Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Control
Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Control
Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Control
To control the speed of the dc motor using PWM technique and by maintaining the speed
constant by implementing closed loop technique.
The electric drive systems used in many industrial applications require higher performance,
reliability, variable speed due to its ease of controllability. The speed control of DC motor is very
crucial in applications where precision and protection are of essence. Purpose of a motor speed
controller is to tae a signal representing the required speed and to drive a motor at that speed.
Microcontrollers can provide easy control of DC motor. Microcontroller based speed
control system consist of electronic component, microcontroller and the !CD. "n this paper,
implementation of the #T$%&'( microcontroller for speed control of DC motor fed by a DC
chopper has been investigated. The chopper is driven by a high frequency PWM signal.
Controlling the PWM duty cycle is equivalent to controlling the motor terminal voltage, which in
turn ad)usts directly the motor speed.
This wor is a practical one and high feasibility according to economic point of view and
accuracy. "n this wor, development of hardware and software of the close loop dc motor speed
control system have been e*plained and illustrated. The desired ob)ective is to achieve a system
with the constant speed at any load condition. That means motor will run at a fi*ed speed instead
of varying with amount of load.
The ma)or building blocs of the pro)ects are+
,. Power supply section
(. Controller section
-. Display section
.. Driver ic section
'. &peed measuring section
For Further Details-A Vinay, Manain !ire"tor
Ph: #$%$%%%&%%, $'((-))*+*+)
#s soon as the power is on the controller will tae the data from the ey pad and it will
generate the pwm required for the motor to rotate at that speed. The pulse is then given to the
l(%-d ic. This is a driver ic which is used to drive the dc motor. /ow the speed of the motor is
measured by using infrared led0s. This speed is displayed on the lcd and the pwm of the
controller is varied according to the difference between the reference or the selected speed and
the measured speed. This maes the speed of the motor to be constant even if the load on the
motor is increased.
,1 Wide range of operation
(1 &peed is accurate
-1 The speed is constant which means it will not vary even by varying the load.
,1 2sed in industries for variable speed applications
,. 3mbedded C programming language
(. 43"! "D3 for writing the program for micro controller
-. P56!6#D for dumping
.. 65C#D to draw the schematic diagram
,. #T$%s'( Micro Controller
-. !CD Display
.. "nfrared led transmitter and receiver
'. 4eypad
For Further Details-A Vinay, Manain !ire"tor
Ph: #$%$%%%&%%, $'((-))*+*+)
7. !(%-d driver ic.
1lo"2 !iaram,
For Further Details-A Vinay, Manain !ire"tor
Ph: #$%$%%%&%%, $'((-))*+*+)