Abdalla Altaji is a seasoned international professional with 29 years of combined experience in real estate operations, information technology executive management, and business development roles within the UAE and regional markets. He possesses expertise in financial budgeting, planning, marketing, sales management, property management, market research, due diligence, and feasibility studies. Altaji has proven leadership experience managing businesses and teams towards achieving their objectives. He has held top executive positions with Microsoft Middle East and management roles with major real estate and IT companies in the UAE.
Abdalla Altaji is a seasoned international professional with 29 years of combined experience in real estate operations, information technology executive management, and business development roles within the UAE and regional markets. He possesses expertise in financial budgeting, planning, marketing, sales management, property management, market research, due diligence, and feasibility studies. Altaji has proven leadership experience managing businesses and teams towards achieving their objectives. He has held top executive positions with Microsoft Middle East and management roles with major real estate and IT companies in the UAE.
Abdalla Altaji is a seasoned international professional with 29 years of combined experience in real estate operations, information technology executive management, and business development roles within the UAE and regional markets. He possesses expertise in financial budgeting, planning, marketing, sales management, property management, market research, due diligence, and feasibility studies. Altaji has proven leadership experience managing businesses and teams towards achieving their objectives. He has held top executive positions with Microsoft Middle East and management roles with major real estate and IT companies in the UAE.
Abdalla Altaji is a seasoned international professional with 29 years of combined experience in real estate operations, information technology executive management, and business development roles within the UAE and regional markets. He possesses expertise in financial budgeting, planning, marketing, sales management, property management, market research, due diligence, and feasibility studies. Altaji has proven leadership experience managing businesses and teams towards achieving their objectives. He has held top executive positions with Microsoft Middle East and management roles with major real estate and IT companies in the UAE.
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Abdalla Altaji
Toronto Canada + 1 (647) 283.3933 abdalla@altaji.ca
www.altaji.ca Overview A seasoned international professional wit 29 !ears of e"perience co#bined in bot te $eal %state &perations and te 'nfor#ation (ecnolo)! %"ec*ti+e ,ana)e#ent roles - witin te .A% and re)ional #ar/ets. %"pertise and ands on incl*din) 0inancial 1*d)etin) 2 3lannin)4 ,ar/etin) and 5ales ,ana)e#ent4 3ropert! and 0acilit! ,ana)e#ent4 ,ar/et $esearc4 6*e 6ili)ence and 0easibilit! 5t*dies. A )lobal and +ersatile b*siness leader wit #*ltic*lt*ral abilities to cond*ct b*siness4 b*ild effecti+e relationsips and interface wit c*sto#ers re)ionall! and )loball!. 7i)l! s/illed at strate)ic and creati+e tin/in) as well as leadin) c*sto#er-facin) or)ani8ations4 wit a pro+en trac/ record of e"ceedin) top line and botto# line objecti+es. 3ossess e"cellent co##*nications and interpersonal s/ills in bot Arabic4 and %n)lis lan)*a)es. Acc*sto#ed to dealin) wit top le+el e"ec*ti+es across international bo*ndaries and +ario*s ind*stries. 3ro+en record of #ana)in) b*sinesses and lead tea#s towards acie+in) teir objecti+es and s*rpassin) teir !earl! 9*otas. 1oard of 6irectors #e#bersip witin local and re)ional or)ani8ations. :lobal e"pertise in #*ltic*lt*ral re)ions tro*) careers in international corporations and pri+ate b*sinesses. Core Competencies %"cellent /now-ow in de+elopin) strate)ic tin/in) for &perations4 7$4 0inance4 ;orporate 5*pport 5er+ices4 and incl*din) 5ales and ,ar/etin) plans and projects. ,onitor4 re+iew and report all &perations4 5ales and ,ar/etin) acti+ities and res*lts. 3roficient in deli+erin) i) tier presentations and dealin) wit te p*blic. Acted as an ad+isor! bod! to de+eloper<s clients and in+estors tro*) deli+erin) opti#*# ideas and concepts wile #a"i#i8in) project *nit(s) efficienc! and ai#in) for #a"i#*# $&'. =ersatile and e"tensi+e e"perience in #ana)in) and r*nnin) corporate co#panies and tea#s on da!-to-da! basis as well as de+isin) proper str*ct*res4 s!ste#s4 sales and #ar/etin) processes and policies to ins*re b*siness operational e"cellence. 3roficient in de+isin) co#pan!wide cost c*ttin) #eas*res4 &r)ani8ational $estr*ct*rin) and ;an)e ,ana)e#ent to #aintain co#pan! lon) ter# co#petiti+eness and profitabilit!. 3ro+ide leadersip4 direct #ana)e#ent and /nowled)e sare to e"ec*ti+e and #ana)erial le+el #e#bers in te or)ani8ation. >ell-+ersed in settin) *p new co#panies and brances of e"istin) ones wile enco#passin) and e"ec*tin) all operational related d*ties. Continue Core Competencies %ns*re te or)ani8ation as te ri)t #ana)e#ent s!ste#s and str*ct*res to carr! o*t its wor/ effecti+el!4 acco*ntabl! and pr*dentl!. %ns*re tat te b*siness consistentl! acie+es te i)est le+el of operational perfor#ance. 3ro+en s*bstantial international 1*siness 6e+elop#ent e"perience at ,6?%"ec*ti+e and ; le+el ,ana)e#ent positions. 7i)l! /nowled)eable in draftin) le)al b*siness a)ree#ents and ne)otiatin) contracts wile protectin) te or)ani8ation<s interest. $esponsibilit! of te 32@ and te 1otto# @ine. 5peciali8ed in contract ne)otiations. 7i)l! pers*asi+e4 effecti+e and proficient in concl*din) deals and ne)otiations.
Professional Experience Founder and Director at TAJI International Inc. Toronto Canada Jul! "#$" % Present Ad+isor! and cons*ltin) ser+ices foc*sed on 1*siness 6e+elop#ent4 &r)ani8ational %ffecti+eness4 and (ransfor#ational 5trate)ies. Top &evel Advisor! and Consultanc! assi'nments Du(ai )AE Januar! "#$# % "#$" $enderin) pri+ate e"ec*ti+e #ana)e#ent ad+isor! ser+ices for co#panies across +ario*s ind*stries wit foc*ses on de+elopin) s!ste#s4 processes and proced*res across all depart#ents incl*din)4 acco*nts4 5ales and ,ar/etin). *ana'in' Director Eta' IT +olutions *em(er of T,e -ate -roup of Companies Du(ai )AE Octo(er "##. Jul! "#$" $esponsible for @eadin)4 #ana)in)4 and directin) all te '( 5ales and ,ar/etin) 5er+ices rendered b! te co#pan! for bot (e :ate :ro*p of ;o#panies and te e"ternal b*siness in te local and re)ional #ar/ets. 'dentified potential b*siness opport*nities in bot te pri+ate and p*blic sector res*ltin) in te e"pansion of b*siness re+en*e so*rces. ;reated new relationsips4 and #ana)ed e"istin) ones4 wit local +endors and e"ec*ti+es of local and #*ltinational co#panies. 7elped in de+elopin) 5ales and ,ar/etin) 5trate)ies for te +ario*s #ar/et se)#ents and prod*ct ser+ice offerin)s portfolios. C,ief Operatin' Officer % T,e -ate -roup of Companies Du(ai )AE Fe(ruar! "##/ 0ovem(er "##1 5econd in co##and reportin) directl! to te ;%& and ;air#an of te )ro*p of fi+e (A) co#panies tat is co#prised of 12B pl*s e#plo!ees. 7oldin) +ario*s leadin) and si#*ltaneo*s positions witin te :ro*p of ;o#panies as =ice 3resident for leadin) $eal %state ;o#pan!4 6irector of &perations for a 0acilit! ,ana)e#ent4 5trata?3ropert! ,ana)e#ent ;o#pan! and ,ana)in) 6irector of an 'nfor#ation (ecnolo)! 5ol*tions ;o#pan!. %n)a)ed in te de+elop#ent #ana)e#ent operations of $eal %state projects fro# te initial sta)es of concept*al ideas and financial feasibilities to draftin) final a)ree#ents wit te de+elopers of projects in te .A%4 &#an and Cordan. ;&& of a $eal %state ,ana)e#ent 6e+elop#ent co#pan! responsible for de+elopin) ;oncept*al 6esi)ns and project de+elop#ent #ana)e#ent ser+ices to i) net-wort de+elopers. >oll! responsible for te )ro*p of co#panies &perations incl*din) 7*#an $eso*rces 0inance4 5ales4 ,ar/etin)4 1*siness 6e+elop#ent and @e)al acco*ntabilities. $epresentin) te :ro*p of ;o#panies in +ario*s 1oards of 6irectors witin affiliated co#panies locall! and re)ionall!. $esponsible for te :ro*p !earl! 0inancial 1*d)etin) and ,anpower 3lannin) wile liaisin) wit 7$ and 0inance eads as well as te :,<s and ,6<s of te co#panies *nder te )ro*p. $esponsibilit! and co#preensi+e re+iew on #ontl! basis for te 32@ and 0inancial 5tate#ents of eac co#pan! and depart#ent *nder te )ro*p. 6ro+e perfor#ance towards e"ceedin) financial objecti+es and s*pportin) ann*al )rowt of te b*siness. %stablised re)ional offices for te )ro*p in Cordan4 D*wait4 and &#an and ser+ed as 1oard ,e#ber in eac of te offices. *icrosoft *iddle East April $11" June $111 Assumed t,e positions of Countr! *ana'er and Area +ales *ana'er Jordan &evant and E'!pt2 Enterprise Account *ana'er Du(ai )AE and t,e -ulf. @ed an inte)rated tea# of )eo)rapicall! and c*lt*rall! di+erse professionals foc*sed on 5ales4 ,ar/etin)4 (ecnical 5er+ices4 1*siness 6e+elop#ent and ;*sto#er 5*pport4 f*nctions in s*pport of local and re)ional partners and elite pri+ate and p*blic clients of ,icrosoft ,iddle %ast in Cordan and %)!pt. ,ana)ed $e+en*e4 0orecast and 0inancial 1*d)etin) and oter 3rofit 2 @oss #etrics for ,icrosoft b*sinesses in %)!pt and Cordan. 'dentified strate)ic initiati+es and wor/ed closel! wit te 6*bai and .5 ead offices< e"ec*ti+e tea# to )ain s*pport and acie+e ann*al objecti+es and tar)ets. 6efined and set*p a reseller pro)ra# wit sales and #ar/etin) plans to act as an indirect sales cannel for te re)ion *nder #! responsibilit! incl*din) Cordan4 @ebanon4 ;!pr*s and %)!pt. ;ond*cted n*#ero*s road sows4 planned and or)ani8ed conferences re)ionall! and )loball!. 6efined re)ional strate)ic )oals and cascaded te# to te sales or)ani8ation wile liaisin) wit ,icrosoft ,iddle %ast 6*bai &ffice for te creation of s*b-re)ional and local strate)ic and tactical plans necessar! to acie+e and s*rpass re+en*e and profit objecti+es for te corporation. Arcitected and closed te first .A% )o+ern#ental entit! lon) ter# 5oftware %nterprise A)ree#ent wic was considered te first in te re)ion in te 9B<s. >or/ed wit te +ario*s .5 and .A% 1*siness 3lannin) and 3rod*ct 6e+elop#ent locali8ation )ro*ps witin ,icrosoft ;orporation in $ed#ond .5A to ins*re proper prod*ct positionin) and la*nces for te ,iddle %ast Arabic *sers. President TAJI International Inc. Toronto Canada June $111%Decem(er "##3. Privately owned and managed an Import and Export business. Director of +ales and *ar4etin' for a re'ional Information Tec,nolo'! compan!% 5uwait Januar! $163%+eptem(er $11#. Education 1acelors of 5cience in 1*siness ,ana)e#ent 6ece#ber 1982 .ni+ersit! of 'llinois E ;ica)o4 'llinois4 .5A Additional Information ;anadian ;iti8en @an)*a)esF Arabic4 %n)lis and 'talian .A% $eal %state $e)*lator! A)enc! - $%$A ;ertification &r)ani8ed se+eral '( and $eal %state e+ents4 la*nces and conferences witin te .A% and te re)ion. 6efined and la*nced re)ional strate)ic initiati+es in s*pport of e"pandin) co#pan!<s #ar/et sare in te re)ion. ;ond*cted coacin) and trainin) pro)ra#s. %stablised re)ional strate)ic partnersips and relationsips wit $eal %state propert! de+elopers4 financial instit*tions and 7i) Get->ort in+estors witin te $eal %state ,ar/et in te re)ion. Attended and participated in n*#ero*s well renowned international e"ibitions4 trainin) co*rses and for*#s. Affiliations 5er+ed as 1oard 6irector at te ,iddle %ast $eal %state 5ociet! (,%$%5). ,e#ber of te 6*bai H*alit! :ro*p. 5pea/er and presenter at n*#ero*s $eal %state and '( for*#s and conferences.