2640 Stoney Ridge Road Avon, Ohio 44011

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Rectory: 440-934-4212 Fax: 440-934-0507 E-mail: stmaryavon@centurytel.net Website: www.stmaryavon.org School: 440-934-6246 Convent: 440-934-5173 FR. C. THOMAS CLEATO , PASTOR Rev. Arthur B. Egan, Pastor Emeritus
MASSES Saturday Evening: ............. 4:00 pm Sunday:8:00, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon Monday & Thursday: ........ 7:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: . 8:30 am Saturday Morning: ............ 8:30 am Holy Days: ... Vigil 7:30 pm; 8:30 am, 7:30 pm Holidays: ........................... 9:00 am CO FESSIO S Saturday:................... 2:303:30 pm Monday: ................... 7:007:25 pm MIRACULOUS MEDAL OVE A Monday: ............................ 7:30 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATIO Thursday: .................. 1:007:00 pm


Coming home can be a bittersweet experience. For many, there is the joy of seeing family and friends, the comfort of familiar foods, and a return to places that hold treasured memories. For some, a return home increases anxiety and brings about conflict. During the holiday season we often hear stories about how families cope with coming together for celebrations. Family conflict during the holidays has been an endless source of material for films. Movies such as All I Want for Christmas, Four Christmases, and A Christmas Tale all play off of the theme of family gatherings and coming home. Today's selection from the prophet Isaiah was written at the time when the inhabitants of Jerusalem were returning home from the fifty-year Exile in Babylon. Their city was in ruins, their vineyards and fields desolate, their Temple destroyed. Having endured the ravages of war, the people are now free to rebuild their lives. It is in this context of desolation that Isaiah proclaims words of hope. Throughout the years there have been many stories in the news about the trauma that soldiers experience as they come back from active duty. Some find the lower-keyed life away from the war zone difficult to cope with. Stateside life cannot compare to the adrenaline-pumped experience of combat. And some try to assuage their anxiety with high risk behavior in an attempt to once again feel the high. For these men and women coming home is difficult. Isaiah's prophecy is more than fanciful words uttered ages ago. It is the promise of the Savior's work among us, and a challenge to those of us who believe in Christ and strive to continue to do his work. Healing the brokenhearted is one of the tasks for those who have been gifted by the Holy Spirit. Our works of charity in this holiday season extend beyond food and gifts for the needy. It is also bringing light to those in darkness.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Patricia Carnac, John

sephine Jankowski, Dan Kelovsky, Kathleen Drellishak, Sandra Pitts, Rosemary Wysocki, Alice DeChant, William Skall, Rose Abfall. Marie Mayton, Patricia Kiskin, Henry McCowan Kennedy oar. Betty Drda, Evelyn DeChant. If anyone needs communion to be administered to a HOME BOU D individual, please contact the Rectory to make the appointment.

Matthew Gibson, Joan Rodger, Thomas Richards, Mary Anne Berthold, Kristy OBrien, Debra Deremiak, Gwendolyn Gurney, Joan Votes, Elizabeth Conners, Chuck Docs, Anita Grant, Jim Hricovec, J. Koerner, Owen Winters, Genevieve Smith, Robert Gates, Virginia Sump, Thomas Ackerman, June Naelitz, Kate Liauw, Arthur Rossi, Diane Urig, Martha Adkins, Natalie Butchko, Wendy Hallier, Carol Gates, Robert Werner, Sr., Bob DeChant, John Khoma, Vicky Motes, Kathleen Mahoney, Jeffrey Hostottle, Brenda Hazelwood, Bill Grabert, Alexa Jennings, Barbara Milota, Ryan Case, Irene Chrulski, Urban Klingshirn, Benita Tabler, Alice DeChant, George Drda, Annette Vance, Stanley Perusek, Gloria Simon, Kerry Coleman, Jo-

Saturday, December 17 Monday , December 19 Friday, December 23 Saturday, December 24

Christmas Confessions

20ll Christmas Mass /Confession Schedule 2:30 pm-3:30 pm 7:00 pm-7:25 pm 11:00 am-12:00 pm 11:00 am-12:00 pm 7:00 pm-7:25 pm 2:30 pm-3:30 pm

Monday , December 26 Saturday, December 31

ew Years Confessions:

Christmas Masses

Christmas Eve-Childrens Liturgy 4:00 pm Midnight Mass 12:00 am Choir begins singing at 11:15 pm Christmas Day 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm New Years Eve New Years Day

ew Years Masses


4:00 pm 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm

weeks collection was $15.531. This year's budget is based on a weekly offering of $10,200.00. Our current weekly average is $9,075.00. There will be a second collection today for Retirement for Religious.

***Meetings/Events*** Volunteer Appreciation Dinner -Sunday, December 11, 5-7 pm. Parish Life Center. Come and enjoy and thank you for all your help!!!

SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Please support our sponsor, Robert D Andress State Farm Insurance.. CPO GIFT CARDS: Are available for purchase. Please call the Convent at 440-934-5173. ROSARY: We need more people to come and say the Rosary on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Please come and join us.

Thank you to everyone who partnered with us in our Securing our Future in the pew commitment pledge. In just three weeks, we have heard back from 102 parishioners committing $31,000 of support annually! Because of your support, finance commission is already making adjustments to the 2012 forecast. Your support of and commitment to St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish and school continues to impact our students and parish community. Help us reach our goal of 300 commitment cards returned, if you have not done so already, please return your pledge card. We are grateful to God for his abundant blessings, and we are grateful to you.


needed for the Christmas Midnight Mass Choir - only 4 rehearsals left!! Please pick up a flyer at the Church Entrance for more details!

CHURCH DECORATING - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2011, 2:00 PM: We need your help decorating the church for Christmas. We will be setting up the Christmas trees, hanging garland and bows. This is a great way to get your service hours for Confirmation. The help of many hands, it makes for light work. If you have any questions, please call 934-5933. ROSARIES: Anyone interested in making Rosaries for the troops contact Tony Fantozzi 934-4386

CHILDRE S CHRISTMAS CHOIR 2011: All St. Mary Parish , School and PSR children in Grades 1-8 are invited to sing in the Childrens Christmas Choir for the 4:00 pm Mass on Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24, 2011. For more detail please pick up information sheets located at the Church entrance. The deadline to register is Sunday, November 27. We hope you can join us this year! SU DAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: December 18 in the Church immediately following 10:00 am Mass..

MITTEN TREE: Once again St. Mary will be collecting hats, mittens and scarves to be distributed to children in our area. Please bring your donations and place them on the Mitten Tree. Thank you for your generosity.

DECEMBER 11, 2011

Monday, 7:30 pm Tuesday, 8:30 am Wednesday, 8:30 am Thursday, 7:30 pm Friday, 8:30 am Saturday, 8:30 am 4:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Griffin Davies, Mikey Gallipoli Mikey Gallipoli, Griffin Davies Kelsie McNally, Nicolle Lesiw Paul Demer, Andrew Vamospercsi Julia Randolph, Cara Provenzale Jack & Kelsey McNally Nicole Lesiw, Sarah Perusek, Sara Hricovec



Carl & Kurt Spaetzel Karlee Clements, Lauren Smith, Lauren VanNiel Jenna & Mikey Gallipoli


Avon Oaks: (Wed.12/14 Communion) Dan Briehl, Tom Czarney (Thur.15/15 Communion) Veronica Kowalski, Mary Kissell ( Fri. 12/16 Communion) Lisa Marshall, Marie Meckes

Saturday, 4:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Saturday, 4:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm

Sue & Al Tegel, Sheila-Rice Dane, Toni Burch, Lori Yeager Theresa Szippl Evelyn Schneider, Mary Ann & Tom Czarney, Joyce & Bob Vielhaber Lisa Marshall


Ed Fleming Tess Wearsch Zach Demer Colin McCauley


Monday, 7:30 pm Tuesday, 8:30 am Wednesday, 8:30 am Thursday, 7:30 pm Friday, 8:30 am Saturday, 8:30 am 4:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm December 12, Our Lady of Guadalupe Domonic DiFrancesco (Family) December 13, St. Lucy, Virgin, Martyr Thomas Ketchesin. Sr. (Family) December 14, St. John of the Cross Linda Chal (Robert Chal) December 15, Advent Weekday Jennie Simon (William Hricovec Family) December 16, Advent Weekday Agnes & Philip DeChant (Family) December 17, Late Advent Weekend Eliazbeth Haradem (Joan Sutter) Patrick Sweeney (Mr. & Mrs. Victor Sedivec December 18, Fourth Sunday of Advent Florence Allen (Bruce & Rose Klingshirn) People of the Parish William Mayton (Marie Mayton)

DAY SCHOOL: At St. Mary School we are . Growing Minds ..Growing Faith. Please visit www.stmaryavon.org to view our day school curriculum and activities for grades K -8. You may also contact the School Office at 440-934-6246 to schedule a personal tour.

Volunteer Time:

St. Mary parish is again looking for volunteers for our various groups and organizations. Please take a moment to fill out one of the volunteer sheets located in the pews. Completed forms can be returned in the collection basket. We are especially looking for new Parish Council members to start in January 2012. For questions or more information please contact Luke Wysocki at (440) 668-6875.

EXTRA FRUIT: There is still limited fruit left over from the Holy Name Fruit Sale in the Hall. Get it while you can.

BIRTHRIGHT: Dear St. Mary Parishioners, We never can thank you enough for having a baby shower for Birthright. There was a whole trunk load of gifts that came in when we were out of layette items. God is good. There were beautiful outfits, onesies and sleepers plus ever other baby need including blankets and diapers. There was a large monetary gift of $128. We will buy formula with the money. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Bless each and everyone you for giving Birthright the means to provide new clothes in our layettes. With gratitude, Fran Edwards,

EWTN PROGRAMING: Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: Servant of All Archbishop Sheens Life is Worth Living (seen weekly on EWTN) was the most popular television show of its day. A new documentary, featuring stories of those who knew the Archbishop best, introduces this first Catholic evangelist to a new generation of Americans. December 11 at 8:00 pm. WATCH SPECIAL EWTN CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMING: Join EWTN Global Catholic Network in celebrating the birth of the Christ Child. EWTN is proud to bring you LIVE Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses from Rome and the Basilica of the National Shrine in Washington, DC, as well as inspiring musical performances, animated features, special for children and teens and new holiday presentations the whole family will enjoy. Check the EWTN Program Highlights brochure in the back of church or our local TV network schedule.

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2011 Liturgical Publications Inc


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