In mathematics, an inequality is a relation that holds between two values when they are different
The notation a b means that a is not equal to b.
It does not say that one is greater than the other, or even that they can be compared in size.
If the values in question are elements of an ordered set, such as the integers or the real
numbers, they can be compared in size.
The notation a < b means that a is less than b.
The notation a > b means that a is greater than b.
In either case, a is not equal to b. These relations are known as strict inequalities. The
notation a < b may also be read as "a is strictly less than b".
Division Sign
The division sign or is written as a horizontal line with dot above and dot below (obelus), or a
slash or horizontal line.The division sign indicates division operation of 2 numbers or
For example:
6 3 = 2
6 / 3 = 2
means 6 divided by 3, which is the division of 6 by 3, which is equal to 2.
In mathematics, the symbol (read as times or multiplied by or into
) is
primarily used to denote the
Multiplication of two numbers
Cross product of two vectors
Cartesian product of two sets
Geometric dimension of an object, such as noting that a room is 10 feet 12 feet in
area, where it is usually read as "by" (for example: "10 feet by 12 feet")
Dimensions of a matrix In biology, the multiplication sign is used in a
botanical hybrid name, where it is read as "cross"
The parallel symbol is . For example, indicates that line AB is parallel to line CD.
In the Unicode character set, the "parallel" and "not parallel" signs have codepoints U+2225 ()
and U+2226 (), respectively. In addition, U+22D5 () represents the relation "equal and parallel
The cardinality of the natural numbers is (read aleph-naught, aleph-null, or aleph-zero), the
next larger cardinality is aleph-one , then and so on. Continuing in this manner, it is
possible to define a cardinal number for every ordinal number , as described below.
The concept goes back to Georg Cantor, who defined the notion of cardinality and realized that
infinite sets can have different cardinalities.
Very often in statistics an algebraic expression of the form X
used in a formula to compute a statistic. The three dots in the preceding expression
mean that something is left out of the sequence and should be filled in when
interpretation is done. It is tedious to write an expression like this very often, so
mathematicians have developed a shorthand notation to represent a sum of scores,
called the summation notation.
In mathematics, specifically in group theory, the concept of a semidirect product is a
generalization of a direct product. There are two closely related concepts of semidirect product:
an inner semidirect product is a particular way in which a group can be constructed from
two subgroups, one of which is a normal subgroup, while an outer semidirect product is
a cartesian product as a set, but with a particular multiplication operation. As with direct products,
there is a natural equivalence between inner and outer semidirect products, and both are
commonly referred to simply as semidirect products.
Some authors use the symbols and to indicate "subset" and "superset" respectively, instead
of the symbols and , but with the same meaning.
So for example, for these authors, it is
true of every set A that A A.Other authors prefer to use the symbols and to
indicate proper subset and superset, respectively, in place of and .
This usage makes
and analogous to theinequality symbols.
The infinity symbol (sometimes called the lemniscate) is a mathematical symbol
representing the concept of infinity.The shape of a sideways figure eight has a long pedigree; for
instance, it appears in the cross of Saint Boniface, wrapped around the bars of a Latin
However, John Wallis is credited with introducing the infinity symbol with its
mathematical meaning in 1655, in his De sectionibus conicis.
Wallis did not explain his
choice of this symbol, but it has been conjectured to be a variant form of a Roman numeral for
1,000 (originally CI, also C), which was sometimes used to mean "many", or of the Greek
letter (omega), the last letter in the Greek alphabet.
Delta (uppercase , lowercase or ; Dlta; Modern Greek [elta]) is the fourth letter of
the Greek alphabet. In the system ofGreek numerals it has a value of 4. It was derived from
the Phoenician letter dalet . Letters that come from delta include Latin D andCyrillic .
A river delta (originally, the Nile River delta) is so named because its shape approximates the
upper-case letter delta (the shape is a triangle).
[citation needed]
I wish to thank .............. for their tremendous contribution and support both morally
and financially towards the completion of this project.
I am also grateful to my project supervisor Mr./Mrs ................................. who without
his/her help and guidance this project would not have been completed.
I also show my gratitude to my friends and all who contributed in one way or the other
in the course of the project.