Four Wave Mixing

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i!e "e the first of #our frien$s to li!e this%
in!"ac! Threa$ Tools &earch Threa$ Rate This Threa$ 'is(la#
0)*1+*2012, 0-.01 PM
0oin 'ate.
0ul 2012
1oeur2' 3lene 4$aho
&u(er Mo$erator
Four Wave Mixing
1 sur 8 2012-08-25 16:26
Four Wave Mixing
Harlan Sanders,
The machine deals with Tom Bearden's Four Wave Mixing. The
machine deals with a low frequenc !um! wave through a
modulation transformer. The machine uses all "e### timers set to
select frequencies $alues for the first timer are as follows, The
current through the electrodes must not exceed #% Micro &m!eres.
'#% (hms )etween !in * and +
,,%- varia)le !ot set for low freq square wave #%.!s )etween !in +
and / !in , and / tied together The ca! value .,,0f !in ' to ground.
(ther values are in the same arrangement.
1. Two. '#%.!s
#% (hms
#% - $aria)le
.%,, 0f
1. Three 2#% .!s
#% (hms
#%- $aria)le
%%,, 0f
1. 3
1. #
/*% (hms
.%' 0f
1. / Set to highest frequenc.
,#%- $aria)le
5um! Wave 1. "6### set )etween .* to * .!s
$alues '#% (hms
'Meg $aria)le
M Wor8 on 9ife
0ohn "e$ini
M# home(age. htt(.556ohn7e$ini%net
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*19*2012, 10.-1 3M
Hi 7ohn. Than8 ou for sharing details. 1'm wor8ing on Bo) Bec8
device a.t.m and want to )uild this one as well.
0oin 'ate.
3ug 2012
0unior Mem7er
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*19*2012, 12.90 PM
1 have now made the diagram availa)le so the machine ma )e
Four Wave Mixing
2 sur 8 2012-08-25 16:26
htt!:;;www.<ohn);<ohn23;medmachine%'%.<!g. this device
loo8s sim!le, )ut it is not. 1t too8 a long time to ad<ust. 1 would use
a microsco!e first with !ond water. The resistor where the current
meter is can )e a small grain of wheat )ul) at ', volts. The )ul) is in
the circuit incase ou short the leads. The audio transformer ou can
get from 9adio Shac8. The timer circuits should not use a .mos
###'s use the Texas 1nstruments
0oin 'ate.
0ul 2012
1oeur2' 3lene 4$aho
&u(er Mo$erator
0ohn "e$ini
M# home(age. htt(.556ohn7e$ini%net
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*19*2012, 01.0) PM
Than8 ou 7ohn. 1 have &rthesian well with small !ond )ut need to
get )etter microsco!e, !refera)l the one 1 can hoo8 to the 5.. 1
need this for other ex!eriments as well. 1'll !ost as soon as 1 get it
done =ho!efull next wee8>.
0oin 'ate.
3ug 2012
0unior Mem7er
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*19*2012, 02.:: PM
than8s 7ohn, thats a )etter !icture of the circuit than the one i had,
whats the small diode in the to! right hand corner?
0oin 'ate.
3ug 2012
0unior Mem7er
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*20*2012, 12.01 PM
Hi 7ohn,
Than8s for the com!leted schematics. 1 have cou!le of questions for
ou, if ou do not mind commenting on them?
'. What is the significance of non@.M(S vs .M(S ### =ou said to
use non@.M(S>?
,. Wh is it necessar to o!to@cou!le the 5ulse Aenerator and the
.urrent &m!?
2. 1ncidentall, what is the tuning for the 5ulse Aenerator =3HB that
Bo) Bec8 and others used> or !erha!s fundamental Schumman
3. How and where are the electrodes a!!lied =Bo) Bec8 wa on the
lower arms and )lood vessels or elsewhere>? What is the s!acing, if
elsewhere, and if 8nown what is the im!act of the varia)le s!acing
)etween the electrodes?
0oin 'ate.
3ug 2012
0unior Mem7er
Four Wave Mixing
3 sur 8 2012-08-25 16:26
#. 1n the 5hase Aenerator wh certain channels have a varia)le !ot
while others are fixed. 1s there a significance of that fixed frequenc?
/. 1s the com)ination of the s!ecific frequencies =once set> of each
individual channel, and mixed together, of more significance in the
final waveform?
+. What are the )oundaries of the lowest;highest frequenc =all
channels> out!ut in the 5hase Aenerator =sorr 1 did not run this
through a circuit sim et>?
*. ()viousl with those varia)le !ots, the would need to )e
individuall tuned for s!ecific a!!lication =virus>, also referring )ac8
to #. and /.
4. Because of *., could the 5hase Aenerator not )e su)stituted with
a )road )and swee! generator fitting the frequenc ranges of each
'%. Further to 4., ie. if a micro@controller is used as a swee!
generator, each channel could then )e more efficient as it would
cover entire frequenc range at once. What are our thoughts a)out
''. H!otheticall s!ea8ing, could the electrodes )e re!laced with
!erha!s a !ieBo ceramic transducer =if the frequenc range of the
out!ut is not higher than what !ieBo su!!orts>? 1 !resume the !ower
out!ut would need to )e ad<usted to sufficientl excites the
transducer, )ut the a!!lication would then )ecome contact@less and
much easier to handle.
Sorr if this might loo8 li8e a lot of questions @ 1 do a!!reciate ou
answering them.
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*20*2012, 02.99 PM
1 would <ust )uild it the wa it is, and es ou could, )ut this wor8s
and ou need a microsco!e to set it. The diode is 'n3%%'
The timers need to )e free from glitches, so no .mos. Cou can do
what ou want )ut 1 would tr this first. &s 1 have alwas said ou
need to ma8e it as is first. then ou can change to what ou want.
Dow !ulse running at + HB. This is not eas to ad<ust unless ou have
a microsco!e to loo8 at what is going on. Micro currents modulated
do the <o) if the frequenc are set correctl. 6lectrodes are !laced on
the )od in the selected area. 7ohn .rane tried a Micro!rocessor and
it did not wor8. 7ohn .rane sold machines that did not wor8 ,
)asicall it was <ust a frequenc generator, )ut in the case of this
machine all frequencies are com)ined and then ou need to have a
!um! wave at + HB.
The transformer allows the current to )e modulated. The one thing
that will tell if the machine is wor8ing is a!!ling the electrodes to
our tem!les and closing our ees and if ou see colored flashes of
light it is wor8ing. 1 would not change anthing until ou 8now how it
0oin 'ate.
0ul 2012
1oeur2' 3lene 4$aho
&u(er Mo$erator
<riginall# Poste$ 7# a#igo
Hi 0ohn,
Four Wave Mixing
4 sur 8 2012-08-25 16:26
Than!s for the com(lete$ schematics% 4 have cou(le of =uestions
for #ou, if #ou $o not min$ commenting on them>
1% What is the significance of non*1M<& vs 1M<& --- ?#ou sai$
to use non*1M<&@>
2% Wh# is it necessar# to o(to*cou(le the Pulse Aenerator an$
the 1urrent 3m(>
9% 4nci$entall#, Bhat is the tuning for the Pulse Aenerator ?:HC
that "o7 "ec! an$ others use$@ or (erha(s fun$amental
&chumman Resonance>
:% HoB an$ Bhere are the electro$es a((lie$ ?"o7 "ec! Ba# on
the loBer arms an$ 7loo$ vessels or elseBhere@> What is the
s(acing, if elseBhere, an$ if !noBn Bhat is the im(act of the
varia7le s(acing 7etBeen the electro$es>
-% 4n the Phase Aenerator Bh# certain channels have a varia7le
(ot Bhile others are fixe$% 4s there a significance of that fixe$
+% 4s the com7ination of the s(ecific fre=uencies ?once set@ of
each in$ivi$ual channel, an$ mixe$ together, of more
significance in the final Baveform>
;% What are the 7oun$aries of the loBest5highest fre=uenc# ?all
channels@ out(ut in the Phase Aenerator ?sorr# 4 $i$ not run this
through a circuit sim #et@>
)% <7viousl# Bith those varia7le (ots, the# Boul$ nee$ to 7e
in$ivi$uall# tune$ for s(ecific a((lication ?virus@, also referring
7ac! to -% an$ +%
9% "ecause of )%, coul$ the Phase Aenerator not 7e su7stitute$
Bith a 7roa$ 7an$ sBee( generator fitting the fre=uenc# ranges
of each channel>
10% Further to 9%, ie% if a micro*controller is use$ as a sBee(
generator, each channel coul$ then 7e more efficient as it Boul$
cover entire fre=uenc# range at once% What are #our thoughts
a7out this>
11% H#(otheticall# s(ea!ing, coul$ the electro$es 7e re(lace$
Bith (erha(s a (ieCo ceramic trans$ucer ?if the fre=uenc# range
of the out(ut is not higher than Bhat (ieCo su((orts@> 4 (resume
the (oBer out(ut Boul$ nee$ to 7e a$6uste$ to sufficientl#
excites the trans$ucer, 7ut the a((lication Boul$ then 7ecome
contact*less an$ much easier to han$le%
&orr# if this might loo! li!e a lot of =uestions * 4 $o a((reciate
#ou ansBering them%
ast e$ite$ 7# 0ohnD"e$iniE 0)*20*2012 at 02.-0 PM% Reaon: 3$$ing info
0ohn "e$ini
M# home(age. htt(.556ohn7e$ini%net
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*20*2012, 09.2+ PM
Four Wave Mixing
5 sur 8 2012-08-25 16:26
Hi 7ohn,
1 do alwas remem)er our words: EBuild it the wa it is firstE @ 1'm
<ust tring to understand how this wor8s, wh, and what to loo8 for
to 8now it actuall does wor8.
How do ou 8now what to tune the individual 5hase Aenerator
channels to =the ones with the varia)le !ots>?
Cou mention use of a microsco!e and !ond water, !resuma)l due to
!revalence of )acteria in the !ond. How would ou connect the
device to the sam!le slide =using !latinum wire electrodes> for
real@time o)servation?
The final out!ut a!!ears to )e a com!lex waveform com!osed of a
square carrier with am!litude modulated frequencies em)edded into
it. Was the !ulse carrier =at + c!s> !ortion made to )e square wave
due to !racticalit, or is there more significance to using the square
1 as8 this )ecause 1 remem)er seeing a documentar a)out 9ife in
which the showed original sco!e views of the waveform that used a
sine wave as a carrier, also having com!lex waveforms mixed into it.
1s there anthing more that could )e done to ensure the out!ut
current is limited to under the s!ec =#%u&>? =Cou 8now 1 <ust don't
li8e hoo8ing things u! that !roduce current to m head or other )od
!arts, even if the are )atter o!erated>
Than8s for answering.
0oin 'ate.
3ug 2012
0unior Mem7er
<riginall# Poste$ 7# John_Bedini
4 Boul$ 6ust 7uil$ it the Ba# it is, an$ #es #ou coul$, 7ut this
Bor!s an$ #ou nee$ a microsco(e to set it% The $io$e is 1n:001
The timers nee$ to 7e free from glitches, so no 1mos% Fou can
$o Bhat #ou Bant 7ut 4 Boul$ tr# this first% 3s 4 have alBa#s sai$
#ou nee$ to ma!e it as is first% then #ou can change to Bhat #ou
Bant% oB (ulse running at ; HC% This is not eas# to a$6ust
unless #ou have a microsco(e to loo! at Bhat is going on% Micro
currents mo$ulate$ $o the 6o7 if the fre=uenc# are set correctl#%
Electro$es are (lace$ on the 7o$# in the selecte$ area% 0ohn
1rane trie$ a Micro(rocessor an$ it $i$ not Bor!% 0ohn 1rane
sol$ machines that $i$ not Bor! , 7asicall# it Bas 6ust a
fre=uenc# generator, 7ut in the case of this machine all
fre=uencies are com7ine$ an$ then #ou nee$ to have a (um(
Bave at ; HC%
The transformer alloBs the current to 7e mo$ulate$% The one
thing that Bill tell if the machine is Bor!ing is a((l#ing the
electro$es to #our tem(les an$ closing #our e#es an$ if #ou see
colore$ flashes of light it is Bor!ing% 4 Boul$ not change
an#thing until #ou !noB hoB it Bor!s
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*20*2012, 0:.-9 PM
$ Wave Mixing
Ces that is correct it is a com!lex waveform mix of square wave
frequencies with current modulation. 1'm sure ou could find man
&u(er Mo$erator
Four Wave Mixing
6 sur 8 2012-08-25 16:26
Guic! Re(l#
was to do this. 1t's the harmonic content of the square waves. 1
have !laed around with these t!e of machines forever. M aunt
used it and it 8illed whatever she had, 1 can't reall tal8 a)out it as 1
almost had the &M& on me so 1 quit )uilding them and F9. Strec8er
disa!!eared after that. 7ohn .rane the almost loc8ed u! )ut he also
too8 off got awa <ust ) luc8. This is no different then a com!lex
audio mixer using current modulation. Some !eo!le have used a low
!ulsed +.*2' magnetic field with this machine. 1 have found that the
frequencies 9ife had )ac8 then do not wor8 toda as everthing is
much different. EW6 as !eo!le have things that have mutated into
something else. 1t does not ma8e an difference who ou are we all
get sic8, <ust some faster then others. &nd ou are tal8ing a)out the
&l)ert &)rams Machine Tom . too8 !ictures of the one 1 have here,
He might !ost some !ictures if ou as8 him. 1t wor8s ) o!!osing
magnetic fields modulated ) the contact s!ar8. That is the machine
in the movie generating that waveform ou see. The Mono!ole
6nergiBer generates the same wavesha!e as the &)rams machine.
1 &M & 96S6&9.H 6"A1"669, "(T & M6F1.&D F(.T(9, &"F
TH696F(96 F( "(T M&-6 &"C M6F1.&D .D&1MS F(9 TH1S
0oin 'ate.
0ul 2012
1oeur2' 3lene 4$aho
ast e$ite$ 7# 0ohnD"e$iniE 0)*21*2012 at 09.1) PM% Reaon: a$$ing
0ohn "e$ini
M# home(age. htt(.556ohn7e$ini%net
&hare 8 i!e
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0)*20*2012, 0;.:) PM
Than8 ou so much for the extended ex!lanation and full schematic.
1 have all of the !arts on hand, and will )e )uilding this &S&5. Than8
ou for all of the ears that ou have )een m mentor, and 1 haven't
forgotten all of the hours that we discussed our machines, at great
length. For all of that 1 am ver grateful.
0oin 'ate.
3ug 2012
0unior Mem7er
&hare 8 i!e
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Four Wave Mixing
8 sur 8 2012-08-25 16:26

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