Jainson Hardware: Name: Diana Dsouza Roll No. 1313
Jainson Hardware: Name: Diana Dsouza Roll No. 1313
Jainson Hardware: Name: Diana Dsouza Roll No. 1313
Jainson Hardware
Name: Diana Dsouza Roll No. 1313
Jainson Hardware
1. What is the business impact of this situation?
This situation seems all unorganised. There are no proper analyses of inventory
management and forecasting for future demand. Also the details of revenue and sales is not
been done in a systematic manner. Gut feeling or intuition doesnt always work in business.
May be once or twice it may but not always. Hence at times the business may suffer due to
shortages in stock or over stocking. This could only be ascertained through a proper analysis
done depending on sale. Through this the loss could be minimized or more profit could be
Also if the accounts are properly maintained flow of funds could be systematically recorded
and studied and analysed. Also a system would be in place.
2. How could IS help the owners run their business?
With the help of information system which can be customized as per the requirement of the
company in this case Jainson Hardware. Through customized information systems this
hardware store could forecast proper demand. This would help in managing the inventory
levels and avoid over stocking. Also with the help of information system the product details
could be viewed on the screen like manufacturing date, expiry date etc. Also in case of sales
done on credit basis, the information system would keep a track on it. All this would help
generate systematic account of revenue and expenses of the store. Also with the
information system if the owner wants sale reports of the week, day or moth etc. It could be
got immediately. This would help minimize human error especially in forecasting trends.
Also this system would make the working paperless and reports and details could be
accessed anytime without hassle.
Information systems would also help to track orders, place orders, prepare invoices etc. This
would save alot of time. Also the same could be generated easily to the customer.
3. What Data should these systems capture?
The information system should capture details such as product type, manufacturing date,
expiry date, batch no. Etc. It should capture the point of sale of the product. With each
product being sold the system should be able to track the inventory levels also. The system
should also capture data like tracking order details, placing order details, lead time,
transportation time, price of the product etc. Also tax related details.
4. What decisions could the systems improve?
With data being captured the system would help make better decisions on inventory control
systems. It would prompt as to how much inventory to keep. This could be done through
forecasting and finding out trends in the buying pattern through the entered data.
Also cash flows would be generated and proper decisions of funds and management of
funds decision could be analysed. The time between placing the order and delivery could be
tracked and accuracy of delivery could be ascertained.