to be performed.
Examples of risk assessments, performed at least annually,
are Quality and Risk Analysis for changes and Risk and
Control Self Assessments on divisional levels.
M&.2'&8 Y12-H-2-#,
The heads of the respective units are primarily responsible
for managing the risks associated with the units opera-
tions and financial reporting processes. This responsibility
is primarily supported by the Group Accounting Manual
(GAM), the Financial Control Principles and various gov-
W|oo Conlro|s
Trunsucl|on Lovo| Conlro|s
lT Oonoru| Conlro|s
I.2-2G <-(# M&.2'&8,
Oroup Accounl|ng Munuu|, F|nunc|u|
Conlro| Pr|nc|p|os, Oroup vu|uul|on
Comm|lloo, numorous unu|ysos |n
Munugomonl Poporl|ng
!').,)12-&. e#H#8 M&.2'&8,
Poconc|||ul|ons, upprovu|s, |nunc|u|
conlro|||ng unu|ys|s, uulhor|sul|on,
uulomuloo conlro|s uno |nlru Oroup
S! W#.#')8 M&.2'&8,
Conlro|s ovor uccoss, sysloms oovo|
opmonl uno oop|oymonl, oulu buc|up
& rocovory uno |og|cu| uno phys|cu|
socur|ly cr|l|cu| lo lho |nlogr|ly o lho
|nunc|u| roporl|ng procoss
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oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 75
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
erning bodies, as for example the Group Valuation Com-
mittee. The GAM includes a standard reporting package
used by all entities to ensure consistent use of Nordeas
principles and coordinated financial reporting. Fundamen-
tal internal control principles in Nordea are segregation of
duties and the four-eye principle when approving e.g.
transactions and authorisations.
The quality assurance vested in the management report-
ing process, where detailed analysis of the financial out-
come is performed, constitutes one of the most important
control mechanisms associated with the reporting process.
The reconciliations constitute another set of important
controls where Nordea works continuously to further
strengthening the quality.
S./&'9)2-&. ).( M&99+.-1)2-&.
Group Functions are responsible for ensuring that the
Group Accounting Manual and the Financial Control Prin-
ciples are up-to-date and that changes are communicated
to the responsible units. These governing documents are
broken down into instructions and standard operating
procedures in the responsible units. On an annual basis
accounting specialists within Group Finance provide ses-
sions for accountants and controllers in order to inform
about existing and updated rules and regulations with an
impact on Nordea.
Matters affecting the achievement of financial reporting
objectives are communicated with outside parties, where
Nordea actively participates in relevant national fora, for
example fora established by the Financial Supervisory
Authorities, Central Banks, and associations for financial
Nordea has established a process with the purpose of
ensuring a proper monitoring of the quality of the finan-
cial reporting and the follow-up regarding possible defi-
ciencies. This interactive process aims to cover all COSO-
components and can be illustrated with the figure below.
The Risk and Control Self Assessment process includes
the monitoring of quality of internal control for financial
reporting. This is presented in the annual Group Risk Map
which is submitted to Group Executive Management, the
Board Audit Committee, the Board Risk Committee and
the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors, the Board Audit Committee, the
Board Risk Committee, and Group Internal Audit (GIA)
have important roles with regards to monitoring the inter-
nal control over financial reporting in Nordea. For further
information please see headings The work of Board of
Directors (3), Board Audit Committee (4), Board Risk
Committee (5), and Group Internal Audit (8) above.
lnlormat|on and
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 76
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
The Board of Directors decides on the Nordea Remunera-
tion Policy, based on an analysis of the possible risks
involved, and ensures that it is applied and followed-up as
proposed by the Board Remuneration Committee (BRC).

!"# %&'(#) @#9+.#')2-&. O&8-1G N-88
Support Nordeas ability to recruit, develop and retain
highly motivated, competent and performance-oriented
employees and thereby the People strategy.
Be a supplement to excellent leadership and challenging
tasks as driving forces to create highly committed
employees and a Great Nordea.
Ensure that compensation in Nordea is aligned with
efficient risk management and the Nordea values: Great
customer experiences, Its all about people and One
Nordea team.
Nordea is offering competitive, but not market-leading
compensation packages.
Nordea has a total remuneration approach to compensa-
tion acknowledging the importance of well balanced but
different remuneration packages derived from business
and local market needs, as well as the importance of
compensation being consistent with and promoting sound
and effective risk management not encouraging excessive
risk-taking or counteracting Nordeas long term interests.
%&'(#) '#9+.#')2-&. 1&94&.#.2, R 4+'4&,# ).(
Fixed Salary is compensating employees for full satisfac-
tory performance. The individual salary is based on three
cornerstones: Job complexity and responsibility, perfor-
mance and local market conditions.
Profit Sharing is aiming at stimulating value creation for
the customers and shareholders and is offered to all
employees. The performance criteria for 2012 programme
reflect Nordeas long-term targets: Return On Equity
(ROE) and Customer Satisfaction.
Variable Salary Part (VSP) is offered to selected manag-
ers and specialists to reward strong performance. Assess-
ment of individual performance shall be based on a
pre-determined set of well-defined financial as well as
non-financial success criteria, including Nordea Group
Bonus scheme is offered only to selected groups of
employees employed in specific businesses areas or units.
The aim is to ensure strong performance and to maintain
cost flexibility for Nordea. Judgement of individual perfor-
mance shall be based on a pre-determined set of well-
defined financial as well as non-financial success criteria,
including Nordea Group criteria.
One Time Payment (OTP) can be granted to employees in
case of extraordinary performance exceeding requirements
or expectations. Employees participating in a Bonus
scheme cannot be offered an OTP and employees having
Variable Salary Part can only in extraordinary situations
be offered an OTP.
Pension and Insurance schemes are aiming at ensuring
employees an appropriate standard of living after retire-
ment as well as personal insurance during employment.
Pension and insurance provisions are according to local law,
regulation and market practice done either in form of deter-
mined public collective-agreements, company determined
schemes or in a combination of these elements. Nordea aims
at having defined contribution pension schemes.
Benefits in Nordea are given as a means to stimulate
performance and well being. Benefits are either connected
to the contract of employment or local conditions.
Long-Term Incentive Programme (LTIP) aims at improv-
ing the long-term shareholder value and to strengthen
Nordeas capability to retain and recruit the best talents.
The programme targets managers and key employees
identified as essential to the future development of the
Nordea Group. Performance criteria in LTIP 2012 reflected
Nordeas internal version of ROE being Risk-Adjusted
Return On Capital At Risk (RAROCAR) and Price to Book
compared to the Nordic and European peers.
In 2013 Nordea Executive Incentive Programme (EIP)
will be introduced, replacing LTIP and VSP for the invited
employees. Further information regarding Profit Sharing,
VSP, Bonus schemes, LTIPs and the new EIP is provided
below in this section.
Risk analysis
Nordeas remuneration components are annually evalu-
ated to ensure compliance with both international and
local remuneration guidelines. In addition to the evalua-
tion of Nordea's remuneration components as such, the
risk analysis addressing issues arising in respect of Nor-
deas Remuneration Policy was updated in March 2012.
Key factors addressed include risks related to the govern-
ance and structure of the remuneration schemes, goal set-
ting and measurement of results, as well as fraud and rep-
utation. The main focus of the analysis is the variable
components that potentially may be leading to total com-
oroou hus c|our romunorul|on po||c|os,
|nslrucl|ons uno procossos, socur|ng souno
romunorul|on slrucluros lhroughoul lho
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 77
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
pensations that might be considered high.
Nordea mitigates these risks by regularly reviewing the
structure of the remuneration components, including the
participants and potential payout amounts, and by disclos-
ing relevant information to the public. Furthermore,
Nordea has established clear processes for target-setting,
aligned with the Groups strategy as well as predefined
growth and development initiatives. Measurement of
results is aligned with Nordeas overall performance
measurement, and decision on payout is subject to separate
processes and the Grandparent principle (approval by the
managers manager). Nordea also mitigates relevant risks
by means of its internal control framework which is based
on the control environment, and includes the following
elements: Values and management culture, goal orienta-
tion and follow-up, a clear and transparent organisational
structure, separation of duties, the four-eye principle,
quality and efficiency of internal communication and an
independent evaluation process.
Performance-related compensation for 2012 to employ-
ees in the risk analysis defined as Identified Staff will
partly be deferred in 2013 to comply with international
guidelines and national regulations. Amounts deferred
and details about the deferrals will be published one week
before the ordinary Annual General Meeting on 14 March
Audit of the remuneration policy
At least annually, the BRC follows up the application of the
Nordea Remuneration Policy and supplementing instruc-
tions through an independent review by Group Internal
Remuneration to the Board of Directors
The AGM annually decides on remuneration to the Board
of Directors. Further information is found in Note G7 on
page 117.
Remuneration to CEO and Group Executive
Management (GEM)
The Board of Directors prepares the proposal for guide-
lines for remuneration to the executive officers to be
approved by the AGM annually. According to these guide-
lines, the Board of Directors has decided on the actual
remuneration to the CEO and members of GEM following
a proposal from the BRC. More information regarding the
BRC is found in the separate section Corporate Govern-
ance Report, page 69.
The external auditors presented a report to the AGM
2012 stating that the Board of Directors and the CEO
during 2011 have complied with the guidelines for remu-
neration to executive officers as adopted by the AGM 2010
and 2011.
Further information about remuneration is found in
Note G7 on page 117.
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The AGM 2012 approved the following guidelines for
remuneration to the executive officers.
"Nordea shall maintain remuneration levels and other
employment conditions needed to recruit and retain
executive officers with competence and capacity to deliver
according to Nordeas short and long term targets.
The term executive officers shall in this context mean
the CEO of Nordea Bank AB (publ) and the executives
reporting directly to him also being members of Group
Executive Management.
Remuneration of executive officers will be decided by
the Board of Directors in accordance with Nordeas
internal policies and procedures, which are based on the
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authoritys (SFSA) regula-
tions on remuneration systems, EUs directive on capital
requirements for banks as well as international sound
compensation practices.
Salaries and other remuneration in line with market
levels is the overriding principle for compensation to
executive officers within Nordea. Compensation to the
executive officers shall be consistent with and promote
sound and effective risk management and not encourage
excessive risk-taking or counteract Nordeas long term
Short-term remuneration
Annual remuneration consists of a fixed salary part and a
variable salary part (VSP). Fixed salary is paid for
satisfactory performance. VSP is offered to reward perfor-
mance meeting agreed predetermined targets on Group,
business unit and individual level. The effect on the long
term result is to be considered when determining the tar-
gets. The VSP shall as a general rule not exceed 35% of
fixed salary. In accordance with international principles
guaranteed variable salary part is to be exceptional and
may only occur in the context of hiring a new executive
officer and then be limited to the first year.
VSP shall be paid in the form of cash and shares/share-
price related payment and be subject to retention, deferral
and forfeiture clauses based on the SFSAs regulations on
remuneration systems, taking account of domestic rules
and practices where relevant.
Long-term remuneration
The AGMs since 2007 have decided upon share and per-
formance-based Long Term Incentive Programmes which
require an initial investment in Nordea shares by the par-
ticipants and where compensation shall be dependent on
the creation of long term shareholder value and the fulfil-
ment of Nordeas financial targets. A similar programme
as last years programme with performance measured over
a three years period, and based on matching and perfor-
mance shares free of charge is proposed for AGM 2012.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 78
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
Compared to last years programme the performance con-
ditions are proposed to be based on risk-adjusted return
on capital at risk and the ratio tangible price to book. The
programmes have a cap. On a yearly basis the Board of
Directors will evaluate whether a similar incentive pro-
gramme should be proposed to the Annual General Meet-
ing. The executive officers will be invited to join the Long
Term Incentive Programmes and due to their influence on
the long term development of Nordea, the conditions for
participation and outcome differ compared to other partic-
If the Annual General Meeting does not approve a Long
Term Incentive Programme, the VSP to executive officers
may be increased and shall as a general rule not exceed
50% of fixed salary.
Non-monetary benefits are given as a means to facilitate
executive officers performance. The levels of these bene-
fits are determined by what is considered fair in relation to
general market practice. The executive officers shall be
offered retirement benefits in accordance with market
practice in the country of which they are permanent resi-
dents. Notice and severance pay in total shall not exceed
24 months of fixed salary for executive officers.
Any potential undertaking or commitment made by
Nordea against a state or public authority in any guaran-
tee agreement or any similar agreement which affect the
remuneration of executive officers will be observed.
The Board of Directors may deviate from these guide-
lines, if there in a certain case are special reasons for this."
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2"# #Z#1+2-H# &//-1#', /&' C?B>
Nordea shall maintain remuneration levels and other
employment conditions needed to recruit and retain exec-
utive officers with competence and capacity to deliver
according to Nordeas short and long term targets.
The term executive officers shall in this context mean
the CEO of Nordea Bank AB (publ) and the executives
reporting directly to him also being members of Group
Executive Management.
Remuneration to executive officers will be decided by
the Board of Directors in accordance with Nordeas inter-
nal policies and procedures, which are based on the Swed-
ish Financial Supervisory Authoritys (SFSA) regulations
on remuneration systems, EUs directive on capital
requirements for banks as well as international sound
compensation practices.
Salaries and other remuneration in line with market
levels is the overriding principle for compensation to exec-
utive officers within Nordea. Compensation to the execu-
tive officers shall be consistent with and promote sound
and effective risk management and not encourage exces-
sive risk-taking or counteract Nordeas long term interests.
Annual remuneration consists of fixed salary and varia-
ble salary.
The executive officers have up to 2012 been offered a
short term variable salary part (VSP) and a Long Term
Incentive Programme (LTIP). In order to reduce the
complexity of having both VSP and LTIP the executive
officers will be offered an Executive Incentive Programme
(GEM EIP 2013) to reward performance meeting predeter-
mined targets on Group, business unit and individual
level. The effect on the long term result is to be considered
when determining the targets. The outcome from GEM
EIP 2013 shall be paid over a five year period in cash and
be subject to forfeiture clauses, Total Shareholder Return
indexation and retention based on the SFSAs regulations
on remuneration systems, taking account of domestic rules
and practices where relevant. GEM EIP 2013 has a one year
performance period and the outcome shall not exceed the
fixed salary.
In accordance with SFSAs remuneration regulations
guaranteed variable salary is to be exceptional and may
only occur in the context of hiring a new executive officer
and then be limited to the first year.
Non-monetary benefits are given as a means to facilitate
executive officers performance. The levels of these bene-
fits are determined by what is considered fair in relation to
general market practice. The executive officers shall be
offered retirement benefits in accordance with market
practice in the country of which they are permanent resi-
dents. Notice and severance pay in total shall not exceed 24
months of fixed salary for executive officers.
The Board of Directors may deviate from these guide-
lines if there in a certain case are special reasons for this.
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#Z#1+2-H# &//-1#',
Deviations from approved guidelines 2012:
There have been no deviations from the approved
guidelines 2012.
Cost for variable remunerations 2013 for executive officers
(excluding social cost):
The maximum cost for VSP 2012 was EUR 2.2m and the
maximum total programme cost at grant for LTIP 2012 was
EUR 4.4m, so the maximum total cost for variable remu-
neration offered to executive officers 2012 was EUR 6.6m.
The actual cost for VSP 2012 is EUR 1.9m and the total
programme cost for LTIP 2012 assuming grant of 100% of
the Matching shares and 50% of the Performance shares is
EUR 2.3m, so the estimated total cost for variable remu-
neration offered to executive officers 2012 is EUR 4.2m.
The estimated maximum cost for GEM EIP 2013 is EUR
6.7m and the estimated cost assuming 60% fulfilment of
the performance criteria is EUR 4.0m.
Y((-2-&.)8 -./&'9)2-&. )J&+2 H)'-)J8# 1&94#.,)2-&.
Profit Sharing scheme
The Profit Sharing scheme is capped and not based on
the value of the Nordea share. It is a benefit, by which
the employees get a part of the profit to encourage good
performance and one Nordea team, which in turn will lead
to better profitability and make it more attractive to work
within the Nordea Group.
In 2012, a total of EUR 70m was provided for under Nor-
deas Profit Sharing scheme for all employees. For 2012,
each employee can receive a maximum of EUR 3,200, of
which EUR 2,600 is based on a pre-determined level of
Return On Equity and an additional EUR 600 based on the
level of customer satisfaction. If all performance criteria
were met, the cost of the scheme would have amounted to
a maximum of approx. EUR 100m.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 79
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
Variable Salary Part (VSP)
VSP may be offered to selected managers and specialists to
reward strong performance and to recruit, motivate and
retain employees with strong performance within Nordea
Group. VSP must be transparent and have predefined
success criteria with clear weightings. A VSP must include
financial and non-financial success criteria based on
Nordea Group KPIs decided annually by CEO. In the event
of weak or negative overall Nordea Group results, VSP
outcomes can be adjusted downwards at the discretion of
the CEO.
A VSP agreement does not exceed a maximum outcome
of 25% of annual fixed salary, except for very few managers
and key specialists within specific areas, where the amount
can be a maximum of 50% of annual fixed salary. Responsi-
ble GEM member may in extraordinary cases approve a
VSP agreement exceeding 50 % of annual fixed salary.
Nordea adheres to the Grandparent principle when
enrolling employees to any VSP scheme and approving the
outcome. Nordea has introduced deferral programmes for
the staff in the risk analysis defined as Identified Staff.
Bonus schemes
Bonus schemes are only offered to selected groups of
employees employed in specific businesses areas or units
approved by the Board of Directors. Nordea pays bonuses
linked to performance where both divisional bonus pools
and individual allocations are explicitly based on defined
performance measures. Divisional financial performance
is measured as risk-adjusted profits, explicitly incorporat-
ing capital and funding costs, and adjust for multi-period
revenue effects as well as minimum required profit. In the
event of weak or negative overall Nordea Group result,
bonus pools can be adjusted downwards at the discretion
of the Board of Directors. As such, individual compensa-
tion is determined based on detailed performance evalua-
tions covering a range of financial and non-financial
Inappropriate individual bonuses are prevented through
both caps on the percentage of risk-adjusted profit that can
be paid out as well as individual caps. Nordea has intro-
duced deferral programmes for the staff in the risk analy-
sis defined as Identified Staff.
Care is taken to ensure that control and compliance staff
employed in divisions having bonus schemes remains
competitively rewarded.
The Board of Directors decides new or revised bonus
schemes and outcome of divisional bonus pools on pro-
posal by BRC. GEM has responsibility for the implementa-
tion of the agreed bonus schemes. Nordea also applies a
stringent process to ensure that compensation for individ-
uals does not encourage excessive risk taking behaviour.
To supplement the division level assessment, there is an
approval process for significant bonuses to individuals,
with the CEOs approval required for bonuses exceeding a
predetermined level.
Long-Term Incentive Programmes
Nordeas Long-Term Incentive Programmes (LTIP) are
share-based and the outcome is subject to certain perfor-
mance conditions. The Boards main objective with the
programmes is to strengthen Nordeas capability to retain
and recruit the best talent for key leadership positions. The
aim is further to stimulate the managers and key employ-
ees whose efforts have direct impact on Nordeas results,
profitability and value growth, to increased efforts by
aligning their interests and perspectives with those of the
The participants take direct ownership by allocating
Nordea shares to the programmes. For each ordinary
Nordea share the participant locks into the LTIP, the
participant is allotted one matching share and up to three
or four performance shares, conditional upon fulfilment
of certain performance conditions during the three year
vesting period.
The underlying basic principles of the LTIPs are that the
outcome shall be dependent on the creation of long-term
shareholder value by fulfilment of Nordeas long-term
financial targets.
It is further required that the participant, with certain
exemptions, remains employed within the Nordea Group
during the initial three year vesting period and that all
Nordea shares locked into the LTIP are kept during this
Nordeas first LTIP was introduced in May 2007, target-
ing up to 400 managers and key employees identified as
essential to the future development of the Group. LTIP
2007 has been followed by annual programmes based on
the same principles. LTIP 2010, LTIP 2011 and LTIP 2012
have a three-year vesting period instead of two years as
the previous programmes and are based on shares free of
charge instead of rights to acquire Nordea shares.
More information on Nordea LTIPs is presented in Note
G7 and at, as well as in Annual Reports
of previous years.
The Board of Directors has decided not to propose an
LTIP to the AGM 2013.
Executive Incentive Programme
Nordea will for 2013 introduce Executive Incentive Pro-
gramme 2013 (EIP 2013) which aims to strengthen
Nordeas capability to retain and recruit the best talents.
The aim is further to stimulate the managers and key
employees whose efforts have direct impact on Nordeas
result, profitability and long term value growth.
EIP reward performance meeting agreed predetermined
targets on Group, business unit and individual level. The
effect on the long term result is to be considered when
determining the targets. The EIP shall not exceed the fixed
EIP shall be paid in the form of cash and be subject to
TSR-indexation, deferral, forfeiture clauses and retention
as per relevant remuneration regulations. The main part of
EIP 2013 is paid no earlier than October 2017.
Participation in the programme will be offered up to
400managers and key employees, except GEM, within the
Nordea Group. EIP 2013 is offered instead of Nordeas
LTIP and VSP for the invited employees.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 8C
Bouro o D|roclors' roporl
Proposoo o|slr|bul|on o ourn|ngs
According to the parent companys balance sheet, the fol-
lowing amount is available for distribution by the Annual
General Meeting:
Share premium reserve 1,079,925,521
Retained earnings 8,008,451,546
Other free funds 2,762,284,828
Net profit for the year 3,474,195,046
Total 15,324,856,941
The Board of Directors proposes that these earnings are
distributed as follows:
Dividends paid to shareholders, EUR 0.34 per share 1,370,092,365
To be carried forward to
share premium reserve 1,079,925,521
retained earnings 10,112,554,227
other free funds 2,762,284,828
Total 15,324,856,941
It is the assessment of the Board of Directors that the proposed dividend is justifiable considering the demands with
respect to the size of the Companys and the Groups equity, which are imposed by the nature, scope and risks, associated
with the business, and the Companys and the Groups need for consolidation, liquidity and financial position in general.
Shuro prom|um rosorvo
Polu|noo ourn|ngs
Olhor roo unos
ol pro|l or lho your
D|v|oonos pu|o lo shuroho|oors
Shuro prom|um rosorvo
Polu|noo ourn|ngs
Olhor roo unos
F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Oroup
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 81
%&'(#) W'&+4 - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 82
F|nunc|u| slulomonls, Oroup
- Conlonls
Income statement 83
Statement of comprehensive income 84
Balance sheet 85
Statement of changes in equity 86
Cash flow statement 88
Quarterly development 90
5 year overview 91
Ratios and key figures 92
Business definitions 93

%&2#, 2& 2"# /-.).1-)8 ,2)2#9#.2,
!""#$%&'%( *#+'"',-
G1 Accounting policies 94

.#&,- &# &/, '%"#0, -&1&,0,%&
G2 Segment reporting 112
G3 Net interest income 115
G4 Net fee and commission income 116
G5 Net result from items at fair value 116
G6 Other operating income 116
G7 Staff costs 117
G8 Other expenses 124
G9 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment
charges of tangible and intangible assets 124
G10 Net loan losses 124
G11 Taxes 125
G12 Earnings per share 126

.#&,- &# &/, 21+1%", -/,,& 1%3 0,0#41%3$0 '&,0-
G13 Loans and impairment 127
G14 Interest-bearing securities 128
G15 Financial instruments pledged as collateral 128
G16 Shares 128
G17 Derivatives and Hedge accounting 129
G18 Fair value changes of the hedged items in
portfolio hedge of interest rate risk 131
G19 Investments in associated undertakings 132
G20 Intangible assets 133
G21 Property and equipment 135
G 22 Leasing 136
G 23 Investment property 137
G24 Other assets 137
G25 Prepaid expenses and accrued income 137
G 26 Deposits by credit institutions 137
G27 Deposits and borrowings from the public 137
G28 Liabilities to policyholders 138
G 29 Debt securities in issue 139
G30 Other liabilities 139
G31 Accrued expenses and prepaid income 140
G 32 Provisions 140
G33 Retirement benefit obligations 141
G34 Subordinated liabilities 143
G35 Assets pledged as security for own liabilities 144
G36 Other assets pledged 144
G37 Contingent liabilities 144
G38 Commitments 145

5&/,4 %#&,-
G39 Insurance activities 145
G40 Capital adequacy 146
G 41 Classification of financial instruments 151
G42 Assets and liabilities at fair value 153
G43 Transfer assets and obtained collaterals 158
G44 Investments, customer bearing the risk 159
G45 Maturity analyses for assets and liabilties 159
G46 Related-party transactions 161
G47 Credit risk disclosures 162
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 83
EURm Note 2012 2011
Operating income
Interest income 12,264 11,955
Interest expense 6,512 6,499
Net interest income G3 5,752 5,456
Fee and commission income 3,306 3,122
Fee and commission expense 802 727
Net fee and commission income G4 2,504 2,395
Net result from items at fair value G5 1,784 1,517
Profit from associated undertakings accounted for under the equity method G19 93 42
Other operating income G6 103 91
Total operating income 10,236 9,501
Operating expenses
General administrative expenses:
Staff costs G7 3,048 3,113
Other expenses G8 1,860 1,914
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges of tangible
and intangible assets G9, G20, G21 278 192
Total operating expenses 5,186 5,219
Profit before loan losses 5,050 4,282
Net loan losses G10 933 735
Operating profit 4,117 3,547
Income tax expense G11 991 913
Net profit for the year 3,126 2,634
Attributable to:
Shareholders of Nordea Bank AB (publ) 3,119 2,627
Non-controlling interests 7 7
Total 3,126 2,634
Basic earnings per share, EUR G12 0.78 0.65
Diluted earnings per share, EUR G12 0.78 0.65
lncomo slulomonl, Oroup
%&'(#) W'&+4 - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 84
Slulomonl o comprohons|vo |ncomo,
EURm 2012 2011
Net profit for the year 3,126 2,634
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement
Currency translation differences during the year 420 28
Hedging of net investments in foreign operations:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 254 0
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 45 0
Available-for-sale investments:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 67 5
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 17 1
Cash flow hedges:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 133 166
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 35 43
Transferred to profit or loss for the year 321
Tax on transfers to profit or loss for the year 85
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 123 99
Total comprehensive income 3,249 2,733
Attributable to:
Shareholders of Nordea Bank AB (publ) 3,242 2,726
Non-controlling interests 7 7
Total 3,249 2,733
1) Valuation gains/losses related to hedged risks under fair value hedge accounting are accounted for directly in the income statement.
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 85
Bu|unco shool, Oroup
EURm Note 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Cash and balances with central banks 36,060 3,765
Loans to central banks G13 8,005 40,615
Loans to credit institutions G13 10,569 11,250
Loans to the public G13 346,251 337,203
Interest-bearing securities G14 94,939 92,373
Financial instruments pledged as collateral G15 7,970 8,373
Shares G16 28,128 20,167
Derivatives G17 118,789 171,943
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk G18 711 215
Investments in associated undertakings G19 585 591
Intangible assets G20 3,425 3,321
Property and equipment G21, G22 474 469
Investment property G23 3,408 3,644
Deferred tax assets G11 218 169
Current tax assets G11 78 185
Retirement benefit assets G33 301 223
Other assets G24 16,372 19,425
Prepaid expenses and accrued income G25 2,559 2,703
Total assets 677,420 716,204

Deposits by credit institutions G26 55,426 55,316
Deposits and borrowings from the public G27 200,678 190,092
Liabilities to policyholders G28 45,320 40,715
Debt securities in issue G29 184,340 179,950
Derivatives G17 114,203 167,390
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk G18 1,940 1,274
Current tax liabilities G11 391 154
Other liabilities G30 33,472 43,368
Accrued expenses and prepaid income G31 3,903 3,496
Deferred tax liabilities G11 997 1,018
Provisions G32 389 483
Retirement benefit obligations G33 348 325
Subordinated liabilities G34 7,797 6,503
Total liabilities 649,204 690,084
Non-controlling interests 5 86
Share capital 4,050 4,047
Share premium reserve 1,080 1,080
Other reserves 76 47
Retained earnings 23,005 20,954
Total equity 28,216 26,120
Total liabilities and equity 677,420 716,204
Assets pledged as security for own liabilities G35 164,902 146,894
Other assets pledged G36 4,367 6,090
Contingent liabilities G37 21,157 24,468
Credit commitments G38 84,914 85,319
Other commitments G38 1,294 1,651
%&'(#) W'&+4 - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 86
Slulomonl o chungos |n oqu|ly, Oroup
Attributable to shareholders of Nordea Bank AB (publ)
Other reserves:

of foreign
Cash flow
earnings Total
Balance at 1 Jan 2012 4,047 1,080 176 123 6 20,954 26,034 86 26,120
Net profit for the year 3,119 3,119 7 3,126
Currency translation
differences during the year 420 420 420
Hedging of net investments
in foreign operations:
Valuation gains/losses
during the year 254 254 254
Tax on valuation gains/
losses during the year 45 45 45
Available-for-sale investments:
Valuation gains/losses
during the year 67 67 67
Tax on valuation gains/
losses during the year 17 17 17
Cash flow hedges:
Valuation gains/losses
during the year 133 133 133
Tax on valuation gains/
losses during the year 35 35 35
Transferred to profit or loss
for the year 321 321 321
Tax on transfer to profit or
loss for the year 85 85 85
Other comprehensive
income, net of tax 211 138 50 123 123
Total comprehensive income 211 138 50 3,119 3,242 7 3,249
Issued C-shares
3 3 3
Repurchase of C-shares
3 3 3
Share-based payments 14 14 14
Dividend for 2011 1,048 1,048 1,048
Purchases of own shares
31 31 31
Change in non-controlling
interests 84 84
Other changes 4 4
Balance at 31 Dec 2012 4,050 1,080 35 15 56 23,005 28,211 5 28,216
1) Total shares registered were 4,050 million.
2) Restricted capital was EUR 4,050m, unrestricted capital was EUR 24,161m.
3) Refers to the Long Term Incentive Programme (LTIP). LTIP 2012 was hedged by issuing 2,679,168 C-shares. The shares have been bought back and converted to ordinary
shares. The total holding of own shares related to LTIP is 20.3 million.
4) Refers to the change in the holding of own shares related to the Long Term Incentive Programme, trading portfolio and Nordeas shares within portfolio schemes in Denmark.
The number of own shares were 26.9 million.
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 87
Attributable to shareholders of Nordea Bank AB (publ)
Other reserves:

of foreign
Cash flow
earnings Total
Balance at 1 Jan 2011 4,043 1,065 148

2 19,492 24,454 84 24,538
Net profit for the year 2,627 2,627 7 2,634
Currency translation
differences during the year 28 28 28
Hedging of net investments
in foreign operations:
Valuation gains/losses
during the year 0 0 0
Tax on valuation gains/
losses during the year 0 0 0
Available-for-sale invest-
Valuation gains/losses
during the year 5 5 5
Tax on valuation gains/
losses during the year 1 1 1
Cash flow hedges:
Valuation gains/losses
during the year 166 166 166
Tax on valuation gains/
losses during the year 43 43 43
Other comprehensive
income, net of tax 28 123 4 99 99
Total comprehensive income 28 123 4 2,627 2,726 7 2,733
Issued C-shares
4 4 4
Repurchase of C-shares
4 4 4
Share-based payments 11 11 11
Dividend for 2010 1,168 1,168 1,168
Purchases of own shares
4 4 4
Other changes 15
15 5 10
Balance at 31 Dec 2011 4,047 1,080 176 123 6 20,954 26,034 86 26,120
1) Total shares registered were 4,047 million.
2) Restricted capital was EUR 4,047m, unrestricted capital was EUR 21,987m.
3) Refers to the Long Term Incentive Programme (LTIP). LTIP 2011 was hedged by issuing 4,730,000 C-shares. The shares have been bought back and converted to ordinary
shares. The total holding of own shares related to LTIP is 18.2 million.
4) Refers to the change in the holding of own shares related to the Long Term Incentive Programme, trading portfolio and Nordeas shares within portfolio schemes in Denmark.
The number of own shares were 20.7 million.
5) In connection to the rights issue in 2009 an assessment was made on the VAT Nordea would have to pay on the transaction costs. This assessment has been changed in 2011
based on a new tax case law.
0-H-(#.(, 4#' ,")'#
See Statement of changes in equity for the parent company, page 175.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 88
Cush |ow slulomonl, Oroup
EURm 2012 2011
Operating activities
Operating profit 4,117 3,547
Adjustment for items not included in cash flow 3,178 537
Income taxes paid 662 981
Cash flow from operating activities before
changes in operating assets and liabilities 6,633 3,103
Changes in operating assets
Change in loans to central banks and credit institutions 21,166 20,784
Change in loans to the public 2,988 23,749
Change in interest-bearing securities 2,968 16,500
Change in financial assets pledged as collateral 437 1,100
Change in shares 8,094 2,776
Change in derivatives, net 3,017 2,151
Change in investment properties 236 77
Change in other assets 2,982 3,438
Changes in operating liabilities
Change in deposits by credit institutions 19 14,307
Change in deposits and borrowings from the public 7,000 13,341
Change in liabilities to policyholders 1,089 1,587
Change in debt securities in issue 1,665 27,205
Change in other liabilities 10,402 5,686
Cash flow from operating activities 19,754 3,730
Investing activities
Acquisition of business operations 0 0
Sale of business operations 0 0
Acquisition of associated undertakings 6 16
Sale of associated undertakings 3 4
Acquisition of property and equipment 141 157
Sale of property and equipment 27 35
Acquisition of intangible assets 177 192
Sale of intangible assets 2 0
Net investments in debt securities, held to maturity 1,047 7,876
Purchase/sale of other financial fixed assets 19 15
Cash flow from investing activities 774 7,565
Financing activities
Issued subordinated liabilities 1,530 891
Amortised subordinated liabilities 624 2,232
New share issue 3 4
Repurchase of own shares incl change in trading portfolio 31 4
Dividend paid 1,048 1,168
Cash flow from financing activities 170 2,509
Cash flow for the year 20,358 8,786
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 22,606 13,706
Translation difference 156 114
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 42,808 22,606
Change 20,358 8,786
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 89
M&99#.2, &. 2"# 1)," /8&N ,2)2#9#.2
The cash flow statement has been prepared in accordance
with IAS 7. The cash flow statement shows inflows and
outflows of cash and cash equivalents during the year.
Nordeas cash flow has been prepared in accordance with
the indirect method, whereby operating profit is adjusted
for effects of non-cash transactions such as depreciation
and loan losses. The cash flows are classified by operating,
investing and financing activities.
:4#')2-.; )12-H-2-#,
Operating activities are the principal revenue-producing
activities and cash flows are mainly derived from the
operating profit for the year with adjustment for items not
included in cash flow and income taxes paid. Adjustment
for non-cash items includes:
EURm 2012 2011
Depreciation 240 190
Impairment charges 38 2
Loan losses 1,011 811
Unrealised gains/losses 2,749 2,419
Capital gains/losses (net) 10 4
Change in accruals and provisions 354 225
Translation differences 366 62
Change in bonus potential to policyholders,
Life 582 575
Change in technical reserves, Life 2,935 937
Change in fair value of hedged items, assets/
liabilities (net) 1,267 1,842
Other 124 84
Total 3,178 537
Changes in operating assets and liabilities consist of assets
and liabilities that are part of normal business activities, such
as loans, deposits and debt securities in issue. Changes in
derivatives are reported net.
Cash flow from operating activities includes interest pay-
ments received and interest expenses paid with the following
EURm 2012 2011
Interest payments received 12,553 11,896
Interest expenses paid 6,437 6,376
S.H#,2-.; )12-H-2-#,
Investing activities include acquisitions and disposals of
non-current assets, like property and equipment, intangi-
ble and financial assets.
7-.).1-.; )12-H-2-#,
Financing activities are activities that result in changes in
equity and subordinated liabilities, such as new issues of
shares, dividends and issued/amortised subordinated lia-
M)," ).( 1)," #T+-H)8#.2,
The following items are included in Cash and cash equiva-
31 Dec
31 Dec
Cash and balances with central banks 36,060 3,765
Loans to central banks, payable on demand 5,938 17,328
Loans to credit institutions,
payable on demand 810 1,513
Total 42,808 22,606
Cash comprises legal tender and bank notes in foreign
currencies. Balances with central banks consist of deposits
in accounts with central banks and postal giro systems
under government authority, where the following condi-
tions are fulfilled;
the central bank or the postal giro system is domiciled in
the country where the institution is established
the balance on the account is readily available at any time.
Loans to credit institutions, payable on demand include
liquid assets not represented by bonds or other interest-
bearing securities. Loans to central banks, payable on
demand includes instruments where Nordea has the right
to resell immediately.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 9C
Ouurlor|y oovo|opmonl, Oroup
EURm Q4 2012 Q3 2012 Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2011 Q1 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 1,429 1,441 1,462 1,420 1,427 1,379 1,326 1,324 5,752 5,456
Net fee and commission income 692 605 611 596 588 582 623 602 2,504 2,395
Net result from items at fair value 444 377 494 469 506 111 356 544 1,784 1,517
Profit from associated undertakings
accounted for under the equity
method 33 23 14 23 15 4 13 18 93 42
Other income 32 23 25 23 22 23 24 22 103 91
Total operating income 2,630 2,469 2,606 2,531 2,558 2,091 2,342 2,510 10,236 9,501
General administrative expenses:
Staff costs 764 752 761 771 714 887 744 768 3,048 3,113
Other expenses 473 467 465 455 502 474 485 453 1,860 1,914
Depreciation, amortisation and
impairment charges of tangible
and intangible assets 90 74 64 50 50 52 46 44 278 192
Total operating expenses 1,327 1,293 1,290 1,276 1,266 1,413 1,275 1,265 5,186 5,219
Profit before loan losses 1,303 1,176 1,316 1,255 1,292 678 1,067 1,245 5,050 4,282
Net loan losses 244 254 217 218 263 112 118 242 933 735
Operating profit 1,059 922 1,099 1,037 1,029 566 949 1,003 4,117 3,547
Income tax expense 217 234 278 262 243 160 249 261 991 913
Net profit for the period 842 688 821 775 786 406 700 742 3,126 2,634
Diluted earnings per share (DEPS), EUR 0.21 0.17 0.21 0.19 0.19 0.10 0.18 0.18 0.78 0.65
DEPS, rolling 12 months up to
period end, EUR 0.78 0.76 0.69 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.73 0.68 0.78 0.65
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 91
5 your ovorv|ow, Oroup
S.1&9# ,2)2#9#.2
EURm 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
Net interest income 5,752 5,456 5,159 5,281 5,093
Net fee and commission income 2,504 2,395 2,156 1,693 1,883
Net result from items at fair value 1,784 1,517 1,837 1,946 1,028
Profit from associated undertakings accounted for
under the equity method 93 42 66 48 24
Other income 103 91 116 105 172
Total operating income 10,236 9,501 9,334 9,073 8,200
General administrative expenses:
Staff costs 3,048 3,113 2,784 2,724 2,568
Other expenses 1,860 1,914 1,862 1,639 1,646
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges
of tangible and intangible assets 278 192 170 149 124
Total operating expenses 5,186 5,219 4,816 4,512 4,338
Profit before loan losses 5,050 4,282 4,518 4,561 3,862
Net loan losses 933 735 879 1,486 466
Operating profit 4,117 3,547 3,639 3,075 3,396
Income tax expense 991 913 976 757 724
Net profit for the year 3,126 2,634 2,663 2,318 2,672
*)8).1# ,"##2
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
Cash and balances with central banks 36,060 3,765 10,023 11,500 3,157
Interest-bearing securities 94,939 92,373 82,249 69,099 51,375
Loans to central banks and credit institutions 18,574 51,865 15,788 18,555 23,903
Loans to the public 346,251 337,203 314,211 282,411 265,100
Derivatives 118,789 171,943 96,825 75,422 86,838
Other assets 62,807 59,055 61,743 50,557 43,701
Total assets 677,420 716,204 580,839 507,544 474,074
Deposits by credit institutions 55,426 55,316 40,736 52,190 51,932
Deposits and borrowings from the public 200,678 190,092 176,390 153,577 148,591
Liabilities to policyholders 45,320 40,715 38,766 33,831 29,238
Debt securities in issue 184,340 179,950 151,578 130,519 108,989
Derivatives 114,203 167,390 95,887 73,043 85,538
Subordinated liabilities 7,797 6,503 7,761 7,185 8,209
Other liabilities 41,440 50,118 45,183 34,779 23,774
Equity 28,216 26,120 24,538 22,420 17,803
Total liabilities and equity 677,420 716,204 580,839 507,544 474,074
%&'(#) W'&+4 - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 92
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
Basic earnings per share, EUR 0.78 0.65 0.66 0.60 0.79
Diluted earnings per share, EUR 0.78 0.65 0.66 0.60 0.79
Share price
, EUR 7.24 5.98 8.16 7.10 3.90
Total shareholders return, % 21.0 24.4 3.7 78.6 46.9
Proposed/actual dividend per share, EUR 0.34 0.26 0.29 0.25 0.20
Equity per share
, EUR 7.01 6.47 6.07 5.56 5.29
Potential shares outstanding
, million 4,050 4,047 4,043 4,037 2,600
Weighted average number of diluted shares
, million 4,022 4,028 4,022 3,846 3,355
Return on equity, % 11.6 10.6 11.5 11.3 15.3
Assets under management
, EURbn 218.3 187.4 191.0 158.1 125.6
Cost/income ratio, % 51 55 52 50 53
Loan loss ratio, basis points 28 23 31 56 19
Core tier 1 capital ratio, excluding transition rules
, % 13.1 11.2 10.3 10.3 8.5
Tier 1 capital ratio, excluding transition rules
, % 14.3 12.2 11.4 11.4 9.3
Total capital ratio, excluding transition rules
, % 16.2 13.4 13.4 13.4 12.1
Core tier 1 capital ratio
, % 10.2 9.2 8.9 9.3 6.7
Tier 1 capital ratio
, % 11.2 10.1 9.8 10.2 7.4
Total capital ratio
, % 12.7 11.1 11.5 11.9 9.5
Core tier 1 capital
, EURm 21,961 20,677 19,103 17,766 14,313
Tier 1 capital
, EURm 23,953 22,641 21,049 19,577 15,760
Risk-weighted assets, incl transition rules
, EURbn 215 224 215 192 213
Number of employees (full-time equivalents)
31,466 33,068 33,809 33,347 34,008
Risk-adjusted profit, EURm 3,245 2,714 2,622 2,786 2,279
Economic profit, EURm 1,403 1,145 936 1,334 1,015
Economic capital
, EURbn 17.9 17.7 17.5 16.7 15.8
EPS, risk-adjusted, EUR 0.81 0.67 0.65 0.72 0.68
RAROCAR, % 17.6 15.5 15.0 17.3 15.6
MCEV, EURm 3,762 2,714 3,655 3,244 2,624

Pul|os uno |oy |guros, Oroup
1) End of the year.
2) Increase between 2008 and 2009 due to Nordeas rights issue.
3) 20082009 restated due to the rights issue.
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 93
These definitions apply to the descrip-
tions in the Annual Report.
Allowances in relation to impaired
loans Allowances for individually
assessed impaired loans divided by
individually assessed impaired loans
before allowances.
Basic earnings per share Net profit for
the year divided by the weighted aver-
age number of outstanding shares, non-
controlling interests excluded.
Capital base Capital base includes the
sum of the Tier 1 capital and the supple-
mentary capital consisting of subordi-
nated loans, after deduction of the carry-
ing amount of the shares in wholly
owned insurance companies and the
potential deduction for expected shortfall.
Cost of equity (%) Required return by
investors on the Nordea share, meas-
ured as the long risk free euro rate plus
required average risk premium to invest
in equities multiplied by Beta, which
reflects the Nordea shares volatility and
correlation with market volatility.
Cost of equity in EUR is defined as
Cost of equity (%) times Economic capi-
tal. The Cost of equity is set by manage-
ment once a year as a parameter to man-
age risk appetite and investment level.
Cost/income ratio Total operating
expenses divided by total operating
Diluted earnings per share Net profit
for the year divided by the weighted
average number of outstanding shares
after full dilution, non-controlling inter-
ests excluded.
Economic capital (EC) Internal esti-
mate of required capital and measures
the capital required to cover unexpected
losses in the course of its business with
a certain probability. EC uses advanced
internal models to provide a consistent
measurement for Credit Risk, Market
Risk, Operational Risk, Business Risk
and Life Insurance Risk arising from
activities in Nordeas various business
The aggregation of risks across the
group gives rise to diversification
effects resulting from the differences in
risk drivers and the improbability that
unexpected losses occur simultane-
Economic profit Deducting Cost of
equity from Risk-adjusted profit.
Equity per share Equity as shown on
the balance sheet after full dilution and
non-controlling interests excluded
divided by the number of shares after
full dilution.
Expected losses Normalised loss level of
the individual loan exposure over a busi-
ness cycle as well as various portfolios.
Impairment rate, gross Individually
assessed impaired loans before allow-
ances divided by total loans before
Impairment rate, net Individually
assessed impaired loans after allow-
ances divided by total loans before
Loan loss ratio Net loan losses (annual-
ised) divided by opening balance of
loans to the public (lending).
MCEV (Market Consistent Embedded
Value) Estimate of the value a share-
holder would put on a portfolio of in-
force life and pension business based on
objective market return. No franchise
value or other additional value is
included in MCEV.
Non-performing, not impaired Past
due loans, not impaired due to future
cash flows (included in Loans, not
Price to Book Nordeas stock market
value relative to its book value of total
RAROCAR, % (Risk-adjusted return
on capital at risk), Risk-adjusted profit
relative to Economic capital.
Return on equity Net profit for the
year excluding non-controlling interests
as a percentage of average equity for
the year. Average equity including net
profit for the year and dividend until
paid, non-controlling interests
Risk-adjusted profit Total income
minus total operating expenses, minus
Expected losses and standard tax (25 %
2012). In addition, Risk-adjusted profit
excludes major non-recurring items.
Risk-weighted assets Total assets and
off-balance-sheet items valued on the
basis of the credit and market risks, as
well as operational risks of the Groups
undertakings, in accordance with regu-
lations governing capital adequacy,
excluding assets in insurance compa-
nies, carrying amount of shares which
have been deducted from the capital
base and intangible assets.
Tier 1 capital Proportion of the capital
base, which includes consolidated
shareholders equity excluding invest-
ments in insurance companies, pro-
posed dividend, deferred tax assets,
intangible assets in the banking opera-
tions and half of the expected shortfall
deduction, the negative difference
between expected losses and provi-
sions. Subsequent to the approval of the
supervisory authorities, Tier 1 capital
also includes qualified forms of subor-
dinated loans (Tier 1 capital contribu-
tions and hybrid capital loans).
The Core tier 1 capital constitutes the
Tier 1 capital excluding hybrid capital
Tier 1 capital ratio Tier 1 capital as a
percentage of risk-weighted assets. The
Core tier 1 ratio is calculated as Core
tier 1 capital as a percentage of risk-
weighted assets.
Total allowance rate Total allowances
divided by total loans before allow-
Total allowances in relation to
impaired loans (provisioning ratio)
Total allowances divided by impaired
loans before allowances.
Total capital ratio Capital base as a
percentage of risk-weighted assets.
Total shareholders return (TSR) Total
shareholders return measured as
growth in the value of a shareholding
during the year, assuming the divi-
dends are reinvested at the time of the
payment to purchase additional shares.
Bus|noss oo|n|l|ons
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Accounl|ng po||c|os
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M&.2#.2 /&' %&2# WB
1. Basis for presentation 94
2. Changed accounting policies and presentation 94
3. Changes in IFRSs not yet applied by Nordea 95
4. Critical judgements and estimation uncertainty 96
5. Principles of consolidation 98
6. Recognition of operating income and impairment 99
7. Income recognition life insurance 100
8. Recognition and derecognition of financial
instruments on the balance sheet 101
9. Translation of assets and liabilities
denominated in foreign currencies 101
10. Hedge accounting 101
11. Determination of fair value of financial instruments 102
12. Cash and cash equivalents 103
13. Financial instruments 103
14. Loans to the public/credit institutions 105
15. Leasing 106
16. Intangible assets 107
17. Property and equipment 107
18. Investment property 108
19. Liabilities to policyholders 108
20. Taxes 109
21. Earnings per share 109
22. Employee benefits 109
23. Equity 110
24. Financial guarantee contracts and credit commitments 110
25. Share-based payment 111
26. Related party transactions 111
27. Exchange rates 111
Bk *),-, /&' 4'#,#.2)2-&.
Nordeas consolidated financial statements are prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) and interpretations of such standards by the Internation-
al Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations Committee
(IFRS IC, formerly IFRIC), as endorsed by the EU Commission.
In addition, certain complementary rules in the Swedish Annual
Accounts Act for Credit Institutions and Securities Companies
(1995:1559), the recommendation RFR 1 Supplementary
Accounting Rules for Groups and the supplementary UFR
statements issued by the Swedish Financial Reporting Board as
well as the accounting regulations of the Swedish Financial
Supervisory Authority (FFFS 2008:25, with amendments in
FFFS 2009:11 and 2011:54) have also been applied.
The disclosures, required in the standards, recommenda-
tions and legislation above, have been included in the notes,
the Risk, Liquidity and Capital management section or in
other parts of the Financial statements.
On 6 February 2013 the Board of Directors approved the fi-
nancial statements, subject to final approval of the Annual
General Meeting on 14 March 2013.
Ck M").;#( )11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#, ).( 4'#,#.2)2-&.
The accounting policies, basis for calculations and presentation
are, in all material aspects, unchanged in comparison with the
2011 Annual Report, mainly apart from the categorisation of
commissions within Note G4 Net fee and commission in-
come and the definition of impaired loans in Note G13 Loans
and impairment. These changes are further described below.
In addition, to provide more relevant information of the
nature and the characteristics of the assets on the balance sheet,
loans to central banks have been separated from loans to credit
institutions and are reported on a new line on the balance sheet.
The comparative figures have been restated accordingly.
Further, the balance sheet lines Treasury bills and Inter-
est-bearing securities have been merged and are now report-
ed as Interest-bearing securities. The comparative figures
have been restated accordingly.
Below follows also a section covering other changes in
IFRSs implemented in 2012, which have not had any signifi-
cant impact on Nordea.
Definition of impaired loans
The definition of impaired loans has been changed and the
disclosure includes all loans that have, as a consequence of
identified loss event, been written down either individually,
for individually significant loans, or as part of a portfolio, for
individually insignificant loans.
This definition of impaired loans provides more granular
information of the loans actually impaired.
The income statement and balance sheet are unaffected by
this change. The comparative figures have been restated
accordingly and are disclosed in the below table.
31 Dec 2011
Impaired loans 5,125 5,438
Performing 2,946 3,287
Non-performing 2,179 2,151
Categorisation of commissions
The categorisation of commission within Net fee and com-
mission income has been improved by merging similar types
of commissions. Commissions received for securities issues,
corporate financial activities and issuer services were reclassi-
fied from Payments and Other commission income to the
renamed lines Brokerage, securities issues and corporate
finance and Custody and issue services. This categorisation
better describes the types of commission recognised in the
income statement. The comparable figures have been restated
accordingly and are disclosed in the below table.
JanDec 2011
Brokerage, securities issues and
corporate finance 266 200
Custody and issuer services 115 90
Payments 399 421
Other commissions income 141 210
Changes in IFRSs implemented 2012
IASB has amended IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
(Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income), IFRS 7
Financial instruments: Disclosures (Transfers of Financial
Assets) and IAS 12 Income taxes (Recovery of Underlying
Assets) and the amendments have been implemented in
Nordea as from 1 January 2012.
The amendments to IAS 1 have changed Nordeas presenta-
tion of other comprehensive income so that items that can later
be reclassified to profit or loss are separated from the items that
will not. The amendments to IFRS 7 have not added any new
disclosures as Nordea has not transferred assets where there is
a continuing involvement. The amended IAS 12 has not had
any significant impact on the financial statements or on the
c apital adequacy in Nordea.
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
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oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 95
>k M").;#, -. S7@D, .&2 G#2 )448-#( JG %&'(#)
IFRS 9 Financial instruments (Phase 1)
In 2009 the IASB published a new standard on financial in-
struments containing requirements for financial assets. Re-
quirements for financial liabilities were added to this stand-
ard in 2010. The standard is the first step in the replacement
of IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and Measure-
ment and this first phase covers the classification and meas-
urement of financial assets and liabilities. The effective date is
as from 1 January 2015, but earlier application is permitted.
The EU commission has not yet endorsed this standard.
The tentative assessment is that there will be an impact on
the financial statements as the new standard will decrease
the number of measurements categories and therefore have
an impact on the presentation and disclosures covering finan-
cial instruments. The new standard is, on the other hand, not
expected to have a significant impact on Nordeas income
statement and balance sheet as the mixed measurement
model will be maintained. No significant reclassifications
between fair value and amortised cost or impact on the capi-
tal adequacy are expected, but this is naturally dependent on
the financial instruments on Nordeas balance sheet at transi-
tion. It is furthermore expected that changes will be made to
the standard before the standard becomes effective.
Nordea has, due to the fact that the standard is not yet
endorsed by the EU commission and as changes before the
effective date are likely, not finalised the investigation of the
impact on the financial statements in the period of initial
application or in subsequent periods.
IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 11
Joint Arrangements, IFRS 12 Disclosures of Interests in
Other Entities, IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements
and IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
The IASB has published three new standards relating to con-
solidation, IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and IFRS 12, as well as amended
IAS 27 and IAS 28. The effective date for these standards and
amendments is as from 1 January 2013, but earlier application
is permitted. The EU commission has endorsed these stand-
ards and amendments during 2012. In contrast to IFRS, the
EU commission requires the standards to be applied for
financial statements starting on or after 1 January 2014.
Nordea will apply these standards as from 1 January 2014.
A potential impact from the new definition of control is that
Nordea will have to consolidate additional entities (including
so called Structured Entities or Special Purpose Entities, SPEs).
Nordeas current assessment is that no additional entities that
significantly affect Nordeas income statement, balance sheet or
equity will have to be consolidated, although some uncertainty
still remains around some mutual funds. If the funds have to
be consolidated it will not affect the income statement, but it
will have an impact on Nordeas balance sheet and if those en-
tities hold Nordea shares that will have to be eliminated in the
Nordea Group there will be an impact on the equity. The new
standards furthermore include more extensive disclosure re-
quirements which will have an impact on Nordeas disclosures
covering consolidated and unconsolidated entities. Otherwise
the new standards and amendments are not expected to have a
significant impact on Nordeas income statement or balance
sheet. It is not expected that the new standards and amend-
ments will have a significant impact on the capital adequacy.
Nordea has not finalised the investigation of the impact on
the financial statements in the period of initial application or
in subsequent periods.
IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
The IASB has published IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement.
The effective date is as from 1 January 2013, but earlier appli-
cation is permitted. The EU commission has endorsed this
standard during 2012. Nordea will apply this standard as
from 1 January 2013.
IFRS 13 clarifies how to measure fair value but does not
change the requirements regarding which items should be
measured at fair value. In addition IFRS 13 requires addition-
al disclosures about fair value measurements.
The assessment is that the new standard will not have any
significant impact on the income statement or balance sheet.
There will on the other hand be an impact on the disclosures
as the new standard requires more extensive disclosures
regarding fair value measurements, especially for fair value
measurements in level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.
The assessment is that the new standard will not have a
significant impact on the capital adequacy.
IAS 19 Employee Benefits
IASB has amended IAS 19. The effective date is as from 1 Jan-
uary 2013, but earlier application is permitted. The EU com-
mission has endorsed this amendment during 2012. Nordea
will apply this amendment as from 1 January 2013.
The amended standard will have an impact on the financial
statements in the period of initial application, as well as in
subsequent periods. This is mainly related to defined benefit
plans. The amended IAS 19 states that actuarial gains/losses
shall be recognised immediately in equity through other
comprehensive income, which will lead to higher volatility in
equity compared to the current corridor approach. Conse-
quently no actuarial gains/losses will be recognised in the in-
come statement. Under current IAS 19 actuarial gains/losses
outside the corridor are amortised through the income state-
The amended IAS 19 furthermore states that the expected
return on plan assets shall be recognised using the same interest
rate as the discount rate used when measuring the pension obli-
gation. This will lead to higher pension expenses in the income
statement as Nordea currently expects a higher return than the
discount rate. Any difference between the actual return and the
expected return will be a part of the actuarial gains/losses
recognised immediately in equity through other comprehensive
income without recycling to the income statement.
The unrecognised actuarial losses at 31 December 2012
amounted to EUR 251m excluding special wage tax and before
income tax. This will at transition have a negative impact on
equity of EUR 280m after special wage tax and before income
tax. If implementet on 31 December 2012, Nordeas core tier 1
capital would have been reduced by EUR 258m, including im-
pact from changes in deferred tax assets. The impact on the
income statement is not expected to be significant. See Note
G33 Retirement benefit obligations for more information.
The Swedish Financial Reporting Board has furthermore
withdrawn UFR 4 Accounting for special wage tax and yield
tax and published UFR 9 Accounting for yield tax. Nordea
will apply UFR 9 as from 1 January 2013. UFR 4 is applied in
the financial statements for 2012. The treatment of yield tax in
UFR 9 is the same as in UFR 4. Regarding special wage tax
the withdrawal of UFR 4 and the implementation of IAS 19
are not expected to have any significant impact on Nordeas
financial statements or on the capital adequacy.
IAS 32 Financial Instrument: Presentation
IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation has been
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Accounl|ng po||c|os
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amended. The change relates to offsetting of financial assets
and financial liabilities. The amendment is not intended to
change the criteria for offsetting, but to give additional
guidance on how to apply the existing criteria.
The effective date is as from 1 January 2014 but earlier ap-
plication is permitted. The EU commission has endorsed
these amendments during 2012. Nordea will apply this
amendment as from 1 January 2013. The assessment is that
the amended standard will not have any significant impact on
the financial statements or on the capital adequacy.
IFRS 7 Financial instruments: Disclosures
IFRS 7 Financial instruments: Disclosures has furthermore
been amended and will lead to additional disclosures around
offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities.
The effective date is as from 1 January 2013, but earlier ap-
plication is permitted. The EU commission has endorsed
these amendments during 2012. Nordea will apply this
amendment as from 1 January 2013.
The amended standard will not have any impact on the fi-
nancial statements, apart from disclosures, or on the capital
5k M'-2-1)8 l+(;#9#.2, ).( #,2-9)2-&. +.1#'2)-.2G
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles requires, in some
cases, the use of judgements and estimates by management.
Actual outcome can later, to some extent, differ from the esti-
mates and the assumptions made. In this section Nordea de-
lho sourcos of oslimalior urcorlairly al lho ord of lho ro-
porting period, that have a significant risk of resulting in a
material adjustment to the carrying amount of assets and
liabilities within the next financial year, and
lho |udgomorls mado whor applyirg accourlirg policios
(apart from those involving estimations) that have the most
significant effect on the amounts recognised in the finan-
cial statements.
Critical judgements and estimates are in particular associated
lho fair valuo moasuromorl of corlair firarcial irslrumorls
lho impairmorl loslirg of:
goodwill and
loans to the public/credit institutions
lho offoclivoross loslirg of cash flow hodgos
lho acluarial calculaliors of porsior liabililios ard plar as-
sets related to employees
lho acluarial calculaliors of irsurarco corlracls
lho valualior of irvoslmorl proporlios
lho classificalior of loasos
lho lrarslaliors of assols ard liabililios doromiralod ir for-
eign currencies
lho valualior of doforrod lax assols
claims ir civil lawsuils
Fair value measurement of certain financial instruments
Nordeas accounting policy for determining the fair value of
financial instruments is described in section 11 Determina-
tion of fair value of financial instruments and Note G42
Assets and liabilities at fair value. Critical judgements that
have a significant impact on the recognised amounts for
financial instruments is exercised when determining fair
value of OTC derivatives and other financial instruments that
lack quoted prices or recently observed market prices. Those
judgements relate to the following areas:
1ho choico of valualior lochriquos.
1ho dolormiralior of whor quolod pricos fail lo roprosorl
fair value (including the judgement of whether markets are
1ho corslruclior of fair valuo ad|uslmorls ir ordor lo ir-
corporate relevant risk factors such as credit risk, model
risk and liquidity risk.
1ho |udgomorl of which markol paramolors lhal aro ob-
When determining fair value of financial instruments that
lack quoted prices or recently observed market prices there is
also a high degree of estimation uncertainty. That estimation
uncertainty is mainly a result of the judgement management
exercises when:
soloclirg ar approprialo discourl ralo for lho irslrumorl ard
dolormirirg oxpoclod limirg of fuluro cash flows from lho
In all of these instances, decisions are based upon profes-
sional judgement in accordance with Nordeas accounting and
valuation policies. In order to ensure proper governance, Nor-
dea has a Group Valuation Committee that on an on-going
basis reviews critical judgements that are deemed to have a
significant impact on fair value measurements.
The fair value of financial assets and liabilities measured at
fair value using a valuation technique, level 2 and 3 in the fair
value hierarchy, was EUR 252,558m (EUR 285,476m) and EUR
185,506m (EUR 235,514m) respectively at the end of the year.
Sensitivity analysis disclosures covering fair values of fi-
nancial instruments with significant unobservable inputs can
be found in Note G42 Assets and liabilities at fair value.
Impairment testing of goodwill
Nordeas accounting policy for goodwill is described in sec-
tion 16 Intangible assets and Note G20 Intangible assets
lists the cash generating units to which goodwill has been
allocated. Nordeas total goodwill amounted to EUR 2,656m
(EUR 2,575m) at the end of the year.
The estimation of future cash flows and the calculation of
the rate used to discount those cash flows are subject to esti-
mation uncertainty. The forecast of future cash flows is sensi-
tive to the cash flow projections for the near future (23 years)
and to the estimated sector growth rate for the period beyond
23 years. The growth rates are based on historical data, up-
dated to reflect the current situation, which implies estima-
tion uncertainty.
The rates used to discount future expected cash flows are
based on the long-term risk free interest rate plus a risk pre-
mium (post tax). The risk premium is based on external infor-
mation of overall risk premiums in relevant countries.
For information on the sensitivity to changes in relevant
parameters, see Note G20 Intangible assets.
Impairment testing of loans to the public/credit institutions
Nordeas accounting policy for impairment testing of loans is
described in section 14 Loans to the public/credit institu-
Management is required to exercise critical judgements and
estimates when calculating loan impairment allowances on
both individually assessed and collectively assessed loans.
Nordeas total lending before impairment allowances was
EUR 367,673m (EUR 391,539m) at the end of the year. For
more information, see Note G13 Loans and impairment.
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
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oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 97
The most judgemental area is the calculation of collective
impairment allowances. When testing a group of loans collec-
tively for impairment, judgement has to be exercised when
identifying the events and/or the observable data that indi-
cate that losses have been incurred in the group of loans.
Nordea monitors its portfolio through rating migrations and a
loss event is an event resulting in a negative rating migration.
Assessing the net present value of the cash flows generated
by the customers in the group of loans also includes estima-
tion uncertainty. This includes the use of historical data on
probability of default and loss given default supplemented by
acquired experience when adjusting the assumptions based
on historical data to reflect the current situation.
Effectiveness testing of cash flow hedges
Nordeas accounting policies for cash flow hedges are
described in section 10 Hedge accounting.
One important judgement in connection to cash flow hedge
accounting is the choice of method used for effectiveness test-
Where Nordea applies cash flow hedge accounting the
hedging instruments used are predominantly cross currency
interest rate swaps, which are always held at fair value. The
currency component is designated as a cash flow hedge of
currency risk and the interest component as a fair value
hedge of interest rate risk. The hypothetical derivative meth-
od is used when measuring the effectiveness of these cash
flow hedges, meaning that the change in a perfect hypotheti-
cal swap is used as proxy for the present value of the cumula-
tive change in expected future cash flows on the hedged
transaction (the currency component). Critical judgement has
to be exercised when defining the characteristics of the per-
fect hypothetical swap.
Actuarial calculations of pension liabilities and plan
assets related to employees
Nordeas accounting policy for post-employment benefits is
described in section 22 Employee benefits.
The Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) for major pension
plans is calculated by external actuaries using demographic
assumptions based on the current population. As a basis for
these calculations a number of actuarial and financial param-
eters are used.
The estimation of the discount rate is subject to uncertainty
around whether corporate bond markets are deep enough, of
high quality and also in connection to the extrapolation of
yield curves to relevant maturities. In Sweden, Norway and
Denmark the discount rate is determined with reference to
covered bonds and in Finland with reference to corporate
bonds. Other parameters like assumptions about salary in-
creases and inflation are based on the expected long-term de-
velopment of these parameters and are also subject to estima-
tion uncertainty. The fixing of these parameters at year-end is
disclosed in Note G33 Retirement benefit obligations to-
gether with a description of the discount rate sensitivity.
The expected return on plan assets is estimated taking into
account the asset composition and based on long-term expec-
tations on the return on the different asset classes. On bonds
this is linked to the discount rate while equities and real es-
tate have an added risk premium, both are subject to estima-
tion uncertainty. The expected return is disclosed in Note
G33 Retirement benefit obligations.
Actuarial calculations of insurance contracts
Nordeas accounting policy for insurance contracts is
described in section 19 Liabilities to policyholders.
A valuation of insurance liabilities includes estimations
and assumptions, both financial and actuarial. One of the im-
portant financial assumptions is the interest rate used for dis-
counting future cash flows. Other important actuarial as-
sumptions are those on mortality and disability, which affect
the size and timing of the future cash flows. The financial
and actuarial assumptions are, to a large extent, stipulated in
local legislation and therefore not under Nordeas discretion.
Also assumptions about future administrative and tax ex-
penses have an impact on the calculation of policyholder lia-
The insurance liability and the assumption sensitivities to
the carrying amount are disclosed in Note G28 Liabilities to
Valuation of investment properties
Nordeas accounting policies for investment properties are
described in section 18 Investment property.
Investment properties are measured at fair value. As there
normally are no active markets for investment properties, the
fair values are estimated based on discounted cash flow mod-
els. These models are based on assumptions on future rents,
vacancy levels, operating and maintenance costs, yield re-
quirements and interest rates.
The carrying amounts of investment property were EUR
3,408m (EUR 3,644m) at the end of the year. See Note G23
Investment property for more information on amounts and
parameters used in these models.
Classification of leases
Nordeas accounting policies for leases are described in sec-
tion 15 Leasing.
Critical judgement has to be exercised when classifying
lease contracts. A lease is classified as a finance lease if it
transfers substantially all the risks and rewards related to
ownership. A lease is classified as an operating lease if it does
not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards related to
The central district properties in Finland, Norway and
Sweden that Nordea has divested are leased back. The dura-
tion of the lease agreement was initially 325 years with re-
newal options. The lease agreements include no transfers of
ownerships of the asset by the end of the lease term, nor any
economic benefit from appreciation in value of the leased
property. In addition, the lease term is not for the major part
of the assets economic life. As a result, Nordea has classified
these leases as operating leases. This judgement is a critical
judgement that has a significant impact on the carrying
amounts in the financial statement. The carrying amount of
these properties at the time of disposal was EUR 1.5bn.
More information on lease contracts can be found in Note
G22 Leasing.
Translation of assets and liabilities denominated in for-
eign currencies
Nordeas accounting policies covering the translation of assets
and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies is described
in section 9 Translation of assets and liabilities denominated
in foreign currencies.
When reporting consolidated financial statements, the par-
ent company Nordea Bank AB (publ) has been assessed to
have two functional currencies, SEK and EUR, based on the
different activities. The functional currency of the normal
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Accounl|ng po||c|os
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banking operations is SEK and the functional currency of the
entity holding equity, shares in group undertakings and the
funding of those shares is EUR. It is Nordeas assessment that
one legal entity can consist of different entities with different
functional currencies.
Valuation of deferred tax assets
Nordeas accounting policy for the recognition of deferred tax
assets is described in section 20 Taxes and Note G11
The valuation of deferred tax assets is influenced by man-
agements assessment of Nordeas future profitability and
sufficiency of future taxable profits and future reversals of ex-
isting taxable temporary differences. These assessments are
updated and reviewed at each balance sheet date, and are, if
necessary, revised to reflect the current situation.
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets was EUR 218m
(EUR 169m) at the end of the year.
Claims in civil lawsuits
Within the framework of the normal business operations,
Nordea faces a number of claims in civil lawsuits and dis-
putes, most of which involve relatively limited amounts. Pres-
ently, none of the current disputes are considered likely to
have any significant adverse effect on Nordea or its financial
position. See also Note G32 Provisions and Note G37 Con-
tingent liabilities.
Kk O'-.1-48#, &/ 1&.,&8-()2-&.
Consolidated entities
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of
the parent company Nordea Bank AB (publ), and those entities
that the parent company controls. Control is generally
achieved when the parent company owns, directly or indi-
rectly through group undertakings, more than 50 per cent of
the voting rights or otherwise has the power to govern the
financial and operating policies of the entity.
All Group undertakings are consolidated using the acquisi-
tion method, except for the forming of Nordea in 199798
when the holding in Nordea Bank Finland Plc was consolidated
using the pooling method. Under the acquisition method, the
acquisition is regarded as a transaction whereby the parent
company indirectly acquires the group undertakings assets
and assumes its liabilities and contingent liabilities. The
Groups acquisition cost is established in a purchase price al-
location analysis. In such analysis, the cost of the business
combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of
exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed and
equity instruments issued by the acquirer, in exchange for the
identifiable net assets acquired. Costs directly attributable to
the business combination are expensed.
As at the acquisition date Nordea recognises the identifia-
ble assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at their acqui-
sition date fair values.
For each business combination Nordea measures the non-con-
trolling interest in the acquired business either at fair value or at
their proportionate share of the acquired identifiable net assets.
When the aggregate of the consideration transferred in a
business combination and the amount recognised for non-con-
trolling interest exceeds the net fair value of the identifiable as-
sets, liabilities and contingent liabilities, the excess is reported
as goodwill. If the difference is negative, such difference is
recognised immediately in the income statement.
Equity and net income attributable to non-controlling
interests are separately disclosed on the balance sheet,
income statement and statement of comprehensive income.
Intra-group transactions and balances between the consoli-
dated group undertakings are eliminated.
The Group undertakings are included in the consolidated
accounts as from the date on which control is transferred to
Nordea and are no longer consolidated as from the date on
which control ceases.
In the consolidation process the reporting from the group
undertakings is adjusted to ensure consistency with the IFRS
principles applied by Nordea.
Investments in associated undertakings
The equity method of accounting is used for associated
undertakings where the share of voting rights is between 20
and 50 per cent and/or where Nordea has significant influ-
ence. Significant influence is the power to participate in the
financial and operating decisions of the investee but is not
control over those policies. Investments within Nordeas
investment activities, which are classified as a venture capital
organisation within Nordea, are measured at fair value in
accordance with the rules set out in IAS 28 and IAS 39. Fur-
ther information on the equity method is disclosed in section
6 Recognition of operating income and impairment.
Profits from companies accounted for under the equity
method are reported post-taxes in the income statement.
Consequently, the tax expense related to these profits is not
included in the income tax expense for Nordea.
Internal transactions, in the income statement, between
Nordea and its associated undertakings are not eliminated.
Nordea does not have any sales of assets to or from associated
Special Purpose Entities (SPE)
A SPE is an entity created to accomplish a narrow and well
defined objective. Often legal arrangements impose strict
limits on the decision making powers of the management
over the on-going activities of the SPE.
Nordea does not consolidate SPEs assets and liabilities
beyond its control. In order to determine whether Nordea
controls a SPE or not, Nordea has to make judgements about
risks and rewards and assess the ability to make operational
decisions for the SPE in question. When assessing whether
Nordea shall consolidate a SPE, a range of factors are evaluated.
These factors include whether the activities of the SPE are
being in substance conducted on Nordeas behalf or if Nordea
has in substance the decision making powers, the rights to
obtain the majority of the benefits or the majority of the resid-
ual- or ownership risks. Nordea consolidates all SPEs, where
Nordea has retained the majority of the risks and rewards.
For the SPEs that are not consolidated the rationale is that
Nordea does not have significant risks or rewards in connec-
tion to these assets and liabilities.
Nordea has created a number of SPEs to allow clients to
invest in assets invested in by the SPEs. Some SPEs invest in
tradable financial instruments, such as shares and bonds (mu-
tual funds). Other SPEs invest in structured credit products or
acquire assets from customers of Nordea. Nordea is generally
the investment manager and has sole discretion about invest-
ments and other administrative decisions. Typically, Nordea
will receive service and commission fees in connection to the
creation of the SPEs, or because it acts as investment manager,
custodian or in some other function. This in itself does not
constitute a beneficial interest triggering consolidation. In
some SPEs Nordea has also supplied substantial parts of the
funding in the form of fund units, loans or credit commit-
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
Accounl|ng po||c|os - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 99
ments. In these SPEs Nordea has a beneficial interest and re-
tains the majority of the risks and rewards, which is why these
SPEs are consolidated. Note P21 Investments in group under-
takings lists the major group undertakings in the Nordea
Group, including consolidated SPEs.
Currency translation of foreign entities
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in euro
(EUR), the presentation currency of the parent company
Nordea Bank AB (publ). The current method is used when
translating the financial statements of foreign entities into
EUR from their functional currency. The assets and liabilities
of foreign entities have been translated at the closing rates,
while items in the income statement and statement of
comprehensive income are translated at the average exchange
rate for the year. Translation differences are accounted for in
other comprehensive income and are accumulated in the
translation reserve in equity.
Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising from the
acquisition of group undertakings are treated as items in the
same functional currency as the cash generating unit to
which they belong and are also translated at the closing rate.
Information on the most important exchange rates is
disclosed in the separate section 27 Exchange rates.
hk @#1&;.-2-&. &/ &4#')2-.; -.1&9# ).( -94)-'9#.2
Net interest income
Interest income and expense are calculated and recognised
based on the effective interest rate method or, if considered
appropriate, based on a method that results in an interest
income or interest expense that is a reasonable approximation
of using the effective interest rate method as basis for the
calculation. The effective interest includes fees considered to
be an integral part of the effective interest rate of a financial
instrument (generally fees received as compensation for risk).
The effective interest rate equals the rate that discounts the
contractual future cash flows to the carrying amount of the
financial asset or financial liability.
Interest income and expenses from financial instruments
are, with the exceptions described below, classified as Net
interest income.
Interest income and interest expense related to all balance
sheet items held at fair value in Markets and Nordea Life &
Pensions are classified as Net result from items at fair value
in the income statement. Also the interest on the net funding
of the operations in Markets is recognised on this line.
The interest component in FX swaps, and the interest paid
and received in interest rate swaps plus changes in accrued
interest, is classified as Net result from items at fair value,
apart for derivatives used for hedging, including economical
hedges of Nordeas funding, where such components are
classified as Net interest income.
Net fee and commission income
Nordea earns commission income from different services
provided to its customers. The recognition of commission
income depends on the purpose for which the fees are
received. Fees are either recognised as revenue when services
are provided or in connection to the execution of a significant
act. Fees received in connection to performed services are rec-
ognised as income in the period these services are provided.
A loan syndication fee received as payment for arranging a
loan, as well as other fees received as payments for certain
acts, are recognised as revenue when the act has been com-
pleted, i.e. when the syndication has been finalised.
Commission expenses are normally transaction based and
recognised in the period when the services are received.
Income from issued financial guarantees and expenses
from bought financial guarantees, including fees paid to
state guarantees, are amortised over the duration of the
instruments and classified as Fee and commission income
and Fee and commission expense respectively.
Net result from items at fair value
Realised and unrealised gains and losses on financial
instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss are
recognised in the item Net result from items at fair value.
Realised and unrealised gains and losses derive from:
Sharos/parlicipaliors ard olhor sharo-rolalod irslrumorls
Irlorosl-boarirg socurilios ard olhor irlorosl-rolalod ir-
lhor firarcial irslrumorls, ircludirg crodil dorivalivos as
well as commodity instruments/derivatives
Ioroigr oxchargo gairs/lossos
Irvoslmorl proporlios, which ircludo roalisod ard urroal-
ised income, for instance revaluation gains and losses. This
line also includes realised results from disposals as well as
the running property yield stemming from the holding of
investment properties.
Interest income and interest expense related to all balance
sheet items in Markets and Nordea Life & Pensions, including
the net funding of the operations in Markets, are classified as
Net result from items at fair value.
Also the ineffective portion of cash flow hedges and net
investment hedges as well as recycled gains and losses on
financial instruments classified into the category Available
for sale are recognised in Net result from items at fair value.
This item also includes realised gains and losses from
financial instruments measured at amortised cost, such as
interest compensation received and realised gains/losses on
buy-backs of issued own debt.
Net result from items at fair value includes also losses
from counterparty risk on instruments classified into the cate-
gory Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss as well
as impairment on instruments classified into the category
Available for sale. However, the fair value adjustments of cred-
it risk on loans granted in accordance with the Danish mort-
gage finance law (see section 13 Financial instruments and
Note G42 Assets and liabilities a fair value) are reported un-
der Net loan losses. Impairment losses from instruments
within other categories are recognised in the items Net loan
losses or Impairment of securities held as financial non-cur-
rent assets (see also the sub-sections Net loan losses and
Impairment of securities held as financial non-current as-
sets below).
Dividends received are recognised in the income statement
as Net result from items at fair value and classified as
Shares/participations and other share-related instruments
in the note. Income is recognised in the period in which the
right to receive payment is established.
The income recognition and descriptions of the lines
relating to life insurance are described in section 7 Income
recognition life insurance below.
Profit from companies accounted for under the equity
The profit from companies accounted for under the equity
method is defined as the post-acquisition change in Nordeas
share of net assets in the associated undertakings. Nordeas
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Accounl|ng po||c|os
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share of items accounted for in other comprehensive income
in the associated undertakings is accounted for in other com-
prehensive income in Nordea. Profits from companies
accounted for under the equity method are, as stated in sec-
tion 5 Principles of consolidation, reported in the income
statement post-taxes. Consequently the tax expense related to
these profits is excluded from the income tax expense for
Fair values are, at acquisition, allocated to the associated
undertakings identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent li-
abilities. Any difference between Nordeas share of the fair
values of the acquired identifiable net assets and the purchase
price is goodwill or negative goodwill. Goodwill is included
in the carrying amount of the associated undertaking. Subse-
quently the investment in the associated undertaking increas-
es/decreases with Nordeas share of the post-acquisition
change in net assets in the associated undertaking and de-
creases through received dividends and impairment. An im-
pairment charge can be reversed in a subsequent period.
The change in Nordeas share of the net assets is generally
based on monthly reporting from the associated undertakings.
For some associated undertakings not individually significant
the change in Nordeas share of the net assets is based on the ex-
ternal reporting of the associated undertakings and affects the
financial statements of Nordea in the period in which the infor-
mation is available. The reporting from the associated undertak-
ings is, if applicable, adjusted to comply with Nordeas account-
ing policies.
Other operating income
Net gains from divestments of shares in group undertakings
and associated undertakings and net gains on sale of tangible
assets as well as other operating income, not related to any
other income line, are generally recognised when it is proba-
ble that the benefits associated with the transaction will flow
to Nordea and if the significant risks and rewards have been
transferred to the buyer (generally when the transactions are
Net loan losses
Impairment losses from financial assets classified into the
category Loans and receivables (see section 13 Financial
instruments), in the items Loans to central banks, Loans
to credit institutions and Loans to the public on the bal-
ance sheet, are reported as Net loan losses together with
losses from financial guarantees (including state guarantees
in Denmark). Also the fair value adjustments of credit risk on
loans granted in accordance with the Danish mortgage
finance law (see section 13 Financial instruments, and Note
G42 Assets and liabilities at fair value) are reported under
Net loan losses. Losses are reported net of any collateral
and other credit enhancements. Nordeas accounting policies
for the calculation of impairment losses on loans can be found
in section 14 Loans to the public/credit institutions.
Counterparty losses on instruments classified into the
category Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,
including credit derivatives but apart from loans held at fair
value as described above, as well as impairment on financial
assets classified into the category Available for sale are re-
ported under Net result from items at fair value.
Impairment of securities held as financial non-current assets
Impairment on investments in interest-bearings securities,
classified into the categories Loans and receivables or Held to
maturity, and on investments in associated undertakings are
classified as Impairment of securities held as financial non-
current assets in the income statement. The policies covering
impairment of financial assets classified into the categories
Loans and receivables and Held to maturity are disclosed in
section 13 Financial instruments and section 14 Loans to
the public/credit institutions.
Investments in associated undertakings are assessed for im-
pairment annually. If observable indicators (loss events) indi-
cate that an associated undertaking is impaired, an impair-
ment test is performed to assess whether there is objective
evidence of impairment. The carrying amount of the invest-
ment in the associate is compared with the recoverable
amount (higher of value in use and fair value less cost to sell)
and the carrying amount is written down to the recoverable
amount if required.
Impairment losses are reversed if the recoverable amount
increases. The carrying amount is then increased to the re-
coverable amount, but cannot exceed the carrying amount
that would have been determined had no impairment loss
been recognised.
6k S.1&9# '#1&;.-2-&. 8-/# -.,+').1#
Premiums received, and repayments to policyholders, related
to the saving part of the life insurance contracts are reported
as increases or decreases of liabilities to policyholders. See
further information in section 19 Liabilities to policyholders.
The total income from life insurance mainly consists of the
following components:
Cosl rosull
Irsurarco risk rosull
Risk ard porformarco margir
Irvoslmorl rolurr or addilioral capilal ir lifo irsurarco
The result from these components is, except for the cost result
and the risk and performance margin relating to Unit Linked
and Investment contracts, included in Net result from items
at fair value.
The cost result is the result of expense loading from policy-
holders and is included in the item Fee and commission
income, together with the risk and performance margin
relating to Unit Linked and Investment contracts. The related
expenses are included in the items Fee and commission
expense and Operating expenses. The policyholders part
of a positive or negative cost result (profit sharing) is included
in the note line Change in technical provisions, Life within
Note G5 Net result from items at fair value.
The insurance risk result consists of income from individual
risk products and from unbundled life insurance contracts as
well as Health and personal accident insurance. The risk
premiums are amortised over the coverage period as the pro-
visions are reduced when insurance risk is released. A large
part of the unbundled risk result from traditional life insur-
ance is subject to profit sharing, which means that the policy-
holders receive a part of a net income or a net deficit. The risk
income and the risk expenses are presented gross on the lines
Insurance risk income, Life and Insurance risk expense,
Life in Note G5 Net result from items at fair value. The
policyholders part of the result is included in the line
Change in technical provisions, Life in the note.
Gains and losses derived from investments in Nordea Life
& Pensions are split on the relevant lines in Note G5 Net re-
sult from items at fair value as for any other investments in
Nordea. The lines include investment return on assets held to
cover liabilities to policyholders and return on the additional
capital allocated to Nordea Life & Pensions (Shareholders
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
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capital in the Nordea Life & Pensions group).
The note line Change in technical provisions, Life in
Note G5 Net result from items at fair value includes:
Irvoslmorl rolurrs or assols hold lo covor liabililios lo
policyholders (including liabilities from traditional life
insurance, unit linked insurance and investment contracts),
individually transferred to policyholders accounts accord-
ing to the contracts.
Addilioral borus (discroliorary parlicipalior foaluro) lo
policyholders concerning traditional life insurance con-
tracts or any other transfers to the policyholders to cover a
periodical deficit between the investment result and any
agreed minimum benefit to the policyholders.
Risk ard porformarco margir rogardirg lradilioral lifo
insurance products according to local allocation rules in
each Nordea Life & Pensions unit and according to
contracts with policyholders. The recognition of a risk and
performance margin in the income statement is mainly
conditional on a positive result for traditional life insurance
contracts. Risk and performance margins not possible to
recognise in the current period due to poor investment re-
sults, can, in some countries, partly or wholly be deferred
to years with higher returns.
1ho policyholdors parl of lho cosl- ard risk rosull rogardirg
traditional life insurance contracts or unit linked contracts.
The note line Change in collective bonus potential, Life in
Note G5 Net result from items at fair value relates only to
traditional life insurance contracts. The line includes
policyholders share of investment returns not yet individual-
ised. The line includes also additional bonus (discretionary
participation feature) and amounts needed to cover a periodi-
cal deficit between the investment result and any minimum
benefits to the policyholders.
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Derivative instruments, quoted securities and foreign exchange
spot transactions are recognised on and derecognised (reclas-
sified to the items Other assets or Other liabilities on the
balance sheet between trade date and settlement date) from
the balance sheet on the trade date. Other financial instru-
ments are recognised on the balance sheet on settlement date.
Financial assets, other than those for which trade date ac-
counting is applied, are derecognised from the balance sheet
when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the finan-
cial asset expire or are transferred to another party. The rights
to the cash flows normally expire or are transferred when the
counterpart has performed by e.g. repaying a loan to Nordea,
i.e. on settlement date.
In some cases, Nordea enters into transactions where it
transfers assets that are recognised on the balance sheet, but
retains either all or a portion of risks and rewards from the
transferred assets. If all or substantially all risks and rewards
are retained, the transferred assets are not derecognised from
the balance sheet. If Nordeas counterpart can sell or repledge
the transferred assets, the assets are reclassified to the item
Financial instruments pledged as collateral on the balance
sheet. Transfers of assets with retention of all or substantially
all risks and rewards include e.g. security lending agreements
and repurchase agreements.
Financial liabilities are derecognised from the balance
sheet when the liability is extinguished. Normally this occurs
when Nordea performs, for example when Nordea repays a
deposit to the counterpart, i.e. on settlement date. Financial
liabilities under trade date accounting are generally reclassi-
fied to Other liabilities on the balance sheet on trade date.
For further information, see sections Securities borrowing
and lending agreements and Repurchase and reverse repur-
chase agreements within 13 Financial instruments, as well
as Note G43 Transferred assets and obtained collaterals.
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The functional currency of each entity is decided based upon
the primary economic environment in which the entity oper-
ates. The parent company Nordea Bank AB (publ) uses two
functional currencies, SEK and EUR for reporting in consoli-
dated accounts, based on the different activities in the under-
lying business.
Foreign currency is defined as any currency other than the
functional currency of the entity. Foreign currency transac-
tions are recorded at the exchange rate on the date of the
transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate on the
balance sheet date.
Exchange differences arising on the settlement of transactions
at rates different from those at the date of the transaction, and
unrealised translation differences on unsettled foreign currency
monetary assets and liabilities, are recognised in the income
statement in the item Net result from items at fair value.
Translation differences on financial instruments that are
designated hedging instruments in a hedge of a net invest-
ment in a group undertaking are recognised in other compre-
hensive income, to the extent the hedge is effective. This is
performed in order to offset the translation differences affect-
ing other comprehensive income when consolidating the
group undertaking into Nordea. Any ineffectiveness is recog-
nised in the income statement in the item Net result from
items at fair value.
B?k \#(;# )11&+.2-.;
Nordea applies the EU carve out version of IAS 39 for portfo-
lio hedges of both assets and liabilities. The EU carve out
macro hedging enables a group of derivatives (or proportions
thereof) to be viewed in combination and designated as the
hedging instrument and removes some of the limitations in
fair value hedge accounting relating to hedging core deposits
and under-hedging strategies.
Nordea uses hedge accounting in order to have a symmetrical
accounting treatment of the changes in fair value of the hedged
item and changes in fair value of the hedging instruments as
well as to hedge the exposure to variability in future cash flows
and the exposure to net investments in foreign operations.
There are three forms of hedge accounting:
Iair valuo hodgo accourlirg
Cash flow hodgo accourlirg
Hodgos of rol irvoslmorls ir foroigr oporaliors
Fair value hedge accounting
Fair value hedge accounting is used when derivatives are
hedging changes in fair value of a recognised asset or liability
attributable to a specific risk. The risk of changes in fair value
of assets and liabilities in Nordeas financial statements origi-
nates mainly from loans, securities and deposits with a fixed
interest rate, causing interest rate risk. Changes in fair value
from derivatives as well as changes in fair value of the hedged
item attributable to the risks being hedged are recognised sep-
arately in the income statement in the item Net result from
items at fair value. Given an effective hedge, the two changes
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Accounl|ng po||c|os
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in fair value will more or less balance, meaning the net result is
close to zero. The changes in fair value of the hedged item
attributable to the risks hedged with the derivative instrument
are reflected in an adjustment to the carrying amount of the
hedged item, which is also recognised in the income statement.
The fair value change of the hedged item held at amortised cost
in a portfolio hedge of interest rate risks is reported separately
from the portfolio in the item Fair value changes of the
hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk on the
balance sheet.
Fair value hedge accounting in Nordea is performed mainly
on a portfolio basis. Any ineffectiveness is recognised in the
income statement under the item Net result from items at
fair value.
Hedged items
A hedged item in a fair value hedge can be a recognised
single asset or liability, an unrecognised firm commitment, or
a portion thereof. The hedged item can also be a group of
assets, liabilities or firm commitments with similar risk char-
acteristics. Hedged items in Nordea consist of both individual
assets or liabilities and portfolios of assets and/or liabilities.
Hedging instruments
The hedging instruments used in Nordea are predominantly
interest rate swaps and cross currency interest rate swaps,
which are always held at fair value. Cash instruments are
only used in a few transactions as hedging instruments when
hedging currency risk.
Cash flow hedge accounting
Cash flow hedge accounting can be used for the hedging of
exposure to variations in future interest payments on instru-
ments with variable interest rates and for the hedging of cur-
rency exposures. The portion of the gain or loss on the hedg-
ing instrument, that is determined to be an effective hedge, is
recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated
in the cash flow hedge reserve in equity. The ineffective por-
tion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument is recycled
to the item Net result from items at fair value in the income
Gains or losses on hedging instruments recognised in the
cash flow hedge reserve in equity through other comprehen-
sive income are recycled and recognised in the income state-
ment in the same period as the hedged item affects profit or
loss, normally in the period that interest income or interest ex-
pense is recognised.
Hedged items
A hedged item in a cash flow hedge can be highly probable
floating interest rate cash flows from recognised assets or
liabilities or from future assets or liabilities. Nordea uses cash
flow hedges when hedging currency risk in future payments
of interest and principal in foreign currency.
Hedging instruments
The hedging instruments used in Nordea are predominantly
cross currency interest rate swaps, which are always held at
fair value, where the currency component is designated as a
cash flow hedge of currency risk and the interest component
as a fair value hedge of interest rate risk.
Hedges of net investments
See separate section 9 Translation of assets and liabilities de-
nominated in foreign currencies.
Hedge effectiveness
The application of hedge accounting requires the hedge to be
highly effective. A hedge is regarded as highly effective if at
inception and throughout its life it can be expected that chang-
es in fair value of the hedged item as regards the hedged risk
can be essentially offset by changes in fair value of the hedg-
ing instrument. The result should be within a range of 80125
per cent. When assessing hedge effectiveness retrospectively
Nordea measures the fair value of the hedging instruments
and compares the change in fair value of the hedging instru-
ment to the change in fair value of the hedged item. The effec-
tiveness measurement is made on a cumulative basis. The
hypothetical derivative method is used when measuring the
effectiveness of cash flow hedges, meaning that the change in
a perfect hypothetical swap is used as proxy for the present
value of the cumulative change in expected future cash flows
from the hedged transaction (the currency component).
If the hedge relationship does not fulfil the requirements,
hedge accounting is terminated. For fair value hedges the
hedging instrument is reclassified to a trading derivative and
the change in the fair value of the hedged item, up to the
point when the hedge relationship is terminated, is amortised
to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the
remaining maturity of the hedged item.
In cash flow hedges, changes in the unrealised value of the
hedging instrument will prospectively from the last time it
was proven effective be accounted for in the income state-
ment. The cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument
that has been recognised in the cash flow hedge reserve in
equity through other comprehensive income from the period
when the hedge was effective is reclassified from equity to
Net result from items at fair value in the income statement
if the expected transaction no longer is expected to occur. If
the expected transaction no longer is highly probable, but is
still expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss on the
hedging instrument that has been recognised in other
comprehensive income from the period when the hedge was
effective remains in other comprehensive income until the
transaction occurs or is no longer expected to occur.
BBk 0#2#'9-.)2-&. &/ /)-' H)8+# &/ /-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,
Financial assets and liabilities classified into the categories
Financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
(including derivative instruments) are recorded at fair value
on the balance sheet with changes in fair value recognised in
the income statement in the item Net result from items at
fair value.
Fair value is defined as the amount for which an asset
could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowl-
edgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction.
The existence of published price quotations in an active
market is the best evidence of fair value and when they exist
they are used to measure financial assets and financial liabili-
ties. An active market for the asset or liability is a market in
which transactions for the asset or liability occur with suffi-
cient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on
an on-going basis. The absolute levels for liquidity and vol-
ume required for a market to be considered active vary with
the instrument classes. For some classes low price volatility is
seen, also for those instruments within the class where the
trade frequency is high. For instruments in such a class the li-
quidity requirements are lower and, correspondingly, the age
limit for the prices used for establishing fair value is higher.
If markets are active or non-active is assessed regulary.
The trade frequency and volume are monitored daily.
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
Accounl|ng po||c|os - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 1C3
Nordea is predominantly using published price quotations
to establish fair value for items disclosed under the following
balance sheet items:
Irlorosl-boarirg socurilios
Sharos (lislod)
Dorivalivos (lislod)
Dobl socurilios ir issuo (issuod morlgago bords ir Nordoa
Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab)
If quoted prices for a financial instrument fail to represent
actual and regularly occurring market transactions or if
quoted prices are not available, fair value is established by
using an appropriate valuation technique. The adequacy of
the valuation technique, including an assessment of whether
to use quoted prices or theoretical prices, is monitored on a
regular basis.
Valuation techniques can range from simple discounted
cash flow analysis to complex option pricing models. Valua-
tion models are designed to apply observable market prices
and rates as input whenever possible, but can also make use
of unobservable model parameters. The adequacy of the valu-
ation model is assessed by measuring its capability to hit
market prices. This is done by comparison of calculated prices
to relevant benchmark data, e.g. quoted prices from the
exchange, the counterpartys valuations, price data from con-
sensus services etc.
Nordea is predominantly using valuation techniques to
establish fair value for items disclosed under the following
balance sheet items:
Ioars lo lho public (morlgago loars ir Nordoa Krodil Ro-
Irlorosl-boarirg socurilios (whor quolod pricos ir ar aclivo
market are not available)
Sharos (whor quolod pricos ir ar aclivo markol aro rol
Dorivalivos (1C-dorivalivos)
For financial instruments, where fair value is estimated by a
valuation technique, it is investigated whether the variables
used in the valuation model are predominantly based on data
from observable markets. By data from observable markets,
Nordea considers data that can be collected from generally
available external sources and where this data is judged to
represent realistic market prices. If non-observable data has a
significant impact on the valuation, the instrument cannot be
recognised initially at the fair value estimated by the valua-
tion technique and any upfront gains are thereby deferred
and amortised through the income statement over the con-
tractual life of the instrument. The deferred upfront gains are
subsequently released to income if the non-observable data
becomes observable.
Note G42 Assets and liabilities at fair value provides a
breakdown of fair values of financial instruments measured
on the basis of:
quolod pricos ir aclivo markols for lho samo irslrumorl
(level 1),
valualior lochriquo usirg obsorvablo dala (lovol 2), ard
valualior lochriquo usirg ror-obsorvablo dala (lovol 3).
The valuation models applied by Nordea are consistent with
accepted economic methodologies for pricing financial
instruments and incorporate the factors that market partici-
pants consider when setting a price.
New valuation models are subject to approval by the Model
Risk Management Committee and all models are reviewed on
a regular basis.
For further information, see Note G42 Assets and liabili-
ties at fair value.
BCk M)," ).( 1)," #T+-H)8#.2,
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and balances with
central banks where the following conditions are fulfilled:
1ho corlral bark is domicilod ir a courlry whoro Nordoa is
operating under a banking licence
1ho balarco is roadily availablo al ary limo
Cash and cash equivalents are financial instruments classi-
fied into the category Loans and receivables, see section 13
Financial instruments.
Loans to credit institutions payable on demand are also
recognised as Cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow
statement together with instruments with central banks that
can be resold immediately.
B>k 7-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,
Classification of financial instruments
Each financial instrument has been classified into one of the
following categories:
Financial assets:
Iirarcial assols al fair valuo lhrough profil or loss:
Held for trading
Designated at fair value through profit or loss (Fair Value
Ioars ard rocoivablos
Hold lo malurily
Availablo for salo
Financial liabilities:
Iirarcial liabililios al fair valuo lhrough profil or loss:
Held for trading
Designated at fair value through profit or loss (Fair Value
lhor firarcial liabililios
All financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at fair
value. The classification of financial instruments into different
categories forms the basis for how each instrument is subse-
quently measured on the balance sheet and how changes in its
value are recognised. In Note G41 Classification of financial
instruments the classification of the financial instruments on
Nordeas balance sheet into different categories is presented.
Financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss
Financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss are measured at fair value, excluding transaction
costs. All changes in fair values are recognised directly in the
income statement in the item Net result from items at fair
The category consists of two sub-categories; Held for trad-
ing and Designated at fair value through profit or loss (Fair
value option).
The sub-category Held for trading mainly contains deriva-
tive instruments that are held for trading purposes, interest-
bearing securities and shares within Markets and Treasury. It
also contains trading liabilities such as short-selling positions.
The major parts of the financial assets/liabilities classified
into the category Designated at fair value through profit or
loss are mortgage loans and related issued bonds in the
Danish group undertaking Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktie-
selskab and interest-bearing securities, shares and investment
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
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contracts in Nordea Life & Pensions.
Assets and liabilities in Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktie-
selskab are classified into the category Designated at fair value
through profit or loss to eliminate or significantly reduce an
accounting mismatch. When Nordea grants mortgage loans
to customers in accordance with the Danish mortgage finance
law Nordea at the same time issues bonds with matching
terms, so called match funding. The customers can repay
the loans either through repayments of the principal or by
purchasing the issued bonds and return them to Nordea as a
settlement of the loan. The bonds play an important part in
the Danish money market and Nordea consequently buys and
sells own bonds in the market. If the loans and bonds were
measured at amortised cost such buy-backs of bonds would
give rise to an accounting mismatch as any gains or losses
would have to be recognised immediately in the income
statement. If such bonds are subsequently sold in the market
any premium or discount would be amortised over the expected
maturity, which would also create an accounting mismatch.
To avoid such an accounting mismatch Nordea measures both
the loans and bonds at fair value through profit or loss.
Interest-bearing securities, shares and investment contracts
(defined in section 19 Liabilities to policyholders) in Nordea
Life & Pensions are generally also classified into the category
Designated at fair value through profit or loss to eliminate or
significantly reduce an accounting mismatch. The investment
contracts (unit-linked) are held at fair value and to avoid an
accounting mismatch also the related assets are held at fair
value. This is valid also for insurance contracts (defined in
section 19 Liabilities to policyholders) where the assets are
generally held at fair value to reduce an accounting mismatch
with the liabilities to policyholders that are generally meas-
ured at fair value.
Nordea also applies the Fair value option on certain finan-
cial assets and financial liabilities related to Markets. The
classification stems from that Markets is managing and meas-
uring its financial assets and liabilities at fair value. Conse-
quently, the majority of financial assets and financial liabili-
ties in Markets are classified into the categories Financial
assets/Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.
Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets,
with fixed or determinable payments, that are not quoted in
an active market. These assets and their impairment are fur-
ther described in the separate section 14 Loans to the public/
credit institutions.
Held to maturity
Financial assets that Nordea has chosen to classify into the
category Held to maturity are non-derivative financial assets
with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that
Nordea has the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity.
Financial assets classified into the category Held to maturity
are initially recognised on the balance sheet at the acquisition
price, including transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recog-
nition, the instruments within this category are measured at
amortised cost. In an amortised cost measurement, the differ-
ence between acquisition cost and redemption value is amor-
tised in the income statement over the remaining term using
the effective interest rate method.
If more than an insignificant amount of the Held to maturi-
ty portfolio is sold or transferred the Held to maturity catego-
ry is tainted, except for if the sale or transfer either occur
close to maturity, after substantially all of the original princi-
pal is already collected, or due to an isolated non-recurring
event beyond the control of Nordea.
Nordea assesses at each reporting date whether there is
any objective evidence that the asset is impaired. If there is
such evidence, an impairment loss is recorded. The loss is
calculated as the difference between the carrying amount
and the present value of estimated future cash flows and is
recognised as Impairment of securities held as financial
non-current assets in the income statement. See section 14
Loans to the public/credit institutions for more informa-
tion on the identification and measurement of objective evi-
dence of impairment, which is applicable also for interest-
bearings securities classified into the category Held to
Available for sale
Financial instruments classified into the category Available
for sale are measured at fair value. Changes in fair values,
except for interest, foreign exchange effects and impairment
losses, are recognised in the fair value reserve in equity
through other comprehensive income. Interest is recognised
in the item Interest income and foreign exchange effects
and impairment losses in the item Net result from items at
fair value in the income statement.
When an instrument classified into the category Available
for sale is disposed of, the fair value changes that previously
have been accumulated in the fair value reserve (related to
Available for sale investments) in other comprehensive in-
come are removed from equity and recognised in the income
statement in the item Net result from items at fair value.
Financial assets classified into the category Available for
sale are assessed at least annually in order to determine any
need for impairment losses. If there is objective evidence of
impairment, the accumulated loss that has been recognised in
other comprehensive income is removed from equity and
recognised as Net result from items at fair value in the
income statement. The amount of the accumulated loss that is
recycled from equity is the difference between the assets
acquisition cost and current fair value. For equity investments
a prolonged or significant decline in the fair value, compared
to the acquisition cost, is considered to be objective evidence
of impairment. Objective evidence of impairment for a debt
instrument is rather connected to a loss event, such as an
issuers financial difficulty.
Other financial liabilities
Financial liabilities, other than those classified into the cat-
egory Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss,
are measured at amortised cost. Interest from Other financial
liabilities is recognised in the item Interest expense in the
income statement.

Hybrid (combined) financial instruments
Hybrid (combined) financial instruments are contracts
containing a host contract and an embedded derivative
instrument. Such combinations arise predominantly from
the issuance of structured debt instruments, such as issued
index-linked bonds.
Index-linked bonds issued by Group Treasury are consid-
ered to be part of the funding activities. The zero coupon
bond, is measured at amortised cost. The embedded deriva-
tives in those instruments are separated from the host contract
and accounted for as stand-alone derivatives at fair value, if
the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded deriv-
ative are not closely related to the economic characteristics and
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
Accounl|ng po||c|os - %&'(#) W'&+4
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risks of the host contract, and the embedded derivative meets
the definition of a derivative instrument. Changes in fair val-
ues, of the embedded derivatives, are recognised in the income
statement in the item Net result from items at fair value.
Index-linked bonds issued by Markets as part of the trad-
ing portfolio are classified into the category Held for trading,
and the entire combined instrument, host contract together
with the embedded derivative, is measured at fair value
through profit or loss. Changes in fair values are recognised
in the income statement in the item Net result from items at
fair value.
Securities borrowing and lending agreements
Generally, securities borrowing and securities lending transac-
tions are entered into on a collateralised basis. Unless the risks
and rewards of ownership are transferred, the securities are
not recognised on or derecognised from the balance sheet. In
the cases where the counterpart is entitled to resell or repledge
the securities, the securities are reclassified to the balance
sheet item Financial instruments pledged as collateral.
Securities in securities lending transactions are also dis-
closed in the item Assets pledged as security for own liabili-
Cash collateral advanced (securities borrowing) to the
counterparts is recognised on the balance sheet as Loans to
central banks, Loans to credit institutions or as Loans to
the public. Cash collateral received (securities lending) from
the counterparts is recognised on the balance sheet as De-
posits by credit institutions or as Deposits and borrowings
from the public.
Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements
Securities delivered under repurchase agreements and securi-
ties received under reverse repurchase agreements are not
derecognised from or recognised on the balance sheet. In the
cases where the counterpart has the right to resell or repledge
the securities, the securities are reclassified to the balance
sheet line Financial instruments pledged as collateral.
Securities delivered under repurchase agreements are also
disclosed in the item Assets pledged as security for own lia-
Cash received under repurchase agreements is recognised
on the balance sheet as Deposits by credit institutions or as
Deposits and borrowings from the public. Cash delivered
under reverse repurchase agreements is recognised on the
balance sheet as Loans to central banks, Loans to credit
institutions or as Loans to the public.
Additionally, the sale of securities received in reverse
repurchase agreements trigger the recognition of a trading
liability (short sale).
All derivatives are recognised on the balance sheet and meas-
ured at fair value. Derivatives with total positive fair values,
including any accrued interest, are recognised as assets in the
item Derivatives on the asset side. Derivatives with total neg-
ative fair values, including any accrued interest, are recognised
as liabilities in the item Derivatives on the liability side.
Realised and unrealised gains and losses from derivatives
are recognised in the income statement in the item Net
result from items at fair value.
Offsetting of financial assets and liabilities
Nordea offsets financial assets and liabilities on the balance
sheet if there is a legal right to offset, in the ordinary course of
business and in case of bankruptcy, and if the intent is to settle
the items net or realise the asset and settle the liability simulta-
neously. This is generally achieved through the central coun-
terparty clearing houses that Nordea has agreements with.
B5k e&)., 2& 2"# 4+J8-1i1'#(-2 -.,2-2+2-&.,
Financial instruments classified as Loans to the public/credit
institutions (including loans to central banks) on the balance
sheet and into the category Loans and receivables are meas-
ured at amortised cost (see also the separate section 8 Rec-
ognition and derecognition of financial instruments on the
balance sheet as well as Note G41 Classification of financial
Nordea monitors loans as described in the separate section
on Risk, Liquidity and Capital management. Loans attached
to individual customers or groups of customers are identified
as impaired if the impairment tests indicate an objective
evidence of impairment.
Also interest-bearings securities classified into the catego-
ries Loans and receivables and Held to maturity are held at
amortised cost and the description below is valid also for the
identification and measurement of impairment on these as-
sets. Possible impairment losses on interest-bearing securities
classified into the categories Loans and receivables and Held
to maturity are recognised as Impairment of securities held
as non-current financial assets in the income statement.
Impairment test of individually assessed loans
Nordea tests all loans for impairment on an individual basis.
The purpose of the impairment tests is to find out if the loans
have become impaired. As a first step in the identification
process for impaired loans, Nordea monitors whether there
are indicators of impairment (loss event) and whether these
loss events represent objective evidence of impairment. More
information on the identification of loss events can be found
in the Risk, Liquidity and Capital management section.
Loans that are not individually impaired will be trans-
ferred to a group of loans with similar risk characteristics for
a collective impairment test.
Impairment test of collectively assessed loans
Loans not impaired on an individual basis are collectively
tested for impairment.
These loans are grouped on the basis of similar credit risk
characteristics that are indicative of the debtors ability to pay
all amounts due according to the contractual terms. Nordea
monitors its portfolio through rating migrations, the credit
decision and annual review process supplemented by quar-
terly risk reviews. Through these processes Nordea identifies
loss events indicating incurred losses in a group. A loss event
is an event resulting in a deterioration of the expected future
cash flows. Only loss events incurred up to the reporting date
are included when performing the assessment of the group.
The objective for the group assessment process is to evalu-
ate if there is a need to make a provision due to the fact that a
loss event has occurred, which has not yet been identified on
an individual basis. This period between the date when the
loss event occurred and the date when it is identified on an
individual basis is called Emergence period. The impair-
ment remains related to the group of loans until the losses
have been identified on an individual basis. The identification
of the loss is made through a default of the engagement or by
other indicators.
For corporate customers and bank counterparts, Nordea
uses the existing rating system as a basis when assessing the
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
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credit risk. Nordea uses historical data on probability of
default to estimate the risk for a default in a rating class.
These loans are rated and grouped mostly based on type of
industry and/or sensitivity to certain macro parameters, e.g.
dependency to oil prices etc.
Personal customers and small corporate customers are
monitored through scoring models. These are based mostly
on historical data, as default rates and loss rates given a
default, and experienced judgement performed by management.
Rating and scoring models are described in more detail in the
separate section on Risk, Liquidity and Capital management.
The collective assessment is performed through a netting
principle, i.e. when rated engagements are up-rated due to
estimated increases in cash flows, this improvement will be
netted against losses on loans that are down-rated due to
estimated decreases in cash-flows. Netting is only performed
within groups with similar risk characteristics where Nordea
assesses that the customers future cash flows are insufficient
to serve the loans in full.
Impairment loss
If the carrying amount of the loans is higher than the sum of
the net present value of estimated cash flows (discounted
with original effective interest rate), including the fair value
of the collaterals and other credit enhancements, the differ-
ence is the impairment loss.
For significant loans that have been individually identified
as impaired the measurement of the impairment loss is made
on an individual basis.
For insignificant loans that have been individually identi-
fied as impaired and for loans not identified as impaired on
an individual basis the measurement of the impairment loss
is measured using a portfolio based expectation of the future
cash flows.
If the impairment loss is not regarded as final, the impair-
ment loss is accounted for on an allowance account represent-
ing the accumulated impairment losses. Changes in the credit
risk and accumulated impairment losses are accounted for as
changes in the allowance account and as Net loan losses in
the income statement (see also section6 Recognition of op-
erating income and impairment).
If the impairment loss is regarded as final, it is reported as
a realised loss and the value of the loan and the related allow-
ance for impairment loss are derecognised. An impairment
loss is regarded as final when the obligor is filed for bank-
ruptcy and the administrator has declared the economic out-
come of the bankruptcy procedure, or when Nordea forgives
its claims either through a legal based or voluntary recon-
struction or when Nordea, for other reasons, deem it unlikely
that the claim will be recovered.
Discount rate
The discount rate used to measure impairment is the original
effective interest rate for loans attached to an individual customer
or, if applicable, to a group of loans. If considered appropriate, the
discount rate can be based on a method that results in an impair-
ment that is a reasonable approximation of using the effective
interest rate method as basis for the calculation.
Restructured loans
In this context a restructured loan is defined as a loan where
Nordea has granted concessions to the obligor due to its
deteriorated financial situation and where this concession has
resulted in an impairment loss for Nordea. After a reconstruc-
tion the loan is normally regarded as not impaired if it
performs according to the new conditions. Concessions made
in reconstructions are regarded as final losses unless Nordea
retains the possibility to regain the loan losses incurred. In
the event of a recovery the payment is reported as a recovery
of loan losses.
Assets taken over for protection of claims
In a financial reconstruction the creditor may concede loans
to the obligor and in exchange for this concession acquire an
asset pledged for the conceded loans, shares issued by the
obligor or other assets. Assets taken over for protection of
claims are reported on the same balance sheet line as similar
assets already held by Nordea. For example a property taken
over, not held for Nordeas own use, is reported together with
other investment properties.
At initial recognition, all assets taken over for protection of
claims are recognised at fair value and the possible difference
between the carrying amount of the loan and the fair value of
the assets taken over is recognised as Net loan losses. The
fair value of the asset on the date of recognition becomes its
cost or amortised cost value, as applicable. In subsequent pe-
riods, assets taken over for protection of claims are valued in
accordance with the valuation principles for the appropriate
type of asset. Investment properties are then measured at fair
value. Financial assets that are foreclosed are generally classi-
fied into the categories Available for sale or Designated at fair
value through profit or loss (Fair Value Option) (see section13
Financial instruments) and measured at fair value. Chang-
es in fair values are recognised in other comprehensive in-
come for assets classified into the category Available for sale.
For assets classified into the category Designated at fair value
through profit or loss, changes in fair value are recognised in
the income statement under the line Net result from items at
fair value.
Any change in value, after the initial recognition of the
asset taken over, is presented in the income statement in line
with the Groups presentation policies for the appropriate
asset. Net loan losses in the income statement is, after the
initial recognition of the asset taken over, consequently not
affected by any subsequent remeasurement of the asset.
BKk e#),-.;
Nordea as lessor
Finance leases
Nordeas leasing operations mainly comprise finance leases.
A finance lease is reported as a receivable from the lessee in
the balance sheet item Loans to the public at an amount
equal to the net investment in the lease. The lease payment,
excluding cost of services, is recorded as repayment of
principal and interest income. The income allocation is based
on a pattern reflecting a constant periodic return on the net
investment outstanding in respect of the finance lease.
Operating leases
Assets subject to operating leases on the balance sheet are
reported in accordance with the nature of the assets, in gener-
al as property and equipment. Leasing income is recognised
as income on a straight-line basis over the lease term and
classified as Net interest income. The depreciation of the
leased assets is calculated on the basis of Nordeas deprecia-
tion policy for similar assets and reported as Depreciation,
amortisation and impairment charges of tangible and intan-
gible assets in the income statement.
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
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Nordea as lessee
Finance leases
Finance leases are recognised as assets and liabilities on the
balance sheet at the amount equal to the fair value, or if
lower, the present value of the minimum lease payments of
the leased assets at the inception of the lease. The assets are
reported in accordance with the nature of the assets. Lease
payments are apportioned between finance charge and
reduction of the outstanding liability. The finance charge is
allocated to periods during the lease term so as to produce a
constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of
the liability for each period. A finance lease also gives rise to
a depreciation expense for the leased asset. The depreciation
policy is consistent with that of the assets in own use. Impair-
ment testing of leased assets is performed following the same
principles as for similar owned assets.
Operating leases
Operating leases are not recognised on Nordeas balance
sheet. For operating leases the lease payments are recognised
as expenses in the income statement on a straight-line basis
over the lease term unless another systematic way better re-
flects the time pattern of Nordeas benefit. The original lease
terms normally range between 3 to 25 years.
Operating leasing is mainly related to office premises con-
tracts and office equipment contracts normal to the business.
The central district properties in Finland, Norway and
Sweden that Nordea has divested are leased back. The dura-
tion of the lease agreements was initially 325 years with re-
newal options. The lease agreements include no transfers of
ownerships of the asset by the end of the lease term, nor any
economic benefits from appreciation in value of the leased
property. In addition, the lease term is not for the major part
of the assets economic life. These leases are thus classified as
operating leases. The rental expense for these premises is rec-
ognised on the basis of the time-pattern of Nordeas economic
benefit which differs from the straight-line basis and better
resembles an ordinary rental arrangement.
Embedded leases
Agreements can contain a right to use an asset in return for a
payment, or a series of payments, although the agreement is
not in the legal form of a leasing contract. If applicable, these
assets are separated from the contract and accounted for as
leased assets
Bhk S.2).;-J8# ),,#2,
Intangible assets are identifiable, non-monetary assets with-
out physical substance. The assets are under Nordeas control,
which means that Nordea has the power and rights to obtain
the future economic benefits flowing from the underlying re-
source. The intangible assets in Nordea mainly consist of
goodwill, IT-development/computer software and customer
related intangible assets.
Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an acquisition over
the fair value of Nordeas share of net identifiable assets of the
acquired group undertaking/associated undertaking at the date
of acquisition. Goodwill on acquisition of group undertakings is
included in Intangible assets. Goodwill on acquisitions of as-
sociates is not recognised as a separate asset, but included in
Investments in associated undertakings. Goodwill is tested
annually for impairment or more frequently if events or chang-
es in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired. Good-
will is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Im-
pairment losses on goodwill cannot be reversed in subsequent
periods. Goodwill related to associated undertakings is not test-
ed for impairment separately, but included in the total carrying
amount of the associated undertakings. The policies covering
impairment testing of associated undertakings is disclosed in
section 6 Recognition of operating income and impairment.
IT-development/Computer software
Costs associated with maintaining computer software pro-
grams are expensed as incurred. Costs directly associated
with major software development investments, with a useful
life of three years or more and the ability to generate future
economic benefits, are recognised as intangible assets. These
costs include software development staff costs and overhead
expenditures directly attributable to preparing the asset for
use. Computer software includes also acquired software li-
censes not related to the function of a tangible asset.
Amortisation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the
useful life of the software, generally a period of 3 to 10 years.
Customer related intangible assets
In business combinations a portion of the purchase price is
normally allocated to a customer related intangible asset, if
the asset is identifiable and under Nordeas control. An intan-
gible asset is identifiable if it arises from contractual or legal
rights, or could be separated from the entity and sold, trans-
ferred, licenced, rented or exchanged. The asset is amortised
over its useful life, generally over 10 years.
Goodwill is not amortised but tested for impairment annually
irrespective of any indications of impairment. Impairment
testing is also performed more frequently if required due to
any indication of impairment. The impairment charge is cal-
culated as the difference between the carrying amount and
the recoverable amount.
At each balance sheet date, all intangible assets with defi-
nite useful lives are reviewed for indications of impairment. If
such indications exist, an analysis is performed to assess
whether the carrying amount of the intangible asset is fully
The recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs
to sell and the value in use of the asset or the cash-generating
unit, which is defined as the smallest identifiable group of as-
sets that generates largely independent cash flows in relation
to the asset. For goodwill, the cash generating units are de-
fined as the operating segments. The value in use is the pre-
sent value of the cash flows expected to be realised from the
asset or the cash-generating unit. The cash flows are assessed
based on the asset or cash-generating unit in its current con-
dition and discounted at a rate based on the long-term risk
free interest rate plus a risk premium (post tax). If the recover-
able amount is less than the carrying amount, an impairment
loss is recognised. See Note G20 Intangible assets for more
information on the impairment testing.
B6k O'&4#'2G ).( #T+-49#.2
Property and equipment includes own-used properties, lease-
hold improvements, IT equipment, furniture and other equip-
ment. Items of property and equipment are measured at cost
less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment
losses. The cost of an item of property and equipment com-
prise its purchase price, as well as any directly attributable
costs of bringing the asset to the working condition for its in-
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oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 1C8
tended use. When parts of an item of property and equipment
have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate
Property and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line
basis over the estimated useful life of the assets. The esti-
mates of the useful life of different assets are reassessed on a
yearly basis. Below follows the current estimates:
Buildings 3075 years
Equipment 35 years
Leasehold improvements Changes within buildings the
shorter of 10 years and the
remaining leasing term. New
construction the shorter of the
principles used for owned build-
ings and the remaining leasing
term. Fixtures installed in leased
properties are depreciated over
the shorter of 1020 years and
the remaining leasing term.
At each balance sheet date, Nordea assesses whether there is
any indication that an item of property and equipment may
be impaired. If any such indication exists, the recoverable
amount of the asset is estimated and any impairment loss is
Impairment losses are reversed if the recoverable amount
increases. The carrying amount is then increased to the
recoverable amount, but cannot exceed the carrying amount
that would have been determined had no impairment loss
been recognised.
BQk S.H#,29#.2 4'&4#'2G
Investment properties are primarily properties held to earn
rent and/or capital appreciation. The majority of the proper-
ties in Nordea are attributable to Nordea Life & Pensions.
Nordea applies the fair value model for subsequent measure-
ment of investment properties. The best evidence of a fair val-
ue is normally given by quoted prices in an active market for
similar property in the same location and condition. As these
prices are rarely available discounted cash flow projection
models based on reliable estimates of future cash flows are
also used.
Net rental income, gains and losses as well as fair value
adjustments are recognised directly in the income statement
as Net result from items at fair value.
Bjk e-)J-8-2-#, 2& 4&8-1G"&8(#',
Liabilities to policyholders include obligations according to
insurance contracts and investment contracts with policy-
An insurance contract is defined as a contract under which
one party (the insurer) accepts significant insurance risks
from another party (the policyholder) by agreeing to compen-
sate the policyholder if a specified uncertain future event (the
insured event) adversely affects the policyholder.
Investment contracts are contracts with policyholders that
have the legal form of insurance contracts but where the
insurance risk transfer has been assessed to be insignificant.
The insurance risk is generally calculated as the risk sum
payable as a percentage of the reserve behind the contract at
the beginning of the contract period. It is Nordeas assess-
ment that a risk percentage of five or higher is a significant
insurance risk.
The contracts can be divided into the following classes:
Irsurarco corlracls:
Traditional life insurance contracts with and without
discretionary participation feature
Unit-Linked contracts with significant insurance risk
Health and personal accident
Irvoslmorl corlracls:
Investment contracts with discretionary participation
Investment contracts without discretionary participation
Insurance contracts
The measurement principles under local GAAP have been
maintained consequently resulting in a non-uniform account-
ing policies method on consolidation.
Traditional life insurance provisions represent consolidated
provisions for all the companies in Nordea Life & Pensions,
including companies in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark,
Poland, Luxembourg, Isle of Man, Estonia and Lithuania.
In Denmark, Sweden and Finland the measurements are
prepared by calculating the present value of future benefits,
to which the policyholders are entitled. The calculation
includes assumptions about market consistent discounting
rates as well as expenses and life risk. The discount rate is
based on the liabilities current term. In Denmark, the
provision, in addition, includes bonus potential on paid
policies and on future premiums.
In Norway the provisions are mainly calculated on the basis
of a prospective method. The discount rate used is equal to the
original tariff rates and assumptions about expenses and risk.
The accounting policy for each company is based on the
local structure of the business and is closely related to
solvency rules and national regulation concerning profit shar-
ing and other requirements about collective bonus potential.
Unit-Linked contracts represent life insurance provisions
relating to Unit-Linked policies written either with or without
an investment guarantee. Unit-Linked contracts classified as
insurance contracts include the same insurance risk elements
as traditional insurance contracts. These contracts are mainly
recognised and measured at fair value on the basis of:
lho fair valuo of lho assols lirkod lo lho Lril-Iirkod
contracts, and
lho oslimalod prosorl valuo of lho irsurarco risk which is
calculated in the same way as traditional insurance
contracts considering the impact on every risk element
included in the cash flows.
Health and personal accident provisions include premium
reserves and claims outstanding. This item is recognised and
measured on deferred basis in the same way as general
insurance contracts.
Investment contracts
Investment contracts are contracts with policyholders, which
do not transfer sufficient insurance risk to be classified as
insurance contracts.
However, investment contracts with discretionary partici-
pation features are, in line with IFRS 4, accounted for as
insurance contracts using local accounting principles. Nordea
Life & Pension has only a small number of these contracts.
Investment contracts without discretionary participation
features are recognised and measured at fair value in accord-
ance with IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement, equal to fair value of the assets linked to these
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
Accounl|ng po||c|os - %&'(#) W'&+4
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contracts. These assets are classified into the category
Designated at fair value through profit or loss to eliminate or
significantly reduce an accounting mismatch.
Discretionary participating features (DPF)
Some traditional life insurance contracts and investment
contracts include a contractual right for the policyholder to
receive significant benefits in addition to guaranteed benefits.
Nordea has discretion to pay these additional benefits as
bonus on risk result, expense result and interest rate. These
DPF-features (Collective bonus potential) are classified as
liabilities on the balance sheet.
Collective bonus potential includes amounts allocated but
not attributed to the policyholders. In Finland, collective
bonus potential includes the policyholders part of the total
unrealised investment gains and bonus potential on paid pol-
icies and future premiums (the difference between retrospec-
tive and market consistent prospective measurement princi-
ples of the insurance contracts). In Norway, collective bonus
potential includes the policyholders part of both the total un-
realised investment gains and additional reserves. In Sweden
and Denmark, the main valuation principle is fair value (in-
surance contracts). The policyholders part of both realised
and unrealised investment gains is therefore included on the
balance sheet representing either Change in technical provi-
sions, Life and/or Change in collective bonus potentials,
Life, depending on whether the investment result is allocat-
ed or not. Both the mentioned lines are included on the bal-
ance sheet line Liabilities to policyholders.
Liability adequacy test
The adequacy of insurance provisions is assessed at each report-
ing date to ensure that the carrying amount of the liabilities is
higher than the best estimate of future cash flows discounted
with current interest rates. If needed, additional provisions are
accounted for and recognised in the income statement.
C?k !)Z#,
The item Income tax expense in the income statement
comprises current- and deferred income tax. The income tax
expense is recognised in the income statement, except to the
extent the tax effect relates to items recognised in other com-
prehensive income or directly in equity, in which case the tax
effect is recognised in other comprehensive income or in
equity respectively.
Current tax is the expected tax expense on the taxable in-
come for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively en-
acted at the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable
in respect of previous years.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised, using the
balance sheet method, for temporary differences between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial report-
ing purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. De-
ferred tax assets are recognised for the carry forward of un-
used tax losses and unused tax credits. Deferred tax is not
recognised for temporary differences arising on initial recogni-
tion of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business
combination and that affects neither accounting nor taxable
profit, nor for differences relating to investments in group un-
dertakings and associated undertakings to the extent that it is
probable that they will not reverse in the foreseeable future. In
addition, deferred tax is not recognised for taxable temporary
differences arising on the initial recognition of goodwill.
Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to
be applied to the temporary differences when they reverse, based
on the laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at
the reporting date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not dis-
counted. A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that
it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against
which the temporary differences, tax losses carry forward and
unused tax credits can be utilised. Deferred tax assets are re-
viewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it
is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realised.
Current tax assets and current tax liabilities are offset when the
legal right to offset exists and Nordea intends to either settle the
tax asset and the tax liability net or to recover the asset and set-
tle the liability simultaneously. Deferred tax assets and deferred
tax liabilities are generally offset if there is a legally enforcea-
ble right to offset current tax assets and current tax liabilities.
CBk I)'.-.;, 4#' ,")'#
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit or
loss attributable to shareholders of Nordea Bank AB by the
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding
during the period.
Diluted earnings per share is determined by adjusting the
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding for
the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares, consisting
of rights to performance shares in the long term incentive
The potential ordinary shares are only considered to be
dilutive, on the balance sheet date, if all performance condi-
tions are fulfilled and if a conversion to ordinary shares
would decrease earnings per share. The rights are further-
more considered dilutive only when the exercise price, with
the addition of future services, is lower than the periods
average share price.
CCk I948&G## J#.#/-2,
All forms of consideration given by Nordea to its employees
as compensation for services performed are employee
benefits. Short-term benefits are to be settled within twelve
months after the reporting period when the services have
been performed. Post-employment benefits are benefits
payable after the termination of the employment. Post-
employment benefits in Nordea consist only of pensions.
Termination benefits normally arise if an employment is
terminated before the normal retirement date, or if an
employee accepts an offer of voluntary redundancy.
Short-term benefits
Short term benefits consist mainly of fixed and variable salary.
Both fixed and variable salaries are expensed in the period when
the employees have performed services to Nordea. Nordea
has also issued share-based payment programmes, which are
further described in section 25 Share-based payment.
More information can be found in Note G7 Staff costs.
Post-employment benefits
Pension plans
The companies within Nordea have various pension plans,
consisting of both defined benefit plans and defined contri-
bution plans, reflecting national practices and conditions in
the countries where Nordea operates. Defined benefit plans
are predominantly sponsored in Sweden, Norway and
Finland. The major defined benefit plans are funded schemes
covered by assets in pension funds/foundations. If the fair
value of plan assets, associated with a specific pension plan,
is lower than the gross present value of the defined benefit
obligation, the net amount is, after adjusting for unrecog-
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Accounl|ng po||c|os
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nised actuarial gains/losses, recognised as a liability (defined
benefit obligation). If not, the net amount is recognised as an
asset (defined benefit asset). Non-funded pension plans are
recognised as defined benefit obligations.
Most pensions in Denmark, but also plans in other countries,
are based on defined contribution arrangements that hold no
pension liability for Nordea. Nordea also contributes to public
pension systems.
Pension costs
Obligations for defined contribution pension plans are recog-
nised as an expense as the employee renders services to the
entity and the contribution payable in exchange for that ser-
vice becomes due. Nordeas net obligation for defined benefit
pension plans is calculated separately for each plan by esti-
mating the amount of future benefit that employees have
earned for their service in the current and prior periods. That
benefit is discounted to determine its present value. Any
unrecognised past service cost and the fair value of any plan
assets are deducted and unrecognised actuarial gains/losses
adjusted for. Actuarial calculations, performed annually, are
applied to assess the present value of defined benefit obliga-
tions and related costs, based on several actuarial and finan-
cial assumptions (as disclosed in Note G33 Retirement bene-
fit obligations).
When establishing the present value of the obligation and
the fair value of any plan assets, actuarial gains and losses
may arise as a result of changes in actuarial assumptions and
experience effects (actual outcome compared to assumptions).
The actuarial gains and losses are not recognised immediate-
ly in the income statement. Rather, only when the net cumu-
lative unrecognised actuarial gain or loss exceeds a corridor
equal to 10 percent of the greater of either the present value of
the defined benefit obligation or the fair value of the plan
assets, the excess is recognised in the income statement over
the expected average remaining service period of the employ-
ees participating in the plan. Otherwise, actuarial gains and
losses are not recognised.
When the calculation results in a benefit to the Nordea
entity, the recognised asset is limited to the net total of any
unrecognised actuarial losses, unrecognised past service
costs and the present value of any future refunds from the
plan or reductions in future contributions to the plan.
Social security contribution is calculated and accounted for
based on the net recognised surplus or deficit by plan and is
included in the Retirement benefit obligation or in the Re-
tirement benefit asset.
Discount rate in Defined Benefit Plans
The discount rate is determined by reference to high quality
corporate bonds, where a deep enough market for such bonds
exists. Covered bonds are in this context considered to be
corporate bonds. In countries where no such market exists the
discount rate is determined by reference to government bond
yields. In Sweden, Norway and Denmark the discount rate is
determined with reference to covered bonds and in Finland
with reference to corporate bonds.
Termination benefits
As mentioned above termination benefits normally arise if an
employment is terminated before the normal retirement date,
or if an employee accepts an offer of voluntary redundancy.
Termination benefits do not arise if the employees have to con-
tinue performing services and the termination benefits can be
considered to be normal compensation for those services.
Termination benefits are expensed when Nordea has an
obligation to make the payment. An obligation arises when
there is a formal plan committed to on the appropriate
organisational level and when Nordea is without realistic
possibility of withdrawal, which normally occurs when the
plan has been communicated to the group affected or to their
Termination benefits can include both short-term benefits,
for instance a number of months salary, and post-employ-
ment benefits, normally in the form of early retirement. Short-
term benefits are classified as Salaries and remuneration
and post-employment benefits as Pension costs in Note G7
Staff costs.
C>k IT+-2G
Non-controlling interests
Non-controlling interests comprise the portion of net assets
of group undertakings not owned directly or indirectly by
Nordea Bank AB (publ).
For each business combination, Nordea measures the non-
controlling interests in the acquiree either at fair value or at their
proportionate share of the acquirees identifiable net assets.
Share premium reserve
The share premium reserve consists of the difference between
the subscription price and the quota value of the shares in
Nordeas rights issue. Transaction costs in connection to the
rights issue have been deducted.
Other reserves
Other reserves comprise income and expenses, net after tax
effects, which are reported in equity through other compre-
hensive income. These reserves include fair value reserves for
cash flow hedges and financial assets classified into the cate-
gory Available for sale as well as a reserve for translation dif-
Retained earnings
Apart from undistributed profits from previous years, retained
earnings include the equity portion of untaxed reserves.
Untaxed reserves according to national rules are accounted
for as equity net of deferred tax at prevailing tax rates in the
respective country.
In addition, Nordeas share of the earnings in associated
undertakings, after the acquisition date, that have not been
distributed is included in retained earnings.
Treasury shares
Treasury shares are not accounted for as assets. Acquisitions
of treasury shares are classified as deductions of Retained
earnings on the balance sheet. Also own shares in trading
portfolios are classified as treasury shares. Divested treasury
shares are recognised as an increase of Retained earnings.
Contracts on Nordea shares that can be settled net in cash
are either financial assets or financial liabilities.
C5k 7-.).1-)8 ;+)').2## 1&.2')12, ).( 1'#(-2 1&99-29#.2,
Upon initial recognition, premiums received in issued finan-
cial guarantee contracts and credit commitments are recog-
nised as prepaid income on the balance sheet. The guarantees
and irrevocable credit commitments are subsequently meas-
ured, and recognised as a provision on the balance sheet, at
the higher of either the received fee less amortisation, or an
amount calculated as the discounted best estimate of the ex-
penditure required to settle the present obligation. Changes
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
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in provisions are recognised in the income statement in the
item Net loan losses.
Premiums received for financial guarantees are, as stated in
section 6 Recognition of operating income and impairment,
amortised over the guarantee period and recognised as Fee
and commission income in the income statement. Premiums
received on credit commitments are generally amortised over
the loan commitment period. The contractual amounts are
recognised off-balance sheet, financial guarantees in the item
Contingent liabilities and irrevocable credit commitments
in the item Credit commitments.
CKk D")'#LJ),#( 4)G9#.2
Equity-settled programmes
Nordea has annually issued Long Term Incentive Programmes
from 2007 through 2012. Employees participating in these
programmes are granted share-based equity-settled rights, i.e.
rights to receive shares for free or to acquire shares in Nordea
at a significant discount compared to the share price at grant
date. The value of such rights is expensed. The expense is
based on the estimated fair value of each right at grant date.
The total fair value of these rights is determined based on the
groups estimate of the number of rights that will eventually
vest, which is reassessed at each reporting date. The fair value
is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. The
vesting period is the period that the employees have to remain
in service in Nordea in order for their rights to vest. Market per-
formance conditions in D-rights/Performance Share II are re-
flected as a probability adjustment to the initial estimate of fair
value at grant date. There is no adjustment (true-up) for differ-
ences between estimated and actual vesting due to market con-
Social security costs are also allocated over the vesting
period, in accordance with statement UFR 7 issued by the
Swedish Financial Reporting Board: IFRS 2 and social secu-
rity contributions for listed enterprises. The provision for
social security costs is reassessed on each reporting date to
ensure that the provision is based on the rights fair value at
the reporting date.
For more information see Note G7 Staff costs.
Cash-settled programmes
Nordea has to defer payment of variable salaries under
Nordic FSAs regulations and general guidelines. The
deferred amounts are to some extent indexed using Nordeas
TSR (Total Shareholders Return) and these programmes
are cash-settled share-based programmes. These pro-
grammes are fully vested when the payments of variable sal-
aries are initially deferred and the fair value of the obligation
is remeasured on a continuous basis. The remeasurements
are, together with the related social charges, recognised in
the income statement in the item Net result from items at
fair value.
For more information see Note G7 Staff costs.
Chk @#8)2#( 4)'2G 2').,)12-&.,
Nordea defines related parties as:
Sharoholdors wilh sigrificarl irfluorco
Group urdorlakirgs
Associalod urdorlakirgs
Koy maragomorl porsorrol
lhor rolalod parlios
All transactions with related parties are made on an arms
length basis.
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
Shareholders with significant influence
Shareholders with significant influence are shareholders that
have the power to participate in the financial and operating
decisions of Nordea but do not control those policies.
Group undertakings
For the definition of group undertakings see section 5 Prin-
ciples of consolidation. Further information on the undertak-
ings included in the Nordea Group is found in Note P21 In-
vestments in group undertakings.
Group internal transactions between legal entities are per-
formed according to arms length principles in conformity
with OECD requirements on transfer pricing. These transac-
tions are eliminated in the consolidated accounts.
Associated undertakings
For the definition of Associated undertakings see section 5
Principles of consolidation.
Further information on the associated undertakings includ-
ed in the Nordea Group is found in Note G19 Investments in
associated undertakings.
Key management personnel
Key management personnel includes the following positions:
1ho oard of Diroclors
1ho Chiof Lxoculivo fficor (CL)
1ho Group Lxoculivo Maragomorl (GLM)
For information about compensation, pensions and other
transactions with key management personnel, see Note G7
Staff costs.
Other related parties
Other related parties comprise close family members to indi-
viduals in key management personnel. Other related parties
also include companies significantly influenced by key man-
agement personnel in Nordea Group as well as companies
significantly influenced by close family members to these key
management personnel. Other related parties also include
Nordeas pension foundations.
Information concerning transactions between Nordea and
other related parties is found in Note G46 Related-party
C6k IZ1").;# ')2#,
Income statement (average) 8,7052 9,0293
Balance sheet (at end of period) 8,5820 8,9120
Income statement (average) 7,4438 7,4506
Balance sheet (at end of period) 7,4610 7,4342
Income statement (average) 7,4758 7,7946
Balance sheet (at end of period) 7,3483 7,7540
Income statement (average) 4,1836 4,1203
Balance sheet (at end of period) 4,0740 4,4580
Income statement (average) 39,9253 40,8809
Balance sheet (at end of period) 40,3295 41,7650
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl
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Measurement of Operating segments' performance
The measurement principles and allocation between operating seg-
ments follow the information reported to the Chief Operating Deci-
sion Maker (CODM), as required by IFRS 8. In Nordea the CODM
has been defined as Group Executive Management. The main differ-
ences compared to the business area reporting are that the informa-
tion to CODM is prepared using current years plan rates and to that
different allocations principles between operating segments have
been applied. Internally developed and bought software have previ-
ously been expensed as incurred in the operating segments but capi-
talised, as required by IAS 38, in the group's balance sheet. As from
2012 internally developed and bought software are capitalised
directly in the operating segments. Comparative information has
been restated accordingly.
Basis of segmentation
Compared with the 2011 Annual Report there have been no changes
in the basis of segmentation. Nordea's organisation is developed
around the three main business areas Retail Banking, Wholesale
Banking and Wealth Management and around the business unit
Group Operations & Other Lines of Business. The separate divisions
within these main business areas and business unit have been iden-
tified as operating segments. Also Group Corporate Centre has been
identified as an operating segment. Financial results are presented
for the two main business areas Retail Banking and Wholesale
Banking, with further breakdown on operating segments, and for
the operating segment Group Corporate Centre. Other operating
segments below the quantitative thresholds in IFRS 8 are included
in Other operating segments. Group functions and eliminations as
well as the result that is not fully allocated to any of the operating
segments, are shown separately as reconciling items.
Reportable Operating segments
Retail Banking conducts a full service banking operation and offers a
wide range of products. It is Nordea's largest customer area and
serves household customers and corporate customers in the Nordic
markets (Retail Banking Nordic) as well as in Poland and the Baltic
countries (Retail Banking Poland & Baltic countries). Wholesale
Banking provides banking and other financial solutions to large Nor-
dic and international corporate, institutional and public companies.
The division Corporate & Institutional Banking is a customer ori-
ented organisation serving the largest globally operating corporates.
This division is also responsible for Nordea's customers within the
financial sector, and offers single products such as funds and equity
products as well as consulting services within asset allocation and
fund sales. The division Shipping, Oil Services & International is
responsible for Nordea's customers within the shipping, offshore and
oil services industries and provides tailor made solutions and syndi-
cated loan transactions. Nordea Bank Russia offers a full range of
bank services to corporate and private customers in Russia. Capital
Markets unallocated includes the result in Capital Markets which is
not allocated to the main business areas. Group Corporate Centre's
main objective is to manage the Group's funding and to support the
management and control of the Nordea Group. The main income in
Group Corporate Centre originates from Group Treasury.
Retail Banking
Group Cor-
porate Centre
Other Operat-
ing segments
Total operating
segments Recon ciliation Total Group
Income statement, EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 3,881 3,651 1,145 1,214 399 363 131 159 5,556 5,387 196 69 5,752 5,456
Net fee and
commission income 1,468 1,421 528 547 6 14 582 573 2,572 2,527 68 132 2,504 2,395
Net result from items at fair value 355 423 1,061 822 84 10 378 290 1,878 1,545 94 28 1,784 1,517
Profit from associated undertak-
ings accounted for under the
equity method 37 22 0 0 1 0 4 2 40 24 53 18 93 42
Other income 35 23 11 5 4 0 133 105 183 133 80 42 103 91
Total operating income 5,776 5,540 2,745 2,588 480 359 1,228 1,129 10,229 9,616 7 115 10,236 9,501
- of which internal transactions
2,104 2,058 458 413 2,646 2,573 84 102 0 0
Staff costs 1,306 1,333 773 718 69 62 704 674 2,852 2,787 196 326 3,048 3,113
Other expenses 1,797 1,900 102 106 90 100 55 69 1,934 2,037 74 123 1,860 1,914
Depreciation, amortisation and
impairment charges of tangible
and intangible assets 93 74 38 20 1 0 91 68 223 162 55 30 278 192
Total operating expenses 3,196 3,307 913 844 160 162 740 673 5,009 4,986 177 233 5,186 5,219
Profit before loan losses 2,580 2,233 1,832 1,744 320 197 488 456 5,220 4,630 170 348 5,050 4,282
Net loan losses 625 597 308 173 0 0 24 8 957 778 24 43 933 735
Operating profit 1,955 1,636 1,524 1,571 320 197 464 448 4,263 3,852 146 305 4,117 3,547
Income tax expense 517 436 419 407 79 52 120 122 1,135 1,017 144 104 991 913
Net profit for the year 1,438 1,200 1,105 1,164 241 145 344 326 3,128 2,835 2 201 3,126 2,634
Balance sheet, EURbn
Loans to the public
225 218 64 62 0 0 8 8 297 288 49 49 346 337
Deposits and borrowings from
the public
109 105 46 39 0 0 10 10 165 154 36 36 201 190
1) Including the main business area Wealth Management and the business unit Group Operations & Other Lines of Business.
2) IFRS 8 requires information on revenues from transactions between operating segments. Nordea has defined intersegment revenues as internal interest income and expense
related to the funding of the operating segments by the internal bank in Group Corporate Centre.
3) The volumes are only disclosed separately for operating segments if separately reported to the Chief Operating Decision Maker.
olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl - %&'(#) W'&+4
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D#;9#.2 '#4&'2-.;E 1&.2k
Break-down of Retail Banking
Retail Banking Nordic
Retail Banking Poland
& Baltic countries
Retail Banking Other
Total Retail Banking
Income statement, EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 3,893 3,602 304 275 316 226 3,881 3,651
Net fee and commission income 1,420 1,374 76 72 28 25 1,468 1,421
Net result from items at fair value 344 375 24 50 13 2 355 423
Profit from associated undertakings
accounted for under the equity method 37 22 0 0 0 0 37 22
Other income 18 5 5 7 12 11 35 23
Total operating income 5,712 5,378 409 404 345 242 5,776 5,540
- of which internal customers
1,688 1,766 57 34 359 258 2,104 2,058
Staff costs 993 1,025 69 75 244 233 1,306 1,333
Other expenses 1,931 2,032 110 114 244 246 1,797 1,900
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment
charges of tangible and intangible assets 42 36 8 8 43 30 93 74
Total operating expenses 2,966 3,093 187 197 43 17 3,196 3,307
Profit before loan losses 2,746 2,285 222 207 388 259 2,580 2,233
Net loan losses 561 531 64 66 0 0 625 597
Operating profit 2,185 1,754 158 141 388 259 1,955 1,636
Income tax expense 575 461 39 43 97 68 517 436
Net profit for the year 1,610 1,293 119 98 291 191 1,438 1,200
Balance sheet, EURbn
Loans to the public 211 205 14 13 0 0 225 218
Deposits and borrowings from the public 104 101 5 4 0 0 109 105
1) Retail Banking Nordic includes banking operations in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, while Retail Banking Poland & Baltic countries includes banking operations in
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
2) Retail Banking Other includes the support areas Development & Projects, Distribution, Segments, Products and IT within the main business area Retail Banking.
3) IFRS 8 requires information on revenues from transactions between operating segments. Nordea has defined intersegment revenues as internal interest income and expense
related to the funding of the operating segments by the internal bank in Group Corporate Centre.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl
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Break-down of Wholesale Banking
& Institutional
& Oil Services
Nordea Bank
Capital Markets
Wholesale Bank-
ing Other
Total Wholesale
Income statement, EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 802 785 319 328 196 171 9 3 181 73 1,145 1,214
Net fee and commission income 546 542 61 82 15 14 97 94 3 3 528 547
Net result from items at fair value 396 413 27 29 8 13 630 367 0 0 1,061 822
Profit from associated undertakings
accounted for under the equity
method 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other income 1 0 0 0 3 1 2 1 5 3 11 5
Total operating income 1,745 1,740 407 439 222 199 544 277 173 67 2,745 2,588
- of which internal transactions
229 204 67 74 46 27 70 23 186 85 458 413
Staff costs 39 39 24 25 66 56 444 406 200 192 773 718
Other expenses 439 438 41 41 31 34 205 224 204 183 102 106
Depreciation, amortisation and
impairment charges of tangible
and intangible assets 0 0 0 0 5 6 1 1 32 13 38 20
Total operating expenses 478 477 65 66 102 96 240 183 28 22 913 844
Profit before loan losses 1,267 1,263 342 373 120 103 304 94 201 89 1,832 1,744
Net loan losses 67 31 234 136 6 7 0 0 1 1 308 173
Operating profit 1,200 1,232 108 237 114 96 304 94 202 88 1,524 1,571
Income tax expense 288 294 77 89 27 24 76 24 49 24 419 407
Net profit for the year 912 938 31 148 87 72 228 70 153 64 1,105 1,164
Balance sheet, EURbn
Loans to the public 45 44 13 13 6 5 0 0 0 0 64 62
Deposits and borrowings
from the public 39 33 5 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 46 39
1) Wholesale Banking Other includes the area International Units and the support areas Transaction Products, Segment CIB and IT within the main business area Wholesale Banking.
2) IFRS 8 requires information on revenues from transactions between operating segments. Nordea has defined intersegment revenues as internal interest income and expense
related to the funding of the operating segments by the internal bank in Group Corporate Centre.

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Reconciliation between total operating segments and financial statements
Total operating
income, EURm
Operating profit,
Loans to
the public, EURbn
Deposits and borrowings
from the public, EURbn
2012 2011 2012 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Total Operating
segments 10,229 9,616 4,263 3,852 297 288 165 154
Group functions
10 9 117 236 0 0 0 0
Unallocated items 30 53 83 67 45 39 20 17
Eliminations 195 181
Differences in
accounting policies
162 4 54 2 4 10 16 19
Total 10,236 9,501 4,117 3,547 346 337 201 190
1) Consists of Group Risk Management, Group Internal Audit, Group Identity & Communications, Group Human Resources, Board of Directors and Executive Management.
2) Impact from plan rates used in the segment reporting.
%#2 -.2#'#,2 -.1&9#
EURm 2012 2011
Interest income
Loans to credit institutions 105 282
Loans to the public 10,634 10,318
Interest-bearing securities 901 904
Other interest income 624 451
Interest income 12,264 11,955
Interest expense
Deposits by credit institutions 217 240
Deposits and borrowings from the public 2,007 2,158
Debt securities in issue 3,965 3,586
Subordinated liabilities 354 330
Other interest expenses
31 185
Interest expense 6,512 6,499
Net interest income 5,752 5,456
1) The net interest income from derivatives, measured at fair value and are related to
Nordeas funding. This can have both a positive and negative impact on other inter-
est expense, for further information see Note G1.
Interest income from financial instruments not measured at
fair value through profit and loss amounts to EUR 9,844m
(EUR 9,178m). Interest expenses from financial instruments
not measured at fair value through profit and loss amounts to
EUR 5,283m (EUR 4,819m).
Interest on impaired loans amounted to an insignificant
portion of interest income.
Net interest income
EURm 2012 2011
Interest income 11,955 11,662
Leasing income
309 293
Interest expense 6,512 6,499
Total 5,752 5,456
1) Of which contingent leasing income amounts to EUR 148m (EUR 146m). Contingent
leasing income in Nordea contains of variable interest rates, excluding the fixed
margin. If the contingent leasing income decreases there will be an offsetting
impact from lower funding expenses.
Total operating income split on product
groups, EURm 2012 2011
Banking products 6,571 6,215
Capital Markets products 2,329 2,068
Savings products & Asset management 739 691
Life & Pensions 546 417
Other 51 110
Total 10,236 9,501
Banking products consists of three different product types.
Account products includes account based products such as
lending, deposits, cards and Netbank services. Transaction
products consist of cash management as well as trade and pro-
ject finance services. Financing products includes asset based
financing through leasing, hire purchase and factoring as well
as sales to finance partners such as dealers, vendors and retail-
ers. Capital Markets products contains financial instruments,
or arrangements for financial instruments, that are available in
the financial marketplace, including currencies, commodities,
stocks and bonds. Savings products & Asset management
includes Investment funds, Discretionary Management, Port-
folio Advice, Equity Trading and Pension Accounts. Investment
Funds is a bundled product where the fund company invest in
stocks, bonds, derivatives or other standardised products on
behalf of the fund's shareholders. Discretionary Management
is a service providing the management of an investment port-
folio on behalf of the customer and Portfolio Advise is a service
provided to support the customers investment decisions. Life
& Pensions includes life insurance and pension products and
Geographical information
Total operating
income, EURm Assets, EURbn
2012 2011
31 Dec
31 Dec
Sweden 2,246 2,290 145 146
Finland 1,792 1,573 73 78
Norway 1,944 1,983 92 89
Denmark 3,133 2,680 275 320
Baltic countries 212 28 10 1
Poland 246 252 9 9
Russia 180 180 5 6
Other 483 515 68 67
Total 10,236 9,501 677 716
Nordeas main geographical market comprises the Nordic
countries, the Baltic countries, Poland and Russia. Revenues
and assets are distributed to geographical areas based on the
location of the customers operations. Goodwill is allocated to
different countries based on the location of the business
activities of the acquired entities.
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EURm 2012 2011
Asset management commissions 832 754
Life insurance 301 306
Brokerage, securities issues and corporate
finance 289 266
Custody and issuers services 117 115
Deposits 54 44
Total savings related commissions 1,593 1,485
Payments 416 399
Cards 487 446
Total payment commissions 903 845
Lending 463 437
Guarantees and documentary payment 225 214
Total lending related to commissions 688 651
Other commission income 122 141
Fee and commission income 3,306 3,122
Savings and investments 276 245
Payments 92 87
Cards 238 219
State guarantee fees 89 55
Other commission expenses 107 121
Fee and commission expense 802 727
Net fee and commission income 2,504 2,395
Fee income, not included in determining the effective interest
rate, from financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair
value through profit or loss amounts to EUR 491m (EUR 468m).
Fee income, not included in determining the effective inter-
est rate, from fiduciary activities that result in the holding or
investing of assets on behalf of customers amount to EUR
1,422m (EUR 1,260m). The corresponding amount for fee
expenses is EUR 64m (EUR 67m).
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EURm 2012 2011
Shares/participations and other share-
related instruments 1,657 518
Interest-bearing securities and other interest-
related instruments 2,638 1,452
Other financial instruments 484 163
Foreign exchange gains/losses 253 546
Investment properties 135 158
Change in technical provisions, Life
2,935 937
Change in collective bonus potential, Life 544 607
Insurance risk income, Life 188 217
Insurance risk expense, Life 92 171
Total 1,784 1,517
Net result from categories of financial
EURm 2012 2011
Financial instruments designated at fair
value through profit or loss 40 20
Financial instruments held for trading
1,191 988
Financial instruments under fair value
hedge accounting 36 10
of which net gains/losses on hedging
instruments 1,076 1,940
of which net gains/losses on hedged items 1,040 1,930
Financial assets measured at amortised cost
29 10
Financial liabilities measured at amortised
cost 23 8
Foreign exchange gains/losses excluding
currency hedges 230 317
Other 2 1
Financial risk income, net Life
187 132
Insurance risk income, net Life 96 47
Total 1,784 1,517
1) The figures disclosed for Life (financial risk income and insurance risk income) are
disclosed on gross basis, ie before eliminations of intra-group transactions.
2) Premium income amounts to EUR 2,601m (EUR 2,544m).
3) Of which amortised deferred day one profits amounts to EUR 12m (EUR 14m).
4) Of which EUR 21m related to instruments classified into the category Loans and
receivables and EUR 8m related to instruments classified into the category Held
to maturity.

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EURm 2012 2011
Sale of global custody operations 4 2
Income from real estate 10 3
Disposal of tangible and intangible assets 13 10
Other 76 76
Total 103 91
olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl - %&'(#) W'&+4
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EURm 2012 2011
Pension costs
Defined benefits plans (Note G33)
58 104
Defined contribution plans 189 195
Total 247 299
1) Pension cost for executives as defined in footnote 3 above, amounts to EUR 8m
(EUR 8m) and pension obligations to EUR 57m (EUR 56m).
2) Excluding social security contributions. Including social security contributions
EUR 66m (EUR 124m).
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The qualitative disclosures under these regulations can be
found in the separate section on remuneration in the Board
of Directors Report, while the quantitative disclosures will
be published in a separate report on Nordeas homepage
( one week before the Annual General
Meeting on 14 March 2013.
EURm 2012 2011
Salaries and remuneration (specification
2,327 2,343
Pension costs (specification below) 247 299
Social security contributions 398 388
Other staff costs 76 83
3,048 3,113
Salaries and remuneration
To executives
Fixed compensation and benefits 21 20
Performance-related compensation 8 7
Allocation to profit-sharing 1 0
Total 30 27
To other employees 2,297 2,316
Total 2,327 2,343
1) Of which allocation to profit-sharing 2012 EUR 65m (EUR 37m) consisting of a new
allocation of EUR 70m (EUR 43m) and a release related to prior years of EUR 5m
(EUR 6m).
2) Of which EUR 111m related to New Normal in 2011.
3) Executives include the Board of Directors (including deputies), CEO, deputy CEO,
executive vice presidents and Group Executive Management in the parent company
as well as the Board of Directors (including deputies), managing directors and exe-
cutive vice presidents in operating group undertakings. Former board members
(including deputies), CEOs, deputy CEOs, managing directors and executive vice
presidents, in the parent company and operating group undertakings, are included.
Executives amount to 315 (315) positions.
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The remuneration for the Board was decided to be unchanged
by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2012. The remunera-
tion was EUR 252,000 for the Chairman, EUR 97,650 for the
Vice Chairman and EUR 75,600 for other members and the
annual remuneration for committee work was EUR 16,600 for
the chairman of the committee and EUR 12,900 for other
members. Board members employed by Nordea do not
receive separate compensation for their Board membership.
There are no commitments for severance pay, pension or
other compensation to the members of the Board, except for
pension commitments to one Board member previously
employed by Nordea.
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The fixed salary, variable salary part and contract terms for
the CEO are proposed by the Board Remuneration Commit-
tee (BRC) and approved by the Board. Variable salary part
2012, which is based on agreed, specific targets, can amount
to a maximum of 35% of the fixed salary.
The fixed salary was increased with 2.5% to SEK 10,762,500
(EUR 1,236,330) as from 1 January 2012, which was
announced at the AGM 2012. For 2012 the CEO has earned
variable salary part which, together with the fixed salary, is in
accordance with Nordeas remuneration guidelines approved
by the AGM 2012. The CEO takes part of the Long Term
Incentive Programmes as described in the separate section on
remuneration in the Board of Directors report and below.
Benefits for the CEO include primarily car and housing.
Group Executive Management (GEM)
The BRC prepares alterations in salary levels and outcome of
variable salary part as well as other changes in the compen-
sation package for members of GEM, for resolution by the
Board. Variable salary part 2012, which is based on agreed,
specific targets, can be a maximum of 35% of the fixed
As for the CEO, GEM members take part of the Long Term
Incentive Programmes. Benefits include primarily car and/
or housing.
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Fixed salary/
Board fee
Variable salary part
Long Term
Benefits Total
EUR 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Chairman of the Board:
Bjrn Wahlroos
267,115 227,219 267,115 227,219
Vice Chairman of the Board:
Marie Ehrling
115,207 112,839 115,207 112,839
Former chairman of the Board:
Hans Dalborg
74,199 74,199
Other Board members:
Tom Knutzen 89,240 93,278 89,240 93,278
Lars G Nordstrm 89,240 87,767 89,240 87,767
Bjrn Savn
93,278 93,278
Svein Jacobsen 92,971 98,201 92,971 98,201
Stine Bosse 89,240 89,590 89,240 89,590
Sarah Russell 89,240 93,278 89,240 93,278
Kari Stadigh 92,971 96,089 92,971 96,089
Peter F Braunwalder
66,483 66,483
Christian Clausen
1,236,330 1,162,884 383,262 308,164 277,292 144,782 57,653 22,411 1,954,537 1,638,241
Group Executive
Management (GEM):
7 (7) individuals
excluding CEO
5,248,832 4,637,433 1,560,348 1,084,710 1,170,473 507,492 264,791 222,780 8,244,444 6,452,415
Total 7,476,869 6,866,055 1,943,610 1,392,874 1,447,765 652,274 322,444 245,191 11,190,688 9,156,394
The retirement age for the CEO is 60 and his pension
amounts to 50% of the pensionable income for life. Pensiona-
ble income is defined as the fixed salary. The maximum pen-
sionable income is 200 Swedish Income Base Amounts. The
pension obligation is fully funded, meaning that it is covered
in full by plan assets. At retirement the pension risk is trans-
ferred to the CEO. Pension payments are to be made in
accordance with local legislations and pension insurance con-
Group Executive Management (GEM)
The pension agreements vary due to local country practices.
GEM members are entitled to retire with pension at the age
of 60, 62 or 70. Pension agreements are Defined Benefit Plans
(DBP), Defined Contribution Plans (DCP) or a combination of
such plans.
Two members have DBPs not based on collective agree-
ments. One of these DBPs provides retirement pension
amounting to 50% of pensionable income for life from age
62, including national pension benefits. The second DBP
not based on a collective agreement provides a retirement
pension from age 60, including both national pension bene-
fits and previously earned pension. The retirement pension
benefit in this plan decreased from 70% to 66% of pension-
able income for future earnings as from 1 January 2011.
Two members have DBPs in accordance with the Swedish
collective agreement and complementing DCPs. Three
members have DCPs only. Fixed salary is pensionable
income for all GEM-members. Variable salary part is
included for two members.
1) The Board fee consists of a fixed annual fee and a fixed annual fee for committee
work. These are accounted for in SEK and translated into EUR based on the average
exchange rate each year.
2) CEO and members of GEM have a conditional right to maximum 61,158 matching
shares, 122,316 performance shares I and 61,158 performance shares II in LTIP 2010,
114,867 matching shares, 229,735 performance shares I and 114,867 performance
shares II in LTIP 2011 and 157,978 matching shares, 473,934 performance shares I and
157,978 performance shares II in LTIP 2012. The disclosed expense is calculated in
accordance with IFRS 2 Share-based Payment. LTIP costs increased mainly as
LTIP 2011 and LTIP 2012 allows CEO and members of GEM to invest 15% of their
salaries in saving shares instead of 10% in earlier programmes. The LTIP expense in
2011 was also on a lower level due to a shift from a two year vesting period until
LTIP 2009 to a three year vesting period as from LTIP 2010. See below for more infor-
mation on the valuation of the Long Term Incentive Programmes.
3) New Chairman of the Board as from the AGM 2011.
4) New Vice Chairman of the Board as from the AGM 2011.
5) Resigned as Chairman of the Board as from the AGM 2011.
6) Employee representatives excluded.
7) Resigned as Board member in December 2011.
8) New member of the Board as from the AGM 2012.
9) The CEOs salary is paid in SEK and converted to EUR based on the average
exchange rate each year. The increase in fixed salary 2012 is in accordance with the
salary increase communicated at the AGM 2012 of 2.5% and the remaining increase
is due to the exchange rate effect. Benefits are included at taxable values after salary
deduction. In 2011 Nordea bought an apartment to be used by the CEO as from April
2012. The new housing arrangement has had an increasing effect on the disclosed
housing benefit, defined as the taxable benefit used when calculating social charges.
The taxable housing benefit for the CEO is largely unchanged.
10) GEM members are included for the period they have been appointed. Two new
GEM members were appointed, and one member retired, in May 2011. The increase
in compensation is mainly due to the full year impact of one additional GEM mem-
ber, a general salary increase and exchange rate effects. Benefits are included at tax-
able values.
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2012 2011
Conditional rights LTIP 2012
Share I
Share II
Share I
Share II
Granted 1,270,410 3,188,486 1,270,410
Forfeited 5,973 11,946 5,973
Outstanding at end of year 1,264,437 3,176,540 1,264,437
of which currently exercisable
Conditional rights LTIP 2011
Outstanding at the beginning of year

950,056 1,900,112 950,056
35,599 71,199 35,599 950,056 1,900,112 950,056
Forfeited 14,460 28,920 14,460
Outstanding at end of year 971,195 1,942,391 971,195 950,056 1,900,112 950,056
of which currently exercisable
Conditional rights LTIP 2010
Outstanding at the beginning of year 889,163 1,778,326 889,163 896,645 1,793,290 896,645
Forfeited 18,135 36,270 18,135 7,482 14,964 7,482
Outstanding at end of year 871,028 1,742,056 871,028 889,163 1,778,326 889,163
of which currently exercisable
2012 2011
Board members
Lars G Nordstrm 402,250 430,549
Christian Clausen
843,527 12,151,364 1,514,941 11,466,681
Group Executive
7 (7) individuals
excluding CEO
2,108,905 5,337,679 2,184,289 4,606,923
Former Chair-
man of the Board
and CEOs:
Vesa Vainio and
Thorleif Krarup
18,132,111 18,271,060
Total 2,952,432 36,023,404 3,699,230 34,775,213
1) Employee representatives excluded. The pension obligation is in accordance
with the collective pension agreement BTP and earned during the employment
2) The main reason behind the decrease in pension cost is the increase of the maxi-
mum pensionable income in 2011, from 190 Swedish Income Base Amounts to
200 Swedish Income Base Amounts, which gave rise to a Past service cost of
EUR 838,042 in 2011. The Past service cost constituted the retroactive adjust-
ment of the pension earned in earlier periods following the increase in the max-
imum pensionable income. New pension rights earned in 2012, the discount fac-
tor and exchange rate effects have had an increasing impact on the pension
obligation, while changes in actuarial assumptions have had a decreasing
3) Members of GEM included for the period they have been appointed. The pen-
sion obligation is the obligation towards the members of GEM as of 31 Decem-
ber. The increase in the pension obligation is due to new pension rights earned
and exchange rate effects, to some extent offset by changes in actuarial assump-
4) Pension costs are related to pension premiums paid in DCP agreements and
pension rights earned during the year in DBP agreements (Service cost, Past ser-
vice cost and Curtailments and settlements as defined in IAS 19). Of the total
pension cost EUR 1,094,953 (1,029,988) relates to DCP agreements.
5) Pension obligations calculated in accordance with IAS 19. These obligations are
dependent on changes in actuarial assumptions and inter annual variations can
therefore be significant. IAS 19 includes an assumption about future increases
in salary, which leads to that the pension obligations disclosed are the earned
pension rights calculated using the expected salary levels at retirement. The
pension plans are funded, meaning that these obligations are backed with plan
assets with fair value generally on a similar level as the obligations.
6) The pension obligation for Vesa Vainio and Thorleif Krarup is mainly due to
pension rights earned in, and funded by, banks forming Nordea.
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In accordance with their employment contracts CEO and
three GEM members have a notice period of 12 months and
a severance pay equal to 12 months salary to be reduced by
the salary the executive receives as a result of any other
employment during these 12 months. Four GEM members
are entitled to 6 months salary during the notice period,
and with regard to severance pay 18 months salary to be
reduced by the salary they receive as a result of any other
employment during these 18 months.
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Loans to key management personnel, as defined in Note
G1 section 26, amounts to EUR 6m (EUR 4m). Interest
income on these loans amounts to EUR 0m (EUR 0m).
For key management personnel who are employed by
Nordea the same credit terms apply as for other employees,
except for key management personnel in Denmark whose
loans are granted on terms based on market conditions. In
Norway the employee interest rate for loans is 100 basis
points lower than the best corresponding interest rate for
external customers, with a cap on the loan amount of 3
times salary grade 55 plus NOK 100,000. In Finland the
employee interest rate for loans corresponds to Nordea's
funding cost with a margin of 10 basis points up to EUR
400,000, and 30 basis points on the part that exceeds EUR
400,000. In Sweden the employee interest rate on fixed- and
variable interest rate loans is 215 basis points lower than
the corresponding interest rate for external customers (with
a lower limit of 50 basis points for variable interest rate
loans and 150 basis points for fixed interest rate loans).
There is currently a cap of 57 Swedish price base amounts
both on fixed- and variable interest rate loans. Interest on
loans above the defined caps is set on market terms. Loans
to family members of key management personnel are
granted on normal market terms, as well as loans to key
management personnel who are not employed by Nordea.
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2012 2011
Rights LTIP 2009 A-rights B-C-rights D-rights A-rights B-C-rights D-rights
Outstanding at the beginning of year 316,498 306,340 119,944 959,006 959,006 383,602
Forfeited 11,962 11,962 11,962
202,631 186,841 73,678 642,508 652,666 263,658
Outstanding at end of year 101,905 107,537 34,304 316,498 306,340 119,944
of which currently exercisable 101,905 107,537 34,304 316,498 306,340 119,944
Rights LTIP 2008
Outstanding at the beginning of year 52,654 54,351 43,573 98,255 100,383 80,695
Forfeited 7,043 7,043 7,043 500 500 500
45,611 47,308 36,530 45,101 45,532 36,622
Outstanding at end of year 0 0 0 52,654 54,351 43,573
of which currently exercisable 0 0 0 52,654 54,351 43,573
1) Granted rights in 2012 in LTIP 2011 are compensation for dividend on the underlying Nordea share during 2012.
2) Weighted average share price during the exercise period amounts to EUR 6.88 (EUR 7.45).
Participation in the Long Term Incentive Programmes (LTIPs) requires that the participants take direct ownership by investing
in Nordea shares.
LTIP 2012 LTIP 2011
Matching Share
Share I
Share II Matching Share
Share I
Share II
Ordinary share per right 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00
Exercise price
Grant date 13 May 2012 13 May 2012 13 May 2012 13 May 2011 13 May 2011 13 May 2011
Vesting period 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months
Contractual life 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months
Allotment April/May 2015 April/May 2015 April/May 2015 April/May 2014 April/May 2014 April/May 2014
Fair value at grant date EUR 6.55 EUR 6.55 EUR 2.37 EUR 7.90
EUR 7.90
EUR 2.86
1) The fair value has been recalculated due to dividend during the vesting period which the participants are compensated for through additional Matching and Performance Shares.

LTIP 2010 LTIP 2009
Matching Share
Share I
Share II A-rights B-C-rights D-rights
Ordinary share per right 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Exercise price EUR 0.51 EUR 0.12 EUR 0.12
Grant date 13 May 2010 13 May 2010 13 May 2010 14 May 2009 14 May 2009 14 May 2009
Vesting period 36 months 36 months 36 months 24 months 24 months 24 months
Contractual life 36 months 36 months 36 months 48 months 48 months 48 months
Allotment/First day of exercise April/May 2013 April/May 2013 April/May 2013 29 April 2011 29 April 2011 29 April 2011
Fair value at grant date EUR 6.75 EUR 6.75 EUR 2.45 EUR 4.66 EUR 5.01 EUR 1.75
LTIP 2008
A-rights B-C-rights D-rights
Ordinary share per right 1.30 1.30 1.30
Exercise price EUR 1.75 EUR 0.98 EUR 0.98
Grant date 13 May 2008 13 May 2008 13 May 2008
Vesting period 24 months 24 months 24 months
Contractual life 48 months 48 months 48 months
First day of exercise 29 April 2010 29 April 2010 29 April 2010
Fair value at grant date EUR 7.53 EUR 8.45 EUR 4.14
1) The new rights issue, which was resolved on an extra ordinary general meeting on 12 March 2009, triggered recalculations of some of the parameters in LTIP 2008, in accordance
with the agreement of the programme. The recalculation was performed with the purpose of putting the participants in an equivalent financial position as the one being at hand
immediately prior to the new rights issue.
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D2)// 1&,2,E 1&.2k
LTIP 2012 LTIP 2011 LTIP 2010 LTIP 2009
LTIP 2008
Service condi-
tion, A-D-
ing Share/
Share I and II
Employed, with
certain exemptions,
within the Nordea
Group during the
three year vesting
Employed, with
certain exemptions,
within the Nordea
Group during the
three year vesting
Employed, with
certain exemptions,
within the Nordea
Group during the
three year vesting
Employed, with cer-
tain exemptions,
within the Nordea
Group during the
two year vesting
Employed, with cer-
tain exemptions,
within the Nordea
Group during the two
year vesting period.
Share I
Average RARO-
CAR during the
period 2012 up to
and including 2014.
Full right to exer-
cise will be
obtained if the
amounts to 17%.
Compound Annual
Growth Rate in
RAPPS from year
2010 (base year) to
and including year
2013. Full right to
exercise will be
obtained if the
Compound Annual
Growth Rate
amounts to or
exceeds 10%.
Compound Annual
Growth Rate in
RAPPS from year
2009 (base year) to
and including year
2012. Full right to
exercise will be
obtained if the
Compound Annual
Growth Rate
amounts to or
exceeds 9%.
Increase in RAPPS
2009 compared to
2008. Full right to
exercise was
obtained if RAPPS
increased by 8% or
Increase in RAPPS
2008 compared to
2007. Full right to
exercise was obtained
if RAPPS increased
by 12% or more.
EPS knock
out, B-rights/
Share I
Average reported
EPS for 20112013
lower than EUR 0.26.
Average reported
EPS for 20102012
lower than EUR 0.26.
Reported EPS for
2009 lower than EUR
Reported EPS for
2008 lower than EUR
Increase in RAPPS
2010 compared to
2009. Full right to
exercise was
obtained if RAPPS
increased by 8% or
Increase in RAPPS
2009 compared to
2008. Full right to
exercise was obtained
if RAPPS increased
by 12% or more.
EPS knock
out, C-rights
Reported EPS for
2010 lower than EUR
Reported EPS for
2009 lower than EUR
Share II
RAROCAR during
the period 2012 up
to and including
2014 and P/B-rank-
ing year-end 2014
compared to a peer
group. Full right to
exercise will be
obtained if the
amounts to 14%
and if Nordeas
P/B-ranking is 15.
TSR during
20112013 in com-
parison with a peer
group. Full right to
exercise will be
obtained if Nordea
is ranked number
TSR during
20102012 in com-
parison with a peer
group. Full right to
exercise will be
obtained if Nordea
is ranked number
TSR during
20092010 in com-
parison with a peer
group. Full right to
exercise was ob tained
if Nordea was ranked
number 1.
TSR during
20082009 in com-
parison with a peer
group. Full right to
exercise was obtained
if Nordea was ranked
number 1.
Cap The market value of
the allotted shares
is capped to the
annual salary for
year-end 2011.
The market value of
the allotted shares
is capped to the
annual salary for
year-end 2010.
The market value of
the alloted shares
is capped to the
annual salary for
year-end 2009.
The profit per A-D-
right is capped to
EUR 9.59 per right.
The profit per A-D-
right is capped to
EUR 21.87 per right.
M&.(-2-&., ).( '#T+-'#9#.2,
For each ordinary share the participants lock in to the LTIPs,
they are granted a conditional A-right/Matching Share to
acquire or receive ordinary shares based on continued employ-
ment, with certain exemptions, and the conditional B-D-rights/
Performance Share I and II to acquire or receive additional
ordinary shares also based on fulfilment of certain perfor-
mance conditions. The performance conditions for B- and
C-rights and for Performance Share I comprise a target growth
in risk adjusted profit per share (RAPPS) or a target in risk-
adjusted return on capital at risk (RAROCAR). Should the
reported earnings per share (EPS) be lower than a predeter-
mined level the participants are not entitled to exercise any
B- or C-rights or Performance Share I. The performance condi-
tions for D-rights and Performance Share II are market related
and comprise growth in total shareholder return (TSR) in
comparison with a peer groups TSR or a target in RAROCAR
and in P/B-ranking compared to a peer group.
When the performance conditions are not fulfilled in full,
the rights that are no longer exercisable are shown as forfeited
in the previous tables, together with shares forfeited due to
participants leaving the Nordea Group.
The exercise price, where applicable, for the ordinary
shares is adjusted for dividends, however never adjusted
below a predetermined price. Furthermore the profit for each
right is capped.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 122
7)-' H)8+# 1)81+8)2-&.,
The fair value is measured through the use of generally accepted valuation models with the following input factors:
LTIP 2012 LTIP 2011 LTIP 2010 LTIP 2009 LTIP 2008
Weighted average share price EUR 6.70 EUR 8.39 EUR 6.88 EUR 5.79 EUR 11.08
Right life 3.0 years 3.0 years 3.0 years 2.5 years 2.5 years
Deduction of expected dividends No No No Yes Yes
Risk free rate Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 1.84% 3.83%
Expected volatility Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 29% 21%
Expected volatility is based on historical values. As the exercise
price (zero for LTIP 2010, LTIP 2011 and LTIP 2012) is significantly
below the share price at grant date, the value has a limited sensi-
tivity to expected vola tility and risk-free interest. The fair value
calculations are also based on estimated early exercise behaviour
during the programmes exercise windows, however not applica-
ble for LTIP 2010, LTIP 2011 and LTIP 2012.
The value of the D-rights/Performance Share II are based
on market related conditions and fulfilment of the TSR,
RAROCAR and P/B targets have been taken into considera-
tion when calculating the rights fair value at grant date.
When calculating the impact from the market conditions it
has been assumed that all possible outcomes have equal pos-
sibilities. Also the caps in each programme have been taken
into consideration when calculating the rights fair value at
grant. The adjustment to fair value is approximately 23% of
the weighted average share price.

IZ4#.,#, /&' #T+-2GL,#228#( ,")'#LJ),#( 4)G9#.2 4'&;')99#,

EURm LTIP 2012 LTIP 2011 LTIP 2010 LTIP 2009 LTIP 2008
Expected expense for the whole programme 19 19 12 11 10
Maximum expense for the whole programme 32 26 20 11 10
Total expense during 2012 4 6 2
Total expense during 2011 3 4 2
1) All amounts excluding social security contribution.
When calculating the expected expense an expected annual employee turnover of 5% has been used in LTIP 2010, LTIP 2011 and
LTIP 2012. The expected expense is recognised over the vesting period of 36 months (LTIP 2010, LTIP 2011, LTIP 2012) and 24
months (LTIP 2009 and 2008).
D2)// 1&,2,E 1&.2k
LTIP 2012 LTIP 2011 LTIP 2010 LTIP 2009
LTIP 2008
The number of
Matching Shares
and Performance
Shares will be
adjusted for divi-
dends on the
underlying Nordea
share during the
vesting period, as if
assuming that each
dividend was used
to immediately
invest in additional
Nordea shares.
The number of
Matching Shares
and Performance
Shares will be
adjusted for divi-
dends on the
underlying Nordea
share during the
vesting period, as if
assuming that each
dividend was used
to immediately
invest in additional
Nordea shares.
The exercise price
will be adjusted for
dividends during the
exercise period, how-
ever never adjusted
below EUR 0.10.
The exercise price
will be adjusted for
dividends during the
exercise period, how-
ever never adjusted
below EUR 0.10.
1) RAPPS for the financial year 2008 and 2009 used for LTIP 2008 (C-rights) and LTIP 2009 (B- and C-rights), EPS knock out in LTIP 2008 (C-rights) and LTIP 2009 (B- and
C-rights) and the cap in LTIP 2009 and LTIP 2008 were in 2009 adjusted due to the financial effects of the new rights issue in 2009.
olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 123
M),"L,#228#( ,")'#LJ),#( 4)G9#.2 2').,)12-&.,
Nordea operates share-linked deferrals on parts of variable
compensation for certain employee categories, indexed with
Nordea Total Shareholder Returns (TSR) and either vesting
after three years or vesting in equal instalments over a three
to five year period. Since 2011 Nordea also operates TSR-
linked retention on part of variable compensation for certain
employee categories. The below table only includes deferred
amounts indexed with Nordea TSR. Nordea also operates
deferrals not being TSR-linked, which are not included in the
table below. Further information regarding all deferred
amounts can be found in the separate report on remuneration
published on Nordeas homepage (
EURm 2012 2011
Deferred TSR-linked compensation at
beginning of the year 10 13
Accrued deferred/retained TSR-linked
compensation during the year 11 5
TSR indexation during the year 4 3
Payments during the year
4 4
Translation differences 0 1
Deferred TSR-linked compensation at
end of year
21 10
1) There have been no adjustments due to forfeitures in 2012.
2) Of which EUR 9m is available for disposal by the employees in 2013. Due to that
the allocation of variable compensation is not finally decided during the current
year, the deferred amount during the year relates to variable compensation
earned the previous year.
YH#');# .+9J#' &/ #948&G##,
Total Men Women
2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Full-time equivalents
Denmark 8,545 8,475 4,329 4,248 4,216 4,227
Finland 7,312 7,785 1,889 1,957 5,423 5,828
Sweden 7,102 7,530 3,148 3,320 3,954 4,210
Norway 3,343 3,536 1,788 1,896 1,555 1,640
Poland 2,416 2,118 913 664 1,503 1,454
Russia 1,520 1,659 525 593 995 1,066
Estonia 475 469 103 76 372 393
Latvia 462 433 137 99 325 334
Luxembourg 423 354 260 336 163 18
Lithuania 365 345 111 91 254 254
United States 101 89 49 46 52 43
United Kingdom 69 71 40 42 29 29
Singapore 65 59 23 23 42 36
Germany 49 39 29 20 20 19
Other countires 27 21 10 9 17 12
Total average 32,274 32,983 13,354 13,420 18,920 19,563
Total number of employees (FTEs), end of period 31,466 33,068
D2)// 1&,2,E 1&.2k
Gender distribution
In the parent companys Board of Directors 67% (62%) were
men and 33% (38%) were women. In the Board of Directors of
the Nordea Group companies, 84% (84%) were men and 16%
(16%) were women. The corresponding numbers for Other
executives were 67% (68%) men and 33% (32%) women. Inter-
nal Boards consist mainly of management in Nordea.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 124
%#2 8&). 8&,,#,
EURm 2012 2011
Divided by class
Loans to credit institutions 1 2
of which provisions 5 1
of which write-offs 7
of which allowances to cover write-offs 7
of which reversals 4 1
of which recoveries 2
Loans to the public 939 659
of which provisions 1,438 1,154
of which write-offs 643 800
of which allowances to cover write-offs 453 625
of which reversals 611 596
of which recoveries 78 74
Off-balance sheet items
7 78
of which provisions 43 148
of which write-offs 315
of which allowances to cover write-offs 315
of which reversals 50 70
Total 933 735
Changes of allowance accounts on
the balance sheet 821 636
of which Loans, individually assessed
945 761
of which Loans, collectively assessed
117 203
of which Off-balance sheet items,
individually assessed
13 87
of which Off-balance sheet items,
collectively assessed
6 9
Changes directly recognised in the income
statement 112 99
of which realised loan losses, individually
assessed 190 175
of which realised recoveries, individually
assessed 78 76
Total 933 735
1) Included in Note G32 Provisions as Transfer risk, off-balance and Individually
assessed, guarantees and other commitments.
2) Included in Note G13 Loans and impairment.

0#4'#1-)2-&.E )9&'2-,)2-&. ).( -94)-'9#.2

1")';#, &/ 2).;-J8# ).( -.2).;-J8# ),,#2,
EURm 2012 2011
Property and equipment (Note G21)
Equipment 110 110
Buildings 0 1
Intangible assets (Note G20)
Computer software 106 55
Other intangible assets 24 24
Total 240 190
Impairment charges/Reversed impairment charges
Property and equipment (Note G21)
Intangible assets (Note G20)
Other intangible assets 38 2
Total 38 2
Total 278 192
:2"#' #Z4#.,#,

EURm 2012 2011
Information technology 639 647
Marketing and representation 121 131
Postage, transportation, telephone and office
expenses 224 232
Rents, premises and real estate 421 444
455 460
Total 1,860 1,914
1)Including fees and remuneration to auditors distributed as follows.
Y+(-2&',3 /##
EURm 2012 2011
Auditing assignments 7 5
Audit-related services 1 2
Tax advisory services 0 0
Other assignments 2 5
Total 10 12
olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 125
S.1&9# 2)Z #Z4#.,#
EURm 2012 2011
Current tax
1,000 709
Deferred tax 9 204
Total 991 913
1) Of which relating to prior years 27 18
Current and deferred tax recognised in Other comprehensive income
Deferred tax assets due to hedge of net investments in foreign operations 45 0
Deferred tax relating to available-for-sale investments 17 1
Deferred tax relating to cash flow hedges 50 43
Total 78 44
The tax on the Groups operating profit differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the tax rate of Sweden as follows:
EURm 2012 2011
Profit before tax 4,117 3,547
Tax calculated at a tax rate of 26.3% 1,083 933
Effect of different tax rates in other countries 29 14
Income from associated undertakings 15 9
Tax-exempt income 59 48
Non-deductible expenses 39 69
Adjustments relating to prior years 27 18
Utilization of non-capitalized tax losses carry-forwards from previous periods 0 0
Change of tax rate
73 2
Not creditable foreign taxes 18 2
Tax charge 991 913
Average effective tax rate 24% 26%
1) Due to change of corporate tax rate in Sweden from 26.3% to 22.0%.
0#/#''#( 2)Z
Deferred tax
Deferred tax
EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011
Deferred tax related to:
Tax losses carry-forward 18 16
Untaxed reserves 36 1
Loans to the public 19 29 465 483
Shares 19 5
Derivatives 26 147 19 212
Intangible assets 0 5 80 85
Property and equipment 6 8 0 2
Investment property 177 176
Retirement benefit assets/obligations 27 60 57 69
Hedge of net investments in foreign operations 97 57 14
Liabilities/provisions 93 70 212 194
Netting between deferred tax assets and liabilities 68 223 68 223
Total 218 169 997 1,018
of which expected to be settled after more than 1 year 154 96 953 891
EURm 2012 2011
Movements in deferred tax assets/liabilities (net)
Amount at beginning of year (net) 849 607
Deferred tax relating to items recognised in Other comprehensive income 78 44
Translation differences 13 6
Acquisitions and others 4 0
Deferred tax in the income statement 9 204
Amount at end of year (net) 779 849
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 126
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl
EURm 2012 2011
Current tax assets 78 185
of which expected to be settled after more than 1 year 9 17
Current tax liabilities 391 154
of which expected to be settled after more than 1 year 26 36
Unrecognised deferred tax assets
Unused tax losses carry-forward 53 54
Total 53 54
Expire date 2012 1
Expire date 2013 0
No expiry date 53 53
Total 53 54
I)'.-.;, 4#' ,")'#
2012 2011
Profit attributable to shareholders of Nordea Bank AB (publ) (EURm) 3,119 2,627
Number of shares (in millions):
Number of shares outstanding at beginning of year 4,047 4,043
Average number of issued C-shares
2 3
Average number of repurchased own C-shares
2 3
Average number of own shares in trading portfolio 23 16
Basic weighted average number of shares outstanding 4,024 4,027
Adjustment for diluted weighted average number of additional ordinary shares outstanding
1, 2
2 1
Diluted weighted average number of shares outstanding 4,026 4,028
Basic earnings per share, EUR 0.78 0.65
Diluted earnings per share, EUR 0.78 0.65
1) Relates to the Long Term Incentive Programmes (LTIP).
2) Contingently issuable shares not included, that can potentially dilute basic earnings per share in future periods, exist in the Long Term Incentive Programmes.
!)Z#,E 1&.2k
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 127
e&)., ).( -94)-'9#.2
Central banks and
credit institutions The public
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Loans, not impaired
18,578 51,860 342,190 334,554 360,768 386,414
Impaired loans
24 33 6,881 5,092 6,905 5,125
of which performing 9 4,023 2,937 4,023 2,946
of which non-performing 24 24 2,858 2,155 2,882 2,179
Loans before allowances 18,602 51,893 349,071 339,646 367,673 391,539
Allowances for individually assessed impaired loans 24 26 2,376 1,866 2,400 1,892
of which performing 1,332 1,080 1,332 1,080
of which non-performing 24 26 1,044 786 1,068 812
Allowances for collectively assessed impaired loans 4 2 444 577 448 579
Allowances 28 28 2,820 2,443 2,848 2,471
Loans, carrying amount 18,574 51,865 346,251 337,203 364,825 389,068
1) Finance leases, where Nordea Group is a lessor, are included in Loans to the public, see Note G22 Leasing.
2) Comparative figures have been restated to ensure consistency between periods, see Note G1 for more information.
@#1&.1-8-)2-&. &/ )88&N).1# )11&+.2, /&' -94)-'#( 8&).,
Central banks and
credit institutions The public Total
assessed Total
assessed Total
assessed Total
Opening balance at 1 Jan 2012 26 2 28 1,866 577 2,443 1,892 579 2,471
Provisions 0 5 5 1,313 125 1,438 1,313 130 1,443
Reversals 1 3 4 367 244 611 368 247 615
Changes through the income statement 1 2 1 946 119 827 945 117 828
Allowances used to cover write-offs 453 453 453 0 453
Reclassification 0 0 21 21 0 21 21 0
Translation differences 1 0 1 4 7 3 5 7 2
Closing balance at 31 Dec 2012 24 4 28 2,376 444 2,820 2,400 448 2,848
Opening balance at 1 Jan 2011 33 3 36 1,719 779 2,498 1,752 782 2,534
Provisions 0 0 0 1,065 90 1,155 1,065 90 1,155
Reversals 0 1 1 304 292 596 304 293 597
Changes through the income statement 0 1 1 761 202 559 761 203 558
Allowances used to cover write-offs 7 7 625 625 632 632
Translation differences 0 0 0 11 0 11 11 0 11
Closing balance at 31 Dec 2011 26 2 28 1,866 577 2,443 1,892 579 2,471
1) See Note G10 Net loan losses.
Y88&N).1#, ).( 4'&H-,-&.,
Central banks and
credit institutions The public Total
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Allowances for items on the balance sheet 28 28 2,820 2,443 2,848 2,471
Provisions for off balance sheet items 16 13 68 80 84 93
Total allowances and provisions 44 41 2,888 2,523 2,932 2,564
]#G ')2-&,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Impairment rate, gross, basis points
188 131
Impairment rate, net, basis points
123 83
Total allowance rate, basis points 77 63
Allowances in relation to impaired loans, %
35 37
Total allowances in relation to impaired loans, %
41 48
Non-performing loans, not impaired, EURm
614 307
1) For definitions, see Business definitions on page 93.
2) Comparative figures have been restated to ensure consistency between periods, see Note G1 for more information.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 128
S.2#'#,2LJ#)'-.; ,#1+'-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Eligible as collateral with central banks
Issued by State and sovereigns 9,258 10,894
Issued by Municipalities and
other public bodies 2,236 1,316
Issued by other entities 14,885 14,896
Non eligible
Issued by public bodies 10,711 11,183
Issued by other borrowers 65,813 61,807
Total 102,903 100,096
of which Financial instruments pledged
as collateral (Note G15) 7,964 7,723
Total 94,939 92,373
Listed and unlisted securities incl Finan-
cial instruments pledged as collateral
Listed securities 95,487 90,816
Unlisted securities 7,416 9,280
Total 102,903 100,096

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In repurchase transactions and in securities lending transac-
tions, non-cash assets are transferred as collateral. When the
counterpart receiving the collateral has the right to sell or
repledge the assets, the assets are reclassified on the balance
sheet to the item Financial instruments pledged as collateral.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Interest-bearing securities 7,964 7,723
Shares 6 650
Total 7,970 8,373
For information on transferred assets and reverse repos, see
Note G43.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Shares 11,983 10,509
Shares taken over for protection of claims 1 4
Fund units, equity related 8,871 5,034
Fund units, interest related 7,279 5,270
Total 28,134 20,817
of which Financial instruments pledged
as collateral (Note G15) 6 650
Total 28,128 20,167
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 19,273 15,894
Listed and unlisted shares incl Financial
instruments pledged as collateral
Listed shares 24,630 15,283
Unlisted shares 3,504 5,534
Total 28,134 20,817
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 129
0#'-H)2-H#, ).( \#(;# )11&+.2-.;
Fair value
Total nom
amount 31 Dec 2012, EURm Positive Negative
Derivatives held for trading
Interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps 89,774 84,279 3,707,415
FRAs 21 29 24,998
Futures and forwards 585 559 1,438,612
Options 12,163 12,147 450,396
Other 15 0 1,177
Total 102,558 97,014 5,622,598
Equity derivatives
Equity swaps 93 107 4,705
Futures and forwards 16 13 395
Options 514 448 12,711
Total 623 568 17,811
Foreign exchange derivatives
Currency and interest rate swaps 10,593 13,345 792,777
Currency forwards 505 893 91,048
Options 202 212 26,329
Other 0 0 242
Total 11,300 14,450 910,396
Credit derivatives
Credit Default Swaps (CDS) 637 655 47,052
Total 637 655 47,052
Commodity derivatives
Swaps 493 433 5,694
Futures and forwards 5 26 599
Options 30 28 1,524
Total 528 487 7,817
Other derivatives
Swaps 8 426
Options 11 6 233
Other 49 14 1,924
Total 60 28 2,583
Total derivatives held for trading 115,706 113,202 6,608,257
Derivatives used for hedge accounting
Interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps 2,281 594 58,816
Options 0 0 1,042
Total 2,281 594 59,858
Foreign exchange derivatives
Currency and interest rate swaps 802 407 8,871
Total 802 407 8,871
Total derivatives used for hedge accounting 3,083 1,001 68,729
Total derivatives 118,789 114,203 6,676,986
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 13C
0#'-H)2-H#, ).( \#(;# )11&+.2-.;E 1&.2k
Fair value
Total nom
amount 31 Dec 2011, EURm Positive Negative
Derivatives held for trading
Interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps 136,856 133,660 3,655,420
FRAs 76 92 79,776
Futures and forwards 1,084 873 1,451,249
Options 11,320 11,915 515,269
Other 0 15
Total 149,336 146,540 5,701,729
Equity derivatives
Equity swaps 113 16 1,780
Futures and forwards 55 32 544
Options 470 640 14,820
Total 638 688 17,144
Foreign exchange derivatives
Currency and interest rate swaps 15,140 15,466 859,021
Currency forwards 1,086 814 61,414
Options 301 255 33,758
Total 16,527 16,535 954,193
Credit derivatives
Credit Default Swaps (CDS) 1,483 1,493 61,889
Total 1,483 1,493 61,889
Commodity derivatives
Swaps 1,228 1,152 13,182
Futures and forwards 79 76 1,137
Options 69 68 2,228
Total 1,376 1,296 16,547
Other derivatives
Swaps 38 201 1,247
Futures and forwards 0 0 0
Options 3 3 98
Other 1 7 825
Total 42 211 2,170
Total derivatives held for trading 169,402 166,763 6,753,672
Derivatives used for hedge accounting
Interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps 1,941 492 59,149
Options 0 1 954
Total 1,941 493 60,103
Foreign exchange derivatives
Currency and interest rate swaps 600 134 10,505
Total 600 134 10,505
Total derivatives used for hedge accounting 2,541 627 70,608
Total derivatives 171,943 167,390 6,824,280
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 131
31 Dec
31 Dec
Carrying amount at beginning of year 215 1,127
Changes during the year
Revaluation of hedged items 506 1,343
Translation differences 10 1
Carrying amount at end of year 711 215
Carrying amount at beginning of year 1,274 898
Changes during the year
Revaluation of hedged items 625 366
Translation differences 41 10
Carrying amount at end of year 1,940 1,274
The carrying amount at end of year represents accumulated
changes in the fair value for those repricing time periods in
which the hedged item is an asset respectively a liability.
When the hedged item is an asset, the change in the fair
value of the hedged item is presented within assets and
when the hedged item is a liability, the change is presented
as a liability.
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%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 132
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31 Dec
31 Dec
Acquisition value at beginning of year 603 564
Acquisitions during the year 6 16
Sales during the year 4 4
Share in earnings
67 60
Dividend received 42 35
Reclassifications 0 1
Translation differences 34 1
Acquisition value at end of year 596 603
Accumulated impairment charges at beginning of year 12 10
Accumulated impairment charges on sales during the year 1
Reversed impairment charges during the year 0
Impairment charges during the year 1
Reclassifications 0 1
Translation differences 0 0
Accumulated impairment charges at end of year 11 12
Total 585 591
of which, listed shares
1) Share in earnings
EURm 2012 2011
Profit from companies accounted for under
the equity method 93 42
Portfolio hedge, Eksportfinans ASA 36 6
Associated undertakings in Life, reported
as Net result from items at fair value 10 12
Share in earnings 67 60
The total amount is expected to be settled after more than 1 year.
Nordea's share of the associated undertakings aggregated balance sheets and income statements can be summarised as follows:
31 Dec
31 Dec
Total assets 6,975 8,091
Total liabilities 5,734 6,664
Operating income 455 194
Operating profit 98 84
Nordea has issued contingent liabilities of EUR 731m (EUR 940m) on behalf of associated undertakings.
31 Dec 2012 Registration number Domicile
Carrying amount
2012, EURm
Carrying amount
2011, EURm
Voting power of
holding %
Eksportfinans ASA 816521432 Oslo 129 145 23
Ejendomspartnerskabet af 1/7 2003 27134971 Ballerup 193 190 49
Luottokunta 0201646-0 Helsinki 46 49 27
LR Realkredit A/S 26045304 Copenhagen 13 4 39
Realia Holding Oy 2106796-8 Helsinki 20 20 25
Samajet Nymllevej 5991 24247961 Ballerup 20 20 25
E-nettet Holding A/S 28308019 Copenhagen 2 1 20
Hovedbanens Forretningscenter K/S 16301671 Ballerup 14 14 50
Ejendomsselskabet Axelborg I/S 79334413 Copenhagen 9 9 33
Axel IKU Invest A/S 24981800 Copenhagen 1 1 33
Automatia Pankkiautomaatit Oy 0974651-1 Helsinki 8 8 33
KIFU-AX II A/S 25893662 Copenhagen 3 3 25
Bankernas Kontantservice A/S 33077599 Copenhagen 3 3 20
Bluegarden A/S (former Multidata
Holding A/S) 27226027 Ballerup 0 9 29
Samejet Lautruphj I/S 50857859 Ballerup 6 6 50
Nets Holding A/S 27225993 Ballerup 99 91 21
NorVega SGR S.p.A. 1060050156 Milano 3 40
Upplysningscentralen UC AB 556137-5113 Stockholm 3 0 26
Bankomat AB (former BAB Bankernas
Automatbolag AB) 556817-9716 Stockholm 6 3 20
Other 10 12
Total 585 591
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 133
S.2).;-J8# ),,#2,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Goodwill allocated to cash generating units

Retail Banking Norway 958 909
Retail Banking Denmark 590 592
Retail Banking Sweden 237 230
Retail Banking Poland 66 60
Life & Pensions 310 306
Banking Russia 277 268
Shipping, Offshore & Oil services 218 210
Goodwill, total 2,656 2,575
Other intangible assets
Computer software 694 651
Other intangible assets 75 95
Other intangible assets, total 769 746
Intangible assets, total 3,425 3,321
1)Excluding goodwill in associated undertakings.
Acquisition value at beginning of year 2,576 2,586
Translation differences 81 10
Acquisition value at end of year 2,657 2,576
Accumulated impairment charges at beginning of year 1 1
Translation differences 0 0
Accumulated impairment charges at end of year 1 1
Total 2,656 2,575
Computer software
Acquisition value at beginning of year 854 660
Acquisitions during the year 171 191
Sales/disposals during the year 1 1
Reclassifications 0 0
Translation differences 17 4
Acquisition value at end of year 1,041 854
Accumulated amortisation at beginning of year 195 140
Amortisation according to plan for the year 106 55
Accumulated amortisation on sales/disposals during the year 0 0
Reclassifications 0 1
Translation differences 4 1
Accumulated amortisation at end of year 305 195
Accumulated impairment charges at beginning of year 8 5
Impairment charges during the year 38 2
Reclassifications 4
Translation differences 0 1
Accumulated impairment charges at end of year 42 8
Total 694 651
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 134
S.2).;-J8# ),,#2,E 1&.2k
31 Dec
31 Dec
Other intangible assets
Acquisition value at beginning of year 216 221
Acquisitions during the year 6 1
Sales/disposals during the year 11 1
Reclassifications 2 0
Translation differences 6 5
Acquisition value at end of year 215 216
Accumulated amortisation at beginning of year 117 98
Amortisation according to plan for the year 24 24
Accumulated amortisation on sales/disposals during the year 9 1
Reclassifications 1 1
Translation differences 5 3
Accumulated amortisation at end of year 136 117
Accumulated impairment charges at beginning of year 4 4
Accumulated impairment charges at end of year 4 4
Total 75 95
The total amount is expected to be recovered after more than 1 year.
are based on historical data, updated to reflect the current situa-
Cash flows include normalised loan losses.
The derived cash flows are discounted at a rate based on the
markets long-term risk-free rate of interest and yield require-
ments. The post-tax discount rate used for the impairment test
2012 is 8.5% (9.0%), which equals a pre-tax rate of 11.3% (11.9%).
For operations in Poland, an additional risk premium of 150 basis
points has been applied and for Russia an additional risk pre-
mium of 225 basis points has been applied.
The impairment tests conducted in 2012 did not indicate any
need for goodwill impairment. See Note G1 section 4 for more
An increase in the discount rate of 1 percentage point or a
reduction in the future growth rate of 1 percentage points are
considered to be reasonably possible changes in key assump-
tions. Such a change would not result in an impairment in any of
the cash generating units.
S94)-'9#.2 2#,2
A cash generating unit, defined as the operating segment, is the
basis for the goodwill impairment test.
The impairment test is performed for each cash generating unit
by comparing the carrying amount of the net assets, including
goodwill, with the recoverable amount. The recoverable amount
is the value in use and is estimated based on discounted cash
flows. Due to the long-term nature of the investments, cash flow
is expected to continue indefinitely.
Cash flows in the near future (between 35 years) are based on
financial forecasts, derived from forecasted margins, volumes,
sales and cost development. These input variables are based on
historical data adjusted to reflect Nordea's assumptions about the
future. Cash flows for the period beyond the forecasting period
are based on estimated sector growth rates. For impairment test-
ing, a growth rate of 2.5% (4.0%) has been used for all Nordic
cash generating units. For cash generating units in Poland and
Russia, 3.0% (4.0%) and 4.5% (4.0%) have been used. Growth rates
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 135
O'&4#'2G ).( #T+-49#.2
31 Dec
31 Dec
Property and equipment 474 469
of which buildings for own use 73 72
Total 474 469
Acquisition value at beginning of year 960 891
Acquisitions during the year 139 154
Sales/disposals during the year 59 70
Reclassifications 47 16
Translation differences 29 1
Acquisition value at end of year 1,022 960
Accumulated depreciation at beginning of year 551 497
Accumulated depreciation on sales/disposals during the year 43 43
Reclassifications 13 18
Depreciations according to plan for the year 110 110
Translation differences 14 5
Accumulated depreciation at end of year 619 551
Accumulated impairment charges at beginning of year 12 10
Reclassification 10 2
Translation differences 0 0
Accumulated impairment charges at end of year 2 12
Total 401 397
Land and buildings
Acquisition value at beginning of year 81 79
Acquisitions during the year 1 3
Sales/disposals during the year 1 0
Reclassifications 1 0
Translation differences 2 1
Acquisition value at end of year 82 81
Accumulated depreciation at beginning of year 9 9
Accumulated depreciation on sales/disposals during the year 0 0
Depreciation according to plan for the year 0 1
Translation differences 0 1
Accumulated depreciation at end of year 9 9
Total 73 72
The total amount is expected to be settled after more than 1 year.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 136
%&'(#) ), ) 8#,,&'
Finance leases
Nordea owns assets leased to customers under finance lease
agreements. Finance lease agreements are reported as receiv-
ables from the lessee included in Loans to the public (see
Note G13) at an amount equal to the net investment in the
lease. The leased assets mainly comprise vehicles, machinery
and other equipment.
Reconciliation of gross investments and present value of
future minimum lease payments:
31 Dec
31 Dec
Gross investments 8,086 7,682
Less unearned finance income 473 648
Net investments in finance leases 7,613 7,034
Less unguaranteed residual values accruing
to the benefit of the lessor 81 29
Present value of future minimum lease pay-
ments receivable 7,532 7,005
Accumulated allowance for uncollectible
minimum lease payments receivable 5 7
As of 31 December 2012 the gross investment and the net
investment by remaining maturity was distributed as follows:
31 Dec, 2012
2013 1,740 1,668
2014 1,767 1,693
2015 1,738 1,688
2016 893 851
2017 706 648
Later years 1,242 1,065
Total 8,086 7,613
Operating leases
Assets subject to operating leases mainly comprise real estate,
vehicles, aeroplanes and other equipment. On the balance
sheet they are reported as tangible assets.
Carrying amount of leased assets, EURm
31 Dec
31 Dec
Acquisition value 81 102
Accumulated depreciations 36 41
Accumulated impairment charges 0
Carrying amount at end of year 45 61
of which repossessed leased property,
carrying amount
Carrying amount distributed on groups of
assets, EURm
Equipment 45 61
Carrying amount at end of year 45 61
Depreciation for 2012 amounted to EUR 15m (EUR 18m).
Under non-cancellable operating leases, the future minimum
lease payments receivable are distributed as follows:
EURm 31 Dec 2012
2013 13
2014 7
2015 5
2016 3
2017 2
Later years 0
Total 30
%&'(#) ), ) 8#,,##
Finance leases
Nordea has only to a minor extent entered into finance lease
agreements. The carrying amount of assets subject to finance
leases amounts to EUR 30m (EUR 28m).
Operating leases
Nordea has entered into operating lease agreements for
premises and office equipment.
Leasing expenses
during the year, EURm
31 Dec
31 Dec
Leasing expenses during the year 268 295
of which minimum lease payments 261 288
of which contingent rents 7 7
Leasing income during the year regarding
sublease payments 7 7
Future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable
operating leases amounted to and are distributed as follows:
EURm 31 Dec 2012
2013 211
2014 147
2015 104
2016 75
2017 69
Later years 181
Total 787
Total sublease payments expected to be received under non-
cancellable subleases amounts to EUR 23m.
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 137
O'#4)-( #Z4#.,#, ).( )11'+#( -.1&9#
31 Dec
31 Dec
Accrued interest income 1,302 1,552
Other accrued income 451 374
Prepaid expenses 806 777
Total 2,559 2,703
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 542 541
S.H#,29#.2 4'&4#'2G
Movement on the balance sheet
31 Dec
31 Dec
Carrying amount at beginning of year 3,644 3,535
Acquisitions during the year 116 129
Sales/disposals during the year 181 48
Net gains or losses from fair value
adjustments 48 17
Transfers/reclassifications during the year 3 32
Translation differences 120 13
Carrying amount at end of year 3,408 3,644
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 3,378 3,591
Amounts recognised in the income statement
EURm 2012 2011
Rental income 244 251
Direct operating expenses that generate rental
income 59 68
Direct operating expenses that did not
generate rental income 2 11

1) Together with fair value adjustments included in Net result from items at fair value.
The method applied when calculating fair value is a rate of
return calculation, based on internal models. As a supplement
to these values, appraisals were obtained from independent
external valuers for parts of the investment property.
Approximately 80% of the investment properties are valued
using internal models based on a rate of return calculation.
For the remaining 20% of the investment properties, apprais-
als were obtained from independent external valuers.

W#&;')4"-1)8 -./&'9)2-&.
EURm Carrying amount
Denmark 1,626
Norway 962
Finland 558
Sweden 78
Other 184
Total 3,408
Yield requirements,
average Denmark Norway Finland Sweden
Department stores,
multistorey, car parks
and hotels 7.6% 6.0% 5.8% 6,8%
Office buildings 6.2% 6.5% 5.9%
Apartment buildings 5.7% 6.0% 4.5% 4,3%
Other 6.5% 7.3%
:2"#' ),,#2,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Claims on securities settlement proceeds 6,117 11,587
Reinsurance recoverables 4 4
Cash/margin receivables 7,810 6,273
Other 2,441 1,561
Total 16,372 19,425
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 124 6
0#4&,-2, ).( J&''&N-.;, /'&9 2"# 4+J8-1
31 Dec
31 Dec
Deposits from the public 182,061 174,609
Borrowings from the public 18,617 15,483
Total 200,678 190,092
Deposits are defined as funds in deposit accounts covered by
the government deposit guarantee but also including
amounts in excess of the individual amount limits. Individual
pension savings (IPS) are also included. Portfolio schemes in
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S of EUR 3,891m (EUR 3,932m) are
also included in Deposits.
0#4&,-2, JG 1'#(-2 -.,2-2+2-&.,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Central banks 8,699 17,161
Other banks 30,647 34,515
Other credit institutions 16,080 3,640
Total 55,426 55,316
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 138
31 Dec 2012, EURm
life insurance
Health & per-
sonal accident
potentials Total
Provisions/ bonus potentials,
beginning of year 23,572 4,899 428 277 10,226 1,313 40,715
Gross premiums written 1,833 1,112 2,582 5,527
Transfers 1,055 1,135 166 86
Addition of interest/Investment
return 573 580 1,157 2,310
Claims and benefits 2,373 513 30 34 1,744 4,634
Expense loading including
addition of expense bonus 82 47 85 214
Change in provisions/bonus potential 13 584 597
Other 711 16 100 4 599
Translation differences 220 19 5 3 236 23 506
Provisions/ bonus potentials,
end of year 23,399 7,169 463 259 12,106 1,924 45,320
Provision relating to bonus schemes/
discretionary participation feature: 98% 25%
31 Dec 2011, EURm
life insurance
Health & per-
sonal accident
potentials Total
Provisions/ bonus potentials,
beginning of year 21,819 5,202 434 181 9,339 1,791 38,766
Gross premiums written 2,153 781 2,626 5,560
Transfers 177 126 19 70
Addition of interest/Investment
return 702 230 355 117
Claims and benefits 2,160 343 5 81 1,269 3,696
Expense loading including
addition of expense bonus 110 40 71 221
Change in provisions/bonus potential 92 14 484 562
Other 1,375 591 784
Translation differences 62 6 1 1 25 6 37
Provisions/ bonus potentials,
end of year 23,572 4,899 428 277 10,226 1,313 40,715
Provision relating to bonus schemes/
discretionary participation feature: 98% 26%
31 Dec
31 Dec
Traditional life insurance provisions 23,399 23,572
of which guaranteed provisions 23,266 23,450
of which non-guaranteed provisions 133 122
Unit-linked insurance provisions 7,169 4,899
of which guaranteed provisions 285 1,061
of which non-guaranteed provisions 6,884 3,838
Insurance claims provision 463 428
Provisions, Health & personal accident 259 277
Total insurance contracts 31,290 29,176
Investment contracts 12,106 10,226
of which guaranteed provisions 3,786 3,319
of which non-guaranteed provisions 8,320 6,907
Collective bonus potential 1,924 1,313
Total 45,320 40,715
Liabilities to policyholders are obligations related to insur-
ance contracts. These contracts are divided into contracts con-
taining insurance risk and contracts without insurance risk.
The latter are pure investments contracts.
Insurance contracts consists of Life insurance provisions
and other insurance related items.
Life insurance contracts are measured and recognised in
accordance with IFRS 4, i.e. the measurement and recognition
principle under previous GAAP has been maintained conse-
quently resulting in non-uniform accounting policies method
on consolidation. Each market represented by Nordic and
European entities measure and recognises insurance con-
tracts using local accounting policies.
e-)J-8-2-#, 2& 4&8-1G"&8(#',
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 139
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e-/# -.,+').1# '-,A ).( 9)'A#2 '-,A, -. 2"# e-/# -.,+').1# &4#')2-&.,
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Sensitivites EURm
Effect on
Effect on Nordeas
own account
Effect on
Effect on Nordeas
own account
Mortality increased living with 1 year 149.3 130.5 148.1 92.1
Mortality decreased living with 1 year 270.9 9.4 226.9 18.3
Disability 10% increase 24.2 14.1 33.7 6.5
Disability 10% decrease 35.8 0.1 33.6 6.5
50 bp increase in interest rates 486.1 4.0 207.5 83.3
50 bp decrease in interest rates 369.6 4.4 200.4 97.2
12% decrease in all shareprices 844.8 9.1 712.8 81.7
8% decrease in property value 192.5 30.8 194.4 46.3
8% loss on counterparts 67.1 0.2 39.0 0.2
e-)J-8-2-#, 2& 4&8-1G"&8(#', (-H-(#( -. ;+)').2## 8#H#8, U2#1".-1)8 -.2#'#,2 ')2#V
31 Dec 2012, EURm non 0 pct. 0 to 3 pct. 3 to 5 pct. Over 5 pct. Total liabilities
Technical provision 15,336 4,081 13,186 9,568 503 42,674
31 Dec 2011, EURm non 0 pct. 0 to 3 pct. 3 to 5 pct. Over 5 pct. Total liabilities
Technical provision 10,867 3,647 13,627 10,380 176 38,697
S.,+').1# '-,A,
Insurance risk is described in the Risk, Liquidity and Capital
management section of the Board of Directors Report. Addi-
tional quantitative information is found below.
@-,A 4'&/-8#, &. -.,+').1#
Product Risk types Material effect
Traditional Mortality Yes
Disability Yes
Return guaranties Yes
Unit-Link Mortality Yes
Disability Yes
Return guaranties No
Health and personal accident Mortality No
Disability Yes
Return guaranties No
Financial contract Mortality No
Disability No
Return guaranties No
0#J2 ,#1+'-2-#, -. -,,+#
31 Dec
31 Dec
Certificates of deposit 18,627 35,459
Commercial papers 38,524 31,381
Bond loans 127,081 112,954
Other 108 156
Total 184,340 179,950
:2"#' 8-)J-8-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Liabilities on securities settlement proceeds 16,457 14,355
Sold, not held, securities 6,136 13,539
Accounts payable 225 230
Cash/margin payables 5,787 4,374
Other 4,867 10,870
Total 33,472 43,368
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 34 164
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 14C
Y11'+#( #Z4#.,#, ).( 4'#4)-( -.1&9#
31 Dec
31 Dec
Accrued interest 2,185 2,113
Other accrued expenses 1,330 1,027
Prepaid income 388 356
Total 3,903 3,496
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 25 25
31 Dec
31 Dec
Reserve for restructuring costs 109 152
Transfer risk, off-balance 19 13
Individually assessed, guarantees and other commitments 65 80
Tax 132 112
Other 64 126
Total 389 483
EURm Restructuring Transfer risk
sheet Tax Other Total
At beginning of year 152 13 80 112 126 483
New provisions made 51 8 28 16 6 109
Provisions utilised 83 19 1 1 104
Reversals 15 2 26 0 15 58
Reclassifications 9 56 65
Discount effect 10 0 10
Translation differences 3 0 2 5 4 14
At end of year 109 19 65 132 64 389
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 25 19 54 1 49 148
Provisions for restructuring costs amounts to EUR 109m and
covers termination benefit (EUR 99m) and other provisions
mainly related to redundant premises (EUR 10m). The
restructuring activities have mainly been launched to reach
the anticipated cost efficiency and profitability, and as a part
of this Nordea plans to reduce the number of employees,
partly through close down of branches. The majority of the
provision is expected to be used during 2013. As with any
other provision there is an uncertainty around timing and
amount, which is expected to be decreased as the plan is
being executed during 2013.
Provision for Transfer risk of EUR 19m is related to off-
balance sheet items. Transfer risk relating to loans is included
in the item Allowances for collectively assessed impaired
loans in Note G13. Provision for transfer risk is depending on
the volume of business with different countries.
Loan loss provisions for individually assessed guarantees
and other commitments amounted to EUR 65m.
Nordea has an on-going tax litigation related to the sales
gain in respect of the divestment of Nordea's owner occupied
properties in Sweden, which has been provided for with EUR
131m. Nordea is of the opinion that all tax rules and regula-
tions have been complied with and is contesting the claim in
court. The court procedures are expected to be settled during
Other provisions refers to the following provisions: Provi-
sion for premiums in Defined Contribution Plans EUR 34m
(EUR 11m expected to be settled 2013), provision for legal dis-
putes EUR 10m (total amount expected to be settled after
2013) and other provisions amounting to EUR 20m (EUR 4m
expected to be settled 2013). The provision related to Defined
Contribution Plans is expected to be settled over the following
510 years.
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 141
31 Dec
31 Dec
Defined benefit plans, net 47 102
Total 47 102
Nordea has pension obligations from defined benefit plans
(DBP) in all Nordic countries with the predominant share in
Sweden, Norway and Finland. The plans in Finland, and Nor-
way as from 2011, are closed to new employees and pensions
for new employees are instead based on defined contribution
plan (DCP) arrangements as is also the case in Denmark.
DCPs are not reflected on the balance sheet, except when
earned pensions rights have not yet been paid for. Nordea
also contributes to public pension plans.
IAS 19 secures that the market based value of pension
obligations net of plan assets backing these obligations is
reflected on the Groups balance sheet. The major plans
in each country are funded schemes covered by assets in
pension funds/foundations.
Multiemployer plan
In 2010 the Norwegian Parliament decided to change the AFP
(Avtalefestet Pensjon) plan in Norway as from 2011. The
change gave rise to a new multiemployer DBP plan that can-
not be calculated as DBP by year end 2012, as information on
Nordea's share of the liabilities and pension costs in the plan
is not available from Fellesordningen (the administrator).
Consequently the new AFP plan has to be accounted for as a
DCP in accordance with IAS 19. Information on the funded
status in the plan is not avaliable. The premium rate to
Fellesordningen is 1.75% of the salary basis in 2012. The rate
is expected to increase in the future.
IAS 19 pension calculations and assumptions
Calculations on major plans are performed by external
liability calculators and are based on the actuarial assump-
tions fixed for each of the Groups pension plans.
Swe Nor Fin Den
Discount rate 3.5% 4.0%
3.5% 3.5%
Salary increase 2.5% 3.0% 3.0% 2.5%
Inflation 1.5% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Expected return on
assets before taxes 4.5% 5.0% 4.5% 4.5%
Discount rate 3.5% 3.0% 4.5% 3.5%
Salary increase 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.5%
Inflation 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Expected return on
assets before taxes 4.5% 4.0% 5.5% 4.5%
1) The assumptions disclosed for 2012 have an impact on the liability calculation by
year-end 2012, while the assumptions disclosed for 2011 are used for calculating
the pension expense in 2012.
2) As further described in Note G1, section 22, the discount rate in Norway is as
from 2012 determined with referece to covered bonds. If the government bond
yield was used the discount rate would be approximately 1 percentage point
lower. For effects from this change see the sensitivity analysis described below.
The expected return on assets is based on long term expecta-
tions for return on the different asset classes. On bonds, this
is linked to the discount rate while equities and real estate
have an added risk premium.
The discount rate has the most significant impact on the
obligation and pension cost. If the discount rate is reduced the
pension obligation will increase and vice versa. A one per-
centage point increase in the discount rate would lead to a
decrease in pension obligation of 12% and in service cost of
18%. A one percentage point decrease in the discount rate
would lead to an increase in pension obligation of 16% and in
service cost of 24%.
Asset composition
The combined return on assets in 2012 was 8.7% (3.5%)
driven by the fact that all assets performed well in 2012 with
credit bonds and equities contributing strongly. At the end of
the year the equity exposure in pension funds/foundations
represented 23% (17%) of total assets.
@#2-'#9#.2 J#.#/-2 &J8-;)2-&.,
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 142
Asset composition in funded schemes
Equity 20% 21% 28% 10% 23% 17%
Bonds 75% 60% 60% 69% 67% 74%
Real estate 15% 11% 6% 7%
of which Nordea real estate 3% 1% 1%
Other plan assets 5% 4% 1% 21% 4% 2%
Y9&+.2, '#1&;.-,#( &. 2"# J)8).1# ,"##2
Pension Benefit Obligation (PBO) 1,477 935 894 117 3,423 3,484
Plan assets 1,404 673 916 132 3,125 2,848
Total surplus/deficit () 73 262 22 15 298 636
of which unrecognised actuarial gains/losses () 77 73 90 11 251 534
Of which recognised on the balance sheet 4 189 112 26 47 102
of which retirement benefit assets 125 10 137 29 301 223
of which retirement benefit obligations 121 199 25 3 348 325
of which related to unfunded plans (PBO) 128 192 25 2 347 368
:H#'H-#N &/ ,+'48+, &' (#/-1-2 -. 2"# 48).,
PBO 3,423 3,484 3,305 3,087 2,830
Plan Assets 3,125 2,848 2,766 2,397 2,099
Surplus/deficit () 298 636 539 690 731
M").;#, -. 2"# O*:
PBO at 1 Jan 1,574 1,005 774 131 3,484 3,305
Service cost 36 25 3 0 64 63
Interest cost 56 30 34 4 124 131
Pensions paid 73 42 42 8 165 166
Curtailments and settlements 4 4 16
Past service cost 30 2 32 31
Actuarial gains ()/losses 133 136 122 10 157 123
Translation differences 62 55 3 0 120 18
Change in provision for SWT/SSC
15 4 11 5
PBO at 31 Dec 1,477 935 894 117 3,423 3,484
1) Change in provision for special wage tax (SWT) and social security contribution (SSC) in Sweden and Norway, calculated on recognised amounts on the balance sheet.
M").;#, -. 2"# /)-' H)8+# &/ 48). ),,#2,
Assets at 1 Jan 1,249 633 837 129 2,848 2,766
Expected return on assets 53 27 44 4 128 134
Pensions paid 22 42 8 72 97
Curtailments and settlements 4 4 10
Contributions 1 8 9 18 79
Actuarial gains/losses () 53 4 64 7 120 38
Translation differences 48 35 4 87 14
Plan assets at 31 Dec 1,404 673 916 132 3,125 2,848
Actual return on plan assets 106 23 108 11 248 96
@#2-'#9#.2 J#.#/-2 &J8-;)2-&.,E 1&.2k
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 143
@#2-'#9#.2 J#.#/-2 &J8-;)2-&.,E 1&.2k
:H#'H-#N &/ )12+)'-)8 ;)-.,i8&,,#,
Effects of changes in actuarial assumptions 187
130 44 51 337
Experience adjustments 90 31 85 84 268
of which on plan assets 120 38 71 73 225
of which on plan liabilities 30 7 14 11 43
Actuarial gains/losses 277 161 41 135 605
1) Main impact from changed assumptions on discount rate in Norway and inflation in Sweden.
0#/-.#( J#.#/-2 4#.,-&. 1&,2
The total net pension cost related to defined benefit plans recognised in the Groups income statement (as staff costs) for the
year is EUR 66m (EUR 124m). Total pension costs comprise defined benefit pension costs as well as costs related to defined
contribution plans (see specification in Note G7).
Recognised net defined benefit cost, EURm
Service cost 36 25 3 0 64 63
Interest cost 56 30 34 4 124 131
Expected return on assets 53 27 44 4 128 134
Curtailments and settlements 0 0 4
Recognised past service cost
25 2 27 31
Recognised actuarial gains ()/losses 12 11 0 2 25 17
3 5 8 20
Pension cost on defined benefit plans 29 42 7 2 66 124
1) Recognised actuarial losses of EUR 2m related to the curtailment.
2) In 2012 the recognised past service cost is mainly due to a change in the early retirement option in the Swedish collective pension agreement and it includes recognised actuarial
losses of EUR 5m. In 2011 EUR 30m related to New Normal.
3) Cost related to special wage tax (SWT) in Sweden and social security contribution (SSC) in Norway.
The pension cost is lower than expected at the beginning of
the year, mainly due to the change in the early retirement
option in the Swedish collective pension agreement (negative
past servie cost). Compared with the pension cost 2012,
excluding the negative past service cost, the pension cost
from defined benefit plans is expected to decrease in 2013,
mainly as a consequence of the change of actuarial assump-
tions at the end of 2012. The amended IAS 19, with effective
date 1 January 2013, will not have any significant impact on
the pension expense 2013, compared with the expense dis-
closed in this annual report. Actuarial gains/losses will be
recognised directly in other comprehensive income instead of
being amortised in the income statement. This positive effect
is however largely offset by the fact that the return on plan
D+J&'(-.)2#( 8-)J-8-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Dated subordinated debenture loans 5,160 3,818
Undated subordinated debenture loans 666 658
Hybrid capital loans 1,971 2,027
Total 7,797 6,503
These debenture loans are subordinated to other liabilities.
Dated debenture loans entitle the lender to payment before
undated subordinated loans and hybrid capital loans. Within
each respective category, the loans entitle lenders to equal
payment rights.
assets will be recognised using the discount rate instead of an
expected return.
The group expects to contribute EUR 48m to its defined
benefit plans in 2013.
]#G 9).);#9#.2 4#',&..#8
The Groups total pension obligations relating to key manage-
ment personnel amounted to EUR 36m (EUR 35m) at the end
of the year. These obligations are to a high degree covered by
plan assets. Defined benefit pension costs (Service cost, Past
service cost and Curtailments and settlements as defined in
IAS 19) relating to key management personnel in 2012 were
EUR 2m (EUR 3m). Complete information concerning key
management personnel is disclosed in Note G7.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 144

Y,,#2, 48#(;#( ), ,#1+'-2G /&'
&N. 8-)J-8-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Assets pledged for own liabilities
Lease agreements
77 78
Securities etc
33,541 23,239
Loans to the public 110,964 103,451
Other pledged assets 20,320 20,126
Total 164,902 146,894
The above pledges pertain to the
following liabilities
Deposits by credit institutions 8,416 10,263
Deposits and borrowings from the public 5,377 2,379
Derivatives 233 639
Debt securities in issue 86,653 78,208
Other liabilities and commitments 37,752 36,970
Total 138,431 128,459
1) The agreements are financial lease agreements where Nordea is the lessor.
The associated assets are Loans to the public.
2) Relates only to securities recognised on the balance sheet. Securities borrowed or
bought under reverse repurchase agreements are not recognised on the balance
sheet and thus not included in the amount. Such transactions are disclosed in Note
G43, Transferred assets and obtained collaterals.

Assets pledged for own liabilities contain securities pledged
as security in repurchase agreement and in securities lending.
The transactions are conducted under standard agreements
employed by financial markets participants. Counterparts in
those transactions are credit institutions and the public. The
transactions are typically short term with maturity within
three months.
Securities in the Life operations are also pledged as secu-
rity for the corresponding insurance liabilities.
Loans to the public have been registered as collateral for
issued covered bonds and mortgage bonds in line with local
legislation. In the event of the companys insolvency, the
holders of these bonds have priority to the assets registered as
Other relates to certificate of deposits pledged by Nordea to
comply with authority requirements and assets funded by
finance lease agreements.
:2"#' ),,#2, 48#(;#(
31 Dec
31 Dec
Other assets pledged
Lease agreements 0 0
Securities etc 4,324 6,063
Other assets pledged 43 27
Total 4,367 6,090
1) Collaterals pledged on behalf of other items other than the companys own liabili-
ties, eg, on behalf of a third party or on behalf of the companys own contingent
liabilities are accounted for under this item.
Securities etc. includes interest-bearing securities pledged as
security for payment settlements within the Central bank of
Sweden. The terms and conditions require day to day security
and relate to liquidity intraday/over night. Other pledged
assets relate to pledged deposits.
M&.2-.;#.2 8-)J-8-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Loan guarantees 4,016 4,897
Other guarantees 14,828 16,730
Documentary credits 2,231 2,626
Other contingent liabilities 82 215
Total 21,157 24,468
In the normal business of Nordea, the bank issues various
forms of guarantees in favour of the bank's customers. Loan
guarantees are given for customers to guarantee obligations
in other credit- and pension institutions. Other guarantees
consist mainly of commercial guarantees such as bid guaran-
tees, advance payment guarantees, warranty guarantees and
export related guarantees. Contingent liabilities also include
unutilised irrevocable import documentary credits and con-
firmed export documentary credits. These transactions are
part of the bank services and support the bank's customers.
Guarantees and documentary credits are off-balance sheet
items, unless there is a need for a provision to cover a proba-
ble loan loss that arises from the judgement that reimburse-
ment will not be received.
Nordea Bank AB (publ) has undertaken, in relation to cer-
tain individuals and on certain conditions, to be responsible
for the potential payment liability against them in their
capacity as managing directors or board member in group
undertakings to Nordea Bank AB (publ).
A limited number of employees are entitled to severance
pay if they are dismissed before reaching their normal retire-
ment age. For further disclosures, see Note G7.
e#;)8 4'&1##(-.;,
Within the framework of the normal business operations,
the Group faces a number of claims in civil lawsuits and
disputes, most of which involve relatively limited amounts.
Presently, none of the current disputes are considered likely
to have any significant adverse effect on the Group or its
financial position.
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 145
Operating profit, insurance
EURm 2012 2011
Operating income

Fee and commission income 351 340
Fee and commission expense 135 132
Net fee and commission income 216 208
Net result on items at fair value 282 179
Operating income 498 387
Operating expenses
Staff costs 121 128
Other expenses 83 83
Depreciation, amortisation and
impairment charges of tangible
and intangible assets 14 6
Total operating expenses 218 217
Operating profit, insurance 280 170
1) Before allocations and elimination of intra-group transactions.
Operating profit, insurance
EURm 2012 2011
Technical result
Premiums written 5,494 5,576
Investment income, investment contracts 1,157 782
Investment income, insurance contracts 2,487 354
Other technical income 132 139
Claims paid 4,614 3,823
Change in technical provisions,
investment contracts 1,732 910
Change in technical provisions,
insurance contracts 1,734 1,499
Change in collective bonus potential 582 575
Operating expenses 350 350
Technical result 258 136
Non-technical investment income 22 34
Operating profit 280 170
Balance sheet
31 Dec
31 Dec
Cash and balances with central banks 1 1
Loans to the public 571 877
Loans to credit institutions 1,802 1,922
Interest bearing securities 25,405 25,789
Shares and participations 19,096 15,559
Derivatives 752 463
Participating interests 234 233
Intangible assets 332 335
Tangible assets 27 26
Investment property 3,261 3,523
Deferred tax assets 16
Retirement benefit assets 7
Other assets 559 439
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 545 432
Total assets 52,608 49,599
of which intra-group transactions 4,973 4,879
Deposits by credit institutions
and central banks 1,999 3,941
Deposits and borrowings from the public 387 630
Liabilities to Life insurance policyholders 45,320 40,715
Derivatives 518 117
Current tax liabilities 65 22
Other liabilities 1,652 1,766
Accrued expenses and deferred income 212 128
Deferred tax liabilities 294 282
Provisions 6
Retirement benefit obligation 8 9
Subordinated liabilities 530 523
Total liabilities 50,991 48,133
Equity 1,617 1,466
Total liabilities and equity 52,608 49,599
of which intra-group transactions 3,294 5,796
S.,+').1# )12-H-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Future payment obligations 545 996
Credit commitments
84,914 85,319
Other commitments 749 655
Total 86,208 86,970
1) Including unutilised portion of approved overdraft facilities of EUR 45,796m
(EUR 47,607m).
Reverse repurchase agreements are recognised on and
derecognised from the balance sheet on settlement date. Nor-
dea has as per 31 December 2012 signed reverse repurchase
agreements that have not yet been settled and consequently
are not recognised on the balance sheet. On settlement date
these reverse repurchase agreements will, to the utmost
extent, replace existing reverse repurchase agreements not yet
derecognised as per 31 December 2012. The net impact on the
balance sheet is minor. These instruments have not been dis-
closed as commitments.
For information about derivatives, see Note G17 and about
reverse repos, see Note G43.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 146
M)4-2)8 )(#T+)1G
S2#9, -.18+(#( -. 2"# 1)4-2)8 J),#
31 Dec
31 Dec
Tier 1 capital
Paid-up capital 4,050 4,047
Share premium 1,080 1,080
Eligible capital 5,130 5,127
Reserves 19,028 17,478
Minority interests 5 8
Income from current year 3,120 2,627
Eligible reserves 22,153 20,113
Core tier 1 capital (before deductions) 27,283 25,240
Subordinated capital loans 1,992 1,964
Proposed/actual dividend 1,370 1,048
Deferred tax assets 201 169
Intangible assets 3,094 2,986
Deductions for investments in credit institutions 103 117
IRB provisions shortfall () 554 243
Deductions 5,322 4,563
Tier 1 capital (net after deductions) 23,953 22,641
of which hybrid capital 1,992 1,964
of which core tier 1 capital (net of deductions) 21,961 20,677
Tier 2 capital
Undated sudordinated loans 708 723
Dated sudordinated loans 4,676 3,197
Other additional own funds 56 4
Tier 2 capital (before deductions) 5,440 3,924
Deductions for investments in credtit institu-
tions 103 117
IRB provisions excess (+)/shortfall () 554 243
Deductions 657 360
Tier 2 capital (net after deductions) 4,783 3,564
Holdings in insurance undertakings 1,236 1,211
Pension assets in excess of related liabilities 226 156
Capital base 27,274 24,838

*'-(;# J#2N##. S7@D #T+-2G ).( 1&'# 2-#' B 1)4-2)8
31 Dec
31 Dec
Balance sheet equity 28,216 26,120
Adjustment NLP & AFS 949 757
Subtotal 27,267 25,363
Dividend 1,370 1,048
Goodwill 2,346 2,269
Intangible assets 748 717
Deferred taxes 201 169
Cash Flow hedges 16 123
Shortfall deduction (50%) 554 243
Deduction for investments in credit
institutions (50%) 103 117
Core tier 1 capital 21,961 20,677

Capital adequacy is a measure of the financial strength of a
bank, usually expressed as a ratio of capital to assets. There is
now a worldwide capital adequacy standard (Basel II) drawn
up by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS).
Within the EU, the capital adequacy requirements are out-
lined in the Capital Requirement Directive (CRD).
The CRD contains a detailed set of minimum requirements
to assure the conceptual soundness and integrity of the inter-
nal assessment. Over the years, amendments have been made
to the first version of the CRD regulation. CRD II was imple-
mented at the end of 2010 and strengthened the large expo-
sure regime, increased the quality of the capital base and
added stricter securitisation regulation. CRD III, which has
been valid since 31 December 2011 includes capital require-
ments for re-securitisation, disclosure of securitisation posi-
tions, capital requirements for trading book positions and
remuneration policies (from 1 January 2011). The transition
rule, stipulating that the capital is not allowed to be below
80% of the capital requirement calculated under Basel I regu-
lation, has been extended to apply at least until December
The regulatory capital requirements are calculated using
the following formula:
Minimum capital requirements = Capital base/RWA
where Minimum capital requirements 8%
The Basel II framework is built on three Pillars:
Iillar I roquiromorls for lho calculalior of RWA ard capi-
tal requirements
Iillar II rulos for lho Suporvisory Roviow Irocoss (SRI),
including the ICAAP
Iillar III rulos for lho disclosuro or risk ard capilal mar-
agement, including capital adequacy
Nordea performs an ICAAP with the purpose to review the
management, mitigation and measurement of material risks
within the buiness environment in order to assess the ade-
quacy of capitalisation and to determine an internal capital
requirements reflecting the risks of the institution.
The ICAAP is a continuous process which increases aware-
ness of capital requirements and exposure to material risks
throughout the organisation, both in the business area and
legal entity dimensions. Stress tests are important drivers of
risk awareness, looking at capital and risk from a firm-wide
perspective on a regular basis and on an ad-hoc basis for spe-
cific areas or segments. The process includes a regular dia-
logue with supervisory authorities, rating agencies and other
external stakeholders with respect to capital management,
measurement and mitigation techniques used.
Nordeas capital levels continue to be adequate to support
the risks taken, both from an internal perspective as well as
from the perspective of supervisors. Heading into 2013, Nor-
dea will continue to closely follow the development of the
new capital requirement regime as well as maintain its open
dialouge with various supervisory authorities.
The disclosures in this note cover the Nordea Financial
Group as defined on page 150.
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 147
M)4-2)8 )(#T+)1G #'2)
M&'# 2-#' B 1)4-2)8 ).( 2-#' B 1)4-2)8
Core tier 1 capital is defined as eligible capital including eligi-
ble reserves, net of regulatory required deductions made
directly to tier 1 capital. The capital recognised as core tier 1
capital holds the ultimate characteristics for loss absorbance
defined from a going concern perspective and represents the
most subordinated claim in the event of liquidation. The tier 1
capital is defined as core tier 1 capital and capital of the same
or close to the character of eligible capital and eligible
reserves. Tier 1 capital can include a limited component of
undated subordinated capital loans.
Eligible capital and eligible reserves
Paid up capital is the share capital contributed by sharehold-
ers, including the share premium paid. Eligible reserves con-
sist primarily of retained earnings, other reserves, minority
interests and income from current year. Retained earnings
are earnings from previous years reported via the income
statement. Other reserves are related to revaluation and
translation reserves referred to acquisitions and associated
undertakings under the equity method. The equity interests
of minority shareholdings in companies that are fully consoli-
dated in the financial group are also included. Positive
income from current year is included as eligible capital after
verification by the external auditors, however negative
income must be deducted. Repurchased own shares or own
shares temporary included in trading portfolios are deducted
from eligible reserves.
The eligible capital and eligible reserves, considered as the
capital of highest quality, constitute the predominant share
(92%) of tier 1 capital in Nordea.
Tier 1 instruments subject to limits
The requirement for including undated subordinated loans in
tier 1 capital is restricted and repurchase can normally not
take place until five years after original issuance of the
Undated subordinated loans may be repaid only upon deci-
sion by the Board of Directors in Nordea and with the per-
mission of the Swedish FSA. Further, there are restrictions
related to step-up conditions order of priority, interest pay-
ments under constraint conditions. Currently, the inclusion of
undated subordinated capital as a component of tier 1 capital
is limited by regulation to 50% net of relevant deductions. For
the tier 1 loans, conditions specify appropriation in order to
avoid being obliged to enter into liquidation. To the extent
that may be required to avoid liquidation, the principal
amounts of tier 1 loans (together with accrued interest) would
be written down and converting such amount into a condi-
tional capital contribution.
As of year-end 2012, the undated tier 1 instruments
included in the capital base of the Nordea Group constitute
only 8% of tier 1 capital.

!-#' C 1)4-2)8
Tier 2 capital must be subordinated to depositors and general
creditors of the bank. It cannot be secured or covered by a
guarantee of the issuer or related entity or include any other
arrangement that legally or economically enhances the senior-
ity of the claim vis-a`-vis depositors and other bank creditors.
Tier 2 subordinated loans
Tier 2 capital consists mainly of subordinated loans. Tier 2
capital includes two different types of subordinated loan capi-
tal; undated loans and dated loans. According to the regula-
tion, tier 2 capital may not exceed tier 1 capital and dated tier
2 loans must not exceed 50% of tier 1 capital. The limits are
set net after deductions.
The basic principle for subordinated loans in the capital
base is the order of priority in case of a default or bankruptcy
situation. Under such conditions, the holder of the subordi-
nated loan would be repaid after other creditors, but before
shareholders. The share of outstanding loan amount possible
to include in the tier 2 capital related to dated loans is reduced
if the remaining maturity is less than five years.
During 2012 Nordea issued two new tier 2 loans of EUR
750m and USD 1,000m respectively. As of year-end, Nordea
held EUR 4.7bn in dated subordinated loans and EUR 0.7bn
in undated subordinated loans.
The table below shows the carrying outstanding amounts
of undated and dated loans included in the capital base. Call
date is where the issuer has the legal right to redeem out-
standing loan amounts according the terms of agreement.
The loans and the principles for time-reductions follow Swed-
ish legislation. The carrying amounts in the table may deviate
from capital amounts used in the capital base due to swap
arrangements and adjustments for maturities.

Other tier 2 capital
Other additional funds consists of adjustment to valuation
differences in available for sale equities transferred to core
additional own funds. Unrealised gains from equity holdings
classified as available for sale securities can according to reg-
ulation only be included in tier 2 capital. Nordea has no sig-
nificant holdings in this category and therefore only has a
minor impact on tier 2 capital from such items.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 148
M)4-2)8 )(#T+)1G #'2)
0)2#( ).( +.()2#( 8&).,
Dated loans, tier 2
Carrying amount
Capital base
31 Dec 2012 Start Maturity Call date Step-up
Nordea Bank AB 939 939 2011 May 2021 N
Nordea Bank AB 500 500 2008 Sep 2018 Sep 2013 Y
Nordea Bank AB 746 746 2012 Feb 2022 Feb 2017 N
Nordea Bank AB 996 996 2010 Mar 2020 N
Nordea Bank AB 746 746 2010 Mar 2021 N
Nordea Bank AB 749 749 2012 Sep 2022 N
Total dated loans 4,676 4,676
Undated loans, tier 1
Carrying amount
Capital base
31 Dec 2012 Start Maturity Call date Step-up
Nordea Bank AB 376 398 2009 n/a Mar 2015 Y
Nordea Bank AB 376 376 2009 n/a Mar 2015 Y
Nordea Bank AB 455 500 2005 n/a Apr 2015 Y
Nordea Bank AB 176 145 2005 n/a Mar 2035 Y
Nordea Bank AB 88 73 2005 n/a Oct 2035 Y
Nordea Bank AB 500 500 2004 n/a Mar 2013 N
Total undated loans, tier 1 1,971 1,992
Undated loans, tier 2
Carrying amount
Capital base
31 Dec 2012 Start Maturity Call date Step-up
Nordea Bank Norway ASA 152 152 1986 n/a May 2013 N
Nordea Bank Finland Plc 367 468 2004 n/a Jul 2014 Y
Nordea Bank Finland Plc 88 88 1999 n/a Feb 2029 Y
Total undated loans, tier 2 607 708
Total 7,254 7,376
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 149
M)4-2)8 '#T+-'#9#.2, ).( @<Y
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Basel II
Basel II
Credit risk 11,627 145,340 12,929 161,604
IRB foundation 9,764 122,050 9,895 123,686
of which corporate 7,244 90,561 6,936 86,696
of which institutions 671 8,384 897 11,215
of which retail SME 915 11,439 1,041 13,017
of which retail mortgage 721 9,007 800 10,005
of which retail other 101 1,264 108 1,345
of which other 112 1,395 113 1,408
Standardised 1,863 23,290 3,034 37,918
of which sovereign 34 426 43 536
of which institution 47 583 90 1,127
of which corporate 732 9,160 1,885 23,557
of which retail 860 10,752 795 9,934
of which other 190 2,369 221 2,764
Market risk 506 6,323 652 8,144
of which trading book, Internal Approach 312 3,897 390 4,875
of which trading book, Standardised Approach 138 1,727 206 2,571
of which banking book, Standardised Approach 56 699 56 698
Operational risk 1,298 16,229 1,236 15,452
of which standardised 1,298 16,229 1,236 15,452
Sub total 13,431 167,892 14,817 185,200
Adjustment for transition rules
Additional capital requirement according to transition rules 3,731 46,631 3,087 38,591
Total 17,162 214,523 17,904 223,791
M)4-2)8 '#T+-'#9#.2, /&' 9)'A#2 '-,AE >B 0#1#9J#' C?BC
Trading book, IA Trading book, SA Banking book, SA Total
ment RWA
ment RWA
ment RWA
Interest rate risk
1,070 85 1,298 104 2,368 189
Equity risk 106 9 317 25 423 34
Foreign exchange risk 298 24 699 56 997 80
Commodity risk 112 9 112 9
Diversification effect 600 48 600 48
Stressed Value-at-Risk 1,770 142 1,770 142
Incremental Risk Charge 764 61 764 61
Comprehensive Risk Charge 489 39 489 39
Total 3,897 312 1,727 138 699 56 6,323 506
1) Interest rate risk column Trading book IA includes both general and specific interest rate risk which is elsewhere referred to as interest rate VaR and credit spread VaR.
M)4-2)8 )(#T+)1G #'2)
The Nordea Group may transfer capital within its legal enti-
ties without material restrictions. International transfers of
capital between legal entities are normally possible after
approval by the local regulator and are of importance in gov-
erning the capital position of the Group. The guarantee
schemes introduced within the EU in 2008 limit the transfera-
bility of capital under certain circumstances, which serves to
impact cross-border financial groups. No such restrictions
were however directly affecting Nordea as per end of 2012.
More Capital Adequacy information for the Group can be
found in the Capital management section page 66 and in the
Pillar III report.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 15C
D4#1-/-1)2-&. &H#' ;'&+4 +.(#'2)A-.;, 1&.,&8-()2#(i(#(+12#( /'&9 2"#
%&'(#) 7-.).1-)8 W'&+4E >B 0#1#9J#' C?BC
Group undertakings included
in the Nordea Financial Group
Number of
power of
holding Domicile
Nordea Bank Finland Plc 1,030,800,000 5,956 100% Helsinki Purchase method
Nordea Finance Finland Ltd 100% Espoo Purchase method
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S 50,000,000 4,010 100% Copenhagen Purchase method
Nordea Finans Danmark A/S 100% Hje Taastrup Purchase method
Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab 100% Copenhagen Purchase method
Fionia Asset Company A/S 100% Copenhagen Purchase method
Nordea Bank Norge ASA 551,358, 576 2,818 100% Oslo Purchase method
Nordea Eiendomskreditt AS 100% Oslo Purchase method
Nordea Finans Norge AS 100% Oslo Purchase method
Privatmegleren AS 100% Oslo Purchase method
Nordea Bank Polska S.A. 55,061,403 363 99% Gdynia Purchase method
OOO Promyshlennaya Companiya Vestcon 4,601,942,680 659 100% Moscow Purchase method
OJSC Nordea Bank 100% Moscow Purchase method
Nordea Hypotek AB (publ) 100,000 1,898 100% Stockholm Purchase method
Nordea Fonder AB 15,000 241 100% Stockholm Purchase method
Nordea Bank S.A. 999,999 454 100% Luxembourg Purchase method
Nordea Finans Sverige AB (publ) 1,000,000 116 100% Stockholm Purchase method
Nordea Fondene Norge Holding AS 1,200 29 100% Oslo Purchase method
Nordea Eijendomsinvestering A/S 1,000 29 100% Copenhagen Purchase method
Nordea Investment Management AB 12,600 232 100% Stockholm Purchase method
Nordea Invest Fund Management A/S 25,000 8 100% Copenhagen Purchase method
Nordea Investment Fund Company Finland Ltd 3,350 138 100% Helsinki Purchase method
Nordea Life Holding AB 1,000 707 100% Stockholm Purchase method
Other companies 1 Purchase method
Total included in the capital base 17,659
Group undertakings deducted from the capital base
power of
holding Domicile
Nordea Life Holding AB, including debt from parent company 1,236 100% Stockholm
Total group undertakings deducted from the capital base 1,236
Over 10% investments in credit institutions deducted from the capital base, including debt
from group undertakings
Eksportfinans ASA 191 23% Oslo
NF Fleet Oy 2 20% Espoo
LR Realkredit A/S 13 39% Copenhagen
Other 0
Total investments in credit institutions deducted from the capital base
1) Other associated undertakings are consolidated using the equity method.
M)4-2)8 )(#T+)1G #'2)
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 151
M8),,-/-1)2-&. &/ /-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,
Financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Loans and
Held to
Held for
Designated at
fair value
profit or loss
used for
for sale
assets Total
Cash and balances with central
banks 36,060 36,060
Loans to central banks 7,207 798 8,005
Loans to credit institutions 2,911 6,683 975 10,569
Loans to the public 266,996 26,120 53,135 346,251
Interest-bearing securities 755 6,497 39,561 20,762 27,364 94,939
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral 7,970 7,970
Shares 8,950 19,168 10 28,128
Derivatives 115,706 3,083 118,789
Fair value changes of the
hedged items in portfolio
hedge of interest rate risk 711 711
Investments in associated
undertakings 585 585
Intangible assets 3,425 3,425
Property and equipment 474 474
Investment property 3,408 3,408
Deferred tax assets 218 218
Current tax assets 78 78
Retirement benefit assets 301 301
Other assets 7,560 7,810 1,002 16,372
Prepaid expenses
and accrued income 2,083 25 451 2,559
Total 322,861 6,497 205,788 101,875 3,083 27,374 9,942 677,420
Financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Held for
Designated at fair
value through
profit or loss
used for
liabilities Total
Deposits by credit institutions 17,320 2,538 35,568 55,426
Deposits and borrowings from the public 16,919 7,381 176,378 200,678
Liabilities to policyholders 12,106 33,214 45,320
Debt securities in issue 7,572 31,296 145,472 184,340
Derivatives 113,202 1,001 114,203
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk 1,940 1,940
Current tax liabilities 391 391
Other liabilities 6,136 5,787 19,107 2,442 33,472
Accrued expenses and prepaid income 470 2,103 1,330 3,903
Deferred tax liabilities 997 997
Provisions 389 389
Retirement benefit obligations 348 348
Subordinated liabilities 7,797 7,797
Total 161,149 59,578 1,001 388,365 39,111 649,204
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 152
Financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Loans and
Held to
Held for
Designated at
fair value
profit or loss
used for
for sale
assets Total
Cash and balances with central banks 3,765 3,765
Loans to central banks 40,063 552 40,615
Loans to credit institutions 2,963 4,760 3,527 11,250
Loans to the public 264,272 23,718 49,213 337,203
Interest-bearing securities 400 7,893 43,138 21,138 19,804 92,373
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral 8,373 8,373
Shares 4,474 15,683 10 20,167
Derivatives 169,402 2,541 171,943
Fair value changes of the
hedged items in portfolio
hedge of interest rate risk 215 215
Investments in associated
undertakings 591 591
Intangible assets 3,321 3,321
Property and equipment 469 469
Investment property 3,644 3,644
Deferred tax assets 169 169
Current tax assets 185 185
Retirement benefit assets 223 223
Other assets 12,548 6,854 23 19,425
Prepaid expenses
and accrued income 2,124 169 36 374 2,703
Total 325,920 7,893 254,586 96,451 2,541 19,814 8,999 716,204
Financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Held for
Designated at fair
value through
profit or loss
used for
liabilities Total
Deposits by credit institutions 12,934 7,204 35,178 55,316
Deposits and borrowings from the public 14,092 6,962 169,038 190,092
Liabilities to policyholders 10,226 30,489 40,715
Debt securities in issue 6,087 31,756 142,107 179,950
Derivatives 166,763 627 167,390
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of
interest rate risk 1,274 1,274
Current tax liabilities 154 154
Other liabilities 13,539 5,024 24,677 128 43,368
Accrued expenses and prepaid income 664 1,805 1,027 3,496
Deferred tax liabilities 1,018 1,018
Provisions 483 483
Retirement benefit obligations 325 325
Subordinated liabilities 6,503 6,503
Total 213,415 61,836 627 380,582 33,624 690,084
e&)., (#,-;.)2#( )2 /)-' H)8+# 2"'&+;" 4'&/-2 &' 8&,,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Carrying amount 54,110 52,740
Maximum exposure to credit risk 54,110 52,740
Carrying amount of credit derivatives used
to mitigate the credit risk
M8),,-/-1)2-&. &/ /-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,E 1&.2k #'2)
1) Comparative figures have been restated to ensure consistency between periods.
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 153
7-.).1-)8 ),,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, (#,-;.)2#( )2 /)-' H)8+#
2"'&+;" 4'&/-2 &' 8&,,
Changes in fair values of financial liabilities attributable
to changes in credit risk
The financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit
or loss exposed to changes in credit risk are issued bonds in
the Danish group undertaking Nordea Kredit Realkreditak-
tieselskab, EUR 31,296m (EUR 31,756m), the funding of the
Markets operation, EUR 16,176m (EUR 19,854m) and invest-
ment contracts in Life, EUR 12,106m (EUR 10,226m). The
funding of Markets is generally of such a short term nature
that the effect of changes in own credit risk is not significant.
The value of the investment contracts in Life is directly linked
to the assets in the contracts and there is consequently no
effect from changes in own credit risk in these contracts.
The fair value of bonds issued by Nordea Kredit Realkredit-
aktieselskab increased by EUR 89m (decreased EUR 210m) in
2012 due to changes in own credit risk. The cumulative change
since designation is a decrease of EUR 626m (decrease EUR
718m). The method used to estimate the amount of changes in
fair value attributable to changes in market conditions is based
on relevant benchmark interest rates, which are the average
yields on Danish and German (EUR) government bonds.
For the issued mortgage bonds a change in the liabilitys
credit risk and price will have a corresponding effect on the
value of the loans. The reason is that a change in the price
of the bonds will be offset by the opposite change in the
value of the prepayment option of the loan.
Changes in fair values of financial assets attributable to
changes in credit risk
Lending designated at fair value through profit or loss
exposed to changes in credit risk consist of lending in the
Danish group undertaking Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktie-
selskab, EUR 48,091m (EUR 45,720m) and lending in the Mar-
kets operation, EUR 6,019m (EUR 7,020m). The fair value of
lending in Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab decreased
by EUR 119m (decreased EUR 51m) in 2012 due to changes in
credit risk. The cumulative change since designation is a
decrease of EUR 169m (decrease EUR 113m). The method
used to estimate the amount of change in the fair value attrib-
utable to changes in credit risk is simular to the incurred loss
impairment model for amortised cost assets under IAS 39.
The lending in Markets is generally of such a short term
nature (mainly overnight deposits) that the effect of changes
in credit risk is not significant. Also instruments classified as
Other assets and Prepaid expenses and accrued income
are of such a short-term nature that the impact from changes
in credit risk is not significant.
Comparison of carrying amount and contractual amount to
be paid at maturity
2012, EURm
Amount to be
paid at maturity
Financial liabilities designated
at fair value through profit or loss 59,578 58,338
2011, EURm
Amount to be
paid at maturity
Financial liabilities designated
at fair value through profit or loss 61,836 60,420
Liabilities to policyholders have no fixed maturities and
there is no fixed amount to be paid. The amount disclosed
to be paid at maturity has been set to the carrying amount.
Y,,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, )2 /)-' H)8+#
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Cash and balances
with central banks 36,060 36,060 3,765 3,765
Loans to central banks 8,005 8,005 40,615 40,615
Loans to credit
institutions 10,569 10,571 11,250 11,271
Loans to the public 346,251 346,505 337,203 337,354
securities 94,939 95,308 92,373 92,635
Financial instruments
pledged as collateral 7,970 7,970 8,373 8,373
Shares 28,128 28,128 20,167 20,247
Derivatives 118,789 118,789 171,943 171,943
Fair value changes of
the hedged items in
portfolio hedge of
interest rate risk 711 711 215 215
Investments in associ-
ated undertakings 585 585 591 591
Intangible assets 3,425 3,425 3,321 3,321
Property and
equipment 474 474 469 469
Investment property 3,408 3,408 3,644 3,644
Deferred tax assets 218 218 169 169
Current tax assets 78 78 185 186
Retirement benefit
assets 301 301 223 223
Other assets 16,372 16,372 19,425 19,425
Prepaid expenses and
accrued income 2,559 2,559 2,703 2,703
Total assets 677,420 678,045 716,204 716,719
Deposits by credit
institutions 55,426 55,396 55,316 55,302
Deposits and borrow-
ings from the public 200,678 200,605 190,092 190,047
Liabilities to policy-
holders 45,320 45,320 40,715 40,715
Debt securities in issue 184,340 183,647 179,950 179,902
Derivatives 114,203 114,203 167,390 167,390
Fair value changes of
the hedged items in
portfolio hedge of
interest rate risk 1,940 1,940 1,274 1,274
Current tax liabilities 391 391 154 154
Other liabilities 33,472 33,472 43,368 43,368
Accrued expenses and
prepaid income 3,903 3,903 3,496 3,496
Deferred tax liabilities 997 997 1,018 1,018
Provisions 389 389 483 483
Retirement benefit
obligations 348 348 325 325
liabilities 7,797 7,798 6,503 6,502
Total liabilities 649,204 648,409 690,084 689,976
M8),,-/-1)2-&. &/ /-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,E 1&.2k
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 154
0#2#'9-.)2-&. &/ /)-' H)8+# /&' ),,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#,
Financial assets and financial liabilities on the balance sheet
are generally measured at fair value, with the exception of
loans, deposits and borrowings and issued securities.
The carrying amounts on loans, deposits and borrowings
and issued securities are adjusted for the value of the fixed
interest term, unless the interest risk is hedged, in order to
estimate the fair values that are presented in the tables above.
The value of the fixed interest term is a result of changes in
the relevant market interest rates. The discount rates used are
based on current market rates for each term. The fair value of
the hedged interest rate risk is included in the balance sheet
item Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio
hedge of interest rate risk.
Fair value is estimated to be equal to the carrying amount
for short-term financial assets and financial liabilities. The
carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value
due to limited credit risk and short time to maturity.
Fair value is set to carrying amount, in the tables above, for
assets and liabilities for which no reliable fair value has been
possible to estimate. This is valid for the line items invest-
ments in associated undertakings, investments in group
undertakings, intangible assets, property and equipment and
Nordea holds very limited amounts of financial instruments
with discretionary participating features in the Life business,
which are recognised on the balance sheet in the line Liabili-
ties to policyholders. These instruments can not be reliably
measured at fair value and consequently the fair value for
these instruments are set to the carrying amount.
Nordea holds very limited amounts of equity instruments
measured at cost. Fair value is set to the carrying amount for
these instruments as the fair value can not be measured relia-
For further information about valuation of items normally
measured at fair value, see Note G1 and the separate section
0#/#''#( 0)G B 4'&/-2 &' 8&,,
In accordance with the Groups accounting policy as described
in Note G1, the financial instrument is recognised at the trans-
action price and any trade date profit is deferred if there are
significant unobservable inputs used in the valuation tech-
nique. The table below shows the aggregate difference yet to
be recognised in the income statement at the beginning and
end of the period and a reconciliation of changes in the car-
rying amount (movement of deferred Day 1 profit or loss).
31 Dec
31 Dec
Amount at beginning of year 29 42
Deferred profit/loss on new transactions 7 1
Recognised in the income statement during
the year 12 14
Amount at end of year 24 29
0#2#'9-.)2-&. &/ /)-' H)8+# /'&9 T+&2#( 9)'A#2 4'-1#,
&' H)8+)2-&. 2#1".-T+#,
Fair value measurements of financial instruments carried at
fair value are categorised under the three levels of the IFRS fair
value hierarchy that reflects the significance of unobservable
inputs. The categorisation of these instruments is based on the
lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measure-
ment in its entirety.
Y,,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, )2 /)-' H)8+#E 1&.2k #'2)
Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy consists of financial assets
and financial liabilities valued using unadjusted quoted prices
in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. An active
market for the asset or liability is a market in which transac-
tions for the asset or liability occur with sufficient frequency
and volume to provide pricing information on an on-going
basis. This category includes listed derivatives, listed equities,
government bonds in developed countries, and most liquid
mortgage bonds and corporate bonds where direct tradable
price quotes exist.
Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy consists of financial assets
and financial liabilities that do not have directly quoted market
prices available from active markets. The fair values are esti-
mated using valuation techniques or valuation models based
on market prices or rates prevailing at the balance sheet date
and any unobservable inputs have had an insignificant impact
on the fair values. This is the case for the majority of Nordeas
OTC derivatives, securities purchased/sold under reverse
repurchase/repurchase agreements, securities borrowed/lent
and other instruments where active markets supply the input
to the valuation techniques or models.
Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy consists of those types of
financial instruments where fair values cannot be obtained
directly from quoted market prices or indirectly using valua-
tion techniques or models supported by observable market
prices or rates. This is generally the case for investments in
unlisted securities, private equity funds and hedge funds. This
is generally also the case for more complex OTC derivatives,
including OTC derivatives where less active markets supply
input to the valuation techniques or models, certain complex or
structured financial instruments such as CLNs and CDOs, and
illiquid interest bearing securities. Complex valuation models
are generally characterised by the use of unobservable and
model specific parameters.
All valuation models, both complex and simple models,
make use of market parameters. These parameters comprise
interest rates, volatilities, correlations etc. Some of these
parameters are observable while others are not. For non-exotic
currencies the interest rates are all observable, and the volatili-
ties and the correlations of the interest rates and FX rates are
observable up to a certain maturity. Volatilities and correla-
tions are also observable for the most liquid equity instruments
in the short end. For less liquid equity instruments, and for
commodities, the option market is fairly illiquid, and hence the
volatilities and correlations are unobservable. For each instru-
ment the sensitivity towards unobservable parameters is meas-
ured. If the impact from unobservable parameters on the valu-
ation is significant the instrument is categorised as Level 3 in
the fair value hierarchy.
For interest-bearing securities the categorisation into the
three levels are based on the internal pricing methodology.
These instruments can either be directly quoted in active
markets (Level 1) or measured using a methodology giving a
quote based on observable inputs (Level 2). Level 3 bonds are
characterised by illiquidity.
For OTC derivatives valuation models are used for establish-
ing fair value. For collateralised contracts OIS interest rates are
used for discounting. These rates are observable in the market.
The valuation is in addition based on several other market
parameters, depending on the nature of the contract. Complex
valuation models are used for more exotic OTC derivatives.
The models are usually in-house developed, and based on
assumptions about the behaviour of the underlying asset and
statistical scenario analysis. As mentioned above OTC deriva-
tives are generally categorised as Level 2 in the fair value hier-
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 155
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Quoted prices in
active markets for
the same instrument
(Level 1)
technique using
observable data
(Level 2)
technique using
non-observable data
(Level 3)
Life Total
Loans to central banks 798 798
Loans to credit institutions 34 7,624 7,658
Loans to the public 79,255 79,255
Debt securities
60,593 16,768 33,940 5,558 1,118 719 95,651
24,760 16,886 3,374 2,210 28,134
Derivatives 175 156 116,698 78 1,916 118,789
Other assets 7,810 7,810
Prepaid expenses and accrued
income 25 25
Deposits by credit institutions 19,858 19,858
Deposits and borrowings from the
public 24,300 24,300
Liabilities to policy holders 12,106 12,106 12,106
Debt securities in issue 31,296 7,572 38,868
Derivatives 53 112,566 1,584 114,203
Other liabilities 4,873 7,050 11,923
Accrued expenses and prepaid
income 470 470
1) Of which EUR 87,687m relates to Interest-bearing securities (the portion held at fair value in Note G41). EUR 7,964m relates to the balance sheet item Financial instruments
pledged as collateral.
2) EUR 6m relates to the balance sheet item Financial instruments pledged as collateral.
archy and all significant model parameters are thus observable
in active markets. For vanilla derivatives standard models like
e.g. Black-Scholes are used for valuation.
Valuations of Private Equity Funds (PEF) and unlisted
equity instruments are by nature more uncertain than valua-
tions of more actively traded equity instruments. Emphasis is
put on using a consistent approach across all assets and over
time. The methods used are consistent with the guideline
International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation
Guidelines issued by EVCA (European Venture Capital
Association). The EVCA guidelines are considered as best
practice in the PEF industry. For US based funds, similar
methods are applied.
Nordea furthermore holds loans and issued debt securities
in the group undertaking Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktie-
selskab at fair value. When Nordea grants mortgage loans to
borrowers, in accordance with the Danish mortgage finance
law, Nordea at the same time issues debt securities with
matching terms, so called match funding. Fair value of the
issued debt securities is based on quoted prices and thus cate-
gorised as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy. As the borrow-
ers have the right to purchase debt securities issued by Nor-
dea in the market and return these as repayment for their
loans, the fair value of the loans is the same as the fair value
of the issued bonds (due to the revaluation of the repayment
option embedded in the loan) adjusted for changes in the
credit risk of the borrower. The credit risk adjustment is cal-
culated based on an incurred loss model.
Fair value is generally calculated as the theoretical net pre-
sent value of the individual instruments, based on indepen-
dently sourced market parameters as described above, and
assuming no risks and uncertainties. This calculation is sup-
plemented by a portfolio adjustment. The portfolio adjust-
ment covers uncertainties associated with the valuation tech-
niques, model assumptions and unobservable parameters as
well as the portfolios counterparty credit risk and liquidity
risk. An important part of the portfolio adjustment serves to
adjust the net open market risk exposures from mid-prices to
ask or bid prices (depending on the net position). For different
risk categories, exposures are aggregated and netted accord-
ing to internal guidelines and aggregated market price infor-
mation on bid-ask spreads are applied in the calculation.
Spreads are updated on a regular basis
The portfolio adjustment for uncertainties associated with
model assumptions comprises two components (The calcula-
tion principles are defined as part of the internal approval
process for valuation models):
orchmarkirg of lho modol oulpul (markol valuos)
against market information or against results from alter-
native models, where available.
Sorsilivily calculaliors whoro urobsorvablo paramolors
are changed to other reasonable values.
The portfolio adjustment for counterparty risk in OTC-
derivatives is based on the current exposure towards each
counterpart, the estimated potential future exposure as well
as an estimate of the cost of hedging the counterparty risk.
This cost of hedging is either based directly on market
prices (where available) or on a theoretical calculation based
on the internal credit rating of the counterpart.
The following table presents the categorisation of financial
instruments held at fair value into the fair value hierarchy.
Y,,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, )2 /)-' H)8+#E 1&.2k #'2)
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 156
Y,,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, )2 /)-' H)8+#E 1&.2 #'2)
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Quoted prices in
active markets for the
same instrument
(Level 1)
technique using
observable data
(Level 2)
technique using
non-observable data
(Level 3)
Life Total
Loans to central banks 552 552
Loans to credit institutions 48 8,239 8,287
Loans to the public 72,931 72,931
Debt securities
71,424 14,443 19,230 5,944 1,149 750 91,803
15,893 12,134 3 4,921 3,425 20,817
Derivatives 551 3 170,435 11 957 171,943
Other assets 6,854 6,854
Prepaid expenses and accrued
income 205 205
Deposits by credit institutions 20,138 20,138
Deposits and borrowings from the
public 21,054 21,054
Liabilities to policy holders 10,226 10,226 10,226
Debt securities in issue 31,756 6,087 37,843
Derivatives 396 38 165,748 17 1,246 5 167,390
Other liabilities 8,212 10,351 18,563
Accrued expenses and prepaid
income 664 664
1) Of which EUR 84,080m relates to Interest-bearing securities (the portion held at fair value in Note G41). EUR 7,723m relates to the balance sheet item
Financial instruments pledged as collateral.
2) EUR 650m relates to the balance sheet item Financial instruments pledged as collateral.

!').,/#', J#2N##. 8#H#8 B ).( C
During the year, Nordea Group transferred debt securities
of EUR 9,558m (EUR 3,057m) from level 1 to level 2 and EUR
1,447m (EUR 496m) from level 2 to level 1 of the fair value
hierarchy for financial assets and liabilities at fair value. The
reason for transfers from level 1 to level 2 was that the
instruments ceased to be actively traded during the year and
fair values have now been obtained using valuation tech-
niques with observable market inputs. The reason for trans-
fers from level 2 to level 1 was that the instruments have again
been actively traded during the year and reliable quoted prices
are obtained in the markets.
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 157
Y,,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, )2 /)-' H)8+#E 1&.2 #'2)
=&H#9#.2, -. 8#H#8 >
The following table shows a reconciliation of the opening and closing carrying amounts of level 3 financial assets and liabilities
recognised at fair value.
Fair value gains/losses recognised in
the income statement during the year
31 Dec 2012, EURm
1 Jan
2012 Realised Unrealised

chases Sales
into level 3
Transfers out
from level 3
31 Dec
Debt securities 1,149 16 55 156 269 6 5 1,118
of which Life 750 22 40 57 156 6 719
Shares 4,921 74 84 1,435 3,202 4 25 10 51 3,374
of which life 3,425 91 38 1,223 2,593 25 9 10 2,210
Derivatives (net of
assets and liabilities) 289 264 621 264 0 332
1) Relates to those assets and liabilities held at the end of the reporting period.
31 Dec 2011, EURm
1 Jan
2011 Realised Unrealised

chases Sales
into level 3
Transfers out
from level 3
31 Dec
Debt securities 1,848 13 149 417 671 68 655 6 1,149
of which Life 1,787 13 16 110 536 68 655 5 750
Shares 4,237 65 79 1,819 1,533 655 56 187 4,921
of which life 2,425 43 2 1,434 1,084 655 56 6 3,425
Derivatives (net of
assets and liabilities) 65 485 228 485 4 0 289
1) Relates to those assets and liabilities held at the end of the reporting period.
Fair value gains/losses recognised in the income statement during the year are included in Net result from items at fair value
(see Note G5).
In order to calculate the effect on level 3 fair values, from
altering the assumptions of the valuation technique or model,
the sensitivity to unobservable input data is assessed. Deriva-
tives portfolio key inputs, that are based on pricing model
assumptions or unobservability of market data inputs, are
replaced by alternative estimates or assumptions and the
impact on the valuation computed. The majority of the effect
on the derivatives is related to various types of correlations or
correlation related inputs in credit derivatives, in interest rate
OTC derivatives or OTC structured equity derivatives. For the
level 3 portfolios of shares and debt securities the fair value
was increased and decreased within a range of 310 percent-
age units, which are assessed to be reasonable changes in
market movements.
Included in the fair value of financial instruments carried at
fair value on the balance sheet are those estimated in full or
in part using valuation techniques based on assumptions that
are not supported by market observable prices or rates. There
may be uncertainty about a valuation, resulting from the
choice of valuation technique or model used, the assumptions
embedded in those models, the extent to which inputs are not
market observable, or as a result of other elements affecting
the valuation technique. Portfolio adjustments are applied to
reflect such uncertainties and are deducted from the fair val-
ues produced by the models or other valuation techniques
(for further information see Note G1 section 11 Determina-
tion of fair value of financial instruments and the separate
section above).
This disclosure shows the potential impact from the rela-
tive uncertainty in the fair value of financial instruments for
which the valuation is dependent on unobservable input
parameters. The estimates disclosed below are likely to be
greater than the true uncertainty in fair value of these instru-
ments, as it is unlikely in practice that all unobservable
parameters would be simultaneously at the extremes of their
ranges of reasonably possible alternatives. The disclosure is
neither predictive nor indicative of future movements in fair
The following table shows the sensitivity of the fair value of
level 3 instruments to changes in key assumptions, by class of
instruments. Where the exposure to an unobservable param-
eter is offset across different instruments only the net impact
is disclosed in the table.
Effect of reasonably possible
alternative assumptions
31 Dec 2012, EURm
amount Favourable Unfavourable
Debt securities 1,118 60 60
of which Life 719 36 36
Shares 3,374 315 315
of which Life 2,210 221 221
Derivatives (net) 332 20 24
31 Dec 2011, EURm
amount Favourable Unfavourable
Debt securities 1,149 58 58
of which Life 750 28 28
Shares 4,921 444 444
of which Life 3,425 342 342
Derivatives (net) 289 20 43
D#.,-2-H-2G ).)8G,-, &/ 8#H#8 > /-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 158
31 Dec
31 Dec
Repurchase agreements
Interest-bearing securities 7,964 7,723
Securities lending agreements
Shares 6 650
Total 7,970 8,373
e-)J-8-2-#, ),,&1-)2#( N-2" 2"# ),,#2,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Repurchase agreements
Deposits by credit institutions 3,082 3,821
Deposits and borrowings from the public 5,103 3,368
Securities lending agreements
Deposits by credit institutions 46
Other 1
Total 8,231 7,190
Net 261 1,183
!').,/#''#( ),,#2, 2")2 )'# .&2 (#'#1&;.-,#( -. 2"#-'
#.2-'#2G ).( ),,&1-)2#( 8-)J-8-2-#,
All assets transferred continue to be recognised on the bal-
ance sheet if Nordea is still exposed to changes in the fair
value of the assets. This is the case for repurchase agreements
and securities lending transactions.
Repurchase agreements are a form of collateralised bor-
rowing where Nordea sells securities with an agreemement
to repurchase them at a later date at a fixed price. The cash
received is recognised as a deposit (liability). Securities deliv-
ered under repurchase agreements are not derecognised from
the balance sheet.
Securities lending transactions are transactions where Nor-
dea lends securities it holds to a counterpart and receives a
As both repurchase agreements and securities lending
transactions results in that securities are returned to Nordea,
all risks and rewards of the instruments transferred is
retained by Nordea, although they are not available for Nor-
dea during the period during which they are transferred. The
counterpart in the transactions holds the securities as collat-
eral, but has no recourse to other assets in Nordea.
The securities still reported on the balance sheet and the
corresponding liabilities are measured at fair value.
!').,/#''#( ),,#2, ).( &J2)-.#( 1&88)2#')8,
Nordea obtains collaterals under reverse repurchase and
securities borrowing agreements which, under the terms of
the agreements, can be sold or repledged. The transactions
are conducted under standard agreements employed by
financial markets participants. Generally, the agreements
require additional collateral to be provided if the value of the
securities falls below a predetermined level. Under standard
terms for most repurchase transactions, the recipient of col-
lateral has an unrestricted right to sell or repledge it, subject
to returning equivalent securities on settlement of the trans-
actions. The fair value of the securities obtained as collateral
under reverse repurchase and securities borrowing agree-
ments are disclosed below.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Reverse repurchase agreements
Received collaterals which can be repledged
or sold 33,092 32,700
of which repledged or sold 14,498 10,499
Securities borrowing agreements
Received collaterals which can be repledged
or sold 4,064 2,261
of which repledged or sold 4,053 2,206
Total 37,156 34,961
:J2)-.#( 1&88)2#')8, N"-1" )'# 4#'9-22#( 2& J# ,&8( &'
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 159
Life Group and Nordea Bank Danmark A/S have assets and lia-
bilities included on their balance sheet where customers are
bearing the risk. Since the assets and liabilities legally belong to
the entities, these assets and liabilities are included on the
Groups balance sheet.
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Interest-bearing securities 1,837 2,262
Shares 18,288 13,649
Other assets 236 259
Total assets 20,361 16,170
Deposits and borrowings from the public 3,891 3,932
Insurance contracts 7,168 4,900
Investment contracts 8,911 7,338
Other liabilities 391
Total liabilities 20,361 16,170
S.H#,29#.2,E 1+,2&9#' J#)'-.; 2"# '-,A
=)2+'-2G ).)8G,-, /&' ),,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#,
Remaining maturity
31 Dec 2012, EURm Note
Payable on
3 months 312 months 15 years
More than
5 years
Without fixed
maturity Total
Cash and balances with central banks 36,060 36,060
Loans to central banks G13 6,764 1,241 0 0 0 8,005
Loans to credit institutions G13 1,375 7,347 611 880 356 10,569
Loans to the public G13 17,014 84,921 29,064 82,954 132,298 346,251
Interest-bearing securities G14 848 15,775 12,588 48,526 17,202 94,939
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral G15 691 3,972 2,929 378 7,970
Derivatives G17 5,459 5,399 33,220 74,711 118,789
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk G18 0 85 238 558 711
Total assets with fixed maturities 62,061 115,434 51,719 168,271 224,387 621,872
Other assets 55,548 55,548
Total assets 62,061 115,434 51,719 168,271 224,387 55,548 677,420
Deposits by credit institutions G26 7,636 39,181 4,103 3,627 879 55,426
Deposits and borrowings from the
public G27 149,613 36,887 6,360 868 6,950 200,678
of which Deposits 148,010 21,517 4,716 868 6,950 182,061
of which Borrowings 1,603 15,370 1,644 0 0 18,617
Liabilities to policyholders G28 877 379 1,219 7,629 35,216 45,320
Debt securities in issue G29 0 46,309 33,979 74,059 29,993 184,340
of which Debt securities in issue 46,205 33,978 74,056 29,993 184,232
of which Other 0 104 1 3 108
Derivatives G17 6,256 5,673 34,403 67,871 114,203
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk G18 0 183 382 1,741 1,940
Subordinated liabilities G34 0 4 584 7,209 7,797
Total liabilities with fixed maturities 158,126 129,012 51,155 121,552 149,859 609,704
Other liabilities 39,500 39,500
Equity 28,216 28,216
Total liabilities and equity 158,126 129,012 51,155 121,552 149,859 67,716 677,420
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 16C
Cash flow analysis
31 Dec 2012, EURm
on demand
3 months 312 months 15 years
More than
5 years Total
Interest-bearing financial assets 64,731 96,711 52,205 178,597 252,197 644,441
Non interest-bearing financial assets 174,644 174,644
Total financial assets 64,731 96,711 52,205 178,597 426,841 819,085
Interest-bearing financial liabilities 131,671 154,611 52,562 94,468 44,617 477,929
Non interest-bearing financial liabilities 879 634 1,219 7,629 264,394 274,755
Total financial liabilities 132,550 155,245 53,781 102,097 309,011 752,684
Derivatives, cash inflow 502,724 185,363 373,691 167,094 1,228,872
Derivatives, cash outflow 522,850 184,338 365,760 166,886 1,239,834
Net exposure 20,126 1,025 7,931 208 10,962
Exposure 67,819 78,660 551 84,431 118,038 55,439
Cumulative exposure 67,819 146,479 147,030 62,599 55,439
=)2+'-2G ).)8G,-, /&' ),,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#,E 1&.2k#'2)
31 Dec 2011, EURm Note
Payable on
3 months 312 months 15 years
More than
5 years
Without fixed
maturity Total
Cash and balances with central banks 3,765 3,765
Loans to central banks G13 17,575 23,040 40,615
Loans to credit institutions G13 1,266 5,266 271 4,070 377 11,250
Loans to the public G13 25,293 78,608 17,138 74,826 141,338 337,203
Interest-bearing securities G14 3,713 17,190 18,768 38,477 14,225 92,373
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral G15 1,013 3,632 2,240 1,488 8,373
Derivatives G17 9,659 7,452 39,854 114,978 171,943
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk G18 55 644 93 298 17 215
Total assets with fixed maturities 51,667 134,132 47,354 159,765 272,389 665,307
Other assets 50,897 50,897
Total assets 51,667 134,132 47,354 159,765 272,389 50,897 716,204
31 Dec 2011, EURm Note
Payable on
3 months 312 months 15 years
More than
5 years
Without fixed
maturity Total
Deposits by credit institutions G26 7,025 42,675 1,800 3,153 663 55,316
Deposits and borrowings from the
public G27 131,019 42,054 9,200 966 6,853 190,092
of which Deposits 129,845 28,126 8,935 932 6,771 174,609
of which Borrowings 1,174 13,928 265 34 82 15,483
Liabilities to policyholders G28 656 446 1,100 7,010 31,503 40,715
Debt securities in issue G29 0 61,467 26,019 63,791 28,673 179,950
of which Debt securities in issue 61,311 26,019 63,791 28,673 179,794
of which Other 0 156 156
Derivatives G17 8,157 7,535 41,420 110,278 167,390
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk G18 80 12 166 1,782 742 1,274
Subordinated liabilities G34 903 5,600 6,503
Total liabilities with fixed maturities 138,780 154,787 45,820 119,025 182,828 641,240
Other liabilities 48,844 48,844
Equity 26,120 26,120
Total liabilities and equity 138,780 154,787 45,820 119,025 182,828 74,964 716,204
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 161
=)2+'-2G ).)8G,-, /&' ),,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#,E 1&.2k#'2)
31 Dec 2011, EURm
on demand
3 months 312 months 15 years
More than
5 years Total
Interest-bearing financial assets 40,862 118,224 50,660 180,789 234,269 624,804
Non interest-bearing financial assets 227,040 227,040
Total financial assets 40,862 118,224 50,660 180,789 461,309 851,844
Interest-bearing financial liabilities 125,697 172,991 37,260 83,343 46,046 465,337
Non interest-bearing financial liabilities 573 571 1,102 6,946 315,793 324,985
Total financial liabilities 126,270 173,562 38,362 90,289 361,839 790,322
Derivatives, cash inflow 472,043 237,136 258,547 80,731 1,048,457
Derivatives, cash outflow 498,215 232,090 241,188 75,374 1,046,867
Net exposure 26,172 5,046 17,359 5,357 1,590
Exposure 85,408 81,510 17,344 107,859 104,827 63,112
Cumulative exposure 85,408 166,918 149,574 41,715 63,112
1) The figures have been restated to ensure consistency between the periods.
The table is based on contractual maturities for on balance
sheet financial instruments. For derivatives, the expected
cash inflows and outflows are combined for both derivative
assets and derivative liabilities, as derivatives are managed
on a net basis. In addition to the on balance sheet and deriva-
tive instruments, Nordea has credit commitments amounting
to EUR 84,914m (EUR 85,319m), which could be drawn on at
any time. Nordea has also issued guarantees of EUR 18,844m
(EUR 21,627m) which may lead to future cash outflows if cer-
tain events occur. For further information about remaining
maturity, see also the section of Risk, Liquidity and Capital
M&94#.,)2-&. ).( 8&)., 2& A#G 9).);#9#.2 4#',&..#8
Compensation and loans to key management personnel are
specified in Note G7.
:2"#' '#8)2#(L4)'2G 2').,)12-&.,
Starting in March 2008 Nordea takes part in a guarantee con-
sortium to support Norwegian Eksportfinans ASA in relation
to its securities portfolio. Nordea owns 23% of the company
with other owners being the Norwegian state and other
Nordic banks. Nordeas share of the negative fair value of the
contract as of the balance sheet date amounts to approx. EUR
7m. The agreements expiring date corresponds with the
maturity dates of the bonds included in the guarantee. The
latest maturity is on 31 December 2023.
In 2009 Nordea entered into one transaction with a company
under significant influence by a member of key management
personnel, which is disclosed separately in this note due to the
transactions significance for the related company. The related
company has a credit limit of EUR 26m, of which EUR 14m was
utilised as of 31 December 2012. The latest maturity is 31
December 2013, with the possibility of yearly prolongation
after a new credit review. Nordea has collateral in securities
(shares) corresponding to 200 percent of the utilised credit
limit. The transaction is made on the same criteria and terms
as those for comparable transactions with companies of simi-
lar standing.
Other related
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
Loans 342 275 0 12
securities 11 14
Derivatives 304 246
Investments in associ-
ated undertakings 585 591
Total assets 1,242 1,126 0 12
Deposits 165 71 47 44
Debt securities in issue 39 30
Derivatives 4 93
Total liabilities 208 194 47 44
Off balance
9,997 10,519
Other related
EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 6 7 0 0
Net fee and commission income 4 1 1 1
Net result from items at fair value 121 31
Other operating income 0 0
Total operating expenses 11 9
Profit before loan losses 120 30 1 1
@#8)2#(L4)'2G 2').,)12-&.,
The information below is presented from a Nordea perspec-
tive, meaning that the information shows the effect from
related party transactions on the Nordea figures.
1) Shareholders with significant influence and close family members to key manage-
ment personell in Nordea Group as well as companies significantly influenced by
key management personnel or by close family members to key management per-
sonnel in Nordea Group are considered to be related parties to Nordea. Included in
this group of related parties are Sampo Oyj and Aegon Asset Management. If trans-
actions with related companies are made in Nordeas and the related companies
ordinary course of business and on the same criteria and terms as those for compa-
rable transactions with companies of similar standing, and if they did not involve
more than normal risktaking, the transactions are not included in the table.
2) Including nominal values on derivatives.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 162
Credit risk management and credit risk analysis is described
in the Risk, Liquidity and Capital management section of the
Board of Directors Report. Additional information on credit
risk is also disclosed in the Capital and Risk management
Report (Pillar III) 2012, which is available on www.nordea.
com. Much of the information in this note is collected from
the Pillar III report in order to fulfil the disclosure require-
ment regarding credit risk in the Annual report.
The Pillar III report contains the disclosures required by
the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), which is based on
the Basel II framework. The Pillar III disclosure is aligned to
how Nordea manages credit risk and is believed to be the best
way to explain the credit risk exposures in Nordea. Credit
risk exposures occur in different forms and are divided into
the following types:
Exposure types, EURm
31 Dec
31 Dec
On-balance sheet items 428,192 419,603
Off-balance sheet items 47,966 51,719
Securities financing 2,170 2,084
Derivatives 34,263 42,959
Exposure At Default (EAD) 512,591 516,365
Tables presented in this note, containing exposure, are pre-
sented as Exposure At Default (EAD). EAD is the exposure
after applying credit conversion factors (CCF).
e-.A J#2N##. 1'#(-2 '-,A #Z4&,+'# ).( 2"# J)8).1# ,"##2
This section discloses the link between the loan portfolio as
defined by accounting standards and exposure as defined the
CRD. The main differences are outlined in this section to
illustrate the link between the different reporting methods.
Original exposure is the exposure before taking into account
substitution effects stemming from credit risk mitigation,
credit conversion factors (CCFs) for off-balance sheet expo-
sure and allowances within the standardised approach. In
this note, however, exposure is defined as exposure at default
(EAD) for IRB exposure and exposure value for standardised
exposure, unless otherwise stated. In accordance with the
CRD, credit risk exposure presented in this note is divided
between exposure classes where each exposure class is
divided into exposure types as follows:
r-balarco shool iloms
ff-balarco shool iloms (o.g. guararloos ard urulilisod
amounts of credit facilities)
Socurilios firarcirg (o.g. rovorsod ropurchaso agroomorls
and securities lending)
M'#(-2 '-,A (-,18&,+'#,
Items presented in other parts of the Annual Report, are
divided as follows (in accordance with the accounting
r-balarco shool iloms (o.g. loars lo corlral barks ard
credit institutions, loans to the public, reversed repurchase
agreements, positive fair value for derivatives and interest-
bearing securities)
ff-balarco shool iloms (o.g. guararloos ard urulilisod
lines of credit)
The table below shows the link between the CRD credit risk
exposure and items presented in the Annual Report.
On-balance sheet items
The following items have been excluded from the balance
sheet, when calculating on-balance exposure in accordance
with the CRD:
Markol risk rolalod iloms ir lho lradirg book, such as cor-
tain interest-bearing securities and pledged instruments.
Ropos, dorivalivos ard socurilios lordirg. 1hoso lrarsac-
tions are either included in the calculation of market risk in
the trading book or reported as separate exposure types
(derivatives or securities financing).
Iifo irsurarco oporaliors, (duo lo solvorcy rogulalior).
lhor, mairly allowarcos, irlargiblo assols ard doforrod
tax assets.
Off-balance sheet items
The following off-balance sheet items specified in the Annual
Report are excluded when off-balance exposure is calculated
in accordance with the CRD:
Iifo irsurarco oporaliors (duo lo solvorcy rogulalior).
Assols plodgod as socurily for owr liabililios ard lhor
assets pledged (apart from leasing). These transactions are
reported as, securities financing. (i.e. a separate exposure
Derivatives and securities financing
Derivatives can be both on-balance sheet (i.e. positive fair
value) and off-balance (i.e. nominal amounts) in accordance
with accounting standards. However, in the CRD, the deriva-
tives and securities financing are reported as separate expo-
sure types. Also, repurchase agreements and securities lend-
ing/borrowing transactions are on the balance sheet
calculated based on nominal value. In the CRD calculations
these exposure types are determined net of the collateral
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 163
:.LJ)8).1# ,"##2 -2#9,
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Items related
to market risk
operations Other Balance sheet
Cash and balances with central banks 36,059 1 36,060
Interest-bearing securities and pledged instruments 57,109 22,680 23,120 102,909
Loans to credit institutions and central banks 10,431 8,146 2 5 18,574
Loans to the public 318,029 4,502 26,178 571 3,029 346,251
118,660 129 118,789
Intangible assets 332 3,093 3,425
Other assets and prepaid expenses 7,185 20,067 55 23,480 625 51,412
Total assets 428,813 47,249 153,039 47,635 684 677,420
Exposure at default
1) Derivatives are included in banking and trading books, but not at book values. Counterparty risk in trading derivatives are included in the credit risk.
2) The on-balance exposure have a CCF of 100% but can still have a lower EAD due to provisions in the standardised approach, that are deducted from the original exposure when
calculating EAD.
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Items related
to market risk
operations Other Balance sheet
Cash and balances with central banks 3,764 1 3,765
Interest-bearing securities and pledged instruments 51,308 26,019 23,419 100,746
Loans to credit institutions and central banks 45,789 5,513 563 51,865
Loans to the public 312,288 26,784 878 2,747 337,203
171,929 14 171,943
Intangible assets 335 2,986 3,321
Other assets and prepaid expenses 6,693 20,122 30 20,073 443 47,361
Total assets 419,842 46,141 204,256 44,720 1,245 716,204
Exposure at default
1) Derivatives are included in banking and trading books, but not at book values. Counterparty risk in trading derivatives are included in the credit risk.
2) The on-balance exposure have a CCF of 100% but can still have a lower EAD due to provisions in the standardised approach, that are deducted from the original exposure when
calculating EAD.
M'#(-2 '-,A (-,18&,+'#,E 1&.2k#'2)
://LJ)8).1# ,"##2 -2#9,
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Credit risk
in Basel II
Included in
and securities
Contingent liabilities 21,106 51 0 21,157
Commitments 85,507 661 40 86,208
Total 106,613 712 40 107,365
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Credit risk
in Basel II
Items not
included in
at default
Credit facilities 52,925 85 53,009 48% 25,525
Checking accounts 20,540 4,198 24,738 22% 5,540
Loan commitments 11,704 2,722 14,426 32% 4,589
Guarantees 20,024 1 20,025 60% 11,925
Other 1,420 20 1,440 27% 387
Total 106,613 7,026 113,638 47,966
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 164
M'#(-2 '-,A (-,18&,+'#,E 1&.2k#'2)
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Credit risk
in Basel II
Included in
and securities
Contingent liabilities 24,292 176 24,468
Commitments 85,773 201 996 86,970
Total 110,065 377 996 111,438
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Credit risk
in Basel II
Items not
included in
at default
Credit facilities 47,600 5,557 53,157 48% 25,343
Checking accounts 25,038 25,038 23% 5,636
Loan commitments 13,112 1,674 14,786 41% 6,085
Guarantees 23,114 1 23,115 62% 14,315
Other 1,201 1,201 28% 340
Total 110,065 7,232 117,297 51,719
IZ4&,+'# 18),,#, ,48-2 JG #Z4&,+'# 2G4#
31 Dec 2012, EURm
sheet items
sheet items
financing Derivatives
Government, local authorities and central banks 73,757 2,041 108 3,851 79,757
Institutions 42,084 1,748 1,388 20,417 65,637
Corporate 138,959 35,088 672 9,639 184,358
Retail 159,032 9,052 2 77 168,163
Other 14,360 37 0 279 14,676
Total exposure 428,192 47,966 2,170 34,263 512,591
31 Dec 2011, EURm
sheet items
sheet items
financing Derivatives
Government, local authorities and central banks 72,815 1,866 227 2,727 77,635
Institutions 42,209 1,990 1,159 28,338 73,696
Corporate 138,686 37,005 688 11,531 187,910
Retail 155,261 10,841 121 166,223
Other 10,632 17 10 242 10,901
Total exposure 419,603 51,719 2,084 42,959 516,365
As of year-end 2012, 78% of the total credit risk exposure was
calculated using the IRB approach. The main part of the
exposure is within the IRB corporate and IRB retail portfolios.
During 2012, a slight decrease was seen on total exposure
level primarily due to decrease of the corporate and institu-
tions portfolios. The largest shift in total exposures is related
to on-balance sheet exposures in the corporate portfolio,
which carried a risk weight of 100% before the rollout to the
IRB approach. Therefore the largest decrease in RWA is
related to the corporate portfolio in the standardise portfolio.
Derivative exposures, especially within the institutions port-
folio, significantly decreased during the year.
Nordea is geographically well diversified as no market accounts for
more than 26% of the total exposure. The exposure in Sweden and
Finland represents 25% and 26% of the total exposure in the Group
respectively, while Denmark accounts for 22% and Norway 16%.
The increase in corporate IRB exposures is mainly referable
toInternational Units and the Baltic countries where some expo-
sures moved from the standardised approach to the IRB
approach. The increase in the IRB retail portfolio was largely
dueto increased lending to the Nordic countries.
In Finland, the decrease in the IRB portfolio is attributable to
lower institution and corporate exposures. For institutions the
decrease is a result of decreased derivative exposures. In all
other countries the total IRB exposures increased compared to
previous year.
In the table below, exposure is split by geography areas, based
on where the exposure is booked and does not take the internal
guarantees between the parent company and its group under-
takings into account.
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 165
IZ4&,+'# ,48-2 JG ;#&;')4"G ).( #Z4&,+'# 18),,#,
31 Dec 2012, EURm
of which
of which
of which
of which
countries Poland Russia Other Total
Government, local authorities and
central banks 59,147 13,304 27,483 5,245 13,115 986 1,816 464 17,344 79,757
Institutions 61,529 6,382 30,282 7,899 16,966 83 1,152 200 2,673 65,637
Corporate 160,002 38,579 39,148 36,926 45,349 5,814 2,040 4,614 11,888 184,358
Retail 167,088 52,103 35,219 32,094 47,672 766 179 46 84 168,163
Other 6,971 1,853 1,636 525 2,957 2,227 4,272 716 490 14,676
Total exposure 454,737 112,221 133,768 82,689 126,059 9,876 9,459 6,040 32,479 512,591
IZ4&,+'# ,48-2 JG -.(+,2'G ;'&+4
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Retail mortgage 137,828 127,488
Other retail 34,671 39,111
Central and local governments 37,312 36,141
Banks 85,062 94,411
Construction and engineering 5,863 5,893
Consumer durables (cars, appliances etc) 5,385 5,651
Consumer staples (food, agriculture etc) 14,124 12,621
Energy (oil, gas etc) 4,754 4,433
Health care and pharmaceuticals 2,412 2,635
Industrial capital goods 5,344 5,840
Industrial commercial services 16,692 19,636
IT software, hardware and services 1,944 1,598
Media and leisure 3,059 2,973
Metals and mining materials 1,111 1,289
Paper and forest materials 3,168 3,529
Real estate management and investment 46,461 45,036
Retail trade 13,308 13,617
Shipping and offshore 14,083 13,441
Telecommunication equipment 453 622
Telecommunication operators 2,002 2,080
Transportation 4,859 4,711
Utilities (distribution and production) 8,716 8,685
Other financial companies 35,927 35,804
Other materials (chemical, building materials etc) 7,150 7,613
Other 20,903 21,507
Total exposure 512,591 516,365
31 Dec 2011, EURm
of which
of which
of which
of which
countries Poland Russia Other Total
Government, local authorities and
central banks 62,874 12,094 32,515 5,693 12,572 833 1,798 607 11,523 77,635
Institutions 69,297 5,890 36,979 6,698 19,730 240 924 117 3,118 73,696
Corporate 165,040 39,378 44,263 36,182 45,217 4,466 1,831 4,603 11,970 187,910
Retail 161,018 51,231 34,541 30,783 44,463 1,025 4,060 49 71 166,223
Other 6,326 1,690 1,551 379 2,706 2,470 298 1,174 633 10,901
Total exposure 464,555 110,283 149,849 79,735 124,688 9,034 8,911 6,550 27,315 516,365
M'#(-2 '-,A (-,18&,+'#,E 1&.2k#'2)
In the table below, the total exposure is split by industry. The
industry breakdown follows the Global Industries Classifica-
tion Standard (GICS) and is based on NACE codes (i.e. statis-
tical classification of economic activities in the European
The IRB corporate portfolio is well diversified between indus-
tries. The real estate management and investment sector is the
largest sector which together with other financial institutions
are the only sectors that account for more than 5% of the total ex-
posure of EUR 513bn. During the year, the exposure class IRB
institution increased exposures to other financial institutions
and decreased exposures to banks. The largest relative decrease
is found within the industry telecommunication equipment
while the highest relative increase showed up within IT soft-
ware, hardware and services. The largest nominal increase and
decrease appeared in retail mortgage and banks respectively.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 166
M'#(-2 '-,A (-,18&,+'#,E 1&.2k#'2)
The guarantees used as credit risk mitigation are to a large
extent issued by central and regional governments in the
Nordic countries. Banks and insurance companies are also
important guarantors of credit risk. Only eligible providers of
guarantees and credit derivatives can be recognised in the
standardised and IRB approach for credit risk. All central
governments, regional governments and institutions are eli-
gible as well as some multinational development banks and
international organisations. Guarantees issued by corporate
entities can only be taken into account if their rating corre-
sponds to A (S&Ps rating scale) or better.
Central governments and municipalities guarantee approx-
imately 83% of the total guaranteed exposure. Exposure
guarantee by these guarantors has an average risk weight of
0%. 6% of the guarantors are IRB institutions, of which 100%
have a rating of 5 or higher. IRB corporate accounts for 11% of
the guarantors, where 100% have a guarantor with a rating of
5 or higher. Credit derivatives are only used as credit risk pro-
tection to a very limited extent since the credit portfolio is
considered to be well diversified.
IZ4&,+'# ,#1+'#( JG 1&88)2#')8,E ;+)').2##, ).( 1'#(-2 (#'-H)2-H#,
31 Dec 2012, EURm
exposure EAD
of which
secured by
and credit
of which
secured by
Government, local authorities and central banks 77,423 79,757 437 1
Institutions 67,552 65,637 427 7,642
Corporate 238,863 184,358 8,471 64,608
Retail 179,828 168,163 3,017 130,955
Other 15,410 14,676 2 7,353
Total exposure 579,076 512,591 12,354 210,559
M&88)2#')8 (-,2'-J+2-&.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Financial Collateral 4.7% 4.1%
Receivables 1.2% 1.2%
Residential Real Estate 70.7% 71.5%
Commercial Real Estate 17.5% 17.3%
Other Physical Collateral 6.0% 5.9%
31 Dec 2011, EURm
exposure EAD
of which
secured by
and credit
of which
secured by
Government, local authorities and central banks 74,474 77,635 290 2
Institutions 76,428 73,696 532 6,387
Corporate 242,455 187,910 7,812 58,473
Retail 177,118 166,223 3,062 124,971
Other 11,709 10,901 2 3,473
Total exposure 582,184 516,365 11,698 193,306
The table below presents the distribution of collateral used in the
capital adequacy calculation process. The table shows real estate
to be the major part of the eligible collateral items in relative
terms. Financial collateral saw the largest relative increase. Com-
mercial real estate and other physical collateral also increased
during the year while residential real estate and receivables
decreased somewhat in relative terms. Real estate is commonly
used as collateral for credit risk mitigation purposes. There is no
certain concentration of real estate collateral to any region within
the Nordic and Baltic countries. Other physical collateral consist
mainly of ships.
Olhor nolos - %&'(#) W'&+4
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 167
@#,2'+12+'#( 8&)., ).( '#1#-H)J8#, 1+''#.2 G#)'
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Loans before restructuring, carrying
amount 13 81
Loans after restructuring, carrying
amount 6 37
1) Loans classified as impaired that subsequently have improved and are not classi-
fied as impaired at the reporting date.
Y,,#2, 2)A#. &H#' /&' 4'&2#12-&. &/ 18)-9,
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Current assets, carrying amount:
Land and buildings 142 105
Shares and other participations 18 26
Other assets 5 6
Total 165 137
1) In accordance with Nordeas policy for taking over assets for protection of claims,
which is in compliance with the local Banking Business Acts, whereever Nordea is
located. Assets, used as collateral for the loan, are generally taken over when the
customer is not able to fulfil its obligations to Nordea. The assets taken over are, at
the latest, disposed when full recovery is reached.
M&88)2#'-,#( 0#J2 :J8-;)2-&., UM0:V R IZ4&,+'#
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Nominal, EURm
CDOs, gross 1,833 2,816 1,575 2,792
Hedged exposures 1,442 1,444 1,394 1,394
CDOs, net
of which Equity 53 361 114 385
of which Mezzanine 80 386 65 400
of which Senior 258 625 2 613
1) First-to-Default swaps are not classified as CDOs and are therefore not included in the table. Net bought protection amounts to EUR 214m (EUR 218m) and net sold protection
to EUR 50m (EUR 53m). Both bought and sold protection are, to the predominant part, investment grade.
2) Net exposure disregards exposure where tranches are completely identical in terms of reference pool attachment, detachment, maturity and currency.
3) Of which investment grade EUR 207m (EUR 181m) and sub investment grade EUR 183m (EUR 0m).
4) Of which investment grade EUR 1,024m (EUR 1,279m) and sub investment grade EUR 150m (EUR 22m) and not rated EUR 220m (EUR 167m).
M'#(-2 '-,A (-,18&,+'#,E 1&.2k#'2)
e&).L2&LH)8+# (-,2'-J+2-&.
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Retail mortgage exposure EURbn % EURbn %
<50% 97.4 77 92.0 77
5070% 20.7 16 19.5 16
7080% 5.6 4 5.3 4
8090% 2.3 2 2.2 2
>90% 1.2 1 1.2 1
Total 127.2 100 120.1 100
1) During 2012, Nordea changed method for calculation LTV. This was done in order to obtain a consistent method across the group. As a result, figures for 2011 above has been restated.
Nordea acts as an intermediary in the credit derivatives mar-
ket, especially in Nordic names. Nordea also uses credit
derivatives to hedge positions in corporate bonds and synte-
hetic CDOs. When Nordea sells protection in a CDO transac-
tion, it carries the risk of losses in the reference portfolio if a
credit event occurs. When Nordea buys protection in a CDO
transaction, any losses in the reference portfolio triggered by
a credit event are carried by the seller of protection.
Credit derivatives transactions create risk in similar man-
ner to other derivative transactions. Counterparties in these
transactions are typically subject to a financial collateral
agreement, where the exposure is covered daily by collateral
placements. CDO valuations are subject to fair value adjust-
ments for model risk. These fair value adjustments are recog-
nised in the income statement.
A common way to analyse the value of the collateral is to
measure the loan to value (LTV) ratio, i.e. the credit extended
divided by the market value of the collateral pledged. In the
table below, the retail mortgage exposures are distributed by
LTV range up to the top LTV bucket based on the LTV ratio.
In 2012, the retail mortgage exposure increased in the LTV
buckets representing LTV below 50%.
%&'(#) W'&+4 - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 168
O),2 (+# 8&).,E #Z18k -94)-'#( 8&).,
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
630 days 1,157 1,168 920 991
3160 days 358 315 186 329
6190 days 80 137 114 127
>90 days 334 153 222 306
Total 1,929 1,773 1,442 1,753
Past due not impaired loans divided by loans to the public after allowances, % 1.06 1.12 0.85 1.25
e&)., 2& 1&'4&')2# 1+,2&9#',E JG ,-`# &/ 8&).
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Size in EURm
EURbn %
EURbn %
010 78.9 43 75.6 42
1050 46.2 25 44.9 25
50100 21.8 12 21.6 12
100250 25.1 14 24.0 13
250500 8.8 5 13.2 7
500 2.0 1 1.9 1
Total 182.8 100 181.2 100
S.2#'#,2LJ#)'-.; ,#1+'-2-#, ).( !'#),+'G J-88,
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
EURm At fair value
At amor-
tised cost Total At fair value
At amor-
tised cost Total
State and sovereigns 20,547 280 20,827 22,165 343 22,508
Municipalities and other public bodies 5,192 802 5,994 5,217 431 5,648
Mortgage institutions 33,061 1,815 34,876 27,362 2,669 30,031
Other credit institutions 21,719 3,815 25,534 20,110 4,458 24,568
Corporates 4,280 540 4,820 5,350 392 5,742
Corporates, sub-investment grade 794 794 784 784
Other 2,094 2,094 3,092 3,092
Total 87,687 7,252 94,939 84,080 8,293 92,373
M'#(-2 '-,A (-,18&,+'#,E 1&.2k#'2)
The table below shows loans past due 6 days or more that are
not considered impaired split by corporate and household
customers. Past due loans to corporate customers that are not
considered impaired were at end of 2012 EUR 1,929 up from
The distribution of loans to corporate by size of loans, seen in
the table below, shows a high degree of diversification where
EUR 1,443m one year ago, while past due loans for household
customers stayed largely unchanged at EUR 1,773m (EUR
approximately 69% (67%) of the corporate volume represents
loans up to EUR 50m per customer.
F|nunc|u| slulomonls
Puronl compuny
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 169
O)'#.2 1&94).G - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 17C
F|nunc|u| slulomonls, Puronl compuny
- Conlonls
Income statement 171
Statement of comprehensive income 172
Balance sheet 173
Statement of changes in equity 174
Cash flow statement 176
5 year overview 178

%&2#, 2& 2"# /-.).1-)8 ,2)2#9#.2,

!""#$%&'%( *#+'"',-
P1 Accounting policies 179

.#&,- &# &/, '%"#0, -&1&,0,%&
P2 Segment reporting 180
P3 Net interest income 180
P4 Net fee and commission income 181
P5 Net result from items at fair value 181
P6 Dividends 181
P7 Other operating income 181
P8 Staff costs 182
P9 Other expenses 183
P10 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment
charges of tangible and intangible assets 183
P11 Net loan losses 183
P12 Appropriations 184
P 13 Taxes 184

.#&,- &# &/, 21+1%", -/,,& 1%3 0,0#41%3$0 '&,0-
P14 Treasury bills 185
P15 Loans and impairment 185
P16 Interest-bearing securities 186
P17 Financial instruments pledged as collateral 186
P18 Shares 186
P19 Derivatives and Hedge accounting 187
P20 Fair value changes of the hedged items in
portfolio hedge of interest rate risk 189
P21 Investments in group undertakings 189
P22 Investments in associated undertakings 190
P23 Intangible assets 191
P24 Property and equipment 192
P25 Other assets 192
P 26 Prepaid expenses and accrued income 193
P27 Deposits by credit institutions 193
P28 Deposits and borrowings from the public 193
P29 Debt securities in issue 193
P30 Other liabilities 193
P31 Accrued expenses and prepaid income 193
P32 Provisions 193
P33 Retirement benefit obligations 194
P34 Subordinated liabilities 194
P35 Untaxed reserves 194
P36 Assets pledged as security for own liabilities 195
P 37 Other assets pledged 195
P38 Contingent liabilities 195
P39 Commitments 196

5&/,4 %#&,-
P40 Capital adequacy 196
P41 Classification of financial instruments 197
P42 Assets and liabilities at fair value 199
P43 Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies 201
P44 Transferred assets and obtained collaterals 202
P45 Maturity analyses for assets and liabilties 202
P46 Related-party transactions 204

F|nunc|u| slulomonls - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 171
EURm Note 2012 2011
Operating income
Interest income 2,656 2,626
Interest expense 1,932 1,946
Net interest income P3 724 680
Fee and commission income 853 777
Fee and commission expense 230 217
Net fee and commission income P4 623 560
Net result from items at fair value P5 189 234
Dividends P6 3,554 1,534
Other operating income P7 501 122
Total operating income 5,591 3,130
Operating expenses
General administrative expenses:
Staff costs P8 938 823
Other expenses P9 842 561
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment
charges of tangible and intangible assets P10, P23, P24 105 112
Total operating expenses 1,885 1,496
Profit before loan losses 3,706 1,634
Net loan losses P11 19 20
Impairment of securities held as financial
non-current assets P21 15 9
Operating profit 3,672 1,605
Appropriations P12 103 1
Income tax expense P13 95 114
Net profit for the year 3,474 1,492
lncomo slulomonl, Puronl compuny
O)'#.2 1&94).G - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 172
Slulomonl o comprohons|vo |ncomo,
Puronl compuny
EURm 2012 2011
Net profit for the year 3,474 1,492
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement
Available-for-sale investments:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 30 8
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 6 2
Cash flow hedges:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 179 27
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 48 7
Transferred to profit or loss for the year 176
Tax on transfers to profit or loss for the year 46
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 25 14
Total comprehensive income 3,499 1,478
1) Valuation gains/losses related to hedged risks under fair value hedge accounting accounted for directly in the income statement.
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 173
Bu|unco shool, Puronl compuny
EURm Note
31 Dec
31 Dec
Cash and balances with central banks 180 152
Treasury bills P14 5,092 3,730
Loans to credit institutions P15 68,006 59,379
Loans to the public P15 36,214 36,421
Interest-bearing securities P16 11,594 14,584
Financial instruments pledged as collateral P17 104 1,237
Shares P18 4,742 1,135
Derivatives P19 5,852 4,339
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk P20 1,157 632
Investments in group undertakings P21 17,659 16,713
Investments in associated undertakings P22 8 5
Intangible assets P23 670 658
Property and equipment P24 121 81
Deferred tax assets P13 19 26
Current tax assets P13 41 12
Other assets P25 1,713 2,262
Prepaid expenses and accrued income P26 1,272 1,279
Total assets 152,130 141,381

Deposits by credit institutions P27 19,342 22,441
Deposits and borrowings from the public P28 50,263 44,389
Debt securities in issue P29 48,285 45,367
Derivatives P19 4,166 3,014
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk P20 16 147
Current tax liabilities P13 3 71
Other liabilities P30 1,635 1,776
Accrued expenses and prepaid income P31 1,468 851
Deferred tax liabilities P13 8 2
Provisions P32 148 90
Retirement benefit obligations P33 182 153
Subordinated liabilities P34 7,131 6,154
Total liabilities 132,647 124,455
Untaxed reserves P35 108 5
Share capital 4,050 4,047
Share premium reserve 1,080 1,080
Other reserves 12 13
Retained earnings 14,233 11,807
Total equity 19,375 16,921
Total liabilities and equity 152,130 141,381
Assets pledged as security for own liabilities P36 4,230 3,530
Other assets pledged P37 6,225 7,264
Contingent liabilities P38 86,292 24,720
Commitments P39 26,270 25,098
O)'#.2 1&94).G - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 174
Slulomonl o chungos |n oqu|ly,
Puronl compuny
equity Unrestricted equity
Other reserves:
Cash flow
Balance at 1 Jan 2012 4,047 1,080 20 7 11,807 16,921
Net profit for the year 3,474 3,474
Available-for-sale investments:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 30 30
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 6 6
Cash flow hedges:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 179 179
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 48 48
Transferred to profit or loss for the year 176 176
Tax on transfers to profit or loss for the year 46 46
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 1 24 25
Total comprehensive income 1 24 3,474 3,499
Issued C-shares
3 3
Repurchase of C-shares
3 3
Share-based payments 13 13
Dividend for 2011 1,048 1,048
Repurchases of own shares 10 10
Balance at 31 Dec 2012 4,050 1,080 19 31 14,233 19,375
Balance at 1 Jan 2011 4,043 1,065 1 11,471 16,580
Net profit for the year 1,492 1,492
Available-for-sale investments:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 8 8
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 2 2
Cash flow hedges:
Valuation gains/losses during the year 27 27
Tax on valuation gains/losses during the year 7 7
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 20 6 14
Total comprehensive income 20 6 1,492 1,478
Issued C-shares
4 4
Repurchase of C-shares
4 4
Share-based payments 11 11
Dividend for 2010 1,168 1,168
Divestment of own shares 5 5
Other changes 15
Balance at 31 Dec 2011 4,047 1,080 20 7 11,807 16,921
1) Apart from retained earnings, unrestricted equity consists of a free fund to the amount of EUR 2,762m (31 Dec 2011 EUR 2,762m).
2) Refers to the Long Term Incentive Programme (LTIP). LTIP 2012 was hedged by issuing 2,679,168 C-shares (LTIP 2011 4,730,000, the shares have been bought back
and converted to ordinary shares. The total holding of own shares related to LTIP is 20.3 million (31 Dec 2011 18.2 million).
3) In connection to the rights issue in 2009 an assessment was made on the VAT Nordea would have to pay on the transaction costs. This assessment has been changed
in 2011 based on new tax law.
Description of items in equity is included in Note G1 Accounting policies.
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 175
D")'# 1)4-2)8
Quota value per share, EUR Total number of shares Share capital, EUR
Balance at 1 Jan 2011 1.0 4,042,542,751 4,042,542,751
New issue
1.0 4,730,000 4,730,000
Balance at 31 Dec 2011 1.0 4,047,272,751 4,047,272,751
New issue
1.0 2,679,168 2,679,168
Balance at 31 Dec 2012 1.0 4,049,951,919 4,049,951,919
1) Refers to the Long Term Incentive Programme (LTIP).
0-H-(#.(, 4#' ,")'#
Final dividends are not accounted for until they have been
ratified at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). At the AGM
on 14 March 2013, a dividend in respect of 2012 of EUR 0.34
per share (2011 actual dividend EUR 0.26 per share) amount-
ing to a total of EUR 1,370,092,365 (2011 actual: EUR
1,047,546,038) is to be proposed. The financial statements for
the year ended 31 December 2012 do not reflect this resolu-
tion, which will be accounted for in equity as an appropriation
of retained earnings in the year ending 31 December 2013.
O)'#.2 1&94).G - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 176
Cush |ow slulomonl, Puronl compuny
EURm 2012 2011
Operating activities
Operating profit 3,672 1,605
Adjustment for items not included in cash flow 48 1,109
Income taxes paid 180 166
Cash flow from operating activities before
changes in operating assets and liabilities 3,540 330
Changes in operating assets
Change in treasury bills 1,377 1,401
Change in loans to credit institutions 9,001 8,644
Change in loans to the public 164 2,663
Change in interest-bearing securities 2,207 1,301
Change in financial assets pledged as collateral 1,133 4,923
Change in shares 3,615 876
Change in derivatives, net 249 283
Change in other assets 1,320 1,732
Changes in operating liabilities
Change in deposits by credit institutions 3,100 6,202
Change in deposits and borrowings from the public 5,874 4,768
Change in debt securities in issue 2,918 11,943
Change in other liabilities 165 2,682
Cash flow from operating activities 147 2,446
Investing activities
Shareholders contributions to group undertakings 935
Sale of business operations 2
Acquisition of associated undertakings 3 1
Acquisition of property and equipment 64 32
Sale of property and equipment 0 1
Acquisition of intangible assets 95 74
Sale of intangible assets 1
Net investments in debt securities, held to maturity 1,119 2,841
Purchase of other financial fixed assets 335 279
Cash flow from investing activities 312 2,458
Financing activities
Issued subordinated liabilities 1,495 957
Amortised subordinated liabilities 618 2,160
New share issue 3 19
Repurchase/divestment of own shares incl change in trading portfolio 13 1
Dividend paid 1,048 1,168
Cash flow from financing activities 181 2,351
Cash flow for the year 346 2,553
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 8,052 5,499
Translation difference 0 0
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 7,706 8,052
Change 346 2,553
F|nunc|u| slulomonls - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 177
M&99#.2, &. 2"# 1)," /8&N ,2)2#9#.2
The cash flow statement has been prepared in accordance
with IAS 7. The cash flow statement shows inflows and
outflows of cash and cash equivalents during the year.
Nordeas cash flow has been prepared in accordance with
the indirect method, whereby operating profit is adjusted
for effects of non-cash transactions such as depreciation
and loan losses. The cash flows are classified by operating,
investing and financing activities.
:4#')2-.; )12-H-2-#,
Operating activities are the principal revenue-producing
activities and cash flows are mainly derived from the
operating profit for the year with adjustment for items not
included in cash flow and income taxes paid. Adjustment
for non-cash items includes:
EURm 2012 2011
Depreciation 95 110
Impairment charges 25 11
Loan losses 42 41
Unrealised gains/losses 563 832
Capital gains/losses (net) 0 0
Change in accruals and provisions 690 89
Anticipated dividends 468 1,055
Group contributions 303 355
Translation differences 72 86
Change in fair value of the hedged items,
assets/liabilities (net) 566 962
Other 36 12
Total 48 1,109
Changes in operating assets and liabilities consist of assets
and liabilities that are part of normal business activities, such
as loans, deposits and debt securities in issue. Changes in
derivatives are reported net.
Cash flow from operating activities includes interest pay-
ments received and interest expenses paid with the following
EURm 2012 2011
Interest payments received 2,823 2,502
Interest expenses paid 1,852 1,820
S.H#,2-.; )12-H-2-#,
Investing activities include acquisitions and disposals of
non-current assets, like property and equipment, intangi-
ble and financial assets.
7-.).1-.; )12-H-2-#,
Financing activities are activities that result in changes
in equity and subordinated liabilities, such as new
issues of shares, dividends and issued/amortised
subordinated liabilities.
M)," ).( 1)," #T+-H)8#.2,
The following items are included in Cash and cash equivalents:
31 Dec
31 Dec
Cash and balances with central banks 180 152
Loans to credit institutions, payable on
demand 7,526 7,900
Total 7,706 8,052
Cash comprises legal tender and bank notes in foreign
currencies. Balances with central banks consist of deposits
in accounts with central banks and postal giro systems
under government authority, where the following condi-
tions are fulfilled;
the central bank or the postal giro system is domiciled in
the country where the institution is established
the balance on the account is readily available any time.
Loans to credit institutions, payable on demand include
liquid assets not represented by bonds or other interest-
bearing securities.
O)'#.2 1&94).G - F|nunc|u| slulomonls
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 178
5 your ovorv|ow, Puronl compuny
S.1&9# ,2)2#9#.2
EURm 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
Net interest income 724 680 584 666 523
Net fee and commission income 623 560 571 456 468
Net result from items at fair value 189 234 157 152 13
Dividends 3,554 1,534 2,203 973 2,063
Other income 501 122 123 123 190
Total operating income 5,591 3,130 3,638 2,370 3,231
General administrative expenses:
Staff costs 938 823 745 644 676
Other expenses 842 561 526 443 473
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges
of tangible and intangible assets 105 112 112 106 103
Total operating expenses 1,885 1,496 1,383 1,193 1,252
Profit before loan losses 3,706 1,634 2,255 1,177 1,979
Net loan losses 19 20 33 165 80
Impairment of securities held as financial non-current assets 15 9 105 26
Operating profit 3,672 1,605 2,117 1,012 1,873
Appropriations 103 1 0 3 4
Income tax expense 95 114 115 24 11
Net profit for the year 3,474 1,492 2,002 985 1,888
*)8).1# ,"##2
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
Treasury bills and interest-bearing securities 16,686 18,314 20,706 20,675 12,178
Loans to credit institutions 68,006 59,379 48,151 43,501 43,855
Loans to the public 36,214 36,421 33,800 28,860 29,240
Investments in group undertakings 17,659 16,713 16,690 16,165 15,866
Other assets 13,565 10,554 14,458 9,125 11,895
Total assets 152,130 141,381 133,805 118,326 113,034
Deposits by credit institutions 19,342 22,441 28,644 30,187 34,713
Deposits and borrowings from the public 50,263 44,389 39,620 34,617 33,457
Debt securities in issue 48,285 45,367 33,424 22,119 17,949
Subordinated liabilities 7,131 6,154 7,135 6,605 6,829
Other liabilities/untaxed reserves 7,734 6,109 8,402 9,298 7,615
Equity 19,375 16,921 16,580 15,500 12,471
Total liabilities and equity 152,130 141,381 133,805 118,326 113,034
olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 179
*),-, /&' 4'#,#.2)2-&.
The financial statements for the parent company, Nordea
Bank AB (publ), are prepared in accordance with the Swedish
Annual Accounts Act for Credit Institutions and Securities
Companies (1995:1559) and IFRS with the amendments and
exceptions following the recommendation RFR 2 Accounting
for Legal Entities issued by the Swedish Financial Reporting
Board and the accounting regulations of the Swedish Finan-
cial Supervisory Authority (FFFS 2008:25, with amendments
in FFFS 2009:11 and 2011:54). Under RFR 2, the parent com-
pany shall apply all standards and interpretations issued by
the IASB and IFRS IC to the extent possible within the frame-
work of Swedish accounting legislation and considering the
close tie between financial reporting and taxation. The rec-
ommendation sets out the exceptions and amendments com-
pared to IFRS.
The Groups accounting policies described in Note G1
Accounting policies are applicable also for the parent com-
pany, considering also the information provided below.
M").;#( )11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#, ).( 4'#,#.2)2-&.
The accounting policies, basis for calculations and presenta-
tion are, in all material aspects, unchanged in comparison
with the 2011 Annual Report, mainly apart from the categori-
sation of commissions within Note P4 Net fee and commis-
sion income and the definition of impaired loans in Note P15
Loans and impairment. These changes are further
described below.
More information on changes in IFRSs implemented in
2012, which have not had any significant impact on the parent
company, as well as on forthcoming changes in IFRSs not yet
implemented by Nordea, can be found in section 2 Changed
accounting policies and presentation and section 3 Changes
in IFRSs not yet applied by Nordea in Note G1 Accounting
policies. The conclusions within these sections are, where
applicable, relevant also for the parent company.
Definition of impaired loans
The definition of impaired loans has been changed and the
disclosure includes all loans that have, as a consequence of
identified loss event, been written down either individually,
for individually significant loans, or as part of a portfolio, for
individually insignificant loans.
This definition of impaired loans provides more granular
information of the loans actually impaired.
The income statement and balance sheet are unaffected by
this change. The comparative figures have been restated
accordingly and are disclosed in the below table.
31 Dec 2011
Impaired loans 366 315
Performing 245 254
Non-performing 121 61
Categorisation of commissions
The categorisation of commission within Net fee and com-
mission income has been improved by merging similar types
of commissions. Commissions received for securities issues,
corporate financial activities and issuer services were reclassi-
fied from Payments and Other commission income to the
renamed lines Brokerage, securities issues and corporate
finance and Custody and issue services. This categorisation
better describes the types of commission recognised in the
income statement. The comparable figures have been restated
accordingly and are disclosed in the below table.
JanDec 2011
Brokerage, securities issues and
corporate finance 116 104
Custody and issuer services 17 11
Payments 106 121
Other commissions income 42 45
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#, )448-1)J8# /&' 2"# 4)'#.2 1&94).G
Investments in group undertakings and associated
The parent companys investments in group undertakings
and associated undertakings are recognised under the cost
model. Impairment tests are performed according to IAS 36
Impairment of Assets. At each balance sheet date, all shares
in group undertakings and associated undertakings are
reviewed for indications of impairment. If such indication
exists, an analysis is performed to assess whether the carry-
ing amount of each holding of shares is fully recoverable. The
recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell
and the value in use. Any impairment charge is calculated as
the difference between the carrying amount and the recover-
able amount and is classified as Impairment of securities
held as financial non-current assets in the income statement.
Dividends paid to the shareholders of Nordea Bank AB (publ)
are recorded as a liability following the approval of the
Annual General Meeting.
Dividends paid by group undertakings to the parent com-
pany are anticipated if the parent alone can decide on the size
of the dividend and if the formal decision has been made
before the financial report is published. Dividends from
group- and associated undertakings are recognised on the
separate income line Dividends.
0-//#'#.1#, 1&94)'#( 2& S7@D
The accounting principles applied differ from IFRS mainly in
the following aspects:
Amortisation of goodwill
Under IAS 38, goodwill and other intangible assets with
indefinite useful lives are not amortised in the consolidated
financial statements. In the parent company financial state-
ments goodwill is amortised as any other intangible asset in
accordance with the rules set out in the Swedish Annual
Accounts Act for Credit Institutions and Securities Compa-
nies (1995:1559), i.e. normally over a period of five years
unless, under exceptional circumstances, a longer amortisa-
tion period is justified.
Functional currency
The functional and presentation currency of Nordea Bank AB
(publ) is EUR. All transactions in other currencies are con-
verted to EUR in accordance with the policies disclosed in
section 9 Translation of assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currencies in Note G1 Accounting policies.
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,
O)'#.2 1&94).G - olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 18C

Sweden Finland
2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income 724 680 724 680
Net fee and commission income 623 560 623 560
Net result from items at fair value 189 234 189 234
Dividends 368 421 3,142 1,018 8 29 7 7 29 59 3,554 1,534
Other Operating income 501 122 501 122
Total operating income 2,405 2,017 3,142 1,018 8 29 7 7 29 59 5,591 3,130
1) Regards dividends from group undertakings.
%#2 -.2#'#,2 -.1&9#
EURm 2012 2011
Interest income
Loans to credit institutions 990 950
Loans to the public 1,203 1,164
Interest-bearing securities 405 460
Other interest income 58 52
Interest income 2,656 2,626
Interest expense
Deposits by credit institutions 172 275
Deposits and borrowings from the public 536 549
Debt securities in issue 1,027 888
Subordinated liabilities 328 294
Other interest expenses
131 60
Interest expense 1,932 1,946
Net interest income 724 680
1) The net interest income from derivatives, measured at fair value and related to Nordeas funding. This can have both a positive and negative impact on other interest expense,
for further information see Note G1.
D#;9#.2 '#4&'2-.;
Y11&+.2-.; 4&8-1-#,E 1&.2k
Geographical information
The accounting principle for defined benefit obligations fol-
lows the Swedish rules (Tryggandelagen) and the regula-
tions of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority as this
is the condition for tax deductibility. The significant differ-
ences compared with IAS 19 consist of how the discount rate
is determined, that the calculation of the defined benefit obli-
gation is based on current salary level without assumptions
about future salary increases and that all actuarial gains and
losses are recognised in the income statement when they
In Sweden, actuarial pension commitments are guaranteed
by a pension foundation or recognised as a liability. No net
defined benefit assets are recognised. The pension cost in the
parent company, classified as Staff cost in the income state-
ment, consists of changes in recognised pension provisions
(including special wage tax) for active employees, pension
benefits paid, contributions made to or received from the
pension foundation and related special wage tax.
Group contributions
Group contributions paid to group undertakings are recog-
nised as an increase in the value of investments in group
undertakings, net of tax. Group contributions received from
group undertakings are recognised as dividends. The possi-
ble tax effects on group contributions received are classified
as Income tax expense in the income statement.
Untaxed reserves
The parent company reports untaxed reserves, related to
accelerated depreciation and tax allocation reserve under tax
regulations. In the consolidated financial statements, untaxed
reserves are split on the items Retained earnings and
Deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet.
Interest income from financial instruments not measured at fair value through profit and loss amounts to EUR 2,314m (EUR 2,260m).
Interest expenses from financial instruments not measured at fair value through profit and loss amounts to EUR 2,089m (EUR 1,990m).
Interest on impaired loans amounted to an insignificant portion of interest income.
olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 181
%#2 /## ).( 1&99-,,-&. -.1&9#
EURm 2012 2011
Asset management commissions 90 90
Life insurance 8 10
Brokerage, securities issues and corporate
finance 147 116
Custody and issuers services 14 17
Deposits 29 25
Total savings related commissions 288 258
Payments 111 106
Cards 224 202
Total payment commissions 335 308
Lending 137 133
Guarantees and documentary payment 68 36
Total lending related commissions 205 169
Other commission income 25 42
Fee and commission income 853 777
Savings and investments 37 32
Payments 27 35
Cards 116 102
State guarantee fees 43 42
Other commission expenses 7 6
Fee and commission expense 230 217
Net fee and commission income 623 560
Fee income, not included in determining the effective interest
rate, from financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair
value through profit or loss amounts to EUR 167m (EUR 158m).
Fee income, not included in determining the effective inter-
est rate, from fiduciary activities that result in the holding or
investing of assets on behalf of customers amount to EUR
245m (EUR 217m). The corresponding amount for fee
expenses is EUR 37m (EUR 32m).
EURm 2012 2011
Shares/participations and other share-
related instruments 30 45
Interest-bearing securities and other
interest-related instruments 87 98
Other financial instruments 41 6
Foreign exchange gains/losses 31 97
Total 189 234
Net result from categories of financial instruments
EURm 2012 2011
Financial instruments designated at fair
value through profit or loss 17 40
Financial instruments held for trading
144 140
Financial instruments under fair value hedge
accounting 13 7
of which net losses on hedging instruments 506 901
of which net gains on hedged items 519 894
Financial assets measured at amortised cost 0
Financial liabilities measured at amortised
cost 0 8
Foreign exchange gains/losses excluding
currency hedges 41 55
Other 0
Total 189 234
1) Of which amortised deferred day one profits amounts to EUR 0m (EUR 0m).
%#2 '#,+82 /'&9 -2#9, )2 /)-' H)8+#
EURm 2012 2011
Nordea Bank Finland Plc 3,125 1,000
Nordea Bank Norge ASA 29
Nordea Life Holding AB 18 26
Nordea Investment Management AB 47 40
Nordea Bank S.A Luxembourg 10 40
Nordea Investment Funds Company I SA 19 19
Nordea Investment Funds Company Finland Ltd 17 18
Nordea Ejendomsinvestering A/S 7 7
Nordea Fondene Norge AS 8 0
Group Contributions
Nordea Hypotek AB 208 302
Nordea Fonder AB 2 28
Nordea Finans AB 93 25
Nordic Baltic Holding AB 0 0
Total 3,554 1,534
:2"#' &4#')2-.; -.1&9#
EURm 2012 2011
Divestment of shares 3
Remuneration from group undertakings 439 52
Other 62 67
Total 501 122
O)'#.2 1&94).G - olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 182
EURm 2012 2011
Salaries and remuneration (specification below)
590 498
Pension costs (specification below) 144 110
Social security contributions 194 186
Other staff costs 10 29
Total 938 823
Salaries and remuneration
To executives
Fixed compensation and benefits 6 6
Performance-related compensation 3 2
Allocation to profitsharing 0 0
Total 9 8
To other employees 581 490
Total 590 498
1) Allocation to profit-sharing foundation 2012 EUR 20m (EUR 4m) consists of
a new allocation of EUR 18m (EUR 7m) and an allocation related to prior year of
EUR 2m (EUR 3m).
2) Executives include the Board of Directors (including deputies), CEO, deputy CEO,
executive vice presidents and Group Executive Management in the parent company.
Former board members (including deputies), CEOs, deputy CEOs, managing direc-
tors and executive vice presidents, are included. Executives amounts to 17 (19) posi-
EURm 2012 2011
Pension costs
Defined benefit plans 90 67
Defined contribution plans 54 43
Total 144 110
1) Pension costs for executives, see Note G7.
Y((-2-&.)8 (-,18&,+'#, &. '#9+.#')2-&. +.(#' DN#(-,"
7DY '#;+8)2-&., ).( ;#.#')8 ;+-(#8-.#,
The qualitative disclosures under these regulations can be
found in the separate section on remuneration in the Board
of Directors Report, while the quantitative disclosures will
be published in a separate report on Nordeas homepage
( one week before the Annual General
Meeting on 14 March 2013.
M&94#.,)2-&. 2& A#G 9).);#9#.2 4#',&..#8
Salaries and renumeration to the Board of Directors, CEO and
Group Executive Management, see Note G7.
e&)., 2& A#G 9).);#9#.2 4#',&..#8
Loans to key management personnel amounts to EUR 0m
(EUR 0m). Interest income on these loans amounts to EUR
0m (EUR 0m). For information about loan conditions, see
Note G7.
e&.; !#'9 S.1#.2-H# O'&;')99#,
Participation in the Long Term Incentive Programmes (LTIPs)
requires that the participants take direct ownership by invest-
ing in Nordea shares. For more information about conditions
and requirements, see Note G7.
For information on number of outstanding conditional
rights in the LTIPs, see Note G7. All rights in the LTIPs, both
to employees in the parent company as well as to employees
in group undertakings, are issued by Nordea Bank AB (publ).
The expenses in below table regards only employees in
Nordea Bank AB (publ).
D2)// 1&,2,
IZ4#.,#, /&' #T+-2GL,#228#( ,")'#LJ),#( 4)GL
9#.2 4'&;')99#,
Expected expense for the
whole programme 8 8 4 4 3
Maximum expense for the
whole programme 13 10 7 4 3
Total expense during 2012 2 3 1
Total expense during 2011 1 1 1
1) All amounts excluding social security contribution.
When calculating the expected expense an expected annual
employee turnover of 5% has been used in LTIP 2010, LTIP
2011 and LTIP 2012. The expected expense is recognised over
the vesting period of 36 months (LTIP 2010, 2011 and 2012)
and 24 months (LTIP 2009 and 2008).
M),"L,#228#( ,")'#LJ),#( 4)G9#.2 2').,)12-&.
Nordea operates share-linked deferrals on parts of variable
compensation for certain employee categories, indexed with
Nordea Total Shareholder Returns (TSR) and either vesting
after three years or vesting in equal instalments over a three
to five year period. Since 2011 Nordea also operates TSR-
linked retention on part of variable compensation for certain
employee categories. The below table only includes deferred
amounts indexed with Nordea TSR. Nordea also operates
deferrals not being TSR-linked, which are not included in the
table below. Further information regarding all deferred
amounts can be found in the separate report on remuneration
published on Nordeas homepage (
EURm 2012 2011
Deferred TSR-linked compensation
at beginning of the year 1 2
Accrued deferred/retained TSR-linked
compensation during the year 1 0
TSR indexation during the year 0 0
Payments during the year
0 1
Translation differences 0 0
Deferred TSR-linked compensation
at end of year
2 1
1) There have been no adjustments due to forfeitures in 2012.
2) Of which EUR 1m is available for disposal by the employees in 2013. Due to that the allo-
cation of variable compensation is not finally decided during the current year, the deferred
amount during the year relates to variable compensation earned the previous year.
YH#');# .+9J#' &/ #948&G##,
Total Men Women
2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Full-time equivalents
Sweden 6,601 7,023 2,910 3,071 3,691 3,952
Other countries 1,203 202 737 92 466 110
Total average 7,804 7,225 3,647 3,163 4,157 4,062
W#.(#' (-,2'-J+2-&.E #Z#1+2-H#,
Per cent 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Nordea Bank AB (publ)
Board of Directors Men 67 62
Board of Directors Women 33 38
Other executives Men 88 88
Other executives Women 12 12
olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 183
:2"#' #Z4#.,#,
EURm 2012 2011
Information technology 500 220
Marketing and representaion 33 33
Postage, transportation, telephone and office
expenses 69 70
Rents, premises and real estate 114 116
126 122
Total 842 561
1)Including fees and remuneration to auditors distributed as follows.
Y+(-2&',3 /##
EURm 2012 2011
Auditing assignments 2 2
Audit-related services 1 0
Tax advisory services 0 0
Other assignments 1 4
Total 4 6
%#2 8&). 8&,,#,
EURm 2012 2011
Divided by class
Loans to credit institutions 1 1
of which provisions 5
of which write-offs 0 4
of which allowances used
for covering write-offs 0 4
of which reversals 4 1
Loans to the public 15 26
of which provisions 69 75
of which write-offs 65 63
of which allowances used
for covering write-offs 27 35
of which reversals 69 56
of which recoveries 23 21
Off-balance sheet items
3 5
of which provisions 5 1
of which reversals 2 6
Total 19 20
Changes of allowance
accounts on the balance
sheet 4 13
of which Loans,
individually assessed
14 27
of which Loans,
collectively assessed
13 9
of which Off-balance sheet
items, individually assessed
0 1
of which Off-balance sheet
items, collectively assessed
3 4
Changes directly recognised
in the income statement 15 7
of which realised loan
losses, individually assessed 38 28
of which realised recover-
ies, individually assessed 23 21
Total 19 20
1) Included in Note P32 Provisions as Transfer risk, off-balance, Guarantees.
2) Included in Note P15 Loans and impairment.
]#G ')2-&,
2012 2011
Loan loss ratio, basis points 5 6
of which individual 8 10
of which collective 3 4
Impairment charges
Intangible assets (Note P23)
Computer software 10 2
Total 10 2
Total 105 112

0#4'#1-)2-&.E )9&'2-,)2-&. ).( -94)-'9#.2
1")';#, &/ 2).;-J8# ).( -.2).;-J8# ),,#2,
EURm 2012 2011
Property and equipment (Note P24)
Equipment 22 24
Buildings 0 0
Intangible assets (Note P23)
Goodwill 49 69
Computer software 20 12
Other intangible assets 4 5
Total 95 110
O)'#.2 1&94).G - olos lo lho |ncomo slulomonl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 184
S.1&9# 2)Z #Z4#.,#
EURm 2012 2011
Current tax
88 125
Deferred tax 7 11
Total 95 114
1) Of which relating to prior years 16
The tax on the operating profit differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using
the tax rate in Sweden as follows:
EURm 2012 2011
Profit before tax 3,569 1,606
Tax calculated at a tax rate of 26.3% 939 422
Tax-exempt income 872 314
Non-deductible expenses 26 22
Adjustments relating to prior years 16
Change of tax rate
Tax charge 95 114
Average effective tax rate 3% 7%
1) Due to change of corporate tax rate from 26.3% to 22.0%.
0#/#''#( 2)Z
Deferred tax
Deferred tax
EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011
Deferred tax related to:
Derivatives 5 7 8 2
Retirement benefit obligations 8 7
Liabilities/provisions 6 12 0 0
Total 19 26 8 2
of which expected to be settled after more than 1 year 14 8 0 0
EURm 2012 2011
Movements in deferred tax assets/liabilities, net:
Amount at beginning of year (net) 24 8
Deferred tax relating to items recognised in Other comprehensive income 8 5
Acquisitions and others 2
Deferred tax in the income statement 7 11
Amount at end of year (net) 11 24
Current and deferred tax recognised in Other comprehensive income
Deferred tax relating to available-for-sale investments 6 2
Deferred tax relating to cash flow hedges 2 7
Total 8 5
Current tax assets 41 12
of which expected to be settled after more than 1 year
Current tax liabilities 3 71
of which expected to be settled after more than 1 year
EURm 2012 2011
Change in tax allocation reserve 103
Change in depreciation in excess of plan, equipment 0 1
Total 103 1
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 185
!'#),+'G J-88,
31 Dec
31 Dec
2011 EURm
State and sovereigns
4,907 4,868
Municipalities and other public bodies 289 99
Total 5,196 4,967
of which Financial instruments pledged as collateral (Note P17) 104 1,237
Total 5,092 3,730
1) Of which EUR 17m (EUR 353m) held at amortised cost with a nominal amount of EUR 17m (EUR 353m).
e&)., ).( -94)-'9#.2
institutions The public Total
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Loans, not impaired
68,011 59,374 36,111 36,274 104,122 95,648
Impaired loans
9 296 357 296 366
of which performing 9 118 236 118 245
of which non-performing 178 121 178 121
Loans before allowances 68,011 59,383 36,407 36,631 104,418 96,014
Allowances for individually assessed impaired loans 1 2 132 130 133 132
of which performing 61 93 61 93
of which non-performing 1 2 71 37 72 39
Allowances for collectively assessed impaired loans 4 2 61 80 65 82
Allowances 5 4 193 210 198 214
Loans, carrying amount 68,006 59,379 36,214 36,421 104,220 95,800
1) Comparative figures have been restated to ensure consistency between periods, see Note P1 for more information.
@#1&.1-8-)2-&. &/ )88&N).1# )11&+.2, /&' -94)-'#( 8&).,
Credit institutions The public Total
assessed Total
assessed Total
assessed Total
Opening balance at 1 Jan 2012 2 2 4 130 80 210 132 82 214
Provisions 5 5 63 5 68 63 10 73
Reversals 1 3 4 48 20 68 49 23 72
Changes through the income statement 1 2 1 15 15 0 14 13 1
Allowances used to cover write-offs 27 27 27 27
Reclassifications 8 7 1 8 7 1
Translation differences 6 3 9 6 3 9
Closing balance at 31 Dec 2012 1 4 5 132 61 193 133 65 198
Opening balance at 1 Jan 2011 6 2 8 136 88 224 142 90 232
Provisions 0 0 66 8 74 66 8 74
Reversals 39 17 56 39 17 56
Changes through the income statement 0 0 27 9 18 27 9 18
Allowances used to cover write-offs 4 4 35 35 39 39
Translation differences 2 1 3 2 1 3
Closing balance at 31 Dec 2011 2 2 4 130 80 210 132 82 214
1) See Note P11 Net loan losses.
O)'#.2 1&94).G - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 186
e&)., ).( -94)-'9#.2E 1&.2k
Y88&N).1#, ).( 4'&H-,-&.,
institutions The public Total
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Allowances for items on the balance sheet 5 4 193 210 198 214
Provisions for off balance sheet items 117 2 2 1 119 3
Total allowances and provisions 122 6 195 211 317 217
]#G ')2-&,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Impairment rate, gross, basis points
28 38
Impairment rate, net, basis points
16 24
Total allowance rate, basis points 19 22
Allowances in relation to impaired loans, %
45 36
Total allowances in relation to impaired loans, %
67 58
1) Comparative figures have been restated to ensure consistency between periods, see Note P1 for more information.
S.2#'#,2LJ#)'-.; ,#1+'-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Issued by other borrowers
11,594 14,584
Total 11,594 14,584
of which Financial instruments pledged as
collateral (Note P17)
Total 11,594 14,584
Listed securities 11,530 14,064
Unlisted securities 64 520
Total 11,594 14,584
1) Of which EUR 864m (EUR 1,648m) held at amortised cost with a nominal amount
of EUR 863m (EUR 1,634m).
7-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2, 48#(;#( ), 1&88)2#')8
In repurchase transactions and in securities lending transac-
tions, non-cash assets are transferred as collateral. When the
counterpart receiving the collateral has the right to sell or
repledge the assets, the assets are reclassified on the balance
sheet to the item Financial instruments pledged as collateral.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Treasury bills 104 1,237
Total 104 1,237
For more information on transferred assets and reverse repos,
see Note P44.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Shares 4,741 1,131
Shares taken over for protection of claims 1 4
Total 4,742 1,135
Listed shares 4,713 1,100
Unlisted shares 29 35
Total 4,742 1,135
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 30 38
7-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2, 48#(;#( ), 1&88)2#')8
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 187
0#'-H)2-H#, ).( \#(;# )11&+.2-.;
Fair value
Total nom
amount 31 Dec 2012, EURm Positive Negative
Derivatives held for trading
Interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps 2,469 2,683 127,698
FRAs 22 21 25,052
Futures and forwards 6 1,839
Options 0 0 379
Other 0 1,165
Total 2,491 2,710 156,133
Equity derivatives
Equity swaps 83 149 350
Futures and forwards 1 0 21
Options 61 67 1,987
Total 145 216 2,358
Foreign exchange derivatives
Currency and interest rate swaps 629 609 13,541
Currency forwards 63 124 23,979
Total 692 733 37,520
Credit derivatives
Credit default swaps 0 1
Total 0 1
Other derivatives
Other 26 0 1,867
Total 26 0 1,867
Total derivatives held for trading 3,354 3,659 197,879
Derivatives used for hedge accounting
Interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps 2,058 263 32,653
Options 0 0 642
Total 2,058 263 33,295
Foreign exchange derivatives
Currency and interest rate swaps 440 244 7,475
Total 440 244 7,475
Total derivatives used for hedge accounting 2,498 507 40,770
of which fair value hedges 2,396 382 19,886
of which cash flow hedges 102 125 20,884
Total derivatives 5,852 4,166 238,649
O)'#.2 1&94).G - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 188
Fair value
Total nom
amount 31 Dec 2011, EURm Positive Negative
Derivatives held for trading
Interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps 1,783 2,029 130,296
FRAs 83 109 109,281
Futures and forwards 2 16 1,553
Options 5 6 21,133
Other 0 0 11,221
Total 1,873 2,160 273,484
Equity derivatives
Equity swaps 124 14 131
Futures and forwards 7 0 22
Options 51 28 1,421
Total 182 42 1,574
Foreign exchange derivatives
Currency and interest rate swaps 398 375 16,109
Currency forwards 24 215 16,397
Options 0 0 0
Total 422 590 32,506
Credit derivatives
Credit default swaps 4 110
Total 4 110
Other derivatives
Other 0 8 2,066
Total 0 8 2.066
Total derivatives held for trading 2,477 2,804 309,740
Derivatives used for hedge accounting
Interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps 1,411 189 22,025
Options 0 0 37
Total 1,411 189 22,062
Foreign exchange derivatives
Currency and interest rate swaps 451 21 3,565
Total 451 21 3,565
Total derivatives used for hedge accounting 1,862 210 25,627
Total derivatives 4,339 3,014 335,367
0#'-H)2-H#, ).( \#(;# )11&+.2-.;E 1&.2k
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 189

7)-' H)8+# 1").;#, &/ 2"# "#(;#( -2#9, -.

4&'2/&8-& "#(;# &/ -.2#'#,2 ')2# '-,A

31 Dec
31 Dec
Carrying amount at beginning of year 632 795
Changes during the year
Revaluation of hedged items 525 1,427
Carrying amount at end of year 1,157 632
Carrying amount at beginning of year 147 749
Changes during the year
Revaluation of hedged items 131 602
Carrying amount at end of year 16 147
The carrying amount at end of year represents accumulated
changes in the fair value for those repricing time periods in
which the hedged item is an asset respectively a liability.
When the hedged item is an asset, the change in the fair
value of the hedged item is presented within assets and
when the hedged item is a liability, the change is presented
as a liability.
S.H#,29#.2, -. ;'&+4 +.(#'2)A-.;,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Acquisition value at beginning of year 17,318 17,286
Acquisitions/capital contributions
during the year 958 26
IFRS 2 expenses
3 6
Acquisition value at end of year 18,279 17,318
Accumulated impairment charges at
beginning of year 605 596
Impairment charges during the year 15 9
Accumulated impairment charges at
end of year 620 605
Total 17,659 16,713
1) Allocation of IFRS 2 expenses for LTIP 20072012 related to the group undertakings.
For more information, see Note P8.
of which, listed shares
The total amount is expected to be settled after more than 1 year.
S.H#,29#.2, -. ;'&+4 +.(#'2)A-.;,E 1&.2k
This specification includes all directly owned group undertakings and major group undertakings to the directly owned
31 Dec 2012
Number of
power of
holding % Domicile

Registration number
Nordea Bank Finland Plc 1,030,800,000 5,956 5,955 100.0 Helsinki 16802358
Nordea Finance Finland Ltd 100.0 Espoo 01123053
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S 50,000,000 4,010 3,509 100.0 Copenhagen 13522197
Nordea Finans Danmark A/S 100.0 Hje Taastrup 89805910
Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab 100.0 Copenhagen 15134275
Fionia Asset Company A/S
100.0 Copenhagen 31934745
Nordea Bank Norge ASA 551,358,576 2,818 2,406 100.0 Oslo 911044110
Nordea Eiendomskreditt AS 100.0 Oslo 971227222
Nordea Finans Norge AS 100.0 Oslo 924507500
Privatmegleren AS 100.0 Oslo 986386661
Nordea Bank Polska S.A. 55,061,403 363 362 99.2 Gdynia KRS0000021828
OOO Promyshlennaya Companiya Vestkon 4,601,942,680
659 659 100.0 Moscow 1027700034185
OJSC Nordea Bank 100.0
Moscow 1027739436955
Nordea Life Holding AB 1,000 707 690 100.0 Stockholm 5567423305
Nordea Liv & Pension, Livforsikringsselskab
A/S 100.0 Ballerup 24260577
Nordea Liv Holding Norge AS 100.0 Bergen 984739303
Livforsikringsselskapet Nordea Liv Norge
AS 100.0 Bergen 959922659
Nordea Livfrskring Sverige AB (publ) 100.0 Stockholm 5164018508
Nordea Life Assurance Finland Ltd 100.0 Helsinki 09270728
O)'#.2 1&94).G - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 19C
S.H#,29#.2, -. ),,&1-)2#( +.(#'2)A-.;,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Acquisition value at beginning of year 5 4
Acquisitions during the year 3 1
Acquisition value at end of year 8 5
Total 8 5
of which, listed shares
31 Dec 2012 Registration number Domicile
Carrying amount
2012, EURm
Carrying amount
2011, EURm
Voting power of
holding %
BDB Bankernas Dep AB 5566953567 Stockholm 1 1 20
Bankpension Sverige AB 5566958194 Stockholm 1 1 40
Bankomat AB 5568179716 Stockholm 6 3 20
Other 0 0
Total 8 5
Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) Consolidated
SPEs that have been set up for enabling investments in structured credit products and for acquiring assets from customers.
EURm Purpose Duration
investment Total assets
Viking ABCP Conduit
Factoring <5 years 1,230 1,326
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Credit Linked Note <1 years 1 23
Total 1,231 1,349
1) The Viking ABCP Conduit (Viking) has been established with the purpose of sup-
porting trade receivable or accounts payable securitisations to core Nordic custom-
ers. The SPEs purchase trade receivables from the approved sellers and fund the
purchases either by issuing Commercial Papers (CP) via the established Asset
Backed Commercial Papers programme or by drawing funds on the liquidity facili-
ties available. Nordea has provided liquidity facilities of maximum EUR 1,691m and
at year end 2012 EUR 1,230m were utilised. There is no outstanding CP issue at year
end 2012. These SPEs are consolidated as they are closely linked to the activities
within Nordea. Also, Nordea is exposed to credit risk through the liquidity facility.
There are no significant restriction on repayment of loans from Viking apart from
that the payments are dependant on the pace in which Viking realises its assets.
2) Kalmar Structured Finance A/S was established to allow customers to invest in
structured products in the global credit markets. The SPE enters into Credit Default
Swaps (CDS) and hereby acquires a credit risk on an underlying portfolio of names
(like corporate names) and at the same time the SPE issues Credit Linked Notes
(CLN) with a similar credit risk that reflects the terms in the CDSs. Nordea is the
counterpart in the derivative transactions. The total notional of outstanding CLNs
in this category was EUR 24m at year end 2012. Nordea holds CLNs issued by the
SPE as part of offering a secondary market for the notes. The investment amounted
to EUR 1m at year end 2012.
Nordea Hypotek AB (publ) 100,000 1,898 1,898 100.0 Stockholm 5560915448
Nordea Fonder AB 15,000 241 229 100.0 Stockholm 5560204694
Nordea Bank S.A. 999,999 454 454 100.0 Luxembourg B14157
Nordea Finans Sverige AB (publ) 1,000,000 116 116 100.0 Stockholm 5560211475
Nordea Fondene Norge AS 1,200 29 29 100.0 Oslo 930954616
Nordea Investment Management AB 12,600 232 230 100.0 Stockholm 5560602301
Nordea Investment Fund Company
Finland Ltd 3,350 138 138 100.0 Helsinki 17377859
Nordea Ejendomsinvestering A/S 1,000 29 29 100.0 Copenhagen 26640172
Nordea Investment Fund Management A/S 25,000 8 8 100.0 Copenhagen 13917396
Nordea Investment Funds Company I S.A. 39,996 0 0 100.0 Luxembourg B30550
PK Properties Int'l Corp 100,000 0 0 100.0 Atlanta, USA 601624718
Nordea Hsten Fastighetsfrvaltning AB 1,000 0 0 100.0 Stockholm 5566536800
Nordea Putten Fastighetsfrvaltning AB 1,000 0 0 100.0 Stockholm 5566535257
Nordea North America Inc. 1,000 0 0 100.0 Delaware, USA 510276195
Nordea do Brasil Representaes Ltda 1,162,149 0 0 100.0 Sao Paulo, Brasil 51696.268/000140
Nordic Baltic Holding (NBH) AB
1,000 0 0 100.0 Stockholm 5565927950
Nordea Fastigheter AB
3,380,000 1 1 100.0 Stockholm 5560214917
Total 17,659 16,713
1) Nominal value expressed in RUB, representing Nordea's participation in Vestkon.
2) Dormant.
3) Combined ownership, Nordea Bank AB (publ) directly 7.2% and indirectly 92,8% through OOO Promyshlennaya Companiya Vestkon.
S.H#,29#.2, -. ;'&+4 +.(#'2)A-.;,E 1&.2k
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 191
S.2).;-J8# ),,#2,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Goodwill allocated to cash generating units
Retail Banking 403 452
Goodwill, total 403 452
Computer software 264 198
Other intangible assets 3 8
Other intangible assets, total 267 206
Intangible assets, total 670 658
Acquisition value at beginning of year 1,059 1,059
Acquisition value at end of year 1,059 1,059
Accumulated amortisation at beginning of year 607 538
Amortisation according to plan for the year 49 69
Accumulated amortisation at end of year 656 607
Total 403 452
1) Excluding goodwill in associated undertakings
Computer software
Acquisition value at beginning of year 249 175
Acquisitions during the year 93 74
Reclassifications 2
Translation differences 0 0
Acquisition value at end of year 340 249
Accumulated amortisation at beginning of year 49 37
Amortisation according to plan for the year 20 12
Translation differences 1
Accumulated amortisation at end of year 68 49
Accumulated impairment charges at beginning of year 2 0
Impairment charges during the year 10 2
Reclassifications 2
Translation differences 2
Accumulated impairment charges at end of year 8 2
Total 264 198
Other intangible assets
Acquisition value at beginning of year 49 48
Acquisitions during the year 1 1
Sales/disposals during the year 8
Acquisition value at end of year 42 49
Accumulated amortisation at beginning of year 41 36
Amortisation according to plan for the year 4 5
Accumulated amortisation on sales/disposals during the year 6 0
Accumulated amortisation at end of year 39 41
Total 3 8
The total amount is expected to be settled after more than 1 year.
S94)-'9#.2 2#,2
A cash generating unit, defined as the operating segment, is the basis for the goodwill impairment test. See Note G20 and Note G1
section 4 for more information.
O)'#.2 1&94).G - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 192
O'&4#'2G ).( #T+-49#.2
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Property and equipment 121 81
of which buildings for own use 0 0
Total 121 81
Acquisition value at beginning of year 214 193
Acquisitions during the year 64 32
Sales/disposals during the year 8 11
Translation differences 0 0
Acquisition value at end of year 270 214
Accumulated depreciation at beginning of year 133 116
Accumulated depreciation on sales/disposals during the year 6 7
Depreciations according to plan for the year 22 24
Translation differences 0 0
Accumulated depreciation at end of year 149 133
Total 121 81
Land and buildings
Acquisition value at beginning of year 0 0
Acquisition value at end of year 0 0
Accumulated depreciation at beginning of year 0 0
Depreciation according to plan for the year 0 0
Accumulated depreciation at end of year 0 0
Total 0 0
The total amount is expected to be settled after more than 1 year.
Operating leases
Nordea has entered into operating lease agreements for premises and office equipment. See also Note G1, section 15.
Leasing expenses during the year, EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Leasing expenses during the year 97 95
of which minimum lease payments 97 95
Leasing income during the year regarding sublease payments 39 37
Future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable
operating leases amounted to and are distributed as follows:
EURm 31 Dec 2012
2013 66
2014 62
2015 35
2016 26
2017 16
Later years 141
Total 346
Total sublease payments expected to be received under non-
cancellable subleases amounts to EUR 272m. EUR 250m of
the subleases are towards group undertakings.
:2"#' ),,#2,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Claims on securities settlement proceeds 273 500
Anticipated dividends from group undertak-
ings 468 1 ,055
Group Contributions 303 355
Other 669 352
Total 1,713 2,262
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 193
O'#4)-( #Z4#.,#, ).( )11'+#( -.1&9#
31 Dec
31 Dec
Accrued interest income 458 614
Other accrued income 138 21
Prepaid expenses 676 644
Total 1,272 1,279
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 560 543
0#4&,-2, ).( J&''&N-.;, /'&9 2"# 4+J8-1
31 Dec
31 Dec
Deposits from the public 48,822 43,219
Borrowings from the public 1,441 1,170
Total 50,263 44,389
Deposits are defined as funds in deposit accounts covered by
the government deposit guarantee but also including
amounts in excess of the individual amount limits. Individual
pension savings (IPS) are also included.
0#4&,-2, JG 1'#(-2 -.,2-2+2-&.,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Central banks 3,224 4,331
Other banks 15,553 13,720
Other credit institutions 565 4,390
Total 19,342 22,441
0#J2 ,#1+'-2-#, -. -,,+#
31 Dec
31 Dec
Certificates of deposit 0
Commercial papers 15,219 16,800
Bond loans 32,962 28,469
Other 104 98
Total 48,285 45,367
:2"#' 8-)J-8-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Liabilities on securities settlement proceeds 173 130
Sold, not held, securities 559 454
Accounts payable 29 15
Cash/margin payable 0
Other 874 1,177
Total 1,635 1,776
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year
Y11'+#( #Z4#.,#, ).( 4'#4)-( -.1&9#
31 Dec
31 Dec
Accrued interest 561 484
Other accrued expenses 296 163
Prepaid income 611 204
Total 1,468 851
of which expected to be settled after more
than 1 year 6 0
31 Dec
31 Dec
Provision for restructuring costs 28 44
Transfer risk, off-balance 5 2
Guarantees 114 1
Other 1 43
Total 148 90
Restructuring Transfer risk Guarantees Other Total
At beginning of year 44 2 1 43 90
New provisions made 12 5 113 1 131
Provisions utilised 16 16
Reversals 14 2 0 16
Reclassifications 43 43
Translation differences 2 0 0 0 2
At end of year 28 5 114 1 148
of which expected to be settled after more than 1 year 5 114 119
Provision for restructuring costs amounts to EUR 28m and cov-
ers termination benefits (EUR 24m) and other provisions mainly
related to redundant premises (EUR 4m). Provision for transfer
risk is related to off-balance sheet items. Transfer risk relating to
loans is included in the item Allowances for collectively assessed
impaired loans in Note P15. Provision for transfer risk is
depending on the volume of business with different countries.
Loan loss provisions for guarantees amounts to EUR 114m of
wich EUR 110m covers the guarantee in favour of Nordea Bank
Finland Plc and EUR 3m covers the guarantee in favour of Nor-
dea Bank Polska S.A. Loan loss provisions for other guarantees
amounts to EUR 1m. Provisions related to state guarantees in
Other provisions are reclassified to Accrued expenses.
O)'#.2 1&94).G - olos lo lho bu|unco shool
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 194
@#2-'#9#.2 J#.#/-2 &J8-;)2-&.,
O#.,-&. 4'&H-,-&.,
The pension liabilities of Nordea Bank AB (publ) are mainly
covered by allocations to its pension foundation.
The provisions on the balance sheet pertain almost exclu-
sively to former employees of Postgirot Bank. EUR 148m (EUR
127m) of the provisions are covered by "Tryggandelagen".
A small percentage of the pension obligations are covered
by insurance policies.
The following figures are based on calculations in accord-
ance with Swedish rules ("Tryggandelagen").
Specification of amounts recognised on the balance sheet
31 Dec
31 Dec
Present value of commitments relating to in
whole or in part funded pension plans 1,304 1,040
Fair value at the end of the period relating to
specifically separated assets 1,322 1,197
Surplus in the pension foundation 18 157
Present value of commitments relating to
unfunded pension plans 182 153
Unrecognised surplus in the pension foundation 18 157
Reported liability net on the balance sheet 182 153
Specification of changes in the liability recognised on
balance sheet as pension
31 Dec
31 Dec
Balance at 1 Jan recognised as pension
commitments 153 149
Pensions paid related to former employees of
Postgirot Bank 7 6
Actuarial pension calculations 26 9
Effect of exchange rate changes 10 1
Balance at 31 Dec 182 153
Specification of cost and income in respect of pensions
2012 2011
Pensions paid related to former employees of
Postgirot Bank 7 6
Pensions paid covered by the pension
foundation 64 58
Actuarial pension calculation 19 3
Defined benefit plans 90 67
Defined contribution plan 54 43
Pension costs
144 110
Return on specifically separated assets, % 8.2 7.3
1) See Note P8 Staff costs.
Actual value of holdings in pension foundations
31 Dec
31 Dec
Shares 274 197
Interest-bearing securities 1,009 980
Other assets 39 20
Total 1,322 1,197
Assumptions for benefit-determined obligations
2012 2011
Discount rate 1.9% 3.0%
The calculation is based on pay and
pension levels on the accounting date Yes Yes
Next year's expected payment regarding defined benefit plans
amounts to EUR 69m.
D+J&'(-.)2#( 8-)J-8-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Dated subordinated debenture loans 5,160 4,127
Hybrid capital loans 1,971 2,027
Total 7,131 6,154
These debenture loans are subordinated to other liabilities.
Dated debenture loans entitle the lender to payment before
undated subordinated loans and hybrid capital loans. Within
each respective category, the loans entitle lenders to equal
payment rights.
At 31 December four loans with terms specified below
exceeded 10% of the total outstanding volume.
Year of maturity,
Interest rate
Dated loan
1,000 995 Fixed
Dated loan
750 746 Fixed
Dated loan
750 746 Fixed
Dated loan
947 939 Fixed
1) Maturity date 26 March 2020.
2) Maturity date 29 March 2021.
3) Maturity date 15 February 2022.
4) Maturity date 13 May 2021.
m.2)Z#( '#,#'H#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Tax allocation reserve 103
Accumulated excess depreprecia-
tion, equipment 5 5
Total 108 5
olos lo lho bu|unco shool - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 195
:2"#' ),,#2, 48#(;#(
31 Dec
31 Dec
Other assets pledged
Securities etc 6,225 7,264
Total 6,225 7,264
1) Collaterals pledged on behalf of other items other than the companys own liabili-
ties, eg, on behalf of a third party or on behalf of the companys own contingent
liabilities are accounted for under this item.
Securities etc. includes interest-bearing securities pledged as
security for payment settlements within the Central bank of
Sweden. The terms and conditions require day to day security
and relate to liquidity intraday/over night.
Y,,#2, 48#(;#( ), ,#1+'-2G /&' &N. 8-)J-8-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Assets pledged for own liabilities
Securities etc
4,230 3,530
Total 4,230 3,530
The above pledges pertain to the follow-
ing liabilities
Deposits by credit institutions 1,977 3,432
Deposits and borrowings from the public 2,480 489
Total 4,457 3,921
1) Relates only to securities recognised on the balance sheet. Securities borrowed or
bought under reverse repurchase agreements are not recognised on the balance
sheet and thus not included in the amount. Such transactions are disclosed in Note
P44, Obtained collaterals which are permitted to be sold or repledged.
Assets pledged for own liabilities contain securities pledged as
security in repurchase agreement and in securities lending.
The transactions are conducted under standard agreements
employed by financial markets participants. Counterparts in
those transactions are credit institutions and the public. The
transactions are typically short term with maturity within
three months.
M&.2-.;#.2 8-)J-8-2-#,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Loan guarantees 70,514 8,614
Other guarantees 15,774 16,102
Other contingent liabilities 4 4
Total 86,292 24,720
In the normal business of Nordea, the bank issues various
forms of guarantees in favour of the bank's customers. Loan
guarantees are given for customers to guarantee obligations
in other credit- and pension institutions. Other guarantees
consist mainly of commercial guarantees such as bid guaran-
tees, advance payment guarantees, warranty guarantees and
export related guarantees.
Nordea Bank AB (publ) has issued guarantees covering all
commitments in Nordea Investment Management AB, org no
5560602301 and Nordea Fastigheter AB, org no 5560214917.
The guarantee to Nordea Investment Management AB was
withdrawn on 31 January 2013.
Nordea Bank AB (publ) has in December 2012 issued a
guarantee of maximum EUR 60bn in favour of Nordea Bank
Finland Plc where Nordea Bank AB (publ) guarantees the
majority of the exposures in the exposure class IRB corporate
in Nordea Bank Finland Plc. The guarantee covers EUR 41bn
of corporate loans, guarantees, documentary credits and loan
commitments. In addition, EUR 6bn of derivatives are cov-
ered by the guarantee as of 31 December 2012. The maxi-
mum amount of derivatives guaranteed is EUR 10bn. The
guarantee increased the RWA by EUR 34bn, which was miti-
gated by and extraordinary dividend from Nordea Bank Fin-
land Plc. The guarantee will generate commission income,
while the losses recognized on the guaranteed exposures will
be transferred to Nordea Bank AB. The guarantee is priced at
arm's length, including expected credit losses and the cost of
capital required by the guarantee. All internal transations in
the guarantee are eliminated in the consolidated accounts.
Nordea Bank AB (publ) has issued a guarantee of EUR
1,326m in favour of Nordea Bank Polska S.A. The guarantee
covers a mortgage loan portfolio with real estate as collateral.
Nordea Bank AB (publ) has undertaken, in relation to cer-
tain individuals and on certain conditions, to be responsible
for the potential payment liability against them in their
capacity as managing directors or board member in group
undertakings to Nordea Bank AB (publ).
A limited number of employees are entitled to severance pay if
they are dismissed before reaching their normal retirement age.
e#;)8 4'&1##(-.;,
Within the framework of the normal business operations,
the company faces a number of claims in civil lawsuits and
disputes, most of which involve relatively limited amounts.
Presently, none of the current disputes are considered likely
to have any significant adverse effect on the company or its
financial position.
O)'#.2 1&94).G - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 196
M)4-2)8 )(#T+)1G
Calculation of total capital base
EURm 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Equity 19,375 16,921
Proposed/actual dividend 1,370 1,048
Hybrid capital loans 1,992 1,964
Deferred tax assets 19 26
Intangible assets 670 658
IRB provisions excess (+)/shortfall () 52 32
Other items, net 12 13
Tier 1 capital (net after deduction) 19,244 17,134
of which hybrid capital 1,992 1,964
Tier 2 capital 4,706 3,203
IRB provisions excess (+)/shortfall () 52 33
Other deduction 0 0
Total 23,898 20,304
Capital requirements and RWA 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011

Basel II
Basel II
Credit risk 7,494 93,670 4,595 57,441
IRB foundation 4,752 59,394 2,186 27,328
of which corporate 4,404 55,051 1,764 22,051
of which institutions 140 1,751 198 2,477
of which retail 188 2,345 201 2,518
of which other 20 247 23 282
Standardised 2,742 34,276 2,409 30,113
of which sovereign 2 21
of which retail 106 1,327 0 0
of which other 2,634 32,928 2,409 30,113
Market risk 123 1,539 92 1,158
of which trading book, Internal Approach 39 484 30 376
of which trading book, Standardised Approach 20 246 11 143
of which banking book, Standardised Approach 64 809 51 639
Operational risk 219 2,739 190 2,375
of which standardised 219 2,739 190 2,375
Sub total 7,836 97,948 4,877 60,974
Adjustment for transition rules
Additional capital requirement according to transition rules
Total 7,836 97,948 4,877 60,974

On 21 December 2012 Nordea Bank AB (publ) entered into
a guarantee agreement with Nordea Bank Finland Plc.
From a capital adequacy perspective the agreement imp-
lies that Nordea Bank AB (publ) guarantees the majority of
the credit risk exposures in the exposure class IRB corpo-
rate in Nordea Bank Finland Plc. The RWA effect of the
guarantee in Nordea Bank AB (publ) at 31 December 2012
equals approx. EUR 34bn. To reduce the impact of the
increased RWA in Nordea Bank AB (publ), an extraordi-
nary dividend payment of EUR 2.5bn was performed in
December 2012 from Nordea Bank Finland Plc to Nordea
Bank AB (publ). See Note P38 for more information.
More Capital Adequacy information can be found in the
Risk, Liquidity and Capital Management section page 66.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Credit commitments
26,270 25,098
Total 26,270 25,098
1) Including unutilised portion of approved overdraft facilities of EUR 12,952m
(EUR 12,259m).
For information about derivatives see Note P19.
Olhor nolos - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 197
M8),,-/-1)2-&. &/ /-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,
Financial assets
at fair value
through profit or loss
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Loans and
Held to
Held for
Designated at
fair value
profit or loss
used for
for sale
assets Total
Cash and balances with central
banks 180 180
Treasury bills 17 5,075 5,092
Loans to credit institutions 66,960 312 734 68,006
Loans to the public 31,712 4,502 36,214
Interest-bearing securities 865 4,510 6,219 11,594
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral 104 104
Shares 4,712 30 4,742
Derivatives 3,354 2,498 5,852
Fair value changes of the
hedged items in portfolio
hedge of interest rate risk 1,157 1,157
Investments in group
undertakings 17,659 17,659
Investments in associated
undertakings 8 8
Intangible assets 670 670
Property and equipment 121 121
Deferred tax assets 19 19
Current tax assets 41 41
Other assets 560 1,153 1,713
Prepaid expenses
and accrued income 1,134 138 1,272
Total 99,389 882 18,067 5,266 2,498 6,219 19,809 152,130
Financial liabilities
at fair value
through profit or loss
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Held for
Designated at
fair value
through profit
or loss
used for
liabilities Total
Deposits by credit institutions 104 1,855 17,383 19,342
Deposits and borrowings from
the public 2,498 47,765 50,263
Debt securities in issue 48,285 48,285
Derivatives 3,659 507 4,166
Fair value changes of the
hedged items in portfolio
hedge of interest rate risk 16 16
Current tax liabilities 3 3
Other liabilities 560 560 515 1,635
Accrued expenses and prepaid
income 1,172 296 1,468
Deferred tax liabilities 8 8
Provisions 148 148
Retirement benefit obligations 182 182
Subordinated liabilities 7,131 7,131
Total 4,323 4,353 507 122,312 1,152 132,647
O)'#.2 1&94).G - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 198
Financial assets
at fair value
through profit or loss
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Loans and
Held to
Held for
Designated at
fair value
profit or loss
used for
for sale
assets Total
Cash and balances with central
banks 152 152
Treasury bills 353 3,377 3,730
Loans to credit institutions 55,839 234 3,306 59,379
Loans to the public 33,743 2,678 36,421
Interest-bearing securities 1,648 7,642 5,294 14,584
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral 1,237 1,237
Shares 1,097 38 1,135
Derivatives 2,477 1,862 4,339
Fair value changes of the
hedged items in portfolio
hedge of interest rate risk 632 632
Investments in group
undertakings 16,713 16,713
Investments in associated
undertakings 5 5
Intangible assets 658 658
Property and equipment 81 81
Deferred tax assets 26 26
Current tax assets 12 12
Other assets 2,096 166 2,262
Prepaid expenses
and accrued income 1,248 10 21 1,279
Total 92,446 2,001 16,074 6,188 1,862 5,294 17,516 141,381
Financial liabilities
at fair value
through profit or loss
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Held for
Designated at
fair value
through profit
or loss
used for
liabilities Total
Deposits by credit institutions 1,254 2,135 19,052 22,441
Deposits and borrowings from
the public 3 506 43,880 44,389
Debt securities in issue 45,367 45,367
Derivatives 2,804 210 3,014
Fair value changes of the
hedged items in portfolio
hedge of interest rate risk 147 147
Current tax liabilities 71 71
Other liabilities 455 209 1,029 83 1,776
Accrued expenses and prepaid
income 2 117 570 162 851
Deferred tax liabilities 2 2
Provisions 90 90
Retirement benefit obligations 153 153
Subordinated liabilities 6,154 6,154
Total 4,518 2,967 210 116,199 561 124,455
M8),,-/-1)2-&. &/ /-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,E 1&.2k #'2)
Olhor nolos - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 199
e&)., (#,-;.)2#( )2 /)-' H)8+# 2"'&+;" 4'&/-2 &' 8&,,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Carrying amount 5,236 5,984
Maximum exposure
to credit risk 5,236 5,984
7-.).1-)8 ),,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, (#,-;.)2#( )2 /)-' H)8+#
2"'&+;" 4'&/-2 &' 8&,,
Changes in fair values of financial liabilites attributable to
changes in credit risk
The funding of Markets operations are measured at fair value
and classified into the category Fair value through profit or
loss. The funding of Markets is generally of such a short term
nature that the effect of charges in own credit risk is not sig-
Changes in fair values of financial assets attributable to
changes in credit risk
The lending in Markets is generally of such a short ternature
(mainly overnight deposits) that the effect of changes in
credit risk is not significant.
Comparison of carrying amount and contractual amount to
be paid at maturity
2012, EURm
to be
paid at
Financial liabilities designated
at fair value through profit or loss 4,353 4,353
2011, EURm
to be
paid at
Financial liabilities designated
at fair value through profit or loss 2,967 2,967
Y,,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, )2 /)-' H)8+#
31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011
Cash and balances
with central banks 180 180 152 152
Treasury bills 5,092 5,092 3,730 3,730
Loans to credit
institutions 68,006 68,713 59,379 59,401
Loans to the public 36,214 36,224 36,421 36,430
securities 11,594 11,970 14,584 14,849
Financial instruments
pledged as collateral 104 104 1,237 1,237
Shares 4,742 4,742 1,135 1,135
Derivatives 5,852 5,852 4,339 4,339
Fair value changes of
the hedged items in
portfolio hedge of
interest rate risk 1,157 1,157 632 632
Investments in group
undertakings 17,659 17,659 16,713 16,713
Investments in associ-
ated undertakings 8 8 5 5
Intangible assets 670 670 658 658
Property and
equipment 121 121 81 81
Deferred tax assets 19 19 26 26
Current tax assets 41 41 12 12
Other assets 1,713 1,713 2,262 2,262
Prepaid expenses and
accrued income 1,272 1,272 1,279 1,279
Total assets 152,130 153,223 141,381 141,677
Deposits by credit
institutions 19,342 19,252 22,441 22,433
Deposits and borrow-
ings from the public 50,263 50,229 44,389 44,444
Debt securities in issue 48,285 47,382 45,367 45,080
Derivatives 4,166 4,166 3,014 3,014
Fair value changes of
the hedged items in
portfolio hedge of
interest rate risk 16 16 147 147
Current tax liabilities 3 3 71 71
Other liabilities 1,635 1,635 1,776 1,776
Accrued expenses and
prepaid income 1,468 1,468 851 851
Deferred tax liabilities 8 8 2 2
Provisions 148 148 90 90
Retirement benefit
obligations 182 182 153 153
liabilities 7,131 6,833 6,154 6,154
Total liabilities 132,647 131,322 124,455 124,215
0#2#'9-.)2-&. &/ /)-' H)8+# /&' ),,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#,
For information on how fair values are determined, see Note
G42 Assets and liabilities at fair value. The parent company
has not deferred any day 1 gains and losses in accordance
with the accounting policy in Note G1.
M8),,-/-1)2-&. &/ /-.).1-)8 -.,2'+9#.2,E 1&.2k
O)'#.2 1&94).G - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2CC
Y,,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, )2 /)-' H)8+#E 1&.2 #'2)
31 Dec 2012, EURm
Quoted prices in active
markets for the same
instrument (Level 1)
Valuation technique
using observable data
(Level 2)
Valuation technique using
non-observable data
(Level 3) Total
Loans to credit institutions 1,045 1,045
Loans to the public 4,502 4,502
Debt securities
10,875 4,870 163 15,908
Shares 4,712 30 4,742
Derivatives 13 5,839 5,852
Deposits by credit institutions 1,959 1,959
Deposits and borrowings from the public 2,498 2,498
Derivatives 17 4,148 0 4,165
Other liabilities 560 560
1) Of which EUR 5,418m Treasury bills and EUR 10,386m Interest-bearing securities (the portion held at fair value in Note P41). EUR 104m relates to the balance sheet item
Financial instruments pledged as collateral.
31 Dec 2011, EURm
Quoted prices in active
markets for the same
instrument (Level 1)
Valuation technique
using observable data
(Level 2)
Valuation technique using
non-observable data
(Level 3) Total
Loans to credit institutions 3,540 3,540
Loans to the public 2,678 2,678
Debt securities
14,067 3,320 163 17,550
Shares 1,097 4 34 1,135
Derivatives 69 4,270 4,339
Other assets 166 166
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 10 10
Deposits by credit institutions 3,389 3,389
Deposits and borrowings from the public 509 509
Derivatives 99 2,915 0 3,014
Other liabilities 664 664
Accrued expenses and prepaid income 2 117 119
1) Of which EUR 3,377m Treasury bills and EUR 12,936m Interest-bearing securities (the portion held at fair value in Note P41). EUR 1,237m relates to the balance sheet item
Financial instruments pledged as collateral.
=&H#9#.2, -. 8#H#8 >
The following table shows a reconciliation of the opening and closing carrying amounts of level 3 financial assets and liabilities
Fair value gains/losses recognised in
the income statement during the year
31 Dec 2012, EURm
1 Jan
2012 Realised Unrealised
Purchases Sales Settlements
Net transfers
into/out of level 3
31 Dec
Debt securities 163 163
Shares 34 4 30
Derivatives (net of
assets and liabilities) 0 0
1) Relates to those assets and liabilities held at the end of the reporting period.
31 Dec 2011, EURm
1 Jan
2011 Realised Unrealised
Purchases Sales Settlements
Net transfers
into/out of level 3
31 Dec
Debt securities 7 1 157 163
Shares 43 11 2 34
Derivatives (net of
assets and liabilities) 1 1 0
1) Relates to those assets and liabilities held at the end of the reporting period.
Olhor nolos - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2C1
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During the year, the parent company has transferred debt
securities of EUR 871m (EUR 671m) from level 1 to level 2
and EUR 453m (EUR 15m) from level 2 to level 1 of the fair
value hierarchy for financial assets and liabilities at fair
value. The reason for transfers from level 1 to level 2 was
that the instruments ceased to be actively traded during the
year and fair values have now been obtained using valuation
techniques with observable market inputs. The reason for
transfers from level 2 to level 1 was that the instruments have
again been actively traded during the year and reliable qouted
prices are obtained in the markets.
Y,,#2, ).( 8-)J-8-2-#, -. /&'#-;. 1+''#.1-#,
31 Dec 2012, EURbn EUR SEK DKK NOK USD Other Total
Treasury bills 1.5 2.1 0.2 1.3 5.1
Loans to credit institutions 19.9 21.1 6.3 1.4 11.6 7.7 68.0
Loans to the public 7.1 20.6 1.4 0.6 5.1 1.4 36.2
Interest-bearing securities 0.7 10.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 11.6
Other assets 13.9 5.9 1.9 2.5 2.0 5.0 31.2
Total assets 43.1 59.7 10.0 5.0 20.2 14.1 152.1
Liabilities and equity
Deposits by credit institutions 8.5 3.1 1.1 4.0 2.6 19.3
Deposits and borrowings from the public 6.6 40.1 0.9 0.3 1.3 1.1 50.3
Debt securities in issue 22.0 2.6 4.3 9.5 9.9 48.3
Provisions 0.1 0.1
Subordinated liabilities 3.5 0.4 2.9 0.3 7.1
Other liabilities and equity 8.6 14.0 0.2 1.6 2.1 0.5 27.0
Total liabilities and equity 49.2 60.3 6.5 1.9 19.8 14.4 152.1
31 Dec 2011, EURbn EUR SEK DKK NOK USD Other Total
Treasury bills 1.0 2.4 0.3 3.7
Loans to credit institutions 24.8 18.6 0.1 0.7 12.4 2.8 59.4
Loans to the public 5.6 21.9 2.3 0.7 4.8 1.2 36.5
Interest-bearing securities 3.6 9.4 1.5 0.1 14.6
Other assets 17.3 1.7 0.0 2.6 2.8 2.8 27.2
Total assets 52.3 54.0 3.9 4.0 20.4 6.8 141.4
Liabilities and equity
Deposits by credit institutions 10.5 3.2 0.1 0.4 6.5 1.7 22.4
Deposits and borrowings from the public 5.4 37.5 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.2 44.3
Debt securities in issue 28.6 2.7 0.0 0.3 9.3 4.5 45.4
Provisions 0.1 0.1
Subordinated liabilities 2.7 0.0 3.2 0.2 6.1
Other liabilities and equity 5.3 10.5 3.7 3.0 0.4 0.2 23.1
Total liabilities and equity 52.5 54.0 3.9 4.0 20.2 6.8 141.4
O)'#.2 1&94).G - Olhor nolos
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2C2
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Remaining maturity
31 Dec 2012, EURm Note
3 months 312 months
More than
5 years
Without fixed
maturity Total
Cash and balances with central banks 180 180
Treasury bills P14 217 0 4,134 741 5,092
Loans to credit institutions P15 8,943 28,767 9,222 15,702 5,372 68,006
Loans to the public P15 4,613 11,541 4,165 15,207 688 36,214
Interest-bearing securities P16 0 456 1,600 9,183 355 11,594
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral P17 104 104
Derivatives P19 169 255 3,302 2,126 5,852
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk P20 11 457 689 1,157
Total assets with fixed maturities 13,736 41,150 15,335 47,071 8,593 125,885
Other assets 26,245 26,245
Total assets 13,736 41,150 15,335 47,071 8,593 26,245 152,130
:J2)-.#( 1&88)2#')8, N"-1" )'# 4#'9-22#( 2& J# ,&8( &'
Nordea obtains collaterals under reverse repurchase and
securities borrowing agreements which, under the terms of
the agreements, can be sold or repledged. The transactions
are conducted under standard agreements employed by
financial markets participants. Generally, the agreements
require additional collateral to be provided if the value of the
securities falls below a predetermined level. Under standard
terms for most repurchase transactions, the recipient of col-
lateral has an unrestricted right to sell or repledge it, subject
to returning equivalent securities on settlement of the trans-
actions. The fair value of the securities obtained as collateral
under reverse repurchase and securities borrowing agree-
ments are disclosed below.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Reverse repurchase
Received collaterals which can be repledged
or sold 309 233
of which repledged or sold
Securities borrowing
Received collaterals which can be repledged
or sold 4,052 2,180
of which repledged or sold 4,052 2,180
Total 4,361 2,413
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J)8).1# ,"##2 ).( ),,&1-)2#( 8-)J-8-2-#,
All assets transferred and the liabilities associated with these
transactions are specified in the following tables. The assets
continue to be recognised on the balance sheet since Nordea
is still exposed to changes in the fair value of the assets.
Therefore, these assets and its associated liabilities are
included in the tables below.
31 Dec
31 Dec
Repurchase agreements
Treasury bills 104 1,237
Total 104 1,237
e-)J-8-2-#, ),,&1-)2#( N-2" 2"# ),,#2,
31 Dec
31 Dec
Repurchase agreements
Deposits by credit institutions 104 1,258
Total 104 1,258
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Olhor nolos - O)'#.2 1&94).G
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2C3
Deposits by credit institutions P27 2,682 9,323 3,316 3,444 577 19,342
Deposits and borrowings from
the public P28 36,868 10,142 3,244 9 0 50,263
of which Deposits 35,427 10,142 3,244 9 0 48,822
of which Borrowings 1,441 0 0 0 0 1,441
Debt securities in issue P29 13,968 6,647 20,455 7,215 48,285
of which Debt securities in issue 13,864 6,647 20,455 7,215 48,181
of which Other 104 104
Derivatives P19 308 224 2,788 846 4,166
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk P20 6 10 16
Subordinated liabilities P24 5 191 6,935 7,131
Total liabilities with fixed maturities 39,550 33,741 13,436 26,893 15,583 129,203
Other liabilities 3,552 3,552
Equity 19,375 19,375
Total liabilities and equity 39,550 33,741 13,436 26,893 15,583 22,927 152,130
Remaining maturity
31 Dec 2011, EURm Note
Payable on
3 months 312 months 15 years
More than
5 years
Without fixed
maturity Total
Cash and balances with central banks 152 152
Treasury bills P14 181 353 2,783 413 3,730
Loans to credit institutions P15 7,900 27,567 13,781 7,030 3,101 59,379
Loans to the public P15 4,669 12,572 4,125 14,481 574 36,421
Interest-bearing securities P16 4,389 3,894 6,212 89 14,584
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral P17 50 405 769 13 1,237
Derivatives P19 121 297 2,359 1,562 4,339
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk P20 657 49 56 80 632
Total assets with fixed maturities 12,721 44,223 22,904 33,690 5,672 119,210
Other assets 22,171 22,171
Total assets 12,721 44,223 22,904 33,690 5,672 22,171 141,381
Deposits by credit institutions P27 1,166 19,242 938 752 343 22,441
Deposits and borrowings from
the public P28 34,440 8,645 1,151 153 44,389
of which Deposits 33,270 8,645 1,151 153 43,219
of which Borrowings 1,170 1,170
Debt securities in issue P29 0 16,117 7,657 16,168 5,425 45,367
of which Debt securities in issue 0 16,018 7,657 16,168 5,425 45,268
of which Other 99 99
Derivatives P19 247 266 1,920 581 3,014
Fair value changes of the hedged items
in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk P20 430 152 1,198 1,633 147
Subordinated liabilities P34 499 5,655 6,154
Total liabilities with fixed maturities 35,606 44,681 10,164 20,690 10,371 121,512
Other liabilities 2,948 2,948
Equity 16,921 16,921
Total liabilities and equity 35,606 44,681 10,164 20,690 10,371 19,869 141,381
In addition to the on balance sheet and derivative instruments, Nordea has credit commitments amounting to EUR 26,270m
(EUR 25,098m), which could be drawn on at any time. Nordea has also issued guarantees of EUR 86,288m (EUR 24,716m) which
may lead to future cash outflows if certain events occur.
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Compensation and loans to key management personnel are
specified in Note G7.
:2"#' '#8)2#(L4)'2G 2').,)12-&.,
Nordea Bank AB (publ) takes part in a guarantee consortium
to support Norwegian Eksportfinans ASA. For further infor-
mation, see Note G46.
@#8)2#(L4)'2G 2').,)12-&.,
The information below is presented from a Nordea perspective, meaning that the information shows the effect from related
party transactions on the Nordea figures. For more information on definitions, see Note G1, section 26 and Note G47.
Group undertakings Associated undertakings Other related parties
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
Loans and receivables 66,608 57,981 44 52
Interest-bearing securities 231 1,258
Derivatives 2,062 1,297 26
Investments in associated
undertakings 8 5
Investments in group undertakings 17,659 16,713
Other assets 442 431
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 725 716
Total assets 87,727 78,396 78 57
Group undertakings Associated undertakings Other related parties
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
Deposits 8,652 11,852 1 1 27 20
Debt securities in issue 156 54
Derivatives 3,138 2,265 8
Other liabilities 223 207
Accrued expenses and deferred income 378 25
Subordinated loans 309
Total liabilities 12,547 14,712 1 9 27 20
Off balance
90,565 29,599 1,910 2,068
1) Including guarantees to Nordea Bank Finland Plc and Nordea Bank Polska S.A., see Note P38 as well as nominal values on derivatives in associated undertakings.
Group undertakings Associated undertakings Other related parties
EURm 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011
Net interest income and expenses 601 623 1 1

Net fee and commission income 230 172

Net result from items at fair value 351 556 40 4 0 0
Other operating income 473 103
Total operating expenses 158 46
Profit before loan losses 795 296 41 3 0 0
S|gn|ng o lho Annuu| Poporl
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2C5
The Board of Directors and the President and CEO certify that the annual report has been prepared in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles in Sweden and the consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with the International Reporting Standards (IFRS/IAS) referred to in the European parliament
and councils regulation (EC) 1606/2002, from 19 July 2002, on application of International Accounting Standards.
They give a true and fair view of the Groups and the Companys financial position and result. The Board of Directors
Report for the Group and the Company gives a true and fair overview of the development of the operations, financial
position and result of the Group and the Company and describes the material risks and uncertainties that the
Company and the Group companies are facing.
6 February 2013
Bjrn Wahlroos

Marie Ehrling Stine Bosse Peter F Braunwalder
Vice Chairman Board member Board member

Svein Jacobsen Ole Lund Jensen Tom Knutzen
Board member Board member
Board member
Steinar Nickelsen Lars G Nordstrm Lars Oddestad
Board member
Board member Board member

Sarah Russel l Kari Stadigh
Board member Board member

Christian Clausen
President and CEO

Our audit report was submitted on 7 February 2013
Carl Lindgren
Authorised Public Accountant
1) Employee representative.
Signing of the Annual Report
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2C6
Auo|lor's roporl
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We have audited the annual accounts and the consolidated
accounts of Nordea Bank AB (publ) for the year 2012. The
annual accounts and the consolidated accounts of the
company are included in the printed version of this docu-
ment on pages 47205.
Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Managing
Director for the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts
The Board of Directors and the Managing Director are
responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the
annual accounts in accordance with the Annual Accounts
Act of Credit Institutions and Security Companies and for
the fair presentation of the consolidated accounts in
accordance with the International Financial Reporting
Standards, as adopted by the EU, and the Annual Accounts
Act of Credit Institutions and Securities Companies, and
for such internal control as the Board of Directors and the
Managing Director determine is necessary to enable the
preparation of annual accounts and the consolidated
accounts that are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
annual accounts and consolidated accounts based on our
audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Interna-
tional Standards on Auditing and generally accepted
auditing standards in Sweden. Those standards require
that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the annual accounts and the consolidated
accounts are free from material misstatements. An audit
involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence
about the amounts and disclosures in the annual accounts
and the consolidated accounts. The procedures selected
depend on the auditors judgment, including the assess-
ment of the risks of material misstatement of the annual
accounts and the consolidated accounts, whether due to
fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the audi-
tor considers internal control relevant to the companys
preparation and fair presentation of the annual accounts
and the consolidated accounts in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but
not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effec-
tiveness of the companys internal control. An audit also
includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting pol-
icies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates
made by the Board of Directors and the Managing Direc-
tor, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the
annual accounts and the consolidated accounts.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
audit opinions.
In our opinion, the annual accounts have been prepared in
accordance with the Annual Accounts Act of Credit Insti-
tutions and Securities Companies, and present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of the parent com-
pany as of 31 December 2012 and of its financial perfor-
mance and cash flows for the year then ended in accord-
ance with the Annual Accounts Act of Credit Institutions
and Securities Companies. The consolidated accounts
have been prepared in accordance with the Annual
Accounts Act of Credit Institutions and Securities Compa-
nies, and present fairly, in all material respects, the finan-
cial position of the group as of 31 December 2012 and of its
financial performance and cash flows for the year then
ended in accordance with the International Financial
Reporting Standards, as adopted by the EU, and the
Annual Accounts Act of Credit Institutions and Securities
Companies. A Corporate Governance Report has been
prepared. The Board of Directors report and the Corpo-
rate Governance Report are consistent with the other parts
of the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts.
We therefore recommend that the annual meeting of
shareholders adopt the income statement and balance
sheet of the parent company and the group.
@#4&'2 &. &2"#' 8#;)8 ).( '#;+8)2&'G '#T+-'#9#.2,
In addition to our audit of the annual accounts and the
consolidated accounts, we have also audited the proposed
appropriations of the companys profit or loss and the
administration of the Board of Directors and the Manag-
ing Director of Nordea Bank AB (publ) for the year 2012.
Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and
the Managing Director
The Board of Directors is responsible for the proposal for
appropriations of the companys profit or loss, and the
Board of Directors and the Managing Director are respon-
sible for administration under the Companies Act and the
Banking and Financing Business Act.
Auditors responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion with reasona-
ble assurance on the proposed appropriations of the com-
panys profit or loss and on the administration based on
our audit. We conducted the audit in accordance with gen-
erally accepted auditing standards in Sweden.
As a basis for our opinion on the Board of Directors
proposed appropriations of the companys profit or loss,
we examined the Board of Directors reasoned statement
and a selection of supporting evidence in order to be able
to assess whether the proposal is in accordance with the
Companies Act.
As a basis for our opinion concerning discharge from
liability, in addition to our audit of the annual accounts
and the consolidated accounts, we examined significant
decisions, actions taken and circumstances of the com-
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oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2C7
pany in order to determine whether any member of the
Board of Directors or the Managing Director is liable to the
company. We also examined whether any member of the
Board of Directors or the Managing Director has, in any
other way, acted in contravention of the Companies Act,
the Banking and Financing Business Act, the Annual
Accounts Act of Credit Institutions and Securities Compa-
nies, or the Articles of Association.
Stockholm, 7 February 2013
Carl Lindgren
Authorised Public Accountant
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions.
We recommend to the annual meeting of shareholders that
the profit be appropriated in accordance with the proposal
in the Board of Directors report and that the members of
the Board of Directors and the Managing Director be dis-
charged from liability for the financial year.
Logu| slrucluro
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* Further information is presented in Note P21.
Nordeas banking business in the Baltic countries
is operated as branches of Nordea Bank Finland Plc.
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Bouro o D|roclors
Polor F Bruunwu|oor
Suruh Pusso|| Lurs O oroslrom Tom Knulzon
Born Wuh|roos Mur|o Ehr||ng Sl|no Bosso
Svo|n Jucobson
Bjrn Wahlroos
Ph.D (Economics), 1979. Board member since 2008 and Chairman
since 2011. Born 1952. Nationality Finnish.
Board Chairman of Sampo plc, UPM-Kymmene Oyj and Hanken
School of Economics.
Board member of several charities, including the Finnish Business and
Policy Forum EVA/ETLA and the Mannerheim Foundation.
Previous positions:
20012009 Group CEO and President of Sampo plc
20052007 Chairman of Sampo Bank plc
19982000 Chairman of Mandatum Bank plc
19921997 President of Mandatum & Co Ltd
19851992 Various positions with Union Bank of Finland
including executive vice president and member of
the executive committee 19891992
19831984 Visiting associate professor in Managerial Economics
and Decision Sciences at Kellogg Graduate School of
Management, Northwestern University
19801981 Visiting assistant professor in Economics at Brown
19791985 Professor and acting professor of Economics at the
Swedish School of Economics
19741979 Acting lecturer and assistant professor in Finance at
the Swedish School of Economics
Shareholding in Nordea: 100,000*
Marie Ehrling
Vice Chairman
BSc (Economics). Board member since 2007. Born 1955.
Nationality Swedish.
Board Chairman of the Norwegian Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
Board member of Securitas AB, Loomis AB, Oriflame Cosmetics SA,
Schibsted ASA, Safe Gate AB, Axel Johnson AB, Centre for Advanced
Studies of Leadership at Stockholm School of Economics and World
Childhood Foundation.
Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).
Previous positions:
20032006 CEO TeliaSonera Sverige AB
19822002 Deputy CEO SAS Group, Head of SAS Airline and
other executive positions within the SAS group
19801982 Information officer at the Ministry of Finance
19791980 Information officer at the Ministry of Education
19771979 Financial analyst at Fourth Swedish National
Pension Fund
Shareholding in Nordea: 3,075*
Stine Bosse
Master of Law. Board member since 2008. Born 1960.
Nationality Danish.
Board Chairman of Brnefonden, Flgger A/S, The Royal Danish
Theatre, CONCITO and Copenhagen Art Festival.
Board member of TDC A/S, Aker ASA and Allianz SE.
Member of INSEAD, Danish Council.
Advocate for the MDG goals for UN.
Previous positions:
20082012 Non-executive Director of Amlin Plc
20022011 Group CEO of Tryg A/S
20042006 Board Member of TDC
20022005 Board Member of Flgger
19872001 Various positions within Tryg Forsikring A/S. Senior
Vice President 19992002
Shareholding in Nordea: 2,917*
Peter F Braunwalder
Lic.rer.pol (Master of Economics). Board member since 2012.
Born 1950. Nationality Swiss and British.
Board Chairman of Thommen Medical AG.
Board member of the Menuhin Festival Gstaad.
Previous positions:
20022008 Chief Executive Officer HSBC Private Bank.
19822001 Various executive management and other positions
within UBS investment banking and private banking
Shareholding in Nordea: 0*
Svein Jacobsen
MBA. Certified public accountant. Board member since 2008.
Born 1951. Nationality Norwegian.
Board Chairman of Vensafe AS, PSI Group ASA and Falkenberg AS.
Board member of Heidenreich Holding AS and Isco Group AS.
Member of the Advisory Board in CVC Capital Partners.
Previous positions:
20002011 Deputy Chairman of Orkla ASA.
20002010 Board Chairman Expert ASA
20072009 Board Chairman Think Global ASA
19841996 Various positions within Tomra Systems including
CEO 19881996
Shareholding in Nordea: 5,000*
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 2C9
O|o Luno Jonson
Slo|nur |c|o|son Lurs Oooosluo
Kur| Aho|u Kur| Sluo|gh
Tom Knutzen
MSc (Economics). Board member since 2007. Born 1962.
Nationality Danish.
CEO Jungbunzlauer Suisse AG.
Board member of FLSmidt & Co A/S.
Previous positions:
20062011 CEO Danisco A/S
20002006 CEO NKT Holding A/S
19962000 CFO NKT Holding A/S
19881996 Various positions within Niro A/S
19851988 Various positions within Fllesbanken
Shareholding in Nordea: 47,750*
Lars G Nordstrm
Law studies at Uppsala University. Board member since 2003.
Born 1943. Nationality Swedish.
Board Chairman of Vattenfall AB and the Finnish-Swedish Chamber of
Board member of Viking Line Abp and the Swedish-American Cham-
ber of Commerce.
Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).
Honory Consul of Finland in Sweden.
Previous positions:
20082011 President and Group CEO of Posten Norden AB
20062010 Board member of TeliaSonera AB
20052009 Board Chairman of the Royal Swedish Opera
20022007 President and Group CEO of Nordea Bank AB
19932002 Various executive management positions within
Nordea Group
19701993 Various positions within Skandinaviska Enskilda
Banken (EVP from 1989)
Shareholding in Nordea: 23,250*
Sarah Russell
Master of Applied Finance. Board member since 2010. Born 1962.
Nationality Australian.
CEO Aegon Asset Management.
Previous positions:
19942008 Various executive management positions within
ABN AMRO, including
Senior Executive Vice President and CEO of ABN
AMRO Asset Management 2006-2008
19811994 Various management and other positions in Finan-
cial Markets within Toronto Dominion Australia Ltd
Shareholding in Nordea: 0*
Kari Stadigh
Master of Science (Engineering) and Bachelor of Business
Administration. Board member since 2010. Born 1955.
Nationality Finnish.
Group CEO and President of Sampo plc.
Board Chairman of If P&C Insurance Holding AB (publ), Kaleva
Mutual Insurance Company and Mandatum Life Insurance Company
Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK.
Board member of Nokia Corporation.
Previous positions:
20012009 Deputy CEO of Sampo plc
19992000 President of Sampo Life Insurance Company Ltd
19961998 President of Nova Life Insurance Company Ltd
19911996 President of Jaakko Pyry Group
19851991 President of JP Finance Oy
Shareholding in Nordea: 100,000*
Employee representatives:
Kari Ahola
Board member from 2006. Born 1960. Shareholding in Nordea: 0*
Ole Lund Jensen
Board member from 2009. Born 1960. Shareholding in Nordea: 4,440*
Steinar Nickelsen
Board member since 2007. Born 1962. Shareholding in Nordea: 0*
Lars Oddestad
Board member from 2009. Born 1950. Shareholding in Nordea: 0*
* Shareholdings, as of 31 December 2012, also include shares held by family members
and closely affiliated legal entities.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 21C
Oroup Exocul|vo Munugomonl
Casper von Koskull
Executive Vice President, Head of Wholesale Banking.
Born 1960.
Appointed member 2010.
Shareholding: 55,000 Nordea
Peter Nyegaard
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer of Wholesale
Born 1963.
Appointed member 2011.
Shareholding: 36,059 Nordea
Michael Rasmussen
Executive Vice President, Head of Retail Banking.
Born 1964.
Appointed member 2008.
Shareholding: 43,500 Nordea

Gunn Wrsted
Executive Vice President, Head of Wealth Management.
Born 1955.
Appointed member 2007.
Shareholding: 77,159 Nordea
1) Shareholdings as of 31 December 2012, also include shares held by family members
and closely affiliated legal entities.
2) Country Senior Executive.
Christian Clausen
President and Group CEO since 2007.
Master of Science (Economics). Appointed member of GEM 2001.
Born 1955.
President of the European Banking Federation
Chairman of the Swedish Bankers Association
Previous positions:
20002007 Executive Vice President, Head of Asset Management
& Life, Member of Group Management; Nordea
19982000 Member of Executive Board, Unibank
19961998 Managing Director and Chief Executive,
Unibank Markets
19901996 Managing Director and Chief Executive of
Unibrs Securities
19881990 Managing Director of Privatbrsen
Shareholding: 143,099 Nordea
Torsten Hagen Jrgensen
Executive Vice President, CFO, Head of Group Corporate Centre
and Head of Group Operations.
Born 1965.
Appointed member 2011.
Shareholding: 37,500 Nordea
Ari Kaperi
Executive Vice President, CRO, Head of Group
Risk Management.
Born 1960.
Appointed member 2008.
Shareholding: 43,119 Nordea
Oroup Exocul|vo Munugomonl us o Fobruury 2C13, rom |ol lo r|ghl:
Polor yoguuro, Ar| Kupor|, Cuspor von Kos|u||, Ounn Wrsloo, Chr|sl|un C|uuson, M|chuo| Pusmusson, Torslon Hugon Jrgonson.
oroou Annuu| Poporl 2C12 211
Investors Service
& Poor's Fitch DBRS
Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long
Nordea Bank AB (publ) P1 Aa2 A1+ AA
F1+ AA R1 (high) AA
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S P1 Aa3 A1+ AA
F1+ AA R1 (high) AA
Nordea Bank Finland Plc P1 Aa2 A1+ AA
F1+ AA R1 (high) AA
Nordea Bank Finland Plc, covered bonds Aaa
Nordea Bank Norge ASA P1 Aa2 A1+ AA
F1+ AA R1 (high) AA
Nordea Hypotek AB (publ) Aaa
Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab Aaa

Nordea Eiendomskreditt AS Aaa
1) Covered bond rating.
2) Negative outlook.
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F|nunc|u| cu|onour
Nordeas Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2013 will be
held on Thursday 14 March at 13.00 CET at Aula Magna, at
Stockholm University, Frescativgen 6, Stockholm.
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Shareholders who wish to participate in the AGM shall be
entered in the share register maintained by the Swedish
Securities Register Center (Euroclear Sweden AB) not later
than 8 March 2013 and notify Nordea. Shareholders whose
shares are held in custody therefore must temporarily
re-register their shares in their own names with Euroclear
Sweden AB in order to be able to participate. This applies
for example to holders of Finnish Depositary Receipts in
Finland and holders of shares registered in VP Securities
in Denmark. Such re-registration must be effected in
Euroclear Sweden AB in Sweden on 8 March 2013. This
means that the shareholder in good time prior to this date
must inform the trustee about this.
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Notification of participation in the AGM must be made to
Nordea Bank AB (publ) at the latest on 8 March 2013 pref-
erably before 13.00 Swedish time at the following address:
Nordea Bank AB (publ), c/o Euroclear Sweden AB, Box
191, SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden, or by telephone
+46 8 402 90 64, or on Nordeas web page
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Capital Markets Day, London (and webcast) 6 March
Annual General Meeting 14 March
Ex-dividend date 15 March
Record date 19 March
Dividend payments 26 March
1st quarter report 24 April
2nd quarter report 17 July
3rd quarter report 23 October
Torsten Hagen Jrgensen, Group CFO/EVP
Phone: +46 8 614 78 00
Investor Relations
Rodney Alfvn, Head of Investor Relations
Andreas Larsson
Emma Nilsson
Andrew Crayford
Carolina Brikho
SE-105 71 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 614 92 77
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Notification of participation in the AGM and re-registra-
tion of shares to Euroclear Sweden AB must be made at
the latest on 7 March 2013 at 12.00 noon Finnish time to
Nordea Bank AB (publ), c/o Euroclear Sweden AB, Box
191, SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden, or by telephone
+46 8 402 90 64, or on Nordeas web page
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Notification of participation in the AGM and re-registra-
tion of shares to Euroclear Sweden AB must be made at
the latest on 7 March 2013 at 12.00 noon Danish time to
Nordea Bank AB (publ), c/o Euroclear Sweden AB, Box 191,
SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden, or by telephone
+46 8 402 90 64, or on Nordeas web page
All reports and press releases are available on the Internet
at: Financial reports published by the
Nordea Group may be ordered on the website and via
Investor Relations.
The annual reports of Nordea Bank Danmark A/S,
Nordea Bank Norge ASA and Nordea Bank Finland Plc
can be downloaded at
Nordeas report on Capital and risk management, in
accordance with the Pillar III disclosure requirements
according to the EU Capital Requirements Directive, is
presented on
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This Annual Report covers Nordea Bank AB (publ) and
pertains to the operations of the Nordea Group, whose
main legal structure is presented on page 207. The original
annual report is in Swedish. This is an English version
thereof. A Swedish version may be obtained upon request.
In this Annual Report, the Nordea Group presents
income statements and other financial data quoted in
euro (EUR).
Luyoul uno prooucl|on Appo|borg | Pholo lou Schm|ol, Puu||nu Woslor||no, Juhu K|onunon, Puno So|ho|m, Dun Co|omun, Por Myrohoo, Tob|us Oh|s | Pr|nl Allu.45
%&'(#) *).A Y* U4+J8V | Corporulo rog|slrul|on no. 5164C6C12C | Smu|unosgulun 17 | SE1C5 71 Sloc|ho|m | To| +46 8 614 78 CC | Fux +46 8 1C 5C 69 |

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