Pride and Prejudice 50
Pride and Prejudice 50
Pride and Prejudice 50
Choose the best answer.
1 Mr and Mrs Bennet had five _____.
a [ ] sons b [x] daughters c [ ] children d [ ] dogs
2 Netherfield was the finest house in the area, with the _____.
a [ ] most beautiful lae b [ ] most shee!
c [ ] finest woods d [x] largest gardens
" Mrs Bennet thought the _____ of the famil# should visit new neighbours first.
a [ ] mother b [ ] father c [ ] son d [x] head
$ Mr Bennet thought that %i&&ie was _____ her sisters.
a [ ] not as clever as b [ ] !rettier than
c [x] more intelligent than d [ ] inder than
' Mr Bennet had suffered being married to his wife for _____ #ears.
a [x] 2" b [ ] 1( c [ ] ") d [ ] 2*
* +he Bennets lived in %ongbourn, and _____ were often held in the nearest town.
a [x] !ublic dances b [ ] wals in the !ar
c [ ] farmers, marets d [ ] tea !arties
- Mr Bingle# made himself !o!ular with ladies b# _____ and taling to ever#one.
a [ ] eating b [ ] smoing c [ ] .oing d [x] dancing
/ 0fter the dance the Bennet and Bingle# families began to visit each other _____.
a [ ] ever# da# b [ ] ever# wee c [x] ever# few da#s d [ ] once a wee
( +he regiment had arrived in Mer#ton and was to sta# for _____.
a [x] the whole winter b [ ] the whole summer
c [ ] a few wees d [ ] a #ear or two
1) 1ane was invited to sta# because _____.
a [ ] her horse was too tired to return home b [x] she caught a cold
c [ ] it was too late to go home d [ ] Miss Bingle# wanted her to
Choose the best answer.
11 Bingle# was from the north of _____.
a [ ] 2cotland b [ ] 3ales c [x] 4ngland d [ ] 5reland
12 Bingle# had an income of _____ !ounds a #ear.
a [x] four or five thousand b [ ] four or five hundred
c [ ] five or six hundred d [ ] five or six thousand
1" Mrs Bennet was onl# interested in _____ and finding husbands for her daughters.
a [ ] reading, writing b [ ] listening to music
c [x] taling, sho!!ing d [ ] riding
1$ %#dia was the _____ of the Bennet children.
a [ ] most charming b [ ] most beautiful c [ ] most intelligent d [x] noisiest
1' 5t was thought that Mr 6arc# was _____ and considered himself su!erior to countr#
a [x] !roud and disagreeable b [ ] ind and sensitive
c [ ] inferior and vulgar d [ ] considerate and agreeable
1* 1ane was alwa#s read# to see the _____.
a [x] good side of !eo!le,s characters b [ ] bad side of Mr 6arc#
c [ ] bad side of her !arents, characters d [ ] bad side of !eo!le,s characters
1- 7harlotte %ucas was a _____ #oung woman.
a [ ] 8uiet, sh# b [x] sensible, intelligent
c [ ] beautiful d [ ] su!erior, obstinate
1/ Mrs Bennet had a brother who _____.
a [ ] owned a large house b [ ] had no mone#
c [x] owned sho!s d [ ] lived with his !arents
1( Mr Bennet,s cousin, _____ would inherit all his !ro!ert# when he died.
a [x] Mr 7ollins b [ ] Mr 3icham c [ ] Mr Bingle# d [ ] Mr 9hili!s
2) Mr 3icham a!!eared far more _____ than the other officers.
a [ ] su!erior b [ ] vulgar c [ ] obstinate d [x] gentlemanl#
Who said this?
21 :;ou now how 5 hate dancing with a !artner 5 don,t now.,
a [ ] Bingle# b [x] 6arc# c [ ] 4li&abeth d [ ] 1ane
22 :5t is not Mr Bingle#. 5t,s a !erson whom 5 have never seen before.,
a [ ] Mrs Bennet b [ ] 6arc# c [x] Mr Bennet d [ ] Bingle#
2" :5 tae this o!!ortunit# of asing #ou, Miss 4li&abeth, for the first two dances<,
a [ ] Mr 3icham b [ ] 6arc# c [x] Mr 7ollins d [ ] Mr Bennet
2$ :<+wo of m# daughters were ver# close to marriage = and then = nothing>,
a [x] Mrs Bennet b [ ] Mrs ?ardiner c [ ] Mr Bennet d [ ] Mr 7ollins
2' :0nd it was #our fault. ;ou too awa# his chance of a comfortable income and a good
!osition . . .,
a [x] 4li&abeth b [ ] Mr 7ollins c [ ] Mr 3icham d [ ] 6arc#
2* :5f #our master married, he might s!end more time here>,
a [ ] Mrs Bennet b [ ] 4li&abeth c [ ] Mrs ?ardiner d [x] Mr ?ardiner
2- :. . . he has neither honest# nor honour.,
a [x] 4li&abeth b [ ] 6arc# c [ ] Mrs ?ardiner d [ ] Mr Bennet
2/ :5f #ou are a good girl for the next ten #ears, 5,ll tae #ou to the theatre at the end of
that time., a [ ] 6arc# b [ ] Mr 3icham c [x] Mr Bennet d [ ] Mr 7ollins
2( :M# dear, dear %#dia> Married at sixteen>,
a [ ] 4li&abeth b [x] Mrs Bennet c [ ] 1ane d [ ] Mr Bennet
") :But #our famil# owe me nothing.,
a [ ] %ad# 7atherine b [ ] Mr 3icham c [ ] 4li&abeth d [x] 6arc#
Choose the best answer.
"1 to laugh unindl# at someone
a [ ] !ro!ose b [x] moc c [ ] su!erior d [ ] contem!t
"2 moral !rinci!les@ a !rivilege or !leasure
a [ ] servilit# b [ ] morals c [ ] disdain d [x] honour
"" to have too low an o!inion of something
a [ ] vulgar b [x] underestimate c [ ] moc d [ ] re.ect
"$ a feeling of liing or love for a !lace or !erson
a [ ] favourable b [ ] a!!arent c [x] attachment d [ ] considerate
"' well trained or educated in social sills
a [x] accom!lished b [ ] agreeable c [ ] elegance d [ ] su!erior
"* more im!ortant than other !eo!le
a [ ] vulgar b [x] su!erior c [ ] obstinate d [ ] accom!lished
"- of a feeling shared b# two !eo!le
a [ ] !ro!ose b [ ] sociable c [ ] com!liment d [x] mutual
"/ refusing to change one,s o!inions or actions
a [ ] su!erior b [ ] vulgar c [x] obstinate d [ ] flatter
"( to become red in the face when embarrassed
a [x] blush b [ ] blur c [ ] bore d [ ] ban
$) a !riest in the 7hurch of 4ngland
a [ ] regiment b [x] rector c [ ] !atron d [ ] master, mistress
Choose the best answer.
$1 +he ladies at the dance admired 6arc# until the# became aware aware of _____.
a [ ] his shoes b [x] his constant frown c [ ] his smile d [ ] his terrible clothes
$2 4li&abeth was _____ to tem!t 6arc#.
a [ ] too talative b [x] not attractive enough
c [ ] not rich enough d [ ] too beautiful
$" 6arc# left Netherfield to go to %ondon as he was im!atient to _____.
a [ ] meet his !arents b [ ] see 4li&abeth again
c [x] see his sister d [ ] go to a dance
$$ 4li&abeth could not understand wh# 7harlotte would agree to marr# such an _____ man.
a [ ] obstinate b [x] im!ortant c [ ] unsociable d [ ] inferior
$' 6arc# had tried to _____.
a [ ] encourage Bingle# to marr# 1ane
b [ ] get 3icham to elo!e with %#dia
c [x] se!arate Bingle# and 1ane d [ ] !ro!ose to 1ane
$* 4li&abeth met 6arc# when visiting with _____.
a [ ] 1ane and 7harlotte b [ ] her !arents
c [x] her aunt and uncle d [ ] Mr 7ollins
$- %#dia married 3icham from _____ house.
a [ ] 7ollins, b [x] ?ardiner,s c [ ] %ad# 7atherine,s d [ ] 9hili!s,
$/ %ad# 7atherine warned 4li&abeth that if she married 6arc# she would _____.
a [ ] be unha!!# b [ ] have no friends
c [ ] be ha!!# d [x] not be noticed b# his famil#
$( Mrs Bennet res!ected her future sonAinAlaw too much to _____.
a [x] sa# more than a few words to him b [ ] have tea with him
c [ ] tal to him about 4li&abeth d [ ] go for a wal with him
') Mr Bingle# and 1ane sta#ed for onl# a #ear at Netherfield, before _____.
a [ ] getting .obs b [x] moving north c [ ] moving south d [ ] getting married