This document provides information about the Digital Signal Processing course offered at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. The course is a 3-credit core program offered in the 4th semester to electrical and electronics engineering students. It introduces fundamental digital signal processing concepts like sampling theorems, z-transforms, linear time-invariant systems analysis, discrete Fourier transforms, and filter design. Students will apply these concepts to solve engineering problems using MATLAB. Assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, labs, and a final exam.
This document provides information about the Digital Signal Processing course offered at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. The course is a 3-credit core program offered in the 4th semester to electrical and electronics engineering students. It introduces fundamental digital signal processing concepts like sampling theorems, z-transforms, linear time-invariant systems analysis, discrete Fourier transforms, and filter design. Students will apply these concepts to solve engineering problems using MATLAB. Assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, labs, and a final exam.
This document provides information about the Digital Signal Processing course offered at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. The course is a 3-credit core program offered in the 4th semester to electrical and electronics engineering students. It introduces fundamental digital signal processing concepts like sampling theorems, z-transforms, linear time-invariant systems analysis, discrete Fourier transforms, and filter design. Students will apply these concepts to solve engineering problems using MATLAB. Assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, labs, and a final exam.
This document provides information about the Digital Signal Processing course offered at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. The course is a 3-credit core program offered in the 4th semester to electrical and electronics engineering students. It introduces fundamental digital signal processing concepts like sampling theorems, z-transforms, linear time-invariant systems analysis, discrete Fourier transforms, and filter design. Students will apply these concepts to solve engineering problems using MATLAB. Assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, labs, and a final exam.
Synopsis This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of digital signal processing including sampling theorems, z- transform, Linear Time-invariant systems analysis, Discrete- Time Systems structures, Filter design and Discrete Fourier Transform. This course also exposes students to computational tools (MATLAB) in solving engineering problems related to DSP.
Course Outcomes At the end of this course students should be able to:
CO 01: Evaluate transfer function of a LTI system to determine the systems difference equation (C6) CO 02: Design various types of digital filter based on a set of specification (C5) CO 03: Evaluate the DFT of a sequence and use DFT to compute the linear convolution of two sequence (C6) CO 04: Translate filter's transfer function into real-time processing algorithm implementable on software tools or hardware devices (P6, CTPS6). CO 05: Conduct independent readings and research in providing design solution for filter design problem (A3, LL2).
CO/PO Mapping P O
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CO 01 X CO 02 X X CO 03 X CO 04 X CO 05 X
Key Indices:
X: assessed outcomes
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Universiti Malaysia Pahang BEE4413 07.07.2010
No. Semakan: FKEE/BEE4413/02 Pg 2 of 3
1.0 Introduction to Discrete Signals (3 Hours) 1.1 Definition of DSP 1.2 Difference of Analog and Digital Signal 1.3 Classifications of signals 1.4 Application of DSP (BT Level 1: Remembering)
2.0 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems (6 Hours) 2.1 Definition of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 2.2 Discrete-Time Signals representation 2.3 Discrete-Time Signals manipulation 2.4 Classifications of Discrete-Time Systems 2.5 Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems 2.6 Properties of Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems 2.7 Convolution (BT Level 3: Applying)
3.0 z-Transform (9 Hours) 3.1 Definition of z-Transform 3.1.1 Direct z-transform 3.1.2 Rational z-transform 3.1.3 Properties of z-transform 3.2 Region of Convergence (ROC) of z-Transform 3.3 Stability (BIBO) using poles & zeros 3.4 Inverse z-Transform 3.5 Transfer Function 3.6 Impulse response 3.7 Difference equation 3.8 Frequency response of LTI systems 3.9 Convolution using z-transform technique (BT Level 3: Applying)
4.0 Discrete-Time Systems Structure Realization (6 Hours) 4.1 Introduction to Discrete-Time Systems 4.2 Type of Discrete-Time Systems 4.3 Structure realization 4.3.1 Block diagram 4.3.2 Signal Flow Graph 4.4 Effect of Quantization of Filter Coefficient 4.5 Effect of Round-off Noise (BT Level 3: Applying)
5.0 Filter Design (9 Hours) 5.1 Type of Filter and Specification 5.2 Design of FIR Filter using Window Method 5.3 Design of IIR Filter 5.4 Impulse Invariance Method 5.5 Bilinear Transformation and Frequency Warping (BT Level 6: Creating)
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Universiti Malaysia Pahang BEE4413 07.07.2010
No. Semakan: FKEE/BEE4413/02 Pg 3 of 3 6.0 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) (6 Hours) 6.1 Introduction to DFT 6.2 Properties and Relationship to z-Transform 6.3 Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) 6.4 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 6.5 Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) 6.6 Convolution using DFT technique (BT Level 3: Applying)
References 1. Proakis,J.G., Monolakis,D.G., Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 4 th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2007. 2. Mitra,S.K., Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, 3 rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2005. 3. Hayes, M.H., Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Digital Signal Processing, McGraw-Hill, 1999. 4. Oppenheim,A.V., Schafer,R.W., Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2 nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1999. 5. Ingle,V.K., Proakis,J.G., Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB, Thompson, 2007
Assessment Assignments 5% Quizzes 10% Test 30% Laboratory 15% Final Examination 40% Total 100%
Assessment Methods
1: Assessment on Knowledge Domain (shorter duration) Final Examination, Test, Quiz 2: Assessment on Knowledge Domain (longer duration) Assignment, Project 3: Assessment on Skills and Affective Domains Presentation, Laboratory Assessment, Demonstration, Self/Peer/Group Evaluation. 4: Assessment on Report as Final Product Thesis/Dissertation/Industrial Training Report
Teaching Approach Lecture, Active Learning, Group Project/Assignment