En (1158)

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117. John Kendale of
England.^Supervisor of the king's works throughout the realm.
1 Edvv. IV.
118. John Ashfield of England.-
Master of the new works, H73, at Bristol Cathedral .
Prior John Martyn succeeded him.
119. DoNATO Lazzari, usually called Bramante d'Urbino, from the town near his birth.
place. The octagonal church of Sta. Maria Incoronata at Lodi ; two churches
and a palace at Casale
churcli at Canobbio. At Milan, the church and sacrisiy
of St. Satiro; chapel of the large lazaretto, and (lart of that building itself; tlu
monastery of San Ambrogio and its cloisters, and the cupola of the church of Sta.
Maria della Grazie. Designed and commenced the building of St. Peter's at
Rome; many works in the Vatican, particularly the library and tiie Belvedere
court, &c., for Julius II.
the circular Doric chapel in the convent of San Pietro
Montorio ; the jialaces of S. Giacomo Scossacavalli, afterwards Giraud and Tor-
Ionia, del Duca de Sora, della Cancelleria (if not due to the brothers Giamberti
Sangallo), dell' Nuovo dell' Imperiale
tlie churches of SS. Euloy de' Orfani,
Lorenzo, and Damaso ; cloisters of the monastery della Pace. &c., at Rume
Strada Julia in that city; ducal palace at Urbino; Palazzo Publico at Bre>-cia
church of Sta. Maria del Monte, near Forli
cathedrals at Citia di Ca'.tello,
Faenza, and Foligno
fortress at Civita Vecchia, and other engineering works at
; marble exterior to the Santa Casa at I^oreto; Villa Imperiale near Pesaro,
chtirches of San Sepolcro and of Santa Maria della Campagna at Piacenza;
church of the Madonna, outside Todi, in the f rm of a Greek cross, in imitation of
his design for St. Peter's
and many other works.
120. Ventura Vitoni of Pistoja. Church dell' Umilta at Plstoja, after the design of
Bramante, whose pupil he was.
121. Martino LoMBARno of Venice.Scuola or confrafernita di San Marco at Venice, and
perhaps the church of S. Zaccaria in same city, but the interior is considered
earlier. Other palaces there are attributed to him.
122. SiMONE PoLLAJuoi-o, or II Cronaca, of Florence.Facade
and additions in the
cortile to the Palazzo Strozzi, begun by Majano
convent of the Padra Serviii
sacristy of Santo Spirito
and the Council Hall, all at Florence; church of San
Francisco, at S. Miniato, near Florence.
12.'5. NovEi.LO DA San Lucano of Naples. Palace of Prince Robert Sanseverino, duke of
Salerno, now a church; and restored the church of San Domeuico Maggiore,
both at Naples.
124. Pietro Lojibardo of Venice. Tomb of Dante, the poet, and its chapel in the
church of San Francisco; the two great columns in the piazza, at Ravenna
tower to the churcli of Sau IVIarco
Palazzo Lr rcdano-Vendramin-Calergi
of Sta. Maria de' Miiacoli; works at the ducal palace; besides many others at
a cloister in the monastery of Santa Giustina at Padua; the Cathedral at
Cividal del Friuli.
16th. Century.
125. John Alcock (bishop of Ely) of England.Comptroller of the royal works, temp.
Henry VII.; his chapel in Ely Cathedral
supposed to have designed St. Mary's, or
the University Church, Cambridge; Collegiate Church of Saint Giles at Malvern.
126. William Bolion, prior of St. Bartholomew, Smithfield, in London.

Master of the
works at the chapel of King Henry VII., at Westminster, and is supposed to have
designed it.
127. Gabriello d'Agnolo of Naples.Church of S. Giuseppe; church of Santa Maria
palace of Ferdinando Orsini, duke of Giavina, at Naples.
128. GiAN Francesco Morjiando of Mormaniio.Church of San Severino; Palazzo Filo-
Palazzo Cantalupo
the small church della Stella, at his own expense ; all
at Naples.
12:0. John Cole of England. Master mason of the spire at Louth church, Lincolnshire.
1.'30, John Hylmer and William Vertue of England. Froema.-,ons, erected the vaulting
of the choir of St. George's Chapel, Windsor.
131. Giuliano Gia.mberti, called San Gallo, of Florence. Part of the cloister of the
monastery of Santa Maddelena de' Pazzi at Florence ; cloister for the F'ratri Ere-
mitani di S. Agostino; the Poggio Imjicriale; fortress near the Porto a Prato,
and other works, at Florence; a magnificent i)alace at Popgio a Cajano for Lo-
renzo di Medici, with a hall IG3 feet by 68 feet by 65 feet high, having a ceiling
the widest then known
; repaired the cupola and roofed the churcli della IMadonna
at Loreto
restored the roof and decorations of the ceiling of the cliurch of Santa
Maria Maggiore; restored the church dell' Anima ; Palazzo Rovere, near S..n
Pietro in Vineola, and oiher works at Rome; thurch of Madonna delle Carceiiat

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