Abdalla Altaji - Resume

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Abdalla Altaji

Toronto Canada + 1 (647) 283.3933 abdalla@altaji.ca

A seasoned international professional wit 29 !ears of e"perience co#bined in bot te $eal
%state &perations and te 'nfor#ation (ecnolo)! %"ec*ti+e ,ana)e#ent roles - witin te
.A% and re)ional #ar/ets. %"pertise and ands on incl*din) 0inancial 1*d)etin) 2
3lannin)4 ,ar/etin) and 5ales ,ana)e#ent4 3ropert! and 0acilit! ,ana)e#ent4 ,ar/et
$esearc4 6*e 6ili)ence and 0easibilit! 5t*dies.
A )lobal and +ersatile b*siness leader wit #*ltic*lt*ral abilities to cond*ct b*siness4 b*ild
effecti+e relationsips and interface wit c*sto#ers re)ionall! and )loball!.
7i)l! s/illed at strate)ic and creati+e tin/in) as well as leadin) c*sto#er-facin)
or)ani8ations4 wit a pro+en trac/ record of e"ceedin) top line and botto# line objecti+es.
3ossess e"cellent co##*nications and interpersonal s/ills in bot Arabic4 and %n)lis
lan)*a)es. Acc*sto#ed to dealin) wit top le+el e"ec*ti+es across international bo*ndaries
and +ario*s ind*stries.
3ro+en record of #ana)in) b*sinesses and lead tea#s towards acie+in) teir objecti+es
and s*rpassin) teir !earl! 9*otas.
1oard of 6irectors #e#bersip witin local and re)ional or)ani8ations.
:lobal e"pertise in #*ltic*lt*ral re)ions tro*) careers in international corporations and
pri+ate b*sinesses.
Core Competencies
%"cellent /now-ow in de+elopin) strate)ic tin/in) for &perations4 7$4 0inance4 ;orporate
5*pport 5er+ices4 and incl*din) 5ales and ,ar/etin) plans and projects.
,onitor4 re+iew and report all &perations4 5ales and ,ar/etin) acti+ities and res*lts.
3roficient in deli+erin) i) tier presentations and dealin) wit te p*blic.
Acted as an ad+isor! bod! to de+eloper<s clients and in+estors tro*) deli+erin) opti#*#
ideas and concepts wile #a"i#i8in) project *nit(s) efficienc! and ai#in) for #a"i#*# $&'.
=ersatile and e"tensi+e e"perience in #ana)in) and r*nnin) corporate co#panies and
tea#s on da!-to-da! basis as well as de+isin) proper str*ct*res4 s!ste#s4 sales and
#ar/etin) processes and policies to ins*re b*siness operational e"cellence.
3roficient in de+isin) co#pan!wide cost c*ttin) #eas*res4 &r)ani8ational $estr*ct*rin) and
;an)e ,ana)e#ent to #aintain co#pan! lon) ter# co#petiti+eness and profitabilit!.
3ro+ide leadersip4 direct #ana)e#ent and /nowled)e sare to e"ec*ti+e and #ana)erial
le+el #e#bers in te or)ani8ation.
>ell-+ersed in settin) *p new co#panies and brances of e"istin) ones wile enco#passin)
and e"ec*tin) all operational related d*ties.
Continue Core Competencies
%ns*re te or)ani8ation as te ri)t #ana)e#ent s!ste#s and str*ct*res to carr! o*t its
wor/ effecti+el!4 acco*ntabl! and pr*dentl!.
%ns*re tat te b*siness consistentl! acie+es te i)est le+el of operational perfor#ance.
3ro+en s*bstantial international 1*siness 6e+elop#ent e"perience at ,6?%"ec*ti+e and ;
le+el ,ana)e#ent positions.
7i)l! /nowled)eable in draftin) le)al b*siness a)ree#ents and ne)otiatin) contracts wile
protectin) te or)ani8ation<s interest.
$esponsibilit! of te 32@ and te 1otto# @ine.
5peciali8ed in contract ne)otiations.
7i)l! pers*asi+e4 effecti+e and proficient in concl*din) deals and ne)otiations.

Professional Experience
Founder and Director at TAJI International Inc. Toronto Canada
Jul! "#$" % Present
Ad+isor! and cons*ltin) ser+ices foc*sed on 1*siness 6e+elop#ent4 &r)ani8ational
%ffecti+eness4 and (ransfor#ational 5trate)ies.
Top &evel Advisor! and Consultanc! assi'nments Du(ai )AE
Januar! "#$# % "#$"
$enderin) pri+ate e"ec*ti+e #ana)e#ent ad+isor! ser+ices for co#panies across
+ario*s ind*stries wit foc*ses on de+elopin) s!ste#s4 processes and proced*res across
all depart#ents incl*din)4 acco*nts4 5ales and ,ar/etin).
*ana'in' Director Eta' IT +olutions *em(er of T,e -ate -roup of Companies Du(ai
Octo(er "##. Jul! "#$"
$esponsible for @eadin)4 #ana)in)4 and directin) all te '( 5ales and ,ar/etin)
5er+ices rendered b! te co#pan! for bot (e :ate :ro*p of ;o#panies and te
e"ternal b*siness in te local and re)ional #ar/ets.
'dentified potential b*siness opport*nities in bot te pri+ate and p*blic sector res*ltin) in
te e"pansion of b*siness re+en*e so*rces.
;reated new relationsips4 and #ana)ed e"istin) ones4 wit local +endors and
e"ec*ti+es of local and #*ltinational co#panies.
7elped in de+elopin) 5ales and ,ar/etin) 5trate)ies for te +ario*s #ar/et se)#ents
and prod*ct ser+ice offerin)s portfolios.
C,ief Operatin' Officer % T,e -ate -roup of Companies Du(ai )AE
Fe(ruar! "##/ 0ovem(er "##1
5econd in co##and reportin) directl! to te ;%& and ;air#an of te )ro*p of fi+e (A)
co#panies tat is co#prised of 12B pl*s e#plo!ees.
7oldin) +ario*s leadin) and si#*ltaneo*s positions witin te :ro*p of ;o#panies as
=ice 3resident for leadin) $eal %state ;o#pan!4 6irector of &perations for a 0acilit!
,ana)e#ent4 5trata?3ropert! ,ana)e#ent ;o#pan! and ,ana)in) 6irector of an
'nfor#ation (ecnolo)! 5ol*tions ;o#pan!.
%n)a)ed in te de+elop#ent #ana)e#ent operations of $eal %state projects fro# te
initial sta)es of concept*al ideas and financial feasibilities to draftin) final a)ree#ents
wit te de+elopers of projects in te .A%4 &#an and Cordan.
;&& of a $eal %state ,ana)e#ent 6e+elop#ent co#pan! responsible for de+elopin)
;oncept*al 6esi)ns and project de+elop#ent #ana)e#ent ser+ices to i) net-wort
>oll! responsible for te )ro*p of co#panies &perations incl*din) 7*#an $eso*rces
0inance4 5ales4 ,ar/etin)4 1*siness 6e+elop#ent and @e)al acco*ntabilities.
$epresentin) te :ro*p of ;o#panies in +ario*s 1oards of 6irectors witin affiliated
co#panies locall! and re)ionall!.
$esponsible for te :ro*p !earl! 0inancial 1*d)etin) and ,anpower 3lannin) wile
liaisin) wit 7$ and 0inance eads as well as te :,<s and ,6<s of te co#panies
*nder te )ro*p.
$esponsibilit! and co#preensi+e re+iew on #ontl! basis for te 32@ and 0inancial
5tate#ents of eac co#pan! and depart#ent *nder te )ro*p.
6ro+e perfor#ance towards e"ceedin) financial objecti+es and s*pportin) ann*al )rowt
of te b*siness.
%stablised re)ional offices for te )ro*p in Cordan4 D*wait4 and &#an and ser+ed as
1oard ,e#ber in eac of te offices.
*icrosoft *iddle East
April $11" June $111
Assumed t,e positions of Countr! *ana'er and Area +ales *ana'er Jordan &evant and
E'!pt2 Enterprise Account *ana'er Du(ai )AE and t,e -ulf.
@ed an inte)rated tea# of )eo)rapicall! and c*lt*rall! di+erse professionals foc*sed on
5ales4 ,ar/etin)4 (ecnical 5er+ices4 1*siness 6e+elop#ent and ;*sto#er 5*pport4
f*nctions in s*pport of local and re)ional partners and elite pri+ate and p*blic clients of
,icrosoft ,iddle %ast in Cordan and %)!pt.
,ana)ed $e+en*e4 0orecast and 0inancial 1*d)etin) and oter 3rofit 2 @oss #etrics for
,icrosoft b*sinesses in %)!pt and Cordan.
'dentified strate)ic initiati+es and wor/ed closel! wit te 6*bai and .5 ead offices<
e"ec*ti+e tea# to )ain s*pport and acie+e ann*al objecti+es and tar)ets.
6efined and set*p a reseller pro)ra# wit sales and #ar/etin) plans to act as an indirect
sales cannel for te re)ion *nder #! responsibilit! incl*din) Cordan4 @ebanon4 ;!pr*s
and %)!pt.
;ond*cted n*#ero*s road sows4 planned and or)ani8ed conferences re)ionall! and
6efined re)ional strate)ic )oals and cascaded te# to te sales or)ani8ation wile
liaisin) wit ,icrosoft ,iddle %ast 6*bai &ffice for te creation of s*b-re)ional and local
strate)ic and tactical plans necessar! to acie+e and s*rpass re+en*e and profit
objecti+es for te corporation.
Arcitected and closed te first .A% )o+ern#ental entit! lon) ter# 5oftware %nterprise
A)ree#ent wic was considered te first in te re)ion in te 9B<s.
>or/ed wit te +ario*s .5 and .A% 1*siness 3lannin) and 3rod*ct 6e+elop#ent
locali8ation )ro*ps witin ,icrosoft ;orporation in $ed#ond .5A to ins*re proper
prod*ct positionin) and la*nces for te ,iddle %ast Arabic *sers.
President TAJI International Inc. Toronto Canada June $111%Decem(er "##3.
Privately owned and managed an Import and Export business.
Director of +ales and *ar4etin' for a re'ional Information Tec,nolo'! compan!% 5uwait
Januar! $163%+eptem(er $11#.
1acelors of 5cience in 1*siness ,ana)e#ent
6ece#ber 1982
.ni+ersit! of 'llinois E ;ica)o4 'llinois4 .5A
Additional Information
;anadian ;iti8en
@an)*a)esF Arabic4 %n)lis and 'talian
.A% $eal %state $e)*lator! A)enc! - $%$A ;ertification
&r)ani8ed se+eral '( and $eal %state e+ents4 la*nces and conferences witin te .A% and te
6efined and la*nced re)ional strate)ic initiati+es in s*pport of e"pandin) co#pan!<s #ar/et
sare in te re)ion.
;ond*cted coacin) and trainin) pro)ra#s.
%stablised re)ional strate)ic partnersips and relationsips wit $eal %state propert!
de+elopers4 financial instit*tions and 7i) Get->ort in+estors witin te $eal %state ,ar/et in
te re)ion.
Attended and participated in n*#ero*s well renowned international e"ibitions4 trainin) co*rses
and for*#s.
5er+ed as 1oard 6irector at te ,iddle %ast $eal %state 5ociet! (,%$%5).
,e#ber of te 6*bai H*alit! :ro*p.
5pea/er and presenter at n*#ero*s $eal %state and '( for*#s and conferences.

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