Averias Resueltas LCD Plasma TV

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Here we'll be providing a collection of LCD TV repair cases, gathered from a good

reliable source. We've seen some of these cases in our repair lab and have proven to be
ver helpful.
!"#T $
%amsung L&'(#)'*D+ ,o picture and no -%D menu. *ac.light o..
/odel0s+ %amsung L&'(#)'*D LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o picture and no -%D menu. *ac.light o..
Cure0%olutions+ #eflow LVD% soc.et on screen driver !C* and mainboard !C*.
%"/%1,2 L&'(#)3*D+ TV dead. !ulsating noise from !%1 and L&D light flashes.
/odel0s+ %amsung L&'(#)3*D LCD TV
%mptom+ TV dead. !ulsating noise from !%1 and L&D light flashes.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. shott. diode D/453 6/*#7$535CT8 in !%1 for short circuit.
*1%H LCD'(TV995HD+ "fter TV on few seconds, then the TV off again.
/odel0s+ *1%H LCD'(TV995HD "!H999 Chassis *&:- L/ LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture appears for a few seconds after switch on, after that the TV switches
off again.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. C(93( and C(933 6both ;49uf0'5v8 in !%1 for capacit loss.
*1%H LCD'(TV995HD+ ,o !icture and no bac. light. 7ront controls react and remote
control does not.
/odel0s+ *1%H LCD'(TV995HD "!H999 Chassis *&:- L/ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o !icture and no bac.light. The front controls was wor.ing but remote
control does not
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace <# receiver 6short circuit8.
=VC LT'(D>)*+ ,o functions after lightning stri.e
/odel0s+ =VC LT'(D>)* LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o functions after lightning stri.e.
Cure0%olutions+ The primar voltage '99v is present. *ut secondar voltage output was
onl ($ volt. #eplace standb transformer T?(9$.
%harp LC'(!55&+ #ed L&D appears for a seconds, rela clic.s then dead.
/odel0s+ %harp LC'(!55& LCD TV
%mptom+ #ed L&D appears for a seconds, rela clic.s then dead.
Cure0%olutions+ The resistor #)5$ blown. #eplaced <C)93 @ #)5$.
%harp LC'(!55&+ Dead after startAup. *angAnoise head before
/odel0s+ %harp LC'(!55& LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead after startAup. *angAnoise head before.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace #)5$ 69.$#0(W8, <C)93, D);(, D)(5 and C)(5 63)9p70':8 in
!hilips Chassis *='.9& L"+ %witches off for a second or two intermittentl
/odel0s+ !hilips Chassis *='.9& L" LCD TV
%mptom+ %witches off for a second or two intermittentl. #ela clic.s and standb
L&D remains green. %witches off intermittentl with green L&D on, no sound or no
Cure0%olutions+ !lease chec. the ()/HB :D% CuartB crstal 6%%*, item $H998. <f all
ellow mar.ed crstals bearing with a D5&D, D5=D or D5:D batch number direct replaced
it. "lso replaced all the silver mar.ed crstals bearing with a D;DD batch number.
L2 ')L&(#+ ,o startAup
/odel0s+ L2 ')L&(# Chassis L!;$" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace %/D regulator TL3'$ 61$'98 in !%1.
L2 ()LC(#+ ,o *ac.light
/odel0s+ L2 ()LC(# Chassis L!;$" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o bac.light
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. the %/D fuse 7$ on inverter board for open circuit.
%amsung L&()T5$*+ Dar. frame with color stripes
/odel0s+ %amsung L&()T5$* LCD TV
%mptom+ Dar. frame with color stripes.
Cure0%olutions+ <t loo.s li.e the unstable voltage problem. Chec. and replace 1!3
6L$$$)D28 on TAC-, board.
L2 '(L&(#E=+ #emote control no functions at all
/odel0s+ L2 '(L&(#E= Chassis L!;$" LCD TV
%mptom+ #emote control doesnt function at all.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace %/D capacitor at output of <# receiver.
"C&# "L(;)$W+ Dead
/odel0s+ "C&# "L(;)$W LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace power suppl <C 6T,F(;3!,8 and resistor #;9 6$9#09.''W,
,7# tpe8.
"C&# "L(;)$W+ ,o startAup. L&D is orange
/odel0s+ "C&# "L(;)$W LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup. L&D is orange.
Cure0%olutions+ When C'49 unsuccessfull replaced. %tandb !%1 functions and
standb 5v present. The voltage appears at pin !%-, in the !%1 after switch on but
!%1 does not start. "ctuall the are three ''9: %/D resistors in series in the !%1
which suppl voltage for DL"99$. Chec. if resistors are high resistive.
*ush <DLCD(;TV95HD+ ,o bac.light and no picture. %ound o. and can be
/odel0s+ *ush <DLCD(;TV95HD Chassis L? 6*e.o8 LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o bac.light and no picture. %ound o. and can be intermittentl.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace C5$(, C5$' 6both $999u70'5v8 and C5$? 6((9u70'5v8 in !%1.
"lso a $999uf0$;v capacitor on the signals board on the far rightAhand side, near the
%-,F :DL391(999+ ,o startAup, red L&D flashes ' times
/odel0s+ %-,F :DL391(999 with %&$ Chassis LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup, red L&D flashes ' times.
Cure0%olutions+ TV has slow startAup before this smptom occurred. When chec.
standb 5v o. and !%1 is heat sensitive. Chec. and replace the C;955 63)uf0(5v8 in 2(
suppl it will solve the problem.
*1%H LCD'(TV9((HD+ <ntermittentl no startAup or dead after a few hours
/odel0s+ *1%H LCD'(TV9((HD with $)/*$5 Chassis LCD TV
%mptom+ <ntermittentl no startAup or dead after a few hours.
Cure0%olutions+ The !%1 replaced and &&!#-/ <C resoldered, but on help. Tr to
resolder <C((9 6%D"55598 and <C((3 on main board the TV bac. to normal.
&V&%H"/ "LG&/')%>+ ,o startAup, the TV screen lights up, then switches bac. to
standb mode
/odel0s+ &V&%H"/ "LG&/')%> with $)/*$5 Chassis LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup, the TV screen lights up, then switches bac. to standb mode.
Cure0%olutions+ !lease chec. or direct replace the C4)) and C4)4 on !%1 board for
open circuits. %ometime these caps will chec. good, but would brea.s down under load.
2rundig 21L&,"#'(HD<!+ %tuc. in standb mode, L&D light is blue color
/odel0s+ 2rundig 21L&,"#'(HD<! with Chassis L? LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb mode, L&D light is blue color.
Cure0%olutions+ The blue L&D alwas stas on, even when appliance is on standb
mode. Capacitor C?'$ 6$999u78 replaced but appliance is still dead with $(v and (3v
o.. Chec. and replace diode D'99 on the rightAhand side, on middleAtop of the main
%amsung L,39";59H")59HL,3;")59+ 1nit tries to start with melod but ccles off
and bac. on
/odel0s+ %amsung
)59#$7>E",L,39")59#$7>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit tries to start with melod but ccles off and bac. on
Cure0%olutions+ <f the unit tries to turn on and ma.es the startup melod but then
immediatel shuts off and starts again, unplug the LVD% cable and appl power again.
<f the set stas on, replace the TACon board.
%amsung L,T3;;57>0>"" lost brightness when ou replaced /"<, !C*
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T3;;57>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ L,T3;;57>0>"" lost brightness when ou replaced /"<, !C*
Cure0%olutions+ *ecause /"<, !C* *,?3A9$$??& is designed to wor. with both
models L,T3;;57>0>"" and L,T3;;$7>0>"" when ou replaced the board is
possible to lose the brightness. 2o in %&#V<C& /-D& and turn value LVD% *FT&
from 4 to $9.
%amsung L,%395$+ Dead *ac.light 7lashes -n Then -ff
/odel0s+ %amsung L,%395$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ D&"D *"C:L<2HT 7L"%H&% -, TH&, -77
Cure0%olutions+ 1,<T W-1LD 7L"%H -, TH&, -77 ",D "1D<- W-1LD
W-#:. F-1 C-1LD %&& V<D&- W<TH " 7L"%HL<2HT. %-/&T</&% 1,<T
W-1LD %T"F -, ",D #1, <7 F-1 CFCL&D -, ",D -77 /",F T</&%.
7-1,D *"D %-LD&# C-,,&CT<-, -, <! *-"#D T<49$ -, !#</"#F %<D&.
#&%-LD&#&D ",D C-##&CT&D !#-*L&/.
%amsung most model+ 7lic.ering on the screen intermittentl
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,3;*5'9!),>E",L,3;*5'9!)7>E",L,3;*559:$7>E",L,3;* 539!47>E".
%mptom+ 7lic.ering on the screen intermittentl
When the unit is connected via HD/< to a %cientific "tlanta cable set top boI set in b
pass mode for resolutions 349p and )(9p a flic.ering will occur.
Cure0%olutions+ Change the cable boI to a fiIed resolution. -# Have the customer
install the latest TV firmware which can be located on samsung.com.
%amsung most model+ 1nit ccles on0off during startup
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,39"539!(7>E" LCD TV.
%mptom+ 1nit ccles on0off during startup
Cure0%olutions+ <f the unit tries to turn on but begins to ccle on and off before an
video is displaed and all of the %/!% voltages are good, disconnect the LVD% cable at
the TACon board. <f the set starts and the bac.lights come on, replace the TACon board. <f
the set does not start, disconnect the LVD% cable at the main board. <f the set starts,
replace the LVD% cable. <f the set still does not startup, replace the main board.
%amsung L,T'(5'+ "fter a few minutes when TV warmsAup picture becomes distorted
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T'(5'H>0>"" LCD TV.
%mptom+ "fter a few minutes when TV warmsAup picture becomes distorted
Cure0%olutions+ $9A$5 minutes after ou turned on the unit panel warmsAup and picture
becomes distorted. <f ou Just push the TV's frame picture becomes even more distorted.
-n the bac. of the panel the C-,T#-L "%<C area is ver hot. #eplace the panel to fiI
the problem.
!"#T (
%amsung+ L,'("359HL,'("''9+ Video will intermittentl turn mostl white
/odel0s+ %amsung
''9=$D>E",L,'("''9=$,>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ Video will intermittentl turn mostl white
White displa with a faint image of -%D 6-n %creen Displa8 and video in the
bac.ground. Video will intermittentl turn mostl white with the -%D barel visible in
the bac.ground. &ven a blac. image or when the panel should not be showing an
video, it is white. < found that one of the subAboards inside the panel, the boards that the
ribbon cable from the TACon connect to, are not seated properl and the larger %/D
capacitors on the board are intermittentl ma.ing contact with the metal frame of the
set, effectivel creating a short to ground.
This is one of the panels that are mounted upside down, so the stand mounts Just below
and behind the panel frame. "n slight pressure from the stand can cause the frame to
ma.e contact. <n man cases, the TV can be slightl fleIed to ma.e this issue occur.
Fou ma see besides a TACon ribbon cable, that the subAboard is not seated properl, and
is in fact bowing towards the outer frame.
!ulling the frame out slightl, ou can see one of the %/D capacitors that can ma.e
connection with the frame.
Cure0%olutions+ "dding felt to the affected area will solve the issue.
%amsung most model+ 7irmware *lin.ing in #ed at the Top of the %creen
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,55*;59T$7>E" LCD TV.
%mptom+ 7irmware blin.ing in #ed at the top of the screen.
Cure0%olutions+ !roblem A "fter changing the main board, <'m now stuc. with the
firmware teIt info blin.ing in #&D print at the top of the screen.
%olution + The unit is stuc. in aging mode. To eIit, simpl hit the menu button on the
TV itself.
%amsung L,T39;5HL,T5(;5+ With %ignalA*lue %creen and 7lashing White %hort
HoriBontal Lines
%mptom+ *lue screen without signal, with signal Ablue screen with flashing white short
horiBontal lines
Cure0%olutions+ #efit or replace LVD% cable, chec. if the cable not strangled b the
metal cover and loosen up the screws of the cover.
%amsung L,T'(3(H'('( + Wont !ower -n
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T'(3(H>0>"",L,T'('(H>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Wont power on
Cure0%olutions+ TV would not come on. #emoved the bac. and as soon as we did the
set came on.
7ound glue all on the cables to the smps. Cleaned glue off and cleaned the terminals. %et
operates normall.
"C&# "L(;)$W+ ,o startAup. L&D is orange
/odel+ "cer "L(;)$W LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup. L&D is orange.
Cure0%olution+ Chec. C'49 6$99uf.$;v8 under heatsin., neIt to 13( and 1;$ on signal
!C* for capacit loss.
%on :DL'(1(999+ ,o !icture
/odel+ %on :DL'(1(999 Chassis %&$ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o !icture
Cure0%olution+ Chec. %/D fuse C!$9$! on LVD% board. The LVD% board is behind
the *DT board.
%-,F :DL'(%(9$9&+ %witches to standb for a short while, then bac. again
/odel+ %-,F :DL'(%(9$9& Chassis W">( LCD TV
%mptom+ %witches to standb for a short while, then bac. again
Cure0%olution+ #eplace standb push button on user control, has contact resistance.
!hilips '(!7''(90$9+ D7D is displaed on screen
/odel+ !hilips '(!7''(90$9 Chassis LC3.5 &"" LCD TV
%mptom+ D7D is displaed on screen
Cure0%olution+ TV is in factor mode. To Cuit the factor mode, press both DV-L1/&D
DAD .es and D!#-2#"/D DAD for 5 seconds simultaneousl.
L2 '(LC5;+ !icture divided into several parts. Distorted picture
/odel+ L2 '(LC5; LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture divided into several parts. Distorted picture
Cure0%olution+ #eplace TAC-, board 6!art ,umber+ ($4'?38.
L2 '(LC5;EC+ ,o startAup. %tandb L&D flashes from red to green
/odel+ L2 '(LC5;EC LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup. %tandb L&D flashes from red to green
Cure0%olution+ #eplace C(9(, C(9;, C($) and C($4 6((99uf0$9v all8, and C((;
2--D/",% 2TV(;WLCD+ %huts down and L&D blin.s
/odel+ 2--D/",% 2TV(;WLCD LCD TV
%mptom+ %huts down and L&D blin.s
Cure0%olution+ #eplace C4)) and C4)4 6both $5nf0;'9V8 near heatsin., at top left
corner of !%1
*1%H LCD(;TV99;HD>+ ,o displa. 7lashing standb light
/odel+ *1%H LCD(;TV99;HD> LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o displa. 7lashing standb light.
Cure0%olution+ The capacitor C'$5 6$999u70(5v8 is supplied higher rated, and is a little
bigger so use longer leads don't fit close to board. *e careful when soldering ou don't
accidentall remove the tin surface mount resistors on bac. of board.
%amsung L,'("''9+ The TV ta.es longer to power on than normal
/odel0s+ %amsung L,'("''9=$D>E",L,'("''9=$,>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ The TV ta.es longer to power on than normal
The TV ta.es longer to power on than normal. Fou ma hear several clic.s while the
TV attempts to power on.
Cause+ The electroltic in the capacitors on the power suppl board over time will dr
out causing the power suppl to shut down during its initial power on ccle.
Cure0%olutions+ #efer to the capacitor cross reference guide below for the list of the
capacitors that should be replaced.
%amsung+ 1nit tries to start with melod but ccles off and bac. on
/odel0s+ %amsung
)59#$7>E",L,39")59#$7>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit tries to start with melod but ccles off and bac. on
Cure0%olutions+ <f the unit tries to turn on and ma.es the startup melod but then
immediatel shuts off and starts again, unplug the LVD% cable and appl power again.
<f the set stas on, replace the TACon board.
%amsung+ Will not turn on, ccles on and off with startup melod, no bac.lights
/odel0s+ %amsung
;59"$7>EC,L,3;";59"$7>EC LCD TV
%mptom+ Will not turn on, ccles on and off with startup melod, no bac.lights
Cure0%olutions+ <f the set will tr to turn on and the startup melod sounds but no
bac.light appears and the set ccles off and on ever 5 to $9 seconds, unplug the LVD%
cable from the TACon07#C board. <f the set then runs and the bac.lights come on and
sta on, replace the defective TACon07#C board.
%amsung L,%3;?(+ ,o video TV, has bac.light and audio. TV will not come on
/odel0s+ %amsung L,%3;?(D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o video TV, has bac.light and audio. TV will not come on.
Cure0%olutions+ 7ound pico fuse open at cp$ on the TAC-, pcb short cp$ TV comes on
runs fine. #eplace the TAC-, pcb.
%amsung+ %tandb light is on, flashes once briefl then unit attempts to turn on
/odel0s+ %amsung
539!(D>E",L,'("''9=$,>E",L,'("359C$H>E",L,'("359C' H>E",
L,'("'99=$D>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ %tandb light is on, flashes once briefl then unit attempts to turn on
Cure0%olutions+ <f the unit will not turn on, but the red standb L&D is on and flashes
once Cuic.l when the power button is pressed on the remote or the TV, the ((99uf $9v
filter capacitor on the %/!% has failed. This capacitor is located in the upper right side
of the power suppl close to the cable that connects the main board. Visual inspection
will normall show that it has a swollen top. #eplace capacitor and inspect the others in
the filter stage to restore operation.
!"#T '
%amsung+ 1nit ccles on and off several times before starting
%mptom+ 1nit ccles on and off several times before starting
Cure0%olutions+ <f the unit will ccle on and off several times before turning on and then
plaing fine, chec. the power suppl carefull for filter capacitors with bulged tops.
#eplace the capacitors or power suppl to correct the issue.
%amsung+ "utoAshutdown on (994 LCD TVKs
/odel0s+ %amsung
559!'7>E",L,'("539!(D>E",L,'("''9=$,>E",L,'("'99=$ D>E",
L,39"5'9!$7>E", L,39"359C$D>E", L,39")59#$7>E", L,39"''9=$D>E",
L,39"559!'7>E", L,39"539!(7>E", L,39"599T$7>E", L,3;"5'9!$7>E",
L,3;"4;9%(7>E", L,3;")59#$7>E", L,3;"559!'7>E", L,3;";59"$7>E",
L,3;"?59D$7>E", L,3;"539!(7>E", L,3;"599T$7>E", L,3;"459%$7>E",
L,3;";'9/$7>E", L,3;"459%$7>E>, L,3;"549!;7>E", L,5("5'9!$7>E",
L,5(")59#$7>E", L,5(";59"$7>E", L,5("559!'7>E", L,5(";'9/$7>E",
L,5("4;9%(7>E", L,5("459%$7>E", L,5("539!(7>E", L,5("549!;7>E".
%mptom+ "utoAshutdown on (994 LCD TVKs.
Cure0%olutions+ 1pon inspections of (994 LCD TV's we have found that the LVD%
6ribbon cable8 can cause an auto shut down. &ven if the LVD% cable doesnKt loo.
defective tr changing it anwa and retest the TV. <t is a good practice to carr a few
eItra LVD% cables in our van for such testing circumstances.
%amsung+ 1nit tries to start with melod but ccles off and bac. on
/odel0s+ %amsung
)59#$7>E",L,39")59#$7>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit tries to start with melod but ccles off and bac. on.
Cure0%olutions+ <f the unit tries to turn on and ma.es the startup melod but then
immediatel shuts off and starts again, unplug the LVD% cable and appl power again.
<f the set stas on, replace the TACon board.
%amsung L,%(;5$ @ L,T'(3(+ !icture is lost, sound -: after /"<, !C* was
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T'(3(H>0>"", L,%(;5$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture is lost, sound -: after /"<, !C* was replaced
Cure0%olutions+ <f after replacing /"<, !C* and made all correct setups in D-!T<-,
*FT&D ou get the smptoms+
A lost picture after 5A$9 min. but sound -:, picture comes bac. if ou restart the LCD
but Just to be lost again after the same interval or
A !icture is lost intermittentl ever $9A(9 sec. and comes bac. itself, again sound -:.
Fou ma not have to come bac. with another /ain !C*, this ma be corrected Just b
moving the connection between inverter and %/!% on the %/!% board. <f it was on "A
C,/49' move it to %AC,/49( or vice versa from %AC,/49( to "AC,/49' on the
%/!% board, see picture. <f this is not wor.ing then use a new /"<, !C*.
This ma be applied to other LCD models too.
%amsung L,%395$+ Clic.ing repeatedl TV will not turn on
/odel0s+ %amsung L,%395$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Clic.ing repeatedl TV will not turn on
Cure0%olutions+ 7ound ( electroltic $99uf at $;v capacitors on the 5v line C$$5 and
C$(' bad. -r replace the power suppl.
%amsung+ *ac.light 7ailure Testing
/odel0s+ %amsung
3;9*(D>E",L,'(*539!4D>E",L,'(*559:$7>E",L,'(*;39#' 7>E",
L,'(*35)C;H>E", L,'(*359C3H>E", L,'(*539!4D1E", L,'(*359C'H>E",
L,'(*3;9*(D1E", L,'(*';9C5D1E", L,'(*559:$71E", L,'(*5'9!)71E",
L,'(*359C'H1E", L,39*5'9!)71E", L,39*559:$71E", L,39*35)C;H>E",
L,39*559:$H>E", L,39*;$9"571E", L,39*;39#'71E", L,39*;59T$71E",
L,39*;'9,$71E", L,39*539!471E", L,39*599!'7>E", L,39*559:$7>E",
L,39*;59T$7>E", L,39*5'9!)7>E", L,39*5'9!),>E", L,39*)591$7>E",
L,39*539!47>E", L,39*;'9,$7>E", L,39*;39#'7>E", L,5(*559:$H>E",
L,5(*;$9"57>E", L,5(*559:$7>E", L,5(*539!47>E", L,5(*5'9!)7>E",
L,5(*;'9,$7>E", L,5(*)591$7>E" LCD TVs.
%mptom+ *ac.light 7ailure Testing
Cure0%olutions+ *ac.light failures can be partial or full failure Chec. the bac.light
suppl voltage 6refer to service manual8 <f suppl voltage is present, use a flashlight
behind the television and shine a light through the panel. <f the video is wor.ing ou
will see it.
%amsung L,%393$+ 1nit Continuall Ccling -n and -ff
/odel0s+ %amsung L,%393$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit Continuall Ccling -n and -ff. %et turns on and off in a continuous
ccle. !las the melod each time.
Cure0%olutions+ 7irst, chec. the power suppl voltages, if missing, replace the power
pcb. ,eIt unplug the lvds cable. <f the set continues to ccle, replace the main pcb. <f
the ccling stops, replace the lcd panel. !art numbers are version dependent, so be sure
to chec. the set's version.
%amsung L,T3;)$ @ L,T5()$+ TV is ccling, the red led blin.ing and the rela is
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T5()$7>0>"",L,T3;)$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ TV is ccling, the red led blin.ing and the rela is ccling sometime TV will
come on.
Cure0%olutions+ TV is ccling, the red led blin.ing and the rela is ccling sometime
TV will come on. The /ain board replaced, did not fiI. This unit was a #efurb, found
cable from the main board to the side "V Jac. was reversed, is not labeled as to
direction of use. This cable if reversed will be hot to the touch. 7ound b removing and
replugging and changing direction of cable TV wor.ed. This was tried on both model
numbers with the same result.
Hitachi ')LD;;99+ ,o sound or intermittent sound
/odel0s+ Hitachi ')LD;;99, ')LD;;99" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound or intermittent sound
Cause+ !ins of headphone soc.et touching the chassis.
Cure0%olutions+ Trim the pins of the Headphone soc.et.
Hitachi ')LD;;99+ /&CH",<C"L ,-<%& 7#-/ %C#&&, -,LF <, C<,&/"
/odel0s+ Hitachi ')LD;;99, ')LD;;99" LCD TV.
%mptom+ /&CH",<C"L ,-<%& 7#-/ %C#&&, -,LF <, C<,&/" /-D&
Cause+ High bac. light setting on Cinema mode.
*ac.light settings are different for each mode +
DF,"/<C+ 99
,"T1#"L+ 59
C<,&/" + $99
Cure0%olutions+ #educe bac.light settings in Cinema mode from $99 to 5? as follows.
&nter %ervice /ode with the remote control,
!#&%% /&,1
3)(5 -# $(;) -# $3;$ 6there are ' different software versions, onl one code will
%ervice /enu will appear, %elect !<C "D=1%T and enter with V-LL
" second service menu will appear, the bottom adJustment in the menu is *ac. Light
setting and will be set to $99.
7rom the /ode Heading select C<,&/" mode.
%elect *ac. Light and reduce the setting to 5?.
To memoriBe and eIit %ervice /ode press %tandb.
Hitachi '(LD)(99+ Distorted %ound0"udio
/odel0s+ Hitachi '(LD)(99 LCD TV
%mptom+ Distorted %ound0"udio
%ound is distorted when the set is first switched on. "fter a while the fault clears and the
set wor.s normall.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace =oint !W*. p0n+ T!9$'';.
Hitachi '(LD)(99+ /&CH,<C"L ,-<%& 7#-/ %C#&&, <, DF,"/<C /-D&
/odel0s+ Hitachi '(LD)(99 LCD TV
%mptom+ /&CH,<C"L ,-<%& 7#-/ %C#&&, <, DF,"/<C /-D&
Cause+ Low bac. light setting on Dnamic mode.
*ac.light settings are different for each mode +
DF,"/<C + $(
,"T1#"L + $5
C<,&/" + $9
Cure0%olutions+ <ncrease bac.light settings in Dnamic mode from $( to (9
<f similar noise problem occurs on other modes, adJust bac.light levels to the position in
which noise becomes minimum..
*ac.light level can be adJusted in 1%&# menu onl.
%elect /enu AAAAA !icture AAAAA *ac.light AAAAAA and adJust as necessar.
Hitachi '(LD;;99+ ,o picture, but sound o.
/odel0s+ Hitachi '(LD;;99H"H*HC LCD T V
%mptom+ ,o picture, but sound o..
Cause+ Dr Joints on components %;() and %;(? near connector !L'94 on the main
Cure0%olutions+ #esolder components %;() and %;(? and also chec. other components
for dr Joints near the connector.
Hitachi '(LD;(99+ 1nit does not switch on or fails to power on
/odel0s+ Hitachi '(LD;(99H"H*HC LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit does not switch on or fails to power on
1nit does not wor., standb L&D not lighting.
Cause+ Wor.ing of !iIelwor.s controller <C($ depends on ambient temperature.
<f the <C is heated eIternall the unit starts to wor. normall.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace 7errite bead L599 and L59$ with a Jumper wire.
Hitachi '(LD;(99+ %et fails to power on0switch on
/odel0s+ Hitachi '(LD;(99H"H*HC LCD TV
%mptom+ %et fails to power on0switch on.
<f /*$$A; /ain board is used instead of the original /ain board /*$$A( the unit won't
switch on.
1nit switches off immediatel and a clic.ing noise comes from the !ower #egulator
#eplace the LVD% cable 6p0n+ V%'993$;?'8 and add a 3)u76p0n+ V%'9999'?;, C"!
&L3)17$;V8 electroltic capacitor to !ower #egulation *oard .
Hitachi+ !icture Displa !roblem
/odel0s+ Hitachi '(LD;(99H"H*HC, '(LD;;99H"H*HC LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture Displa !roblem
Cause+ Various picture problems can be caused b poor connection of the LVD% cable
on connector !L$9' on the /ain board.
Cure0%olutions+ #emove LVD% cable from connector !L$9' and reinsert carefull.
/a.e sure both end of the LVD% cable are inserted properl between !L$9' and the
displa panel.
%harp+ The %harp LCD TV still under protection modeM
/odel0s+ %H"#! LCD TV #epair tips
%mptom+ The %harp LCD TV still under protection modeM
The %harp LCD TV alwas have the protection mode come out. ,ormall, the repairer
will first chec. the inverter board, after that power board0!%1, if still can't get an
result, then the will chec. the signal board or mainboard. &ven ou change the inverter
or !%1 board, the lcd TV still under protection mode. %ometime, the lcd TV has been
fiIed b the repairer, but the don't .now the TV still remember the protection mode
inside the memor. %o, now ou need to .now how to clear this protection error inside
the lcd TV memor.
Cure0%olutions+ !ress @ hold the CH",,&L D-W, @ V-L1/& 1! buttons, then
-, the LCD TV. The LCD TV !rotection &rror has been clear @ solve the TV problem.
Hundai+ %low startAup
/odel0s+ Hundai <mageCuest HGL(;9W# LCD TV
%mptom+ %low startAup
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace capacitor C$9?, C$$9 and C$$$ 6all $999uf0'5v8. "lso chec.
%/D resistor #5; and #5)6both ((:8 for dr Joints.
Hundai+ %huts down after a few minutes
/odel0s+ Hundai <mageCuest HGL(;9W# LCD TV
%mptom+ %huts down after a few minutes
Three $999uf electronic capacitors in !%1 replaced unsuccessfull.
Cure0%olutions+ Change optocoupler <C !C$9(A(.

!"#T 3
L2+ ,o startAup. %tandb L&D flashes from red to green
/odel0s+ L2 '(LC5;EC LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup. %tandb L&D flashes from red to green
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. or replace C(9(, C(9;, C($), C($4 6all ((99u70$9v8 and C((;
L2+ !icture divided into several parts. Distorted picture
/odel0s+ L2 '(LC5; LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture divided into several parts. Distorted picture
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace TAC-, 6!art ,umber+ ($4'?38.
L2+ %tuc. in standb
/odel0s+ L2 '(LC5;EC LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. @ change C(93. <f pcb board discolored around #(94 then
replace !%1.
L2+ D,o %ignalD displaed
/odel0s+ L2 '(LC35 LCD TV
%mptom+ D,o %ignalD displaed. ,o sound and no picture. *ac.light and -%D menu
o.. L&D is green color light.
Cure0%olutions+ Tr to update firmware if not then replace main signal board.
L2+ ,o !ower
/odel0s+ L2 3)L7;; LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o power
Cure0%olutions+ Change C(9(, C(9; and C($) 6all ((99uf0$9v8 on <! board 6!ower
%uppl <nverter *oard8.
L2+ ,o !ower
/odel0s+ L2 ')L7;; LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o power
1599 6<C&'*$5;5=8 short circuit and fusible resistor 7*59$ 6(.(#8 open circuit.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. safet resistor for open circuit. #eplace D59$ 617399)8, '.;v
Bener diode ED59( 6$,5(()8 and C594 6''u7059v8.
L2+ ,egative picture and no sound
/odel0s+ L2 3)LF?5 Chassis LD)5" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,egative picture and no sound.
Voltage low at pin ) of connector !(9(.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. G(9( 6"!)(T9(2H8, 1(9' 6"!1'9')/8, G(9' 6"!;9T9'2H8
and connector !(9( in
!%1. "lso chec. or replace C(($, C(((, C((' and C('(.
L-2<:+ ,o sound or picture. The front controls light up @ rela clic.s.
/odel0s+ Logi. LC>W'(HD< LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound or picture. The front controls light up @ rela clic.s.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. or replace #;5 6(/8 in 1' !%1 for open circuit.
!anasonic+ &nter %ervice /ode.
/odel0s+ !anasonic T>A'(L&D)7/ Chassis 2L!((/ LCD TV
%mptom+ &nter %ervice /ode.
Cure0%olutions+ $. !ress 7 button to access volume setting.
(. !ress VA button on set until volume reaches minimum.
'. While still holding VA button press 9 button three times on remote control.
3. !ress $ and ( buttons to scroll through the menu.
5. !ress ' and 3 buttons to select an adJustment.
!anasonic+ &nter %ervice /ode.
/odel0s+ !anasonic T>A'(L&D)7/ Chassis 2L!((/ LCD TV
%mptom+ &nter %ervice /ode.
Cure0%olutions+ $. !ress 7 button to access volume setting.
(. !ress VA button on set until volume reaches minimum.
'. While still holding VA button press 9 button three times on remote control.
3. !ress $ and ( buttons to scroll through the menu.
5. !ress ' and 3 buttons to select an adJustment.
!hilips+ !icture Jitter if contrast function is used.
/odel0s+ !hilips ('!7??;;0') LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture Jitter if contrast function is used.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace transistor )5;' on %caler board.
!hilips+ ,o sound
/odel0s+ !hilips ('/W?9$90') LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound
Cure0%olutions+ Defective sound output <C))'$ 6",)5((8.
!hilips+ %tuc. in standb
/odel0s+ !hilips 3(!7);($0D$9 LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb. %witches to protection mode. 2reen L&D flashes.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace capacitors (539 and (533 6both $9n78. Change to both with
!hilips+ High pitched noise coming from LCD suppl
/odel0s+ !hilips 3(!7);($0D$9 LCD TV
%mptom+ High pitched noise coming from LCD suppl
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. or replace 59(5, 59(; and 59() at LCD suppl and glue them if
!hilips+ %witches off for a second or two intermittentl.
/odel0s+ !hilips Chassis *='.9&HL" LCD TV
%mptom+ %witches off for a second or two intermittentl.
#ela clic.s and standb L&D remains green. %witches off intermittentl with green
L&D on, no sound or picture.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. ()/HB :D% CuartB crstal 6%%*, item $H998. #eplace all
ellow mar.ed crstals 6made in China8 bearing a D5&D, D5=D or D5:D batch number.
"lso replace all silver mar.ed crstals 6made in Taiwan8 bearing a D;DD batch number.
,ote+ #eplace crstals with order code (3((53'9$'?).
!olaroid+ ,o %tartAup
/odel0s+ !olaroid 7L/'('( LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startup.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace E? Bener diode with ,T&!,3??9 in the !%1.
%-,F+ %tuc. in standb. %tandb L&D is green.
/odel0s+ %on :DL'(1(999 Chassis %&$ LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb. %tandb L&D is green.
#ed L&D flashes ' times. ,o remote control or front panel functions.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. or replace D'9$ Bener diode 6can be use a 5v Bener diode8 for
short circuit.
%-,F+ &rror codes 3
/odel0s+ %-,F :DL391(999 LCD TV
%mptom+ &rror codes 3
L&D turns green, flashes 3 times then goes green again and flashes 3 times again. 7use
6599m"8 on inverter panel open circuit.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace the fuse on inverter board.
%-,F+ ,o startAup. #ed L&D flashes ' times.
/odel0s+ %-,F :DL391(999 LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup. #ed L&D flashes ' times.
%low startAup before this smptom occurred. The standb 5v o.. !%1 heat sensitive.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. C;955 63)uf0(5v8 in 2( suppl.
Toshiba+ Dead
/odel0s+ Toshiba '(WLT54 LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. 74)9 6("8, G4;9 6%T#E33)?8 and D4;;. <f 749$ open circuit,
then chec. the voltage regulator G4(9 for short circuit, #4'$ 63.)#05W8 and D4(5
Viewsonic+ !icture flic.ers and is brighter on the right, than on the left
/odel0s+ Viewsonic ,'(;9W V%$$3';$/ LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture flic.ers and is brighter on the right, than on the left.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace four electroltic capacitors 6(I 4(9u7 and (I $999u78 in upper
left !%1.
Viewsonic+ ,o startup
/odel0s+ Viewsonic ,'(;9W V%$$3';$/ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startup
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. capacitors 6with &%# Capacitor tester8, G) and %/D resistor
#;5 65.$#8 in primar side of !%1. This TV set using the 7%!((4A'79$ !%1.
Westinghouse+ *lue screen. ,o sound, no picture and no -%D
/odel0s+ Westinghouse LTV39W$HDC LCD TV
%mptom+ *lue screen. ,o sound, no picture and no -%D.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace circuit protector fuse on TAC-, board.
V<E<-+ 2reen distortion in picture.
/odel0s+ ViBio V-3(L7HDTV$9" LCD TV
%mptom+ 2reen distortion in picture.
Cure0%olutions+ <f !%1 secondar side voltages o.. Chec. @ clean contacts of ribbon
cables coming from control board.
Wharfedale+ %tartsAup, bac.light came after that switches off immediatel.
/odel0s+ Wharfedale LCD'($9"7 Chassis $)/*$$; LCD TV
%mptom+ %tartsAup, bac.light came after that switches off immediatel.
#uns o. when inverter board is eIternall supplied with (3v.
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace C4)) and C4)4 6$5nf0;'9v8 between heatsin. of switching
transistor and larger transformer on the primar side of the !%1.

!"#T 5
Hisense+ Dead with a *ang ,oise
/odel0s+ Hisense LCD3(93&1 LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead with a *ang ,oise
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace chopper drive %T#>;);?, #&9'4 6$9#8 and #&9'( 6$59#8 in
primar !%1.
2oodmans+ Dar. picture. -%D bounces
/odel0s+ 2--D/",% 2TV'(W((HD "VE--- Chassis L/
%mptom+ Dar. picture. -%D bounces
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace C(93( and C(933 6;49uf8 in !%1.
Dell W(;99+ &rratic functions
/odel0s+ Dell W(;99 LCD TV
%mptom+ &rratic functions.
%ometime the TV loc.sAup problem, shuts down, no startAup and no remote control or
front panel functions too.
Cure0%olutions+ #esolder or reflow sstem #-/ <C$('3 and all regulator <Cs on the
D&LL W(;99+ Displa loc.s after $9 minutes
/odel0s+ Dell W(;99 LCD TV
%mptom+ Loc.s after $9 minutes
Cure0%olutions+ Change regulator <C 6L/$$$) DTA(.58 on mainboard.
D&LL W(;99+ ,o startAup after warmAup
/odel0s+ Dell W(;99 LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup after warmAup
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace capacitor 6$9uf059v8 on small board mounted to power suppl
neIt to mainboard power connector.
"cer+ ,o function on user control and remote control
/odel0s+ "cer "T'(9$W LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o function on user control and remote control
When %C"#T module removed, remote control reaction o..
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace electroltic capacitors C'34 and C'59 6both ((9u70$;v8 on
*1%H+ ,o *ac.light
/odel0s+ *ush <DLCD(;TV95HD Chassis L? LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o *ac.light
The are no (3v to the inverter board after a while. %ensitive to power suppl tapping.
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. @ replace %/D ()v Bener diode 6red with ellow bands8. ,ote+
There are no reference numbers on an of the %/D components. The diode is located in
primar side of the (3v chopper transformer suppl, near pin5A4 of the %/D <C
61C'43'"8. 6This !%1 board is 2D!99( E#$?$9# ,&TET&<L %!% $49W (305 $(05
!7C (!<,6L<%H88.
Hitachi+ <ntermittent Color or no color
/odel0s+ Hitachi (4LD5(99& LCD TV
%mptom+ <ntermittent Color or no color
A Color drops out after the unit has been running for two to three hours.
Cure0%olutions+ #esolder capacitor C5$9 and other components in its vicinit.
Hitachi+ !oor image Cualit or polariBation of image
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99"H*HCHD, '(LD4"$9, ')LD;;99,
')LD;;99" @ ')LD4599, ')LD4559, ')LD4;99, ')LD4)99C, ')LD4)99C",
')LD4)991, ')LD4)991", ')LD4"(9, ')LD4D$9, ')LD4D(9&, ')LD4D(91 LCD
%mptom+ !oor image Cualit or polariBation of image
This phenomenon ma be ver intermittent and onl displaed after a number of
hours0das on soa.
Cause+ The glue on the LDV% cable heats up over time and the properties change and
creating a contact problem within the cable and the !C*. This causes permanent or
intermittent picture problems
Cure0%olutions+ #emove the LDV% cable and clean the connections at the LCD control
panel and replace the LVD% cable.
Hitachi+ %-C:&T CH",2& -, !-W&# *-"#D $)!W$5A?
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99"H*HCHD LCD TV
Tip+ %-C:&T CH",2& -, !-W&# *-"#D $)!W$5A?
Change+ -n the new version of !ower *oard $)!W$5A?, soc.et !L495 has been
changed to a $' pin. -n the earlier version of the power board soc.et !L495 is $( pin.
When new !ower *oard with $' pin 6 !L495 soc.et 8 is fitted to a set, the connector
lead from soc.et !L495 must be changed .
Hitachi+ CH",2& -7 !-W&# %1!!LF 7#-/ TF!& $)!W$5A4 @ $)!W$5A? T-
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99"H*HCHD, '(LD4"$9 LCD TV
Tip+ CH",2& -7 !-W&# %1!!LF 7#-/ TF!& $)!W$5A4 @ $)!W$5A? T-
The original power suppl, version $)!W$5A4 @ $)!W$5A? has now been changed to
the later version $)!W(9
When fitting the new power suppl, it ma also be necessar to replace two cables with
a new tpe as described below.
There is one new part number to replace all. This new part number will suppl a .it that
includes the power suppl and the necessar new cable which ou should use if
#emove the following connecting leads used with !ower board $)!W$5A4
$.#emove cable from !ower board connector !L49; going to /ainboards /*$5&A5 or
/*$5&A) connector !L?9(.
(.#emove cable from !ower board connector !L495 going to /ainboards /*$5&A5 or
/*$5&A) connector !L?99 .
#eplace the two cables with the new cable tpe+
-rder ,ew cable part number V%'993?45;
<nsert new cable+
$. -n the !ower *oard Connect $( pin connector of the new cable to !L495
(. -n the /ain *oard+ Connect the ) pin connector of the new cable to !L?9( and $(
pin connector to !L?99.
Hitachi+ 7<TT<,2 ,&W /"<, *-"#D TF!& /*$5&A)
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99"H*HCHD, '(LD4"$9, ')LD;;99,
')LD;;99", ')LD4;99, ')LD4)99C, ')LD4)991 LCD TVs.
Tip+ 7<TT<,2 ,&W /"<, *-"#D TF!& /*$5&A)
When new /ain board tpe /*$5&A) is replaced instead of /ain board tpe /*$5&A5
the following changes have to be made.
#&/-V& !"#T%+
$. #emove and discard cable between "udio board 6"/!958 connector !L)9? and
/ain board connector !L$99$.
(. #emove and discard cable between "udio board 6"/!958 connector !L)93 to main
board connector !L?9'
-rder ,ew cable part number V%'995$54;
<nsert new cable+
-n the main !C* Connect ; pin connector of the new cable to !L$993.
-n the "udio !C* ou must first Chec. the version of "udio pcb fitted to the TV.
7or "udio !C* version "/!95+ Connect the 5 pin connector of the new cable to !L)9?
and ( pin connector to !L)93
7or "udio !C* Version "/!9' + Connect the 5 pin connector of the new cable to
!L)9?. "s !L)93 does not eIist on this version the ( pin connector must be removed
and the cable then soldered to legs of D)99 and D)9$.
,ew Chassis Version /*$5&A) changed in production as table below
/odel !art ,umber %erial ,umber 67rom N8
'(LD4;99" V%(9(4;949 V;$$9$3)$ N
'(LD4"$9" V%(9(4;949 V;$$9$;4$ N
%amsung+ D&"D *"C:L<2HT 7L"%H&% -, TH&, -77
/odel0s+ %amsung L,%395$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead bac.light flashes on then off.
Cure0%olutions+ 1,<T W-1LD 7L"%H -, TH&, -77 ",D "1D<- W-1LD
W-#:. F-1 C-1LD %&& V<D&- W<TH " 7L"%HL<2HT. %-/&T</&% 1,<T
W-1LD %T"F -, ",D #1, <7 F-1 CFCL&D -, ",D -77 /",F T</&%.
7-1,D *"D %-LD&# C-,,&CT<-, -, <! *-"#D T<49$ -, !#</"#F %<D&.
#&%-LD&#&D ",D C-##&CT&D !#-*L&/.
%amsung+ !oor or <ntermittent Video
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,%3;?5D>0>"",L,%3;?;D>0>"",L,%39?;D>0>"",L,%39?5D>0>"" LCD
%mptom+ !oor or <ntermittent Video
Cure0%olutions+ Chec. the LVD% cable where it connects to the panel interface board.
*e sure that the cable does not have an glue on it. -n occasion, the glue can cause a
poor connection if it gets into the connector. #emove glue or replace the LVD% cable
with *,'?A99)(;".
%amsung+ Half screen is purple
/odel0s+ %amsung
$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Half screen is purple
Cure0%olutions+ Half screen is purple. LCD panel controller board is defective. !anel
needs to be replaced.
%amsung+ Video %tuttering or Hesitation
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T39)$7>0>"",L,T3;)$7>0>"",L,T5()$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Video %tuttering or Hesitation
Cure0%olutions+ The customer ma complain that the video has a stutter or hesitation
when viewing regular programming, either standard definition or high definition.
To fiI, go into the customer menu, select !icture, then scroll to "uto /otion !lus $(9HB
and select -ff.
This enhancement circuit wor.s for some movies, but can introduce severe hesitations
and ghosting on regular programming. The customer should also be informed that this
does not affect the $(9HB operation of the panel. The panel operates at $(9HB
regardless of this setting.
%amsung+ Troubleshooting <nverter !C* boards
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T39;$7>0>"", L,'("359C$D>EC, L,'("559!'7>EC,
L,'("559!'7>E>, L,'("359C$D>E>,
L,'(";59"$7>E", L,'("359C$>ED, L,'("359C$D>E", L,'("539!(D>E",
L,'("359C$>E!, L,'("559!'#>ED, L,39"5'9!$7>E", L,39"5'9!$7>E>,
L,39"359C$H>E>, L,39"359C$D>E", ,39")59#$7>E", L,39"359C$D>E>,
L,39"5'9!$7>EC, L,39"559!'7>EC, L,39";59"$7>EC, L,39"559!'7>E>,
L,39")59#$7>EC, L,39"''9=$D>E>, L,39";59"$7>E>, L,39"359C$>ED,
,39"359C$D>EC, L,39"''9=$D>E", L,39"559!'7>E", L,39";59"$7>E",
L,39")59#$7>E>, L,39"559!'#>ED, L,39"''9=$>ED, L,39";'9/$7>E",
L,39"539!(7>E", L,39";59"(#>ED,
L,39";'9/$7>EC, L,39";'9/$7>E>, L,39";$9"'#>ED,
L,39"599T$7>E", L,39"''9=$>E!, L,39"359C$>E!, L,39";59"$#>E!,
L,39";$9"$#>ED, L,39";59"$7>ED LCD TVs.
%mptom+ Troubleshooting <nverter !C* boards
Cure0%olutions+ The inverter !C* is the power suppl for the Cold Cathode 7luorescent
tubes. The inverter acts eIactl li.e the ballast used in a standard fluorescent light
fiIture. <n the case of an LCD TV, (3 volts from the power suppl is applied to a switch
mode power suppl 6%/!%8. The %/!% outputs N$999 Volts to energiBe the bulbs then
the voltage drops to N 599 volts for run operation. The %/!% switching freCuenc is
around ?9 :HB. The first step for verifing inverter board operation is to confirm the (3
volt suppl is present. "n oscilloscope can also be used to verif the %/!% circuit is
oscillating. %impl holding the oscilloscope probe in the area of the switching
transformer will show screen activit if the switching action is ta.ing place. /easuring
the %/!% output with standard eCuipment is not recommended as this is high voltage
and at a high freCuenc.
%amsung+ <ntermittent LCD Video Troubleshooting
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T39;?7>0>"", L,T39;;7>0>"", L,T3;;?7>0>"",
L,T'(55HT>0>"", L,T')5H">0>"", L,T393(H>0>"", L,T'(5H">0>"",
L,T395H">0>"", L,T('5'HT>0>"", L,T')5'H>0>"", L,T(;5'HT>0>"",
L,T'(3(HT>0>"", L,T'(5'HT>0>"", L,T393(HT>0>"",
L,T395'HT>0>"", L,T39)$7>0>"", L,T3;)$7>0>"", L,T5()$7>0>"",
L,T3;3(H>0>"", L,T3;;7>0>"", L,T39;57>0>"", L,T3;;57>0>"",
L,T5(;57>0>"", L,T(;'(H>0>"", L,T(;3(H>0>"", L,T(;5'H>0>"",
L,T'('(H>0>"", L,T'(3(H>0>"", L,T'(5'H>0>"", L,T')'(H>0>"",
L,T39'(H>0>"", L,T395'H>0>"", L,T39;$7>0>"", L,T3;;$7>0>"" LCD
%mptom+ <ntermittent LCD Video Troubleshooting
Cure0%olutions+ Troubleshooting intermittent video problems can be time consuming,
but these tips ma help narrow down the cause of an intermittent video problem.
The ver first thing to do is to ma.e sure the customer does not have -%D. The can
verif this b Just pressing /enu or Volume on their TV remote control. <f the do have
-%D, then the problem is most li.el in the source and not the TV.
The neIt step when encountering an intermittent video problem is to find out if the
bac.lights are on when the set loses video. Fou can probabl obtain this information
from the customer before ou schedule the call. "s. if the noticed if the screen is
completel blac. or if it is lit up slightl when the video goes out. The ma be able to
notice it better if the stand at an angle to the TV and turn it on or off and see if there is
an change in brightness.
<f the bac.lights are out, ou need to .now if the set ever has video when the turn it on,
or does it go out after the have had the set on for a period of time. <f the set
occasionall will not have bac.lights when it is first turned on, suspect the panel or
power suppl0<! board. <f the set has video for a while and then loses the bac.lights,
suspect a power suppl0<! board or main board. Tpicall the panel will cause a no
bac.light at turn on, while the power suppl and /ain *oard will cause the bac.lights
to go out after a period of time. <f the set has bac.lights when first turned on and the
lights change their brightness in several steps before Cuic.l going out, suspect the <!
<f the bac.lights are on when the set loses video after it has been on for a while, most
li.el the LVD% cable is defective. <f the set has bac.lights but no video when it is first
turned on, the T0Con or /ain *oard would probabl be at fault.
"lwas chec. the simple things first, li.e a LVD% cable that is not plugged in properl
or a power connector to the panel being loose.
There are eIceptions to ever rule, but this generall should help with narrowing down
no video in LCD sets.
Hitachi+ ,o sound or audio
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99", '(LD;;99H"H*HC LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound0audio
Cause+ %ound setting ma have been lost in the memor and defaulted to Bero.
Cure0%olutions+ #einstate sound settings as follows+
&nter %ervice mode.
!ress /enu then 3,),(,5.
2o to "udio menu.
%elect %ound (. and enter the following values+
7/ !#&%C"L&# $5
,<C"/ !#&%C"L& "VL -, '5
%C"#T !#&%C"L& "VL -, $3
%C"#T V-L1/& "VL -, $((
2- T- %T",D*F T- /&/-#<%& %&TT<,2%
Hitachi+ *urn in /ode when replacing /ain !C*
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99", '(LD;;99H"H*HC, ')LD;;99 LCD TV
Tip+ *urn in /ode when replacing /ain !C*
When replacing the main !C* on these models, the new part ma be in the 'burn in'
mode from manufacture. This will result in the image on screen flashing different
To eIit the burn in mode+
1se the remote control +
$. !ress menu button
(. !ress the following button seCuence+ 3,),(,5 +
'. 2o to O-!T<-,%P and then set O*1#, <, /-D&P to either -, or -77.
Hitachi+ "udio noise ma be heard from spea.ers when unit is in Tuner mode
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;(99 LCD TV
%mptom+ "udio noise ma be heard from spea.ers when unit is in Tuner mode and the
volume control is set to near minimum.
Cure0%olutions+ "dd four %/D Jumpers on the "mp board to positions =$99, =$9$, =$9(
and =$9' 6=1/!&# %/D 9;9' #8.
Hitachi+ #etune of Digital TV channels
/odel0s+ Hitachi ((LD35991: LCD TV
Tip+ #etune of Digital TV channels
$. !ress the menu button on the remote control to displa the main menu on screen
(. 1se the cursor down button on the remote control to highlight '<nstallation' and then
press -:
'. OFour previous digital channel list will be destroed. "re ou sureQQP This
message will appear on screen, select es using the left cursor button and press -:
3. "ll channels will automaticall be installed.
Hitachi+ ,o sound or ver low sound on terrestrial and no sound on Digital or an "V
/odel0s+ Hitachi ((LD35991, ((LD35991: LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound or ver low sound on terrestrial and no sound on Digital or an "V
Cure0%olutions+ This is a software0firmware problem. #eplace memor <C'9( Tpe
(3LC$; 6part number+ V%(9$;);$(8. "ll customer controls are set to minimum on the
new <C. !lease reset language and all picture controls to normal after replacing the <C.
Hitachi+ 2reen horiBontal line flashing across the screen intermittentl
/odel0s+ Hitachi ((LD3(99 LCD TV
%mptom+ 2reen horiBontal line flashing across the screen intermittentl.
Cure0%olutions+ #emove resistor #$3? on the <nput signal board 6%ignal processingA
analog8 and replace it with =umper %/D6 9 ohm, partnumber+ V%'999$)'38.
Hitachi+ ,o %witch on from standb
/odel0s+ Hitachi L'(V!9'&, L'(V!9'1 LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o %witch on from standb
<f the TV is switched into standb when it has been running for some time and is warm,
it will not come out of standb until the set has cooled completel
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace the crstal >$93 6>T"L $3.'$4/HE (9!7 (9!!/ %/D
#-H%, part number+ V%'9953?(;8 on the main pcb0main logic board, the sstem
control section.
Hitachi+ "udio is distorted constantl and ma have some bac.ground noise
/odel0s+ Hitachi L'("9$, L'("9$", L'(H9$&, L'(H9$&", L'(H9$1, L'(H9$1",
'(LD4D(9&H&", '(LD4D(91, '(LD4D(91" LCD TVs.
%mptom+ "udio is distorted constantl and ma have some bac.ground noise
Cure0%olutions+ #eplace D435 and D43; 6both 17539( '"0(99V $59", part number+
V%'999?';;8 on the power suppl board0!%1.
!"#T ;
/odel+ "/-< '(:$ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o Displa and ,o %ound
When press on the standb mode button, L&D light change from #ed to *lue color but
no bac.light. Tr to using a wire with a resistor connect the '.'V to *LH-, signal,
their bac.light and screen logo "/-< are present but all front buttons and control no
#emove the mainboard &&!#-/ <C (3C'(, using a programmer to empt their Data
and then solder it bac. to mainboard. The problem solvedR
/odel+ Changhong LT'()99 LCD TV
%mptom+ TV stuc. on standb mode.
"fter the "C power suppl to the TV, standb L&D light on with ellow color. When
press the power on switch or remote control power on, the TV still remain the same
ellow color L&D light and canKt startAup.
Chec. the !%1 output, their standb 5V is present but no an !-W&#H-, signal
present. Chec.ing their mainboard voltage regulator <C output and found 1$ 6L/$943A
(.58 output voltage as 3VR "ctuall it should be output (.5V instead of 3V. "fter replace
1$ the TV is wor.ing now.
/odel+ Hisense TL/'(')D LCD TV
%mptom+ TV !ower -n then %hut Down
Chec. the !%1 board standb 5V %T* normal and stable. *ut their !-W&#H-, signal
is unstable, change in between 9N3.4V. ,ormall this !-W&#H-, signal is about 3.;V
for this TV. %o the problem was in mainboard or C!1 section. Chec. their mainboard
Voltage #egulator <C output voltages all normal and stable. &mpt the 1$$ 6(3C'(8
&&!#-/ but not help. Testing the %CL @ %D" line voltages it shows in between
9VN'.'V. Test the crstal F( 6$3.'$4/HB8 it have $.5V and another side is $.)V. 1se
the <%! !rogrammer to program the correct version firmware into the mainboard flash
memor 1$9 6!%(5V79398. !ower on the TV and the TV is wor.ingR "fter that, using
remote control to control the TV function and their setting but it is hard to operate and
slow motion to change function. !ower off TV and then power it on again, the TV bac.
to their original faultR #eplace a new flash memor 1$9 6Cannot use the empt flash
memor and it will canKt startAup the TV, must using the <%! !rogrammer to cop their
firmware into it8 and solder it bac. to mainboard. 7inall the problem solvedR
/odel+ Hisense TL/39V;4!: LCD TV
%mptom+ $8 !op up -%D /enu #andoml
(8 7ront panel buttons sometime no function
'8 When TV in standb mode, canKt use the remote control to power on 6startAup8 the
38 "uto power on of power off the LCD TV.
"ll these smptoms were causing b the &%D protection component call it as /LV
6/ultiALaer Varistor8. <t is loo. li.e a small %/D diode and its function as an &%D
protection @ surge noise. How to testing itM Fes, this tpe of components normall the
are using much in mainboard. %o ou can use the diode range to compare their values. <f
one of that /LV values different much or shorted, then ou can direct remove it and
power on the TV. <f the problem solved, then ou can find another /LV from a Jun.
mainboard to replace it.
Conclusion+ ,o wonder what brands or models of our LCD TV, if ouKre facing the
above LCDTV smptom and havenKt find out what was wrong, then ou can tr to
chec. these /LV components inside their corresponding circuit lines. %ome time on the
signal input line, it is not one /LV defective, but mabe ( or ' units. 7or eIample, <
had repaired an LCD TV with V2" port signal input no displa problem. "fter
chec.ing their signal #, 2, *, %D" @ %CL lines got ' /LVs shorted. ,ormall one
/LV will using in one signal line, but this LCD TV V2" input signal got ' /LV of
them shorted and affect the V2" mode no displa smptom.
/odel+ :on.a LC'(&%;( LCD TV
%mptom+ TV #andoml CanKt %tartAup, L&D light blin.ing nonAstop with #ed and
2reen color8. -r when TV heat the bac.light flic.ering till no bac.light0cut off and the
sound remain o..
This TV is using the <! 6<nverter !ower %uppl board8 board with L2 LCD !anel. 7ind
a resistor #)5; in <! board and modif it to '.': ohm and problem solved.
/odel+ L2 '(L2'9#AT" LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb mode
When the "C power on, #ed L&D light lit. 1sing remote control to power on the TV,
L&D light change to *lue color but !%1 no $(V, $;.5V @ (3V output. !7C big filter
capacitor has '49V there. #emove the ED$$$, ED$$( @ C$94 on the !%1 board near
1$9( 6,C!$'?;"8. <t is a power suppl design bugs, so after remove these
components, problem solved.
/odel+ L2 Chassis L")'" LCD TV
'(L*3D%A1", '(L*?DA1", '(L*3D%A1", ')L*5D7A1C, 3(L*5D7A1C, 3)L*5D7,
3)LC)D7A1*, 3)LF'D7A1", 5(L*5D7A1C
%mptom+ a8 "uto !ower on and !ower -ff
b8 "uto Channel 1p and Down
c8 "uto -%D /enu displa
Chec. or replace &/< filter on these location+ L)(?, L)'9, L)3$, L)3(, L)3', L)33,
L)3;, L)3), L)5$, L)5(, and L)5'.
/odel+ L2 3(L:5(9A1", 3(L:5'9A1", 3(L:559A1" LCD TV
%mptom+ When power on the LCD TV, there is no displa
Cause+ *ecause the Height of embo is low, when assembling C0!C* to the module, it
can have a scratch on the bottom on TAcon board.
A Thermal pad press the C0!C*
A !C* bottom 6scratch point8 is short with C0*ottom 62round8
A *ecause of the overAcurrent, it will ma.e the mainboard damage.
Temporar solution is to add isolation cushion sheet between &mbo and C0!C*.
/odel+ L2 '(L2)99H, ')L2)99H @ 3(L2)99H LCD TV
%mptom+ !ower itself -n0-ff.
Cause+ Touch <C sensor malfunction
<# assembl C$93 change from (p7 to $(p7.
/odel+ !hilips (9!75$(90?' Chassis /L$.$" "" LCD TV
%mptom+ #andoml ,o Displa but %ound ,ormal
7ind this #53 653.?: ohm8 resistor and replace it with a )5: ohm resistor on
/odel+ !hilips '(!7)'($0?' Chassis LC3.'$" "" LCD TV
%mptom+ %ound Distorted
#eplace (9$' ceramic capacitor from $.5n7 to $9n7059V ceramic capacitor.
/odel+ !hilips 3(T"(9990?' Chassis T!T$.9" L" LCD TV
%mptom+ Displa and *ac.light flic.ering
<f capacitor on position (94' positive pin is (3V and drops to N(9V, so measuring the
capacitor on (9)?, (94$ @ (94( with &%# tester or replace these 3 capacitor at the same
time and problem solved.
/odel+ %amsung L&39#);* LCD TV
%mptom+ %ome vertical lines on the TV screen. *ut sound is o..
Chec. the !%1 output voltages all o.. "fter that chec.ing their TAcon board Vcc input
and Voltage regulator <C. 7ound that (.5V Voltage #egulator <C no output. "fter
replaced it the TV screen is o. now.
/odel+ %amsung 1,IIC?999 L&D TV
%mptom+ The 1,IIC?999 L&D TV power up seCuence
This power up seCuence can help ou troubleshoot the 1,IIC?999, here is the power
a. When the "C cord is plugged in, the voltage on the %T*F pin goes to 5.'V.
b. The /C1 6/icrocontroller, /icon @etc8 on the mainboard activel loo.s for the
user to press !ower -n switch from remote control or the TV itself.
c. When a user presses !ower, the /C1 sends a OHighP voltage 69A$.(V transition8 to
the %/!%0!%1 via !owerH-n0-ff pin to activate the rest of the voltages.
d. "fter the 9A$.(V transition on the !-W&#H-n0-ff pin, the following voltages are
activated on C,/49$ and the O/elodP plas.
A VampS $4VDC
A -DH-n0-ffS '.'V
A D5.'V S 5V
A D$(V S $'V
e8 "pproIimatel two seconds later, 5V is applied to the *L1H-n0-ff pin.
f8 -nce the *L1H-n0-ff pin is activated, the L&D arras turn on. C,L49$ supplies
high voltage to the L&D arras. The following voltages are activated on C,L49$ 6with
respect to chassis 2,D8+
A *-T$L S $)9VDC
A *-T$A S 35VDC
A T-!$A S 35VDC
A T-!$L S $)9VDC
A T-!(L S $)9VDC
A T-!(A S 35VDC
A *-T(A S 35VDC
A *-T(L S $)9VDC
g8 High voltage is applied to the panel L&D arras though connectors C,39$ and
!in $ and $(
A"pproIimatel $)9VDC 6when referenced to the chassis 2,D8.
AVoltage varies when referenced to connector 2,D.
!in ; and )
A2,D 6effective8.
A"pproIimatel 35VDC when the bac.light is lowest.
A2,D !ins
A2,D !otential is highest when signal is T?9U dut ccle 6almost DC8.
A2,D !otential is lowest when signal is V$9U dut ccle 6almost 2,D8.
ALevel is controlled b the mainboard though the *otHDim and TopHDim pins on
connector C,/49$
/odel+ %amsung L,$?C'59D>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ Displa is completel 2reen color onl.
LVD% cable not properl inserted or dirt in the contact pins. Clean the LVD% cable
contact pins and connect it bac. properl.
/odel+ %amsung 1,3;C;'99%7 L&D TV
%mptom+ ,o !ower
This <C*49$ 6<C&'*#$);5=8 !ower <C is defective on the !%1 board.
/odel+ %harp LC(;%"$&, LC(;%D$&, LC'(%"$&, LC'(%D$&, LC3(%"$&,
%mptom+ ,o Displa, %ound !roblem or Various operational .e issues
<f after chec.ing the whole !C* boards in TV still not solve the problem, it could be
software issues.
1pdate the main software to the latest version, following the instructions in the service
manual. -r using an <%! !rogrammer to empt their &&!#-/ <C first, if problem still
the same, then ou should program their flash memor b <%! !rogrammer with the
wor.ing firmware.
/odel+ %harp LC3;D)41, @ LC5(D)41, LCD TV
%mptom+ HD/< Connectivit <ssues+ ,o %ound or ,o Displa When Turned -n
<n some cases, when connected via HD/< to an eIternal audio amplifier or set top boI
an interruption to the sound and displa ma result when the TV us turned off and bac.
on. This ma occur due to current lea.age from the HD/<A%W <C VH<%<<?(4)LA$G on
the mainboard.
When the TV set reCuires service due to the above mentioned smptom, replace C$;$3
69.$u7, $93 ceramic capacitor8 on the mainboard with a $: ohm$0$;W resistor to
reduce the lea.age effect or Just replace the mainboard.
/odel+ %harp LCDA')2"5 LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in %tandb mode.
The L&D light lit with #ed color and its show on standb mode. &ven press the power
on button or using remote control also cannot power up the TV.
"fter testing the !%1 board, their standb 5V present and *LH-, signal 6'.$;V8 was
sent from mainboard to inverter board. "nd then their main chipset, Vcc voltage, cloc.
or crstal waveform and reset circuit all normal, so thatKs mean their main chipset is
wor.ing properl. *ut their !-W&#H-, signal is missing and not present on the
switch transistor to drive the #L)9$ to startAup the !%1.
7rom the previous eIperience, if all section in good condition but still no startAup, then
it could be their /C1 chipset or eIternal flash memor 6or their firmware corrupted8
defective. *ecause of the %harp LCDTV have lots of this problem was causing b their
flash memor firmware corrupted. %o chec.ing the flash memor firmware first and
found it was in <C'99$ 6L;38 position. "fter solder it out, using an <%! programmer to
bac.up their original firmware first. <n case it is not the flash memor problem, then
ou can program it bac. to original version firmware. "fter that, find a correct version
@ wor.ing firmware and using the <%! programmer to program it into the L;3 flash
memor <C. %older bac. this L;3 flash memor into the mainboard. !ower on this
%harp LCDA')2"5 LCD TV and it is wor.ing perfectl nowR !roblem solved and
confirmed it was the firmware corrupted till it canKt startAup the power suppl.
/odel+ %.worth (3&;9H# L&D TV
%mptom+ ,o *ac.light or Displa Dim
This smptom is a common fault for this L&D TV. Their problem was causing b L&D
<nverter0Drive board. When testing the L&D Drive board C$ voltage, it is Just (3V onl.
ThatKs mean their L&D Drive board not wor.ing. Tr to reAsolder the L&D Drive board
19$, 19( and their surrounding components. "fter solder the board, their L&D
bac.light is wor.ing now.
/odel+ %.worth 55L&D$9 Chassis 4:4$ L&D TV
%mptom+ Hard to startAup the TV when first time power it on.
When this L&D TV ever da first time power on, it is hard to startAup the TV. Chec.
their (3V is o. but $(V output Just have about ;N) V onl.
This TV is using the Chi/ei lcd panel and their !%1 board is use $;4!55!TGCA99.
The !%1 $(V output is from (3V through a DCADC circuit generated. Change the #($(
from $9 ohm to 9 ohm and #($3 from $9 ohm to 3.) ohm.
/odel+ %-,F :LVA(;%559", :LVA'(%559", :LVA')%559" LCD TV
%mptom+ 7lashing and =ittering Displa
When watching certain channels in #7 mode, the picture ma be flashing and Jittering
Cause+ "bnormal signal conditionA the problem channel has a wider HAsnc width
compared to the %&C"/ standard signal 6difference up to $,(us8
1pdate the firmware to the latest version. <n case of a '( inch panel, first chec. the
panel tpe before updating.
/odel+ %on :LVA'(2349" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o Displa but sound o. and bac.light wor.ing.
The screen has a OTVP character on the screen but no displa, Just blac. screen.
%ince this LCD TV sound and bac.light o., so the problem should be on the mainboard.
1sing volt meter testing the TAC-, board Vcc line and it has $(V there. %o the problem
could be the mainboard %caler <C, /C1, 7lash memor, &&#!-/ or TAC-, board.
"fter testing the %caler <C @ /C1 corresponding circuits li.e reset, Vcc and crstal all
loo.ing well. %o tr to chec. the flash memor @ eeprom <C. 7ound these <Cs were
beneath of the mainboard. The <C'99$ is (5L94 flash memor <C and <C'99( is (3C;3
eeprom <C. %o start the eas one, remove <C'99( 6(3C;38 and using programmer to
save their original data first and then erase this eeprom <C till it empt and all show
O77P on the programmer software. %older (3C;3 eeprom <C bac. to mainboard and
power on the LCD TV. The TV screen can show a perfect displa now and problem
/odel+ %amsung L"'(#?$* LCD TV
6This repair tips was contributed b /r. *ehBad %edigh. Than.s *ehR8
%mptom+ TV brightness and contrast features automaticall change to $99U
&ven using the remote control adJusts it to 59U, but in a short time it will automaticall
change to $99U of brightness and contrast.
7ound some bulged electroltic capacitors on the line of DC suppl to mainboard. "fter
replaced these electroltic caps, the smptom was getting better but not completel.
&ven disconnect the front control panel and chec.ing their circuit line till mainboard
also normal. <t is no an lea.age ceramic caps in that circuit line. %o it will suspect the
flash memor, eeprom <C or the /C1. %o starting from the eas wa first, chec.ing the
eeprom <C. This eeprom <C is beneath of the mainboard and it is using (3C(5;*,
6%/D %-!A4, 4 pins <C8. Fes, this eeprom <C 6"T(3C(5;C8 can be as a replacement for
(3C(5;*,. "fter replaced a new blan. eeprom <C, the %amsung L"'(#?$* LCD TV
problem solvedR
/odel+ V'$5*'AC9$TAcon *oard+
a8 %mptom+ TV ,o Displa but %ound -. and the bac.light wor.ing.
Chec. the TAcon board and found that %/D fuse burnt. <f this tpe of smptom doesnKt
Just put another fuse to power on the TV, it ma damage seriousl again.
%ince the %/D fuse burnt, must using the /ultimeter chec.ing Vcc input line with
2,D ohm values. The values show it is normal, continue chec.ing the other voltages
lines li.e V2L, V2H, VD" @ etc. 7inall found VD" line to 2,D was shorted and it
was 9 ohm. Disconnect the both 7!C cables, VD" line still remain shorted. ,ow
chec.ing their VD" line corresponding components and found the C!$( shorted. "fter
remove C!$(, VD" line ohm values bac. to normal and testing this C!$( was confirm
it had shorted. "fter replace %/D fuse and C!$(, the VD" output $5.?V and TV is
wor.ing properl.
b8 %mptom+ ,o Displa but %ound -. and the bac.light is wor.ing
Chec. the Vin have $(V input and other voltages lines also normal eIcept VD" line is
9V. *ecause of the TAcon board DCADC voltage control b the timing control, as
follows+ VDD(5, VDD$4 ST VD" ST V2L STV2H, the VD" is control b T!%;5$;$
pin () output logic high0low signal 6voltage8 to G!$ 6!Ach /-%7&T8 pin 3, when
signal logic low received the /-%7&T is switch -, and the VD" voltage has output
and reaching to the 2"//" correction <C.
Test the G!$ /-%7&T, pins $, ( @ ' have $5.?V. <t had proved that the VD" voltage is
present. Testing /-%7&T pin 3 is logic low signal, but pins 5, ;, ) @ 4 no VD" outputR
#emove and testing the G!$ /-%7&T and found it had opened circuit. "fter replace
G!$, the VD" got $5.?V output and displa bac. to normal.
,ote+ <f donKt have the G!$ on hand, temporar can Just using a wire connect G!$ pins
$ and 4, so it will bpass the G!$ switch function and testing TAcon board is o. or not.
c8 %mptom+ %creen %hows Vertical Color %tripes. The stripes are slowl to increase.
The vertical color stripes is slowl increase till full screen of vertical color stripes. This
smptom could be the V2H circuit abnormal. Chec. the V2H! has ($V but V2H is
9.'V onl instead of ($V. Testing G!) 6(,)99(8 pin ( is logic high, pin ; has ($V. 7or
testing purpose, tr to using a wire connect G!) pin ; to pin 3. "fter connected the
wire, the V2H has ($V output now and displa show perfectl. "fter replace the G!),
displa is wor.ing properl now.
d8 %mptom+ %creen 7ull of Vertical %tripes and %ometime ,- Displa
7rom the above smptom, it could be one of the DCADC circuits abnormal and causing
this problem. Chec. the DCADC circuits and found that V2H voltage not stable and it is
about 3.;V onl. "fter some time, the DCADC circuits all voltages will no output 6,o
Displa8 and need to power off and then on it again the voltages will come. When the
no voltages output, power off the TV, using the finger touch the <C and feeling their
temperature is a bit high but not eItremel hot. %uspect the 7!C cables problemW
remove both C,$ @ ( and measure the V2H voltage still not stable. %o the problem is
still in V2H circuit line. Chec. the V2H line corresponding components, b
disconnecting the C!$?, C!3' and found that when removed C!3', the V2H voltage
line is bac. to ($VR #eplace C!3' with $u7059V, the TAcon problem solved.
/odel+ Changhong LT(;$( LCD TV 6TAcon+ %V" (;9!W9('%8
%mptom+ ,o Displa and the screen full of Vertical color lines
,ormall this tpe of TV smptom was causing b the TAC-, board or LCD panel.
This LCD Tv using %V" (;9!W9('% TAC-, board. Chec. the TAcon board Vcc
voltage input had 5V, and the "VDD had '.'V. The lcd panel driving voltage V2H @
V2L are nothing. %uspect their DCADC circuit lines having problem. Chec. the V2H
line with 2,D with ohm range, it had '99 ohm onl. *ut V2L line with 2,D had
above ';: ohmR %o suspect the V2H circuit line filter capacitor lea.age. 7ound three
%/D chocolate color filter caps on the V2H line and two of three filter caps were
lea.age, another good one got '.'u7. *ecause of the are three same siBe and color filter
caps, so using one normal electroltic capacitor $9u7059V to replace it. !ower on the
TV their displa is bac. to normal now.
/odel+ Changhong LT(3)(97> LCD TV
%mptom+ Displa poor image with whitish tail or ghosting
,ormall this tpe of smptom was causing b the TAC-, board or LCD panel. %o
starting testing their TAC-, board voltage and found that V2H voltage has (.'V onl.
The correct V2H voltage for this TACon board should be about (5V. "t the same time
found a burnt component on the TAcon and the location is #$99. ThatKs mean it is a
burnt resistor and canKt saw an value there. 1sing multimeter ohm range to chec.ing
the #$99 pin ohm values to 2,D 6ground8 is about L0A 599: ohm. This is let us .now,
the #$99 position not because of other components short circuit and causing it burnt.
1se a $/ ohm variable resistor 6V#8, starting from the highest ohm first and then
slowl decreases the ohm values until the V2H reach (5V and the displa also change
to normal. %o chec. on that V# and found it is about $99: ohm, after that changed a
%/D resistor with values $99: ohm to #$99. The V2H line got (5V now and the
displa image also bac. to normal now. The TV problem solvedR
/odel+ Chi/ei V'(9*$AL9; LCD !anel with TAcon board V'(9*$AC9'
%mptom+ %creen full with Vertical Color Lines
This TAcon board Vcc voltage is present. Chec. VD" voltage is $$.(V onl. ThatKs
mean their DCADC circuit not wor.ing. %ince their DCADC <C "T$'49" is control b
the Timing Control chipset 6C/(;4$"8, when chec.ing their switch on signal from
C/(;4$", it is no an signal from it. "fter that chec.ing the C/(;4$" voltage suppl
<C ,) 6(.5V voltage regulator <C8 and found that has 9.?V volt output onl instead of
(.5VR "fter replace this ,) <C , the screen is bac. to normal now.
/odel+ Hisense TL/A'(''D LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o Displa but *lue %creen with Two Vertical White *ars
When power on this lcd tv, the screen show no displa but blue screen with two vertical
white bars. The two vertical white bars will flash but no an content inside. The LCD
TV can hear the sound and remote control to change channel properl. Tr other video
signals input li.e "V and !C also same results. &ven tr to call out the -%D menu also
same problem too.
%ince the LCD TV cannot show the -%D menu and the TV got sound and change
channel properl, so that the mainboard is normal. "fter observation this lcd tv, found
that the problem could be in the TAC-, board or LCD panel.
Chec. LVD% and 7!C cables, the are show as normal, then chec. the TAC-, board
voltages. "ll voltages in TAC-, board are o., so that i will suspect the TAC-, board
mainchip 6,'?8 or their memor chip 6,'$8 defective. < got the Jun. TAC-, board with
same part number, but their DCADC chip was burnt. %o the mainchip and memor <C
can be use. *ecause of the ,'? 6C/(;4$8 have man pins and the memor <C ,'$
6(3LC$(48 onl have 4 pins, so that < choose to replace the ,'$ first. "fter replace the
,'$, < tr to power on the TV, and it was show displa perfectlR
%ince this ,'$ is a memor <C, does that mean <C itself damage or Just the firmware
corrupt and caused this problem happenM To find out this answer, < use m programmer
to cop the wor.ing memor <C firmware and write it into the original memor <C. Do
ou guess what has happenM Fes, the LCD TV wor.ing perfectl tooR %o the problem
solved and it was causing b the firmware corrupted.
Conclusion+ The TAC-, board memor chip or their firmware corrupt also can cause
the screen problem. %o that we need to save their firmware and must prepare some Jun.
boards of TAcon board, mainboard and inverter board for future use.

!"#T )
/odel+ Hisense TL/'((; LCD TV 6TAC-,+ Chi/ei V'(9*$AC9'8
%mptom+ ,o Displa
The TV sound normal and it can control b the remote control. *ac.light is present but
the screen no displa and loo. li.e gre screen 6because the bac.light was wor.ing8.
This lcd panel using Chi/ei V'(9*$AC9' TAC-, board. %o first chec. their Vcc input
and other voltage values. Vcc input 5V o., voltage regulator output (.5V @ '.'V
normal. When measuring the VD", V2H @ V2L voltage found all not output 9V onl.
<t was shows that their DCADC section is not wor.ing. "fter analsis the ir DCADC
section, it is using the 1!$ <C 6"T$'49"8 as a DCADC <C. The 1!$ pin3, on0off switch
is control b the TAC-, main chipset 1' 6C/(;4$"A:G8 pin ;'.
1suall when the TV on, TAC-, board <C 1' 6C/(;4$"A:G8 pin;' 6!W#-,8 will
output a signal logic high 6'.'V8, through G!' inverse the signal to logic low and reach
to 1!$ pin3. "fter that, 1!$, DCADC section starting wor.ing and generates VD",
V2H @ V2L voltage outputs.
*ut for this TAcon board, even the TV was power on, but their 1' 6C/(;4$"A:G8 pin
;' still is logic low 9V. ,ormall this 1' pin ;' will follow b TV power on and off,
their voltage range is between 9VN'.'V. &ven disconnect the 1' pin;' with other
corresponding components, this pin;' also not different still 9V. %uspect their 1'
6C/(;4$"A:G8 damage, after replace 1' the TV was bac. to normal now.
/odel+ Hisense TL/'(9$ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o Displa but sound and other function properl.
This model of LCD has using two tpe of LCD panel. These LCD !anel are GD'(HL9$
and another one is GD'(HL9'.
7or this LCD TV smptom, no displa, the GD'(HL9$ LCD panel their TAC-, board
G'99 open circuit causing the TV no displa. This G'99 function as an on0off switch for
DCADC section. Direct replace G'99 with 7D,''?", and the problem solved.
7or the LCD panel using GD'(HL9', their TAC-, board D'93 6*"V??LT$8 opened
circuit and causing the TV no displa. This D'93 is using on the V2H circuit line. "fter
replace D'93 the TV problem solved.
/odel+ Hisense TL/39V;4! LCD TV 6TAC-, *oard+ V399H$AC9$8
%mptom+ Displa White %creen onl.
The other function li.e sound and remote control are o. and wor.ing properl.
This LCD TV panel ta.e a bit long time to startAup the displa. *ut the TV displa white
screen onl. %ince all other function normal, so the suspicion section is the TAcon board.
%tarts measuring this TAcon board and found that their V2H! voltage is missing, 9V but
other voltage testing points are normal. ,ormall this V2H! has about $?.5V. !ower
off the TV, using /ultimeter ohm range to measure their V2H! point with 2,D and
the values is 9 ohmR ThatKs mean the V2H ! circuit line has component shorted. 7irst
chec. the circuit line filter caps, when remove that capacitor C!$?, the V2H! circuit
line ohm values are bac. to normal. "fter testing this C!$? and found it was shorted.
"fter replace C!$? on the TAcon board, the problem still remains the sameR When
chec.ing the V2H! circuit line, it is still 9V. 7orward to 1!$ pin$9, here can measure
the (.(5V and 5V"C output. V"" testing point has about $'V, so to confirm that the
D!5 is open circuit. "fter removed D!5 and using /ultimeter to testing this
component, double confirm that D!5 is opened circuit. "fter changed both components,
the TV appear the displa perfectl.
/odel+ Hisense TL/3(44 LCD TV
%mptom+ %creen full of vertical color lines and then no displa.
When power on the TV, it is o. but after half an hour, the screen was changed to vertical
color lines. "nd it also appears some horiBontal bar on the screen. %ome time it can bac.
to normal and change to vertical lines and then the TV no displa. *ut their sound,
bac.light and the remote control, all function wor.ing properl.
7or this LCD TV smptom, so the suspicion parts will be the LVD% cable or their TAcon
board problem. This TV smptom was because of the mainboard LVD% signal are not
match with timing control in the TAcon board. 7irst chec.ing the LVD% cable both sides
contact pins are clean and no an dirt on the pins. "fter that chec.ing their cable
continuit and it is o.. %o the other part is the TAcon board.
"fter testing TAcon board all voltages normal and stable, so the problem should be in the
LVD% connector and their signals processing section. %ince this TV smptom was occur
after half an hour, so it could be the components dr Joints or heat sensitive. %o after
power on the TV, tr to using a plastic rod to pressing the TAcon. When the plastic rod
pressing on the LVD% connector soc.et, the TV screen bac. to normalR %o the culprit is
the LVD% connector soc.et dr Joints. "fter resolder the LVD% connector soc.et, the
LCD TV is o., even after burn test about 3 hours itKs still wor.ing properl.
/odel+ L2 LC')9W9$A"5:$ TAcon *oard
%mptom+ 2re %creen, ,o displa
This TAcon board Vin is use $(V as input voltage. 7ound their Vcc input %/D fuse :T
opened and loo.s li.e other components has shorted in the circuits. /easure the Vin
line ohm values is normal. "fter that chec.ing the other voltage output lines ohm values
and found that VDD with 2,D has 9 ohmR ThatKs mean something was shorted to
ground. 7inall found that C$'9 filter cap was short circuit. "fter replace %/D fuse :T
and C$'9 filter cap, the TV is bac. to normal.
/odel+ L2 LC3(9W9(A*; LCD !anel with ;4)9CA993;* TAcon *oard
%mptom+ %creen %how ,egative Displa with 7ull #ed Color
The LVD% cable is o.. 7or this tpe of displa smptom, ou must tr to slowl
minimum the Contrast feature. <f after minimum or closed the feature of Contrast and
displa bac. to normal 6have colors8, thatKs mean, the problem was in the TAcon board
and it is causing b timing control not wor.ing properl. <f after minimum the Contrast
feature, the displa is missing color, so the problem was in the mainboard. %ince this is
TAcon board problem, so concentrate to testing it. ,ormall if Timing Control section
wor., it must have+ $8 Correct Vcc input 6from DCADC section suppl8, (8 !anel setting
6this setting data was store in the &&!#-/ <C8, '8 Data communication &&!#-/ with
Timing Control <C must stable. 38 <f the Timing Control <C defective it also can
effected. Their voltage input is normal and corresponding components also no problem.
%o tr to find another Jun. board to remove both &&!#-/ 1( @ 15 6both (3F9(8 to
this TAcon board. "fter power on the TV, es the problem solvedR
/odel+ %on ') inches LCD TV with "1- T')9>W9( TAC-, *oard
%mptom+ The Character normal, but the picture area when it is bright, their edges got
other color banding.
Loo. li.e the LVD% cable contact problem. When it is brighter, their smptom becomes
serious. <f turn the Contrast down to 59U, the character and picture bac. to normalR
7rom this method we .now that it is not the mainboard problem but it could be LVD%
cable or TAC-, board.
Chec. the LVD% cable both contact pins and also using an eraser to wipe clean both
side. *ut it is not help. %o suspect the TAC-, board problem. 7rom the smptom on the
screen, if the problem is TAC-, board, then it could be their 2amma circuitKs lines
7ound this TAC-, board had (( testing point, 2"//"$N2"//"((. Where their
normal 2"//" circuit lines voltage level are decrement wa. "fter testing their
voltage points, found 2"//"$ till 2"//"(9 are using decrement wa it was from
$5V till 'V, but the 2"//"($ voltage point was about 4VR <t should be 'V or below.
Tracing this 2"//"($ line and it is from the "%$5A7 DCADC @ 2amma <C. %o trace
this line corresponding components, but all loo.s good. %o decide to replace the <C
"%$5A7 and problem solvedR
,ote+ The "%$5 series of DCADC <C 6$3L$ Channel Voltage *uffers <C8 have higher
damage rates on the TAcon board. When ou chec. the TAcon board with this <C, power
off the TV and use the finger touch on this <C. <f ou feel it is warm onl, then it should
be good. *ut if ou feel it is eItremel hot on the <C surface, thatKs mean this <C is gone
and need to be replace. The "%$5AH2 can use as an eCuivalent of "%$5A2 and same as
the "%$5A7 @ "%$5AH7. Their different is onl the"%$5AH2 built in the heatsin. inside
bottom of <C bod.
/odel+ %on :LV'(%399" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,egative !icture, Displa Distortion or White %creen
This model of TV has the above smptoms and all are because of their TAcon board
This model LCD TV, their TAcon board has ver high damage rates on the 1; <C 6"%$5A
7 or "%$5AII series <C8. When power off the TV, tr to use the finger to touch 1; <C
and ou will feeling it is eItremel hotR "fter replace this <C, the problem solved.
/odel+ "C&# "L(;)$W LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead.
"fter change power suppl <C 6T,F(;3!,8 and resistor #;9 6$9#09.''W,
,7# tpe8 the problem solved.
/odel+ "C&# "L(;)$W LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup and the L&D light is orange color.
"fter changed capacitor C'49 but the problem remains the same. %tandb !%1
functions and standb 5v present. The voltage appears at pin !%-, in the !%1
after switch on but !%1 does not start. "ctuall the are three ''9: %/D
resistors in series in the !%1 which suppl voltage for DL"99$. Chec. if
resistors are high resistive values.
/odel+ "cer "L(;)$W LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup. -range L&D light.
Chec. C'49 6$99uf.$;v8 under heatsin., neIt to 13( and 1;$ on signal !C*
for capacit loss.
/odel+ "cer "T'(9$W LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o function on user control and remote control.
When %C"#T module has been removed remote control reaction o..
#eplaced electroltic capacitors C'34 and C'59 6both ((9u70$;v8 on
/odel+ *ush <DLCD(;TV95HD Chassis L? 6*e.o8 LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o bac.light and no picture. %ound o. and can be intermittentl.
#eplace C5$(, C5$' 6both $999u70'5v8 and C5$? 6((9u70'5v8 in !%1. Change
a $999u70$;v capacitor on the signal board. The location of this capacitor is on
the far rightAhand side near the top of that board.
/odel+ *1%H LCD(;TV99;HD> LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o displa. The standb L&D light is flashing.
The capacitor C'$5 6$999u70(5v8 is supplied higher rated, and it is a little
bigger so use longer leads don't fit close to board. *e careful when soldering
ou don't accidentall remove the tin surface mount resistors on bac. of board.
/odel+ *1%H LCD'(TV995HD "!H999 Chassis *&:- L/ LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture appears for a few seconds after switch on, and then the TV
switches off again.
Chec. C(93( and C(933 6both ;49uf0'5v8 in !%1 for capacit loss or bad &%#
/odel+ *1%H LCD'(TV995HD "!H999 Chassis *&:- L/ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o !icture and no bac.light. The TV front control buttons were
wor.ing but remote control does not function.
#eplace <# receiver, where this part is short circuit.
/odel+ *1%H LCD'(TV9((HD with $)/*$5 Chassis LCD TV
%mptom+ <ntermittentl no startAup or dead after a few hours.
The !%1 replaced and &&!#-/ <C reAsolders, but not helps. Tr to reAsolder
<C((9 6%D"55598 and <C((3 on main board the TV is bac. to normal.
/odel+ *ush <DLCD(;TV95HD Chassis L? LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o *ac.light
The are no (3v to the inverter board after a while. %ensitive to power suppl
Chec. @ replace %/D ()v Bener diode 6red with ellow bands8. The diode is
located in primar side of the (3v chopper transformer suppl, near pin5A4 of
the %/D !-W&# <C 61C'43'"8. This !%1 board part number is 2D!99(
E#$?$9# ,&TET&<L %!% $49W (305 $(05 !7C (pin 6L<%H8.
/odel+ Changhong LT(;$4 LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb mode.
The power L&D light is red colour onl. Chec. their standb voltage on =49;
pin 3 @ 5 is about S 5.(V, thatKs mean the !%1 has been suppl 5V to the
mainboard. 1sing the remote control to startAup the TV and found that soc.et
=49; pin $ received an -, signal and it is sent from C!1. ThatKs mean the C!1
is wor.ing properl. Testing the power suppl secondar out voltage for (3V
and $(V lines both also S 9V. %o the TV canKt startAup is not causes b the
standb section, that is !%1 primar section. Chec. the power <C <C49$
6%T#;)5?,8 pin 3 6Vcc8 is about N$$V. Continue chec.ing the $(V @ (3V
lines corresponding components.
7inall found that (3V output voltage was shorted to ground and the failure
component is D43$ shorted. "fter replaced D43$ the TV is startAup and
wor.ing properl now.
/odel+ Changhong LT39$4! LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead.
,ormall this tpe of problem is causes b the !%1 section or their output
voltage loading side short circuit. Chec. !%1 primar side has '99V there but
nothing on secondar output. "fter power off TV, testing each voltage output
lines with multimeter ohm range and found that the L5V line was shorted to
-ne b one disconnect the line was connected to L5V source and found that the
1%* module has been short circuit. Disconnect the 1%* module and power on
the TV, the TV is wor.ing properl. Tr to chec.ing the 1%* module and
found their cables connect between mainboard and 1%* module was shorted.
"fter replaced the 1%* module cable the TV is full wor.ing now.
/odel+ Changhong LT'($4 LCD TV
%mptom+ Displa white screen, but sound o..
This LCD TV is using the "1- LCD panel. Where their TAC-, voltage suppl
Vcc is using 5V. Testing their actual VCC voltage was show 3.)V onl. %uspect
the Vcc voltage is a bit out of their range, then using the eIternal 5V connect to
TAC-,. !ower on the TV and the displa is o. now.
Chec. the TAC-, Vcc pin corresponding components and found that C593 is
lea.ing and need to replace a new one. "fter replaced C593, this TV is o..
/odel+ Dell W(;99 LCD TV
%mptom+ -%D /enu loc.s after $9 minutes
Change regulator <C 6L/$$$) DTA(.58 on mainboard.
/odel+ Dell W(;99 LCD TV
%mptom+ <ntermittent or &rratic functions.
%ometime the TV loc.sAup problems, shuts down, no startAup and no remote
control or front panel functions.
#eAsolder or reflow sstem #-/ chip <C$('3 and all regulators <C on the
/odel0s+ Dell W(;99 LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup after warmAup.
#eplace capacitor 6$9uf059v8 on small board mounted to power suppl neIt to
mainboard power connector.

!"#T 4
/odel+ &V&%H"/ "LG&/')%> with $)/*$5 Chassis LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup, the TV screen lights up, then switches bac. to standb
!lease chec. or direct replace the C4)) and C4)4 on !%1 board for open
circuits. %ometime these caps will chec. well, but would brea.s down when
under load.
/odel+ 2--D/",% 2TV(;WLCD LCD TV
%mptom+ %huts down and L&D blin.s.
#eplace the C4)) and C4)4 6both $5n70;'9V8 near heatsin., at top left corner
of !%1.
/odel+ 2--D/",% 2TV'(W((HD "VE--- Chassis L/ LCD TV
%mptom+ Dar. picture. -%D bounces.
#eplace the C(93( and C(933 6;49uf8 in !%1.
/odel+ 2rundig 21L&,"#'(HD<! with Chassis L? LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb mode, L&D light is blue color.
The blue L&D alwas stas on, even when appliance is on standb mode.
Capacitor C?'$ 6$999u78 replaced but the TV is still dead with $(v and (3v o..
Chec. and replace diode D'99 on the rightAhand side, on middleAtop of the
main board. The problem solved.
/odel0s+ Hisense LCD3(93&1 LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead after a *ang ,oise.
#eplace chopper drive %T#>;);?, #&9'4 6$9#8 and #&9'( 6$59#8 in primar
/odel+ Hisense TL/3)44! LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead.
TV power on, testing the !%1 secondar output voltage L$(V, L5VH/ @ L(3V
all are S 9V no output. "fter that, testing the standb voltage L5VH% also same
as 9VR ThatKs mean it was the standb voltage suppl section malfunction.
Chec.ing the ,&5($ 6%T#A";'5$8 pin ) @ 4 has '99V, but pin ' is 9V.
,ormall this !ower <C Vcc pin has about $5V.
Chec. the corresponding components on Vcc line and found that #&5(' was
open and other parts are normal. #eplaced a new #&5(' resistor, the TV is o..
/odel+ Hitachi '(LD;(99H"H*HC LCD TV
%mptom+ %et fails to power on0switch on.
<f /*$$A; /ain board is used instead of the original /ain board /*$$A( the
unit won't switch on.
1nit switches off immediatel and a clic.ing noise comes from the !ower
#egulator *oard.
#eplace the LVD% cable 6p0n+ V%'993$;?'8 and add a 3)u7 6p0n+ V%'9999'?;,
C"! &L3)17$;V8 electroltic capacitor to !ower #egulation *oard.
/odel+ Hitachi '(LD;(99H"H*HC LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit does not switch on or fails to power on.
1nit does not wor., standb L&D not lighting.
Cause+ Wor.ing of !iIelwor.s controller <C($ depends on ambient
temperature. <f <C is heated eIternall the unit starts to wor. normall.
#eplace 7errite bead L599 and L59$ with a Jumper wire without the ferrite rod.
/odel+ Hitachi '(LD;;99H"H*HC LCD T V
%mptom+ ,o picture, but sound o..
Cause+ Dr Joints on components %;() and %;(? near connector !L'94 on the
main board.
#eAsolder components %;() and %;(?W also chec. other components for dr
Joints near the connector.
/odel+ Hitachi '(LD)(99 LCD TV
%mptom+ Distorted %ound0"udio.
%ound is distorted when the set is first switched on. "fter a while the fault clears
and the set wor.s normall.
Tr to reAsolder first, if still the same then replace =oint !W*. p0n+ T!9$'';.
/odel+ Hitachi '(LD)(99 LCD TV
%mptom+ /echanical ,oise from %creen in Dnamic /ode
Cause+ Low bac. light setting on Dnamic mode.
*ac.light settings are different for each mode+
DF,"/<C+ $(
,"T1#"L+ $5
C<,&/"+ $9
<ncrease bac.light settings in Dnamic mode from $( to (9.
<f similar noise problem occurs on other modes, adJust bac.light levels to the
position in which noise becomes the minimum.
/odel+ Hitachi ')LD;;99, ')LD;;99" LCD TV.
%mptom+ /echanical ,oise from %creen -nl in C<,&/" /-D&
Cause+ High bac. light setting on Cinema mode.
*ac.light settings are different for each mode+
DF,"/<C+ 99
,"T1#"L+ 59
C<,&/"+ $99
#educe bac.light settings in Cinema mode from $99 to 5? as follows.
&nter %ervice /ode with the remote control,
!#&%% /&,1
3)(5 -# $(;) -# $3;$ 6there are ' different software versions, onl one code
will wor.8
%ervice /enu will appear, %elect !<C "D=1%T and enter with V-LL
" second service menu will appear, the bottom adJustment in the menu is *ac.
Light setting and will be set to $99.
7rom the /ode Heading select C<,&/" mode.
%elect *ac. Light and reduce the setting to 5?.
To memorise and eIit %ervice /ode press %tandb.
/odel+ Hitachi ')LD;;99, ')LD;;99" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound or intermittent sound
!ins of headphone soc.et touching the chassis. Trim these pins and problem
/odel+ Hitachi L'("9$, L'("9$", L'(H9$&, L'(H9$&", L'(H9$1,
L'(H9$1", '(LD4D(9&H&", '(LD4D(91, '(LD4D(91" LCD TV
%mptom+ "udio is distorted constantl and ma have some bac.ground noise
#eplace D435 and D43; 6both 17539( '"0(99V $59", part number+
V%'999?';;8 on the power suppl board 6!%18.
/odel+ Hitachi (;LD;(99 LCD TV
%mptom+ "udio noise ma be heard from spea.ers when unit is in Tuner
mode and the volume control is set to near minimum.
"dd four %/D Jumpers on the "mp board to positions =$99, =$9$, =$9( and
=$9' 6=1/!&# %/D 9;9' #8.
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99", '(LD;;99H"H*HC,
')LD;;99 LCD TV
Tip+ *urn in /ode when replacing /ain !C*
When replacing the main !C* on these models, the new part ma be in the
'burn in' mode from manufacture. This will result in the image on screen
flashing different colours.
To eIit the burn in mode+
1se the remote control+
$. !ress menu button
(. !ress the following button seCuence+ 3,),(,5+
'. 2o to O-!T<-,%P and then set O*1#, <, /-D&P to either -, or -77.
/odel+ Hitachi ((LD3(99 LCD TV
%mptom+ 2reen horiBontal line flashing across the screen intermittentl.
#emove resistor #$3? on the <nput signal board 6%ignal processingAanalogue8
and replace it with =umper %/D 69 ohm, part number+ V%'999$)'38.
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99"H*HCHD, ')LD;;99,
')LD;;99", ')LD4;99, ')LD4)99C, ')LD4)991 LCD TV
Tip+ Hotel /ode
To enter the hotel mode of these model LCD TV+
$. !ress /enu
(. !ress the following buttons in seCuence+ $,',(,5
/odel+ Hitachi (4LD5(99& LCD TV
%mptom+ <ntermittent Color or no color.
A Colour drops out after the unit has been running for two to three hours.
#esolder capacitor C5$9 and other components in its vicinit.
/odel+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99", '(LD;;99H"H*HC LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound0audio.
Cause+ %ound setting ma have been lost in the memor and defaulted to Bero.
#einstate sound settings as follows+
&nter %ervice mode.
!ress /enu then 3,),(,5.
2o to "udio menu.
%elect %ound ( and enter the following values+
7/ !#&%C"L&# $5
,<C"/ !#&%C"L& "VL -, '5
%C"#T !#&%C"L& "VL -, $3
%C"#T V-L1/& "VL -, $((
2- T- %T",D*F T- /&/-#<%& %&TT<,2%
/odel+ Hitachi ((LD35991, ((LD35991: LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound or ver low sound on terrestrial and no sound on Digital
or an "V inputs.
This is a software0firmware problem. #eplace memor <C'9( Tpe (3LC$;
6part number+ V%(9$;);$(8. "ll customer controls are set to minimum on the
new <C. !lease reset language and all picture controls to normal after replacing
the <C.
/odel0s+ Hitachi L'(V!9'&, L'(V!9'1 LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o switch on from standb mode.
<f the TV is switched into standb when it has been running for some time and
is warm, it will not come out of standb until the set has cooled completel.
#eplace the crstal >$93 6>T"L $3.'$4/HE (9!7 (9!!/ %/D #-H%, part
number+ V%'9953?(;8 on the main pcb0main logic board, the sstem control
/odel0s+ Hitachi '(LD;(99H"H*HC, '(LD;;99H"H*HC LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture Displa !roblem.
Cause+ Various picture problems can be caused b poor connection of the
LVD% cable on connector !L$9' on the /ain board.
#emove LVD% cable from connector !L$9' and reinsert carefull.
/a.e sure both end of the LVD% cable are inserted properl between !L$9'
and the displa panel.
/odel0s+ Hitachi (;LD;;99 @ (;LD;;99"H*HCHD, '(LD4"$9,
')LD;;99, ')LD;;99" @ ')LD4599, ')LD4559, ')LD4;99, ')LD4)99C,
')LD4)99C", ')LD4)991, ')LD4)991", ')LD4"(9, ')LD4D$9,
')LD4D(9&, ')LD4D(91 LCD TV
%mptom+ !oor image Cualit or solarisation of image.
"s shown in the images below.
This phenomenon ma be intermittentl and onl displaed after a number of
Cause+ The glue on the LDV% cable heats up over time and the properties
change and creating a contact problem within the cable and the !C*. This
causes permanent or intermittent picture problems
#emove the LDV% cable and clean the connections at the LCD control panel. <f
this step still not solves the problem, then replace the LVD% cable.
$8 !art+ V%'9933';; C"*L& '9!0$'9 GD<" 1L(9();
LCDA!",&LVAT!W* /"<,. To fit models+
(;LD;;99, (;LD;;99*, (;LD;;99C, (;LD;#$9,
'(LD4)99C*, '(LD4)991*
(8 !art+ V%'99335); C"*L& '9!0$59 LVD%L7&# 1L(9();
LCDA!",&LVAT!W* /"<,. To fit models+
6(;LD;;99", '(LD;;99, '(LD;;99"8
'8 !art+ V%'99334;; C"*L& '9!0$59 LVD% '(C/-*$
#eference+ LVD%
!L$9' VAT %C#&&, V'(9*$AL9$. To fit models +
'(LD;;99*, '(LD4"$9, '(LD4;99, '(LD4)99C,
'(LD4)99T1, '(LD4)991
38 !art+ V%'993(99' C"*L& C-,,&CT-# LVD% '9!0('9
#eference+ LVD%
C-,,&CT-# /"<, VAT !",&L. To fit models +
'(LD;;99C, ')LD;;99, ')LD;;99", ')LD4;99
58 !art+ V%'995'99' C"*L& LVD% '9!0$59 W0DCL7 1L(9
#eference+ LVD%
C-,,&CT-# /"<, VAT !",&L. To fit model+
;8 !art+ V%'995$49' C"*L& LVD% '9!0$49 '(C/-*$
#eference+ LVD%
X!L$9' VAT %C#&&, V'(9*$AL93. To fit models+
'(LD4"$9", '(LD4;99", '(LD4)99C",
'(LD4)99T1, '(LD4)991"
)8 !art+ V%'99534)4 C"*L& LVD% '9!0$'9 1L(9();
To fit model + '(LD4;99*
48 !art+ V%'9934543 C"*L& LVD% '9!0('9
To fit models + ')LD4"(9, ')LD4D$9,
')LD4D(9&, ')LD4D(91, ')LD4599, ')LD4559,
')LD4;99, ')LD4)99C, ')LD4)991
?8 !art+ V%'995$)4$ C"*L& LVD% 3$!0('9 ')DH<T
#eference+ LVD% To fit models+ ')LD4)99C"H1", ')LD4;99".
/odel+ Hitachi '(LD;;99 LCD TV
%mptom+ %olarisation of the image.
#eplace >;99, ;/HB Crstal 6!0,+ V%'999;;;(8 on signal processinganalogue
/odel+ Hundai <mageCuest HGL(;9W# LCD TV
%mptom+ %huts down after a few minutes
Three $999uf electronic capacitors in !%1 replaced unsuccessfull.
Change optoAcoupler <C !C$9(A(. The problem solved.
/odel+ Hundai <mageCuest HGL(;9W# LCD TV
%mptom+ %low startAup problem.
#eplace the capacitor C$9?, C$$9 and C$$$ 6all $999uf0'5v8. "lso chec. %/D
resistor #5; and #5) 6both ((:8 for dr Joints.
/odel+ =VC LT'(D>)* LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o functions after lightning stri.e.
The primar voltage '99v is present. *ut secondar voltage output was onl ($
volt. #eplace standb transformer T?(9$.
/odel+ :-,:" LC3("%(4 LCD TV
%mptom+ Displa show O,o <nput %ignalP message onl.
Tr call out the -%D /enu, but it is response slowl about after $ minutes then
the -%D came out. &ven tr other signal input li.e "V also same problem, but
when input the F!b!r signal, it can show the displa properl. *ut their
responses to call out the -%D /enu still the same, slowl to come out.
%ince the signal F!b!r displa o. but the "V and TV show error message O,o
%ignal <nputP, so problem will be the Video0"udio processor ,39$
6TD"$59;'H<8 or their corresponding components failure. Testing the voltage
suppl pin 43 6VccS4V normal value8, it onl show S 9VR Chec. the Vcc
suppl line corresponding components and found #4$$ open. "fter replaced
this #4$$ resistor, the TV was bac. to normal now. &ven the -%D /enu also
wor.ing properl. ThatKs mean the ,39$ not wor.ing will affect the ,399
6(3C$;8 to #ead0Writer data and cause it to slowl came out -%D /enu.
/odel+ :on.a LCAT/')$? LCD TV
%mptom+ "fter power on the TV, but it is stuc. in standb mode.
Tr using the remote control and the TV front panel button also not function.
The power L&D still show the red colour light onl.
"fter replaced and program the ,59( 6(3LC'(8 and the ,395 6W'?L939
"!)9E8, the TV is wor.ing properl now.

!"#T ?
/odel+ L2 ()LC(# Chassis L!;$" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o bac.light.
Chec. the %/D fuse 7$ on inverter board for open circuit.
/odel+ L2 '(LC5; LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture divided into several parts. Displa distortion.
#eplace TAC-, board 6!art ,umber+ ($4'?38.
/odel+ L2 '(LC5;EC LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup. %tandb L&D flashes from red to green.
#eplace the C(9(, C(9;, C($) and C($4 6((99uf0$9v all8, and C((;
/odel+ L2 '(L&(#E= Chassis L!;$" LCD TV
%mptom+ #emotes control no functions at all.
#eplace %/D capacitor at output of <# receiver.
/odel+ L2 ')L&(# Chassis L!;$" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup.
#eplace %/D regulator TL3'$ 61$'98 in !%1.
/odel+ L2 '(LC35 LCD TV
%mptom+ D,o %ignalD displaed. ,o sound and no picture. *ac.light and
-%D menu is o.. L&D is green color light.
Tr to update firmware if not then replace main signal board.
/odel+ L2 3)LF?5 Chassis LD)5" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,egative picture and no sound.
Voltage output low at pin ) of connector !(9(.
Chec. G(9( 6"!)(T9(2H8, 1(9' 6"!1'9')/8, G(9' 6"!;9T9'2H8 and
connector !(9( in !%1. "lso chec. or replace C(($, C(((, C((' and C('(.
/odel+ L2 3)L7;; LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o power
Change the C(9(, C(9; and C($) 6all ((99uf0$9v8 on <! board 6<nverter !ower
%uppl *oard8.
/odel+ L2 ')L7;; LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o power
<C 1599 6<C&'*$5;5=8 is short circuit and fusible resistor 7*59$ 6(.(#8 open
Chec. safet resistor for open circuit. #eplace D59$ 617399)8, '.;v Bener
diode ED59( 6$,5(()8 and C594 6''u7059v8.
/odel+ L2 '(LC5;EC LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup. %tandb L&D flashes from red to green
Chec. or replace C(9(, C(9;, C($), C($4 6all ((99u70$9v8 and C((;
/odel+ L2 '(LC5; LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture divided into several parts. Distorted picture
#eplace TAC-, 6!art ,umber+ ($4'?38.
/odel+ L2 '(LC5;EC LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb mode.
Chec. @ change C(93. <f the pcb board discolored around #(94 resistor then
replace !%1.
/odel+ Logi. LC>W'(HD< LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound or picture. The front controls light up @ rela clic.s.
Chec. or replace #;5 6(/8 around 1' !%1 for open circuit.
/odel+ !anasonic T>A'(L&D)7/ LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead.
#eplace the resistor #459 64(9:09.(5W8.
/odel+ !anasonic T>A'(L&D)7/ Chassis 2L!((/ LCD TV
%mptom+ &nter %ervice /ode.
$. !ress 7 button to access volume setting.
(. !ress VA button on set until volume reaches minimum.
'. While still holding VA button press 9 button three times on remote control.
3. !ress $ and ( buttons to scroll through the menu.
5. !ress ' and 3 buttons to select an adJustment.
;(8 /odel+ !anasonic TC'(L>45 LCD TV
%mptom+ TV does not respond from remote control signal
Cause+ Lea. lines filter 7L39';.
#eplace 7L39'; 6!artY+ =-H"FF9999$$8.
/odel+ !anasonic TCA'(L>;99 LCD TV
%mptom+ Colour distorted with patches around obJect, sometimes happened
after running for 3 hours.
Cause+ Digital signal processing error
Tr to reflow or replace <C399$.
/odel+ !anasonic TCA(;L>45 @ TCA'(L>45 LCD TV
%mptom+ %ound distortions, mostl noticeable during commercial
Cause+ %ome stations send out of the specs signal causing sound distortion in
higher freCuencies.
%oftware upgrade is needed if unit has serial number before specified below+
ZZ4(''9)3; for TC(;L>45
ZZ4('39'3( for TC'(L>45
!erform the upgrade following below steps+
$. Turn on TV and insert %D card into %D card slot.
(. 1sing remote control[s left0right arrow button, select F&% to start the
'. When upgrade was completed, the screen will change
3. 1nplug the TV from "C line and plug it bac. after several seconds. !ower on
the TV and it is bac. to normal now.
/odel+ !hilips '(!7''(90$9 Chassis LC3.5 &"" LCD TV
%mptom+ D7D is displaed on screen
TV is in factor mode. To Cuit the factor mode, press both DV-L1/&D DAD
.es and D!#-2#"/D DAD for 5 seconds simultaneousl.
/odel+ !hilips Chassis *='.9& L" LCD TV
%mptom+ %witches off for a second or two intermittentl. #ela clic.s and
standb L&D remains green. When the TV switches off intermittentl with
green L&D lit, TV wills no sound or no picture.
!lease chec. the ()/HB :D% CuartB crstal 6%%*, item $H998. <f all ellow
mar.ed crstals bearing with a D5&D, D5=D or D5:D batch number Just direct
replaced it. "lso replace all the silver mar.ed crstals bearing with a D;DD batch
/odel+ !hilips 3(!7);($0D$9 LCD TV
%mptom+ High pitched noise coming from LCD power suppl
Chec. or replace 59(5, 59(; and 59() on LCD power suppl and glue them if
/odel+ !hilips ('/W?9$90') LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o sound.
Defective sound output <C))'$ 6",)5((8.
/odel+ !hilips ('!7??;;0') LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture Jitter if contrast function is used.
#eplace transistor )5;' on %calar mainboard.
/odel+ !hilips 3(!7);($0D$9 LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb. TV switches to protection mode. 2reen L&D
#eplace capacitors (539 and (533 6both $9n78. Change to both with ((9n7.
/odel+ !hilips Chassis *='.9&HL" LCD TV
%mptom+ %witches off for a second or two intermittentl.
#ela clic.s and standb L&D remains green. TV switches off intermittentl
with green L&D on, no sound or picture.
Chec. ()/HB :D% CuartB crstal 6%%*, item $H998. #eplace all ellow
mar.ed crstals 6made in China8 bearing a D5&D, D5=D or D5:D batch number.
"lso replace all silver mar.ed crstals 6made in Taiwan8 bearing a D;DD batch
number. ,ote+ #eplace crstals with order code (3((53'9$'?).
/odel+ !olaroid 7L/'('( LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startup.
#eplace E? Bener diode with ,T&!,3??9 in the !%1.
/odel+ %amsung L&()T5$* LCD TV
%mptom+ Dar. frame with color stripes.
<ts loo.s li.e the unstable voltage problem. Chec. and replace 1!3 6L$$$)D28
on TAC-, board.
/odel+ %amsung L&'(#)'*D LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o picture and no -%D menu. *ac.light o..
#eflow LVD% soc.et on screen driver !C* and mainboard !C*.
/odel+ %amsung L&'(#)3*D LCD TV
%mptom+ TV dead. !ulsating noise came from !%1 and L&D light flashes.
Chec. schott. diode D/453 6/*#7$535CT8 in !%1 for short circuit.
/odel+ %amsung L,'("''9=$D>E", L,'("''9=$,>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ The TV ta.es longer to power on than normal.
The TV ta.es longer to power on than normal. Fou ma hear several clic.s
while the TV attempts to power on.
Cause+ The electroltic in the capacitors on the power suppl board over time
will dr out causing the power suppl to shut down during its initial power on
#efer to the capacitor cross reference guide below for the list of the capacitors
that should be replaced.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,39";59"$7>E", L,3;";59"$7>E",
L,39")59#$7>EC, L,3;")59#$7>E", L,39")59#$7>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit tries to start with melod but ccles off and bac. on.
<f the unit tries to turn on and ma.es the startAup melod but then immediatel
shuts off and starts again, unplug the LVD% cable and appl power again. <f the
set stas on, replace the TACon board.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T'(3(H>0>"", L,%(;5$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture is lostW sound -: after /"<, !C* was replaced
<f ou get the smptoms after replacing /"<, !C* and made all correct setups
in D-!T<-, *FT&D+
A Lost picture after 5A$9 minutes but sound -:, picture comes bac. if ou
restart the TV but Just to be lost again after the same interval or
A !icture is lost intermittentl ever $9A(9 sec. and comes bac. itself, again
sound -:.
Fou ma not have to come bac. with another /ain !C*, this ma be corrected
Just b moving the connection between inverter and %/!% on the %/!%
board. <f it was on "AC,/49' move it to %AC,/49( or vice versa from %AC,/49( to
"AC,/49' on the %/!% board. <f this is not wor.ing then use a
new /"<, !C*. This ma be applied to other LCD models too.
/odel+ %amsung L,%393$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit Continuall Ccling -n and -ff. %et turns on and off in a
continuous ccle. !la the melod each time.
#epair0%olutions+ 7irst, chec. the power suppl voltages, if missing, replace
the power !C*. ,eIt unplug the lvds cable. <f the set continues to ccle,
replace the main pcb. <f the ccling stops, replace the lcd panel. !art numbers
are version dependent, so be sure to chec. the set's version.
/odel+ %amsung L,%395$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Clic.ing repeatedl TV will not turn on
7ound ( electroltic $99uf at $;v capacitors on the 5v line C$$5 and C$(' bad.
-r replace the power suppl.
/odel+ %amsung L,%395$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead *ac.light 7lashes -n then -ff.
1,<T W-1LD 7L"%H -, TH&, -77 ",D "1D<- W-1LD W-#:.
F-1 C-1LD %&& V<D&- W<TH " 7L"%HL<2HT. %-/&T</&% 1,<T
W-1LD %T"F -, ",D #1, <7 F-1 CFCL&D -, ",D -77 /",F
T</&%. 7-1,D *"D %-LD&# C-,,&CT<-, -, <! *-"#D T<49$ -,
!#</"#F %<D&. #&%-LD&#&D ",D C-##&CT&D !#-*L&/.
/odel+ %amsung L,%3;?(D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o video TV but has bac.light and audio. TV will not come on.
7ound pico fuse open at cp$ on the TAC-, !C*. <f shorted C!$ with a wire
Jumper, TV comes on and runs fine. #eplace the !ico fuse or TAC-, !C*.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T'(3(H>0>"", L,T'('(H>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ CanKt power on.
TV would not come on. #emoved the bac. and as soon as we did the set came
on. 7ound glue was around cables on the smps. Cleaned glue off and cleaned
the terminals. %et operates normall.
/odel+ %amsung L,T'(5'H>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ "fter a few minutes when TV warmsAup picture becomes distorted
$9A$5 minutes after ou turned on the unit panel warmsAup and picture becomes
distorted. <f ou Just push the TV's frame picture becomes even more distorted.
-n the bac. of the panel the C-,T#-L "%<C area is ver hot. #eplace the
panel to fiI the problem.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T39;57>0>"", L,T3;;57>0>"",
L,T5(;57>0>"", L,T39;$7>0>"", L,T3;;$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ *lue screen without signal. <f provide with signal the blue screen
will flash white short horiBontal lines.
#efit or replace LVD% cable, chec. if the cable not strangled b the metal cover
and loosen up the screws of the cover.

!"#T $9
/odel+ %amsung L,T3;;57>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ *rightness lost after replaced /"<, !C*.
*ecause /"<, !C* *,?3A9$$??& is designed to wor. with both models
L,T3;;57>0>"" and L,T3;;$7>0>"" when ou replaced the board is
possible to lost the brightness. 2o in %&#V<C& /-D& and turn value LVD%
*FT& from 4 to $9.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T5()$7>0>"", L,T3;)$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ TV is ccling, the red L&D light blin.ing and the rela is ccling
sometime TV will come on.
TV is ccling, the red L&D light blin.ing and the rela is ccling sometime TV
will come on. &ven the /ain board replaced, did not fiI. This was a used unit,
found cable from the main board to the side "V Jac. was reversed, is not
labelled as to direction of use. This cable if reversed will be hot to the touch.
7ound b removing and reAplugging and changing direction of cable TV wor.ed.
This was tried on both model numbers with the same result.
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,'(*';9C5D>E",L,'(*5'9!)7>E",L,'(*;59T$7>E",L,'(* 3;9*(D
L,'(*;39#'7>E",L,'(*35)C;H>E",L,'(*359C3H>E",L,')* 35)C;
L,')*559:$7>E",L,39*35)C;H>E",L,39*559:$H>E",L,39* 599!'7
L,39*5'9!)7>E",L,39*5'9!),>E",L,39*)591$7>E",L,39* 539!47
L,39*;39#'7>E",L,3;*;59T$7>E",L,3;*5'9!),>E",L,3;* 5'9!)7
L,3;*539!47>E",L,3;*;'9,$7>E",L,3;*;39#'7>E",L,3;* )591$7
L,5(*559:$7>E",L,5(*539!47>E",L,5(*5'9!)7>E",L,5(* ;'9,$7
>E",L,5(*)591$7>E",L,55*;39#'7>E",L,55*;59T$7>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ 7irmware blin.ing in #ed at the top of the screen
#epair0%olution+ !roblem A "fter changing the main board, <'m now stuc. with
the firmware blin.ing in #&D print at the top of the screen.
%olution+ The unit is stuc. in aging mode. To eIit, simpl hit the menu button
on the TV itself.
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,'(*';9C5D>E",L,'(*5'9!)7>E",L,'(*3;9*(D>E",L,'(* 539!4D
L,')*559:$7>E",L,39*559:$7>E",L,39*5'9!)7>E",L,39* 5'9!),
L,3;*5'9!),>E",L,3;*5'9!)7>E",L,3;*559:$7>E",L,3;* 539!47
%mptom+ 7lic.ering on the screen intermittentl
When the unit is connected via HD/< to a %cientific "tlanta cable set top boI
set in b pass mode for resolutions 349p and )(9p a flic.ering will occur.
Change the cable boI to a fiIed resolution. -# have the customer install the
latest TV firmware which can be located on samsung.com.
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,3;"559!'7>E",L,3;";59"$7>E",L,3;"5'9!$7>E",L,3;" )59#$7
L,3;"539!(7>E",L,3;"459%$7>E",L,3;";'9/$7>E",L,3;" 549!;7
L,5(";59"$7>E",L,5("559!'7>E",L,5(";'9/$7>E",L,5(" 4;9%(7
L,39"5'9!$7>E",L,39"359C$D>E",L,39"''9=$D>E",L,39" 559!'7
L,39"539!(7>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit ccles on0off during startAup.
<f the unit tries to turn on but begins to ccle on and off before an video is
displaed and all of the %/!% voltages are good, disconnect the LVD% cable at
the TACon board. <f the set starts and the bac.lights come on, replace the TACon
board. <f the set does not start, disconnect the LVD% cable at the main board. <f
the set starts, replace the LVD% cable. <f the set still does not startAup, replace
the main board.
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,'("''9=$D>E",L,'("359C$D>E",L,'(";59"$7>E",L,'(" 559!'7
L,39"5'9!$7>E",L,39"359C$D>E",L,39")59#$7>E",L,39" ''9=$D
L,3;"5'9!$7>E",L,3;"4;9%(7>E",L,3;")59#$7>E",L,3;" 559!'7
L,3;"599T$7>E",L,3;"459%$7>E",L,3;";'9/$7>E",L,3;" 459%$7
L,5(";59"$7>E",L,5("559!'7>E",L,5(";'9/$7>E",L,5(" 4;9%(7
%mptom+ "utoAshutdown on (994 LCD TVKs.
1pon inspections of (994 LCD TV's we have found that the LVD% 6ribbon
cable8 can cause an auto shut down. &ven if the LVD% cable doesnKt loo.
defective tr changing it anwa and retest the TV. <t is a good practice to carr
a few eItra LVD% cables for such testing circumstances.
/odel0s+ %amsung
L,'(*';9C5D>E",L,'(*5'9!)7>E",L,'(*;59T$7>E",L,'(* 3;9*(D
L,'(*35)C;H>E",L,'(*359C3H>E",L,'(*539!4D1E",L,'(* 359C'
L,'(*5'9!)71E",L,'(*359C'H1E",L,39*5'9!)71E",L,39* 559:$7
L,39*;39#'71E",L,39*;59T$71E",L,39*;'9,$71E",L,39* 539!47
L,39*5'9!)7>E",L,39*5'9!),>E",L,39*)591$7>E",L,39* 539!47
L,5(*;$9"57>E",L,5(*559:$7>E",L,5(*539!47>E",L,5(* 5'9!)7
>E",L,5(*;'9,$7>E", L,5(*)591$7>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ *ac.light 7ailure Testing.
*ac.light failures can be partial or full failure chec. the bac.light suppl
voltage 6refer to service manual8. <f suppl voltage is present, use a flashlight
behind the television and shine a light through the panel. <f the video is wor.ing
ou will see it.
/odel+ %amsung L,%395$D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead bac.light flashes on then off.
1nit would flash on then off and audio would wor.. Fou could saw video with
a flashlight. %ometimes unit would sta on and run if ou ccled on and off
man times. 7ound bad solder connection on <! board T<49$ on primar side.
#eAsoldered and problem solved.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T39;57>0>"", L,T3;;57>0>"",
L,T5(;57>0>"", L,T39;$7>0>"", L,T3;;$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Half screen is purple colour.
Half screen is purple color. ThatKs mean LCD panel controller board is
defective. !anel needs to be replaced.
/odel0s+ %amsung
395'H>0>"",L,T39;$7>0>"",L,T3;;$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ <ntermittent LCD Video Troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting intermittent video problems can be time consuming, but these
tips ma help narrow down the cause of an intermittent video problem.
The ver first thing to do is to ma.e sure the customer does not have -%D.
The can verif this b Just pressing /enu or Volume on their TV remote
control. <f the do have -%D, then the problem is most li.el in the source and
not the TV.
The neIt step when encountering an intermittent video problem is to find out if
the bac.lights are on when the set looses video. Fou can probabl obtain this
information from the customer before ou schedule the call. "s. if the noticed
if the screen is completel blac. or if it is lit up slightl when the video goes out.
The ma be able to notice it better if the stand at an angle to the TV and turn
it on or off and see if there is an change in brightness.
<f the bac.lights are out, ou need to .now if the set ever has video when the
turn it on, or does it go out after the have had the set on for a period of time. <f
the set occasionall will not have bac.lights when it is first turned on, suspect the panel
or power suppl0<! board. <f the set has video for a while and then
looses the bac.lights, suspect a power suppl0<! board or main board. Tpicall
the panel will cause a no bac.light at turn on, while the power suppl and /ain
*oard will cause the bac.lights to go out after a period of time. <f the set has
bac.lights when first turned on and the lights change their brightness in several
steps before Cuic.l going out, suspect the <! board.
<f the bac.lights are on when the set loses video after it has been on for a while,
most li.el the LVD% cable is defective. <f the set has bac.lights but no video
when it is first turned on, the T0Con or /ain *oard would probabl be at fault.
"lwas chec. the simple things first, li.e a LVD% cable that is not plugged in
properl or a power connector to the panel being loose.
There are eIceptions to ever rule, but this generall should help with
narrowing down no video in LCD sets.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,'("359C$D>E", L,'("359C$H>E",
L,'("359C'H>E", L,'("''9=$D>E", L,'("''9=$,>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ Video will intermittentl turn mostl white.
White screen with a faint image of -%D and video is in the bac.ground. Video
will intermittentl turn mostl white with the -%D barel visible in the
bac.ground. &ven a blac. image or when the panel should not be showing an
video, it is white. < found that one of the subAboards inside the panel, the boards
that the ribbon cable from the TACon connect to, are not seated properl and the
larger %/D capacitors on the board are intermittentl ma.ing contact with the
metal frame of the set, effectivel creating a short to ground.
This is one of the panels that are mounted upside down, so the stand mounts Just
below and behind the panel frame. "n slight pressure from the stand can cause
the frame to ma.e contact. <n man cases, the TV can be slightl fleIed to ma.e
this issue occur.
Here, Just beside a TACon ribbon cable, ou can see that the subAboard is not
seated properl, and is in fact bowing towards the outer frame.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,%3;?5D>0>"", L,%3;?;D>0>"",
L,%39?;D>0>"", L,%39?5D>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ !oor or <ntermittent Video.
Chec. the LVD% cable where it connects to the panel interface board. *e sure
that the cable does not have an glue on it. -n occasion, the glue can cause a
poor connection if it gets into the connector. #emove glue or replace the LVD%
cable with *,'?A99)(;".
/odel0s+ %amsung L,'("''9=$D>E", L,'("359C$D>E",
L,'("559!'7>E", L,'("539!(D>E", L,'("''9=$,>E",
L,'("359C$H>E", L,'("359C'H>E",
L,'("'99=$D>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ %tandb light is on, flashes once briefl then unit attempts to turn on
<f the unit will not turn on, but the red standb L&D is on and flashes once
Cuic.l when the power button is pressed on the remote or the TV, the ((99uf
$9v filter capacitor on the %/!% has failed. This capacitor is located in the
upper right side of the power suppl close to the cable that connects the main
board. Visual inspection will normall show that it has a swollen top. #eplace
capacitor and inspect the others in the filter stage to restore operation.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T39;$7>0>"", L,'("359C$D>EC,
L,'("559!'7>EC, L,'("559!'7>E>, L,'("359C$D>E>,
L,'(";59"$7>E", L,'("359C$>ED, L,'("359C$D>E",
L,'("539!(D>E", L,'("359C$>E!, L,'("559!'#>ED,
L,39"5'9!$7>E", L,39"5'9!$7>E>, L,39"359C$H>E>,
L,39"359C$D>E", L,39")59#$7>E", L,39"359C$D>E>,
L,39"5'9!$7>EC, L,39"559!'7>EC, L,39";59"$7>EC,
L,39"559!'7>E>, L,39")59#$7>EC, L,39"''9=$D>E>,
L,39";59"$7>E>, L,39"359C$>ED, L,39"359C$D>EC,
L,39"''9=$D>E", L,39"559!'7>E", L,39";59"$7>E",
L,39")59#$7>E>, L,39"559!'#>ED, L,39"''9=$>ED,
L,39";'9/$7>E", L,39"539!(7>E", L,39";59"(#>ED,
L,39";'9/$7>EC, L,39";'9/$7>E>, L,39";$9"'#>ED,
L,39"599T$7>E", L,39"''9=$>E!, L,39"359C$>E!,
L,39";59"$#>E!, L,39";$9"$#>ED, L,39";59"$7>ED LCD TV
%mptom+ Troubleshooting <nverter !C* boards
The inverter !C* is the power suppl for the Cold Cathode 7luorescent tubes.
The inverter acts eIactl li.e the ballast used in a standard fluorescent light
fiIture. <n the case of an LCD TV, (3 volts from the power suppl is applied to
a switch mode power suppl 6%/!%8. The %/!% outputs N$999 Volts to
energiBe the bulbs then the voltage drops to N 599 volts for run operation. The
%/!% switching freCuenc is around ?9 :HB.
The first step for verifing inverter board operation is to confirm the (3 volt
suppl is present. "n oscilloscope can also be used to verif the %/!% circuit is
oscillating. %impl holding the oscilloscope probe in the area of the switching
transformer will show screen activit if the switching action is ta.ing place.
/easuring the %/!% output with standard eCuipment is not recommended as
this is high voltage and at a high freCuenc.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,39";59"$7>E", L,3;";59"$7>E",
L,39")59#$7>EC, L,3;")59#$7>E", L,39")59#$7>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ 1nit tries to start with melod but ccles off and bac. on.
<f the unit tries to turn on and ma.es the startAup melod but then immediatel
shuts off and starts again, unplug the LVD% cable and appl power again. <f the
set stas on, replace the TACon board.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,T39)$7>0>"", L,T3;)$7>0>"",
L,T5()$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Video %tuttering or Hesitation
The customer ma complain that the video has a stutter or hesitation when
viewing regular programming, either standard definition or high definition.
To fiI, go into the customer menu, select !icture, then scroll to "uto /otion
!lus $(9HB and select -ff.
This enhancement circuit wor.s for some movies, but can introduce severe
hesitations and ghosting on regular programming. The customer should also be
informed that this does not affect the $(9HB operation of the panel. The panel
operates at $(9HB regardless of this setting.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,5(";59"$7>E", L,39";59"$7>E",
L,3;";59"$7>E", L,5(";59"$7>EC, L,3;";59"$7>EC LCD TV
%mptom+ Will not turn on, ccles on and off with startAup melod, no
<f the set will tr to turn on and the startAup melod sounds but no bac.light
appears and the set ccles off and on ever 5 to $9 seconds, unplug the LVD%
cable from the TACon07#C board. <f the set then runs and the bac.lights come
on and sta on, replace the defective TACon07#C board.
%mptom+ 1nit ccles on and off several times before starting.
<f the unit will ccle on and off several times before turning on and then plaing
fine, chec. the power suppl carefull for filter capacitors with bulged tops.
#eplace the capacitors or power suppl to correct the issue.
/odel+ %amsung '( <nches LCD TV
%mptom+ Hissing or Hum noise of the %/!% in '( inches LCD TV
There ma be a sort of hissing noise in the %/!% for '(D LCD TV. The noise
occurs when the set is in the stand b condition. The %/!% code is *,?;A
9'95)" and defective %/!% version is the D#&V $.$D.
#eplace the %/!% to new version 6V$.( or latest version8.
/odel+ %amsung (;, '( @ ') <nches LCD TV Fear (99? &urope models
%mptom+ ,o !ower, ,o picture or no bac.light.
Cause+ D!495 Diode 6/1#';98.
Change D!495 from /1#';9 to '$27; diode on <! boards.
ST /1#';9 ris. range+ 9?9)Z09?94Z09?9?Z mar.ed on diode.
$. Change /1#';9 Diode to '$27; Diode
(. /ar.ing a dot on ellow boI after changing this diode.
/odel0s+ %amsung L,(;*3;9*(D>E"W L,(;*';9C5D>E"W
L,(;*35)C;H>E"W L,'(*3;9*(D>E"W L,'(*';9C5D>E"W
L,'(*539!4D>E"W L,'(*35)C;H>E"W L,'(*5'9!)7>E"W
L,'(*559:$7>E"W L,')*5'9!)7>E"W L,')*559:$7>E"W
%mptom+ ,o *ac.light but sound o..
TV will power up but have no bac.light operation 6,o displa8. %ound is o..
$. Verif that the TV is within the serial number range b chec.ing the ninth
digit in the serial number 6i.e. "E3D'CT%5 ,inth digit is a 58.
(. <f the digit is 3 or 5, chec. the number on the diode itself to verif whether it
has alread been replaced.
'. <f the diode has O9?9)P, O9?94P or O9?9?P on its case 6refer to photos $ @ (8,
replace with new 6!art number 939(A99$3$58.
Verif the cause of the smptom b measuring 6in circuit8 across the diode
6location D!4958 6see photos ' through ;8. <f the resistance measures between
599 and ;99 ohms, the diode is good and therefore the smptom is being caused b a
different reason. <f the resistance measurement approaches Bero ohms
6shorted8 the diode is defective and needs to be replaced using part number
There are two versions of the <! board with different phsical laouts 6refer to
photo ) and 4 for part location8 using the same diode tpe. #eplace the diode
using standard soldering methods for a leadAfree application. <f the diode is not
available, order the <! *oard.
/odel+ %amsung L,'(C'59D$D>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ /ultiple Vertical lines.
Tr to call out the -%D /enu, the multiple vertical lines that do not go through
the -%D menu. <f the smptom does not affect the -%D menu 6as shown above8
or does not appear in the test picture, replace the mainboard onl. Do not
replace the LVD% or TACon board or the LCD !anel.
/odel+ %amsung L,A5("459 LCD TV
%mptom+ The image brea.s up or doubles images on the right side of the
#eplace TAC-, board and problem solved.
/odel+ %amsung L,3;*5'9!),>E" LCD TV
%mptom+ There is colour distortion on obJects or peopleKs faces.
The LVD% cable can cause this if it isnKt seated correctl. Chec. the position of
the LVD% cable and the contacts. <f it is seated correctl, replace the LVD%
/odel+ %amsung L,T3;;$7>0>"" LCD TV
%mptom+ Half of the screen is blac. or purple on all inputs.
When call out the -%D menu, the problem also affects the -%D menu, replace
the LCD panel.
/odel+ %amsung L,T5()$7> LCD TV
%mptom+ Left side of the screen is dar.. The right side of the screen have
horiBontal lines with distorted video.
The smptom also affects the -%D /enu, so replace the TAC-, board then
problem solved.
/odel+ %harp LC'(!55& LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead after startAup. *angAnoise was head before.
#eplace #)5$ 69.$#0(W8, <C)93, D);(, D)(5 and C)(5 63)9p70':8 in !%1.
/odel+ %harp LC'(!55& LCD TV
%mptom+ #ed L&D light appears for a seconds, rela clic.s then dead.
The resistor #)5$ was blown. #eplace the <C)93 @ #)5$.
/odel+ %H"#! LCD TV #epair tips
%mptom+ The %harp LCD TV still under protection modeM
The %harp LCD TV alwas has the protection mode come out. ,ormall, the
repairer will first chec. the inverter board, after that power board 6!%18, if still
can't get an result, and then the will chec. the signal board0mainboard. &ven
ou change the inverter or !%1 board, the LCD TV still under protection mode.
"ctuall the LCD TV has been fiIing b the repairer, but the don't .now the
TV still remember the past protection mode inside the memor. %o, now ou
need to .now how to clear this protection error inside the LCD TV memor.
!ress @ hold the CH",,&L D-W, @ V-L1/& 1! buttons, and then power
-, the LCD TV. The LCD TV !rotection &rror has been clear @ solved the TV
/odel+ %harp LCA5(*D491 LCD TV
%mptom+ Displa has horiBontal lines, White Displa or 7lashing07lic.ering
Cause+ LCD Driver !W* ribbon cables ma be damaged.
When servicing units due to an occurrence mentioned above, chec. and if
necessar replace the LCD Driver !W* ribbon cable.
!"#T $$
/odel+ %.worth '9""" Chassis 4T!( LCD TV
%mptom+ %ometime displa white screen and then bac. to normal. "fter
power on the TV, the words O!lease waitP character move to top left side.
#eplaced the 1493 6"!>$$$)A5V8 and the TV is wor.ing properl now.
/odel+ %-,F :DL'(%(9$9& Chassis W">( LCD TV
%mptom+ %witches to standb for a short while, then bac. again.
#eplace standb push button on user control, has contact resistance.
/odel+ %on :DL'(1(999 Chassis %&$ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o !icture.
Chec. %/D fuse C!$9$! on TAC-, board. The TAC-, board is behind the
*DT board
/odel+ %-,F :DL391(999 with %&$ Chassis LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startAup, red L&D light flashes ' times.
TV has slow startAup before this smptom occurred. When chec. standb 5v o.
and !%1 is heat sensitive. Chec. and replace the C;955 63)uf0(5v8 in 2(
suppl it will solve the problem.
/odel+ %-,F :DL391(999 LCD TV
%mptom+ &rror codes 3
L&D light turns green, flashes 3 times then goes green again and flashes 3 times
again. 7use 6599m"8 on inverter panel is open circuit.
#eplace the fuse on inverter board.
/odel+ %-,F :LV(;1(5(9 Chassis %&$ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o picture but sound o..
Chec. %/D fuse C!$9$! on LVD% panel 6TAC-,8.
/odel+ %on :DL'(1(999 Chassis %&$ LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in standb. %tandb L&D light is green.
#ed L&D light flashes ' times. ,o remote control or front panel functions.
Chec. or replace D'9$ Bener diode 6can be use a 5v Bener diode8 for short
/odel+ %lvania LCA3(9%%* 6"4$ H$1H8
%mptom+ High freCuenc noise from power transformer T;99 when the TV is
in the standb mode.
#emove diode D;55 from the power suppl.
/odel+ %lvania LC3(9%%4 LCD TV
With !ower %upplies+
%mptom+ Low level hums 6buBB8 sound from spea.ers.
!erform the following fiI on the power suppl board.
$. Cut =umper =((9.
(. Cut =umper =(5;.
'. %older a wire 6about $39mm "W2(98 from =$?9 to =(5;. -n =(5;, solder the
Jumper on the "udio "mplifier 6<C4998 side.
/odel+ Toshiba '(WLT54 LCD TV
%mptom+ Dead
Chec. 74)9 6("8, G4;9 6%T#E33)?8 and D4;;. <f 749$ open circuit, then
chec. the voltage regulator G4(9 for short circuit. "lso chec.ed #4'$
63.)#05W8 and D4(5 6/TE=''"8.
/odel+ Toshiba (9W''9D* Chassis $)/*((( 6Vestel8 LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o !ower
The main fuse 7499 6T(.5"8 blew. 7ound main filter T#49$ short circuit, D4(3
6%TATH$(#9;7!8 also shorted. Chec. %/D <C49( 67",)5(?8 and G49'
67G!7$',59C8 both short circuits. #4'9 69.((#0'W8 and %/D resistor #4('
6$5#8 both also open circuits.
/odel+ Toshiba (9W''9D* Chassis $)/*((( 6Vestel8 LCD TV
%mptom+ %tuc. in %tandb /ode.
<f the &&!#-/ <C was removed, the standb L&D light turns to green colour.
*ut still canKt startAup. Tr to programme a new &&!#-/ <C, because canKt get
the actual version of firmware, and then replace a new mainboard 6$)/*((A(8.
The TV is wor.ing properl now.
/odel+ Viewsonic ,'(;9W V%$$3';$/ LCD TV
%mptom+ ,o startup
Chec. capacitors 6with &%# Capacitor tester8, G) and %/D resistor #;5 65.$#8
in primar side of !%1. This TV set using the 7%!((4A'79$ !%1.
/odel+ Viewsonic ,'(;9W V%$$3';$/ LCD TV
%mptom+ !icture flic.ers and is brighter on the right, than on the left.
#eplace four electroltic capacitors 6(I 4(9u7 and (I $999u78 in upper left
/odel+ ViBio V-3(L7HDTV$9" LCD TV
%mptom+ 2reen distortion in picture.
<f !%1 secondar side voltages o.. Chec. @ clean contacts of ribbon cables
coming from control board.
/odel+ Westinghouse LTV39W$HDC LCD TV
%mptom+ *lue screen. ,o sound, no picture and no -%D.
#eplace circuit protector fuse on TAC-, board.
/odel+ Wharfedale LCD'($9"7 Chassis $)/*$$; LCD TV
%mptom+ %tartsAup, bac.light came after that switches off immediatel.
TV runs o. when inverter board is eIternall supplied with (3v.
#eplace the C4)) and C4)4 6$5nf0;'9v8 between heatsin. of switching
transistor and larger transformer on the primar side of the !%1.

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