LCD Module Repair Guide 240209

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LCD Module Board repair Manual

(Inverter & T-Con Board Repair)

LCD Module Blo k Diagram

)ray )ray ( ( ale ale )eneration )eneration

R ) B +$yn *$yn lo k Dtmg Inver$ion ontrol Control $ignal
(L,%D- ./I,-MP,L-L0R) )(P )(C R0L

(our e IC

(our e IC

(our e IC

(our e IC

Data inver$ion

)ate IC

L*D( L*D( Inter"a Inter"a e e


Lat h

Timing ontrol

T!T LCD Panel

Timing Control Board

*DD *((

)ate IC

DC-DC DC-DC Converter Converter DC-%C DC-%C Inverter Inverter (Ba (Ba klight klight Lamp) Lamp)

Ba klight Lamp Panel Po&er (upply

!un tion o" Timing Control Board The "un tion o" timing ontrol #oard i$ to ontrol logi $ignal o" gate and $our e "or driving T!T-LCD %"ter re eiving po&er and video $ignal through link a#le "rom main#oard o" $et'
The People Company Breakthrough

Inverter & Lamp Chara teri$ti $ !untion o" Inverter

The inverter onvert$ "rom DC 26* or 6;* to %C 2999<2899*rm$ and operate$ #a k-light lamp$ in module'

!luore$ ent Lamp Chara teri$ti $

The $tru ture o" inverter i$ di""erent depending on lamp hara teri$ti $'
CC!L v$ ..!L Driving Me hani$m
..!L (.3ternal .le trode !luore$ ent Lamp)
.3ternal ele trode CC!L 4 I

CC!L (Cold Cathode !luore$ ent Lamp)

Internal ele trode



1 Multi ..!L lamp$ driving i$ availa#le #y 2 inverter

Common .le trode ..!L

2) (imple Me hani al $tru ture - 5$ing 2 inverter (Ma$ter & (lave type 2$et) 6) )reen .nvironment - P# !ree B0L (/on $oldering Lamp) 7) Lo& Po&er Con$umption - 2869: Do&n


The People Company


Compari$on o" (tru ture

Item Lamp %$$em#ly Image CC!L Model ..!L Model
(o ket P# !ree

=ire (older

LCM Image

Inverter Image

Lamp &ire$ & onne tor$

Lamp &ire$ & onne tor$

+igh voltage area Do not tou h Lamp &ire- onne tor and Tran$ at operating The People Company Breakthrough

The (tru ture o" $et applied ..!L Lamp T-Con Board

Ma$ter inverter Ma$ter 0(lave Type inverter

(lave inverter (lavele$$ Type inverter

The People Company


Inverter le$$ & L.D Ba klight $tru ture

T-Con Board T-Con Board

LIP((P(5@ Inverter)


> Inverter le$$ Type (et ?

> L.D Ba klight Type (et ?

The People Company


1 1 Do not disconnect or connect the connector while the power is on. Backlight inverter uses as high voltage for lamp. Do not touch circuit substrate and caution on electric shock when handling the LCD Module Backlight inverter unit.

The People Company


1 LCD Module requires to be handled with special care. LCD Module is not to be touched with metal or hard materials. Must not be stressed by head or mechanical impact. When cleaning the panel is necessary wipe it with a soft and moistened clothe a neureal detergent. Do not use chemicals such as thinner or ben!ene. Before disconnecting cable from the product be sure to turn off the power. Be sure to hold the connector when disconnecting cables. "ulling a cable with e#cessive force may cause the core of the cable to be e#posed or break the cable and this can lead to fire or electric shock. Do not touch $C" area at any case. %t causes Driver %C crack film crack etc. $C" is the weakest point of LCD Module.

The People Company


1 Che k a onne tion o" the inverter & Ba klight onne tor or damage the inverter' A? In omplete onne tion &ith an au$e #urnt in #a klight onne tor or damage the inverter 1 Do not operate "or a long time under the $ame pattern A? ,perating LCD Module "or a long time under the $ame pattern an au$e image per$i$ten e and an damage it' 1 De"e t panel al$o handled &ith are A? De"e tive LCD Module $hould #e repaired' 1 /ever onne t0di$ onne t at po&er on' A? LCD Module on$i$t$ o" CM,( &hi h i$ kno&n a$ &eak omponent again$t .,(' It an hurt the produ t' 1 Be are"ul $&i"t Temperature & +umidity hange' A? (&i"t temperature and or humidity hange an make de& onden$ation or i e &hi h au$e non on"orman e $u h a$ mal"un tion'

The People Company


.3 hange T-Con Board

(older de"e t- C/T Broken

(older de"e t- C/T Broken

(older de"e t- C/T Broken

(older de"e t- C/T Broken

T-Con T-Con De"e De"e ttC/T C/T Broken Broken (older de"e tC/T Broken T-Con De"e tC/T Broken

%#normal Po&er (e tion

(older de"e t- (hort0Cra k

%#normal Po&er (e tion

(older de"e t- (hort0Cra k

The People Company


)*chan+e &,Con Board

Abnormal Power Section

Abnormal Power Section

Solder defect, Short/Crack

Solder defect, Short/Crack

u!e "pen, Abnormal power !ection

Abnormal Di!pla(




The People Company


.3 hange Inverter Board

/o Light

Dim Light

Dim Light

Dim Light

/o pi ture0(ound ,k

The People Company


5n-repaira#le 4 In thi$ a$e- .3 hange the Module

Panel Mura- Light leakage

Panel Mura- Light leakage

Pre$$ damage


Pre$$ damage


Pre$$ damage

The People Company


5n-repaira#le 4 In thi$ a$e- .3 hange the Module

*erti al Blo k (our e T%B IC De"e t

*erti al Line (our e T%B IC De"e t

*erti al Blo k (our e T%B IC De"e t

+oriBontal Blo k )ate T%B IC De"e t

+oriBontal Blo k )ate T%B IC De"e t )ate T%B IC De"e t

+oriBontal line )ate T%B IC De"e t )ate T%B IC De"e t

+oriBontal Blo k )ate T%B IC De"e t )ate T%B IC De"e t

The People Company


5$e the ne& part num#er$ on the ne3t &hen ordering di$play part$' There are part $u#$titution$ "or the T-Con Board- Inverter- and the LCD Panel' There i$ a part num#er that i$ u$ed #y L)D and one that i$ u$ed #y L).' L). Part num#er an #e u$ed &hen ordering part$'
Che k the T-Con Board & Inverter CMa$ter0(laveD L)D P0/'

The People Company


T-Con Board repla ement 1 InverterE$ and T- on #oardE$ are availa#le via $pare part$'

The People Company


Inverter Repla ement (CC!L Ma$ter0(lave)

1 InverterE$ and T- on #oardE$ are availa#le via $pare part$' 1 =hen an inverter #oard i$ de"e tive- al&ay$ repla e #oth Ma$ter and (alve inverter #oard$- a$ the$e #oard$ mu h #e mat hed' 1 Che k a onne tion o" the inverter & Ba klight onne tor or damage the inverter' A? In omplete onne tion &ith an au$e #urnt in #a klight onne tor or damage the inverter

Repla e o" CC!L inverter

The People Company


The People Company


%eplace of 'n-erter .)) L Ma!ter/Sla-e/ %eplace of Ma!ter in-erter

The People Company


%eplace of 'n-erter .)) L Ma!ter/Sla-e/ %eplace of Sla-e in-erter

The People Company


%eplace of Sla-e le!!

The People Company


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