Desert Magazine 1952 December

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The document appears to be an advertisement catalog for a gem and mineral shop listing various equipment, materials, books, and jewelry for sale.

The catalog lists equipment for gem cutting and grinding, books on minerals and jewelry making, fluorescent lamps and minerals, samples of uranium, and tools for prospecting and jewelry making.

Services offered include expert gemstone cutting, custom jewelry making and repair, and free lapidary lessons for purchases over $85.


This unique catalog is SVV'xll" in size. It is profusely Bails, Locket Loops, Chain by the foot, Bezel Wire, etc.
illustrated with pictures of almost all items offered. Your Field Trip Books and Books of all kinds on Minerals,
Christmas shopping will be made easy— order by mail (Jems, Jewelry Making, Prospecting, Uranium, etc.
or visit our shop to select your sifts. This catalog lists Fluorescent Lamps, Fluorescent Minerals, Geiger Count-
Gem Cutting Equipment, Grinding Wheels, Diamond ers, Uranium Samples, Magnifiers, Scales, Templates, etc.
Blades, Sanding Cloth, and Polishing Powders, Jewelry Services Offered to You Are: Expert (Jem Stone Cutting,
Making Tools, Sterling Silver Sheet and Wire, Blank Custom Jewelry Making and Repair.
King Mountings, Jewelry Findings such as Karwires, Dealers please ask for wholesale discount sheets
illustration at right shows
1—POLY D12 Arbor $19.95 1—Dresser Rest 2.25
2—Cast Splash Shields 15.00 1—Jig Block DIAMOND
1—100 Grit Wheel 8"xlV*"...... 7.25 DRESSER 10.90
1—220 Grit Wheel W'-xWi"...... 8.25 2—Galvanized Splash Pans 5.50 «
When you wear jewelry set with TITANIA. Gems of synthetic
TITANIA have five times more ability than the diamond to
break light into its component colors producing a magnificent
rainbow effect. These magnificent gems can be set in mount-
ings you may now have from which you have lost the
original stone.
than tho Diamon Visit Our Shop and See Ladies' and Men's Rings Set with
Titania. A Large Stock of Titania Earwires Is Also Available.


With the purchase of caboehon or facet cutting equipment
having a value of $85.00 or more, an experienced lapidary
will give you a lesson in gemstone cutting in his own shop.
Model E-10 Gem Stone Cutter—$139.75 F.O.B. Pasadena
Add S3.00 crating for out-of-town shipments
Note: Trim saw has a vise mot illustrated) with lateial
adjustment for slabbing.
This unit and other HIGHLAND PARK EQUIPMENT is
fully described in our 56 page free catalog.


GENUINE DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT IS" Rhodium Plated Sterling Silver or
NOW ONLY $2.50 LB. AND WEDDING RINGS yellow Gold Filled Neck chains.
AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS 2 for SI.00 or $4.50 per doz.
Cerium Oxide 8:5.00 lb.
Chrome Oxide $1.00 lb. FACET CUT ROCK CRYSTAL STARS plus 20% Fed. Iv Tax.
Zirconium Oxide SI.25 11). FOR PENDANTS AND EARWIRES
ROCKHOUND PICKS by Ben Hunt 81.75
Gift Model—Polished S4.10
2nd Edition—by Henry S2.00
Regular Black Finish $3.85
Wood Handled Stanley For the 7-11 vear olds Sl-75
Prospectors Picks S:i.1O
Allow 3 lbs. Shipping weight. LOOSE STARS—ono point (hilled
1" size—$2.00 or :S for $4.50 Synthetic ALEXANDRITES
V size $1.50 or 3 for $3.35
S.S. or Cold Filled Bails for stars, each S .50 Visit our shop to see these remarkable
INTRODUCTORY BARGAINS IN S.S. or Cold Killed Chains, each SI 00 color changing Reins. Round and oval
P E N D A N T OR STUD E A R W I R E S SO.(HI pail. faceted gems as loose stones or set in
Ster Silver Karwires SI.00 doz. 1" size—$4.00 >2" size—$2.00 1
Stei Silver Bails or Loops.SI.00 doz. 1" size- $2.50 > 2 " size—S1.r,0 AM) SAPPHIRES
Above prices plus 2O''r Fed. E Tax
All plus 20% Fed. Tax. ALL PRICES F.O.I!. PASADENA Visit our shop to see these gems


PHONE: SY. 6-6423

Dec. 1-31—Special Exhibit, Indian
paintings and drawings by Clarence
Ellsworth. Southwest Museum,
Highland Park. Los Angeles, Calif.
Dec. 2 — San Antonio Day at La
Loma, near Taos, N.M. Firelight
Dec. 6—Hike up Murray Canyon, in
Palm Canyon. Desert Museum,
Palm Springs, Calif.
Dec. 6 — International Children's
Christmas Parade. Calexico, Calif.
Dec. 11-12—Saint's Day Pilgrimage Number 12
and Fiesta. Tegua Indians, Las Volume 15 DECEMBER, 1952
Cruces, N.M.
Dec. 12—Feast Day of Nuestra Se-
nora de Guadalupe. Taos and COVER In Navajoland, by Rex Fleming
Santa Fe, N.M. of Santa Barbara, California
Dec. 13 — Hike up Eagle Canyon,
near Cathedral City. Desert Mu- CALENDAR December events on the desert 3
seum, Palm Springs, Calif.
Dec. 13-14 — Southern California FIELD TRIP We Explored an Old Nevada Lake Bed
Chapter, Sierra Club, knapsack trip By HAROLD WEIGHT 4
to Long Valley, in San Jacinto Mts.,
Calif. LOST MINE Troopers' Lost Gold
Dec. 14—Desert Sun Rancher's Ro-
deo, Slash Bar K Ranch, Wic ken- By KENNETH E. HICKOK 9
burg, Ariz. CONTEST Prizes for camera pictures 10
Dec. 14—Bandollero Tour to Bor-
rego Springs, Calif., from Yuma, POETRY On That First Holy Night, and other poems . . 11
Dec. 16-24—Nightly pageant-proces- I Remember Bodie
sions (Posadas) depicting search By E. LOUISE SARTOR 12
for lodgings by Mary and Joseph CLOSE-UPS
in Jerusalem. Mesilla, N.M. About those who write for Desert 14
Dec. 18-20—Annual Turkey Show. ART
St. George. Utah. He Paints Pictures, Too
Dec. 18-31 — Illuminated "City of By JOHN W. HILTON 16
Bethlehem" Christmas panorama TALL TALES
in Climax Canyon, near Raton, Howard Clark Champion Liar 18
Dec. 20—Palm Springs Desert Mu- Life on the Desert
seum field trip to Magnesia Can- By EDNA PRICE 19
yon, near Rancho Mirage, Calif. FICTION
Dec 23 — Historical pilgrimage to Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley
Coyote Canyon, Borrego Valley, By JAMES D. KIRKPATRICK 20
Calif. Services commemorating LETTERS
birth of Ignacio Linares on Christ- CHRISTMAS Comment from Desert's readers 21
mas Eve, 1775, the first white child
born in California. Christmas Eve in San Felipe
Dec. 24 — Night Procession of the TRUE OR FALSE
Virgin, with cedar torches and pine By DOROTHY PILLSBURY 22
bonfires. Taos Pueblo, N.M. NEWS A test of your desert knowledge 24
Dec. 24 — Ceremonial Dances after
Midnight Mass in mission churches, MINING From Here and There on the desert . . . . 25
San Felipe, Laguna and Isleta LAPIDARY
Pueblos, N.M. Current news of desert mines 31
Dec. 24—Christmas Eve in Spanish HOBBY Amateur Gem Cutter, by LELANDE QUICK . . 32
villages in New Mexico. Little
bonfires for El Santo Nino, The INDEX Gems and Minerals 33
Christ Child, lighted before houses COMMENT
and in streets; Candle-lit Nacimi- Contents of Desert for 1952 38
entos (Nativity scenes). BOOKS
Dec. 25—Deer Dance or Los Mata- Just Between You and Me, by the Editor . . . 42
chines, Taos Pueblo, N.M. PHOTOGRAPHY Reviews of Southwestern literature 43
Dec. 26 — Turtle Dance, San Juan
Pueblo, N.M. Pictures of the Month Back cover
Dec. 27—Palm Springs Desert Mu- The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert,
seum field trip to Oswit Canyon, California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948, at the post office at Palm Desert,
California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office,
Calif. and contents copyrighted 1952 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
Dec. 28—Desert Sun Rancher's Ro- must be secured from the editor in writing.
deo, Remuda Ranch, Wickenburg, RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor MARGARET GERKE, Associate Editor
Ariz. BESS STACY, Business Manager MARTIN MORAN, Circulation Manager
Dec. 31—Deer Dance, Sandia Pueblo, Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
N.M. unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for
Jan. 1-4—San Diego Chapter and damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub-
scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue.
Desert Peaks Section, Southern
California Chapter of Sierra Club SUBSCRIPTION BATES
trip to Mitchell's Caverns, Provi- One Year $3.50 Two Years $6.00
dencia Mts., Devil's Playground, Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra
Calico Mts., Calif. Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
P. O. D. Order No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California
petrified stumps are almost like museum exhibits, mounted on their own pedes-
tals. Even portions of the roots remain. Fortunately, the wood in these strange]
attractions of the Sump Hole was not petrified in a form of interest to rockhounds
as specimens, and the stumps have survived many a rock hunt. Disintegrated wood
from the stumps and trunks may be picked up on the ground below the stumps if
specimens are desired.
In the Sump Hole of Fish Lake

We Explored an Old Valley in Southwestern Nevada,

petrified tree stumps perch on
fantastically eroded pedestals

Nevada Lake Bed to form a weird natural museum.

Overlying masses of hard rock
protect the softer materials
within from weathering. Fortun-
ately, Nature also has protected
the unique pillars from vandal-
By HAROLD WEIGHT ism for, although the area
Photographs by the Author around abounds in smaller
Map by Norton Allen examples of highly - colored
opalized wood, the stumps them-
7 HE FIRST time I saw photo-
graphs of the strange petrified
stumps of Fish Lake Valley,
Nevada, in 1928, I was determined
the stumps on their clay pedestals
were still to be seen. I think that "for-
tunately" is the proper word, for in
selves offer collectors poor spe-
cimens as well as difficult re-
moval problems. Visitors today
the intervening years, with the growth to this beautiful arroyo-etched
that some day I would visit the origi- of the rockhound hobby, a number of bowl will find these columns
nals. Not that I was especially inter- large scale and professional collectors undisturbed, standing as text-
ested in rocks then—in fact, the pion- had combed the area for petrified book illustrations of Nevada's
eer rockhounds of those days were wood. I'm afraid that if those stumps geologic past.
looked upon as rather queer charac- had been of cutting grade—or even
ters—but the oddity of those stumps good specimen material—no trace of
perched on their claystone pedestals them would remain today. But since much to see what was available in
fascinated me. their rockhound interest is as negligi- collecting material as it was to see the
It wasn't until 1945 that I finally ble as their geological interest is great, stumps. I was following directions
did make my first trip into that strange they have been spared except by wind, given by a friend, and it was long
corner of Fish Lake Valley which the rain, heat and cold. after dark when I traveled Nevada
inhabitants of surrounding areas have I will never forget that first visit. I Highway 3A through the open pass
labeled the Sump Hole. Fortunately must admit that its purpose was as and started down toward Fish Lake

Valley. About a mile southwest of
the summit, I turned left on a rutted
trail—and in a matter of a few hun-
dred yards was thoroughly stuck in
the sand where the trail crossed a
shallow arroyo.
A chilling wind was whistling
through the desert night, and by the
time I had worked the low, heavy car
up the far bank and onto slightly
firmer terrain, I was cold, tired and
covered with sandy dust. And I soon
found that the entire slope up which
1 was trying to drive was composed of
sand. Since I didn't know the trail I
was following, couldn't see far, and
was therefore unable to attempt any
speed, I progressed by spins and spurts.
Finally, less than a mile from the high-
way, I gave up, unrolled my sleeping
bag and turned in for the night.
It was just as well that-1 did. With
the first morning light I hiked on up
the tracks, filled with blown sand and
patterned with rodent and reptile
tracks. After I had gone a few hun-
dred yards, quite suddenly and with
little warning the trail twisted to a
stop yards from the edge of nothing.
I looked out across a great U-shaped
pocket in the hills, hundreds of feet
deep in places, with walls of fantas-
tically eroded sedimentaries.
The Sump Hole is a beautiful piece
of erosion in its own right, deserving
of a more elegant name, and the un-
expectedness with which most visitors
first come upon it adds to its spectac-
ular effect. It's like a small, grey-
toned Bryce, a Red Rock Canyon
without the red, hidden among unin-
teresting-appearing sand hills and
ridges. I've gone back a number of
times to the Sump Hole. Each time I
am impressed anew by the complete-
ness with which Nature has concealed
this page of Nevada's past from the
casual passerby.
A mountain screens it from the
north, rolling hills from the west, a
high ridge from the east and the twist-
ing channel of its own drainage arroyo
from the south. And though Highway
3A skirts it for several miles on the
west, at places within a few thousand
feet of the bowl the passing motorist
has no suspicion of its existence.
I don't know who first discovered
the Sump Hole, or who first found
the prizes it contains. Some pros- Above—Typical piece of the brown driftwood from the hills west of the
pector, probably, in both cases. But Sump Hole. Much of it, including this piece, is good enough grade to be
a very respectable type of rockhound polishable.
—fossil hunters from the California Below—Some of the most beautiful petrified wood to be found in the west
universities—did the first real explor- has been collected in the Sump Hole area, although high grade pieces now
ing and collecting there. Their prime are scarce. This specimen is red-brown, red and white opalized wood from
interest was in the fossil bones which the brink of the hole.
they recovered from the clays and
tuffs and water-laid ash, and in the Stock, R. A. Stirton and E. R. Hall mammals and rodents whose fossils
story of the pre-human history of the were publishing papers through the they had found.
West which those bones helped de- University of California Press, telling From their work and that of various
cipher. In 1926, 1929, 1930, Chester about primitive horses, various hoofed geologists, including especially H. W.

On my first visit, 1 camped alone
four days beside the Sump Hole and
. / „ . - ^ II.
•'" ••'"" '' ' • 1 2 1 3 %

covered the area pretty thoroughly on
COALDRLE\ foot. It was on the second day that I
came upon the fossilized tree stumps,
J.''?— Vo.o : .' .
TONOPAH in the marl hillocks on the west side
of the bowl, and to me they still are
the most interesting features of an in-
teresting region. Apparently the trees
of which they are the remnants were
buried or submerged just as they stood.
•; \ \ ' • •• ; ;• • •

The replacement of the wood in these

• :]|S
• 11 '.-•. •' •
stumps—a sort of clay-rock which can
• • »

^ ...• : ' scarcely be identified as wood—indi-

•. - V ' • - J '• cates that they were buried at a differ-
^r • ent time and under different conditions
v :• than the beautifully opalized and agat-
ized pieces and limbs which are found
in other layers of the lake sediments.
Quite possibly, they tell of some day
V of judgment at the end of the lake's
history, and of the close of the Terti-
rO ary, when tremendous volcanic action
•v Y /
i .//
took place around Lake Esmeralda.
I They may have been buried in hot
i mud or ash, or they may have sunk
i beneath the water as the earth's surface
i \ twisted and shifted. Now. at any rate,
they have emerged again, their roots

V- //

TO U 5.HWY 6 --IC.6MI1.ES
SILVER PK. ••••. '
'-' MTNSzy-j::-
still coated with a sandstone, and the
harder material of which they are made
has prevented the erosion of the under-
lying clay, resulting in the odd pedes-
tal-mounted exhibit effect.
During my hunting through and
over the Esmeralda formations. I
found many things to interest the rock-
hound. In the main cliffs bits of fossil
bone—looking like the original but
silica-replaced — c:;n be found occa-
sionally. In the drainage channels of
the clay hills I discovered a number
(HEAVY SAPtO) of chunks of very pretty semi-opalizcd
wood in various shades of brown,
showing every cell of the original. On
Turner, who studied the Esmeralda erateiy recent"—period of the Tertiary. the floor of the Sump Hole, in various
formation for the U. S. Geological Many geologists are more cautious places, were paper-thin seams and
Survey, some idea of a vastly different about calibrating these periods to sheets of chalcedony, sufficiently col-
time in Nevada can be conjectured. year scales than they once were. How- ored in most places to be called sard.
Not so long ago—as the professors ever, geophysicists, measuring the rate Also on the bowl floor, toward the
figure time—Lake Esmeralda gemmed of disintegration of radioactive ma- south, were pieces of opalized wood.
what is now sagebrush desert, lava terials, recently put a possible date of thin pipes of it. coated w;th greenish
strewn wastes and chemical-saturated 17 million years ago to the Miocene. sandstone. From appearances they
playas. The blue waters rolled over Of course, even that is 'way back for must have been rootlets. While too
all this part of present Nevada, from those who still look upon a million— soft to cut, they make interesting spe-
the White Mountains east at least to in years or dollars—as a large figure. cimens.
the Montezumas. and to the north an At any rate, it was long enough ago My best find on that first trip was
undetermined distance. Vegetation for Nature to bury or erode the greater made only a few feet from the point
was abundant along its shores: ferns. part of that chapter in her autobiog- where I camped, and rmht on the
figs, oaks, willows, sumacs and soap- raphy. For, while we leave our ruins brink of the Sump Hole. Here it was
berry were identified by Turner, and and ghost towns glaringly exposed. obvious that a large section of a tree
tree trunks up to eight feet in diameter Nature, with more time and resources, trunk h:>d been hauled away. Little
have been found. Close beside it lived hides or disintegrates her ghost lands. remained on the surface, excepting a
many animals of the period, among But once having hidden it, like a pros- few pieces of silicified bark and
them ancestors of the horse, the camel, pector with a big strike, it would seem branches, but I prospected down the
the antelope, the rhinoceros. Nor she cannot refrain from exposing a tiny wash in which the trunk had been
were the lake waters barren. Many bit for our admiration. So, in the buried and dug up several beautiful
fossil fish, some of quite large size, northwestern corner of Fish Lake Val- pieces of brown, white and reddish
have been found. ley, erosion has placed on exhibition onal wood and one piece of fine cut-
Lake Esmeralda probably was at a vignette from the story of Lake Es- ting grade with a purplish tinge.
its best during the Miocene—or "mod- meralda. The whole area of the Sump Hole

is worthy of exploration by collectors. having gone to pieces just as dried to hunt. While I was camped there, 1
I have many areas there which I ex- desert wood does. Some is almost saw numbers of the rat family, quan-
pect to investigate in the future. But turquoise green in color, but of a tities of lizards and several jack rab-
for rockhounds who wish to be cer- chalky replacement which probably bits. And while the present mammal
tain of obtaining specimens, I can would not polish. And, near the end life is not as numerous or its individ-
recommend the low, lava-spoti:ed hills of the trail, I did find one piece of uals as large, its fighting spirit
which lie across Highway 3A and two finely opalized wood which I was un- certainly has not lessened—as I dis-
and three miles west of the Sump Hole. able to trace to its source. covered. In those days, when my
A passable auto-trail penetrates the The prize find of all our visits was expeditions were more leisurely, I car-
area, and Lucile, Eva Wilson and I made by Lucile in the Sump Hole it- ried a live trap with me. That is a de-
explored it on our most recent trip to self, but it is unlikely that the rest of vice in which the animal to be trapped
Fish Lake Valley. us rockhounds can match her luck. It enters a sort of wire-mesh tunnel and,
There is a good deal of petrified was a perfect large arrow or spear when he takes the bait, drops panels
wood to be collected in these hills, and head flaked from dark transparent ob- closing off either end of the tunnel.
it can be found in many shades of sidian, and it proved that our desert Thus he can be captured without in-
brown to white. Most of it shows per- predecessors knew that strange corner jury.
fect replacement of the original struc- of Fish Lake Valley long before the When I caught something interest-
ture and is of cutting and polishing white man came. I would certainly ing or new, I would place it in a little
quality. Some is freakish indeed, con- like to know what story they built up glass-walled "studio" and photograph
sisting of hundreds of tiny slivers, the about the fossil tree stumps. it before turning it loose. In the sand
wood—although replaced with rock— Probably they came to the valley hills above the Sump Hole I captured

The Sump Hole is a small Bryce Canyon in grey. Its beds of clay, sandstone, tuff
and breccia are part of the bed of Lake Esmeralda, which covered this portion of
Nevada millions of years ago.
The "Tough Guy," aggressive kangaroo rat from the edge of the Sump Hole. He
bit the hand that fed him—but then, he hadn't asked to he fed, or photographed

an especially fine kangaroo rat. I used Hole should be viewed from spots
a heavy glove to transfer Mr. Kanga- SUMP HOLE LOG along its rim as well as from its floor.
00.0 Junction of Nevada Highway 3A
roo to the glass cage, and there he with U. S. Highway 6. 28.1 miles To me. coming upon the eroded
posed quite willingly, eating content- east of the Nevada State line. 6.1 walls of this bowl unexpectedly in the
edly at a piece of the bait—peanut miles west of the junction of U. S.
heart of seemingly featureless hills was
butter, raisins and bacon fat. Highways 6 and 95. Turn south
on paved Nevada 3A. Keep on an emotional experience. We look
He posed so willingly that, when paving. upon the great features of our land-
it came time to take him out to turn 10.6 Sandy track, left, climbs to edge of scape— the hills, valleys, mountains—
him loose. I didn't bother to put the Sump Hole.
11.6 Reverse Y, left, leads to easy as permanent parts of the world's
glove back on. I should have been walking distance of Sump Hole. scenery. Compared to our life scale
warned by the aggressive manner in This is the best road. they are. They are little changed since
which he thumped the ground with his 11.9 Poorly defined road, right, leads the first Indian nomads wandered into
hind foot. But 1 picked him up gently into hills west of highway, and
to petrified wood collecting area. the Western deserts.
and started to carry him to the mouth Rough, but passable.
of his burrow. Then, most dexterously, But in the ceaseless, measureless
12.6 Sandy auto trail, left, which en-
he twisted about and sank his big ters the drainage channel of the passage from molten ball to frozen
front teeth into my thumb. Then and Sump Hole. If road is packed, it world, the eternal hills to which we
there I ceased being a taxi service. I is possible to drive up wash into lift our eyes are no more than the
Sump Hole. Drivers of regular cards in a deck, briefly arched for
put my hand on the ground and passenger cars should check road
opened it wide. Did Mr. Kangaroo condition carefully before attempt- shuffling, then shuffled again, dealt
leave when free? Not until he gath- ing. out, or cast aside. In this corner of
ered his muscles and gave me one last Fish Lake Valley, we can look upon
"Take that!" bite. Then he zoomed at 1 1.6 miles from Highway 6A, then a deck, fortuitously exposed, that Na-
off my hand, located himself almost hike east over the hump. The Sump ture tossed away millions of years ago.
in mid air, turned and dove into his
hole. I still have the scar—and the
But that is my only unpleasant
memory of the Sump Hole. It is a On the waterless, uninhabited Mexi- very active. The larger snake is almost
striking spot, an excellent place to can Isla Tortuga, 25 miles northeast two feet long and has eight buttons in
camp and rock hunt even in mid-sum- of Santa Rosalia, halfway down Baja his tiny rattle. The eyes of both are
mer. Its altitude—between 5000 and California's gulf coast, Lewis Wayne set in peculiar bulging sockets. Their
6000 feet—assures pleasant tempera- Walker captured a pair of rare rattle- species was first described in 1921.
tures in the summer, although midday snakes. He packed them in strong Walker, a young ex-Marine, was
can become quite hot. It is not rec- boxes and sent them to Dr. William assisted by the National Geographic
ommended for winter rockhunting M. Mann, director of the Smithsonian society on his mission, which took
after the snow falls. Institution's National Zoological Park several years to complete. He suffered
in Washington, D. C. a shipwreck, an automobile accident
There is no good road right into Dr. Mann received the rattlers in
the Sump Hole or even right to its and considerable hardships during the
good condition, jubilantly identified search period.
edge. The one up the wash into the them scientifically as Crotalus tortu-
center of the bowl almost always is gensis and installed them in his reptile The zoo's new snakes are one of
passable to four-wheel-drives, but reg- house. Although he is one of the nearly 30 varieties of rattlesnakes. All
ular stock cars should check the soft world's foremost authorities on wild are members of the poisonous pit viper
spot where the road enters the wash creatures, Dr. Mann had never before family. Ranging from Southern Can-
before trying it. It might be best to seen similar rattlers. An unpreposses- ada to Uruguay, they are found only
turn in on the road which leaves 3A sing dusty gray in color, they are not in the Americas.

The gods that had smiled so benevolently, now frowned. The waterholes were dry.
Cavalrymen of the U. S. Army

Trooper's Lost Gold By KENNETH E. HICKOK

found a rich gold ledge in south-
ern Arizona nearly 80 years ago
—and then lost it again. Many
persons have sought for this
fabulous deposit, but as far as
Illustration by Bill Edwards is known, its location remains a
secret to this day.
T WAS in the early 1870s when the looted wagon still smoldering, the
a weary ox-team halted at Mari- man, his wife and the two small chil- If any animal acted as though it
copa Well and a tired teamster dren slain, but no sign of the elder scented water, they would investigate.
released the beasts from their yoke. daughter, which indicated that she was Suddenly, the lead horse threw up
Meanwhile, the emigrant's family held captive. The Indian trail crossed its head, sniffed the breeze and whirled
tumbled from the wagon to prepare the river and turned south, straight for off at a tangent, to be followed by the
the evening meal, thankful thai: this the border. Apparently, the incident rest of the animals in the company.
was not another dry camp. at the well was only a minor diversion Into a shallow arroyo galloped the
for the savages, who were headed for horses, where a pool of rain water had
The mother and eldest daughter been caught in a depression, at the
prepared the meal while the two Mexican lands, where U. S. troopers
could not touch them. foot of a low, rocky ledge that ran
younger children helped the father along the wash for several hundred
make camp and gather firewood. Re- One scout remained close on the yards.
cently the warlike Apaches had been trail of the renegades, while the other The first served withdrew up the
confined to a reservation and il was carried the news of the massacre to wash to make room for the others.
no longer considered hazardous for Fort Tucson. The commanding officer Another pool, similar to the first, was
cross country caravans to build night of the fort ordered a company of found at the upper end of the ledge.
campfires. mounted troopers, in command of a Now, there was ample water for all.
The travelers did not know that a captain, to intercept the raiders before Parched throats were soothed, can-
few days previously a band of Indians they reached safety in Mexico, and teens filled, and the thirsty horses were
had escaped from the reservation, and bring them and their captive back to led up to drink their fill.
had headed toward the Mexican bor- Tucson. One observing trooper, gazing into
der. Military scouts, on their trail, The captain led his troop, at forced the pool while watering his horse,
reported that the band had swung wide draft, southwest from the fort. They thought to himself: "Those shiny peb-
around the new settlement of Phoenix, would ride an hour and rest ten min- bles in the pool sure look pretty." Idly,
and were headed southwest, toward the utes. The fast pace, in the broiling he scooped up a handful of the bright
famous old Indian watering place, on heat, soon told on men and horses stones and his shout brought troopers
the bank of Gila River, known as alike. The water holes were uncertain from all directions. The soldier dis-
Maricopa Well. in this part of the desert. The captain played a handful of gold nuggets to
Next morning, when the trailing instructed the troopers to note care- his amazed companions.
scouts reached the well, they found fully the actions of their thirsty horses. Each man scrambled for a share of

the gold. The nuggets soon gave out horses, still refusing to part with the his money and quietly went about his
in the upper hole so some of the golden cargo. work. Each spring he would take sev-
troopers returned to the lower one. The men, as well as the horses now eral weeks off and go looking for the
Many more of the glittering nuggets staggered on the trail. Handful after lost ledge. The only time he talked
were clawed from the mud that marked handful of nuggets was thrown into much was just before he would start
the site of the first water. Some of the the brush, as men and horses staggered on his yearly search.
men searched along the rocky ledge, on. Finally one man went down, was The contractor last saw the old man
in the wash, and excited gasps were unable to rise. His partner, with a in the spring of 1915, when he quit
heard on all sides as prize nuggets superhuman effort, got the body on work to go on his annual trek. On
were found. the horse's back and steadied it as he this occasion, the old man pulled two
Some of the troopers wanted to staggered along. gold nuggets from his pocket and said,
abandon the pursuit of the Apaches That is how they found them. One "I was a trooper in that company sent
and start mining this bonanza. dead, the other dying. Twice, they after the Apaches, when we found the
The captain was adamant in his had gazed upon the golden ledge. gold." Without more palaver, the old
refusal to listen to such pleas. Further, Both had paid the supreme price for man donned his hat, and was gone.
he collected all the nuggets and dis- the second look.
tributed them, so that every man had Certainly, many men have searched
The remainder of the troopers for the lost ledge. Without a doubt,
two or three of the shining gold peb- looked upon the bodies of their two
bles. Immediately after the distribu- every one of the troopers present when
dead comrades and gave silent thanks
tion of the nuggets, the order was given the gold was found has had a try for
that they had not deserted and gone
and the troop rode away. Such hills along on the ill-fated expedition. it. How many more? Your guess is
as were visible had no distinguishing as good as mine. It is reasonable to
peaks or other marks and the nearby Phoenix was a town without paving suppose, however, that the outcrop
desert was unrelieved sand, grease- or sidewalks, when this story was told has never been found, because a rich
wood, palo verde and cactus. to a contractor, by an old man he had
hired as a carpenter's helper. The strike like that could not be kept
Not long afterward, the trail of the story came out a bit at a time, over secret for long.
Apaches was cut. Soon the captain several years, while he worked at the Tracing the possible routes of the
and the scouts had planned their strat- trade. Little notice was paid then to troopers might place the lost gold in
egy. The band of marauders was sur- a story of a mine on the desert. It the Quijotoa or Baboquivari Moun-
rounded and captured. The Indians seemed that every other man on the tains. Both locations have been the
were taken back to Tucson to await street knew of a mine. Prospectors scene of small strikes of rich gold on:,
their trial and the white girl was re- were considered a little loco.
turned to relatives in the east. so either range would fit the descrip-
However, the old man was different. tion. But just where is the ledge?
The returned troopers were in a He worked steadily and well, saved Quien sabe!
frenzy of gold fever. Many of them
offered their resignations from the
army but as their enlistments did not
expire for periods of from one to three
years, they had to remain on duty.
The troopers were well aware that .. in December
shifting desert sands would soon ob- Every month the staff of Desert Magazine selects the two best
literate the trail to the fabulous ledge. photographs currently submitted, as winners in the Picture-of-the--
Time was of the essence. To wait a Month contest, and awards cash prizes to the photographers. This
year, to the end of their enlistment,
was too long, when one desert down-
contest is open to all Desert readers and any subject is suitable pro-
pour or a sandstorm might forever vided it is essentially of the desert country.
erase the trail to the nugget laden out- Entries for the December contest must be in the Desert Magazine
crop. Two of the troopers deserted, office. Palm Desert, California, by December 20, and the winning prints
stole horses, food and water, mounted will appear in the February issue. Pictures which arrive too late for
and galloped over their old trail to the one contest are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; second
shining pebbles. prize $5.00. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication $3.00
The trail was still plain and they each will be paid.
reached the outcrop in good condition, HERE ARE THE RULES
but thirsty. The gods that had smiled 1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white. 5x7 or larger, printed
so benevolently, now frowned. The on glossy paper.
water holes were dry. 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and
Paying scant heed to thirst, they place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day, etc.
loaded each horse with as much gold 4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest
as it could carry, mounted and began month.
the ride back. Soon, it became evi- 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert
dent that the horses were loaded far Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures.
6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the
beyond their capacity, so the grub was desert Southwest.
flung away. Next went the oats and 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made
nosebags, then the pistols and ammu- immediately after the close of the contest each month.
The parched, swollen tongues of Address All Entries to Photo Editor
the men did not permit conversation
but the staggering gait of the horses
was more eloquent than speech. Fin-
ally the men dismounted and led the

Blythe, California Inglewood, California
My heart was a desert. Once a crystal, perfect and fine.
And dust were my dreams, Once with beauty in each line,
And empty and dry Once a spire, great in height,
Were life's numerous streams. Once a prism, rich in light.
When dawn, and a sunrise, Now, a lowly grain of sand,
And the place where I trod Swept into dunes by unseen hand,
Became hallowed with promise Whisked along by magic wand.
As I stood there with God. Yours is the life of a vagabond.
Now my desert is blooming
Life's streams overflow
And I know Love walks with me YUCCA
Wherever 1 go.

San Pedro, California
Young Summer danced across Southwestern
Rio Linda, California
She veils in purple shadows mysteries
Known to the desert night
And distant moon,
Or to the silent slipping lizard where,
Holy light And placed two faring strangers in her debt.
One was a horseman riding with a sword.
The other walked with prayer beads in his
The soldier saw the Spanish Bayonet,
Poised under sheltering rock, By MARY PERDEW The friar, waxen Candles of Our Lord!
He outwaits noon. Santa Ana, California
At Christmas on the desert
Hers is the strength of stillness and of Time, The sands are turned to snow CONQUEST
Where words are strangely trite. Beneath the brilliant moonlight By MARGARET HORMELL
And trail away That floods the world below. North Palm Springs, California
Into the spaces, baffled and abashed. Do you love games that prove your worth?
Before the ancient sentinels At Christmas on the desert Then plant in desert soil; here's how:
That wait, or pray! The skies are filled with light; First measure off your plot of earth—
• • • It's easy to remember an For sturdy posts and fence allow—
A BLANKET AND A FIRE Angel choir at night.
By GASTON BURRIDGE Then hollow out the sand, two feet.
Downey, California At Christmas on the desert And salvage rocks, both large and small.
A blanket and a dancing fire Way out where turmoils cease, For building fancied things concrete:
Upon the desert's breast It's easy to remember that Fish pond, incinerator, wall—
Will push your troubles far away. Blessed song of peace.
Will give you silent rest. Use mountain dirt alloyed with sand
It's easy to remember To fill the pit; manure—not thick—
A blanket and a dancing fire Three Wise Men riding far. And water, for a thirsty land.
Of pinyon limb and cone Their camels striding swiftly More love than sweat will work the trick
Will spin a loop of fantasy Toward a guiding star.
Whenever you're alone. When shoots appear you've but half won:
At Christmas on the desert Windbreaks of lumber, stone, or mortar,
A blanket and a dancing fire The star is wondrous bright; A partial shelter from the sun.
Beside a moon-split lake It brings to us the glory And after them more water, water!
Can weld a peace around your life Of that first holy night.
That none but death can break.
A blanket and a dancing fire ACCEPT THE DESERT'S MOODS
These two are always friends A FOOL By AMY VIAU
Which warm the cockles of your heart By REEVE SPENCER KELLEY Santa Ana, California
When other dreaming ends. Albuquerque, New Mexico
It seems quite credible to me
A fool walked on the desert sands That he who frets at a desert mood
WONDERLAND And careless swung his tender hands, Must miss the desert's witchery
By MRS. ROBIE CLEVER Swept past a lizard, brilliant green, By not accepting its bad and good.
Watsonville, California Cried, "where is beauty to be seen?" For the bad and good of the desert blend
Mother Nature wields her brush Past thistle, "hojase," monkey flower, In a lure that beckons receptive hearts
With such a carefree hand He thrashed away a futile hour; To come to the desert as to a friend
And brilliant colors she creates Twice tore his flesh, went sick with heat, And garner from all that it imparts.
The Desert—Wonderland! And left the desert in defeat. For he who frets at a desert mood
A fool who thought it Nature's duty Is none of the desert's, but alien blood.
To make display of all her beauty.
Garden Grove, California
Have you dwelt on the desert at sunset.
And sat in the silence there StrUvef Santa Ana, California
When its twilight on the mesa,
Till you felt the breath of creation.
Borne in on the desert air?
By TANYA SOUTH Far, far out, where all is still;
Strive, then, and work! Save the distant river rolling.
Did you follow the long, rough pathway Nor ask for easy gaining. Or a night hawk, lonely, shrill.
The foot of man has trod Life's not to shirk. Then a healing peace come drifting.
Since he started with fear and trembling. But to be up, attaining! Lingers softly, gently there.
Fresh from the hand of God? Wiping out small nagging worries.
Who wants an easy life. Soothing sadness, pain or care.
If so, you have had the setting. Stagnant and dead? In the valley, bright lights twinkle.
Away from the tumult and strife. Through struggle, grief and strife As the village darkness creeps.
To ponder the vaster questions We forge ahead! While the twilight slowly deepens
That lead to a greater life. And the quiet mesa sleeps.

DECEMBER, 1952 11
I Remember Bodie
3y E. LOUISE SARTOR E. Louise Sartor remembers the gold mining camp of Bodie, Cali-
fornia, as a quiet, friendly place where holidays—the Fourth of July,
OR MANY years in the back of Memorial Day, Christmas, even Chinese New Year's—were celebrated
my mind 1 had nursed the wish by all the townspeople as merry family occasions. Mrs. Sartor returned
that 1 might some day see again to her birthplace for a visit recently, and in this story she brings to
the place of my birth—Bodie, Cali- Desert Magazine readers her memories of Bodie at the turn of the century
fornia. Not until I was a gray-haired as she recalled them in the empty, ramshackle ghost town of today.
woman was this wish granted me. By
then the buildings that remained were The mountains, pocked with gaping house were any distance from the
empty ghosts and could no longer tell holes and tailing piles left by prospec- swish-creak of the swinging doors.
the story of the full and exciting life tors in their eager quest for gold, My home—where I lived with my
Bodie had known since William S. looked dry and gray in the sweltering father and three sisters—was next to
3ody first discovered gold there in desert heat. Silence reigned. Only the the old firehouse. I remembered how
1859. faint tinkling of a sheep's bell could frightened we children used to be when
Mr. Body did not live to know of be heard in the distance. A rabbit, the huge bell clanged its summons foi-
the $80,000,000 in pure gold brick startled by my intrusion into his world volunteer firemen to man the two-
that was to pour from the mill in later of freedom, jumped from a nearby wheeled water cart. The same bell
years. In 1860—the year after he first boulder and disappeared into his bur- used to toll the years of deceased
discovered his bonanza—he was lost row. A few cattle grazed peacefully townsfolk as they made the slow trip
in a snow storm close to his original on scattered patches of green grass through the streets to their final rest-
claim. where a tiny stream inched lazily along. ing place in the cemetery on the out-
The town of Bodie prospered and The old stamp mill of shining cor- skirts of town.
grew for several years until the inevi- rugated iron seemed like a huge mon- The postoffice, a short distance from
table peak was reached. As soon as ster napping in the sun. The slightest the firehouse, daily was the scene of
the rich lodes began to thin out, min- disturbance might awaken it. I thought, much excitement as people gathered
ers, gamblers, saloon keepers and looking at it now, and start again the to await the arrival of the stagecoach
tradesmen began to migrate to other crunching, pounding roar of machin- with its passengers and mail. Store-
fields. The steady, hard-working fam- ery digesting huge quantities of ore. keepers stood in their doorways to
ily men were left to glean the remain- 1 sat on a sagging step of a long-for- evaluate the customer value of new
ing ore. But they, too, were driven gotten home and tried to visualize the arrivals. Great clouds of dust coulc
away by the great Bodie fire of 1932 town I had known more than 40 years be seen long before the stage enterec
which swept through the main streets before. town.
and razed the town without mercy. Board sidewalks had lined the busy Passengers were varied—a flashily
These fire-scarred remnants I gazed main street then. Saloons crowded dressed drummer; a slick gambler
upon now. How strange it seemed, like close to each of the six general stores; eager for an easy mark; a Wells-Fargc
a place I had never known. onlv the two churches and the school- agent who later would accompany



The ghost town of Bodie, California, one-time boom camp which produced $80,-
000,000 of gold during its peak years. Town cemetery in foreground. Frasher's
shipments of gold-brick out of town. ways, easing our way in and patiently were blown by the wind. Tucked
Occasionally a pretty woman, dressed waiting for the proprietor to give us down in the bodice of her dress each
in the height of fashion and showing the treats we knew were awaiting us. Indian woman had a fat strip of bacon
a trim ankle, stepped from the stage. We waited quietly until, at last, into tied in a colored kerchief. She would
But she quickly disappeared down the each hand fell a few pieces of oriental fish out the salty meat and rub it over
street to the section near Chinatown candies and nuts, with a China lily her face and hands many times a day,
where white houses stood in a row. bulb, a fan or a silk handkerchief. leaving a mirror-like glow on her red-
They were quiet little houses by day, Weird, high-pitched music played brown skin. This was Paiute beauty
but bright with lights at night. all day in the Chinese Masonic Temple. —the shinier the skin, the more attrac-
The Chinese of Bodie were content The older and braver children would tive the squaw.
to live alone, clinging tenaciously to climb to the balcony and peer in the It was a common sight to see a
their native customs and dress. The window to see the huge buddha which group of Indian women, with their
chief occupation of the majority was seemed alive in the darkened room. bright blankets wrapped around their
washing and ironing. Six heavy flat- There was much in Chinatown to ter- ample bodies and kerchiefs on their
irons were heated on wood burning rify children, but not enough to send heads, squatting on the ground gam-
stoves—one in use, five waiting. A them skittering home before hands and bling away their small pieces of silver.
large wooden barrel of water stood pockets were filled. They would sway back and forth when
next to the ironing board. With a long- The Paiute Indians occupied no the babies strapped to their backs be-
handled dipper the Chinese laundry- definite section in Bodie, but they con- gan to cry. No matter how loud or
man would fill his mouth to sprinkle tributed to the town's daily life as long the wails, the game never ceased.
through pursed lips the dry, clean gar- much as did the Chinese. The Paiute Now and then a mother unstrapped
ment on his board. mode of living was altogether different; her child to nurse it, but her eyes
As a rule, the Chinese district was their homes were the hills themselves. never left the cards.
quiet, but the Chinese New Year, cele- They had neither need nor desire to As dusk fell, one could see the In-
brated in February, brought a week build houses like those of the white dians gather from all directions and
of jovial merriment. Everyone was men or the Chinese. Rude shelters wind their way together up the hill-
welcome to participate in the festivi- made of rags and sagebrush gave ade- sides. Later, little bonfires dotted the
ties. Through several days and nights quate protection from the weather. hills, silhouetting teepees and people
loud reports of firecrackers echoed The Indian women wore dresses of against the horizon and filling the air
about the buildings. Paper streamers the brightest possible fabrics. All the with the smell of burning sage. These
and long, hanging prisms of glass that garments were made by hand and were Paiutes were thriftless people, working
tinkled sweetly in the slightest breeze worn one on top of the other in end- only when driven by hunger and buy-
decorated the streets. Shops, which less layers. Most of the sewing was ing food from the back doors of the
also served as living quarters, were done on the streets of the town while hotels—scraps from the white man's
lighted only by burning punks. the squaws sat and chattered in their table.
As children, we would visit the Paiute tongue. Many times three or T looked beyond the small church
dimly-lit Chinese shops each New four dresses could be counted on one and watched the sage-covered road
Year's, cautiously sidling to the door- squaw as she stooped or when they wind its way to the cemetery which

DECEMBER, 1952 13
nestled on the sides of small rolling season in Bodie, for it was at Christ- ers" Union Hall where everyone gath-
hills. How desolate it looked in the mas time that families and friends ered on Christmas Eve.
surrounding stillness! The wooden seemed to grow closer together. Per- Stores displayed their fascinating
fences that enclosed the graves were haps it was because the naked ugliness array of gifts for weeks. Gaily-wrapped
falling to the ground in molded heaps; of the town was changed by winter purchases were hidden until the day
those of iron had been twisted and into a white vision of loveliness blank- of Christmas Eve, when families car-
rusted by the storms of the years. eted by snow. Lights from the win- ried their gifts to the Union Hall and
Gazing down the half-hidden path, dows cast ribbons of brightness down placed them about the trees. Dolls
I could almost see the Memorial Day each home's path. It was like an invi- were hung on the branches amid color-
parade of uniformed Civil War veter- tation to all to enter and enjoy the ful decorations, popcorn chains and
ans, marching to the tune of "Yankee warmth inside. tiny lighted candles. Townsmen took
Doodle" played on flute and drums. Through the week before Christmas, turns watching the trees. Each tree
We children would proudly fall in line, the young people had parties to string had a guard who held a long stick with
our arms filled with flowers to be popcorn into long chains. The pop- a wet sponge ready to douse any fire
placed upon the flag-marked graves. corn strands were used to trim the that might flare up from the candles.
Each year the day before Decoration two large Christmas trees in the Min- Christmas was the time of year I
Day, my two older sisters and I would
gather wildflowers from the hillsides— Lake Tahoe. The intervening 500
bluebells and daisies and wild onion. miles were traveled by foot and burro-
These were mixed with the fast-fading back each spring and fall.
flowers ordered from distant cities. With the advent of World War II
The fragile wildflowers gathered from and the arrival of young Billy, the
our hills always lasted longest. Prices found it necessary to make some
The glorious Fourth of July was concession to civilization. Bill now is
always a thrilling time in Bodie. Small Kenneth E. Hickok, author of fire chief in Idyllwild, California, a
cottonwood trees were hauled into "Troopers' Lost Gold," this month's resort community in the San Jacinto
town, "planted" in large square oil lost mine story, was born in 1905 in Mountains, and Edna acts as Idyllwild
cans filled with water and placed as a southwest Kansas schoolhouse. He correspondent for the Hemet News.
sentinels along both sides of the street. grew up on the family's Kansas farm O O •

It was one occasion which yearly de- but, when it came time to choose a It was not until she became a grand-
manded a new dress—and the general profession, found that cows, pigs and mother that Louise Sartor attained her
stores tempted holiday shoppers with wheat held no allure. So he became life-long ambition to be a free lance
a rainbow array of materials. How my a mining engineer. After four years writer. Her story "I Remember Bodie"
sisters and I loved being able to choose in South America, he returned to this in this month's Desert Magazine is
from them the material for our dresses! country and spent 15 years more in Mrs. Sartor's first sale—after filling
At daybreak on the Fourth of July, the mining game. endless wastebaskets with previous lit-
the pounding of the mill was silenced. In 1946 Hickok was crippled by erary efforts.
The sudden quiet wakened even the polio and now, after six years, is "still In telling the story of Bodie, past
soundest sleeper, for it was only on on the ropes but slowly coming back." and present, Mrs. Sartor is relating
this one day of the year that the mill He has had several technical articles experience which is very close to her
did not operate. Immediately new published before this, his first appear- own heart, for she was an intimate
sounds were heard—those of firecrack- ance in Desert Magazine. His home part of the Bodie scene during the gold
ers exploding and excited children is in Ulysses. Kansas. rush years.
shouting. Everyone gathered in the • • • Mrs. Sartor is a native of Bodie.
Miners' Union Hall for the beginning Bill and Edna Price have traveled Her father, Martin Holmdrup, was a
of the day's celebration. First on the thousands of miles of desert country Danish emigrant who settled there in
program were songs by all the chil- the hard way—on foot behind a string 1880 and worked in the local stamp
dren, followed by the reading of the of burros, all their belongings packed mill for 30 years. He met and married
Declaration of Independence by the on the animals' backs. Edna tells one his wife, also a Dane, in the tiny Cali-
town speaker, whose silver voice of their most warming desert experi- fornia town. Mrs. Holmdrup died
matched his bell-shaped body. We ences in this month's Life on the Des- when Louise was 3 years old, leaving
children hardly saw the Goddess of ert prize-winning story. three small daughters in the care of
Liberty or heard the band play, for Until she married Bill, Edna had their father and a succession of house-
free ice cream awaited us at the fire- never seen a desert. Neither had Bill. keepers. "I loved the excitement the
house. Races and games filled the day, The two were working as nurses to arrival of each new housekeeper
and for dinner almost every family an ailing millionaire when they de- brought," confesses Mrs. Sartor, "and
ate out at one of the two hotels in cided they wanted see Death Valley. 1 always hoped they'd not stay long.
town. They quit their jobs, headed West and The housekeepers stopped coming,
The climax of the day was the liked Death Valley so much they however, when Father remarried in
Grand Ball held in Union Hall. The stayed. When the money played out. 1901."
orchestra—two violins and a piano— they traded their Ford for six burros In 1911, young Louise Holmdrup
played quadrilles, polkas and waltzes and started walking. Step by step they left Bodie to live with a sister in Canon
far into the night for the dancing saw California, Nevada. Arizona, the City, Colorado. There she worked in
crowds. Arizona strip. the city telephone office until she met
On the following morning, the only In California, Bill traded his last and married Samuel Sartor, son of a
reminders of the great day were the few dollars for a tintype camera. It pioneer Colorado family. In 1929, the
potted cottonwoods, their leaves with- proved a good investment. Taking Sartors and their two small daughters
ered and their boughs drooping. They pictures of tourists and people they moved to Santa Ana, California, where
were reluctantly taken away. met along the way kept the Prices eat- Mr. Sartor was employed by the
All through the years I have cher- ing during the years they wintered in Orange County Agriculture Depart-
ished the memory of the Christmas Baker, California, and summered at ment until his death six years ago.

Fourth of July parade in Bodie in 1903. Civil War veterans stand at attention
before the colors as the annual Independence Day parade approaches.
loved best. Yet, the last year I spent hewn pews was in its rightful place, little respect for a house of worship?
at home was far from a happy one. thick with dust and spider webs. Seven When I glanced up, my son-in-law
The main popcorn party of the season of the Ten Commandments which had was standing with hat in hand, waiting
with all the young folks invited was been so beautifully lettered on a large to accompany me when I was ready
held in the home of the banker's plaque on the wall above the altar to leave. A little of my faith in the
daughter. There was no invitation for were conspicuously missing. Only the younger generation was restored. For
me. In such a small community it was first three, too high to be reached, re- surely, if he appreciated the meaning
hard to hide such a blow to one's mained. of this building there must be others
pride, especially when one is just six- Stumbling over the badly torn rug who shared his reverence for this an-
teen. I was no longer content to live in the aisle, I sat in the seat that had cient church, for — dilapidated and
in Bodie and pleaded with my father been mine in Sunday School. I could abandoned though it is—it still remains
to let me go away. It was the follow- no longer keep back the tears as I symbolic of the finest influence we had
ing summer before he consented. looked around at the destruction of a known in Bodie after those boom
As I sat on the step of the old home place I had loved so well. How could days when it was a lawless frontier
and thought of these things the feel- people — albeit strangers — show so mining camp.
ings of the past mingled with those of
the present. I was again overpowered
with a feeling of loneliness. Tears were
close. Just then I saw my daughter
coming. She too had been near the
house with the sagging steps. She took
my hand as we walked down past the
old schoolhouse. The doors were
boarded and windows covered. I won-
dered if the pegs on the wall of the
cloak room where we children hung
our coats and hats still were there. I
longed for a drink from the buckets
of water that were placed on a bench
and the tin cups so badly bent from
breaking the ice that formed over the
top. The library had been at th; head
of the stairs, the shelves filled with
worn books. I wondered if it too still
was there.
I walked down the dusty road to
the church. It was no longer as 1 had
remembered it, prim and neat. The
unpainted structure was in a sorry state
of decay; yet, as though to spite the
weather-beaten roof, the steeple stood
erect. As I walked through the door.
I noticed names and dates written on
the walls of the entry—signs of dis-
respect left by tourists.
Patches of blue sky could be seen
here and there where roof shingles
were missing or a wall-board had
broken in two. But the old pot-bellied Church in Bodie, California as it looks today. Fire destroyed most of the
stove stood as always on its familiar town in 1932, driving away the citizens who had stayed on after the rich
spraddling legs, and each of the hand- ore veins pinched out.

DECEMBER, 1952 15
Emil Morhardt, Death Valley artist, miner, poet and teacher, beside one of his
water colors. He holds several copies of his "Death Valley Poems," published
last year.

He Paints Pictures, Too . . .

By JOHN W. HILTON Emil Morhardt has been photographer. South Sea traveler, actor,
Photographs by the Author ballet dancer, composer, interior decorator and rockhound. Now
"settled down" in Bishop, California, he teaches art and skiing in the
T WAS at last year's Death Valley local high school, prospects in his spare time, published a book of
49ers Encampment that I met poems last year and paints in realistic water colors the mountains and
him, a tall, handsome man with sandy valleys of his desert home. In this story John Hilton introduces
an infectious smile, sitting in the lower a remarkably versatile desert personality.
lounge of Furnace Creek Inn with a learn not to be surprised at anything position to present subject matter in
group of other artists. 1 had been that originated with Emil. a pleasing manner duly regarding good
playing my guitar and singing when taste. Emil Morhardt's water colors
someone said, '"Give the guitar to Emil, There were several more island
numbers and then, without warning, reflect a normal, healthy admiration
have him sing us a Tahitian number." for the outdoors and the objects of
I handed the instrument to Emil, and the singer broke the spell with a com-
ical western song called "Starvin" to Nature and an unusual knowledge of
a little bit of magic took place. Sud- geological structure.
denly, we were transported from the Death on my Guverment Claim," and
white heart of the Mojave desert to handed me the guitar. "Just to think." That afternoon I looked up Randall
a coral beach beneath coconut palms someone sighed, "he can paint too." Henderson to see if he would be inter-
and a tropic moon. One could almost "Yes. and write poetry," another ested in an article on Emil Morhardt
smell the sea and hear the booming added, "and run a gold mine, teach for Desert Magazine—and discovered
of the breakers on the outer reef as skiing and goodness knows what else." that he was looking for me to suggest
Emil Morhardt—in a half tenor, half When I looked at Emil's water col- the very same thing! But writing an
falsetto voice—sang an authentic Ta- ors, I was at once convinced that he article on this man is not as easy as it
hitian song. The transition was so really could paint, too. The paintings may sound. In the first place, he is
sudden that none of us had time to are crisp, clean and convincing; his busy and hard to find; and when you
consider the incongruity of such music colors are strong and solid. Pattern do find him, he wants to talk about
in Death Valley; but then, I was to and design cooperate with good com- the future instead of the past, tung-

sten mines instead of painting and, never a part of Zane Grey's trips. He wages disappear; so Emil dived in and
indeed, aimost anything but the facts did not believe in it. Such adventures, recovered the bills. It was only after
one must have for a biographical story. he felt, were simply the result of a lack he was back on board that he realized
Finally, after about six months of of careful advance planning. There the Tahitian was a far better swimmer
trying, 1 cornered Emil for about an were storms at sea, to be sure, and the than he, but too smart to plunge into
hour in my studio at Twentynine excitement of filming one of the world's these waters. Emil shuddered as the
Palms, California, and held him down greatest fishermen in action in the fin of a huge shark hissed through the
to the subject in which I was inter- finest of fishing waters, but the only water close to where he had been
ested: Emil Morhardt! dangerous thing Emil can remember groping for the francs.
doing was to rescue an Island boy's Emil spent about a year in Tahiti.
Emil was born on the present site bankroll.
of Barker Brothers in Pasadena, Cali- He chose quarters in a grass shack on
fornia, on March 17, 1906, and at- Grey paid his Tahitian boatmen in the beach instead of up on the hill with
tended schools in Pasadena, Chicago, francs. One pay day a roll of bills ac- the others. He explained that this
Newark and Long Beach. He grudg- cidentally slipped out of the hands of placed him in a much better position
ingly admits that he distinguished him- a native boatman and started to sink to get acquainted with the islanders
self at Long Beach High by serving as slowly in the clear water. The boat- and to attend their songs and dances.
soloist for the Girls Glee Club. This man just stood there watching his Their music fascinated him and he
shows that even at an early age he was Two of Emil Morhardt's water colors. He paints with sure, bold strokes
unaffected by outside criticism. A les-
ser man would not have had the nerve in strong, solid colors.
to take and hold the position.
During his high school days, he de-
veloped a friendship with Roamer
Grey who later was to be an important
influence in his life. The two shared
a common hobby of photography, and,
because Emil had learned how to de-
velop and print pictures, Roamer
thought him a wonderful photographer.
Shortly after high school, Emil's
father died, leaving a small candy man-
ufacturing business for him to run.
"I promptly ran it into the ground,"
he states. "There was supposed to be
a quarter of a cent profit in each pound
of peanut brittle, but I somehow
couldn't seem to find it."
Times had become so tough for
Emil that he was reduced to trying to
sell his beloved Jalopy. Looking for
a buyer, he met Zane Grey's man, Bob
Carney, who said he had been looking
for Morhardt as a possible partner for
Roamer Grey in a photographic ven-
ture. Roamer had sung Emil's praises
so loudly and long that Carney con-
sidered him an expert in the field.
Before he realized it, Emil was up
to his neck in Brownie film. "There
we were," he remembers, "with $50,-
000 worth of photographic equipment
and mighty little knowledge of the
real problems of commercial photo
finishing. Our business knowledge was
even more sketchy." The camera shop
was located in Avalon, on Catalina
Island, however, and the boys had a
wonderful time losing their shirts.
About then, Zane Grey decided he
needed a photographic team to ac-
company him on his fishing trips
through the South Seas. Roamer and
* • • r
Emil salvaged what they could and
joined the expedition.
The South Seas! Tahiti, Southern
Australia! The voyage spelled adven-
ture to young Emil. Actually, "adven-
ture" in the sense of hair-breadth es-
capes from danger and death were

DECEMBER, 1952 17
found the natives more than willing he again felt the need to redesign a INDIAN TEXTILES MADE
to teach him Tahitian songs and chants scene to get the most out of it. The AS EARLY AS 750 A.D.
like those we heard in Death Valley. painting was a natural outgrowth of The textile art of the Indian dates
Of course I asked the inevitable his photography. It started about 1941 back in known history long before the
question: Did he meet any of the and now he never carries a camera. coming of the white man. When the
gorgeous Tahitian charmers everyone His paintings have become increasingly first Spanish expeditionaries reached
writes about? Emil's answer was sur- better and his recognition has grown Pueblo territory in 1540, they found
prising. "Well, John," he smiled, with the improvement, but he still the Red Men wearing blankets of hard
"there were plenty of them there, but does not consider painting as his prime woven cotton ornamented with em-
the thing that 1 noticed first was their purpose in life. broidery. Examples of woven textiles
feet. It grew on me, I just couldn't Emil lives with his wife and children have been found in ruins dating back
keep my eyes off their feet. Maybe I in Bishop, California, where he teaches as early as 750 A.D. These were made
met some pretty ones, I wouldn't know. art and skiing at the local high school. of fine textured cotton or fine yucca
Their feet were all terrible. Walking He is head of the Sierra Nevada Inter- fiber.
over the coral rocks, barefoot since scholastic Ski Federation, and several Weaving in wool probably began
childhood, had given them splayed, of his group have become champions. about 1600 with the introduction of
swollen toes with a hard crust that was He also has organized a symphony sheep into the Southwest by the Span-
disgusting to me. And their ankles orchestra and directs choral groups for iards. Navajos learned weaving from
were just as bad—covered with the special community occasions. Last the Pueblo Indians, and first wove
dark scars of coral cuts. No, I didn't year he published a collection of Death blankets as outer garments for both
fall for any of them, not even with the Valley poems, illustrated by his pen men and women.
aid of a tropical moon, soft breezes sketches and photographs. Today the Navajo is the principal
and the murmur of the southern sea." Of all the things he has done, Emil weaver among Southwest Indians. The
women usually attend to the entire
Emil had many tales to tell of Zane Morhardt says mining is the most fas- process, from herding the sheep
Grey on these trips. Once the boys on cinating. He likes the feeling that he through carding, spinning and dying
the photographic boat decided that, is producing clean, new wealth, un- the wool to weaving the blanket or rug
after all. Zane might not be the best tarnished by other hands or other on looms set up near the entrance to
fisherman in the world. Given the people's hard luck. the family hogan.
cash to get to the best fishing waters With his paints, too, and his poems,
and to hire the finest boat boys, and this versatile desert artist is creating The younger weavers now are ex-
given the advantage of the best tackle clean, fresh beauty in a world in which perimenting with various combinations
and equipment, anyone might become the simple, basic elements of life are of dyes and different designs, combin-
an outstanding fisherman. To prove too often obscured by the tarnish of ing the striking geometric patterns of
their point, the photographers decided materialistic existence. the Pueblo arts with those of their own
to fish too. They had identical bait and tribe.—New Mexican.
tackle, the same type of boat, and they
fished the same waters with the same
boatmen for a month. During that
time, Zane Grey landed 21 swordfish
and they ended with a score of one Howard D. Clark, Knott's Berry half of the 500 spectators who gath-
between them. Grey could sit and Farm entry, was awarded the first ered in the canyon for the event
fish for ten hours without saying a place trophy in the 6th annual Pegleg brought their camping outfits and re-
word, Emil recalls, and then suddenly, Smith Gold Trek and Liar's contest mained overnight.
by some sixth sense, come alive just held in Borrego Valley. California, "On de Rocks Mac" McCain, twice
before a fish struck. His boatmen said October 11. Second place went to winner of the Liar's contest, was an
he could smell a fish a mile away. Guy O. Glazier of Boulevard. Cali- entry this year, but failed to qualify.
fornia. Interspersed between the tall tale^
Back from the South Seas, Emil
somehow found time to take up Rus- In the women's division first place were musical numbers supplied b>
sian Ballet and even to teach it. He winner was Gertrude Ritchie of Chula Borrego Valley entertainers, and b>
also played the part of Padre Salgado Vista. California, and second honors the famous Kitchenaires of Julian.
in the Mission play, wrote musical went to Josephine Scripps of Santee. California.
scores for films, did more photography, California. On Sunday morning following the
graduated with a master's degree in Dave Olmsted, secretary-manager Liar's contest, a caravan of those pres-
music from Claremont College in Cali- of the Roads to Romance Association ent motored to the Pegleg Smith mon-
fornia, went into and out of the in- with headquarters at Long Beach, Cali- ument in the north end of Borrego
terior decorating business and wrote fornia, was master of ceremonies. The Valley and each visitor deposited 10
more than 300 songs. trophy awarded to Howard D. Clark stones on the growing monument, in
was a miniature figure of Pegleg Smith accordance with a custom establishec
While studying at Claremont, he cast in bronzed plaster. The figure
became acquainted with Desert Maga- was sculptured by Cyria Henderson six years ago.
zine writer Jerry Laudermilk, who for Ray Hetherington, who makes the Management of the Pegleg Smith
introduced him to rock hunting. Hunt- annual presentation. program each year is in the hands of
ing pretty rocks led to serious pros- The Liar's contest this year was a board of directors of which Ray
pecting and a study of geology, and held in the natural canyon amphithe- Hetherington is chairman. The Bor-
soon Emil found himself in and out ater which the Borrego Springs Cham- rego chamber of commerce of which
of a good many mining ventures. ber of Commerce has graded and Hugh Woods is president, has spon-
It was in the desert that he first be- lighted for this and other outdoor sored the improvement of Pegleg Can-
came interested in painting. In Tahiti, events. yon as a permanent site for the contest
he had realized that photography had Many wild and fabulous yarns were The land was donated by the A. A
its limits when it came to portraying his told by the 30-odd contestants who Burnand family, pioneer developers
feelings about Nature. In the desert. took part in the contest, and nearly in Borrego Valley.

Life on the Desert
A new suit of clothes, and a dollar bill — these
were the things that completely changed one man's
life. This Christmas story was one of the winning
entries in Desert Magazine's Life-on-the-Desert
contest in 1951.
In our six-by-ten dirt dugout, there At last we were through, and she

7 HE WINTER of 1937-38 was

one to remember on the desert.
Snow lay on the low brown
buttes around Baker, California, and
was no place for Binney to sit, save
on our bunk, and this made me wince.
I had been brought up to consider
one's bed rather private territory, cer-
found her voice. "You must write,"
she announced firmly. "I won't take
no for an answer. I'll send you paper,
pencils, books on how to write. Herbie
the winds took on a new bone-chilling tainly not a roosting place for a ragged, and I own a diet sanitarium in Los
intensity. Everything that would burn maybe lousy little bindle stiff. I felt Angeles, and busy as I am, 1 still try
had been stoked into little wood stoves sorry for Binney, I told Bill, as I care- my hand at writing, soap contests,
until the desert looked quite swept of fully folded the top blanket and laid everything. And so can you."
man's refuse. it away for the night, but I did wish 1 shuddered. Was this human dy-
I was searching the dump one day he would drift on to his next destina- namo going to take over my life and
for overlooked bits of wood from old tion. Bill was shocked—and Binney run it at the same fast pace she ran
car frames, when I heard a rasping stayed. her own? I didn't want to write. I
cough, and there on a pile of rags in One evening Bill and Binney led only wanted to walk out on the dunes
the shelter of an old car body, I saw the burros home at dusk, followed to watch the ever-changing pattern
a wisp of humanity—just rags, beard, closely by one of those women tour- of light and shadow, and the small
dirt and bone—coughing out his lungs ists bent on seeing behind the scenes. busy insect life at my feet. 1 wanted
to the raw November winds. With She had a mild little man in tow, ob- to sit quietly in a stillness so profound
each labored breath, pinched nostrils viously distressed over their intrusion. that it tinkled in my ears like distant
winged in and out, and a dark flush She poked her head down the stair- burro bells. I'd been hiking for years,
glowed high on one wasted cheek. well, and yelled gaily, "Yoo-hoo down and now I wanted to rest. This woman
"Why, you have pneumonia," I there! May we come down?" wore me out with her terrific enthusi-
gasped. "Well, yes," I murmured a bit re- asm.
luctantly, "If you can manage to True to her promise, the Los An-
"Yeah, guess I'm done for," wheezed squeeze in." and I went on dishing up
a thin voice, as the figure huddled far- geles tourist swelled the Baker mail
red beans and cutting corn bread into bags with everything a budding author-
ther into his bed of rags. large squares.
I ran for Bill. "There's a sick man ess could desire—paper, pencils, "Nar-
"Come on, Herbie," she com- rative Writing," "Expository Tech-
on the dump—what shall we do?" manded, and obediently Herbie fol- nique," "How to Win a Contest."
"Take care of him, of course," lowed. Dutifully I wrote my thank yous, and
snapped Bill, snatching a blanket from They climbed up beside Binney piled the books in a corner of the
our bunk. Together we carried the with a curious sidewise look at the dug-out.
wasted morsel of flesh to the shed little figure trying to lose himself in
where we kept our burros and laid the shadows. The days slipped past and Christ-
him on a pile of clean straw. So long "Tell me," commanded our guest, mas drew near. My mind went back
had we depended solely on ourselves, nodding toward Bill, "What does he to other Christmases. We chuckled
we had forgotten that there were do with those burros? Why does he over the one in Death Valley when
county hospitals. Bill became his wear that beard? Who are you any- Indian Tom Wilson ate our duck from
nurse, just as he had always cared for way? How do you make a living? Why the salt marshes, muttering gloomily,
helpless people, wounded animals, en- do you live in this—this place? And "Bacon 'n eggs, hotcakes 'n honey,
countered on our travels. what is that heavenly food you are that's what I like for Christmas din-
Our patient had no home, he gave cooking?" ner."
no name. He was just a bindle stiff I glanced at Bill. He and Herbie Sighing, I studied the leaden skies.
on his way to nowhere. All that he seemed to be carrying on a quietly If the weather didn't clear up soon,
owned, he wore upon his back, ragged interesting conversation. "Why don't Bill couldn't take pictures, and that
clothing under a filthy army overcoat you eat with us, while we tell you?" I meant less beans for Binney, Bill and
that he called his "binney." So we asked, and reached for two more plates me.
named him Binney. and mugs. Christmas morn dawned bright and
With warmth, food, shelter and Bill's "Herbie," she shrilled delightedly, chill. Bill went jubilant to work, but
care, Binney slowly recovered. Like "We are invited to dinner," and in ten minutes he was back, pushing a
a forlorn mongrel seeking a home, he promptly edged over to the hinged wheel-barrow on which careened two
adopted us. When I opened our dug- shelf that served as our table. bales of hay, a sack of oats, and a
out door to toss the morning wash After supper Binney slipped unob- huge brown paper carton. "The diet
water, I found Binney perched on the trusively into the night. "Who is he sanitarium sent the burros a Christmas
top step, wearing a toothless apologetic —tell me about him," asked our in- dinner," he announced, patting the
smile, waiting to be asked in to break- quisitor. sack of oats fondly. "Wonder what's
fast. At noon, Binney shuffled to our We told her about Binney and his in the box?"
door and patiently awaited lunch. And pneumonia; about our Death Valley
come sundown, Binney always showed days, and Bill's trading of our Ford "Books," I said, "More books." Bill
up with Bill, proudly leading one of for a string of burros; of the years ripped it open, and disclosed food such
our burros. Although he toiled not, afoot since then, and the tin-type cam- as we had not even dreamed of for
Binney was vastly proud of Bill's abil- era that Bill had purchased for seven eight long years. There was every-
ity to wrest a living from tourists by dollars which was now our livelihood. thing from roast chicken to mince pie.
means of two burros and a second hand Hours slipped past, while the voluble Mentally I began dividing it with my
camera. tourist sat silent, open-mouthed. neighbors, while Bill tore open letters

DECEMBER, 1952 19
from the patients in the food sani- outfit and ran to the door. In a few and a set of new teeth. Binney was
tarium, and packages containing socks moments he was back, dressed in all a salesman, a man of affairs. Binney
and warm pajamas. There was even his finery. even had a name. The bindle stiff
one package marked "For Binney." "How do 1 look?" he chirped. "How was no more.
We called him in and placed it in do I look in good clothes?" So it was that this became our most
his thin little out-stretched arms. It "You look fine. Binney," we assured memorable Christmas of all, the Christ-
made us gulp to see him standing him, but Binney did not hear. He had mas when the kindliness of a passing
there, looking down at his burden with thrust one hand into his new sweater tourist reached out to the refuse dump
that heart-breaking slow look of won- pocket, and come out with a crisp new of humanity, to lift back to his place
der, disbelief and incredulous happi- dollar bill. He caressed it. studied it. among men. a forgotten little bindle
ness. smoothed out imaginary creases — stiff. "
"For me?" he lisped with that tooth- dreaming. Binney straightened up.
less grin. threw out his thin little chest, and
"Open it," we urged.
Slowly, as if prolonging the ecstasy
right there from a crisp dollar bill and
a handful of new clothes, another Bin-
MardKock Shorty
ney was born.
of this moment, Elinney untied the
string, which he carefully wound The next day he left Baker. "Going of
around one finger before stuffing it in to hock his new clothes for wine."
a ragged pocket. He folded back the
wrappings, and took out a warm grey
sneered someone. Not so. In a month
he was back, shaven, clean, and in
sweater, then a pair of good woolen
pants, long underwear, sensible black
business. The dollar bill had been in-
vested in needles and pins which he Valley
shoes, a felt hat, even a tie and hand- was selling far from dime store com-
kerchief. There was nothing missing petition.
from Binney's new wardrobe. His For a long time we saw no more
watery eyes caressed the warm soft of Binney. Then one day an old car Hard Rock Shorty had gone
clothes—new clothes! stopped by Bill's stand, and out hopped over to Rhyolite in Nevada to
Suddenly he gathered up the whole Binney. possessor of a car. a partner. see if he could get a drilling job
for a few weeks. He needed
money to keep him in grub while
he did the annual assessment
work on the various claims he
"Useless trees and shrubs in the "Classed as phreatophytes." Rob- had staked out around Death
West consume and waste almost as inson reports, "are some 50 different Valley.
much water every year as could be species of plants, mostly worthless, There was no difficulty in get-
stored in Lake Mead behind Hoover whose habit of pumping or lifting ting the job. The rock at Rhyo-
Dam," claims T. W. Robinson, district ground water, sometimes from great lite was hard, and expert drill
engineer of the Geological Survey sta- men were in demand. Shorty
depths, and dissipating it as vapor in
tion at Carson City. Nevada, in a re- was known to be one of the best.
port released recently by the Depart- the air costs this nation billions of
gallons of water daily. The range of The boss at the Silver Moon
ment of the Interior. mine told him to come to work
these plants is increasing."
According to Robinson, there are next day on the morning shift.
two ways by whicn the tree-wasted Among the major water wasters in That night in the bunk-house
water could be saved—either by pump- Southwestern United States are the the conversation turned to rock,
ing before trees have consumed it or alder, arrowweed. batamote. cotton- and the experiences of the men
by destroying the unwanted vegetation wood, mesquite, rabbitbrush, willow, whose job it was to blast it into
and supplanting it with more valuable big greasewood, salt cedar and salt- workable chunks of ore.
growths. Mr. Robinson is convinced grass. One of the miners had come
that there is no available source of recently from the Cripple Creek
reclaimable water so large as that in- Looking toward the reclamation of
district in Colorado. "Hardest
volved in the unwanted vegetation at least part of this wasted water, sci- rock I ever seen in my life," he
problem. entists are now studying each type of explained. "Kept seven black-
Current data show a total of more unwanted vegetation to determine how smiths busy sharpenin' drill bits
than 11,000,000 acres covered by un- culpable it is as a water robber. fer each shift. Hit one vein down
wanted vegetation in 14 of the 17 In discussing the possibilities for there so tough we used three
Western States. This acreage con- reclaiming water that is now lost to barrels o' drills an' hardly
sumes 16,750,000 acre-feet of water the air. Robinson points out that much scratched the surface of it."
annually. Considering three States could be gained by substituting plants This was too much for Hard
where no data are available and five of high economic value for the useless Rock Shorty. In his 37 years of
where data are meager, it is estimated mining he had encountered about
that at least 25,000,000 acre-feet of every kind of rock known to the
water are lost each year. "Increasing the efficient use of drilling fraternity.
This amounts to twice the average ground water by substituting plants of "Aw shucks! That's nothin',"
flow of the Colorado River, or about higher economic value." he says, "has he exclaimed. Over in the Pana-
75 percent of the total storage capac- not yet been attempted on a large mints where me an' Pisgah Bill
ity of Lake Mead. scale. But it is thought to have merit has that corundum mine we hit
What is this unwanted vegetation over the more common methods of a ledge so tough we used nine
and how does it rob humans of enough pumping or drainage; the substituted barrels o' drill bits on "er and
plant digs its own well and pumps its the hole still stuck out four
water to build up new cities in arid
own water."—Los Angeles Times. inches."

proudly display basket work and pot- These bushes normally would offer
tery, there never was much conver- food and shelter for rabbits, quail and
sation, however. None of them spoke other birds and small animals.
more than a few words of English, You mention the "alleged" interfer-
and they all refused to admit they ence of burros with mountain sheep.
could understand any of it. Conh..uni- Experience has taught me that where
cation was accomplished by gestures, the burro takes over, the bighorn dis-
He Dug Rose's Well . . . nods, head shakes, no sabes and the appears. So do the cottontail and
few Spanish words in our vocabulary. jackrabbit.
Puente, California
The area abounded with curious You suggest that a burro refuge be
creatures of the desert. The Apache established. But who would fence the
I enjoyed reading "They've Tried
boys liked to catch Gila monsters, tie area, and who would feed the animals?
to Tame Death Valley" in the August
string leashes around their necks and Certainly they would have to be con-
Desert. I was especially interested in
lead them about as pets. The reptiles tained to prevent their spread to other
the map, on page 8, which shows the
were slow, but then the Apaches boys parts of the desert.
location of Rose's Well.
were never in a hurry anyway. Time I love burros as much as anyone
One of the men who dug that well stood still in that unforgettable Tonto
still lives. E. E. Palmer, 78 years old could love a dog or cat or any other
basin. domestic animal. But if they are do-
and still healthy and alert, lives in
Glendora, California. He and G. W. THELMA BLACK mestic animals they should be treated
Rose, my husband's father, brought • • • as such and not as native wildlife.
in the well on the Amargosa Desert 100,000 Miles of Travel . . . BILL MYERS
in Nevada. San Diego, California • • •
Mr. Palmer and my father-in-law Desert: Another Recruit . . .
operated stores in the early mining I enjoyed reading W. Deane Wiley's Lemen Cove, California
camps in Death Valley. story, "The Salt in Salton Sea" in the Desert:
MRS. M. A. ROSE October issue of Desert Magazine. I I have been roaming our deserts and
• • • am an old desert rat myself and re- mountains most of my life, and it
member when the salt works were makes my blood boil to see some jerk
Memories of Tonto Basin . . . going full blast. I worked as a railroad empty a tin can and calmly toss it to
Whittier, California engineer for Southern Pacific in the the ground, adding to the litter which
Desert: days when it took a week to make the defaces so much of our beautiful
Weldon Heald's article on Tonto trip from Los Angeles to Yuma and country.
National Monument, which appeared back. I was caught in the Big Flood, More power to Weldon Heald and
in the October issue of Desert Maga- when water reached from Signal all others like him! And sign me up
zine, aroused childhood memories of Mountain to the foothills beyond La- for the anti-litter camrjaign.
a summer spent in the Tonto basin. guna Salada; and I have seen wild CECIL J. SEE
My uncle, J. C. Whitney, was putting water coming across the desert at • • •
in the intake of Roosevelt Dam (then Ogilby 20 feet high, watched a mile of
called Tonto Dam), and Mother and Secret Salt Signals . . .
track disappear beneath it. Los Angeles, California
I had gone to visit their camp during Later, Archie Greenleaf and I, driv-
summer vacation from school. Desert:
ing a White Steamer, pioneered truck- The article, "The Salt in Salton
How well I remember the cliff ing into Imperial Valley. We hauled Sea," in October's Desert was of par-
dwellings that Mr. Heald writes about building material into El Centro for ticular interest to me. Both the Liver-
in his article! Though our camp was the boom of 1912 and butter back to pool and Standard companies had
a good many miles away, the prehis- San Diego. stationed agents in Washington and
toric apartments looked but a stone's Keep sending us Desert, and see if at Mecca, the story relates, to report
throw from our tent. At a certain time you can top my record of travel— the signing of the saline lands bill so
each day, the sun shone directly into over 100,000 miles in Mexico and that they might be first to file on the
the caves and brought out in stark de- through all 48 states via trailer, jeep choicer salt fields in Salton Sink. "The
tail the chalky beauty of the city in the and afoot. Standard Company had secretly- sta-
blue mountainside. In those days the ROY MORRISON tioned a man on top of the telegraph
cliff dwellings drowsed, year in and • • • office." Now, who put that man up
year out, rarely visited by humans. He Loves Burros, But . . . on the roof and who understood codes
It was chiefly Apache labor that Albany, California and signaling methods enough to make
built Roosevelt Dam, and the Indians Desert: him useful?
had established a village near the proj- In the box on page 17 of the Oc- The article goes on to mention
ect. The framework of their huts or tober Desert Magazine appears the James S. Henton. I have not heard of
wickiups was made of poles around statement, "conservationists and wild- James Henton in 50 years, but un-
which were woven reeds or willow life lovers have fought to protect the doubtedly he was behind the signal
wands from the marshes along the Salt wild burros." I don't believe any true scheme.
River. Brush was piled on top, as wildlife lover or active conservationist When 1 was a buck private in the
much as the slight structure could bear, would agree that these four-legged Signal Corps of the California National
insulation against the sizzling Arizona "locusts" should be protected in primi- Guard in 1898, James S. Henton was
sun. When the tribe moved, the houses tive areas. first sergeant and an expert signal man.
went along. The poles were taken In my part of the Panamints these We sent most of our messages by
down and bundled, and the collapsed animals have so contaminated the means of a heliograph, using a four-
wickiup was dragged behind burros or waterholes that they are not fit for inch glass with Morse code or four-foot
ponies. A wide trail of small furrows humans or other animals to use. Native flags by day and lights by night with
led to the new campsite. plants, except the creosote bush and Meyer code. Henton left the corps in
The Indians were fascinating. On a few others, are destroyed — if not 1899 for the desert country.
our occasional visits they would eaten, they are tramped to pieces. (Name withheld by request)

DECEMBER, 1952 21
Their bodies blackened with paint and their heads encased in heavy horned head-
dresses, Buffalo dancers perform each Christinas Eve at San Felipe Indian Pueblo.
They carry bows and arrows and gourd rattles. Photo courtesy New Mexico State
Tourist Bureau.

Christmas Eve in San Felipe

By DOROTHY PILLSBURY When Christmas comes to the In- mass with its accompanying dance
Art sketch by Margaret Gerke dian pueblo of San Felipe on the ritual was to be omitted this year.
bank of the Rio Grande River in And then from the distance we
N THE west bank of the Rio New Mexico there is enacted each heard the muffled beat of Indian drums.
Grande River the Indian pueblo year a strange ceremonial in which We followed the eerie sound through
of San Felipe spread out before the pagan dances of the tribesmen a transplanted forest of pinyon trees
us like an oriental print in the weird are blended with the Christian rites leading to the church.
greenish light of a lop-sided moon. of the Franciscan church in a mid-
night mass program unlike anything When we pushed upon the heavy.
On the edge of the pueblo we could seen elsewhere in America. Here is hand-carved mission doors, we found
see silhouetted against the sky, the dim an eye-witness story of this unusual ourselves in another world. Thick
outlines of the two belfries of one of Christmas ritual. adobe walls, freshly whitewashed,
the oldest and most beautiful churches soared to a dim high ceiling. Down
in New Mexico. the center of the nave, a wire had
This was Christmas Eve, and we had sandwiches. In a few of the thick- been stretched on which half a dozen
come to witness the strange dances walled adobe houses a candle flickered lanterns made orange colored balloons
which we had been told were enacted in the window, but otherwise there in the dimness. Half way down the
each year before the 200-year-old altar appeared to be no sign of life inside. walls on either side, tall iron stoves
of this Franciscan mission. A few Indians wrapped in blankets fairly vibrated with burning cedar
We sat in our car drinking cups of passed silently as ghosts through the wood. Up ahead in the shadows, can-
hot bouillon and steaming coffee from empty streets. We wondered if for dles lighted the high altar. Indians
our thermos bottles, and eating chicken reasons unknown to us. the midnight and Spanish and Anglo visitors seated

themselves on blankets spread on the center of the church was cleared.
hard-packed adobe floor or propped People packed themselves along the
themselves along the cold walls. All great thick walls. The scent of spruce
around surged muted conversations boughs, burning cedar chunks, gut-
in English, Spanish and in several In- tering candles, incense and woolen
dian tongues. blankets filled the place. Excitement
High up under the shadowy roof, sped like an electric current from per-
in a choir loft in the rear, young Indians son to person.
practiced choral responses for the Mid- In came the drummers, pounding
night Mass. A little nun pedalled a as if ten thousand devils were to be
melodeon and led the singing. The driven from the scene. In whirled doz-
old choir loft groaned and creaked ens and dozens of dancers in the gayest,
with each footstep and each crescendo most exuberant dance I had ever seen
of laboring organ and young voices. in all my years in this land of Indian
The priest and an Indian boy came dancing.
to the altar. The padre intoned the
service in a sweet mellow voice, and Although these were Pueblo Indians,
the nun and her charges answered from they were dressed in Navajo finery—
the choir loft. Immediately the adobe the women in layers of full swaying
Moor was filled with blanket-wrapped, skirts, rainbow colored velveteen bas-
kneeling people. One old Indian near ques; the men in blue levis and pink,
me was so completely shrouded in a blue and purple shirts. Turquoise pel-
great thick blanket and remained so lets dangled from their ears, silver
motionless, 1 wondered if he could chains and coral and turquoise orna-
possibly be alive. He made no re- ments swayed inch deep around their
sponses. He never changed his posi- necks. Bracelets jangled and flashed
tion. Enclosed in his tepee-like blan- on uplifted bronze arms. Rattle gourds
ket, he simply disappeared from all beat out a rhythm such as we had
contact with the scene into a world of Deer dancers lean over short canes, never heard. It sounded like pebbles
his own. wear deer horns in their dance tossed by an exultant sea along an
In the midst ol the service, two impersonation of the four-footed endless shore. Here was no minor key.
young Indian couples went forward to creatures of the forest. Here was joy let loose.
the altar rail and were married in a
simple ceremony which included the minor key. Everyone was serious and It was not the quiet joy of the
wrapping of a stole about each couple's respectful. Christian service. The Indians re-
shoulders. The brides showed no wed- Almost before the last response of turned to an earlier, more primitive
ding finery unless bright shawls pulled children's voices had faded into shad- joy known when the world was young.
down to their eyebrows and deerskin owy space, came the staccato, hair- It was as penetrating as sunlight, it
boots with twinkling silver buttons raising throb of Indian drums. Indians was unrestrained as winds blowing
were the equivalent. It was a touch- sprang to their feet. The old fellow over the great plains. It was whirling,
ing, beautiful service, and it was in a beside me came suddenly alive. The ever-active color; it was rhythm mov-
Midnight Mass and Indian dances mark Christmas Eve in the 200-year-old
Franciscan church at San Felipe Indian pueblo on the banks of the Rio Grande
River in New Mexico. Photo courtesy of the Museum of New Mexico.

DECEMBER, 1952 23
ing in up-sweeps of sound like bird life. Then they lumbered or skipped the seasons toward sunnier days and
notes in untouched forests. The faces out of the old Franciscan church. seed-planting time. We had known
of spectator Indians glowed like cedar Dazed by color, sound and imagery, some of the joy that was here when
fires. Spanish Americans moved their we found our way back through the the earth was young.
bodies to the insistent tempo. Anglo village to the parked car and watched • • •
faces lost their masks of worry and the blanketed Indians return to their OCOTILLO IS MEMBER
restraint. cubical homes along the old river of OF CANDLEWOOD FAMILY
I went over to the old Indian who romance. The lop-sided moon had
disappeared. Only the early morning Many people think cactus is the only
had disappeared death-like under his thing that grows on the desert. As a
blanket during the early part of the Christmas stars lighted the dim hills
and dimmer mountains as we rolled result, many plants of the desert are
ceremony. He was very much alive referred to as cactus when they are not.
now. His eyes were shining. His face back toward Santa Fe. It was four
glowed with emotion. His old body o'clock on Christmas morning. We A case in point is the ocotillo, Fou-
was erect and tense with the rhythm. had attended midnight mass in an an- quieria splendens. Commonly called
"What do you call that dance?" I asked, cient, unspoiled Franciscan church. "monkey tail cactus," it is a member
hoping he could speak English. "It is We had been to an Indian wedding. of the candlewood family and not a
the most beautiful I have ever seen." We had been out on the Great Plains cactus at all. "Monkey tail" would be
with the buffalo. We had visited the as descriptive as its other popular
"Navajo Dance, Navajo Dance," he dappled forests of our pristine wilder- names, Jacob's staff or coach whip, but
chanted hardly taking his eyes from ness where deer skitter through light the word cactus should be omitted.
the swirling, ever-moving prisms and and shadow.
arcs of color that filled the body of the The candlewood family is a small
old church. We had not only kept a Christian one. and the ocotillo is the only mem-
Christmas, we had seen Earth-Mother ber that is native to the United States.
But that dance was only a curtain sped along her way in the rhythm of —Arizona Republic.
raiser for the animals. To a slower
beating of the drums, in lumbered a
herd of buffalo. The dancers had
painted their torsos black. Their heads Even if your rating isn't very
and shoulders were covered with buf-
falo pelts. To the tip of each horn
was fastened a fluff of eagle's feathers.
TRUE OR FALSE high in this month's True or
False, you will still add much
to your store of knowledge regarding the geography, history, botany.
In one hand each dancer carried a mineralogy, Indian life and general lore of the desert by taking this test.
rattle gourd and in the other a bow So. you win even if you lose. Twelve to 14 correct answers is fair; 15 to 17
and arrow. is good. Eighteen or over is exceptional—and very excellent. The answers
They danced slowly and majestically are on page 29.
to the heavy hoof-beating of the drums. 1—The desert sidewinder is a venomous reptile. True . False
The thick walls of the old church van- 2—Carlsbad Caverns are in Texas. True . False
ished. Such was the magic of the dance 3—As far as is known the Yuma Indians never built cliff houses.
that we were transported in a whisk True . False
out to the limitless plains where the 4—Chrysocolla generally is found in iron ores. True . False
"'hunch-backed cattle" were lords of 5—The Kaibab Forest is on the Wasatch mountains of Utah. True
all. False
Suddenly the tempo of the drums 6—Botanically, the Joshua Tree is a member of the Lily family.
became lighter and faster. In came True . False
the deer. These dancers were bent 7—Father Garces was killed by the Indians at Yuma. Arizona. True
over short canes to make them look False
like quadrupeds. On their heads, deer 8—Canyon de Chelly is in the watershed of the Colorado River.
horns were fastened in a headdress. True . False
Their steps in contrast to the buffaloes' 9—Recreational facilities at Lake Mead are administered by the Na-
majestic pantomime were dainty and tional Park Service. True . False
graceful. How human beings bent over 10—Pinyon nuts grow on Juniper trees. True . False
short sticks could so give the impres- 11—Bloodstone is red chalcedony. True . False
sion of the shy creatures of the forest 12—Shipaulovi is the name of a village on the Hopi reservation. True
is a mystery. They sniffed curiously False
at imaginary shrubs, they nibbled im- 13—Ubehebe Crater in Death Valley still emits steam occasionally.
aginary tender leaves, their heads bent True . False
to one side as if savoring the flavor. 14—Most of the species of agave, or wild century plant, bloom once and
They listened taut as wires to sus- then die. True . False
pected dangers and skipped at full 15—The route of the old Butterfield stage road crossed the Colorado
River at Yuma. True . False
speed to imaginary shelter with the
16—Water flowing in the Bill Williams river eventually reaches Lake
stiff-legged gait of deer fleeing down Mead. True . False
a mountainside. 17—Coal mining formerly was an important industry at Gallup, New
Toward the end of the dance, buf- Mexico. True . False
faloes and deer approached nearer 18—Metal which comes from the open pit mine at Ruth. Nevada, is
to the high altar. Some mounted the mostly copper. True . False
steps. In a wattled manger lay /•.'/ 19—Antelopes roam at large in the Death Valley National Monument.
Santo Nino— the Holy Child. Ani- True . False
mals of the forest and plains presented 20—Pauline Weaver was a famous woman stage driver. True
the Child with sprigs of their sacred False
blue spruce, the symbol of everlasting

Indian Bill of Rights . . .
PHOENIX — An Indian "bill of
rights" demanding from Congress and
from states where reservations are lo-
cated a revision of laws to give equal
treatment and privileges to the na-
tion's 400,000 Indian citizens, was
ARIZONA the whites and had withdrawn into the presented in November to the National
White Mountains where the last of his Congress of American Indians at Den-
Shine Smith Plans Party . . . tribe remains today.
TUBA CITY — Shine Smith, who ver, Colorado. The charter was drafted
Chief Baha long ago had advised under the direction of D'Arcy Mc-
has spent his life as a missionary his tribe to accept the ways of the
among the Navajo Indians, plans an- Nickle, director of Arizona's all-Indian
white men. Even in death he set an conference.—Arizona Republic.
other Christmas party for the Indians example for them. Turning his back
this year, according to his recent an- • • •
on the Apache gods and the medicine
nouncement. The place the party will men, he had joined the church 18 Move Into Pueblo . . .
be held is determined early in Decem- years ago, and it was his last wish GLOBE—The Southwest National
ber when the condition of the reserva- that he be given a Christian burial. Monument Service planned to move
tion roads is known, and when news After the service in the tin-roofed into the Gila Pueblo building on the
of the party goes out through the Lutheran chapel on the reservation, Six Shooter Highway in mid-Novem-
trading posts hundreds of Indians the old chief's body was taken to a ber and establish its permanent head-
gather for a feast and gifts. Used glade overlooking the White River and quarters there. The federal agency,
clothing and money for the annual buried, as he had wished, away from formerly located in Santa Fe, New
party are contributed by Americans his tribal ancestors. Some say he se- Mexico, is in charge of all national
all over the United States. Those de- lected this secluded burial spot so that, monuments in Arizona and New Mex-
siring to contribute should address as a Christian, his remains would not ico and one each in Utah and Colo-
Shine Smith, Tuba City, Arizona. Last desecrate those of his ancestors. Others rado. The Gila Pueblo was established
year eight truck loads of food and believe he just wanted to be placed in 1928 by Mr. and Mrs. Harold S.
used clothing were distributed to 2500 alone and close to the things he loved Gladwin of New York as an institu-
Navajos. —the river, the sky, the pine-clad tion for private archeological research.
• • • mountains of his home. — Arizona It is built on the site of the Healy
Primitive Seris Like City Life . . . Republic. Terrace atop the ruins of a 600-year-
TUCSON — American civilization O O P old Indian dwelling.—Arizona Repub-
is mah-sheem, three members of the Show Low Reservoir Okayed . . . lic.
primitive Seri Indian tribe of Mexico SHOW LOW—The Arizona game • • •
decided after a visit to Tucson. Mah- and fish commission has officially FLAGSTAFF—U. S. Indian Serv-
sheem is an adjective denoting ap- okayed building the controversial Long ice schools in Arizona, California and
proval, explained William Neil Smith Lake reservoir at Show Low. The Nevada are looking for teachers. Ap-
II, Tucson anthropology student who $225,000 bill for the work is to be plicants must be graduates of accred-
has become the leading expert on the paid by Phelps Dodge Corporation. ited colleges or universities and have
Seris after five years of work among The company agreed to furnish the had either practice or actual experi-
them. Smith brought the trio to Ari- money in return for the right to use ence in teaching. Information and
zona for a month at the end of his 5000 acre-feet of water per year from application forms are available at civil
most recent visit to their tribal home Show Low creek in its mining opera- service offices at first and second class
on Tiburon Island, largest island in tions.—Arizona Republic. post offices.—Coconino Sun.
the Gulf of California. Among the most
primitive Indians in North America,
the Seris have resisted civilization for
300 years, struggling for existence in a
land where a lack of water forbids
agriculture.—A rizona Republic.
• • •
Last of the Apache Chiefs . . .
WHITERIVER — Entrusting his
oJe by Indi
soul to the white man's God, Arizona's for men and women
Apache Indians buried the last of their the original White rawhide sole—Xavajo rust buckskin top
hereditary tribal chiefs in Christian other colors available — write for descriptive
rites October 15. Chief Baha Alchesay literature
died at the age of 84 after a long ill-
ness. He failed to name a successor $13.50 postpaid
before he died, thus ending, probably Moneyback Guarantee
forever, the long line of Apache tribal
chiefs. . . . . for supreme comfort and thrilling pleas-
Like his father before him, Chief ure . . . . ideal for casual wear . . . . outdoors
Baha had been a scout for the army, . . . . indoors . . . . square dances etc
attempting to bring peace to the South- FOR A PERFECT FIT SEND OUTLINE OF
west. His father, A-l Alchesay—his FOOT WITH ORDER . . . NO C.O.D
name adapted from the "Apache-1"
numerical designation given him by
the army in 1870—had refused to KAIBAS BUCKSKIN-old pueblo station-P. 0. Box 5156
join Geronimo, Magnus Colorado, Vi- TUCSON, ARIZONA
toro and Cochise in their fights against

DECEMBER, 1952 25
Band to Save Forests . . .
TOMBSTONE — Weldon Heald.
THE DESERT TRflDlllG POST Southwestern author, and a number
of interested citizens have banded to-
Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 8c a Word, $1.00 Minimum Per Issue gether in an effort to save forests in
the Chiricahua Mountains from lod-
ging operations. The area in question
list and brochure covering the rockhound's is presently part of Coronado National
WE SEARCH unceasingly for old and rare own magazine. Gembooks, Box 716B. Forest and is subject to lumbering
Indian Artifacls, but seldom accumulate Palmdale, California.
a large assortment. Collectors seem as operations removing "over-ripe" trees.
eager to possess them as their original MANAGER WANTED—To manage gen- It is suggested by the group that Chi-
owners. To those who like real Indian eral merchandise retail store in a good ricahua National Monument be ex-
things, a hearty welcome. You too may small community in New Mexico. Good tended to include this portion of th;
find here something you have long de- housing facilities provided. Desirable the
sired. We are continually increasing our forest.—Tombstone Epitaph.
applicant have a substantial sum to invest.
stock with the finest in Navajo rugs, In- Long time established profitable business.
dian baskets, and hand-made jewelry. HOLBROOK—Wilham B. Branch,
Present manager retiring. Address E. L.
Daniels Trading Post. 401 W. Foothill M., Box 1309, Albuquerque, New Mexico. superintendent of Petrified Forest Na-
Blvd., Fontana, California. tional Monument, reminds visitors of
SAVE! SAVE! New Binoculars! Free Cat- the change in operating hours during
THE STONE POINT: Invaluable hand- alog. Free book, "How to Select Binocu-
book to the collector of Indian artifacts. the winter months. Gates will be
lars." Write today! Bushnell's. 43 D312
Illustrated, comprehensive. Includes man- 43 E. Green. Pasadena 1. California. opened at 8 a.m. and closed at 4:30
ufacture, types, purposes, 50c. Adrian p.m. Since the distance between gates
Atwater, Box 210, Carson City. Nevada. PAN GOLD: 75 spots in 25 California is 14 miles, visitors will not be per-
counties for placer gold, township and
6 PERFECT ANCIENT FLINT arrowheads range, elevation, geological formation, mitted to enter after 4 p.m.
$2.00. Ancient grooved stone war club near town. Pertinent remarks. $1.00.
$2.00. Grooved stone tomahawks $2.00 Box 42037, Los Angeles, California. GRAND CANYON—Tourist travel
and $3.00 each. Perfect peace pipe $5.00. to Grand Canyon National Park con-
6 tiny perfect bird arrowheads $2.00. 2 BEAUTIFUL DESERT DIORAMA—three
flint knives $1.00. Ancient clay water dimension cactus framed desert land- tinues to break all previous records,
bottle $8.00. List Free. Lear's, Glenwood. scape. 7x13x2", $5.00, 10x20x2!/2". $10.00. according to a report issued by the
Arkansas. Saguaro cactus frames made to order. National Park Service. For the travel
Color Parade boxed minerals $4.00 up. year ending September 30, the park
BOOKS — MAGAZINES Retail-wholesale. Diorama Studios 1225 was host to 728,000 visitors. This is
N. Anita. Tucson, Arizona.
BOOKS FOUND—-Any title! Free world- a six-percent increase of 40.000 per-
wide book search service. Any book, PROSPECTORS AND ROCKHOUNDS sons over last year.—Coconino Sun.
new or old. Western Americana a spe- wanted. To join the newly incorporated
cialty. Lowest price. Send wants today! United Prospectors Organization. If you CALIFORNIA
International Booknnders, Box 3003-D. are experienced or beginners the articles
Beverly Hills. California. Approve Land Sale . . .
in our magazine are bound to help you
enjoy your hobby and the outdoors. Send PALM SPRINGS—Sale of valuable
STORY OF the desert in word and picture. your name for our new brochure and resort area lands by members of Palm
History, legends, etc;. $1 postpaid. Palm literature. United Prospectors, Box 729, Springs" Agua Caliente Indians has
Springs Pictorial, 465 No. Palm Canyon Lodi, California.
Drive. Palm Springs, California. been approved by the Bureau of In-
DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar dian Affairs, and a public sale will be
COMPLETE SET OF DFSERTS in binders. postpaid. Grease wood Greenhouses. Len- conducted in November or December
$35.00 C.O.D. Mrs. Geo. L. Flagg, 5550 wood. Barstow. California. under supervision of the Bureau's Sac-
Redlands Dr., San Diego, California.
«> e •
REAL ESTATE One dollar each postpaid. Greasewood
Greenhouses, Lenwood. Barstow, Calif. Study Desert Water Plan . . .
IF YOU LIKE the Desert you'll love New- INDIO—"The development of the
berry. Great opportunities for all year PANNING GOLD — Another hobby for Coachella Valley area has advanced
income. Build modern housekeeping Rockhounds and Desert Roamers. A
new booklet, "What the Beginner Needs, to the point where a comprehensive
rentals. Write Chamber of Commerce.
Newberry, California. to Know," 36 pages of instructions; also coordinated water plan should be
catalogue of mining books and prospec- evolved," said the Riverside County
DESERT RETIRESTATES: 300 x 600 tors' supplies, maps of where to go and Flood Control District in a letter re-
feet, on paved highway four miles south blue prints of hand machines you can
of Victorville; $1,000, $10 down, $10 build. Mailed postpaid 25c, coin or questing the State Water Resources
month. Matt Roy Thompson. 226 S. stamps. Old Prospector, Box 729, Desk Board to study a plan for water con-
Madison. Pasadena. SY 6-2424 Owner. 5. Lodi. California. servation and flood control in the val-
SALE OR LEASH 160 acre patented home- LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest ley's Whitewater River basin. The
stead, service station, auto court, eight Beautifier." For women who wish to state board promised to consider mak-
buildings, well. Windmill Station 66 mi. become beautiful, for women who wish ing more detailed plans and intensive
west Las Veeas. Nevada, on U. S. 91. to remain beautiful. An outstanding des- study of Coachella Valley's water
W. V. Richardson, 70] Marsh Ave., Reno. ert cream. For information, write or needs.—India Date Palm.
Nevada. call Lola Barnes. 963 N. Oakland, Pasa-
dena 6, Calif., or phone SYcamore 4-2378. FIND YOUR OWN beautiful Gold nug-
DESERT GEM SHOP at Salome. Arizona. acts! It's fun! Beginners' illustrated in-
Rapidly growing business. Excellent lo- MAKE GREEN Dyed Lycopodium Christ- struction book $1.00. Gold pan. $2.00.
cation on Highway 60-70. Five acres of mas Wreaths. Bleach Cactus wood. Make Where to go? Gold placer maps. South-
land. Good water, wonderful winter Novelties. Fascinating production course. ern California, Nevada, Arizona, $1.00
climate. Selling or. account of health. Supplies. Enclose 25c for sample corsage each state. All three maps $2.00. Deser:
P. O. Box 276, Salome, Arizona. Lycopodium Foundation, St. Paul (8), Jim, Box 604 Stockton. California.
IMPORT-EXPORT! Opportunity profitable,
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Relies found by Cleve Park world-wide, mail-order business from
BROADCAST NOW! Botanic Collector's (guns, spurs, etc.). See Desert Magazine home, without capital, or travel abroad.
Mixture, about 40 California annuals. (Feb. 1949") page 11, for story and pic- Established World Trader ships instruc-
$1.00 postpaid: cultural directions. Elsie tures. Best offer. Write Frances Park tions for no-risk examination. Experience
W. Cisler. 1777 Morena. San Diego 10. Claypool, 7348 Templeton Street. San unnecessary. Free details. MeMinger, 54C.
California. Diego 11. California. Los Angeles 24. California.

Desert Pioneer Passes . . . Litterbugs, Watch Out! . . . of sites formerly inhabited by ancient
DAGGETT — The Mojave Desert PALM SPRINGS — "The Indians native populations and through a study
lost its foremost historian and early are getting tired of people dumping of past climatic conditions. — Hemet
pioneer when Judge Dix Van Dyke trash on their lands. Empty reserva- News.
passed away October 10 at the age of tion land is still private property," In-
73. A native Californian, born in San dian Agent Lawrence Odle com-
Diego, and a resident of Daggett since mented when he announced the new
1901, Judge Van Dyke succeeded his policy adopted by the Agua Caliente
father, T. S. Van Dyke, as Belleville Tribal Council against people who are
justice of the peace in 1923. dumping garbage and trash or digging
A thorough historian, he spent more holes on Indian land. Full prosecu-
than 30 years chronicling the story of tion will be made as provided under
the Mojave Desert, tracing and retrac- city laws. "The city dump is open
ing pioneer trails, rediscovering for- every Sunday for people who do not
gotten camp grounds and water holes subscribe to the city garbage service,"
used by ox-drawn caravans up to a Odle reminded Palm Springs citizens.
century ago. His memory and collec- —Desert Sun.
tion of rare books proved valuable to • • •
many desert writers and historians. Mystery of Desert Night—
Cahuillas First in California? . . . Millions of stars—
Besides his historical research, the
PALM SPRINGS—There is strong A lone raninfire—
Judge had written many magazine
evidence that California man origi- If you love the outdoors, you'll love this
articles about various phases of desert ORIGINAL LITHOGRAPH
nated approximately 10,000 years ago "Camp in the Hocks." by Elizabeth Lewis
history, botany and wildlife. He en-
when great numbers of ancient native Handsomely printed, limited edition signed
joyed debunking popular legends he by the artist. In black and white. Not a re-
populations are believed to have mi- production. A work of art that could solve a
had proved untrue.—Barstow Printer-
grated to the New World from north- tough gift problem. Size 13"xl7", $20 matted,
Review. postpaid.
eastern Asia. Dr. Robert F. Heizer, LVNTON R. KISTUEB
• • •
associate professor of anthropology at 2511 W. 3rd St., Los Angeles 5, California
Campaign for Museum . . . the University of California, believes
SAN BERNARDINO—The largest We can supply—
that the Cahuilla, Porno and Yuki
county in the United States, San Ber- Indians of California may be survivors Out of Print Publications of
nardino County, California, still lacks of this ancient migration. Dr. Heizer BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY
a county museum. To remedy the sit- recently published a detailed study of Send for List
uation, a group of citizens representing California man, basing his theories on JAMES C. HOWGATH, Bookseller
historical and other organizations have 128 So. Church, Schenectady 1, New York
archeological expeditions, excavations
formed the San Bernadino County Mu-
seum Association. Its object is "to
foster research and education and to
create and maintain collections of art,
archeology, history and science; to POCKET SIZED MICROSCOPE
preserve the relics and records of
pioneer days and to further a better
understanding of science and the arts."
ONLY $12.75
• • •
Honor Butterfield Pioneers . . .
BORREGO — "Dedicated to the COWHIDE CASE
memory of stage drivers and pioneers," Indispensable for exam-
a bronze plaque has been placed in ining specimens "on the
front of the 110-year-old Butterfield
Stage Station on the San Felipe cutoff spot."
route five miles east of Warners Ranch. Take only promising spe-
The memorial, embedded in a base of
cimens to the lab.
native quartz and granite, was pro-
vided by the Native Daughters and
Native Sons of the Golden West. It
replaces a painted marker erected in
• Magnification range—20X to 60X
1930.—Borrego Sun. • Wide field optics—Quality equivalent to pedestal
• • • type microscopes
To Banish Banning Bottleneck . . . • Sturdy—All brass or steel plate—Dulite finish
BANNING —Desert-bound travel- • High light efficiency—No chromatic aberration
ers from the Los Angeles metropolitan Now—For You—Lab Quality Equipment in the Field
area will be benefited by a 2.75-mile Write for Complete Catalogue—Ultra-Violet Lights and
freeway route to be built through Ban- Alpha Counters for Uranium Prospecting
ning along Highway 60-70-99. Traffic
on the present route averages more PACIFIC TRANSDUCER CORPORATION
than 13,000 vehicles per day. The Optical Division 1152 11919 W. Pico
highway both east and west from Ban- LOS ANGELES 64, CALIFORNIA
ning is already built to four-lane di- Please send catalog to:
vided standards, but the section Name
through the city has long constituted Address .
a serious bottleneck. — Southwest
Builder and Contractor.

DECEMBER, 1952 27
De-Salting Nearly Here . . . Fish Thrive in Salton Sea . . . Ask Quail Information . . .
RIVERSIDE — An invention to MECCA—Since 1948, more than CALIENTE — More than a thou-
take the salt out of sea water so that 10,000 ocean, game and forage fish sand banded Gambol quail are loose
it can irrigate arid lands may be ready have been planted in Salton Sea. In in Southern Nevada. These birds,
to use on a limited scale within a year a recent progress survey, biologists of trapped, banded and released by Ne-
or two. Herbert U. Nelson, vice-presi- the California Department of Fish and vada Fish and Game commission tech-
dent of the National Association of Game found evidence that some spe- nicians, constitute an important part
Real Estate Boards, reported to asso- cies of introduced fishes are thriving of the current quail restoration project.
ciation members. Much of the desert and multiplying. Assistant Fisheries Hunters who kill quail having alumi-
area in the United States and Mexico Biologist P. A. Douglas expressed num bands on their legs are requested
has reasonably good access to salt "great hope for a future sport fishery to report the band number, date and
water, Nelson pointed out, and the here if we can count on continued food locality of the kill to the Reno office
new device, if proved practical, will supplies of native desert pupfish. mos- of the Fish and Game Commission.
open up the possibility of doubling quito fish, marine worms and plank- Many phases of future management
productive land area.—Riverside En- ton."—Coachella Valley Sun. of Nevada's quail resources depend
terprise. • • • upon a satisfactory return of the
NEVADA banded birds. With sufficient informa-
tion upon which to base hunt regula-
Fence Ghost Town Cemetery . . . tions, longer seasons and larger bag
CALIENTE—The cemetery at the limits are quite probable. — Caliente
old mining camp of Delamar, Nevada,
today is neatly fenced, thanks to the Herald.
efforts of the Caliente chapter of Odd • • •
Fellows. Lincoln county and other Highway 6 Postage Stamp . . .
lodges joined in the purchase of ma- AUSTIN—Petitions asking issuance
terials for the fence, and Odd Fellows of a special commemorative stamp
members did the job one Sunday after- honoring the completion of Highway
noon. The Catholic cemetery at the 6 were circulated recently in Austin
ghost town was fenced a number of and other towns and cities along the
MOST ECONOMICAL years ago, and plans for the public transcontinental route. Known as the
and most pleasant way graveyard have been pending for some GAR highway in honor of Union vet-
of living in Los Angeles. time. There was a Chinese cemetery erans of the Civil War, the roadway
Beautiful, comfortably extends from Cape Cod, Massachu-
furnished Outside Guest AMERICAN
at Delamar during the camp's heyday,
R o o m s . . . Delicious but the bones of those interred there setts, to Long Beach, California. Cele-
meals, prepared by ex- ROOMS were exhumed and shipped to China a bration of the highway's opening early
pert chefs. Free parking WITH MEALS
long time ago.—Caliente Herald. in October are planned in May, 1953,
—T.V. For reservation or
in the 14 states it crosses. — Reese
information write to J DAILY River Reveille.
A. G. Chermely, Mgr. $ 1 7 5 0
729 SO. U N I O N AVE.
Mine Operations Threaten Town . . .




ELY—Kennecott Copper Corpora-
tion is preparing to move the mining
town of Ruth to a new location, clear-
travel agents or Death Valley Hotel Co. in D.olh Valley. Or ing the way for expanded copper pro-
phone Furnace Creek Inn at Death Valley.
duction. Underground mining soon
will be conducted below Ruth from
the new 1700-foot Deep Ruth vertical
shaft, a company spokesman explained
ASK YOUR CONTRACTOR ABOUT "PRECISION BUILT" making it necessary to move the towr
to a safer site. All the present Ruth
RED CINDER BLOCKS location will eventually be destroyec
by caving ground when mining is in
full operation.
' «D You'll have year Approximately half the buildings
around comfort and homes will be moved this year
with and the rest transferred early in 1953.
The company has purchased or lo-
"Precision Built1 cated 50 claims north of the old Key-
RED CINDER OR stone dump for the new town.—Pio-
che Record.

Homes of Distinction ^ Organize for Highway 8-A . . .

TONOPAH—To popularize State
are built with Highway 8-A, new north-south route
across Nevada, delegates from various
PLANS AVAILABLE communities along the way have or-
DESERT CINDER BLOCKS FOR ganized the Highway 8-A Association.
DESERT HOMES Besides advertising and publicity, the
group plans to conduct a campaign for
TRANSIT MIXED CONCRETE CO. completion of the route westward from
3464 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena 8 Denio to California. The highway has
already proved important to trucking
RYAN 1-6329 or Corona Phone 1340 and passenger travel.—Humboldt Star.

BOULDER CITY—Privately owned Indians Angered by "Insult" . . . SANTA FE—New Mexico Game
trailers now can be left for extended SANTA FE — The usually calm Department announced that the state's
periods of time at two locations in the Pueblo Indians were enraged during 1952 quail season will be from noon
Lake Mead Recreation area under a Fiesta time in Santa Fe, when a 19- December 12 through December 28.
program recently set up by the Na- year-old white youth appeared in pub- Bag limit will be eight birds per day
tional Park Service. Sites are being lic wearing a sacred Indian costume. or in possession and 48 per season.
prepared at Pierce Ferry, near the Tribal leaders considered the incident Pheasant season is November 29 to
head of Lake Mead, and at Bonelli a gross insult to ancient Indian religion. December 1.—New Mexican.
Landing, 30 miles east of Boulder The boy, a Harvard student, claimed • • •
City. Full information may be ob- he had duplicated the mask and cos- Master Weaver of Chimayo . . .
tained by contacting the superintend- tume from memory, after having seen CHIMAYO—Nicacio Ortega, mas-
ent's office at Boulder City. the dance performed at the Hopi vil- ter weaver of Chimayo, celebrated his
• • • lage of Walpi, Arizona. Although the 77th birthday in October, bringing to
Hopis permit the public to view their a close his 57th year in the weaving
N E W MEXICO version of this particular rite, the trade. Ortegas have been weaving
H u n t e r s S c o r e H i g h Kill ... Pueblo Indians allow no white specta- since the 17th century, and some of
SANTA FE—State Game Depart- tors. The rituals of the two tribes are the finest Indian rugs and blankets are
ment records reveal that antelope hun- much alike, and the costume bears a made by Nicacio and his two sons.
ters in New Mexico scored generally deep sacred significance to both Their work has become so popular
high kill percentages during the first groups. The youth was unaware he that the three looms cannot supply the
two seasons of the year. In some cases was doing anything wrong, and it was demand. More than 40 families in
the hunters hit the 100 percent mark believed his apology to the All-Pueblo Chimayo now work for Nicacio, each
before the hunt was 24 hours old and Council would be accepted. — New
closed the season well ahead of sched- Mexican.
ule. On the Bell, Waggoner, Arnett • • • TRUE OR FALSE ANSWERS
and Four-V ranches in eastern San New Tourist High . . . Questions are on page 24
Miguel County, hunters chalked up a SANTA FE — Out-of-state traffic
100 percent kill. A perfect hunt also 1—True.
entering New Mexico has climbed to 2—False. Carlsbad Caverns are in
was held by 37 assigned hunters at the a new peak. In the first nine months New Mexico.
T O ranch in Colfax County. In the of this year, the State Tourist Bureau 3—True.
Roswell area, 298 hunters accounted 4—False. Chrysocolla comes in cop-
estimates 5,067,524 persons, traveling per ore.
for 221 antelope and a 74 percent kill, in cars, trucks and buses, crossed the 5—False. Kaibab forest is on the
while a low percentage of 55 was re- state's lines. For the same period last North Rim of Grand Canyon.
corded on the Turkey Mountain hunt year, the official estimate was 4,835,- 6—True. 7.—True. 8—True.
near Watrous. Game wardens and 9—True.
281. On the basis of these figures, 10—False. Pinyon nuts grow on
patrolmen supervising the early sea- Melvin Drake, bureau director, com- Pinyon trees.
sons reported a minimum of violations putes the value of the tourist business 11—False. Bloodstone is green chal-
and misdemeanors.—New Mexican. in New Mexico at $170,000,000 for cedony with spots of red jasper.
• • • 12—True.
the year.—New Mexican. 13—False. Ubehebe has been extinct
Rainmakers Blamed . . . for hundreds of years.
LAS CRUCES—Dr. E. J. Work-
man, president of New Mexico Insti-
Looking for a PUBLISHER? 14—True. 15—True.
16—False. Bill Williams River flows
Do you have a book-length manuscript you into the Colorado below Lake
tute of Mining and Technology, be- would like to have published? Learn about
our unusual plan whereby your book can be Mead.
lieves commercial rainmakers may be published, promoted and distributed on a 17—True. 18—True.
professional basis. We consider all types of 19—False. There are no antelope in
partly responsible for the drouth which work—fiction, biography, poetry, scholarly
the Southwest has experienced in the and religious books, etc. New authors wel- Death Valley.
come. For more information, write for valu- 20—False. Pauline Weaver was a
last two years. "Increase in commer- able booklet D. It's free.
man—a prospector credited with
cial rainmaking has been accompan- VANTAGE PRESS, INC. having discovered the La Paz
B35G Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif.
ied by the most severe drouth in the Main Office: New York 1, N. Y. gold placer fields.
history of the Southwest," he noted.
Dr. Workman advised ranchers not to
base the size of their herds on ex-
pected average rainfall, pointing out
that average amount of rain does not
fall in 50 percent of the years.—Ala- Is located in the center of the rockhounds' and photographers' rendezvous
9 miles E. of Barstow, California on Hi. 91 at Daggett Road.
mosordo News. From Motel Calico it is
3.5 Mi. to Knott's Calico ghost town (Minerals, Silver, Lead & Gold)
3.5 Mi. to Jasper Peak (Red Jasper)
4 Mi. to Odessa Canyon (Minerals, Agate & Copper)
"EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER' 4.5 Mi. to Mule Canyon (Petrified Palm root & Borax)
10 Mi. to Agate Hill (Banded Agate)
SLEEPING BAGS 15 Mi. to Fossil Beds (Sea Fossils)
25 Mi. to Manix & Alvord Mts (Palm Wood)
AIR MATTRESSES 35 Mi. to Pisgah Crater (Obsidian & Agate)
40 Mi. to Lavic (Jasper & Moss Agate)
SMALL TENTS Two people $5.00 a night Four people $0.50 a night
Weekly rate $29.50 Weekly rate $37.50
and many other items Pets $3.00 Extra
Tiled Kitchens available—Electric ranges and refrigerators. You rest in
V A N DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT quiet insulated units three miles away from trains. Informative Bro-
717 West Seventh Slree! chure mailed on request.
LOS ANGELES 14. CALIFORNIA Phone Barstow 3467 Box 6105, Yermo, California

DECEMBER, 1952 29
weaver, himself an artist, turning out people to visit the beautiful natural Last Doctor Called . . .
rugs of brilliant color and superb wonderlands during the fall, winter MONTICELLO—San Juan County
workmanship. No two are woven with and spring months. Every effort is residents are hoping against hope that
the same design. It is explained that made by the National Park Service to no one gets sick. On November 1, the
in this way each weaver lets his own keep some of the roads open at Bryce second of the county's two physicians
heart speak.—New Mexican. Canyon all winter long, so that visitors was scheduled to enter the armed
e • • may enjoy the brightly colored can- forces, leaving Utah's largest county
UTAH yons inlaid with strata of pure white in area, with more than 3000 people,
Zion, Bryce Open all Year . . . snow. "Zion is always readily accessi- without medical care. Or. .1. R. Mathe-
ST. GEORGE—With the opening ble," reports Franke. "and the area son of Blanding re-entered the U. S.
of the 1953 travel season October 1. is spectacular in autumn foliage or Air Force Medical Corps October 1.
Paul R. Franke, superintendent of Zion winter snows." While the lodges within and Dr. Don B. McAfTee of Monti-
and Bryce National Parks, urged more the parks are closed until May 15. cello was called into the Navy Medi-
tourists will find accommodations in cal Corps, to report for duty Novem-
the towns and cities of Southern Utah. ber 1. Dr. Eliot Snow of Salt Lake-
FRAME he added.— Washington County News. City, chairman of the advisory com-
mittee to Selective Service on physi-
your Bids Near Half Million . . . cians and dentists, said that both these
ARIZONA HIGHWAY FT. DUCHESNE — Uintah and physicians left their San Juan Count)
COLORADO WONDERLAND Ouray Indian tribes in October offered practices voluntarily and neither hac
Pictures the largest single piece of their lands consulted his group on the possibility
for lease by oil and gas operators. of deferment. "We would have pro-
Bonus bids, in action dominated by tected them if they had," he added
joint bidding of three large oil com- "because we realize the seriousness of
panies, totaled $409,093.92. With the the situation there." Both Blanding
new lease, the firms. Carter Oil Com- and Monticello have set up community
pany, Stanolind Oil and Gas Company plans under which doctors are pro-
and Phillips Petroleum Company, vided with offices and guaranteed a
gained control of 20,587 acres cutting minimum annual income. Monticello
through the important Hill Creek oil has a 12-bed hospital with three regis-
and gas prospect in Southern Uintah tered and two practical nurses.—Sal:
County. All three producers already Lake Tribune.
have substantial interests in the area.
e « •
— Vernal Express.
• • • To Study Rain-Making . . .
Landmark Groups Organize . . . SALT LAKE CITY—An organiza-
SALT LAKE CITY—To preserve tion of Southern Utah farmers has
the pioneer heritage of Utah, seven given the University of Utah an initial
organizations have formed a central sum of S3600 to begin research on a
committee whose objective will be the long-term project to determine the effi-
maintenance and preservation of his- ciency of rain-making by seeding
torical landmarks and areas through- clouds with silver iodide. The research.
Change pictures often. It's simple. lust out the state. Immediate concern of to be conducted under the direction of
pull out the old and slide in the new. the group, according to John D. Giles, Prof. J. Vern Hales, will investigate
Two styles available — Weather grained
(pictured), Coppertone White. temporary chairman, will be to prevent current methods of evaluating cloud
Frame, mat and glass $5.00 postpaid. sales of such historical areas as Pioneer seeding efficiency and may develop
One print included free. Ready to hang. Park, Ensign Flat and the old City Hall. new or combination methods. Annual
KAM PRODUCTS —Salt Lake Tribune. budget for the project, expected to
629 So. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, California extend over several years, is $10,000.
(Add 3% sales tax in California) —Salt Lake Tribune.
1000 TRAVEL SCENES • • •
War on Porcupines . . .
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" VERNAL — Porcupine populations
In the Rarer Minerals in Utah forests are increasing in spite
Find war minerals! Here are a few of the FREE LIST
of reduction programs, and hunters in
49 or more strategic rarer minerals which ^SAMPLES 30c WRITE TODAY
you may be overlooking in the hills or in KFL1.Y D. CHODA
certain areas are being asked to shoot
that mine or prospect hole: columbium. tan- LOS ALAMCs. NEW MEX. them on sight. The Forest Service
talum, uranium, vanadium, tungsten, nickel, recognizes that the quilled rodents are
cobalt, bismuth, palladium, iridium, osmi- a natural part of the forest habitat, but
um, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, titan-
ium, tin, molybdenum, selenium, germanium, EAR RINGS an overpopulation can do serious dam-
manganese, cadmium, thallium, antimony, age to future timber supplies and de-
mercury, chromium, etc. Prices booming; OF stroy recreational and scenic values
many much more valuable than a gold Genuine Turquoise of forests by stripping the bark from
mine: cassiterite now $1000 a ton; bismuth
$1500 a ton; columbite $2500 a ton; tanta- Water worn pol- thousands of young trees.
lite or microlite $5000 a ton; tungsten $3 ished nuggets on "Aim for the head," the Forest
pound; platinum $90 ounce, etc. Now you sterling silver ho- Service advises and adds, "it's usually
can learn what they are, how to find, iden- gan ear screws. Av-
tify and cash in upon them. Send for free the end farthest from the tree trunk.
copy "overlooked fortunes"—it may lead erage weight 25 K. Use the same safety you would when
to knowledge which may make you rich! Postpaid. Tax included. »r nn shooting game." Porcupines are often
A postcard will do. Satisfaction Guaranteed....Pair^O-UU seen at sundown in or near mountain
Duke's Research Laboratory THE TRIBAL CRAFTSMEN roads, grassy meadows and stream-
Box 666, Dept. B, Hot Springs, New Mexico banks.— Vernal Express.
Box 3901 Phoenix, Arizona

Salt Lake City, Utah . . .
Can the owner of a mining claim on
federal land lease the surface of his
claim land for grazing purposes? This
question was expected to be answered
by a test case filed recently in the U.
S. District Court in Denver, Colorado.
The suit was filed against two prom-
inent Western slope sheep ranchers,
Carson City, Nevada . . . Tonopah, Nevada . . . Paul and John Etcheverry, charging
An ore body assaying high in gold, With almost 200 feet of the rich that they have trespassed in allowing
silver and lead values was cut recently Summit King ore body now explored 800 sheep to graze on an estimated
by an inclined shaft down only 40 feet at the 300 foot level, it is obvious that 4000 acres of land, partly unpatented
at property of Fowler Mining Corpora- a major mining operation is in the mining claims. The sheepmen claim
tion in California just across the state making. From the point of entry, the they obtained grazing leases for the
line from Esmeralda County, Nevada. vein has now been probed 130 feet to surface of some of this land from per-
The vein is reported to measure four the west and 67 feet east—and the ore sons who hold mining claims on it.
feet wide, with promise of holding at still is holding in both directions. Suf- The suit was filed to determine whether
depth. Work is being accelerated fol- ficient progress has been made to as- this could be done.—Humboldt Star.
lowing the strike.—Humboldt Star. sure the construction of a new main • • •
• • e working shaft, probably with three Prescott, Arizona . . .
Wenden, Arizona . . . compartments, and the erection of a The old King Divide Mine, 17 miles
The federal government's $100,000 mill. Work on these major projects southeast of Prescott, has received a
manganese depot and sampling plant will be deferred until spring, but under- new lease on life. Renamed the Mount
near Wenden is expected to be in op- ground development will continue. The Union Mine, new development was
eration by January 1, according to C. heart of the vein stretches across 110 begun in October, 1950. The old mine
E. Myers, U. S. engineer in charge of feet, averaging a good four to five workings were tapped at the 500 foot
construction. Myers said one supplier feet in width with high values.—Tono- level by a 1200-foot tunnel which
under Defense Materials Procurement pah Times-Bonanza. drained the mine to the 50 foot level
Agency contract has 300 tons of man- • • • and cut two veins at 500 feet. These
ganese ready for delivery to the plant. Virginia City, Nevada . . . veins have been drifted on for some
Other suppliers in the Artillery Peaks H. H. Scheeline, owner of practic- distance and ore shoots for 100 feet
district of Mohave County and in ally everything in sight of the old have been exposed. The veins are two
northern Yuma County have unlisted mining camp of Rawhide, Nevada, has to four feet in width and carry com-
quantities of stockpiled ore.—Arizona announced plans to begin open pit mercial quantities of lead and zinc
Republic. mining operations in the area and to besides appreciable gold and some
• • • construct a 5000-ton mill. Rawhide silver values. A 50-ton-per-day selec-
Elko, Nevada . . . made a noisy entrance into the mining tive lead-zinc flotation plant is planned
Several million dollars were believed world about 1905, but, in spite of the on the site.—Arizona Republic.
involved when Culp and Summers, efforts of its self-appointed press agent, s a c
Oregon mining operators, signed a Tex Rickard, ore bodies soon pinched LEGAL GUIDE HELPFUL
lease and option on tungsten property out and the town died.—Piocne Rec- TO PROSPECTORS, MINERS
on Tennessee Mountain in the Alder ord. "How do 1 file a mining claim? How
mining district east of Mountain City. • • • long is it good? What laws protect me
Owners and developers are Knowles Moapa, Nevada . . . as a prospector, and what rules must
Brothers and Price Montgomery. The Development of mica property a I follow?"
lessees already have moved heavy few miles southeast of Moapa is
equipment onto the property and have Questions like these are constantly
planned by Taglo Mining Company being directed to the California Divi-
started building roads, leveling camp- of San Francisco. According to local sion of Mines office in San Francisco.
sites and preparing the mill site. The sources, there is a sufficient deposit in To provide answers, L. A. Norman,
mill is expected to be in operation by the area to operate profitably for at Jr., supervising mining geologist with
next summer.—Territorial Enterprise. least five years. The developers plan the division, has prepared a Legal
• • • to install a million-dollar plant to mine, Guide for California Prospectors and
Reno, Nevada . . . mill and cut the strategic non-metallic. Miners. The booklet is distributed by
Iron mining has become one of —Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Nevada's leading industries. Vast de- the Division of Mines through its Min-
• • • eral Information Service.
posits of high grade iron ore, known Randsburg. California . . .
but neglected for decades, were first The guide — and Norman stresses
mined in 1951 when Japanese steel Mrs. Kathleen Jewell of Randsburg the fact that it is only a guide, specific
companies, barred from former sources is reaping unexpected return from an legal problems to be referred to an
of supply in Manchuria and Korea, investment she made ten years ago. In attorney — includes general informa-
became eager buyers of the Nevada 1942 Mrs. Jewell purchased the old tion about mineral patents, manner of
product. Approximately a dozen op- Billie Burke Mine because she felt the locating and holding claims in Cali-
erators now are shipping ore regularly small houses built on the claim had fornia, ore-buyers' licenses, California
to Japan, and production this year is rental value. The mine itself she leased safety regulations, mining claims in
expected to be close to 2,000,000 tons. to two part-time miners. Now the national forests, appropriation of water
Iron mines are active in the Elko, miners have discovered a good vein and federal gold regulations.
Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Coaldale, of scheelite, tungsten ore, assaying Copies may be purchased for 25
Gabbs Valley and other areas. Devel- about 64 percent concentrate, and Mrs. cents from the California Division of
opment of properties in other fields Jewell estimates her royalties for this Mines, Ferry Building, San Francisco
has been undertaken recently.—Min- year will top $1000. — Randsburg 11, California. California buyers add
ing Record. Times-Herald. one cent sales tax.

DECEMBER, 1952 31
By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal
We have just returned from an 8200 mile and the westerners should examine some of
trip through 28 stales, a trip th:U took us the Fast's materials too for they greatly im-
through all the New England states with prove any cabochon collection.
their brilliant October foliage ;:nti through The big problem in the lapidary hobby
all the Southern stales except Florida. We in the F.ast still prevails — the apartment
had the great pleasure of speaking to the dweller. We visited friends in Fast Orange.
meeting of the Eastern Federation of Min- New Jersey, for a week. They live in a
eralogical and Lapidary Societies at Newark. large apartment in one of the best apart-
New Jersey, and to the largest mineral club ment houses in their town—an apartment
in America, the Georgia Mineral Society that never sees a ray of sunshine enter any
at Atlanta. At the latter place we had the window—an apartment in which the lights
great satisfaction of having "Uncle" Billy must be turned on during the brightest days
Pitts in our audience. He is known in every if you wish to read or see anything. Our
corner of America as "de;;n of the lapi- host is a new rockhound and he had just
daries" for he has supplied most of the received a new Hillquist Gemmaster. Apart-
HILLQUIST thout motor.
important museums in the U. S. with a
lapidary exhibit of American gem cibo-
ment rentals in the Fasl are usually based
on a square footage basis rather than a
COMPARE! chons. Now well up in the eighties he had per room basis. Few renters therefore have
stopped by Atlanta, his old home, to pay a any more than they really need. The
O Put the Hillquist Gemmaster beside any lapidary
machine — cheaper, flimsy "gadgets" or units that
visit while en his way from S; n Francisco apartment dweller (we were one for m; ny
sell at twice the price. Compare construction! Com- to his annual wintering near Miami—the years) must exercise great ingenuity to hide
pare ease of operation! Compare how much you only Californian known to us who spends the vacuum cleaner and the golf bag bul
get for your money and you'll say, "HI take the the winter in Florida. he has to be a genius to find the space for
Gem master!"
At Greenville. South Carolina, we spent a lapidary outfit. He is faced with the
Here is a worthy companion for our larger and a wonderful day with .1. Harry Howard, problem of not being allowed to make any
more expensive Hillquist Compact lapidary Unit. author of the first book for the amateur noise and he can't mess up a place like the
Tho smaller in size, the Hillquist Gemniaster has
many of the same features. It's all-metal with spun
lapidary and still a leading seller—Revised old garage.
aluminum tub. You get a rugged, double-action rock Lapidary Handbook. Here we experienced We brought this mallei to the attention
clamp, not a puny little pebble pincher. You get a southern hospitality with all that the words of several equipment manufacturers
full 3" babbitt sleeve bearing and ball thrust bear- imply—a truly gracious time offered the three years ago when we visited the Fast.
ing. You get a big 7" Super Speed diamond saw Quicks by the Howards. The result was that there are now on the
and all the equipment you need to go right to work.
The important thing to readers of this market several good outfits designed with
USES ALL ACCESSORIES page is that we had a grand opportunity the apartment dweller in mind: several out-
You can use all the regular Hillquist accessories to study at first hand the development of fits that are between the toy stage and a
with the Gemmaster: The Hillquist Facetor, Sphere America's third largest hobby in the East. one-man band type of equipment. All
Cutters, Laps, Drum and Disc Sanders, etc.
It is just about at the point where the West manufacturers of such equipment report
WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG was 15 years ago. We visited the Oxford very satisfactory sales. But these outfits it
County gem localities in Maine and saw best only allow the production of a few
! COMPLETE, REAM TO USE! YOU GET ALL THIS- the masses of new and almost flawless rose cabochons and faceted stones. The cliff
quartz recently mined by Stanley Perham dweller is sunk when it comes to enlarging
at West Paris—every piece with a star and his craft field.
probably the best gem rose quartz ever Upon our return we find an interesting
found. We saw the high quality work at letter from a new manufacturer in Chicago
the Newark show, which was the best show who is aware of the problem, for Chicago
the east has ever had and which drew a too is a great apartment area. He writes
BIG 7 Diamond Saw • 6 x V Grinding
Wheel • 6 Felt Buff • 6" Becking Wheel
paid attendance about six times larger than —"I am convinced that the practical apart-
6" Disc Sander • Double action Rock last year's show at Washington. ment-type unit is the answer lo developing
Clamp • Oil Feed Cup • Water Feed
Hose & Clamp • Dop Sticks & Dop Wax We acted as a judge, along with Dr. this market's apparent potential, and happy
Polish, Compound, Etc. Fred Pough, of the lapidary exhibits. These to say that the six years of intensive me-
were of a high order indeed but they were chanical research I and a dozen other

No other low-cost lap unit
predominantly faceted gems and jewelry mechanical engineers scattered through the
gives you full 3 " sleeve work. The jewelcraft averaged better than industry have invested in the subject are
bearing, ball thrust bearing most of the western shows for there are about to produce. My plan is to reach the
and pressure lubrication.
infinitely more people following the silver- several million people who. to keep from
craft hobby in the East than in the West for going nuts, have got to have something
the reason that almost every community mechanical to do at home. They live in
has jewelcraft in its school program. apartments and have been able to find noth-
Some odd things that impressed us be- ing but candid photography that would
cause of their lack was the fact that not agree with their environment.
one piece of petrified wood was exhibited "If we can get the hobby into an apart-
by anyone and that the eastern folks do not ment your troubles as a publisher are going
JASPER JUNCTION LAPIDARY seem to understand what the term "flats" to be over. The record in Chicago shows
490914 Eagle Rock Blvd. — CL. 6-2021 means. There were two exhibits entered that apartment dwellers flock to our Parks
Los Angeles 41, California in the "flat" class. One was just a dozen or District courses in cutting and then fade
so baroque pebbles and the other was a out when they can't continue work at home "
WORK SHOP half of a nodule. These exhibits were dis- Our correspondent says much more of
1112 Ncola St. — CL. 6-7197 qualified. There were few agates. When course and we wish him well with his
Los Angeles 41, California we arrived at Georgia our host said "a fel- efforts. But if any reader is an apartment
low from California came through here a dweller and has enough room for a mix-
Custom sawing and polishing—24" saw few months ago with the hack of his car master or a portable radio that isn't in use
Slabs, bulk stone, Mineral Specimens loaded down with agate. He not only just send us a stamp and we'll tell you
Polished Specimens & Cabochons
Machinery & Supplies
couldn't sell it; he couldn't give it away. about five makes of apartment machines
No one around here wants any agate." The that are available now and not merely on
We rent polishing machinery by the hour lapidary hobby without petrified wood and the drawing boards. We think the biggest
INSTRUCTION AT NO EXTRA COST agate is like a cabbage with no ham. The problem is the development of an outfit that
Call CL. 6-7197 lor Appointment folks back East cut what they have available doesn't require a quarter horsepower motcr
of course—unakite, williamsite, jasper, etc. for the motor is half the size of the outfr.

A British gemologist magazine reports
that a new synthetic material, almost as
clear as a diamond although with a slight
tinge of yellow, will be on the market soon.
The new gem will have the properties of
synthetic rutile, "but it is not rutile," the
magazine states. It will be known as stron-
* * »
LAND NEAR HAVASU CANYON GEM AND MINERAL SHOW Dusty Rhodes demonstrated ultra-violet
Rockhounds and amateur geologists will February 21 and 22 are dates selected lights and fluorescence at the first post-show
have a hard time identifying with anything by San Pedro Lapidary Society for its fifth meeting of Compton Gem and Mineral
terrestrial some strange gray rocks they annual gem and mineral show. Exhibits Club, Compton, California.
might pick up in the vicinity of Havasu will be arranged in the San Pedro Boys'
Canyon, Arizona. The stones come from Clubhouse, 778 13th Street, San Pedro,
outer space. California. Doors will be open from 11 PANCHO THE ROCKHOUND
They are fragments left by the brilliant a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, from 10 a.m. to says. '"Write for our list of
meteorite which flashed over Southwest 6 p.m. Sunday. Gems. Minerals, and Cutting
skies late in August, explained Dr. H. H. Some of the special displays that have Materials. Also books on lapi-
<l;ir.. and equipment."
Ninninger, curator of the American Mete- been promised are cut stones by the Gem
orite Museum near Winslow, Arizona. Cutters Guild, the Ohlsens' Death Valley LAS PALMAS ANTIQUE SHOP
Through information supplied by persons onyx collection, sea shells from all over 818 Ft. Stockton Dr.
who saw the tailed fireballs. Dr. Ninninger the world, fluorescent exhibits, jade carv- San Diego 3, California
has determined their approximate landing ings and spheres. Films on cutting and
point. polishing gemstones and projected trans-
"The meteor's behavior was like that of
a stony meteor." he said. "The color was
parencies also are scheduled.
> • •
Agate Jewelry
normal, described by most observers as
white or pale bluish. The final flash oc-
curred at a height of several miles and gave RESUMES PUBLICATION Rings — Fendants — Tie Chains
forth a shower of sparks (fragments), three Publication of the Earth Science Digest, Brooches — Ear R'.ngs
of which were large, and continued glowing official magazine of both the Midwest Fed- Bracelets — Matched Sets
until well on their way to the earth. eration of Mineralogical Societies and the — Send stamp for price list No. 1 —
"The region where the fragments prob- Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and
ably came to earth is southwest from Lapidary Societies has been resumed. The
Digest is devoted to the dissemination of Blank Mountings
Havasu Canyon and northeast from Selig- geologic information and to the promotion Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains
man. They probably are scattered over an of the teaching of the earth sciences, especi- Cuff Links — Neck Chains
area 5 or 6 miles across and may be of any ally in the nation's secondary schools. Bezel — devices — Shanks
size from small gravel to several hundred • • • Solder — Findings
pounds." - Send stamp for price list No. 2 -
The Meteorite Museum requests that Walt Bilicke, member of the Engineer's
strange looking rocks found in the area be Syndicate and an authority on radioactive
sent in for testing. Dr. Ninninger indicated minerals, promised to bring his collection O. R. JUNKINS & SON
the museum would pay for meteorites of of rare earth specimens for display at the 440 N.W. Beach St.
any size. The type of stone to be looked October meeting of Southwest Mineralo- NEWPORT. OREGON
for is gray and granular, covered with a gists, Los Angeles.
thin, black or scaly crust. Some meteorites,
however, are black throughout, the scientist
pointed out, and some are almost white
with a gray or brownish cast. — Arizona
• • •
SI 2537 Stnt&e, it
The breastplate of judgment worn by
Aaron and described in the Bible formed
topic matter for J. E. Farr, president of
All purpose lamp, operates on
110V AC, weighs only 1 lb., $39.50 MINERALIGHT!
MINERALIGHT instantly locates, identifies vital
the Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois,
when he spoke at a meeting of the Chicago FIELD CASE
minerals, saves hours of fruitless search.
Rocks and Minerals Society. Farr first out- NO. 404
Invaluable for prospectors, miners, engineers and
lined the history of the Israelites to the hobbyists, MINERALIGHT helps you find tungsten,
time of Moses and Aaron his high priest. uranium, mercury, zirconium—many other minerals
Contains now being sought for use in vital preparedness work.
He then described the 12 gems set in the special battery
breastplate of judgment. circuit for LEARN TO RECOGNIZE VALUABLE MINERALS!
The first stone was called sardius and is SL 2537. Mineral sets, packaged in varied assortments, help you. Ultra-
believed to have been either a ruby or a Case holds violet MINERALIGHT rays show them in all their exciting colors.
carnelian. The second probably was a peri- lamp,
batteries, Only $2.50 per set of 10 specimens, carefully packaged in
dot, although it was called topaz, after built-in daylight viewer. $19.50 foam plastic.
Topazos, an island in the Red Sea where (Plus Bats. $4 501 Special MINERALIGHT models for crime detec-
it was found. Carbuncle, the third, we Complete: SL 2537. 404 CASE.
tion, entertainment, mineralogy and mining, and
know as garnet: the fourth was emerald, BATS. $63.50
laboratory research. Bulletins available describing
the dark green variety of beryl. Another ultra-violet MINERALIGHT use in many fields and
variety, probably aquamarine, was the tenth
stone. MODEL telling you how you can make extra money, enjoy
M-12 an exciting hobby at the same time. See Your
Number five was called sapphire, but Mineralight Dealer or Write Dept. -,1 2-21
instead of corundum may have been lapis
lazuli. The Bible names diamond as num- Completely
ber six. The seventh was ligure. probably self-contained,
what we know as zircon, the crystals of
battery operated,
weighs only 3 ',4 lbs.
which usually are brown but change color $34.50 plus battery <S0<- 145 Pasadena Avenue, South Pasadena, Calif.
when heated.
Agate was the eighth, amethyst the ninth, EXTRA SPECIAL: Trinitite—the new mineral fused by the first atomic bomb blast at
onyx the eleventh and jasper the last of the A lamogordo, New Mexico. Mounted in foam plastic and beautifully packaged. Still slightly
12 gems, each of which represented one of radio-active but guaranteed harmless. Terrific collector's item at 25c. See your dealer.
the 12 tribes of Israel. Farr exhibited rough Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., South Pasadena. California
and polished specimens of each stone.

DECEMBER, 1952 33
8c a Word . . . Minimum S1.00
will pay you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock rough, from A. L. Jarvis, 1051 Salinas "More and more lapidaries are making
Roost. We buy, sell, or exchange min- Road, Watsonville, California. On Sa- jewelry from fluorescent materials." reports
eral specimens. Visitors are always wel- linas Highway, State No. 1. 3 miles South Gritzner's Geode. Sweetwater agates, com-
come. Ken-Dor Rock Roost, 419 Sut- of WatsonviNe. mon opal from Nevada, lluorite. agate and
ter, Modesto, California. chalcedony from Arizona, benitoite, dia-
105 DIFFERENT Mineral Specimens $4.50. monds, sapphires and kunzite all may have
MINERAL SETS: 24 Colorful Minerals Carefully selected. Makes a valuable aid brilliant fluorescence. Though softer than
(identified) in lxl compartments, $3.25 in helping identify and classify your find- these, Franklin, N. J. fluorescent materials
postpaid. Prospector's set—50 minerals ings or makes a wonderful gift. Boxed are beautiful in cabochons and will polish.
(identified) in lxl compartments in cloth and labeled. 70 different $3.00, 35 dif- • • •
reinforced, sturdy cartons, $5.50 postpaid. ferent $1.50. Add postage. Coast Gems Fossils, jasper and chert are found in the
Elliott Gem Shop, 235 East Seaside Blvd. and Minerals, 11669 Ferris Road, El Jacalitos Hills near Fresno, California.
Long Beach 2, California. Monte, California. Fresno Gem and Mineral Society planned
an October trip lo the area to search for
PEANUT PITCHSTONE (Alamasite) — AUSTRALIAN OPAL CABS: $5.00 and good specimens. November 29-30. when
Mexico's oddest semi-precious stone, for $10.00 each. Small but beautiful, every tides are most favorable, the group plans
polishing or collecting, 3-lb. chunk $5 stone a gem. A beautiful cultured pearl a weekend outing to Jade Cove to gather
postpaid. Or, Rockhound special, 1-lb. for your collection $5.00. Ace Lapidary, jade from the sea.
fragments $1. Also Flor de Amapa Box 67D, Jamaica, New York. e • a
(pink crystallized edidote) rare. Same Geodes in abundance were found b\
prices. Alberto E. Maas, Alamos So- BERYL CRYSTALS. Columbite, Tantalite, Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois
nora, Mexico. Send checks only. Purpurite, Andalusite Crystals. Rose members on a recent field trip to the Dick-
Quartz, Hell's Canyon Agates. Mac- sons' Mound area. "The best theory so far
MINERAL SPECIMENS and cutting ma- Mich Minerals Co., Custer, So. Dakota. regarding the origin of geodes is that the\
terial of all kinds. Gold and Silver jew- were originally membranoceous sacks or
elry made to order. Your stones or ours. "DON'T MISS" Fine rough gems. Minerals. spheres." the geode hunters were told. "Sat-
5 lbs. good cutting material $4.00 or Silver and Lapidary supplies at Superior urated solutions of minerals were concen-
$1.00 per lb. J. L. James, Battle Moun- Gems & Minerals. 4665 Park Blvd. San trated in the interiors through the process
tain, Nevada. Diego 16, California. (Sorry, no lists.) of osmosis." The Dicksons' Mound, with
230 skeletons as they were buried, reveals
CABOCHONS: genuine imported Agates, FIFTY MINERAL Specimens, %-in. or many facts about the middle phase of the
Carnelians, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, over, boxed, identified, described, mounted. Mississippi Culture. In addition to the in-
Tiger Eye, etc., beautifully cut and pol- Postpaid $4.00. Old Prospector. Box 729 formation given by guides. D. I. Wenner, Jr..
ished. Oval stones in sizes from 10 mm. Lodi. California. told his fellow members of ihe cultures
to 16 mm. 25c each. Minimum order that existed in this and neighboring regions.
$1.00. Pacific Gem Cutters, 424 So. ROCK COLLECTORS - ATTENTION! He also guided the group to the hill where
Broadway, Los Angeles, California. Both Trailer Rock Stores are again open the village was located and to various other
for business, full of quality merchandise. mounds in the area. Some ESCONI mem-
McSHAN'S GEM SHOP—open part time, On Highway one-eleven between Palm bers later visited the excavation at Maple
or find us by directions on door. Cholla Springs and Palm Desert, Crystalized Mills, the strip mines nearby and the
Cactus Wood a specialty, write for prices. minerals a specialty! The Rockologist Wheeler Museum of Indian Artifacts.
1 mile west on U. S. 66. Needles, Cali- (Chuckawalla Slim)'. Box 181 Cathedral
fornia, Box 22. City. California.
collectors of Indian relics are discover- nierite priced to size, $2.00. $3.00, $5.00. tifully double terminated clear and beau-
ing that Southern Utah is a rewarding Also Dino. bone, agatized 80c per lb. in tifully formed. W length 3 for $1.00.
section to visit. Write for free folder. 5 lb. lots. Ask for lisl of many fine spe- Vz" length 2 for $1.00. Excellent quality.
Ranch Lodge Motel. Kanab, Utah. cimens now in. Jack The Rock Hound. Marlyn'l.. Fah.s, R.D. 5 York. Penna.
P. 0. Box 86. Carbondale. Colorado.
FOR SALE: Beautiful purple Petrified 30 BEAUTIFUL mineral specimens. Nice
NEVADA MINERAL COLLECTION: 20 cabinet size, $15.00. Ask for list of many
Wood with Uranium, Pyrolusite, Man- different, colorful specimens. Average
uanite. Nice sample $1.00. Postage. fine ilems now in stock. Jack The Rock
over 1" in size, identified. $4.00 postpaid. Hound. P. (). Box 86. Carbondale. Colo.
Maggie Baker, Rt. I, Box 284. Blythe. Frey Mineral Enterprises, Box 1. Eureka.
California. Nevada. CUSTOM CUTTING: 7 hardness or less
OREGON THUNDER EGGS, mixture of GEMS AND MINERALS, collecting, gem- 35c carat, over, 6()c carat. Special prices
Crook County. Harney County and Wasco cutting. Illustrated magazine tells how. on faceted stones on hand. J. M. Onti-
County. Reds, greens, blues, good matrix. where to collect and buy. many dealer veros, 612 Arizona. El Paso, Texas. All
Our first year's selling after seven years' advertisements. Completely covers the work guaranteed.
mining. 10 lbs. $7.50 post paid. Ruth's hobby. The rockhound's own magazine
Agate Mining, 10344 S.E. Sherman Ave- for only $2.00 year (12 full issues) or ONYX BLANKS, unpolished, black 25c
nue, Milwaukie, Oregon. write for brochure and booklist. Mineral each; red, green, blue 35c each. Perfect
Notes and News, Box 7I6A. Palmdale. cut Titanium. Fine cutting and polishing
AUSTRALIAN CUTTING FIRE OPAL: California. at reasonable prices. Prompt attention to
We stock this lovely fire opal in all grades. mail orders. Juchem Bros.. 315 West 5th
We import from the mines. Low grades YES THERE IS a Rockhound in the City St.. Los Angeles 13. California.
for student cutters $1.00, $2.00, $4.00 & of Porterville. California. At 1120 Third
$6.00 per ounce. Better grades for ex- Street. OAK CREEK CANYON. ARIZONA. At
perienced cutters $10.00 to $20.00 per Sedona near Flagstaff and Jerome in
ounce. Gem grades $25.00 and up per ROCKHOUNDS PARADISE. Slop and Technicolor country, visit the Randolph
ounce. We also stock fine cutting and see our display. Montana moss agates in Shop for specimens and fluorescents.
faceting material, and the best in speci- rough and slabs. No junk. Also other
mens. H. A. Ivers. 1400 Hacienda Blvd. slabs and minerals. Several thousand In- CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Colorful Nevada
(Highway 39) La Habra, California. dian relics for sale, intact. Write for Fire Opal (Humboldt County). Vi" 5()c.
prices. Sun Valley Trailer Park. P. G. 1" $1.00, postpaid. Frey Minerals, Box
RADIOACTIVE ORE Collection: 6 won- Nichols. Prop., 3922 No. Oracle Road. 1, Eureka, Nevada.
derful different specimens in neat Red- Tucson, Arizona.
wood chest, $2.00. Pretty Gold nugget. QUARTZ CRYSTALS, lA" to 1" specimen
$1.00. four nuggets, $2.00, choice col- BEAUTIFUL FREE GOLD specimens grade 3 for 50c. Also high grade cutting
lection 12 nuggets, $5.00. Uranium $1.00 each, postpaid and returnable if material 75c per ounce. Marlyn L. Fahs,
Prospectors. Box 604, Stockton, Calif. not satisfied. J. N. Reed. Bouse. Arizona. R.D. 5, York. Pennsylvania.

NAVAJO SANDSTONE Hunting quartz crystals is hard work, Junior members of Coachella Valley
MAIN ZION FORMATION members of Oklahoma Mineral and Gem Mineral Society cook their own meals and
Society discovered on a field trip to the make their own camp on field trip outings
Navajo sandstone is the most important Ouachita Mountains in McCurtain County, under the direction of senior members
formation in Zion Canyon. It constitutes southeastern Oklahoma. The specimens George Smith and Jessie Hamner. Monthly
the massive block from which have been were difficult to extract from the hard earth, study groups also are a part of junior club
carved the canyon walls and the towers, and the broken crystal fragments frequently activity.
spires and temples of this natural wonder- cut the digger's fingers. But those who • • •
land. W. Scott Lewis, naturalist-photog- joined the overnight trek had a good time
rapher, visited the area on a summer vaca- Nine cars joined the field trip motorcade
tion trip, and he writes about its geology in and came back with many fine pieces. Some of Long Beach Mineral and Gem Society
his October-November Nature Bulletin. of the crystals were milky white; others to visit Mesa Grande and search for tour-
were perfectly clear and many contained maline.
The outstanding feature of Zion Canyon phantoms or inclusions of epidote or man- • • •
sandstone, Lewis points out, is the bedding, ganese. To celebrate its 12th anniversary, the
which is quite unlike that of ordinary sedi- Tacoma Agate Club planned a dinner cele-
mentary rock. It is built up of layers of all • • •
shapes and in all positions, many of them "Nothing," members of Humboldt Gem bration for November 6. Guest speakers
curved and some—as in Refrigerator Can- and Mineral Society were forced to answer invited for the evening program were John
yon—bent almost in complete circles. Cross when asked what they found on the club's W. Jones, assistant seismologist at the Uni-
bedding is common and has led geologists Trinity River field trip. But they had anversity of Washington, and Dr. W. L.
to believe that the formation consists of interesting day and visited some of the Strunk, professor at Pacific Lutheran Col-
hardened sand dunes. small mines of the district. lege. Jones elected to speak on earthquakes
• • • and general geology; Dr. Strunk on "Min-
The lower part of the sandstone is red,
the upper portion white, the coloring mat- Grieger's 1952 Catalogue includes many erals and their Effect on World Affairs."
ter being hematite and turgite. The mass gem-cutting tips for the amateur lapidary.
is essentially a fine-grained, friable quartz "How to Prevent and Correct Lapidary
sandstone held together by calcareous ce- Troubles," "How to Use Diamond Saw
ment. The sandstone is very porous and Blades," and suggestions for cutting special
is able to hold a large amount of water. forms and caring for machinery are given
The moisture gradually seeps out forming in addition to a complete illustrated listing
springs and little waterfalls. In some places of gem material and equipment.
the cliffs are wet on the surface and cov- • • •
ered with masses of Venus Hair fern and San Antonio Rock and Lapidary Society
brilliant flowers such as lobelia splendens. presented the crippled children at Gonzales
The seeping water has dissolved the lime- hospital with a trim saw and are keeping ALLEN
stone cement in places, forming beautiful the handicapped youngsters well supplied
natural arches. with cutting material. JUNIOR GEM CUTTER
• • • A Complete Lapidary Shop
Opal was the October gemstone of the Only $43.50
month for Chicago Rocks and Minerals HERE IS A BARGAIN
Society. The Society's bulletin. Pick and FOR AMATEUR CUTTERS • Ideal for apartment house dwellers.
Dop Stick, outlined the character and sources • Polish rocks into beautiful qems.
For $6.00, postage extra we will be glad • Anyone can learn.
of the gem, and members were asked to to send you the following stones.
bring their opal specimens for that month's • Instructions included.
1 Pound of Eden Valley Wood
display tables. 1 Pound oi Turitella Agate Write for Catalog, 25c
• • • 1 Pound oi Snowilake Obsidian ALLEN LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT
After hunting minerals at Pala, California, 1 Pound of Mixed Agates
members of San Fernando Valley Mineral 2 Only Sweet Water Agates COMPANY — Dept. D
and Gem Society traveled on to Borrego for 1 Pound Jasper-Hematite 3632 W. Slauson Ave.. Los Angeles 43. Cal.
the Annual Pegleg Smith Gold Trek and 1 Pound Dark Green lade Phone Axminster 2-6206
Liars Contest. this bargain good for only 60 days
Kilbourne Hole was visited by Dona Ana TYNSKY SERVICE
County Rockhound Club, Las Cruces, New NtW-Sensational! GEIGER COUNTER
701 Dewar Drive Phone 298
Mexico, on a recent field trip outing. Once
a favorite collecting area, the Hole has now
been almost depleted of its fine peridote
and dunite bombs by selfish persons who ONLY $2495
• Specializing in • COMPLETE
hauled away specimens by the truckload Find a fortune in uranium with thii
for sale in the east, members report. FINE FOREIGN GEMS new, super-sensitive Geiger Counter.
• • • Get one for atom bomb defense. So small it fits in the palm of
the hand or in the hip pocket, and yet more sensitive than many
"Opal Mountain has a wide range of AND MINERALS large, expensive instruments. Weighs only 1 {4 lbs. Uses flash-
mineral material," reported Editor Ed Flu- light battery. Low price includes earphone, radio active sample.
Lapidary Equipment and Supplies instructions. Sold with ironclad moneyback guarantee.
tot in Delvings, monthly bulletin of Delvers Gem drills—Jewelry tools—Sterling
Gem and Mineral Society, Downey, Cali- Jewelry Mountings—Books—Mineralights ORDER YOURS TODAY—Send $5.00 with order
fornia. "Most plentiful are jasper and jasp- or payment in full to save C.O.D. Write for
SUPERIOR GEMS & MINERALS free catalog on larger, more elaborate Geiger
agate, found in quantity on a rimrock near Counters, metal locaters and our Scintillator
the peak. Not far from the Mountain is 4665 Park Blvd., San Diego 16, California Counter.
a large field of honey opal, and milky opal Open 10:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. DEALER INQUIRIES PRECISION RADIATION INSTRUMENTS
also is available nearby." With such a good Closed Sundays INVITED 2230 D S. LA BREA, LOS ANGELES 1 6 , CAL.
advance report to cheer them, Delvers mem-
bers looked forward to their field trip out-
ing October 25 and 26.
• • •
Don Wills, vice-president of Castro Val-
ley Mineral and Gem Society, led a group
of 20 field trippers into Hot Sulphur Creek
Canyon, there to search the stream banks
for jasper. Fine specimens were found in BEFORE YOU BUY CDCC CATAIf^fX
excellent colors and patterns.
The world-famous HILLQUIST LINE of lapidary equipment
Domestic and Foreign LAPIDARY EQUIP. C O . 1545 w. 49 ST., SEATTLE 7, WASH.
One from each of six different mines,
identified $1.00 postpaid.
Satisfaction guaranteed
122 W. Washington Phoenix, Arizona

DECEMBER, 1 9 5 2 35
Quartz, limonite and calcite crystals Already 100 strong, the recently-organ-

SLABS were found on Searles Lake Gem and Min-

eral Society's field trip to Crystal Peak. On
a later outing, the group visited Horse Can-
ized Gem and Mineral Society of Wichita,
Kansas, was invited to join the Oklahoma
Gem and Mineral Society at a picnic lunci
40 to CO ftquart* Indies—$2.00 yon to search for agaie. and get-together at the home of Mr. and
Have you tried our Slab Assortment? If
not. now is the time to order. Von will I);1 • » • Mrs. Ned Kennedy. At the regular meeting
satisfied. If you aren't you may return Gold, the King of the Metals was the scheduled later in the month, further con-
them to us for Full Refund. 20'; Fed. Tax title of a color movie projected recently tributions were to be made to the quartz
CHINK OCTTIMJ MATRIUAL—ti lbs, $2.00 for Tucson Gem and Mineral Society. The family tree, and a motion picture. The
MEXICAN OPAL film was shown hy E. W. Dean, the photog- Story of Silver was to be shown.
'/4-Ib. Specimen Opal in Matrix $1.00 rapher, assisted hy Arthur W. Frautnick. • • •
Cutting Opal In Matrix, with fire A trip to Mule Canyon in the Calico
-1 for 1.00 • • •
Specimen Fire Opal in Matrix, Lorin Rogers brought a polariscope and Mountains near Barstow, California, was
good size .50 two refractometers to a meeting of the Gem planned for October by the Pasadena Lapi-
PRECIOUS ROUGH FACET MATERIAL Cutters Guild. Los Angeles, to help him dary Society. Members hoped to find good
•/4-lb. Precious Tcpaz, in H9 run ! .50 cutting specimens of petrified palm wood.
Vi-lb. Amethyst (cab, & facet mat.) 1.5(1 explain the methods and materials of gem
'A-lb. Amethyst (g K d amt. fac?t 'n^i 5.00 identification. Afterwards, Howard Bohlet • • •
/4-lb. Turquoise. Miami. Ariz. 4.00 discussed jewelry making and casting. Members of the Mineralogical Society of
'4-lb. Kunzite, m'n • run (Pala, Cnl.t 2.00 Southern California joined a geology field
V -lb. Peridot, m.'n? run (Ariz.)
l 4
.. 4.00 • • •
,'4-lb. Suns t n v . Chatoyant feldspar 3.00 An hour-long color and sound film. Hid- trip group from Pasadena City College to
(20', Fed. Tax Required)
den Treasures, was shown at the October visit Trona, California. Stops were made
Saturday for geological talks at Palmdale
XMAS SPECIALS meeting of Santa Monica Gemological So-
ciety. Moody Institute of Science, which and Mojave, for specimen collecting al
Cinco (feldspar) and Red Rock Canyon
Ladies Star Qtz. Ring, S.S. 10x12 mm, oval 6.00 provided the movie, invited society mem-
(Blue color of sapphire, good star, gen. stone) bers to visit its laboratories in West Los (zeolite). Sunday was spent searching for
Men's Star Qtz. Ring, H.S. 10x12 mm. oval (>.">() Searles Lake minerals.
Ladies 1 ct. Titan'a Rins? Angeles.
14K V. or W. Go:d 18.00 •
Men's 1 '4 ct. Titnn'n K'ng, • e e Although a date has not yet been set.
14K V. or W. Gold 39.00 Ed Danner entertained fellow members plans are already in full swing for the 1953
Boys or Girls S.S. Kins with Gen. of the Mineralogical Society of Southern convention of the Midwest Federation of
Turquoise l .7.1 California by relating experiences of a re-
Bracelet or Necklace of natural XuupM Mineralogical and Geological Societies, to
(Jems i very beautiful and unique) cent trip through Switzerland. He showed be held at St. Loui University in St. Louis.
S.S. or G.F., each . 6.00 colored slides to illustrate his talk. Missouri. St. Louis Mineral and Gem So-
Ladies 1st Quality Illne White Zircon • • •
ring, gold 12.50 ciety will be hosts, with Kenneth E. Gib-
Men's 1st Quality Blue White Zircon Palo Alto Geology Society began its third bons as general ch airman. Elmer Headlee
ring, gold . 22.50 year in October with an illustrated talk on is president of the sponsoring society.
(Above prices include Fed. Tax. On rings glacial geology by William Crane Bradley.
state size or wrap light picture wire around
finger and send with order) After the program, new officers were in- First Fall meeting of the Oklahoma Jun-
Mineral Specimen Set- A wonderful Christ- stalled: James R. Morgan, president; Jerry ior Mineral and Gem Society was held at
mas Gift. :i boxes containing 105
Different Minerals, per set 4.50 Newcomer, vice-president; Mrs. Marjorie the home of Mike and Anne Lynch. Fol-
Bookends of Genuine stones, per pair 7.00 Stevens, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. David lowing a weiner roast, specimens of quart/,
Pen Set on polished stone base 5.00 Hendrickson, historian. Program chairman found by members of the senior group on
Fine Gold Specimen, good size ] .00
10x12 oval cabochons, finished— Aven- for the year is Charlotte Matthews, and a recent field trip were shown and discussed,
t urine Qtz.. Camel ian, [floods tone. Manuel Santos is field trip director. and samples distributed among the young-
Amethyst, etc, each .35 • • • sters. A field trip is planned to the Cooper-
SATISFACTION' GUARANTEED The first winter session of San Diego ton area.
Wholesale Price List to Dealers Lapidary Society's gemology class, taught • • •
(Please add postage to all orders
3'r Sales Tax in California) by Gemologist Charles Parsons, was held Arlo and Juanita Lesley won top honors
October 13. Only members with some back- at Compton Gem and Mineral Club's 1952
ground in the structure and methods of show. Their prize for the best piece in the
Coast Gems and Minerals gem identification are qualified to enroll.
Beginners learn theory in Jeanne Martin's
show was a silver necklace cast from living
flowers and set with amethysts.
first-year class then graduate to Parsons' • • •
llfifi!) Ferris Road El Monte, California class where they get actual laboratory ex- Fil Turner, geologist, civil and mining
perience. engineer, discussed earth formations and
• • • fundamentals of rock collecting at a recent
CASH PAID "For best results with iris agate, cut meeting of the Tucson Hughes Rock Club.
slices as thin as 1/16 inch and sand and • • •
for top grade cutting and polish as you would for cabochons," Mrs. Short biographies of society officers are
faceting material Erna Clark advised members of the Los being given by the Southwest Mineralogist's
Wholesale Angeles Lapidary Society. Agates with iris bulletin editor. Called "Know Your Offi-
Send samples JIIHI prices usually do not come in matrix; they either
H. A. IVERS have crystal quartz centers or are hollow cers," the feature appears monthly.
1400 Hacienda Mvd — La Hi bra, Calif. and quartz-lined with chalcedony bands • • •
around the edges. "Minerals Used for Gems and Orna-
ments" was the topic of an illustrated lec-
ture presented to Wasatch Gem Society
BLACK LIGHT KITS members recently.
• • •
1T0 VOLT LONG WAVE Pictures taken by members on a summer
FOR ULTRA-VIOLET FLUORESCENCE group trip to Grand Canyon were shown
at the first fall meeting of Coachella Valley
NOW . . . you can build your own black light equip- Mineral Society, Indio, California.
ment at a new low cost with these easy-to-assemble FAMOUS TEXAS PLUMES
components. Geologists, mineral prospectors and hob- Red Plume, Pom Pom and many other types
of agate. Slabs on approval. Hough agate,
byists can easily make laboratory black lights for 8 II). mixture postpaid, $5.00. Price list on
mineral identification. Signs, posters, pictures, fabrics, house numbers . . anything request.
painted with fluorescent paint glows with eye-appealing fluorescence under black lieht WOODWARD RANCH
17 miles So. on H w y 118
Kit contains: Ultra-VioIet tube, brackets, ballast, starter, wire, plug and wiring diagram.
Box 453, Alpine, Texas
4 Watt Ki»-(5'/4" tube) $3 00
8 Watt Kit—(72" tube).
Enclose full amount with order Equipment shipped postpaid Fine minerals, Aztec agate and other
CHOICE cutting materials.
2176 EAST COLORADO STREET PASADENA. CALIFORNIA 1000 B. Camel back Phoenix, Arizona

SHASTA KING MINE "Crinoid fossils are not plants, as they
SUBJECT OF REPORT seem to be," points out the Voice of the El
Shasta King Mine of the West Shasta Paso Rockhounds, "but strange and primi-
copper-zinc district near Redding, California, tive animals which look exactly like growing
flowers or plants on the bottom of warm ^ iftv 'kny-Daty
was operated from 1902 to 1909 and again
in 1918 and 1919. During these periods and shallow seas." Crinoids have survived • : • • . •
.$ 9 . 0 3 $ 7.98
83,889 tons of ore were mined. the changing conditions in the world and yyTBl 8" 11.50 10.44
continue to grow in present ocean waters H io" 15.23 14.02
Geology of the Shasta King Mine is the which are not too warm and where currents 9V 12" 22.26 18.53
subject of Special Report No. 16 issued by 29.40 25.67
Ihe California Division of Mines. Co-auth- are not too disturbing, the bulletin adds. •r n" 32.76 29.08
The skeletons of the dead crinoids have • U IS" 65.00 43.20 36.12
ors are A. R. Kinkle, Jr., and Wayne E. been fossilized and preserved in limestone
• r 20" 77.95 51.97 39.84
Hall, who earlier wrote a detailed paper on • ff 03.21
24" 119.62 65.73 51.40
the sulfide deposits in this area. which nearly always is deposited where •UH 30" 226.06 188.05 125.73 State
% V j ^I^f 36" tax in California.
Published with photographs, diagrams oceans once existed. sales Size
<inJ maps, the I I-page report is available • • • Allow tor Postslj{e and Insiii'aiicc
for 50 cents from the California Division George Burnham of Monrovia, California,
of Mines, Ferry Building. San Francisco. traveled seven months in Africa, collecting Covington Eall Bearing Grinder
California. mineral specimens, gathering information
• • • and taking photographs. He told Sacra- and shields are
A guided tour of Pine Flat Dam and the mento Mineral Society about his trip and furnished in 4 -fi[
surrounding countryside was planned for
October by Sequoia Mineral Society. Guide
was Hiram B. Wood, engineering geologist.
showed some of the colored slides he had
• • •
sizes and price w^
panK©s to s u i t
your require-
• • • ments. Water and
Each member of Northern California
Mineral Society was asked to bring his fa-
John B. Jago. San Francisco attorney
and amateur mineral collector, covered four Krit proof. 1
continents on a recent collecting trip. "New-
vorite "bragging piece" and tell about it foundland and Iceland were most interesting COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW
at a recent meeting in San Francisco. mineralogically and geologically," he re- and motor are i'om-
• • • ported to members of the Gem and Mineral part and do nol
Mrs. Jessie Hardman. past president of Society of San Mateo County, California. splash. Save blades
Long Beach Mineral and Gem Society, and clothing with
talked about jade when she appeared as Southern Norway also was rich in speci- this saw.
guest speaker at a general meeting of San mens, the traveler found, having good peg-
Diego Mineral and Gem Society. She dis- matite and magnetite deposits. From the BUILD YOUR OWN LAP
played pieces from her fine collection. Belgian Congo he brought home rare speci-
• • • mens of uranium and dioptase. Colored and SAVE with a COV-
Mrs. Gladys Babson Hannaford, U. S. slides illustrated the talk. INGTON 12" or 16" Lap
representative of the De Beers diamond • • • Kit. We furnish every-
syndicate, has spent considerable time in thing you need. Send
In the October issue of Pebbles, Everett for free catalog.
West and South Africa and is familiar with Rock and Gem Club bulletin, Al Dough-
all phases of the diamond industry. She erty directs fellow members to the best
told members of Minnesota Mineral Club artifact hunting areas along the Columbia COV1NGTOX
about her work at an early fall meeting. River in Oregon. Some good sites are Multi-Feature
• • • found near Bonneville Dam, Dougherty 16" Lap Vnit
Dee Dietrich and Peg Pegram scouted reports, and one mile west of the dam is everythinK
mineral fields near Deadmans Lake in the Hamilton Island, scene of a bloody Indian for you.
Twentynine Palms area for a future trip by war about 1861, which has produced points
San Diego Lapidary Society. "But the road of many sizes. Immediately upstream and
can be traveled only by a jeep," the two directly below the dam the bank has eroded, COVIXGTON
12" 14" •
reported. However, the excellent agate cut- exposing a variety of points. Old Yakima or 16" W
ting material found is worth the trouble it campsites and burial grounds are found Power Feed
takes to reach the choicest spot. throughout the Columbia and Klickitat river Diamond
Mrs. Carl E. Woods' talk, "Rock Hunt- area, Dougherty said.
ing in the Chuckawalla Mountains," in- • • • SAVE
spired 17 members of Hollywood Lapidary Walt Chamberlain, Pasadena speleologist BLADES
Society to take a field trip to the sites she and member of the American Speleological
described. Society, told members of Delvers Gem and Send for New Catalog, IT'S FKKK
• • • Mineral Society, Downey. California, about
Mrs. Charlotte Harring is an amateur cave explorations. He showed slides taken COVINGTON LAPIDARY SUPPLY
lapidary who specializes in buttons. She inside various caves, pointing out geological
displayed her work when she spoke at a formations and mineral specimens. Redlands. California
recent meeting of the Yuma Gem and
Mineral Society. Included in the collection
were agate buttons of many colors, a set
of black and white obsidian buttons and
some of highly polished palm root. "It is
painstaking work," Mrs. Harring reported,
and added that her maximum output in one
day is only 8 buttons.
Petrified Wood. Moss Agate, Chrysocolla
Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry
If you want Choice Cutting Material, Fine & HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER
Rare Materials, Geiger Counters, M:nera-
lights, Books, Trim Saws, Fluorescents,
Ores, Gems, Ring Mounts, or advice, write
to . . .
Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings
1724 University Ave., Berkeley 3, California SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH
Write for Folder With Prices
Mailing Address:
Box 19, Laveen Stage, Phoenix, Arizona
Location—7006 So. 10th Avenue
Lapidary Equipment Manufacture & Design Across from West End of Municipal
16-18 inch Power Peed Slabbing Saw
Belt Sanders & Trim Saws Auditorium Grounds
(Send Postal for free literature) Hours 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily Except Monday

DECEMBER, 1952 37
Brandenburg, M. M., and Carl L. Bau- p22; Mountain mahogany Jul p27; Na-
Abbott. Mary Ogden Oct p5 mann. Observations in Lower California hee Apr p6; Night Blooming Cereus Sep
Agriculture .. .. Sep pp29. 32; Nov p30 Jun p43 pi5: Oak tree Jun pi9; Palo Christo Mar
Aguereberry. Pete ..... Jul p42 Burns. Helen. Salton Sea Story.Feb p43 p 13; Peach blossom Jul pl6; Pinvon
Burt, Olive, ledediah Smith Jan p43 Jul p27. Nov pl8; Prickly pear Jul plO,
Aguereberry Point, Death Valley Jul p42 California Division of Mines, Aug p28; Saguaro Mar pl3; Shrubs
Ahkeah, Sam Oct pp 13. 15 Legal Guide for California Prospectors (range problem) Oct p29: Succulents Jul
Albanes, Eugene Jul p5; Nov p l l and Miners Dec p3 1 p22; Sumach tree Jan pi 3; "Trees Killed
Albright, Horace . . . Aug pp5. 8 Cushman, Dan, by Fear" Feb p28: Tuna Jul plO. Aug
Alchesay, Chief Baha Dec p25 The Ripper from Rawhide Sep p43 p28, Sep p27; White bark pine May p24.
All-American Canal Erickson, C. E., Sportsman's Atlas of the July p27; Wildflowers Mar p25; Apr ppl6,
Mar p30; May p30; Jul p32 Colorado River and Lake Mead Oct p43 42;' May pp25, 27. 42: Jul pi6; Yucca
Allen, Norton {Close-ups) Mar p43 Fvans, Dub. Jul pl6
Amateur Gem Cutler Slash Ranch Hounds Nov p43 Boulder Beach. Nev. Apr p32
By Lelande Quick each issue Fenton, Carroll and Mildred. Boulder City. Nev. Sep p33
Andreas Canyon, Calif. Jun pl9; Nov p30 Giants of Geology May p43 Box Canyon, Calif. Mar p29; Jul p32
Andreas, John Joseph . .. Jun p20 Gillhouse, Mrs. F.A.. Pistol Pete Oct p43 Breed. Jack (Close-ups) Aug p2
Animal life— Gilmor, Frances and Louisa Wade We- Brininstool, E. A.. Author of—
Bighorn sheep May p32, Jun p21, Sep therill. Traders to the Navajos Aug p43 Desert Trek in 1904 Nov p 13
pi7; Buffalo Feb p29, Nov p27; Burros Hallenbeck, Cleve. Brininstool, H. A. (Close-ups) Nov p26
Oct pi7. Dec p21; Choati-mundi Sep p20: Land of the Conauistadores Feb p43 Buhn, Finley Mar ppx 8; Apr p 15
Coyotes Nov p2l; Deer Apr p34, Jul p29; Harris, Burionjolut Colter Dec p43 Butterfield Trail Jun plO
Elk Sep p29; Jackrabbits May p31; Mead- Heald, Weldon F.,
ow mice Jan p2; Mountain lions Oct p29: Scenic Guide to Nevada May p43
Porcupines Dec p30; Sheep Apr p33. May Heizer, R. F. and M. A. Whipple. Camping May pp33, 42
pp25, 30; Wild horses Aug p34; Wildlife The California Indians Jan p43 Campo, Calif. Nov pl3
Apr p43 Hibben, Frank C Capitol Reef National Monument
Animals, prehistoric— Treasure in the Dust May p43 Feb p23: May p6
Dinosaur Mar p!2; Ground Sloth Sep Hunt. Frazier, Cap Mossman, Carlsbad Caverns Oct p33
p 12; Sabre-toothed cat Sep p 13 Last of the Great Cowmen Sep p43 Carpenter, Harold Apr p26
Archeology Jan p8: Mar pp23, 31, 34; Apr Hurlbut, Cornelius S., Jr., Revised Carrizo Stage Station, Calif. Jun plO
p 18: May pp30, 43; Jun p22: Jul p39; Dana's Manual of Mineralogy Jul p43 Carson, Kit Apr p8
Aug pplO. 35; Sep p l l ; Oct pp20, 33: Ishimoto, Tatsuo, The Art of Driftwood Caruthers, Wm. (Close-ups) Ian p29
Nov. p21 and Dried Arrangements Sep p43 Cary. H. Jackson, Author of—
Architecture Sep p4; Nov p9 Jackson, Earl, Recent Emigrants from Mexico Sep plO
Arizona Desert Botanical & Zoological Tumacacori's Yesterdays Jan p43 Cary. H. Jackson (Close-ups) Sep p35
Gardens, Tucson Apr p27; May p29 Kearney, Thos. and Robt. Peebles, Catalina Mts., Ariz. May p20; Jun p29
Arrastres Apr p 14 Arizona Flora Feb p43 Cater. Ruth Cooley, Author of—
Arrowheads Mar p23; May p24; Sep p 12 Krutch, Joseph Wood. A Pinvon is Horn Nov pl8
Arroyo Salada, Calif Mar p21 The Desert Year Jul p43 Cater. Ruth Cooley (Close-ups) Nov p26
Art May p8; Jul pl2; Aug pl4; Oct. pp42, Linsley. Paul J., Cave Spring. Calif. Nov p22
43; Nov. p22 Songs of Shadow and Shining Aug p43 Cerro Gordo, Calif. Mar p9
Artifacts Jan p5; Mar pp23, 31, 34; Apr McCombe, Leonard, Chaffee, H. L. (Close-ups) Sep p35
p32; Jun p22; Sep ppl2, 14; Oct p33 Navaho Means People . Apr p43 Chaflin, Art and Delia
Atlatl Sep pl4 Miller, Joseph, Monument Valley and the Feb p22; May p4; Oct p8
Avra Valley, Ariz. Nov p l l Navajo Country Dec p43 Chaffin Ferry, Utah Feb p22; Sep p34
Aztec Well, Calif. Aug p28 Morhardt. J. E., Chemehuevi Valley, Calif. . Jul p4
B Death Valley Poems Mar p43 Chinle formation (geology) Apr p7
Nininger. H. H.. Out of the Sky Jun p43 Chiricahua Mts., Ariz. Jun pi7; Dec p26
Backpacking Sep p 16 Oliver, Harry, Clark. Howard Dec pi 8
Bad water, Calif. . Sep p28 The Old Mirage Salesman Jun p43 Clark. H. McDonald, Author of—
Baja California Feb pl2: Jul p5; Sep p28 Peterson, Roger Tory. Painter of the Utah Desert Aug p 14
Baker, Maggie Sep p35 Wildlife in Color Apr p43 Cliff Dwellers Lodge, Ariz. Mar p27
Bandelier National Monument Rey. H. A.. The Stars Sep p43 Cochise Jun pp4. 24
Jul p33: Sep. p26 Safley, James C , Mexican Vistas Nov p43 Colorado Plateau Aug p?0
Barber, Susan MacSween Nov p4 Seton, Julia M., Colorado River—Jan p21; Feb pp22, 30;
Battle of Apache Pass, The (movie) Jun p4 India/: Creation Stories .. Dec p43 Mar P p22, 30, 32: May ppl I, 34: Jun
Battye, Charles, Author of— Shankland, Robt., Steve Mather of the p33; Jul p.30; Aug pp.31, 34; Oet pp7,
Life on the Desert Jul p4 National Parks Mar p43 31. 43
Battye, Charles (Close-ups) - J u l p35 Swanson, Wm. F'., Conlin, Claude A., Jr., Author of—
Baxter, John J. . Nov p6 Camping for All It's Worth Sep p43 Gems, Minerals and Mines Along South-
Baxter Mt., N. M. Nov p4 Turner, (Catherine C ., Red Men Calling western Trails (in 3 parts) Sep p40; Oct
Beal, Mary, Author of— on the Great White Father Oct p43 p38; Nov p38
They Like a Rocky Terrain Jul p22 University of New Mexico. Cooking Mar p8; Sep p27
Beal, Mary (Close-lips) Jul p35 New Mexico Artists Jun p43 Coolidge Dam. Ariz. Jul p20
Bennett Wheel, Utah Oct plO Utah Historical Society. Copper Canyon. Nev. Aug p30
Bennetts Well. Calif. Sep p28 Quarterlies Apr p43 Coronado National Memorial
Birds—Birds of Prey Jan p2; Chukar part- Ward. Elizabeth. (proposed) Oct p2^
ridge Nov p32; Ducks Nov p34; Gull- No Dudes, lew Women Feb p43 Coronado Peak. Ariz. Oct p2 9
billed tern Aug p32; Quail Feb p32. Dec Borax industry Aug p5 Courthouse Canyon. Utah Jun p^
p28; White pelicans Aug p32 Cottonwood Spring. Calif. Jun p42
Blake, Wm. P. Jun pl4 Borrego Badlands. Calif. Mar pl8 Coville. Dr. Frederick Jul p22
Blanding Tunnel Mar p33; Aug p35 Botany {general) Jul pi6; Nov pi9 Cow Creek, Death Valley Aug p7
Blythe Weir. Calif. Aug p31 Botany—Birch tree Jan p 13: Cactus Aug Coyote Canyon. Calif. May p3 I
Book Reviews— p 25; Oct p 16: California Poppy Nov pl9; Coyote Dry Lake. Calif. Sep pl5
Andrews, Roy Chapman. Cholla Jun p 15: Creosote bush Jul p3 I: Coyote Mountains. Calif. Apr p26: Jun plO
Nature's Ways Jul p43 Desert dandelions Jun p42; Desert lily Coyote Special, the Feb p3
Appleton, LeRoy, Nov p23: Desert Savior Jul p22; Elm Coyote Well, Calif. Nov ppl7. 22
Indian Art of the Americas Oct p43 tree Jan pp12. 13; Flowers, history of Crompton, Robt, Author of—
Arnberger, Leslie P., Flowers of the Jul pl6; Fox tail pine May p24; Jul p27: Methuselah of the Junipers Jun p9
Southwest Mountains Aug p43 Greasewood Jul p31; Halogeton Feb p35. Crompton, Robt. (Close-ups) Jun p24
Arnold, Oren, Savage Son Jan p43 Mar p33; Aug p34; Sep p32; Hickory Crossing of the Fathers, Utah Oct pl2
Thunder in the Southwest Nov. p43 pine Jul p27; Indigo bush Jun p42: Joshua Crystal Cave. Ariz. Oct p39
Bostwick, Frances, tree Jan pp9-ll, Apr p25: Juniper Feb Crystals (See: Gems and Minerals;
Wood and Weeds Sep p43 p 28, Jun p9. Jul p27; Live-Forever Jul Curry, H. Donald Aug plO

Customs regulations.. Jun p32; Nov p30 Garden Gulch, Ariz Apr pl2 H
Cuyamunge ruin. N. M. Aug p35; Oct p33 Gardner, George, Author of—
Hadji Ali (Hi Jolly)... May p22
D Lost Lead of the Santa Clara .... Sep p25
Hall, Dick Wick Aug p6
Dandy Crossing, Utah Feb p23 Gardner, George (Close-ups) Sep p35
Hall, Judge Ernest Mar p27
Dante's View, Death Valley.... ^ug p4 Garlic Spring, Calif. Nov p22
Hamilton, Ezra .... Feb p28
Davis Dam, Calif Jan p32 Garlock, Calif Mar p6
Hanksville, Utah... Feb p22
Dead Horse Point, Utah.. Feb p35 Gem and Mineral Collecting
Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley
De Anza Jeep Cavalcade ..(mapped vs. "secret" fields) Jan pl2
. each issue
May p31; Jun p32; Nov p30 Gem polishing Jan p41
Harrington, Dr. John P. Jan p5; May p!7
Death Valley, Calif. Mar p24: May p26; Gems and Minerals: Collecting Areas—
Harrison, Steve ... Jan p21
Jul p42; Aug p4; Nov p25 Arizona:
Hassell. Sandy, Author of—
Death Valley Days Aug p34 Across river from Needles, Cal. May pi 1
Black Canyon, near Phoenix.... Sep p41 Kayba Sells Her First Rug Jan p25
Death Valley Encampment Kayha Discovers a Strange New
Jan p42; Jul pl4; Nov p25 Coolidge Dam Jul p20
World Feb p20
Death Valley 49ers.... May plO; Jul pl4; Kofa Peak near Quartzite Sep p40
Hawk Canyon, Ariz Apr pl2
Death Valley Junction, Calif \ug p5 Mammoth Mine at Tiger Oct p38
Mineral Mt. near Superior Nov p38 Hazel Canyon, Calif ..Jan p5
Augp9;Sep p31; Nov p25 Heald, Phyllis W., Author of—
Death Valley Museum St. John Nov p39
Hopi Girl May pl6
Aug p9; Sep p31; Nov p25 Stanley mining district Apr plO
Heald, Weldon F., Author of—
Death Valley Scotty.. Feb p31; Jul p42; California:
Borrego Badlands west of Cliff Home of the Ancients Oct pl8
Aug p5; Sep p4; Nov. p32 Heald, Weldon & Phyllis May p26; Jun pl6
Deep Creek Mts., Utah. Feb pl4 Salton Sea Mar pl8
Coyote Mts Jun plO Heber, David N Feb p35
Demaray, Arthur E. Jan p8 Henderson, Bill.. ...Jun p22; Sep pl6
Denetsosie, Hoke ..Jul pl2 Hauser Geode Beds Aug p28
Yuha basin Nov pi5 Henderson, Randall, Author of—
De Niza, Fray Marcos Feb p9 Murray Canyon is a Challenge Jun p 19
Desert Botanical Gardens, Tucson Apr p9 Nevada:
Fossil Leaf Hill near lone Jan pl2 Tribesmen of Santa Catarina.. Jul p5
Desert homes. . . ....Feb p27 They've Tried to Tame Death Valley
Devil's Canyon, Calif. Jun pl2; Nov pl7 Sump Hole... _ . . _ Dec p4
New Mexico: Todilto Park..... . Apr p6 Aug p4
Devil's Golf Course, Death Valley Aug p6 He Built Scotty's Castle..... Sep p4
Devil's Hole, Nev. Apr p28 Utah: Levan ridge Aug p l l
Gems and Minerals: Specimens— Glen Canyon Voyage . Oct p7
Diatomite (geology) Jan pl7 Lost Silver Ledge of Santa Catarina
Dinnehotso, Ariz. Feb p28 Agate Jan pl7, May pl2, Jul p20, Aug
p l l , Sep p41; Agatized coral Apr pl3; ... Nov p l l
Dinosaur National Monument, Utah Henry Mts., Utah Feb pp23, 25; Aug p30
Mar pl2; Sep p34; Oct p34 Apache tears Nov p38; Catlinite May p39;
Chalcedony May pl2; Chalcopyrite Jul Hickok, Kenneth E., Author of
Diving, deep sea Jan p21 Troopers' Lost Gold . . Dec p9
Dodge. Capt. Henry Apr p9 p41; Colorado River pebbles May pl4;
Diamonds Jun p27; Fluorescent minerals Hickok, Kenneth E. (Close-ups) .Dec pl4
Dodge, Natt N Jul p22 Hidden Passage Canyon, Utah.. Oct p l l
Drag-stone mill (mining) Apr pl4 Jul p37, Nov p40; Fossil leaves Jan pl2;
Fossil oyster shells Nov pl5; Garnet Apr Highways, picnic tables along
Duchesne Tunnel, Utah Feb p34; May p34 Jan p2; Oct p31
Dutch Mt., Utah Feb pl6 pp6, 10; Jade Nov p35; Jasper May pl2;
Moss agate May p l l ; Obsidian nodules Highways, trash along
E Nov p38; Opal Jul p24; Petrified wood Sep p42; Oct p2; Nov pp21, 22
Hastgate. Nev. Jan pl4 Jun plO, Nov p39, Dec p4; Quartz crystals Highways and Roads—
Echo Park Dam, Utah (proposed) Apr pl3, Sep p40; Robinsonite Jan p30; Agua Caliente to Hwy. 80, Calif. Feb p31
Feb p34; Apr p34 Sandspikes Feb p28, Mar p24. May p24; Black Canyon Hwy: Flagstaff to
Eddy, Charles B..... Nov p7 Sandstone concretions Mar pp 18-22, May Phoenix May p29
Eichbaum, H. W.... Aug pp5, 8 p24, Jun p28, Nov pl5; Tourmaline May Box Canyon Road, Calif... Jul p31
Elephant Butte, N. M Sep p33 p40; Wollastonite Aug p40 Canada to Mexico Hwy Feb p34
Elephant Rock, Utah Jan p4 Geology Jan pl7; May pp5, 11, 43; Jan p29; Cantu Grade, Baja Calif Jul p5
Ellinger, Edgar, Jr., Author of— Aug p37; Sep pl3; Oct p33; Dec p6 Devore to Victorville, Calif ...Jan p32
Hoke Denetsosie, Navajo Artist Jul p 12 George, Vivienne L., Author of— Ensenada to San Felipe, Baja Calif.
Ellinger, Edgar, Jr. (Close-ups) Jul p35 Desert Christinas (First prize, Life Jul p7
El Muerto Springs, Texas Feb p27 on the Desert Contest) Jan p27 Hanksville to Greenriver, Utah ...May p4
El Paso and Northeastern RR Nov p7 George, Vivienne L. (Close-ups)... Feb p21 Hanksville to Natural Bridges
Escalante. Father Jul p25 Gerke, Margaret (Close-ups) Feb p21 Nat. Mon., Utah..... Feb p23
Escalante River, Utah Oct plO Geronimo .... .... Jan p2 Imperial Highway, Calif Jun plO
F Ghost towns—Bodie, Calif. Dec pl2; Clif- Las Vegas to Camp Desert Rock, Nev.
ton, Utah Feb pl6; Courtland, Ariz. May Jan p34
Fairview, Nev Jan pl4 Meteor Crater to Hwy 66 Nov p29
Fig Tree John Sep pl8 p 20; Delamar, Nev. Dec p28; Garlock.
Cal. Mar p8, Apr pl4; Gleeson, Ariz. San Luis to Sonoyta, Mex Nov p29
Firearms Feb p28; Mar p5 Shiprock, N. M., to Four Corners Feb p27
Fish Creek Mts., Calif Jun pl3 May p20; Gold Hill, Utah Feb pl4; Lida,
Nevada Jul p32; Stanley, Ariz. Apr plO; Tijuana to Colorado R., Baja Cal. Jul p5
Fish—Colorado Minnow Jan p22; Desert U. S. Highway 6 Jun p33; Nov p32
Pupflsh Apr p28; Mullet Feb p30:. Trout White Oaks, N. M. Nov p4
Giddings, Ada, Author of— U. S. Highway 54 Jun p34
Jan p22 U. S. Highway 60 Aug p31
Fishing Jan p22; Feb p30; Mar p30; Goler's Lost Gold Mar p5 U. S. Highway 60-70-99 Sep p32, Dec p27
May p31; Octp31 Giddings, Ada (Close-ups) Mar p43 U. S. Highway 70.... Jul p20; Aug p32
Fish Lake Valley, Nev. Gila River, Ariz. U. S. Highway 93 Jun p30
Oct p32; Nov p31; Dec p4 Jan p31; Mar p27; Jul pp20,29 Will Rogers Highway Aug p31
Flagg, Arthur L Jul p21 Gilman, French Aug p8 Yucca cut-off, Ariz May pl2
Flores, Pablo Mar p9 Gist, Evalyn Slack, Author of— Hiking Jun pl9; Sep pl6
Flowers, history of Jul pl6 Forgotten Mill of the Joshuas ...Jan p9 Hilton, John, Author of—
Forbidden Canyon, Utah ... Oct pl2 Glen Canyon, Utah Feb p23; Oct p7
Ford, John Anson Aug p9; Nov p25 He Found Dignity in Art May p8
Gluck, Harold, Author of— He Paints Pictures, Too Dec p 16
Fort Union, N. M Sep p34
Fort Yuma Hill, Ariz Feb p5 Code of Honor in Utah Jan p20 Hilton, John. Mar p20; Oct p42; Nov p22
Fossils..... Jan ppl2-17, 37; Mar p40; May Gluck, Harold (Close-ups) Jan p29 Hinze, R. P Feb p31
p30; Jul p21; Augp41; Nov p l 5 ; Dec p37 Goblin Valley, Utah May p4 Hite, Cass Oct p8
Four Corners Feb p27 Goldfield News Jan p33 Hite, Utah Feb p22; Sep p34; Oct p8
Franciscan Educational Conference Feb plO Gold Road, Ariz May pl2 Hole-in-the-Rock Spring, Utah ....Oct plO
Franciscan priests Jan pl9; Feb p5; Jul p31 Goler Heights, Calif Mar p5 Holloway, Merritt and Nona
Franke, Paul R May p33 Goler, Prospector Mar p5; May p24 May p28; Aug p31
Freeman, Lewis R Oct p8 Goodwin, Ray Jul p42; Aug p5 Homesteading... Apr p21; Jul p27; Aug p33;
Frijoles Canyon. N. M.... Sep p26 Sep p27; Oct p32; Nov p31
Goulding, Harry and Mike Aug pl7
Furnace Creek, Death Valley Aug p5 Hoover Dam, Nev
Grand Canyon Nat. Park Mar p27; Jul pl4 .....Jan p21; Mar p31; May p31; Nov p31
G Grand Gulch, Utah Apr pl8 Horse Canyon, Calif..... Mar p23; Sep p37
Gallagher, Thomas E Feb p31 Great Eye, The (N. M.) Apr pp5, 9 Hoskininni Feb p26; Apr p20
Galloping Goose RR Oct p34 Greene, Art Mar p27; Oct pl2 Hoskininni Rock, Utah Feb p26
Garces, Fr. Francisco Feb p6 Grey, Zane Dec pl7 Hostetter, Bill - Sep p35

DECEMBER, 1952 39
Hunting Jan p36; Apr p42; May p33; Jones, W. Randle. Author of— Mexican Hat Expeditions Oct p7
Jun p27; Nov pp28. 34 B l a c k A g a t e in M i l k y Wash Aug p l l Milky Wash, Utah . Aug p l l
Jones, Winifred Randle (Close-ups) Aug p2 Millard, Leatha Feb pl5
I Joshua tree paper Jan p9; Mar p23 Mining (News of desert mines) each issue
Imperial Highway Jun plO Jumping beans Feb p28 Mission San Ignaeio. Mex. Jan p 19
Imperial Irrigation Dist. May p39; Jul p32 Mitchell, John D., Author of—
Indians, ceremonials— K Lost Mine With the Iron Door Jul p25
Antelope Dance Dec p23 Kaibab Dam, Ariz, (proposed) Feb p29 Lost Gold of the Vampire Hats Aug p26
Apache Devil Dance Jun p5 Kaibab National Game Refuge Jul p29 Lost Pima Indian Gold Oct p24
Buffalo Dance Dec p22 Kelley, Reeve Spencer, Author of— Mitchells Caverns. Calif. Jul p35
Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonials Life on the Desert . .. Apr p21 Mittry Lake, Ariz. Feb p29
Aug back cover Kelley, Reeve Spencer (Close-ups) Apr p24 Moab Bridge. Utah Apr p33
Navajo wedding ceremony Aug p20 Kelly, Charles. Author of—Goblins in Mohawk Canal, Ariz. May p29
Indians. Education Flame-colored Stone May p4 Mojave Desert, Calif.
Jul pp33, 34; Aug p35; Oct ppl5, 29, 34 Kino, Fr. Eusebio Jan pi8; Feb p8 Feb p l l ; Aug p24; Sep p l l
Indians. Employment Kit Carson Memorial State Park, Mojave River. Calif. Sep pi 1
Jan p35; Aug p42; Oct p29 N. M. Mar p3I; Oct p33 Moki Canyon, Utah Oct pplO, 11
Indians, Government Apr p33; Oct pl3 Koch. Walter H., Author of— Montezuma, Carlos Jan p^3
Indians, Health Boat Trip on the San Juan Mar pI4 Monument Valley Aug p 17: Jun p4
Aug p31; Sep pp29, 33; Oct p33; Nov p29 Koch. Walter H. (Close-ups) ... Mar p43 Moore, Bill. Author of—
Indians, Legends— Kuhrts, Jack ("Slate Range Jake") Shack on the Mojave Feb pll
Navajo: after-life May p!9 Mar p8; May p24 Moore. Bill (Close-ups) Feb p21
Paiute: legend of Singing Mt., Nev. Morhardt, Emil Dec p 16
Jan pl4 Mormon Pioneer Memorial Bridge, Utah
Indians, Prehistoric Jan p8; Mar p23; Jun Laguna Hanson. Baja Calif. . Jul p7 .. Mar p33
p22; Aug pplO. 35; Sep p p l l , 14, 26; Lake Cahuilla, Calif, (prehistoric) Mar pl8 Moritz, E. A. Sep p33; Nov p31
Oct pplO, 18 Lake Esmeralda, Nev. Dec p6 Morongo Valley, Calif. Sep p27
Indians, Relations with U. S. Jan pp33, 35; Lake Mead Recreational Area, Nev. Mt. Ord. Ariz.' Oct p24
Feb p31; Mar p32; Apr p27; Jun pp33, Feb p32; Aug p34; Oct p32 Muench, Josef (Close-ups) May p26
34: Aug p35; Sep p30; Nov pp32, 34; Lake Mojave. Calif, (prehistoric) Muench. Joyce Rock wood. Author of—
Dec p25 _ Sep p 14; Nov p21 They Run the Ferry at llite Feb p22
Indians, Tribes— Langmuir, Dr. Irving . Jul p33: Aug p35 Hogan Marriage . Aug pi7
Agua Caliente Jan p31. May p31; Apaches La Paz, Dr. Lincoln . Jan p35 Murbarger, Nell, Author of—
Jan p35, Apr p l l . May p20. Jun p4, Jul Lapidary—Amateur Gem Cutter, Treasure Hills of the Utah Desert Feb p 14
pp20, 30. Sep p34, Oct p29. Nov p33. by l.elande Quick each issue Ghost of Baxter Mountain Nov p4
Dec p25; Cahuilla Mar pi8. Dec p27; Laudermilk, Jerry. Author of— Murray Canyon, Calif. Jun p 19
California tribes Jan p43; Chemehuevi The Story of Flowers Jul p 16 Murray, Dr. Welwood Jun p 19
Jul p4; Cocopah Jul p9: Colorado River Laudermilk. Jerry Jan p 16; Mar p 19 Music'Hall Canyon, Utah . Oct p l l
Aug p31; Diegueno (Baja Calif.) Jul p9; Lawbaugh, A. La Vielle, Author of— Myrick, Francis Marion "Shady"
Hopi Jan p31, Feb p37, Apr p33. May When Lead Was Mined at the Jul p31; Aug p24
p 16; Kaliwa (Baja Calif.) Jul p9; Cerro Gordo Mar p9 Mystery Canyon, Utah Oct pi I
Laguna Jan p30; Mojave Apr p30, When Ancients Dwelt on the Shores
Aug p31; Navajo Jan p p l l . 25; Feb pp8, of Old Fake Mohave Sep pi I
20, 34, 35, 37; Mar p3I; Apr pp4-9. 33, Lederer, Gus May p23; Aug p28 Naco, Ariz. Jun p22; Aug plO
43; May ppi7, 29: Jun pp4, 25. 27. 28. Levan, Utah Aug pi 1 Nailor, Gerald Oct p33
34. 35; Jul ppl2. 33. 34; Aug ppl7, 35: Lewis Canyon. Ariz... Apr p!2 National Speleological Society Jul p32
Oct pp 13, 22, 29, 33, 42; Nov P p27, 29. Library of Piman Research Feb plO Navajo Bridge, Ariz. . Jul p30; Oct p5
34: Pai-Pai (Baja Calif.) Jul p9, Aug p28, Life on the Desert Contest (prize stories) Nazlini Canyon, Ariz. . May pl8
Nov p12; Papago Feb p6, Apr p27. Jul Jan p27; Feb p l l ; Mar p 14; Apr P 2 1 : Nevills, Norman Mar pp!4, 27; Jul p30
pp25. 28, 29; Aug p31. Nov p27; Pima May p 16; Jun p25: Jul p4; Aug p16: Nevills. Norman and Doris
Jan ppl8. 31, Feb ppfi, 10; Quechan Feb Sep p2 1; Nov p 19; Dec p 19 Sep p30; Oct pp5. 7
p5, Nov p29; Pueblo Dec p22; Santa Life on the Desert Contest (winners) Jan p8 New River, Calif, Nov pi7
Catarina Jul p5, Aug p28, Nov pi2; Seri Litterbugs Sep p42: Oet p2; Nov pp2l, 22 Nielson, E. G. Sep p33
(Mexico) Nov pl2; Shivwits Sep p28: Lizards (See: Reptiles) North Wash. Utah Feb p22
Shoshone Jan p42, Jul p42, Aug p4; Norwegian grinding stones (mining) Jan p 14
Loper, Bert Oct pp8. 10
Ute May pp!5, 34; Apr p34, Aug p35,
Nov p34; Yaqui May p9; Yuman Feb p5
Loper, Mrs. Bert
Los Cerrillos, N. M.
Jan p36
Mar P 26: Oet p22
Indians. Welfare Jan pp33. 35: Feb p31; Oak Creek Canyon, Ariz. May p29
Lost Mines—
Mar pp27. 32: Apr pp27. 33; May pp15. Oatman, Ariz. May p 12
Lost Escalante Mine, Ariz. Jul p25; Oct p2
32; Jun ppl7. 34; Jul pp30, 33; Aug Oblasser, Fr. Bonaventura Feb p5; Jul p28
Lost Lead of the Santa Clara. Utah
pp31, 35, 42; Sep p29 Old Hat Mining district, Ariz.
Sep p25
International Desert Cavalcade. Apr p35; May p2()
Lost Mine with the Iron Door, Ariz.
Calexico, Calif. Mar p2 Orange Coast Mineral & Lapidary Soc,
Jul p25: Oet p2
Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonials. Gallup. Calif. Aug p28
Lost Pima Indian Mine, Ariz. Oct p24
N.M. Aug back cover Organ Pipe Cactus Nat. Mon. Ariz. Jan p.3 1
Lost Shotgun Mine, Calif. Jan p23
Inyo Mountains, Calif. May p24: Jul p27 Ortega. Nicacio Dec p29
Lost Silver Ledge of Santa Catarina.
Irrigation Overland Canyon, Utah Feb pi5
Baja Calif. Nov p I 1
Jan p3 I; Mar pp29. 30: May p29; Aug p3 1 Owens Lake. Calif. Mar p9
Troopers' Lost Gold, Ariz. Dec p9
Lukachukai Mts.. Ariz. Feb p27 P
I Lyman, "Uncle" Walter Mar p33 Pacific Coast Borax Co. Aug p20
Jackrabbit homesteads Painted Gorge, Calif. Apr p26
Jul p27; Apr p2 I; Sep p27 M Palm Canyon, Calif. Jim pl9; Nov p30
Jackson, Dave Nov p5 Malloy. Michael May p8 Palmdale, Calif. Apr p25
Jackson, Earl Ian ppl9. 4"< Manix Dry Lake. Calif. Sep p i 5 Palm Springs Desert Museum Jun p32
Jacob Lake, Ariz. Nov p22 Manley. Ray J. (Close-ups) Sep p35 Palm Wells, Calif. Sep p27
Jenkins, Powell and Edna, Authors of— Marble Canyon, Calif. May p26 Pegleg Smith Gold Trek & Liars
Recovering Gold the f I aril Way Apr pl4 Marshall, Dr. W. Taylor Mar pi3; Apr p9 Contest Feb p33: Oct pi6; Dec pl8
Jenkins. Powell and Edna Martinez. Paddy Mar p32 Perforated stones
(Close-ups) Apr p24 Vlastin, M. G., Author of— (archeology) Jan pp5. 7, 8
Jerome, Ariz. Aug p3 1 Deep Sea Direr on the Desert Jan p21 Phoenix Indian School Jun pl7
Jewell. T. E., Author of— Mastin. Marion G. (Close-ups) Jan p29 Photography (contest winners)
Life on the Desert Aug pI6 Mather. Stephen T. Mar p43: Aug pp5. 7 Helen Schwartz, Hubert Lowman Jan p4
Jewell, T. E. (Close-ups) Aug p2 McKenney, J. Wilson (Close-ups) Nov p26 Nell Murbarger, D L. De Harport Feb p4
Johnson, Albert M. Aug p5 ; SepP4 McNickle. D'Arcy Jun p35 R. Van Nostrand, N. N. Kozloff Mar p4
Johnson. Bessie ....... Sep p4 Mecca Easter Pageant . Apr p30 Jul p32 A. De Dienes; D. L. De Harport Apr p23
Johnson. Paifas D., Author of— Mecham. C. F. Mar p8; May p24 Andrew Crofut, Hal Strong... May p2l
Life on the Desert — - Nov P19 Medicine Man Rock. N. M. ... Apr p7 Edward Canby, Norm Moore Jun p23
Johnson. Rufas D. (Close-ups)- .. Nov p26 Mercur. Utah .. Sep p34 Richard Randall.
Jones. Tommy May p23; Aug P2X Meteorites Jan p35. Dec p33 E. G. Westmorland ...Jul p23

Mary Otto, Paul E. Black ._ Aug p23 Salton Sink, Calif. Trilobite May ppll, 14
Weldon Heald, Vincent Mandese Sep p23 Mar ppl8, 22; Oct p26; Dec p21 Trinity National Monument, N. M. May p32
Robert Leatherman Oct p23 Salt River Project, Ariz Jun p29 Tucson Mt. Park, Ariz. Feb p29; Apr p27
Alice Puster... .... .... Ocl p4 Salt tablets Mar p23 Tumacacori Mission, Ariz. Jan pp 18-20, 43
Arthur Allsop, Norman Moore Nov p23 San Carlos Lake, Ariz Jul p20 Twilight Canyon, Utah Oct p l l
Richard Randall.
Brooks Hill... Dec back cover
San Carlos Reservoir, Ariz
Sand Springs, Nev.....
Apr p l l
Jan pi3
Photography (covers) — United Indian Wars Veterans . Nov p33
San Felipe Pueblo, N.M Dec p22
Desert Sunset, Hubert A. Lowman... Jan U. S. Geological Survey Jan p30
San Juan River Mar pl4; Jul p34; Oct p l l
Navajo Miss, Josef Muench Feb San Matias Pass, Baja Calif Jul plO Utah Field House of Nat. History Oct p34
Spring in Petrified Forest, San Miguel, Baja Calif ..... Jul p9 V
Josef Muench ... Mar San Pedro Martyr Mts., Baja Calif Jul plO Vallecito Stage Station ... Jun plO
Desert Colors, Josef Muench Apr Santa Catarina Mission, Baja Calif. Valley of Thundering Water, N.M. Apr p4
Tuna, Fruit of the Prickly Pear, .... ... ... Jul p5; Nov pll Van Dyke, Judge Dix ... Mar p28, Dec p-!7
Harry Vromtin .... May Santa Rosa Mts., Calif. Mar p42; Sep pi6 Van Valkenburgh, Richard, Author of—
Golden Turret, Josef Muench Jun San Xavier del Bac, Ariz. Jul p28. May p21 We Found the Lost Indian Cave of the
Oak Creek Canyon, H. A. Lowman Jul Sartor, E. Louise, Author of— San Martins.-. .... .... Jan p5
Navajo Sheep, Monument Valley, / Remember Bodie Dec pi2 When White Hat Returned to the Land
Jack Breed ... .._ .... .... Aug Sartor, E. Louise (Close-ups) Dec pl4 of the Witch Woman May pl7
Uranium Prospector, Ray Manley... Sep Savage-Pinney Party (pioneers) May p26 Van Valkenburgh, Richard (Close-ups)
Storm over Taos Pueblo, Willard Luce Oct Schmedding, Joseph, Author of— Jan p29
Yucca, Sun and Sand, Chuck Abbott Nov Life on the Desert... ... Jun p25 Virginia City, Nev May p22; Jul p32
In Navajoland, Rex Fleming _ Dec Schmedding, Joseph . Apr pl9 Virginia & Truckee RR Jan p33
Picacho del Diablo, Baja Calif Jul p l l Scorpions Feb p29; Mar p28; Apr p27 Virgin River, Utah.. Sep p25; Oct p2
Pierce, C. C. ...Nov pi3 Scott, Walter (See: Death Valley Scotty)
Pierson, Lloyd Oct pl8 Scotty's Castle, Death Valley Aug p5; Sep p4 w
Pillsbury, Dorothy, Author of— Searchlight, Nev Oct p22 Wadsworth, Beula M., Author of—
Tribal Meeting of the Navajo.- Oct pi3 Segundo, Thomas Apr p27; Nov p27 Forsaken 80 Years, Mission Still Lives
Christmas Eve in San Felipe..- Dec p22 Shadow Mt. Gem & Mineral Sac. Rock- JanpIS
Pino Solo, Baja Calif Jul p7 hound Fair Feb pplO, 41; Mar pplO, 41: Wadsworth, Beula M. (Close-ups) Jan p29
Pinto Basin, Calif _. Nov p21 Apr pp37, 39 Walker, Ardis M. May plO; Aug p9
Pony express Sharp, Charles Oct pl8 Watchman, John & Flora... Apr p4
Jan pl3; Feb ppl5, 17; Nov p33 Sheep Hole Mts., Calif.. .... ... Jan p23 Water witching Apr p21
Powell, Maj. John Wesley Oct p7 Ship Rock, N. M . Feb p27 Weather .... Mar p28; Apr p32;
Price, Edna, author of— Shirley, Charles Keetsie (Close-ups) Jul p35 Jun p33; Jul p33; Aug p35
Life on the Desert .... Dec p 19 Show Low Dam . Nov p2/, D;c p25 Weight, Harold O., Author of—
Price, Edna and Bill (Close-ups) Dec pl4 Sierra Club of So. Calif. Fossil Leaves from an Ancient
Rainmaking Mar p28: Apr p32; .... .... Jan p32; Jun p20; Sep pl6 Nevada Forest .... Jan pl2
Jul p33; Aug p35; Dec pp29, 30 Silver Dry Lake, Calif. Sep pll Padre of the Papago Trails Feb p5
Priest Rock, N. M Apr p7 Simpson, Capt. J. C. .... Jan pl4 Puzzle Rocks of the Badlands Mar pl8
Pyramid Lake, Nev._._. Oct p32 Simpson, Ruth Jun p21 There's Beauty Inside those
Singing Mt., Nev Jan pl4 Ancient Pebbles __.__ M a y p l l
Smith Jedediah Jan p43 Petrified Wood A long the New
Quarries Aug p36; Nov p22 Smith, Moulton B., Author of— Butterfield Trail Jun plO
Quick, Lelande, Author of— Saguaro Family in Arizona Mar pi3 We Explored an Old Nevada Lake Bed
Amateur Gem Cutter each issue Smith, Shine Dec p25 Dec p4
Soda Dry Lake, Calif Sep pl4 Weight, Harold O. (Close-ups) ... Apr p24
Soledad Canyon, Calif Jan plO Wellton, Ariz Jun pp26, 29
Rabbit Peak, Calif Sep pl6 Sonoran Life Zone Society Mar p30 Wellton-Mohawk Project, Ariz.
Rainbow Bridge, Utah Oct pp7, 11 Southwest Nat. Monument Assoc. Dec p25 Jun p26; Jul p29
Rainbow Lodge, Ariz.....May p28; Aug p31 Speleology Oct pp2, 39 Werner, Louise T., Author of—
Rain-chasing ! . Oct p31 Spider Rock, N. M Apr p4 We Climbed Rabbit Peak- Sep pl6
Rainmaking Mar p28; Apr p32; Jul p33; Stage Stations & Routes Jan pi3; Feb pi5 Wetbacks May p29; Nov p30
Aug p35; Dec pp29, 30 Stahnke, Dr. Herbert Wetherill, Marietta, Author of—
Range reseeding May p33 Feb p29; Mar p28; Apr p27 Prisoner of the Paiutes .... A p r p l 7
Ravena, Calif Jan plO Stanley Butte, Ariz Apr plO Wetherill, Richard . Apr pi7; Jun p25
Rawhide, Nev Oct p32 Stanton Grand Canyon Expedition White Sands Nat'l Mon., N. M. Sep p34
Ray, Ariz ..Sep p41 Mar pl4; Oct plO Wild Horse Butte. Utah . May p4
Reclamation Jan pp31, 32; Feb pp30, 33: Stanton, Robert Oct plO Wiley, W. Deane, Author of—
Mar p29; May pp29, 33; Jun p29; Aug Stonemasonry Aug p36 The Salt in Salton Sea Oct p26
p31; Oct p34; Nov pp27. 33; Dec p20 Stove Pipe Well, Death Valley Wiley, W. Deane (Close-ups) Oct p28
Recreation May p33; Sep pl6 Jul p42; Aug pp5, 6 Wilhelm, Paul, Author of—
Red Rock, Ariz Feb p27 Sturtevant, Pat, Author of— Life on the Desert Sep p21
Red Rock Canyon, Calif Mar p7 Death Valley Playmates Oct pl7 Wilhelm, Paul (Close-ups) Sep p35
Reese River Reveille Jul p32 Sturtevant, Pat & Geo., Authors of— Wilson, Bill & Katherine May p28; Aug p3 1
Reptiles—Gecko lizard Jul p23; Rattlesnakes In Memory of a Rockhound .Aug p24 Window Rock, Ariz.... Oct pl3
May pp29, 34; Jun p27; Jul p27; Aug p28; Sump Hole, Nev Dec p4 Wirt, Gus, Author of—
Dec p8; Sidewinder rattlesnake May Swingle, Dr. Walter Apr p29 The Lost Shotgun Mine Jan p23
p29; White crested lizard Oct p23 Wirt, Gus (Close-ups) . _ Jan p29
Rincon Mountains, Ariz .Jun p29 Wirth, Conrad Jan p8; Aug p5
Rio Grande River, N. M Nov p33 Woods, Betty, Author of—
Taylor, Fenton, Author of— We Explored the Valley of Thundering
Riverside County Fair & National Garnets Aplenty at Stanley Apr plO
Date Festival Feb p2 Water Apr p4
Agate Hunting Along the Gila.. Jul p20 On Location with the Navajos ... Jun p4
Rockhound Fair, Palm Desert Taylor, Fenton (Close-ups) Apr p24
Feb pplO, 41; Mar pplO, 41; Apr pp37, 39 Woods, Betty (Close-ups) Jun p24
Territorial Enterprise Jul p32 Woods, Dor, Author of—
Rockhounds Jan pl2; Feb p42. May p41 Thompson, Matt Roy Sep p4
Rocks, cleaning of Jan p41; Nov p40 Writer of the Chiricahuas. Jun pl6
Tie Canyon, Death Valley Sep p8 Wright, Frank Oct p7
Rogers, Will Jul p21 Todilto Park, N. M Apr p7
Roy, George, Author of— Wright, Mabel C , Author of—
Tombstone, Ariz Jan p30 Prisoner of the Paiutes Apr pl7
Cabot Yerxa's Crazy House... Nov p9
Tonopah & Tidewater RR Sep p8 Wright, Mabel C. (Close-ups) Apr p24
Ruth, Nevada Dec p28
Tonopah Times-Bonanza May p32
Ryan, Death Valley..... Aug p5
Tonto National Monument, Ariz. Y
Yeibichai Rock, N. M Apr p7
s Topock, Ariz
Oct pi8, Dec p21
May pl3 Yerxa, Cabot Feb p31; Nov p9
Salisbury, Paul .. . Aug p!4 Yuma Levee Feb p30
Salton Sea, Calif Mar p29; May p.3(); Toroweap Pt., Ariz ...Jul pl4
Aug p32; Oct p26; Nov p30; Dec p28 Tortillas .... .... Mar p8 Z
Salton Sea State Park Towne's Pass, Death Valley Aug p5 Zahn's Camp, Ariz Mar pl4
Mar p29; Apr p29; Aug p33 Trachyte Canyon, Utah Feb p23 Zion Canyon, Utah Dec pp30, 35

DECEMBER, 1952 41
Hetween you an

WOULD LIKE to join with others in expressing my And now these people are uneasy. Some of them
appreciation to the California State Park Commis- already are planning to cash in on the inevitable real
sion for its action in refusing to grant the Navy a estate boom and seek new homes elsewhere.
bombing concession in the Anza Desert State Park. Tentatively allotted to the new Marine base are 400
The Navy and Marines already have a bombing and square miles of desert terrain including much of the Bul-
gunnery range in Riverside and Imperial counties cover- lion Mountain area which is said to be highly mineralized.
ing several hundred square miles. 1 am unwilling to This region is now to be closed to prospectors, as well as
believe that their bombardiers are such bad marksmen to those who come to the desert for recreation.
they need the whole Colorado desert on which to drop And so, the new camp at Twentynine Palms is not all
missiles. gain.
When there is war or the threat of war it is expected Fortunately, there are still many areas in the desert
that the army and navy should have anything and every- where you and I still may go to explore or camp or hunt
thing they ask for. It is unpatriotic to deny the armed for mineral specimens without trespassing on Uncle Sam's
forces anything they want. military reservations. And where the displaced persons
But at the risk of being classified as lacking in patriot- from Twentynine Palms may find a quiet retreat beyond
ism I want to protest against the huge land grabs which the sound of artillery practice.
the armed forces have put over in the desert country in As long as there is the threat of war these military
recent years. Today, a greater area of desert land is camps and bases are necessary. But the idea that the
posted as reserved for the armed forces and atomic energy army, the navy, the marines, the air force and the atomic
commission than at the height of World War II. energy commission each needs its own separate domain
As population increases, the need of desert lands for for practice purposes doesn't make sense. I can speak
recreational purposes becomes increasingly important. with some knowledge of their needs because for more
Americans need the outdoors—all they can get of the sky than 30 years I was a member of the air force, either
and the forests and the good earth. And in winter when active or reserve.
the high mountain areas are snowed in, there is no other There was a time when the Great American Desert
playground for southwesterners except on the desert. was regarded as so much wasteland. I guess the top brass
* * * in the army and navy and air force still regard it as that.
Until recently, chambers of commerce have assumed Actually there are now nearly two million people
they were getting a fine prize for the home town when, earning their livelihoods on the so-called arid lands of
with the aid of their congressmen, they secured an army, the Southwest, and probably ten million more who come
navy or air force base for the vicinity. Today, some of here for health and recreation every year.
them are not so sure these bases and camps are an asset In his book The Year of Decision: 1846, Bernard
to the community. DeVoto wrote: "Remember that the yield of a hard coun-
Twentynine Palms, California, is a striking example try is a love deeper than a fat and easy land inspires, that
of this. The real estate men wanted a base there—and throughout the arid West the Americans have found a
now they have been promised one: an artillery and anti- secret treasure . . . "
aircraft center for the marines estimated to cost $15,000,- I would like to remind the generals and the admirals
000. that we desert folks do think a lot of this arid land of ours
Such a military installation as is planned at Twenty- —and they cannot keep pushing us off of it without
nine Palms will change completely the character of the stirring a hornet's nest of protest.
community. It may become a better town for those who * * *
are interested in quick profits. The 7200 officers and I am glad to report that motorists going to the famous
men who are scheduled to be stationed there will spend Palm Canyon and Andreas Canyon near Palm Springs
large sums of money, and their presence will attract many will find many improvements this season, designed to
kinds of boom town enterprise. make these places more attractive.
But in gaining these profits, there is a very great Under the direction of Superintendent Lawrence Odle
danger that Twentynine Palms will have lost the peace the Agua Caliente Indians have cleared away much of
and simplicity and relaxation which have made this desert the brush which formerly constituted a fire hazard, have
town and valley increasingly popular with folks who have installed new benches and tables, and rebuilt the trails.
wished to escape from the noise and traffic and smog of For many years the Indians have charged a small toll
more densely populated areas. In Twentynine Palms are for entering these scenic canyons. Desert Magazine has
many residents who selected that delightful community criticised the tribesmen in past years for not using some of
with the wide horizons because it was a restful place in the money to keep the canyons clean and attractive. We
which to live—a tranquil little village at the end of the road. are glad to give them credit this year for having done so.
published recently in the thin book,
Monument Valley and the Navajo
Country. Included are. cloud-capped
landscapes, portraits of individual
Navajos and camera studies of Indian
life. Of special interest is the photo-
graphic record of a Navajo Sing—the
tribal ceremony for healing the sick.
INDIAN CREATION MYTHS NAVAJO LAND OF ROOM The author's introduction offers
RETOLD FOR CHILDREN ENOUGH AND TIME ENOUGH background information on the coun-
"Our little ones are growing up with Stretching across northern Arizona's try, its people and their customs.
a knowledge of Greek and Roman high plateau country and into south- Published by Hastings House. 96
mythology, of Norse legends, of Asi- ern Utah lies Monument Valley, a
atic folklore; but they are completely pages, $3.00.
strange and beautiful land where great • • •
ignorant of the wealth of beauty and red sandstone columns and fantastic, Books reviewed on this page are available at
background in their own country," weather-carved cliffs reach upward Desert Crafts Shop, Palm Desert
worried Julia M. Seton. Part of the into a turquoise sky. Among the weird
trouble, she felt, lay in the fact that natural formations, the domed mud LORE, LEGEND & LOST MINKS
those Indian stories which have been OF THK COLORADO DESERT
and log hogans of Navajo families dot
recorded are presented for the student the desolate expanse. LOST DESERT GOLD
and not for children. by Ralph L. Caine
Joseph Miller went into this "land $1.10 postpaid
In Indian Creation Stories, Mrs. of room enough and time enough" and
Seton offers a collection of legends 171(i2 Foy Sta., Los Angeles, Calif.
took a series of pictures which were
told by the Indians to their children.
"The Wise Coyote," "The Race of the
Deer and the Antelope," "The Origin
of the Bluebird" and "The Buffalo
Legend" are but a few of the titles.
Tombstone, Arizona...
The subject matter is as authentic
as that presented in more technical
Indian anthologies. But Mrs. Seton's
versions, in easy-to-understand, charm-
ingly worded prose, are written to ap-
The Town
peal especially to children and to give
them an understanding of their native
American heritage.
Too Tough To Die
Published by House-Warven, 161
pages, line drawings by Marceil Tay- "Silver stones? Bah! You'll find nawthin' in them hills but yer
lor. $2.95. tombstone," warned the old scout. So when Ed Schieffelin struck ore,
he called his claim the Tombstone Mine, and when the news reached
EXPLORER JOHN COLTER the outside world, the town of Tombstone, Arizona, sprang up almost
John Colter is one of the most pic-
turesque figures in the history of The story of Tombstone—"the town drenched in silver and sin,"
American exploration. In 1807, on "the town too tough to die"—fascinated Douglas Martin, John Myers
foot and alone, he traveled a vast re- and Walter Burns. You, too, will be intrigued by these three authors'
gion of the West which no white man fast-moving, action-packed histories. For here, in the biography of a
had ever trod. town, is the authentic spirit of the Old West.
Colter's sober relation of some of
the wonders he saw on his journey— TOMBSTONE'S EPITAPH - b y Douglas D. Martin
among them the spouting geysers and . . . from the pages of the Tombstone Epitaph, the news
boiling mud-springs of Yellowstone as you would have read it had you lived in the '80s . . .
National Park—were received by his "Reporting and editorializing at its rich, rare, racy
contemporaries as monumental exer- best." $4.50
cises in yarn-spinning. "Colter's Hell"
became a legend and, to a great degree, THE TOMBSTONE STORY -byjohn Myers Myers
John Colter himself remains a legend
. . . the Earp brothers, Doc Holliday, John Slaughter,
to this day. Johnny-behind-the-deuce, Curly Bill Brocius, Diamond
Burton Harris has undertaken to Annie . . . "A lusty saga of the fighting West.". .. .$1.4!)
rescue the real John Colter, and his
book, John Colter, His Years in the
Rockies presents an authentic biog-
TOMBSTONE —by Walter Noble Burns
raphy of the discoverer of Yellow- . . . history, intrigue, violence, murder and robbery . . .
"The true story of gun-toting, cattle-rustling days in
stone, his travels, discoveries and ac- old Arizona." $2.50
complishments. The reality is no less
fascinating than the legend—an excit-
ing story of the adventures of a man
who helped open the American fron- Palm Desert, California
Published by Charles Scribner's California buyers add 3% tax
Sons, 180 pages, index, maps. $3.50.

DECEMBER, 1952 43
Mowed Cizard
Richard Randall of Powell,
Wyoming, won first prize in
Desert Magazine's Cctobsr
Picture of the Month Contest
with this striking study of a
horned lizard, commonly
called a horned toad. He?
used a 4x5 Graphic View
camera, Super XX film, 1/25
second at f22.

Approaching Storm
A rain squall was coming
down from the mountains to
the west of Cathedral Val-
ley, behind Capitol Reef,
when Brooks Hill of Neosho,
Missouri, wandered up a
small hill and encountered
this breathtaking view. His
picture, taken with a Meda-
list II camera, Super XX film,
red filter, 1/100 second at f8,
was awarded second prize
in Dosert's photo contest.

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