September 14, 2014

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September 14, 2014
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Elizabeth Ainsworth, Carlos Amaya, Mark Arbesu, Kayla
Bernabe, Peter Blewett, Michael Blocher, Douglas Byrne,
Marilou Cabrera, Ruby Convento, Elizabeth De La Cruz,
Robert & Louise Dennin, Rose Diamond, Karan Ditty,
Bishop Cirilo Flores, Cheryl Godwin-Do, Lee Howard, Ted
Hoyt, Stephanie Lacemski, Long Le, Liam Macaraeg, Mar-
jean McGrew, Richard Mawson, Heidi Morse, Albert Nave,
Marie Nguyen, Doris Oliver, Pat Oliver, Earl Patterson,
Melinda Peters, Marge Riggs, Steve Romero, Madonna
Salunga, Missy Studds, Sam Suyao, Divina Villar, Eileen Wa-
PLEASE PRAY for the following who are ill,
their families and those who care for them:
Readings for the Week
Mon: 1 Cor 11:17-26,33/Ps 40:7-10,17
Tues: 1 Cor 12:12-14,27-31/Ps 100:1-5/Lk 7:11-17
Wed: 1 Cor 12:3113:13/Ps 33:2-5,12,22/Lk 7:31-35
Thurs: 1 Cor 15:1-11/Ps 118:1-2,16-17,28/Lk 7:36-50
Fri: 1 Cor 15:12-20/Ps 17:1,6-7,8,15/Lk 8:1-3
Sat: 1 Cor 15:35-37,42-49/Ps 56:10-14/Lk 8:4-15
Sun: Is 55:6-9/Ps 145:2-3,8-9,17-18/Phil 1:20-24,27/
Mt 20:1-16
7:00 am Donors Intention

7:00 am Maria & Antonio Juaner

7:00 am Linda Joyce

7:00 am John McManus

7:00 am Intentions of Theresa MacFarlane
8:15 am Priests Intention

8:00 am Intentions of Elena Sunga
5:30 pm Mary Brunnhoelzl

7:30 am Richard Hudjohn
9:30 am Joe Kloberdanz
5:30 pm People of the Parish
Mass Intentions for the Week
Donate Online!
In an effort to save on paper and
postage, all parishioners are encour-
aged to use our online giving pro-
gram. Visit our new website: and
click Donate Online. Or, scan this
code with your mobile device. To
have your monthly envelopes dis-
continued, please call the office.
Scan the QR code with a bar code app
on your mobile device.

Or visit:
Check Out Our Website!
Moses accordingly
made a bronze ser-
pent and mounted it
on a pole, and when-
ever anyone who
had been bitten by a
serpent looked at
the bronze serpent,
he lived.
Numbers 21:9
Saturday, September 20th
8:30 a.m.noon

Lend a hand, if you can!

Meet in front of the church garages. Some of us will be
assisting the Ruffin Canyon volunteers remove trash and
dead wood in our canyon behind the rectory to keep it
clean and fire-safe. Those who can help clean up the
canyon, please wear long pants and boots. Everyone else
will work on various parish projects. After working to
beautify our church grounds, well have lunch together
at noon.
Work Party!
October 10-12, 2014
El Carmelo Retreat House
Redlands, CA

Ladies, its that time again to make your reservation for
this years Womens Retreat. Invite a friend or family
member to join you on this spiritual getaway. Retreat
includes private or double rooms, 2 nights6 meals, 3
conference talks, daily liturgy, adoration, rosary, stations
of the cross and other devotions. There is also time for
private reflection and prayer. To make a reservation
send a deposit of $50 to El Carmelo Retreat House, 926
E. Highland Ave, Redlands, CA 92374. Private Room:
$195.00, Double Room: $170.00. For information call
(909) 792-1047.
Annual Womens Retreat
Like us on Facebook!

Search for our blue logo.

Parents in Prayer: We meet weekly during the school
year to pray the rosary for the needs of our school com-
munity. All parents, grandparents and parishioners are
welcome! Drop inno RSVP necessary. Every Wednes-
day in the chapel at 8:10 a.m. (unless there is no school).
We pray with our Blessed Mother, asking her interces-
sion and protection for us and those for whom we pray.
If you cannot come, but have a prayer intention, please
email Angela Jones at

Cathedral Catholic High School cordially invites
you to attend their Open House on Saturday, October
4th, 10:00 am1:00 pm. This event is open to families
and students of all ages and will include tours, panel ses-
sions and an information fair, introducing you to the
Dons family. Visit for more

SCRIP Program: Year-round fundraiser. Go to: shop- and follow the steps to sign up. Enter
enrollment code: 5B7465D45922. Cards are available for
pickup in the school office. Purchase scrip after
Mass Sunday mornings.

eScrip: Go to to register your VONS card
as well as other cards you shop/dine with in order to
earn points for St. Columba School. Online shopping
earns us points as well as dining at certain restaurants.

Tuition Assistance Fund: Thank you to all who sup-
port St. Columba Schools tuition assistance fund on a
regular basis. With the funds we collected this past fiscal
year, we will be able to help 15 families for the 2014-
2015 school year! Funds collected now will help families
in the 2015-2016 school year.

BINGO: Join us Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. and enjoy
a hot cooked meal from the snack bar (open 5:00-8:00
pm). Play for as little as $12.00!

Box Tops for Education: Keep sending in your Box
Tops each Sunday! Its great to see how many parishion-
ers are supporting the school each week. Look for Box
Tops cut-outs on many household products.
School News
The local Knights of Columbus are collecting non-
perishable food items for the 'Catholic Charities Food
Bank'. There is a box at the main Church entrance. For
questions, call Ed Ancmon (858) 356-8111.
Food Drive
Religious Education Classes
Theres still time to register for the fall. Come to the
Ministry Center on Sundays, 8:30 am1:00 pm. Please
bring a Catholic baptismal certificate if new to the pro-

Sunday Classes begin September 21st
Preschool (ages 3-4) & Kinder: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 am
Grades 1-8: Sundays, 10:45-12:00 pm

Tuesday Classes begin September 23rd
Confirmation I & II: Tuesdays, 6:45-8:00 pm

Fees: $60.00 - one child; $ 100.00 - two children;
$ 125.00 .00 - for 3 or more in one family.
There will be a special collection on September 13-14
to provide humanitarian relief and pastoral support for
our affected brothers and sisters in the Middle East.
Make checks payable to St. Columba Church and
write Middle East on the memo line. Use white supple-
mentary envelopes for cash and indicate Middle East
on the front.

Money given to the collection will be disbursed by
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and other Catholic agen-
cies working in partnership with the local Church. Col-
lection funds will also support Church programs to aid
persecuted Christians and for rebuilding needs of Catho-
lic dioceses in the impacted areas.
Special Collection
Do you want to know more about the Catholic Faith?
Do you want to receive the Sacraments? Classes are
Sundays, 10:45 am in the Ministry Center. For more in-
formation contact Mike Conroy at (858) 278-1507.
Stained-Glass Windows
Only one window left for adoption:
St. Ansgar
Catechetical Sunday~Sept. 21st
~ A Catechist ~

Someone who formally hands on the faith of the church
to learners of all ages. Around our country next week-
end, the Church honors those who share in its teaching
ministry through a special rite of commissioning and

Please remember in your prayers all of our teachers and
catechists in the parish and school who will be commis-
sioned next weekend and who count on your ongoing
support to sustain them in this important ministry.

The parish wishes to thank all catechists for being such
wonderful examples of living for the Lord!

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