Agreement For Appraisal Services (Acquisition)
Agreement For Appraisal Services (Acquisition)
Agreement For Appraisal Services (Acquisition)
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this ______ day of ______________, 200___, by and
between the City/Conty/Tribe of ___________, ___________, State of Montana, hereinafter
referred to as the !A"en#y,! and , hereinafter referred to as the
&HEREAS, the A"en#y $ro$oses to a#(ire #ertain rea) $ro$erty and desires that the
A$$raiser frnish the A"en#y #ertain ser*i#es with res$e#t to s#h $ro$erty, in#)din" an a$$raisa) of
ea#h $ar#e) of the $ro$erty, and the A$$raiser re$resents that he is f))y (a)ified to $erfor+ s#h
ser*i#es and wi)) frnish s#h ser*i#es $ersona))y, and
&HEREAS, the ser*i#es to be $ro*ided nder this A"ree+ent are ne#essary to a#hie*e the
$r$oses of and the -nifor+
Re)o#ation Assistan#e and Rea) .ro$erty A#(isition .o)i#ies A#t of /010 2-nifor+ A#t3%
N4&, THERE54RE, the A"en#y and the A$$raiser, for the #onsideration and nder the
#onditions hereinafter set forth, do a"ree as fo))ows'
ARTIC6E /% .ro$erty To 7e A$$raised% A des#ri$tion of the rea) $ro$erty to be a$$raised, in#)din"
an identifi#ation of any interests in the rea) $ro$erty to be s$e#ifi#a))y e8#)ded fro+ a$$raisa), are
set forth in the atta#hed E8hibit A% A se$arate a$$raisa) is to be frnished for ea#h !$ar#e)%! 2The
ter+ !$ar#e)! +eans any tra#t or #onti"os tra#ts of )and in the sa+e ownershi$, whether any s#h
tra#t #onsists of one or +ore $)atted )ots or a fra#tiona) $art of a )ot% An ease+ent or other se$arate)y
he)d interest in two or +ore $ar#e)s sha)) be #onsidered to be a se$arate $ar#e) for a$$raisa)
$r$oses and an e8#e$tion to the tit)e to the $ar#e)s so en#+bered% An ease+ent in a $ar#e) that is
a$$rtenant to another $ar#e) to be a#(ired by the A"en#y sha)) be #onsidered to be $art of s#h
other $ar#e) and an e8#e$tion to the tit)e of the $ar#e) en#+bered%3 Ea#h $ar#e) sha)) be
#onsidered to in#)de a)) ri"ht, tit)e, and interest of the owner in or to any ad9a#ent or abttin" streets,
a))eys, or other $b)i# ri"hts of way%
ARTIC6E 2% .r$ose and 7asis of :a)ations%
2a3 .r$ose and Si"nifi#an#e of A$$raisa)s% The a$$raisa)s to be frnished nder this a"ree+ent
are re(ired by the A"en#y for its "idan#e in +a;in" fair and i+$artia) deter+inations of fair +ar;et
*a)e and the 9st #o+$ensation to be offered to ea#h $ro$erty owner% The A$$raiser sha)) be "ided
by those ob9e#ti*es when esti+atin" *a)es% A$$raisa) re$orts wi)) be re*iewed #aref))y by the
A"en#y% A##ordin")y, the te8t of ea#h a$$raisa) re$ort +st #o*er a)) +atters "er+ane to the re(ired
*a)ation findin"s and +st $ro*ide a f)) e8$)anation of the A$$raiser<s reasonin" and his ana)yses
of the e*iden#es of *a)e, so that a re*iewed wi)) be ab)e to fo))ow the A$$raiser<s ana)yses and
nderstand how he rea#hed his *a)ation #on#)sions%
2b3 A$$raisa) Standards% The a$$raisa)s nder this a"ree+ent sha)) be based on nationa))y
re#o"ni=ed a$$raisa) standards and te#hni(es to the e8tent that s#h $rin#i$a)s are #onsistent with
the #on#e$ts of *a)e and the r)es on the ad+issibi)ity of e*iden#e of *a)e nder the e+inent
do+ain )aw of the State% 5a#tors re)atin" to ra#e, #o)or, re)i"ion, se8 or nationa) ori"in, or to ra#ia),
re)i"ios and ethni# identifi#ation of nei"hborhoods are not re)e*ant to the esti+ation of *a)e and
sha)) not be #onsidered in #onne#tion with a$$raisa)s of residentia) rea) $ro$erty%
2#3 >ate of :a)ation% The A$$raiser<s *a)ation sha)) be as of a date #on#rrent with the
$re$aration of his re$ort, n)ess the A"en#y has s$e#ified so+e other date of *a)ation%
2d3 Re)o#ation Assistan#e% The A$$raiser<s ana)yses and o$inions of $ro$erty *a)e sha)) not
ref)e#t any a))owan#e for the re)o#ation $ay+ents and other assistan#e $ro*ided nder Tit)e II of the
-nifor+ A#t%
2e3 Inf)en#e of .ro9e#t on .ro$erty :a)e% In for+in" his or her o$inion2s3, the A$$raiser sha))
disre"ard any de#rease or in#rease in the fair +ar;et *a)e of the rea) $ro$erty to be a#(ired, $rior
to the date of *a)ation, #ased by the $ro9e#t for whi#h the $ro$erty is to be a#(ired, or by the
)i;e)ihood that the $ro$erty wo)d be a#(ired for s#h $ro9e#t, other than that de to $hysi#a)
deterioration within the reasonab)e #ontro) of the owner% 2In the #ase of a $artia) a#(isition, sin"
the before?and?after +ethod of *a)ation, the A$$raiser<s o$inion of the *a)e of the re+ainin" not?to?
be?a#(ired $ortion of the $ro$erty sha)) ref)e#t any in#rease or de#rease in *a)e attribtab)e to the
$ro9e#t%3 If the deter+ination of #han"es in *a)e #ased by the $ro9e#t is a $rob)e+, the A$$raiser<s
re$ort sha)) #ite the r)in" fo))owed and its sor#e and sha)) e8$)ain the effe#t of the r)in" on his
o$inion of *a)e%
ARTIC6E @% S#o$e of A$$raiser<s Ser*i#es% The A$$raiser a"rees to $erfor+ the fo))owin" ser*i#es'
2a3 A$$raise ea#h $ar#e) and $re$are and de)i*er to the A"en#y, within ______ #a)endar days
after the date of this a"ree+ent, ______ #o$ies of the a$$raisa) re$orts #onfor+in" to the $ro*isions
of this a"ree+ent% The A$$raiser sha)) $ersona))y ins$e#t ea#h $ar#e), in#)din" a)) bi)din"s,
str#tres, fi8tres, and other i+$ro*e+ents to the $ro$erty% The A$$raiser sha)) "i*e the owner or
his desi"nated re$resentati*e an o$$ortnity to a##o+$any the A$$raiser drin" his detai)ed
ins$e#tion of the $ro$erty% If the owner of a #o+$ensab)e interest in the $ro$erty or a re$resentati*e
of s#h owner does not a##o+$any the A$$raiser drin" the ins$e#tion, the A$$raiser sha)) in#)de
in his a$$raisa) re$ort a #o$y of his notifi#ation to the owner of the o$$ortnity to a##o+$any the
A$$raiser and e*iden#e of the owner<s re#ei$t of s#h notifi#ation% In the $ro#ess of ins$e#tin" the
$ro$erty, the A$$raiser sha)), to the e8tent $ra#ti#ab)e, as#ertain the ri"hts of a)) $arties in $ossession
and note for #onsideration a)) fa#ta) infor+ation and #o++ents frnished by the owner or his
re$resentati*e re)e*ant to the a$$raisa)%
2b3 Testify as an e8$ert witness in beha)f of the A"en#y in any 9di#ia) $ro#eedin" in*o)*in" any
$ro$erty a$$raised nder this a"ree+ent% S#h ser*i#es sha)) in#)de s#h reasonab)e ti+e as +ay
be re(ired for reins$e#tion of the $ro$erty, $datin" the A$$raiser<s *a)ation, $arti#i$ation in
$retria) #onferen#es with #onse) for the A"en#y, and testifyin" in the 9di#ia) $ro#eedin"% The
#o+$ensation for s#h ser*i#es sha)) be deter+ined in a##ordan#e with Arti#)e A%
2#3 Modify or frnish s$$)e+ents to any a$$raisa) re$ort frnished nder this a"ree+ent, withot
additiona) #ost to the A"en#y, if 2/3 a$$)i#ab)e $rin#i$)es of )aw with res$e#t to the *a)ation of the
$ro$erty re(ire the +odifi#ation or s$$)e+entin" of s#h a$$raisa), 223 +ateria) o+issions,
ina##ra#ies, or defe#ts in the a$$raisa) re$ort are dis#o*ered after de)i*ery and a##e$tan#e of the
re$ort by the A"en#y, or 2@3 the A$$raiser re#ei*es or be#o+es aware of re)e*ant additiona) a$$raisa)
infor+ation in e8isten#e $rior to the date the a$$raiser si"ned the re$ort% If there is a si"nifi#ant
de)ay between the date of *a)ation and the date of a#(isition of any $ar#e) or if the $ro$erty has
been +ateria))y a)tered sin#e the a$$raisa) by a fire, a re*ised deter+ination of the bondaries of the
$ro$erty to be a#(ired, or other #ase, the A$$raisa) sha)), if re(ested by the A"en#y, frnish the
A"en#y a s$$)e+entary re$ort $datin" this *a)ation and the s$$ortin" data and ana)yses to a
#rrent date% The #o+$ensation for s#h $datin" of an a$$raisa) sha)) be deter+ined in
a##ordan#e with Arti#)e A%
2d3 Esti+ate the *a)e of any ri"ht or interest $ro$osed to be reser*ed by the owner in a $ro$erty
a$$raised by the A$$raiser, s#h as an ease+ent for a##ess to other $ro$erty of the owner, the ri"ht
to #ontine o##$an#y for an e8tended $eriod after the A"en#y a#(ires the $ro$erty, or the ri"ht to
re+o*e any bi)din", str#tre, fi8tre, or other i+$ro*e+ent% The #o+$ensation to be $aid to the
A$$raiser for frnishin" any s#h *a)ation sha)) be deter+ined in a##ordan#e with Arti#)e A%
2e3 Cons)t with the A"en#y and its )e"a) #onse) re"ardin" ser*i#es to be $erfor+ed by the
A$$raiser, at s#h ti+e2s3 as +ay be +ta))y #on*enient for the $arties to this a"ree+ent% The
A$$raiser sha)) initiate s#h #ons)tations whene*er he is in dobt as to whether an e)e+ent of
$ro$erty is rea) or $ersona) $ro$erty or needs )e"a) ad*i#e on any as$e#t of the a$$raisa)s to be
frnished nder this a"ree+ent% There sha)) be no #har"e by any $arty for s#h #ons)tations%
ARTIC6E B% Contents of A$$raisa) Re$orts% Ea#h a$$raisa) re$ort to be frnished by the A$$raiser
nder this a"ree+ent sha)) #ontain #ertain infor+ation and the A$$raiser<s #on#)sions and o$inions,
to"ether with the data and ana)yses by whi#h they were deri*ed, as set forth be)ow% A se$arate
re$ort sha)) be sb+itted for ea#h $ar#e)% Howe*er, if +ore than one $ar#e) is to be a$$raised, a))
"enera) data +ay be in#)ded in a se$arate data *o)+e that is referen#ed in the se$arate a$$raisa)
re$orts on the indi*ida) $ar#e)s% The a$$raisa) re$ort on ea#h $ar#e) sha)) in#)de the fo))owin"'
2a3 A s++ary headed !A$$raisa) Re$ort for 2na+e of the A"en#y3! that $ro*ides the fo))owin"'
2/3 .ro9e#t na+e and n+ber%
223 >ate of the re$ort%
2@3 .ar#e) n+ber, address of the $ro$erty, brief identifi#ation of a)) interests in the
$ro$erty a$$raised, and the na+e of the owner2s3 in#)din" any tenant?owners%
2B3 >ate2s3 of the A$$raiser<s ins$e#tion of the $ro$erty with the owner2s3 or the owner<s
desi"nated re$resentati*e, in#)din" the na+e of ea#h owner or re$resentati*e of an
owner who a##o+$anied the A$$raiser drin" his ins$e#tion and the interest he)d in the
$ro$erty or the re$resentati*e #a$a#ity of ea#h s#h $erson%
2C3 The A$$raiser<s esti+ate of the fair +ar;et *a)e of the entire $ar#e) and the fair +ar;et
*a)e of the sa+e interest in the )and, as if *a#ant%
2A3 The )i+itin" #onditions of the a$$raisa), whi#h +ay in#)de ass+$tions 2i3 that the tit)e
is "ood and +ar;etab)e, 2ii3 that no res$onsibi)ity is ass+ed by the A$$raiser for )e"a)
+atters, es$e#ia))y those affe#tin" the tit)e to the $ro$erty, 2iii3 that the )e"a) des#ri$tion
of the $ro$erty and the interest in the $ro$erty to be a$$raised, frnished to the
A$$raiser by the A"en#y, is #orre#t, and 2i*3 that no sr*ey of the $ro$erty has been
+ade% Any other a$$ro$riate ass+$tion or )i+itin" #ondition +ay be added if it has
been s$e#ifi#a))y a$$ro*ed in writin" by the A"en#y%
213 The #ertifi#ations of the A$$raiser 2i3 that he $ersona))y +ade a thoro"h ins$e#tion of
the $ro$erty, 2ii3 that, to the best of his ;now)ed"e and be)ief, e*erythin" #ontained in
the re$ort is tre and no re)e*ant and i+$ortant fa#t has been o+itted, 2iii3 that neither
his e+$)oy+ent nor his #o+$ensation is #ontin"ent on the *a)ation re$orted, and 2i*3
that he has no $ast, $resent, or $ros$e#ti*e interest 2in#)din" that of rea) estate a"ent
or bro;er3 in the $ro$erty, the $arties in*o)*ed, or any other interest that wo)d #onf)i#t
in any way with the ser*i#es $erfor+ed or the +a;in" of an i+$artia) re$ort%
2D3 A #ertifi#ation that, in the A$$raiser<s o$inion, the fair +ar;et *a)e of the $ro$erty is
2an a+ont to be stated3 as of 2the date of *a)ation3%
203 The si"natre of the A$$raiser%
2b3 The na+e and address of the owner of the $ro$erty and the na+e and the address, if ;nown,
of any other $arty ;nown or be)ie*ed to ho)d a se$arate #o+$ensab)e interest in the $ro$erty%
2#3 The street address and an a##rate des#ri$tion of ea#h $ar#e) and a)) interests in the $ar#e)
a$$raised% The $ro$erty des#ri$tion sha)) identify a)) #onditions, restri#tions, ease+ents, ser*itdes,
and reser*ations affe#tin" the tit)e% The $ro$erty des#ri$tion sha)) s$e#ifi#a))y e8#)de and des#ribe
any se$arate)y he)d interest in the $ro$erty that is to be a#(ired se$arate)y or as $art of another
$ar#e)% The des#ri$tion sha)) a)so s$e#ifi#a))y e8#)de a)) se$arate)y he)d interests whi#h are not to
be a#(ired and wi)) not be affe#ted ad*erse)y by the A"en#y<s $ro9e#t% If there are any se$arate)y
he)d interests in a $ar#e), whi#h are to be a#(ired with other interests in the sa+e $ar#e), s#h as
)easeho)ds, tenant?owned i+$ro*e+ents, )ife estates, ease+ents, and water, "as, oi), or +inera)
ri"hts, a des#ri$tion of ea#h s#h se$arate interest and the na+e of its owner sha)) be frnished%
2d3 4ff?re#ord tit)e infor+ation #on#ernin" interests or instr+ents that affe#t tit)e, bt are not of
re#ord, s#h as )eases, o$tions to renew a )ease, #ontra#ts of sa)e, and other interests or ri"hts of
$arties in $ossession% S#h infor+ation sha)) be re$orted, and if a*ai)ab)e fa#ts are sffi#ient, the
A$$raiser<s re$ort sha)) be based on s#h additiona) tit)e infor+ation and so noted in the a$$raisa)
re$ort% 4therwise, the A$$raiser sha)) refer the +atter to the A"en#y and defer #o+$)etion of the
a$$raisa) nti) the (estion is reso)*ed%
2e3 7asi# $ro$erty data in#)din" $ertinent infor+ation with res$e#t to s#h +atters as 2/3 the
en*iron+ent and )o#ation of the $ro$erty, 223 the =onin" and any restri#ti*e #o*enants, #onditions, or
ser*itdes affe#tin" the a*ai)ab)e se or o##$an#y of the )and, 2@3 the assessed *a)e of the rea)
$ro$erty and the #rrent anna) rea) estate ta8 brden, 2B3 the se and o##$an#y of the $ro$erty at
ti+e of a$$raisa), 2C3 the $b)i# i+$ro*e+ents, ser*i#es, and ti)ities ser*in" and $ro*idin" a##ess to
the $ro$erty, 2A3 the #hara#ter, to$o"ra$hy, di+ensions, and area of the )and, 213 the freedo+ of the
$ro$erty fro+ s$e#ia) ha=ards, 2D3 the #rrent renta) and renta) history of the $ro$erty, if rented,
203 the esti+ated anna) #osts of ownershi$ and for o$eration and +aintenan#e of the $ro$erty, and
2/03 a des#ri$tion of the bi)din"s, str#tres, and other i+$ro*e+ents, if any, in#)din" re)e*ant
infor+ation as to ty$e of i+$ro*e+ent, desi"ned se, #onstr#tion +ateria)s and finish, e(i$+ent,
di+ensions, f)oor area, a"e, #ondition, s$a#e or roo+ arran"e+ent, fn#tiona) ti)ity, and any other
#hara#teristi#s or attribtes of the i+$ro*e+ents "er+ane to the *a)e of the rea) $ro$erty% The
a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) #ontain a "enera) s;et#h $)at showin" the sha$e and di+ensions of the )and,
the )o#ation of the $rin#i$a) i+$ro*e+ents on the )and, the )o#ation of the $rin#i$a) i+$ro*e+ents on
the )and, the )o#ation of any ease+ents in the )and, and the abttin" streets, a))eys, or other $b)i#
ri"hts of way% The re$ort sha)) a)so in#)de s#h $hoto"ra$hs, ea#h #)ear)y identified, as +ay be
2f3 Re$ort of any #ondition or o##$an#y of the $ro$erty in *io)ation of )aw that +ay affe#t the
*a)e of the $ro$erty%
2"3 The A$$raiser<s o$inion as to the hi"hest and best se for the $ro$erty% The a$$raisa) re$ort
sha)) a)so in#)de the A$$raiser<s o$inions as to any other se2s3 for whi#h the $ro$erty is reasonab)y
sitab)e or ada$tab)e% If the $ro$erty is nsed *a#ant )and or the hi"hest and best se is not se)f?
e*ident or is fond to differ si"nifi#ant)y fro+ the $resent se, the a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) #ontain the
ana)yses by whi#h the A$$raiser rea#hed his #on#)sions as to the hi"hest and best se and as to
the re)ati*e sitabi)ity or ada$tabi)ity of the $ro$erty for any other se2s3 for whi#h the $ro$erty #o)d
reasonab)y be #onsidered to be sitab)e or ada$tab)e% The ana)ysis of a $otentia) se sha)) in#)de
#onsideration of re)e*ant +atters, s#h as the sitabi)ity of the )o#ation, the en*iron+ent and the
)e"a) and $hysi#a) attribtes of the $ro$erty for s#h se, the esti+ated #ost, if any, of #on*ertin" the
$ro$erty to s#h se, and the s$$)y, sa)e $ri#e )e*e)s, and re)ati*e desirabi)ity of other $ro$erties
that wo)d #o+$ete for the sa+e ;ind of se% The ana)ysis of the $ro$erty for the ftre se or ses
fond to be the hi"hest and best se is $art of the $ro#ess of a$$raisin" the $ro$erty and, therefore,
+ay be in#)ded in the *a)ation ana)ysis frnished in a##ordan#e with .ara"ra$h B2h3 be)ow%
2h3 The o$inion of the A$$raiser as to the fair +ar;et *a)e of the $ro$erty% The a$$raisa) re$ort
sha)) #ontain a des#ri$tion of the reasonin" $ro#ess sed by the A$$raiser in rea#hin" his #on#)sion
as to *a)e and a)) data and ana)yses needed to e8$)ain and s$$ort his *a)ation% The s$$ortin"
data and ana)yses frnished in the a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) in#)de, the fo))owin"'
2/3 An ana)ysis of the $ro$erty, fro+ the $oint of *iew of e*a)atin" the effe#t of its
#hara#teristi#s and attribtes on its *a)e for the a*ai)ab)e se or ses for whi#h the
$ro$erty is best sited% .arti#)ar attention sha)) be "i*en to the #hara#teristi#s of the
$ro$erty +ost re)e*ant to its *a)e, s#h as, in the #ase of an in*est+ent $ro$erty, the
in#o+e $otentia) and the e8$enses of ownershi$, +aintenan#e, and o$eration%
223 An identifi#ation of the +ost re#ent sa)e of ea#h $ro$erty a$$raised and any other sa)es
of s#h $ro$erty drin" the )ast 2C3 years $re#edin" the a$$raisa)% S#h sa)e2s3 of the
$ro$erty a$$raised and a)) re#ent sa)es of #o+$arab)e $ro$erties #onsidered by the
A$$raiser in for+in" his o$inion2s3 of fair +ar;et *a)e sha)) be *erified insofar as
$ra#ti#a)% The infor+ation frnished with res$e#t to ea#h s#h sa)e sha)) in#)de,
a+on" other $ertinent fa#ts, the na+es of the "rantor and "rantee, the date of the sa)e,
the sa)e $ri#e, any s$e#ia) ter+s or #onditions or #ir#+stan#es of the sa)e that affe#ted
the transa#tion, and a des#ri$tion of the $ro$erty and its #ondition at ti+e of sa)e in
sffi#ient detai) for se in +a;in" the a$$raisa)%
2@3 The ana)yses that #onstitte the $rin#i$a) basis for the A$$raiser<s o$inion of the fair
+ar;et *a)e% The a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) #ontain the A$$raiser<s e*a)ation with res$e#t
to $re*ios sa)es of the $ro$erty a$$raised and any re#ent offer of the owner to se)) the
$ro$erty% The a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) a)so #ontain the A$$raiser<s ana)ysis of ea#h
#o+$arab)e $ro$erty and its sa)e in re)ation to the $ro$erty a$$raised% The A$$raiser<s
ana)ysis sha)) ref)e#t a$$ro$riate a))owan#es for the differen#e in the ti+e of the sa)e of
the #o+$arab)e $ro$erties and the date of a$$raisa) and the differen#es in the ti)ity,
desirabi)ity, and $rod#ti*ity of the $ro$erties that are $ertinent to their re)ati*e *a)e%
The a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) #ontain a *a)ation data +a$ showin" the )o#ation of the
$ro$erty a$$raised and the #o+$arab)e $ro$erties referred to in the a$$raisa) re$ort%
2B3 A)) other infor+ation, ana)yses, and esti+ates #onsidered by the a$$raiser to be
re)e*ant to the esti+ation of the fair +ar;et *a)e of the $ro$erty%
2C3 If the $ro$erty a$$raised is $art of a )ar"er $ar#e) in the sa+e ownershi$ or is )ess than
the entire interest of the owner in the $ro$erty, the a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) #ontain the
A$$raiser<s o$inion of 9st #o+$ensation for a ta;in" of s#h $ro$erty or interest, sin"
the before?and?after +ethod of *a)ation as inter$reted nder State )aw n)ess it is
ob*ios that there wo)d be no da+a"es or benefits to the re+ainin" $ro$erty or
interest of the owner% Howe*er, if the $art or interest to be ta;en is s#h a s+a)) $art of
the who)e $ro$erty that the da+a"es for the ta;in" #an be +ore a##rate)y esti+ated
dire#t)y, that +ethod +ay be sed if $er+itted nder State )aw, withot esti+atin" the
fair +ar;et *a)e of the entire $ro$erty of the owner% The fore"oin" o$inions of the
A$$raiser sha)) be s$$orted in his re$ort by the data and ana)yses by whi#h he
rea#hed his #on#)sions%
5or infor+ation $r$oses, the a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) a)so #ontain the A$$raiser<s
esti+ates of the fair +ar;et *a)e of the to?be?a#(ired $art of interest as $art of the
who)e $ro$erty and the net da+a"es or benefits to the re+ainin" $ro$erty of the owner%
If in the o$inion of the A$$raiser, a#(isition of the $art of, or interest in, the $ro$erty
$ro$osed for a#(isition wo)d )ea*e the owner with an ne#ono+i# re+nant, the
A$$raiser sha)) frnish a se$arate esti+ate of the fair +ar;et *a)e of a !$ar#e)!
#o+$risin" both the $ar#e) $ro$osed for a#(isition and the ne#ono+i# re+nant% 2A
re+ainder $ar#e) or interest sha)) be #onsidered to be an ne#ono+i# re+nant if by
itse)f it has )itt)e or no ti)ity or *a)e to the owner%3
2A3 S#h +a$s, $)ans, $hoto"ra$hs, or other e8hibits, as ne#essary, to e8$)ain or i))strate
the ana)yses of the A$$raiser%
213 The A$$raiser<s e*a)ation of the indi#ations of *a)e ded#ed fro+ his se$arate
ana)yses of the *arios e*iden#es of *a)e and an e8$)anation of how he rea#hed his
fina) #on#)sion as to the fair +ar;et *a)e of the $ro$erty%
2i3 The o$inion of the A$$raiser as to the fair +ar;et *a)e of the )and, as if *a#ant% The
*a)ation sha)) be for the sa+e interest in the )and as is to be a#(ired in the rea) $ro$erty% The
re$ort sha)) #ontain infor+ation with res$e#t to the a*ai)ab)e se or ses for whi#h the )and wo)d be
sitab)e if *a#ant, the o$inion of the A$$raiser as to its hi"hest and best se, and the A$$raiser<s
ana)ysis of the e*iden#es of *a)e and of the se $otentia) by whi#h he rea#hed his #on#)sions as to
the hi"hest and best se of the )and and the )and *a)e%
293 A $ro$erty ana)ysis if the $ro$erty is a #o++er#ia), indstria), instittiona), "o*ern+enta), or
far+ $ro$erty that in*o)*es sbstantia) (antities and ;inds of fi8tres s#h as +a#hinery and
e(i$+ent% Any bi)din", str#tre, fi8tre, or other i+$ro*e+ent, whi#h wo)d be rea) $ro$erty if
owned by the owner of the )and, sha)) be #onsidered to be rea) $ro$erty 2e*en if the i+$ro*e+ent is
the $ro$erty of a tenant who has the ri"ht to re+o*e it or the ob)i"ation to re+o*e it at the e8$iration
of his ter+3% The $ro$erty ana)ysis +st be a$$ro*ed by the A"en#y before the a$$raisa) is
#o+$)eted and, as a$$ro*ed by the A"en#y, sha)) be in#)ded as an e8hibit in the A$$raiser<s re$ort%
The $ro$erty ana)ysis sha)) )ist, identify, and #)assify as to ownershi$ and ty$e of i+$ro*e+ent, a))
ite+s of $hysi#a) $ro$erty #onsidered to be $art of the rea) $ro$erty% The $ro$erty ana)ysis sha)) a)so
identify tan"ib)e $ersona) $ro$erty )o#ated on the $re+ises to the e8tent reasonab)y ne#essary to
$re*ent +isnderstandin"s as to what is re"arded as bein" rea) or $ersona) $ro$erty% 7i)din"s,
str#tres, fi8tres and other i+$ro*e+ents, in#)din" their a##essories and s$are $arts, sha)) be
identified and #)assified as to ownershi$ and ty$e of $ro$erty as fo))ows'
2/3 4wnershi$%
2i3 4wner of the )and%
2ii3 Ea#h tenant in o##$an#y%
2iii3 Ea#h non?o##$ant owner of any fi8tres or other i+$ro*e+ents, or $ersona)
$ro$erty on the $re+ises%
223 Ty$e of $ro$erty%
2i3 7i)din", str#tre, or fi8ed i+$ro*e+ent%
2ii3 7i)din" e(i$+ent, re+o*ab)e%
2iii3 5i8tres, #)assified as to whether e#ono+i#a))y re+o*ab)e for rese, re+o*ab)e
for sa)*a"e on)y, or irre+o*ab)e%
2i*3 .ersona) $ro$erty, identified as to ty$es and a$$ro8i+ate a+onts, or otherwise
as needed to $re*ent +isnderstandin"s as to the #)assifi#ation of any ite+%
If any bi)din", str#tre, fi8tre or other i+$ro*e+ent is not to be a#(ired, wi)) not be ad*erse)y
affe#ted by the A"en#y<s $ro9e#t, and wi)) not be re(ired by the A"en#y to be re+o*ed, s#h as a
$i$e)ine in an ease+ent not to be a#(ired, s#h i+$ro*e+ent sha)) be identified as e8#)ded fro+
the a$$raisa)%
2;3 If +a#hinery and e(i$+ent or other fi8tres sed in a trade or bsiness, far+ o$eration, or
instittiona) or "o*ern+enta) fn#tion #onstitte $art of the rea) $ro$erty, the a$$raisa) re$ort sha))
#ontain a se$arate s#hed)e whi#h $ro*ides se$arate esti+ates for ea#h s#h ite+, as $res#ribed
be)ow% If there is +ore than one owner of s#h ite+s, a se$arate s#hed)e sha)) be frnished for
ea#h owner% The infor+ation and #on#)sions to be frnished on ea#h ite+ are as fo))ows'
2/3 >es#ri$tion of the ite+, in#)din", as a$$ro$riate, the +anfa#trer, +ode) and seria)
n+ber, si=e or #a$a#ity, a"e and #ondition, and de"ree of obso)es#en#e% A##essories
and s$are $arts, s$e#ia) fondations, and $ower wirin" and $ro#ess $i$in" "enera))y
sha)) be )isted se$arate)y, fo))owin" the )istin" of the ite+2s3 to whi#h they a$$)y%
223 Esti+ate of the re$)a#e+ent #ost insta))ed of the ite+ as )isted and identified 2e8#)din"
any e)e+ents )isted se$arate)y3% Se$arate)y identify the basis of esti+ated re$)a#e+ent
#ost 2new or sed3%
2@3 The #ontribti*e 2enhan#e+ent3 *a)e of the ite+ to the fair +ar;et *a)e of the rea)
$ro$erty as a who)e%
2B3 Esti+ated fair +ar;et *a)e of the ite+ for re+o*a) fro+ the $ro$erty at a $r#haser<s
e8$ense% S#h *a)e sha)) be #onsidered to be the $robab)e se))in" $ri#e if the ite+
were offered for sa)e for re+o*a) fro+ the $ro$erty at the $r#haser<s e8$ense, a))owin"
a reasonab)e ti+e to find a $r#haser byin" with ;now)ed"e of the ses and $r$oses
for whi#h it is ada$tab)e and #a$ab)e of bein" sed, in#)din" sa)*a"e for ser*i#eab)e
#o+$onents and s#ra$ when it a$$ears that wi)) $ro*ide the hi"hest *a)e%
The s#hed)e2s3 of esti+ates sha)) be #onsistent, with the $ro$erty ana)ysis a$$ro*ed by the A"en#y,
as $ro*ided in .ara"ra$h B293% The A$$raiser is $er+itted to se the ser*i#es of s#h te#hni#a)
s$e#ia)ists as +ay be needed to enab)e the A$$raiser to $ro*ide *a)id esti+ates and sond
*a)ations% The s#hed)e2s3 sha)) be s$$orted by an e8$)anation of the $ro#edres fo))owed in
"atherin" the ne#essary +ar;et infor+ation and te#hni#a) data% The $rin#i$a) $r$ose of the
A$$raiser<s a##o+$anyin" narrati*e, howe*er, +st be to e8$)ain his ana)yses and his e*a)ations of
the do))ar a+ont of the o*era)) #ontribtion of the +a#hinery, e(i$+ent, and fi8tres to the fair
+ar;et *a)e of the rea) $ro$erty as a who)e% The re$ort sha)) #ontain any )ayot $)ans, s;et#hes, or
$hoto"ra$hs that are reasonab)e ne#essary for )o#atin" or identifyin" the fa#i)ities or i))stratin" the
A$$raiser<s ana)yses%
2)3 If there are se$arate)y he)d interests in the rea) $ro$erty to be a#(ired, s#h as ease+ents,
)easeho)ds, air ri"hts, )ife estates, and oi), "as, or +inera) ri"hts, and the di*ision of ownershi$ is not
of s#h #hara#ter as to destroy the $ra#ti#a) nity of the $ro$erty, the A$$raiser sha)) a$$ortion his
esti+ate of the fair +ar;et *a)e of the $ro$erty 2a)) interests in the $ro$erty to be a#(ired3 to ea#h
se$arate)y he)d interest% 2Howe*er, tenant?owned i+$ro*e+ents sha)) be *a)ed in a##ordan#e with
.ara"ra$h B 2+3 be)ow%3 The re$ort sha)) #ontain the data, ana)yses, and reasonin" by whi#h the
A$$raiser +ade the a$$ortion+ent% If the !nit r)e! is re"ard as not a$$)i#ab)e be#ase the di*ision
of ownershi$ is s#h as to di+inish the fair +ar;et *a)e of the $ro$erty as a who)e, the se$arate
interests in*o)*ed sha)) be a$$raised se$arate)y%
2+3 Tenant?owned i+$ro*e+ents% If any bi)din", str#tre, fi8tre, or other i+$ro*e+ent to the
$ro$erty is identified as bein" the $ro$erty of a tenant who has the ri"ht or ob)i"ation to re+o*e it at
the e8$iration of his ter+, the A$$raiser<s esti+ate of the fair +ar;et *a)e of the i+$ro*e+ent sha))
be the "reatest of 2/3 the a+ont whi#h the i+$ro*e+ent #ontribtes to the fair +ar;et *a)e of the
$ro$erty, 223 the in?$)a#e *a)e of the i+$ro*e+ent as $art of the rea) $ro$erty 2the de$re#iated
re$)a#e+ent #ost of the i+$ro*e+ent insta))ed3, or 2@3 the fair +ar;et *a)e of the i+$ro*e+ent for
re+o*a) fro+ the $ro$erty at the $r#haser<s e8$ense% The a$$raisa) re$ort sha)) state the basis for
the *a)ation of the i+$ro*e+ent and frnish the data and ana)yses on whi#h the *a)ation was
2n3 If the $ro$erty is a +)ti?fa+i)y or +i8ed?se 2residentia) and non?residentia)3 $ro$erty and an
owner of a #o+$ensab)e interest in the $ro$erty a)so o##$ies a dwe))in" in the $ro$erty, the
A$$raiser sha)) frnish an a$$ortion+ent of his esti+ate of the fair +ar;et *a)e of the who)e
$ro$erty to s#h dwe))in" and to the re+ainder of the $ro$erty% 5or the $r$ose of this $ara"ra$h, an
o##$ant of a dwe))in" sha)) be #onsidered to own a #o+$ensab)e interest in the $ro$erty if he ho)ds
fee tit)e, a )ife estate, a 00?year )ease, or a )ease with not )ess than C0 years to rn fro+ the date of
*a)ation, or ho)ds an interest in a #oo$erati*e hosin" $ro9e#t whi#h in#)des the ri"ht to o##$y the
dwe))in", or is the #ontra#t $r#haser of any of the fore"oin" estates or interests, or has a )easeho)d
interest with o$tion to $r#hase% The A$$raiser<s re$ort sha)) e8$)ain how he +ade the
ARTIC6E C% Ser*i#es To 7e .ro*ided by A"en#y% The A"en#y a"rees to frnish the A$$raiser the
2a3 A +a$ or $)at, based on offi#ia) re#ords, of the $ro$erty des#ribed in Arti#)e /, showin" the
bondaries and di+ensions of the $ar#e)s to be a$$raised% Ea#h $ar#e) sha)) be desi"nated by a
n+ber, and the $ar#e) n+bers shown on the A$$raiser<s re$orts sha)) #orres$ond to the $ar#e)
n+bers shown on the +a$ or $)at% Howe*er, additiona) $ar#e) n+bers +ay be assi"ned by the
A$$raiser for ease+ents a$$raised se$arate)y or for additiona) $ar#e)s re*ea)ed whi)e +a;in" the
a$$raisa)s% The A$$raiser sha)) $ro+$t)y ad*ise the A"en#y of any s#h additions%
2b3 An ownershi$ data re$ort for ea#h $ar#e)% That re$ort wi)) show a)) estates and interests in the
$ar#e) as shown of re#ord and #onse(ent)y sha)) not be ass+ed to a##rate)y define the interests
to be a$$raised% The ownershi$ data re$ort on ea#h $ar#e) as shown on the $ar#e) +a$ wi)) in#)de'
2/3 The na+e 2and address, if a*ai)ab)e3 of the owner a$$earin" on re#ord,
223 The )e"a) des#ri$tion of the $ar#e) as shown by the #on*eyan#e2s3 by whi#h the re#ord
owner a#(ired tit)e,
2@3 Identifi#ation of the #on*eyan#e2s3 by whi#h the $resent owner a#(ired tit)e, in#)din"'
the date of the #on*eyan#e2s3, the date, boo; and $a"e n+bers, and $)a#e of
re#ordation, the na+e 2and the address, if a*ai)ab)e3 of the "rantor of s#h
#on*eyan#e, the stated #onsideration, the a+ont of any +ort"a"es or en#+bran#es
$)a#ed of re#ord or to whi#h tit)e was sb9e#t at ti+e of #on*eyan#e 2so far as deter+ine
fro+ an e8a+ination of the #on*eyan#e3, and the a+ont of any State or )o#a) transfer
ta8es that were based on the a+ont of the #onsideration,
2B3 4tstandin" estates and other ri"hts or interest of re#ord, in#)din" ease+ents, se
restri#tions, +inera) ri"hts, )eases, and any ;nown, bt nre#orded, interests of other
$arties% Sffi#ient infor+ation sha)) be frnished to dis#)ose the $robab)e effe#t of s#h
otstandin" interests on the tit)e of the re#ord owner,
2C3 4tstandin" s$e#ia) assess+ents, if any, for $b)i# i+$ro*e+ents s#h as streets,
sidewa);s, $b)i# ti)ities, and si+i)ar $b)i# fa#i)ities,
2A3 The a+ont of rea) estate ta8es for the #rrent year and the assessed *a)ation stated
se$arate)y for )and and for i+$ro*e+ents%
2#3 6e"a) ad*i#e, $on re(est of the A$$raiser, on )e"a) +atters affe#tin" the a$$raisa) of any
$ro$erty to be a$$raised%
ARTIC6E A% .ay+ent% In #onsideration of the ser*i#es $ro*ided by the A$$raiser nder this
a"ree+ent, the A"en#y a"rees to +a;e $ay+ents to the A$$raiser $on the sb+ission to the
A"en#y of $ro$er)y #ertified in*oi#es, as fo))ows'
2a3 5or a$$raisa) re$orts a##e$ted by the A"en#y, and for a)) other ser*i#es frnished in
a##ordan#e with Arti#)e @, e8#e$t ser*i#es frnished in #onne#tion with 9di#ia) $ro#eedin"s nder
.ara"ra$h @2b3, the $datin" of a$$raisa)s nder .ara"ra$h @2#3, and the *a)ation of reser*ations
of ri"hts in owners nder .ara"ra$h @2d3, the )+$ s+ of _______________ do))ars, whi#h sha))
#onstitte f)) $ay+ent to the A$$raiser for a)) of s#h ser*i#es and for a)) s$$)ies, +ateria)s, and
e(i$+ent sed or frnished by the A$$raiser and a)) e8$enses in#rred by the A$$raiser in
#onne#tion with the $erfor+an#e of s#h ser*i#es%
2b3 5or ser*i#es frnished by the A$$raiser in #onne#tion with 9di#ia) $ro#eedin"s as $ro*ided in
.ara"ra$h @2b3 2e8#e$t ser*i#es as an e8$ert witness in s#h a $ro#eedin"3, the $datin" of
a$$raisa)s as $ro*ided in .ara"ra$h @2#3, and the *a)ation of reser*ations of ri"hts in owners as
$ro*ided in .ara"ra$h @2d3, _____________ do))ars $er hor or fra#tion of an hor a#ta))y en"a"ed
in $erfor+in" the ser*i#es, in#)din" tra*e) ti+e% A)) e8$enses of the A$$raiser, in#)din" tra*e)
e8$ense and sbsisten#e, sha)) be borne by the A$$raiser%
2#3 5or ser*i#es as an e8$ert witness for the A"en#y in 9di#ia) $ro#eedin"s as $ro*ided in
.ara"ra$h @2b3, the A$$raiser and the A"en#y hereby a"ree that the fair and reasonab)e
#o+$ensation for the A$$raiser<s ser*i#es sha)) be ______________ do))ars for ea#h day<s
attendan#e in #ort%
ARTIC6E 1% A"ree+ents of A$$raiser% As an ind#e+ent to the e8e#tion of this a"ree+ent by the
A"en#y and in #onsideration of the a"ree+ents to be $erfor+ed by the A"en#y, the A$$raiser a"rees
2a3 Ea)ifi#ations% The A$$raiser is (a)ified to $erfor+ the ser*i#es to be frnished nder this
a"ree+ent and is $er+itted by )aw to $erfor+ s#h ser*i#es, and a)) $ersonne) en"a"ed in the wor;
sha)) be (a)ified and so $er+itted to do the wor; they $erfor+% Atta#hed as E8hibit 7, is a state+ent
by the A$$raiser, #ertified by hi+ to be tre and #orre#t, settin" forth his te#hni#a) (a)ifi#ations,
"enera) a$$raisa) e8$erien#e, s$e#ifi# e8$erien#e in a$$raisin" $ro$erties of the ty$e in*o)*ed in this
a"ree+ent, the #orts in whi#h he has testified as an e8$ert witness, and other infor+ation $ertinent
to estab)ishin" his te#hni#a) (a)ifi#ations%
2b3 So)i#itation of A"ree+ent% The A$$raiser has not e+$)oyed any $erson to so)i#it this
a"ree+ent and has not +ade, and wi)) not +a;e, any $ay+ent or any a"ree+ent for the $ay+ent of
any #o++ission, $er#enta"e, bro;era"e, #ontin"ent fee, or other #o+$ensation in #onne#tion with
the $ro#re+ent of this a"ree+ent%
2#3 Interest of A$$raiser and A$$raiser<s E+$)oyees% The A$$raiser does not ha*e any interest
2in#)din" that of rea) estate a"ent or bro;er3, dire#t or indire#t, $resent or $ros$e#ti*e, in any
$ro$erty des#ribed in Arti#)e / or in its sa)e, or any other interest, whether or not in #onne#tion with
the $ro$erty, whi#h wo)d #onf)i#t in any +anner or de"ree with the $erfor+an#e of the ser*i#es and
the sb+ission of i+$artia) re$orts, and has not e+$)oyed and wi)) not e+$)oy, in #onne#tion with the
ser*i#es to be frnished nder this a"ree+ent, any $erson ha*in" any s#h interest% -nti) the
$ro$erty is a#(ired by the A"en#y or e8#)ded fro+ its $ro9e#t by reso)tion of its "o*ernin" body,
the A$$raiser and any e+$)oyees of the A$$raiser, so )on" as they are e+$)oyed by the A$$raiser,
wi)) not a#(ire any s#h interests and wi)) not, for their own a##ont or for other than the A"en#y,
ne"otiate for any of the $ro$erty, $erfor+ ser*i#es in #onne#tion with the $ro$erty, or testify
*o)ntari)y as a witness in a #onde+nation or other $ro#eedin" with res$e#t to the $ro$erty%
2d3 Ser*i#es To 7e Confidentia)% A)) ser*i#es, in#)din" re$orts, o$inions, and infor+ation, to be
frnished nder this a"ree+ent are #onfidentia) and sha)) not be di*)"ed, in who)e or in $art, to any
$erson, other than to d)y athori=ed re$resentati*es of the A"en#y, withot $rior written a$$ro*a) of
the A"en#y, e8#e$t by testi+ony nder oath in a 9di#ia) $ro#eedin" or as otherwise re(ired by )aw%
The A$$raiser sha)) ta;e a)) ne#essary ste$s to ensre that no +e+ber of his staff or or"ani=ation
di*)"es any s#h infor+ation e8#e$t as +ay be re(ired by )aw%
2e3 5a#i)ities and .ersonne)% The A$$raiser has and wi)) #ontine to ha*e $ro$er fa#i)ities and
$ersonne) to $erfor+ the ser*i#es and wor; a"reed to be $erfor+ed% If the A$$raiser $ro$oses to
e+$)oy any $erson or $ersons to +a;e any a$$raisa)s of +a#hinery and e(i$+ent or other
s$e#ia)i=ed e)e+ents or attribtes of a $ro$erty a$$raised nder this a"ree+ent, the e+$)oy+ent of
s#h $erson or $ersons for s#h $r$ose sha)) not $)a#e the A"en#y nder any ob)i"ation of s#h
e+$)oyee, nor re)ie*e the A$$raiser of f)) res$onsibi)ity for the faithf) $erfor+an#e of the ser*i#es to
be frnished nder this A"ree+ent%
2f3 E(a) E+$)oy+ent 4$$ortnity% >rin" the $erfor+an#e of this a"ree+ent'
2/3 The A$$raiser wi)) not dis#ri+inate a"ainst any e+$)oyee or a$$)i#ant for e+$)oy+ent
be#ase of ra#e, #o)or, re)i"ion, se8, or nationa) ori"in% The A$$raiser wi)) ta;e
affir+ati*e a#tion to ensre that a$$)i#ants are e+$)oyed, and that e+$)oyees are
treated drin" e+$)oy+ent, withot re"ard to their ra#e, #o)or, re)i"ion, se8, or nationa)
ori"in% S#h a#tion sha)) in#)de, bt not be )i+ited to, the fo))owin"' e+$)oy+ent,
$"radin", de+otion, or transfer, re#rit+ent or re#rit+ent ad*ertisin", )ayoff or
ter+ination, rates of $ay or other for+s of #o+$ensation, and se)e#tion for trainin",
in#)din" a$$renti#eshi$% The A$$raiser a"rees to $ost in #ons$i#os $)a#es,
a*ai)ab)e to e+$)oyees and a$$)i#ants for e+$)oy+ent, noti#es to be $ro*ided by the
A"en#y settin" forth the $ro*isions of this non?dis#ri+ination #)ase%
223 The A$$raiser wi)), in a)) so)i#itations or ad*ertise+ents for e+$)oyees $)a#ed by or on
beha)f of the A$$raiser, state that a)) (a)ified a$$)i#ants wi)) re#ei*e #onsideration for
e+$)oy+ent withot re"ard to ra#e, #o)or, re)i"ion, se8, or nationa) ori"in%
2"3 Assi"n+ent% The A$$raiser<s ri"hts, ob)i"ations, and dties nder this a"ree+ent sha)) not be
assi"ned in who)e or in $art, bt this sha)) not $rohibit the assi"n+ent of the $ro#eeds de nder this
a"ree+ent to a ban; or finan#ia) instittion% This a"ree+ent +ay be assi"ned by the A"en#y to any
#or$oration, a"en#y, or instr+enta)ity ha*in" athority to a##e$t the assi"n+ent%
2h3 Sb#ontra#tin"% None of the wor; or ser*i#es #o*ered by this a"ree+ent sha)) be
sb#ontra#ted withot the $rior a$$ro*a) of the A"en#y%
2i3 Re#ords% The A$$raiser sha)) +aintain re#ords of a)) detai)s with res$e#t to the ser*i#es to be
$erfor+ed nder this a"ree+ent, in#)din" one #o+$)ete #o$y of ea#h a$$raisa) re$ort and re)ated
notes, for three 2@3 years after de)i*erin" the re$ort or nti) the $ro$erty is a#(ired by the A"en#y or
the a#(isition is abandoned, whi#he*er is )ater%
293 Affida*its of Co+$)ian#e% The A$$raiser wi)), if re(ested by the A"en#y, frnish the A"en#y
affida*its #ertifyin" #o+$)ian#e with the $ro*isions of this Arti#)e 1%
ARTIC6E D% Chan"es% The A"en#y, by written noti#e to the A$$raiser, +ay +odify the s#o$e or
(antity of the ser*i#es to be frnished nder this a"ree+ent% If s#h #han"es #ase an in#rease or
de#rease in the a+ont of ser*i#es to be $ro*ided by the A$$raiser or in the ti+e re(ired for their
$erfor+an#e, e(itab)e ad9st+ent sha)) be +ade in the $ro*isions of this a"ree+ent for $ay+ents to
the A$$raiser or for the ti+e for $erfor+an#e of the ser*i#es or for both, and this a"ree+ent sha)) be
+odified by a"ree+ent of the $arties a##ordin")y%
ARTIC6E 0% Ter+ination of A"ree+ent for Case% If, thro"h any #ase, the A$$raiser sha)) fai) to
f)fi)) in a ti+e)y and $ro$er +anner his ob)i"ations nder this a"ree+ent, or if the A$$raiser sha))
*io)ate any of the $ro*isions of this a"ree+ent, the A"en#y +ay $on written noti#e to the A$$raiser
ter+inate the ri"ht of the A$$raiser to $ro#eed nder this a"ree+ent or with s#h $art or $arts of the
a"ree+ent as to whi#h there has been defa)t, and +ay ho)d the A$$raiser )iab)e for any da+a"es
#ased to the A"en#y by reason of s#h defa)t and ter+ination% In the e*ent of s#h ter+ination,
any #o+$)eted re$orts $re$ared by the A$$raiser nder this a"ree+ent sha)), at the o$tion of the
A"en#y, be#o+e its $ro$erty and the A$$raiser sha)) be entit)ed to re#ei*e e(itab)e #o+$ensation
for any wor; #o+$)eted to the satisfa#tion of the A"en#y% The A$$raiser, howe*er, sha)) not thereby
be re)ie*ed of )iabi)ity to the A"en#y for da+a"es sstained by the A"en#y by reason of any brea#h of
the a"ree+ent by the A$$raiser, and the A"en#y +ay withho)d any $ay+ents fro+ the A$$raiser for
the $r$ose of set off nti) s#h ti+e as the a+ont of da+a"es de the A"en#y fro+ the A$$raiser is
deter+ined% The A$$raiser sha)) not be he)d )iab)e for da+a"es nder this Arti#)e so)e)y for reasons
of de)ay if the de)ay is de to #ases beyond his #ontro) and withot his fa)t or ne")i"en#e, bt this
sha)) not $re*ent the A"en#y fro+ ter+inatin" this a"ree+ent be#ase of s#h de)ay%
ARTIC6E /0% Interest of Me+bers of A"en#y% No +e+ber of the A"en#y sha)) $arti#i$ate in any
de#ision re)ati*e to this a"ree+ent affe#tin", dire#t)y, or indire#t)y, his $ersona) interests% No s#h
+e+ber and no other offi#er, a"ent, or e+$)oyee of the A"en#y ha*in" any res$onsibi)ity or fn#tion
in #onne#tion with this a"ree+ent sha)) ha*e any $ri*ate interest, dire#t or indire#t, in this a"ree+ent
or the $ro#eeds of this a"ree+ent%
ARTIC6E //% 4ffi#ia)s Not To 7enefit% No Me+ber of or >e)e"ate to the Con"ress of the -nited
States of A+eri#a, and no Resident Co++issioner, sha)) be ad+itted to any share or $art of this
a"ree+ent or to any benefit to arise fro+ the sa+e%
ARTIC6E /2% Noti#es% Any a#tion by the A"en#y nder this a"ree+ent +ay be ta;en by
, ___________________________, or s#h other $erson2s3 as the A"en#y +ay, by written noti#e to
the A$$raiser, desi"nate for s#h $r$ose% A)) noti#es to the A$$raiser sha)) be #onsidered to be
$ro$er)y "i*en if +ai)ed to the address s$e#ified be)ow, or de)i*ered $ersona))y to the A$$raiser% A))
noti#es or other $a$ers "i*en to the A"en#y sha)) be #onsidered to be sffi#ient)y "i*en if +ai)ed,
$osta"e $re$aid to , at ,
or to s#h other re$resentati*e or address as the A"en#y +ay desi"nate to the A$$raiser in writin"%
IN &ITNESS &HERE45, the A"en#y and the A$$raiser ha*e e8e#ted this a"ree+ent on or as of
the date first abo*e written%
2Street Address3
2City3 2State3 2Fi$ Code3
7y' ______________________________