This document presents a final report on the design and implementation of an electrically isolated uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system with surge protection. The system uses multiple self-contained supercapacitor banks that are cycled through charging, discharging, and standby states to provide dynamic energy transfer while maintaining input-output isolation. It was designed to comply with IEEE C62.41 Class B surge protection standards. Key modules include an energy pump DC source, a charge transfer unit with 3 supercapacitor banks, and a single-stage push-pull sine modulated PWM inverter. Experimental results showed the system successfully transferred energy while providing common and differential mode surge protection.
This document presents a final report on the design and implementation of an electrically isolated uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system with surge protection. The system uses multiple self-contained supercapacitor banks that are cycled through charging, discharging, and standby states to provide dynamic energy transfer while maintaining input-output isolation. It was designed to comply with IEEE C62.41 Class B surge protection standards. Key modules include an energy pump DC source, a charge transfer unit with 3 supercapacitor banks, and a single-stage push-pull sine modulated PWM inverter. Experimental results showed the system successfully transferred energy while providing common and differential mode surge protection.
This document presents a final report on the design and implementation of an electrically isolated uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system with surge protection. The system uses multiple self-contained supercapacitor banks that are cycled through charging, discharging, and standby states to provide dynamic energy transfer while maintaining input-output isolation. It was designed to comply with IEEE C62.41 Class B surge protection standards. Key modules include an energy pump DC source, a charge transfer unit with 3 supercapacitor banks, and a single-stage push-pull sine modulated PWM inverter. Experimental results showed the system successfully transferred energy while providing common and differential mode surge protection.
This document presents a final report on the design and implementation of an electrically isolated uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system with surge protection. The system uses multiple self-contained supercapacitor banks that are cycled through charging, discharging, and standby states to provide dynamic energy transfer while maintaining input-output isolation. It was designed to comply with IEEE C62.41 Class B surge protection standards. Key modules include an energy pump DC source, a charge transfer unit with 3 supercapacitor banks, and a single-stage push-pull sine modulated PWM inverter. Experimental results showed the system successfully transferred energy while providing common and differential mode surge protection.
An Electrically Isolated UPS System with Surge Protection
Written By : Thusitha Mabotuwana (9790416) Department : Computer Systems Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Project Number : 57 Project Supervisor : Mr. Nihal Kularatna Second Supervisor: Dr. Patrick Hu Project Partner : Mr. Duleepa Thrimawithana (9778679) Date of Report : 13.09.2004 COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page i - Summary
One of the main drawbacks of current Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems is their inability to fully protect user-applications from very high surges, such as those seen in tropical countries. Therefore the main aim of this project was to design a novel UPS system using self contained multiple energy storage elements to dynamically transfer energy while providing complete input-output isolation. Possibilities of using supercapacitors as the main energy storage elements of the system were also to be investigated. The complete system was to comply with the IEEE C62.41 Class B standard and provide common and differential mode surge protection.
The final solution that has been implemented successfully transfers energy between the supply and load while providing complete input-output isolation, hence common and differential mode surge protection. Also possibilities of using supercapacitors for dynamic energy transfer have been investigated and proven to be feasible with experimental results.
The implemented system consists of 4 main modules, an energy pump to provide DC, a charge transfer unit where three 0.2F/18V self-contained supercapacitor banks are cycled through charging-discharging-standby states to provide dynamic energy transfer and a single-stage push- pull sine modulated PWM inverter which converts the output of the charge transfer unit to an AC output. The last module is the Atmel Mega8535 microcontroller subsystem which provides control for the overall system.
This report contains details of various design options that were considered for the above modules and experimental results obtained. In the final prototype that has been implemented a 15kHz, 40% duty cycle PWM scheme has been chosen as a suitable control mechanism for the energy pump and a 1kHz sine modulated PWM technique has been implemented to control the inverter with approximately 4% output voltage regulation. Algorithms and other timing issues pertaining to overall control are also discussed herein.
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- Page ii - Declaration of Originality
I declare that this report is my own unaided work and was not copied from or written in collaboration with any other person.
Signed:_________________ (Thusitha Mabotuwana)
COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page iii - Acknowledgement
Researching for various aspects of the project and getting started was quite a daunting task for both, me and my partner Duleepa and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our supervisors Mr. Nihal Kularatna and Dr. Patrick Hu for all the support, encouragement and guidance given throughout.
I would also like to thank my project partner Duleepa for being very supportive and helpful to me during the course of the project. Its been a great privilege working with him and all his support and efforts are very much appreciated.
Also special thanks to our technicians Mr. Grant Sargent for lending us tools and other equipment whenever required, Mr. Vic Church for providing us with electrical components and putting a lot of effort to get the PCBs ready in time, and Mr. Jerald Osborne for helping us gather various parts and products from the department store. The kind advice given to us throughout the project whenever required is also greatly valued.
Finally I would like to thank my parents and all my dear friends, especially Kasun, Dilanka, David, Sasanka, Amal, Darshana, Punnaji and Harith for all the support given throughout the project and also giving useful feedback during the project poster and presentation preparation.
Thusitha Mabotuwana
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- Page iv - Table of Contents
List of Illustrations ........................................................................................................................................ vi Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................................................................viii 1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Transient Protection and UPS Systems ............................................................................................ 2 2.1 What are Transients? ................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Transient Protection and Introduction to UPS............................................................................. 2 2.3 A New Supercapacitor Based Surge Minimisation Scheme........................................................ 5 2.4 Project Goals ............................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 Development of the Design.............................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Research and Analysis Phase ...................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1 System Overview.................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.2 Options Considered and Preliminary Design Decisions ......................................................... 8 3.2 Implementation of the Selected Options...................................................................................... 9 4.0 Design Process and Preliminary Results ........................................................................................ 10 4.1 Microcontroller Charge Transfer Unit Interface..................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Analogue Interface with ADC Inputs ................................................................................... 10 Simulation of charge-transfer unit using power supplies ............................................ 10 Charge-transfer unit with hardware............................................................................. 13 4.1.2 Digital Interface with Comparator Inputs ............................................................................. 18 4.2 Control Provided for Inverter Topologies ................................................................................. 19 4.2.1 Resonant Inverter.................................................................................................................. 20 4.2.2 Push-pull Square / PWM Inverter......................................................................................... 21 4.2.3 Push-pull PAM Inverter........................................................................................................ 25 5.0 Implementation of the Final Design............................................................................................... 27 5.1 Energy Pump ............................................................................................................................. 27 5.1.1 Module Architecture............................................................................................................. 27 5.1.2 Control Strategy.................................................................................................................... 28 5.1.3 Timing Required................................................................................................................... 28 5.2 The Charge Transfer Unit.......................................................................................................... 30 5.2.1 Module Architecture............................................................................................................. 30 5.2.2 Control Strategy.................................................................................................................... 31 5.2.3 Timing Provided ................................................................................................................... 32 5.2.4 Output and Regulation.......................................................................................................... 33 5.3 The Inverter ............................................................................................................................... 34 5.3.1 Module Architecture............................................................................................................. 35 5.3.2 Control Strategy.................................................................................................................... 35 5.3.3 Timing Issues........................................................................................................................ 39 5.3.4 Output and Regulation.......................................................................................................... 39 5.4 System Integration..................................................................................................................... 40 5.5 Cost Analysis............................................................................................................................. 44 6.0 Suggested Future Developments .................................................................................................... 45 7.0 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 45 References .................................................................................................................................................... 46 Bibliography................................................................................................................................................. 47
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- Page v - Appendices Appendix A: Extract from IEEE C62.41 Class B Standard............................................................................ii Appendix B: Selection Process for a Suitable Microcontroller ..................................................................... iv Appendix C: Schematic of the Microcontroller Extension Board ................................................................. vi Appendix D: Schematic of the Main-Board .................................................................................................vii
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- Page vi - List of Illustrations
Figure 2.1: (a) Common (b) differential mode surges/spikes [modified from 1] ........................................... 2 Figure 2.2: A TVSS network.......................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2.3: Input-output waveforms for a typical power conditioner ............................................................. 3 Figure2.4: (a) Block diagram of an offline UPS [modified from 6] and (b) Operation of a typical offline UPS................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Figure 2.5: Input-output waveforms for a typical online UPS........................................................................ 4 Figure 2.6: A high level view of the system to be implemented .................................................................... 6 Figure 3.1: Block diagram of the overall system............................................................................................ 7 Figure 4.1: An initial setup used to simulate bank voltages ......................................................................... 10 Figure 4.2: State diagram showing supercapacitor bank states .................................................................... 12 Figure 4.3: Flowchart showing a basic switching mechanism...................................................................... 13 Figure 4.4: A level shifting circuit that refers a banks output to the microcontrollers ground plane [12] . 14 Figure 4.5: Circuit diagram of a supercapacitor bank during an early stage [8]........................................... 14 Figur 4.6: Supercapacitor voltage rise when disconnected from load .......................................................... 15 Figure 4.7: Flowchart showing an enhanced switching mechanism............................................................. 16 Figure 4.8: Waveform showing current drawn by a supercapacitor bank during charging .......................... 16 Figure 4.9: Waveform showing how a supercapacitor bank is switched...................................................... 17 Figure 4.10: Waveforms showing output voltage of charge transfer unit and control signals. (a) Output ripple set to 1V. (b) Output ripple set to 2V................................................................................................. 18 Figure 4.11: Self resonant inverter topology [modified from 12]................................................................. 20 Figure 4.12: Output of resonant tank with a frequency of (a) 50Hz. (b) 10Hz............................................. 20 Figure 4.13: (a) Circuit [12] (b) Output waveform of a push-pull square wave inverter............................. 21 Figure 4.14: Scheme to be implemented with the PWM switching scheme [15] ......................................... 22 Figure 4.15: Graph showing how PWM signal is generated for PWM inverter ........................................... 22 Figure 4.16: Digital saw tooth waveform that was to be generated.............................................................. 23 Figure 4.17: Block diagram showing setup for PWM inverter..................................................................... 23 Figure 4.18: 50Hz sine and 1kHz saw tooth waveforms: (a) without filtering (b) with capacitors used to filter out the 2 signals. .................................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 4.19: Output of the PWM inverter..................................................................................................... 24 Figure 4.20: Push-pull PAM inverter setup.................................................................................................. 25 Figure 4.21: Push-pull PAM inverter input .................................................................................................. 25 Figure 4.22: Output of the PAM inverter ..................................................................................................... 26 Figure 5.1: Block diagram of the energy pump [modified from 12] ............................................................ 27 Figure 5.2: Detecting over voltage conditions of energy pump [12] ............................................................ 28 Figure 5.3: Flowchart showing control provided for energy pump .............................................................. 29 Figure 5.4: Bank voltage input setup [12] .................................................................................................... 30 Figure 5.5: Graph showing actual bank voltage and microcontroller input voltage ..................................... 30 Figure 5.6: Flowchart showing the switching algorithm of the charge transfer unit .................................... 31 Figure 5.7: Input and outputs to and from the charge transfer unit............................................................... 32 COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page vii - Figure 5.8: Graphs showing output of the charge transfer unit for a load of 15W....................................... 33 Figure 5.9: Graph showing discharging time variations with load ............................................................... 33 Figure 5.10: Load regulation characteristics................................................................................................. 34 Figure 5.11: Circuit diagram of the single stage, push-pull sine modulated PWM inverter [12] ................. 35 Figure 5.12: Graph showing 50Hz sine, 1kHz triangular and output PWM when the 2 are compared. ....... 36 Figure 5.13: Half cycle of a 4V-50Hz wave, 5V-1kHz triangular wave and resulting PWM...................... 37 Figure 5.14: Structure of the LUT containing timer reload values ............................................................... 37 Figure 5.15: Flowchart showing how output regulation is achieved ............................................................ 38 Figure 5.16: Command window output of MATLAB showing timer0 reload values .................................. 39 Figure 5.17: Output voltage regulation: (left) Output Vrms Vs. Load (right) Output V(per unit) Vs. Load ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 5.18: Photographs showing (top) microcontroller and extension board (bottom) charge transfer unit PCBs and commercial inverter ..................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 5.19: A final supercapacitor bank with plug-in feature (a) top view (b) bottom view...................... 41 Figure 5.20: Projected final system view (transformer not shown) .............................................................. 41 Figure 5.21: System inputs and outputs to and from the microcontroller..................................................... 42 Figure 5.22: Flowchart showing control provided for the final system........................................................ 43 Figure A.1: Location Categories [17] .............................................................................................................ii
Table 4.1: Various possible sampling rates with a 4MHz main clock [11] .................................................. 11 Table 4.2: ADC conversion times with a 16MHz system clock [13] ........................................................... 18 Table 4.3: Table showing charging logic based on control logic and Schmitt Trigger output ..................... 19 Table 4.4: Table showing charging logic based on inverted control logic and Schmitt Trigger output ....... 19 Table 4.5: Possible timer values using a 16MHz main clock [13] ............................................................... 25 Table 5.1: Output regulation parameters ...................................................................................................... 39 Table 5.2: Cost analysis of the developed system........................................................................................ 44 Table A.1: Surge voltages and currents at standard locations [17]................................................................iii Table B.1: Total I/Os required by the microcontroller .................................................................................. iv Table B.2: Comparison between some microcontrollers [data from 17,18,19] .............................................. v
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- Page viii - Glossary of Terms
ADC Analogue-to-Digital Converter DC Direct Current AC Alternating Current DSP Digital Signal Processor ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering FET Field Effect Transistor IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers I/O Input-Output kSPS kilo Samples Per Second LCD Liquid Crystal Diode LED Light Emitting Diode SPI Standard Peripheral Interface TVSS Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor ESR Equivalent Series Resistance UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply USART Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation PWM Pulse Width Modulation ISR Interrupt Service Routne INT Interrupt UTP Upper Threshold Point LTP Lower Threshold Point COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 1 - 1.0 Introduction
One of the main problems, especially in tropical countries with old power distribution systems still in use is the damage caused to electronic equipment by heavy lightning. Amount of money and time spent on fixing these equipment along with the damage caused to the daily industrial workflow are simply immeasurable. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems can be used to protect user equipment from some of the undesired line conditions, but most of the current systems in the market are designed in western countries that have well controlled mains supply. Most of these countries have underground power lines which are less prone to high transient voltage spikes, and therefore most UPSs do not provide the required level of protection for the degree of lightning that can be seen especially in tropical countries [1]. This implies that there is a growing need for a novel UPS design with complete supply-load isolation, which was also the key idea behind this project.
The main aim of this project was to design a 100kVA lightning protected UPS system that could protect modern electronic equipment from a severe lightning surge of IEEE C62.41 Class B Standard 1 by means of providing complete electrical isolation between the load and the supply at any given time. New possible techniques of implementing such a system were to be investigated and a suitable topology implemented in the final solution. After much research, analysis and debugging, a system has been implemented which incorporates a supercapacitor based energy transfer unit to dynamically transfer energy, an energy pump to charge the supercapacitors, a sine modulated PWM inverter to generate AC and a microcontroller subsystem to control the overall system. The dynamic energy transfer scheme ensures complete supply-load isolation and prevents common mode and differential mode transient surges from propagating through to the user devices, thus providing good lightning protection.
As briefed out in the Part IV project handout [2], the project was to be carried out by two Part IV students. The project partner was to be chosen at our own discretion and my chosen partner was Mr. Duleepa Thrimawithana of Electrical and Electronics Department. The main supervisor assigned to us was Mr. Nihal Kularatna and the second supervisor was Dr. Patrick Hu.
This report focuses mainly on the control aspects of the overall system and is structured as follows: Firstly, a brief introduction is given on transients and current transient protection techniques. This Section also outlines some common UPS topologies and the important concepts related to the system that was to be developed. Section 3.0 discusses the design procedure carried out and a complete system overview of the new topology. Some of the important preliminary results that were obtained during various development stages are included in Section 4.0 while Section 5.0 focuses mainly on the final implementation and control strategies. Some suggested future developments are discussed in Section 6.0 and finally conclusions. References and appendices can be found at the end for any further information.
1 Refer to Appendix A for details on this Standard COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 2 - (b) (a) 2.0 Transient Protection and UPS Systems
2.1 What are Transients?
Transients can broadly be thought of as a change in the steady-state condition of voltage, current, or both [3]. The most common forms of transients are [1]: 1. Spikes - in excess of 6000V and 3000A in less than 200s 2. Surges - about 20% over nominal line voltage. Lasts for about 15-500ms 3. Sags - similar to surges. But under-voltage condition 4. Electrical impulse noise - caused by high frequency interference 5. Blackouts and brownouts - total or short-duration power loss
These undesired conditions occur in power lines almost on a daily basis mainly due to lightning, capacitive / inductive load switching, various grid problems at the utility and subtle disturbances from sources such as copiers, fluorescent lights, faxes or even vending machines [1,3].
Transients can propagate through to a user device via common mode or differential mode.
Figure 2.1: (a) Common (b) differential mode surges/spikes [modified from 1]
A common mode surge appears between one of the lines and ground. This is more likely to damage equipment since there is a complete electrical path formed to the load via the inter- winding capacitance. A differential mode surge appears between the 2 lines and a complete electrical path between the surge and load is not formed. The surge has to propagate through the isolation transformer core by means of flux linkage and the change in the secondary side will be much less than that at the primary (this can be further minimised by implementing various methods, such as using shields).
2.2 Transient Protection and Introduction to UPS
Advances in technology have led to an increased requirement of high quality power with no or very little variations in the supply. Most modern equipment including computers, laptops, delicate lab testing equipment and so on can be very sensitive to power line variations and even cause malfunction due to transient conditions. Transients can propagate through to the user device and cause immense damage depending on the strength and duration of the transient, hence protection is needed. Outlined on the next page are some of the common protection schemes.
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- Page 3 - 1. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS) TVSS networks can produce a spike free waveform at its output (Figure 2.2). However they havent got the capability to remove any sag or other blackout condition that might arise at its input.
Figure 2.2: A TVSS network
2. Power Conditioners Unlike TVSSs, power conditioners can regulate the input within certain upper and lower limits (Figure 2.3). They will also have the capability to remove any spikes at the input if TVSS is incorporated.
Figure 2.3: Input-output waveforms for a typical power conditioner
3. UPS Systems The basic idea behind UPS systems is to provide reliable, disturbance free, clean power to its users regardless of what happens at the primary power sources or in the environment [4]. There are mainly three common types of UPS topologies, offline, line-interactive, and online. All three have some features in common but differing levels of performance. In general they function differently and are appropriate for different user applications [1,5].
Under normal operating conditions, typical offline systems have the load powered-up directly from the mains (Figure 2.4). There is sensor circuitry which monitors the input lines and switches the load from the mains to battery power via an inverter, if the input voltages get beyond acceptable limits, or fail completely. This switching duration can be relatively high compared to the duration of a surge, hence surge protection is rather limited. During blackouts, offline UPSs can generate square waves using its battery backup, but provide no line conditioning or voltage or frequency regulation and cause glitches at the output during switching. These are good for low power domestic applications since they have low cost, good efficiency and are small in size and weight, although their reliability is quite low which make them unsuitable for devices such as network protection systems needing good stability and protection [1,5]. COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 4 -
(b) Figure2.4: (a) Block diagram of an offline UPS [modified from 6] and (b) Operation of a typical offline UPS
Line-interactive UPS systems offer the same surge protection and battery backup as the off-line systems, except that they can also provide output voltage regulation (but not frequency regulation) while operating from the supply mains. These systems provide acceptable output voltage regulation even during brownout and/or blackout conditions, under which the UPS goes to battery operation [1]. Should the condition last long enough, the battery fully discharges and turns the power off to the connected equipment and the UPS cannot be restarted until the main power is restored. Therefore if used in critical applications, special attention should be paid to battery replacement intervals [4].
Online UPS systems (Figure 2.5) provide the highest level of surge protection for critical applications and ideal to be used with the specialised, high power industrial equipment. The main advantages are; no switching involved, one-hundred percent line conditioning and regulation, good sustained brownout protection, typically sinusoidal output, power factor correction and very high reliability [1]. Although these systems are very robust, they have very complex designs than the first two topologies and come at a much higher price, weight and volume [1,4,5].
Figure 2.5: Input-output waveforms for a typical online UPS
This block varies depending on the quality of system. Typical ones have a direct connection. Better systems have TVSS and other filtering mechanisms incorporated. COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 5 - 2.3 A New Supercapacitor Based Surge Minimisation Scheme
As discussed above, the offline and line-interactive UPS systems are connected to the mains most of the time and therefore are very prone to surges and other voltage transients which make them unsuitable for devices that need good line stability and protection. The level of protection of these systems can be enhanced by integrating them with devices such as metal oxide varistors, TVSS diodes and TVSS thyristors and having an inductor in series to suppress common and differential mode surges, but at a considerably higher cost [1]. On the other hand online UPSs provide very good surge protection and regulation but their cost makes them unrealistic for domestic use. Also they use battery power continuously to regenerate AC and the batteries undergo constant charging and discharging. This process shortens the batteries useful life and disposal can be pollutive and problematic.
As a solution for this dilemma, it was suggested that a novel UPS be designed and implemented which completely isolated the load from the supply at any given time. A dynamic energy transfer scheme was to be designed such that the charge holding devices went through a charging- discharging process while providing the required isolation. Despite traditional energy storing elements such as batteries and inductors, supercapacitors were suggested as a possible storage element for this novel topology. Supercapacitors is an emerging new technology hence much information and publications are not yet readily available. However they in general have the following properties [7, 8]:
Very high capacitance - provides longer runtime High power density - enables fast charging and discharging High energy density compared to conventional capacitors - allows these to be used for longer durations when connected to loads Produce no toxic substances such as Ni, Cd produced by traditional batteries - less environmentally hazardous Use stable materials - longer life over wide temperature range Static charge / discharge process - no chemical reactions. Nearly infinite cycle life Smaller size - designs can be made very compact Higher Equivalent Series Resistances (ESR) compared to traditional capacitors - higher losses
These properties of supercapacitors were to be exploited during the course of the project in order to implement a novel cost-effective low power UPS system.
2.4 Project Goals
The main project goals can be considered to be two-fold. First was to investigate possibilities of using supercapacitors for dynamic energy transfer while providing complete input-output isolation. If this scheme was successful, we were then to incorporate this mechanism to design a simple, low cost, low power UPS system with the following specifications:
Input voltage 230VAC at 50Hz Output voltage 230VAC at 50Hz Output regulation 5% Output power 100W Provide common and differential mode isolation
Due to the complete supply-load isolation a fully functional system was expected to protect the load even from the high degree of lightning seen in tropical countries, something which even most of the on-line systems fail to cope with [1]. Cost was expected to be around that for an offline or line-interactive UPS but with better surge protection capabilities. Another advantage COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 6 - that was seen was the environmental friendliness over online UPSs, since supercapacitors (if used) produce no toxic materials and virtually can withstand an unlimited charge-discharge cycles.
The figure below shows how virtually all the offline UPS systems currently in market have a direct connection between the supply and load (thick line), whereas the new scheme was always to maintain complete electrical isolation (shown in dotted lines).
Figure 2.6: A high level view of the system to be implemented
The new system was also to have IEEE C62.41 Class B type lightning protection but the main aim was to prove a new concept. Therefore it was not our intention to develop a very cost- effective, fully functional prototype with power management, power factor correction, user interfaces and other advanced schemes commercial systems have, mainly due to time constraints. However, a complete system has been developed with a fully functional charge-transfer unit using supercapacitors, a sine-wave inverter using a PWM switching technique and a supercapacitor charger unit with the overall system being controlled with an Atmel Mega8535 microcontroller. Details of this final design can be found in Section 5.0.
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- Page 7 - 3.0 Development of the Design
The development process was broken down mainly into 4 stages. First was the research and analysis phase and second was identifying the individual modules involved in the complete system and deciding suitable implementation strategies. The third stage was the testing phase where selected options were experimented. The last stage involved deciding on the final options and developing the prototype. The first 2 were considered very important since most of the decisions pertaining to the final implementation were made during these stages. As such, the complete system was studied and many possibilities were considered out of which only a few were chosen to be tested. This elimination process was given a lot of thought and many meetings were held with the project supervisor to ensure that only the most time-consuming and difficult solutions that definitely could not be implemented within the given time were eliminated. This section outlines the different aspects of the overall system and various options considered, along with some of the preliminary decisions that were made.
3.1 Research and Analysis Phase
The implemented final solution is the outcome of many successive preliminary stages out of which this can be considered the first. During this stage the complete system behaviour was studied and the system was broken down into smaller modules using a systems approach. Many journal papers, publications and other literature were read to see how others have implemented similar systems and what schemes were used. This gave us a good knowledge on the state-of-art techniques but it was also understood that the new approach involved many new concepts where much literature was not readily available. This also meant that we had to develop our own schemes and try out many experiments ourselves instead of following standard procedures. After much research and analysis, six different modules were identified as subsystems of the overall system and various possible implementation techniques were considered for each one, as detailed out in Section 3.1.1.
3.1.1 System Overview
The six main modules that were identified are shown in Figure 3.1. An outline of each module follows.
Figure 3.1: Block diagram of the overall system COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 8 -
1. Energy Pump: This block was to rectify the 230V, 50Hz input given by the mains supply. Whenever a supercapacitor bank needed to be charged, the controller subsystem was to set appropriate control signals and establish electrical connectivity between the bank and this modules output.
2. Charge Transfer Unit This was to consist of multiple, self-contained charge holding devices. The main aim of this unit was to continuously supply energy to the inverter by means of some switching mechanism while providing common and differential mode isolation. To maintain uninterrupted power at the inverter end, it was required to always have a supercapacitor bank connected to the inverters inputs. Part of the discharging banks energy was also to be used to power-up the backup battery charger whenever this needed to be used. In case of a high voltage transient there is a possibility of the charging bank blowing up; hence a few redundant banks were also to be used.
3. Inverter The input to the inverter was to be from the supercapacitor banks or from the battery. The former was to be used under normal operating conditions whereas the latter used only to provide the energy in the event of a blackout. The input to this inverter block was decided to be around 12V DC which is then converted to 230V AC , 50Hz at its output.
4. Battery Backup This was to be used to power-up the controller subsystem since the controller needs to be protected from any incoming surges. Also it was to be used to supply power to the load for about fifteen minutes under any blackout conditions.
5. Charger for Battery Backup This modules task was to recharge the battery whenever it reached a certain minimum voltage.
6. Controller Subsystem The controller was to ensure correct and timely functionality of the overall system. It was to monitor the line voltages to detect any incoming surges, switch the capacitor banks to guarantee uninterrupted power at the inverter, regulate the output end and also monitor battery health.
3.1.2 Options Considered and Preliminary Design Decisions
This section does not intend to give a detailed analysis of all the options considered and analysed since all this information has already been presented in the interim reports. The aim is to give an overview of the options considered and a brief outline of the options that were decided to be experimented. Please refer to the interim reports [9,10] for a complete, detailed analysis of all the options.
Options considered for the charge holding devices were supercapacitors (double layer capacitors and ultra capacitors), inductors and batteries. Supercapacitors were chosen over the others mainly due to the properties described in Section 2.3.
For the energy pump, a current source was to be used to charge the supercapacitors at a constant rate. Three options, direct rectification of the mains supply, line frequency step down transformer with a rectifier, and using a switching device to increase the mains supply frequency and then using a high frequency step down transformer with a rectifier were considered out of which the COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 9 - last option was selected as the best. Main reasons were ease of control, simplicity, cost and good electrical isolation [9].
FPGAs, DSPs and microcontrollers were considered for the controller subsystem and microcontroller was chosen as a suitable controller system. An Atmel Mega64 microcontroller was chosen among many others considered. The main reasons behind this were I/O pins required, clock frequency, ADC channels and availability of the chip and a suitable development system (CodeVision AVR) within the department. Please refer to Appendix B for details on this selection process.
For the inverter module, switch mode topologies such as PWM, PAM, square wave modulation and voltage cancellation; and resonant topologies such as Class D, Class E, self sustained and energy injection; and high frequency links, which is a mixed topology were among the various schemes that were looked at. However only the switch mode topologies and the self sustained scheme were decided to be tested, mainly due to their ease of control and implementation [9].
A 1800mAh NiCd battery was decided to be used for the backup unit along with a commercially available charger, but these two modules were given less priority over the others since these are required mainly in a final product implementation and not in a proof-of-concept design. Also the time restrictions of the project made spending time on these modules almost infeasible. Therefore these 2 modules are shown in dotted lines in Figure 3.1.
3.2 Implementation of the Selected Options
During this stage of the development process, the options that were short-listed in the research and analysis phase were bred-boarded and tested. An STK200 development board and an Atmel 90S8535 microcontroller 2 were borrowed from Mr. Grant Sargent and the required supercapacitors were borrowed from our project supervisor Mr. Nihal Kularatna. This saved us a lot of project funding which would simply have been inadequate due to the high cost of these components. Also a commercially available inverter was purchased with the project funding since I could work on the control aspects of the complete system using this while Mr. Thrimawithana was working on the inverter design. Details and key results obtained during the preliminary stages are described in Section 4.0.
2 This microcontroller was readily available and had sufficient resources to support the system at this early stage. This was used since the chosen Mega64 microcontroller was not available in the Department store. COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 10 - 4.0 Design Process and Preliminary Results
This section details out some important results obtained during the preliminary stages of the development process. Details of control algorithms and experimental results pertaining to the microcontroller and the charge transfer unit are given in Section 4.1. Section 4.2 discusses the inverter module and various experiments carried out.
4.1 Microcontroller Charge Transfer Unit Interface
The charge transfer unit consist of multiple, self-contained supercapacitor bank modules and the purpose was to continuously supply the load by means of some switching scheme, while providing common and differential mode isolation. Two main techniques were considered to achieve the above functionality:
1. Using the microcontrollers Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC) channels to monitor the bank voltage levels and decide fully-charged and fully-discharged conditions. 2. Using analogue circuitry to determine fully-charged and fully-discharged conditions and sending logic high or low signals to the controller to indicate any status changes.
Discussed in the following sections are details of the above two techniques.
4.1.1 Analogue Interface with ADC Inputs Simulation of charge-transfer unit using power supplies
During the initial stages of this phase, before Mr. Thrimawithana finished developing the architecture for the supercapacitor bank module, the bank voltages were simulated using 3 power supply voltages (Figure 4.1). The idea behind this was to develop the required switching algorithms in parallel with the hardware implementation and then simply replace the power supplies with the actual supercapacitor bank modules, once designed. `
Figure 4.1: An initial setup used to simulate bank voltages
The requirement was to cycle these power supplies in software in such a way that at any given time the supply connected to the load was not connected to the input. After the supply connected to the load reached a pre-defined minimum voltage it had to be charged again to a pre-defined maximum level. However before moving this supply to charging, a different supply that already had finished charging had to be connected to the load to maintain uninterrupted supply to the load. The above mentioned pre-defined minimum and maximum voltages simply allow the user to Power Supply 0 Power Supply 1
Power Supply 2
Microcontroller (90S8535) ADC inputs Display bank status on terminal PC
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- Page 11 - change the output V rms and the output voltage ripple and these values were globally defined in the program and could easily be changed by simply entering the new values in.
At this stage of the design the actual charging-discharging times of the supercapacitors were not known with precision, but were roughly calculated as follows to determine the ADC sampling frequency: From equations it Q = and CV Q = , t was estimated to be around 50ms assuming wed be using supercapacitors of 1F with a voltage ripple of around 0.5V at its output and that a charging current of 10A will be used. Also if 10 sampling points were to be taken from each bank, the required sampling interval would be 5ms.
The microcontrollers main clock frequency was 4MHz and various possible sampling rates were calculated as shown in Table 4.1.
Division Factor ADC Clock (kHz) ADC Clock Period (s) Sampling Interval = 13 ADC Cycles (s) 2 2000 0.5 6.5 4 1000 1 13 8 500 2 26 16 250 4 52 32 125 8 104 64 62.5 16 208 128 31.25 32 416 Table 4.1: Various possible sampling rates with a 4MHz main clock [11]
Since three banks had to be monitored and the ADC channels were polled, in order to maintain a 5ms sampling interval per channel, each ADC channel had to be monitored at least 3 times as fast, or at a 1.33ms sampling interval. Therefore using a division factor of 128, an ADC clock of 31.25kHz was obtained with 10-bit resolution. This provided an accuracy of approximately 5mV as shown in the calculation below.
Maximum ADC input voltage = 5V Number of ADC values using 10-bits = 1023 Accuracy = 5/1023V = 0.004888V 0.005V
The microcontroller was programmed to poll 3 the analogue inputs and the charging-discharging cycle of the supercapacitor banks was simulated by manually changing the supply voltages and carefully observing the displayed status change. For example lets assume that all the supplies had a voltage level of 4V and that supply 1 was discharging. Now if supply 1s voltage was to drop to say 2V which was pre-defined to be the fully discharged threshold, a different supply (say supply 0 or 2 in this case) was to take supply 1s position and supply 1 was to charge and reach the pre-defined maximum threshold, or fully-charged voltage (say 4V).
To meet this requirement, a finite state machine (FSM) with 4 states was developed where each supply (lets call each power supply a bank or a supercapacitor bank from now on since this is what each supply represents) could be in CHARGING, STANDBY, DISCHARGING or CHARGING QUEUE state. Figure 4.2 shows these four different states and how they were to change depending on the current voltage levels.
3 Here polling means the scanning process of ADC inputs, one-by-one COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 12 -
Figure 4.2: State diagram showing supercapacitor bank states
In order to implement the above FSM, the 3 supercapacitor banks were named bank0, bank1 and bank2 and a structure was created in software for each bank to hold the banks voltage and current state. When the system first starts up, the microcontroller would wait for all the banks to reach the minimum required voltage (or fully-charged condition which also implies that all banks have been initialised) before progressing any further. It was assumed that all the banks were functional and would reach the minimum charged voltage within finite time. Also it was decided to have only 1 bank in CHAGING state so that the energy pump would always have to provide a constant current to charge the banks. Shown Figure 4.3 is a flowchart of the control process that was used to implement the above FSM. Supercapacitor hasnt reached full-charged voltage No supercapacitor in Charging mode Discharging bank needs to be changed Supercapacitor fully-charged, but other capacitor in discharging mode Supercapacitor fully charged Discharging bank reached a minimum voltage
Discharging bank
Charging Queue banks
Charging bank
Stand-by banks Supercapacitor needs charging, but other supercapacitor in Charging mode COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 13 -
Figure 4.3: Flowchart showing a basic switching mechanism
After initialisation, bank0s status was arbitrarily set to DISCHARGING and the other 2 banks modes set to STANDBY. When bank0s voltage reached a pre-specified minimum (MIN), bank1s status is set to DISCHARGING and bank0s status is set to CHARGING QUEUE. In the next ADC cycle, bank0s status will be set to CHARGING as there is no other bank in CHARGING mode. After bank0 reaches the maximum voltage (MAX) its status will then be set to STANDBY. After cycling through the same mechanism for banks 1 and 2, the process is once again repeated for all banks starting from bank0. A flag bit was also used in the above algorithm to ensure that 2 banks were never in CHARGING state at the same time. Charge-transfer unit with hardware
The above process was perfected for all possible input variations and the next step was to replace the DC power supplies with the actual supercapacitor banks. The supercapacitors we were using were 0.2F (although initially it was assumed 1F supercapacitors would be available to us) with the output ripple set to 1V in software. The charging current used was 6A which gives a charging time of approximately 33ms. As 3 banks were to be used and the banks were polled, each banks voltage had to be checked at least every 11ms. Assuming 10 sampling points were to be taken, CHARGING QUEUE Yes No < MIN MAX Yes Reset Main loop (Stay infinitely) ADC INT occurred? Read ADC value All caps initialised? Cap voltage Bank in CHARGING mode Set switching signals and next ADC channel Status Set bank status to STANDBY If no bank is currently in CHARGING mode, change status to CHARGING Find a bank in STANDBY and set its status to DISCHARGING. Set current banks status to CHARGING QUEUE Yes No DISCHARGING System Initialisation No COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 14 - R2 Vc- Vout Capacitor Bank Vc+ Vc ADC Port OPAMP + - OUT R1 R2 Micro Ground R1 Microcontroller ADC Pin 0 M1 V_Driv e (20V) Pins 0-8 PVI C1 R1 C2 Pins 0-8 PortB Pin 0 M2 C3 D1 ADC Driv er PortC Pin 0 PortB Pins 0-8 PortC Micro Output (Controlled) Input > 14V the sampling interval would be 1.1ms, hence the same 31.25kHz ADC clock was used as before to monitor the banks. Also required code was added to turn the FET switches on and off during the transitions.
During the integration process one key concept had to be paid attention to, and that was maintaining the common and differential mode isolation. In Figure 4.1 when the banks were simulated using DC sources, the ground planes were made common which could not be so with the self-contained modules. Therefore level shifting circuitry was required to refer the supercapacitor banks voltage to the microcontrollers ground plane. Shown below in Figure 4.4 is such a level shifting circuit.
Figure 4.4: A level shifting circuit that refers a banks output to the microcontrollers ground plane [12]
V out can be changed by suitably choosing values for R1 and R2. For our requirements R1 and R2 were chosen to give a maximum of 5V at the maximum capacitor rated voltage since this (5V) is the maximum limit that can be given to an ADC channel.
The architecture of a supercapacitor bank module used during this stage is shown in Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5: Circuit diagram of a supercapacitor bank during an early stage [8] COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 15 - In the circuit in Figure 4.5, switches M1 and M2 were controlled by the microcontroller and switch M1 was driven with a logic high (or 5V) when the banks status was CHARGING. Switch M2 was turned ON when the banks status was DISCHARGING. It was also ensured that both switches, M1 and M2 were never turned ON simultaneously in order to always provide complete input-output isolation.
However when the algorithm in Figure 4.3 was integrated with the actual components, the banks did not switch as expected. The 2 main conditions that were checked in the controller were greater than maximum and less than minimum conditions. Debugging of the system proved that the supercapacitor banks had a transient such that there was a slight increase in bank voltage as soon as it was disconnected from the load (Figure 4.6).
Figur 4.6: Supercapacitor voltage rise when disconnected from load
The bank was in CHARGING QUEUE mode and its voltage was expected to be less than the fully-discharged voltage. However due to the unexpected and unknown increase in voltage, it was in CHARGING QUEUE state, but with a slightly greater than fully-discharged voltage. This made the bank rest in an intermediate state and became undetected by any of the conditions within the 2 main conditions.
In order to account for this unexpected supercapacitor characteristic, the switching algorithm was modified as shown in Figure 4.7. Instead of checking only for the voltage levels and then determining the state, voltage level and state both were checked simultaneously and then the next state was determined. Bank Voltage Time Unexpected voltage increase of supercapacitor bank after being disconnected from load COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 16 -
Figure 4.7: Flowchart showing an enhanced switching mechanism
Using an ADC clock of 31.25kHz gives a sampling interval of approximately 416s x 3, or 1.248ms for each bank. However experiments showed that the supercapacitor bank charging time was only around 5-6ms as opposed to the 33ms calculated before due to current and output voltage ripple variations (Figure 4.8).
Figure 4.8: Waveform showing current drawn by a supercapacitor bank during charging
A 5ms charging time could not be monitored with sufficient time domain resolution using the current speed of the ADC clock. The result of this was the supercapacitors charging over the Cap not found Cap found Yes No goto main loop of Figure 4.3 Similar to Figure 4.3 All caps initialised? Cap voltage and status CHARGING and V MAX CHARGING QUEUE and flag: bankCharging = 0 DISCHARGING and V < MIN Set bank status to STANDBY. Set flag: bankCharging = 0 Find bank with lowest voltage from the queue and set status to CHARGING. Set flag: bankCharging = 1 Set current banks status to CHARGING QUEUE and standby caps status to DISCHARGING Find a STANDBY cap with lowest voltage Set switching signals if required and next ADC channel Otherwise Set next ADC channel COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 17 - desired maximum limit. Although higher sampling rates were tried out using lower division factors of the main clock, this reduced the resolution of the samples down to 7-8 bits compared to 10. Also after accounting for the lines of code the microcontroller had to possibly execute in the final implementation it was decided to change the main clock to a 16MHz oscillator.
Although it was decided to change the processor, a resistor was placed in series with the charger to increase the bank charging time merely to check if the concept could be implemented. The following waveform was obtained for a resistive load of a few ohms and complied with the expected waveform. This was a key result obtained that proved to us that the concept of transferring energy by switching supercapacitor banks appropriately was realisable and could be implemented.
Figure 4.9: Waveform showing how a supercapacitor bank is switched
In the above waveform it appears that only banks 1 and 2 are being switched. This is because the algorithm was coded in such a way that the status of the bank with the lowest voltage was first updated. For example if banks 0 and 1 are in STANDBY mode with voltages of 13.2V and 13.1V respectively, bank1s status will be set to DISCHARGING when required since it has the lowest voltages out of all the banks in STANDBY mode. Due to the non-identical characteristics (self- discharging rate etc.) of the supercapacitor banks, banks 1 and 2 always had a slightly higher voltage than bank0, hence the above waveform. However this algorithm was modified in the final implementation to equally use all the banks so that all the supercapacitors undergo the same number of charge-discharge cycles.
The next important step in the controller design was to monitor the bank charging times so that the 5ms charging time could be detected. This definitely could not be achieved using the STK200 board with a 4MHz oscillator, therefore an STK500 development board was borrowed from Mr. Aaron Taylor with a 16MHz oscillator. An Atmel Mega8535 microcontroller which has exactly the same features as the previous one, but supports the higher clock frequency was used with this new development system. Now the ADC conversion time with the same division factor of 128 and resolution was reduced to 104s compared to the 416s of the previous, enabling us to detect the bank voltages properly. The new ADC conversion times are shown in Table 4.2. Charging logic Discharging logic Supercapacitor Output waveform { { { COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 18 -
Division Factor ADC Clock (MHz) ADC Clock Period (s) Sampling Interval = 13 ADC Cycles (s) 2 8 0.125 1.625 4 4 0.25 3.25 8 2 0.5 6.5 16 1 1 13 32 0.5 2 26 64 0.25 4 52 128 0.125 8 104 Table 4.2: ADC conversion times with a 16MHz system clock [13]
The following waveforms show the output voltage and the switching signals. In Figure 4.10 (a) and (b), the ripples have been changed to 1V and 2V respectively by appropriately setting the fully-charged and fully-discharged voltages in software. Note that the charging times are considerably lower than the one shown in Figure 4.9.
(a) (b) Figure 4.10: Waveforms showing output voltage of charge transfer unit and control signals. (a) Output ripple set to 1V. (b) Output ripple set to 2V
Although the required functionality could be achieved, one of the main disadvantages of this design was low isolation between the microcontroller and the banks. Other options such as using opto-isolators instead of OpAmps were also considered in an effort to provide better isolation, but this had no impact on the control algorithms, hence will not be discussed here. Please refer to Mr. Thrimawithanas report [10] for details on these options.
4.1.2 Digital Interface with Comparator Inputs
The second solution considered for the microcontroller-charge transfer unit interface was to design analogue circuitry to detect the minimum and maximum threshold voltages and use these signals along with the microcontrollers control signals (which are generated bases on bank state) to turn the banks switches ON and OFF.
A non-inverting Schmitt Trigger circuit was designed for this purpose with an Upper Threshold Point (UTP) of 14V and a Lower Threshold Point (LTP) of 12V to detect each banks fully- charged and fully-discharged states respectively. The output of the Schmitt Trigger is logic 1 for a fully-charged bank which changes to logic 0 as soon as the bank becomes fully discharged (i.e. lower than LTP voltage), and needs to be charged again. The Schmitt Trigger output changes back to logic 1 as soon as the banks voltage crosses the UTP (i.e. fully-charged condition). This logic 1 remains until the bank has been fully discharged again.
Discharging logic Output waveform Charging logic { { { COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 19 - The logic signals generated by the Schmitt Trigger were fed into the microcontroller which were then used in conjunction with the microcontrollers control signals to generate the following truth table. Table 4.3: Table showing charging logic based on control logic and Schmitt Trigger output
The above logic cannot be simplified into any simple standard logic. However if the microcontrollers control signals were chosen as active-low, the truth table shown in Table 4.4 can be obtained which can be simplified into standard NOR logic.
Table 4.4: Table showing charging logic based on inverted control logic and Schmitt Trigger output
The main advantage of this design was that the charging switch was automatically turned off (irrespective of microcontroller logic) as soon as the banks voltage reached the fully-charged voltage. Although the standard NOR chips specified gate delay was approximately 8ns [14], this could safely be ignored since the change in a banks voltage within this time duration was almost negligible. Another advantage was that this method provided better isolation compared to using ADC inputs since the output of the Schmitt Trigger could be sent through opto-isolators without having to account for any steady state error due to opto-isolator dissimilarities.
The logic shown in Table 4.4 was used in the implementation in a similar way to the ADC scheme, but instead of checking for the voltage conditions, logic high or low conditions of the Schmitt Trigger were tested when deciding a banks state. Also all the testing was done in the main loop since there was no need for an interrupt service routine as with the ADC scheme.
However this scheme had a few major drawbacks. First was that the microcontroller was not getting the actual bank voltage. Although this voltage was not required for any of the control algorithms and could be implemented using a purely digital mechanism as above, this gave less control to the controller over the circuitry, especially when required to check for possibly destroyed or non-functional banks. The other main drawback of this method was that the hardware had to be changed every time the charging-discharging limits (UTP and LTP) were changed, whereas with the previous method these limits could be set in software. Therefore this mechanism to control the banks was not preferred over the previous.
4.2 Control Provided for Inverter Topologies
For the inverter it was decided to implement a single stage, push-pull type scheme 4 . The main topologies considered for the inverter were resonant, PWM and PAM which are briefly discussed in the following sections.
4 Please refer to Mr. Thrimawithanas report for details on this decision. Microcontroller logic (1-ON, 0-OFF) Schmitt Trigger Output Bank Charging Signal (1-ON, 0-OFF) 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 Microcontroller logic (1-OFF, 0-ON) Schmitt Trigger Output Bank Charging Signal (1-ON, 0-OFF) 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 20 - D1 Driv er 1 2 Driv er Driv er 1 2 Q2 D5 1 2 1 2 Q3 Q1 C1 Microcontroller T1 Vin D3
Self-resonant circuit Signal Generator 50Hz sine wave AIN0 AIN1 4.2.1 Resonant Inverter
The first inverter topology that was tested was the resonant converter method. With this method a switch (Q1) was used to control the energy into the resonant tank. The switch was controlled by comparing the tank output with a 50Hz sine wave generated from the signal generator.
Figure 4.11: Self resonant inverter topology [modified from 12]
The analogue comparator of the microcontroller was used to compare the 2 waveforms. The comparators output is set (logic 1) if AIN0 is higher than AIN1 and logic 0 otherwise. The comparator interrupt was set to trigger on both the rising and falling edge of the comparator output. If triggered on a rising edge (i.e. AIN0 > AIN1) the control signal to the driver block in Figure 4.12 was set to 0 to turn Q1 OFF. This control signal was set to logic 1 to turn Q1 ON when the tanks output was less than the amplitude of the sine wave.
Figure 4.12(a) shows the output obtained with the above setup. As can be seen in the figure, the output fails to follow the input as expected due to the energy stored in the resonant tank. However this setup worked fine when the system was run at 10Hz (instead of 50Hz) as shown in Figure 4.12(b). (a) (b) Figure 4.12: Output of resonant tank with a frequency of (a) 50Hz. (b) 10Hz
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- Page 21 - 4.2.2 Push-pull Square / PWM Inverter
As a first stage of a PWM inverter design, a square wave push-pull inverter scheme was tested (in an open-loop configuration) and the control signals were generated using a simple 0.1ms timer interrupt. Within the timer Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), 2 of the microcontrollers pins were written logic 1 or 0 depending on whether the switch had to be turned ON or OFF respectively. Switch Q1 in Figure 4.13(a) is used to generate the positive half of the output while Q2 is used to produce the negative half of the sine wave. Therefore it had to be ensured that both the switches Q1 and Q2 were never turned ON at the same time. Within the ISR the pin that was logic 1 (or ON) was first written a logic 0 and then the other switch turned ON to achieve this. Also a small delay was introduced between turning a switch OFF and turning the other one ON to reduce the harmonics in the output.
The 0.1ms timer overflow interrupt was generated using the 8-bit timer0 of the chip and the reload value was calculated as follows: Using a division factor of 64 of the 16MHz main clock gives a sub-clock of 250kHz which has a period of 4s. Since we need a 0.1ms interrupt, this needs 250 ticks of the sub-clock. timer0 is an 8-bit timer which overflows every 256 of its clock ticks, therefore should be reloaded with the number 6 (which is 256-250).
A satisfactory waveform shown in Figure 4.13(b) was obtained at the output. Figure 4.13(a) shows the inverter circuit used.
(b) Figure 4.13: (a) Circuit [12] (b) Output waveform of a push-pull square wave inverter
Rl Vc 1 2 Driv er T1 Capacitor Bank Microcontroller D1 1 2 Q3 D3 1 2 Q2 Driv er Q1
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- Page 22 - The transformer that was being used in the inverter was a 50Hz, 230-12V step-down transformer used in a step-up configuration. Although theoretically we should have been able to get 230V rms
at the actual transformers primary by giving 12V to the secondary, the transformers maximum output was only around 190V rms as can be seen in Figure 4.14(b). With the supervisors consent, the project specifications were changed at this point to implement a 110V rms scheme instead of a 230V rms since we did not have the option of getting a proper 50Hz step-up transformer.
Also our aim was to generate a sinusoidal output at the inverter end; hence a sine modulated PWM scheme had to be implemented instead of a square wave scheme. The idea was to drive the inverter switches with a suitable PWM control signal and then use only the fundamental frequency at the output by filtering out the other high frequency components (Figure 4.14). Figure 4.14: Scheme to be implemented with the PWM switching scheme [15]
However generating this required PWM was not a very simple task since the output of the inverter (feedback loop) had to be first compared with the required 50Hz waveform and then compare this error signal with a selected 1kHz saw-tooth waveform as shown below.
Figure 4.15: Graph showing how PWM signal is generated for PWM inverter
Two main possibilities were considered to generate this PWM, which had to be high if the error signal was greater than the saw tooth and low otherwise. 1. Generate the 50Hz sine and the 1kHz saw tooth waveforms from the microcontroller and then use analogue design to compare the inverter output with the 50Hz one and then compare this error signal with the saw tooth waveform using the microcontrollers analogue comparator. 2. Use the microcontroller to internally do all the processing (sine wave comparisons etc.) and simply output the required PWM.
Both these options have the advantage of removing some of the undesired harmonics, however the first option was decided to be tested due to ease of control.
The following steps were carried out to generate the precise sampling points to fit in exactly 20 periods of the saw tooth waveform into 1 period of the 50Hz sine wave: 1kHz saw tooth waveform 50Hz error signal Inverter control PWM COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 23 - 1. In order to have sufficient resolution, it was arbitrarily decided to have 10 sampling points within each saw tooth waveform period giving a sampling time of 0.1ms (Figure 4.16).
Figure 4.16: Digital saw tooth waveform that was to be generated
2. After considering possible sampling points for the sine wave, points 0,4,8,2,6 (marked with xs) of the above waveform were considered suitable since they follow a certain pattern and repeat every 2 periods of the saw tooth. 3. The DAC values were calculated using the formula: DAC value = required voltage (from Figure 4.17) x 255 / 5; 4. The above values were entered into 2 lookup tables, one for the saw tooth and one for the sine. 5. An external DAC was used with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) of the microcontroller to output the 2 required waveforms with the setup shown in Figure 4.17
Figure 4.17: Block diagram showing setup for PWM inverter
Inverter output Inverter (PWM) Error amplifier
Microcontroller Analogue Comparator Commands and DAC data SPI interface 50Hz sine wave Error signal 1kHz saw tooth wave Inverter control External DAC (Analog Devices DAC8800) x x x x x COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 24 - Shown below in Figure 4.18(a) is the output of the DAC without any filtering. Figure 4.18(b) shows the same waveforms with a capacitor used as a filter across the 2 outputs.
Figure 4.18: 50Hz sine and 1kHz saw tooth waveforms: (a) without filtering (b) with capacitors used to filter out the 2 signals.
Although this scheme has the advantage of phase cancellation, it proved to be rather difficult to implement. The 50Hz, 12V-230VAC commercial transformer that was being used was making considerable noise, and controlling the inverter in a feedback loop proved to be tedious. Figure 4.19 shows the output of the inverter without the feedback loop being implemented (i.e. instead of comparing the saw tooth with the error signal, it was compared directly with the 50Hz sine wave generated from the microcontroller). The second technique was not tried out mainly due to the large overhead required for which a DSP system would be more suitable.
Figure 4.19: Output of the PWM inverter
An RMS control strategy was developed for the final implementation which uses the microcontroller to monitor the output voltage and adjust the driving PWM accordingly. This technique is discussed in Section 6.0.
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- Page 25 - 4.2.3 Push-pull PAM Inverter
A push-pull PAM inverter scheme was also tested using the same circuit used for the square wave inverter. The setup looked as follows:
Figure 4.20: Push-pull PAM inverter setup
The input to the inverter was to look as shown in Figure 4.21.
Figure 4.21: Push-pull PAM inverter input
As can be seen in the above diagram, each varying input was to be 2ms long since only 3 input values were being used at this stage. Taking the mid-points of the 2ms durations, voltages a and b were calculated to be approximately 3.5V and 9.5V respectively.
Shown in Table 4.5 is a set of possible timer values that could be used to generate the 2ms timer interrupt.
Division Factor Timer Clock (kHz) Period (s) 1024 15.625 64 256 62.5 16 128 125 8 64 250 4 32 500 2 8 2000 0.5 Table 4.5: Possible timer values using a 16MHz main clock [13]
Q1 control
Push-pull square wave inverter Q2 control Inverter output Switch control 0 Time (ms) 10 20 a b 12V COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 26 - From the above table, a division factor of 128 gives a sub-clock of 125kHz. Since the period is 8s it requires 125 clock ticks to produce a 1ms overflow interrupt. Therefore the reload number was calculated to be (256-125) or 131.
The input switches shown in Figure 4.11 were controlled using internal counters which simply set the corresponding switching signals to ON (logic 1) or OFF (logic 0) appropriately.
The output waveform that was obtained is shown in Figure 4.22.
Figure 4.22: Output of the PAM inverter
However this scheme required too many control switches. Also possible control required for a final design was deemed too complicated, hence was not preferred over the PWM technique.
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- Page 27 - 5.0 Implementation of the Final Design
The previous section presented some preliminary experiments that were carried out and results obtained. This section details out the algorithms, control and implementation strategies developed for the final prototype. Section 5.1 discusses the energy pump design and control and Section 5.2 focuses on the energy transfer unit. Details pertaining to the inverter are in Section 5.3. Finally in Section 5.4 system integration issues are discussed.
5.1 Energy Pump
5.1.1 Module Architecture
The main aim of this module was to rectify the mains supply and provide the charge transfer units supercapacitor banks with a constant current when charging of them was required. Section 4.2.3 described how the output of the inverter had to be limited to 110VAC instead of 230VAC mainly due to the limitations of the transformer we had. The initial specifications for this module included rectifying 230VAC line input, but due to output transformer limitations the input to this module was also considered to be 110VAC.
A block diagram of the energy pump is shown below.
Figure 5.1: Block diagram of the energy pump [modified from 12]
The first stage of the energy pump is a simple full bridge rectifier. The output of this is fed into the chopper circuitry which chops this signal into 10-15kHz segments using the Q1 FET switch controlled by the 40% duty cycle (10-15kHz) control signal generated by the microcontroller. The purpose of using the chopper circuitry was to reduce the size of the transformer used. Following sections describe how Q1 was controlled to achieve the required functionality assuming a 15kHz switching frequency. For details of circuit and transformer design and required duty cycle and frequency determination please refer to Mr. Thrimawithanas report.
D7 1 2 Microcontroller D3 D6 1 2 Ov er Voltae Protection Current Sensor C1 Output Current D5 FET Driv er D2 D1 Constant Duty cycle signal Output Voltage R1 RCD Snubber 1 2 Output 30 VDCMax D4 110 VACInput Q1
High frequency 110/30V rms step down transformer and circuitry COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 28 - 5.1.2 Control Strategy
The 2 inputs to the microcontroller are from a current sensor and an over voltage protection circuit. The current sensor has a variable resistor in it which can be adjusted according to the maximum charging current that should be supplied to the supercapacitor banks. This sensor sends a logic 1 (or 5V) to the microcontroller if the output of the energy pump exceeds the pre-set maximum charging current.
The second input to the microcontroller is from the following circuit:
Figure 5.2: Detecting over voltage conditions of energy pump [12]
The output of the energy pump was decided to have a maximum voltage of 20V. The 20V zener diode used in the above circuit has a reverse biased configuration and will conduct a current for voltages over 20V which is sufficient to bias the opto-isolator, thus inputting logic 1 to the microcontroller.
The following conditions had to be taken into account when generating the switching signal required for Q1 in Figure 5.1. 1. If both the inputs are at logic 0, have the 40% duty cycle, 15kHz PWM as the driving signal. 2. If too much current (i.e. input from the current sensor is logic 1), or if over voltage condition (i.e. input from over-voltage circuitry is logic 1) is detected output should be logic 0 (or 0V). 3. Over voltage or current conditions can occur any time out of which the current should be accounted for immediately since this can even damage components. A slightly higher voltage condition would not cause as much damage. 4. Above pattern should repeat every 1/15ms.
5.1.3 Timing Required
The required PWM frequency is 15kHz and the required timing was to be generated using a timer interrupt. Possible timer values that could be used for this are similar to those shown in Table 4.1.
The period of the 15kHz PWM is 66.6667s. Since only a 40% duty cycle waveform was required, the high time was to be 66.667s x 0.4 = 26.667s and the low time was to be 66.667- 26.667 = 40s. However the accuracy of the timers that can be used is only 0.5s hence it was decided to generate a PWM with 26.5s high time and 40s low time, although such high accuracy was not quite required for our purposes.
Using the 0.5s period sub clock we need 26.5/0.5 = 53 clock ticks to generate the high time and 40/0.5 = 80 ticks to generate the low time. The 8-bit timer2 was used to generate this timing by Energy Pemp Output R2 1k R1 1k opto-coupler D1 Micro Supply Micro Ground Microcontroller 4N33 5V Digital Port 20V COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 29 - reloading it with (256-53) and (256-80) alternatingly. The reload number calculation is similar to that explained in Section 4.2.2.
Since over-current condition was to be given high priority, an external interrupt was used which generates an interrupt on the rising edge of the over-current circuits output. This interrupt triggers provided that the external pulse is held high at least for 1 clock cycle, or 1/16s. Over voltage condition was checked by simply checking if the corresponding pin was a 1 or 0 before generating the PWM signal. These details are summarised in the flowchart below.
Figure 5.3: Flowchart showing control provided for energy pump
Note that if multiple interrupts occur at the same time they will be processed with the following priority levels. 1. External 2. timer2 overflow 3. timer0 overflow 4. ADC When multiple interrupts occur, the one with the highest priority is first serviced and then the others will be processed. timer2 has been chosen to detect over-voltage condition since this has higher priority than timer0 which has been used for output voltage regulation. Protecting internal components was considered more important than a slight delay in output response.
Reset Main loop (Stay infinitely) Interrupt Process data as shown in Figure 5.6 ADC System Initialisation timer0 overflow Used for inverter feedback control as detailed in Figure 5.15. External timer2 overflow Make output 0 instead of PWM Over voltage condition Generate PWM by writing 1 or 0 to pin False True Make output 0 instead of PWM COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 30 - Micro Ground Z R2 Vz Vc 5V Vf R1 Optoisolator Microcontroller ADC Port If Capacitor Bank Micro Supply Vout Ic 5.2 The Charge Transfer Unit
5.2.1 Module Architecture
As discussed in Section 4.1, the main aim of this unit was to dynamically transfer energy using a suitable switching scheme while maintaining common and differential mode isolation. The nominal input was to be 20V supplied by the energy pump and the output was to be between 12- 15V with a small ripple. The output V rms and the desired ripple both can easily be set in software simply by setting the 2 variables MAX_VOLTAGE and MIN_VOLTAGE defined at the beginning of the code.
Even in this final implementation the different states the supercapacitor banks were cycled through were identical to those given in Figure 4.2 in Section 4.2.1. Three supercapacitor banks were used as during the preliminary stage since this proved to be sufficient to continuously supply for loads up to 100W. Each bank was designed to be 0.2F, 18V and the bank voltages were sent to the microcontroller using the following setup.
Figure 5.4: Bank voltage input setup [12]
The opto-coupler in the above setup functions as an isolator as well as a level shifter. It converts the banks actual voltage to a voltage level between 0-5V with reference to the microcontrollers ground plane and the transfer characteristics look as follows:
Figure 5.5: Graph showing actual bank voltage and microcontroller input voltage
The disadvantage of using the opto-coupler in the above setup is that the microcontrollers input will be accurate for voltages only between 4V and 4.6V (linear region). However as the output ripple variation can easily be set in software to be between 0.01-0.6V, this setup was chosen as a suitable configuration. Other input values can be used if necessary by incorporating some calibration technique in the microcontroller. COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 31 - 5.2.2 Control Strategy
An enhanced switching algorithm from what was described in Section 4.2.1 was implemented in the final design and it ensured that all the banks went through the same number of charge- discharge cycles as opposed to the previous scheme. Shown in Figure 5.6 is a flowchart of this enhanced switching mechanism. Note that according to this algorithm the next discharging bank is pre-determined whereas with the previous one this banks was determined during runtime by determining the bank with the lowest voltage. The new scheme has less overhead and all the banks undergo similar conditions.
Figure 5.6: Flowchart showing the switching algorithm of the charge transfer unit
Any other state STANDBY Yes Cap voltage and status CHARGING and V MAX CHARGING QUEUE and flag: bankCharging = 0 DISCHARGING and V < MIN Set bank status to STANDBY. Set flag: bankCharging = 0 Set status to CHARGING. Set flag: bankCharging = 1 Set current banks status to CHARGING QUEUE and next discharge caps state to DISCHARGING. Update next discharging bank. Next discharge banks status Set required switching signals Otherwise
Reset Main loop (Stay infinitely for INT to occur) ADC Source Read ADC value All caps initialised? ADC interrupt occurred No System Initialisation Process data and set inverter control (explained in Figure 5.15) Feedback Set bank0 to DISCHARGING and other to STANDBY. Next discharging bank is bank1 Self contained bank Set next ADC channel COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 32 - The STANDBY bank that will be moved into DISCHARGING state is determined as follows: 1. At start-up, bank1 is arbitrarily set to discharge next once bank0 reaches the minimum voltage. This information is stored in a variable nextDischarge and is set to 1 (to represent bank1). 2. Under normal operating conditions if the discharging bank reaches minimum voltage: - If the bank represented by nextDischarge is in STANDBY state, change this banks state to DISCHARGING. - Increment nextDischarge by 1. - If nextDischarge reaches maximum number of banks (3 in our case) nextDischarge is set back to 0. The only assumption that was made in this algorithm was that the charging time will always be smaller than any banks discharging time. This means that the bank moved to CHARGING QUEUE will reach STANDY state before the DISCHARGING bank reaches minimum voltage. However if discharging takes shorter than the charging time it implies an overload condition and has to be accounted for using different algorithms and techniques. Under all tested conditions the bank discharging time was a few times higher than the charging time. Therefore there was no need to implement a software queue to determine which banks status should be set to CHARGING next, since always there could be only 1 bank in CHARGING QUEUE state. However CHARGING QUEUE state has been implemented to support future developments with an increased number of banks with overload conditions.
In the Set required switching signals section of the ADC ISR the switches are turned ON or OFF by writing logic 1 or 0 to the corresponding ports (Figure 5.7) of the microcontroller. The following block shows all the inputs and outputs to and from the microcontroller that are related to the charge transfer unit. Note that PORTx.y means pin y of port x.
Figure 5.7: Input and outputs to and from the charge transfer unit
5.2.3 Timing Provided
As discussed in Section, with a charging current of around 6A and an output ripple of 1V, the charging time of the banks was around 6ms irrespective of the load. If at least 10 samples were to be taken to provide good time domain resolution, an ADC sample has to be taken at least every 0.6ms. 3 banks were to be monitored and an inverter feedback loop was to be implemented which requires another ADC channel. Therefore a sampling period of at least 0.125ms (or 125s) had to be maintained for each bank.
The energy pump and the inverter control require timer interrupt which by default have a higher priority than the ADC interrupt. This means that while an ADC conversion is taking place timer interrupts could happen. In order to account for these delays along with the code within timer and
Microcontroller (Mega8535) ADC0 ADC1 ADC2 PORTB.0
Bank0 voltage
Bank1 voltage
Bank2 voltage
Charging logic
Discharging logic
Inputs from the charge transfer unit
Connected to the charging-discharging switches of the banks COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 33 - ADC interrupts, a division factor of 32 which gives an ADC conversion time of 26s (from Table 4.2) was considered a suitable sampling rate for our purposes.
5.2.4 Output and Regulation
Figure 5.8 shows the output waveforms of the charge transfer unit for loads of 15W. Note how all the banks equally cycle through the charging-discharging process as opposed to the waveforms shown in Figures 4.9 and 4.10. Figure 5.8 also shows how a bank is never discharging and charging at the same time, hence providing common and differential mode isolation.
Figure 5.8: Graphs showing output of the charge transfer unit for a load of 15W
By obtaining several plots for varying loads, the maximum discharging times were tabulated. Following plot shows how the discharging time varies with load.
Figure 5.9: Graph showing discharging time variations with load
Load regulation characteristics were also tested using the commercial inverter that was purchased to see how well the charge transfer unit functioned with the final control algorithm implemented. Output currents and voltages were measured and tabulated and the resulting waveform looked rather flat (Figure 5.10). Calculated load regulation was approximately 4%.
Bank output Discharging logic Charging logic COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 34 -
Figure 5.10: Load regulation characteristics
The loads that were being tested were bulbs with different wattages. The bulb array consisted of 7W, 15W, 25W, 40W, 60W, 75W and 100W bulbs. Any combination of the above loads could be used and during the preliminary states the loads were approximated using the face value of the bulb(s) that was being lit. If the bulb(s) lit with sufficient brightness it was assumed that that load could be supported, but this method had the drawback of the load not having the rated voltages and currents, hence actually a different (lower) load. Most of the time the actual current values could not be measured due to the unavailability of current measuring equipment in the laboratory area we were working in. However using equipment from another laboratory the actual currents were measured for this final system which proved that the supercapacitor banks used in the design could not support loads greater than approximately 65W. This was because the banks started heating up due to the power losses in the ESR. Therefore data for the above graph could be collected only for loads up to about 60-65W.
5.3 The Inverter
Section 4.2.3 described how a single stage, push-pull type inverter topology with sine modulated PWM control was decided on for the final prototype. The input to this was from the charge transfer unit which was to be between 12-15V depending on the values set in software. This input was then to be converted to 110VAC by the inverter module with about 5% output regulation. As discussed in Section 4.2.3, the initial specification was to have 230VAC at the inverter output, but due to transformer limitations encountered the specification had to be changed to 110VAC.
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- Page 35 - 5.3.1 Module Architecture
The circuit for the inverter as developed by Mr. Thrimawithana was as follows:
Figure 5.11: Circuit diagram of the single stage, push-pull sine modulated PWM inverter [12]
The positive and negative inputs to the transformer are from the 2 MOSFET switches Q1 and Q2 which switch at 1kHz to generate a sine modulated PWM at the transformer input. Switch Q1 is responsible for generating the positive half of the 50Hz sine wave that will be generated at the transformer output while Q2 is responsible for the negative half. The output of this transformer is filtered out using a low pass notch filter in order to filter out the harmonics generated by the switching. This output is then fed back into the microcontroller (feedback) via an RMS measurement system which transforms the output voltage to a microcontroller referenced 0-5V range through an opto-coupler, using a similar mechanism to the one shown in Figure 5.2. The following sections detail out how this feedback loop is used by the microcontroller to determine the control signals for switches Q1 and Q2. Analogue circuit design details of the above circuit can be found in the other report.
5.3.2 Control Strategy
As discussed above the main requirement of the microcontroller was to generate 2 suitable sine modulated PWM signals for the 2 switches Q1 and Q2 using the feedback loop and regulate the RMS output. It was understood that using a triangular wave equal to the switching frequency and comparing the 50Hz sine wave with this signal would produce the required PWM as opposed to the saw tooth waveform that was used during the preliminary stages. Whenever the triangular amplitude was greater than the sines, the output was to be 0 and 1 otherwise. The amplitude of the sine wave could vary from around 0.6V to 4.8V while the triangular amplitude was fixed at 5V (explained later). The code to generate the PWM using the crossover points of the sine and triangular waveforms was written in MATLAB and the only inputs required were the triangular waves frequency and the sine waves amplitude.
The frequency of the triangular wave was decided to be 1kHz as the silicon steel transformer core that was being used for the inverter proved to be too lossy at higher frequencies greater than this, hence the discussions that follow focus mainly on a 1kHz triangular wave. However the 1kHz COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 36 - value could easily be changed in software to produce the required waveforms and PWM toggling points if required in the future.
Figure 5.12 shows the output of MATLAB for a 1kHz triangular wave and a 4V sine wave. The PWM is shown in red.
Figure 5.12: Graph showing 50Hz sine, 1kHz triangular and output PWM when the 2 are compared.
The above waveform shows a complete cycle of the 50Hz sine wave. However it can be seen that the PWM has a repeating pattern every half cycle (or every 10ms) of this waveform. The PWM corresponding to the first 10ms was to control switch Q1 and the one corresponding to 10ms- 20ms was to control Q2. Q1 and Q2 were connected to 2 digital IO pins of the microcontroller and they were never to be ON (or logic high) at the same time.
The PWM toggling points cannot be calculated on a runtime basis by the microcontroller since it needs a lot of processing. Therefore it was decided to store these points in Look-Up-Tables (LUT) in the microcontrollers flash memory. However due to the repeating pattern of the PWM, only the points corresponding to half a cycle of the 50Hz wave (or 10ms) needed to be stored and the positive or negative half of the cycle could be accounted for in software. The required final waveform looked as in Figure 5.13. Time(s) V COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 37 -
Figure 5.13: Half cycle of a 4V-50Hz wave, 5V-1kHz triangular wave and resulting PWM
There are 21 crossover points in the above diagram, hence 20 toggling points. These 20 toggling points correspond to a single amplitude (4V in the above example) of the sine wave and tables were created for amplitudes between 0.6V-4.8V with a 0.2V step (i.e. after the LUT for 0.6V, the next table will be for 0.8V). All these reload numbers were stored as a multi-dimensional LUT with the following structure. How these were calculated is discussed in Section 5.3.3.
Sample1 Sample2 Sample20
0.6V xx xx xx 0.8V xx xx xx .. .. .. .. .. ..
4.8V xx xx xx 5V xx xx xx
Figure 5.14: Structure of the LUT containing timer reload values
The amplitude modulation ratio of the above PWM is defined as the ratio between the sine amplitude and triangular amplitude [5]. Therefore for the above values, the modulation indexes are from 0.12 (or 0.6/5) to 0.96 (or 4.8/5) with a step size of 0.2/5 which is equal to 0.04. Since the inverter output is directly proportional to the amplitude modulation index when the input is constant, this was deemed a suitable control strategy for output RMS control.
Time(s) V COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 38 - The complete control strategy for the inverter is given in the flowchart shown in Figure 5.15.
Figure 5.15: Flowchart showing how output regulation is achieved
As discussed above the LUTs are generated for various modulation indexes. The idea behind the regulation scheme that has been implemented is to simply update the current PWM to compensate for the output change. For example, if the output increases by 5V, in the next cycle of the 50Hz wave the PWM will be updated such that the new PWM would generate an output wave of 5 less than the previous.
Yes No All caps initialised? ADC source? Process as in Figure 5.6 Calculate: NOMINAL - feedback Set next ADC channel Feedback channel and flag: checkFeedback=1 Supercapacitor bank Determine PWM LUT that would compensate for the change Set LUT_index to load timer with this LUT and flag:checkFeedback=0
Reset Main loop (Stay infinitely) Interrupt Read ADC value ADC System Initialisation timer0 Load timer with next reload number using LUT_index and sample number Cycle (+ve or ve?) +ve -ve Generate control for Q1 Generate control for Q2 Update sample number If end of complete cycle, update +ve or -ve If middle of half cycle, set flag: checkFeedback=1 COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 39 - 5.3.3 Timing Issues
timer0 of the microcontroller was used to generate the required PWM timing. It was to generate a timer interrupt based on the above calculated toggling points. Section 4.2.3 explained how the reload number for this timer could be calculated, and the same calculation was performed in MATLAB to output the final timer-reload values. For example for the above graph, MATLAB would give the timer-reload values in the following format. Figure 5.16: Command window output of MATLAB showing timer0 reload values
The timer was running with a 4s period and the number 64 at the very beginning means that timer0 should be reloaded with the value 64 to produce a timer interrupt of 4s x 64 = 256s, which is also the point where the PWM changes its values from 0 to 1 as shown in Figure 5.13. Other timer interrupt values can also be calculated in a similar manner.
As previously discussed the feedback loop was implemented to regulate the RMS output. A very fast transient response was not expected from the system and it was deemed that regulating the output once per half cycle (i.e. every 10ms) was adequate. Therefore the flag checkFeedback shown in the flowchart is set only every 10 samples.
5.3.4 Output and Regulation
Load regulation characteristics and line regulation characteristics of the inverter were measured to determine the performance of the system. Using a power analyser the output voltage and current were measured along with total harmonic distortion (THD) for various load and values tabulated as shown in Table 5.1.
- Page 40 - Nominal voltage was taken as 110V rms mainly due to transformer issues discussed in previous sections. Based on this value output voltage was also calculated on a per unit basis. Figure 5.17 shows the graphs plotted from the above data.
Figure 5.17: Output voltage regulation: (left) Output Vrms Vs. Load (right) Output V(per unit) Vs. Load
5.4 System Integration
As discussed in previous sections, the first module that was developed was the charge transfer unit. After testing the circuits on bred-board it was decided to build PCBs so that we could test this module using both, the analogue and digital interfaces. Proper testing could not be done with the circuits on bred-board since they can support only limited amount of current. Shown in Figure 5.18(bottom) is a photograph of the first set of PCBs that were made for the charge transfer unit along with the commercial inverter that was purchased. Figure 5.18(top) shows the microcontroller extension board that was used to interface to these banks. The schematic of this extension board is included in Appendix C..
Figure 5.18: Photographs showing (top) microcontroller and extension board (bottom) charge transfer unit PCBs and commercial inverter Microcontroller extension board STK500 development board Atmel Mega8535 microcontroller One of the 3 banks in the charge transfer unit Commercial inverter that was being used COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 41 - The microcontroller extension board was made to provide an interface to ADC/digital input, VCC, ground and analogue comparator input each supercapacitor module contains. This board was designed to support up to 8 such modules, although only 3 were being used by the current scheme.
Testing of the system proved that the analogue ADC method was better than the digital interface and this was described in detail in Section 4.2.2. Therefore the system was tested with the analogue interface connections from here on.
The next stage of the development included developing the inverter. After this was sufficiently developed and tested using techniques discussed in previous sections, the commercial inverter was replaced with this unit. The charger module was developed as the last stage of the integration process and the complete system was tested to verify system behaviour.
Finally on suggestion of our supervisor it was decided to build the final PCBs where each supercapacitor bank was to function as a plug-in unit on a main-board. Each bank was made as compact as possible and looked as shown below. (a) (b) Figure 5.19: A final supercapacitor bank with plug-in feature (a) top view (b) bottom view
This plug-in feature allows the users to easily replace any destroyed or non-functional units, hence providing a user-friendly functionality. At the time of writing this report the main-board has not been completely soldered, but the completed final system would look similar to the one shown in Figure 5.20. This boards schematic is given in Appendix D.
Figure 5.20: Projected final system view (transformer not shown)
Self-contained supercapacitor banks Output Input Inverter circuitry Energy pump circuitry Microcontroller subsystem COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 42 - Shown below in Figure 5.21 is a block diagram of the microcontroller showing all its inputs and outputs along with the corresponding pins used.
Figure 5.21: System inputs and outputs to and from the microcontroller
Bank0 charging logic Bank1 charging logic Bank2 charging logic Bank0 discharging logic Bank1 discharging logic Bank2 discharging logic PWM control for Q1 PWM control for Q2 Control for inverter switches Q1 and Q2
Inverter feedback
Over voltage logic
Over current logic
PORTD.0 PORTD.2 (Ext. Int)
PWM control for charging switch Control for energy pump
Inputs from energy pump
COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 43 - A final flowchart showing the required control for the fully integrated system is shown below in Figure 5.22.
Figure 5.22: Flowchart showing control provided for the final system
Yes No All caps initialised? ADC source? Process as in Figure 5.6 Calculate: NOMINAL - feedback Set next ADC channel Feedback channel and flag: checkFeedback=1 Supercapacitor bank Determine PWM LUT that would compensate for the change Set LUT_index to load timer with this LUT and flag:checkFeedback=0
Reset Main loop (Stay infinitely) Interrupt Read ADC value ADC System Initialisation timer0 overflow
Load timer with next reload number using LUT_index and sample number Cycle (+ve or ve?) +ve -ve Generate control for Q1 Generate control for Q2 Update sample number If end of complete cycle, update +ve or -ve If middle of half cycle, set flag: checkFeedback=1 external timer2 overflow Make output 0 instead of PWM Over voltage condition Generate PWM by writing 1 or 0 to pin False True Make output 0 instead of PWM COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 44 - 5.5 Cost Analysis
A cost analysis was carried out for the developed system and details are shown in Table 5.2. The final cost can be reduced to around NZ$130 if produced on a mass scale.
Component Cost (NZ$) Per unit price Cost (NZ$) Per 10000 units price Transformers 120.00 40.00 Supercapacitors 120.00 30.00 Microcontroller 20.00 5.00 Other components (FETs, Opto-couplers etc) 120.00 55.00 Total Cost (approximately) 380.00 130.00 Table 5.2: Cost analysis of the developed system
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- Page 45 - 6.0 Suggested Future Developments
The system that has been implemented was developed mainly as a proof of concept design and therefore aspects such as optimisation, efficiency and cost minimisation were not considered of high priority. Although the basic concepts and algorithms of the developed system can be used for future work, we would like propose some future enhancements that can be added to improve the quality of the complete system.
Consider using cheaper supercapacitors with higher capacitance, and if possible lower ESR. This will lower the cost of the system and also minimise losses. Optimise the inverter module by considering other implementation techniques. Also higher switching frequencies can be looked at which in turn will make the filter design easier. Improve the performance of the energy pump. Include redundancy of supercapacitor banks and program the controller to check for any destroyed or non-functional banks. This can easily be done by turning a timer ON as soon as a bank is set to CHARGING mode. If the bank does not reach the fully-charged condition within the pre-defined time (say 20ms), generate a timeout and deem the bank was faulty. timer1 even of the existing processor can be used for this purpose. Design a user interface to show current system status and a log of surges the system might have encountered. Details can easily be retained by writing to EEPROM memory of the microcontroller which will retain data even after a system reset. Test the system with a surge simulator and evaluate performance. An external interrupt can be used to detect a transient condition and within this interrupt routine, different input pins can be read to determine a range for the surge. For example if 5 pins were allocated for range determination and if 00011 was read the range can be between 400- 600V and if 00111 was read the range is between 600-800V and so on. Consider a compact FPGA or DSP implementation. Using an FPGA will be cost effective since this can be fully customised. A DSP implementation can be used if complex algorithms are to be implemented and if software filters and other signal processing aspects are required. Finally with the above features implemented a commercial prototype can be developed.
7.0 Conclusions
A complete system with an energy pump, charge transfer unit, an inverter and a microcontroller subsystem has successfully been implemented. The possibility of dynamic energy transfer using supercapacitors was investigated during the course of the project and was proven to be feasible with experimental results. This dynamic energy transfer always provides complete input-output isolation, hence common and differential mode surge protection.
A 15kHz, 40% duty cycle PWM has been used to control the energy pump with over voltage and current protection. The charge transfer unit consists of three 0.2F/18V supercapacitor banks that dynamically transfer energy to the inverter while providing the required isolation. The inverter is controlled using a 1kHz sine modulated PWM scheme with approximately 4% output voltage regulation. Microcontroller that was used was an Atmel Mega8535 and the complete system is valued at approximately NZ$380. COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 46 - References
1. Kularatna, N. (1998) Power Electronics Handbook: Low-Power Components and Application. Boston, Newnes. 2. Patel, N. (2004) Introduction to Projects. Lecture handout, COMPSYS401: Part IV Project, University of Auckland. 3. In Search of Quality Power. Retrieved 30 March, 2004 from 4. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) Systems. Retrieved 28 March, 2004 from 5. Mohan, N., Undeland, T.M. and Robbins, W.P. (1989) Power electronics: converters, applications and design. 1 st edition, Wiley, New York. 6. Standby UPS / Standby Power Supply. Retrieved 05 April, 2004 from 7. Supercapacitor Properties. Retrieved 10 April, 2004 from 8. Nek Tockin Corporation. Retrieved March 20, 2004, from 9. Thrimawithana, D.J. (2004) Interim Report. ELECTENG 401A/B Project, School of Engineering, University of Auckland. 10. Mabotuwana, T., (2004) Interim Report. ELECTENG 401A/B Project, School of Engineering, University of Auckland. 11. Atmel 90S8535. Retrieved 29 March, 2004 from 12. Thrimawithana, D.J. (2004) Final Report. ELECTENG 401A/B Project, School of Engineering, University of Auckland. 13. Atmel Mega8535. Retrieved 15 May, 2004 from 14. 74HC/HCT02; Quad 2-input NOR gate. Retrieved 20 June, 2004 from 15. Buyukbozkirli, B. and Chrifi-Alaoui, H. (2001) An Alternative Pulse-Width Modulation Scheme for Automotive Inverters. Michigan State University. 16. ANSI/IEEE C62.41, 1980. IEEE Guide for Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits, Institue of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York. 17. M68HC08 Family. Retrieved 30 March, 2004 from 18. Atmel Corporation: AVR 8-Bit RISC. Retrieved 30 March, 2004 from rection=ASC 19. Microchip Products. Retrieved 29 March, 2004 from pageId=74
COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page 47 - Bibliography
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Kularatna, N. (2000) Modern Component Families and Circuit Block Design. Boston, Newnes.
IEEE Power Engineering Society, C62.41.1, 2002. IEEE Guide for Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage (1000V and Less) AC Power Circuits, Institue of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York.
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Sedra, S.A. and Smith, K.C. (1998) Microelectronic circuits. 4 th edition, Oxford University Press, New York. COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page i - Appendices
Appendix A: Extract from IEEE C62.41 Class B Standard........................................................... ii Appendix B: Selection Process for a Suitable Microcontroller .................................................... iv Appendix C: Schematic of the Microcontroller Extension Board................................................ vi Appendix D: Schematic of the Main-Board................................................................................. vii
COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page ii - Appendix A: Extract from IEEE C62.41 Class B Standard
This Standard is quite lengthy and very informative hence cannot be summarised within a few pages. The only aim of this Appendix is to give a very brief outline of what a Class B surge is. Details and diagrams are from the IEEE C62.41 document [16]. Please refer to this for further details.
A surge to any location can be considered to be of Class A, B or C and a rough sketch of these locations is given in Figure A.1 below.
Figure A.1: Location Categories [17]
The values in Table [A.1] represent the maximum range and correspond to the medium exposure situation of Figure [A.1 above]. For less exposed systems, or when the prospect of a failure is not highly objectionable, one could specify lower values of open-circuit voltages with corresponding reductions in the discharge currents.
The 6kV open-circuit voltage derives from two facts; the limiting action of wiring devices sparkover and the unattenuated propagation of voltages in unloaded systems. The 3kA discharge current in category B derives from experimental results, field experience in suppressor performance and simulated lightning tests. The two levels of discharge currents for COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page iii - the 0.5 microsecond-100kHz wave derive from the increasing impedance expected in moving from location B to location A.
Location C is likely to be exposed to substantially higher voltages than location B because the limiting effect of sparkover is not available. The high-exposure rates of Table [A.1] could apply with voltage in excess of 10kV and discharge currents of 10kA or more. Installing unprotected load equipment in location C is not recommended; the installation of secondary arresters however can provide the necessary protection. Secondary arresters having 10kA ratings have been applied successfully for many years in location C [10].
Table A.1: Surge voltages and currents at standard locations [17]
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- Page iv - Appendix B: Selection Process for a Suitable Microcontroller
Based on circuits that were designed during the initial stages of the project, the control signals for the overall system were as shown in Table B.1. Please refer to the interim reports for a details analysis of these figures.
Purpose Input and Outputs Monitor line voltages 1 A/D input 4-8 inputs from the ladder circuitry Monitor bank voltage 1 A/D pin for each bank x number of banks = 5 (assuming 5 banks) Battery health 1 A/D pin Monitor output 1 A/D pin Control for banks 4 output pins for each bank x number of banks = 20 (assuming 5 banks) Control for supercapacitor charger 1 pin Control for battery charger 1 pin Control for inverter 3 pins Total I/O lines required Around 40 Table B.1: Total I/Os required by the microcontroller
As shown in above table, we needed a total of approximately 40 I/O lines. This requirement was given the highest priority in the selection process. Apart from this, the following were considered: - 16MHz or higher to provide fast processing - Needed a simple 8-bit controller since we havent got much data movement - A UART to interface with a PC (this was to be done only if time-permitted but still needed to be accounted for) - Around 6 A/D channels 4 for the supercapacitor banks and 1 for output feedback. - Approximately 16kB flash memory. Better to have more to be on the safe side. - Intended to use a 5V microcontroller since most of the electronic components which would be used were 5V. - Around1kB of SRAM for variables and other storage. - At least 1 external interrupt to capture transient conditions. - Around 3 timers to detect the duration of a surge and also for other timeouts (for example to detect a bank taking too long to charge, due to a fault). - Watchdog timer to monitor the system and recover if something went wrong. - Use minimum power as possible
For this project it was decided to use a microcontroller instead of a DSP or an FPGA mainly due to the following reasons: - We were not trying to develop a surge measurement system, so there was no need to determine the actual value of the surge. A range such as 500-1000V, 1000-1500V was sufficient, which could be measured by using an external interrupt with a few IO pins which would correspond to various ranges. Therefore there was no need for very high sampling rates. - The cost of a DSP system is very high compared to a microcontroller and did not help in minimising cost of the product. - A microcontroller could be used to accomplish all the required tasks of the controller subsystem except for measuring an exact value for a high voltage transient. - I have no prior experience working with a DSP system and difficulty of properly learning such a system within the given time constraint. - There were many new concepts that were being tried out where quick control programs had to be written. The development process is much faster with microcontroller compared to FPGA. COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page v - - An FPGA implementation will definitely be possible if possible with microcontroller.
The following microcontrollers were selected based merely on the number I/O lines, clock frequency, A/D channels and availability: Atmel: ATmega128, ATmega64, ATmega169 Microchip: PIC18F6680, PIC18F6490 Motorola: MC9S08GB32, MC9S08GB60
Shown in Table C.1 is a brief comparison between these devicesMicrocontroller Clock Frequency (MHz) I/O pins External Interrupts A/D channels i
Flash (kB) V cc (V) SRAM (bytes) Serial Interface Timers ii
Based on the above data, the Atmel ATmega64 was considered the most suitable due to the following reasons: The PIC microcontrollers have the required I/O pins and other characteristics, but these ones are not readily available in the ECE store. Also development boards for them are quite expensive. The Motorola ones were ruled out since they operate under low voltages. However all the Atmel chips meet all the project requirements and are available in the ECE store along with the STK development boards, hence were preferred. Although it is estimated that approximately 16kB of flash would be required, the mega64 chip was chosen as the final controller in order to account for a safety margin. However as discussed in Section 3.2, the At90S8535 was used mainly due to availability at the time of the development process, which was then upgraded to an ATmega8535.
i Total of all A/D channels. For example if a device has 6 8-bit channels and 8 10-bit channels, this number will show 14. ii Total of all timers. For example if a device has 6 8-bit timers and 8 16-bit timers, this number will show 14. COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416
- Page vi - Appendix C: Schematic of the Microcontroller Extension Board
The above PCB was designed to support up to 8 complete supercapacitor banks although only 3 were being used in the current design.
Title Number Size A4 VCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GND VCC ANLG_PORT ANLG_PORT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GND VCC CHRGN_PORT CHRGN_PORT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GND VCC DISCHRGN_PORT DISCHRGN_PORT 1_O VCC 1a 4_O 1b 4b 2_O 4a 2a 3_O 2b 3b GND 3a NOR1 74HCT02N_1 1_O VCC 1a 4_O 1b 4b 2_O 4a 2a 3_O 2b 3b GND 3a NOR2 74HCT02N_2 C D BANK1 BANK1 C D BANK2 BANK2 C D BANK3 BANK3 C D BANK4 BANK4 C D BANK5 BANK5 C D BANK6 BANK6 C D BANK7 BANK7 C D BANK8 BANK8 VCC AorD CMP GND JP1 BANK1 VCC AorD CMP GND JP2 BANK2 VCC AorD CMP GND JP3 BANK3 VCC AorD CMP GND JP4 BANK4 VCC AorD CMP GND JP5 BANK5 VCC AorD CMP GND JP6 BANK6 VCC AorD CMP GND JP7 BANK7 VCC AorD CMP GND JP8 BANK8 VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND VCC GND GND VCC GND VCC GND VCC AorD1 AorD2 AorD3 AorD4 AorD5 AorD6 AorD7 AorD8 AorD1 AorD2 AorD3 AorD4 AorD5 AorD6 AorD7 AorD8 GND VCC Cout1 Cout2 Cout3 Cout4 Cout5 Cout6 Cout7 Cout8 Cout1 Cout2 Cout3 Cout4 Cout5 Cout6 Cout7 Cout8 Dout1 Dout2 Dout3 Dout4 Dout5 Dout6 Dout7 Dout8 Dout2 Dout3 Dout4 Dout5 Dout6 Dout7 Dout8 Dout1 CMP1 CMP2 CMP3 CMP4 CMP5 CMP6 CMP7 CMP8 CMP1 CMP2 CMP3 CMP4 CMP5 CMP6 CMP7 CMP8 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH8 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH8 Inputs to the microcontroller from charge transfer unit Control signals from the microcontroller to charge transfer unit COMPSYS401A/B Thusitha Mabotuwana Part IV Project Final Report 9790416