Round 1 - Checkmate

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Team Skittles

Situation Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

• Remote activation and • Lack of compatible • Improved Customer • Threat of new entrants
configuration devices experience • 80% of the customers
• Eco-friendly and • Only 44 e-sim • Most of the are fully or partially
smaller form factor supported handsets in manufacturers are unaware
• Multiple network Bangladesh offering e-sim products • Regulatory risks -
profiles • Consumer's • 3.6 Billion e-sims to be recently Robi's e-sim
• Flexibility and freedom misperception activated by 2025 got banned by the govt.

Experience the Unparalleled Convenience স্মার্ট দুনিয়ার আল্টিমেট

and Connectivity with Barta e-SIM: Your
Ultimate Solution!
Barta e-SIM positions itself as the ultimate
solution for all your connectivity needs. All
our campaigns focuses on unmatched
convenience, seamless connectivity, and the
freedom to personalize your mobile
Target Customer and Market size
Age Range Persona
18-40 years old • Device Upgraders who frequently upgrade their upgrade their
Tech-savvy millennials and gen Z who are devices
early adapters of new technology and • Globetrotting Professionals and international Connectivity
more likely to switch to e-sims Seekers who are frequent trabvelers both for business and
leisure purposes.
• IoT Enthusiasts and Smart-home owners who value seamless
Income group connectivity and management of their IoT devices.

Upper-middle and high income

Have higher purchasing power and are more
likely to invest in advanced technologies and The market size of SIM users in the
premium services.
country now stands at 18.08 crore.
The top operator with 7.9 crore user

Launched e-sim in March last year

The second largest operator with 5.46
crore subscribers

Launched this year but, got banned within a

week - potential threat as new entrant

Banglalink Teletalk
Third Largest operator with 4.01 The state-owned company is yet to
crore users launch the e-sim service, creating a
Launched the e-sim service in threat of new entrance.
December 2022
• Awareness
Campaign Design • Engagement
& Channels • Reinforcement
All our marketing efforts will be directed towards the
achievement of at least one of these goals.

Campaign Objective:
Creating Awareness among the target audience,
differentiating the brand to create Engagement, and
01 02 03
converting the leads into subscribers via continuous

ONLINE (Digital)

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Campaign Details: Offline
Above The Line (ATL) Below The Line (BTL)

• Newspapers • Campus Activation

Great for informercials, and relatively senior portion of the Younger segment of the target audience (Gen Z) are the most
target audience (millennials and older) are still reachable via promising markets. Collaborating with universities to conduct
newspapers. events and seminars can help spread of information, and as the
younger generation are more tech-savvy; switching to a youth
• Television Commercials and value-centric alternative will be more appealing to them.
Telco companies are renowned for iconic TVCs in Bangladesh,
it is necessary to compete in that space to command the
mindshare of the mass. • Service Display
Service display stalls provide effective ways to make people
• Text Messages
aware about a product's existence and help the curious to learn
Text message campaign is an easy way to reach Barta's existing more about the product's functionalities.
customer base to continuously reinforce the idea of switching to
the e-sim service.
Campaign Details: Online

• Repurposing the Video Advertisements and

Collaborations from YouTube.
• Disruptive Advertisement • Driving reach of Barta's facebook page through
Creating a differentiated persona using the tagline " স্মার্ট static sponsored posts.
দুনিয়ার আল্টিমেট সলিউশন", focusing the advertisement on
the technological and beneficial side of switching to the
Barta e-sim

• Collaboration with YouTubers

• Repurposing the static sponsored posts from
Sponsoring tech-ed channels to explain how e-sim work
Facebook to increase the reach of Barta's Instagram
and sponsoring reviewers and opinion leaders to review
the service of the e-sim
• Using Story Polls to boost engagement.
Campaign Details: Parnerships
SAMSUN Ed-tech(s)
E-sim is supported in Samsung, Google Pixel and Apple • 10 Minute School
devices in Bangladesh. Samsung is the only officially • Shikho
operating brand, among these three.
Barta will partner-up with Shikho and 10 Minute School to
Barta will partner-up with Samsung to provide a free e-sim provide Barta e-sim users with free access to some courses
subscription with their latest relevant model, along with while also offering affordable internet packs specifically for
using these apps.
luchrative internet and talk time benefits.
In-app Game launch & Social Media Reinforcement
• Consists of Offline and Online modalities
• Conducted mostly in the Digital Marketing portion of • The e-sim subscribers will be able to play the
the campaign. "SHAKEROO" game in the Barta app.
• The "SHAKEROO" game works by users logging in to the
Objectives: app every day and shaking their device while being in the
• Creating Awareness and Interest game window.
• Generating leads via increased traffic to the social • After shaking the users receive small rewards (i.e. 10 MB
media pages. data/10 SMS/ 1 Min Talk time)
• They can then post it on their social media with
Motto: "#স্মার্ট সলিউশন" and "#Barta".
• "স্মার্ট দুনিয়ার আল্টিমেট সলিউশন" • Chosen winners of the Shakeroo Campaign will get rewards
adding up to 100,000 BDT.

This campaign will increase Engagement and Reinfrocement,

encouraging the audience to subscribe to Barta e-sim
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
In-process KPIs Out-process KPIs
• Reach (Brand Awareness): We will measure the • Number of New Subscribers: At the end of our 1
number of people who have been exposed to our year campaign, we will see how many new
marketing messages or campaigns. subscribers we acquired.
• Impressions (Brand Awareness): We will track the • Conversion Rate: The percentage of potential
number of times our marketing content has been customers
seen or displayed, indicating the level of exposure • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The average cost
and visibility. required to acquire a new subscriber.
• Social Media Engagement: We will measure the • Net Promoter Score (NPS): The likelihood of
engagement metrics on social media platforms, such customers recommending our e-SIM service.
as likes, shares, comments, and mentions. • Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): The total revenue
generated by a customer throughout their
relationship with Barta.
Timeline and
Action Plan
The Gantt Chart Shows the Timeline (in months) of the

• Collaborated contents with YouTubers will be released

every moth except the last month of each quarter.
• Newspaper ads will only be released for the first 6 months.
• Campus Activation campaigns will be run very other
month, awareness campaigns will be run first month of
each quarter.
• Digital ads and partnerships will run for 12 months.
• Shakeroo Phase 1 will be conducted in the first 8, and
Phase 2 in last 4 months.
• The quantity of each expense item is shown
• Avg. Price are based on data from
secondary sources
• The cost of the SHAKEROO camapign is
included in the cost of the total social media
• The total expense is a 190,000 BDT lower
than the allotted budget.
Expected total reach is about 1,482,500 and
the expectation of clients retained were about
15,500 (Conservative Estimation). Considering
the Customer Lifetime value and surplus
budget, the plan is feasible.
Contingency Plan

Partnership with Expand the Crisis Management

Samsung customer base and PR activities
We will continue our stragic We will dentify untapped market We will develop a crisis management
partnership with Samsung to segments and develop tailored plan to address unforeseen events and
mitigate the uncertainties and marketing messages to attract new establish PR activities through
risks customer segments. newspapers and social media
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