Express MCM Issue 4 Amend 01 4 Aug 12

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Maintenance Inspection Dep.

Maintenance Control Manual


Maintenance Inspection Dep.

ECAA Air Operator Certificate No. 10

Control No: (........)

EGYPTAIR Administration Building
Airport Road, Cairo
Tel: (202) 26964833
Fax: (202) 26964840

Part (0): General

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Part 0:General
Chapter : 0.00
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 2
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Index of Part 0


0.00 Index
0.01 Record of Amendments
0.02 List of Effective Pages
0.03 Table of Contents
0.04 Abbreviations
0.05 Definitions
0.06 Distribution List
0.07 Commitment Statement
0.08 Management of Maintenance Control Manual
0.09 Procedures for Notification of Changes to ECAA
0.10 Statement of Compliance with ECARs

Part 0:General
Chapter : 0.00
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 2 of 2
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

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Part 0:General
Chapter 0.01
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 3 of 4
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Document Control
This publication is a controlled document and is prepared for the exclusive use of
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS / AMO staff and shall not be reproduced or used by any other
person, agency, or corporation without the written approval of (Name of the section
responsible for the manual in your department)
The holder of this manual is responsible to keep it updated and to advise (Section/
Department) of any changes affecting status, address or telephone number.

Name of Holder: ---------------------------------------------

Position: ------------------------------------------------

Manual Control Number:


Part 0:General
Chapter 0.01
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

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Part 0:General
Chapter 0.03
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 4
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012
0.03 Table of Contents
Part 0 General
0.00 Index
0.01 Record of Amendments
0.02 List of Effective Pages
0.03 Table of Contents
0.04 Abbreviations
0.05 Definitions
0.06 Distribution List
0.07 Commitment Statement
0.08 Management of Maintenance Control Manual
0.09 Procedures of Changes Notification to ECAA
0.10 Statement of Compliance with ECAR
Part 1 Management and Control
1.00 Index
1.01 Management System
1.02 Authorities and Responsibilities
1.03 Provision of Resources (Manpower and Facilities)
1.04 Communication
1.05 Documentation System and Certificates
1.06 Maintenance Records System
1.07 Outsourcing and Product Control
Qualifications and Training
Concession Control and Deviation from Organization Procedures
1.10 Quality Assurance
Aircraft Lease

Part 2

Maintenance Control
2.00 Index

Part 0:General
Chapter 0.03
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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2.01 Maintenance Program
2.02 Maintenance Planning
2.03 Maintenance Control and Follow-up
2.04 Parts Removal and Installation
2.05 Deferred Maintenance
2.06 Continuing Airworthiness
2.07 Repairs and Modifications
2.08 Defect Recording and Control
2.09 Reserved
2.10 Aircraft Recorders
2.11 Electronic Navigation Data Management
2.12 Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
2.13 Reporting to the Authority and the OEM Type Certificate Holder
2.14 CAT - II Operations

Part 3 Technical Records
3.00 Index
3.01 Aircraft Technical Log
3.02 Aircraft Maintenance Records
3.03 Fuel and Oil Records
3.04 Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins
Part 4 Reserved

Part 5 Aircraft Ground Handling (GRH)
5.00 Index
5.01 Airside Technical Operations
5.02 Aircraft Fuelling
5.03 Aircraft De-icing and Anti-icing

Part 0:General
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5.04 Aircraft Mass and Balance Determination Procedure
5.05 Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air

Part 6 Appendices
6.00 Index
6.01 Company Certificates
6.02 Fleet Composition
6.03 Fleet Composition
6.04 Line Stations
6.05 Required Inspection Items
6.06 Quality Audit Checklists List
6.07 Maintenance Contracts
6.08 Approved Suppliers List
6.09 Approved Subcontractors List
6.10 Aircraft Handling at Outstations
6.11 Certifying Staff List
6.12 Requirements for AMO
6.13 Forms
6.14 Sample of Airworthiness Data

Part 0:General
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Part 0:General
Chapter 0.04
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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AC Advisory Circular
A/C Aircraft
A&C Airframe and Engine Category
AD Airworthiness Directive
AFM Aircraft Flight Manual
ALC After Landing Check
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
AMO Approved Maintenance Organizations
AOC Air Operator Certificate
AOT All Operator Telex
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
AR As Required
ATA Air Transport Association
BFE Buyer Furnished Equipment
BRNAV Basic Radio Navigation
C OF A Certificate of Airworthiness
C of R Certificate of Registration
CA Cabin Appearance
CASP Continuous Analysis & Surveillance Program
CAT Category
CDL Configuration Deviation List
CG Center of Gravity
CI Chief Inspector
CM Condition Monitoring
CMEL Customized Minimum Equipment List
CMM Component Maintenance Manual
CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements
CN Consignee De Navigabilite
CRS Certificate of Release to Service

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CSN Cycles Since New
CSO Cycles Since Overhaul
DD Deferred Defect (Deferred Discrepancy)
DDG Dispatch Deviation Guide
DDL Deferred Defect Logbook
DGAC Direction Gnrale Laviation Civile (France)
DTP De-centralizes Technical Publication
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
ECAA Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority
ECAR Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations
ECM Engine Condition Monitoring
EO Engineering Order
ECSQM Egyptair Corporation Safty and Quality Manual
ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Devices
ETOPS Extended Range Twin Engine Operations
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (USA)
FAK Fly Away Kit
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations (USA)
FOD Foreign Object Damage
GSE Ground Support Equipment
GOM General Operation Manual
HT Hard Time
IATP International Airline Technical Pool
IAW In Accordance with
IB Information Bulletin
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IFSD In-Flight Shut-Down
ILS Instrument Landing System.
IOCC International Operation Control center
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue
JCN J ob Control Number

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LAB Laboratory.
LM Line Maintenance
LN Line Number
LOEP List of Effective Pages
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
MCC Maintenance Control Center
MCM Maintenance Control Manual
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MGR Manager
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MOE Maintenance Organization Exposition
MPD Maintenance Planning Data/Document
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MSI Maintenance Significant Item
MSR EgyptAir Express Company
MTBR Mean Time Between Removal
NA Not Applicable
NDT Non Destructive Test
NHA Next Higher Assembly
NPA Notice of Proposed Amendment
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OC On Condition
OH Overhaul
OJT On J ob Training
PDC Pre-Departure Check
PFR Post Flight Report
PIREP Pilot Report
PMA Parts Manufacturer Approval
PN Part Number

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PRNAV Precise Radio Navigation
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QEC Quick Engine Change
QRB Quality Review Board
QVI Quality Verification Inspection
RII Required Inspection Item
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RP Reliability Program
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
SB Service Bulletin
SDR Service Difficulty Report
SFE Seller Furnished Equipment
SL Service Letter
S/N Serial Number
SPM Standard Practices Manual
SR Structure Repair
SRM Structural Repair Manual
ST Soft Time
TAT Turn Around Time
TBC Time Between Calibration
TBO Time Between Overhaul
TECH Technical
TPD Technical Puplication Department
TR Temporary Revision
TSI Time Since Installation
TSN Time Since New
TSO Time Since Overhaul
TSR Time Since Repair
UCL Upper Control Limit
URR Unscheduled Removal Rate
US Unserviceable
VHF Very High Frequency
VOR Very High Frequency Omni-Range Station.
WS Work Shop

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0.05 Definitions
Air Operator:
Mean any person who undertakes to engage in commercial air transportation in
scheduled and / or unscheduled service over domestic routes, International routes or
combinations thereof.
Air Operator Certificate:
Means a document issued by the Authority certifying that the applicant has been found
to be properly and adequately equipped and capable of conducting a safe operation
under the Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations
Aircraft Accident:
An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between
the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all
such persons have disembarked, in which:
A. A person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of:
Being in the aircraft, or
Direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have
become detached from the aircraft, or
Direct exposure to jet blast
Except when the injuries are from natural causes, self-inflicted or
inflicted by other persons, or when the injuries are to stowaways
hiding outside the areas normally available to the passengers and
crew; or
B. The aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which:
Adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight
characteristics of the aircraft, and
Would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected
Except for engine failure or damage, when the damage is limited to
the engine, its cowlings or accessories; or for damage limited to wing

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tips, antennas, tires, brakes, fairings, small dents or puncture holes in
the aircraft skin; or
C. The aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible.
Aircraft Flight Manual:
Means a document containing the limitations, procedures, information, and data
including approved information pertaining to each aircraft of an approved design and
models thereof pertinent to the safe operation of that particular aircraft.
Airframe System:
Any system on the airplane that is not a part of the propulsion system.
Mean the fuselage, booms, nacelles, cowlings, fairing, airfoil surfaces, and landing
gear of an aircraft and their accessories and controls.
Air Navigation:
Mean the operation of aircraft in air space. It includes air transportation operations and
all other operational uses of aircraft in flight.
Air Transport:
Means the operation of Egyptian registered civil aircraft for the purpose of transporting
persons and property.
Airworthiness Data:
Mean any information necessary to ensure that the Aircraft or Aircraft component can
be maintained in a condition such that Airworthiness of the Aircraft, or serviceability of
operations and emergency equipment as appropriate, is assured.
Mean a permanent engineering change to original Airworthiness data.
Means any instrument, mechanism, equipment, part, apparatus, appurtenance, or
accessory, including communications equipment, that is used or intended to be used in
operating or controlling an aircraft in flight, is installed in or attached to the aircraft, and
is not part of an airframe or engine.

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Unless used with reference to another person, means approved by the Egyptian Civil
Aviation Authority.
Approved Maintenance Program:
A program approved by the Original Equipment Manufacturer and/or the applicable
NAA that specifies required maintenance and maintenance intervals for aircraft,
engines and components
Approved Standard:
Means a manufacturing/maintenance/ quality standard approved by the Authority
Approved Data
Approved Data consists of:
Directly applicable Manufactures Manuals and procedural information
Airworthiness information from outside sources which has been cleared by an
operators Engineering Support for applicability and compatibility
Data that has been approved by the applicable NAA
That items fitted, assembled, attached, installed, connected, secured or adjusted in
approved manner
Is the person who has the responsibility for the audit performance, both for internal and
external audits.
Audit Standard:
Is the description of essential characteristics of audits which reflects current thought
and practice.
Is the organization to be audited.
Auditing Organization:
Is a section or function that carries out the audit. The auditor is appointed by the
Quality Assurance Department.

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Means the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority.
Base Maintenance:
Any maintenance task falling outside the criteria for Line Maintenance.
Bench Check:
A check performed in the affected shop for a suspected malfunction of a unit.

Block Hours:
The number of hours incurred by an aircraft from the moment it first moves for a flight
until it comes to a rest at its intended blocks at the next point of landing or returns to its
departure point prior to take-off.
Cabin Crew:
Means a person assigned to duty in an aircraft passenger cabin for the purpose of
assuring passenger safety during flight time in accordance with the Civil Aviation
Cancellation (Technical):
Elimination of scheduled departure because of a known or suspected malfunction
and/or defect.
Certifying Staff:
Means those personnel who are authorized by the approved maintenance organization
in accordance with a procedure acceptable to the Authority to certify Aircraft and
Aircraft components for release to service.
Certificate of Airworthiness:
Means the Certificate that indicates the issuing authority has determined the aircraft
meets all requirements for certification at date of issue.
Unless used with reference to another person, means certificated and/or validated by
the Authority

Mean the manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that all maintenance
required can be financed and carried out to the standard required by the Authority.

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Charter flight:
Means any commercial air transport other than scheduled operation conducted by an
approved national domestic of flag air carrier.
Cockpit Crew Member:
Means a pilot, flight engineer, or other airman assigned for duty in an aircraft during
flight time in accordance with the Civil Aviation Regulations.
Commercial Air Transportation:
Means the operation of Egyptian registered aircraft for the purpose of the carriage of
persons or property for compensation or hire.
Commercial Parts:
Material or parts not regulated by a government, and Manufactured to a unique
Marketed under the identification of the manufacturer.
Subjected to no particular quality control beyond the manufacturers voluntary
internal control system.
Not sensitive to airworthiness.
Company Authorization:
Is a license issued by the company I.A.W rules approved by the Authority?
Means any component part of an aircraft up to and including a complete power plant
and / or any operational / emergency equipment.
The physical state of an Item.
Condition Monitoring:
A maintenance process which allows a unit to operate until failure. Condition
monitoring is not permitted for units whose failure has an adverse effect on operational
safety. Removal rate will be monitored and controlled by a surveillance program.
An item that is to be used only once.

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Contracted AMO:
EGYPTAIR maintenance and engineering (M & E) as an approved maintenance
organization, is the main contracted activity for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS.
Means a person assigned to perform duty in an aircraft during flight time.
Cycle, Aircraft Operating:
A Completed take-off and landing sequence.
Dangerous goods:
Means articles or substances, which are capable of posing significant risk to health,
safety or property when transported by air.
Deferred Defects/Discrepancies:
Means those defects/ discrepancies found on an Aircraft or Aircraft component that
cannot be corrected during the present repair or maintenance task, will be corrected
during a defined later Aircraft, or Aircraft component maintenance period.
Defect Rectification:
Normally consists of an element of inspection and troubleshooting followed by repair
and replacement of defective item
Defect, Recurring or Repeated:
Such defect in Aircraft that repeats itself three times within 10 consecutive flying days
irrespective of the repair attempts carried out
Delay (Technical):
Technical delays occur when the malfunction of an item, the checking of same or
necessary corrective action, causes the final departure to be delayed by more than a
specified time (usually 15 minutes) after the scheduled departure time.
A specific written authorization, granted prior to a defect acceptance, repair or
manufacture of an item, to depart from a particular performance or design requirement
of a specification, drawing, manufacturer document, or other document, for a specific
number of units and/or for a specific period of time.

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Dry lease :
Means the lease of an aircraft without flight crew.
Dry operating mass:
The total mass of the aircraft ready for a specific type of operation excluding all usable
fuel and traffic load. This mass includes items such as crew and crew baggage,
catering and removable passenger service equipment, and potable water and lavatory
During Flight:
Means the period from the moment the aircraft leaves the surface of the earth on
takeoff until it touches down on landing.
The basic engine assembly as supplied by the engine manufacturer.
Engine Shutdown (In-Flight):
Cessation of engine operation for any reason other than training or normal operating
Engineering Change:
Means a permanent deviation (alteration) from the original Airworthiness data.
Fail safe:
A design methodology upon which the airworthiness standards are based. It requires
the effect of failures and combination of failures to be considered in defining a safe
The inability of unit to perform its intended function within previously specified limits.
Is an observation during an audit substantiated by evidence?
The entire passage consisting of one or more flight legs, from leaving the airport of
origin to arrival at the airport of final destination.

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Flight Time:
Means the time from the moment the aircraft first moves for the purpose of flight until
the moment it comes to rest at the next point of landing commonly called "block-to-
block" time.
Operation in the approved manner for achieving such performance as may be specified
Functional Test:
A test carried out on or off the aircraft to verify that the component(s) or system(s)
is/are functioning within the specified limits of the manufacturer.
Means Aircraft maintenance building.
Hazardous Material:
Refer to dangerous goods.
Holdover Time:
The estimated time de-icing or anti-icing fluid will prevent the formation of frost or ice
and accumulation of snow on the protected surfaces of an aircraft. Holdover time
begins when the final application of de-icing / anti-icing fluid commences and expires
when the de-icing / anti-icing fluid applied to the aircraft loses its effectiveness.
Hours, Flying:
The accumulated time between wheels off and wheels on.
Incident Technical:
An event of a technical nature which may be considered to significantly affect the
potential airworthiness of an aircraft associated with its operation
Means an employee authorized to perform assigned inspection functions.
Means the examination of an Aircraft or Aircraft component to establish conformity with
an approved standard.

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Means a device using an internal mechanism to show visually or aurally the attitude,
altitude, or operation of an aircraft or aircraft part. It includes electronic devices for
automatically controlling an aircraft in flight.
Means a condition in which equipment is malfunctioning to the event that it does not
accomplish its intended purpose or is not consistently functioning within its design
operating limits or tolerances.
Any agreement by a person to furnish an aircraft to another person for compensation or
Is the person to whom aircraft or item is furnished
Is the person furnishing the leased aircraft or item
Life Limited Part:
Any part for which a mandatory replacement limit is specified in the type design, the
instructions for continued Airworthiness, or the maintenance manual.
Life Status:
The accumulated cycles, hours, or any other mandatory replacement limit of Life
Limited Part.
Line Maintenance:
Any maintenance that must be carried out before flight to ensure the aircraft is fit for the
intended flight. It may include:
defect rectification;
component replacement with use of external test equipment if required;
component replacement (may include components such as engines and

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scheduled maintenance and/or checks including visual inspections that will
detect obvious unsatisfactory conditions or discrepancies but do not require
extensive in depth inspection.
It may also include internal structure, systems and power plant items which are
visible through quick opening access panels/doors. Minor repairs and
modifications, which do not require extensive disassembly and can be done by
simple means.
for temporary or occasional cases (ADs, SBs) the Quality Manager may accept
bas maintenance tasks to be performed by a line maintenance organisation
provided all requirements are fulfilled. The Authority will prescribe the conditions
under which these tasks may be performed.
Means any one or combination of overhaul, repair, inspection, replacement,
modification or defect rectification of an Aircraft or an Aircraft component.
Major Alteration:
An alteration not listed in the aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller specification
(1) That might appreciably affect weight, balance, structural strength, performance,
power plant operation ,flight characteristics, or other qualities affecting
Airworthiness, or
(2) That are not done according to accepted practices or can not be done by
elementary operations.
Major modification or alteration:
Means an alteration or modification approved by the manufacturer, but not listed in the
aircraft or aircraft engine specifications:
That might appreciably affect weight, balance, structural strength, performance,
power plant operation, flight characteristics or other qualities affecting
airworthiness; or
That is not done according to accepted practices or can not be done by
elementary operations

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Major Repair: means a repair:
That, if improperly done, might appreciably affect weight, balance, structural
strength, performance, power plant operation, flight characteristics or other
qualities affecting Airworthiness; or
That is not done according to accepted practices or can not be done by
elementary operation but following special practices and operation instructions
approved by the manufacturer.
Means a company who designs and/or manufactures A/C or A/C components and sells
Any product or part to be used for Aircraft or Aircraft component maintenance without a
specific Original Equipment Manufacturer part number.
Maximum Landing Mass:
The maximum permissible total aircraft mass upon landing under normal
Maximum take-off Mass:
The maximum permissible total aircraft mass at the start of the take-off run.
Maximum Zero Fuel Mass:
The maximum permissible mass of an aircraft with no usable fuel. The mass of the
unusable fuel contained in tanks must be included in the zero fuel mass when it is
explicitly mentioned in the aircraft flight manual limitations
Minor Alteration:
Means an alteration other than a major alteration.
Minor Repair:
Means a repair other than a major repair.
Means the alteration of an A/C or A/C component with an approved standard.

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An engine (or propeller) Module is a group of engine (or propeller) components defined
by the constructor and designed to be. Replaceable without mechanical or
performance difficulties. It is uniquely identified and amenable to the setting of an
overhaul life separate from other parts of the engine
New Engine:
Means an engine which has not been subjected to in-service operations, essentially
identical in design, materials and methods of construction with one which has been
type certificated.
Non Airworthy Items:
Items which do not affect the safe operation of the aircraft such as, galley equipment
,entertainment systems , passenger convenient items , etc.
Non Compliance:
Is an observed deviation from the existing regulations?
Non Conforming Materials:
Are all parts, processes, documents, activities that are not conforming to the
Occurrence (or Incident):
Any technical event, other than an accident, and any other event that in the opinion of
the Authority, the aircraft operator, or the pilot endangered or may endanger the safe
operation of an aircraft. These events are reportable. Such reports are in addition to
other deficiency and discrepancy reports otherwise specially required by these
On Condition:
A primary maintenance process having repetitive inspections or tests to determine the
condition of units, systems, or portions of structure with regard to continued service-
ability (corrective action is taken when required by item condition.)
Operational Control (with respect to a flight):
Means the exercise of authority over initiating, conducting, or terminating a flight.

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Operation of Aircraft:
Means the use of aircraft for the purpose of air navigation. Any person who causes or
authorizes the operation of aircraft, whether with or without the right of legal control (in
the capacity of owner, lessee, or otherwise) of the aircraft, shall be deemed to be
engaged in the operation of aircraft.
Means the restoration of an aircraft or aircraft component by inspection test, repair
and/or replacement of parts in conformity with the overhaul manual or the detailed
description of this task in the Overhaul Manual. The TSO becomes zero after each
Pilot Reports:
Any condition which is entered in the technical log by the flight crew which requires
corrective action by maintenance.
Pre-Flight Inspection:
Means the inspection carried out before flight to ensure that the aircraft is fit for the
intended flight. It does not include defect rectification.
Propulsion system:
The airplane propulsion system includes each component that is necessary for
propulsion, components that affect the control of the major propulsion units and
components that affect the safe operation of the major propulsion units.
Quality Assurance:
All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence
that a product or service will satisfy both the Airworthiness Authorities requirements
and any specific company or customers requirements for quality.
Quality Audit:
A systematic examination of the acts and decisions by people with respect to quality in
order to independently verify or evaluate and report degree of compliance to the
operational requirements of the quality program, or the specifications or contract
requirements of the product or service.

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Quality Plan:
A description of all the quality check points in a process to ensure that it proceeds
under controlled conditions in the specified manner and sequence. Controlled
conditions include appropriate controls for materials, production equipment, processes
and procedure, computers, computer software, personnel, and associated supplies,
utilities and environments.
Quality System:
Is the collective plans, activities and events that are provided to ensure that a product,
process, or service will satisfy given needs.
Quality System Audit:
Is a documented activity performed to verify, by examination and evaluations of
objective evidence, that applicable elements of the quality system are appropriate and
have been developed, documented, and effectively implemented in accordance and
conjunction with specified requirements.
Means a statement that, as part of a certificate, sets forth-special conditions, privileges,
or limitation.
The probability that a component/system /aircraft will continue to function for a
specified length of time under specified conditions.
Means such maintenance action, including replacement as necessary to restore an
inoperative item or aircraft to an operative condition in conformity with an approved
An item comprising or including replaceable parts, commonly economical to repair, and
subject to be rehabilitated to fully serviceable condition over a period less than the life
of the flight equipment to which it is related.
Repeat Interval:
The maximum permitted period (for all tasks not performed on a sampling basis) that
can separate total completion of a task from its next accomplishment

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Any work operation which involves the removal and replacement of the same part or
the substitution of an approved alternative part.
Required Inspection Items (RII):
Required inspection items RII are defined as those maintenance and alterations items
which if not performed properly, or if improper parts or materials are used, could result
in a failure, malfunction, or defect endangering the safe operation of the aircraft.
The work necessary to return the aircraft component to an approved standard.
An item that can be economically restored to a serviceable condition and, in the normal
course of operation, can be repeatedly rehabilitated to a fully serviceable condition over
a period approximating the life of the flight equipment to which it is related.
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace:
The aircraft have been manufactured to the same design, and have
been approved under the same type certificate, amended type
certificate, or supplemental type certificate.
The static system of each aircraft is installed in a manner and position
that is the same as those of the other aircraft in the group. The same
static source error correction is incorporated in each aircraft of the
The avionics units installed in each aircraft to meet the minimum
RVSM equipment requirements of this appendix are:
Manufactured to the same manufacturer specification and have the
same Part number; or
Of a different manufacturer or Part number, if the applicant
demonstrates that the equipment provides equivalent system
performance as prescribed in EAC91-9.

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Serious incident:
Is an occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation of an A/C which
affects or could affect the safety of operation involving circumstance indicating that an
accident nearly occurred?
The replenishment of consumable needed to keep an item of an aircraft in operating
Shelf Life:
The period of time beginning with the date of manufacture/ cure/ assembly and
terminated by a date by which the item must be used or subjected to inspection/ test/
restorative action or disposal action.
Shelf-Life Condition Code.
Material condition code reflecting the remaining shelf-life period of suspense (holding)
Means an Aircraft components maintenance building
Shop Findings:
Recorded observations of shop personnel after shop maintenance repair or overhaul
has been performed.
Significant defect:
Is a defect of Aircraft system or component which if not rectified properly may
jeopardize the safe operation of aircraft?
Special Inspections (S/I):
Means those inspections requested by an alert service bulletin, by telex issued by the
Original Equipment Manufacturer or a fleet campaign requested by EGYPTAIR
Standard Parts:
Parts or material manufactured in complete compliance with an industrial accepted
specification, and,
Include design, manufacturing and uniform identification requirements.

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Published so that any party may qualify to manufacture the part established industry or
Utilized specification codes should identify the industry or government agency
controlling the design and assignment of part numbers
Is either a Component Repair/Overhaul Vendor (ROV) or a Specialized Service Vendor
Air Transport Association Specification 100 - Those divisions which permit a system to
be broken into subsystem (portion of a complete system).
Is a company who sells components/ parts which it did not manufacture?
Means a map containing all relevant information concerning the performed training, per
Air Transport Association Specification - A system is a combination of interrelated
components arranged so as to perform a specified function.
Technical Standard Order (T.S.O):
It is a technical standard issued by FAA for the manufacture of specified components
used on civil aircraft. Such equipment is manufactured with FAA approval (under
Subpart 0 -FAR 21) and conforms to the minimum performance standard defined in the
Limit deadline for all tasks not performed on a sampling basis at which the task must
be accomplished for the first time (subsequent accomplished deadlines are obtained by
adding the repeat interval and its multiples to the threshold)
Time between Overhaul:
A specified maximum time interval for which a unit is permitted to operate between

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Time, Hard:
A maintenance process which allows a unit to operate for a specific maximum length of
time before a specific maintenance task must be performed.
Time in service:
Means the time from the moment an aircraft leaves the surface of the earth until it
touches it at the next point of landing.
Time, Operating:
The time period during which the unit is performing its intended function.
Time since Installation:
Time accumulated since a given item was last installed.
Time, Soft:
Is the minimum time interval between restoration of un-failed engine modules, when a
module reaches its declared soft time, it does not necessarily have to be removed from
the engine but will be removed any time there after when the engine is rejected or
removed from the aircraft
Time, Total:
The operating time which a unit has accumulated since manufacture
Training Centre :
Means an organization governed by the applicable requirements of Parts 65, 145, and
147 that provides training, testing, and checking under contract or other arrangement to
certificate holders subject to the requirements of the Egyptian Civil Aviation
A written authorization, to accept an item for service which during production or after
having been submitted for inspection, is found to depart from specified requirements,
but nevertheless is considered suitable for use as is or after repair or modification by
an approved method, described or referenced on the waiver.
Wet lease:
Means the lease of an aircraft with flight crew, maintenance and operational control

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Chapter 0.06
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0.06 Distribution List
No. Title Quantity Hard copy/ CD Control No.
1 Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority 1 Hard copy 01
2 EGYPTAIR holding Company Chairman and CEO 1 CD 02
4 EGYPTAIR M & E Accountable Manager 1 CD 04
EGYPTAIR Holding Company Quality and Safety
6 EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Quality & Safety Manager 1 CD 06
7 EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector 1 Hard copy/ CD 07
8 EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Maintenance Director 1 CD 08
9 EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Main Library 1 CD 09
EGYPTAIR M & E Technical Publications
11 EGYPTAIR M & E Quality Assurance Director 1 CD 11
12 EGYPTAIR M & E Planning Director 1 CD 12
13 EGYPTAIR M & E Records Manager 1 CD 13
14 EGYPTAIR M & E Maintenance Senior Director 1 CD 14
15 EGYPTAIR M & E Base Maintenance Director 1 CD 15
16 EGYPTAIR M & E Line Maintenance Director 1 CD 16
17 EGYPTAIR M & E Overhaul Senior Director 1 CD 17
18 EGYPTAIR M & E Component Overhaul Director 1 CD 18
19 EGYPTAIR M & E Engineering Director 1 CD 19
20 EGYPTAIR M & E Material Director 1 CD 20
21 EGYPTAIR M & E Stores Manager 1 CD 21
22 EGYPTAIR M & E Outstations Manager 1 CD 22
23 EGYPTAIR M & E Outstations AR CD 23/1 - 23/xx

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Part 0:General
Chapter 0.08
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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0.08 Management of Maintenance Control Manual (MCM)
1. Objective:
The purpose of this procedure is to describe the administrative arrangements for the
development, issue, amendment, distribution of the Maintenance Control Manual.
2. References:
ECAR 121.135.
3. Responsibility:
Chief Inspector
4. Description:
4.1. Definitions:
4.1.1. Maintenance control Manual (MCM): is the manual which applies to
airworthiness activities. .
4.1.2. Policy: A written requirement established by an EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
management which is expected to be complied with by appropriate employee
4.1.3. Recommendation: A preferred technique or action described by the
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS which employees are expected to follow whenever
4.1.4. Procedure: A logical progression of actions and/or decisions in a fixed
sequence which is prescribed by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS to achieve an
objective. In short, a procedure is step by step guidance on how to do
4.1.5. Technique: A method of accomplishing a procedural step or maneuver.
4.2. General:
4.2.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has for the use and guidance of relevant maintenance
and operational personnel, a Maintenance Control Manual that is accepted by
the Authority. MCM contains maintenance policies, procedures and

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4.2.2. A comprehensive description of the scope, structure and functionality of the
management system for maintenance operations is documented in MCM
describing departments, positions, authorities, duties, responsibilities and
interrelation of functions and activities within the system.
4.2.3. Maintenance Control Manual design takes into consideration the human factor
principles and human limitation requirements that includes, but is not limited to:
i. Contains information that is clear, legible and accurately represented;
ii. Is written in a language understood;
iii. Is presented in a logical and consistent format that permits ease of use.
iv. Is readily identifiable and accessible to all stuff;
4.2.4. All amendments to the MCM shall be accepted by ECAA.
4.2.5. A copy of the MCM shall be made available to ECAA to include:
i. All amendments and/or revisions;
ii. Mandatory material, as required, by ECAA.
4.2.6. A copy of the current edition of MCM, or relevant portions thereof, is promptly
made available to all organizations or persons to whom the manual has been
issued and to each organization or person who performs and/or certifies
maintenance work for the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS.
4.2.7. When a portion of MCM is issued, policies and procedures contained therein
shall be sufficiently comprehensive such that all relevant guidance and
information are available to any maintenance organization performing
maintenance for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS under that portion of the manual.
4.2.8. The MCM contains a description of the duties, responsibilities and reporting
relationships within the Quality Assurance Program,
4.2.9. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS personnel shall be familiar with the following manuals:
i. Maintenance control Manual (MCM)
ii. Maintenance outstations handbook.
4.2.10. The stated manuals shall include the duties and responsibilities of each
Manager or Key position. The manual shall also include adequate policy,

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direction, and guidance for the safe and efficient performance of the duties
assigned to each Manager or Key position.
4.2.11. General Specifications:
i. The font to be used throughout the manuals is Arial with different sizes
shown on figure 1 (Layout diagram).
ii. All manuals should be in A4 size. All departments who use the A5 size
should have an A4 size of the same manual for office, and other
department's usage.
iii. Every Chapter is preceded by a Table of Content for that Chapter.
iv. When a page is revised, then the footer will have the revision number.
4.2.12. Binder Page Specifications
i. Three rings D shaped, attached to the backside of the manual, instead of
attachment to the spine, for durability;
ii. Color:
a. Logo : Dark Blue
b. Writing : Black
iii. Width of spine must exceed the width of the complete manual paper
contents, taking into consideration future additions and revisions. A choice
of 3, 4, 6 or 8 cm as spine standard width could be used;
4.2.13. Main (Inside) Page Specifications
i. This is the page, where the text is written, so it includes header and footer
only. In order to be able to include the part & chapter number and name in
the header without allowing it to continue to all pages of the chapter;
ii. Paper Size A4 ( no quarto),
iii. Page layout, as shown on page header and footer layout diagrams:

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4.2.14. Page Header Layout Diagram:

Part 1:Management
Chapter 1.07

Maintenance Inspection Department

4.2.15. Page Footer Layout Diagram:

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Issue Date: Mar 2010

4.2.16. Numbering System used in the Manual
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS MCM follows the following numbering system:

4.3. Manual Classification:
The Manual composed of:
4.3.1. Parts referring to the major divisions of the manual
(e.g. Part 2. Maintenance Control)
0 01 4. 4.1. 4.1.1. iv. a. 1)
Sub- Sub
Chapter Number & Title
Font Size: 11
Part Number & Title
Font Size: 11
Amendment Number
Font Size: 10 Bold
Issue Number & Date
Font Size: 10 Bold
Page Number
Font Size: 10 Bold
Department Name
Font Size: 10 Italic
Manual Name
Font Size: 16 Bold
Company Name
Font Size: 12Bold

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4.3.2. Chapters referring to Subpart with a two or three numbers identifier
(e.g. Chapter 2.6 Continuing Airworthiness)
4.3.3. Items, will refer to headings and subheadings within each chapter
(e.g. Item 1: Objective)
4.3.4. Paragraphs that will refer to subdivision of item.
4.4. Manual development:
4.4.1. Chief Inspector creates new procedures or amendments to existing
procedures according to regulatory requirements and organization needs.
4.4.2. Chief Inspector will verify the compliance of the existing procedures with the
requirements of the new changes to be incorporated to MCM.
4.4.3. Chief Inspector will collect all proposals, review it, make a final draft and then
arrange for acceptance from Authority
4.4.4. The procedure development will be according to the following
i. (1. Objective): Stated clearly unless it is so commonly understood that a
statement of the objective is not necessary.
ii. (2. Reference): Include references to specific ECARs or other authority
publications when appropriate. A reference to regulations or other manual
material is appropriate when it is necessary to clarify the intent of the text or
when it is useful to the user for looking up specific subject matter.
iii. (3. Responsibility): identify the individual / organization responsible for each
step of the procedure.
iv. (4. Description):
Procedures flow in a logical step by step sequence, simple and contain only the
information necessary for accomplishing that procedure, taking in mind the
following considerations:
a. An acceptable method for accomplishing the intended objective.
b. The individual or organization responsible for each step of the procedure
clearly identified.

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c. The acceptable standards of performance for a procedure are stated if
those standards are not commonly understood or clearly obvious.
d. Since a variety of personnel with differing degrees of expertise are involved
in procedures, adequate information was provided for the least
experienced individual.
e. When a form or checklist is necessary to accomplish the procedure, the
location of that item was indicated in the procedure.
f. Forms: Identify all forms numbers and titles used to implement the
4.4.5. Chief Inspector is responsible for developing of MCM and revisions, The
Chief Inspector sign the original copy for initial acceptance before getting
Chairman Acceptance.
4.4.6. After Getting Chairman acceptance, the Chief Inspector shall send the MCM
original copy attached with additional copy to ECAA for final acceptance.
4.4.7. After getting the finial acceptance on the original copy, the Chief Inspector will
send the manual to the contracted AMO main library to arrange for
distribution to all concerned departments / personnel according to the
distribution list.
4.5. MCM Amending:
4.5.1. Maintenance Control Manual will be amended in the following cases; list not
i. Change in EGYPTAIR EXPRESS maintenance requirements
ii. Change in Authority requirements
iii. Change in EGYPTAIR EXPRESS organization, activities requirements
iv. Results from audits, whether internal or external
v. Any other reason that affects the Maintenance Control Manual conformity
4.5.2. Amendments shall be accepted from the Authority on the same way as the
manual issue.

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4.5.3. Amendments that need immediate application may be issued by the Chief
Inspector in the form of Temporary Amendments accepted by the Chief
Inspector. Temporary Amendments shall be processed for accepting from the
Authority after which it will be changed into Permanent Amendments.
Temporary Amendments shall be issued on yellow colored papers
4.5.4. Simple amendments like typing errors may not need to be accepted by the
4.5.5. Only pages shown on the list of effective pages are valid.
4.5.6. A complete review of the adequacy of all existing procedures must be
performed at intervals not to exceed 1 year.
4.5.7. Modified texts will be marked by a vertical bar in the right margin.
4.5.8. Only pages shown on the list of effective pages are valid.
4.5.9. MCM manual holder / user may propose a change to MCM using Form No
(204) and submitting it to Chief Inspector Office
4.6. MCM Updating / Up-keeping:
4.6.1 Each manual copy holder is responsible for performing the updating his copy
of the Manual.
4.6.2 A current copy of the Manual shall be made available to all concerned staff.
4.7. MCM Distribution:
4.7.1. Contracted AMO Technical Publications Department Manager will distribute
the accepted copies to the users, according to the distribution list.
4.7.2. Contracted AMO Technical Publications Department Manager will distribute
copies of all amendments promptly to the users, according to the distribution
4.7.3. Each copy of this manual will have a control number on the manual first
page. A master list including the manual control number cross-reference
location and amendment status will be kept at Chief Inspector office.
4.8. Examples Reasons for Amendment, Amendment Record and Control:
4.8.1. Reason for Amendment may include one or more from the following:

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i. Complying with the new rules or Regulations;
ii. Complying with amendments in IOSA references;
iii. To incorporate new changes / new procedures;
iv. Changing some names of management personnel;
v. Modification of Organization structure;
vi. Adding new line stations;
vii. Adding new aircraft;
viii. Modifying forms
4.8.2. The record of amendment in chapter 0.1 permits the control of updating the
manual. A list of effective pages will be issued with each revision; so that
each manual can be checked and kept up-to-date.
4.8.3. Each amendment shall have its issue date.
4.8.4. MCM shall have a record of amendment, chapter 0.01 that contains numbers
of permanent and temporary amendments and issue dates and indicates
which amendment number has been incorporated and date of incorporation.
This record also high-light in brief what has been done in these amendment.
4.9. Methods of Presentation and Printing:
4.9.1. The amendment may include complete text of revised procedure with letter
R in Status column.
4.9.2. Each amendment will be issued with a table of contents and a list of effective
pages as needed.
4.9.3. The amendment contents will include the amendment No. and the chapter
that have been changed in These amendments
4.9.4. The list of effective pages of the amendment will include only the pages that
have been subjected to change in these amendments, and will be marked by
an aside vertical line
4.9.5. A complete table of content and list of effective pages will be issued in case
of a complete re-issue.
4.10. Holders Commitment:

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4.10.3. The concerned director / manager (MCM holder) will:
i. Inform his subordinates of any changes in contents.
ii. If changes in contents alter departments instructions, he must take
necessary actions to adapt the departments instructions, methods, training,
equipment, housing, etc. to comply with requirements of this procedure
manual and destroy immediately all obsolete pages
5. Forms:
Form no: 204, MCM change proposal.

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Part 0:General
Chapter 0.09
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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0.09 Procedure for Notification of Changes to ECAA
1. Objective:
This procedure explains in which occasion EGYPTAIR EXPRESS should inform
ECAA prior to incorporating proposed organizational changes regarding
organization's activities , approval , location and personnel / maintenance contractors
required for continuing airworthiness of the aircraft.
2. References:
ECAR 121.59, 121.83, 121.153, 121.361
3. Responsibility:
Chief Inspector
4. Description:
4.1. General:
The Chief Inspector is responsible to notify ECAA with any request of evolution for
changes regarding:
4.1.1. The Chairman/CEO.
4.1.2. Any of the senior persons required for the continuing airworthiness
4.1.3. Changes of Approved Locations / Maintenance Bases management;
4.1.4. Changes in Company Activities
4.1.5. Change of Organization Fleet Composition
4.1.6. The maintenance contractor(s).
4.1.7. Change of Line Stations Locations
4.2. Chairman/CEO:
Any change in the post ion of Chairman/CEO will be notified to ECAA by way of
an official letter and a completed ECAA Form. The process must be initiated
within enough time for the ECAA to approve the proposal.
Signature by the new Chairman/CEO of the statement of part (0.2) Corporate
commitment by the Chairman/CEO of the MCM must be done and transmitted at
the earliest opportunity to ECAA.

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4.2.1. Disregarding this requirement can cancel the approval of part 121.
4.2.2. New Chairman/CEO must be able to demonstrate to ECAA his basic
understanding of part 121 and his responsibilities as an Chairman/CEO.
4.2.3. Such a change will requires revision of the part (1.1) (Management Personnel)
of the MCM and (1.1) Management Organization Charts.
4.3. Senior Nominated Personnel
4.3.1. Notification of the change of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS's Senior Personnel to
ECAA will be executed by the Chief Inspector by way of an official letter and a
completed ECAA Form. The process must be initiated within enough time for
the ECAA to approve the proposal.
4.3.2. Such a change will require revision of the part (1.1) Management Personnel
of the MCM and Management Organization Charts
4.4. Changes of Approved Locations/Maintenance Bases
Notification of the change of any of the areas listed below will be executed by the
Chief Inspector by way of an official letter of proposal to ECAA. The process must
be initiated within enough time for ECAA to approve the proposal.
4.4.1. The name of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS.
4.4.2. The location of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS.
4.4.3. Additional locations of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS.
4.4.4. Such a change will require a revision of MCM part (1.4) Provisions of
Resources At each Address Intended to be approved..
4.5. Changes in Company Activities
4.5.1. Any changes to the Schedule of Approval will be submitted by the Chief
Inspector on an ECAA Form, detailing variation.
4.5.2. Any change or additions to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS's Scope of Work will be
initiated by the Chief Inspector who will notify ECAA by way of an official letter
and a submission of a draft MCM amendment.
4.5.3. Any changes or additions to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS's working structure, i.e.
disbandment of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Departments, will be initiated by the
Chief Inspector who will notify ECAA by way of an official letter and a
submission of the draft MCM amendment.

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4.5.4. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS will ensure that such changes will not be incorporated
until the changes have been assessed and approved by ECAA.
4.6. Change of Organization Fleet Composition:
4.6.1. Any change in the approved Organization Fleet Composition will be notified to
the ECAA by submission of a formal letter.
4.6.2. Such a change will require revision of the AOC.
4.7. Change of Approved Maintenance Contractors AMO:
Any change in the approved Maintenance Contractor will be notified to ECAA by
submission of a formal letter. The substituting maintenance contractor must also
be approved by ECAA.
4.8. Change of Line Station Location:
4.8.1. Any change in the line stations locations will be notified to ECAA by
submission of a formal letter.
4.8.2. Such a change will require revision of the AOC.
4.9. Access to the Organization
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS will grant access to the organization to ECAA at any time,
in order for ECAA to determine continued compliance with ECAR Parts 121.
5. Forms

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Chapter 0.10
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0.10 Statement of Compliance
This Maintenance Control Manual shall at all times reflect EGYPTAIR EXPRESS means of
compliance with all applicable Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority requirements.

Part Chapter Item
39.1 3 04
3 04
39.5 3 04 4.1.1
39.21 2 13 4.2.3

Part Chapter Item
43.3 1 06 4.3
43.5 1 06 4.2.3


43.15 1 06 4.2.4


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Part Chapter Item
91.12 5 02 4.2
91.203 1 05 4.4
91.213 2 05 4.1
91.407 2
91.413 1 03 4.1.6
91.415 1 03 4.3.11
91.417 1 06 4
91.419 1 06 4.7
91.423 2 10 4.3
91.609 2 10 4.1
91.903 1 09 4.1

Part Chapter Item
121.2 0 06
121.3 (c) 1
121.6 1 11 4
121.23 1 05 4.5
121.29 1
121.58 1 09 4.1

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121.59 1
121.61 1
121.71 1
121.73 1 05 4.5.5
121.75 1 05 4.6.4
121.79 1 05 4.6.5
121.81 1 04 4.2.6
121.81 1 03 4.3
121.83 1
121.135 0 08
121.139 2 05 4.1
121.145 0 08 4.7
121.147 1 05 4.4
2 03 4.2.1
121.365 2 03 4.6
121.367 2 03 4.1.2
121.369 1 07 4.1.1
121.370 1 10 4.1.2
121.371 1 03 4.2.5
121.373 2 06 4.4
121.374 2 01 4.1
121.375 3 01 4.2
121.376 1 06 4.1
121.377 1 06 4.7
121.380 6 12 5
121.685 6 03

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121.701 3 01 4.1
121.702 2 13 4.2
121.705 1 05 4.2.1
121.707 2 07 4.4
121.709 2 03 4.3
121.703 2 13 4.3

Part (1): Management and Control

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Part 1:Management
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1.00 Index
1.1 Management System
1.2 Authorities and Responsibilities
1.3 Provisions of Resources
1.4 Communication
1.5 Documentation System
1.6 Maintenance records system
1.7 Outsourcing and Product control
1.8 Qualifications and Training
1.9 Concession Control and Deviation from Organizations Procedures
1.10 Quality Assurance
1.11 Aircraft Lease
1.12 Safety Management In Maintenance Operations

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Part 1:Management
Chapter 1.01
Maintenance Inspection Department.
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1.01 Management System
1. Objective:
To fulfill the requirements regarding the availability of human resources for
maintenance management
2. References:
ECAR 121.59, 121.369(b),
3. : Responsibility:
3.1. Chairman
3.2. Maintenance Director
3.3. Chief Inspector
4. Description:
4.1. General:
4.1.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has a management system for maintenance
operations that allows continuity throughout its organization structure. This
management system shall ensure:
i. Management of safety and quality in maintenance operations;
ii. Supervision and control of maintenance operations, and other associated
maintenance activities;
iii. Compliance with standards of the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS and requirements
of ECAA and any other relevant authorities whenever applicable (refer to
Clause-4.3 Organization Chart).
4.1.2. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has management system for maintenance operations;
consists currently of (five) fully qualified personnel. This is to ensure
maintenance of all aircraft is performed in accordance with the applicable
Maintenance Program and all maintenance is carried out in accordance with
policies and procedures contained in the Maintenance Control Manual

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4.1.3. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS positions that affect the safety and security of
maintenance operations are filled by personnel on the basis of appropriate
knowledge, skills, training and experience appropriate to the position and
according to mentioned prerequisite criteria for each position.
4.1.4. A Plan for delegation of duties within the management system for
maintenance operations is set to ensure the managerial continuity when
operational managers, including nominated post holders, are absent from the
4.2. Common Management Responsibilities:
All management positions, regardless of their level within EGYPTAIR EXPRESS,
have common management responsibilities. These responsibilities are considered
an integral part of each management position description. They are as follows:
4.2.1. Human Resources:
To assure the administration of personnel policies and procedures affecting
the proper utilization of their subordinate personnel. These policies and
procedures are concerned with employee selection, orientation, jobs
assignment, compensation discipline and employee benefits such as
vacation and sick leave.
4.2.2. Personnel Development:
To assure the evaluation of the jobs performance of immediate subordinates
in order to assist in improving the performance on current jobs assignment
and in preparing for advancement to positions of higher responsibility. Key
persons will consult with his employees concerning their jobs performance
and assist them in the preparation of plans to improve in performance as
4.2.3. Organization:
To maintain an organization structure that assures effective assignment and
utilization of its Subordinates and to provide for the most efficient conduct of
the responsibilities of its organization.

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4.2.4. Safety:
To assure that its employees adhere to the safety rules and follow safe job
practices in carrying out their duties. It shall take the necessary steps to ensure
that equipment and facilities are maintained in a safe manner.
4.2.5. Quality Standard:
To assure and be accountable to uphold the Quality Standard throughout the
staff under its control.
4.2.6. Management persons shall have continuous communication channels among
them to improve and implement EGYPTAIR EXPRESS quality systems and
4.3. Company organization Chart:
The following is the company organizational chart which is established to ensure
the proper performance of stated duties and to show Chains of Responsibility:

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Reporting line
Communication line

Audit Manager
Eng/ Omar El Roudy

Records Manager
Eng/ Akmal Fikry
Quality Control Manager
Eng/ Ali El Gazar

Documentation Manager
Eng/ El Said abd El Rahman

Engineering, Planning
Eng/ Samy Said

Maintenance Manager
Eng/ Samy Said

Training Manager
Eng/ Akmal Fikry
Contract Manager
Eng/ El Said abd El Rahman
Capt / Helmy Rizk

Chief Inspector
Eng/ Omar El Roudy

Maintenance Director
Eng/ El Said abd El Rahman
Safety and Quality
Safety Review Board
Accountable Executive
Hossam Kamal

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4.4. Delegation plan:
4.4.1. Managers may delegate any part of their total task responsibilities to a
subordinate but they remain responsible for the achievement of the whole
4.4.2. During absence of post holders from the work place the following interim
persons shall act in charge as follows::

Title Senior Persons Name Interim Persons Name Interim Persons Title
Chief Inspector
ENG/ Omar El Roudy
Eng/Ali El Gazar
Quality control
ENG/ El Said
Abd El Rahman
Eng/ Samy Said
Contract& Warranty

4.4.3. A notification of such delegation of duties shall be communicated in writing
throughout the management system.
4.5. Notification to Authority:
4.5.1 Names and qualifications of the Chairman, Director of Maintenance and
Chief Inspector shall be notified to ECAA.
4.5.2 Any change or vacancy in any of the above positions shall be notified
promptly to ECAA.
4.5.3 Any absence of the above persons for more than 4 weeks shall be temporary
filled by the delegate. Name and credentials of the delegate shall be
introduced to ECAA.
5. Forms:

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1.02 Authorities and Responsibilities
1. Objective:
To define duties, authorities and responsibilities within the management system for
maintenance operations to ensure that the entire organization works as a system
and not as a group of independent or fragmented units
2. References:
ECAR 121.59, 121.61, 121.369(b),
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Chairman
3.2. Chief Inspector
3.3. Maintenance Director
4. Description
4.1. General.
4.1.1. Responsibility within the management system for maintenance operations is
assigned for liaison with regulatory authorities, original equipment manufacturers
(OEM) and other operationally relevant external entities.
4.2. Management Personnel:
4.2.1. Position: EGYPTAIR HOLDING Chairman and Accountable Executive.
Has the overall responsibilities of the whole EGYPTAIR organization.
4.2.2. Position: EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chairman:
Is designated by EGYPTAIR HOLDING Chairman Accountable Executive .
i. He is the person having corporate authority for ensuring that all continuing
airworthiness activities and related functions can be financed and carried out
in accordance with :
a. Conditions and restrictions of the AOC;
b. Applicable regulatory requirements;
c. The stated standards and requirements of this manual

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ii. He designates a person to act as Maintenance Director who shall be
responsible to ensure that all maintenance is carried out in accordance with
the maintenance policies and procedures contained in the Maintenance
Control Manual
iii. Designates a person to act as a Chief Inspector who shall be responsible for
the management and supervision for the continuing airworthiness activities.
4.2.3. Position: Safety and Quality Manager:
Refer to SMSM 3.6 for reporting to and duties and responsibilities
4.2.4. Position: Chief Inspector
i. Reports to: EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chairman.

ii. Duties and responsibilities of the Chief Inspector:
a. Monitor the overall maintenance operations.
b. Ensure that the management of safety risks in maintenance operations is in
compliance with applicable regulations and standards of EGYPTAIR
c. Develop, amend and establish a safety and quality policy within the
Maintenance Control Manual.
d. Operate the following audit programs:
1) An Audit program to ensure that the performed maintenance program and
procedures continue to be effective and complying with applicable
2) An internal audit program to ensure that established safety and quality
policy is adequate and implemented within the organization.
3) An audit program of maintenance operations service providers.
e. Issue directives and notices to subcontracted service providers as required.
f. Implement a compliance monitoring feedback to the Chairman to ensure
corrective action as necessary.

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g. Act as liaison officer between EGYPTAIR EXPRESS and regulatory
h. Initially approve all documents relating to maintenance operations before
submitting to ECAA;
i. Ensure compliance with quality system functions, procedures, continuing
airworthiness and safety of maintenance operations of EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS aircraft, through enforcement of standards and regulatory and
manufacturers requirements;
j. Ensure that appropriate storage facilities are maintained for parts, material,
tools and equipment;
k. Authorize short term escalation and MEL Defect Deferral extension;
l. Maintain oversight of the maintenance safety programs and communicate
any deficiencies to the Chairman and the Safety and Quality GM;
m. Review and track trends with respect to occurrence reports, safety related
issues and trends and ensure required investigations are timely and properly
conducted and documented;
n. Monitor the proper performance of safety audits of maintenance facilities,
practices and training;
o. Participate in EGYPTAIR EXPRESS's safety committee meetings and
Chief Inspector may delegate any of his duties to managers and section heads of his
directorate. However such delegation does not relieve him of his responsibilities.
iii. Qualifications and Prerequisite of the Chief Inspector:
The Chief Inspector shall satisfy the Authority regarding filling the position of
Chief Inspector. As a minimum, the Chief Inspector shall::
a. Hold a suitable engineering degree;
b. Have a large aircraft maintenance operations experience of fifteen years;

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c. Hold an aircraft maintenance license .
d. Have at least three years experience as being responsible for release of
aircraft to service;
e. Have at least one years experience in a supervisory position in the
performance of maintenance inspection on for the types operated by
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS, of which at least three years recent experience.
f. Have a full understanding of the following materials with respect to the
1) Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations;
2) Operations Specifications;
3) Aviation safety standards and safe operating practices;
4) Appropriate maintenance inspections and airworthiness requirement;
5) Maintenance Control Manual and related Manuals and documents
iv. Direct Subordinates:
a. Audit Manager
b. Inspection Manager
c. Training Manager
d. Records Manager
4.2.5. Position Audit Manager
Reports to: Chief Inspector
i. Qualifications and Prerequisites of Audit Manager:
a. Knowledge:
1) Have a suitable engineering degree.
2) Knowledge of products and services in the area of his responsibility and
related methods, sequences, processes and systems.
3) Have an appropriate license.
b. Skills:
1) Computer usage skills.
2) Have a good command of written and spoken English language.

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c. Training:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
1) Course on MCM including responsibilities and privileges of the quality
2) Course on the effect of human factors and human performance limitations
in maintenance.
3) Course on ECAR Part 121 Section L and Part 145 and other related parts.
4) Type courses on the aircraft operated by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS.
5) An Aviation Auditor training course.
d. Experience
Has an experience in the field of aircraft maintenance for a period of not less
than 5 years.
ii. Duties and Responsibilities of Audit Manager:
a. Perform the internal Audit Program on EGYPTAIR EXPRESS maintenance
operations and the Audit Program on maintenance provider(s) and
contracted technical handling entities;
b. Perform random checks on service provider's facilities and aircraft as
c. Monitor day to day activities related to continuous airworthiness
management programs and records;
d. Accompany and coordinate with delegations from regulatory agencies and
external audit organizations during their visits;
e. Follow up on audits finding and perform spot checks and ensure the remedial
corrective and preventive actions are appropriate and implemented;
f. Recommend updates to the company quality manuals.
4.2.6. Position: Inspection Manager
Reports to: Chief Inspector

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i. Qualifications and Prerequisites of Inspection Manager:
a. Knowledge:
1) Have a suitable engineering degree.
2) Knowledge of products and services in the area of his responsibility
including related methods, sequences, processes and systems.
3) Have an appropriate license.
b. Skills:
1) Computer usage skills.
2) Have a good command of written and spoken English language.
c. Training:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
1) Course on MCM;
2) Course on the effect of human factors and human performance limitations
in maintenance;
3) Course on ECAR Part 121 L and Part 145 and the related parts;
4) Approved type courses on the aircraft operated by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS;
d. Experience:
Has an experience in the field of large aircraft maintenance for a period not
less than 5 years.
ii. Duties and Responsibilities of Inspection Manager
a. Monitor the proper performance of all maintenance operations activities
associated with the release to service of aircraft, engines and components of
b. Ensure that a sufficient manpower level necessary to accomplish the
Maintenance Program on a timely schedule.
c. Ensure that all work accomplished meets the set standards and the
Regulatory Authority requirements.

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d. Ensure that all Company safety precautions are appropriately defined and
followed by staff at all times.
e. Ensure that all housekeeping requirements are appropriately maintained.
f. Ensure that the personnel are properly trained and qualified to perform the
work assigned in an efficient manner.
g. Ensure that all documents onboard aircraft are current and complete.
h. Ensure that maintenance facilities are adequately equipped as required to
perform the required jobs.
i. Ensure the maintenance of set standards of aircraft cleanliness and
4.2.7. Position: Training Manager
Reports to: Chief Inspector
i. Qualifications and Prerequisites of Training Manager:
a. Knowledge:
1) Have a suitable engineering degree.
2) Knowledge of products and services in the area of his responsibility
including related methods, sequences, processes and systems.
3) Have an appropriate license.
b. Skills:
1) Computer usage skills.
2) Have a good command of written and spoken English language.
c. Training:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
1) Course on the MCM.
2) Course on the effect of human factors and human performance
limitations in maintenance.

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3) Course on ECAR Part 121 L, Part 145 and other related parts.
4) An approved suitable aircraft type course.
d. Experience
Has an experience in the field of large aircraft maintenance for a period not
less than 3 years.
ii. Duties and Responsibilities of Training Manager:
a. Define training requirements;
b. Prepare annual training plan;
c. Maintain training records;
d. Coordinate Training Programs for contracted training;
e. Conduct and supervise in-house training courses;
f. Administer all other training related issues.
4.2.8. Position: Records Manager
Reports to: Chief Inspector
i. Qualifications and Prerequisites of Records Manager:
a. Knowledge:
1) Have a suitable engineering degree.
2) Knowledge of products and services in the area of his responsibility
including related methods, processes and systems.
3) Have an appropriate license.
b. Skills:
1) Computer usage skills.
2) Have a good command of written and spoken English language.
c. Training:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
1) Course on MCM.

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2) Course on the effect of human factors and human performance limitations
in maintenance.
3) Course on ECAR Part 121 L and Part 145 and the related parts.
d. Experience
Have an experience in the field of aircraft maintenance for a period not less
than 3 years.
ii. Duties and Responsibilities of Records Manager:
a. Maintain timely records of aircraft hours and cycles flown to ensure that
planned maintenance for airframe, engines and components are scheduled
within approved time limitations;
b. Maintain an accurate and complete system of aircraft technical records in
compliance with applicable standards and authority requirements;
c. Ensure that the maintenance service provider has an accurate system of
aircraft technical records including monitoring of life limited parts process and
4.2.9. Position: Maintenance Director:
i. Reports to: EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chairman.
In this respect he shall have financial control within his management area and
shall be given adequate recourses for such activities
ii. Duties and responsibilities of the Maintenance Director:
Director of Maintenance is responsible for ensuring that all , Maintenance
operations are conducted in accordance with conditions and restrictions of the
Air Operator Certificate (AOC),and procedures contained in the Maintenance
Control Manual. In doing this, the Director of Maintenance has to:
a. Manage and supervise all maintenance operations
b. Ensure that all maintenance is carried out in accordance with the
maintenance policies and procedures contained in the Maintenance Control

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c. Ensure that Safety and Quality policy established in this MCM are
continuously implemented and promoted;
d. Ensure that EGYPTAIR EXPRESS aircraft and operating procedures are in
compliance with Authority rules and international standards of
e. Nominate a group of personnel having the responsibility of ensuring that the
organization is always in compliance with this manual;
f. Assure compliance with regulatory requirements all over the organization
g. Assume the leadership role to ensure commitment throughout the company
to the safety management policy intent and safety requirements;
h. Ensure adequate resources are allocated to different activities within
maintenance operations;
i. Ensuring that EGYPTAIR EXPRESS staff are aware and appropriately
accountable for the safety performance;
j. Fulfill the requirements of aircraft maintenance through the proper
arrangement of maintenance contracts with approved organizations and the
follow-up of its execution;
k. Monitor the development of the maintenance program;
l. Ensure maintenance operations carried out by maintenance provider(s) are
in full compliance with the following:
1) Conditions and restrictions of the AOC,
2) ECAA requirements, and
3) Standards established by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS in the MCM.
m. Monitor the planning, scheduling and accomplishment of required
maintenance according to the time constraints specified in the approved
maintenance schedule.
n. Assure the proper dispatch of aircraft, with regard to:

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1) The control of defects;
2) The availability of spare parts;
3) The conformity with type design;
4) The requirements of ECAA and other applicable operating rules.
o. Represent the interests of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS in technical matters in
liaison with maintenance organizations, suppliers, original equipment
manufacturers and other external entities.
p. Ensure that suitable facilities and infrastructure are available to affect the
management of maintenance operations
q. Follow up components, parts and material owned by EGYPTAIR
r. Communicate with the Safety and Quality GM regarding maintenance
safety issues.
s. Follow up on timely investigations of all maintenance operations
occurrences to determine the cause and appropriate actions. Investigations
will be documented to allow for tracking and trending.
t. Participate in EGYPTAIR EXPRESS's safety committee meetings and
iii. Qualifications and Prerequisites of the Maintenance Director:
The Maintenance director shall satisfy the Authority regarding filling the
position of a maintenance director. As a minimum, the Maintenance Director
a. Hold a suitable engineering degree;
b. Have at least fifteen years total experience in the field of large aircraft
c. Hold an aircraft maintenance license;
b. Have at least five years experience as being responsible for release of
aircraft to service;

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c. have at least three years experience in a supervisory position for running
the maintenance activities of the type operated by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS,
d. To the extent of his responsibilities, have a full understanding of the following
materials with respect to the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS operation:
1) Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations;
2) The EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Operations Specifications;
3) Aviation safety standards and safe operating practices;
4) Appropriate maintenance and airworthiness requirement;
5) Related manuals.
iv. Direct Subordinates:
a. Contract Manager
b. Documentation Manager
c. Engineering and Planning Manager
d. Maintenance Manager
Note: Both Maintenance Director and Chief Inspector are accepted by the ECAA.
Any change or vacancy more than one month in the above positions shall be
notified promptly to the ECAA.
4.2.10. Position: Contract Manager
Reports to: Maintenance Director
i. Qualifications and Prerequisite ofContract Manager:
a. Knowledge:
1) Having a suitable engineering degree.
2) Knowledge of products / services in the area of his responsibility and
related methods, sequences, processes and systems
3) Have an appropriate license.
b. Skills:
1) Computer usage skills
2) Having a good command of written and spoken English language.
c. Training:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
1) Course on MCM

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2) Course on the effect of human factors and human performance limitations
in maintenance
3) Course on Part 121 L and Part 145 and the related parts
4) Passed approved type courses on the aircraft operated by EGYPTAIR
d. Experience
Has an experience in the field of aircraft maintenance for a period not less
than 3 years.
ii. Duties and Responsibilities:
1) Prepare and administer contracts with the maintenance provider(s).
2) Administer warranty and guarantee programs.
3) Determine spares pooling needs.
4.2.11. Position: Documentation Manager
Reports to: Maintenance Director
i. Qualifications and Prerequisite of Documentation Manager:
a. Knowledge:
1) Having a suitable engineering degree.
2) Knowledge of products / services in the area of his responsibility and
related methods, sequences, processes and systems
3) Have an appropriate license.
b. Skills:
1) Computer usage skills
2) Having a good command of written and spoken English language.
c. Training:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
1) Course on MCM.
2) Course on the effect of human factors and human performance limitations
in maintenance
3) Course on Part 121 L and Part 145 and the related parts
4) Passed approved type courses on the aircraft operated by EGYPTAIR
d. Experience

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Has an experience in the field of aircraft maintenance for a period not less
than 3 years.
ii. Duties and Responsibilities:
a. Ensure the identification and arrangement for the reception of required
documentation and data from external sources in timely manner to satisfy
operational requirements.
b. Ensure that the Airworthiness Data is current and readily available for use by
maintenance personnel whenever and wherever required for the
performance of maintenance through a preset document supply and
distribution system.
c. Ensure that a list is periodically issued at suitable time intervals and at times
of document changes for all applicable technical data and documentation to
identify the organizational documents, titles and current status of each
document as accepted or approved by the Authority, as applicable.
d. Ensure that the contracted maintenance organization shall have processes to
ensure the content of documentation used directly in the conduct or support
of maintenance operation
1) Is readily identifiable and accessible to maintenance personnel;
2) Contains information that is clear, legible and accurately represented;
3) Is written in a language understood by maintenance personnel;
4) Is presented in a logical and consistent format that permits ease of use
by maintenance personnel;
4.2.12. Position: Engineering and Planning Manager
Reports to: Maintenance Director
i. Qualifications and Prerequisite of Engineering and Planning Manager
a. Knowledge:
1) Having a suitable engineering degree.
2) Knowledge of products / services in the area of his responsibility and
related methods, sequences, processes and systems
3) Have an appropriate license.
b. Skills:
1) Computer usage skills

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2) Having a good command of written and spoken English language.
c. Training:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
1) Course on MCM
2) Course on the effect of human factors and human performance limitations
in maintenance
3) Course on Part 121 L and Part 145 and the related parts
4) Passed approved type courses on the aircraft operated by EGYPTAIR
5) Planning Engineer course
d. Experience
Have an Engineering experience in the aviation field for not less than ten
ii. Duties and responsibilities for Engineering Manager:
a. Monitor the issue, approval and implementation of the different maintenance
programs for different aircraft.
b. Ensure and follow up on the accomplishment of all applicable ADs,
mandatory and alert requirements, modifications, service bulletins and
engineering orders
c. Review all engineering documents for contents and accuracy.
d. Ensure that all changes, modifications and modernization actions performed
on flight equipment shall meet airworthiness criteria and certification
e. Ensure that maintenance provider provide correct and current instructions
and approved data, procedures and drawings as required by which
maintenance personnel may perform the required maintenance.
iii. Duties and responsibilities for Planning Manager:
a. Ensure maintaining of timely record of aircraft hours and cycles flown to
ensure that planned maintenance for airframe, engines and components are
scheduled within approved time limitations;
b. Monitor Aircraft Maintenance Programs and assures publications of these
programs in applicable documents;

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c. Forcasting all fleet maintenance checks of each type according to the
approved Customized Maintenance Program;
d. Monitor and review completion of scheduled work packages..
4.2.13. Position: Maintenance Manager
Reports to: Maintenance Director
i. Qualifications and Prerequisite of Maintenance Manager:
a. Knowledge:
1) Having a suitable engineering degree.
2) Knowledge of products / services in the area of his responsibility and
related methods, sequences, processes and systems
3) Have an appropriate license.
b. Skills:
1) Computer usage skills
2) Having a good command of written and spoken English language.
c. Training:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
1) Course on MCM
2) Course on the effect of human factors and human performance limitations
in maintenance
3) Course on Part 121 L and Part 145 and the related parts
4) Passed approved type courses on the aircraft operated by EGYPTAIR
e. Experience
Have an aircraft / component maintenance experience for at least 3 years on
large aircrafts
i. Duties and Responsibilities:
a. ,Ensure maintenance operations carried out by maintenance provider are full
compliance with the following:
1) ECAA requirements;
2) Standards established by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS in MCM.
3) Conditions and restrictions of the AOC;
4) Standards established by manufactures

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b. Assure the proper dispatch of aircraft, with regard to:
1) The requirements of ECAA and other applicable operating rules
2) The conformity with type design
3) The control of defects The availability of spare parts
c. Ensure that all housekeeping requirements are maintained.
d. Ensure that Hangar is adequately equipped with tools and equipment
required to perform the job
e. Maintain a standard of aircraft cleanliness and appearance.
5. Forms:

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1.03 Provisions of Resources

1. Objective:
To define the Resources requirements for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS maintenance
management and quality monitoring personnel
2. References:
ECAR 121.369(d) and 121.369(b)
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Chairman
3.2. Maintenance Director
4. Description:
4.1. Facility Requirements for maintenance management and quality monitoring
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS identifies, provides and maintains the infrastructure
necessary to produce safe and secure operations, to include support facilities,
services and equipment, This include
4.1.1. Office accommodation at EGYPTAIR Headquarter.
4.1.2. Offices at the Maintenance Contractor Facilities.
4.1.3. The above offices are provided with sufficient communication facilities
(telephones, facsimile machines and online computers).
4.1.4. The above rooms have:
i. Adequate lighting.
ii. Adequate air conditioning.
iii. Low noise level.
iv. Adequate cleanliness, noise and pollution
4.2. Manpower Resources
4.2.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS management personnel currently consists of (five)
fully qualified personnel. This is to ensure maintenance of all aircraft is

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maintenance is carried out in accordance with policies and procedures
contained in the Maintenance Control Manual..
4.2.2. Any position within EGYPTAIR EXPRESS maintenance organization its
maintenance operations is subject to a selection criteria that assures that
the selected personnel possess the knowledge, skills, training and
experience appropriate to the relevant position they hold. A prerequisite
criterion is set against which candidates are evaluated to ensure
personnel are appropriately qualified for all positions including
management positions
4.2.3. To ensure EGYPTAIR EXPRESS organizational stability, EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS shall maintain sufficient staff of permanent employees.
4.3. Requirements of Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 above shall be applicable for EGYPTAIR
MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING as the Maintenance Contractor for all
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS maintenance operations.
4.4. EGYPTAIR MAINTENANCE & ENGINEERING shall specifically have the
necessary facilities, workspace, equipment, personnel, supporting services and
work environment as necessary to ensure the implementation of the following
management and control functions:
4.4.1. the initial development of the maintenance schedule;
4.4.2. scheduling maintenance, elementary work and servicing to be performed within
the time constraints specified in the approved maintenance schedule;
4.4.3. scheduling the accomplishment of Airworthiness Directives (ADs);
4.4.4. operation of an evaluation program to ensure that all required procedures
and, in particular the maintenance schedule, continue to be effective and
in compliance with the applicable regulations;
4.4.5. the proper dispatch of aircraft, with regard to:
i. control of defects;
ii. availability of spare parts;
iii. conformity with the type design;
iv. Requirements of other applicable operating rules.
4.5. For Certifying (Release to Service) staff the following shall be met:

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4.5.1. Certifying (Release to Service) staff shall be certificated by authorized persons
according to ECAR Part 65 or an equivalent standard accepted by the ECAA,
and ECAR Part 145.
4.5.2. Required inspection item personnel, or personnel performing duplicate
inspections shall be independent from related production functions, at least
during the time of performing inspection work.
4.5.3. Staff shall be able to show relevant knowledge, background and appropriate
experience related to aircraft continuing airworthiness.
4.5.4. All staff shall have appropriate initial and continuation training to perform their
allocated tasks.
4.5.5. The qualification of all personnel involved in continuing airworthiness
management shall be appropriately recorded. Records shall include name,
employee number, birth date, title, training, initial and continuous, qualifications,
authorizations of certifying personnel and personnel performing required
inspection functions.
4.5.6. At least 50% percent of the required task force shall be permanent employees.
4.5.7. All maintenance personnel shall be relieved from duty for a period of at least 24
consecutive hours during any seven consecutive days or the equivalent thereof
within any one month.
4.5.8. All Certifying (Release to Service) staff shall be subjected to a program to
prevent the use of prohibited drugs and misuse of Alcohol.
4.5.9. Each of the certifying staff shall be given a written document describing the
extent of his responsibilities, authorities and inspection limitations and validity.
Such document shall be available for inspection upon request by authorized
4.5.10. Representatives from EGYPTAIR EXPRESS, within a maximum period of 24
4.6. Inspection authority (ECAA)
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall allow ECAA or its representative, at any time or place,
to make inspections or tests to determine compliance with Egyptian Law number

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28, the Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations, operating certificate and operations
specifications, or eligibility to continue to hold certificate
5. Forms

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1.04 Communication
1. Objective:
Ensure effective exchange of operationally relevant information throughout the
management system for maintenance operations and with each maintenance
organization that performs maintenance for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS.
2. References:
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Maintenance Director
3.2. Chief Inspector.
4. Description:
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall have a communication system that enables and ensures
an effective exchange of operationally relevant information throughout the
management system for maintenance operations and with each maintenance
organization that performs maintenance for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
The communication system facilitate the reporting of operational deficiencies,
hazards or concerns by operational personnel
The communication system consists of:
4.1. Telephones,
4.2. Facsimile machines
4.3. Online computers
4.4. Meetings
4.4.1. Daily Meeting (Daily work load plan)
i. Objective of this meeting is to discuss the daily work load and technical delays.
ii. Attendances:
1) Maintenance Director
2) AMO Maintenance Director.
3) AMO scheduling and planning director.
4) AMO line maintenance managers.

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i. Objective of this meeting is to discuss weekly Technical delays, define the
root causes with Contracted AMO to resolve problems as will as to have the
current status of aircraft maintenance.
ii. Attendances:
1) The Maintenance Contractor Accountable Manager
2) All concerned managers of The Maintenance Contractor
3) EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Maintenance Director
4.4.3. Monthly meeting : (Reliability Control Board (RCB) meeting)
i. Objective of this meeting is to:
1) Monitoring on a continuous basis repetitive incidents and defects occurring
in flight or found during maintenance, highlighting any that are repetitive
or that appear significant. All items identified as repeated discrepancies
shall be highlighted for the purpose of tracking and follow-up.
2) Monitoring on a continuous basis carry forward defects.
3) Analyzing unscheduled component removals, shop findings and the
performance of aircraft systems for use as part of the maintenance
program efficiency .
ii. Attendances:
1) The Maintenance Contractor Accountable Manager
2) All concerned managers of The Maintenance Contractor
3) EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector
4.4.4. A quality Management review meeting shall be made periodically (once each
six months) headed by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chairman and attended by
senior managers and managers of maintenance operational activities for
evaluation of audit outputs, findings, progresses, corrective and preventive
actions and the compliance with set requirements.
4.4.5. Half yearly meeting : (EGYPTAIR Holding company Safety Board)
4.5. Information bulletins which will be distributed to whom it may concern
5. Forms
Form . 210 Information Bulletin

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1.05 Documentation System

1. Objective:
To set the policy for handling Airworthiness (Maintenance) Data, documents and
procedure for issue and/or renewal of aircraft certificates.
2. References:
ECAR 39.1, 39.3, 39.5, 91.203.
ECAR 121.3(c), 121.23, 121.73, 121.75, 121.79, 121.135, Appendix K
3. Responsibility
3.1. Chief Inspector: to apply to ECAA for A/Cs certifacates issuing and renewal
3.2. Maintenance Director: to ensure that the contracted maintenance organization
have a management and control system for documentation and technical data
used directly in the conduct or support of maintenance operations
4. Description:
4.1. Airworthiness Data:
4.1.1. Airworthiness Data includes all technical data used during aircraft
maintenance. Airworthiness data shall be accepted or approved by
ECAA (approved Data). Airworthiness Data issued by Type Certificate
Holder data and Supplemental Type Certificate Holder are considered
as accepted by ECAA.
4.1.2. Airworthiness Data includes, but not limited to:
i. Manufactures Airworthiness Data.
a. Maintenance Planning Document (MPD)
b. Aircraft maintenance manual(AMM)
c. Structural repair manual (SRM)
d. Illustrated Parts Catalogues (IPC).
e. Component maintenance manual (CMM)

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f. Engine maintenance manual (EMM)
g. Alert/recommended service bulletins (inspections or modifications) (SBs)
h. Aircraft flight manuals (AFM)
i. Master minimum equipment list (MMEL)
j. Miscellaneous publications.
k. Service bulletins (inspection or modifications) (SB's)
l. Service letters/field notes/maintenance tips etc (SL, FN, MT)
ii. Authorities Data:
a. Airworthiness directives(AD's)
b. Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations (ECAR).
c. Egyptian Aviation Circulars (EAC)
iii. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS originated technical data and controlled by chief
a. Maintenance Control manual (MCM).
b. Outstation Hand Book
c. Customized Maintenance Programs (MP)
d. Customized minimum equipment list (MEL)
4.2. Contracted maintenance organization documentation and technical data
ENGINEERING to obtain and assess all Continuing Airworthiness information
as mentioned in 4.1.2
4.2.2. Maintenance director shall ensure that EGYPTAIR MAINTENANCE AND
ENGINEERING has a management and control system for documentation and
technical data used directly in the conduct or support of maintenance
operations that include processes for:
i. Identifying the current version of maintenance documents;

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ii. Distribution list to ensure the availability of the current version of applicable
maintenance documentation and technical data:
a. In all areas where maintenance is conducted;
b. To external maintenance organizations that perform maintenance for EGYPTAIR
iii. Review and revision as necessary to maintain the currency of information
contained in maintenance documents;
iv. Retention of engineering and maintenance documents that permits easy
reference and accessibility;
v. Identification and control of obsolete and/or reproduced documents;
vi. Retention and dissemination of documentation received from external
sources, to include manuals and documents from ECAA and original
equipment manufacturers.
4.2.3. The requested and purchased documents and their future continuing revision
are copied and delivered by TPD to the DTP of the requesting user (with the
acknowledgement of receipt) as well as to the TPD for archiving. DTP sends it
to its requesting user.
4.2.4. Responsible for the procurement in proper time, release, recording,
distribution and revision of the documentation that is needed to maintain
aircraft and aircraft components / tools and equipment
4.2.5. Ensure that the latest versions of documentation are always available to users.
4.2.6. Documentation may be provided by vendors / manufacturers either hard copy,
via electronic media or by subscribing through website.
4.2.7. Lists of valid documentation are to be kept, thus enabling the user to check the
revision status of the documents he is using.
4.2.8. In cases of doubt and before they use the documentation, users are to check
against the list of valid documentation that the documents they are using for
the work are valid, suitable for the intended purpose and, where applicable,
specific to an individual customer. If necessary, users are to ask the TPD
whether the documentation is up to date.

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4.2.9. Technical documentation in the object of this described procedure includes the
following characteristic:
i. Documents will be registered, centrally distributed and revision controlled,
ii. Documents will be provided for general access to the technical staff.
iii. Distribution List
4.2.10. A list of technical publications is established in the AMO engineering
directorate and handled in the TPD. This form records all documents which
should be kept in the TPD and to where they will be distributed.
4.2.11. A distribution list of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS originated technical data is
established in the Document
4.2.12. The administration of the distribution list (includes addition and cancellation
of users as well as the correction of user document relation) is the task of
each DTP and is centrally controlled by TPD with engineering consultation or
Chief Inspector for TPDL revising.
4.2.13. Administration of Distribution List:
i. DTP carries out the administration of distribution list to ensure document
distribution and document revision
ii. Revisions will be delivered with an acknowledgement receipt
4.2.14. Revision Control: Technical Publication department is responsible to issue an
updated list describing the current revision status of each controlled
publications. This list will be distributed to all DTP libraries and will be
accessible to all technical staff. Each DTP librarian is responsible to maintain
the current revision status list issued by TPD. The TPD is responsible for the
document revision intervals to be under control.
4.2.15. The user has the obligation for using relevant revised documents only. In
case of doubt the user has to check the status of revision via his DTP or
4.2.16. Guarantee of Quality: TPD is responsible for the content of documentation
used directly in the conduct or support of maintenance operations:
i. Contains information that is clear, legible and accurate;
ii. Is presented in a format appropriate for appropriate for use by maintenance

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iii. Is accepted or approved by ECAA, if applicable.
4.2.17. TPD is responsible for the quality guarantee for the entire technical
publication process.
4.2.18. The TPD procures, hold and control all referenced information and employs
computer systems in liaison with information technology to ensure flow of
referenced information.
4.2.19. All referenced information borrowed from the TPD shall be entered in the
borrowing log book, signed by the borrowing party and shall be returned to
the library within the specified time limit
4.2.20. In the event a manager wishes to keep a document which is obsolete for
personal reference, the manager shall return the obsolete document to the
library with a written request. The library staff will confirm no further updates
are available, stamp the document as, UNCONTROLLED COPY and
remove its library reference number. The document will be then returned to
the manager for his / her reference.
4.2.21. All drawings withdrawn from the TPD shall be checked by the end users
against the TPD control index to ensure the latest revision status. Drawings
observed not to be at the latest revision shall be reported to TPD with a
request to purchase when necessary.
4.2.22. The TPD / DTPs staff are responsible for monitoring the loan register. Initiate
follow-up to borrowers for manuals not returned to the library that exceeds
the loan period. Disciplinary action shall be taken in case of breaches
4.2.23. TPD manager / DTPs supervisors are responsible for the control and
maintaining current technical data in a good environmental condition.
4.2.24. Technical Publication Control:
Upon receipt of Technical Publications or revisions at (TPD), the following is
to be done:
i. Master Index Card (Vendor Control Card) will be checked. If not in existence,
then a new card to be issued.
ii. Cross check publications issue or revisions date with Manufacturer
Publication Index Manual, and or Vendor on annual basis.

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iii. Check with the index, mark index and sign Vendor Control Card. Stamp the
received copies and distribute them.
iv. Control of loose documented that is not held within a manual.
v. Each loose documented procedure that is not held within a manual
vi. A title page that identifies the operational applicability and functionality;
vii. Identification of the date(s) of issue and date of effectiveness;
viii. Reference numbers for the content;
ix. A distribution list;
x. Identification of responsibility for authorizing the document
4.2.25. Temporary Revisions Control:
i. Temporary loose-leaf revisions to the various manuals sent to all holders of
such documents are to be filed in binders.
ii. Dividers within the manuals subdivide them into sections for filing respective
temporary revisions on Maintenance Manual, Wiring, and Engines. etc as
iii. Whenever a temporary revision is received from the (TPD) it will be checked
and the affected ATA be marked with the circle around the ATA number. The
circle is used in order to alert future users, that a temporary revision is filed in
the binder.
4.2.26. Electronic Manual Control
i. Download the up-dated data.
ii. Re-produce the downloaded data on CD and mark it with Revision number
highlighted by temporary revision.
iii. Record the person who downloaded the data, date at which data was
downloaded and documents which will be affected.
iv. Identify the CD with the user or control number.
v. Distribute the data to Intranet, DTPs and End users.
vi. The end user will be responsible to reflect the revision on the affected manual.
4.2.27. To preclude the loss of documents due to hardware or software failures, the
electronic system is programmed to create back-up files on a schedule that

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ensures records are never lost. To ensure retrieval of archived documents,
applicable hardware and/or software is retained after it has been replaced
4.2.28. Computer documents backups shall be updated promptly whenever a
change or amendment of its source is made. They shall also be stored in a
safe place away from the area in which the original computers are located.
4.2.29. The contracted maintenance organization shall ensure retention and
dissemination of documentation received from external sources
4.2.30. For loose documented that is not held within a manual it should have:
i. Title page that identifies the operational applicability and functionality;
ii. Identification of the date(s) of issue and date of effectiveness;
iii. Reference numbers for the content
iv. Distribution list
v. Identification of responsibility for authorizing the document
4.2.31. Publications control:
The procedure for controlling the Aircraft Publications at each respective
section is the responsibility of each head section.
In case of any missing revisions or out dated manuals, the respective
section will write to Technical Publications Department (TPD) in order to
initiate a corrective action and such manual will be isolated to prevent its
usage until confirmation is received.
4.3. Quality Documents:
4.3.1. The following documents constitute Organization Quality Documents. And
shall be published, distributed and amended:
i. Maintenance Control Manual,
ii. Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulation
iii. Maintenance Organization Exposition for EGYPTAIR M&E as a main
maintenance provider
iv. Outstations Handbook
4.3.2. Quality Documents that are related to the implementation of the Maintenance
Control Manual and issued by the maintenance provider (EGYPTAIR M&E)

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shall in no way contradict with the Maintenance Control Manual. If exists any
difference, the Maintenance Control Manual shall prevail.
4.4. Documents On-board Aircraft:
The following documents should be presented on-board the aircraft in the
correct condition, and validity:
4.4.1. Documents
i. Registration certificate, issued by ECAA, original copy.
ii. An appropriate and current Airworthiness certificate,
Note: master copy, for aircraft undergoing a flight test after maintenance,
airworthiness certificate may be replaced by a special flight permit
approved by the Authority.
iii. Noise certificate, issued by ECAA, original copy.
iv. A true copy of the Air Operator certificate, issued by ECAA.
v. Certificate of radio station, issued by Egyptian telecommunication
vi. Insurance certificate, issued by an appropriate insurance company, a
vii. Permission of aircraft to fly or land in the Egyptian territories issued by
ECAA, master copy
4.4.2. Manuals
i. original copy The approved aircraft flight manual
ii. The company related manuals
iii. The operations specifications, a copy.
iv. Aircraft operation manual, or flight crew operations manual, as applicable
v. Copy of aircraft airworthiness Data
vi. A copy of Minimum equipment list
vii. CDL,
viii. Weight and Balance Manual including aircraft last approved weighing
4.4.3. Additional information and forms

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i. Aircraft Technical Log including last executed letter check, line
maintenance checks, and certificate of release to service
ii. N/A
iii. Deferred defect Log.
iv. Cabin log and deferred cabin item log.
v. Passenger information and emergencies briefing cards at the back of each
4.5. Air Operator Certificate (AOC)
4.5.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Air Operator Certificate (AOC) is authorize
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS to conduct commercial air transport operations in
accordance with the operations specifications authorizations, limitations,
and procedures for technical and operational activities
4.5.2. The operations specifications that are issued with the AOC are a part of
that certificate
4.5.3. The Air Operator Certificate (AOC) shall contain the following:
i. Unique AOC number, as issued by the State of the Operator.
ii. Date after which the AOC ceases being valid (dd-mm-yyyy).
iii. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS registered name.
iv. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS trading name ,if different. Insert Dba before
the trading name (for Doing business as).
v. The contact details include the telephone and fax numbers,
including the country code, and the e-mail address at which
operational management can be contacted without undue delay for
issues related to flight operations, airworthiness, flight and cabin
crew competency, dangerous goods and other matters as
vi. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS principal place of business address.
vii. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS principal place of business telephone and fax
details, including the country code. E-mail to be provided if available
viii. The controlled document, carried on board, in which the contact
details are listed, with the appropriate paragraph or page reference.

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E.g.: Contact details are listed in the operations Manual,
Gen/Basic, Chapter 1, 1.1; or are listed in an attachment to this
ix. Operator registered name.
x. reference to the appropriate Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations (
xi. Issuance date of the AOC (dd-mm-yyyy).
xii. Title, name and signature of the ECAA representative. In addition,
an official stamp applied on the AOC
4.5.4. In no way shall any part of the MCM be contradicting with the EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS Operation Specification.
4.5.5. Availability of certificate and Operations Specifications
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall make operating certificate and operations
specifications available for inspections at principal operations office;
ii. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall have on board of each aircraft a certified true
copy of operating certificate and operations specifications
4.5.6. Validity of AOC
Unless being surrendered or revoked by ECAA, The AOC remains valid as
long as it is renewed yearly and EGYPTAIR EXPRESS remains in
compliance with the regulatory requirements, ECAA representatives are
allowed to carry out the necessary review for the organization, and all ECAA
findings, as requested, are appropriately carried out.
4.5.7. If ECAA suspends or revokes EGYPTAIR EXPRESS AOC, the certificate
shall be returned to the ECAA, immediately
4.5.8. Limitations of the AOC:
The Air Operator Certificate shall be read in conjunction with and be
bounded by the limitations in the Operations Specifications
4.6. Operations Specifications
4.6.1. Chief Inspector is responsibil for preparing and applying for Operations
Specifications technical amendments approval
4.6.2. Operations Specifications shall be issued for each aircraft model

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4.6.3. For each aircraft model in EGYPTAIR EXPRESS fleet, identified by aircraft
make, model and series, the following list of authorizations, conditions and
limitations shall be included: ECAA contact details, operator name and AOC
number, date of issue and signature of the ECAA representative, aircraft
model, types and area of operations, special limitations and authorizations.
4.6.4. The Operations Specifications shall contain the following :
i. Telephone and fax contact details of ECAA, including the country code. E-
mail to be provided if available.
ii. AOC number.
iii. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS registered name and the trading name,
iv. The trading name (for Doing business as).
v. Issuance date of the operations specifications (dd-mm-yyyy) and signature
of the ECAA representative.
vi. Aircraft make, model and series, or master series, if a series has been
designated (e.g. ERJ 170- LR100).
vii. Other type of transportation to be specified (e.g. emergency medical
viii. Listing of geographical area(s) of authorized operation (by geographical
coordinates or specific routes, flight information region or national or
regional boundaries).
ix. Listing of applicable special limitations (e.g. VFR only, Day only, etc.).
x. List in this column the most permissive criteria for each approval or the
approval type (with appropriate criteria).
xi. Applicable precision approach category: CAT I, II, IIIA, IIIB or IIIC. Insertion
of minimum RVR in meters and Decision Height in feet. One line is used per
listed approach category.
xii. Approved minimum take-off RVR in meters. One line per approval may be
used if different approvals are granted.
xiii. Not Applicable (N/A) box may be checked only if the aircraft maximum
ceiling is below FL290.
xiv. N/A

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xv. The threshold distance may also be listed (in nm), as well as the engine
xvi. Performance-based Navigation (PBN): one line is used for each PBN
specifications authorization (e.g.RNAV 10, RNAV 1, RNP 4,), with
appropriate limitations or conditions listed in the Specific Approvals
and/or Remarks columns.
xvii. Limitations, conditions and regulatory basis for operational approval
associated with the Performance- based Navigation specifications (e.g.
xviii. Name of the person/organization, responsible for ensuring that the
continuing airworthiness of the aircraft is maintained and the regulation
which requires the work, i.e. within the AOC regulation or a specific
approval (e.g. EC2042/2003, Part M, and Subpart G).
xix. Other authorizations or data can be entered using one line (or one multi-line
block) per authorization (e.g. special approach authorization, MNPS,
approved navigation performance, etc.).
4.6.5. Amendments to the Operations Specifications
i. In case of a required amendment, EGYPTAIR EXPRESS submits to
ECAA, in writing, necessary information, views and documents regarding
the proposed amendment, in due time, for approval and issue on
respective form.
ii. If ECAA finds that an amendment is an emergency requiring immediate
action for the sake of aviation safety, this amendment shall be applied
iii. Copy of the Operations Specifications will be kept at the Chief Inspector
iv. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS is responsible to keep its copy to the latest revision.
4.7. Aircraft Certificates
Before proceeding for requiring the issuance of any aircraft certificate from
ECAA the aircraft type certificate shall be either validated or accepted by ECAA.

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For an aircraft type that is to be used within Arab Republic of Egypt for the first
time, type and supplmental type certificate data sheets shall be forwarded to
ECAA for validation or acceptance.
4.7.1. Certificate of Registration:
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall make a certificate of registration for each
aircraft according to ECAA requirements.
ii. An application containing the necessary information for the issue
Certificate of Registration
iii. Follow up on the certificate issue and compliance with regulatory
requirements is the Chief Inspector responsibility
iv. Any fees required by ECAA will be handled by the Chief Inspector Office.
v. The master copy of the aircraft registration certificate shall be retained on-
board the specific aircraft.
vi. A copy of the certificate is to be retained within aircraft records.
vii. The application for registration certificate issue shall be forwarded to
ECAA via the Chief Inspector. A copy of the type certification data sheet is
to be attached to the application if the aircraft type has not for previously
entered in the Egyptian registry.
viii. The following documents are to be attached to the application for
certificate of registration issue:
a. A copy of A/C purchase contract.
b. A copy of the insurance certificate.
c. A copy of A/C weight and balance report.
d. A copy of certificate of origin.
e. A copy of foreign Noise certificate.
f. A copy of Export license.
g. Certificate of registration is not renewable:
4.7.2. Airworthiness Certificate:
i. An aircraft shall not fly if the certificate of airworthiness expiration date is
invalid; or

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a. The continuing airworthiness of the aircraft or any component fitted to it
does not meet the regulatory requirements, or;
b. The aircraft does not remain in conformity with the approved type design;
c. The aircraft has been operated beyond the limitations of its approved
flight manual or the airworthiness certificate without appropriate action
being taken; or
d. The aircraft has been involved in an accident or incident that affects the
airworthiness of the aircraft, without subsequent appropriate action to
restore airworthiness; or
e. A major modification or major repair has not been appropriately
ii. Issue of Airworthiness Certificate:
To issue an airworthiness certificate for an aircraft the following documents
are required
a. Export C of A or valid C of A for used aircraft
b. Approved flight manual
c. Current weight and balance report
d. Aircraft minimum equipment list
e. Cabin configuration
f. Maintenance program data
g. Manufacturers manuals
h. Compass correction card
i. Radio station license
j. Status of aircraft configuration
k. List of deviations from approved specifications
l. List of safety equipment.
m. Noise certificate.

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Note: For used A/C and in addition to the above items, the following records should be
provided :
a. Last major check carried out
b. Last check carried out
c. List of incidents and accidents.
d. Major repairs carried out
e. List and status of aircraft, routable and life-limited parts
f. Reports of flight tests carried out
iii. Renewal of Airworthiness Certificate:
a. Apply to ECAA for renewal of an existing certificate of Airworthiness on
respective form one month before expiry date
b. Attach relevant documents justifying that all requirements are satisfied,
c. Carry out an Airworthiness review/inspection on the aircraft,
d. Allow ECAA to carry out an Airworthiness review/inspection on the
e. Have all maintenance, as requested, carried out,
f. Unless limited by ECAA, the certificate of Airworthiness is valid for one
g. To renew an Airworthiness certificate for an aircraft, the following
documents are required:
h. Performed maintenance checks during the last year
i. Last major check carried out
j. List of incidents and accidents during the last year.
k. Major repairs carried out during the last year
l. AD compliance status
m. Status of life-limited parts
n. Reports of flight tests carried out.
o. Any fees required by ECAA will be handled by the Chief Inspector

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p. After issuing or, renewal, the master copy of certificate of Airworthiness,
it will be kept on board the concerned aircraft and a copy will be filed in
the aircraft file at the Records Section.
q. If a repair or an alteration results in a change in the aircraft operating
limitations or flight data contained in the approved flight manual, those
operating limitations or flight data shall be appropriately approved
4.7.3. Insurance Certificate:
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall make a fleet certificate of insurance on all its
aircraft. Certificate shall contain necessary aircraft data.
ii. Follow up on the renewal/extension/re-issue and compliance with
regulatory requirements is the Chief Inspector responsibility.
iii. A copy of the aircraft insurance certificate will be retained on-board each
iv. The certificate is renewed annually.
4.7.4. Radio License:
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall make for each aircraft a radio certificate.
Certificate shall contain necessary aircraft and aircraft radio equipment
ii. Follow up on the renewal/modification/re-issue and compliance with
regulatory requirements is the Chief Inspector responsibility.
iii. The master copy of the aircraft radio certificate will be retained on-board
the specific aircraft.
iv. The Certificate contains technical details about authorized on-board radio
equipment, output powers and frequencies.
v. A copy of the certificate is to be retained within aircraft records.
vi. The certificate is renewed annually
4.7.5. Noise Certificate:
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall make for each aircraft a Noise certificate.
Noise Certificate shall contain necessary aircraft data regarding aircraft
noise and weights with regard to ICAO Annex 16.

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ii. Follow up on the certificate issue or modification and compliance with
regulatory requirements is the Chief Inspector responsibility.
iii. The master copy of the aircraft noise certificate will be retained on-board
the specific aircraft.
iv. A copy of the certificate is to be retained within aircraft records.
v. Noise certificate is not renewable.
4.7.6. Permission for Aircraft to Fly or land in Egyptian Territories:
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall make for each aircraft a certificate authorizing
the aircraft to fly or land within the Egyptian territories.
ii. An application containing the necessary information for the issue or
renewal of Permission for aircraft to fly within or land in Egyptian territories
iii. Form shall be submitted to ECAA at least one month before date set for
start of operations for new issues and fifteen days before expiry date for
iv. Any fees required by ECAA shall be handled by the Chief Inspector Office
v. Follow up on the certificate issue or renewal and compliance with
regulatory requirements is the Chief Inspector responsibility.
vi. Certificate is renewed yearly.
vii. The master copy of this certificate will be retained on-board the specific
viii. A copy of the certificate is to be retained within aircraft records.
4.8. Airworthiness Data follow up procedure :
4.8.1. Monthly check on manufacturs website shall be carried out by EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS Engineering Manager to stand on the latest issued Documents
4.8.2. A copy of Documents list from contracted A M O. Technical documents and
publications department shall be sent to engineering directory
4.8.3. Engineering Manager shall make a comparison between both above sources
to assure that all Documents issued by manufacturs were received by
maintenance contracted

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1. 06 Maintenance Records System
1. Objective:
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has a records system that ensures the fulfillment of operational
requirements is documented and retained,
2. References:
ECAR 43.13, 15, ECAR 91.417, 419& ECAR 121.376
3. Responsibility:
Function is subcontracted under the responsibility of the Chief Inspector
4. Description:

4. 1. General
Maintenance records are but not limited to:
4.1.1. Records used as the basis for issuing the Certificate of release to Service
(CRS) including the CRS for the aircraft/component and provide objective
evidence that the aircraft/component has been maintained correctly, and all
requirments for the singnig of maintenance release have been met .Using
methods techniques, and practices acceptable to ECAA. Such records include
also the CRS issued during maintenance work carried out by an approved
suppliers or the Maintenance Contractor
4.1.2. The total time and flight cycles, as appropriate, of the aircraft, engines,
4.1.3. The time and flight cycles as appropriate, since last overhaul of the aircraft or
aircraft component subjected to an overhaul life;
4.1.4. The current status of all life-limited aircraft components indicates the component
life limitation, total number of hours, accumulated cycles or calendar time and
the number of hours/cycles/time remaining before the required expiry time of the
component is reached
4.1.5. The current aircraft inspection status such that compliance with the approved
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS aircraft maintenance program .

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4.1.6. The current status of Airworthiness Directives (AD) identifies the applicable ADs
including revision or amendment numbers. Where an AD is generally applicable
to the aircraft or component type but is not applicable to the particular aircraft or
component, this is identified. The AD status includes the date on which the AD
was accomplished. If the AD is controlled by flight hours or flight cycles, it
includes the aircraft or engine or component total flight hours or cycles, as
appropriate. For repetitive ADs, only the last application is recorded in the AD
status. The status also specifies which part of a multi-part AD has been
accomplished and the method, where a choice is available in the AD.
4.1.7. Details of current modifications and repairs require substantiating data
supporting compliance with the airworthiness requirements. This can be in the
form of a Supplemental Type Certificate, Service Bulletin, Structural Repair
Manual or similar approved document. If the airworthiness data for modification
according to relevant authority requirements, all necessary documentation and /
or approvals shall be retained. Scheduled maintenance requirements following
STC incorporation are to be clearly identified. Substantiating data including
drawings, instructions, reports, tests, etc are to be retained as well
4. 2. Chief inspector responsibility
4.2.1. Insure the Maintenance Contractor maintaining the technical records as
Contractually agreed and are subjected to standardized processes for :
i. Identification;
ii. Legibility;
iii. Maintenance;
iv. Retention and retrieval;
v. Protection and security;
vi. Disposal /,transfer. deletion (for electronic records), and archiving
4.2.2. The level of detail shall be sufficient to determine, with reference to the
records, whether all the items of scheduled and unscheduled work including
troubleshooting, conform to the relevant data. This includes references to
the data applied (AMM,EM, TSM, WDM etc.), if such data are not already
indicated in the (CRS).

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4.2.3. Maintenance record entries: The person approving or disapproving the
release to service of an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, appliance, or
component part after any inspection performed in accordance with the
approved maintenance program, shall make an entry in the maintenance
record of that equipment containing the following information:
i. Thetypeofinspectionandabriefdescriptionoftheinspection;
ii. The date of the inspection and aircraft total time in service, if that total time is not
iii. Thesignature, thelicense number,and type oflicense heldby theperson approving or
disapproving for release to service, the aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, appliance,
iv. Iftheaircraftisfoundtobeairworthyandapprovedforreleasetoservice,thefollowing
or a similarly worded statement should be used: "I certify that this aircraft has been
inspected in accordance with (insert type per approved maintenance program)
4.2.4. Maintenance records falsification, reproduction, or alteration
i. No person may make or cause to be made:
a. Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any record or report that is
required to be made, kept, or used to show compliance with any
requirement under this Part;
b. Any reproduction, for fraudulent purpose, of any record or report required
under this Part; or
c. Any alteration, for fraudulent purpose, of any record or report required
under this Part.
ii. The commission by any person of an act prohibited under paragraph (i) of
this section is a basis for suspending or revoking the applicable airman
license, operator certification, maintenance organization approval, or
production certificate, authorization, approval or product or process
specification issued by the ECAA and held by that person or company
4.2.5 The aircraft records will be filed and stored in such a manner that the
records will be readily accessible to authorized personnel.

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4.2.6 The filing and storage system shall promote: - with ease of retrieval,
accessibility, and adequate controls.
4.2.7. When records will be maintained in a computer system, it shall have a back-up
system, which is to be updated within 24 hours of any maintenance. Each
terminal shall contain safeguards program against the ability of unauthorized
personnel to alter the database.
4.2.7 In outstations: the certifying staff will keep the maintenance records in the
outstations and send it on monthly bases to Cairo main base to be kept in
the maintenance records department
4. 3. Records maintaining program
4.3.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall regularly conduct an audit process to insure
that the following maintenance records are maintained by the Maintenance
i. Total time in service (accumulated hours, calendar times and cycles, as
appropriate, and those remaining before any life expiry is reached) of the
aircraft, engines and all life-limited components;
ii. Current status of compliance with all mandatory continuing airworthiness
iii. Appropriate details of modifications and repairs;
iv. Time in service (hours, calendar time and cycles, as appropriate,) since last
overhaul of the aircraft, engines or its components subject to a mandatory
overhaul life;
v. Current aircraft status of compliance with the Maintenance Program;
vi. Detailed maintenance records to show that all requirements for signing of a
certificate of release to service have been met..
4.3.2. The Maintenance Contractor shall be committed to provide EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS with regular and eventual reports to support the continuous
airworthiness monitoring of the A/C. These reports include and are not
limited to the following:

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Ser. Report type Frequency
i. Technical delay reports;
Reliability reports including dispatch, sys. and
iii. Copy of technical log pages;
iv. Status of deferred defects including reasons for deferral;
Draft copy of BOW for maintenance events; proposed
and executed and any additional work carried out
outside this BOW; for acceptance by EGYPTAIR
2 weeks in advance of
each maintenance
vi. Periodic MP compliance status;
vii. Requests for short term escalation due time;
1 day before due time
viii. ADs standard for Aircraft, Engines and Equipment;
ADs compliance status for Aircraft, Engines and
SBs and modification compliance status for Aircraft,
engines and equipment;
xi. LLP and TCI intervals compliance status;
Copy of post maintenance events summary report;
2 weeks after each
Details of modifications and repairs
2 weeks after
xiv. Maintenance events forecast plan;
xv. Updating of Aircraft Hours and Cycles;
xvi. Fortnight status report.

4. 4. Methods of Records Retention
4.4.1. Maintenance records will be a paper record maintained as follows:
i. Paper records will be of robust material to withstand normal handling and filing
ensures records can remain legible throughout the required retention period.
ii. Paper records will be stored safely from fire, flood, theft and alteration.
iii. Access to the paper records will be restricted to the authorized personnel and
the Technical Records Section personnel.
iv. Upon work completion, all records will be maintained in the Records Section
and EGYPTAIR EXPRESS will be provided with a copy of each CRS and any
specific approved repair/modification.

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v. All records shall be scanned in due time and kept on CDs as back up and are
to be stored in a different location from those containing the original records in
a safe storage environment and for the same required retention period.
4.4.2. Component Maintenance Record
The respective records section of the overhaul workshop is responsible to
i. retain all records generated during the accomplishment of the component
ii. These records including a copy of EASA Form One (J AA Form One)
are stored in a designated area that is fire proof & access controlled.
iii. The records are segregated by serial numbers.
4.4.3. Maintenance Records Retention Duration
Record Type Retention Period
i. Records containing total time in service,
calendar time, flying times and cycles, as
appropriate, of the aircraft, engines and life
limited components
From birth until 24 months after
withdrawal from service
ii. Notwithstanding item 1 above, records
containing flying times and cycles, as
appropriate, since last overhaul of the
components subjected to an overhaul life
Until such work is carried out
so that the component life is
zeroed again
iii. Records containing all detailed maintenance in
respect of life limited component and parts
From birth until 24 months after
withdrawal from service
iv. Records containing all detailed maintenance in
respect of the aircraft and any aircraft
component fitted thereto,
Until work carried out is
repeated , but not less than 12
v. Records containing the aircraft inspection
status such that compliance with approved
maintenance program can be established.
From birth until 24 months after
withdrawal from service
vi. Records containing the current status of
airworthiness directives AD's applicable to the
aircraft and aircraft components.
From birth until 24 months after
withdrawal from service

vii. Records containing details of accomplished
service bulletins SB's, modifications and repairs
to the aircraft, engines, and aircraft major
From birth until 24 months after
withdrawal from service

viii. TLB pages including oil & fuel records, DDL&
24 months
ix. AD/CN compliance cards for aircraft and
aircraft components(dirty finger print)
x. SB/EO/SIL compliance cards for aircraft and
aircraft components (dirty finger print).

From birth until 24 months after
withdrawal from service
From birth until 24 months after
withdrawal from service

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xi. Records required to sign a maintenance
Notwithstanding above time limits,
12 months
xii. Quality audit reports

24 months
xiii. when an aircraft becomes involved in an
accident or incident, the related flight recorder
records and, to the extent possible, the
associated flight recorders are preserved and
retained in safe custody
pending disposition in accordance
with the appropriate investigation

4. 5. Retrieval of Lost or Destroyed Records
4.5.1. Any records irrecoverably lost or destroyed will be reconstructed on a case by
case basis using other records maintained by the repair facilities.
4.5.2. A statement may be made in the new record describing the loss and
establishing the time in service based on the research of records maintained at
the repair facilities or with reference to concerned
4.5.3. The reconstructed records will be submitted to the ECAA authority for
4. 6. Termination or Cessation of an Activity
In case of termination or cessation of an activity of the Maintenance Contractor,
all the technical records related to that activity shall be transferred to EGYPTAIR
4. 7. Records transfer
4.7.1. When an aircraft is permanently transferred from EGYPTAIR EXPRESS to
another certificate holder the following records shall also be permanently
i. All detailed maintenance records in respect of the aircraft and any aircraft
component fitted thereto;
ii. The current aircraft inspection status such that compliance with the approved
certificate holder's aircraft maintenance program can be established;
iii. The current status of airworthiness directives applicable to the aircraft and
aircraft components; and
iv. Details of current modifications and repairs to the aircraft, engine(s), and any
other aircraft component vital to flight safety
v. Delivery inspection.

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vi. S/B incorporated.
vii. Time on life limits and life limited parts.
viii. Last scheduled check including structural inspection document.
ix. Part numbers and Serial numbers of installed equipment.
x. The applicable approved maintenance program
xi. J ustification for the performance of the required maintenance.
xii. Certification of release to service.
xiii. Procedure to receive and respond to mandatory continuing airworthiness
information received from the state of design or the state of registry and
should clearly identify the person responsible for these data.
xiv. Prior to initiation of the transfer, representatives of both parties should co-
ordinate the scope and content of the TLB.
4.7.2. When an aircraft is temporary transferred from EGYPTAIR EXPRESS to another
certificate holder then the above records shall be made available to the new
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1.07 Outsourcing and Product Control
1. Objective:
1.1. To set policy for subcontracting continuing airworthiness requirements to an
Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO).
1.2. To assure that component installed on A/C is obtained from an Authority approved
or accepted suppliers
1.3. To set monitoring and control processes for maintenance contract, to ensure the
maintenance Contractor that performs maintenance :
1.3.1. Complies with applicable regulations and requirements.
1.3.2. Have procedures that are acceptable to the ECAA granting the approval.
1.3.3. Performs all maintenance in accordance with requirements of EGYPTAIR
2. References:
2.1. ECAR 43.17 and ECAR 121.367, 121.369.
3. Responsibility:
3. 1. Maintenance Director for contract making and implementation.
3. 2. Chief Inspector for requirements review, and activity audit.
4. Description:
4 1. Contracted Maintenance Activities:
4.1.1. Maintenance agreement shall be executed between EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
and Maintenance Contractor (EGYPTAIR MAINTENANCE AND
ENGINEERING) to perform maintenance functions for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS,
such maintenance agreement:
i. Specify all maintenance requirements and define all tasks to be performed
,A.Ds are completed on time, service bulletins are analyzed and decisions
taken on accomplishment and all work, including non-mandatory
modifications, is carried out in accordance with approved data and to the
latest standards.

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Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012
ii. Comply with the procedures governing maintenance arrangements, as
specified in the MCM.
iii. Clear, unambiguous and sufficiently detailed specification of work and
assignment of responsibilities are to ensure that no misunderstanding can
arise between EGYPTAIR EXPRESS and AMO.
4.1.2. Contracted AMO shall have procedures that are acceptable to ECAA
4.1.3. Aircraft is maintained according to a continuous Airworthiness maintenance
program. Refer to Part 02 Chapter 01.
4.1.4. All tasks defined in the maintenance agreement with each external
maintenance organization that performs maintenance functions for EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS are completed in accordance with the maintenance agreement and
within the required time constraints
4.1.5. Contracted AMO has a detailed information with respect to all locations where
aircraft maintenance is to be performed (Ref. to 6.04 Line stations locations)
4.1.6. The Maintenance Contractor shall maintain a listing of external providers of
maintenance services and products, to include:
i. Organizations that are currently approved to perform maintenance on the
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Aircraft, engines, components and/or parts;
ii. Vendors that are currently approved to supply parts, components and other
materials for use in maintenance of the aircraft. .
4.1.7. Maintenance Director shall monitor maintenance activities to ensure the
Contracted AMO
i. Complies with ECAA regulations and safety and quality requirements;
ii. Has procedures that are acceptable to ECAA;
iii. Performs all maintenance in accordance with requirements of EGYPTAIR
By assigning representative in line maintenance and during A/C conducted in
base maintenance
4 2. Contracted Continuous Airworthiness Management Service:
4.2.1. The Contracted AMO shall perform the Contracted Continuous Airworthiness
Management activities for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS. Contracted Continuous
Airworthiness Management activities include the following list:

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i. Aircraft Technical Log Utilization;
ii. MEL Application (Commercial Air transport).
iii. Aircraft Maintenance Program - Development Amendment and Approval ;
iv. Time and Continuing Airworthiness Records , Retention;
v. Accomplishment and Control of Airworthiness Directives;
vi. Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Maintenance Program(s);
vii. Implementation of Non Mandatory Modification Embodiment Policy;
viii. Major Modification Standards;
ix. Defects Reports;
x. Engineering Activity;
xi. Reliability Program;
xii. Monitoring of Continuing Airworthiness Management Activities;
xiii. Monitoring of Effectiveness of the Maintenance Program(s);
xiv. Monitoring that all Maintenance is Carried out by an Appropriate
Maintenance Organization;
xv. Monitoring that all Contracted maintenance is carried out in Accordance with
the Contract, including Subcontractors used by the Maintenance Contractor;
xvi. Maintenance Contractor Selection Procedure;
xvii. Quality Audit of Aircraft.
4.2.2. The AMO shall have, for the use and guidance of its relevant maintenance
personnel, an appropriate manual for the use and guidance of its personnel
addressing the above items in 4.2.1 as a minimum
4 3. Material Purchasing
Maintenance Director shall insure that Contracted AMO has a purchasing program
to ensure:
4.2.1. Aircraft parts and materials are only obtained from approved sources;
4.2.2. Certification documentation requirements are specified (refer to 2.04 table 1)
4.2.3. Traceability and or appropriate certificate to an approved supplier for used or
surplus parts;
4.2.4. a statement of conformity or certification test results is required for hardware
and raw materials, such as extrusions, sheet or bar stock;

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4.2.5. Inventory storage of consumable material is managed to ensure traceability of
batch control.
4 4. Selection of material suppliers:
Maintenance Director shall insure that the potential material suppliers are selected
as follows:
4.3.1 Class (A): Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
4.3.2 Class (B): Suppliers referred to in OEM technical documents or approved by
4.3.3 Class (C): Accepted EXPRESS or approved or accepted repair stations.
4.3.4 The selection will be limited only if the national Airworthiness' authority
governing the EXPRESS or repair stations / maintenance workshop of a level
is acceptable to ECAA.
4.3.5 Class (D): Surplus parts dealers; limited only if the surplus parts dealer
provides only appropriately certificated new parts which have been
manufactured by the OEM or by a manufacturer approved by the OEM
4 5. Authorization Grant to Use Supplier
4.4.1. Class A and Class B Suppliers are considered as an accepted supplier.
4.4.2. the Maintenance Contractor QA Director shall evaluate the Class C and D
suppliers using Suppliers questionnaire.
4.4.3. For Class C Suppliers; by reviewing the received questionnaire from a Class C
Supplier, Contracted AMO QA Director may determine if the Supplier is
satisfactory or he needs an audit.
4.4.4. For Class D potential suppliers and evaluation will be made based on
Suppliers pre-audit quality questionnaire and / or Quality audit performed for
the supplier. If the evaluation is accepted, authorization to use the supplier will
be granted and the list of approved suppliers will be accordingly amended.
4 6. Monitoring of Supplier Performance:
Suppliers will be continuously monitored through nonconformities and
discrepancies collected during operation.
4 7. Treatment of Suspected Unapproved Parts Bogus Parts

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4.7.1. Definition: Suspected Unapproved Part / Bogus Part is an aircraft component
that was not manufactured or not maintained or not released in accordance
with approved procedures or that does not conform to an approved type
design or standards.
4.7.2. Parts that are suspected to be unapproved shall be quarantined until being
definitively clarified
4.7.3. Handling of Incoming Notifications and Information on Suspected Unapproved
Parts all external and internal received notifications and information on
suspected unapproved parts received must be passed to the Contracted AMO
QA Director
4.7.4. The Maintenance Contractor QA Director shall take necessary investigations
and corrective actions if EGYPTAIR EXPRESS aircraft or components are
4.7.5. QA Director shall inform ECAA about any received or discovered suspected
unapproved part
4 8. Purchasing Documentation and Recording:
The Maintenance Contractor must take necessary actions to keep a complete
record system relating to Purchasing, approved and quarantined suppliers and
4 9. Training of maintenance service providers:
Whenever required, EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall provide the required training on
its processes and procedures including its documentation, certification,
recording requirements and other relevant paper work to different service
providers. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS allows such service providers to cascade the
training to concerned personnel, EGYPTAIR EXPRESS authorizes its
contracted AMO to provide such training to other service providers as needed.
This is to be assured by carrying out the necessary surveillance and / or auditing
or otherwise.
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Part 1:Management
Chapter 1.08
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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1.08 Qualifications and Training
1. Objective:
To set a training policy for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS technical staff, this ensures that
each person is fully informed about procedures, techniques and equipment in use
and is competent to perform his duties.
2. References:
ECAR 121.380
3. Responsibility
Function is subcontracted under the responsibility of the Chief Inspector.
4. Description:

4.1. Maintenance management training:

4.1.1. The Chief Inspector shall ensure that all directorate personnel will have
training on MCM according to training plane.
4.1.2. Training Manager shall prepare annual training plan Form T1 approved by
chief inspector.
4.1.3. Chief Inspector shall ensure that appropriate training is to be made for
4.1.4. All training will be recorded& documented
4.1.5. All technical training shall be done at EGYPTAIR Training Centre.
4.1.6. Training files are updated and kept by training manager.
4.1.7. Training files shall contain refreshing courses, human factors, auditing,
4.1.8. Training files shall retained for two years after leaving company

4.2. Training Program:
4.2.1. Technical Training shall be carried out at approved training centers
according to approved training courses, and records shall reflect details
of such training.
4.2.2. The approved training program shall include training on knowledge and
skills related to human factors and human performance limitations

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including co-ordination with other maintenance personnel and flight
4.2.3. The program for continuation training lists all certifying personnel and when
training will take place, the elements of such training and an indication it
was carried out reasonably on time as planned. Such information is
subsequently transferred to the certifying personnel record.
4.2.4. Continuation training shall be on an interval not to exceed 24 months.
4.2.5. Appropriate training is to be made for engineering, training and planning
4.2.6. Appropriate training and qualification program shall be made for auditors
used in the QA Program
4.3. Training Records:
4.3.1. Training record system shall include training and qualification requirements
for personnel. The system shall ensure:
i. Identification;
ii. Legibility;
iii. Maintenance;
iv. Retention and retrieval;
v. Protection and security;
vi. Disposition (disposal/transfer).
4.3.2. Technical Director keeps records of the initial, recurrent, continuation and
specific training and qualifications awarded current status for all technical
4.3.3. Records contain the following information:
i. Name (full name).
ii. Employee code.
iii. Date of birth.
iv. Basic training.
v. Initial, specific, recurrent & continuation training.
vi. Human factors Initial, recurrent & continuation training
vii. Audit Initial, recurrent & continuation training

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viii. Any other training
4.3.4. The records are to be kept to assure data protection requirements.
4.3.5. Process of creation, updating, control and retention of a record is the
responsibility of Technical Director
4.3.6. Data Protection
Technical Director is responsible for taking appropriate measures for
secure handling and storage of records in such a manner that:
i. Persons authorized to access the system should be maintained to the
ii. To ensure that records cannot be altered in an unauthorized manner.
iii. Confidential records have to be secured and protected against
unauthorized access.
iv. Lost records are to be reconstructed and identified, using known
records standards.
v. Electronic or the hard copy files using the employee code (payroll
number). . These files updated as long as the employee is working with

5. Forms:
Form no: T1

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Part 1:Management
Chapter 1.09
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1.09 Concession Control and Deviation
From Organization Procedure
1. Objective:
To set the policy for applying for waivers and deviations from set procedures regarding
maintenance when there is an unavoidable need for such.
2. References:
ECAR 91 903,905 ECAR 121.58
3. Responsibility:
Chief Inspector for processing with Authority
4. Description
4.1. If need calls for a deviation from a set requirement and such requirement relates to
an approved document or Airworthiness data, the person-in-charge shall apply for
such deviation using form 205 to the Chief Inspector. The deviation shall be
justified and necessary documents attached. Chief Inspector shall study the
required deviation. A No Technical Objection may be needed from the relevant
type certificate holder. Chief Inspector shall proceed to obtain Authority approval
on requested deviation(s).
4.2. It is not allowed to implement any deviation before such approval is granted.
4.3. Records regarding all granted deviations shall be appropriately filed and kept
within the Aircraft Records. A copy will be maintained at the Chief Inspector office.
4.4. Deviation records shall contain the following data:
i. Name of applicant
ii. A deviation number; such number shall be put sequentially
iii. Description so as to the area of application of deviation; aircraft, aircraft
component or document and duration, if any
iv. Date
v. Deviation details.

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vi. Engineering comments
vii. Used references.
viii. Classification, so as to major or minor.
5. Forms:
1. Deviation / Waiver Request Form 205.

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1.10 Quality Assurance

1. Objective:
To describe how the quality monitoring functions are carried out.
2. References:
ECAR 121.365, 121.370.
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Chairman
3.2. Chief Inspector.
4. Description:
4.1. General:
4.1.1. The quality assurance program that provides for auditing of all functions of
the management system for maintenance operations to ensure EGYPTAIR
i. complies with ECAA regulations, and all activities are performed in
accordance with the accepted MCM, requirements;
ii. Satisfying stated maintenance operations needs;
iii. Identifying undesirable conditions and areas requiring improvement;
iv. Identifying hazards in maintenance operations. [SMS] .
4.1.2. Monitoring that AMO and all contracted maintenance is carried out in
accordance with the following:
i. The contract
ii. ECAA regulations and requirements;
iii. Procedures that are acceptable to the ECAA approval;
iv. MCM requirements
4.1.3. Monitoring that all referenced procedures remain applicable and effective.
4.1.4. Audit program includes:
i. Audit initiation, including scope and objectives;
ii. Planning and preparation, including audit plan and checklist development;
iii. Observation and gathering of evidence;
iv. Analysis, findings, actions;

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v. Reporting and audit summary;
vi. Follow-up and close out.
4.1.5. Addressing findings that result from audits of maintenance management
system functions, shall be studied in detail to ensure the following:
i. Determination of the root cause(s) of findings;
ii. Development of corrective or preventive action, as appropriate, to
address the finding(s);
iii. Implementation of corrective or preventive action in a timely manner in
appropriate areas of maintenance operations;
iv. Evaluation of corrective or preventive action to determine effectiveness,
necessary re-audits may be made to assure fulfillment of the above.
4.1.6. To ensure effective compliance with the maintenance activities, the following
elements should be covered:
i. Product sampling: one aircraft or more (25% of each type) shall be partially
inspected while maintenance work is undergone
ii. Defect sampling: a monitoring of a defect rectification is to be done at least
once weekly.
iii. Concession sampling e.g the extensions to scheduled maintenance: : this is
to be done by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS according to Operation Specification
Requirements and monthly reported to ECAA.
iv. On-time maintenance sampling: the monitoring of maintenance intervals
(flying hours, calendar time, flight cycles) for aircraft and their components;
this is done through auditing on maintenance record
v. Sampling reports of un-airworthy conditions and maintenance errors All un-
airworthy conditions and maintenance errors are revised by C.I.
4.1.7. An independent quality audit program shall consist of routine sample checks
of all aspects of the approved maintenance organization's ability to carry out
all maintenance to the required standards. This process includes:
i. Product sampling, as this is the end result of the maintenance process, which
represents an objective overview of the complete maintenance related
activities; product sampling is intended to complement the requirement for

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certifying personnel to be satisfied that all required maintenance has been
properly carried out before the issue of the certificate of release to service.
ii. A percentage of random audits carried out on a sample basis when
maintenance is being carried out; random audits include audits done during
the night for those organizations that work at night.
iii. Quality feedback system that ensure all findings resulting from the
independent quality audits of the organization are properly investigated and
corrected in a timely manner :
iv. Independent quality audit reports are sent to the relevant department(s) for
rectification action proposing target rectification dates ;
v. Rectification dates are discussed with such department(s) before the quality
department or nominated quality auditor confirms dates in the report ;
vi. The relevant department(s) rectifies findings within agreed rectification dates
and informs the quality department or nominated quality auditor of the
completion of such rectifications.
4.1.8. The Accountable Manager of the Maintenance Organization shall be kept
informed of the safety issues and the extent of compliance with authority
4.1.9. A Management review meeting shall be made periodically (once each six
months) headed by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chairman and attended by senior
managers and managers of maintenance operational activities for evaluation
of audit outputs, findings, progresses, corrective and preventive actions and
the compliance with set requirements.
4.1.10. All records pertaining to the independent quality and the quality feedback
system are required to be retained for at least two years after the date of
closure of the finding to which they refer, or for such periods as to support
changes to the audit time periods, whichever is longer.
4.1.11. This QA Program shall not be based on a system of end product inspection,
but upon periodic verifications of all aspects of the systems and practices
used for the control of maintenance to ensure compliance with regulations
and with EGYPTAIR EXPRESS approved procedures.

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4.1.13. The aim of the program is to provide an unbiased picture of the AMO
performance to verify that activities comply with the MCM and confirm that
the systems and procedures described in the MOE remain effective and
achieving the AMO requirements .
4.1.14. The program flexibility shall be maintained and adapt itself continuously to all
current ECAA rules.
4.1.15. The auditor shall have sufficient skills to uncover concealed problems,
carefully define them, and give some indications to their causes.
4.1.16. The auditor shall be able to furnish enough detailed facts on which a course
of corrective actions can rely.
4.2. Internal Auditing Process:
4.2.1. The management system identifies, provides and maintains the infrastructure
necessary to produce safe and secure operations, to include support
facilities, services and equipment appropriate for the area, such as the
i. Buildings, workspaces and associated utilities;
ii. Facilities for people in the organization;
iii. Support services, including transportation and communication.
4.2.2. Likewise, the management system ensures a work environment that has a
positive influence on motivation, satisfaction and performance of personnel in
order to maximize safe and secure operations. A suitable work environment
satisfies human and physical factors and considers:
i. Safety rules and guidance, including the use of protective equipment;
ii. Workplace location(s);
iii. Workplace temperature, humidity, light, air flow;
iv. Cleanliness, noise or pollution
4.2.3. The availability of the facilities, personnel, equipment and other resources as
necessary for Monitoring Maintenance provider on the following functions:
i. The initial development of the maintenance schedule
ii. Scheduling maintenance, elementary work and servicing to be performed
within the time constraints specified in the approved maintenance schedule;

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iii. Scheduling the accomplishment of Airworthiness Directives(ADs); operation
of an evaluation program to ensure that all required procedures
iv. And, in particular the maintenance schedule, continue to be effective and in
compliance with the applicable regulations;
v. The proper dispatch of aircraft, with regard to:
a. Control of defects;
b. Availability of spare parts;
c. Conformity with the type design;
d. Requirements of other applicable operating rules.
4.2.4. The availability of the personnel for:
i. Liaison with approved maintenance organizations for the performance of
ii. Development and update of the Maintenance Control Manual
4.2.5. Management and control system for documentation and technical data
4.2.6. Staff training
4.2.7. Records (Personnel and Aircraft)
4.3. Audit for Contracted AMO to fulfill the following requirements:
4.3.1. The approval certificates are valid as per Ch (6.12-Clause 1.1.iv) and 1.2.
The management system identifies, provides and maintains the infrastructure
necessary to produce safe and secure operations, to include maintenance
support facilities, services and equipment appropriate for the area, such as:
i. Buildings, workspaces and associated utilities;
ii. Facilities for people in the organization;
iii. Support equipment, including tools, hardware and software;
iv. Support services, including transportation and communication.
v. Likewise, the management system ensures a work environment that has a
positive influence on motivation, satisfaction and performance of personnel in
order to maximize safe and secure operations. a suitable work environment
satisfies human and physical factors and considers:
a. Safety rules and guidance, including the use of protective equipment.
b. Security rules and guidance to secure aircraft during and after checks.
c. Workplace location(s);

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d. Workplace temperature, humidity, light, air flow;
e. Cleanliness, noise or pollution
4.3.2. The availability of the facilities, personnel, equipment and other resources as
necessary for the implementation of the following management and control
i. The initial development of the maintenance schedule;
ii. Scheduling maintenance, elementary work and servicing to be performed
within the time constraints specified in the approved maintenance schedule;
iii. Scheduling the accomplishment of Airworthiness Directives (ADs);
iv. Operation of an evaluation program to ensure that all required procedures
and, in particular the maintenance schedule, continue to be effective and in
compliance with the applicable regulations;
v. The proper dispatch of aircraft, with regard to:
a. Control of defects;
b. Availability of spare parts;
c. Conformity with the type design;
d. Requirements of other applicable operating rules.
4.3.3. Has a manager with appropriate qualifications, acceptable to ECAA, who is
responsible for the management and supervision of the maintenance refer to
Ch6.12 Clause 2.1).
4.3.4. Has nominated appropriate personnel with responsibilities for ensuring the
maintenance organization is in compliance with the requirements for an
approved maintenance organization as accepted by ECAA ,refer to Ch. 6.12
Clause 2.2.).
4.3.5. Has the necessary personnel to plan, perform, supervise, inspect and
release the maintenance work to be performed(
4.3.6. Has an independent Quality Assurance (QA) Program (6.12-3)that:
i. Monitors compliance with ECAA regulations, requirements and the
Maintenance Procedures Manual (MOE) of the AMO;
ii. Addresses the specific requirements of the Operator, as specified in the
maintenance agreement;
iii. Comprises the specifications and control processes as follows:

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a. An internal audit and surveillance program
b. An established audit schedule ;
c. A record of audit findings and corrective and/or preventive actions;
d. Assurance of appropriate corrective action ;
e. All elements necessary to confirm the maintenance organization is in
compliance with the applicable regulations and the MCM ;
f. The QA program confirms all referenced procedures remain applicable
and effective Control processes :
g. An audit program , using the published checklists that cover all aspects
of the maintenance organization technical activities , conducted within 12
months following the date that the operating certificate is issued;
h. Reviewing audit reports conducted at intervals established in the
approved MOE;
i. Records of findings of compliance and non-compliance resulting from the
j. Procedures to ensure the findings of the audits are communicated to
Chairman and made available to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS ;
k. Where appropriate , immediate and long-term actions to correct the root
cause of each non- compliance noted ;
l. Follow-up procedures to ensure necessary corrective/preventive actions (
both immediate and long-term ) implemented by the Maintenance
Organization are effective
m. A record-keeping system to ensure details of audit findings, corrective
actions, preventive actions and follow-up are recorded and that the
records are retained for two complete evaluation cycles.
iv. Is under the sole control of the Quality Manager or the person assigned
managerial responsibility for the program.
v. The quality system shall enable the AMO to ensure it can deliver a safe
product and remain at all times in compliance with the requirements.
4.3.7. Has a process for periodic review of the QA Program by the Quality Manager
or the person assigned managerial responsibility for the program for the
purpose of ensuring compliance with current requirements of the

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Maintenance Program and the MCM as referred in MCM Ch.(6.12-
4.3.8. Has a process to immediately report to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS any defects,
un-airworthy conditions, failures or malfunctions as specified in Ch. 2.13
4.3.9. Utilizes maintenance personnel whose competence has been established in
accordance with a procedure and to a level acceptable to the ECAA ,and
according to Ch. 6.12 Clause 4.1.1
4.3.10. Utilizes appropriately licensed/authorized maintenance personnel to sign the
certificate of release to service. Such personnel shall have met the ECAA
requirements with respect to age, knowledge, experience and, when
required, medical fitness and skill according to Ch. 6.12 Clause -4.2
4.3.11. Has a training program as per Ch. 6.1 Clause -5:
i. Assures all maintenance personnel receive initial, continuation and any
additional training appropriate to individual assigned tasks and
responsibilities that includes training in the knowledge and skills related to
human performance, including coordination with other maintenance
personnel and with flight crew.
ii. Assures maintenance personnel with technical responsibilities have the
requisite knowledge of regulations, standards and procedures in accordance
with requirements in the MCM
iii. Provides for continuation training for all maintenance personnel on an interval
not to exceed 24 months, which may be reduced to a lesser interval based
on findings generated by the QA Program.
4.3.12. Has a training and qualification program for auditors used in the QA Program.
4.3.13. Has training program that provides for initial and continuation training for
receiving inspectors.
4.3.14. Has the basic facilities and work environment, appropriate for the
maintenance tasks to be performed, to include as in 6.12-6.1 :
i. A place of business, with a fixed address;
ii. Communications equipment/software, such as telephones, facsimile
machines and others;

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iii. Any devices used to establish when a particular aircraft requires
iv. A secure, dry storage area to retain aircraft technical records.
4.3.15. Management and control system for documentation and technical data used
i. A means of identifying the published status of maintenance documents
ii. A distribution process that ensures availability of the current version of
applicable maintenance documentation and technical data to appropriate
personnel in all areas where maintenance is performed;
iii. Review and revision as necessary to maintain the currency of information
contained in the MOE and maintenance documents;
iv. Retention of documents that permits easy reference and accessibility;
v. Identification and control of obsolete and/or reproduced documents;
vi. Reception of documentation and/or data from external sources to ensure
information is received in time to satisfy operational requirements;
vii. Retention and dissemination of documentation received from external
4.3.16. Processes to ensure the content of documentation used directly in the
conduct or support of maintenance operations:
i. Is readily identifiable and accessible to maintenance personnel;
ii. Contains information that is clear, legible and accurately represented;
iii. Is written in a language understood by maintenance personnel;
iv. Is presented in a logical and consistent format that permits ease of use by
maintenance personnel;
v. Is accepted or approved by ECAA,
4.3.17. Has facilities suitable for the storage of parts, equipment, tools and material
under conditions that provide security and prevent deterioration of and
damage to stored items, as 6.12-6.4 to include:
i. Clean work areas, including management offices;
ii. Parts and material properly identified and stored;
iii. Oxygen and other high-pressure bottles properly identified and stored;
iv. Flammable, toxic or volatile materials properly identified and stored;

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v. Equipment identified and protected
4.3.18. A records system that ensures the fulfillment of operational requirements is
documented and retained, including training and qualification requirements
for maintenance personnel. Such system shall be in accordance with
requirements of ECAA, and provide for the management of records to
i. Identification;
ii. Legibility;
iii. Maintenance;
iv. Retention and retrieval;
v. Protection and security;
vi. Disposition (disposal/transfer)
4.3.19. Ensure all modifications and repairs carried out comply with airworthiness
requirements acceptable to ECAA and procedures are established to ensure
that technical records supporting compliance with the airworthiness
requirements are retained.
4.3.20. The defect recording system includes a method to clearly highlight recurring
defects to flight crews and the maintenance organization at all bases where
the aircraft is operated. Contracted AMO is responsible for identifying
recurring defects and notifying maintenance personnel, in order to avoid the
duplication of unsuccessful attempts at rectification.
4.3.21. Have a program to ensure the following maintenance records are maintained:
i. Total time in service (hours, calendar time and cycles, as appropriate,) of the
aircraft, engines and all life-limited components;
ii. Current status of compliance with all mandatory continuing airworthiness
information; appropriate details of modifications and repairs;
iii. Time in service (hours, calendar time and cycles, as appropriate,) since last
overhaul of the aircraft, engines or its components subject to a mandatory
overhaul life;
iv. Current aircraft status of compliance with the Maintenance Program;
v. Detailed maintenance records to show that all requirements for signing of a
maintenance release have been met.

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vi. AD/CN compliance cards for aircraft and aircraft components
vii. SB/EO/SIL compliance cards for aircraft and aircraft components.
4.3.22. Records in the above are retained as mentioned in Ch1.06 Clause 4.4.3
4.3.23. The completed aircraft technical log pages are retained to provide a
continuous record of the last six months of operations
4.3.24. Has an accepted MOE that contains, as a minimum refer to MCM Ch. 6.12
Clause 8):):
i. The name and location of the AMO;
ii. The date of issue and period of validity of the approval;
iii. The scope of the approval
iv. Has a process to amend the MOE as necessary to keep the information
contained therein up-to-date
v. Has a process to furnish copies of all amendments to the MOE promptly to all
organizations or persons to whom the manual has been issued
4.3.25. Has the necessary technical data, equipment, tools and material to perform
the work for which the maintenance organization has been approved, as per
MCM Ch. 6.12 Clause to include:
i. Equipment and tools necessary to comply with the work specified in the
agreement between EGYPTAIR EXPRESS and the maintenance
ii. Sufficient supplies and spare parts to ensure timely rectification of defects
with regard to the Minimum Equipment List (CMEL) provisions and in
accordance with service level agreements.
iii. Tools and equipment, as specified in the Approved Data, can be made
available when needed. Tools and equipment, which require to be
controlled in terms of servicing or calibration to measure specified
dimensions and torque figures, are to be clearly identified and listed in a
control register
iv. Sufficient aircraft access equipment and inspection platforms/docking such
that the aircraft may be properly inspected.
v. The supplies necessary to perform maintenance work refer to readily
available raw material and aircraft components, in accordance with the

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manufacturer's recommendations, unless the organization has an
established spares provisioning procedure
4.3.26. Has a shelf-life program for applicable stored items, which includes a
requirement for the shelf-life limit to be controlled and displayed as per MCM
Ch.6.12 Clause -6.4)
4.3.27. Has a receiving inspection process as per MCM Ch. 6.12 Clause -6.5 that:
i. Assures incoming material has the required certification documentation and
ii. Includes a process for verification of incoming part tags to ensure information
on the tag (e.g., part name, part number, serial number, modification and/or
any other applicable reference information) matches the corresponding
information on the part
4.3.28. Has a secure quarantine area for rejected parts and materials awaiting
disposition as per Ch. 6.12 Clause.7.6.2
4.3.29. Has a process for segregating aircraft serviceable parts, aircraft non-
serviceable parts, and non- aircraft parts as per Ch. 6.12 Clause 7.6.2
4.3.30. Has an Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD) Program, as specified in
chapter 6.12- Clause 7.6.3
4.3.31. Has a method of storage that assures sensitive parts and equipment, such as
oxygen system components (oxygen generators and bottles), O-rings and
electrostatic sensitive devices are properly packaged, identified and stored to
protect them from damage and contamination as per Ch. 6.12 Clause -7.6.5.
4.3.32. Has a process that assures aircraft components and parts are shipped in
suitable containers that provide protection from damage and, when specified
by the OEM, ATA-300 or equivalent containers shall be used as per Ch. 6.12
Clause -7.6.1
4.3.33. Produces a completed and signed certificate of release to service that
certifies all maintenance work performed has been completed satisfactorily
and in accordance with the approved data and procedures described in the
MCM Ch. 6.12 Clause -9
4.3.34. Produces a completed and signed certificate of release to service that

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i. Basic details of the maintenance performed;
ii. A reference of the approved data used;
iii. The date such maintenance was completed;
iv. When applicable, identity of the approved maintenance organization;
v. Identity of the person or persons signing the release.
4.3.35. Retains detailed maintenance records to show that all requirements for the
signing of a maintenance release have been met
4.3.36. Retains records required in accordance with chapter 1.06. item 4.3 for a
minimum period of one year after the maintenance release has been signed
4.3.37. The Maintenance Organization shall have procedures to control and
document the calibration and records of all tools, including personnel own
tools, and preventing out-of-service and due for-calibration tools and
equipment from being used, in accordance with specifications in chapter
6.12- Clause 10.
4.4. Audit Elements: shall insure the following:
4.4.1. Adequacy, cleanliness and up-keeping of equipment and facilities.
4.4.2. Administrative and supervisory aspects of maintenance activities (including
contracted and subcontracted work).
4.4.3. Proper performance of maintenance on aircraft systems including engines
and components.
4.4.4. Appropriate maintenance scheduling, control and accountability of used
4.4.5. Adequacy and serviceability of ground support equipment.
4.4.6. Adequacy, serviceability, calibration and identification of tools, including
personnel own tools, and test equipment.
4.4.7. Availability of sufficient and competent manpower to perform assigned
tasks, including appropriate qualifications / authorizations / certifications.
4.4.8. Adequacy of records and proper filling and up keeping.
4.4.9. Appropriate handling of required inspection items.
4.4.10. Use of work turnover forms and procedures.
4.4.11. Adequacy of parts and material including appropriate handling,
transportation, protection, storage, shelf life control, segregation of

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hazardous material and handling of delicate or sensitive items as ESD
4.4.12. Appropriate fuel /oil /hydraulic /chemical storage and adherence to
environmental rules for disposal.
4.4.13. Compliance with aircraft deicing /anti-icing, requirements
4.4.14. Compliance with maintenance deferral procedures.
4.4.15. Implementation of safety rules for personnel and assets.
4.4.16. Availability, currency and proper use of applicable airworthiness data, work
forms, technical instructions and company procedures.
4.4.17. Modification tracking of aircraft and its parts/components.
4.4.18. Proper planning of tasks and follow up on work progress.
4.4.19. Compliance with aircraft fuel servicing operations including mobile fueling
units, fixed fueling facility and fuel checking for water and contamination,
fuel systems sampling program.
4.4.20. The implementation of an appropriate quality assurance program by the
maintenance provider
4.5. Audit Scheduling:
4.5.1. The audit scheduling will be done through a yearly plan to cover the whole
quality system. The yearly plan for procedures audit shall identify:
i. The audit date.
ii. The audit reference.
iii. The audit report due date.
iv. The duration of the audit conducted on each organization, product and / or
process; will depend on its scope and depth.
4.5.2. The yearly audits plan is reviewed by the Chief Inspector and approved by
the Chairman.
4.5.3. The maximum intervals for periodic audits of maintenance activities shall be
determined. The intervals may be more frequent in areas of chronic
problems and areas subjected to high-risk conditions. The intervals may
also be escalated in areas without significant problems provided there is a
justified data base.

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4.5.4. The audit notification shall be distributed to all concerned at least two weeks
prior to audit date. Deviation from schedule shall be approved by the Chief
Inspector and shall be timely communicated, to all interested organizations.
4.5.5. Unscheduled audits may be carried out if the need calls for.
4.5.6. The frequency of audits may be modified to suit conditions.
4.5.7. Areas with significant findings may be re-audited within shorter intervals; the
frequency of audit checks may be increased. Conversely, in minimal
problem areas, the audit frequency may be reduced.
4.5.8. The re-audit is to confirm the effectiveness of corrective actions taken in
response to the findings from the previous audit.

Audit Schedule





1 AMO Outstation QAF103/AMO/01
2 Ground Service Outstation QAF103/GS/01
3 Ramp Inspection.
4 Line Maintenance QAF103/AMO/03
Maintenance Planning And
6 Tech. Services DEPARTMENT QAF103/AMO/05
7 Manuals And Publications Dpt QAF103/AMO/06
8 Maintenance Records QAF103/AMO/07
9 Fuel Servicing QAF103/AMO/08
10 Base Maintenance QAF103/AMO/09
11 Overhaul and Repair Workshops QAF103/AMO/01
12 Material & Stores Management QAF103/AMO/10
13 Tools And Equipments QAF103/AMO/11

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14 Training Process QAF103/AMO/12
15 Quality Assurance QAF103/AMO/13
16 Safety Assurance QAF103/AMO/14

Internal Audit Schedule




1 MAINT. Director MANAGEMENT QAF 103/I/1
2 Per Year
2 Engineering & Planning Department QAF 103/I/2
3 Maintenance Department QAF 103/I/3
4 Documentation Department QAF 103/I/4
5 Contract Department QAF 103/I/5
6 Chief Inspector . Department QAF 103/I/6
7 Quality Audit Department QAF 103/I/7
8 Training Department QAF 103/I/8
9 Records Department QAF 103/I/9
10 Quality Control Department QAF 103/I/10

4.6. The Audit Report:
4.6.1. When the audit is completed, and Before distribution, the preliminary
conclusions will be advised to the person(s) in charge of the areas subject
to audit. The quality auditor and the persons responsible for the
areas/subjects audited will determine and agree together the corrective
actions to be taken. This will also define the time allowed for corrective
actions to be implemented. The corrective action should be
determined taking into account the root cause of the finding, such that the
corrective action may be carried out in a fashion that will prevent possible
re-occurrence of the finding.

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4.6.2. If agreement cannot be reached on contraversial points, the opinion
of the audited organization should be included in the audit report.
Each part will raise a report to the respective chairman. Which may
transfer the subject disagreement to the corporete Safety Quality
Directorate for resolution.
4.6.3. The auditor/supervisor of the auditing team will submit a report of the
findings to the Chief Inspector.
4.6.4. Audit reports structure and breakdown should conform to the standard
4.6.5. Audit reports shall contain name of audited organization and name of
organization representative in the audit coordination process.
4.6.6. The report shall refer to the standards used, participants, dates, program,
confidentiality clause for who will get a copy of the report and summary of
audit findings.
4.6.7. The report shall be distributed to all organizational units affected by audit
or corrective measures.
4.6.8. Audit reports shall detemine the dates for the corrective actions. Reports
shall provide for follow-up on corrective actions.
4.6.9. Chief Inspector shall raise a report covering the whole audited activities,
findings, corrective and preventive actions agreed upon and related
organizations feedback to Chairman at least once annualy.
4.6.10. All relevant audit reports shall be in an editable format by the Chief
Inspector, this includes:
i. Quality Audit Plan Form 102
ii. Quality Audit Notification Form 101.
iii. Quality Audit Check List XX.
iv. Non-Conformity Report NCR Form 105
v. Corrective Action follow-up status Form 104
4.6.11. The retention period is two years.
4.7. Audit findings levels:
The findings of an audit will be categorized as follows:

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4.7.2. Level two: Action required to avoid lowering of maintenance standards and
to be corrected with one month.
4.7.3. Level three: Immediate action to avoid a potential safety issue or
airworthiness approval suspension
4.8. Feedback and Corrective/Preventive Actions Follow-up procudre:
4.8.1. The audit program shall be reviewed by the Chief Inspector at least once
yearly. Program shall be amended accordingly. Any changes in the MCM or
the organization procedures shall be reflected in the audit program.
4.8.2. Corrective actions, and/or plans for implementation of, are to be received
from the auditee within five working days.
4.8.3. Corrective actions may include, where appropriate, immediate actions
and/or long term actions depending on the nature of the findings. Corrective
actions shall address, as far as possible, root causes of the findings to
prevent re-occurrence
4.8.4. Remained open items during each month shall be raised to Chief Inspector
until a resolution is achieved.
4.8.5. Findings identified during audits should be rectified and the agreed
measures carried-out within the specified deadlines, under the responsibility
of the audited organizational units.
4.8.6. If the effectiveness of a corrective measure cannot be assessed at the time
of completion or if an additional audit is found to be necessary; it should be
incorporated in the next audit plan or scheduled for implementation in a
subsequent audit.
4.8.7. Rectification of findings and any stipulated subsequent audits should be
documented as part of the audit records and stored in editable format.
4.8.8. Chairman is responsible for the overall assessment of the audit system and
for approving the necessary corrective and improvement measures.
4.8.9. The recommended corrections shall be timely carried out by the audited
4.8.10. If necessary a check of the implementation of corrective action may be
4.9. Quality Auditors Responsibilities:

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4.9.1 Controlling an Audit program.
4.9.2 Issuing the quality audit reports after discussing it with the concerned
organizational unit to adapt a corrective action plan after evaluation of the
4.9.3 Following up the corrective action plan and ensuring that it is done within
the time frame.
4.9.4 Reporting all results of audits carried out to the Chief Inspector.
4.9.5 Ensuring that the completed audit reports are accessible to the assigned
Authority staff upon request.
4.9.6 One of the auditing team will be assigned as a lead auditor and he will be
the formal focal point of contact with the management.
4.10. Quality Auditors Qualifications:
Permanent / dedicated auditors are of permanent staff.
4.10.1 Pre-Qualifications:
i. Having a good command of written and spoken English language
ii. Having a suitable engineering degree.
iii. Knowledge of products / services in the area of his responsibility and
related methods, sequences, processes and systems.
4.10.2 Basic Qualifications:
i. Have an appropriate license.
ii. Have an aircraft / component maintenance experience for at least 5 years
on large aircrafts.
iii. Successfully completed an Aviation Auditor training course.
4.10.3 Additional Qualifications:
Satisfactorily completed the following courses:
i. Course on MCM including responsibilities and privileges of the quality
ii. Course on the effect of human factors and human performance limitations
in maintenance
iii. Course on ECAR 121 L and Part 145 and the related parts.
4.10.4 Non-dedicated Quality Auditors

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i. In case there is a need to perform a specific product audit where no
permanent / dedicated auditor is available, the Chief Inspector may
nominate candidates to perform the audit after assuring that his
qualifications suits the required tasks in addition to the qualifications of the
permanent auditor.
ii. Non-dedicated auditors shall not be involved in performance of the tasks, in
which they are assigned to act as an auditor.
4.11. Quality Auditors Authorization, Assessment, Management and Records
4.11.1. The quality auditors shall be issued an authorization to act as an auditor.
4.11.2. The authorization of the quality auditors is issued from the Chief Inspector
after assuring that the potential quality auditor is fulfilling the required
4.11.3. The Quality Auditors performance shall be continuously assessed by the
Chief Inspector or his nominee. This assessment will be based upon:
i. The auditors ability to discover and categorize the discrepancies.
ii. The auditors ability to support the Auditee by proposing appropriate
corrective actions
iii. The auditors ability to follow up the guidelines of auditing process.
iv. The spirit of the audit to assist the audited to comply with set requirements.
4.11.4. If the quality auditors assessment results are unsatisfactory, the Chief
Inspector may suspend revoke or withdraw the authorization of the
concerned auditor until required qualifications and skills are regained.
4.11.5. The Chief Inspector is responsible to keep the necessary Quality Auditors
4.12. The Audit Team:
4.12.1. The Chief Inspector shall determine the auditor/auditors responsible for
conducting each audit.
4.12.2. Number of auditors performing an audit shall be determined according to
the scope and depth of the audit and the size of the organization to be audited.
4.12.3. The auditors shall have sufficient skills to uncover concealed problems,
define them, and give indications to their causes.

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4.12.4. The auditors should be familiar with the effect of human factor and human
performance limitation.
4.12.5. The essential responsibility of the auditors is to furnish enough detailed
facts on which a course of corrective actions can rely.
4.12.6. The auditors shall have the authority and the obligation to investigate
anything that would affect aircraft safety, airworthiness or legality.
4.12.7. The auditor is to ensure that the area audited is complying with related
organizational documents. He shall physically verify that all operations are in
accordance with set requirements.

5. Forms:
5.1 Quality Audit Plan Form 102
5.2 Quality Audit Notification Form 101.
5.3 Non-Conformity Report NCR Form 105
5.4 Corrective Action follow-up status Form 104

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1.11 Aircraft Lease
1. Objective:
To set a policy regarding the handling of leased aircraft.
2. References:
ECAR 91.23, 121.2, 121.153(c), 121.155 and EAC 121-2.
3. Responsibility:
Chief Inspector.
4. Description:
4.1. Types of leases:
4.1.1. Wet lease in
4.1.2. Wet lease out
4.1.3. Dry lease in
4.1.4. Dry lease out

4.2. If EGYPTAIR EXPRESS leases an aircraft in accordance with a lease agreement
as detailed thereunder, the leased aircraft shall comply with the following
requirements before released for flight:
4.2.1. The aircraft has a certificate of registration issued by an ICAO contracting
4.2.2. The aircraft is of a type design that is accepted to ECAA,
4.2.3. The aircraft has a valid certificate of Airworthiness issued by the registring
4.2.4. The aircraft is in an Airworthy condition,
4.2.5. The aircraft meets the applicable Airworthiness requirements related to
identification and equipment.

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4.3. For any type of lease, the lease agreement shall determine which party is
responsible for the operational control of aircraft.
4.4. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall not lease from another air carrier, or any other person
not engaged in common carriage,
4.5. For any type of lease, the lease agreement shall determine which party is
responsible for aircraft maintenance. If the leased aircraft is a foreign registered
aircraft and is to be maintained by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS, EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
shall be accepted by the registering authority for such function. If the leased aircraft
is a foreign registered aircraft and is to be maintained by foreign personnel, their
licences/ authorizations shall be validated by ECAA.
4.6. For any type of lease, the lease agreement shall contain a truth-in-leasing clause as
a concluding paragraph in large print, immediately preceding the space for the
signature of the parties.
4.7. For any type of lease, the lease agreement shall contain identification of the
reference regulations under which the aircraft has been maintained and inspected
during the 12 months preceding the execution of the lease, and certification by the
parties thereto regarding the aircrafts status of compliance with applicable
maintenance and inspection requirements in this regulation for the operation to be
conducted under the lease in respect to leased aircraft.
4.8. Unless the lease period is short term agreement a copy of the lease agreement
shall be submitted to the Authority, prior to conducting operations and another copy
must be carried on-board the leased aircraft, and
4.9. The lease agreement shall contain the registration number of the aircraft involved;
4.10. The lease agreement shall assure:
4.10.1. The timing reporting of faults, malfunctions, defects and other occurrences
from the operator to the leasor.
4.10.2. The timing supply of mandatory continuing Airworthiness information
between both parties.
4.10.3. The proper transfer and up-keeping of records and necessary
documentations between both lease parties to fulfill regulatory requirements.

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4.10.4. The governing recordkeeping regulation under which the aircraft records
should be maintained should be determined prior to initiation of the lease or
4.10.5. Applicable aircraft maintenance records are made available to the new
4.11. The following records should accompany the transfer:
4.11.1. Delivery inspection.
4.11.2. A/Ds compliance status.
4.11.3. S/B incorporated.
4.11.4. Time on life limits and life limited parts.
4.11.5. Last scheduled inspection including structural inspection document.
4.11.6. Major repair and alteration.
4.11.7. Part numbers and Serial numbers of installed equipment.
4.11.8. The applicable approved maintenance program
4.11.9. J ustification for the performance of the required maintenance.
4.11.10. Certification of release to service.
4.11.11. Procedure to receive and respond to mandatory continuing Airworthiness
information received from the state of design or the state of registry and
should clearly identify the person responsible for these data.
4.11.12. Prior to initiation of the lease or other transfer, representatives of both
parties should co- ordinate the scope and content requirements of the
aircraft technical logs.
4.12. The following information shall be provided to the Authority to be
incorporated inside the certificate holder Operations Specifications:
4.12.1. The names, addresses and responsibilities of the lease parties specifying
the party responsible for operational control and the party responsible for the
continuing Airworthiness of the leased aircraft
4.12.2. The lease duration;
4.12.3. Aircraft type and serial number, nationality and registration of each aircraft
involved in the agreement;

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4.12.4. The kind of operation;
4.12.5. The times and airports of operation; and
4.12.6. Name and address of registered owner
4.12.7. State of registry and registration marks
4.12.8. C of A and statement from leasor that the aircraft fully complies with the
Airworthiness requirements of the state of registry.

4.13. For any type of lease, the Chief Inspector shall apply to the Authority and
obtain Authority acceptance a suitable time in advance.
4.14. For entrance into any lease agreement, the requirements of EAC121-2
shall be fulfilled.
5. Forms:
Application for Aircraft Lease Form 516.

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1.12 Safety Management
In Maintenance Operations
1. Objective:
This chapter describes how EGYPTAIR EXPRESS achieves safety management in
the activities of its maintenance operations.
2. References:
2.1. ICAO Document 9859.
2.2. ECAA Advisory Circular EAC00-11
2.3. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Safety Management System Manual (SMSM).
2.4. EGYPTAIR M&E Maintenance Safety Management Manual (MSMM).
3. Responsibility:
3.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Maintenance Director for day to day follow-up,
3.2. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector for periodic audits.
4. Description:
4.1. As a contractor which provides all maintenance operations to EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS shall have and continuosly implement a Safety Management
System (SMS) , EGYPTAIR M & E shall have and continuosly implement a
Maintenance Safety Management System (MSMS).

4.2. The Safety Management System (SMS) shall cover:
4.2.1. Safety Risk Management; aimed at identification of hazards in the
maintenance operations; and
4.2.2. Safety Assurance that ensures that the identification of hazards and the
assessment of the consequences of safety risks, and the defenses that
exist in the system as a means of control, remain valid and applicable at all

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4.3.1. Safety Policy and Objectives, composing of the following five elements:
i. Management Commitment and Responsibility:
ii. Safety Accountabilities:
iii. Appointment of Key Safety Personnel; including a Safety Manager who shall
fulfill four essential functions:
a. Manage and oversee the hazard identification system;
b. Monitor safety performance of operational units directly involved in service
c. Advise senior management on safety management matters; and
d. Assist department managers with safety management matters.
e. The Safety Manager shall have a direct communication link to the
iv. Emergency Response Planning including co-ordination with other concerned
v. SMS documentation
4.3.2. Safety Risk Management and is composed of two elements:
i. Hazard Identification; based on a combination of reactive, proactive and
predictive methods of safety data collection.
ii. Risk Assessment and Mitigation.
4.3.3. Safety Assurance and is composed of three elements:
i. Safety Performance Monitoring and Measurement through:
a. Mandatory Reporting Systems: in which people are required to report certain
types of events or hazards. This necessitates detailed procedures outlining
who shall report and what shall be reported.
b. Voluntary Reporting Systems: in which the reporter, without any legal or
administrative requirement to do so, submits voluntary event or hazard
information. The reported information should not be used against the
reporters, i.e. such systems must be non-punitive and afford protection to
the sources of the information, sometimes incentives to people to encourage
the reporting of such information.
c. Confidential Reporting Systems: these systems aim to protect the identity of
the reporter. Confidentiality is achieved by de-identification, and any
identifying information about the reporter is known only to gatekeepers in

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the reporting of such information.
c. Confidential Reporting Systems: these systems aim to protect the identity of
the reporter. Confidentiality is achieved by de-identification, and any
identifying information about the reporter is known only to gatekeepers in
order to allow for follow-up or fill in voids in the reported event(s).
Confidential incident reporting systems facilitate the disclosure of hazards
leading to human error, without fear of retribution or embarrassment, and
enable broader acquisition of information on hazards.
All these reporting systems shall assure protection of sources of safety
ii. The Management of Change
iii. Continuous Improvement of the SMS.
4.3.4. Safety Promotion and is composed of two elements:
i. Training and Education.
ii. Safety Communication.
4.4. EGYPTAIR M & E shall develop and maintain a maintenance safety manual
addressing safety risk assessment and mitigation program. This manual shall
4.4.1. Scope of the safety management system;
4.4.2. Safety policy and objectives;
4.4.3. Safety accountabilities;
4.4.4. Key safety personnel;
4.4.5. Documentation control procedures;
4.4.6. Coordination of emergency response planning;
4.4.7. Hazard identification and risk management schemes;
4.4.8. Safety assurance;
4.4.9. Safety performance monitoring;
4.4.10. Safety auditing;
4.4.11. Management of change;
4.4.12. Safety promotion; and
4.4.13. Contracted activities.
4.5. EGYPTAIR M&E shall inform EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector
immediately of any occurrence during performing maintenance operation

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to any of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS property, and all procedures and safety
risk assessment and mitigation and the related safety issues submitted for
any type of lease, the lease agreement shall contain a truth-in-leasing
clause as a concluding paragraph in large print, immediately preceding the
space for the signature of the parties.
4.6. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS will perform periodic audits according to a preset audit
plan on EGYPTAIR M&E Safety Management processes to ensure continuous
compliance with set safety requirements of implementing the requirements.
Audits findings shall be timely corrected by EGYPTAIR M & E.
5. Forms:
5. 1. Hazard/ Confidential Human Factors Report Form. FORM 002
5. 2. Voluntary Report Form. FORM 003

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2.01 Maintenance Program
2.02 Maintenance Planning
2.03 Maintenance Control and Follow-up
2.04 Parts Removal and Installation
2.05 Deferred Maintenance
2.06 Continuing Airworthiness
2.07 Repairs and Modifications
2.08 Defect Recording and Control
2.09 Reserved
2.10 Aircraft Recorders
2.11 Electronic Navigation Data Management
2.12 Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
2.13 Reporting to the Authority and the OEM Type Certificate Holder
2.14 CAT - II Operations

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2.01 Maintenance Program

1. Objective:
To describe how to set a program of maintenance, preventive maintenance, alteration
for the specified aircraft, engine, systems and emergency equipment.
2. References:
ECAR 91.415, ECAR 91.423, 91.609, 121.135 and 121.374
Aircraft Maintenance Program documents reference numbers EMB 170/MP
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Chief Inspector for processing for Authority approval and for the handling interval
3.2. Execluding interval escalation, function is contracted under the supervision of the
Maintenance Director.
4. Description
4.1. General :
4.1.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has, a Maintenance Program and Maintenance Data for
each type of aircraft it operates. The Maintenance Program and Maintenance
Data for any aircraft shall be approved or accepted by ECAA before its
implementation. The Maintenance Program and Maintenance Data are to be
provided for the use and guidance of relevant maintenance personnel .
4.1.2. AMO develops on behalf of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS the customized maintenance
program (MP) document for each type/model of aircraft using Type Certificate
Holder Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) or equivalent as the main
4.1.3. Customized Maintenance Program shall fulfill the requirements of ECAA, type
certificate holder, supplmental type certificate holder ,the state of design and the
OEMs of Aircraft, engine , component (see Fig 1).

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4.1.4. The Maintenance Program shall contain the following information for each aircraft
as applicable, taking into account the anticipated utilisation of the aircraft;
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS name and address;
ii. The type, model and registration of the aircraft, engines and, auxiliary power
iii. List of effective pages;
iv. Maintenance tasks and intervals at which they are performed taking into
accounthe anticipated utilization of the aircraft and where utilization cannot be
anticipated, calendar time limits shall be included.
v. A continuing structural integrity program;
vi. A system that identifies mandatory maintenance tasks, and their corresponding
intervals for tasks that have been specified as mandatory in the approval of the
type design, (i.e., Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMRs));
vii. Procedures for changing or deviating from items iv, v and vi above.
viii. Condition monitoring and reliability program description for aircraft systems,
componants and powerplants;
ix. Reference identification of the program document, the date of issue and issue
x. A statement signed by Chief Inspector to the effect that the specified aircraft is
maintained in accordance with the program and that the program is reviewed
and updated as required;
xi. Provision to record date and reference to approved amendments incorporated
in the program;
xii. Details of pre-flight maintenance tasks accomplished by maintenance
personnel and not included in the Operations Manual for action by flight crew;
xiii. The tasks and the periods (intervals/frequencies) at which each part of aircraft,
engines, APUs, components, accessories, equipment, instruments, electrical
and radio apparatus and associated systems and installations are to be
inspected with the type and degree of inspection;
xiv. The periods when items are checked, cleaned, lubricated, replenished,
adjusted and tested;
xv. Details of specific structural inspections or sampling program;
xvi. Details of the corrosion control program;

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xvii. The periods and procedures for the collection of engine health monitoring data;
xviii. The periods when overhauls and/or replacements by new or overhauled parts
are to be made;
xix. Cross-reference to other documents approved by ECAA that contain details of
maintenance tasks related to mandatory life-limitations, Certification
Maintenance Requirements (CMR) and Airworthiness Directives (ADs); with
specific identification and care as to the mandatory status of these tasks;
xx. Details of, or cross-reference to, Reliability Program or ;
xxi. A statement that practices and procedures to satisfy the program are included
in a customised operators maintenance manual approved by ECAA;
xxii. Each maintenance task quoted is defined in the definitions section of the
4.1.5. Customized Maintenance Program shall meet aircraft, engine, component
manufacturers requirements and EGYPTAIR EXPRESS specific requirements.
4.1.6. Any additional ECAA requirements related to the type/model
4.1.7. The MP shall contain all required aircraft maintenance tasks and intervals at
which each task is to be executed. Intervals may be stated in Calender
(Days/Months/Years) or in Flying Hours(FH) or in Cycles(C) of operation.
4.1.8. For ease of aircraft maimtenance scheduling, Flying Hours or Cycles may be
transferred into Calender depending on fleet average utilization and FH/C ratio.
Such ratio shall be updated at least once each twelve months to reflect actual
4.1.9. The MP shall highlight mandatory tasks which are tasks required by ECAA, or
by the type certificate holders authority or contained in the concerned
MaintenanceReview Board (MRB) document .
4.1.10. The MP shall highlight RII tasks and special tasks such as those related to
operation shall be clearly identified in the MP.
4.1.11. The MP shall contain recommended tasks gained by local in-service

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4.1.12. The MP shall address how the Condition Monitoring(CM) items are to be
4.1.13. The MP may contain non-mandatory bulletins or recommendations issued by
the manufacturer. Non mandatory information such as service bulletins,
service letters and other information produced for the aircraft and its
components issued by an approved design organization, the manufacturer or
authorities shall be assessed to determine its use and implementation.
4.1.14. Maintenance scheduling and maintenance task sequencing shall take into
consideration the human factor principles and human limitation requirements
that includes, but is not limited to:
i. Layout of the Maintenance Item;
ii. Language used;
iii. Clear and concise instructions that are as brief and succinct as possible;
iv. Standardization of all task cards at the beginning to include the appropriate
personnel safety warnings and cautions;
v. All notes, warnings and cautions shall be apparent by the suggested use of
boxing, bolding, utilizing and underlining text;
vi. Contain clear instructions for the mechanic/inspector as to where to sign,
certify, initial, date the task;
vii. Where possible, colored cards may be used to display Maintenance Items and
task cards;
viii. Where a Maintenance Item has important graphic details, the graphics shall be
ix. Full amplification of some tasks rather than referral to a separate document that
may distract the maintenance person; and;
x. Referral to the applicable Approved Data
4.1.15. Initial MP issue and all permanent revisions shall be approved by ECAA
before being implemented..
4.1.16. The approved master copy of MP will be kept by the contracted AMO under
the supervision of the Chief Inaspector.

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4.1.17. An MP distribution list is to be generated by MP issuer (AMO Engineering
Directorate) in which all MP users is listed. Sufficient number of copies is to
be produced as per the distribution list.
4.1.18. MP are to be made on a media form or on an A4 loose papers and put on a
three hole folder manual for ease of amending.
4.1.19. Approved aircraft maintenance programs shall be periodically reviewed (at
least once yearly) to ensure they reflect current type certificate holder's
recommendations, revisions to the Maintenance Review Board Report , the
mandatory requirements and maintenance needs of the aircraft.
4.1.20. Chief Inspector shall review the detailed requirements at least once annually
for its continued validity in light of the operating experience

Fig 1
4.2. MP Approvals
4.2.1. The Contracted Maintenance Engineering Directorate is responsible for
producing proposal aircraft MP issue or any amendment thereto,
4.2.2. The proposd aircraft MP or any amendment shall be sent to Chief Inspector for
review, acceptance and proceed for approval from ECAA
4.3. MP Amendment:

4.3.1. The MP shall be revised each time the MPD, or equivalent document, is revised
but in all cases shall be revised at least once each twelve months.
J ob
Service Letters
and EO

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4.3.2. Period between issue date of an MPD new revision and the corresponding MP
revision issue are conveyed within a timeframe that will permit implementation
of changes to the Maintenance Program prior to the effective date of the
amendment.or four months whichever comes first
4.3.3. In case an amemded MP which encompasses additional tasks or additional
ristrictions than the then applied MP issuance is delayed is delayed due to
reasons beyond control, a temporary revision containing such additional tasks
or additional restrictions shall be issued to comply with any requirments as to
its effective date.
4.3.4. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS planning checks monthly manufactures MP revisions to
assure that the revision used by maintenance provider is the last revision.
4.3.5. Whenever ECAA finds that revisions to an approved aircraft maintenance
program are necessary for the continued adequacy of the program, EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS shall, after notification by ECAA, make any changes in the program
found to be necessary by the ECAA.
4.3.6. MP Amendments shall be distributed in due time to all MP users, according to
the distribution list and a receiving receipt shall be signed and provided to TPD
as a feed back.
4.3.7. A list containing the distribution, acknowledgement of receipt of MP and its
amendments and acknowledgement of embodiment into respective copies
signed by each recipient shall be maintained at the document distribution
4.3.8. Each holder of an MP is responsible for embodiment of the received
amendments in due time.
4.3.9. Each recipient shall send a feedback to the document distribution section that
he has updated his copy to the latest amendment.
4.3.10. To ensure its adequacy and effectiveness, and to confirm that it is being properly
controlled and adhered to, the MP shall be supplemented by a reliability program.
4.3.11. When there is a need to change from one approved aircraft maintenance
program to another approved programm, the two programs shall be reviwed by

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Engineerig and a transfer check/Inspection (bridging) may need to be issued
and performed as agreed with ECAA, in order to implement the change.
4.4. Calculation of Maintenance Interval for a New Aircraft:
4.4.1. Unless otherwise specified in the delivery documentation of an aircraft, the
starting point for calculation of the due dates or times of the aircraft
maintenance tasks (flight cycles, flight hours or calendar time) is to be the first
flight of the aircraft.
4.4.2. The date of transfer of title may be used for calculation of the due date of tasks
with a calendar interval if the transfer occurs within 90 days of the date of the
first flight and the aircraft has been stored in accordance with manufacture's
procedures. Authority acceptance is required in this case.
4.4.3. The next date for intervals for scheduled maintenance tasks is calculated
starting from the completion date of the previous accomplishment.
4.5. Tasks Short Term Escalation:

4.5.1. Short Term Escalation Limitation:
i. A short term escalation program in which maintenance intervals may be
escalated is granted ECAA to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS in its Operations
Specifications and within certain limits. This privilege may be applied only in
justified exceptional circumstances, and only if such escalations are technically
feasible, such as:
a. Compensating for over-runs providing that the check interval shall not put
back the due date of the next check.
b. Carrying out maintenance intervals early, then the calculation of the next
check date should start from the date brought forward.
c. Shortage of parts, material or manpower.
ii. Safety aspects shall be considered before implementing the short-term
escalations limitation.
iii. Chief Inspector may set other restrictions to the occurrence of repetitive short-
term escalation.

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iv. Short-term escalation shall not be used to extend the following, unless specific
approval is taken from the ECAA:
a. Intervals specified by Airworthiness Directives.
b. Life limits specified by type certificate and supplemental type certificate data
c. Maintenance Program tasks which have been classified as mandatory by the
TC holder or the authority.
d. Tasks originated by Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR)
4.5.2. The maximum variation of a prescribed period for an item is as follows:
i. Items controlled by flight hours 10 % and not exeed 500 Hrs
ii. Items controlled by number of landings /cycles 5 % and not exeed 250 landings
iii. Items controlled by calendar time:
a. One month for one Year or less checks.
b. Two months for two to three years checks
c. Three months for more than three years checks
iv. .Items controlled by more than one limit e.g. items controlled by flying hours
and calendar time or flying hours and landings / cycles, the more restrictive limit
should be applied.
4.5.3. Procedure:
i. Applications for escalation shall be forwarded to Chief Inspector on form No
ii. Applications for Escalation shall be forwarded three working days in advance
before the task(s) / check is due for checks up to and including multiple A
iii. Two weeks in advance before the check is due for higher checks.
iv. Reasons for application for task(s)/check escalation shall be justified.
4.5.4. Escalation to a higher figure:
For escalation to a higher figure Form 311 with Appropriate Technical
J ustification will be presented to ECAA by Chief Inspector before exceeding the
previously mentioned short-term escalation limitations for approval.
4.5.5. ECAA will be notified on yearly basis by short term escalation authorization

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5. Forms
5.1 Form No. 311.
5.2 Alert Notice (Maintenance Reliability Program) Form 134.
5.3 Reliability Mandatory Investigation Action Report Form 139.

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Part 2: Maintenance Control
Chapter 2.02
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2.02 Maintenance Planning

1. Objective:
This procedure describes how to develop Aircraft Maintenance Plan in order to track
required maintenance activities to comply with the applicable maintenance program
without impeding operation schedule. The procedure also explains how to assign
different aircraft for different flight schedules and how to produce a maintenance plan
for the whole fleet.
2. References:
ECAR 121.151, 121.153(a), (b), 121.157, 121.361, 121.367, 121.369, 91.7, 91.405,
and 91.407
3. Responsibility:
3.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Maintenance Director supervises the forecasting and
tracking the timely implementation of required aircraft maintenance activities
through AMO Planning section.
3.2. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Planning Manager, , reviews the forcast of all fleet
maintenance checks, with consideration to the flight hours, flight cycles and/or
calender of each aircraft type according to the approved Customized
Maintenance Program and also reviews Bill of Work relevant to each aircraft
4. Description
4.1. Maintenance Planning:
AMO Planning Manager shall, have a system for forecasting and tracking the timely
implementation of required aircraft maintenance activities .
4.2. Maintenance Director make necessary reviews to insure that AMO:
4.2.1. Develop maitenance yearly plan including :
i. The yearly allocation of flying time
ii. Usage Rate
iii. Aircraft availability

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iv. Other related planning data
4.2.2. Develops maitenance quartly/monthly plan with the necessary information
relating to the use of assigned aircraft and the maintenace effort and
capabilty required to provide the necessry suport.
4.2.3. Forward the quarterly and monthly plan to the AMO scheduling sectin to
develop weekly and daily schdules taking into consideraton any required
adjustments for unscheduled maintenance and operational requirments.
4.2.4. Program required maintenance checks according to the approved
Maintenance Program.
4.2.5. Prepare required work packages for execution. Package shall include, but
not limited to, the following elements:-
i. Master Index;
ii. Routine task cards;
iii. Engineering Order (AD's, SB's);
iv. Special work requirements;
v. Previously carried forward items; and
vi. Components due for removal.
4.2.6. Task Cards shall include necessary reference to Airworthiness Data.
4.2.7. Any issued non-routine task or finding shall be referenced to the originating
Task Card.
4.2.8. In Case of any deviation or deferral, reference shall be made to the
Maintenance Director.
4.2.9. Line maintenance work is to be scheduled without affecting Airworthiness
requirements or disturbing aircraft daily operational needs.
4.3. For tracking hours, cycles and calendar time for aircraft, engines and life-limited
4.3.1. For aircraft equipped with ACARS system,ACARS system automatically sends
movement data to Opera system through the Fleet Watch system which
subsequently provides on time aircraft flight hours and cycles.
4.3.2. N.A.
4.3.3. In all cases the technical log pages are retained in which aircraft movement
data can be used whenever needed.

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4.3.4. Aircraft and componant data will be updated according to data from 4.3.1 or
4.3.5. Aircraft daily status is sent to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector and
Maintenance Director by e-mail.
4.3.6. Fortnight form are sent biweekly including A/C and Engines status
4.4. Maintenance Plans and Flight schedules for different fleets including maintenance
checks/stops are issued accordingly.
4.5. Planning performance is reviewed monthly by the Planning Manager.
4.6. Planning schedules used are issued by the AMO as follows:
4.6.1. Daily Operations Schedule:
This Schedule Form No. LPM-MC-PM-01-F06 is issued daily at 16:00 hrs
covering the following day operations plan taking into consideration current daily
events that might affect the schedule.
All flights are revised within each fleet type and assigned to a specific aircraft
registration number highlighting any restrictions that might exist. Flights are
derived from fleet watch. This schedule contains all types of maintenance
activities (checks/stops such as weekly, A checks..etc)
4.6.2. Aircraft Hours Report:
This report is issued twice a week; on Monday and Thursday of each week
using Form No. LPM-MC-PM-01-F04 and includes flight hours of each aircraft
since its last hangar visit up to the date of issue including all escalations given
to each aircraft.
Hours are provided by records department via AMO Records server.
This report generates the following two reports.
4.6.3. Next due Checks Report:
This report is an extract of Aircraft hours report and indicates last check carried
out, hours, cycles and the expected coming check depending on the utilization
and the calculation of remaining hours/cycles/calendar to the next due check.
The report takes the form No. LPM-MC-PM-01-F04 and is submitted to the line
maintenance manager.
4.6.4. Operations Schedule:

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Flight schedule is received from EGYPTAIR EXPRES Services Department
on weekly basis. Maintenance activities are allocated and a final plan is
4.6.5. Checks Record:
This is a historical log where all aircraft checks since delivery are recorded
identifying check type, date, hours and cycles at which the check was carried
out. Data are collected from AMO record server and exported to excel file.
4.6.6. Weekly Operations Schedule:
This schedule is issued on weekly basis, each Thursday, indicating flights
schedule per aircraft and assigned maintenance activities per registration
number. This Schedule is prepared according to approved flight schedule
agreed upon in a fixed meeting held each Tuesday between AMO and
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS representatives
4.6.7. Weekly workload Report:
This report is an extract of the weekly operations schedule. It is issued weekly
on Wednesday indicating all maintenance activities during the coming week .it
contains assigned registration numbers to flights, standby aircraft and aircraft
grounded for either line or base maintenance.
Form No. LPM-MC-PM-01-F09 is used and submitted to maintenance and
contracting director.
4.6.8. Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Plans:
Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly plans are issued to illustrate all types of checks
and maintenance activities with respect to its due checks, required downtime
and aircraft hours and cycles. These plans are forwarded to Contracted AMO to
assign Maintenance location.
4.7. Communication between EGYPTAIR EXPRES and AMO:
A weekly meeting takes place each Tuesday between EGYPTAIR EXPRESS and
AMO Planning department. This meeting discusses the flight schedule for the
upcoming week. Results and recommendations of the meeting are reflected into the
weekly operations schedule issued by Planning Department. Decisions and actions
of the meeting are reflected directly into the fleet watch system.

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4.8. All planning records will be maintained in form of hard copies except check record
which will be maintained in an excel format file with backup copy updated daily or
otherwise as necessary.
5. Forms:
The following forms are maintained in planning department according to corresponding
retention time:

Form No. Retention period
LPM-MC-PM-01-F01 5 years
LPM-MC-PM-01-F02 3 years
LPM-MC-PM-01-F03 One year
LPM-MC-PM-01-F04 One year
LPM-MC-PM-01-F05 One year
LPM-MC-PM-01-F06 3 months
LPM-MC-PM-01-F07 3 years
LPM-MC-PM-01-F08 One year (Excel file)
LPM-MC-PM-01-F09 3 months

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2.03 Maintenance Control and Follow-up
1. Objective:
1.1. This procedure describes the aircraft maintenance control and follow-up
scheduling and approving non-routine work and deferred maintenance
1.2. To implement applicable standards and regulatory requirements regarding the
maintenance of aircraft including the policy for performing test flights and
release to service for aircraft and aircraft components
2. References:
2.1. ECAR 43.1, 43.5, 43.7, 43.9, 43.13, 91.7, 91.407, 121.151, 121.153(a), (b),
121.157, 121.361, 121.369.
2.2. Maintenance Agreement with AMO
3. Responsibility:
3. 1. Maintenance Director for supervision.
3. 2. Function is contracted to an ECAR Part 145 Approved Maintenance
4. Description:
4.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall have a maintenance control system that is in
accordance with procedures acceptable to ECAA that insures:
4.1.1. Each aircraft is duly registered and the appropriate certificates with
respect thereto are aboard the aircraft.
4.1.2. Each aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition by insuring that .
i. Compliance with all applicable air worthiness requirements submitted by
the state of design
ii. The mandatory replacement times, inspection intervals, and related
procedures specified in manufacturers maintenance manual that or
alternative inspection intervals and related procedures set forth in an
operations specification approved by the ECAA or in accordance with an
inspection program approved.

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iii. The aircraft inspected and all discrepancies repaired as prescribed in
Manufactures manuals
iv. Maintenance personnel make appropriate entries in the aircraft
maintenance records indicating the aircraft have been approved for
return to service;
v. Any inoperative instruments or item of equipment, permitted to be
inoperative by CMEL repaired, replaced, at the concerned time.
vi. When listed discrepancies include inoperative instruments or equipment,
a placard shall be installed as required.
4.1.3. The Certificate of Airworthiness remains valid.
4.1.4. Operational and emergency equipment necessary for flight is serviceable
4.1.5. Appropriately equipped, configured and maintained for its intended use.
4.1.6. Maintained in conformance with this Maintenance Control Manual.
4.2. The Maintenance Director shall monitor maintenance activities to ensure the

4.2.1. All maintenance on aircraft or aircraft component shall be carried out by or
through a maintenance organization approved / accepted by ECAA in
accordance with ECAR Part 145.
4.2.2. Aircraft is maintained according to a continuous Airworthiness
maintenance program. refer to Chapter 2.01.
4.2.3. All tasks defined in the maintenance agreement with each external
maintenance organisation that performs maintenance functions for
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS are completed in accordance with the maintenance
agreement and within the required time constraints.
4.2.4. Contracted AMO fulfills the ECAA requirements regarding the level of
technical personnel, equipment, tools, maintenance data, record keeping,
documentation and facilities. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS should audit the
fulfillment of such requirements.
4.2.5. Contracted AMO continuously manages and control of outstations
maintenance requirements, procedural issues, availability of required
resources (spares and material, manpower, technical data, facilities, tools
and equipment) according to aircraft type/scheduling whether

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maintenance is being performed by his staff or performed by another
4.2.6. Contracted AMO shall have a detailed information with respect to all
locations where aircraft maintenance is to be performed (Ref. to 06.02
Line stations locations)
4.2.7. Contracted AMO ensures that all maintenance personnel, when abroad,
comply with the laws, regulations and procedures of those states where
the operations are conducted in proper time.
4.2.8. Contracted AMO shall transfer technical records, if any, to the EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS in proper time According to ch.1.06-4.3.2
4.2.9. Contracted AMO shall report to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS & ECAA aircraft
technical occurrences in due time
4.2.10. Where tasks are subcontracted by the AMO to other organisations their
accomplishment are subject to the quality system of the AMO as if it was
done in his facilities. .
4.2.11. Contracted AMO determines the required servicing material, its
specifications and required stocking for each type of aircraft. AMO is also
be responsible to supply, store, identify and segregate the required
material. After completion of all maintenance, a general verification shall
be carried out by the appropriately qualified AMO personnel to ensure the
aircraft or component is clear of all tools, equipment and any other
extraneous parts and material and that all access panels removed have
been refitted.
4.2.12. All maintenance, repairs and modifications are made following the
methods, techniques, standards, and instructions specified in the
Airworthiness data.
4.2.13. All maintenance is performed using the tools, equipment and material
specified in Airworthiness data. Where necessary, tools and equipment
shall be controlled and calibrated to an officially recognized standard.
4.2.14. All maintenance is performed within any environmental limitations
specified in the Airworthiness data. In case of inclement weather or
lengthy maintenance, proper facilities shall be used.

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4.2.15. Contracted AMO schedules routine or lengthy aircraft maintenance in
coordination with Maintenance Director with minimum effect on operational
4.2.16. Contracted AMO shall be responsible to prepare the Bill of Work,
Maintenance Work Packages according to the approved Maintenance
Program requirements, arrange for manpower, Hangar space, and facility
arrangement to schedule the required work.
4.2.17. Maintenance Director reviews and approves the Bill of Work content after
ensuring that all the tasks (routine, nonroutine, cabin, S/B list, A/Ds list and
additional work) are included and in accordance with the approved
Maintenance Program requirements.
4.2.18. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS on site representative at AMO facility during the
performance of the maintenance services will receive a copy of the
approved Bill of Work to ensure the following:
i. Maintenance operations carried out by AMO are compling with the
a. Conditions and restrictions of the OPS SPECs;
b. ECAA requirements;
c. Standards established by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS in the MCM.
d. Standards established by manufacturers
ii. Proper dispatch of aircraft, with regard to the control of defects:
iii. Ensure that hangar is adequately equipped with tools and equipment
required to perform the job
iv. Maintain a standard of aircraft cleanliness and appearance.
4.2.19. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS on site Representative shall receive an advanced
copy of the summery report: issued by AMO which include all maintenance
Tasks performed and cover the Bill of Work requirement
4.2.20. Appropriately qualified personnel perform all maintenance.
4.2.21. Appropriately qualified independent inspection personnel execute tasks
requiring inspection.
4.2.22. Required inspection items tasks shall include any flight safety sensitive

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4.2.23. Persons authorized to issue a certificate of release to service for aircraft or
aircraft component shall be appropriately authorized according to ECAR
145 requirements or through a procedure approved or accepted by ECAA.
4.2.24. Contracted AMO shall publish guidance to maintenance personnel
performing maintenance tasks, as appropriate, defining responsibilities for
these actions. This guidance must address the procedures to determine
the necessary maintenance action required by the certifying staff as
4.2.25. Applicable Airworthiness directives shall be accomplished in due time.
4.2.26. Contracted AMO shall ensures databases for use in aircraft navigation
systems are inserted prior to the first flight on the effective date for the new
4.2.27. If the aircraft is found to be airworthy and approved for release to service,
the following or a similarly worded statement should be used: "I certify that
this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with (insert type per
approved maintenance program) inspection and was determined to be in
airworthy condition.
4.2.28. If during performing any maintenance it is found that unserviceable items
affecting airworthiness, non-routine card shall be arised and used for
recording and rectifiing the unserviceable items
4.2.29. If during performing any maintenance it is found that the aircraft is un-
airworthy or does not meet applicable type certificate data, Airworthiness
directives, or other approved data upon which its Airworthiness depends,
the AMO gives EGYPTAIR EXPRESS a signed,dated and detailed list of
those discrepancies and they shall be listed in the appropriate aircraft
4.3. Aircraft Release to Service (CRS):

4.3.1. A Certificate of Release to Service (CRS) is required before flight at the
i. Completion of any maintenance package specified by EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS.The maintenance package may include any one or a
combination of the following elements: a check or inspection from the

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approved aircraft maintenance program, Airworthiness Directives,
overhauls, repairs, modifications, aircraft component replacements and
defect rectification.
ii. Completion of any defect rectification, while the aircraft operates flight
services between scheduled maintenance. New defects or incomplete
maintenance work orders identified during maintenance shall be brought
to the attention of the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS to obtain an agreement to
rectify such defects or complete the missing elements of the
maintenance work order. In the case where such maintenance is to be
postponed and provided this missing element/defect does not affect the
airworthiness of the aircraft, this fact shall be entered in the aircraft CRS
before issue of such certificate.
4.3.2. Contracted AMO shall produce a completed and signed maintenance
release that certifies all maintenance work performed has been completed
satisfactorily and in accordance with the approved data and procedures
described in the MOE. The maintenance release shall include:
i. Basic details of the maintenance performed;
ii. A reference of the approved data used;
iii. The date such maintenance was completed;
iv. Identity of the approved maintenance organization;
v. Identity of the person or persons signing the release.
4.3.3. Before releasing an aircraft for flight, it shall comply with the following
requirements :
i. The aircraft has a Certificate of Registration issued by ECAA,
ii. The aircraft has a valid Certificate of Airworthiness issued by ECAA.
iii. The aircraft has a valid Certificate of Noise issued by ECAA.
iv. The aircraft meets the performance requirements of its type certificate
data sheet,
v. The aircraft weight and centre of gravity are determined using an
approved weight and balance program,
vi. The aircraft complies with internal/external markings and placards

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vii. The aircraft meets the applicable Airworthiness requirements, i.e. has a
maintenance release to service certificate duly issued and signed. This
release to service certificate shall be issued before flight, after the
completion of any maintenance and shall be signed by an appropriately
authorized person in accordance with ECAR Part 145.
viii. The Airworthiness release of aircraft, which follows the line maintenance
is to be recorded in the aircraft Technical log. Entry of a check type and
sign-off constitutes a complete Airworthiness release to service.
ix. The Airworthiness release following a routine maintenance check shall
be recorded on Relevant certificate of release to service form. The form
contains Aircraft data, check, release period/flying hours, sign off and
stamp of certifying personnel.
x. Before signing the release to service the authorized person shall ensure
that all necessary maintenance work ,major repair and major modificatin
has been carried out according to an approved procedure, and approved
data. He shall ensure also that no known condition exists which would
make the aircraft/component un-airworthy and so far as the work
performed is concerned, the aircraft or component is in a condition for
safe operation. All such work shall be appropriately documented.
xi. Release to service certification form shall meet ECAArequirements.
4.3.4. The person signing the certificate of release shall be satisfied that all work
included in the work package has been properly carried out. A list by
name, title and authorizations granted on type/rating for persons
authorized to issue release to service shall be made by the contracted
AMOand continuously updated.
4.4. Component Release to Service (CRS):
4.4.1. A CRS is necessary at the completion of any maintenance on an aircraft
component while off aircraft (Authorized release certificate/airworthiness
approval tag) constitutes the aircraft component certificate of release to
4.4.2. To install a component in aircraft it shall be in a satisfactory condition has
been appropriately released to service using Authorized Airworthiness

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Release Certificate / Airworthiness Approval Tag issued by the
manufacturer or by an approved or accepted ECAR Part 145 maintenance
organization or an appropriate equivalent document. For expendables, the
Authorized Airworthiness Release Certificate / Airworthiness Approval Tag
may be substituted by a certificate of conformity issued by the approved
supplier. The certificate shall contain necessary data about the item, entry
of the work performed, sign off and stamp.
4.4.3. A component is considered serviceable if it was temporarily removed from
aircraft for accesability.
4.4.4. Prior to installation of a component on an aircraft the installer shall ensure
that the particular component is eligible to be fitted when different
modification and/or Airworthiness directive configurations may be
4.4.5. Standard parts shall only be fitted to an aircraft or component when the
maintenance data specifies the particular standard part. Standard parts
shall only be fitted when accompanied by evidence of conformity traceable
to the applicable standard.
4.4.6. Material being either raw material or consumable material shall only be
used on an aircraft or a component when the aircraft or component
manufacturer states so in relevant Airworthiness data. Such material shall
only be used when it meets the required specifications and has
appropriate traceability. All material must be accompanied by
documentation clearly relating to the particular material and containing
conformity to specification statement plus both the manufacturing and
supplier source.
4.4.7. Installed service life limited components shall not exceed the approved
service life limit as specified in the approved maintenance program. Such
components shall have records that can provide component history
traceable to initial introduction of component into service.
4.4.8. A component shall be considered unserviceable in any one of the
following circumstances:
i. Expiry of the service life limit as defined in the maintenance program;

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ii. Non-compliance with the applicable Airworthiness directives or other
continued Airworthiness requirements mandated by ECAA.
iii. Absence of the necessary information to determine the Airworthiness
status or eligibility for installation;
iv. Evidence for defects or malfunctions
v. Involvement in an incident or accident likely to affect its serviceability.
4.4.9. Unserviceable components shall be identified and stored in a secure
location under the control of the approved AMO until a decision is made in
the future status of such component.
4.4.10. Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-
repairable defect shall not be permitted to re-enter the serviceable
component supply system unless certified life limits have been extended
or a repair solution has been approved according to Authority
4.4.11. During component transportation and storage, necessary measures shall
be taken to protect against corrosion or damage.
4.4.12. If the need calls for installation of a part fabricated within the contracted
Part-145 approved maintenance organization, such part shall comply with
related specifications. Standard parts are to be fabricated in accordance
with the corresponding international standards. Fabricated parts installed
in aircraft shall have an appropriate certificate of conformity issued by an
appropriately qualified person according to an approved procedure within
the Part-145 organization.
i. Fabricated parts are only allowed for replacement of irreparable parts
that cannot be obtained in time or not economically viable to be obtained
as an original part or if the part does not relate to Airworthiness provided
that it complies with pre-specified approved specifications.
ii. Each fabricated part shall be appropriately identified according to an
approved procedure.
iii. Used materials shall be traceable to required material specifications.
4.5. Contracted AMO Maintenance Control Center MCC is responsible to:

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4.5.1. Coordinate with production control sections in hangars and line
maintenance for monitoring the progress of maintenance work and
detecting technical discrepancies that may affect aircraft operation, For
each operating aircraft, tracking and determining its technical status.
4.5.2. Be responsible for controlling, monitoring and scheduling non-routine and
deferred maintenance activities and obtaining necessary approvals,
including any CMEL/CDL requirements.
4.5.3. Recommend aircraft operational schedule adjustments to comply with
requirements for non-routine maintenance and defect rectifications.
4.5.4. Communicate with flight crew and line maintenance personnel about
maintenance discrepancies, deferred maintenance and CMEL items in co-
ordination with integrated operation control center (IOCC) .
4.5.5. Notify mechanical difficulties which may result in cancellation ,delayed or
emergency conditions are promptly notified to :
i. Chief Inspector.
ii. Maintenance Director.
iii. ECAA.
4.5.6. Supporting line maintenance requirements to assure dispatch of airworthy
aircraft. This includes: Providing proper interpretation of technical issues
pertinent to the situation, emergency mandatory requirements such as
telegrammic ADs/CNs and All Operator Telexes and when necessary,
obtaining additional technical assistance from Engineering to assure that
the requirements are met or a proper decision is made.
4.5.7. Coordinating and authorizing maintenance whenever an in-service aircraft
with a mechanical difficulty is en-route to, at, or inbound from a station.
4.5.8. Control of maintenance functions. This is exercised by :
i. Alerting downstream line stations on the status of incoming aircraft.
ii. Scheduling timely correction of defects at line maintenance where the
necessary spares, equipment, facilities and appropriate manpower are

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iii. Coordinating for grounding of aircraft for application of emergency
mandatory requirements and rectification of discrepancies which can not
be deferred.
4.5.9. Supporting line maintenance requirements to assure, that when an aircraft
has been contaminated by a shipment of damaged or leaking dangerous
i. hazardous contamination is removed from the aircraft without delay
according to AMM;
ii. In the case of radioactive contamination, arrangements are made to take
the aircraft out of service and Aircraft is towed to a safe area for the
evaluation by qualified team from Egyptain Nuclear Authority.
4.6. Aircraft Line Maintenance:
In order to ensure that maintenace agreemnt for line maintenance has been
executed, two qualified engineers are available in each shift to monitor line
maintenance activities and four aircraft at least shall be checked in each shift
and daily report.Aircraft line maintenance shall contain all actions necessary
to ensure that the aircraft is fit to make the intended flight. These should, at
least, include the following:
4.6.1. Walk-around that includes an exterior inspection of the aircraft and its
equipment including:
i. Emergency equipment for condition;
ii. Obvious signs of wear or damage;
iii. Leakage of fuel, oil, hydraulic, water or presence of blue ice;
iv. Pilot static ports are not damaged or obstructed;
v. Flight controls are not locked or disabled;
vi. Frost, snow or ice is not present on critical services;
vii. Aircraft structure or structural components are not damaged.
4.6.2. An overview of the aircraft technical log (TLB) to ensure that the intended
flight is not adversely affected by any outstanding deferred defects and
that no required maintenance action shown in the deferred maintenance
log (DDL) is overdue or will become due during the flight.

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4.6.4. A control that other required servicing; water system and toilets are
properly made prior to flight. Water system & tanks sterilization and
disinfecting are to be accomplished according to the maintenance
4.6.5. A control that required fluids sampling and analysis for engine oil,
hydraulic or fuel tank sampling is carried out, according to the
maintenance program intervals or on request, at an approved laboratory.
Results of sample analysis are to be checked and necessary
recommendations shall be carried out.
4.6.6. A control that all servicing panels and doors are checked and closed prior
to next aircraft operation.
4.6.7. A control that control surface and landing gear locks, pilot/static covers,
restraint devices and engine/aperture blanks have been removed before
4.6.8. A control that all the aircrafts external surfaces & engines are free from
ice, snow, sand, dust etc.
4.6.9. A control that:
i. Tyre inflation having normal values.
ii. Necessary on-board documentation are complete and valid,
iii. The serviced fuel quantity is as required; the fuel receipt will be directed
on daily basis for record use.
iv. Defects affecting the safe operation of the aircraft are rectified within the
limits prescribed by the approved minimum equipment list (CMEL) or
configuration deviation list (CDL) as appropriate.
v. Defects that cannot be rectified before departure is deferred only when
justified causes are present (lack of downtime, spares, manpower,
facilities and equipment, etc.). This will be done with reference to the
Minimum Equipment List (CMEL) or the Configuration Deviation List
(CDL) for the aircraft type.
vi. An appropriate record and follow-up is to be made on deferred items not
to exceed their maximum allowed deferral time (Deferred Defect Daily

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vii. For those items permitted to be inoperative under an approved CMEL,
the maintenance person shall place a placard, which meets the aircraft's
CMEL requirements, on each inoperative item of equipment, marking it
as "Inoperative" or "Deactivated" and shall enter this into the aircraft
logbook (DDL).
viii. That deferrals cumulative effect regarding their quantity on the same
aircraft and any restrictions contained in the CMEL should be considered.
These should be made known to the flight crew a suitable time prior to
ix. Next due routine check validity shall apply up to the arrival of aircraft to a
place where it can be done.
4.7. Technical Assistance to Outstations by Maintenance Control :
4.7.1. Assistance of outstations for the interpretation of technical issues
related to Company policies and procedures, Maintenance Data
and also providing assistance during trouble shooting of aircraft.
4.7.2. Making necessary arrangements with all concerned for the
implementation of special repairs.
4.7.3. Obtain concission from EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector to allow
aircraft to ferry flight back to base.
4.7.4. Obtain concission from EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector to allow
aircraft to returned back to base with defect out of CMEL after getting
approval from ECAA.
4.8. Outstations Resources by Maintenance Control:
4.8.1. Maintaining a database for information regarding the current availability of
resources at all outstations.
4.8.2. Assuring availability of resources at an outstaion (spares, skilled
manpower, facilities and equipment, etc.) when a defect rectification is
required at this outstation. If resources are not available at an outstation to
rectify a problem, MCC will:
i. Arrange for maintenance with another repair station.
ii. Arrange for transport of the resources from the home base or other line

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iii. Arrange for ferry flight of the aircraft to a capable maintenance
performing station after obtaining the required approvals.
4.9. Coordination of Outstations activities with Home Base:
4.9.1. Technical support sectioncoordinates with Maintenance Director regarding
deferred maintenance scheduling, and the retention or transfer of out-
station records.
4.9.2. Technical support section coordinates with the outstation AMO regarding
the evaluation of aircraft system failures, identification and correction of
defects and implementation of special repairs.
4.9.3. Maintenance Control coordinates with Material Supplier regarding the
supply of parts and materials at outstations, coordination of
replenishments of satellite stores and flying kits, shipping of material to
and from outstations, and administration of parts pooling and loan
4.9.4. Technical support section coordinates with Flight Crew for resolving
operational problems in due time to minimize schedule interruptions. MCC
also informs flight crew a suitable time in advance about deferred
maintenance and any operational consequences related thereto.
4.9.5. Maintenance Control center also provides resolution of disputes between
flight crew and line maintenance.
4.10. Documentation and Records :
4.10.1. Maintenance Control center maintains an information database for
available resources at each outstation. The database includes manpower
data (head count, skill level and certification), availability of tools, ground
support equipment, availability of spares and material, and availability of
4.10.2. Technical support section maintains records of deferred items, and their
maximum deferral time.
4.10.3. Technical support section maintains a log of significant daily activities
including details of repairs being made to aircraft out of service at

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4.10.4. Technical support section assures proper completion/routing of line
maintenance forms and records (aircraft logs, delay reports, stock
investigation slips, fueling sheets, unit tags, , ..etc.).
4.10.5. Maintenance Control center maintains visibility boards showing status of
each aircraft.
4.11. Test Flight Program:
4.11.1. The contracted AMO is responsible for establishing a test flight program
for each aircraft type. Program is to determine contents of test flight, when
a flight test is to be done and whether a complete or limited flight test is
required. Program shall be approved by Chief Inspector.
4.11.2. Maintenance crew participating and monitoring test flights shall be
appropriately qualified.
4.11.3. Before test flight is conducting, it shall be assured that all required
maintenance work has been appropriately performed.
4.11.4. An application for a test flight after maintenance work shall be submitted to
the Authority through the Chief Inspector for approval. Appropriate forms
are to be used
4.11.5. After conducting the flight test, a report is to be issued by the testing pilot.
This report shall be revised by the Chief Inspector and necessary
recommendations issued and shall be sent to ECAA.
4.12. Control of SAFA Reports:
4.12.1. SAFA audit reports shall be sent to Chief Inspector by Safety & Quality
General Director.
4.12.2. Chief Inspector shall take the necessary actions to rectify the reported
defects through the Contracted AMO and Ground Handling Company
according to defect.
4.12.3. Chief Inspector shall send the rectification report to Safety & Quality Dept.
shall send the report to S&Q Direcror of EGYPTAIR LINES and copies to
ECAA , EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chairman and Holding Company Safety&
Quality Division. (see fig.1)

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( Fig. 1)

5. Forms:
5.1. Aircraft Technical Logbook (TLB).
5.2. Deferred Defect Daily Status Form (LPM-LM-RAMP-08-F01).
5.3. Certificate of Fitness for Flight Test Form 135.
5.4. Aircraft Release to Service CRS 506B.
5.5. Deferred Defect Logbook (DDL form F407).


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2.04 Parts Removal and Installation
1. Objective:
To implement applicable standards and regulatory requirements regarding the Parts
Removal and Installation for aircraft and aircraft components
2. References:
2.1. ECAR 43.1, 43.7, 91.3, 91.3, 91.407, 121.151, 121.153(a), (b), 121.157,
2.2. Maintenance Agreement with AMO
3. Responsibility:
Function is contracted to an ECAR Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organization
under the supervision of Maintenance Director.
4. Description:
The Maintenance Director shall monitor maintenance activities to ensure:

4.1. Parts Installation
4.1.1. No new part is installed on an aeronautical product unless the part as detailed
below meets the standards of:
i. Airworthiness applicable to the installation of new parts (refer to Table(1))
ii. The new part has marking identifying it as a part specified in the type design
conforming to a recognized national or international standard, or
iii. The part has been approved for use on an aeronautical product, in
accordance with the type certificate, if the part was originally designed and
manufactured for an aeronautical use, or
iv. For non-critical airworthiness items only ,The part was manufactured under a
Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA)
4.1.2. No used part is installed on an aeronautical product, unless the part meets the
standards of airworthiness applicable to the installation of used parts and is
either :
i. An airworthy part that has been removed from an aircraft for immediate
installation on aircraft, or

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ii. An airworthy part that has undergone maintenance for which a maintenance
release has been signed by an appropriately rated AMO.
iii. In all cases the action shall be appropriately documented by the AMO
concerned person
4.1.3. No used life-limited part is installed on an aeronautic product unless the part
meets the standards of airworthiness applicable to the installation of life-limited
parts and:
i. The technical history of the part is available to demonstrate the time in
service, authorized for that part in the type certificate governing the
installation has not been exceeded;
ii. The technical history referred to in sub-paragraph 4.1.3.i. is incorporated into
the technical record for the aeronautical product on which the part is
Table (1) Parts Certification requirements
Product Acceptable Type of Document
New parts, new components and Kits ECAA Authorized Release Certificate /
EASA Form One / J AA Form One*, or FAA
Form 8130-3 or equivalent issued by a
Type Certificate (TC) Holder,
Supplemental Certificate (STC) Holder or
Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) Holder
Used parts, component and Kits ECAA Authorized Release Certificate /
EASA Form One / J AA Form One*, or FAA
Form 8130-3 or equivalent issued by an
accepted or approved ECAR Part 145
Approval Holder
Standard parts (NAS, NSA such as: bolt,
nut, screw, fastener )
Certificate of conformity to applied
aeronautical standards
Ingredients, consumables (oils,
sealants, greases, etc )
Certificate of conformity or traceability to
appropriately certified batch
Raw material (e.g. for local
Certificate of conformity or traceability to
appropriately certified batch

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Note: Only J AA Form 1 issued before 28 Sep 2004 for used material and before 28 Sep
2005 for new material.
4.2. Parts Removal
4.2.1. Line Maintenance Procedure for Return of Defective Parts Removed from
Aircraft. Defective components / parts Removed from Aircraft will take place in
the following cases:
i. Component / part found unserviceable.
ii. Component / part is time expired.
iii. Component / part received new / serviceable and found not compliant.
iv. Component / part received new, repaired or modified /serviceable but
deteriorated during handling.
v. Restitution after hire.
vi. Expendables / Consumables
4.2.2. Case of Component found Unserviceable / Non Complaint deteriorated during
The appropriately certifying staff shall Tag the item by the Unserviceable Item
Tag. And ask material handling section to route the material to unserviceable
dedicated area & hence to the main quarantine store.
4.2.3. Case of Expendables / Consumables
The appropriately certifying staff shall Tag the item by the Scrapped Parts
Tag and Instruct material handling section to place that item in special
identified locked container and routing it to the condemned store, where it is
held pending for final disposal.
4.2.4. Return of Defective Aircraft Components to Store
The material handling section supervisor ensures that:
i. Each component is attached with the appropriate tags and reports.
ii. The data registered in the attached documents is matched with that of the
returned component.
5. Forms

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Chapter 2.05
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2.05 Deferred Maintenance
1. Objective:
To describe how to issue, approve and handle customized minimum equipment list and
describe the procedure for deferring A/C system or component discrepancies and follow
up for rectification
2. References:
2 1. ECAR 91.213, 121.139, 121.304, 121.607(b), 121.628
2 2. Operations Specifications
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Excluding CMEL approval and Interval extension, function is subcontracted to
AMO under super vision of Maintenance director
3.2. Chief Inspector for processing CMEL approval with ECAA and for approving
interval extension as per approved Operations Specifications
4. Description:
4.1. Customized MEL :
4.1.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS is authorized from the ECAA to use minimum
equipment lists for its aircraft within the Operations Specifications granted.
4.1.2. Master Minimum Equipment List as issued by the Manufacturer and
approved by the State of Design authority, known as Master Minimum
Equipment List shall be used to produce a Customized Minimum Equipment
List (CMEL) to suit regulatory requirements and actual aircraft configuration.
4.1.3. In no way shall the CMEL be less restrictive than the MMEL.
4.1.4. Before developing the CMEL, consultation may be made with flight crew
about additional restrictions.
4.1.5. The Contracted Maintenance Provider develops the Customized Minimum
Equipment List document for each type/model of aircraft using Master
Minimum Equipment List as issued by the Manufacturer.

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4.1.6. CMEL shall contain guidance material for use and interpretation of listed
4.1.7. CMEL shall be revised each time an MMELs revision is issued.
4.1.8. CMEL shall reflect specific aircraft configuration, modification status and any
additional regulatory requirements.
4.1.9. Time frame between MMEL issue or revision and the corresponding CMEL
revision issue and submitted to ECAA for approval shall not exceed six
4.1.10. CMEL issue and permanent revisions shall be approved by the ECAA.
Temporary revisions based on Temporary Master MEL may be approved
from the Chief Inspector.
4.1.11. The approved master copy of CMEL shall be kept under the supervision of
the Chief Inaspector.
4.1.12. A CMEL distribution list is to be generated by engineering, in which all CMEL
users are listed. Sufficient number of copies are to be produced and
distributed as per this distribution list. Each copy shall bear a specific control
number for each specific holder
4.1.13. CMEL are to be made on an A4 loose papers and put on a three hole folder
manual for ease of amending.
4.1.14. Aircraft shall not be released to service with an inoperable or defective
system, instrument or equipment unless it is thereby permissible in the
approved CMEL.
4.1.15. It is not allowed to release an aircraft with an inoperative flight recorder and
cockpit voice recorder except in the following cases:
i. Ferry the aircraft from a place where repair or replacement cannot be made
to a place where they can be made;
ii. Continue a flight as originally planned, if the flight recorder becomes
inoperative after the aircraft has taken off;

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iii. Conduct an Airworthiness flight test during which the flight recorder or
cockpit voice recorder is turned off to test it or test any communications or
electrical equipment installed in the aircraft; or
iv. Ferry a newly acquired aircraft from the place where possession of it is taken
to a place where the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is to be
4.1.16. A copy of the CMEL for the specific aircraft shall continuously be kept on
board the aircraft. Aircraft copy shall be identified by the concerned aircraft
registration letters.
4.1.17. Inoperative system or equipment shall be recorded in the concerned aircraft
deferred defect logbook and made accessible to flight crew at all times
4.1.18. The pilot-in-command shall be informed by the contracted AMO a suitable
time before departure time about the deferred defect status in respective
aircraft and reference is to be made to any operational consequences of the
4.1.19. Where appropriate, deferred items shall be placarded, marking it as
"Inoperative" or "deactivated".
4.1.20. Maintenace action for inoperative item shall be made according to
maintenance reference and completed within the required time constraints
and recorded in the aircraft technical log. Cross reference shall be made
between aircraft technical log page in which the defect is recorded and
deferred log page in which the deferral of the same defect is made. Record
shall include reference to the CMEL item number, reason for deferal,
maintenance action taken, date of deferal and authorized person signature
and stamp
4.1.21. The aircraft shall operated under all applicable conditions and limitations
contained in the minimum equipment list and the letter authorizing the use of
the list
4.1.22. Serviceability of inoperative system or equipment shall be restored within a
specified Interval. The Interval shall be prespecified inside the CMEL.

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4.1.23. Dispatching an aircraft with an inoperative system or equipment beyond such
Interval is not allowed unless it is authorized to do so by Chief Inspector as
he is authorized within the Operations Specifications granted.
4.1.24. A daily deferred defect status list is to be issued and contents are to be
continuously updated and followed up. List contains deferred item for each
aircraft, date of deferral, allowed interval for deferal, reason for deferral and if
needed, reference to interval extension as made by Chief Inspector or by
4.2. CMEL Approvals
4.2.1. The Contracted Maintenance Engineering Directorate is responsible for
producing proposal aircraft CMEL issue or any amendment thereto,
4.2.2. The proposed aircraft CMEL or any amendment shall be sent to Chief Inspector
for review, acceptance and proceed for approval from ECAA
4.3. CMEL Amendment:
4.3.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS through contracted AMO is responsible for
embodiment of the received amendments in due time.
4.3.2. Ammendent revision submition to ECAA interval dose not exceed 6 weeks
from issue date
4.3.3. A list containing distribution, acknowledgement of receipt of CMEL and its
amendments and acknowledgement of embodiment into respective copies
signed by each recipient shall be maintained.
4.3.4. Each recipient shall send a feedback to the document distribution section that
he has updated his copy to the latest amendment.
4.3.5. The Maintenance Director is responsible for assuring the proper condition and
updating of on-board aircraft copies.
4.4. CMEL shall contain the following:
4.4.1. Approval statement
4.4.2. Preamble.
4.4.3. Cross-reference to MMEL issue and date

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4.4.4. CMEL items, conditions and quantities, listed in ATA sequence
4.4.5. Special operations required to be performed by flight crew or additional
maintenance action(s) required to be performed by maintenance personnel
4.4.6. Reference to other applicable documents (maintenance manual, operations
manual, etc.) as needed.
4.4.7. Category for corrective action time limits (A, B, C or D)
4.4.8. Statement of any special conditions or limitations for special operations
4.5. Configuration Deviation List
4.5.1. The CDL is approved as part of aircraft certification, EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
uses type certificate holder CDL without change. The CDL may be a separate
document or may constitute a part of the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM).
4.5.2. No changes are permitted to the CDL except as made by the type certificate
4.6. Classification of Deferred Defects :
4.6.1. Non-Airworthiness Items:
These Items do not affect the continued safe operation of the aircraft and
may therefore be deferred until the next maintenance opportunity. Such items
are generally not specifically listed in the CMEL / CDL manuals.
4.6.2. Malfunctioning System or Component Listed in CMEL/CDL :
For the purpose of deferrals, defects may be classified as follows :
i. CMEL items which require no maintenance or flight crew action prior to
ii. CMEL items which require placarding, they are denoted by an asterisk (*) in
the MEL manual.
iii. CMEL items which require maintenance action prior to deferral, they are
denoted by letter M in the CMEL manual

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iv. CMEL items which require flight crew action to deferral and/or during
operation of subsequent flight, they are denoted by letter O in the MEL
v. N/A
4.6.3. Other Items Not Listed in CMEL:
The CMEL does not contain obviously required items such as wings, flaps,
and rudders. Save what is mentioned in 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 above, all equipment
installed on an aircraft in compliance with the Airworthiness Standards and
the Operating Rules and Regulations and not listed on the CMEL must be
operative. A reference is usually to other applicable documents AMM / SRM /
In all cases the CMEL must not deviate from the Aircraft Flight Manual
Limitations, Emergency Procedures or Airworthiness Directives.
4.7. CMEL Items Repair Intervals :
CMEL discrepancies also fall into one of the following repair interval categories.
The intervals specify the maximum time limit prior to which the discrepancies must
be repaired :
A Repair within the time interval specified in the Remarks or Exceptions block
of CMEL;
B Repair within three calendar days (excluding the day the malfunction was
C Repair within ten calendar days (excluding the day the malfunction was
D Repair within one hundred twenty calendar days (excluding the day the
malfunction was recorded)
4.8. Deferred defect Control Procedure:
4.8.1. Before deferring a defect, Contracted AMO certifying person must ensure that
the defect is within the CMEL/CDL permissible and make necessary entries in
the aircraft records (A/C Technical log Book & DDL) and necessary
maintenance actions accompanying deferrals shall be made.

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4.8.2. Copy from DDL shall be sent to Contracted AMO planning for controlling,
monitoring and scheduling non-routine and deferred maintenance activities,
including CMEL/CDL requirements.(material and time)
4.8.3. Contracted AMO planning shall sent Copy from DDL to line maintenance tech
4.8.4. Line maintenance tech. support Issue NRC to line maintenance for defects
4.8.5. After defect rectification ,action taken shall be recorded in DDL ,DDLcopy shall
be handled to line maintenance tech. support .
4.8.6. Contracted AMO Tech support shall E-Mail Deferred defect status on form
#LPM-LM-RAMP-08-F01f, promptly after any change. but not less than once
daily to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector
4.8.7. No postponement of any defect rectification can be permitted without the
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS chief inspector approval .
4.9. CMEL Short time escalation Procedure :
4.9.1. If there is a difficulty to rectify the deferred defect within its repair time limit, an
extension request, form 318 is to be applied to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief
Inspector from Contracted AMO Shedueling Departement .This may be applied
only in justified exceptional circumstances, where reasonable justification is
provided regarding why the extension is required; The extension request shall
be approved by the Chief Inspector prior to the end of rectification time limit
4.9.2. Chief Inspector has the authority according to operation specfication to
approve extensions above the maximum repair interval for categories B and C
only . ECAA must be notified by such extensions within 24 hours of the use of
this extension authorization.
4.9.3. Chief Inspector shall reviw the application to insure that:
i. The aircraft has no previously deferred defect on the aircraft that hinders the
current deferral
ii. The current defect does not affect the aircraft operation in its flight route

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4.9.4. Chief Inspector is authorized to approve one extension to the specified repair
intervals as specified in the approved MEL only for categories, B and C items.
4.9.5. Authorization for second extension of the same item must be approved by the
5. Forms:
5.1. Deferred Defect Log, form No. 407.
5.2. Deferred Item Extension, form No. 318.
5.3. Deferred Defect Daily Status, form No. LPM-LM-RAMP-08-F01.

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2.06 Continuing Airworthiness
1. Objective:
1.1. To maintain the Aircraft in an airworthy condition and to monitor and assess
maintenance and operational experience with respect to continuing airworthiness
of aircraft
1.2. To determine the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS policy to run a continuous analysis and
surveillance program
1.3. To set EGYPTAIR EXPRESS policy regarding the implementation of technical
requirements for performing a ferry flight
2. References:
2.1. ECAR 21.265 ECAR 43.1, 43.13, 43.17, 43.21, 91.7, 91.13, 91.403, 121.105,
121.303, 121.360 121.361-121.374 inclusive, 121.373and 121.378
2.2. Maintenance Agreement with AMO
3. Responsibility:
3.1. These functions are subcontracted to AMO approved in accordance with ECAR
Part 145 under the supervision of Maintenance Director.
3.2. Chief Inspector for program approval from ECAA and for approving interval
4. Description:
4.1. General
Maintenance Director shall insure that the contracted AMO shall:
4.1.1. Have Technical Publications Department which is responsible for the
procurement of all Airworthiness Data from the concerned Manufacturer, Type
Certificate Holder, Supplmental Type Certificate Holder and Authority, either
hard or soft.
4.2. Reliability Program
4.2.1. General:
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has a Reliability Program to monitor and assess
maintenance and operational experience with respect to continuing
airworthiness of aircraft, as prescribed by ECAA.

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ii. The Reliability Program approved by ECAA in the granted Operations
Specifications before Implementation.
iii. Program implementation contracted to AMO
iv. ECAA shall be advised when intervals change takes place.
v. ECAA shall approve any change from Hard Time to On-Condition.
vi. AMO Accountable Manager is responsible for the continuous overall running of
the RP. He is also responsible for approving changes to the MP resulting from
the RP
vii. All maintenance contracts or agreements shall include provisions for the
analysis and surveillance system as part of its total maintenance program.
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS and AMO shall co-operate to identify and resolve
technical problems that may arise.
viii. The RP shall be applied to all EGYPTAIR EXPRESS aircraft, power plants,
aircraft systems, and to all vital components attached thereto, checks and
inspections. A list of such aircraft, systems, as per ATA 100 specifications and
vital components shall be prepared and attached as an appendix to the RP for
each aircraft type.
ix. The RP shall also run engine condition monitoring program to all EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS engines based on engine performance, recorded data and engine
malfunction analysis reports, providing any recommend corrective action.
x. The RP shall also run to all Condition Monitored components installed in the
aircraft or attached thereto. A list of such components shall be prepared and
attached as an appendix to the RP for each aircraft type,
xi. The RP shall track chronic or repetitive unserviceable items, document the
troubleshooting history and implement instructions for corrective action.
xii. The Maintenance Director through running the maintenance reliability program
and through the continuous evaluation of the maintenance program ensures
that the maintenance program continues to be effective and remain in
compliance with standards.
4.2.2. Reliability Control Board (RCB) Members:
i. The board is to be headed by AMO Accountable Manager or his representative,
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector and Maintenance Organization

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ii. Chief Inspector is responsible for ensuring that the program complies with all
related regulatory requirements.
iii. Chief Inspector is responsible for monitoring of the enforcement of RP policy
and to assure the implementation of corrective action
iv. AMO is responsible for the data development from source to analysis,
monitoring the performance standards, recommending corrective actions and
issuing the reliability reports. He shall apply a system of assessment to support
the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and to provide a continuous analysis of
the effectiveness of the defect control system in use.
v. AMO is responsible for data preparation and for implementation of corrective
vi. The manner in which information is exchanged within the RCB must be
vii. RCB meetings shall be held monthly.
4.2.3. Data collection system:
i. This includes, but is not limited to:
a. Pilot technical write-ups,
b. Delays, cancellations,
c. Diversions and flight turn-backs due to technical reasons,
d. In-flight shutdowns,
e. In flight engine performance data,
f. Unscheduled removals,
g. Confirmed failure rate,
h. Functional and bench checks.
i. Data collected must be accurate and factual to support a high degree of
confidence in any derived conclusion.
ii. The system should provide for:
a. Monitoring on a continuous basis repetitive incidents and defects occurring in
flight or found during maintenance, highlighting any that are repetitive as
mentioned in reliability program or that appear significant. All items identified
as repeated discrepancies shall be highlighted for the purpose of tracking
and follow-up.
b. Monitoring on a continuous basis carry forward defects.

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c. Analyzing unscheduled component removals, shop findings and the
performance of aircraft systems for use as part of the maintenance program
4.2.4. Engineering Data Analysis:
i. AMO Engineering studies shall be made to determine the need for maintenance
program changes. Changes may involve, but are not limited to, maintenance
intervals (escalation, addition or deletion), contents of maintenance or
operational procedures, aircraft, aircraft systems or component modification or
repair and changes in techniques.
ii. Changes may include requirements for emergency equipment, changing from
Hard Time to On-Condition maintenance.
iii. Changes may require revisions to manuals and Operations Specifications.
iv. Special considerations shall be made to procedures for evaluating critical
failures, chronic or repetitive unserviceable items as they occur and the related
troubleshooting history.
v. Forms used to affect changes in the maintenance program shall be specified in
the program document.
vi. Statistical techniques used to determine operating reliability levels must be
described in the program document.
vii. For each aircraft within the fleet, data analysis should be compared with the
whole fleet and comparison of the whole EGYPTAIR EXPRESS fleet with the
worldwide fleet, as issued by manufacturer,
viii. Engineering shall set procedures for establishing acceptable statistical upper
and lower control limits and performance standards, target numbers that may
be set to specify target performance levels to be achieved for each aircraft,
aircraft system, or component controlled by the RP and to produce alerts if such
limits /standards are exceeded. Reference is to be made to past experience as
well as manufacturer and industry standards. The RP must also contain
procedure for monitoring and revising the prescribed limits and standards.
Procedure for such revision must include who, what, when and how.
ix. The standard established must be responsive, sensitive to the level of reliability
experienced, "stable" without being "fixed". Limits should not be so high that

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even abnormal variations would not cause an alert, or so low that it is constantly
exceeded in spite of the best known corrective action measures.
4.2.5. Corrective Actions;
i. Corrective action is developed in the form of Engineering Order (EO), form No.
213, which will be treated as Reliability Mandatory and is to be accomplished
within prescribed time limits as stated in the Engineering Order.
ii. If an extension of a corrective action timetable becomes necessary, a
notification with reasonable justification shall be sent to Chief Inspector for the
approval, a revision of the EO is to be issued.
iii. Each corrective action plan or program must have a planned completion date,
and must be appropriately documented.
iv. Proposed changes must not conflict with a corrective action program
established by a previous reliability analysis.
4.2.6. Follow-up and Monitoring;
i. The maintenance contractor shall consolidate all required data, analyze it and
return it in a useable form to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS with necessary comments
or recommendations for corrective actions for irregularities disclosed by the
ii. Status of open corrective action EOs will be listed in the monthly reliability
report until the system returns to its normal parameters.
4.2.7 Communications with Manufacturer:
i. Outcomes from reliability meetings regarding:
a. Pilot technical write-ups;
b. Delays, cancellations;
c. Diversions and flight turn-backs due to technical reasons;
d. Dispatch reliability;
e. Fleet utilization;(hours and cycles)
f. In-flight shutdowns;
g. In flight engine performance data;
h. Unscheduled removals;
i. Confirmed failure rate;
Shall be reported by the contracted AMO to the concerned manufacturer on a
monthly basis.

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ii. Details actions regarding significant technical findings are shall also be
communicated to the relevant manufacture
4.3. Aircraft Configuration Management
4.3.1. Aircraft configuration:
Aircraft configuration: is its technical specifications. This includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
i. Aircraft type certificate data sheets
ii. List of installed equipment. This includes radio/navigational equipment, options
specific to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS aircraft, time limited items, Buyer Furnished
Equipment, specific passenger cabin layout and interior equipment ( seats,
galleys, lavatories. emergency equipment,.. )
iii. Accomplished Airworthiness Directives
iv. Production standards concessions
v. List of service bulletins embodied
vi. Applied structure repairs interiors and exteriors.
vii. Applied special configurations and standards requirements e.g. extended range
operations , extended over water operations, All Weather Operations (AWO ) ,
CAT II, RVSM, ..etc.
viii. Cargo compartment configuration.
4.3.2. Aircraft and Aircraft Component Configuration Changes :
i. Maintenance Director is responsible to follow up the studies, issued requests or
engineering orders made by M&E Engineering department for regulatory
requirements or EGYPTAIR EXPRESS configuration changes on aircraft and
aircraft components
ii. He also follow up actions to implement required changes in appropriate time
with view to required task force, equipment, material and letdown time taking
into account operational limitations and recession dates.
iii. Configuration changes shall be promptly reflected in aircraft records, documents
such as maintenance manuals, wiring diagrams, illustrated parts catalogue,
weight and balance and minimum equipment list. The Maintenance Programs
shall be revised as needed to reflect aircraft current configuration.
4.4. Continuous Analysis & Surveillance Program

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EGYPTAIR EXPRESS is to run a Continuous Analysis and Surveillance Program
(CASP) to ensure that contracted maintenance activities are appropriately
performed; maintenance operations and personnel conform to technical standards
and company policies and procedures for fulfilling the required standard of
Airworthiness. The CASP program shall monitor any deficiency in the maintenance
programs and provide for corrective actions. Corrective actions and
recommendations generated by deficiencies or irregularities disclosed by the CASP
shall be reflected as revisions to the maintenance program. Program shall be
applied on maintenance scheduling, control and accountability of work forms,
conformance to technical instructions pertaining to work forms, and other technical
instructions, and compliance with procedural requirements.
4.4.1. Program shall also address the adequacy and qualification of maintenance
personnel, tools, equipment and facilities, parts protection and stocking, and
4.4.2. Program shall also address the qualification and continuous monitoring of
suppliers and subcontractors
4.4.3. The program consists of the following elements:
i. Facilities Inspection.
ii. Document Control.
iii. Aircraft Inspection.
iv. Component Inspection.
v. Engine condition monitoring program.
vi. Material Inspection.
vii. Required Inspection Items handling.
viii. Quality Audit Program.
ix. Records handling.
x. Tools test and Measuring Equipment handling.
xi. Personnel Qualification and training.
xii. Reporting of Discrepancies.
xiii. Reliability Program.
xiv. Oil consumption program.
4.4.4. The Program consists of the following elements:

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i. The running of a comprehensive audit program covering aircraft, facilities,
personnel, document control, material Inspection, records and tools and test
equipment handling. The audit program consists of four phases :
a. Scheduling
b. Preparation
c. Implementation
d. Reporting and Corrective Actions.
ii. The audit program should include a feedback system to the Accountable
Manager to ensure that corrective actions are both identified and promptly
addressed. The feedback system should also specify who is required to rectify
discrepancies in each particular case, and the procedure to be followed if
remedial action is not completed within an appropriate time scale.
iii. The audits may be carried out either by internal audit team or by external
iv. Audits include the maintenance contractors and subcontractors and
organizations providing services or products to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
v. Audits shall ensure that operations and personnel conform to technical
standards and company policies and procedures for fulfilling and maintaining
the required standards of Airworthiness.
vi. The audit program shall cover the following elements:
a. Facilities.
b. Document Control.
c. Aircraft Inspection and Release to Service.
d. Component Inspection and Release to Service.
e. Material receiving and Inspection.
f. Required Inspection Items handling.
g. Records handling.
h. Tools, Test and Measuring Equipment handling.
i. Personnel Qualification and Training.
j. Reporting of Discrepancies.

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vii. Running of a continuous airworthiness maintenance program, and the
measurement of effectiveness of the maintenance program through the
implementation of a maintenance reliability program.
viii. The continuing Analysis and Surveillance Program also includes a system of
data collection and analysis to monitor trends and to support the condition
monitoring process.
ix. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS implements an independent Maintenance Reliability
Program to satisfy the requirements for data collection and analysis.
x. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall be responsible for the continuing analysis and
surveillance of work performed by AMO. The main maintenance contractor
AMO will be responsible for any work subcontracted to a third party. Therefore
any such work must be subjected to periodic audits by AMO Quality Assurance
xi. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector will establish a schedule acceptable to
ECAA which shows how and when the activities required will be monitored. In
addition, reports should be produced at the completion of each audit and should
include details of non-compliance.
xii. Program shall also address Engine condition monitoring program as following:
a. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS contracted engine manufacturer to monitor engine
performance during aircraft operation by sending the engine parameters
through data links to the manufacturer Engine monitoring program.
b. The manufacturer shall send reports of the engines performance condition
and recommendation if needed continuously to the engineering of the AMO.
c. According to the reports recommendation the AMO shall submit engine
malfunction analysis report (E.M.A.R) with the required maintenance
operation to restore the performance of the engine within the normal
operating limits.
d. Feedback shall be sent to the engineering and the manufacturer with the
finding and results.
4.5. Aircraft Safety Assessment Program
4.5.1. The aircraft safety assessment program constitutes part of the on-ramp audit. It
shall cover the following aircraft areas:
4.5.2. Flight Deck.

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4.5.3. Passengers Cabin.
4.5.4. Aircraft exterior.
4.5.5. Cargo compartments
4.5.6. A checklist is to be made and an auditor shall fill this checklist. Checklist shall
contain aircraft data, flight data, time and date.
4.5.7. Program is to be implemented at least once every six months for each aircraft.
Findings are to be categorized as follows:
i. Cat 1.Deferral is allowed. Deferral is to be recorded in the aircraft Deferred
Defect Log.
ii. Cat.2 Aircraft operation will be restricted until a corrective action is taken.
4.5.8. A monthly report shall be issued about the program findings and corrective
4.6. Requirements for Ferry Flights
4.6.1. General
i. A copy of operation specification, which restates this permit, shall be carried on
board the aircraft when operating under a special flight permit.
ii. Before operating an aircraft that does not meet applicable airworthiness
requirements, Maintenance Director shall ensure that the aircraft inspected or
evaluated according to procedures in its manual and have a licensed or
approved engineer certify in the aircraft record that the aircraft is in a safe
condition for the flight as specified in the operator's manual.
iii. Only flight crewmembers and persons essential to operations of the aircraft
shall be carried aboard during ferry flights where the aircraft flight
characteristics may have been appreciably changed or its operation in flight
substantially affected.
iv. The operating weight of the aircraft must be the minimum necessary for the
flight with necessary reserve fuel load.
4.6.2. Requirements for Conduct of Ferry Flights:
i. Chief Inspector may authorize the aircraft to be ferried, as per Operations
Specifications, and ECAA shall be informed
ii. The ferried aircraft shall be capable of conducting the required flight safely and
not prohibited by any applicable Airworthiness Directives.

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iii. Chief Inspector shall ensure that the flight crew shall be informed about
authorizing the aircraft to be ferried.
iv. A reference to the Permission of Ferry Flight shall be carried on-board the
v. Procedures for the safe operation of the airplane, including specific
requirements for limitations and performance information are done.
vi. Operational equipment necessary for safe operation of the aircraft is available
vii. Required inspections when abnormal conditions exist or meteorological limits
are encountered
viii. Aircraft weight limits, Fuel distribution limits, and Center of gravity limits are to
be fulfilled
ix. Applicable relating conditions and limitations stated in the approved aircraft
flight manual are to be fulfilled.
x. For aircraft involved in an accident, Authorization for ferry flight shall not be
issued before approval from ECAA
5. Forms:
5.1. Application for Permission of a Ferry flight Form 12120-042

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Part 2: Maintenance Control
Chapter 2.07
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 01 Page 1 of 6
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2.07 Repairs and Modifications
1. Objective:
This procedure describes the aircraft Repairs and Modifications
2. References:
ECAR 43.5, 7, 9, 17 and Appendix B
3. Responsibility:
3.1. These functions are subcontracted to an organization approved or accepted in
accordance with ECAR Part 145 (AMO) under the supervision of Maintenance
3.2. Chief Inspector for approvals
4. Description:
4.1. Repairs and Modifications:
4.1.1. Repairs and Modifications described in Airworthiness data:
i. Repairs and modifications are performed in accordance with the
airworthiness data, such as but not limited to Structural Repair Manual
(SRM), Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM), Component Maintenance
Manual (CMM), repair drawings, Modification Bulletins, Service Bulletins
as issued by the Manufacturer, Type Certificate Holder, Supplemental
Type Certificate Holder or any relevant organization that publishes such
data in accordance with appropriate Part-21 approval or equivalent, etc.
ii. The Contracted Maintenance Provider maintenance planning department
/ concerned technical support will specify the work to be performed to
complete the repair including data references, material to be used;
required tools and equipments, and other needed processes such as:
heat treatment and tests by an authorized staff member.
4.1.2. Repairs and Modifications not described in the approved manuals:
i. If required repair is not described in the applicable manufacturer manual, Chief
Inspector will be notified in writing. and,
ii. Contracted Maintenance Provider is responsible to contact the manufacturer for
iii. Upon receiving the repair document from the manufacturer , Chief Inspector
shall receive the information to get approval from ECAA,

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iv. Upon receiving approval from ECAA, Chief Inspector shall send copy to
Contracted Maintenance Provider
v. Contracted Maintenance Provider shall study the case from implementation
point of view.
vi. The approved, detailed repaired scheme is then send to the Contracted
Maintenance Provider production unit for implementation
4.2. Persons authorized to approve the aircraft Repairs and Modifications
The holder of a license without type rating after being granted the relevant
approval from an approved maintenance organization for release to service as
provided in ECAR 65& ECAR 145.
4.3. Performance rules:
4.3.1. The Contracted AMO shall use the methods, techniques, and practices
prescribed in the current manufacturers maintenance manual or instructions
for continued Airworthiness prepared by its manufacturer, or other methods,
techniques and practices acceptable to the ECAA.
4.3.2. The Contracted AMO shall use the tools equipment, and test apparatus
necessary to assure completion of the work in accordance with accepted
industry practices. If the manufacturer involved recommends special
equipment or test apparatus, he must use that equipment or apparatus or its
equivalent acceptable to the ECAA.
4.3.3. The Contracted AMO, shall do that work in such a manner and use materials of
such a quality, that the condition of the aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, or
appliance worked on will be at least equal to its original or properly altered
conditions (with regard to aerodynamic, function, structural strength, resistance
to vibration and deterioration and other qualifies affecting airworthiness).
4.3.4. If aircraft has been maintained, or altered in a manner that may have
appreciably changed its flight characteristics or substantially affected its
operation in flight an appropriately rated pilot shall flies the aircraft, makes an
operational check of the maintenance performed or alteration made, and logs
the flight in the aircraft records.

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4.3.5. The aircraft does not have to be flown after it has been maintained, or altered
prior to be ground tested, inspected, or both to show conclusively that the
maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration has not appreciably
changed the flight characteristics or substantially affected the flight operation of
the aircraft
4.4. Recording of work:
4.4.1. The recording of the work will be in a sufficient detail to allow staging of work,
clear evidence that all requirements have been met and reference to
airworthiness data and record shall be retained according to chapter 3.1

4.4.2. Upon completion of each major alteration or major repair of an airframe,
aircraft engine a report shall, promptly, prepared and a copy shall be submitted
to ECAA and anther copy of each report shall kept to be available for
inspection by, the ECAA.
4.4.3. Certificate of Release to Service:
A person who performs a major repair or major modification, or who signs a
certificate release to service in respect of such a repair or modification,
i. The major repair or major modification conforms to the requirements of
technical data that have been approved;
ii. The approved technical data falls within the meaning assigned to the term
Approved Data
iii. All materials used have been approved for use in the content of the repair
having appropriate release documents
4.5. Content, form, and disposition of Repairs and Modifications records
Maintenance record entries shall contain the following information:
4.5.1. A description and reference to data acceptable to the ECAA of work
4.5.2. The date of completion of the work performed;
4.5.3. The name, the signature, certificate number, and kind of certificate held by the
person performing the work

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4.6. Dent & Buckle findings
4.6.1. Objective:
To identify and to record aircraft structure damage location.
4.6.2. General:
i. A Dent and Buckle chart shall be initiated for each aircraft.
ii. Master copy of Dent and Buckle chart shall be on board of each Aircraft.
iii. A copy shall be kept in Structure Repair Department.
iv. Second copy shall be kept in EGYPTAIR EXPRESS maintenance directorate
in each aircraft file.
v. The record shall contain full details of location and dimensions of structure
damage and action taken for allowable damage or repair according to the
approval reference and shall be signed and stamped.
vi. Dent & Buckle Chart Review shall be added to the tasks of phase check and
shall be signed and stamped.
vii. Any Structure damage finding during line maintenance or phase check of
aircraft has to be recorded on the Dent and Buckle chart and plotted on the
structure drawing chart.
4.6.3. Handling of dent and buckle chart:
For new finding the certifying engineer shall make entry in the TLB, structure
Eng shall justify the finding according to SRM and:
i. If the finding is allowable and within limit he will sign out TLB with the
reference and any limitation, mark the finding and make entry in Dent & Buckle
ii. If finding maximum limit before repair shall be monitored OR temporary repair
has been done acc. to SRM OR manufacturer recommendation, Structure
Eng. Shall make entry in DDL with the reference and any limitation and mark
the finding and shall make entry in the Dent & Buckle Chart. Planning
&scheduling department shall monitor the re-inspection interval acc. to SRM
limits OR manufacturer recommendation.

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iii. If finding is out of limit or not allowable and permanent repair is mandatory A/C
to be grounded until repair is accomplished, Structure Eng. shall make entry in
dent & buckle chart.

5 . Forms:
Dent & structure damage Form No.435

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Part 2: Maintenance Control
Chapter 2.08
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 01 Page 1 of 2
Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012
2.08 Defect Recording and Control
1. Objective:
This procedure describes the Defect Recording and Control
2. References:
ECAR 121.375,ECAR 145.29.g
3. Responsibility:
These functions are subcontracted to an organization approved or accepted in
accordance with ECAA under the supervision of Chief Inspector for approvals
4. Description:
4.1. Defect Recording and control and documentation of troubleshooting history:
The aircraft log book is the system for recording defects and malfunctions during
aircraft operation and for recording and documenting Troubleshooting history of all
maintenance on an aircraft between scheduled base maintenance visits, it is used
for recording flight safety and maintenance information the operating crew and the
maintenance organization at all bases where the aircraft is operated needs to know.
4.2. Control of recuring defects and tracking chronic or repetitive unserviceable items :
4.2.1. The defect is considered repetitive If it occurs 3 times in 10 consecutive days
on the same aircraft.
4.2.2. Contracted AMO line maintenance Technical support section shall maintain an
oversight over defects reported in aircraft and shall identify recurring defects
accordingly. It shall schedule necessary rectification programs and keep
following-up to ensure the effectiveness of the rectification program. Aircraft
repeated discrepancy notification form No 327 will be sent on a daily basis
from the Line Maintenance Technical Support section to EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS IOCC in order to clearly highlight recurring defects to both the
concerned flight crews & EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector for the
required monitoring.

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4.2.3. Unsuccessful rectification attempts shall be clearly recorded in aircraft log
4.2.4. Line Maintenance Technical support section is responsible for informing
relevant maintenance crew about previous unsuccessful rectification
attempts for repeated discrepancies in order to avoid the duplication of
unsuccessful attempts at rectification
4.2.5. Technical support section shall ensure that the rectification of a recurring
defect will take into account the methodology used in previous repair
5. Forms:
Form No 327

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2.10 Aircraft Recorders
1. Objective:
To comply with ECAR requirements for Aircraft Recorders
2. References:
ECAR 91.609& Appendix E, ECAR 121.343&ECAR121.359
3. Responsibility:
Chief Inspector
4. Description

4.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall not conduct any operation with an aircraft listed in it's
operations specifications unless that aircraft complies with any applicable flight
recorder and cockpit voice recorder requirements of Part 91 except that may:
4.1.1. Ferry an aircraft with an inoperative flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder
from a place where repair or replacement cannot be made to a place where
they can be made;
4.1.2. Continue a flight as originally planned, if the flight recorder becomes
inoperative after the aircraft has taken off;
4.1.3. Conduct an airworthiness flight test during which the flight recorder or cockpit
voice recorder is turned off to test it or test any communications or electrical
equipment installed in the aircraft; or
4.1.4. Ferry a newly acquired aircraft from the place where possession of it is taken
to a place where the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is to be installed.
The flight data recorders are required to utilize a digital method of recording
and storing data and a method of readily retrieving that data from the storage
medium, that are capable of recording the data specified in ECAR 91
Appendix E within the range accuracy, and recording interval specified and
that are capable of retaining the data recording during at least the last 25
hours of aircraft operation.
4.2. Cockpit voice recorder duration
4.2.1. Shall be capable of retaining the information recorded as ECAR requirement

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4.2.2. Should be capable of retaining the information recorded from at least the last
two hours of its operation Should be capable of retaining the information
recorded from at least the last two hours of its operation
4.3. Annual inspection
Maintenance Planning shall contain annual inspection, replaying and readout of
recorded data of flight data and cockpit voice recording systems (FDR & CVR), to
ensure the continued serviceability of the Recorders & that they operate correctly
according to acceptable permissible limits for all recorded parameters for the
nominal duration of the recording using appropriate facilities for such readout. The
test shall also ensure that each aircraft-sensing unit or parameter meets preset
strength and clarity standards. A report of the annual inspection must be made
available to the Authority.
4.4. Inspection and continued serviceability of flight data and cockpit voice recording
systems shall be verified as follows:
4.4.1. Prior to the first flight of the day, the built in test features for the flight data
recorder (FDR), cockpit voice recorder (CVR) and flight data acquisition unit
will be exercised to confirm proper operation.
4.4.2. Annual inspections shall be completed as follows;
i. The readout of the recorded data from the FDR and CVR must confirm that
the recorder operates correctly for the nominal duration of the recording.
ii. The analysis of the FDR must evaluate the quality of the recorded data to
determine if the bit error rate is within acceptable limits and to determine the
nature and distribution of the errors.
iii. A complete flight recorded by the FDR must be examined to evaluate the
validity of the recorded parameters. Particular attention must be given to
those parameters that are taken from the aircrafts electrical bus systems.
iv. The facilities used to accomplish the examination required in (iii) of this
section must have the necessary software to accurately convert the recorded
values to engineering units and to determine the status of discrete signals.
v. An annual examination of the CVR is required by re-playing the CVR
recording while the equipment is installed in the aircraft. As part of this test a

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sample signal must be recorded using each aircraft-sensing unit to ensure all
signal sources are meeting clarity standards.
vi. When practical, during the annual examination, a sample of in-flight recordings
of the CVR should be examined for signal strength and clarity:
vii. Flight recorder systems must be considered unserviceable when a period of
poor quality data, unintelligible signals, or one or more of the mandatory
parameters is not recorded correctly.
viii. A report of the annual inspection must be made available to the ECAA.
ix. The following requirements are established for calibrating the FDR system;
a. The FDR system should be recalibrated as recommended by the
manufacturer to ensure the accuracy of the engineering conversion routines
for the mandatory parameters and also to confirm the unit is operating
within tolerances.
b. When the parameters of altitude and airspeed are provided by sensors
dedicated to the FDR system, and then there should be a recalibration
performed as recommended by the manufacturer.
4.4.3. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall not conduct any operation with its listed aircraft in
the operations specifications unless that aircraft complies with any applicable
flight recorder and cockpit voice recorder requirements of Part 91 under which
its certificate is issued except ::
i. Ferry an aircraft with an inoperative flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder
from a place where repair or replacement cannot be made to a place where
they can be made;
ii. Continue a flight as originally planned, if the flight recorder becomes
inoperative after the aircraft has taken off;
iii. Conduct an airworthiness flight test during which the flight recorder or cockpit
voice recorder is turned off to test it or test any communications or electrical
equipment installed in the aircraft; or
4.5. In the event of an accident or incident requiring immediate notification to the
ECAA, EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall keep the recorded information for at least 60
days or, if requested by the ECAA for longer period. Information obtained from the
record is used to assist in determining the cause of accidents or incidents in

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Chapter 2.10
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connection with the ECAA investigation. of all related flight recorder records, and if
necessary the associated flight recorders, and their retention in safe custody
pending their disposition

5. Forms

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2.11 Electronic Navigation Data Management
1. Objective :
To set EGYPTAIR EXPRESS policy regarding the implementation of Electronic
Navigation Data Management
2. References:
ECAR 91 .423 ECAR Parts 121.57 and 121.305.
3. Responsibility
3.1. Function is contracted to an ECAR Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organization
3.2. Chief Inspector for monitoring
4. Requirements:
4.1. Contracted AMO shall obtain the databases from Vendors (as an accepted Data
Base Supppliers by the authority or type certificate holderfor use in aircraft
navigation systems by This can be achieved through the authorized downloading
from the Vendor web site or by mail. This shall be done timely by the AMO and
on regular basis.
4.2. The AMO will sent the data one week in advance of the applicable effective date
to the relevant line maintenance department so that it can be loaded on the
relevant aircraft prior to the first flight on the effective date for the new databases.
4.3. An entry in the aircraft logbook shall be made by the data loading person.
5. Forms


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Chapter 2.12
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2.12 Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
1. Objective
To set EGYPTAIR EXPRESS procedures regarding the implementation of technical
requirements for RVSM operations.
2. References:
ECAR 91 Appendixes G, ECAR Part 121.57 and 121.161.
3. Responsibility
Maintenance Director for implementation
Chief Inspector for monitoring
4. Description:

4.1. General:
EGYPTAIR AIRLINES and its aircraft are fulfilling the ECAA requirements
regarding the RVSM and approved accordingly.
4.2. Requirements for Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM):
4.2.1. Instituted appropriate procedures in respect of continued airworthiness
(maintenance and repair) practices and programmes for RVSM
4.2.2. The aircraft is equipped with two operational independent altitude
measurement systems.
4.2.3. The aircraft has an automatic altitude control system that controls the
aircraft altitude within the regulatory specified tolerance band about
acquired altitude when the aircraft is operated in straight and level flight
under non-turbulent, non-gust conditions.
4.2.4. The aircraft must be equipped with an altitude alert system that signals
an alert when the altitude displayed to the cockpit crew deviates from
the selected altitude by more than the values specified by the regulatory

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4.2.5. The aircraft is equipped with one Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)
altitude reporting transponder with capability for switching to operate
from either altitude measurement system.
4.3. Requirements for Continued Compliance with RVSM Requirements:
4.3.1. The MEL has specific minimum requirements for RVSM, which may be
more stringent than those required for normal operation. EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS RVSM CMEL requirements have been derived from aircraft
Approved Flight Manual
4.3.2. In the event of structural damage within the vicinity of Pilot Probes,
Static Vents, TAT Probes or AOA sensors, the Structural Repair Manual
4.3.3. This section details the aerodynamic requirements for allowable
damage or repairs, which affect the Probes, Ports or AOA Sensors.
4.4. Downgrading of Aircraft as NON-RVSM CAPABLE:
4.4.1. Any defect rendering the aircraft as NON-RVSM CAPABLE must be
transferred to the Deferred Defect Log provided that the said defect is
allowable within the terms of the Minimum Equipment List (MEL). This
Deferred Defect must clearly state that the aircraft is NON-RVSM
CAPABLE. This should be also reflected in the aircraft Technical Log as
4.4.2. Persons authorized to downgrade an aircraft shall be appropriately
authorized for this particular circumstances.
4.4.3. As soon as an aircraft is classified as NON-RVSM CAPABLE, the MCC
must notify the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Operations(IOCC).
4.5. Upgrading of Aircraft as RVSM CAPABLE
4.5.1. The defect causing the downgrade must be positively identified and
4.5.2. The Technical Log should reflect that the aircraft is RVSM CAPABLE.
4.5.3. Only appropriately authorized inspector shall upgrade an aircraft to be
RVSM CAPABLE, dependant upon the reason for the previous

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4.5.4. As soon as the aircraft becomes RVSM CAPABLE, the MCC must
notify the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Operations(IOCC).
4.6. RVSM Training Requirements:
4.6.1. Maintenance staff shall be provided with a suitable training describing
the RVSM. This can take the form of reading an RVSM Briefing
Document. Once staff have read and understood the RVSM notes, they
are required to sign an Acknowledgement Sheet stating that they have
read and clearly understood the RVSM Briefing Document.
4.6.2. The RVSM training records shall be available on demand to EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS auditors.
4.6.3. RVSM Continuation Training is contained with the elements of the
various existing Technical Aircraft Continuation Training Courses.
These courses are run by EGYPTAIR Training Organization.
5. Forms:
Application for Aircraft RVSM approval ECAA Form No. 12000-26

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2.13. Reporting to the Authority and the OEM
Type Certificate Holder
1. Objective:
To establish and execute a system for reporting hazardous conditions
encountered during aircraft operation to the Authority, Type Certificate Holder and
design organizations.
2. References:
ECAR 39 .21, ECAR 801, ECAR 91.10, 121.702, ECAR 121.703, 121.705,
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Cheif Inspector
3.2. Contracted Maintenance Provider.
4. Description:
4.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall provide ECAA with Type Certicate Holder with
faults, malfunctions and other ocurrences which could affect the continuing
airworthiness of aircraft, as prescribed by ECAA at aircraft delivery. Accident
4.1.1. Mantenance provider MCC shall notify immediately ECAA and Chief
Inspector by telephon or fax or any other means for any Aircraft accidents/
incident on form 330.
4.1.2. Initial reporting on form F12000-15). shall be reported withen 72 hrs to ECAA
by, telex, or fax.
4.1.3. An investigation shall be carried out. An investigation team is to be
nominated ECAA by Accident Investigation Authority.
4.1.4. Material involved in the accident shall not be moved, repaired, modified,
overhauled, scrapped or handled to a third party unless the action is
approved by the Accident investigation authority via IOCC Emergency
Response Team Leader via maintenance member.
4.1.5. The investigation team prepare the accident ECAA.
4.2. Occurrence Reporting:

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4.2.1. Occurrence Reporting shall be for defects or un-airworthy conditions as
i. Occurrence shall be immediately notified to the ECAA by telephone or telex or
ii. Aircraft incidents shall be reported to the Authority within 72 hours from occurrence
by telephone or fax.
iii. The reporting shall be in the form mentioned in ECAR 39 subpart B (F12000-15).
iv. The report shall contain all mechanical failures, malfunctions or defects that is
hazardous to flight safety as in paragraf 4.2.3
4.2.2. The following informations is to be included in the Report:
i. Aircraft data, Occurrence date, flight number, place and stage when the
Occurrence occurred.
ii. The aircraft and involved part total time and total cycles, time and cycles since
last major check or shop visit
iii. The nature of the failure, malfunction or defect.
iv. Any emergency procedure implemented.
v. Identification and disposition of the part(s) involved.
vi. Apparent cause of the failure, malfunction or defect.
vii. Analysis as to the cause or root cause of the failure or defect.
viii. Analysis so as to the data obtained from the installed flight recorder and
cockpit voice recorder.
ix. Dumped records shall be kept for at least 60 days or, if requested by the
Authority for longer period. Whether the part was repaired, replaced or other
action taken;
x. Related correspondence with aircraft/part(s) manufacturer
xi. Recommendations as to the corrective action(s)

4.2.3. List of reportable occurrences that should be reported:
i. General
a. Any failure, malfunction or defect where the safety of operation was or could
have been endangered or which could have led to an unsafe condition.
ii. Aircraft Structure
a. Any failure of aircraft primary structure or a principal structural element

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b. Engine structural failure;
c. Control system failure;
d. Major defect or damage to aircraft structure and also that requires major
e. Cracks, permanent deformation or corrosion or defect or damage of aircraft
primary structure or principal structural element that a repair scheme is not
already provided in the manufacturer's repair manual, or that occur after
f. Any part of the aircraft that would endanger the aircraft or any person by
becoming detached in flight or during operations on the ground;
g. Defects or damage to aircraft structures, if more than allowed tolerances
h. Damage which necessitates repair before further flight.
iii. Power plant
a. Engine(s) removed prematurely because of malfunction, failure or defect.
b. Un-commanded loss of thrust/power, shutdown or failure of any engine;
c. Uncontained failure of engine compressor, turbines;
d. Engine exhaust system malfunction during flight that caused damage to
engine, adjacent structure, equipment or subjected the aircraft to an unsafe
e. inability to relight or restart a serviceable engine during flight
iv. Aircraft Systems or Equipment
a. Fire or explosion;
b. Smoke, toxic or noxious fumes in the aircraft; crew to deal
c. Fuel leakage that results in substantial loss, or is a fire hazard;
d. Fuel system malfunction that has significant effect on fuel supply and/or
distribution; Brake system components that result in loss of brake actuating
force when the aircraft is in motion on the ground;
e. Fire warnings, except those immediately confirmed as false;
f. Unwanted landing gear or gear doors extension / retraction
g. Significant loss of braking action
h. Dangerous Goods Spillage, leakage, causing fumes, gases smoke or fire.

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i. Pressurization system malfunction necessitating a change in flight plan, or
the use of emergency or standby oxygen system
j. A complete loss of more than one electrical power generating or hydraulic
power system during flight

4.2.4. The occurrences shall be reported by the AMO to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS, the
Original Equipment Manufacturer and the Type Certificate Holder are the
conditions which considered a hazard to flight safety such as:
a. Significant cracking, deformation, corrosion or failure of primary structure.
b. Any evidence of burning, electrical arcing, significant hydraulic fluid or fuel
c. Any emergency system or total system failure,
d. Overdue for compliance of any airworthiness directive (AD / CN).
e. Control system failure;
f. Engine(s) removed prematurely because of malfunction, failure or defect;

5. Forms:
5.1. ECAA Preliminary Notification Occurrence Report Form No. 12000-15
5.2. Accident / Incident Report Form No. 330.

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2.14 CAT II Operations
1. Objective :
To set EGYPTAIR EXPRESS policy regarding the implementation of technical
requirements for, category II automatic landing operations.
2. References:
ECAR 91.189 ECAR 91 appendix D.
3. Responsibility
3.1. Maintenance Director for implementation
3.2. Chief Inspector for monitoring
4. Description:
4.1. General
To implement a CAT II operation, the following shall be applied:
4.1.1. Engineering shall identify aircraft, aircraft component data, maintenance and
reliability program related to the CAT II operation and review aircraft applicable
documents accordingly. Applicable documents include but not limited to
aircraft Minimum Equipment List and Flight Manual.
4.1.2. Engineering shall be responsible for continuously reviewing the Authority
requirements, identifying program requirements, updating the program and
working on follow-up.
4.1.3. Engineering shall continuously coordinate with the flight operations for
compliance with the CAT II provisions
4.1.4. Quality Assurance shall be responsible for determining maintenance
personnel qualification requirements. Concerned maintenance provider shall
be responsible for qualifying maintenance personnel according to these
4.1.5. Chief Inspector shall apply to the Authority for CAT II operation approval

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4.1.6. The CAT II operation shall not be implemented unless there is an authorization
for CAT II operation in the Operations Specifications granted by the Authority.
4.1.7. Engineering is responsible for ensuring that the CAT II aircraft continuously
comply with Type Certificate or Supplemental Type Certificate requirements.
4.2. CAT II maintenance program shall address the following:
4.2.1. Applicable tasks and procedures addressing lower landing minima and low
visibility operations.
4.2.2. Applicable MRB and other mandatory requirements relating to low visibility
4.2.3. Verification of the lower landing minima systems and configuration status.
4.2.4. Identification of modifications, additions, and changes required for CAT II
operation other than those specified in Aircraft Flight Manual, Type Certificate
or Supplemental Type Certificate Requirements.
4.2.5. Identification of maintenance requirements and log entries necessary to
change minima status.
4.2.6. CAT II Program shall cover the following:
i. Effectively as related to aircraft registration.
ii. Definition and identification as related to aircraft systems/components
iii. Identification as related maintenance program tasks.
iv. Reliability / performance reporting to all concerned.
v. Compliance with regulatory requirements.
vi. Operational performance reporting and record keeping.
vii. The Reliability Section shall monitor all CAT II related systems / components
and report to RCB in regular basis. Pilot performance reports and
maintenance reports shall be filed with any defect deferrals.
viii. Operations function checks and records for evaluation period.
ix. Maintenance training.
4.3. Reliability program shall address the following:

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4.3.1. An analysis shall be made on a case-by-case basis of all-significant
discrepancies, failures, defects and malfunctions experienced in service (or
during testing) that may be unique to the low visibility program and description
of the way it is dealt with.
4.3.2. An assessment of the corrective actions taken for each problem identified or
reported in the lower minimum system and related component discrepancies
for the purpose of quality control, analysis and prevention of re-occurrence. A
verification action may be required for certain discrepancies. Determination
shall be made to who must initiate verification actions and who is responsible
for the determination of what action is necessary should be identified. All such
actions should be appropriately certified and filed.
4.3.3. The reliability program shall define, address, and monitor chronic and
repetitive discrepancies related to CAT II operations.
4.4. Follow up on CAT II related components.
The follow-up shall include the following details:
4.4.1. Component part, specification or model.
4.4.2. Component manufacturer or vendor.
4.4.3. Quantity per aircraft
4.4.4. Repair facility used.
4.4.5. Performance data such as but not limited to MTBUR, MTBF and its relation to
scheduled Maintenance program, related maintenance tasks.
4.5. Chief Inspector shall:
4.5.1. Review the program prior to submission for Authority approval. The
management of Authority approval is the responsibility of the Chief Inspector.
4.5.2. Address the Authority to amend the granted Operation Specifications in order
to include CAT II operations.
4.5.3. Supervise CAT II event analysis and control of the corrective action and
prepare necessary repots for the Authority.

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4.5.4. Supervise the Record keeping of the release, event corrective action for
compliance with records standards.
4.5.5. Monitor and review of corrective action(s) implementation and its verification
required to keep or restore Authority CAT II approval.
4.5.6. Notify all concerned regarding CAT II Authority approval status in due time. If
the CAT II approval is suspended, the Chief Inspector shall immediately
inform all concerned.
4.6. CAT II Performance Reports and Reported Defects:
4.6.1. The Maintenance Manager will receive performance reports on regular basis
from the flight operations. If reports contain technical discrepancies, he will act
accordingly. If engineering support is required, the Maintenance Manager will
inform engineering to provide such support.
4.6.2. The maintenance engineers / inspectors shall review the aircraft technical log
entries for CAT II related system/ component reported defects and rectify as
per the standard program maintenance manual.
4.6.3. Record keeping of the Work tasks and the performance reports shall be filed in
the Aircraft record files and supplement CAT II evaluation files.
4.6.4. The reliability corrective actions shall be filed in the aircraft record files.
4.6.5. Any CAT II approved aircraft shall only be released to flight by an approved
release certifying person who is trained on maintenance of CAT II related
systems/ items.
4.6.6. An aircraft approved for CAT II operation and planned for a flight operation
which is subject to CAT II flight, the flight must be appropriately identified in
flight documents.
4.6.7. The CAT II job number shall be appropriately identified in the line maintenance
checks and shall be released by a certifying staff who is trained on the CAT II
related item maintenance.
4.6.8. Any deferral of related item must be checked if such deferral affects the level
of operation that will degrade its CAT II performance. If an aircraft is subjected

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to a CAT II related item defect deferral, MCC shall be immediately informed
and shall relay this information to the flight crew suitable time prior to dispatch.
The affected aircraft, in such case, shall remain out of lower minimum status
until successful corrective action has been verified. Any aircraft system with a
maintenance deferral that affects CAT II operation shall be placarded properly
to prevent reliance on it and such process shall be appropriately documented
in aircraft logbook and made visible to the flight crew by the concerned
certifying staff. The above requirement shall apply equally to any CAT II
chronic or repetitive discrepancies
4.6.9. Deferred items affecting CAT II performance shall be monitored for rectification
by the reliability section and concerned maintenance inspectors.
4.6.10. Maintenance task certification and release of work which includes CAT II
related items shall be certified by approved certifying staffs who has trained on
CAT II related items maintenance.
4.6.11. The Chief Inspector may arrange for regular meetings with the pilots flight
crews to discuss events, performance discrepancies related to CAT II
operation. Review of CAT II items with the flight operation may be required if
the subject change include or require pilot operation procedure.
4.6.12. The project engineering may arrange with flight operation for review of the
related items for the proper operation procedure. The reviewed items shall be
proposed to the QA director for authority approval granting.
4.6.13. The aircraft CAT II operation approval shall be declared into the aircraft
technical log and endorsed in the training program, Maintenance program and
configuration and audit files.
4.6.14. Component which is related to CAT II operation shall be identified in shop
maintenance paper work (job or repair order) by the shop production control.
4.6.15. The shop findings for CAT II related components with respect to the limits as
required by the maintenance data shall be appropriately investigated by
engineering and necessary actions taken.

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4.6.16. Records of deferred items shall be filed in the aircraft CAT II record files in
addition to the normal A/C records system
4.6.17. The Engineering shall review airworthiness issues (A.D.s, C.N.s, S.B.s, S.l.s or
reliability changes) for the CAT II related components/systems and issue
necessary engineering orders to comply with requirements. A special mod
standard of the CAT II related component might be established.
4.6.18. The stores inspectors shall review component configuration (CAT II related)
according to its mod standard prior to be stored, any discrepancy may be
reported to the engineering Directorate.
4.7. Downgrading of Aircraft as NON-CAT II CAPABLE
4.7.1. Any defect rendering the aircraft as NON-CAT II CAPABLE must be
transferred to the Deferred Defect Log provided that the said defect is
allowable within the terms of the Minimum Equipment List (MEL). This
Deferred Defect must clearly state that the aircraft is NON-CAT II CAPABLE.
This should be also reflected in the aircraft Technical Log as a NON-CAT II
4.7.2. Persons authorized to downgrade an aircraft shall be appropriately authorized
for this particular circumstances.
4.8. As soon as an aircraft is classified as NON-CAT II CAPABLE the MCC must notify
the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Operations. Upgrading of aircraft as CAT II CAPABLE
4.8.1. The defect causing the downgrade must be positively identified and rectified.
4.8.2. The Technical Log should reflect that the aircraft is CAT II CAPABLE.
4.8.3. Only appropriately authorized inspector shall upgrade an aircraft to be CAT II
CAPABLE dependent upon the reason for the previous downgrading.
4.8.4. As soon as the aircraft becomes CAT II CAPABLE the MCC must notify the
4.9. Training
4.9.1. Maintenance staff shall be provided with a suitable training describing the CAT
II. This can take the form of reading a CAT II Briefing Document. Once staff
have read and understood the CAT II notes, they are required to sign an

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Acknowledgement Sheet stating that they have read and clearly understood
the CAT II Briefing Document.
4.9.2. The CAT II training records shall be available on demand to EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS auditors.
4.9.3. CAT II Continuation Training is contained with the elements of the various
existing Technical Aircraft Continuation Training Courses. These courses are
run by EGYPTAIR Training Organization.
5. Forms:

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Part 3: Technical Records
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3.00 Index
3.01 Aircraft Technical Log.
3.02 Aircraft Maintenance Records
3.03 Fuel and Oil Records
3.04 Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins

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3.01. Aircraft Technical Log.
1. Objective:
Description how to handle aircraft on-board Technical Logbooks.
2. References:
ECAR 43.13, 121.375, 121.563, 121.687 and 121.701.
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Chief Inspector to create and obtain ECAA approval, monitor the production and
distribution of logbooks for all aircraft.
3.2. Handling of Log Books is subcontracted under the supervision of the Maintenance
4. Description:
4.1. General:
4.1.1. Each aircraft shall be furnished with the following set of logbooks:
i. Technical Logbook (TLB).
ii. Deferred Defect Logbook (DDL).
iii. Cabin Logbook (CLB).
iv. Deferred Cabin Logbook (DCLB).
4.1.2. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector shall create, monitor the production and
distribution of logbooks for all aircraft.
4.1.3. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector shall ensure that logbooks are
maintained for all aircraft operations
4.1.4. All logs shall be made accessible to concerned flight crew at all times.
4.1.5. Page forms of Technical Log and Deferred Defect Log and any amendments
there to shall be approved by the Authority.
4.1.6. All log pages shall be serialized consequentially.
4.1.7. All entries in aircraft logbooks shall be current with undeletable ink and cannot
be erased.
4.1.8. Errors corrected in the aircraft logbooks shall remain readable and identifiable.


4.1.9. Each person who takes action in the case of a reported or observed failure or
malfunction of an airframe, engine or appliance that is critical to the safety of
flight shall make, or have made, a record of that action in the aircraft's
maintenance log.
4.1.10. Duty assignments of crew members, shall be stated in the general declearation
(GD) form, and shall be kept onboard the aircraft, a copy shall be kept at the
dispatch section (ref. to OMA,1)
4.2. Technical Logbook (TLB):
4.2.1. Aircraft technical logbook shall comprise the following elements:
i. aircraft nationality and registration;
ii. date;
iii. Name and signature of the pilot in command
iv. place of departure;
v. place of arrival;
vi. time of departure;
vii. time of arrival;
viii. hours & minuets of flight;
ix. incidents, observations, as applicable;
x. details of defects and rectifications/actions taken;
xi. signature and identity of the person recording the defect.
xii. signature and identity of the person signing the release to service following
xiii. Company name and logo
xiv. Aircraft fluids serviced quantities: fuel / oil.
xv. Aircraft parameters such as tires pressures and engine parameters.
xvi. Line maintenance checks carried out.
xvii. Aircraft acceptance for flight statement signed by the pilot in command.
xviii. Type of flight; revenue, non-revenue; training, testing ,repositioning, ETOPS,
4.2.2. Technical Log pages are to be made of a master white copy and additional
three copies


i. Master copy, shall remain on board the relevant aircraft until the next letter
check where it is kept at the main records.
ii. Second copy, shall be left at departure point. In outstations ,These copies will
be kept by handling company for 30 days then routed to Cairo base to be kept
in maintenance record department
iii. Third copy shall be retained in the main Records Section in the Main Base
after the end of the flight until being replaced by the master white copy.
iv. AMO Record Section shall scan TLB pages monthly and keep it in server
v. Fourth copy is to be used for engineering purposes.
4.2.3. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall ensure that the completed A/C TLB pages are
retained according to 1.06 - 4.4.3.
4.2.4. The AMO main records section shall utilize the recorded time (hours, calendar
time and cycles), to calculate Total time in service (hours, calendar time and
cycles, as appropriate,) of the aircraft, engines and all life-limited components;
4.2.5. Defect entries shall be written in the defect cell either by pilot or engineer , pilot
name and signature cell filled in case pilot reported the defect OR engineer
sign and stamp in case defect reported by engineer. If no defect reported pilot
shall sign the first defect cell (NIL).

4.3. Deferred Defect Logbook (DDL):

4.3.1. Deferred Defect Log is made to record discrepancies for which rectification can
be deferred in accordance with the CMEL/CDL and to record the actions taken
to rectify these items. The log is filled out by maintenance approved personnel.
4.3.2. Deferred Defect Log pages shall be made of a master white copy and
additional two copies of different colors.
i. Master copy, shall remain on board the relevant aircraft at least until
rectification of deferrals after which it is transferred to the main records.
ii. First copy shall be sent by the contracted AMO line maintenance for records
and planning purposes.


iii. Second copy shall be maintained in the Main Records until replaced by the
master copy.
4.3.3. Deferred Defect Log pages shall contain the following data/records:
i. Company Name and Logo
ii. Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
iii. Departure point where the discrepancy has been deferred / extended.
iv. Detail of deferred discrepancies and reference to the CMEL/CDL item
allowing for deferral.
v. Reference to the technical log page number on which the deferred item has
been first recorded
vi. Date of and reason for deferral
vii. Interval for deferral
viii. Signature and stamp of the maintenance approved person who made the
ix. Rectification date, action taken to rectify deferred discrepancy and reference
to maintenance data
x. Signature and stamp of the maintenance approved person that made the
xi. Record of extension by ECAA / CI.
4.4. Cabin Logbook (CLB):
4.4.1 Cabin Log is to be made to record cabin non-airworthy items discrepancies
observed by the cabin crew during operation of aircraft. Any discrepancy, which
may affect the Airworthiness, shall be reported to the cockpit crew to be
entered in aircraft Technical Log
4.4.2 Record of corrective actions taken by maintenance personnel to rectify cabin
4.4.3 Cabin Log pages is to be made of a master white copy and additional colored
copy. Master copy is to remain on board the relevant aircraft until the next letter
check. Second copy, is to be left at departure point.
4.4.4 Cabin log pages shall contain the following data/records:
i. Company Name and Logo


ii. Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
iii. Date
iv. Departure point and arrival point
v. Discrepancies observed by cabin crew during operation
vi. Signature of concerned cabin crew
vii. Action taken to rectify or defer discrepancies
viii. Signature of maintenance approved person who performed the corrective

4.5. Deferred Cabin Logbook (DCLB):

4.5.1. Deferred Cabin Log is to be used to record cabin discrepancies for which
rectification can be deferred for subsequent rectification action. The log is to be
filled by concerned maint. personnel.
4.5.2. Deferred Cabin Items Log pages is to be made of a master white copy and
additional coloured copy. Master copy , is to remain on board the relevant
aircraft until rectification of discrepancies. Second copy, is to be left at
departure point.
4.5.3. Deferred Cabin Items Log is to contain the following data/records:
i. Company Name and Logo
ii. Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
iii. Departure point where the discrepancy has been deferred
iv. Detail of deferred discrepancies.
v. Reference to the cabin log page number on which the deferred item has been
first recorded
vi. Date of and reason for deferral
vii. Signature and stamp of the maintenance approved person who made the
viii. Action taken to rectify the deferred discrepancy with reference to relevant
maintenance data
ix. Signature and stamp of the maintenance approved person that made the


5. Forms:
5.1. Aircraft Technical Log Tech. Log (TLB).
5.2. A/C Deferred Defect Log (DDLB) Form 407.
5.3. A/C Cabin Log (CLB) Form 413.
5.4. Deferred Cabin Item Log (DCLB) Form 414.

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3.02. Aircraft Maintenance Records.
1. Objective:
To establish, maintain and monitor a system of maintenance records.
2. References:
ECAR 43.1, 43.3, 43.11, 43.15, ECAR 91.417, 91.419 ECAR121.376, 121.377,
121.685, 121.701.
3. Responsibility:
Function is subcontracted under the responsibility of the Chief Inspector.
4. Description:
4.1. General:
4.1.1. Records shall contain details of the relevant aircraft or component, methods,
techniques and practices, type of inspection and a brief description of work
performed including tolerances and limits, reference to documents and tools
used, as applicable, date of completion of work and name / signature / stamp of
person in charge. If work constitutes major repairs or major alterations it shall
contain approval from ECAA.
4.1.2. Only properly qualified person(s) shall sign a maintenance record. Qualification
includes training, certification or authorization as applicable.
4.1.3. An up-to-date signature roster of maintenance personnel who are approved to
perform and certify maintenance for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall be available to
the C.I.
4.1.4. It is not allowed to intentionally enter any false entry in any record. If correction
to an inadvertent mistake is to be made in a record, the old writing shall be
omitted in a way not to cause its complete disappearance. Use of corrector or
whitener is prohibited.

Part 3: Technical Records
Chapter 3.02
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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4.1.5. Aircraft shall be released to service only after assuring that its records are
4.1.6. Paper records shall use proper paper quality that can withstand normal use
during the record retention period.
4.1.7. Paper records shall be written with undeletable ink.
4.1.8. Records are to be made available for inspection to ECAA Inspectors or other
authorized entities at any time during business hours.
4.1.9. Records shall include tracking of total time in service (hours, calendar time and
cycles, as appropriate,) since last overhaul of the aircraft, engines or its
components subject to a mandatory overhaul life; with special regard to life
limited parts as specified in approved aircraft maintenance program.
4.1.10. For time controlled items, record of previous operating history shall be provided
in a justified manner unless the item has been completely disassembled,
inspected, repaired as necessary, reassembled, tested, and approved in the
same manner and to the same tolerances and limits as a new item.
4.1.11. The records shall contain any change made as required by Airworthiness
Directives; or any change made in compliance with manufacturers service
4.1.12. Records shall not be filed for storage unless all required data in the record is
4.1.13. All records shall be stored in a suitable area and shall be protected against
loss, theft, fire, water, weather conditions or unauthorized access.
4.1.14. Retention of Maintenance Records is subcontracted to EGYPTAIR M&E.
4.1.15. Should the retention period expires (as mentioned in 1.8-4.4.3), relevant
records are to be either transferred to a dead store or soft or microfilm copies
are retained instead and paper shall be shredded before sent to recycling and
CDs shall be destroyed.
4.1.16. No record is to be destroyed without the prior written consent of ECAA via the
Chief Inspector.

Part 3: Technical Records
Chapter 3.02
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4.2. Applicable Maintenance and Quality Records:
4.2.1. Record kept under the control of Chief Inspector include but not limited to the
following List :

i. A list of organizations currently approved to perform maintenance on the
Operator's aircraft, engines, components or parts.
ii. Chief Inspector shall have a window in computer format to an up-to-date
signature roster providing positive identification of maintenance personnel who
are approved to perform and certify maintenance for EGYPTAIR EXPRESS,s
iii. Audit reports
iv. Personnel files
v. Escalation and Extensions
vi. Accidents and Incidents reports
4.2.2. The following List constitutes EGYPTAIR EXPRESS maintenance records are
should be continuously checked for completion, condition, currency and/or
i. Certificate of Release to Service,
ii. Aircraft Technical Log sheets
iii. Maintenance checks compliance sheets
iv. Task cards, routine and non-routine
v. Chronic or repetitive defects, troubleshooting history and implementation of
corrective action.
vi. Aircraft fourteen-night operational data.
vii. Aircraft weighing reports.
viii. Aircraft test flight reports.
ix. Maintenance ferry reports.
x. AD/CN standard for aircraft and aircraft components
xi. AD/CN status for aircraft and aircraft components

Part 3: Technical Records
Chapter 3.02
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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xii. AD/CN compliance cards for aircraft and aircraft components
xiii. SB/EO/SIL status for aircraft and aircraft components.
xiv. SB/EO/SIL compliance cards for aircraft and aircraft components.
xv. Approved Major Repair/Alteration forms
xvi. Aircraft structure repair files including repair reference, cards, schemes and
necessary approvals.
xvii. Airframe Logbook
xviii. Engine Logbook
xix. Auxiliary Power Unit Logbook
xx. List of aircraft installed parts including part numbers and serial numbers.
xxi. Aircraft installed components Airworthiness release certificates.
xxii. Fuel and Oil consumption records.
4.3. Aircraft accident / incident records:
4.3.1. All records of the Aircraft involved in the accident / incident shall be collected and
freezed and not moved, corrected, modified, scrapped or handled to a third
party unless the action is approved by Accident invistegation Authority via
IOCC Emergency Response Team Leader via maintenance member.
4.3.2. . It is preferable to produce a copy of all records of the aircraft involved in the
accident / incident.
4.3.3. When an aircraft becomes involved in an accident or incident; The IOCC Emergency
Response Team Leader via maintenance member shall insure that:
i. The flight data recorder FDR and or the voice recorder VCR as appropriate
are prompetly removed from the A/C.
ii. The associated flight recorders are preserved and retained in safe custody
pending disposition in accordance with the appropriate investigation.
iii. Monitor downloading data and preparation of necessary reports.
5. Forms:


3.03. Fuel and Oil Records.
1. Objective:
To provide a procedure to maintain fuel and oil records.
2. References:
ECAR 43.13, 121.375, 121.687 and 121.633
3. Responsibility:
This function is subcontracted under the supervision of the Maintenance Director.
4. Description:
4.1. General:
4.1.1. During aircraft arrival inspection, the assigned qualified technician will carry out
all engines oil topping, after engines shut down (within applicable AMM time
limits) ; then in-charge certifying staff will certify oil topping by checking that
added quantities are within acceptable limits according to applicable AMM and
record these quantities in the aircraft technical log bock TLB.
4.1.2. Fuelling operation is performed according to applicable AMM; then in-charge
certifying staff will check added quantities and record these quantities in the
aircraft technical log bock TLB.
4.1.3. TLB copy No.4 shall be sent to AMO engineering department for calculating
performance correction and / or issuing an Engineering order for a required
corrective action.
4.1.4. Records regarding fuel and oil consumption for any aircraft or engine shall be
kept for a minimum of three operational months
5. Forms:
5.1. Aircraft Technical Log book. (TLB).



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Part 3: Technical Records
Chapter 3.04
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 01 Page 1 of 4
Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012
3.04 Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins
1. Objective:
To establish policy for Airworthiness Directives (AD) and Service Bulletins (SB)
receipt, evaluation, processing and incorporation into EGYPTAIR EXPRESS fleet.
2. References:
ECAR 39.05, 121. 367,369
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Maintenance Director.
3.2. This function is subcontracted to AMO.
4. Description:
4.1. General :
4.1.1. Airworthiness Directives (AD):
AD which has been issued by the ECAA or Airworthiness authority of the
state of the TC Holder or STC Holder shall be treated as mandatory.
4.1.2. Service Bulletins (SB):
Service Bulletins and recommendations from organizations responsible for
the type design will be classified as follows:
i. Alert: which means that an urgent action is announced by the manufacturer
action is defined in a specific time frame this shall be implemented within the
specified time frame
ii. Recommended: which means that the actions which are announced by
manufacturer(s), are recommended This may be implemented within a
recommended time frame with reference to be made to the EGYPTAIR
iii. Optional: which means that the actions which are announced by
manufacturer(s) are made to improve the systems/components reliability
performance, operating costs or passenger satisfaction. This may be
implemented with reference to be made according to feasibility study

Part 3: Technical Records
Chapter 3.04
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012
4.2. ADs management:
Maintenance Director shall insure that the AMO set up the procedures to have
the AD,s concerned Authority promptly and:
4.2.1. Have Technical Publications Department which is responsible for the
procurement of AD,s documents from the concerned authority, either hard or
soft copy .
4.2.2. This shall be transferd to document manager to update the standard.
4.2.3. AD,s documents shall be sent to AMO engineering to carry out necessary
studies on each AD for applicability, required material, required manhours,
aircraft let down time, time frame, tools & equipment and documents
affected.and if there are affect on the aircraft operation AMO engineering
shall send an Information Bulliten to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Operation
4.2.4. Issue Engineering Order containing all necessary information.
4.2.5. Issued Engineering Orders are to be sent to planning for scheduling
4.2.6. Implement the Engineering Order on the specific aircraft. are completed
within the required time constraints
4.2.7. The aircraft STATUS will be updated accordingly & all concerned will be
4.2.8. Each aircraft STANDARD / STATUS should be available through the
computer system network for ADs.
4.3. S.Bs Management:
4.3.1. Contracted AMO Technical Publications Department is responsible for the
procurement of SB,s documents from the manufacturer, either hard or soft.
4.3.2. this shall be transferd to document manager to update the standard.
4.3.3. Also shall sent to AMO engineering to carry out necessary studies on each
SB for applicability, required material, required manhours, aircraft let down
time, time frame, tools & equipment and documents affected.and if there are
affect on the aircraft operation AMO engineering shall send an Information
Bulliten to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Operation Departement,
4.3.4. Issue Engineering Order containing all necessary information.

Part 3: Technical Records
Chapter 3.04
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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4.3.5. Issued Engineering Orders are to be sent to planning for scheduling
4.3.6. Implement the Engineering Order on the specific aircraft.
4.3.7. The aircraft STATUS will be updated accordingly & all concerned will be
4.3.8. Each aircraft standard / status should be available through the computer
system network for ADs Mandatory & Alert Service Bulletins.
4.3.9. For Recommended & Optional Service Bulletins, technical & financial
considerations will be applied before issuing the Engineering Order.
4.4. Record System:
4.4.1. All records regarding the Airworthiness Directives (AD) and Service Bulletins
(SB) receipt, evaluation, processing and incorporation into EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS fleet shall be retained by EGYPTAIR Maintenance and
Engineering as per MCM Part (1) chapter 1.08.
4.4.2. Contracted AMO shall provide Maintenance Director monthely an up dated
AD,s complins status.
4.4.3. Contracted AMO shall provide Maintenance Director quartly an up dated
SB,s complins status.
4.5. A D follow up procedure :
5.4.1. A bi-weekly check on authorities website shall be carried out to stand on the
latest issued A Ds
5.4.2. A copy of A Ds list from Technical documents and publications department
shall be sent to engineering directory
5.4.3. Engineering director shall make a comparison between both above sources
to assure that all ADs issued by authorities were received by contracted
AMO. Form E/P 01
5.4.4. A three samples from AD will be revised BI-weekly with full details. this
sample will be as follows :
i. Not applicable A D. Form E/P 02
ii. AD with terminated action.Form E/P 02
iii. A D with repetitive inspection.Form E/P 02

Part 3: Technical Records
Chapter 3.04
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012
5. Forms:
Form E/P 01
Form E/P 02


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Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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5.00 Index

5.01 Airside Technical Operations

5.02 Aircraft Fuelling

5.03 Aircraft De-icing and Anti-icing

5.04 Aircraft Mass and Balance Procedure

5.05 Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air

Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.01
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 4
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012
5.01 Airside Technical Operations
1. Objective:
To set up a procedure to be followed during aircraft technical ramp activities.
2. References:
2.1. Relevant aircraft documents
2.2. Applicable IATA recommendations
2.3. Outstation handbook.
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Maintenance Director for contract making and implementation.
3.2. Chief Inspector for contract review and activities audit.
4. Description:
The maintenance provider shall assign a dedicated oppreriately qualified person to
supervise and coordinate all ramp actevities, near and arround the aircraft during
aircraft technical ramp activities, such person shall insure that relevant safety
procedures are complied with as follows:
4.1. Aircraft Towing/Pushback Procedure:
Refer to outstation handbook chapter: 3.8. for detailed procedure.
4.1.1. This procedure regards towing / push-back of aircraft, when cockpit is
occupied by a flight crew or maintenance staff member.
4.1.2. All participants shall be qualified for the assigned job and related emergency
4.1.3. Instructions in applicable Aircraft Maintenance Manual and local Airport
Regulations must be complied with
4.1.4. All machines or equipment used shall be serviceable, suitable for the job and
appropriately used.
4.1.5. Prior to movement, appropriate communication shall be established between
ground, cockpit and concerned airport authority. Communication shall be
maintained during the entire towing or push- back operation.
4.1.6. Towing or push-back shall be carried out with stopped or idle engines.
4.1.7. Towing / push-back activity shall be made along unobstructed path. Sufficient
distances or clearances with surroundings shall be maintained. Markings and

Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.01
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 2 of 4
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012
guidelines on established taxi ways, parking ramps, taxi or towing lanes shall
be appropriately followed.
4.1.8. Necessary collision avoidance lights shall be illuminated
4.1.9. Movement speed limits shall be observed taking into consideration airport
ambient conditions
4.1.10. Sharp turns shall be avoided during towing / push-back operations.
4.1.11. Application of brakes shall be as smoothly as possible.
4.1.12. Emergency braking may be initiated during emergencies
4.1.13. In case of communication failure, the tractor horn may be used to ask for
braking in repeated short signals, sounding the Mechanics call horn and / or
by flashing the nose gear light.

4.2. Aircraft Arrival Procedure:
Refer to outstation handbook chapters: 3.1.
4.3. Aircraft Marshalling Procedure:
Refer to outstation handbook chapters: 3.2.
4.4. Aircraft Parking Procedure:
Refer to outstation handbook chapters: 3.3.
4.5. Aircraft Line Maintenance Servicing Control:
Refer to outstation handbook chapters: 3.4.
4.6. Ground Equipment Positioning:
Refer to outstation handbook chapters: 3.5.
4.7. Aircraft Fuelind/Defueling And Sampling Operations:
Refer to 5.2 &outstation handbook chapters: 3.6.
4.8. Aircraft Dispach Procedure:
Refer to outstation handbook chapter: 3.7.
4.9. Engine Ground Operation:
Refer to outstation handbook chapters: 3.9.
4.10. Forign Opject Damage FOD Prevention:
Refer to outstation handbook chapters: 3.10.
4.11. Aircraft Dispatch Procedure:
Refer to outstation handbook chapter: 3.7.

Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.01
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012
4.12. Ground Deicing and Anti-icing Program:
Refer to 5.3 & outstation handbook chapters: 3.5.
5. Forms:

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Chapter 5.01
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Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.02
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 6
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

5.02 Aircraft Fuelling Operations
1. Objective:
To set a policy to ensure that all fuelling operations are conducted in conformity with
applicable regulatory requirements.
2. References:
ECAR 91.12
Station handbook chapter: 02.06
3. Responsibility:
Function is subcontracted under the responsibility of the Maintenance Director.
4. Description:
4.1. Contracted Maintenance Organization Responsibilities:
The contracted maintenance organization is responsible for aircraft fuelling
operation, and shall ensure the following:
4.1.1. No fuelling operations is to be done while an aircraft engine is running
4.1.2. The refuelling provider shall take necessay precautions to ensure fuel
delivered and loaded onto aircraft is (refer to Station hand book 2.6)
i. Free from contamination;
ii. Of correct grade and specification for each aircraft type.
4.1.3. An audit will be done at each location where EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has
aircraft fuelling operations. to ensures the existence of periodic inspections of
critical aspects of the fuel supply system at each applicable location, to
include, as a minimum:
i. Fuel facilities;
ii. Safety and quality procedures;
iii. Performance levels of personnel.
4.1.4. Equipment serving the aircraft will be positioned at a maximum distance from
fueling points and vents. A clear path shall be maintained to permit rapid
evacuation of fueling vehicle(s) and personnel in an emergency. Unnecessay
equipment shall be shut down and shall not be restarted until fuel vapors have

Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.02
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012
4.1.5. When wind velocity exceeds 30-knots or when electrical storms are within a 5-
mile radius of fueling operations, fueling shall be stopped. When electric
storms are within one mile, all maintenance activities are to be suspended..
4.1.6. Radar equipment and high power emitting radio transmitters shall not be
operated in the vicinity of fueling operations.
4.1.7. A qualified fire guard provided with a wheeled portable 50-Ib carbon dioxide or
10-gallon chlorobromomethane fire extinguisher is to be located in the
immediate vicinity of the aircraft being fuel serviced when any hazard
suspicious arises.
4.1.8. Fuel overflow vents will be kept under constant observation.
4.1.9. Vehicle and aircraft traffic in the vicinity are to be prohibited from inside a 50-
foot restricted area.
4.1.10. Aircraft will not be fueled / defueled inside hangars not designed for fueling
and defueling, or within 50 feet of such structures, measured from the
servicing or defueling point or vents.
4.1.11. Before actual fueling is started, the aircraft shall be chocked according to
standard operating procedures.
4.1.12. Both the aircraft and fueling vehicles shall be statically bonded and grounded
as described in aircraft maintenance manual.
4.1.13. Ground power units, unless explosion proof, when required for aircraft fueling
and defueling, should be parked the full length of the power cable, but in no
case less than 50 feet from the aircraft fueling points or vents.
4.1.14. Under no circumstances will auxiliary power units be parked under any part of
an aircraft.
4.1.15. Operators is to remain in the immediate vicinity and in sight of ground power
units at all times units are being operated.
4.1.16. Before the fuelling operation is begun, each person involved will be checked
for matches, lighters, or other spark-producing devices, and instructed to
dissipate body static potential by gripping the static ground line.
4.1.17. A qualified operator will be stationed at the pumphouse during the entire
operation for emergency shutdown if the need arises.

Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.02
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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4.1.18. The duty of coupling or uncoupling the nozzle to or from the single point fuel
system of the aircraft shall be assigned to the fuelling operators.
4.1.19. Fuel operators shall be appropriately trained for refuelling process, training
shall include initial and Periodicity of recurrent training shall not exceed 36
4.1.20. Fuelling procedures shall follow applicable Airworthiness data.
4.1.21. Necessary fuel farm / fuel analysis shall be made periodically as stated in
aircraft maintenane program and according to applicable maintenance data.
4.2. Refuel or Defuel Aircraft while Passengers are On-board:
It is not allowed to refuel or defuel aircraft while passengers are on-board unless:
4.2.1. There is sufficient number of on board crew trained on passenger evacuation
procedures and they are informed about the performance of the fuelling
operations for being ready to initiate evacuation of the aircraft in the event of
an emergency; and
4.2.2. , During fuelling operations with passengers or crew onboard the aircraft, the
designated person for performing fuelling operations shall follow the refuelling
procedures as per the applicable maintenance manual in addition to what is
mentioned herein. In this context this designated person shall, following the:
i. Communicate with the flight crew or other qualified persons onboard the
ii. Promptly notify the flight crew or other qualified personnel onboard the
aircraftand/or other appropriate personnel engaged in aircraft ground handling
activities when fuelling is about to begin and when it has been completed;
iii. Promptly notify the flight crew or other qualified personnel onboard the aircraft
when a hazardous condition or situation has been determined to exist.
4.2.3. Ground handling personnel, including those who provide aircraft fuel servicing,
are properly trained and have clear understanding of all required
communication procedures and have the ability to execute procedures in an
expeditious manner should a dangerous situation develop.
4.2.4. In case of hazardous condition or fuel spillage; Immediately stop fueling
operation, call airport fire service and provide notification to the flight crew or
other qualified personnel onboard the aircraft.

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Chapter 5.02
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4.2.5. Ensure procedures specify a fuelling safety zone, which, as a minimum,
encompasses the area within a 6m (20 foot) radius from fuelling receptacles,
tank vents and fuelling equipment.Procedures also restrict equipment
performing aircraft servicing functions from being positioned within a 3 m (10
foot) radius of aircraft fuel vent openings. As a minimum, limitations and
restrictions in a fuelling safety zone preclude the use or activation of:
i. Items that could be sources of ignition or fire (e.g., matches, welding
ii. Portable electronic devices with proper separation distance from aircraft fuel
vents and/or fuelling equipment (e.g., mobile telephones, portable radios,
4.2.6. The refuelling provider shall have Safety procedures applicable to fuelling
operations that include:
i. Restrictions and limitations for the operation and positioning of non-fuelling
vehicles and ground support equipment;
ii. Ensuring evacuation areas on the ground beneath aircraft exit doors (not in
use for aircraft servicing) are kept clear of obstructions;
iii. Where a boarding bridge is in use, maintaining an access path from the
aircraft to the terminal;
iv. Where a boarding bridge is not in use, positioning passenger steps at the
aircraft door(s) normally used for boarding;
v. Establishment of a bonding connection between the fuelling vehicle and
aircraft to provide for dissipation of electrical energy that may develop;
vi. A prohibition from connecting or disconnecting electrical equipment to the
vii. Provisions for operation of the aircraft APU;
viii. Prevention of damage to the fuel hose;
ix. A requirement for the cessation of aircraft fuelling when it is determined
lightning is a threat
4.3. Monitoring Fueling Operations:
An oversight audit of fuelling subcontractor shall be periodically made,
the audit shall cover the following areas:

Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.02
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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4.3.1. Aircraft fuelling procedures and resposibilities including inspection and check.
4.3.2. Communication procedures.
4.3.3. Type and characteristics of fuel.
4.3.4. Initial and recurrent training of personnnel performing or monitoring the
process of aircraft fuelling.

5. Forms:

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Chapter 5.02
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.03
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 01 Page 1 of 10
Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012

5.03 Aircraft Deicing and Anti-icing
1. Objective:
To set a program for de-icing/anti-icing of an aircraft before dispatch when there,
exists or expected, frost, ice or snow adhering to the wings, control surfaces, engine
inlets or other critical surface of the aircraft that may adversely affects the safety of the
2. References:
2.1. ECAR 121.629
2.2. Outstation Handbook CH 03.11.
2.3. Aircraft Maintenance Manual AMM CH 12.31-01-SE
2.4. Flight operation Manual OMA CH 8. 2.4
2.5. ICAO Doc 9640-AN/940.
2.6. ISO 11075, 11076, 11077 and ISO 11078.
2.7. The SAE ARP 4737, SAE AS 5116; SAE AMS 1424, SAE AMS 1428 and
SAE ARD 50102.
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Maintenance Director for implementation.
3.2. Chief Inspector, for assurance.
3.3. Approved Maintenance Organization for implementation through different service
3.4. Flight crews on arriving flights to report occurrences of in-flight icing to the
respective ground engineer who will inform concerned de-icing/anti-icing service
provider. Concerned service provider will perform de-icing/anti-icing under the
direct supervision of the certifying engineer of the approved maintenance
4. Description:
4.1. Definitions And Interpretations
4.1.1. Frozen Contaminants::

Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.03
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 01 Page 2 of 10
Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012
Frozen contaminants include light freezing rain, freezing rain, freezing drizzle,
frost, ice, ice pellets, snow, snow grains, and slush.
4.1.2. The Clean Aircraft Concept:
This concept means that the aircraft is being free of all frozen contaminants
adhering to its critical surfaces.
4.1.3. Ice Detection and Warning System:
Ice Detection and Warning systems are used to confirm that aircraft critical
surfaces are free of adhering frozen contaminants prior to take-off. They shall
also meet aircraft manufacturer, operator, and/or regulatory authority
The information provided by these devices give advisory advice to more
accurately estimate the duration of the holdover time; and minimize the need
to return for additional de-icing/anti-icing.
When used to perform an aircraft surfaces check prior to and/or after a
treatment, the Ice Detection and Warning System should be considered a part
of the procedure. It should also be used by appropriately trained personnel.
4.1.4. Anti-icing:
A precautionary procedure used to provide protection against the formation of
frozen contaminants on treated surfaces of the aircraft for a limited period of
time (the holdover time). Anti-icing fluids are normally applied unheated on
clean aircraft surfaces, but may be applied heated, and includes Type I fluid,
concentrates or mixtures of water and Type I, II, III or IV fluid.
4.1.5. Deicing:
A procedure used to remove frozen contaminants from the aircraft in order to
obtain a Clean Aircraft Concept. The procedure can be accomplished using
fluids, infrared energy, mechanical means, or by heating the aircraft. Deicing
fluid is usually applied heated to assure maximum deicing efficiency and
includes heated water, type I fluid, concentrates or mixtures of water and Type
I, II, III or IV fluid..
4.1.6. Equipment Used for De-icing/Anti-icing:
De-icing/anti-icing is carried out by using the heated fluids dispensed from
spray nozzles mounted on specially designed de-icing/anti-icing trucks. To

Part 5: Aircraft Ground Handling
Chapter 5.03
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 01 Page 3 of 10
Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012
ensure the reliability of the de-icing operation in relation to function, safety and
performance the following shall be considered:
i. The size and design of the de-icing/anti-icing equipment should be agreed
upon between manufacturer and user, to best meet the different operational
ii. Appropriate training of equipment operators to perform a fast, technically safe
and environmentally safe de-icing/anti-icing operation,
iii. The nozzle, application procedure, and spraying techniques have to be observed.
iv. The equipment should be able to handle all types of commercially available
approved de-icing/anti-icing fluids,
v. The selection of equipment for the application of the fluid system is to be
within the fluid manufacturers specification and without fluid degradation.
vi. For equipment with mixing systems, the accuracy of the mixing system
should be stated in the service provider's documents. This information allows
to determining the safety margin of the de-icing operation and assures when
examining the mixing system whether it is working properly or not, whether
the accuracy of the fluid mix is within the stated tolerance or not. The service
provider should regularly check the accuracy of the fluid mix at the operating
4.1.7. Holdover Time (HOT), Tables and their Use:
Holdover Time (HOT) is the estimated time that deicing/anti-icing fluid will
prevent the formation of frozen contaminants on the critical surfaces of an
aircraft under all weather conditions.
With a one-step de-icing/anti-icing procedure, the HOT begins when the final
application of de-icing/anti-icing fluid commences and expires when the de-
icing/anti-icing fluid applied to the aircraft loses its effectiveness. With a two-
step procedure, the HOT begins at the commencement of the second (anti-
icing) step. The HOT runs out at the commencement of take-off roll or when
frozen deposits start to form or accumulate on treated aircraft surfaces.
Current and approved published HOT tables shall be implemented by
concerned personnel. These tables contain:
i. List of qualified deicing and anti-icing fluids;

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ii. Holdover times for these fluids;
iii. Guidelines for their application, fluid mixtures and minimum concentrations
as a function of outside air temperature;
iv. Their lowest on-wing viscosity values; and
v. Ice pellet allowance times
The times of protection shown in the HOT tables are to be used as guidelines
They shall be used in conjunction with the pre-takeoff check. The
manufacturers specific HOT must not be exceeded. However, it may be
required to use more conservative times than those specified in the tables
especially with detrimental weather conditions (e.g., temperature, wind velocity
and direction, precipitation and relative humidity). HOT is also affected by the
airplane surroundings, such as operation in close proximity to other airplanes
(jet blast), ground equipment and structures.
During certain weather conditions, such as heavy snow and heavy freezing
rain these tables will not apply. Thus, a take-off under these conditions is
After a de/anti-icing treatment a take-off is permitted provided the time
between end of the treatment and take-off does not exceed the times
mentioned in the HOT tables for the mentioned weather conditions.
4.1.8. De-icing/Anti-icing Methods:
De-icing/anti-icing fluids shall be applied close to the skin of the aircraft to
minimize heat loss. Procedures of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual shall be
strictly adhered to. Spraying usually starts with the fuselage and covers the
aircraft critical surfaces as follows, list not exhaustive:
i. Fuselage: Spray along the top centre line and then outboard. Avoid
spraying directly on windows.
ii. Wings, Flaps, Spoilers and Horizontal Stabilizers: Spray from the leading
edge towards the trailing edge, and from the highest point of the surface
camber to the lowest point, unless otherwise may be required.
iii. Vertical Surfaces. Start at the top and work downwards, spraying from the
leading edge toward the trailing edge.

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iv. Landing Gear and Wheel Bays. Keep application of de-icing/anti-icing fluid
in this area to a minimum. High pressure spraying is not recommended.
Dont spray directly onto brakes/wheels.
v. Engines/APUs. Avoid spraying fluids into engines or APUs air intakes.
Consult manufactures recommendations. Ensure that engines are free to
rotate before start up and that the front and back of fan blades are free of
vi. Air-conditioning bleed systems must be switched off during de-icing/anti-
icing operations. Dont spray directly onto exhausts or thrust reversers.
vii. Sensor, Probes and Antennas. Avoid spraying directly onto pitot heads,
static vents, detector probes and angle of attack sensors.
De-icing/anti-icing can be carried out as a one-step process using heated de-
icing/anti-icing fluid to both de-ice and anti-ice at the same time or as two
separate step process, one to de-ice and the second to anti-ice. The second
step shall be applied, before the first step fluid freezes, typically within three
minutes and, if necessary, area by area. Selection of the one or two step
process depends on weather conditions, available equipment, available fluids,
mixtures, fluid temperature, pressure, aircraft related limits and HOT.
When using thickened de-icing/anti-icing fluids, the two step procedure is
The aircraft shall be de-iced/anti-iced as close to its departure time and/or
departure runway as possible.
4.1.9. De-Icing/Anti-Icing Check Procedures:
A visual or physical check of critical aircraft surfaces to confirm that a
treatment has been effective and that the aircraft complies with the Clean
Aircraft Concept must be carried out before the aircraft can be safely
dispatched. These checks are as follows:
i. Prior to the application of de-icing/anti-icing fluids a walk-around or pre-flight
check is to be accomplished by the ground crew. The airplane critical
surfaces shall be checked for frozen contaminants. If frozen contaminants
are discovered, de-icing/Anti-icing of the aircraft must be carried out.

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ii. The Post Deicing/Anti-icing Check: This check is an integral part of the
deicing/anti-icing process and is made by the service provider after
deicing/anti-icing application to ensure all critical parts of the aircraft are
free from any frozen contaminants. This check is performed from points
offering sufficient visibility of these parts (e.g. from the deicing equipment
itself or another elevated piece of equipment).
The Pre-takeoff Check: This check is carried out following the application of
de-icing/anti-icing fluids and within the HOT by the flight crew, from inside or
outside the aircraft, depending on the type of aircraft. It is made to ensure
that the critical surfaces of the aircraft as determined by aircraft
manufacturer are free from frozen contaminants before pushback or taxi.
This check shall be accomplished as close to the time of takeoff as possible
and is normally made by visually checking the wings or other surfaces.
Several pre-takeoff checks may be required during the HOT period based
on factors that include the length of the HOT, weather, or other conditions.
The pre-takeoff check is integral to the use of HOTs. Specific techniques for
identification of clear ice, which will be difficult to recognize, should be
included in all training programs.
iii. The Pre-takeoff Contamination Check (when HOT has been exceeded or
when the condition of the critical surfaces of the airplane cannot be
effectively assessed by a pre-take-off check or if any doubt exists of the
affectivity of anti-icing) and is performed by flight crew and/or other qualified
ground personnel and must be completed within 5 minutes before beginning
takeoff to assure the Clean Aircraft Concept just before commencing take-
off roll.. This check is accomplished when conditions are such that frozen
contaminants may reasonably be expected to adhere to the aircraft. If any
doubt exists concerning the aircrafts condition after completing this check
as to whether or not any deposit may adversely affect the aircrafts
performance, or if the check cannot be performed just prior take-off, a new
complete deicing/ anti-icing treatment should be made and a new HOT is

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Special methods and/or equipment may be necessary to perform any check at
night time or in extreme adverse weather conditions.
i. In all checks, the check performer should assure that he is able to see
enough of the wings, control surfaces, and other surfaces to determine
whether or not they are free of contaminants.
4.1.10. Implementation:
i. At each airport where operations are expected to be conducted in
conditions conductive to ground icing, an agreement shall be made with a
service provider who is appropriately qualified for providing the ground
deicing/anti-icing services.
ii. During service performance, the service provider shall co-ordinate with the
appropriate airport authorities whenever such co-ordination is needed.
iii. Refer to the applicable deicing and anti-icing procedures for the aircraft type
in the Aircraft Manufacturer Maintenance Manual and the Operations
iv. The person in charge of the de-icing/anti-icing procedure is responsible for
accomplishing this procedure and verifying the results of the de-icing/anti-
icing treatment. The de-icing/anti-icing application information reported to
the flight crew is part of the technical airworthiness of the aircraft. The
person responsible for the de-icing/anti-icing process must be clearly
designated. He shall check the aircraft for the need to de-ice, initiate de-
icing/anti-icing, if required, and shall be responsible for the correct and
complete de-icing/anti-icing treatment of the aircraft.
4.1.11. Communications
i. Two way communications through Intercom or VHF should be established
to relay pertinent deicing/anti icing information and the results of checks to
the flight crew. In case of VHF the aircraft registration number shall be
used. Standard terminology shall be used during these communications.
ii. Before commencing deicing/anti-icing operations communication between
ground personnel and the flight crew to a) verify that the airplane is properly
configured for deicing in accordance with the manufacturers
recommendations and, b) confirm the fluid to be used, c) confirm the extent

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of treatment required, and d) acknowledge any aircraft type specific
procedures to be used.
iii. Upon completion of deicing/anti-icing treatment and the associated post
deicing/anti-icing check of the aircraft the ground person that performed the
check shall provide the flight crew with the treatment the aircraft has
received and confirm that the aircraft is in compliance with the Clean
Aircraft Concept (to determine the start of the HOT). Data is to be in the
following sequence and is to be appropriately recorded:
a. Type of fluid used.
b. Percentage of de-icing/anti-icing fluid in the fluid/water mixture, e.g. 100
for 100% fluid, 75 for 75% fluid and 25% water.
c. Local time, in hours and minutes, the beginning of the final de-icing/anti-
icing step.
d. Date: day, month and year (only required for record keeping).
Note: When a two-step de-icing/anti-icing operation has been carried out, the
second step fluid data is applied.
iv. Prior to departure, the flight crew must receive an All Clear signal from the
ground crew that its safe to taxi.
Whenever de-icing has taken place, the pilot / respective engineer must
make an appropriate entry in Technical Log showing the times of start and
completion of the de-icing process.
4.1.12. Ground Training & Qualification
i. Ground personnel shall be appropriately trained and qualified on required
deicing and anti-icing operations, in accordance with the approved
procedures and the published deicing safety standards at specific deicing
ii. Ground personnel must be able to adequately read, speak, and understand
English in order to follow written and oral procedures applicable to the
deicing/anti-icing program.
iii. Training may comprise initial, transition, recurrent, upgrade and
continuation training. Training shall include aircraft type-specific techniques
for use by personnel for recognizing contamination on aircraft surfaces and

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each person's responsibilities and duties. This training shall specifically
cover, but not limited to the following subjects:
a. recognition of relevant weather phenomena;
b. effects of frost, ice, snow and slush on performance, stability and control;
c. basic characteristics of de-icing/anti-icing fluids including the use of HOT
d. general techniques and procedures for de-icing and anti-icing
e. Specific measures to be performed on different aircraft types, and
procedures specifically recommended by the operator, aircraft or fluid
f. types of checks required and procedures and responsibilities for checks;
g. de-icing/anti-icing equipment operating procedures, including on the job
h. quality control procedures for handling de-icing/anti-icing fluids.
i. techniques for recognizing frozen precipitation on aircraft critical surfaces;
j. health effects, safety precautions and accident prevention;
k. emergency procedures;
l. fluid application methods and procedures;
m. use and limitations of holdover time guidelines;
n. communication procedures with flight crew including aircraft positioning (if
required), the aircraft departure process and equipment clear, job done,
safe to start taxiing;
o. environmental considerations for de-icing and anti-icing operations, i.e.
locations for de-icing and anti-icing, reporting spillage, and hazardous
waste control; and
p. New procedures, new developments, and lessons from the previous
iv. The service provider shall maintain accurate records of the training and
qualifications of ground personnel. Records must include detailed
description of initial and recurrent training and qualifications concerning the
specific requirements, duties and responsibilities.

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4.1.13. Quality Assurance Auditing
A Quality Assurance auditing shall be made to ensure the correct de-
icing/anti-icing operation at different stations where applicable. Auditing will
include the following elements:
i. All parts of the de-icing/anti-icing operation are checked for ensuring the
ongoing conformance with all regulations, operators, manufacturers and
handling agents' requirements.
ii. Methods and procedures have been defined to allow the clear and safe
accomplishment of all the tasks that are necessary for de-icing/anti-icing
iii. Training of ground personnel involved in the de-icing/anti-icing operation is
carried out to guarantee the correct performance of all related tasks.
iv. Training and qualifications records that guarantee that all training and skill
requirements are fulfilled to ensure correct performance of all tasks.
v. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the deicing/anti-icing training received.
vi. Publications required for the aircraft de-icing/anti-icing operation that ensure
the correct accomplishment of all tasks.
vii. Equipment and fluids handling and storage are maintained in such a way
that the correct quality is ensured.
viii. Health and environmental regulations, and operator requirements are
4.1.14. Special Maintenance Considerations
Necessary maintenance actions shall be implemented to prevent, detect and
remove residues of dried fluid with the potential to cause problems due to the
repetitive application of thickened de-icing/anti-icing fluids to prevent
formation/build up of a dried residue in aerodynamically quiet areas, exterior
surfaces, which can reduce lift, increase drag and stall speed and cause
flight controls problems.
5. Forms:

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5.04 Aircraft Mass and Balance Procedure
1. Objective:
To set a policy to continuously determine the dry operating mass and center of gravity
for the aircraft.
2. References:
ECAR Part 91 Appendix H
3. Responsibility:
3.1. Chief Inspector for Final weighing report approval, and supervision of
subcontracted functions.
3.2. Function is contracted under the supervision of the Maintenance Director.
4. Description:
4.1. General:
4.1.1. Each aircraft shall be weighed, to determine its mass and center of gravity, at
initial entry into service and subsequently each three years. Weighing shall
be carried out as per applicable approved weight and balance manual.
4.1.2. Within the three years period, Engineering will account for the effects of
embodied modifications and repairs on the mass and balance of the aircraft
and publish necessary corrections to all concerned.
4.1.3. In case of repairs or modifications that may have an effect on aircraft weight
or center of gravity that cannot be accurately calculated the aircraft must be
4.1.4. The mass of all additional aircraft operational items shall be considered when
calculating dry operating mass. This may be done by actual weighing of
individual items or by using standard masses. The influence of their position
on the aircraft center of gravity must also be determined.
4.1.5. An approved weighing form shall be used for mass and balance
documentation and calculation. The form shall contain aircraft registration,
type, the dry operating mass, the corresponding CG of the aircraft, names
and signatures of personnel involved in the process of weighing and CG
4.1.6. The weighing must be accomplished either by the manufacturer or by an
approved maintenance organization. Personnel involved in the weighing

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process must be appropriately qualified. Weighing operation and calculations
shall be re-checked by a qualified person other than the person that
performed initial weighing and CG calculations.
4.1.7. Final weighing report shall be approved by Authority via the Chief Inspector.
4.1.8. For a new aircraft, the weight made by the manufacturer may be used after
making necessary adjustments. These adjustments are to be made on
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS applicable weighing forms.
4.1.9. For a used aircraft transferred to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS from another
operator, the previous weighing report may be used taking into consideration
the three years inter-weighing lapse period and the necessary EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS corrections.
4.1.10. The mass and CG of each aircraft shall be re-established whenever the
cumulative changes to the dry operating mass exceed 0.5% of the
maximum landing mass or the cumulative change in CG position exceeds
0.5% of the mean aerodynamic chord. This is to be done either by re-
weighing or by calculation provided that there is a true justification to prove
the validity of the method of calculation chosen.
4.1.11. The following precautions shall be taken in consideration for consistency with
good practices:
i. Completeness of the aircraft and equipment
ii. On-board fluids are properly accounted for
iii. Aircraft is in clean and proper configuration; otherwise difference in
configuration is to be accounted for.
4.1.12. Appropriate and properly calibrated weighing equipment must be used for
weighing process Manufacturers instruction regarding the use and
calibration of weighing equipment must be adhered to. The accuracy of
weighing equipment shall be within 0.1 %.
4.1.13. Maintenance Subcontractor is responsible for developing the weight and
balance control program and defining the weight standards of each aircraft,
aircraft equipment list, passenger cabin and cockpit equipment and residual
i. The weighing shall be accomplished in an enclosed hangar to exclude the
effects of air drafts should they prevail.

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ii. After completion of the weighing process, the person in charge will compute
the empty mass and CG.
iii. Updated mass and center of gravity, after being approved by ECAA, shall be
promptly distributed to all concerned. A copy of this update shall be kept on-
board. All related documents shall be modified accordingly.
iv. Mass and Centre of Gravity data shall be distributed to Flight Operations and
Dispatch with copies to aircraft records and on-board the relevant aircraft
v. Upon receiving the approved aircraft weighing results, the Flight Operations
and dispatch are responsible for developing operational loading schedules,
loading procedures, load forms and related documents.
5. Forms:
Form No: 100
Chart C- Basic Empty Weight and Balance Record.

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5.05 Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air

1. Objective:
To describe EGYPTAIR EXPRESS policy of carriage Dangerous Goods.
2. References:
3.1. ECAR Part 175
2.1. ICAO Technical Instructions for the safe transport of dangerous Goods by
2.2. IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Manual.
3. Responsibility:
3.2. Passenger's/shippers
3.3. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS / Handling Agent.
3.4. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS acceptance staff.
3.5. The loading Personnel.
3.6. The captain in command.
4. Description:
4.1. Policy of Carriage of Dangerous Goods:
4.1.1. Carriage Dangerous Goods with Supernumeraries or crew: According to
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, dangerous goods must not be
carried by supernumeraries or crew
4.1.2. Carriage Dangerous Goods as EXPRESS shipment:
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS accepts to Carry Dangerous Goods shipments
according to the requirement of ECAA & ICAO/IATA Regulations.
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS must comply with the following:
i. The name, address and telephone number of the consignee must be
written in full on the air waybill and on the package;

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ii. The shipper of any dangerous Goods must provide a written under
tacking to re-ship the consignment at the shipper's cost and risk if the
consignment is not cleared, or received by the consignee, within
fifteen (15) working days from the arrival of the consignment;
iii. Dangerous Goods in excepted quantities originating in Egypt will not
be accepted;
iv. Infected animals, dead or alive, will not be accepted.
4.1.3. Carriage of Weapons, Munitions of War & Sporting Weapons:
i. For transport of weapons of war and munitions of war permission
must be granted by the states concerned.
a. Weapons of war or munitions of war:
1) Must be stowed in the aero plane in a place which is inaccessible
to supernumeraries during flight;
2) Firearms must be unloaded.
ii. Supernumeraries and crew members are not permitted to carry
firearms in the cabin or on the flight deck except those crew
members assigned as Security Officer to the respective flight.
iii. Police Officer on escort duty shall hand over their unloaded weapons
to a crew member to be stored for the duration of flight on the flight
deck. The ammunition shall be carried by the police officers in the
cabin. After arrival the weapons shall be returned at the aero plane
before the supernumeraries disembark.
iv. The operator has to take all reasonable measures to ensure that he
will be informed about any intended transportation of any sporting
weapons or ammunition by one of his aero planes.
a. Sporting rifles, shotguns and pistols belonging to accompanying
supernumeraries for their own use, and any other kind of small arms
may not be carried aboard the aero plane except as checked
baggage stowed in one of the belly compartments, unloaded and
suitably packed;

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b. When accepting the carriage of sporting weapons, the company
shall ensure that they are :
1) Stowed in the aero plane in a place which is inaccessible to
supernumeraries during flight unless the Authority has
determined that compliance is impracticable and has accepted
that other procedures might apply;
2) Unloaded in the case of firearms or other weapons that can
contain ammunition.
c. Securely packed ammunition in Division IAS may be carried in
quantities not exceeding 5 Kg gross weight per person for that own
person's use. Excluding ammunition with explosive or incendiary
Allowance for inure than one passenger must not be combined into
one or more packages.
v. Before the flight the commander must not be notified by the ground
handling staff of details of weapons or ammunition intended to be
carried on board, including its location.
4.2. Responsibilities of Carriage of Dangerous Goods:
4.2.1. Passengers/Shipper's Responsibilities:
i. Supernumeraries should be informed in such a manner that they are
warned as to the types of dangerous Goods that must not be taken on
board an aero plane.
Warning notices and/or placards should be prominently displayed at
ticket-and check- in counters, in boarding areas and baggage claim
The ticket should also contain a warning on the ticket itself, on the
ticket wallet or on a leaflet.
ii. A shipper must comply fully with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
when offering a consignment of dangerous goods with EGYPTAIR

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EXPRESS. In addition, shipper must comply with any applicable
regulations set forth by the states of origin, transit and destination.
4.2.2. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Responsibilities
i. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS /Handling Agent must comply with the
requirements of IATA DGR for:
a. Acceptance;
b. Storage;
c. Loading;
d. Inspection;
e. Provision of information, including emergency response information;
f. Reporting;
g. Retention of Records;
h. Training.
ii. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS cover the procedures & Regulations to be
followed by everyone involved in preparing a consignment of dangerous
goods and placing it on an aircraft according to the requirements of
training (DGR 1.5-1.5A) in their manuals.
a. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Acceptance Staff must:
1) Complete a checklist which involves a comprehensive check of the
package and documentations;
2) The consignment is accepted only if all relevant requirements have
been complied with.
b. The Loading Personnel must:
1) Inspect each package for leakage or damage before loading into a
bulk loading on aircraft;
2) Inspect each bulk loading for evidence of leakage or damage before
loading on aircraft;

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3) Correctly position, segregate and secure each package;
4) Correctly certify the above information to the pilot-in-command.
c. The Captain must:
1) Receive and retain, full written details of all dangerous goods
loaded on the aircraft (notification to pilot-in-command);
2) Inspect that all information about loading, position, segregate and
secure each package are correctly;
3) Be aware of the actions to be taken in the event of emergencies
involving dangerous goods.
iii. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has a system to retain all relevant documents for
all phases of transport dangerous goods
iv. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS maintain all record of training according to the
requirements of ECAA (DGR 1.5.4) refer to m9.2

5. Form:

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Part 6: Appendices
Maintenance Inspection Department.

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Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012


6.00 Index

6.01 Company Certificates

6.02 Type of operation

6.03 Fleet Compositions

6.04 Line Stations

6.05 Required Inspection Items

6.06 Quality Audit Checklists

6.07 Maintenance Contracts

6.08 Approved Suppliers List

6.09 Approved Subcontractors List

6.10 A/C Handling at out stations

6.11 Certifying Staff List

6.12 Requirements for AMO

6.13 Forms

6.14 Sample of Documents

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6.1 Company Certificate

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Appendix: 6.02
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6.02 Types of Operation

EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Company is an air operator properly equipped and certified to
conduct scheduled and non-scheduled passenger and cargo operations all over the
world, excluding the region of Latin America, according to the Egyptian Civil Aviation
Authority requirements.

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Appendix: 6.03
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6.03 Fleet Composition

Type / Model / Make Aircraft Registration Serial No.
ERJ 170-100 LR / Embraer powered by two
CF34-8E5 / GE. engines
SU-GCT 17000167
SU-GCU 17000169
SU-GCV 17000170
SU-GCW 17000175
SU-GCX 17000178
SU-GCY 17000185
SU-GDF 17000266
SU-GDG 17000269
SU-GDH 17000274
SU-GDI 17000276
SU-GDJ 17000282
SU-GDK 17000284

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Appendix: 6.04
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Appendix 6.04 Line Stations

Location Code City Country
CAI Cairo Home base

SSH Sharma El Sheikh
HRG Hurgada
LXR Luxor
ASW Aswan
ALY Alexandria
TCP Tapa
MUH Marsa Matruh
RMF Marsa Alam
J ED J eddah
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
AMM Amman J ordan
BEY Beirut Lebanon
NAP Napoli

CAT Catania
BLQ Bologna
MLA Malta
BUD Budapest

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Part 6: Appendices
Appendix: 6.05
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6.05 Required Inspections Items
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has assigned the following specific tasks as Critical Tasks
Requiring Inspection:
Rig/Adj. Insp. /Chk. Install Op/Test Repair
Conditional Inspections

Tech. ground and flight
* *
Leveling & Weighing
*1 1: Weighing
22 Auto Pilot System * *1
1: Only in case a
rigging or
adjustment is made
Equipment / Furnishing

Evacuation slides system
* * * *
Fire Protection

- Fire extinguishing
- Fire detection loops
- Smoke detection system
* *1
1: In case of an Item
Flight Control System

- Primary flight control
* *1 *2
1: Flight control
surface only

- Secondary flight control
* *1 *2
2: in case a rigging or
adjustment is made/
function check.
Fuel System
Critical Design
Configuration Cont.
Limitation (CDCCL) Tasks

Refer to applicable
Airworthiness Data
29 Hydraulic Power

Emergency power
* * *
Landing Gear
- Landing gear assembly &
* *
- Extension and retraction
* *
- Emergency extension
* *

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Rig/Adj. Insp./Chk. Install Op/Test Repair

- Pilot static system
- Compass system
* *

- Entry, service, emergency
exit and Express doors
* *
* *1
57 Wings *1

- Engine * * *
72 Engine

- Fan Blades *1 * *1: Fan trim balance
- Engine control system * *
- Thrust reverser assembly * * * *

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6.06 Quality Audit Checklists Index





1 AMO Outstation QAF103/AMO/01
2 Ground Service Outstation QAF103/GS/01
3 Ramp Inspection.
4 Line Maintenance QAF103/AMO/03
Maintenance Planning And
6 Tech. Services DEPARTMENT QAF103/AMO/05
7 Manuals And Publications Dpt QAF103/AMO/06
8 Maintenance Records QAF103/AMO/07
9 Fuel Servicing QAF103/AMO/08
10 Base Maintenance QAF103/AMO/09
11 Overhaul and Repair Workshops QAF103/AMO/01
12 Material & Stores Management QAF103/AMO/10
13 Tools And Equipments QAF103/AMO/11
14 Training Process QAF103/AMO/12
15 Quality Assurance QAF103/AMO/13
16 Safety Assurance QAF103/AMO/14

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Internal Audit Schedule




1 MAINT. Director MANAGEMENT QAF 103/I/1
2 Per Year
2 Engineering & Planning Department QAF 103/I/2
3 Maintenance Department QAF 103/I/3
4 Documentation Department QAF 103/I/4
5 Contract Department QAF 103/I/5
6 Chief Inspector . Department QAF 103/I/6
7 Quality Audit Department QAF 103/I/7
8 Training Department QAF 103/I/8
9 Records Department QAF 103/I/9
10 Quality Control Department QAF 103/I/10

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6.07 Maintenance Contract
1. General
1.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has a maintenance agreement with EGYPTAIR
MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING. This contract, together with all
amendments must be acceptable by ECAA.
contain the intended scope of work of aircraft/engine /component to the
subject contract
the maintenance services to a third party. Any subcontractor used by
accepted by ECAA.
1.4. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS is provided with a list of all third party subcontractors.
1.5. The list shall have detailed information with respect to all locations where
aircraft maintenance is to be performed
1.6. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS keep a copy of each written contract under which it
provides services as a commercial operator for a period of at least one year
after the execution of that contract or change
1.7. The requirement for a maintenance agreement applies to all functions that
are outsourced for substantial maintenance providers such as heavy
maintenance and engine overhaul.
1.8. If maintenance is expected to be accomplished in accordance with specific
industry standards, an acceptable agreement identifies and specifies the
standards by exact name.
1.9. Maintenance has been properly carried out. This includes all maintenance
carried out by 'Contractors'
1.10. The formal maintenance agreement document is not intended to provide
detailed work instructions to the Contractor; established procedures are
required within the operator and Contractor organisations to take care of
these functions.
1.11. The Maintenance Agreement includes, but is not limited to:

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i. an approval process for the Contractor by the operator and where
applicable the Contractors and/or the operator's Authority;
ii. a list of facilities where the maintenance is to be carried out, including a
list of satellite facilities that the Contractor may use;
iii. a `Statement of Work' (SOW) for the Maintenance Agreement that
contains the detailed technical requirements, including references to
maintenance intervals, manuals, Airworthiness Directives (ADs), Service
Bulletins (SBs) and EGYPTAIR EXPRESS special requirements in a
clear, unambiguous and sufficiently details
iv. a specific assignment of responsibilities to ensure no misunderstanding
arises between EGYPTAIR EXPRESS, the Contractor and ECAA that
could result in a situation where the work, which has a bearing on the
airworthiness or the serviceability of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS 's aircraft, is
not properly performed;
v. a requirement for the Contractor to produce a suitable quality plan for the
vi. use and control of parts and materials;
vii. process for the approval of deviations from maintenance documents;
viii. a need for an internal evaluation system by the Contractor;
ix. access by the operator's quality assurance department staff for the
purpose of evaluating ongoing quality;
x. a reporting structure that immediately notifies the operator of any
significant defects;
xi. a system of completing, reviewing, retaining maintenance records;
xii. a system of calibration of tooling and equipment;
xiii. a system of operator supplied product;
xiv. a system of inspecting and testing, i.e., a quality control system;
xv. a system of handling unsatisfactory product;
xvi. a system of handling, storage, packaging and delivery;
xvii. a system of product identification and traceability;
xviii. a system of training by the Contractor of its staff as well as a system of
training the Contractor by the operator;

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xix. a system of Release To Service of an aircraft or component;
xx. a system for communication between the operator and the Contractor;
xxi. a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that includes clear Key Performance
Indicators as agreed between the operator and the contractor for the
assessment of achievement of ongoing quality levels (the definition of the
specific indicators depends on the policy of the Operator);
xxii. a system of periodic review meetings to include some or all of those
a. Contract Review Meeting
b. Work scope Planning Meeting
c. Technical Meeting (ADs/CNs/SBs)
d. Commercial and/or Logistics Meeting
e. Quality Meeting
f. Reliability Meeting

1.12. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall remain at all times responsible for the
airworthiness of its aircraft and shall ensure before each flight that all
required maintenance has been properly carried out in due time.

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6.08 Approved Suppliers List

1. The policy of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS is not to use material supplier unless it is
appropriately approved or accepted by ECAA.
allows it for managing Material supply.
3. EGYPTAIR MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING shall select, accept and monitor
the performance of Material suppliers.
EXPRESS with a List of approved/accepted material supplier's List No. EGME 020
5. Copy of the last revision list shall be kept in Chief inspector office

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6.09 Approved Subcontractors List

1. EGYPTAIR MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING may subcontract part of the
maintenance services to a third party.
2. Any subcontractor contracted with EGYPT AIR MAINTENANCE AND
ENGINEERING shall be appropriately approved by ECAA to the subject
3. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall be provided with a list of all third party
4. The list shall have detailed information with respect to all locations where
aircraft maintenance is to be performed .List No. is EGME 30
5. Copy of the last revision list shall be kept in Chief inspector office

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6.10 Aircraft handling at outstations

EGYPTAIR EXPRESS shall be provided with a list of Aircraft Handling at outstations
The list shall be kept in Chief Inspector office

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6.11 Certifying Staff List


Technical Authorization Department in the contracted maintenance provider is responsible
to establish, develop and continuously update the List of certifying staff
This list will indicate category A, C, X Electric and X Avionics Certifying staff. This list will
be considered as an integrated part of his MOE, and will be kept in Technical
Authorization Department under the reference EGME 010 E. Chief Inspector shall have a
window to this list in computer format.
List of category A, C, X Electric & X Avionics support staff:
This list will indicate category A, C, X Electric & X Avionics support staff for base
maintenance and will be kept in Technical Authorization Department under the reference
EGME 015 E.

Structure of the list:
Certifying Staff List contents must include the followings:
Full name of person granted the authorization / approval.
Function & Qualification relevant to the authorization / approval.
Scope of authorization / approval.
Authorization / approval issue date.
Authorization / approval expiry date.
Regularity License Number; Identification number of the authorization

List of certifying staff:
List of certifying staff is prepared and kept current under the responsibility of the Technical
Authorization Manager under Reference Number EGME 010E. The expiration date is
controlled under the responsibility of the Technical Authorization Manager based on
required recurrent and continuation training dates. The list is updated whenever a change
takes place to any of its contents. The list is made on a paper format (hard copy) but can
be made available and maintained also in computer format.

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Technical authorization department keeps certifying staff records for 2 years after
certifying person ceases employment with EGYPTAIR MAINTENANCE AND

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6.12 Requirements of Maintenance Contractor
1. Approval:
1.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS aircraft shall not be operated unless it is maintained and
released to service by an Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) that:
1.1.1. Has established procedures acceptable to ECAA that ensure good
maintenance practices, and is in compliance with all relevant requirements.
1.1.2. Approved from ECAA as ECAA Part 145 Approved Maintenance
Organization (AMO).
ENGINEERING to be its Contractor for all maintenance activities.
1.1.4. EGYPT AIR MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING shall have and maintain a
valid ECAA Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organization certificate. and
shall continuously comply with all requirements of (AMO) acceptable to the
1.1.5. EGYPTAIR MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING shall have an approved
Maintenance Organization Exposition that contain its corporate commitment
which declares that:
i. Its policy and procedures shall be complied with at all times, and that safety
shall be recognized as the prime consideration by all staff. and
ii. Policy rules and procedures will not override the necessity of complying with
the regulation requirements published by ECAA from time to time regarding
its approval as an ECAR Part 145 (AMO).
iii. it shall implement its safety and quality policy stated in the approved MOE,
iv. it shall review and improve the procedures continuously for the customers
1.2. Main Contractor and any subcontractor shall have an approval certificate that
1.2.1. Its name and location

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1.2.2. The date of issue and period of validity of the approval;
1.2.3. Scope of approval that contains the type, rating, category and level of work
required by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS for aircraft and engines stated in (MCM
by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS to subcontract part of the maintenance activities to
another subcontractor under its quality system supervision and according to
authority requirements. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Maintenance Director shall be
duly informed
1.2.4. A copy of any subcontractor's approval certificates shall be made available at
the Main Contractor, and will be subject to review by EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
Maintenance Director.
1.2.5. ECAA shall accept the procedures of the Main Contractor regarding
subcontractor's selection and assessment.
1.2.6. All subcontractors shall be either ECAA, EASA or FAA approved
Maintenance Organizations, and shall be accepted by the ECAA.
2. Management
2.1. General:
The Contractor shall have a nominated accountable manager and a group of
senior persons directly reporting to the accountable manager, all shall be
acceptable to ECAA, whose responsibilities include ensuring that the
maintenance organizations complies with the requirements of ECAR 145 All
such personnel shall possess appropriate qualifications, acceptable to ECAA.
The Accountable Manager shall be responsible for the management and
supervision of the maintenance organization.
2.1.1. In this respect he shall ensure that all necessary resources are available to
accomplish required maintenance in accordance with ECAR 145 to support
the organizations approval;
2.1.2. It shall have corporate commitment that the maintenance organisation shall
comply with the policy, rules and procedures stated in the MOE as applicable
and at all times.

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2.1.3. It shall ensure that safety and policy establish in the MOE are continuously
implemented and promoted.
2.1.4. It shall insure that the maintenance organization remains in compliance with
ECAR Part 145, and grant access for the ECAA to the organization at any
2.2. Nominated Senior Persons:
2.2.1. The Contractor senior persons shall be responsible for all functions
specified in the MOE. Responsibility of each required activity shall be
allocated to a nominated senior person. Such activities include but are not
limited to:
i. Quality Assurance.
ii. Base Maintenance.
iii. Line Maintenance.
iv. Work Shops.
v. Engineering and Planning.
vi. Material and Logistics.
vii. All of whom shall report to the Accountable Manager of the Maintenance
2.2.2. The credentials of each nominated senior person shall be accepted by
2.2.3. Deputies shall be appointed for all managerial positions, to act in case of
absence of the senior persons from workplace.
2.2.4. The Maintenance Contractor shall have procedure to specify clearly the
deputization procedures for those senior persons in case of lengthy
absence of said manager(s). The length of absence to justify deputizing is
the period beyond which the respective activity cannot function properly
due to such absence.
2.3. Qualified Personnel and Certifying Staff:

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The Maintenance Contractor and any other subcontractors shall have the
necessary personnel to plan, perform, supervise, inspect and release to service
the maintenance work to be performed.
2.3.1. The required qualification of personnel and certifying staff shall be based
i. ECAA regulations.
ii. J ob description they will be assigned to perform.
iii. Prerequisites.
iv. Objectives.
2.3.2. Qualified personnel shall be trained and certified to the prerequisites they
are assigned to perform.
2.3.3. Qualified personnel may report to any of the managers specified, depending
upon the type of control the Contractor uses.
3. Quality Assurance
3.1. EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector shall ensure that the Maintenance
Contractor has an independent Quality Assurance (QA) Program that:
3.1.1. monitors compliance with ECAA regulations, requirements and the
Maintenance Organization Exposition (MOE) of the Contractor;
3.1.2. addresses the specific requirements of EGYPTAIR EXPRESS, as specified
in the maintenance agreement;
3.1.3. comprises the specifications and control processes as specified below :
i. Specifications :
a. An internal audit / evaluation and surveillance program ;
b. An established audit schedule ;
c. A record of audit findings and corrective and/or preventive actions;
d. Assurance of appropriate corrective and/or preventive / action;
e. All elements necessary to confirm the maintenance organization is in
compliance with the applicable that regulations and the MOE;

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f. The QA program confirms all referenced procedures remain applicable and
ii. Control processes:
a. An audit/evaluation program, using published checklists that cover all
aspects of the maintenance organization technical activities, conducted
within 12 (24 for some limited activities as agreed by ECAA) months
following the date that the operating certificate is issued and repeated
b. Review of audit reports conducted at intervals established in the approved
c. Recording of findings of compliance and non-compliance resulting from the
audits/evaluations of a. and b. above.

d. Ensuring that the findings of the audits are communicated to the concerned
nominated director and being made available to Egypt Air Airlines;
e. Implementing immediate and long-term actions to correct the root cause(s) of
each non-compliance noted ;
f. Follow-up procedures to ensure necessary corrective/preventive actions
(both immediate and long-term) implemented by the Maintenance
Organization are effective;
g. A record-keeping system to ensure details of audit findings, corrective
actions, preventive actions and follow-up are recorded and that the records
are retained for two complete evaluation cycles.
3.1.4. Is under the sole control of the person assigned managerial responsibility
for the program (Quality Assurance Director).
3.1.5. The quality system shall enable the Maintenance Contractor to ensure it can
deliver a safe product and remain at all times in compliance with the
requirements. This is achieved through:
i. An independent audit program that consists of routine sample checks of all
aspects of the approved maintenance organization's ability to carry out all
maintenance to the required standards. This process includes:

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a. Product sampling, as this is the end result of the maintenance process,
which represents an objective overview of the complete maintenance related
activities. Product sampling is intended to complement the requirement for
certifying personnel to be satisfied that all required maintenance has been
properly carried out before the issue of the Certificate of Release to Service.
b. A percentage of random audits carried out on a sample basis when
maintenance is being carried out. Random audits shall include audits done
during the night for those organizations that work at night.
3.1.6. A quality feedback system that ensure that all findings resulting from the
independent quality audits of the organization are properly investigated and
corrected in a timely manner:
i. Independent quality audit reports shall be sent to the relevant department(s)
for rectification action, proposing target rectification dates ;
ii. Rectification dates should be discussed with such department(s) before the
nominated quality auditor confirms dates in the report ;
iii. The relevant department(s) shall rectify findings within the agreed rectification
dates and inform the quality department of the completion of such
3.1.7. The Quality Manager shall
i. hold regular meetings with personnel to check progress on rectification
ii. inform the Accountable Manager of any safety issues and the extent of
compliance with ECAA requirements.
iii. send to the Accountable Manager summary report at least a half yearly on
findings of audits non-compliance
3.1.8. The Accountable Manager shall hold meetings at least twice per year with
the Senior Managers to review the overall performance
3.1.9. All records pertaining to the independent quality and the quality feedback
system shall be retained for at least two years after the date of closure of the
finding to which they refer, or for such other periods as to support changes to
the audit time periods, whichever is longer.

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3.1.10. The QA Program shall not be based on a system of end product inspection,
but upon periodic verifications of all aspects of the systems and practices
used for the control of maintenance to ensure compliance with regulations
and with EGYPTAIR EXPRESS approved procedures.
3.1.11. The program shall provide an unbiased picture of the Maintenance
Contractor performance to verify that activities comply with EGYPTAIR
EXPRESS as outlined in the MCM and confirm that the systems and
procedures described in the Maintenance Contractor MOE remain effective
and achieving its requirements .
3.1.12. The Maintenance Contractor and any other subcontractors shall have a
process for periodic review of the QA Program by the quality manager for the
purpose of ensuring compliance with current requirements of the
Maintenance Program and the MCM.
4. Personnel
4.1. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall assure its
Personnel Competence and Acceptance to ECAA:
4.1.1. It shall utilize maintenance personnel whose competence has been
established in accordance with a procedure and to a level acceptable to
4.1.2. Planners, mechanics, specialized services personnel, supervisors and
certifying personnel are required to be assessed for competence by on the
job evaluation and/or examination relevant to their particular job role within
the organization before unsupervised work is permitted.
4.1.3. J ob descriptions shall be available for each job role in the organization to
assist in the assessment of competence
4.1.4. The assessment shall establish that, in addition to knowledge of
organizational procedures relevant to their particular role in the organization,
the following:

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i. Planners are able to interpret maintenance requirements into maintenance
tasks and have an appreciation that they have no authority to deviate from
the maintenance data;
ii. Mechanics are able to carry out maintenance tasks to any standard specified
in the maintenance data and notify supervisors of mistakes requiring
rectification to meet required maintenance standards;
iii. Specialized services personnel are able to carry out specialized
maintenance tasks to the standard specified in the maintenance data and will
both inform and await instructions from their supervisor(s) in any case where
it is impossible to complete the specialized maintenance in accordance with
the maintenance data;
iv. Supervisors are able to ensure that all required maintenance tasks are
carried out and where not completed or where it is evident that particular
maintenance tasks cannot be carried out in accordance with the
maintenance data, it is reported to the responsible person for appropriate
v. Additionally, for those supervisors who also carry out maintenance tasks,
that they understand that such tasks are not to be undertaken when
incomputable with their management responsibilities;
vi. Certifying personnel are able to determine when the aircraft or aircraft
component is ready to release to service and when it is not to be released to
4.2. Licensed/Authorized Maintenance Personnel to sign the Certificate of Release
to Service:
4.2.1. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall utilize
appropriately licensed/authorized maintenance personnel to sign the
maintenance release. Such personnel shall have met the applicable ECAR 65
with respect to age, knowledge, experience and, when required, medical
fitness and skill.
4.2.2. Aircraft Maintenance Certifying personnel should fulfill predefined qualification
and training>Typical standards would include ATA spec 104 level 3 for type

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training or equivalence for basic training before being allowed to certify
maintenance work on aircraft /aircraft component.
4.2.3. Certifying and Support Staff Qualifications:
i. Certifying staff are those personnel who are authorized to certify Aircraft or
Aircraft Component for release to service after performing maintenance
ii. Personnel qualifications:
The setup of the required qualifications of the Maintenance Contractor staff
shall be based on:
a. Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Regulations.
b. J ob description they will be assigned to perform.
c. Prerequisites.
d. Contractor objectives.
iii. Each certifying and support staff shall be qualified first as a licensed
engineer in accordance with Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations ECAR Part
4.2.4. The Maintenance Contractor personnel authorization may vary according to
assigned work they are to perform. Record Administration of Certifying and
Support Staff:
i. Records of the Maintenance Contractor certifying staff shall be maintained,
and shall be accessible by the ECAA Inspectors, EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
auditors and Maintenance Contractor auditors on demand. Records may be
maintained as hard copy and as electronic records.
ii. Any license holder shall be responsible for fulfilling the requirements
necessary for his license renewal.
iii. Expiration periods for required training shall be monitored.
iv. All type courses results related for the issuance of authorization for certifying
and support staff shall be kept in personnel records, in an editable format for
at least two years after the concerned employee had left the company or all
such person's authorizations had been withdrawn or revoked whichever is

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v. The certifying staff list shall be continuously updated accordingly.
4.3. Qualifications for Inspectors:
4.3.1. Quality Inspectors:
i. Inspectors shall be assigned in an adequate number to all production
activities in order to assure adherence to technical and workmanship
activities. They should fulfill a technical supervision and act as delegates of
the quality control.
ii. Basic Qualifications & Experience:
a. The Maintenance Contractor should determine necessary experience and
qualifications for its inspectors as may be complying with Authority
b. The inspector should pass necessary medical examinations of the near
vision and color perception.
c. The inspector shall have the required skills in inspection procedure and
operating inspection devices including interpretation of defects indicated by
these devices.
iii. The inspector should have passed satisfactorily suitable training courses on
Company procedures, Exposition,
a. Human Factors and Human Performance
b. ECAR Part 145 and related Parts as may be relevant.
c. Material Inspectors should additionally have been trained on detection of
suspected unapproved parts.
d. visual inspection of the incoming material ATA 300 and dangerous goods
5. Training Program
5.1. Training Program for Maintenance Personnel :
5.1.1 Basic Training: all the technical personnel shall receive:
i. Basic training course in their specialty to fulfill concerned civil aviation
authorities regulation and qualification requirements.
ii. On J ob Training

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iii. (MOE) Training
iv. MCM relevant Training
v. ECAR Part 145 Regulations
5.1.2 Specific Training and practical training on each aircraft type/aircraft
components they have to maintain.
5.1.3 Recurrent Training: a recurrent training plan shall be scheduled for
maintenance personnel once every (24 months) for the type rating they are
authorized for.
5.2. Human Factor Training :
The knowledge and skills related to human performance, including coordination
with other maintenance personnel and flight crew.
i. Human factor training may be conducted through training organizations
acceptable to the ECAA.
ii. Quality system intervention will be considered during the human factors
training and actions will be initiated as necessary.
5.2.1. The training shall reflect the particular nature of the organization (size and
scope of work). The human errors in maintenance and corrective actions
recognized by quality audits shall be reflected in the training.
i. The human factors training shall include:
a. Introduction to human factors.
b. Safety culture/organizational factors.
c. Human errors.
d. Human performance and limitations.
e. Environment.
f. Procedures, information tools and practices.
g. Team work.
h. Organization human factor program.
5.2.2. Human Factors Continuation Training shall be made each two years to
ensure that staff remains aware and updated in terms of human factors and

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also to collect feedback on human factors issues. The human factors
continuation training shall ensure:
i. Continuation training relates to relevant quality audit findings and other
internal/external sources of information available on human errors in
ii. Keep records of such training for all concerned personnel.
5.3. The Main Contractor and other subcontractors, shall have a training program
that assures maintenance personnel with technical responsibilities have the
requisite knowledge of:
i. Applicable Regulations;
ii. Maintenance standards and recommended practices; and:
iii. Relevant maintenance and control procedures:
5.4. Training Program Provisions for Continuation Training:
5.4.1. The Main Contractor and other subcontractors shall have a training program
that provides for continuation training for all maintenance personnel on an
interval not to exceed 24 months, which may be reduced to a lesser interval
based on findings generated by the QA Program.
5.4.2. Continuation training shall be a two-way process to ensure that certifying
personnel remain current in terms of procedures, human factors and technical
knowledge, and that the approved maintenance organization receives
feedback on the adequacy of its procedures and maintenance instruction,
i. Organization reviews
ii. Outcomes from reliability meetings.
iii. Stipulated key performance indicators (KPI's).
iv. Outcomes from audit reports.
5.4.3. Continuation due training would involve the involvement of the quality
department to ensure feedback is auctioned. This is assured through
alternatively, there is a procedure to ensure that feedback is formally
communicated between passed from the training department and to the
quality department to initiate action.

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5.4.4. Continuation training would cover changes in Authority requirements, changes
in organization procedures and the modification standard of the products
being maintained plus human factor issues identified from any internal or
external analysis of incidents. It would also address instances where
personnel failed to follow procedures and the reasons why particular
procedures are not always followed. The continuation training is to reinforces
the need to follow procedures and ensure that incomplete or incorrect
procedures are identified so they can be corrected. This shall be
complemented by does not preclude the possible need to carry out a quality
audit of such procedures. If it is evident that there is an incomplete or incorrect
procedure, the quality audit shall be made on such procedure and necessary
corrective actions shall be taken.
5.4.5. The program for continuation training shall lists all certifying personnel and
when training will take place, the elements of such training and an indication it
was carried out reasonably on time as planned. Such information should be
subsequently transferred to the certifying personnel record. These
Continuation training requirements are intended to apply mainly to personnel
performing and certifying maintenance, planners, incoming inspectors and
other personnel having safety-critical responsibilities.
5.5. Training Program for Auditors:
The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontracted (AMO) shall have a
training (initial and continuation training) and qualification program for auditors
used in the QA Program.
5.6. Training Program for Receiving Inspectors:
The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have a training
program that provides for initial and continuation training for receiving
6. The Maintenance Contractor shall have Facilities and Physical Resources
6.1. The Basic Maintenance Facilities shall be as follows:
6.1.1. A place of business, with a fixed address;

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6.1.2. Sufficient communications equipment/software, such as telephones, facsimile
machines, email and others online facilities.
6.1.3. Any devices used to establish when a particular aircraft requires maintenance.
This may include planning bulletin boards, card files or a computer system;
6.1.4. a secure, appropriate place for technical records, equipped with fire detection
and protection, to retain aircraft technical records
6.1.5. For Base maintenance of aircraft, aircraft hangars; large enough to
accommodate aircraft on planned Base maintenance according to an agreed
aircraft hangar visit plan that shall be continuously updated on regular basis or
otherwise as required as per applicable operational and maintenance program
changes , Hangar shall have sufficient aircraft access equipment and
inspection platforms/docking such that the aircraft may be properly inspected
together with office accommodation such that the working environment
permits personnel to carry out work tasks in an effective manner.
6.1.6. Repair workshops shall be large enough to accommodate the components on
planned maintenance
6.1.7. For line maintenance of aircraft, hangar access shall be available to
accommodate aircraft as necessary during inclement weather for lengthy work
or work that needs hangar facility.
6.1.8. Office accommodation shall allow incumbents, whether they are management,
planning, technical records, quality or certifying personnel, to carry out their
designated tasks in a manner that contributes to good aircraft maintenance
standards. Aircraft maintenance personnel shall be provided with an area
where they may study maintenance instructions and complete maintenance
records in a proper manner.
6.1.9. A secure, appropriate stores and storage control system that shall be
equipped with fire detection system. and shall be suitable for the storage of
parts, equipment, tools and material.
6.1.10. Maintenance Facilities Environmental Conditions and cleanliness

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i. Facilities shall be appropriate for planned work, shall assure appropriate
working environment for the work carried out and shall assure that the
effectiveness of personnel will not be impaired.
ii. Inside the facilities all safety rules shall be adhered to, fire detection and
protection system shall be installed and checked periodically for
iii. An emergency escape plan shall be declared and well known by all
iv. Facilities shall be protected from the weather conditions:
a. The aircraft hangar and aircraft component workshop provides
protection from the normal prevailing local weather elements that are
expected throughout any 12-month period. Where the working
environment deteriorates to an unacceptable level so that the
particular task cannot be correctly performed, the work shall be
suspended until satisfactory conditions are regained.
b. Dust and any other airborne contamination shall be kept to a minimum
and shall not be permitted to reach a level in the work task area where
visible aircraft/component surface contamination is evident.
c. Aircraft hangar and workshop structures shall be to a standard that
prevents the ingress of rain and the effect of wind when becoming
more than the acceptable wind speed.
d. Temperature and moisture shall be controlled so that personnel can
carry out repaired tasks without undue discomfort.
e. Where a particular maintenance task requires the application of
specific environmental conditions, then such conditions shall be
adhered to observed. Such specific conditions shall be identified in the
approved maintenance instructions.
f. Hangar and workshop floors should be sealed to minimize dust
generation, vacuum sweeper is used on floors at regular intervals by
cleaning staff to clear FOD prior of carrying maintenance tasks, and
waste bins to be placed at various points, and emptying is carried out
at regular intervals.

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g. For both base and line maintenance where dust or other airborne
contamination results in visible surface contamination, all susceptible
systems shall be sealed until acceptable conditions are reestablished.
h. Floors shall be checked at regular intervals to ensure that:
1) No loose objects around work areas.
2) No spillage of fluids that may cause fire and accident hazard.
3) No dropping of objects or fluids from vehicles moving within the
4) Fire points, escape routs and emergency exits are clear and not
i. The lighting in the work area shall be up to the required standards to
ensure that each inspection and maintenance task can be correctly
carried out.
j. Noise levels shall not be permitted to rise to the point of distracting
personnel from carrying out inspection and maintenance tasks.
k. Personnel should be provided with the necessary personal equipment
to stop excessive noise whenever needed.
l. The personnel shall wear protective clothing and safety shoes,
adapted to the task they are caring out when ever needed. Clothing
will be of non-static electrical producing material.
m. Smoking and eating should be forbidden in all maintenance work
6.2. Necessary Technical Data, Equipment/Tools and Material required to perform
6.2.1. Technical Data :
i. The Maintenance Contractor shall receive all necessary airworthiness data
from the ECAA and/or appropriate authority, the aircraft/aircraft component
design organization and any other approved design organization, as
appropriate to support the work performed.
ii. All airworthiness data shall be kept up to date and made available to all
personnel who need access to such data to perform their duties:

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a. To keep the data up to date a procedure shall be set up to monitor the
amendment status of all data and maintain a check that all
amendments are being received by being a subscriber to any
document scheme;
b. Data being made available to personnel maintaining aircraft means
that the data shall be available in the hangar in close proximity to the
aircraft being maintained;
Where computer systems are used, the number of computer terminals shall
be sufficient in relation to the size of the work program to enable easy
access, unless the computer system can produce paper copies.
6.2.2. Equipment and Tools.
i. Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors, shall have the
equipment and tools necessary to perform the work for which the
maintenance organization has been approved and as specified in the
approved data, to include tooling stock management procedure where:
a. A record for the arrival of tools and equipment in the stores to notify the
concerned production unit by the availability of the tool/equipment in the
b. A tool control register that contains:
1) Issued tool data.
2) Calibration/ servicing date.
3) Next Calibration/ servicing due date.
4) Corresponding bin location in the tool/equipment store.
c. The tool control register shall be used for tools utilization tracking.
d. Each registered tool/equipment should be stored in the correct location,
and each tool/equipment stored shall be attached with :
1) Serviceable Tag.
2) Copy of the calibration certificate, or certificate of compliance, as
3) User manual if applicable.

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e. The tools/equipment shall be stored so that it is protected from weather
conditions, storage environmental requirements such as light, dampness,
temperature and cleanliness shall be followed. In such a manner that they
are protected against any damage, slipping or deterioration during storage
or handling within the store. If special conditions for storage of specific
tools/equipment are required, this will be carried out according to
manufacturer's instruction.
f. Storage area shall be suitable to accommodate and allow easy access to,
and handling of bulky or heavy equipment.
Tools/equipment shall be appropriately segregated as to its serviceability
and calibration status
g. A tool record shall contain the following data:
1) Date of delivery of the tool to the user.
2) User name and code Number.
3) Tasks performed by the tool.
4) Aircraft registration or component data, as applicable.
ii. Maintenance Contractor shall have an approved procedure to use alternate
tools and to determine the equivalency and obtain necessary approvals for
such use.
iii. Maintenance Contractor shall update the tool register with the following as
a. Original tool P/N.
b. Alternate tool P/N, S/N.
c. Maintenance data reference.
d. Manufacturer and QA approval reference number.
6.2.3. Material Required:
The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall assure sufficient
supplies and spare parts for the timely rectification of defects taking into
consideration the MEL scope and permissible and in accordance with the
mutually agreed service level agreement.

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6.3. Storage Facilities:
6.3.1. Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have Storage
Facilities that:
i. Clearly and accurately identifies and segregates:
a. Parts and material;
b. Oxygen and other high-pressure bottles;
c. Flammable, toxic or volatile materials;
d. bulky, heavy, odd shaped, pallets or large items
ii. Aisles and lateral or cross walks are to be wide enough for accessibility,
issuing, cleaning and use during emergencies.
iii. Office space exists to promote efficient operation, and appropriate record up-
iv. Storage facilities shall be clean, well-ventilated and maintained at an even dry
temperature to minimize effect of condensation.
v. Storage racks are strong enough to hold aircraft components, and provide
sufficient support for large components such the component is not distorted
during storage.
6.3.2. Storage Requirements:
i. Material shall be backed and stored in such a way that:
a. It is not subject to damage or deterioration, protected against moisture,
temperature, light, electromagnetic fields, static electricity or mechanical
b. Any applicable special storage requirements from the manufacturer
specifications are to be followed.
c. Openings are covered to prevent the ingress of foreign object or loss of
preserving fluids.
ii. Safety and environmental protection regulations are to be followed. Stored
material shall be checked at regular intervals, materials found not acceptable
have to be disposed off or restored.
iii. Material with limited shelf life shall be appropriately identified and checked to
ensure that the shelf life has not been expired through periodic documented

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inspections and expiry date monitoring system). A list of the material
concerned is to be kept.
iv. Electrostatic sensitive aircraft devices (ESD) shall be protected by suitable
measures (e.g. special packaging, grounding of shelves and tables, etc) to
avoid damage by static electricity.
v. Identification and Tagging of Aircraft material shall be ensured at all times.
vi. Segregation between serviceable materials and unserviceable materials
shall be done.
vii. Incoming materials shall not be inducted into stores without having passed a
receiving inspection.
viii. Optimize issuing, e.g. First in First Out.
6.4. Shelf life program:
Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have a shelf-life
program for applicable stored items, which includes a requirement for the shelf-
life limit to be controlled and displayed.
6.5. Receiving Inspection:
Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have a receiving
inspection process that assures that
i. All aircraft materials (purchased, returned after repair, borrowed, etc)
undergo an incoming inspection before acceptance or use. and only aircraft
materials containing no discrepancies are released for use.
ii. Aircraft materials containing discrepancies shall be isolated to prevent
further use.
iii. Only appropriately qualified inspectors will plan, carry out and evaluate
inspection of incoming materials.
6.5.1. Receiving Inspection shall perform:
i. Packaging Inspection: to ensure that the received material packaging comply
with ATA 300 specification requirements.

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ii. Identity Inspection : to ensure that the P/N and S/N on the part name
plate/part tag and the life limit information match with the data in the
"Purchase Order" (P.O), and shipping documents.
iii. Quantity Inspection: to check received quantity against the shipped/ordered
iv. Visible Damage Inspection: to check received material for visible exterior
damage and missing protective caps. "Random Sampling Inspection" will be
applied for the patch numbered lots.
v. Dangerous Goods Regulation Inspection: to ensure that the packaging
complies with the dangerous goods packaging as per standards.
vi. Supplier/Subcontractor Data Inspection: to ensure that the
Supplier/Subcontractor on the shipping documents are the same
Supplier/Subcontractor of the purchase order (both of them shall be within
the Approved Supplier/Subcontractor Lists
vii. Certificate Inspection: Assures incoming material has the required
certification documentation and traceability
viii. Documents Inspection: to compare the delivered certificates of release to
service (CRS).
6.5.2. Release to Service of Accepted Materials:
The inspection of incoming materials shall be documented by concerned material
inspector after which issue of a "Serviceable Tag" to be attached to the received
material, For Material Containing Discrepancies:
i. receiving section shall issue "Item Discrepancy Report"
ii. The material having discrepancy shall be routed to the hold area, identified
with "Item Discrepancy Report" and segregated waiting for a decision to be
returned, repaired, scrapped or re-accepted. The receiving hold area shall be
restricted for access to the authorized staff only and identified for the
purpose of quarantine.
7. Material Handling
7.1. Maintenance Director shall insure that the outcomes of all incoming inspections
are to be systematically and regularly evaluated the results of such evaluations

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are to be incorporated into the continuous assessment of the quality capability
of each supplier. These results are also to be taken into account when
concluding quality agreements and auditing suppliers.
7.2. Only appropriately qualified personnel shall plan, carry out and evaluate
inspections of incoming materials.
7.3. Acceptance of materials:
i. If a discrepancy is found during inspection, material inspector in receiving
section shall:
a) Issue Rejected Item Tag
b) Issue an Item Discrepancy Report.
c) The part shall be routed to the hold area attached with. Rejected
Item Tag and copy of Item Discrepancy Report.
7.4. Receiving Inspection shall assure that Materials meet the standards of
airworthiness applicable to it; marking identifying it as a part specified in the type
design conforming to a recognized national or international standard, or
i. the part has been approved for use on an aeronautical product, in
accordance with the type certificate/STC, or the part was manufactured
under a Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA)
ii. Material like metal sheets, rolled material or weld wires or parts taken
thereof has appropriate identification or appropriate markings in an
undeletable manner during maintenance process in use. Traceability shall
be insured by inserting used batch numbers in the aircraft records
iii. Standard parts shall be identified with their batch number. Any such part or
sub-part shall be traceable to the applicable batch number. Traceability
shall be insured by inserting used batch numbers in the aircraft records
iv. For Components with limited shelf life, the shelf life shall be appropriately
identified, and tracked to avoid use after shelf life expiry. Traceability shall
be assured
v. Repaired / Overhauled Components were overhauled / repaired / tested at
an approved repair station stated in the approved subcontractors list,

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applicable forms are fully completed for the component and applicable
requirements are complied with.
7.5. Documentation of Materials:
7.5.1 Certificate of Conformance / Conformity:
i. The manufacturer or his authorized representative certifies that the material
fulfils the necessary Airworthiness requirements (approved data) or national
standard (specification)
ii. Standard parts and / or their packaging shall be marked with the
appropriate specification (standard) and if applicable the batch number.
iii. A certificate of conformance / conformity is to contain the following
information, as applicable:
a. Designation of the component / materials.
b. The part number and, if necessary (the serial number / batch number).
c. A declaration of conformity with the specifications (standard according to
which the component / material was manufactured).
d. The shelf life.
e. The quantity supplied.
f. Name and address of the manufacturer / maintenance organization.
g. Authorized signature and / or stamp of the manufacturer / maintenance
h. Date of issue.
For raw materials a conformity statement with the above information on the
delivery documents shall be sufficient if no certificate of conformity can be
made available.
7.6. Packaging and Transportation of Materials:
7.6.1. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors, shall have a
process that assures:
i. Materials are always to be transported so that they are not lost, damaged or
deteriorated to such an extent that their characteristics are inadmissibly

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ii. Any applicable manufacturer specifications or standards are to be complied
with. Packaging in suitable clean containers to protect against
contamination, reciprocal damage or external damage.
iii. Covering of openings in aircraft components to prevent the ingress of foreig
objects (solids, liquids) or against loss of preserving fluids.
iv. Securing of materials (packed or unpacked) against slipping and falling from
the transportation surface (e.g. pallet / fork lift truck combination).
v. Suitable protection against the weather during transportation (precipitation,
atmospheric, humidity and temperature).
vi. Transportation of acceleration-sensitive or impact-sensitive aircraft
Components (E.g. instruments, power-plant) in special packaging or with
Special vehicles.
vii. Compliance with work safety, hazardous materials and environmental
protection regulations.
viii. Training / instruction of transportation personnel in the use of transportation
equipment / aids (vehicles, cranes, etc).
ix. In the event of (actual or suspected) damage occurring during storage or
transportation, the material is first to be isolated to prevent further use. Such
materials are to be forwarded to the receiving inspection unit for advance
x. Materials transported shall be adequately packaged in accordance with the
above requirements. The transport company shall be informed in writing
(contract) and be able to conform to the necessary transportation conditions.
7.6.2. Material Storage and Tagging:
The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have a secure
quarantine area for rejected parts and materials awaiting disposition.
The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have a process
for segregating aircraft serviceable parts, aircraft non-serviceable parts, and
non-aircraft parts.
i. Non-aircraft parts shall be stored at a separate place apart from aircraft

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ii. The Chief Inspector shall make audits on store areas to ensure
segregation of parts (MCM 1.10).
7.6.3. Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have an
Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESD) Program, which:
i. Ensure that , where ESD parts are handled , shop floor grids are grounded
ii. Ensure all ESD are only handled using approved ''earthing'' (grounding )
wrist straps and conductive desk mats ;
iii. Devices are contained in ESD-approved conductive packaging sealed with
conductive tape
iv. ESD are not to be stored on shelving covered with carpet, foam, vinyl or
any other material that can store or produce an electrical charge ;
v. Appropriate warning and caution signs and decals are placed in areas
where ESD are handled
vi. Wrist straps and earthing mats are tested to ensure conductivity at regular
intervals or prior to use, and such test results are recorded.
7.6.4. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall implement a
suitable ESD control program;
7.6.5. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors, shall have a method
of storage that assures sensitive parts and equivalent such as Oxygen
system components, O-rings and electrostatic sensitive devices are
properly packaged, identified and stored to protect them from damage and
contamination and
7.6.6. the storage recommendations from the manufacturer are followed, with
particular emphasis on recommendations with respect to temperature and
7.6.7. Life limited parts when being removed from a type certificated product shall
be controlled using the appropriate;
7.6.8. Record keeping system, which substantiates P/N, S/N and current life
status of the part. Each time the part is removed, the record shall be
updated. Tag attached to part, which includes P/N, S/N and current life

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status of the part. Each time the part is removed, the record shall be
updated Mutilation, where the part shall be mutilated to prevent its
7.6.9. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall continuously
monitor shelf life control items due dates.
8. Procedure Manual
8.1. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors, shall have a
Maintenance Organization Exposition Manual (MOE) for the use and guidance of
relevant maintenance personnel that defines how the Approved Organization
accomplishes and controls the aircraft maintenance activities and provides all
personnel of the AMO with the necessary information to enable them to
accomplish their duties, and that allows the Authority to understand and approve
how the AMO complies with the applicable Airworthiness Requirements,
Purpose of the MOE is to set forth the procedures, means and methods for the
AMO to accomplish maintenance. Compliance with its contents will assure
fulfillment of the AMO's responsibilities. The MOE shall contain the following
8.1.1. A table of contents;
8.1.2. Acceptance of ECAA;
8.1.3. A means of identifying each page of the MOE in the form of a list of effective
pages, with each page numbered and either dated or marked with a revision
8.1.4. A brief description of the organization that includes :
i. General description of the scope of work authorized under the
organization's terms of approval;
ii. The approximate size of the organization;
iii. The geographic location of the office facilities and/or the base of operations
iv. General description of the organization's facilities;
v. A chart depicting the distribution of the functions.

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8.1.5. A description of the organization procedures and quality or inspection
8.1.6. A statement signed by the Maintenance Contractor Accountable Manager
confirming the MOE and any incorporated documents identified there in
reflect the Organization's means of compliance with ECAA requirements;
8.1.7. Names and duties of the responsible personnel;
8.1.8. Names and duties of the person or persons whose responsibilities are to
ensure that maintenance is carried out in accordance with the MPM;
8.1.9. A description of the procedures used to establish the competence of
maintenance personnel;
8.1.10. A description of the methods used for the completion and retention of the
Operator's maintenance records, including procedures for retaining back-
up records;
8.1.11. A description of the procedure for preparing the maintenance certificate of
release to service and the circumstances under which the release is to be
8.1.12. The process for authorizing personnel to sign the maintenance release
and the scope of their authorization;
8.1.13. A description of any additional procedures for complying with the
Operator's maintenance procedures and requirements;
8.1.14. A description of the procedures for complying with the service information
reporting requirements;
8.1.15. A description of the procedures for receiving , amending and distributing
within the maintenance organization , all necessary airworthiness data
from the type certificate holder or type design organization.
8.1.16. Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have process to
amend the MOE as necessary to keep the information contained therein
up-to-date. The Quality manager of the AMO is responsible for monitoring
revisions of the MOE, unless otherwise agreed by the Authority. Unless
the Authority shall have agreed via a procedure state in the amendment

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section of the MOE that certain defined classes of amendments may be
incorporated without prior Authority approval, this process includes
monitoring revisions to the associated procedures manuals;
8.1.17. A description of the maintenance procedures and the procedures for
completing and signing a maintenance release when maintenance is
based on a system other than that of an approved maintenance
8.1.18. A description of the procedures for monitoring , assessing and reporting
maintenance and operational experience;
8.1.19. A description of the procedures for assessing continuing airworthiness
information and implementing any resulting actions;
8.1.20. A description of the procedures for implementing action resulting from
mandatory continuing airworthiness information;
8.1.21. A description of the procedures for ensuring that unserviceable items
affecting airworthiness are recorded and rectified;
8.1.22. A description of the procedures for advising the State of
Registry/Authority/ Operator of significant in-service occurrences;
8.1.23. A description of the system used to distribute the MOE, including a
description list; for non-scheduled work, temporary copies of relevant
portions of the MOE or any incorporated reference;
8.1.24. Where the Organization uses standards for the performance of
elementary work or servicing different from those recommended by the
manufacturer , the identification of those standards;
8.1.25. Procedures to ensure regulatory information and technical data
appropriate to the work performed are servicing;
8.1.26. Details of the methods used to record the maintenance , elementary work
or servicing performed , including the method of recording of defects in the
technical record required by these standards;
8.1.27. A detailed description of the procedures used to ensure that any
maintenance tasks required by the maintenance schedule, airworthiness

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directives or any task required for the rectification of a defect are
completed within the required time constraints;
8.1.28. A description of the evaluation program required by these standards;
8.1.29. A description of the defect rectification and control procedures, including
details of:
8.1.30. The methods used to defect and report recurring defects;
8.1.31. The procedure for scheduling the rectification of defects whose repair has
been deferred.
8.1.32. The procedures used to immediately report to EGYPTAIR EXPRESS any
defects, service difficulties, un-airworthy conditions, failures or
malfunctions specified below:
8.1.33. Defects or Un-airworthy conditions related to Aircraft structure , Power
plant and aircraft systems or equipment ,as specified in (MCM 2.12);
8.1.34. Defects occurring at an excessive frequency that in isolation would not be
considered reportable (e.g., a high frequency of spurious warnings for
certain systems or high failure rate for a specific component);
8.1.35. Incorrect assembly of components;
8.1.36. Use of incorrect oil, hydraulic fluid or other essential fluids.
8.1.37. A description of the technical dispatch procedures, including procedures
for ferry-flight authorizations, extended range operations (ETOPS,
EROPS, and LROPS). all weather operation or any other special
operation ;
8.1.38. Procedure to ensure that only parts and materials that meet the
requirements of the State of Registry/Authority/operator are used in the
performance of elementary work or servicing , including details of any
spare part tool arrangements that have been used into;
8.1.39. A description of the methods used to ensure that the personnel authorized
to perform elementary work or servicing are trained as required by the

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ECAA and qualified in accordance with these requirements , as
8.1.40. A description of personnel records to be retained;
8.1.41. Details of the procedures applicable to maintenance arrangements and a
list of all such arrangements, including the procedures used to
communicate to an approved maintenance organization the maintenance
requirements for planned and unforeseen maintenance activities , as well
as those mandated by airworthiness directives;
8.1.42. Procedures used for the storage and control of petroleum, oil and other
lubricants as required by national regulations;
8.1.43. Responsibilities and procedures for revisions to the management part of
the MOE and any associated manuals are to be specified.
8.2. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have process to
furnish copies of all amendments to the MOE promptly to all organizations or
persons to whom the manual has been issued.
8.3. Chief Inspector shall audit the MOE and the latest revision.
9. Release to Service Procedure
The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall produce a completed
and signed maintenance release that certifies all maintenance work performed has
been completed satisfactorily and in accordance with the approved data and
procedures described in the MOE of the maintenance organization.
9.1. General:
9.1.1 Release to service is performed only with certifying staff authorized for this
job. Release to service is only issued for an Aircraft or Aircraft components
that fall within the Aviation authority approval scope of work of Egypt Air
M&E and other subcontractors.
9.1.2 Maintenance release shall includes:
i. basic details of the maintenance performed;
ii. a reference of the approved data used;

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iii. the date such maintenance was completed;
iv. The applicable, identity of the approved maintenance organisation;
v. Identity of the person(s) signing the release.
9.1.3 Maintenance planning and production control for base maintenance,
concerned technical support for line maintenance and workshops shall
control and develop the work package in a manner that, it will comply with
the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS bill of work orders.
9.1.4 The maintenance package may include any one or a combination of the
following elements: a check or inspection from the approved aircraft
maintenance program, Airworthiness Directive, overhauls, repairs,
modifications, aircraft component replacements, and defect rectification.
9.1.5 IF new defects or incomplete maintenance work orders identified during
maintenance it shall be brought to the attention of the EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
to obtain agreement to be rectifying such defects or complete the missing
elements of the maintenance work order.
9.1.6 In case where EGYPTAIR EXPRESS declines to have such maintenance
carried out and provided this missing element / defect does not affect the
airworthiness of the aircraft, this fact is entered in the aircraft CRS before
issue of such certificate.
9.1.7 Certifying staff will issue the release to service only when all work and
documents are completed.
9.2. Release To Service after Line Maintenance :
9.2.1. A release to service is necessary before each flight after completion of any
line maintenance work (package of scheduled maintenance and/or defect
rectification).Release to service of an aircraft is only issued by personnel
with appropriate authorization (certifying staff).
i. The airworthiness release of an A/C, which follows the line maintenance
work, will be recorded in the aircraft TLB. Entry of the check type and sign-
off constitute an airworthiness release to service. Line maintenance

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certifying staff shall be familiar with the structure of the operator's technical
log book.
ii. The release to service certifies that the completed work or work package
was performed in accordance with ECAR Part 145, maintenance program,
Quality Manuals and the related Airworthiness data.
9.2.2. The certifying staff assigned to sign-off the release to service shall ensure
i. Assigned work package is performed.
ii. The aircraft log book and deferred log book are reviewed.
iii. All sign-off in the complete work package were performed by appropriately
qualified personnel.
iv. All necessary work arising from the maintenance items had been carried
out, and all defects are rectified or deferred.
v. If a certificate item requiring inspection, therefore the assigned inspector
will sign-off this item together with the production engineer.
9.3. Release to Service after Base maintenance:
This procedure is set to cover issuance of release to service for A/C after a
base maintenance check (2A ,or equivalent and higher checks)
The authorized inspector responsible for checking the whole work package
shall ensure that:
9.3.1. All work package task cards are properly performed and completed, or
otherwise deferred or considered as an open item.
9.3.2. All functional/operational checks are satisfactorily carried out
9.3.3. No Airworthiness Directive (A/D) is or shall be over-due at the time of
issuance of the CRS.
9.3.4. Collect all the originals of all certificates of the issued materials and changed
components and includes them in the work package.
9.3.5. All aircraft work package task cards and inspection tasks are carried out and

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9.3.6. Each uncompleted task is assessed, maintenance items that can be deferred
according to the Customer's Airworthiness Data (MEL, CDL, AMM, SRM
..), deferral procedure is performed and the affected system is considered
inoperative or degraded.
9.3.7. For maintenance items that shall be performed, release to service shall not
be issued until relevant task is properly completed and certified.
9.3.8. The inspector of category A&C assigned shall sign the CRS with validity and
limitations of the specified completed maintenance check.
9.3.9. Any postponed tasks considered as open items shall be entered in the CRS
during issuance.
9.4. Certificate of Release to Service of Aircraft Components:
9.4.1. General:
i. Certificate of release to service shall only be issued for those aircraft
components that fall within the aviation authority approved scope.
ii. Release certificate should not be issued for any item when it is known that
the item is unserviceable except in the case of an item undergoing a series
of maintenance process at several maintenance organizations approved
under ECAR Part 145. In this case a clear statement should be indorsed in
the certificate to declare that the release certificate is limited to a partial
maintenance of the component and that the component is delivered
unserviceable to anther organization for the maintenance finalization.
9.4.2. Authority and Procedures:
i. CRS of an aircraft component is only issued by a certifying person holding
appropriate authorization.
ii. Before issuing the (CRS) to release to service an aircraft component, the
certifying staff shall ensure that:
a. The maintenance work specified in the work order/work package has been
carried out.
b. The operator is notified in writing of any eventually non-performed
maintenance work no later than the time at which the aircraft component is
handed over.

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c. Approval has been obtained from the original (type certificate holder) or
appropriately approved design organization for deviations from
airworthiness data. The operator is responsible for obtaining such
approval. The deviation shall be effective only after EGYPTAIR EXPRESS
Chief Inspector approval and ECAA approval are granted.
d. If authorized (CRS) is lost, a replacement form may be issued. In such
case, it should be stated that it is a replacement certificate and verification
of the certificate data will be required.
9.4.3. Equivalent Document to an Authorized Release Certificate:
i. A release document issued by an approved/accepted ECAR Part 145
organization, or an organization approved by under the terms of a bilateral
agreement signed by the ECAA.
ii. In the case of new aircraft components, a release certificate shall be issued
by an approved manufacturer.
9.4.4. Authorized Release Certificate:
i. The original certificate shall accompany the items and correlation shall be
established between the certificate and the item. A copy of the certificate
shall be retained by the organization that manufacturer or maintained the
item. The certificate that accompanies the item may be attached to the
item by being placed in envelop for durability.
ii. All printing shall be clear and legible to permit easy reading.
iii. Completion of the certificate shall be in English language.
iv. Corrector and whitener are prohibited in the Authorized Release certificate.
v. There shall be an entry in all blocks to make the document a valid
9.5. Required Inspection Items Control Procedure:
In performing the Required Inspection the following criteria shall be applied:
9.5.1. Maintenance Director will determine the procedures, standards, and limits
necessary for the required inspections with reference to applicable
Airworthiness data. Basis for such procedures, standards, and limits shall
be approved by the Chief Inspector.

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9.5.2. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall apply given
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS procedures, standards, and limits to accept or reject
items required to be inspected.
9.5.3. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have a
procedure which ensures the avoidance of the generation of the same
mistake during aircraft maintenance or component maintenance on identical
/ redundant system that will / may have serious consequences on the safe
operation of the Aircraft or Aircraft component.
9.5.4. Required Inspections shall be performed by appropriately qualified and
authorized independent inspectors.
9.5.5. Independent inspectors decisions shall not be countermanded except by a
higher inspection level, the Chief Inspector, or after reference to the
Authority. Such countermanding shall be appropriately documented.
9.5.6. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall ensure that
findings arising from inspections are re-inspected after completion of
maintenance work required.
9.5.7. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall ensure that
uncompleted maintenance and inspection work resulting from work
interruptions, such as shift changes and personnel absence, are
appropriately completed before a release to service is issued. This is to be
achieved by on-time record of performed maintenance and the provision of
shift handover logging system.
9.5.8. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall ensure that the
release to service certificate is issued only after ensuring that all required
maintenance and inspections have been completed. Deferring or
postponing any maintenance work shall be in accordance with an approved
procedure and with reference to applicable airworthiness data (MEL, CDL).
9.6. Inspection Methods:

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9.6.1. Inspectors shall consult publications normally used in the course of
maintenance to assure that work accomplished on required inspections
conforms to applicable manual procedures, standards and limits.
9.6.2. Unless specific inspection instructions are contained within the applicable
manual, the inspector will make a visual inspection of each installation for
security, safety, and workmanship.
9.6.3. Repairs and alterations will be inspected for proper material, fasteners,
workmanship, and conformity with engineering orders.
9.6.4. Fuel, oil, hydraulic and pneumatic systems will be checked.
9.6.5. Functional checks of flight control systems shall be witnessed by the
9.7. Control of Critical Tasks Requiring Inspection:
9.7.1. This procedure is established to capture and rectify maintenance errors for
critical maintenance tasks requiring inspection. Critical tasks requiring
inspection are those tasks that could, as minimum, result in a failure,
malfunction, or defect endangering the safe operation of the aircraft if not
performed properly of the released aircraft.
9.7.2. Critical Tasks Requiring Inspection are determined according to the
following criteria:
i. Previous experiences of maintenance errors, depending on the
consequence of the failure,
ii. Information arising from the occurrence reporting system,
iii. Authority requirements for error capturing, if applicable.
iv. Tasks that if not performed properly or if improper parts / material were
used could result in a failure malfunction or defect that could endanger the
safe operation of the aircraft.
9.7.3. Critical tasks requiring inspection shall be determined by Engineering and
highlighted during work package preparation by the responsible
maintenance planning engineer. The highlighting will take the form of a

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Critical Task or Required Inspection Item (RII) endorsement on such tasks
work sheets.
9.7.4. During execution, these tasks will require additional inspection to be
performed by a staff member, other than the person performing the task.
Person performing the additional inspection shall be of at least the same
qualifications / authorizations as the person first accomplished the task.
9.7.5. With regard to aircraft line and base maintenance on critical tasks requiring
inspection, no person is allowed to carry out and simultaneously inspect
what he has carried out. If a maintenance task involves some element of
disassembly/reassembly of several components of the same type fitted to
more than one system on the same aircraft during a particular maintenance
check, and only one person is available to carry out these tasks then the
work card or worksheet shall include an additional stage for re-inspection of
the work by this person after completion of all the same tasks.
9.7.6. The following maintenance tasks should primarily be reviewed according to
the requirements of relevant airworthiness data to assure that there exists
no impact on safety:
i. Installation, rigging and adjustments of flight controls,
ii. Installation of aircraft engines,
iii. Overhaul, calibration or rigging of components such as engines,
transmissions and gearboxes,
iv. Application of major repairs and major alterations.
9.7.7. For twin engine aircraft similar work in engine, its LRUs or wiring should be:
i. Carried out by different persons; or
ii. Carried out in different times separated by aircraft flight hours; or
iii. Considered critical items required inspection.
9.8. Release to Service after Required Inspection:
The appropriate certifying staff assigned to sign the release to service for the
aircraft shall review all paperwork and ensure that all work has been completed

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and accepted by an appropriately authorized in rare sector prior to release of the
EGYPTAIR EXPRESS has assigned specific tasks as Critical Tasks Requiring
Inspection as in apendex 6.04
10. Tooling and Calibration
Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have procedures to
control and document the calibration and records of all tools, and preventing out-
of-service and due-for calibration tools and equipment from being used, in
accordance with specifications the procedures shall include:
10.1. Control of Tools/Equipment Calibration and Maintenance Scheduled and
unscheduled checking of tools/equipment.
10.1.1. Scheduled checking: Any inspection, service or calibration on regular basis
as mentioned in manufacturer's instructions or tables of scheduled
10.1.2. Un-scheduled checking: Is which may be carried out in some particular
cases such as initial reception of a tool without calibration certificate. Loss
of calibration certificate or reports after use and handling of the tool.
10.2. The Maintenance Contractor and other subcontractors shall have a clear
system of Labeling of all tooling, equipment and test equipment is therefore
necessary, providing information on:
10.2.1. when the next inspection or service or calibration is due;
10.2.2. Whether the item is serviceable or unserviceable and the reason for its
unserviceable. A Recall System for Tools/Equipment for Calibration and
i. Attach calibration overdue, when the calibration due date has been
ii. Segregate the tool/equipment in a dedicated area labeled by "waiting for
iii. A tool/equipment Defect Report shall be issued.
iv. Tool/Equipment shall be sent for calibration or repair.

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10.3. Subcontracting Calibration and Maintenance for Tools/Equipment:
10.3.1. The Maintenance Provider shall subcontract calibration work for
tools/equipment to approved calibration laboratories having an ISO
standard 10012-1/1992 or the standard NFX 07-010 or equivalent.
10.3.2. The Maintenance Provider shall subcontract maintain work for
tools/equipment to original equipment manufacturer (OEM), as specified by
the aircraft/component manufacturer.
10.4. Document Required After Calibration and Maintenance of Tools/Equipment:
10.4.1. Records for all tools/equipment shall be kept until two years after the item is
withdrawn from service. The following data shall be recorded for the
tools/test equipment:
i. Name, description, Part No. and serial No
ii. calibration date;
iii. calibration due date;
iv. Periodic calibration / test interval;
v. identity of individual or vendor that performed calibration or check;
vi. a calibration certificate for each item calibrated by an outside agency;
vii. details of adjustments and repairs;
viii. repair history of the tool;
ix. the part number and serial number of the standard used to perform the
x. Maintenance tasks carried out on the tool/equipment and reference used.
10.4.2. Procedures of Acceptance:
i. Identification and Marking:
A unique identification number for each accepted tool shall be marked on
the tool in a suitable undeletable manner, and identify the tool by a
calibration sticker.
ii. Updating of Tool Register:
The tool/equipment register shall be updated by the data of the accepted
tool/equipment item.
iii. Tagging:

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A serviceable tag shall be issued for the accepted tool/equipment, and a
shelf/life tag for the items having shelf/life time indicating next due date.
11. Technical Record Control and Records Retention
11.1. Maintenance records are records used as the basis for issuing the certificate of
release to service (CRS) for an aircraft/component. It provides objective
evidence that the aircraft/component has been appropriately maintained.
11.2. The level of record details shall be sufficient to determine whether all items of
scheduled and unscheduled work, including trouble shooting, conforms to
the relevant data. This shall include reference to the data applied (unless
such data is indicated in the (CRS).
11.2.1. Type of inspection and a brief description of work performed including
tolerances and limits.
11.2.2. Reference to documents and tools used as applicable.
11.2.3. Date of completion of work, Name/Signature and stamp of certifying person.
11.2.4. When work constitutes major repair or major alteration, the records shall
contain the approval from the Civil Aviation Authority and from the (OEM).
11.3. Technical Records Control:
11.3.1. All Technical records shall be stored in a suitable area and shall be
protected against loss, theft, fire, weather conditions or un-authorized
11.3.2. All Technical records shall be filled and stored in such a manner that the
records could be accessible to the authorized personnel. The filing and
storage system shall promote ease of ret rival, accessibility and adequate
11.3.3. Only properly qualified persons shall sign maintenance record,
qualifications includes training, certification or authorization as applicable.
11.3.4. It is not allowed to intentionally enter any false entry in any record, if
correction to an inadvertent mistake is to be made in a record, the old

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writing shall be omitted in a way not to cause its complete disappearance.
Use of corrector or whitener is prohibited.
11.3.5. Paper records shall use proper paper quality that can withstand normal use
during the record retention period. Paper records shall be written with
undeletable ink.
11.3.6. An aircraft records shall not be filled for storage, unless all required data in
the records are completed
11.3.7. Retention of maintenance Records is contracted to the Main Maintenance
Contractor. Should the retention period expires, relevant records are to be
either transferred to a dead store, soft or Microfilm copies are retained
11.3.8. No records are to be destroyed without prior written consent of the ECAA,
through EGYPTAIR EXPRESS Chief Inspector.
11.3.9. The technical records which are to be maintained in a computer system
shall be updated daily and a continuous backup system is made. Backup
system is to be updated at least weekly. Computer records backups shall
be stored in a safe place a way from the area in which the original
computers are located.
11.3.10. The records constitute technical records and their retention periods:
Refer to Ch.1.06

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Appendix: 6.13
Maintenance Inspection Department.

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 01 Page 1 of 2
Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012

6.13 Forms
No. Form No. Form Title
1. EMB 170 Aircraft Technical Log
2. CRS 506B Aircraft Release to Service
3. Form 100 Airplane Weighing Form
4. Form QAF 101 Quality Audit Notification
5. Form QAF 102 Quality Audit Report
6. Form QAF 104 Corrective Action Follow-up Status
7. Form QAF 105 Non Conformity Report (NCR)
8. F12000-15 ECAA Occurrence Report ,
9. Form 121 Fortnight Status
10. Form 12120-042 Application for Permission of a Ferry Flight
11. Form 135 Certificate of Fitness
12. Form 204 Originated Document Change Request Form
13. Form 205 Deviation / Waiver Request
14. Form 311 Application for Short Term Escalation (Check/ Task)
15. Form 318 Deferred Item Extension Request
16. Form 327 Aircraft repeated discrepancy notification
17. Form 330 Accident / Incident Report
18. Form 407 A/C Deferred Defect Log
19. Form 413 A/C Cabin Log
20. Form 414 Deferred Cabin Item Log
21. LPM-LM-RAMP-08-F01 Deferred Defect Daily Status
22. Form 435 Dent & structure damage
23. Form 516 Application for Aircraft Lease
24. Form 677/A Aircraft SB/EO Compliance Status
25. Form 677/E Engine SB/EO Compliance Status
26. Form 678 ADs Compliance/ Status
27. Chart C Basic Empty Weight and Balance Record
28. Form T1 Annual training plan
29. Form 002 Hazard/ Confidential Human Factors Report Form.
30. Form 003 Voluntary Report Form
31. Form 210 Information Bulletin
32. Form E/P 01 AD BI-weekly list revise form
33. Form E/P 02 BI-weekly AD revise form
34. Form 12000-26 Application for Aircraft RVSM approval ECAA
35. Form 134 C Component Reliability Alert Notice No
36. Form 134 S System Reliability Alert Notice No.
37. Form 139 Mandatory Investigation Action Report No.

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6.14Sample of Documents
Manufactures Airworthiness Data:
1. Maintenance Planning Document (MPD)
2. Aircraft maintenance manual(AMM)
3. Structural repair manual (SRM)
4. Illustrated Parts Catalogues (IPC).
5. Component maintenance manual (CMM)
6. Engine maintenance manual (EMM)
7. Alert/recommended service bulletins (inspections or modifications) (SBs)
8. Aircraft flight manuals (AFM)
9. Master minimum equipment list (MMEL)
10. Miscellaneous publications.
11. Service bulletins (inspection or modifications) (SB's)
12. Service letters/field notes/maintenance tips etc (SL, FN, MT)
Authorities Airworthiness Data:
1. Airworthiness directives(AD's)
2. Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations (ECAR).
3. Egyptian Aviation Circulars (EAC)

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EGYPTAIR EXPRESS originated technical data and controlled by chief inspector
1. Maintenance Control manual (MCM).
2. Outstation Hand Book
3. Customized Maintenance Programs (MP)
4. Customized minimum equipment list(MEL)


Item No
JCN : ATA ( 4 digits ) : REF.No.: RII? YES NO D.D. Log P.No.
.. ..
JCN : ATA ( 4 digits ) : RII? YES NO
Aircraft Type (Embraer 170)
(Press Hard, You Are Making 3 Copies)
ECAA AOC No. 010
FLT. No.
S/No. 0 0 0 0 0 0
No. of Full stop LDGS. :
........... A
........... A
........... B
Total No. of LDGS. : TOTAL TIME

No. of Overshoots :
Item No
.. ..
T/O-1 T/O-2 TOGA: S/N Off
Supplier Arrival Kgs
Slip No. Ltr
Density Kgs
Temperature C Departure Kgs
Sys 3
Main ( Right )
Main ( Left )
Flex.:Temp C
Capt. Name
I hereby certify that the maintenance specified above has been carried out in accordance with Manufacturer's
Documents, Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations and EGYPTAIR EXPRESS relevant approved documents .
Capt. Sign.
P/N On
.......... B
Pos. P/N Off
System Departure
Item No.
Engine No.
Arrival Departure
Sys 1
Capt. Name
. .
Capt. Sign.
S/N On
4th. Copy:
3rd. Copy:
Main record section
Issue 3 Amend:02
10 OCT.2011
Master Copy:
On board
2nd. Copy:
Departure point
Form( EMB 170)
Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 4 Form 100
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Weighing Report
A/C TYPE : ERJ 170-100LR A/C REG :





Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 2 of 4 Form 100
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012


CONSUL W&B M 1st 2nd 3rd AVERAGE
1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6


Formula: XCG (m) =[N * (XN * cos - ZN * sin) +M * (XM * cos - ZM * sin) +W * sin* ZCG] / W * cos
XCG (m) =Distance from DATUM measured parallel to the fuselage center line, in meters.
XN =X position of the nose-landing-gear wheel axle.
ZN =Z position of the nose-landing-gear wheel axle.
XM =X position of the main-landing-gear wheel axle
ZM =Z position of the main-landing-gear wheel axle.
W =N +M =Total aircraft weight (Kg).
N =Nose landing gear reaction, total (Kg).
M =Main landing gear reaction, total (Kg).
=Aircraft pitch attitude.
ZCG (m) =- 0,606 (constant value).
W = KG
= H
= (deg)=0
= X



Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 3 of 4 Form 100
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012
A/C REG. :





Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 4 of 4 Form 100
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

A/C REG. :
MAC% = [BALANCE ARM 12.925]* x100/3.194
MAC% =



Issue 03 amend : 01 Form 101
Issue date: 15 Aug. 2010

Quality Audit Notification
Audit References: MCM,ECAR 121,
Audit Subject(s) :
Audit Team :
Audit Program:
Time Activity Time Activity

Quality Audit Manager: Signature: Date:
Recei ved By :
Name: ................................................... Position:

Department manager: Date:

Issue 03 amend :0
Issue date: 15 Aug 2010
Form 102

Quality Audit Report
Date: ............................... Audit Control No.: ..
No. Discrepancy Evidence Reference Corrective Action Person in Charge Suspense Date

Auditee Representative: Auditor: Signature:

Issue No.: 3 Amen. No.: 00 Page - of - Form 102
Issue Date: 15 Aug 2010

Audit Report Data Follow-up Data
Area / Acti vity
Control No.
Audit Finding
NCR Data
Finding Level
1 2 3


Issue 03 amend : 01 Page 1of 2
Issue date: 15 Aug 2010

Part I: EgyptAir Express Quality Audit:

Control No.
NCR No. Audit date
Report Issue Date
Audited Area
QAF1--/--/-- -- --/--/-- --/-- /--
ECAR Ref. MCM Ref. Others Level of Nonconformity
121. 1.10 Maint. Contract
1 2 3

Auditor Name(s):-

Response Date:-
Description of Findings (Evidence is recommended)

Name Signature Date
Auditee Rep. Eng.
Quality auditor. Eng.

Part II: Auditee Company/ Department:

1- Root Cause:

Name: Eng. Sign: Date:


Issue 03 amend : 01 Page 2of 2
Issue date: 15 Aug 2010

Corrective/ Preventive Actions to be taken Responsible
Committed Date
2- Corrective Action:

3- Preventive Action:

Name: Eng. Sign: Date:

Part III: EgyptAir Express Quality Audit Evaluation and Verification:

Evaluation and Verification

The above Corrective/ Preventive Action/Plan is o Satisfactory o Unsatisfactory
Reason (If Unsatisfactory)

If Satisfactory
o No need for audit and considered closed o Needs Re-Audit
To be re-audited before : Actual date of re-audit :
Auditor Name :Eng. Sign: Date:
Lead Auditor : Eng. Sign: Date:

Re-Audit Follow Up

The Non-Conformity is considered as:
o Closed o Open
Closed Date : Issue new NCR No:
Auditor Name : Eng Sign: Date:
Lead Auditor : Eng Sign: Date:

Occurrence Report

Issue: 1 date: Dec 2009 F12000-15

To be sent to : ECAA
Egyptian Civil Aviation building, CAIRO AIRPORT Road, A.R.E.
Complete all sections where information is relevant Date Recei ved by ECAA ECAA Occurrence No.
For multi-choiceboxes, indicatewhich entry is appropriate
Aircraft Type and Series Registration Operator Date of Occurrence Fl i ght Phase Nature of fl i ght
Flight No. DAY WIND Runway Precipitation Icing Turbulence INIT CLIMB NON-SCHED FREIGHT
SLUSH Amount / 8ths HOVER TEST
ENGINEERING DETAILS Constructor No Engi ne Type & Seri es Ground phase Maintenance Ground Handling
Unattended Taxyi ng
Component / Part Location on aircraft Manual
Overhaul / Repair Agency
Maintenance Manufacturer advised
Reference Program N/A
Manufacturer Part No. Serial No. Hours / Total Since Overhaul/
Cycle /
Landings Inspection
Any published Airworthiness information relevant to
occurrence (e.g. Mod / Insp. / Repair) plus compliance
status of aircraft or equipment
Reference No. Signature Date:- Name:-
Up To :
A/C Reg
Hours Installation
Time Since
Total cycles Time Since
Removal at Rem S/N Installation

Cycles Date (T.T) (T.C) LSV LSV (T.C) cycles Date
Position S/N
Aircraft Engine Auxiliary Power Unit
Status of Engine Model Spares
a) Stand by Engines b) Engines At Shop c) Engines Abroad
Remarks :
Prepared by : Reviewed by : Maint. Director :
Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 2 Form 121
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 1 Form 678
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

ADs Compliance / Status
* Aircraft Type : ERJ 170-100LR Registration SU- Serial No.. * Engine/Part Part No./Type : Serial No.
No. AD/CN No. S.B No. Issue Date E.O No. Subject
Limit from E. Date

* Fill either one according to application
Revised By Maintenance Manager:
Name :. Signature: Date :....

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 1 Form 677
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Aircraft SB/EO Compliance - Status
* Aircraft Type : ERJ 170-100LR Registration SU-. Serial No ....
No. S.B No. Issue Date AD/CN No E.O No. Subject

* Fill either one according to application
Revised By Maintenance Manager:
Name :. Signature: Date :....

Application for Permission of a Special Flight- Form No 12120-042

Flight Test Sign Tow
Ferry Flight Positioning Flight
Section1: To be completed by the applicant
1- Owners Name 2- Operator

3- Mailing Address of Company 4- Telephone #

5- Fax #

6- A/C Nationality & Registration Marks 7- A/C Make & Model

8- Engines Type and Manufacturer

9- Propellers Model and Type

10- Reason for Flight
11- Additional Information provided and attached NO

YES 1)
I hereby certify that the above A/C has been maintained according manufacturer maintenance
manuals and according to manufactures maintenance schedule and the aircraft is found
airworthy and eligible for ------------------------
Name of Engineer In Charge Position:
License Number Signature:
Section2. For Official Use Only
Received By Date:
Department assigned responsibility: Date forwarded to Department
Approval Number:

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 1 Form 677 /E
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Engine SB/EO Compliance - Status
* Engine: CF34-8E5 Position : . Serial No.
No. S.B No. Issue Date AD/CN No E.O No. Subject

* Fill either one according to application
Revised By Maintenance Manager:
Name :. Signature: Date :....

Issue No: 04 Amen:01 Form E/P 01
Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012

A.Ds Bi-Weekly List
Bi-Weekly No:
A.Ds List from Library is Typical to Authority Publication

Difference If Exist:



Prepared by :

Name: Position: Date:

Issue: 04 Amen: 01 Form E/P 02
Issue Date 4 Aug 2012

A.Ds Bi-Weekly
A/C Type: AD No:
Current Status ( E.O #)
Follow Up
Effective Date
Repetitive Rep. interval
Terminate Date
N/A Reason
Difference If Exist:




Prepared by :

Name: Position: Date:

Issue No.: 3 Amen. No.: 01 Form 135
Issue Date: 15 Oct 2011

Certificate of Fitness for Flight Test

A/C Type : .........................................................
A/C Reg. : ...........................................................
Nationality : ............................................................

I hereby certify that the aircraft define here on has been inspected and is fit for test flight.
The certificate is valid until .....................................or until the airworthiness condition of
The aircraft is altered whichever comes earlier .
( ........................................................ ) A License No.
( ........................................................ ) C License No.
( ....................................................... ) X License No.

Airworthiness Department Approval :
The aircraft defined SU - ......................... is approved for flight test within 7 days.

NAME: .................................................................
SIGN. : ..................................................................
DATE: ..................................................................

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Form 204
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Originated Document Change
Request Form
Manual/Document Title...................................................... Control No.............................
Chapter/Section............................ Subject.........................................................................
Issue Date........................... Revision/Date............. Page No......................................
Brief Description of Change Subject
Corrections /Recommendations
Department Name Signature Date
Chief Inspector Comment
Name: . Signature........... Date..............

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Form 205
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Deviation / Waiver Request
No : ..
(1) Subject (Aircraft-Part-Task-Procedure-Others): ..................................
(2) Title of deviation/ waiver*...........................................................................................
(3) Requested by: Name......................................................... position..........................
(4) Class of deviation/ waiver minor* major*
(5) Details of affected part
(6) Airworthiness data affected ( E.O. - AMM -IPC - AWM - CMM - SRM Others )*
(7)Discrepancy Details
(8) Recommended action
(9) Reason for deviation / waiver request
Initiator/Requester Name: . Position:.
Signature: .................. Date`..............
Engineering Director Accept Deny

Signature: .................. Date`..............
Chief Inspector Accept Deny

Signature: .................. Date`..............
ECAA Accept Deny
Signature: .................. Date`..............
* cross out the non applicable item

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 01 Page 1 of 1
Issue Date: 4 Aug 2012

Information Bulletin
Sheet of
I.B No. : ...... Aircraft type : .. Date : ./ ./ .
Subject : .............................................. ATA : ...
Reference : ............................................................. Our reference : ........
Background :
Actions :
Recommendation :

Prepared by : Name : ........................................ Signature : ..........
Reviewed by : Name : ........................................ Signature : ...........
Approved by : Name : ........................................ Signature : ..........

Issue No.: 3 Amen. No.: 00 Form 311
Issue Date: Mar 2010

Application for Short Term Escalation
(Check/ Task)
A/C Type A/C Registration Customer Check / Task Card Interval

Part 1 : Data
A/C Current Data Flt hrs:.. Cycles: Calendar:.
Task / Check due at Flt hrs:.. Cycles: Calendar:.
Task / Check Proposed at Flt hrs:.. Cycles: Calendar:.
Proposed Escalation Flt hrs:.. Cycles: Calendar:.
Reason for Escalation: ....
Is the Check/Task previously escalated? No Yes , Specify :.
Period Flt hrs:.. Cycles: Calendar:.
Last check carried out at Flt hrs:.. Cycles:.. Calendar:..
I hereby certify that the item required to be escalated does not contain any of the items specified in operations specifications
Escalation Prohibitions.
Name: ... Sign.& Stamp. : .. Date:
Note : Attach the relevant task card
Part 2:-Quality Control Recommendations
Inspector recommendation: (if required)

Name: ... Sign : ..... Date:
Part 3 : Aircraft Records Verification
Above data is correct Yes No If No, Specify:-...
Date : Flt hrs:.... Cycles:.. Calendar:...
Does the proposed escalation
Affects component/part?
No Yes If Yes, specify:-
Description: .. P/N: S/N:
Operating Time Due at After Escalation, Due at Main Record
T.S.N T.S.O T.S.T Name: ..
Sign: . Date:

Part 4 : Escalation Authorization
ECAA approval required? Yes No
Check/Task Escalated to Flt Hrs Cycles. Calendar:.
Recommendations: ..
Customer Representative Acceptance: ... Date:-..
ECAA Approval Yes No
Check/Task Escalated for Flt hrs.. Cycles. Calendar:
ECAA Recommendations (if Any) ..
ECAA Ref. Letter:-
Name: .... Sign: ... Date: ..
Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Form 318
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Deferred Item Extension Request

Deferred Item
A/C Type: ............................ A/C Reg. ..... .......... . Station: ........................ . J ob Control No. (J CN): .......................................
Deferral Category B C Concession Deferral date: ........................... Rectification due date: ................................
Reference manual : ......................................................................................................... ................................................................................................. .
Discrepancy: ............................................................................................................................. .................. .........................................................................
Reason for deferral : ....................................................... .............................. .........................................................................................................
Part Required (If Applicable )
Description Part number Purchase Order No.
Robbing Available
Estimated available
Yes No

Production Control Department
Requested extension for rectification ..............................................................................
Reason for extension: .................................. ............................................................................................................................. ....................................
............................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ....................
ECAA Approval Required ? No Yes
Name (P.C.D.) ....................... ............................. . Signature: ............................................... Date: .........................................
Extension Request is : Denied Approved up to: ............ . ................
Submitted to
ECASA Approval Not Required
Director, Quality Assurance & Control
Name: ................................................ Signature: ..................................................... Date: ......................................... .......
ECAA Approval Required
E CAA Administrator
Name: ..................................................... Signature: ................................................. Date: ............................................... .

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 1 form 327
Issue Date:15 Apr 2012

A/C Repeated Discrepancy Notification

A/C Type: ... A/C Registration: .
No. Date J.C.N. Discrepancy Action Taken Reference

For T/S: .. Signature: Date: ....

Issue: 04 Amend : 00 Form 330
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

Accident / Incident Reporting Form
(Originator ) : . (Address) : ... ... ... .... .... .... .... .... .......

/ (Tel/Fax No.) : (Date & Time) :

(Accident Data )
(A/C Reg.) : (A/C Type) . - (Flt
No ) :
/ (A/C Owner) (Purpose of Flight ) :
/ (Place of accident/Incident) : .
/ (Time)
(Names of Flight Crew) : ...
/ (Phase at which the accident / incident take place ) :
/ ) accident / incident (Summary
of :

(Injuries to personnel) : ........................
(Damages to property) ..........
(Other damages) : ...
(Additional Information) :
) ( :
) : (
(For MCC)
(Name) / ............
(Job Title) /
(Signature) / ...................

Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Form 407
Issue Date: 15Apr 2012

A/C Deferred Defect Log
No.: .
Originated from D M Y
MCC Control No.
A/C Type Station
Tech. log Cabin log
Related log page No./Item Def. date
A/C Reg. S U -
Maint. log


Deferred Defect Rectification

ATA (4 digits): A

.. ........................................................................................
. .....................................................................................
.. ......................................................................................
Ref. No.: RII? Yes No
Required Action:
Operation (O) Repetitive Yes No
Maintenance (M) Repetitive Yes No
Ref. No.: RII? Yes No
If Operation, it should be denoted, If Maintenance, be sure of being executed
Deferral Category: Rect. Due (date/Flt. Hrs.)
Item P/N off S/N off P/N on S/N on Pos Tot. Mhr
Deferral Reason:
Required Item Description:.....
P/N: Voucher No.:..
I hereby certify that the Maintenance specified above has been carried out in accordance with Manufacturers documents,
Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations and Maintenance Control Manual (MCM).
I hereby certify that the above defect is deferred in accordance with the mentioned
reference and does not affect the safe operation of the aircraft.
Eng. Sign & Stamp:
Extension No. Extension To (Date/ Fhr) Eng. Sign & Stamp
Item Eng. Sign & Stamp Insp Sign & Stamp (for RII) Station Rec. Date

Note: Only one deferred defect is to be entered, all entries in capital letters
Issue No.: 4 Amen. No.: 00 Form 413
Issue Date: 15 Apr 2012

A/C Cabin Log
( )
A/C Type: A/C Reg.: SU. Flt. No. MS: From: To: Date:
Item: ATA: J CN: Item: Trans. To deferral log 407


Page No.:
Eng. Signature & Stamp
.. Insp. Sign & Stamp (for RII)
.. .
Date: ... Stn: ..
.. C.A. Tech Name & Sign
Reported by:
CDC CA Eng Stn: . Name & Sign: Reference:

RII? Yes No
Date: . Stn .....
Item: ATA: J CN: Item: Trans. To deferral log 407


Page No.:
Eng. Signature & Stamp
.. Insp. Sign & Stamp (for RII)
.. Date: . Stn.....
.. C.A. Tech Name & Sign
Reported by:
CDC CA Eng Stn: . Name & Sign: Reference:

RII? Yes No
Date: . Stn.....
Item: ATA: J CN: Item: Trans. To deferral log 407


Page No.:
Eng. Signature & Stamp
. Insp. Sign & Stamp (for RII)
. .
.. Date: . Stn.....
.. C.A. Tech Name & Sign
Reported by:
CDC CA Eng Stn: .. Name & Sign: Reference:

RII? Yes No
Date: . Stn.....
Reason for Removal Codes:
ItemNo. Description P/N off S/N off P/N on S/N on Qty Pos
Total MHr
01 Defect 02 Time Control

03 Task Card 04 Trouble-Shooting

05 Modification 06 Robbing

07 Loan/Pool return 08 Others
I hereby certify that the maintenance specified above has been carried out in accordance with Manufacturers documents, Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations and
Maintenance Control Manual (MCM)
A/C Supervisor (Sign & Stamp):
Date: ....

Issue No.: 3 Amen. No.: 00 Form 414
Issue Date: Mar 2010

Deferred Cabin Item Log
No. :.................................

A/C Type Station Cabin Log Page No. Item No. Deferral Date J .C.N

A/C Reg SU-

Deferred Defect Rectification

ATA (4 digits)
..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................
Ref. No. (AMM/SRM/.): Reference No.:
Rect. Due (date/Fhr./..):

Deferral Reason: P/N off S/N off P/N on S/N on Pos. Tot. Mhr
Required Item Description:
P/N Required: Voucher No.:
Technician Name & Sign Technician Name & Sign
Name: .. Sign: . Name: .. Sign: .
I hereby certify that the above defect is deferred in accordance with the mentioned
reference and does not affect the safe operation of the aircraft.
I hereby certify that the maintenance specified above has been carried out in accordance with Manufacturers documents,
Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations and Maintenance Control Manual (MCM).
Eng. Sign & Stamp : Date: .... Eng. Sign & Stamp: ................. Date: ..................................
Note: Only one deferred defect is to be entered, all entries in capital letters

Issue No.: 3 Amen. No.: 00 Page 1 of 2 Form 516
Issue Date: Mar 2010

Application for Aircraft Lease
Particulars of the lessor
Name: .. Country: ...
Registered office: ... Head office: ..
Postal address: ....
Telephone number: .. Fax: ..
Particulars of the lessee
Name: .. Country: ...
Registered office: ... Head office: .
Postal address: ....
Telephone number: .. Fax: ...

Lease General Details
Type of lease: .
Lease duration from to
Registration marks of leased aircraft..
Serial number of leased aircraft: .
Maintenance base: ..
Type of operation
Scheduled Charter
Passenger Cargo Combined
Areas of operation
International Local (Specify):
Responsibility for
Airworthiness: ... Maintenance:
Servicing: .. Dispatch:
Exposition manual: ... Up-Keeping of documents and records: ..
Performance: . Crew members and training: ..
Operational procedures (control & scheduling): ...
Maintenance status of aircraft
Approved maintenance program reference:
Next major maintenance due at: ..
Issue No.: 3 Amen. No.: 00 Page 2 of 2 Form 516
Issue Date: Mar 2010

Application for Aircraft Lease
Official copies of documents required (if leased aircraft are registered in another country):
Certificate of registration
Certificate of airworthiness
Certificate of insurance
Certificate of compliance with airworthiness directivities
5- Crew license in case of wet lease
Certificate of Operational control:
I the undersigned assume the responsibility of the operational control of aircraft listed in this application, and undertake to comply
with the limits and procedures lay down by: during the lease period from: to: ..
for and behalf of lessor.
J ob Title: . Signature: date:
It is requested that lease agreement (copy attached) in respect of aircraft listed in the application may please be
recognized by you, and we will provide all facilities for any inspectors required.
Name: ..
Signature: . Date: .
Name: ..
Signature: . Date: .
For official use only
Inspections findings:

Name: .. Signature: .. Date: .
Central Department of Airworthiness decision

Head of Central Department of Airworthiness:
Name: .. Signature: .. Date: .

Aircraft Type and Model EMB-170
Aircraft Registration
Issue:4 Amend:01 Date :4 Aug 2012 Page 1 of 1 Form 327
Type No.
Damage Location Date
TC No.
Remarks/Action Taken Damage Dimensions
Issue:4 Amend:01 Date :4 Aug 2012 Page 1 of 1 Form 327 Issue:4 Amend:01 Date :4 Aug 2012 Page 1 of 1 Form 327

30 August 2012 Page 1


30 August 2012 Page 2


30 August 2012 Page 3



30 August 2012 Page 4

EMB-170 Engine pos. 2
SU- Referance ESM72-21-13
Type No.
Damage Area Date
Certifying Staff
Remarks/Action Taken
Aircraft Type and Model Engine Type CF34-8E
Aircraft Registration EngineS.N
Damage Dimensions
Issue no.: (01)
Issue Date: 18/4/2012
1 OF 1
Updated On 8/30/2012 LPM-RECORDS-02-F(02)
EMB-170 Engine pos. 1
SU- Referance ESM72-21-13
Blade No.
Type No.
Damage Area Date Inspection Interval
Certifying Staff
Remarks/Action Taken
Damage Dimensions
Engine Type
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type and Model
Issue no.: (01)
Issue Date: 18/4/2012
1 OF 1
Updated On LPM-RECORDS-02-F(02)

CAMO Local Procedure Manual
Technical Services Directorate
Reliability Department
Component Reliability Alert Notice No. : CAN XXXX
(Customer / ACType)
(P/N / Description)
Overhaul shop / Repair and warranty Technical Service
Delivery date Target date Receiving date Delivery date Target date Receiving date
dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy
Study Period ATA ETOPS Significant #of Removals Rate Alert Rate Previous Alert.
Yes No

Yes No
To Overhaul Shop / Repair and Warranty:
As per attached component reliability analysis report, give the shop finding report and repair text for all S/Ns included in that report.
Overhaul Shop / Repair and Warranty investigation:

Shop Chief Inspector: Dep. MGR : Director: Date: dd/mm/yy
Technical Services Recommendation:

Eng. in Charge: Dep. MGR : Director: Date: dd/mm/yy
RCB Decision:

Reliability Follow-Up
Alert Report
Issued by
O/H / Repair
& warranty
Action By
alert Follow-
2nd Alert
alert Follow-
Up Alert Closed

J un J ul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J an Feb Mar Apr May
2012 2013
Component Removal rate: No. Of unscheduled Removals per 1000 F/Hs
ISSUE: 01 LPM-TS-RB-01F (1 C)
ISSUE DATE:01/05/2012 Form 134 C

CAMO Local Procedure Manual
Technical Services Directorate
Reliability Department
System Reliability Alert Notice No. : SAN XXXX
(Customer / A/C Type)
PIREPS (Month. Year)
Rate Alert Rate Delivery
ATA Previous Alert.

Yes No

dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy Yes No
2% A/C7
Reliability investigation Within (Month. Year):

Technical Services Recommendation:

Eng. in Charge: Dep. MGR : Director: Date: dd/mm/yy
RCB Decision:

Reliability Follow-Up
Alert Report
Issued by
Action By
alert Follow-
2nd Alert
alert Follow-
Up Alert Closed

J un J ul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J an Feb Mar Apr May
2012 2013
PIREPS: Pilot Reports Rate: #Of PIREPS per 100 flights LPM-TS-RB-01F (1S)
ISSUE DATE: 01/05/2012 Form 134 S

CAMO Local Procedure Manual
Technical Services Directorate
Reliability Department
Mandatory Investigation Action Report No. : ASD XXXX (Customer, A/C Type)

A/C Reg. From To Date Time ATA Sub Check Ref. Task Area/Zone J .C.N.

Defect Reported By Pilot Report (A/C Tech. Log Page)
No ..

Non Routine Card (NRC)
No ..
o Base Maint. o Line Maint.
A/C Flight Status
Delay (Time). Cancelation. A/C Turn Back (ATB). A/C Diversion.
Discrepancy Category
Technical Incident. Significant ETOPS Discrepancy. Significant (Non Structure).
Common Discrepancy (A/C Type). Repeated Discrepancy (A/C Reg.).

Technical Support Technical Service
Delivery date Target date Receiving date Delivery date Target date Receiving date

Technical Support Analysis and Action Taken

P/N Off: S/N Off: P/N On: S/N On: Pos.
Engineer in Charge: Supervisor : MGR: Date:
Technical Services Recommendation

Eng. in Charge: Dep. MGR : Director: Date:
RCB Decision:

Reliability Follow-Up
Alert Report
Issued by
alert Follow-
2nd Alert
alert Follow-
Up Alert Closed

J un J ul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J an Feb Mar Apr May
2012 2013
ISSUE: 01 LPM-TS-RB-01F (2)
ISSUE DATE: 01/05/2012 Form 139


--/--/20-- : --/--/20--



Flight Safety Department

Voluntary Report


All the information about the reporter in case of filling it will not be submitted to any person or
department and it will be confidential, provided it is submitted within 48 hours and there was no
accident or incident/ occurrence related to the report.
Name: Telephone/ Mobil E-mail address

D / M / Y
/ /


From To
Diverted to









You don't have to sign the report and you can send it by mail or e-mail or send through our safety box at IOCC
Email :
Tel : +202 26964036
Fax : +202 26964008
Edition 2. Rev .2
Aug. 2012
Form 003

Safety & Quality Dep.
Confidential Hazard/ Human Factors Report
Existing condition
Recommended Corrective Action
Please detail the existing condition and any recommended corrective
action. Use additional sheets as necessary. Drop in Safety Box or Mail to
the Flight Safety Office. If you would like an update on any action please
provide your Name and Phone or Address.
Date: Dep.: Name and phone no. (Optional):
---/----/------ ----------------- ----------------------------------
Location: Received: File No. :
Rcvd: File No: Assigned :
Email :
Tel : + 202 26964036 Fax : +202 26964008

( Continuous history changes in structure of equipment affecting weight and balance)
(Kgf) (m) (Kgf*m) (Kgf) (m) (Kgf*m) (Kgf) (m) (Kgf*m)

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