Tambour Tutorial Robert Haven

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The document outlines the 12 step process for tambour embroidery.

The steps are to plunge the needle through the fabric, pick up a loop of thread, pull the thread to the surface, plunge the hook through the fabric at the beginning of the design, wrap the thread around the needle spiraling downward, turn the hook 180 degrees in the same direction as wrapping, snap the thread into the hook, lift the hook and thread through the surface, make a backstitch or continue stitching forward by repeating the process.

The hook turns 180 degrees in the same direction that the thread was wrapped around the needle.

Tambour Tutorial by Robert Haven

In these photographs that show each step for tambour embroidery, Robert Haven used a large
hook, yarn, and a Plexiglass fabric to illustrate this technique.
Photographs by Jamie Snodgrass

Step 1. Plunge the needle through the fabric, and pick up a loop of thread from the left hand
held under the frame.

Step 2. Pull the thread tail to the surface and hold on to it with the right hand.

Step 3. Plunge the hook through the fabric at the beginning of the design, making sure the set
screw is facing the direction of the stitching.

Step 4. Wrap the thread around the needle, spiraling downward slightly.

Step 5. Turn the hook 180 degrees in the same direction you wrapped the thread.

Step 6. Snap the thread into the hook. You will feel and hear it snap.

Step 7. Lift the hook and thread through the surface, keeping the needle straight up and down
like a sewing machine.

Step 8. At this point in the process, the hook is facing the opposite direction to the line of
stitching and you are perfectly positioned to make a stitch going opposite the line of stitching.
At the beginning of a line this would be a TINY backstitch. Plunge the hook through the fabric,
making sure the set screw is facing the direction of the stitching.

Step 9. Wrap the thread around the needle, spiraling downward slightly.

Step 10. Turn the hook 180 degrees in the same direction you wrapped the thread.

Step 11. Lift the hook and thread through the surface, keeping the needle straight up and down
like a sewing machine.

Step 12. Now stitch in the working direction. You can let go of the thread tail.
Advance forward and repeat the plunge,wrap, turn, snap, lift sequence.

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