Individual Master File (IMF) Decoding Course, Form #12.005

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The document discusses IMF decoding and the services offered by SEDM to help individuals decode their IMF files.

An IMF (Individual Master File) is an IRS record that contains tax and enforcement information about an individual. It includes things like tax returns filed, payment history, penalties/fines assessed, audits conducted etc.

IMF decoding is the process of analyzing an IMF file to understand what information the IRS has recorded about an individual. It is important because it allows individuals to verify the accuracy of IRS records and defend themselves against potential IRS overreach/abuse.


Master File
(IMF) Decoding
Form #12.005

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IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)

Sovereignty Education
and Defense Ministry
July 12, 2009

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IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)

Course Materials
If you want a copy of this presentation after viewing the
course, you can download it from:
Liberty University, Item #3.3
Forms Page, Form #12.005


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Please read and heed all of the following:
Our Disclaimer statement:

Our Member Agreement, Form #01.001:

WARNING: You should not be pursuing IMF decoding

services or offerings from us if you:
Do not fully consent to and satisfy all the terms of our Member Agreement,
Form #01.001
Are pursuing decoding as a tax shelter, investment, or a method to reduce
the lawfully assessed tax liability of a taxpayer.
Intend to use our materials to violate the law or evade your responsibilities
to pay for the government services you use. We emphasize that the ONLY
authorized use or purpose of any of our information, offerings, or services
is to ensure full, conscientious, and scrupulous compliance with all
applicable to the jurisdiction in which you are domiciled


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Learning Objectives
Teach you what IMF files are, how they are used, and why
you need to understand them
Show the basics of IMF decoding
Give you a starting point for further research and education
into this subject
Describe the information, tools, and assistance that SEDM
offers to nontaxpayers ONLY who want to decode their IMF
and correct false/fraudulent information therein
Identify a source of legal evidence useful to nontaxpayers
in defending themselves against illegal/unlawful tax
enforcement activities conducted by public servants


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Course Outline

What is a tax?
The government tax fraud
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Records
What is an Individual Master File?
What is IMF Decoding?
Why IMF Decoding is Important
Types of IMFs
Sections within the IMF
IMF Codes
Illegal techniques
Getting copies of your IMF
Master File (MF) Decoder Software
SEDM Decoding Services


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What is a Tax?
Taxes defined:
Tax: A charge by the government on the income of an individual, corporation, or
trust, as well as the value of an estate or gift. The objective in assessing the tax is to
generate revenue to be used for the needs of the public.
A pecuniary [relating to money] burden laid upon individuals or property to support the
government, and is a payment exacted by legislative authority. In re Mytinger,
D.C.Tex. 31 F.Supp. 977,978,979. Essential characteristics of a tax are that it is NOT
Commission v. Patt, 4 Mich.App. 228, 144 N.W.2d 663, 665.
[Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 1457]

Only legitimate purpose of taxes is to support government,

not the people or constituents:
"A tax, in the general understanding of the term and as used in the constitution, signifies an exaction for
the support of the government. The word has never thought to connote the expropriation of money from
one group for the benefit of another. [U.S. v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1 (1936)]
To lay, with one hand, the power of the government on the property of the citizen, and with the
other to bestow it upon favored individuals to aid private enterprises and build up private
fortunes, is none the less a robbery because it is done under the forms of law and is called
taxation. This is not legislation. It is a decree under legislative forms.
Nor is it taxation. A tax, says Websters Dictionary, is a rate or sum of money assessed on the
person or property of a citizen by government for the use of the nation or State. Taxes are
burdens or charges imposed by the Legislature upon persons or property to raise money for
public purposes. Cooley, Const. Lim., 479.
[Loan Association v. Topeka, 20 Wall. 655 (1874)]


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Political Heresy
The U.S. Supreme Court has said that when the government
abuses its taxing power to redistribute wealth, any statute
which implements it is not law and constitutes political
heresy that is completely contradictory to the concept of
republican government that is the foundation of our system
of government:
"In Calder v. Bull, which was here in 1798, Mr. Justice Chase said, that
there were acts which the Federal and State legislatures could not do
without exceeding their authority, and among them he mentioned a law
which punished a citizen for an innocent act; a law that destroyed or
impaired the lawful private [labor] contracts [and labor compensation, e.g.
earnings from employment through compelled W-4 withholding] of
citizens; a law that made a man judge in his own case; and a law that took
the property from A [the worker]. and gave it to B [the government or
another citizen, such as through social welfare programs]. 'It is against all
reason and justice,' he added, 'for a people to intrust a legislature with
such powers, and therefore it cannot be presumed that they have done it
[passed a law, in this case] . They may command what is right and
prohibit what is wrong; but they cannot change innocence into guilt, or
punish innocence as a crime, or violate the right of an antecedent lawful
private [employment] contract [by compelling W-4 withholding, for
instance], or the right of private property. To maintain that a Federal or
State legislature possesses such powers [of THEFT!] if they had not been
expressly restrained, would, in my opinion, be a political heresy altogether
inadmissible in all free republican governments.' 3 Dall. 388."
[Sinking Fund Cases, 99 U.S. 700 (1878) ]


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Where do your taxes go

The page on the left was extracted from:
Federal Income Taxation on Individuals, West Group,
1999, ISBN 0-314-23868-9, p. 2,



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You Dont Pay tax to the IRS!

Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, FICA are NOT taxes, they are
government insurance programs, and all insurance programs are
When taxes are used for bribery and wealth redistribution
instead of supporting the government ONLY, as the law book on the
previous pages says, then:
All governments, judiciaries, and tax collection systems invariably become corrupt
Governments invariably grow out of control because of thirst for money and power
The liberties of the people are eliminated one-by-one as taxes are increased and the
tax code becomes a means of political control and tyranny

What laws are violated when taxes are used for wealth

18 U.S.C. 2381:
18 U.S.C. 208:
18 U.S.C. 597:
18 U.S.C. 2111:
18 U.S.C. 872:
18 U.S.C. 876:
18 U.S.C. 873:
18 U.S.C. 1581:
42 U.S.C. 1994:
13th Amend.:

Conflict of interest
Expenditures to influence voting
Mailing threatening communications
Peonage and slavery
Peonage and slavery

For further information on why taxes for wealth redistribution violate

the Constitution, read:


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What Exactly Do You Pay to the IRS, Then?

It is FRAUD to call what we pay to the IRS a tax!
What we pay to the IRS is instead a donation or insurance
premium disguised as a tax to make it look mandatory
Donatio: A gift. A transfer of the title of property to one who receives it without
paying for it. The act by which the owner of a thing voluntarily transfers the title and
possession of the same from himself to another person, without any consideration.
[Blacks Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, p 487]

Voluntary: Unconstrained by interference; unimpelled by anothers influence;

spontaneous; acting of oneself. Coker v. State, 199 Ga. 20, 33 S.E.2d 171, 174.
Done by design or intention. Proceeding from the free and unrestrained will of the
person. Produced in or by an act of choice. Resulting from free choice, without
compulsion or solicitation. The word, especially in statutes, often implies knowledge of
essential facts. Without valuable consideration; gratuitous, as a voluntary conveyance.
Also, having a merely nominal consideration; as, a voluntary deed.
[Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 1575)]

The IRS doesnt maintain tax records about you, they

maintain records of your donations
The federal income tax system under Subtitle A of the
Internal Revenue Code is a donation program for the
municipal government of the District of Columbia, which I call
the District of Criminals


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What Does the Bible Say About This tax Scandal?

Do not follow a crowd (a democracy, in this case) to do evil!:

You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside
after many to pervert justice. [Exodus 23:2, Bible, NKJV]

Do not steal from your neighbor using theft disguised as a tax:

"You shall not steal.
[Exodus 20:15, Bible, NIV]

Be responsible for yourself and dont depend on government:

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your
hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that
you will not be dependent on anybody.
[1 Thess. 4:11-12, Bible, NIV]

Do not bear false witness against your neighbor, for instance by

claiming he owes a tax that he doesnt in fact owe:
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
[Exodus 20:16, Bible, NIV]

Do not covet your neighbors high earnings to subsidize your

"You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his
male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything [including his
earnings from labor] that is your neighbor's.
[Exodus 20:17, Bible, NIV]


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Government Cover-Up of Scandal

Our government doesnt want you to know that it is violating
Gods laws and that it is full of criminals! The Bible even tells
us why they are inclined to do this:
"He who believes in Him [Jesus, the Son of God] is not condemned ; but he
who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed
in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the
condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved
darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone
practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his
deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light,
that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."
[John 3:18-21, Bible, NKJV]

The prosecution rests its case


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What should we do about this fraud?



People who believe in God cannot subsidize or support this
EVIL, because:
It violates Gods laws

The Bible says:

"The violence of the wicked will destroy them because they refuse to do justice." [Prov. 21:7,
Bible, NKJV]

It violates the first commandment to put God first, instead of Government,

first. It is therefore idolatry which is the gravest of the sins identified in
the bible
It injures our neighbor (see Exodus 20:12-17 and Matt. 22:39-40)
It subsidizes and encourages greed, tyranny, theft, and dishonesty by our


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Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Records

The IRS maintains electronic records about you in their computer system
called the Integrated Document Retrieval System (IDRS) and the Audit
Information Management System (AIMS)
There are five main types of records IRS maintains in their IDRS system:

All IRS records are maintained in large computer mainframes distributed

throughout the country

Business Master Files (BMF): Tracks businesses

Individual Master File (IMF): Tracks individuals
Non Master File (NMF): Tracks things that dont fit in other files, along with manual assessments
Employee Plans Master File (EPMF): Tracks employee retirement plans
Individual Retirement Account File (IRAF): Tracks Individual Retirement Accounts
Information Return Master File (IRMF): Tracks 1099s, W-2s, etc.

All data is batch processed weekly at each computer center

The computer centers stay synchronized by flying large tapes from around the country into the
Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC)

Information is recorded using cryptic alphanumeric codes that are not

understandable without access to the code books and IRS training and
reference materials
All IRS records about you are available by simply requesting them under the
Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.
IRS is very secretive and protective of information that could be used to help
educate people about the meaning of information in these files because:


Knowing what the IRS knows about you eliminates your fear of them, which removes an important
means of leverage they use to intimidate us
Mishandling or illegal falsification of files by IRS employees can result in personal liability for criminal
and civil lawsuits
These files allow you to invalidate illegal assessments by the IRS, which means they become
uncollectible and must be fixed

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What is an Individual Master File (IMF)?

The Individual Master File (IMF) is the file that is maintained on

biological people like you:
All information is filed by Social Security Number (SSN)
This is where your 1040, 1040A, and 1040NR form information is entered
Keeps track of all the transactions or changes that the IRS has made to the status of
your tax returns
Keeps track of all correspondence, letters, and notices sent to and from you
Is the place where your eFile information is entered
Is managed automatically by the IRS Integrated Document Retrieval system

Each document in the system is identified by a number called the

Document Locator Number (DLN). More about that later


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What is IMF Decoding?

IMF decoding is intended to accomplish for your federal tax status

the same thing that credit repair does for your credit history
The specific purposes of IMF decoding are precisely as follows:

Understand everything the IRS thinks they know about you

Discover whether their information about you is false or fraudulent
Administratively correct any false, fraudulent, or inaccurate information
Identify violations of statutes, regulations, and internal procedures
Provide evidence proving that assessments against you are illegal and therefore
Expose, prevent, or circumvent illegal collection activity
Provide you with information that is useful in responding to illegal or improper IRS
letters and notices
Identify specific IRS employees who are falsifying your records and violating tax
statutes, regulations, and internal procedures so they can be prosecuted with a Bivens
Produce evidence of IRS wrongdoing that you can send in to the IRS to have entered
into your official IRS administrative record which will immunize you from subsequent
illegal criminal or civil prosecution

IMF decoding can be done:

Inexpensively and automatically by computer using the Master File Decoder software
available on the SEDM website
Manually by human labor, which tends to be very expensive, time consuming, and
especially error prone


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Why is IMF Decoding Important?

IMF decoding is very important!
A good IMF decode may (but not necessarily will):
Eliminate fear caused by ignorance about what the government knows or
doesnt know about you
Invalidate illegal assessments
Stop criminal investigations
Stop illegal collection activity
Stop harassing IRS notices
Prevent civil or criminal prosecution against you
Help you to defend yourself in court against wrongful civil and criminal
Provide powerful evidence that can be used to prosecute specific IRS
agents who have violated the tax laws and internal IRS procedures
Save TONS of money and headaches
Scare the IRS into treating you more respectfully next time

WARNING: We cannot guarantee specific results, because

we dont have any control over whether the IRS and its
employees understands and follows our laws.


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Types of IMFs
IMF records are available from the IRS as printed, paper
reports ranging from two pages all the way up to 30 pages
There are two types of IMF reports:
IMF Specific
IMF Complete

Both IMF report formats have the same basic information

IMF Complete:
Multiple tax years, usually from five to ten years back in time
Section for each tax year
Usually up to about 30 pages

IMF Specific:
One tax year only
Contains slightly more detail than the IMF complete
From two to five pages in length usually


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Additional Specialty Information

Additional specialty information can be requested from IRS under

FOIA to clarify the content of the IMF Specific or IMF Complete
Most specialty information is produced by the IRS Audit Information
Management System (AIMS)
Example Specialty Information:

23 C assessment certificates: Required to prove lawful assessments

ICS History Transcript: Text journal history of your case
Additional assessment documentation: Includes many different types of forms)
AMDISA Report: Status of entity within the Audit Information management System.
Also used to determine what type of activity or person IRS thinks you are
TXMODA Report: Used to identify illegal Substitute for Returns (SFRs)
DDBKD Report: Citizenship of entity
and MUCH more

Specific examples where specialty information is required:

Criminal Investigation is in progress by the Criminal Investigation Division (CID)

Illegal Substitute For Returns (SFRs)
Time-barred assessments
Illegal penalty assessments
Illegal collection activity
IMF is put in freeze mode and manually edited to bypass computer safeguards
Transactions are illegally imported from the NMF or the Retention Register to bypass
computer safeguards
Suspicious errors in IMF


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Document Locator Numbers (DLNs)

Breakdown of a Document Locator Number:
Example: 29221-314-18004-6


(left to


Value in

Meaning in example

1 and 2

File Location Code

(FLC), which is the
Service Center


Ogden Service Center

Tax Class

Individual Tax (IMF), Fiduciary

Income Tax (BMF), Partnership
Return (BMF)


Document Code (DC)


Form 1040 (2-Individual Business

or Farm-not paid), 5329(0), W-2(5)

6 to 8

Julian date


9 to 11

Blocking Code


Tax, penalty, interest or freeze

release without original return, CP55 generated




Number of documents attached



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Tax Class
Tax Class:


Tax Class (Third digit of

Document Locator Number or

Tax Class

Employee Plans Master File (EPMF)

Withholding and Social Security

Individual Income Tax, Fiduciary Income Tax, Partnership return

Corporate Income Tax, 990C, 990T, 8083 Series, 8609, 8610

Excise Tax

Information Return Processing (IRP), Estate and Gift Tax




Mixed-Segregation by tax class not required

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Sections within IMFs

Each IMF has four sections
Entity Portion: Records information about taxpayer, including name,
address, SSN, spouse, etc.
Module Portion: Details about tax liability during a given year
Transaction list: Chronological history of all changes to the account
Master File (MF) Status (Stat) list: Record of all notices sent to the
taxpayer and/or changes in the status of the module


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IMF Specific: Entity Portion


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IMF Specific: Module Portion


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IMF Specific: Transactions


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Transaction Codes

Transactions codes describe changes made to the IMF record over

All transaction codes are three numeric digits. Examples:


Return Filed, liability assessed

Examination indicator
Examination request indicator
Examination accepted indicator (reverses 424 code)
Extension of time for filing
Active Intelligence investigation by CID

Some transactions reverse others:

425 reverses 424
Reversed transactions do not appear on the IMF, but can be clearly seen on the
TXMOD report

Each transaction contains a list of subfields that go with it which

describe different aspects of the transaction. Each subfield has its
own abbreviation. Most common subfields:


COLCLOS: Collection Closing Code

PRC: Penalty Reason Code
PEN CODE: Penalty Code
971-CD: Also called Action Code
HC: Hold Code
SOURCE-CD: Source Code or reason for this transaction

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IMF Specific: MF Stat section


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IMF Codes

Codes are used in the IMF in keep track of the status of the person,
the tax due, and the history of payments
An example of a code would be the SCrambled SSN indicator, which
is abbreviated SCS on the IMF. Below are the valid values for this

0 = No scrambled SSN
1 = Two taxpayers have the same SSN
2 = SSN has been verified not scrambled SSN
8 = SSN has been verified and released this cycle

For the above code, if the value in the field says 1, the IMF record
is completely invalidated and may not be relied upon to determine
your tax liability because the data may not refer to you! This is
important stuff, folks!
A typical IMF can contain up to about 200 different codes
The Master File Decoder has information about 268 different types of
codes contained on various IRS reports
Many of the codes used are simply abbreviations. The Master File
Decoder software has information about 800 different terms and
abbreviations found in IMFs and in the literature that describes them
We have NEVER decoded an IMF that didnt have at least one serious
problem with it


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Researching IMF Codes Further

The Master File Decoder also contains a detailed list of nearly
every code used by the IRS in the Fields form
IMF Codes are also described in several different IRS
manuals, including:
IRS 6209 Manual:
Available on SEDM Website
Contains description of most IMF codes
Four different versions of this manual appear on the MF Decoder Pro CD: 1976,
1997, 1998, and 2003

IMF Operations Manual:

IRS 30(55)(0), MT 3000-353 dated 1-1-96
BMF Operations Manual:
IRS 30(52)00, MT 3000-346 dated 1-1-95
Automated Non Master File (ANMF):
IRS 30(17)(46)0, MT 3(17)00-271
Law Enforcement Manual:
LEM III-386, 3(27)(68)0, dated 1-1-90. This manual is a very carefully
guarded secret of the IRS and they have not released the current version
of this manual to the general public for several years now.


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IRS Does NOT Want you to Understand Your IMF!


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IRS Does NOT Want you to Understand Your IMF!

Below is Page D-1 of the foregoing manual, listing the IRS 6209 decoding
Note that it says This product may not be ordered by the general public:



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IRS Does NOT Want you to Understand Your IMF!

In addition to the foregoing IRS scandal:

The foregoing document, the IRS Published Products Catalog, Document 7130, is NOT
available to the general public, so that you dont know what they are trying to hide:

It s not available on their website

When we called their order line, they asked May I ask why you want this document?
If you want a copy of IRS Document 7130, we have the electronic version on the Family Guardian
Website at:

IRS removed the 6209 Manual from their website in March of 2003 to make it more
difficult for people to interpret their IMF file. You can read an article about this scandal
IRS has removed important sections from its Internal Revenue Manual available from
its website in response to articles posted on the Family Guardian Website, to hide
evidence of its wrongdoing
A number of people have used the FOIA to request a copy of the IRS 6209 Manual from
the IRS, and their response:

Had several chapters removed

Had all useful information redacted so that it was virtually worthless

The above scandal is completely inconsistent with:

The idea of an accountable government that serves the people
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which the IRS Restructuring and
Reform Act of 1998, section 3466, 12 Stat. 768 says the IRS is subject to. See:

The FDCPA, requires that:

15 USC 1692g(b): The debt collector (IRS) be able and willing to provide an original
copy of the imputed debt liability, which in this case is evidence of a valid assessment
that is procedurally correct
15 U.S.C. 1692e: The debt collector (IRS) cannot make any false or misleading
representations about the nature of the debt. Making your IMF file virtually unreadable
to you by absolutely and defiantly refusing to provide the documents needed to
understand it constitutes an attempt to at least confuse or mislead debtor (you).


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Illegal Techniques
Illegal techniques are methods used by the IRS to falsify your
IMF record
Most illegal techniques are accomplished by:
Putting your IMF into freeze mode so that manual transactions may be
Entering false or fraudulent assessment information to create a bogus
Lying to the computer by pretending to import transactions from the
Retention Register that technically dont even exist
Violating internal IRS procedures documented in the Internal Revenue

The Master File (MF) Decoder software identifies over 12

different illegal techniques, including such things as:


Assessments outside the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED)

Unauthorized extensions to the ASED
Illegal values on IMF report, rendering it invalid
Illegal transaction importing from the Non Master File using TC370
Illegal importations from the Retention Register
Illegal time-barred assessments
Invalid CP notices sent to taxpayer
Illegal freezes on IMF account
Illegal criminal investigations active

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Getting Copies of Your IMF

You can request a copy of your IMF from the IRS using the
authority of the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a
Under 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(a)(i), the government has 20 days to
respond to your request for information. If the request is
large or includes a lot of information, it could take longer, but
the government must warn you that there will be a delay
Its important to keep your FOIA or Privacy Act request for
documents as short and simple as possible so that the IRS
will not have any excuses for failing to comply:
The more pieces of information you ask for on the request, the more
excuses the IRS will make
Requests for information should be limited to no more than two or three
items at most
If you have more items to request, send out multiple requests staggered
over several days

The Master File Decoder software automatically generates

several canned customized FOIA requests that are
appropriate for your situation and which quickly uncover
most types of IRS fraud and abuse


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Additional FOIA References

Citizens Guide to the Using the Freedom of Information Act
and the Privacy Act:

Department of Justice FOIA Guide:

IRS Disclosure Litigation Reference Manual:


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Master File (MF) Decoder Software

Is available on the SEDM website:

Main Features
Automatically prepares the FOIA forms needed to obtain your IMF records
Tells you what records to obtain based on given circumstances
Accepts inputs of codes in IMF and AMDISA records provided in response to your
Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act request.
Flags illegal, fraudulent, or time-barred transactions that need to be corrected in your
Complete user manual available for FREE
Prints a very professional automated report you can send to IRS to correct errors in
your record
Comprehensive index of IRS acronyms, definitions, forms, fields, IRS history, and
FOIA systems of records

Minimum system requirements:

Microsoft Access 2000 or later installed-mandatory. Microsoft Access is part of
Microsoft Office Professional 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, or 2013
NOTE: Microsoft Access 97 or earlier WILL NOT work so please don't contact us to complain
about this fact or ask you to help you to get it to work. Microsoft Access is also not available on
the MAC or any platform other than the PC.

Personal Computer or compatible

Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 2003
Note: Does not work on the Macintosh, unless there is a version of Microsoft Access available
for it

50 MB available disk space


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Master File (MF) Decoder Software (cont)

The MF Decoder

Is the only tool of its kind that we know of

Is very easy to use
Comes with an excellent user manual that tells you how to use it
Is very inexpensive
Can be used by both human beings and by decoding businesses who
service large numbers of clients. It even has built-in automated email
status reporting so that it is easy to keep decoding clients apprised of the
current status of their decodes
Supports multiple users simultaneously by locating on a share server in
your office
Has been developed and tested using input from top IMF decoders
throughout the country
Was first released on May 31, 2003
Has been through over 96 revisions and upgrades since it was first
Is constantly being improved and expanded to meet the needs of its many

A BIG advantage of the MF Decoder is that if you upgrade to

a new version, you can:
Import all your old data and thereby avoid retyping
Use new illegal technique detection features of the software to catch
additional problems with older IMFs


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Master File (MF) Decoder Software (cont)

Reports produced by MF Decoder:
IMF Decoding Report: Describes the meaning of most codes on your
Individual Master File for a given year/module
Illegals Summary Report: Tells you everything that is wrong with your IMF
for all years decoded in one organized, convenient place

Reporting is very flexible:

All reports and FOIA requests produced by the software may be printed in
either HTML, Microsoft Word (RTF) or paper format
Reports printed in Word format may be customized if special changes are


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


MF Decoder Professional

MF Decoder is also available in a Professional Edition:

CD-ROM format instead of downloadable zip
Adds automated status reporting via email for those who decode professionally for
multiple clients
Adds automated importation of data from the following types of reports, which is a
TREMENDOUS time saver (version 1.96 and later):

IMF Specific reports. Can import 8 years of IMF reports, convert all the codes, scan for illegals,
and produce a complete report in only 3 minutes!
IRPTRN reports, which have a complete record of all information returns filed against you.

Contains automated rebuttal letter template. This letter documents all the problems
with your IMF and is sent to the IRS
Animated video training demonstrating how to use the software
Complete electronic Exhibit Catalog containing exhibits demonstrating the meaning of
every field decode and illegal technique in the database using the IRS own
publications as evidence backing up its findings
Complete electronic library of IRS decoding reference manuals in Acrobat format,


IRS Document 6209, downloaded from IRS website on 03-03-2003 (622 pages)
AIMS Processing Handbook, dated 02-08-99 (91 pages)
IRS Law Enforcement manual (LEM) III, 3(27)(68), LEM III-386, dated 01-01-90 (292 pages)
Individual Master File (IMF) Operations Manual, 3(55)(0, MT 3000-353, dated 01-01-96 (37 pages)
Business Master File (BMF) Operations Manual, 3(52)0, MT 3000-346, dated 01-01-95 (27 pages)
Automated Non Master File (ANMF), 3(17)(46), MT 3(17)00-271, dated 01-01-96 (216 pages)
Transcripts Manual, 3(65)0, MT 35-00-219, dated 01-01-96 (168 pages)
IRS Federal Tax Lien Handbook, dated 02-02-2000 (42 pages)
IRS Collection Manager's Handbook, dated 02-2000 (90 pages)
Department of Justice Criminal Tax Manual, dated 05-28-1998 (1298 pages)
Federal Rules of Evidence, last updated 05-12-2003 (181 pages)

IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


MF Decoder Professional
Complete electronic library of Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act reference
documents in Acrobat format:

Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 (link)

Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a (link)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Systems of Records, Federal Register Vol. 66, pp. 66784-63875
(93 pages)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Systems of Records, Internal Revenue Manual Exhibit [1.3] 15-2
dated 08-19-98 (13 pages)
Dept. of the Treasury, Systems of Records, Federal Register Vol. 66, pp. 44205 thru 44213 (10
Citizens Guide to Using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act (74 pages)
IRS Disclosure Litigation Reference Book, dated 4-2000 (314 pages)

Complete electronic library of IMF decoding and tax training materials:


IMF Decoding presentation (46 slides)

Richard Standring's audio IMF training (MP3 audio)
Great IRS Hoax: Why We Don't Owe Income Tax (latest edition)
Galileo Paradigm book (latest edition)
How to Keep 100% of Your Earnings movie (1.5 hours)

IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Which Version of MF Decoder is Right for You?

Which version is right for you?
MF Decoder Standard recommended if you meet any of the following:
Just want to know what your file says
Are only dealing administratively with the IRS
Cant afford the more expensive Pro version

MF Decoder Professional recommended if you meet any of the following:

Decode professionally for several clients and want to speed up and automate
the process
Intend to use your decode in court litigation. MF Decoder pro comes with
evidence admissible in court that will allow you to back up everything it says
Have a slow dial-up link and cant download the software over the phone line
Want to learn as much as possible about how to decode Master Files yourself
Want to craft a dynamite Privacy Act amendment request to add to your
administrative record that includes evidence to back up every claim and


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Master File (MF) Decoder Software (cont)

(also available at:


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


SEDM Decoding Services

In addition to the Master File (MF) Decoder, SEDM also offers
two classes of IMF decoding services:
Full-Service IMF decoding (bookstore Items 4.01 and 4.02)

You obtain the IMF records from the IRS using Form #03.015
You scan them in as a PDF
You submit the IRS FOIA responses to us for decode
Includes the following services:

Enter and decode the data into MF Decoder

Produce complete MF Decoder reports
Write a decode rebuttal letter
Email the result to you

IMF Decode Report production (bookstore Item 4.03)

You obtain the IMF records from the IRS using Form #03.015
You scan them in as a PDF
You submit the IRS FOIA responses to us for decode
Faster turn-around than Full Service IMF Decoding (less than a week)
Includes the following services:
Enter and decode the data into MF Decoder
Produce complete MF Decoder reports
Email the result to you


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Full Service IMF Decoding

Our Full Service IMF Decoding works in six phases

Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Phase 4:
Phase 5:
Phase 6:

Initial Privacy Act request for your IRS records

Information Gathering about you to populate our records
Initial Decoding
Situational Privacy Act Requests
Final Decoding and Rebuttal

Our Full Service IMF decoding service provides advantages

above and beyond the MF Decoder. It includes:
All deliverables provided in electronic form on a single CD-ROM, to
conserve space and maximize convenience
Electronic copy of all FOIA responses
Complete electronic exhibit package documenting every field decode
Our excellent reputation for quality and attention to detail

If you would like to learn more about Full-Service IMF

Decoding, you may visit the SEDM website at:


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)

Founded in 2003

A non-profit Christian/religious ministry

Mission statement found at:

Articles of Mission, Form #01.004 available at:

Managed by a board of ordained ministers

Ministry offerings are completely consistent with materials found on

the Family Guardian Website

Educational course materials available only to members, who must

be nonresident aliens and nontaxpayers not engaged in a trade
or business and who believe in God

All educational materials obtained online only

Signed Membership Agreement, Form #01.001 required to join or

obtain any ministry offerings

Based out of (but NOT domiciled or resident in) Canada and outside
of jurisdiction of United States government


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)

Focus exclusively on human beings and not businesses

See the About Us page for further details on the ministry

See our Frequently Asked Questions page, which answers most

questions to or about us:


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)

We are NOT:
Anti-government, but pro SELF-government
Tax protesters, tax deniers, or tax defiers, but rather a legal
education and law enforcement ministry

Offer any kind of investment or tax shelter or engage in any kind of
commerce within the jurisdiction of the United States
Provide legal advice or representation (but do provide assistance of
Allow our materials or services to be used for any unlawful purpose
Make legal determinations about your status
Market, advertise, or promote anything or pursue any commercial
purpose. Our goals are exclusively moral and spiritual and not financial.
Interact directly with the IRS on your behalf
Offer asset protection, trusts, or corporation soles
Make promises or assurances about the effectiveness of our materials or
Represent anyone using IRS 2848 Power of Attorney forms
Prepare or advise in the preparation of tax returns for others


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)

Allow our materials or services to be used to interact with the government
or legal profession on behalf of taxpayers, U.S. citizens, U.S.
persons, U.S. residents, or any instrumentality of the federal
government, including especially public officers
Connect ourselves with a trade or business in the United States or any
government franchise
Engage in factual or actionable speech. All of our offerings constitute
religious beliefs and opinions that are not admissible as evidence
pursuant to Fed.Rul.Ev. 610. Only you can make them admissible as
evidence by signing them under penalty of perjury as part of an affidavit
Advocate or endorse any of the flawed tax arguments identified by the
courts in the following document:
Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid, Form #08.004

For rebutted arguments against this ministry, see:

Policy Document: Rebutted False Arguments Against This Website, Form


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


IMF decoding is an important part of defending yourself
against IRS abuse and illegal/unlawful tax law enforcement
Knowing everything the IRS knows about you:

Eliminates much of your fear

Gives you more confidence in dealing with them
Means much more bargaining power for you
Could prevent unnecessary and undeserved government-initiated
litigation against you

The IRS does not want you to know what they know about
you and have taken extreme steps to keep information about
IMF decoding out of the hands of the general public
SEDM offers two different options for getting your IMF
Inexpensive, automated decoding using the Master File Decoder
Full-service IMF decoding and rebuttal at an affordable minimum donation

IMF decoding can be complicated or intimidating to

neophytes, but our offerings are designed to help get you up
to speed quickly

IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Further Reading and Research

Master File Decoder Software: Available on SEDM website

IRS 6209 Manual:

Available at:
Contains description of most IMF codes

IRS Website:

Internal Revenue Manual (IRM):

Internal Revenue Code:

SEDM Forms and Publications, Section 3: Discovery

Citizens Guide to the Using the Freedom of Information Act and the
Privacy Act:


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


Further Reading and Research

IMF Operations Manual, Form #09.030:

IRS 30(55)(0), MT 3000-353 dated 1-1-96

The Individual Master File (IMF) Report, Form #09.045

The Business Master File (BMF) Report, Form #09.044

BMF Operations Manual:

IRS 30(52)00, MT 3000-346 dated 1-1-95

The Non-Master File (NMF) Report, Form #09.046

Automated Non Master File (ANMF):

IRS 30(17)(46)0, MT 3(17)00-271

Law Enforcement Manual III, Form #09.036:

LEM III-386, 3(27)(68)0, dated 1-1-90

Disclosure of Official Information, Form #09.025


IMF Decoding, Copyright Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)


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