Experiment - 1 Aim:-To Study Process Control Technique and Different Process Characteristics. Theory

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Experiment 1

Aim :- To study Process control Technique and Different Process Characteristics.

Theory :-
An automatic control system comprises of an arrangement of elements which are inter
connected and interact such that some controlled condition forming part of the system is
maintained in a prescribed manner. The important element of a process, measurement,
evaluation & the control element.
The loc! diagram of a simple closed loop control system is given below.
"here r # $eference %nput & set point.
b # 'easurement signal & feed bac! signal
e # r ( b.
# error signal )ve & *ve.
P # controller o&p.
C # controlled output.
%mportant Definition and abbreviations.
+oop ,* %n loc! diagram the signal flow from complete process through measurement
,error detector , controller and final control element is !nown as Loop / Process control
loop / feed back loop.
The selection of what controller modes is to be used in process is a function of the
characteristics of process.
-very process is defined by a equation in which controlled parameter is a function
of the other Parameter and the equation is !nown as Process equation.
1). Nominal Set :- .rom the process equation or !nowledge of and e/perience with
the process, it is possible to identify the set of values for the process parameters that
results in the controlled variable having the set point value. This set of parameter is
!nown as Nominal Set.
2). ransient ,* %f any one of load parameter varies, after e/cursion the parameter
returns ti its nominal value. This temporary variation is called the transient.
!). "ontrolled #ariable :- %t is the 'ost effective process parameter which is to be
$). "ontrollin% #ariable :- %t is the Process parameter which is choose to provide a
control over the controlled variable.
&). Load #ariable ,* A load variable is the variable a change in value of which
affects or deviates the controlled variable to its set point value.
'). Process La% :- A Process control operations is a time variation problem. At some
point in time, a process load changes or transient causes a change in controlled
variable , the process control loop assures, after some finite time later, the variable
returns to its set point value. Part of this time ta!en itself by the process is !nown as
Process +ag.
(). Self )e%ulation ,* A significant characteristics of the process is the tendency to
adopt a specific value of the controlled variable for nominal load with no control
operation. This operation is !nown as a self regulation.
*). +rror :- %t is the difference between the reference value and measured value.

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