DSP Trigger: Manual
DSP Trigger: Manual
DSP Trigger: Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Overview 3
Features 3
How it Works 3
Getting Started 4
Connecting Your Drum Pad 4
Single Zone 4
Dual Zone 4
Setting up DSP rigger in !our "S Host 4
Ca#i$rating %
Overview %
Ca#i$rating Pads %
Ca#i$rating C!m$a#s %
weaking t&e Ca#i$ration %
Saving !our Ca#i$ration %
Ca#i$rating 'esources %
P#a!ing Your Pads (
Drum Pads (
Playing Side-sticks 6
Playing Rim Shots 6
C!m$a#s (
Cymbal Choking 6
DSP rigger Contro#s )
op *eve# Contro#s )
OPTION !N" #$% &
P'D T(P! S!)!CTOR #*% &
'ST!R #+% &
TOO)TIPS #4% &
S',! 'S D!-'")T #.% &
R!S!T #6% &
Input Section Contro#s +
ON/O-- #$% 0
1IT D!C'( #*% 0
T1R!S1O)D #+% 0
C')I2R'T! #4% 0
SC'N TI! #.% 3
ONO / ST!R!O #6% 3
-)IP P1'S! #&% 3
S4'P 2"TTON #0% 3
5'IN CONTRO) #3% 3
6T')7 CONTRO) #'% 3
Preset Se#ector ,-
O8e98ie: $;
Sa8ing and )oading P9esets $;
.rticu#ation Contro#s ,-
O8e98ie: $;
ON / O-- #$% $;
,!)OCIT( C"R,! #*% $;
IDI NOT! #+% $$
RIS1OT R'N5! $$
Positiona# Sensing ,,
ON / O-- 2"TTON #$% $$
C')I2R'T! #*% $*
O"TP"T OD! #+% $*
POSITION') 2I'S #4% $*
CC / !D5! O"TP"T #.% $*
ST!'D( S1OT $*
Output Section ,3
O8e98ie: $+
T9igge9ing '9ticulations $+
IDI 'cti8ity Indicato9 $+
Support ,4
.PP/0DI1 .2 Pad Compati$i#it! ,%
DSP T9igge9 is a so<t:a9e based audio to IDI con8e9te9= "nlike simila9 >9oducts on the ma9ket?
DSP T9igge9 is s>eci<ically designed to be used :ith d9um >ads and as such >9o8ides <aste9 and
mo9e accu9ate t9igge9ing=
1e9e is a @uick list o< some o< DSP T9igge9As best <eatu9esB
su>>o9ts >ositional sensing #mesh >ads only%
u> to th9ee a9ticulations <9om a single Cone
both sensiti8e and dynamic
eDt9emely <ast and accu9ate t9igge9ing
ad8anced cont9ols <o9 8elocity cu98e sha>ing
su>>o9ts both single and dual Cone >ads and cymbals and e8en li8e d9ums
c9osstalk cancellation
How it Works
Getting Started
Connecting Your Drum Pad
(ou9 d9um >ad should be connected to you9 audio inte9<ace though a line-in= The out>ut <9om
you9 d9um >ad should not be 9un though a >9eam> <i9st e8en i< you <ind that the signal is :eak=
De>ending on :hethe9 you9 d9um >ad is dual o9 single Cone? you :ill need to use a di<<e9ent
cable to connect it to you9 audio inte9<ace
Single Zone
I< you9 >ad is single Cone? then you should connect it to you9 audio
inte9<ace :ith a standa9d $/4E mono >atch co9d=
DO NOT connect a dual Cone >ad :ith a mono cableF Connecting a
dual Cone sna9e using a mono >atch co9d :ill not :o9k >9o>e9ly as
the mono cable :ill be <ed both Cones= This 9esults in cancellation
and >oo9 >e9<o9mance <9om DSP T9igge9=
Dual Zone
I< you9 >ad is dual Cone? then you need to connect it to you9 audio inte9<ace :ith a ste9eo >atch
co9d= P9obably the easiest :ay to >atch you9 dual Cone >ad into you9 system is using a set o<
ada>to9s simila9 to the one sho:n he9eB
Note that you may chose to only connect a single Cone o< you9 dual Cone and use DSP T9igge9 in
ONO mode= I< you >lan to only use a single Cone? make su9e you use the head Cone and not
the 9im Cone= 1a8e a look at ONO / ST!R!O cont9ol in<o9mation about the ad8antages and
disad8antages o< both modes=
Setting up DSP Trigger in your ST Host
DSP T9igge9 gene9ates IDI only= It does not >9oduce any sound= In o9de9 to hea9 sounds? the
IDI <9om DSP T9igge9 needs to be 9outed to a ,STi such as 2-D o9 D9um Su>e9io9=
This :o9ks in di<<e9ent :ays :ith di<<e9ent hosts= -o9 mo9e in<o9mation on 9outing IDI? check
you9 hostAs manual= 1e9e a9e a <e: othe9 9esou9ces=
1o: to setu> DSP T9igge9 in Rea>e9 #(outube%
Patch a single zone pad
with a mono patch cord.
Dual zone pads must be connect using a stereo patch cord.
Calib9ating DSP T9igge9 is 8e9y im>o9tant and needs to be done :ell i< you :ant g9eat 9esults=
4ith the calib9ate )!D light? you a9e 9eady to sta9t= Tu9n i< o<< :hen you a9e done=
Ca!i"rating Pads
-i9st? sta9t by >laying some high 8elocity hits on the
head o< the >ad so DSP T9igge9 can calib9ate the gain
scale9= NeDt? >lay some high 8elocity hits on the 9im
>o9tion o< the >ad so it can measu9e the le8el o< you9
I< you a9e using a PD0-6 #:hich has its head senso9 mounted nea9 the 9im% youAll need to limit you9 hits to the lo:e9
>o9tion o< the 9im= -o9 >ads :ith a cente9 mounted senso9 you should hit the 9im all a9ound the edge o< the >ad=
Ca!i"rating Cym"a!s
'l:ays sta9t :ith the 2O4 >o9tion o< the cymbal? then
the !D5!? and lastly the 2!))= Gust as :ith 9egula9 >ads?
you need to hit the >ads >9etty ha9d so that DSP T9igge9
kno:s ho: hot you9 signal is=
Tweaking t#e Ca!i"ration
-o9 best 9esults #es>ecially in mono mode%? the
th9eshold needs to be as lo: as >ossible= T9y to
get the combination o< the D!C'( and
T1R!S1O)D en8elo>es to hug you9 t9ansients=
Saving your Ca!i"ration
(ou9 calib9ation settings a9e sa8ed along :ith you9 >9oHect and :hen you 9eo>en a >9oHect the9e
is no need to 9ecalib9ate= DSP T9igge9? ho:e8e9? also has a <e: di<<e9ent methods o< im>o9ting
calib9ation setting into ne: instances o< the >lugin=
I< you only >lan to use a single >ad :ith DSP T9igge9? then sa8e you9 calib9ation is by clicking the
ASa8e 's De<aultA )!D at the to> 9ight hand co9ne9 o< the inte9<ace so that the cu99ent settings
a9e loaded <o9 any ne: instances o< DSP T9igge9=
'nothe9 method to sa8e you9 calib9ation is to sa8e
the cu99ent settings as a >9eset :hich can be easily
loaded using the P9eset Selecto9=
Ca!i"rating $esources
Calib9ating a Roland PD0-6 #(outube%
Drag the DECAY and THESHOD to hug the transient.
P!aying Your Pads
Drum Pads
4hen used :ith d9um >ads? DSP T9igge9 is ty>ically ca>able
o< t9igge9ing head hits and side-sticks= I< used :ith a mesh
d9um >ad? it also su>>o9ts >ositional sensing= -u9the9mo9e?
i< used in ST!R!O mode? you :ill also be able to t9igge9 9im
Playing Side-sticks
I< you ha8e a >ad :ith a cente9 mounted >ieCo? youAll likely be able to t9igge9 the side-stick
a9ticulation by hitting any:he9e a9ound the ci9cumstance o< the >ad= -o9 some >ads like the
Roland PD0-6 that has a >ieCo mounted close to the 9im? youAll only be able to t9igge9 the side-
stick by hitting the lo:e9 >o9tion o< the 9im=
I< you a9e using ST!R!O mode and you <ind you a9e getting too many o9 not enough side-sticks? you can t9y
adHusting the 9ight 5'IN SC')!R= In gene9al? i< the 9ight channelAs ,u is g9eate9 than the le<t channelAs? a side
stick :ill be t9igge9ed=
Playing Rim Shots
Rim shots can only be t9igge9ed in ST!R!O mode? meaning that youAll ha8e to be <eeding DSP
T9igge9 a ste9eo in>ut :ith the head Cone in the le<t channel and 9im Cone on the 9ight= Rim
shots a9e t9igge9ed by simultaneously hitting both the 9im and the head o< the >ad :ith a
medium to g9eat <o9ce=
In mono mode? DSP T9igge9 is ca>able o< >icking
u> th9ee se>a9ate a9ticulations <o9 most cymbal
ty>es it su>>o9ts= 1o:e8e9? in o9de9 to get
9eliable 9esults? youAll need to limit you9 st9ikes
to the a9eas sho:n in the image on the 9ight=
Cymbal Choking
-o9 cymbals used in ST!R!O mode? DSP T9igge9 :ill be able to
choke cymbals using a<te9-touch= (ou can enable cymbal
choking <9om the OPTIONS menu= '<te9-touch can be t9igge9ed
by gently g9abbing the >ad on the edge >o9tion a<te9 a hit= To
see :hich >ads su>>o9t choking? see the Pad Com>atibility
DSP Trigger Contro!s
The inte9<ace is di8ided u> into sections and each sectionAs cont9ols a9e desc9ibed belo:=
Top %eve! Contro!s
The o>tion menu is a cent9aliCed >lace <o9 adHusting settings in DSP T9igge9=
Select the ent9y that best matches the ty>e o< >ad you a9e using= -o9 most >ads? selecting
A5ene9ic PadA :ill :o9k best= 1o:e8e9? i< you a9e using a cymbal? select 5!N!RIC C('2') o9
one o< the othe9 that matches you9 make and model= )ook he9e <o9 a list o< com>atible >ads=
M$STER !(#
4hen this )!D is lit? all the IDI <9om all instance o< DSP T9igge9 is out>ut by this instance= I< no
instance o< DSP T9igge9 is set as the maste9? then each instance :ill out>ut its o:n IDI=
Checking this dis>lays hel><ul tool ti>s making it easie9 to unde9stand :hat di<<e9ent cont9ols do=
S$*E $S DE+$&T !,#
4hen you click this )!D? the cu99ent settings a9e sto9ed to disc= 4hen you sta9t a ne: instance
o< the >lugin? these setting :ill automatically be im>o9ted=
This 9etu9ns all cont9ols to thei9 original de<ault 8alues= This is use<ul <o9 o8e9:9iting calib9ation
settings that :e9e sto9ed by the S',! 'S D!-'")T <unction=
1 3 4 2 5 6
Input Section Contro!s
The dis>lay a9ea <o9 the in>ut section is
not linea9= Instead? it uses an eD>onential
scale to >9o8ide mo9e detail at the lo:e9
am>litudes allo:ing you to make mo9e
>9ecise adHustments o< the 8a9ious
ON.O++ !"#
This button acts
as a by>ass <o9
the enti9e >lugin=
/IT DEC$% !'#
This cu98e 9e>9esents a th9eshold that must be c9ossed in o9de9 <o9 the neDt hit to be 9egiste9ed=
ItIs called hit decay because this th9eshold 8alue decays :ith time do:n to the 8alue o< the
T1R!S1O)D= The :hite line unde9 it dis>lays the am>litude en8elo>e o< the <i9st .;;ms o< the
last hit= The 1IT D!C'( can be adHusted my clicking and d9agging the cu98e :ithin the dis>lay
a9ea= 4hile the mouse it o8e9 this cont9ol? it :ill not be u>dated making it easie9 to adHust
:hile audio is going th9ough the >lugin=
T/RES/O&D !(#
This 8alue indicates ho: high the signal must be be<o9e be<o9e DSP T9igge9 begins detecting a
hit= 7ee> in mind that because the dis>lay a9ea is not linea9? changes nea9 the lo: end o< the
dis>lay 9e>9esent 8e9y small changes=
C$&I0R$TE !)#
The calib9ate <unction is >9obably one o< the most use<ul and uni@ue <eatu9es DSP T9igge9 has to
o<<e9= 2ecause e8e9y d9um >ad and e8e9y audio inte9<ace is di<<e9ent? the calib9ation <unction
no9maliCes the signal coming into DSP T9igge9 and adHusts its setting to best detect the
Du9ing calib9ation? cont9ols that a9e being
calib9ated tu9n g9een and a9e adHusted as you
>lay= (ou may o8e99ide the calib9ating o< a
cont9ol by mo8ing it :ith the mouse= '<te9
adHusting its 8alue? it :ill 9etu9n to its usual colo9
and :ill no longe9 be calib9ated=
'<te9 calib9ating? be su9e to tu9n o<< the C')I2R'T! )!D to ensu9e that setting a9e locked in=
7ee> in mind that e8e9y time you 9e-enable the C')2R'T! )!D? the >9e8ious calib9ating settings
a9e lost=
-o9 mo9e detailed in<o9mation about calib9ating? look he9e=
5 7 6
(1) On / Off Button (6) Stereo / Mono
(2) Hit Decay (7) Flip Phase
() !hreshol" (#) S$ap %hannels
(&) %ali'rate ()D (*) +ain Scalers
(,) Scan !i-e (.) /tal0 Scaler
This 8alue is the numbe9 o< milliseconds that DSP T9igge9 scans <o9 the maDimum am>litude o< a
t9ansient= The highe9 you set this 8alue? the mo9e latency you :ill eD>e9ience as DSP T9igge9 has
to :ait longe9 be<o9e it issues a hit=
In most cases? a 8alue o< + :o9ks best= I< you <ind that the :hite dots do not line u> :ith the
blue >eaks? t9y inc9easing the SC'N time=
I< you a9e using a dual Cone >ad and ha8e both Cones connected to se>a9ate in>uts on you9
audio inte9<ace? then select ST!R!O= The ad8antage o< using ST!R!O de>ends on >ad ty>e you
ha8e selected=
-o9 9egula9 d9um >ads? youAll be able to t9igge9 9im-shots= Not only that but youAll get mo9e
9eliable side-stick t9igge9ing all a9ound the enti9e ci9cum<e9ence o< the >ad=
-o9 most cymbals youAll gain choke <unctionality=
+&IP P/$SE !1#
DSP T9igge9 uses >hase in<o9mation to hel> distinguish bet:een di<<e9ent a9ticulations= I< you
a9e <ind that DSP T9igge9 is out>utting the :9ong a9ticulation? chances a9e that you need to <li>
the >hase o< the incoming signal= 2e su9e to 9ecalib9ate a<te9 enabling this button=
S2$P 0TTON !3#
This button is only use<ul i< you a9e <eeding DSP T9igge9 a ste9eo in>ut= It sim>ly s:a>s the le<t
and 9ight channels= I< you ha8e DSP T9igge9 setu> on a mono t9ack o9 a9e using a mono in>ut?
then this button :ill ha8e no e<<ect=
4$IN CONTRO& !5#
ost high-end audio inte9<ace use J4d2, ty>e in>uts= These ty>es o< in>uts ha8e about
4D mo9e head9oom that -$;d2u in>uts= To com>ensate <o9 this di<<e9ence? DSP T9igge9
uses a 5'IN CONTRO) to no9maliCe the in>ut= The backg9ound <o9 the 5'IN CONTRO) is
a ,u mete9 that sho:s you the gain adHusted out>ut=
This cont9ol should not ty>ically be adHusted by the use9= Instead it should be adHusted using the
C')I2R'T! <unction= I< you <ind that du9ing calib9ation this cont9ol doesnAt mo8e? it could be
that the signal <9om you9 d9um >ad is too :eak and needs to be >9eam>ed=
6T$&7 CONTRO& !$#
I< you a9e using multi>le instances o< DSP T9igge9 o9 a9e using it in combination :ith an e-
d9um kit? this <unction hel>s you eliminate c9osstalk= ItAs a combination o< a slide9 and a
mete9= I< you a9e only using a single instance o< DSP T9igge9 and a9e not 9outing any IDI
th9ough the >lugin? then this cont9ol :ill ha8e no e<<ect=
Preset Se!ector
2y de<ault? clicking on the kit >ieces in the PR!S!T S!)!CTOR loads
de<ault 8alues co99es>onding to standa9d IDI notes and <o9 the
gi8en kit >iece= It also tu9ns on and o<< the a9ticulations used <o9 the
gi8en kit >iece= This allo:s you to @uickly setu> the IDI notes that
DSP T9igge9 :ill out>ut :hen you >lay you9 >ad=
Sa8ing and &oading P9esets
1o:e8e9? you may also sto9e the cu99ent settings to
any o< the kit >ieces images=
Right-clicking on a >9eset image 9e8eals a menu
allo:ing you to A)oadA? A49iteA? o9 ADeleteA a >9eset=
'lte9nati8ely? you make also use click modi<ie9s to do
the same thing= 1olding do:n S1I-T and clicking on a
>9eset image sa8es the >9eset= 1olding do:n CONTRO) and clicking :ill delete the >9eset=
's you hold do:n the modi<ie9 key and >9ess do:n the le<t mouse button? a icon :ill a>>ea9
indicating the <unction to be >e9<o9med= Only a<te9 9eleasing the the mouse button :ill the
action be taken= I< you mo8e the mouse o<< the kit >iece be<o9e you 9elease the mouse button?
no action :ill be taken=
P9esets a9e :9itten to disk and as such a9e sha9ed bet:een instances o< DSP T9igge9 and a9e
a8ailable ac9oss multi>le a>>lications=
&rticu!ation Contro!s
!ach a9ticulation in DSP T9igge9 has an ON/O-- button? a ,!)OCIT(
C"R,! and a IDI NOT! numbe9 cont9ol=
ON . O++ !"#
'9ticulations can be tu9ned on and o<<= I< you tu9n o<< any o< the a9ticulations? #eDce>t 2O4 o9
1IT% the 1IT o9 2O4 a9ticulation :ill sound instead= I< you tu9n o< the 1IT o9 2O4 a9ticulation?
no IDI :ill be sent :hen >laying those a9ticulations=
*E&OCIT% CR*E !'#
This dis>lay a9ea is actually th9ee cont9ols #IN? '6? C"R,!% that :o9k togethe9 to allo: you
to <ine tune the IDI out>ut >9oduced by DSP T9igge9= IN and '6 a9e used to s>eci<y the
lo:est and highest 8elocities :hile the C"R,! allo:s you to cont9ol the 8elocity cu98e bet:een
the lo:est and highest 8alues=
2y mo8ing you9 mouse o8e9 the bottom o< the dis>lay? the IN cont9ol
indicato9 lights u>= (ou can d9ag it u>:a9ds to set the minimum 8elocity=
In a simila9 <ashion? you can d9ag do:n the to> o< the dis>lay a9ea to set
the maDimum 8alue= The C"R,! cont9ol can be adHusted by d9agging
any:he9e bet:een the IN an '6 indicato9s=
Doubled clicking on a cont9ol o< the 9etu9ns it back to its de<ault 8alue= 1olding do:n the S1I-T
key allo:s you to make mo9e >9ecise adHustments=
Note 8alues can be dis>layed as numbe9s ;-$*& o9 as using standa9d note notation #CK0%= (ou
can s:itch bet:een the t:o <o9mats by 9ight clicking on the 8alue=
The 8alue can be changed by eithe9 d9agging the 8alue u> o9 do:n :ith the mouse o9 by
double-clicking and ente9ing a 8alue :ith the keyboa9d= (ou may ente9 the 8alue as a numbe9
o9 as standa9d note notation=
The 9imshot a9ticulation has an ad8anced cont9ol :hich you can adHust to set
the t9adeo<< bet:een ho: easily 9im-shots a9e t9igge9ed 8s= mist9igge9ed=
P9o8iding that you a9e in ste9eo mode and the cu99ent >ad ty>e is not a
cymbal? this cont9ol can be 9e8ealed by 9ight-clicking in the cu98e dis>lay a9ea
<o9 the 9im-shot a9ticulation=
This cont9ol includes a 9ed Ahit indicato9A and a g9ey A9angeA ba9= 2y d9agging u> and do:n in the
dis>lay a9ea you can sh9ink o9 enla9ge the 9ange o< hits that a9e dete9mined to be 9im-shot
a9ticulations= I< the Ahit indicato9A <alls to the le<t o< the A9angeA ba9? DSP T9igge9 dete9mines the
hit to be a AheadA a9ticulation= I< the Ahit indicato9A <alls to the 9ight o< the A9angeA ba9? the hit is
dete9mined to be a Aside-stickA a9ticulation= 'nd i< the hit <alls inside the 9im-shot A9angeA ba9?
DSP T9igge9s dete9mines the hit to be a A9im-shotA a9ticulation=
' 8alue o< +;L gene9ally :o9ks best? ho:e8e9 i< you <eel itAs too di<<icult to t9igge9 9im-shots?
you might :ant to adHust this cont9ol=
Positiona! Sensing
I< you a9e using DSP T9igge9 :ith a mesh d9um >ad? it has the
ability to detect the location o< you9 hit and >ass that
in<o9mation on to you9 d9um sam>le9=
ON . O++ 0TTON !"#
2y de<ault? >ositional sensing is o<<= I< >ositional sensing is
disabled? the label :ill be g9eyed out and you :ill not be able to
tu9n >ositional sensing on=
3 5
C$&I0R$TE !'#
The >ositional sensing must be calib9ated be<o9e you can use it= To begin calib9ating? click on
the g9een )!D= NeDt? hit you9 d9um >ad a <e: times :ith medium <o9ce mo8ing <9om the cent9e
o< the head out to the le<t and 9ight edges= 's you mo8e out you should sta9t to see the
O"TP"T indicating :he9e you ha8e hit= 4hen you a9e ha>>y :ith the calib9ation? tu9n o<< the
calib9ate led and you9 settings :ill be locked in= 2e su9e to use the >ositional 2I'S cont9ol to set
the cuto<< bet:een the 1IT and !D5! Cones=
DSP T9igge9 o<<e9s t:o :ays to out>ut >ositional in<o9mation= The <i9st mode sends out a IDI
CC Hust be<o9e it sends out the 1IT note= This mimics the beha8iou9 o< some :ell kno:n high
end d9um modules= The second mode sends out t:o di<<e9ent IDI notes= -o9 hits that a9e
close the cent9e? this mode sends out 1IT notes and <o9 hits that a9e close to the edge? it sends
out !D5! notes=
In >ositional mode 1it / !dge? this cont9ol allo:s you set the cuto<< bet:een :hat 9egiste9s as a
1IT note and :hat 9egiste9s as an !D5! note= 2y d9agging the indicato9 u> #to:a9ds the
cente9%? hits :ill be detected as being close9 to the cent9eMe<<ecti8ely inc9easing the siCe o<
you9 1IT Cone :hile making the !D5! Cone smalle9=
The cont9ol is 8e9y sensiti8e and a little goes a long :ay= 1o:e8e9? eDt9emes settings a9e use<ul
i< you :ould like all hits to be detected as only 1IT notes o9 !D5! notes=
CC . ED4E OTPT !,#
CC 8alues as dis>layed as numbe9s ;-$*& :hile NOT! 8alues can be dis>layed as numbe9s o9 as
using standa9d note notation #CK0%= (ou can s:itch bet:een the t:o <o9mats by 9ight clicking
on its 8alue=
The 8alue can be changed by eithe9 d9agging the 8alue u> o9 do:n :ith the mouse o9 by
double-clicking and ente9ing a 8alue :ith the keyboa9d= (ou may ente9 the 8alue as a numbe9
o9 as standa9d note notation=
Du9ing <ast 9olls? itAs di<<icult <o9 DSP T9igge9 to al:ays accu9ately measu9e
the >osition o< hits= This can lead to occasional <luctuations in the >ositional
sensing= Steady Shot is designed to steady <ast 9olls :hile still allo:ing
mo8ement <9om the cente9 out to the edges and 8ice 8e9sa=
)ike the ad8anced cont9ol <o9 9im-shots? the Steady Shot cont9ol can be 9e8ealed by 9ight-
clicking in the >ositional dis>lay= It it com>9ised o< a 9ed 2P indicato9 and a slide9= 's you >lay
a <ast 9oll on you9 >ad? the 9ed indicato9 :ill g9o: in siCe 9e>9esenting ho: <ast you a9e >laying=
The slide9 can be d9agged le<t o9 9ight to set the 2P at :hich steady shot begins to kick in=
Output Section
The out>ut section gi8es you 8isual <eedback 9ega9ding the 8elocity and the a9ticulation that is
being out>ut by DSP T9igge9= De>ending on the P'D T(P! that you ha8e selected? you :ill a
di<<e9ent image in its dis>lay a9ea=
T9igge9ing $9ticulations
2y clicking in the out>ut section? DSP T9igge9 sends out
a 1IT o9 2O4 IDI note= The 8elocity o< the note is
scaled by ho: high u> in the dis>lay you click=
In a simila9 <ashion? the SID!STIC7 o9 !D5! a9ticulation
can be t9igge9ed by 9ight-clicking and the RIS1OT /
2!)) a9ticulation can be t9igge9ed by S1I-T-clicking on
the dis>lay a9ea=
This is use<ul <o9 checking to make su9e you9 IDI note
assignments co99es>ond to the notes in you9 d9um
MIDI $cti8ity Indicato9
The IDI cymbal at the bottom 9ight hand co9ne9 o< the out>ut section lights u> :hen IDI is
>assing th9ough DSP T9igge9= This IDI has c9osstalk a>>lied to it as >e9 the c9osstalk th9eshold
and i< IDI is <ilte9ed out the indicato9 b9ie<ly <lashes 9ed=
IAm inte9ested in make the highest @uality >9oducts= I< you <ind any bugs o9 ha8e an suggestions
on ho: to im>9o8e this >9og9am? >lease <eel <9ee to contact me=
4ebsite htt>B//:::=audio<9ont=net/ds>T9igge9=>h>
-o9ums htt>B//:::=audio<9ont=net/<o9ums/indeD=>h>
-'N htt>B//:::=audio<9ont=net/-'N=>h>
&PP'(DI) &* Pad Compati"i!ity
4hile DSP T9igge9 should :o9k :ell :ith Hust about any d9um >ad? the <ollo:ing >ads ha8e been
PD-0D RO) PD0-6 O O O O O O
PD-0. RO) !S1 O O O O O O
PD-$;. RO) !S1 O O O O O O
7D-0 ic9o>hone O 6 O 6 6 6
7D-$*; ic9o>hone O 6
TP-6. TP-6. O 6 O O 6 6
TP-6.S TP-6. O O O O O 6
ic9o>hone O 6 O 6 6 6
O The 9imshot a9ticulation is only a8ailable in ST!R!O OD!=
C(2') P'D T(P! ONO
2O4 !D5! 2!)) C1O7!O
C(-. R-C(-. O 6 O O 6 6
C(-$*RC R-C(-$*RC O O O O O O
C(-$.R R-C(-$.R O O O O O O
PC(-$+;S (-PC(-$+;S O O O O O O
PC(-$.;S (-PC(-$.;S O O O O O O
PC(-$..R (-PC(-$.. O O O O O 6
7ill Toys $6R 7Toys$6R OF O O O O 6
O Cymbal choking is only a8ailable in ST!R!O OD!=
F In ONO mode bell a9ticulation is not a8ailable
(ou >ad is not :ell su>>o9tedP )ook he9e <o9 in<o9mation about ho: to get su>>o9t <o9 you9 >ad=