Parent Handbook 2014-2015

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Oskaloosa Community Schools

KinderPrep Handbook
508 7th St. Oskaloosa, IA. 52577
( Use South 7th St. West Entrance)
KinderPrep Phone: #641-676-1632 Bus Barn: #641-673-7294

School Staff
Russ Reiter, Superintendent of Schools
Jolene Liebl, KP-2nd Principal
Mike Dursky, Elementary Building Principal

Shelli Eveland, KinderPrep Teacher
Sharon Sage, KinderPrep Teacher
Revised August 15th, 2014
2014-2015 School Year

-Table Of Contents-

Mission Statement..1
Vision Statement.........1
KinderPrep Philosophy.......1
What is KinderPrep? ......1
Calendar Year.2
Family Involvement..... 2-3
Dress Code.....3
Field Trips......3
KinderPrep Staff.4
Office and Class Hours..4
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures.4-5
Student Attendance.5-6
Guest Visitors.6
Emergency Forms......6
Hawk-I Insurance...6
Physical Exams & Immunizations.............6-7
School Fee.7
Emergency Drills...8
Crisis Plan Information..8
Health Screening....8
Illness Policy..9
Administration of Medication.9-10
Inclement Weather..10
Recess Policy......11
Lunch & Lunch Account Balances....11-12
Free & Reduced Priced Meals....12
Noon Lunch Policy....12
Breakfast & Snack..12
Transportation & Procedures.12-13
Student Assistance Team...13
Lost & Found.13
Toys & Electronic Devices.13
Parent Teacher Organization.....14
Inspection of Educ. Materials14
Communication To & From School..14
Birthday Treats..14
Invitations to Parties..14
School Parties14
School Supplies.14
Selling & Soliciting at school15
Grade Reports.15
Individual Goals.15
Curriculum Programs.16
KinderPrep Curriculum..16
Special Services.17
Advancing Opportunities...17
Parent Input17
Transferring to Another School District.17
School Records..17
Immunization Requirements .18
Wavier of Fees and Charges...18
Posting of Information...18
Care of School Property.18
School Discipline...18

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Opening Statement

Mission Statement
Engaging ALL Students to Embrace the Power of Learning
Vision Statement
Believe, Achieve, and Create with PRIDE
KinderPrep Philosophy
*KinderPrep provides for varying rates of growth and development.

*KinderPrep is not intended to be either a kindergarten or a preschool program. Instead, it is considered a step between
the two programs with a mixture of both curriculums as needed.
* We provide a balance of both teacher directed and
child-selected activities, active and quiet activities and
large group, small group and individual instruction.
*KinderPrep believes in a curriculum strong in social skills, teaching children to develop and maintain meaningful
* We demonstrate positive guidance with firm, con-
sistent procedures for behavior that helps develop
self-control & teaches children to take responsibility
for their own actions.
*Teachers and students work together to gather data, evaluate learning, plan individual goals and continue to improve.

What is KinderPrep?
KinderPrep is an optional program with a gradually increasing day, designed to meet the needs of the younger 5 year old.
This program gives parents the opportunity to allow their child to grow another year before entering kindergarten.
KinderPrep is not a preschool program. Students work on academic skills in KinderPrep. The main focus in KinderPrep is
social & emotional development. Students will follow begin with preschool curriculum and work into kindergarten
curriculum towards the middle of the year or as needed. A year of KinderPrep is typically followed by a year of full-day

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Calendar Year
The KinderPrep class will operate on the same calendar as other buildings in the district with slight revisions on early out
days. The school year will operate on a trimester system. Any changes to the KinderPrep days will be noted on the
monthly KinderPrep Calendars.
*KinderPrep may have different beginning and ending dates than the remaining school district.
*See KinderPrep Calendar located at the end of this handbook.

Family Involvement
Parents are children's first and most important teachers. Communication between home and school is very important. We
strive to build a partnership with families so we can work together to support your child's development and learning.

We encourage family involvement by:
1. Starting the year with an initial home visit. This is a good chance for teachers to get to know your family. It is
also a useful time for answering any questions you may have about the program and having your child meet
his/her teacher where they feel safestat home.

2. Open House. This will take place on an
evening before each school year begins and
will be a good chance to visit the classroom
before your child's first day, bring school
supplies and meet the teachers.
3. Parents are more than welcome to come and volunteer at school. Here are just a few ways that you can volunteer:
Assist on field trips, attend family nights or meetings, volunteer in the classroom, assist teacher with classroom
curriculum items needed.
4. School will send home monthly calendars. This will state the themes & curriculum content of the month, also any no
school days or changes in general schedule and any scheduled visitors or field trips. School will also send home
weekly newsletters to let you know what your child will be doing in school for that week.
5. Notes will be used as one way to communicate between home and school. If parents have a note to send to school,
make sure and tell your child to inform his/her teacher. Place the note in his/her burgundy folder and write the date at
the top of each note. Folders will be checked by a teacher daily at school. Best efforts will be made to respond in a
timely manner.
6. Families are always welcome to call school if there are any concerns, questions or information you would like to talk
about. (Please remember preferred times to call are between 8:00-8:45 a.m. and 2:15-3:25). Likewise, teachers will
also contact parents. We could arrange a meeting with your family if you would like to meet personally with your
child's teacher at a time in addition to conferences

7. KinderPrep will participate in student involved parent teacher conferences twice yearly, scheduled the same days as
other students at Oskaloosa Elementary. During this time, your child and teacher will go over how your child is doing
in school, assessments, round-up procedures, and any other info, pertaining to your child's education. Children with
lEP's also have annual meetings to review progress.
8. At times throughout the year, we may have special events at KinderPrep that we will invite parents to attend. Families
are invited to an end of the year celebration to recognize all students that have attended KinderPrep.

As always, parents are welcome to visit their child's classroom at any time.

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9. As children are playing, they are also learning. Periodically, we will send home parent letters describing the
importance of curricular areas we use in the classroom and things you can do at home to strengthen skills in this area
with your child. We may also send home periodically take-home activities to do with your child to encourage learning.
Some activities may be asked to be returned to school, while others will be kept at home.
10. A family information area is made available for parents/guardians in the building. This is located by the south-east
door. This area provides additional information about parenting topics, activities to do with your children,
inservices/parent meetings, information regarding the rules and regulations of the preschool program itself.
Dress Code
All pupils should dress appropriately for school bearing in mind the weather and the activities for the day. Students
should wear boots when weather is snowy.
Field Trips
Field trips planned by the teacher serve as important learning experiences for the class. The class is always accompanied
by at least one adult and transportation by bus is provided unless the destination is within walking distance. Parent or
guardian permission slips should be signed during registration. Chaperones shall be assigned on a first come, first serve
basis. We do not allow siblings to attend the field trips so that adequate attention may be given to students and their
learning process. If parents choose to transport their own child to/from the field trip event, a travel release form must be
completed prior to the trip. If a child's bus privileges have been removed at the time of the field trip, the parent may
transport the student.

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General Information & Procedures
KinderPrep Staff
The KinderPrep program will consist of a maximum of 20 children. There are two licensed teachers who have degrees in
Teaching Kindergarten, Pre-kindergarten and Special Education. The classroom will have a class associate who holds a
Para Educator License. All teachers/associates are certified in bloodborn pathogens, child abuse, medications, and
CPR/First Aid. Additional child associates may be in the classroom as needed.
Office Hours
The KinderPrep Staff will be available from 7:45-3:30 Monday-Thursday & until 3:15 on Friday. The best time to call is
between 8:00-8:45 or after 2:15 when school is not in session. We ask that all parents/guardians/visitors stop by your
child's classroom and check in.
Class Hours
Monday-Friday (unless otherwise noted)
A.M. class 8:45-11:00
P.M. class 12:00-2:15
Starting after first Parent teacher conference: Both classes will combine to form one class from 8:45-2:15.

Instruction Begins
We expect all students to be in their classroom and ready to learn by 8:45 for a.m. & 12:00 for p.m. sessions.

Inservice Days
Before first conferences:
*A.M. class will go normal time.
*Afternoon class will be 11:00-1:15 each Wednesday.
After first parent conferences:
*Both classes will be combined and will get out at 1:15 on Wednesdays.
If your child needs to be dismissed for an appointment, please notify your child's teacher or send a note with your child in
his/her burgundy folder (date the note).
Messages and Change of Plans
Please be reminded to call your child's classroom prior to 10:45 a.m. for morning session & 2:00 in the afternoon if your
child's plans have changed after school.

Arrival Time
Classroom doors will open at 8:35 and 11:50. You may enter on the west side of the building (south 7th). The south/east
door near playground will be used to dismiss students after class and will be unlocked at 8:30 for parents transporting
during extreme weather conditions.

Student Arrival Car
If you plan on transporting your student/students, you may park along the south side of the school. If you are not able to
walk your child into school, please notify your child's teacher and she will meet the child at the door. We ask that you
encourage your child/children to independently go to their locker in the hallway before entering the classroom.

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Student Arrival Walkers
All walkers will follow the sidewalk on South 7th and enter west doors. Students will only cross at the designated
crosswalks. A parent must walk their child to and from school due to his/her age.
Student Arrival/Dismissal Bus

All students will be picked up on the west side of the building along south 7th. All bus students will be supervised on/off
the bus by an associate as they use South 7th entrance.
Student Dismissal Car
Students will be dismissed at 11:00 & 2:15 until 1
PT conference. Dismissal after 1
PT conference will be at 2:15. We
ask that you please Please pick up your child/children promptly at the end of the school day. Bus students will dismiss
first. The teachers will attempt to contact all listed persons at 11:15 for a.m. & 2:30 for p.m. if the child is still at school.
By 11:30 a.m. for a.m. & 2:45 for p.m., if all contacts have failed, the Oskaloosa Police Department will be contacted to
assist in finding the parents/guardians.
When school is dismissed, we ask that you line-up on 5th ave. east and pull your car forward (facing south 7th). or park
in designated parking spots, and we will bring your child out to you. You may also walk up to the school and stand on the
sidewalk near the southeast door so we can see you. It is important that all students use the designated crosswalks. Please
do not park along the yellow-curbed areas near houses.

Student Dismissal Walkers
Students will be dismissed at 11:00 & 2:15 for walkers. We ask that our walkers follow the same procedures for dismissal
as those by car. A parent must walk their child to and from school due to his/her age.
Student Attendance
Regular attendance at school, just like attendance on the job, is an important ingredient of success. Regular attendance at
school is essential for a student to obtain maximum opportunities from the educational program and to develop self-
discipline and responsibility. It is the parent's responsibility to assure that their child is in attendance. Students are
expected to be in class and to make it a top priority. Learning lost due to an absence can never be replaced. Regular
attendance and being well prepared for class helps students in school as well as prepares them for future years.
Attendance Policy:
**KinderPrep Students are not under Compulsory Attendance or Truancy rules due to their age. However, the
KinderPrep program does keep attendance and uses the district wide attendance codes. Any unexcused absences
may result in a phone call by the teacher to ensure safety of the child. In extreme cases of absence (missing more
than 25% of days in a trimester), and if there is a waiting list for the KinderPrep program, the family may be
asked to withdrawal their child from the program in order to allow another child to gain service. The KinderPrep
program is committed to ensuring that every reasonable attempt is made to secure attendance in school.
Oskaloosa Community Schools District Wide Attendance Codes

E: Excused Absence - "official slips" such as medically documented illness, medically documented appointment, funeral
of family member, court appearances, school-sponsored activities, or other absences approved by building principals.

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Verified Absence
- Parent provides written or verbal notification to the
school of student absence.
U: Unexcused
- For district's purposes, unexcused will refer to the
1. Any student who skips any portion of the
school day
2. Student who sleeps in and is late to school
Tardy Policy
Students will be counted as tardy if they are more than 5 minutes late after the start of class for the day. Class times begin
at 8:45 or 12:00 for the first trimester and 8:45 after first parent teacher conferences in fall when classes combine.
A day of attendance will be credited to a student for each time the student is in school. Students, who need to leave early
for an appointment, will be counted as present for that day.
Parents are encouraged to visit their child's classroom whenever possible. Classroom visits afford one of the best means
to gain information about the school's educational program. Classroom visitations are encouraged except for the
beginning and closing weeks of school and any day preceding a vacation period. You do not need to make an
appointment. But in order that your visit might be more informative, you might wish to contact your child's teacher to
determine the day's activities. Children may come as visitors only when accompanied by a parent or with permission from
the building principal. ALL visitors are asked to report to an Oskaloosa Elementary teacher upon arrival for a visit.

Emergency Forms
During registration, parents must fill-out current emergency information on the registration form. These forms include
telephone numbers of the parents, as well as alternate persons to contact in the event the school is unable to locate the
parents. Parents must notify the office if the information changes during the school year. Emergency Contact form will
also be filled out upon beginning the KinderPrep program for classroom use.
Hawk-I Insurance for Children
Parents can now apply for low or no-cost health insurance for their children through the state's Healthy and Well Kids in
Iowa (Hawk-I) program. Children, birth to 19, who meet certain criteria, are eligible. The coverage includes doctor visits,
hearing services, dental care, prescriptions, immunizations, physical therapy, vision care, speech therapy, hospital
services, etc. Parents are urged to call 1-800-257-8563 (toll-free) or go to the web site at for more

Physical Examinations
Parents are encouraged to have their children receive periodic physical examinations.

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Prior to starting school or when transferring into the school district, students must present an approved Iowa Department
of Health Immunization Certificate signed by a health care provider stating that the student has received all
immunizations required by law. Students without the proper certificate may not attend school until they receive the
immunizations or made arrangements with the school nurse. Only specific medical or religious purposes are students
exempted from the immunization requirements. Parents who have questions should contact the school nurse.
Beginning the 2008-2009 school year, Iowa law requires that children newly enrolling in elementary and high school
have received a screening for dental disease. This requirement would include students entering kindergarten, 9th grade,
and out of state transfer students. The purpose of the dental screening requirement is to improve the oral health of Iowa's
children. Dental screenings will facilitate early detection and referral for treatment of dental disease and promote the
importance of oral health as an integral component of preparation for school and learning. No child will be prevented
from attending school without proof of dental screening. If families have difficulty meeting the requirement, the Iowa
Department of Public Health and local public health will provide assistance to children and schools to ensure that dental
screenings are obtained.
Children must be 5 yrs. old by Sept. 15th of the current school year. Preference is given to children who have birthdays
between May 15th-Sept. 15th. Consideration will be given to all children that apply. Requests may be considered from
the following: Preschool teachers or childcare providers, Parents, Kindergarten Round-up staff.
Parents and Preschool teachers considering Kinder-Prep for their child/student should ask themselves the following
Does my child/student like to play with
other children?
Does my child/student initiate conversations
with others?
Is my child/student willing to share
Is my child/student afraid of new situations
and environments?
Can my child/student easily accept "no" for
an answer?
Can my child/student keep his or her hands
to self?
Does my child/student show an interest in
learning letters and numbers?
Can my child/student sit attentively when
being read to?
Does my child/student show good self-control?
A "no" answer to more than a few of the questions could be an indication that a child would benefit from
School Fees
The school district charges fees for certain items, such as textbook rental, folder fees, snack milk, etc. Students whose
families meet the income guidelines for free and reduced priced lunches, the family investment program (FIP),
supplemental security income (SSI), transportation assistance under open enrollment, or students who are in foster care
are eligible to have their student fees waived or partially waived.

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Emergency Drills
Periodically (up to 1 time monthly), the school holds emergency fire and tornado drills. At the beginning of the school
year, teachers notify students of the procedures to follow in the event of a drill. Emergency procedures and proper exit
areas are posted in all rooms.
Students are expected to remain quiet and orderly during a drill or emergency. Students, who pull fire alarms or call in
false alarms, will be disciplined under the school district's policies, rules and regulations. In addition, they may be
reported to law enforcement officials.
A tornado disaster plan for Oskaloosa Schools was prepared to provide for a systematic approach for conducting the
school system during times of severe storm emergencies. In the event a tornado strikes the community, elementary
students who live in town will be released only when a parent or guardian comes for the youngster

Students who are regularly transported to and from school by bus will be transported home by bus as soon as travel
conditions are deemed safe and as soon as bus transportation is available. Twice each fall and spring, all schools in Iowa
are required to conduct disaster drills. Each school in Oskaloosa has definite procedures for students and staff to follow in
order for all to proceed to designated safety areas as orderly and quickly as possible.
Crisis Plan Information Lockdown Procedures
It is the policy of the Oskaloosa Community School District to conduct lockdown drill procedures with the intended
purpose of securing the building in the event of an intruder. Lockdown procedures may also be put in place to address
any event, natural or other, which poses a threat to the safety of students, staff, and/or visitors in any building within the
district or for any school sponsored event. The determination to enact lockdown procedures may be made by school
officials, law enforcement personnel, or may be determined jointly as deemed necessary. When the lockdown
announcement is made, teachers will immediately lock doors and move students away from sight of doorways and
windows. Students shall assume a posture as low to the ground as possible. Teachers will then conduct emergency
measures as rehearsed with staff. If the determination is made to evacuate the building, teachers and staff will follow
recommendations given to them by school officials or first responders. The All Clear will signal staff to resume normal
school operations. In the event of a building event, cell phones should not be used and would hinder communication with
the law center. Parents should not come to the site in the event of a lockdown or evacuation. Such actions would seriously
hamper the ability of first responders to safely address the threat. Information regarding the nature of a crisis and/or
details is expressly the role of the superintendent, our district media spokesperson.
Health Screening
Throughout the year the school district sponsors health screenings for vision, hearing, and height/ weight measurements.
Students are automatically screened unless the parent submits a note asking the student be excused from the screening
period. The grade levels included in the screening are determined annually. Parents are notified prior to health screening;
however, upon a teacher's recommendation and with parental permission, a student may be scheduled for a screening.

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Illness Policy
Regular attendance is best for your child, however, if your child is not feeling well, we ask you keep him/ her at home
from school. A child who is ill will not be ready to learn for the day and may get others sick.
When to keep your child at home:

1. For any fever within the past 24 hours of
100 degrees or over.
1. For 24 hours after vomiting or diarrhea.
2. Acute cold, coughing, sneezing, runny nose
that interferes with ability to participate in
classroom routines.
4. Unknown skin rashes.

*If any of the above symptoms occur while at school we will notify the school nurse and call the parents to come get their
child. A school nurse will be available as needed with medical needs or questions.
It is the parent's responsibility to notify teachers if your child has a food or other allergy.
Administration of Medication
*If medications need to be given while at school, a medication sheet will need to be filled out. Medications need to be in
an original bottle.
The school is prepared to administer essential medications to your child during school hours. Please consider these points
if your child needs medicine at school:
1. Medication should not be brought to school unless absolutely necessary. Give all medication doses at home if
possible. If medicine is ordered 3X/day, give doses before school, after school, and at bedtime. If ordered 4X/day,
only one dose needs to be given at school. If your child must receive medicine at school, ask your pharmacist to put
the prescription in two separate bottles so one can be left at school.
2. Aspirin and products containing aspirin will not be given to elementary students without a doctor's order.
3. We do not give medicine at school for "fever." If your child has a fever above 100 degrees, he or she should not be in
school. If a child experiences a fever of 100 degrees or above during the course of the school day, he/ she will be sent
4. The school does not provide any medication. All medications must come from home. The school does provide plastic
medicine cups. Do not send a spoon or measurer from home unless your child has
special needs.
5. All medications must be in the original container, with label directions visible.

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6. All medications must be accompanied by a Medication Request form with the parent's signature.
7. Over-the-counter meds - label with your child's name. We will follow label directions unless instructed differently by
a doctor's written order. We cannot give medicines to children under 12 if medicine is labeled, "Not for children under
12," or if no child's dosage is listed. OTC medicines will not be given if expired. Doctor signature is required if the
medicine is to be given for longer than one week.
8. Prescription Meds - Prescription drugs must have a current date and will be given only to the person named on the
label. Doctor signature is required if the medicine is to be given for longer than two weeks.
9. Elementary students may not self-administer medication without written permission from the doctor. All medication
must be given to the school nurse and/or school medicator.

Inclement Weather
When severe weather or road conditions might cause school cancellation or early dismissals, please listen to the
following radio and television stations:
WHO 1040 AM Des Moines
KBOE 740 AM Oskaloosa
KBOE 104.9 FM Oskaloosa
KISS 101.5FM Ottumwa
WHO TV13 in Moines KCCI
TV 8 Des Moines
KTVO TV 3 Ottumwa
WOI TV 5 Ames

If there is a school delay before the 1
PT conference, there
will be no A.M. Class. If there is an early out during the first
trimester, there will be no P.M. class. After 1
PT conference
classes will start at noon for a delay.
Please plan procedures your child/children should
follow when school is dismissed early due to emergency
reasons. There may be occasions when school will
be cancelled for the day due to bad weather.

If you have questions of whether or not there is school,
please listen to one of the radio or television stations listed
above. You may also call the Oskaloosa Community Schools
message telephone, before or after office hours at 673-8370.

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Recess Policy
All students are expected to go outside
for recess. Please do not request that
your child stay in for recess. If there is
a special health concern and there is a
reason your child must remain indoors,
you need to send a note stating the
concern. A note from your doctor may
be requested. If the air temperature or wind chill is 0
degrees or below, the students will stay inside during
their scheduled recesses. The students will use the
gym or activity area and adequate supervision will be
provided. The temperature is carefully monitored
and outside recesses are shortened or spent indoors if
needed. Please dress your children appropriately and
do not assume that recess will be inside.
Legal Status of Students
If a student's legal status, such as the student's name or the student's custodial arrangement, should change
during the school year, the parent or guardian must notify the school district. The school district needs to know when
these changes occur to ensure that the school district has a current student record.
When classes combine in October, lunch will be available at school. Students may either bring their own lunch to school
or purchase a lunch.
* Early outs and delays will not have school lunch.

Account Balances
Low lunch account emails will be forwarded to parents or sent home with child. Please respond quickly to the low
balance notification slip by placing money in your child's account.
If your child's account reaches -$5.00 you will receive notification from the school informing you in regards to the
balance of your child's account.

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You now can also be notified by e-mail when your student's account is getting low. Please contact the office to have your
e-mail address entered into the lunch program. When your student's account balance reaches $5.10, you will receive an e-
mail notification that will include the account number and password to be able to access the lunch account on the school
district's website from your home computer. The web site is Under News and Information,
click on Food Service, then School Dining System Login. You can enter your account number and password that are on
the low balance e-mail, and then will be able to check your account balance, edit the level for when a low balance e-mail
will be sent (however it cannot be changed below the level set by the district), change your e-mail address, change your
password, and other important links.
All students in your family, grades KinderPrep or kindergarten through 12, can be set up in a family lunch account.

By doing this, your children share the same account, and you only need to keep track of one account. However, middle
and high school students are not allowed to eat hot lunch if their account balance is below zero. Therefore, it is important
to closely monitor a family account with older children and elementary children sharing the same account. Any questions
you may have can be directed to the district's food service director, Ms. Allison Ketter. She can be reached at 673-3407 or
Free and Reduced Priced Meals
Families are encouraged to apply for free or reduced priced meals if payment is a problem. These forms are available in
the elementary office.
Noon Lunch Policy
When classes have not mergedno school lunches will be served. When classes merge, the KinderPrep Program has a
closed lunch period. Students are required to eat noon lunch at school. Exceptions to this are as follows:
1. Parent takes student home for lunch.
2. Parent has made arrangements to pick up child.

Breakfast will not be served or provided for the KinderPrep program due to class times.

Children will take turns bringing snack to school for the class daily. Extras will be left at school in case someone forgets.
We will have a time set aside out of our class to have a snack. Water will be provided as a drink. We are a Blue Zone
School. Please keep this in mind when bringing snacks.

KinderPrep buses have designated stops. Many of them are the old elementary schools and daycares or preschools. The
safety of every child on buses operated by the Oskaloosa School District is of great concern to all. Every precaution is
taken to see that the children arrive at their destinations safely. In order to operate a safe and efficient transportation
program, it is necessary that all passengers maintain a high standard of behavior on the bus. Misbehavior on a school bus
may result in the temporary or permanent loss of transportation privileges.

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All students must be registered to ride the bus. This must be done annually and at the time of student registration.
Seating will not be reserved for students who do not regularly utilize the district's transportation service for extended
periods. Students will be transported to a maximum of one pick-up and one drop-off location. Deviations from these
designated locations will be the parent's responsibility to transport. Exceptions may be made in the case of an emergency.
When an emergency or exception is granted, the transportation office must be contacted and a temporary pass shall be
issued. Any change in the student's transportation shall require a minimum notice of 24 hours. Buses will stop at
designated stops only. Students will not be allowed to board or exit the bus except at a designated stop. Designated stops
for KinderPrep & Preschool students are at many of the old elementary schools, daycares and preschools in town.
Busing to and from the child's home is only made in KinderPrep for students in special Education on an IEP. For a
complete list of routine stops, contact your child's teacher. Students may ride ONLY their assigned bus. Any deviation
without a pass will result in a loss of bus privileges. Student Conduct Code and Bus Rules will be strictly enforced.
Student Assistance Team
Oskaloosa Elementary School will have student assistance teams to help determine interventions to be used in the case
that a student is experiencing difficulties. The student's teacher will identify the students and a team will determine what
is the best for that student.
Lost and Found
Oskaloosa Elementary School/Webster building, keeps a lost
and found box near the south east entrance. Students should check the box to recover lost articles or to turn in articles that
are found. Labeling of student clothing and other property is most helpful. Please encourage your children to be
responsible for their personal property. The lost and found items will be periodically donated to a local charity.

Toys, trading cards, playground equipment, etc., brought from home to school may become lost or damaged.
Students must obtain permission from
the teacher before bringing any items. The student/parent assumes all responsibility if any items are lost, traded, or
Electronic Devices
Students may not possess radios, CD players, televisions, toys and other similar items on school grounds or at school
activities. Inappropriate use of a device or a prohibited item will be taken away from the student and returned at a later

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Policy and Regulation Handbook 14-15

Parent/Teacher Organization
Webster school is part of Oskaloosa Elementary School. They both have an active parent/teacher organization. For
information, contact the elementary school office.
Inspection of Educational Materials
Parents and other members of the school district may view the instructional materials used by students. Copies may be
obtained according to board policy. Persons wishing to view instructional materials or to express concerns about
instructional materials should contact the building principal.
Communication To and From School
Teachers: Shelli Eveland and Sharon Sage
Feel free to e-mail any questions or comments to your child's teacher at any time. When sending a note or money to
school, it should be placed in your child's burgundy communication notebook. The student should receive clear
instructions from the parents about who the appropriate person is to receive the note or the money. Also, the school
regularly sends notes and
papers home with students. Parents need to remind their child to notify them of notes or papers from school for the
parents. Parents are responsible for knowing the contents of the notes or papers sent home. Please check your child's
burgundy folder daily. Notes from the office will be printed on salmon paper.
Birthday Treats (NEW BLUE ZONE RULE)
Children wanting to celebrate their birthday at school may bring their favorite book, show and tell, or birthday bags.
Please keep in mind, WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BRING SWEETS FOR BIRTHDAYS. We ask that the treats
be store purchased and individually or naturally wrapped i.e.: bananas, apples, and oranges. OES approved healthy snack
list is available at: index.html or by calling 673-8092. A list of
ingredients left on the packages will help our teachers recognize potential food allergies. It is our request that snacks
provided to the classroom meet the dietary guidelines found in the district's Wellness Policy, Code No. 507.9.

Invitations to Parties
Invitations for birthday parties should not be handed out at school unless each student in the class is invited (all boys or
girls depending on the sex of the birthday person). If not all of the students are invited the invitations should not be
handed out at school.
School Supplies
A list of supplies that students will need for school will be available in the office or from your child's teacher.
School Parties
The school observes holidays throughout the school year. Students who do not wish to participate in these holiday
celebrations or activities may be silent or excused by the building principal.

The presence of dogs and cats on the street around the school and on the school playground presents a safety hazard to
students. Please keep your dog or cat at home. The local Animal Control Officer will be called when necessary to
control the presence of dogs and cats. Students, with adult supervision, are allowed to bring dogs, cats, and/or
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Policy and Regulation Handbook 14-15

other pets to school only with permission from the teacher. Any animal brought to school must be housed in a proper
cage, or container, or restrained in such a way that cannot harm anyone.

Selling Items and Soliciting Pledges at School
It is the policy of the Oskaloosa Elementary School not to permit students to:
1. Solicit for, exhibit or sell any articles at school.
2. Solicit for funds or pledges for out-of school activities at school.
Students involved with school sponsored drives and sales campaigns may be given permission by the building principal
to sell items at school.
Grade Reports
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled in October and March.
Parents and teachers discuss the child's strengths and weaknesses and plan a corrective course of action if needed.
Children in the KinderPrep program will assist with student-involved conferences with their teacher and family.
Additional times may be arranged if the family /teacher would like to share information without the child present.
Report cards for students are sent home to parents at the end of each trimester along with each trimesters grading codes.
Students in grades K-Prep-2nd grade receive report cards that communicate progress towards meeting the district's
standards and benchmarks. The students are given periodic district assessments, as well as curricular assessments, to
measure student achievement. If you have any questions about the progress of your child/children, please communicate to
your child's teacher.

Teachers may assign take-home activities to do with their family or extra practice activities as necessary. This is an
opportunity to practice skills and activities, to share and discuss ideas, to review material, to become acquainted with
resources, to organize thoughts & to prepare for classroom activities. Students are encouraged to complete Activities.
There will be a note stating if you are to return the activity to school or keep at home.
Individual Goals
Each student in KinderPrep will continually have an individual goal they will be working on. All children's goals will be
posted in the room where they can see them. All children's goals will be monitored weekly. Once a child meets his/ her
goal, he/she will place the met goal page in his/ her portfolio, an award will be sent home and a new goal will be written.
Goals will be written over language arts ciriculum area and will focus on the lowest or most needed area for growth of
your child first. Other goal areas include but are not limited to: social, emotional, physical, math, language and science.
Practice items related to your child's goal may be sent home. Progress on goal will be shared with family each time it is

Individual student goals in the Oskaloosa Elementary School KinderPrep Program are maintained for the following
1. Evaluate student performance and areas of needed growth.
2. Serve as a standard in comparing individual growth within the year.
3. Provide a comparison of student achievement in the Oskaloosa School System to students in other school
systems or comparable grades.
4. Provide teachers and administrators with information that is useful in evaluating
curriculum, curriculum emphasis and instructional procedures.

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Curriculum and Student Achievement
Curriculum & Programs Community Programs KinderPrep uses resources in the community to
promote reading, health, nutrition and education.
The Oskaloosa Elementary School is a Character Counts school. The students and staff incorporate the Six Pillars of
Character into their daily routines. For more information, please contact your child's teacher or guidance counselor.

KinderPrep Curriculum
The curriculum in KinderPrep is a planned program of learning and growth experiences of the students from a Preschool
thru Kindergarten range. KinderPrep Standards and benchmarks are aligned with both Oskaloosa Kindergarten Standards
and Benchmarks, and with the Iowa Core Curriculum. Both curriculums address the following subject areas.
1. The language arts, which embrace reading, handwriting, spelling, oral and written
English, and literature.
2. Mathematics
3. Science, including basic conversations of natural resources and environmental
4. The social studies, which embrace basic geography & cultures of other peoples and
5. Health and physical education.
6. Safety, including bicycle, bus, and pedestrians' traffic safety.
7. Music
8. Arts and crafts

Teaching procedures and materials are used to emphasize the development of study and work habits, citizenship,
character and morality, and ideas of group and individual behavior, cooperatively with others.

* We also have a strong social skills curriculum that is taught daily.

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Special Classes and Programs
Services, special classes and programs designed to meet the educational and physical needs of elementary students are
provided within the Oskaloosa Schools. The school staff, Great Prairie AEA staff, and parents will determine
eligibility for such services, classes and programs.

Services and special classes and programs provided in the elementary schools through the services of the Oskaloosa
Schools and Great Prairie Area Education Agency are:
1. Speech - screening and programming
2. Hearing - testing and screening
3. Vision screening
4. Testing - aptitude and achievement
5. Specially designed instruction for support in learning, behavior, hearing, or other special needs.
If you have any questions, please contact the building principal or Great Prairie Area Education Agency at 682-8591.

Advancing Opportunities
If the teacher feels your student is excelling above grade level expectations, you will have a choice to have your child
evaluated by the school district before the start of the third trimester. Depending of results, parents may have a choice to
place their child into the kindergarten program for the third trimester and then have them attend first grade for the following
year if suggested.
Parent Input
The assignment of students to KinderPrep classrooms will be a collaborative effort that involves input from the classroom
preschool teachers, Parents and Kinder-Prep staff.
Consideration needs to be given to age of the child, social/emotional skills level, learning styles and developmental
levels, as well as the type and amount of support services that your child may need. It is our belief that the cooperative
effort of classroom teachers, parents and other professional staff members in assigning students to the KinderPrep
classroom will result in the best possible placement and a positive learning experience for all of our students. Our
placement process will focus on creating diverse, well-balanced classes.
Transferring to Another School District
Families moving from the Oskaloosa Community School District should notify the teacher and/or principal in advance of
a move. We appreciate advance notice because of the details involved in preparation of student records for the transfer
School Records
For students transferring out of the district, records may be provided directly to the student or the student's parents. In
addition, students transferring into the school district may provide cumulative records directly to the district. The school
district will not require that such records be forwarded from another school district before that student may enroll. The
school will then request the official records from the previous school.

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Policy and Regulation Handbook 14-15
Immunization Requirements:
Homeless students will not be denied enrollment for
lack of immunization records if:
1. They have a statement signed by a physician stating that immunization would be injurious to the student;

2. They provide an affidavit stating such immunization would conflict with their religious beliefs;

3. They are in the process of being immunized; or

4. They are a transfer student from another school.
The school district will make a reasonable effort to locate immunization records from the information provided or will
arrange for the student to receive immunizations.
Waiver of Fees and Charges
Fees and charges which may present a barrier to the enrollment or transfer of a homeless child or youth may be waived in
the discretion of the Superintendent.

For purposes of a homeless child or youth, residence for the purpose of attending school is where the
child actually resides or the child's school district of origin.
A child's school district of origin is the school district where the child was last enrolled. The deciding factor is the welfare
of the child. As much as possible, the child will not be required to change attendance centers within the school district
every time the child changes residence unless that change results in the child no longer being classified as homeless.
Posting of Information
Anyone who wishes to post or distribute information must receive permission from the building principal. This applies to
information regarding school sponsored and non-school sponsored activities.

Care of School Property
Students are expected to take care of school property including desks, chairs, books, lockers and school equipment.
Vandalism is not tolerated. Students found to have destroyed or otherwise harmed school property may be required to
reimburse the school district. Depending on the situation, students may be reported to law enforcement officials.
Knives, guns, lighters and explosives of any type are weapons and are considered dangerous. They are NEVER to be
brought to school under any circumstance. Items that should not be brought to school also include water guns, or any kind
of water squirter, play guns, play knives, or play swords. These items have the potential for being mistaken as true
weapons and for causing disruption to the learning process. Students bringing any of the above items will immediately be
sent to the principal's office where the item will be confiscated and parents will be notified.
School Discipline
In order to ensure maximum educational benefits for all students, each student is expected to follow the regulations of the
school and conduct himself/herself in an appropriate manner.
The home and school should work together so that each student will develop self-discipline and proper attitudes toward
school. The school staff will work cooperatively with parents to see that any pupil who persists in misconduct or whose
behavior is so extreme that it disrupts the school is provided with the appropriate guidance to alleviate or minimize the
* District Policies are available for viewing on the Oskaloosa District Website.

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