The Stable Value Premixed Portfolio seeks safety of principal and consistency of returns with minimal volatility through investing in diversified fixed income securities and asset-backed investment contracts. It aims to provide conservative returns with low risk compared to other investments. Fees are 0.44% annually. Several financial institutions provide investment management and insurance contract backing.
The Stable Value Premixed Portfolio seeks safety of principal and consistency of returns with minimal volatility through investing in diversified fixed income securities and asset-backed investment contracts. It aims to provide conservative returns with low risk compared to other investments. Fees are 0.44% annually. Several financial institutions provide investment management and insurance contract backing.
The Stable Value Premixed Portfolio seeks safety of principal and consistency of returns with minimal volatility through investing in diversified fixed income securities and asset-backed investment contracts. It aims to provide conservative returns with low risk compared to other investments. Fees are 0.44% annually. Several financial institutions provide investment management and insurance contract backing.
The Stable Value Premixed Portfolio seeks safety of principal and consistency of returns with minimal volatility through investing in diversified fixed income securities and asset-backed investment contracts. It aims to provide conservative returns with low risk compared to other investments. Fees are 0.44% annually. Several financial institutions provide investment management and insurance contract backing.
The Stable Value Premixed Portfolio (SVPP) seeks safety of principal and consistency of returns with minimal volatility. This does not mean that it will never experience a negative rate of return, but the investment option is managed with the intent of reducing this possibility. No government agency either directly or indirectly insures or guarantees the performance of the investment option. The investment option invests in diversified portfolios of actively managed fixed income securities (i.e. bonds). The investment option also enters into asset-backed investment contracts with various financial institutions. The issuer of the investment contract undertakes to provide a minimum guaranteed rate of return and payment of participant-driven transactions at contract value. Unit price, yield and return will vary. Fees and Expenses as of 06-30-14 Management Fee 0.40% Plan Admin Fee 0.00% All Others 0.04% Total Fee as a % 0.44% Total Fee per $1000 Investment $4.40 Management Company Babson Capital Management LLC BlackRock Financial Management Inc Galliard Capital Management Inc. Jennison Associates LLC Loomis Sayles & Company L.P. Pacific Investment Management Co LLC Volatility and Risk Volatility as of 06-30-14 Low Moderate High Investment Category In the past, this investment has shown a relatively small range of price fluctuations relative to other investments. Based on this measure, currently more than two-thirds of all investments have shown higher levels of risk. Consequently, this investment may appeal to investors looking for a conservative investment strategy. Performance 5 10 15 20 0 -5 -10 -15 Total Return% as of 06-30-14 Investment Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Average annual, if greater than 1 year YTD 3 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year 1.15 0.57 2.46 3.14 3.45 4.30 Investment Return % 0.80 0.40 1.70 2.10 2.50 3.50 Benchmark 1 Return % 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.08 1.52 Benchmark 2 Return % Data above represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment returns and principal values will fluctuate so that participants' units may be worth more or less than their original cost when redeemed. Current performance may be lower or higher than data stated herein. Performance is shown after all expenses. Benchmark 1 represents is a universe of Stable Value funds with similar investment objectives and strategies. Benchmark 2 is a broad benchmark with similar investment objectives but employs a different strategy. Portfolio Analysis Composition as of 06-30-14 % Assets Synthetic GICs 80.2 Traditional GICs 0.0 Cash 8.4 Other 11.4 ........................................................................................................... Annual Turnover Ratio % 415 Financial Strength Ratings as of 06-30-14 Moody's S&P American General Life Ins. Co. A2 A+ Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co. Aa2 AA+ Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. Aa3 AA- Monumental Life Ins. Co. A1 AA- Pacific Life Ins. Co. A1 A+ Prudential Ins. Co. of America A1 AA- What do Stable Value Funds Invest in? Stable value funds are invested in high quality, diversified fixed income portfolios (i.e. bonds) that are protected against interest rate volatility by contracts issued by banks and insurance companies. Stable value funds are designed to preserve capital while providing steady returns and are considered a conservative and low risk investment. The market value of bonds is volatile by nature and moves inversely with interest rate changes. As interest rates move up, the market value of bonds declines, and vice-versa. This volatility is not unusual. Unlike other investments options, however, stable value protects against interest rate swings via insurance company and bank contracts. The contracts are designed to allow participants to transact at book value (principal plus accrued interest less expenses) without reference to the market value fluctuations of the underlying bond portfolios. The risks associated with these contracts (as outlined in the Principal Risks section) may result in a loss in value to the Plan participant. SVPP invests in synthetic GICs and in a commingled fund. In the synthetic GIC arrangement, the Plans own the underlying fixed income securities that support the insurance and bank contracts. The diversified portfolios are managed by investment managers solely for the Plan. Diversification is achieved by using several investment managers with different investment styles. Contract protection is diversified by contracting with multiple insurance companies and banks. The commingled fund, which pools together assets from many plans, is used by SVPP as a liquidity vehicle. Release Date: 06-30-2014 Stable Value Strategy .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Total Assets ($mil) Inception Date Hueler Stable Value Pooled Fund Index USTREAS Stat US T-Bill 90 Day TR 1,187.81 04-01-99 2014 Morningstar, Inc., Morningstar Investment Profiles 312-696-6000. All rights reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of information. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Visit our investment website at Page 1 of 2 The Halliburton Savings Plan (Plan) is intended to be participant-directed plan as described in Section 404(c) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). Therefore the fiduciaries of this plan are generally relieved of liability for any losses that are the result of any investment instructions given by a participant or a beneficiary of the Plan. The allocation directed to each underlying investment manager under each investment option has been selected by the Halliburton Company Investment Committee in consultation with, Mercer Investment Consulting, Inc., the investment advisor to the Plan. The individual investment options will be reviewed periodically and the Investment Committee will modify the allocations and/or underlying investment managers when deemed appropriate. An investment's principal value and investment return will fluctuate, therefore the investor's unit values may be worth more or less than at the time of the original investment. In accordance with ERISA, the Plan assets are held in trust for the exclusive benefit of participants and beneficiaries. As with all 401(k) plans, assets are not FDIC-insured, may lose value and are not guaranteed by a bank, the Plan sponsor or other financial institution. Reliable sources are utilized to produce these reports but there is no warranty or guarantee that this data is accurate, timely, or complete. Historic performance is not an indication of future results and should not be relied upon to predict future investment returns. Contact Information For current information, please visit (if you are a current employee) or (if you are a former employee). You may also call the Halliburton Benefits Center at 1-866-321-0964 (international toll free, use your country's AT&T access code, then 866-321-0964) or for toll call 857-362-5980, select option 2. Principal Risk Benchmarks The asset-backed contracts are backed solely by the financial resources of the issuers of such asset backed contracts and by a portfolio of securities. An investment in the Stable Value Strategy is not insured or guaranteed by the manager(s), the plan sponsor, the trustee, the FDIC, or any other government agency. The asset-backed contracts entered into by the Stable Value Strategy enables the fund to utilize book value (principal plus interest accrued to date) accounting. Through the use of book value accounting, there is no immediate recognition of investment gains and losses. Instead, gains and losses are recognized over time by periodically adjusting the interest rate credited to the Stable Value Strategy under the contracts. However, while the Stable Value Strategy seeks to preserve your principal investment, it is possible to lose money by investing in this investment option. The asset-backed contracts provide for the payment of certain withdrawals and exchanges at book value during the term of the asset-backed contracts. In order for the asset-backed contract issuers to pay such withdrawals and exchanges at book value, the contract terms subject the fund and its participants to certain restrictions. For example, withdrawals prompted by certain events (e.g., layoffs, early retirement windows, spin-offs, sale of a division, facility closings, plan terminations, partial plan terminations, changes in laws or regulations) may be paid at the market value of the Stable Value Strategy's securities, which may be less than your book value balance. Benchmarks Benchmark 1 - official benchmark: Hueler Pooled Fund Universe Average Benchmark 2 - single recognizable benchmark: 90-Day U.S. T-Bill Performance Investment performance is determined after fees are charged to the investment option and assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Investment option's performance is compared with the benchmark index. The index is an unmanaged portfolio of specified securities and the indices do not reflect any initial or ongoing expenses. The investment option's portfolio may differ significantly from the securities in the indices. Additional Fee Disclosure The expense ratio is an asset-weighted blend of fees and will fluctuate based on asset values and market conditions; any fees quoted herein are subject to change. Transaction costs incurred by the investment option for buying and selling securities are not included in the expense ratio. These costs, along with management fees, plan administration fees and other fees are paid out of the investment option's assets, reducing the rate of return realized by participants. There are no entry or exit fees charged to participants who invest in this investment option. Cumulative effect of fees and expenses can substantially reduce the growth of a participant's retirement account. Participants are encouraged to visit the Employee Benefits Security Administration website at for information and example demonstrating the long-term effect of fees and expenses. Fees and expenses are only one of several factors that participants and beneficiaries should consider when making investment decisions. Collective Trusts and Separate Accounts Most of the Plan's investment options are structured using institutionally managed separate accounts or common and collective trusts; this means the accounts are managed only for participants in the Halliburton Plans. Individual securities are bought and sold by professional investment managers selected by the Investment Committee. Common and Collective Trusts are investment vehicles operated by banks or trust companies. Neither common and collective trust funds nor separate accounts are mutual funds. Unlike mutual funds, separate accounts and collective trust funds are not subject to and are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Investment Company Act of 1940. Disclosure 2014 Morningstar, Inc., Morningstar Investment Profiles 312-696-6000. All rights reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of information. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Visit our investment website at Page 2 of 2