RS and GIS Syllabus Mtech NITW

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Physics of Remote Sensing: Sources of Energy, Active and Passive Radiation, Electromagnetic
Radiation - Reflectance, Transmission, Absorption, Thermal Emissions, Interaction with
Atmosphere, Atmospheric windows, Spectral reflectance of Earth's surface features, Multi
concept of Remote Sensing.
Data Acquisition Platforms: Various types of platforms, different types of aircraft, manned and
unmanned space crafts used for data acquisition - characteristics of different types of platforms -
LANDSAT, SPOT, IRS, ERS, INSAT and other platforms.
Data Acquisition Sensors (Visible & Infrared): Photographic products, Resolving power of
lenses and films, Optomechanical / Electro optical sensors - spatial, spectral and radiometric
resolution, Thermal sensors, Geometric Characteristics of thermal imagery, calibration of
thermal scanner, signal to noise ratio.
Data Analysis: Data Products and Their Characteristics, Data Pre-processing Atmospheric,
Radiometric, Geometric Corrections - Basic Principles of Visual Interpretation, Equipment for
Visual Interpretation, Ground Truth, Ground Truth Equipment.
Microwave Remote Sensing: Active and Passive Systems, Advantages, Platforms and Sensors,
Microwave Radiation and Simulation, Principles of Radar Resolution, Range, Angular
Measurements, Microwave Scattering, Imagery characteristics and Interpretation.
Applications: Geosciences, Water Resources, Land use Land cover, Transportation
1. James B. Campbell & Randolph H. Wynne., Introduction to Remote Sensing, The Guilford
Press, 2011.
2. Charles Elach & Jakob van Zyl., Introduction to the physics and techniques of Remote
Sensing, John Wiley & Sons publications, 2006.
3. Lillesand T.M & Kiefer R.W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiely and
Sons, 2008.
4. Chritian Matzler., Thermal microwave radiation: Applications for remote sensing, The
institution of Engineering and Technology, London, 2006.
5. Rees, W. G., Physical principles of Remote Sensing, Cambridge University Press, 2001Paul
Curran P.J., Principles of Remote Sensing, ELBS Publications, 1985.

Map mapping concepts, analysis with paper based maps, limitations, Computer Automated
Cartography History and Developments, GIS- Definition, advantages of digital maps.

Fundamentals of GIS Information Systems, Modeling Real World Features Data , Data
Formats Spatial and Non-spatial, Components, Data Collection and Input, Data Conversion,
Database Management Database Structures, Files; Standard Data Formats, Compression
Techniques, Hardware Computing, printing and scanning systems; Software Standard
Packages like Arcview, ArcGIS, Autocad Map, Map Info etc.

Topology Types of Errors, Editing and Error Rectification, Types of Topology, Modeling
topological Relationships, Tolerances.

Spatial Analysis and Modeling Proximity Analysis, Overlay Analysis, Buffer Analysis,
Network Analysis, Spatial Auto Correlation, Gravity Modeling, DTM/DEM, Integration with
Remote Sensing data

GIS Project Planning and Implementation Under Standing the Requirements, Phases of
Planning, Specifications, Data Procurement, Tendering, Human Resources, Back Up, Monitoring
GIS application : Transportation , Water Resources, Enviroment, Geology, Emergency
management,Agriculture, Real Estate.

1. Thanappan Subash., Geographical Information System, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.
2. Paul Longley., Geographic Information systems and Science, John Wiley & Sons, 2005
3. John E. Harmon & Steven J. Anderson., The design and implementation of Geographic
Information Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
4. Marble, D.F & Calkins, H.W., Basic Readings in Geographic Information System, Spad
System Ltd, 1990.
5. ArcGIS 10.1 Manuals, 2013.
6. Kang Tsung Chang., Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2008.
7. Burrough, P.A., Principles of GIS for Land Resource Assessment, Oxford Publications, 2005.
8. C.P.Lo & Albert K. W.Yeung, Concepts and Techniques

Fundamentals of Aerial Photography Systems: Historical development classification,
application aerial cameras aerial films and processing, geometry of vertical photographs
scale coordinate transformation, relief displacement titled photographs.

Stereoscopy: Stereoscopes, stereoscopic view and its exaggeration parallax equation parallax
measurementparallax bar-measurement of heights and determination of slopes- stereoscopic
plotting instruments.

Orientation: Concepts of orientation-interior, relative and absolute orientation of aerial
photographs, Ground control

Photomaps and Mosaics: Advantages and disadvantages, Uses, Kinds of mosaics-controlled,
semi-controlled, uncontrolled, Preparation, orthophotomosaics

Project Planning and Aerial Photo Interpretation: flight planning ground control (horizontal
and vertical) for aerial photogrammetry - image interpretation - interpretation keys planimetric
mapping applications aerial mosaics.

Close Range Photogrammetry: Fundamentals of close range photogrammetry, applications in
engineering and non-topographic fields
1. Lillesand T.M and Kiefer R.W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and
Sons, 2008.
2. Wolf P. R., Elements of Photogrammetry with Application in GIS, McGraw Hill International
Book Company,2013.
3. Moffitt, Francis H. & Mikhail, Edward M., Photogrammetry, Harper and Row Publishers,
4. Hallert, B., Photogrammetry, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1960.
5. Lueder, D.R., Aerial Photographic Interpretation, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York,
6. Krauss, J., Photogrammetry, vol. I, Springler Verlag Publications,1997.

Reviewing the EIA Report: Scope, Baseline Conditions, Site and Process alternatives, Public
hearing. Construction Stage Impacts, Project Resource Requirements and Related Impacts,
Prediction of Environmental Media Quality, Socio-economic Impacts, Ecological Impacts,
Occupational Health Impact, Major Hazard/ Risk Assessment, Impact on Transport
System,Integrated Impact Assessment.
Review of EMP and Monitoring: Environmental Management Plan, Identification of
Significant or Unacceptable Impacts Requiring Mitigation, Mitigation Plans and Relief and
Rehabilitation Stipulating the Conditions.
Case Studies: Preparation of EIA for developmental projects- Factors to be considered in
making assessment decisions, Water Resources Project, Pharmaceutical industry, thermal plant,
Nuclear fuel complex, Highway project, Sewage treatment plant, Municipal Solid waste
processing plant, Tannery industry.
Reading :
1. Canter, L.W., Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw Hill Pub. Co., 1997.
2. David P. Lawrence, Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Solutions to Recurrent
Problems, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
3. Hosetti B.B & Kumar Eds A., Environmental Impact Assessment and Management, Daya
Publishing House, 1998.
4. UNESCO, Methodological Guidelines for the Integrated Environmental Evaluation of Water
Resources Development, UNESCO/UNEP, Paris, 1987.
5. Anjaneyulu.Y., and Manickam. V., Environmental Imapact Assessment Methodologies, B.S.
Publications, Hyderabad, 2007.
6. Wathern.P., Environmental Impact Assessment- Theory and Practice, Routledge Publishers,
London, 2004.


Basic Statistics: Sources of Data, Organization of Data, The Histogram, Measures of central
tendency, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Coefficient of correlation, Rank
correlation, Regression.
Probability: equally likely, mutually exclusive events, definitions of probability, additions &
multiplication theorems of probability and problems based on them. Bayesian approach,Random
variables,Moment generating function and mathematical expectation.distributions; Poisson,
normal, Erlang, Gamma and Weibull probability distributions.
Multivariate Data: Vector random variables, sample estimate of centroid, standard deviation,
SSCP, dispersion, variance, covariance, correlation matrices.
Multiple Regression: Multiple parameter estimation by method of least squares, tests of
significance use of dummy variables, problems associated with multi co-linearity,
Geostatistics: Pattern Analysis, Measures of Arrangements & dispersion, Auto Correlation,
Semiveriogram, Kriging
1. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K., Fundamentals of Mathematics Statistics, Sultan Chand and
Sons, 2001.
2. Johnson, R.J., Miller and Freunds Probability and Statistics for Engineers 6th Edition,
Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
3. Jay L.Devore, Probability and statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, Thomson and
Duxbbury, 2002.
4. Sarma, D.D. Geostatistics with Applications in Earth Sciences, Capital Publishing
Company, 2002.
5. Cooley W.W and Lohnes P.R .- Multivariate Data Analysis, John Wiley and Sons,1971.


Oops concepts Classes, Objects, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Overloading.
Basic elements of C++, input and output statements, decision making, functions, iterations and
loops. Objects and Classes. The Big Picture. Arrays and Strings. Operator Overloading.
Inheritance. Pointers. Virtual Functions and Other Subtleties; Streams and Files;
Multifile Programs, Templates and Exceptions, Object-Oriented Software Development.
Java Programming: data types, variables and arrays, operators, control statements, classes,
objects, methods Inheritance; Packages and Interfaces, Exception handling, Multithreaded
programming, Strings, Input /Output.
1. E. Balagurusamy - Object Oriented Programming with C++ - TMH, fourth edition, 2008.
2. Herbert Schildt - C++ The complete Reference,1999.
3. Herbert Schildt - The Java 2 : Complete Reference - Fourth edition, TMH, 2002.
4. H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel - Java: How to program - Fifth edition, Prentice Hall of India private
limited, 2003.
5. Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in C++ , 4th Edition, Pearson Pub., 2002


Study of different types of satellite data products

Visual interpretation of satellite images of different resolutions.

Extraction of thematic information from satellite images

Mapping of
Land use and land cover
Geological and structural features
Drainage pattern and surface water bodies
Hydrogeomorphology for ground water potential zones
Urban growth and transportation network.


1. Lillesand T.M and Kiefer R.W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and
Sons, 2008.


Digitization of Points and Lines

Editing Map Elements

Attribute Data Entry and Manipulation

Cleaning, Building and Transformation

Data Analysis Overlay, Buffer

Map Generation with Patterns and Legends

Buffer Analysis

Network Analysis


1. ArcGIS 10.1 user manuals, 2013
2. ERDAS Imagine 2013 user manual

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