E - Commerce
E - Commerce
E - Commerce
Term: 2008-2009
B.Tech III/IT IInd semester
Unit- II PPT Slides
Text Books: 1.Frontiers of electronic commerce
Kalakota, Whinston, Pearson
2. E-Commerce, S.Jaiswal Galgotia
Sub Topic name Lecture
1 Consumer Oriented Applications L1 3-5
2 Intermediate & Advanced services L2 6-18
3 Microtransactions of information L3 19-20
4 Mercantile models from the consumers
L4 21-26
5 Purchase Consummation L5 27-32
6 Mercantile from the merchants perspective L6 33-38
The wide range of applications envisioned for the consumer marketplace
can be broadly classified into:
(i) Entertainment
(ii) Financial Services and Information
(iii) Essential Services
(iv) Education and Training
See in table
Consumer Life-Style Needs Complementary Multimedia Services
Entertainment Movies on demand, Video cataloging,
interactive ads, multi-user games,
on-line discussions.
Financial Services and Home Banking, Financial services,
Information, Financial news.
Essential Services Home Shopping, Electronic Catalogs,
telemedicine, remote diagnostics.
Education and Training Interactive education, multiuser games,video
conferencing, on-line databases.
1. Personal Finance and Home Banking Management
(i) Basic Services
(ii) Intermediate Services
(iii) Advanced services
2. Home Shopping
(i) Television-Based Shopping
(ii) Catalog-Based Shopping
3. Home Entertainment
(i) Size of the Home Entertainment Market
(ii) Impact of the Home Entertainment on Traditional Industries
4. Micro transactions of Information
Personal Finance and Home Banking Management
The newest technologies are direct deposit of payroll, on-line bill
payment and telephone transfers
The technology for paying bills, whether by computer or telephone, is
infinitely more sophisticated than anything on the market a few years
In 1980s were the days of stone age technology because of technology
choices for accessing services were limited
For home banking, greater demands on consumers and expanding need
for information, its services are often categorized as basic, intermediate
and advanced
Basic services
These are related to personal finance
The evolution of ATM machines from live tellers and now to home
The ATM network has with banks and their associations being the
routers and the ATM machines being the heterogeneous computers on
the network.
This interoperable network of ATMs has created an interface between
customer and bank that changed the competitive dynamics of the
industry. See in next figure
Increased ATM usage and decrease in teller transactions
The future of home banking lies with PCs
Intermediate Services
The problem with home banking in 1980 is, it is expensive service that
requires a PC, a modem and special software
As the equipment becomes less expensive and as bank offers broader
services, home banking develop into a comprehensive package that
could even include as insurance entertainment
Consider the computerized on-line bill-payment system
It never forgets to record a payment and keeps track of user account
number, name, amount and the date and we used to instruct with
payment instructions. See in Fig;
Advanced Services
The goal of advanced series is to offer their on-line customers a
complete portfolio of life, home, and auto insurance along with mutual
funds, pension plans, home financing, and other financial products
The Figure explains the range of services that may well be offered by
banks in future
The servic3es range from on-line shopping to real-time financial
information from anywhere in the world
In short, home banking allows consumers to avoid long lines and gives
Home Shopping:
It is already in wide use.
This enable a customer to do online shopping
Advanced Services
Television-Based Shopping:
It is launched in 1977 by the Home Shopping Network (HSN).
It provides a variety of goods ranging from collectibles, clothing, small
electronics, housewares, jewelry, and computers.
When HSN started in Florida in 1977, it mainly sold factory overruns and
discontinued items
It works as, the customer uses her remote control at shop different channels
with touch of button. At this time, cable shopping channels are not truly
Advanced Services
Catalog-Based Shopping
In this the customer identifies the various catalogs that fit certain
parameters such as safety, price, and quality
The on-line catalog business consists of brochures , CD-ROM catalogs, and
on-line interactive catalogs
Currently, we are using the electronic brochures
Home Entertainment:
It is another application for e-commerce
Customer can watch movie, play games, on-screen catalogs, such as TV
In Home entertainment area, customer is the control over programming
In Table tells the, What will be required in terms of Television-based
technology for this telemart to become a reality
The Telemart: Present and Future Functions
Compressing and decoding The transition to digital satellite
a digital signal(images are and cable network head broad
compress to reduce quantity casting involves linking the TV
of information) to decoder to reconvert into an
analog signal
Decoding a scrambled The broad casting of pay channel
signal requires the encryption of the
signal on emission & unscrambled
Rapid loading of program An increase in the no. of individual
on memory interactive services is possible
only if n/w overloading is kept
The Telemart: Present and Future Functions
Electronic money or Once separated from the telephone,
card payment terminal telemart will need a keyboard
up to the TV set in order to ensure
interactivity. The keyboard will
have a payment connection to
simplify the billing process
Advanced Services
Size of the home Entertainment Market:
Entertainment services are play a major role in e-commerce
This prediction is underscored by the changing trends in consumer
It is shown in Table
Impact of Home entertainment on traditional industries:
This will have devastating effects on theater business
Economic issues might allow theaters to maintain an important role in the
movie industry
Today average cable bill is approximately $30 a month
Advanced Services
Industry Estimates of consumer Expenditures
1980 ($4.7 bin) 1990 ($31.0 bin) 1993 ($37.8 bin)
Theaters 49.0% $2.3 14.5% $4.5 13.2% $5.0
Basic cable 35.0% $1.6 34.5% $10.7 36.9% $13.9
Premium cable 16.0% $0.8 16.5% $5.1 14.0% $5.3
Home video __ __ 33.8% $10.5 34.8% $13.2
Pay per view __ __ 0.7% $0.2 1.1% $0.4
Microtransactions of information:
One change in traditional business forced by the on-line information
business is the creation of a new transaction category called small-fee
transactions for micro services
The customer by giving some information away for free and provide
information bundles that cover the transaction overhead.
The growth of small-money transfers could foster a boom in other
complementary information services
The complexity is also increased in micro services when an activity named,
reverification is entered.
It means checking on the validity of the transaction after it has been
Desirable Characteristics of an Electronic
Critical mass of Buyers and sellers: To get critical mass, use electronic
Opportunity for independent evaluations and for customer dialogue and
discussion: Users not only buy and sell products, they compare notes on
who has the best products and whose prices are outrageous
Negotiation and bargaining: Buyers and sellers need to able to haggle
over conditions of mutual satisfaction, money, terms & conditions,
delivery dates & evaluation criteria
New products and services: Electronic marketplace is only support full
information about new services
Seamless interface: The trading is having pieces work together so that
information can flow seamlessly
Resource for disgruntled buyers: It provide for resolving disagreements
by returning the product.
Mercantile Process models
Mercantile processes define interaction models between consumers and
merchants for on-line commerce
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's Perspective
(i) Prepurchase preparation
(a) The consumer information search process.
(b) The Organizational search process.
(c) Consumer search experiences.
(d) Information brokers & brokerages.
(ii) Purchase consummation.
(a) Mercantile process using digital cash.
(b) Mercantile transaction using credit cards.
(c) Costs of electronic purchasing.
(iii) Post purchase interaction.
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
The prepurchase preparation phase include search and discovery for a set
of products to meet customer requirements
The purchase consummation phase include mercantile protocols
The postpurchase interaction phase includes customer service & support
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
Prepurchase Preparation
The purchase is done by the buyers, so consumers can be categorized into 3
Impulsive buyers, who purchase products quickly
Patient buyers, purchase products after making some comparisons
Analytical buyers, who do substantial research before making decision to
purchase products.
Marketing researches have several types of purchasing:
Specifically planned purchases
Generally planned purchases
Reminder purchase
Entirely unplanned purchases
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
The consumer information search process
Information search is defined as the degree of care, perception,& effort
directed toward obtaining data or information related to the decision
The Organizational search process
Organizational search can be viewed as a process through which an
organization adapts to such changes in its external environment as new
suppliers, products, & services.
Consumer Search Experiences
The distinction between carrying out a shopping activity to achieve a
goal (utilitarian) as opposed to doing it because u love it (hedonic).
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
Information Brokers and Brokerages
To facilitate better consumer and organizational search, intermediaries
called information brokers or brokerages
Information brokerages are needed for 3 reasons: Comparison shopping,
reduced search costs, and integration
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
Purchase Consummation
Buyer contacts vendor to purchase
Vendor states price
Buyer and Vendor may or may not engage in negotiation
If satisfied, buyer ask the payment to the vendor
Vendor contacts billing service
Billing service decrypts authorization and check buyers account
Billing service gives to the vendor to deliver product
Vendor delivers the goods to buyer
On receiving the goods, the buyer signs and delivers receipt
At the end of the billing cycle, buyer receives a list of transactions
The figure shows this Mercantile process
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
Mercantile process using Digital Cash
Buyer obtains e-cash from issuing bank
Buyer contacts seller to purchase product
Seller states price
Buyer sends e-cash to seller
Seller contacts his bank or billing service to verify the validity of the cash
Bank gives okay signal
Seller delivers the product to buyer
Seller then tells bank to mark the e-cash as used currency
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
Mercantile Transactions Using Credit Cards
Two major components compromise credit card transactions in this
process: electronic authorization and settlement
In retail transaction, a third-party processor (TPP) captures information at
the point of sale, transmits the information to the credit card issuer for
authorization, communicates a response to the merchant and electronically
stores the information for settlement and reporting.
The benefits of electronic processing include the reduction in credit losses,
lower merchant transaction costs, & faster consumer checkout & merchant-
to-bank settlement
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
A step-by-step account of retail transaction follows:
Step1: A customer presents a credit card for payment at a retail location
Step2: The point-of-sale software directs the transaction information to the
local network
Step3: System verifies the source of the transaction and routes it.
Step4: In this, transaction count and financial totals are confirmed between
the terminal and the network
Step5: In this, the system gathers all completed batches and processes the
data in preparation for settlement
Merchant clients takes one of two forms:
Merchants are charged a flat fee per transaction for authorization and data
capture services
The other form of billing allows merchants to pay a bundled price for
authorization, data capture, & settlement
Mercantile Models From The Consumer's
Cost of Electronic Purchasing:
Cash seems to be preferable to electronic payments, such as, on-line debit,
credit, and electronic check authorization
Consumers appear to spend more when using cards then when spending
Postpurchase Interaction
Returns and claims are an important part of the purchasing process
Other complex customer service challenges arise in customized retailing
Inventory issues: To serve the customer properly, a company should inform a
customer right away and if the item is in stock, a company must able to
assign that piece to customer
Database access and compatibility issues: Customers should get kind of
services by easy issues like calling an 800 number
Customer service issues: To clear the doubts of customer about product
Mercantile Models From The Merchant's
To better understanding, it is necessary to examine the order management
cycle (OMC).
The OMC includes eight distinct activities.
The actual details of OMC vary from industry to industry and also for
individual products and services
OMC has generic steps
(i) Order planning & Order generation.
(ii) Cost estimation & pricing.
(iii) Order receipt & entry.
(iv) Order selection & prioritization.
(v) Order Scheduling
(vi) Order fulfillment & delivery.
(vii) Order billing & account/payment management.
(viii) Post sales service.
Mercantile Models From The Merchant's
Order planning & order Generation
Order planning leads to order generation.
Orders are generated in a no. of ways in the e-commerce environment.
The sales force broadcasts ads (direct marketing), sends personalized e-
mail to customers (cold calls), or creates a WWW page
Cost Estimation & pricing
Pricing is the bridge between customer needs & company capabilities.
Pricing at the individual order level depends on understanding the value to
the customer that is generated by each order, evaluating the cost of filling
each order; & instituting a system that enables the company to price each
order based on its value & cost
Mercantile Models From The Merchant's
Order Receipt & Entry
After an acceptable price Quote, the customer enters the order receipt &
entry phase of OMC.
This was under the purview of departments variously titled customer
service, order entry, the inside sales desk, or customer liaison.
Order Selection & Prioritization
Customer service representatives are also often responsible for choosing
which orders to accept and which to decline.
Not, all customers orders are created equal; some are better for the
Mercantile Models From The Merchant's
Order Scheduling
In this phase the prioritized orders get slotted into an actual production or
operational sequence.
This task is difficult because the different functional departments- sales,
marketing,, customer service, operations, or production- may have
conflicting goals, compensation systems, & organizational imperatives:
Production people seek to minimize equipment changeovers, while
marketing & customer service reps argue for special service for special
Order Fulfillment & Delivery
In this actual provision of the product or service is made.
It involves multiple functions and locations.
Mercantile Models From The Merchant's
Order Billing & Account/Payment Management
After the order has been fulfilled & delivered, billing is given by finance
The billing function is designed to serve the needs and interests of the
company, not the customer.
Postsales Service
This phase plays an increasingly important role in all elements of a
companys profit equation: customer, price, & cost.
It can include such elements as physical installation of a product, repair &
maintenance, customer training, equipment upgrading & disposal.