Textile Testing - II

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Objective of course: Testing can be valuable aid provided

that the instruments and techniques are used effectively. This
subject provides basic knowledge about general testing
techniques fabric and some advance testing.

Fabric Dimensions:
Scope of fabric testing Importance of fabric testing Standards for
tests classification of fabric properties, Properties of fabrics as
Tailor made Fabric dimensions like length, width, fabric weight,
threads/inch (Densimeter) crimp measurements Measurement of
Tensile Testing of and Fabrics:, classification of Tensile testers
and working along with adjustments to suit the material under test
Automation in tensile testers Methods for testing tensile strength of
fabric Tearing and factor affecting tearing strength The
Elmendorf tearing tester,

Methods for testing burst strength by Hydraulic diaphragm method,
Factors affecting abrasion resistance The Martindale abrasion
tester Pilling resistance of fabrics ICI pilling box tester pilling
evaluation subjective and objective (by image capturing).
Fabric stiffness: Bending, shear and compression properties of
fabrics Methods for testing fabric shearing compression
Measurement of bending by Shirley stiffness tester and hanging loop

Fabric drape and handle Measurement of Drape by drapameter
Crease and wrinkle behavior Measurement of crease recovery
Air permeability Air, water and water vapour transmission
through fabrics measurement of WVT by cup method and sweating
garded hot plate method Wicking Test: longitudinal and traverse
Wettability of textile fabrics
Water repellency: spray rating Bundesmann water repellency test
WIRA shower test

Thermal resistance of fabrics Togmeter Fabric Friction tester.
Fabric Friction measurement by simple and i nclined plane test
Assessment of color fastness Measurement of Fastness to
Washing, Light, Perspiration, Rubbing for dyed goods
Flammability Terminology related with flammability Measurement
of flammability by inclined plane method

Diamensional stability: Hygral expansion, relaxation shrinkage,
swelling shrinkage, Felting shrinkage, Measurement of Dimensional
stability Fabric low stress mechanical properties, FAST and KES-F
Brief Introduction to special tests for technical textiles: moisture
management tester Wet Barrier TesterPuncture TestCone Drop
TesterTension creepRadiant Heat Transmission TesterThermal
insulation tester TIV Limited Oxygen Index TesterInstrument for
Run testSurface Resistance Tester

1. Arindam Basu, Textile Testing, Sitra Publishers, Coimbatore,
2. Grower and Hamby, Hand Book of Textile Testing, Textile
3. Keshavan and Angappan, Physical Testing, Vol- I & II, SSMITT
Publications, Komarapalyam,1993.
4. J.E.Booth, Principle of Textile Testing, Butterworths Publisher,
5. V.K.Kothari, Developments in Textile Testing, I B Publishers ,
6. Jinlian HU, Fabric testing, The Textile Institute, Woodhead
Publishing Limited, 2008.
1. I S I Hand book of Textile Testing Indian Standard Institution,
N. Delhi 1981.
2. Fabric Assessment by Mechanical Sensing Methods, Textile
Progress, Edited by Bishop, Vol 28, 1996.
3. W.E.Morton and J.W.S. Hearle, Physical Properties of Textile
Tribunes, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1994.
Course outcome: Students will able to understand basic testing of
fabric with some special test of technical fabric.

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