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Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
October 2006
TAUS0611440EN00 Solution ID 614 Solution Usage
How to program auto shut-off and 1:2 mode default.
For 1:1 default, set 25 mode, P55 to 1 (minimum level 12.0 EPROM required on the main CB).
Auto shut-off can be disabled by a Konica trained technician if this mode represents a hardship for the customer due to their particular usage patterns.
To defeat auto shut-off for a model 2125, perform the following steps:
1. Install EPROM (p/n 212512-14.6) in the main CB at IC2.
Note: EPROM (p/n 212513-14.0) must be installed at IC3.
2. Set 25 mode, P62 to:
3 =120 minute auto shut-off
4 =240 minute auto shut-off
5 =NO auto shut-off
The limitations of this firmware are outlined in 2125/2130 Technical Bulletin #13 .
Small size originals will be detected as 8.5x11.
The auto reset function will not occur if the sorter is selected.
The APS adjustment, 47-99, has been eliminated.
Note: If the machine resets to the default settings after installing the correct firmware and programming the 25 mode as listed above, reseat the two EPROMs
and the memory IC.
EPROM history hyperlink .
TAUS0600716EN00 Solution ID 102 Solution Usage
Blank copies and/or F28 occurring while copying.
1. The T/S unit is dirty and arcing. Remove the transfer/separation corona unit and clean it thoroughly (use soap and warm water on the plunging arrestor
[separation bridge]). Slightly stretch the electrode contact springs (p/n 540026040) to ensure that there is proper contact. If necessary, rebuild the corona
unit with new redesigned parts as outlined in 2125/2130 Technical Bulletin #15 .
2. High resistance between the corona wire and HV unit. Measure the resistance between each corona wire and contact spring. Readings should be below
12+. Replace the transfer/separation corona unit (p/n 5400-2605), if cleaning it did not resolve the problem.
3. The transfer ground springs (located on the underside of the ground plate [p/n 540026071]) are dirty or deformed.
Reform the spring so that the proper contact is made with the electrode guide plate (p/n 540045331). Also, that ensure no corrosion has built up on the
electrode guide plate. Sand the buildup away with emery paper to ensure good ground path contact.
4. The spark arrestor mylar sheet (p/n 540045150) is dislodged. Remove the transfer guide plate (p/n 5400-4550) and verify that the spark arrestor mylar
sheet is positioned correctly and shows no sign of wear. The overlap should be a consistent 0.5 to 1.0mm for the entire length, which can be checked using a
steel pocket ruler. Clean the guide plate with alcohol, then apply Brillianize*. Ensure that all the toner and debris are removed from the arrestor mylar sheet
and the underside of the plate.
5. If the corona currents are set incorrectly, set the corona currents to specification. Refer to [[2125/2130 Technical Bulletin #7| IMAGE
V:\bitmaps\djc019.bmp SCROLL].
6. Pinched wiring to CN5 on the main CB. Repair and reposition the wiring harness.
7. The high voltage terminal block is arcing. If any arcing is evident, or an old style block (black) is installed, replace it with the new style white block (p/n
8. Cracked drum wiring connector (CN50) located on the rear frame of the copier. Replace the connector (p/n 5400K0190) if it is damaged.
9. Corrosion on the electrode guide plate (p/n 540045331). Clean or replace the guide plate.
10. If F2 on the main CB is open due to packed or binding toner. Verify that M6 (toner motor) is not shorted or binding. Perform a resistance check to the
motor (approximately 41 ohms). Replace F2 fuse.
11. Zener diode failure. Check the zener diode located on the drum carriage for failure by using the 47 mode, code 02.
Carefully measure across the zener diode. A value of -600 to -800V DC should be read.
12. Poor HV(A) or HV(B) unit ground. Install star washers at all grounding points.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
13. Cold solder joint in HV(A). If no image is present on the drum, check R26 on HV(A) for cold solder joints.
14. HV(A) or HV(B) failure. Check the corona currents to verify Charge, transfer and separation corona current output. Replace HV(A) (p/n 540084012) if no
charge is measured or HV(B) (p/n 35AE84020) if transfer or separation currents are not measureable.
* Trademark ownership information
TAUS0603890EN00 Solution ID 74 Solution Usage
The lead edge half of copy is faded. The remainder of the copy has proper density.
1. Failed electrode input connector (white block) and possible HV(B) failure. Replace the electrode connector (p/n 540073231). Then replace HV(B) (p/n
35AE84020] if necessary.
2. The charge correction board ground plate is not making full contact with drum shaft. Reform the ground plate and insure proper ground to the charge
correction board.
TAUS0602423EN00 Solution ID 66 Solution Usage
How to reset an F86 code.
F86 occurs when the waste toner collection box is full. To reset an F86 code, perform the following steps:
1. Install a new (or empty the) waste toner collection box .
2. Access the 47 mode (power the machine OFF, hold down the 4 and 7 keys, and power the machine ON).
3. Enter 94 using the key pad.
4. Press the start/print key.
5. Power the machine OFF then ON to exit the 47 mode.
TAUS0604327EN00 Solution ID 45 Solution Usage
F43 or F55.
1. CN29 is not fully connected on the CVR board. Reconnect CN29.
2. Poor connection the the paper feed restart sensor (PS4). Verify PS4 using the 47 mode, input code 38. Inspect the connections and wiring from PS4 to
the main CB. Replace PS4 (p/n 540085510) if necessary.
3. A loose pin on CN391. CN391 is a 6 pin connector using only 5 pins it located on the left side of the operation panel.
This connector is part of the AC loop connecting the main switch, interlock switches and main relay (RL1). Ensure all pins on CN391 are fully seated.
4. Relay 1 failure. Ensure that there is 24V DC between the red and blue wires on the relay to energize the coil. If the relay is energized, there should be
115V AC hot measured from each black wire on the relay to the AC neutral. Replace RL1 (p/n 540088460).
5. After optics reset at power up, L1 stays ON. This causes L1 to open and F2 on the ACDB to open. The F55 is then displayed. Remove the fuser unit and
ensure that it is moving freely and that the main drive is rotating freely. Replace L1 (p/n 25BA83010) and F2 with a properly rated 3.15A fuse.
6. CVR failure. Check the L1 FB signal at the main CB CN28-1. The signal should be HI in idle mode with power applied. If the signal is LO, the CVR is
dragging down the 5V DC from the main CB. Replace the CVR (p/n 540083510).
7. Open exposure lamp (F43 code ONLY).
Verify by removing L1 and checking it for continuity. Replace the exposure lamp (p/n 25BA83010).
Note: Install L1 with the end that has the manufacturer's label toward the front of the main body, and the sealing tip (nipple) pointing away from the reflector,
toward the paper exit side.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0603637EN00 Solution ID 43 Solution Usage
Light copies.
1. At installation, if the CVR is set to a low data value (00 or 01) and the baffles are closed significantly, the CVR can be adjusted to compensate.
As a temporary countermeasure, perform the following:
a. Clean locking material, on the CVR board, from VR1; access 36 mode, code 80, PRINT; set P5 (CVR data) to 64.
b. Reset the drum counter.
c. Place meter leads, on the CVR board, between CN393-3 (gray) and CN393-1 (black).
d. Access 47 mode, code 00, PRINT.
e. Turn VR1 until 57V AC is indicated on the meter. CCW to decrease; CW to increase.
f. Power off and lock VR1.
Note: If the adjustment does not change the copy quality, replace the CVR board (p/n 540083510).
2. The PTL lamp is ON. The PTL should only be ON in extremely high humidity environments or copy quality problems will occur.
To turn the lamp OFF, set 25 mode, P11 to 0.
3. 16lb paper is the main paper source. 20lb paper is OK.
If 16lb paper is the main source, then set transfer and separation currents to the lower value, but stay within specification.
Transfer -90 30A DC (do not go below -60)
Separation 305 30A AC (do not go below -275)
Note: Setting these values lower will adversely effect the performance of 20lb and higher.
4. No toner addition during copy cycle or in diagnostics (47 mode, output code 01). The drum carriage is not completely inserted.
Reseat the drum carriage and inspect CN50 (rear of the machine) and CN12 (below the operation panel, above the toner hopper) for proper connection.
5. No toner addition during copy cycle. The toner motor (M6) operates normally in diagnostics.
Debris is covering PS1 or it failed. Inspect and clean PS1. If the problem persists, replace PS1 (p/n 540088040).
6. Incorrect toner was added to the copier.
Purge the developing/toning system and add the correct supplies.
7. The developing bias is out of adjustment.
Adjust the developing bias to -150V DC. To adjust the bias, perform the following:
a. Adjust the bias shift level to LO by pressing the P key and the 0 key at the same time.
b. Power the machine OFF.
c. Connect the positive lead of the multimeter to CN65-1 and ground (TP6) of the main CB.
d. Set the multimeter range to read 200V DC.
e. Use 47 mode, output code 10.
f. Adjust VR1 on the main CB to achieve -150V DC.
g. Press the Stop/Clear button.
h. Power OFF/ON to exit the 47 mode.
TAUS0602902EN00 Solution ID 42 Solution Usage
F23 while copying.
CAUSE: The toner hopper is binding.
SOLUTION: Verify that the agitator plate assembly (p/n 5400-3322) is attached to the toner agitator shaft (p/n 540032171).
To verify that the motor and main CB are operational, remove the toner motor from the drive gears. Then, check the operation using the 47 mode, code 01, to
spin the motor.
Caution: If the toner in the hopper is stirred with a screwdriver, the agitator plate assembly can become dislodged. If this occurs, the hopper will function
normally for a while before binding reoccurs.
TAUS0603226EN00 Solution ID 41 Solution Usage
ST102, J 32 or J 72. Accordion jam occurs at the sorter entrance.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
1. Fuse F1 on the sorter CB and fuse F4 on the main CB (28V DC) are open. If either fuse is open check M201 for binding. If necessary replace M201 (p/n
2. The sorter entrance guide plate is deformed, interfering with the paper. Reform the guide plate.
3. The paper pass detect photosensor (PS201) is dirty, misaligned or requires adjustment. Clean PS201 (located in the bottom of the sorter frame cavity)
and adjust while in idle mode:
a. Turn VR3 fully clockwise (LED 1 should be off or dim).
b. Then turn VR3 counterclockwise until LED 1 lights.
c. Adjust VR3 scale two gradations past the point where the LED lights.
If the adjustment cannot be performed (no change of state), replace PS201 (p/n 059085510) and LED201 (p/n 059085530).
4. Damaged sorter bins. If the bin mounting clips break, the (paper) bracket guides (p/n 059046110) will not covey paper into the individual bins. Replace
the damaged sorter bins (p/n 059046160)
Note: To remove the bins, lift them up in front before pulling them out; this releases the clips.
5. Erroneous data in memory. Perform memory reinitialization ( 47 mode, code 92).
Caution: Drum and PM counters; CVR, registration and lead edge deletion data will be set to initial values.
6. Model 2130 EPROMs are installed. Feed timing is affected, as well as sorter operation. Replace EPROMs with those for the model 2125. If problems
remain, replace the main CB (p/n 35AE-9010).
7. The drive motor speed is not set correctly. To adjust M201 (ST102 only) speed, use 47 mode, code 70. Set the voltage between TP7 and TP1 to 1.55V
DC 0.5. To increase the motor speed turn VR2 clockwise.
8. If the paper speed appears to slow down as the copy enters the bins, the conveyance system may be binding which causes the drive motor (M201) to
labor, resulting in IC13 on the sorter CB to heat up and possibly fail. Confirm that the vertical conveyance belt and drive belt are not too tight and check for
binding in the sorter conveyance system:
With power OFF, rotate the conveyance motor by hand and check for binding or varying tension and repair. If necessary, replace the sorter CB (p/n
0590-9011; p/n 0590-9011 (ST102A)) and M201 (p/n 197580011) AS A SET. Ensure that no drive system binds exist prior to replacement.
TAUS0600704EN00 Solution ID 28 Solution Usage
Corona current specifications.
MODEL 2125 drum currents:
Charge (-680 30A DC)
Transfer (-90 30A DC)
Separation (305 30A AC)
2125/2130 corona currents adjustment chart.
TAUS0600885EN00 Solution ID 25 Solution Usage
ST205S, J 72.
1. Sorter drive system binding or PS202 set incorrectly. Adjust PS202 per ST205/205S Technical Bulletin #5A. Clean and lubricate the bushings in the
main drive system. See Technical Education Bulletin #7A regarding lubricant applications.
2. Sorter CB dipswitches are set incorrectly. Set the sorter CB dipswitches to: 1-1 ON; 2, 3, 4 OFF.
TAUS0601229EN00 Solution ID 22 Solution Usage
Auto reset does not function.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
1. The ADU or sorter was selected (and left on) by the previous user. Auto reset will not take place with the ADU or sorter selected.
Note: For the machine to reset with the sorter selected, install (p/n 212512-13.1 and 212513-13.1) on the main CB.
2. A copy was not run. Reset will not take place until 2 minutes after the last copy exits. To verify auto reset, run a copy, then wait 2 minutes.
3. The bypass tray was used by the previous user. Auto reset will not take place following a bypass tray opeation.
4. 25 mode, P48 is set to 0 (no reset). Set P48 to 1 for a 2 minute reset cycle.
5. The 25 mode, P48 is set to 1, however the function does not operate (memory glitch). Reset the memory using the 47 mode, code 92.
TAUS0611972EN00 Solution ID 21 Solution Usage
ST206, J 72.
1. Paper drags on the front frame side of the paper deflect plate (p/n 074045070). This is caused by either incorrect zoning of the paper drawer, or incorrect
positioning of the deflect plate. The problem usually affects 8.5x11 paper only. Verify the paper drawer is zoned correctly. If so, reposition the deflect plate
by placing a stopper ring (p/n 396040680) between the bushing (p/n 074075540) and the C-clip on the rear frame side of the deflect plate. This will shift the
plate to the rear frame of the sorter.
2. The guide bar home position sensor (PS207) has failed. Ensure that the guide bar moves freely, and flags the sensor. If no change of state from the
sensor, replace the sensor (p/n 074084030).
3. The conveyance motor encoder (PS206) has a poor connection. Reseat CN29 on PS206.
4. The stapler does not cycle to the nonstaple position. There is intermittent contact of the stapler positioning switch (MS206). Ensure that MS206 is
actuating properly.
5. The lower limit sensor flag is loose. Retighten the sensor flag.
6. The flag which actuates the cam position sensor (PS202) is not turning. The flag should turn with the cam.
7. The sorter conveyance drive motor (M201) is defective, which can damage the sorter CB. Replace M201 (p/n 074088050), and the sorter CB (p/n
074089020) at the same time.
8. No 24V DC output from the sorter DCPS. Replace the sorter DCPS (p/n 074089030).
9. A failed sorter CB. Replace the sorter CB (p/n 074089020).
TAUS0602467EN00 Solution ID 17 Solution Usage
Latest EPROM level, 2125.
EPROM history hyperlink .
TAUS0603715EN00 Solution ID 16 Solution Usage
No power.
1. The front door interlocks are not actuated. Open the front panel of copier and ensure that (green) handles 1 and 2 are positioned to the far right. Close the
front panel and power ON.
2. F4 (28V DC, 4A) or F5 (5V DC 2.5A) on the copier control board is open. Ensure that there are no 5V DC or 28V DC loads shorting to ground. Repair
shorting condition as necessary. Replace F4 (p/n 963012100) or F5 (p/n 936012300).
Note: If replacing the fuse, see Technical Operations Bulletin #A15, dated 7/24/95.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
3. No 5V DC output from the DCPS with all loads disconnected. Check all 5-volt loads for shorting to ground. Repair as necessary. Replace the DCPS (p/n
4. Main CB failure. Replace the main CB (p/n 35BE-9010).
TAUS0604231EN00 Solution ID 16 Solution Usage
DF305, J 62.
1. PS302 (entrance sensor) is not adjusted to the correct voltage. Adjust VR1 two graduations past the point where LED 1 lights. An alternate method is to
adjust VR1 to 0.3V DC using CN906-7 and TP-3 (ground).
2. SD301 is not energizing due to a poor electrical connection on the RADF CB; causing the paper feed lift plate not to move. Reseat CN903-1 and 903-2 on
the RADF CB.
3. The infeed guide plate is deformed. Reform the guide plate.
4. If the problem occurs as the last original is fed, the original feed set solenoid (SD301) has failed. Replace SD301 (p/n 048082530).
5. The mounting posts that support M301 may become broken or cracked due to vibrations that occur during shipment/transportation.
All DF305 units within serial number range (048181365 through 048186490) must be inspected at the next PM or service call. Refer to [[DF305 Technical
Bulletin #11|IMAGE v:\bitmaps\djc156.bmp SCROLL]] for details regarding inspection/repair for this symptom.
To repair the motor mounts, perform the following:
a. Install the collars (p/n U091-9630) to repair the cracked mounting posts. The instructions for the repair kit are included in the kit. The 5 minute epoxy
required to install the metal collars must be purchased locally.
b. Install the rubber holder part on top of the motor.
I. Clean the underside of the metal cover (cover/B) and the top of M301 with alcohol.
II. Remove the small adhesive strip from the bottom of the rubber holder.
III. Mount the rubber holder on the motor (adhesive strip from front to rear).
IV. Position the motor so that the drive belts are perpendicular to the drive gear.
V. Remove the large adhesive strip on the top of the rubber holder.
VI. Carefully reinstall the metal cover (you get one chance).
The metal cover and rubber holder will now support M301 and eliminate vibrations resulting in noise and misfeeding.
TAUS0607728EN00 Solution ID 14 Solution Usage
Blank LCD.
1. Drive pulley (A) (p/n 540076531) slips on the lens motor (M7) shaft, or the timing belt (p/n 540077520) falls off and is lodges between the motor and pulley.
As an interim repair for a slipping drive pulley (A), apply a small amount of instant adhesive between the drive pulley and motor shaft. As a permanent repair,
replace M7 with the new-style (p/n 25BA-7404). The motor must be used with the new-style adjustable drive plate assembly (p/n 5400-6321). In addition,
there is a motor cover mylar (p/n 35AE61990) that prevents M7 from interfering with the door detect wiring cover. The mylar is placed onto the underside of
the motor. These parts can not be mixed with the original parts. They must be used as a set.
Note: For more detail, refer to Parts Information Bulletin #81.
2. The 5V DC to the LCD needs adjustment. Adjust VR1 on the operation board.
TAUS0600710EN00 Solution ID 13 Solution Usage
Upper trays not registering, SPECIAL displayed.
CAUSE: The upper paper trays on the model 2125 and 2130 are universal. The side guides and backstop can be moved to accomodate different paper
SOLUTION: The machine must be programmed to recognize these universal trays. Set 25 mode, P67 to 3 for universal tray recognition.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0600714EN00 Solution ID 13 Solution Usage
Mixed original mode initialization programming.
To program the machine to initialize in the mixed original mode, set 25 mode, P61 to 1. For normal initialization, set 25 mode, P61 to 0.
TAUS0603908EN00 Solution ID 13 Solution Usage
F34 at power up.
CAUSE: TH1 or TH2 intermittent failure.
SOLUTION: Replace TH1 (p/n 5400-5466) and TH2 (p/n 5400-5475) at the same time.
TAUS0612409EN00 Solution ID 13 Solution Usage
How to enable auto reset with a sorter selected.
Install level 13.1 EPROMs on the main CB and set the 25 mode, P48 to 1 to allow auto reset to take place when the sorter is selected.
EPROM p/n 212512-13.1 at IC2 and p/n 212513-13.1 at IC3.
See 2125/2130 Technical Bulletin #10 .
TAUS0606392EN00 Solution ID 12 Solution Usage
The copy is washed out 10mm into the copy lead-to-trail for 35mm and then returns to good copy quality.
PROBABLE CAUSES: A failed charge correction board.
SOLUTION: Replace the charge correction board, (p/n 25J Y87090). This board is used exclusively in the model 2125.
TAUS0606540EN00 Solution ID 12 Solution Usage
How to clear fuser abnormality codes (F34, F35, F36).
To reset fuser codes, perform the following:
1. Access the 25 mode (power OFF the machine, then while holding down the 2 and 5 keys, power the machine ON), address 47 (press P-4-7-P).
2. A data value of 1, 4, 5, or 6 is displayed on the copy quantity indicator.
3. Enter 0 as a data value by pressing the 0 key, then START/PRINT.
5. Power the machine OFF/ON to exit the 25 mode.
Note: If the F-code reoccurs after powering the machine ON or following warm-up, contact service immediately.
TAUS0600706EN00 Solution ID 11 Solution Usage
How to program ATS (auto tray switching), 2125.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
Set 25 mode, P53 to 1 to enable ATS (auto tray switching).
Note: This feature will only operate during full auto mode while using the (R)ADF.
TAUS0602511EN00 Solution ID 11 Solution Usage
Stacker/ADU location.
The stacker or ADU is the third drawer down from the main body. It is labelled ADU.
TAUS0602984EN00 Solution ID 11 Solution Usage
F49 during copier operation. Code clears when the machine is powered OFF/ON.
CAUSE: The optics cooling fan (M10) failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the optics cooling fan (p/n 35AE80510). This is the large fan located at the exit end of the copier. The fan is ON during copy process.
TAUS0603553EN00 Solution ID 11 Solution Usage
ST102, not recognized by the main body.
1. Verify that 25 mode, P03 and P59 are set to 0.
2. Loss of 28V DC. F4 on the copier control board is open. Ensure that there are no 28V DC loads shorting to ground. Repair shorting condition as
necessary. Install the 4.0A F4 fuse (p/n 963012100) or replace the main CB (p/n 35BE-9010).
Note: If replacing the fuse, see Technical Operations Bulletin #A15, dated 7/24/95.
3. A loose pin on main CB CN110 is not allowing sorter recognition. Reseat CN110 and ensure that the pins are seated for proper contact.
TAUS0608881EN00 Solution ID 11 Solution Usage
Intermittently, the lead edge, front half of a copy is faded.
CAUSE: Poor transfer, usually due to environmental conditions (i.e., humidity).
SOLUTION: Set the PTL ON to improve transfer. To enable the PTL, perform the following:
1. Access the 25 mode (while powering the copier ON, simultaneously press the 2 and 5 keys), P11 to 1.
2. Power the copier OFF/ON to exit the 25 mode.
TAUS0612407EN00 Solution ID 11 Solution Usage
F18 at power up or after reloading paper.
1. If the paper detect actuator does not contact the paper during lift operation, the lift mechanism will continue to drive upward, damaging the drive (half gear)
which bends the drive pin. Replace the damaged components and install the new style paper lift up actuator and extension spring as outlined in 2125/2130
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
Technical Bulletin #9 .
Note: To avoid this problem, advise the user to position the backstop flush against the trail edge of the paper.
2. The lift up motor failure (M4 or M5) which caused the main CB to fail. Replace the failed lift up motor (p/n 5400-4113) and the main CB (p/n 35AE-9013) at
the same time.
TAUS0602281EN00 Solution ID 10 Solution Usage
Recommended transparency, 2125.
The standard transparency is PCUA 946427 (equivalent to the 3M* type PP2500 688/503).
Note: Konica recommends feeding transperencies through the bypass tray to reduce the occurance of misfeeding. If a sorter is used, see Technical
Operations Bulletin #A13 & D12 for other available types of transperencies.
* Trademark ownership information
TAUS0603791EN00 Solution ID 10 Solution Usage
How to enable auto reset for less than two minutes.
EPROM version 14.5 (p/n 212512-14.5) allows the auto reset function to be programmed for .5 min and 1 min. In the 25 mode, program address 48 as
P48=0 no auto reset
P48=1 .5 minute
P48=2 1 minute
This EPROM must be used with 212513-14.0. The small size original default for this configuration is 8.5x11, and auto reset will not occur if the sorter has
been selected.
TAUS0612518EN00 Solution ID 10 Solution Usage
Operation panel keys do not operate. Unable to access the 25, 36, or 47 diagnostic modes. All LEDs on the operation panel are illuminated.
1. A button on the operation panel is constantly actuated, causing the other keys to not function.
Disassemble the operation panel and repair the bound key. Replace the operation unit (p/n 35AE-7000) if necessary.
2. EPROM failure. Prior to installing the new EPROMs, the operation panel functioned normally.
Install a new set of EPROMs.
EPROM history hyperlink .
TAUS0613285EN00 Solution ID 10 Solution Usage
How to disable the auto shut-off feature.
SOLUTION: To disable the auto shut-off feature, perform the following:
1. Access the 25 mode (power the copier ON while simultaneously pressing the 2 and 5 keys), P62 to 5.
2. Power the machine OFF/ON to exit the 25 mode.
Note: EPROM level must be at a minimum of 14.6.
TAUS0602744EN00 Solution ID 9 Solution Usage
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
DF203, cannot select 2:2 mode.
The copier must be equipped with a DF305 (RADF) in order to select 2:1 or 2:2.
TAUS0603670EN00 Solution ID 9 Solution Usage
AD205, J 15 while feeding from the ADU.
1. Static build-up causes the last sheet fed into the ADU to sit on top of the holder plate (p/n 048640080), instead of under the plate. Apply Brillianize* to all
of the guides between the fuser and the ADU to correct the problem.
Note: This problem will occur more frequently during the winter months or in very dry environments.
2. MC501 (ADU paper feed clutch) is slipping. Clean MC501. If cleaning does not resolve the problem, replace MC501 (p/n 368082010). MC501 is located
on the left rear frame of the ADU unit.
* Trademark ownership information
TAUS0604832EN00 Solution ID 9 Solution Usage
DF305, F60 and erratic characters at power up.
CAUSE: RADF to main body harness failure or main CB failure.
SOLUTION: Check the RADF to main CB harness and connections. Replace the harness (p/n 048090040). If no results, then replace the main CB (p/n
TAUS0612257EN00 Solution ID 9 Solution Usage
Toner, developer compatibility.
3135/4145/4155/4255 toner is same as 2125/2130 toner (PCUA 947228).
Developer is also the same for all the above models (PCUA 947377).
2028/3035/4045 toner (PCUA 947376) is the same, however, the cartridge is not compatible.
2028/3035/4045 developer (PCUA 947377) is the same.
TAUS0601182EN00 Solution ID 8 Solution Usage
AD205, in 1:2 or 2:2 mode, after last copy exits, the copier main motor runs for approximately 20 seconds, then the last original exits the RADF and RELOAD
ORIGINAL message is displayed.
CAUSE: ADU conveyance motor (M501) failure.
SOLUTION: Replace M501 (p/n 460080031).
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0601250EN00 Solution ID 8 Solution Usage
ST205S is not recognized the main body.
CAUSE: Incorrect dipswitch settings.
SOLUTION: Set 25 mode, P03 to 5.
TAUS0603471EN00 Solution ID 8 Solution Usage
APS only selects 11x17.
CAUSE: Improper APS adjustment procedures. The technician is covering the glass with paper then performing the APS adjustment.
SOLUTION: Perform the APS adjustment for platen top as follows:
1. Close the platen cover.
2. Enter the 47 mode.
3. Enter 99 on the keypad.
4. Press the start/print button.
5. Turn the power OFF/ON. The adjustment is completed.
TAUS0605189EN00 Solution ID 8 Solution Usage
The paper feed clutch shaft is worn.
1. If a particular tray is used repeatedly the feed clutch shaft will wear before other feed ports. Order repair kit (p/n U100-0070). See 3035 Technical Bulletin
#61 .
2. The frame of the PFU is weak, and the procedure to remove the old clutch shaft can cause the frame to be slightly out of form. When the new shaft is
installed, it will protrude at a slight angle. The clutch will then rotate around the shaft unevenly and eventually cause the shaft to wear. The only way to
prevent this is to use care not to bend the frame when removing the old shaft.
TAUS0605669EN00 Solution ID 8 Solution Usage
Unable to adjust AES, all the LEDs light during the adjustment.
1. The main reflector plate (p/n 490061301) is not seated properly. Ensure that the main reflector is seated correctly.
2. The auxiliary reflector (p/n 540061630) is installed incorrectly. Install the reflector so that the edge with the sharpest angle is located at the bottom.
3. Optics mirror (A) (p/n 540061140), in the 1st mirror frame, is not sitting parallel. Reposition the mirror.
TAUS0606626EN00 Solution ID 8 Solution Usage
F42 at power up.
CAUSE: Open fuse (F3) on the ACDB.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
SOLUTION: Inspect the wiring from CN63 on the ACDB to the optics motor (M2) for pinching or damage. Ensure that M2 is not binding by moving the
exposure unit by hand. Replace F3 (125V/ 3.15A) (p/n E64311-11) on the ACDB.
TAUS0602285EN00 Solution ID 7 Solution Usage
Partial display or inoperable operation panel.
CAUSE: The operation panel mounting screws can crack the board. The (oil cleaned) screws used in some production machines may cause PC board
deterioration resulting in cracked board assemblies.
SOLUTION: Install the reinforcement plates and new style screws as outlined in 2125/2130 Technical Bulletin #12 to repair the operation panel.
TAUS0602977EN00 Solution ID 7 Solution Usage
J 11 and/or J 12 at process start.
CAUSE: Failed M3 feed motor.
SOLUTION: Verify operation of the first feed clutch (SD1) using 47 mode, code 20. Check first paper feed motor (M3) using 47 mode, code 28. Check M3
cont signal at the ACDB. CN69-B7 to B8 should measure 28V DC when the print is pressed.
If 26V DC was measured, replace M3 (p/n 5400-4071).
TAUS0603784EN00 Solution ID 7 Solution Usage
J 31.
1. Separation failure due to poor ground contact for HV(B). Check the HV unit and corona ground points. Star washers should be installed at all grounding
2. If the problem occurs during side 2, adjust the loop data for the ADU. Use the 36 mode to increase paper feed loop when feeding out of ADU:
a. Enter the 36 mode.
b. Enter code 94 and then press the start print button.
c. Select the 1:2 mode and make 10 copies. Platen mode.
d. While in the duplex standby mode, press the P button.
e. Enter data: (-20 through +99), begin with +10.
f. Press the P button again to load the new data.
g. To make one copy press start/print, then press stop/clear immediately.
h. If OK then, switch copier OFF/ON. If not, then repeat steps e through g.
TAUS0604023EN00 Solution ID 7 Solution Usage
J 21.
1. The separation claws have been removed or the old style separation claws are installed. Install the new style claws (SE95-3200) as outlined in 2125/2130
Technical Bulletin #8 and adjust claw timing (set 25 mode P01 to 6 and P02 to 4). The new style claws will also reduce the effect of claw damage to the
drum surface.
2. The copy adheres to the drum due to excessive charge on the drum. Verify that the corona currents are set to specification:
Charge - (-680A DC 30)
Transfer - (-90A DC 30)
Separation - (305A AC 30)
3. The pre transfer lamp is OFF. To turn the lamp ON set 25 mode, P11 to 1.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
4. The T/S unit is dirty and arcing. Remove the transfer/separation corona unit and clean it thoroughly (use soap and warm water on the plunging arrestor
[separation bridge]). Slightly stretch the electrode contact springs (p/n 540026040) to ensure that there is proper contact. If necessary, rebuild the corona
unit with new redesigned parts as outlined in 2125/2130 Technical Bulletin #15 .
TAUS0612236EN00 Solution ID 7 Solution Usage
Does the copier have platen glass APS (smart glass)?
No. The model 2125 copier does not have smart glass APS.
TAUS0601140EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
J 94 is displayed while copying.
1. The part of the stand where the rails for the ADU are mounted is too high. To adjust, loosen the mounting screws and reposition the frame piece on the
stand (lower 3mm) then retighten.
2. If the problem occurs as copies enter the AD204, check the output drive gear on the M501 drive motor for damage or incorrect size.
TAUS0602171EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
AD205 J 95 while copying.
CAUSE: SD503 gate solenoid return spring or actuator arm are deformed.
SOLUTION: Refer to AD205 page 1-2. Verify that spring and gate actuator arm are positioned correctly.
TAUS0602589EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
Additional ECM jam counters. There are 19 total positions. What are designated by positions 16-19?
The four additional service codes are as follows:
No. Service Code (F)
16 F23
17 F28
18 F54
19 F49
TAUS0602811EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
Paper trays (1 or 2) are not recognized or display incorrect paper sizes.
CAUSE: Paper drawer zoning, which is determined by the position of the drawers' front cover, is adjusted too far inward. This results in the tray not being
inserted far enough to actuate the switches in the rear that determine paper size.
SOLUTION: Adjust tray zoning. Reposition the front cover further outward in relation to the tray. This will allow the tray to insert further and actuate the
paper size switches in the rear.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0603206EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
How to program ADF, APS and AES, 2125.
To program initial mode, perform the following:
1. Enter the 25 mode (hold down the 2 and 5 keys together while turning copier ON).
2. Select address 58 using the enlargement or reduction buttons or by pressing P-58-P.
3. Input initial mode data with the numeric keys:
4. After changing the data in the address, press start/print to enter the data.
Note: Set P56 to 3. P56 determines the initialization modes (full auto or individual settings). With P56 set to 3, the machine will reset to the individual
settings of P58.
TAUS0603736EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
Cannot select 1:2 or 2:2 mode.
1. The copier is not equipped with an ADU (automatic duplex unit). Duplex copies must be performed manually by using the sheet bypass tray (end user).
2. The ADU is not electrically connected to the copier. The wiring from the ADU CB must connect to CN150 and 151 on the main CB and to CN 530 on the
inversion unit (3 connectors).
TAUS0603815EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
Power requirements, 2125.
Voltage: 115V AC 10%, dedicated line recommended
Current: 15A
Frequency: 60 Hz 2.5Hz
Grounding: Isolation recommended
Termination: NEMA Type 5-15R receptacle (125V AC, 2-pole, 3-wire, grounded).
Note: A dedicated AC line with an isolated ground is strongly recommended. A dedicated line mandates the exclusive use of an electrical branch circuit
where the receptacle grounding terminal is grounded by an insulated grounding conductor that is isolated from the receptacle mounting hardware (per
National Electrical code, article 250-74, exception no. 4).
TAUS0604230EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
How to program the LT151 as a priority tray.
Special EPROMs are now available that will enable the LT151 as a priority tray.
The EPROMs can be down loaded from the Konica Web site.
The file name is 2125-14K.EXE.
There is no software setting needed to enable the LT151 as a priority.
Priority will occur with or with out APS ON.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
Priority will occur with ADF or platen copying.
If ATS is enable (25 mode address 53 to a 1) the tray sequence is LCT tray 1 tray 2.
ATS will occur with or with out APS ON.
ATS will occur with RADF or platen copying.
AMS can be disabled by setting address 6, in the 25 mode, to a 1.
Auto reset with the sorter selected will not occur with a ST206.
TAUS0604692EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
Machine defaults to 8.5x14 when the RADF is lifted.
CAUSE: Default paper size is set to 8.5x14
SOLUTION: To program paper size default when the RADF is lifted, set 25 mode, P16:
0 =11x17
1 =8.5x14
2 =8.5x11
3 =8.5x11R
4 =5.5x8.5
TAUS0605500EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
DF305, the lead edge is varying when feeding from the DF305.
CAUSE: The swingback roller regulating claw is broken.
SOLUTION: Replace the swingback roller, regulating claw, (p/n 108051453).
TAUS0606916EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
AD205, P96 when 1:2 or 2:2 copy mode is selected.
CAUSE: A piece of paper is in the ADU unit.
SOLUTION: To remove paper from the ADU, perform the following:
1. Pull the drawer labeled ADU fully out of the machine.
2. Grasp the green handle on the right hand side, and raise the silver colored guide plate (ADU cover) so that it points up to the ceiling.
3. This will provide total visibility of the ADU stacker assembly and the related paper path.
4. Remove any paper observed in the ADU on the lower the silver guide plate, close the ADU cover, and reinsert the ADU unit.
TAUS0612336EN00 Solution ID 6 Solution Usage
ENTER PASSWORD is not displayed after setting up ECM mode.
The machine must initialize for ECM to operate:
1. Make a copy, wait for the two minutes.
2. Hold down P and press STOP CLEAR while in idle mode.
Note: 25 mode, P05 must be set to 1, 3, or 5, to access ECM mode.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0601064EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
ST206 to main body connector incompatibility.
CAUSE: J umper harness necessary to allow connection of ST206 to 2125.
SOLUTION: Install harness (p/n 074087060).
TAUS0602758EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
Paper trays do not rise after a cassette is opened/closed, until a key is pressed. First copy out speed is slow after loading paper.
In the US market, paper in the cassette will not lift until an op panel button is pressed. This is a machine design due to a patent issue. This will not be
TAUS0603490EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
Improved transfer/separation corona assembly.
The 2125/2130 corona unit has been redesigned to reduce arcing. See 2125/2130 Technical Bulletin #15 .
5400-2613 Front Block
5400-2620 Rear Block
540026053 Front spark arrestor
540026031 Transfer discharge plate
5400-2611 Separating bridge
5400-2607 Corona unit complete
TAUS0603656EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
Cannot adjust lead edge deletion.
CAUSE: No 8V DC on the main CB.
SOLUTION: Verify that the DCPS is outputting the correct voltages. Check for pinched wiring. 8V DC powers the operation panel, CEL, and 10-bin sorter.
Replacing the main CB (p/n 35AE-9010) and the failed load resolves the problem.
TAUS0603700EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
The LEDs on the operation panel are not lit. The LCD and START/PRINT button operate.
CAUSE: Rear frame damage can cause the bottom of the 6th mirror assembly to bow inward, contacting the solder points for the CEL LEDs and shorting the
8V DC distribution on the main CB.
Note: Normally the bottom portion of the mirror assembly plate is at a 90 angle.
SOLUTION: Replace the 6th mirror assembly (p/n 5400-6153), if damaged, and the main CB (p/n 35AE-9010).
TAUS0604835EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
DF305, J 63 and the originals feed over the scale plate.
1. The swingback roller is malformed and the swingback roller holders are worn. Replace the damaged and worn parts. Swingback roller (p/n 048045110),
front swingback roller holder (p/n 048045120), rear swingback roller holder (p/n 048045130). When the new parts are installed perform the RADF height
2. The swingback roller solenoid is (SD303) is binding. Perform the RADF height and control claw adjustments.
TAUS0604847EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
Faded lead edge, first copy of the day (only).
CAUSE: Moisture build up on the copy paper.
SOLUTION: Install dew prevention heaters.
For mainbody (p/n 5400-1051).
For DB301 (p/n 5400-1051, 049295061).
For LT151 (p/n SE95-2830).
TAUS0606366EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
AD205, F98 when duplexing.
1. The ADU side guide home position microswitch (MS502) is misadjusted or has failed. This causes a chattering noise when the side guides attempt to
seek home position. Adjust the switch or actuator, replace MS502 (p/n 0486-8010) if necessary.
2. A small piece of paper is wedged in the ADU drawer connector, resulting in a poor electrical connection between ADU and main body. Remove any paper
wedged in the ADU drawer connector. Inspect both the male side of the connector (CN505) at the rear of the ADU, and the female side of the connector at
the rear of the drawer base.
TAUS0606488EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
AD205, J 95.
1. The changeover gate is not open. The spring for the gate solenoid (SD503) has fallen off. Replace the spring (p/n 048642240).
2. The changeover gate is binding and the copies feed back into the ADU stacker. Verify the operation of the gate solenoid (SD503) in the 47 mode, output
code 84. Ensure the changeover gate does not bind.
3. The ADU motor (M501) is running too slow. Replace M501 with the new style motor (p/n 460080031).
4. The conveyance roller is worn. Replace the conveyance roller (p/n 048645010).
5. There is insufficient pressure against the ADU conveyance roller. Adjust the conveyance roller. See AD205 [[Techncial Bulletin #5. Note: Use this skew
adjustment to increase the spring pressure equally on both sides of the roller, to provide optimum tension.
TAUS0612521EN00 Solution ID 5 Solution Usage
Incorrect registration on side 2 of duplexed copies.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
CAUSE: Side 2 registration is incorrectly adjusted.
SOLUTION: Perform the side 2 registration adjustment.
1. Enter the 36 mode, code 91.
2. Select 1:2 copying and test chart on the platen.
3. Make 10 copies.
4. When the copies have enetered the ADU, press P.
5. Adjust the data (range -99 to +99) and press P again.
6. Press start/print then stop/clear immediately (this will run only one copy from the ADU).
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the adjustment is complete.
TAUS0600953EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
F35 or F36 only in the morning.
CAUSE: The environment is too cold for the fuser to warm-up during the first attempt.
SOLUTION: Advise the customer to place the machine in a warmer area.
TAUS0601029EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
Trail edge deletion when running large paper in RADF mode.
CAUSE: Incorrect software setting
SOLUTION: Set 25 mode, P70 to 2 for Full Screen Mode.
TAUS0601098EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
High pitched noise, no ADD TONER indication.
CAUSE: The toner level detect sensor is not detected by the main CB until 1000 copies after its piezo element begins to vibrate (default setting). This is to
prevent ADD TONER from being displayed due to air pockets in the toner hopper.
SOLUTION: Set 25 mode, P71 to 0 for the ADD TONER indication to occur 100 copies after TLD vibrates.
TAUS0602650EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
Additional service code data collection information.
J am code/service code list; add
#16 =F23
#17 =F28
#18 =F54
#19 =F49
TAUS0602731EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
AD205, chattering noise during initialization.
CAUSE: The solenoid on the front of the ADU is not stopping the clutch.
SOLUTION: Adjust the solenoid, clean and lubricate* the clutch.
* Prior to lubrication, thoroughly clean the area to be lubricated.
See Technical Education Bulletin #7A regarding lubricant applications.
TAUS0603026EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
Blank copies.
1. A broken wire between CN62-A5 on the main control board and CN84-5 at HV(A) resulting in no charge current. Repair and reroute the broken wire.
2. Failed HV(A) resulting in no charge current. Replace HV(A) (p/n 540084012).
TAUS0603197EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
DF203, F60 at power up.
CAUSE: A pinched wire to the interlock sensor (PS305).
SOLUTION: Ensure that the wiring to PS305 is not pinched or deformed. Repair or reposition the wirng to the interlock photosensor.
TAUS0604141EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
The fuser unit cleaning web is not advancing. Flat spots on the web.
1. The worm gear is not meshing correctly with the drive gear through the fuser frame. Replace the drive panel unit (p/n 35AE-5480) and the drive gear (p/n
2. The cleaning roller is not advancing due to very low copy volume. The web and roller only advance when a copy is made. A flat spot may develop as the
cleaning roller is under pressure against the upper roller. Replace the cleaning web PCUA 947-512.
TAUS0604620EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
DF205, P64 at power up.
CAUSE: The actuator for the interlock photosensor (PS305) is stuck in depressed position activating the sensor.
SOLUTION: Adjusted the actuator and/or the ADF cover to allow the actuator to move freely.
TAUS0604713EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
Unable to adjust the corona currents to specification.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
1. A defective voltmeter (DC amp scale) is causing the copier to arc or alligator clips are not being used to secure the test leads. Have the meter repaired or
replaced with a known working meter.
2. Transfer and separation currents cannot be set due to poor contact of the electrode springs. Reform (stretch) the spring and clean the contact areas to
achieve the proper current setting.
MODEL 2125 drum currents:
Charge (-680 30A DC)
Transfer (-90 30A DC)
Separation (305 30A AC)
2125/2130 corona currents adjustment chart.
TAUS0604765EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
AD205, noise and vibration when the paper enters the ADU.
CAUSE: Dirty or binding spring clutch.
SOLUTION: Clean and lubricate the clutch controlled by SD504 and align the adjustment plate [p/n 048640120}up away from the rotary plate [p/n
190040520]. Test for noise using 47 mode, output code 83 and manually actuate SD504 to engage the clutch.
TAUS0605849EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
Light lead edge on copies.
CAUSE: A failed high voltage power supply A. The symptom may occur even though there is no problem setting the charge current.
SOLUTION: Replace the high voltage power supply A (p/n 540084012).
TAUS0607867EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
APS detects 8.5x11 originals as 8.5x14 when copied from the platen glass.
CAUSE: The APS/EE sensor (APS board assembly, p/n 5400-9090) is dirty, resulting in improper sensing of the original size during the APS scan.
SOLUTION: To clean and adjust the APS/EE sensor, perform the following:
1. Power the copier OFF.
2. Remove the exposure glass and clean the lens of the APS/EE sensor.
3. Reinstall the exposure glass, after cleaning both sides.
4. Enter the 47 mode, (power the copier ON, while holding the 4 and 7 keys), output code 99.
5. Close the platen cover down onto the exposure glass. Ensure that no original is placed on the exposure glass.
6. Press the START/PRINT key, followed by the CLEAR key.
7. Power the copier OFF/ON to exit the 47 mode.
TAUS0612344EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
Coin-op vending information.
Contact the manufacturer of the coin-op device in question.
Konica has approved devices from the following manufacturers:
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
1. Schlumberger Danyl*
1509 Glen Avenue
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(800) 327-0183 or (609) 234-8000
2. Equitrac*
836 Ponce de Leon Boulevard
Coral Gables, FL 33134
(305) 442-2060
* Trademark ownership information
TAUS0612597EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
Half copies or unable to adjust second feed timing. Some copies may have the toner patch on them.
CAUSE: The second paper feed clutch (MC1) is coming on prematurely or the clutch faces are constantly making contact.
SOLUTION: Ensure that MC1 is not binding. Clean the clutch and shaft with alcohol and apply a small amount of light oil on the shaft. If problem persists,
replace the main CB (p/n 35AE-9010) due to the control signal for MC1 coming on too soon.
TAUS0613770EN00 Solution ID 4 Solution Usage
How to adjust the lead edge registration timing.
To adjust the lead edge registration, perform the following:
1. Access the 36 mode (power the copier ON while pressing the 3 and 6 keys); enter code 91, then press START PRINT.
2. Check the lead edge timing.
3. Select all applicable paper trays by pressing the paper size button. To adjust each individual tray or size, select the applicable paper tray.
4. Press the P key. When the copy quantity indicator flashes, enter the data (-99 to 99) to achieve proper registration.
5. Press the P key again and make a test copy.
6. To adjust the lead edge timing for enlargement and reduction modes, press the lens mode button before pressing the P key in step #4.
7. Power the copier OFF/ON to exit the 36 mode.
TAUS0600959EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
Additional 25 mode information.
Additional 25 mode info.
TAUS0601180EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
Excessive lead edge deletion only when using the RADF. When originals are placed on the glass, there is no excessive lead edge deletion.
CAUSE: RADF frame erase feature is enabled. This is the factory default setting.
SOLUTION: In the 25 mode, change address 26 from 5 to 0. This will eliminate the RADF frame erase feature.
TAUS0602071EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
How to install the white spacers in toner guide roller assembly.
The white spacers are mounted lengthwise directly below the mounting screw hole on each side of the toner guide roller assembly.
TAUS0602722EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
PLEASE UNLOAD DUPLEX TRAY message when a duplex mode (1:2 or 2:2) is selected.
CAUSE: A sheet of paper is in the stacker unit.
SOLUTION: To remove the sheet of paper from the stacker unit, perform the following:
1. Pull out the third drawer, labeled ADU.
2. Using the green handle on the right side of the conveyance plate, raise the conveyance plate toward the ceiling.
3. Remove any sheets of paper within the stacker unit.
4. Insert the ADU.
TAUS0603155EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
How to convert the 2125 to operate overseas (50Hz).
The 2125 cannot be converted to operate on 50Hz power.
The optics cooling fan and main motor are AC motors which require 60Hz to operate at the correct speed.
Recommendation: Purchase the machine from a Konica dealer in the destination country.
TAUS0603452EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
ST206, F70 is displayed while copying.
CAUSE: The ground wires for the wiring harness at the sorter are loose.
SOLUTION: Repair the ground wire connections.
TAUS0603884EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
J 17 is displayed in idle mode, will not clear when power is switched OFF/ON.
CAUSE: The actuator spring for PS11 (intermediate conveyance sensor) is not in proper position to allow for proper actuation of the sensor.
SOLUTION: Install the spring on the actuator properly and ensure proper operation.
TAUS0604413EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
Background pattern from front to rear. The pattern is always the same, but it moves down the page.
CAUSE: A faulty drum was causing the background effect to occur on the copies.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
SOLUTION: Since the background area is moving on each copy, this would indicate a drum comtamination. Replace the drum (PCUA 947228).
TAUS0604998EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
How to enable two counts on the total counter for 11x17 paper.
To enable two counts on the total counter for 11x17 paper, perform the following:
1. Access the 25 mode (hold the 2 & 5 keys as the machine is powered on).
2. Using the magnification arrows, scroll to address 50, or press P-50-P.
3. Press 1, then Start Print.
4. Power the machine OFF/ON.
Note: The bypass tray cannot be programmed to count twice for 11x17 paper. This tray has no APS function, therefore, 11x17 paper is not recognized as
such. A full scan is made for all paper sizes fed from the bypass tray.
TAUS0605020EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
DF305 does not recognize paper sizes. Erratic display while copying.
CAUSE: Pinched wires in the tie wraps in the RADF harness may cause erratic operation.
SOLUTION: Verify that the wiring harness are not pinched. Reposition the wiring harness and tie wraps. If erratic operation continues, replace the RADF CB
(p/n 0480-9001).
Ensure that the latest level EPROM is installed (p/n DF30530-14.2).
TAUS0605147EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
Black lines from front to rear.
CAUSE:A loss of ground to the copier from the electrical service causes erratic operation of the HV supply.
SOLUTION: Ensure that the electrical outlet is properly grounded. To verify that ground exists at the outlet, measure between the female ground recepticle
and the small slit at the outlet. The reading should be 115V AC 10%.
TAUS0605286EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
CAUSE: A faulty toner control photosensor (PS1) is causing the control board to drive the toner motor excessively.
SOLUTION: Reseat the connector to PS1 and ensure that the drum connector is seated properly. If problem persists, replace PS1 (p/n 540088040).
TAUS0605624EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
AES is indicating/selecting the lightest density.
To adjust the AES, perform the following procedure:
1. Access the 47 mode (power the machine OFF, hold the 4 and 7 keys, power the machine ON), output code 98.
2. Place AES adjustment chart, or white originals on the glass.
3. Press Start/Print.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
4. Power the machine OFF/ON.
TAUS0605805EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
F00 at power up.
CAUSE: Erroneous data is stored in 25 mode P47.
SOLUTION: Erase the data in P47:
1. Turn the machine off. Press the 2 and 5 key. Turn the copier on while still holding 2 and 5.
2. Press P, then 4, then 7, and then P again.
3. Press 0 several times.
4. Press Start Print.
5. Turn the copier off then back on to exit the 25 mode.
Note: The entire memory of the machine, 25 and 36 mode, should be checked if erroneous data is found in address 47. One possible cause of memory data
corruption is an arcing corona unit.
TAUS0606085EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
AD205, the second side of the copy is zoned incorrectly.
CAUSE: The ADU centering adjustment is adjusted incorrectly.
SOLUTION: Perform the ADU centering adjustment as stated in the AD205 service manual on page 17. The adjustment is performed by loosening the front
right screw and the rear left screw in the ADU stacker section, and manually moving the side guides to the front or to the rear.
TAUS0606148EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
AD205, side-2 copies are skewing.
CAUSE: ADU side guides are too far apart because the side guide home position sensor (PS505) is out of positon.
SOLUTION: Loosen the PS505 mounting screw located inside the ADU stacker. Shift the position of PS505 until side guides are lightly contacting the
stacked paper when feeding out of the ADU.
TAUS0607250EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
Light spots on copies.
CAUSE: Pre-transfer lamp is not turned ON.
SOLUTION: To turn the pre-transfer Lamp ON, perform the following:
1. Power the copier OFF.
2. While holding down the 2 and 5 keys power the machine ON.
3. Enter P-11-P.
4. Press 1 from the key pad.
5. Press the start print button to enter the new data.
6. Power the copier OFF/ON to exit the 25 mode.
TAUS0612424EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
DF305, document feeder not recognized.
CAUSE: The RADF interlock sensor (PS305) actuator is sticking. The main CB interprets the RADF in the open position.
SOLUTION: Reposition the actuator so it moves freely. Verify that CN906-4 reads 5V DC when PS305 is not flagged (open RADF) and LO when it is
TAUS0612503EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
Varying registration.
CAUSE: A binding or dirty second paper feed clutch.
SOLUTION: Clean the clutch and the second paper feed shafts or replace the clutch (MC1 p/n 540082010) and second paper feed upper roller (p/n
540041041) if necessary.
TAUS0612591EN00 Solution ID 3 Solution Usage
DF203, F67 at process start.
1. Intermittent F67 is displayed when using the RADF. The RADF drive motor (M301) has failed. Verify the connection for CN901 on the RADF CB, and the
interconnect wiring harness at CN950. Ensure there is 5V DC at CN902-1, and CN900-1 on the RADF CB. Verify that CN900-2 reads 28V DC. If necessary,
replace M301 (p/n 048080010).
2. F67 is displayed when the print button is pressed. The RADF drive motor (M301) has failed, damaging the RADF CB. Confirm that the RADF drive
system moves freely. Replace the RADF CB (p/n 5670-9001), and M301 (p/n 048080010) at the same time.
TAUS0600798EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Odd-sized originals from RADF cutting off trail edge. Originals are 8.5x15.
Set 25 mode P70 to 2 for CEL timing based on original paper size.
TAUS0601207EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Can the ST102A be installed on the 2125?
The ST102A should not be installed on the 2125. The product configuration sheet shows that only a ST102 sorter (10-bin) is recommended for installation on
a model 2125.
TAUS0601344EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
How is the LCT paper size programmed?
Set P69 to: 4 for 8.5 x 11
5 for 8.5 x 11R.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0601457EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
2125/2130 main CB compatibility.
The main control boards for the 2125 (35AE), and 2130 (35BE) have different prefixes. Board repair stated that the two control boards are NOT
interchangeable by just swapping EPROMS.
TAUS0602879EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Black lines from lead-to-trail.
CAUSE: The old style separation claws are installed.
SOLUTION: Install the new style claws as outlined in 2125/2130 Technical Bulletin #8 to reduce the effect of claw damage to the drum surface.
TAUS0602959EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
When feeding 8.5x11 and 8.5x11R mixed, the first copy of each is fine. Second set, the 8.5x11 copy is O.K., but the 8.5x11R feeds 4" from the scale plate
causing a void area on the copy.
SOLUTION: Replaced RADF CB (p/n 0480-9001).
TAUS0603278EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
The RADF is ON when 2:1 or 2:2 modes are selected.
This is normal operation. 2:1 and 2:2 must be used with the RADF.
TAUS0603294EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Can 1:2 mode be selected with an ADU/platen top configuration.
The 1:2 mode can be selected as long as an ADU is installed. However, 2:1 and 2:2 modes will not be selectable unless an RADF (DF305) is installed.
TAUS0603340EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
The mechanical total counter is inoperable.
CAUSE: Poor connection on the main CB at CN8-B7. This pin should be 24V DC in idle and drop to 0V DC when total counter is activated.
SOLUTION: Repair the loose pin, ensure a good connection to main CB.
Note: The back cover may be pushing on the wiring harness and causing this to occur.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0603361EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
The leakage breaker trips at power up.
CAUSE: A shorted AC neutral line under the operation panel. The neutral line showed continuity to frame ground.
SOLUTION: Remove the operation panel and repair the pinched AC neutral wire.
TAUS0603365EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
The toner cartridge is a different shape.
SOLUTION: To comply with environmental regulations for hard plastic containers, the shape of the cartridge has been changed. There is no change in
relation to the cartridge in terms of toner supply method. Changes started with lot #600851Y8 for the models 2125/2130/3135/4145/4155/4255.
TAUS0603470EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
ADD TONER is displayed, but the toner hopper will not accept a complete cartridge.
CAUSE: An air gap in toner hopper is allowing the TLD to sense no toner.
SOLUTION: Thoroughly shake toner cartridge before installing.
TAUS0603499EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
AD205, in 1:2 or 2:2, the RADF ejects the original and RELOAD ORIGINAL(S) is displayed.
CAUSE: Paper timing error as paper enters the ADU stacker. The conveyance pressure spring is not applying sufficient pressure to the driven roller (C).
This slows paper conveyance as copies enter the stacker.
SOLUTION: Reform the pressure spring for roller (C).
TAUS0603720EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
AD205, the new style ADU will not fully insert into an older base unit.
CAUSE: The metal plate in the back of the base unit contacts the motor of the ADU.
SOLUTION: The new ADU will not fit older base units unless the metal piece in the base is removed.
TAUS0603816EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Ghost image two inches from the trail edge of copies.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
CAUSE: Faulty cleaning web. Excess toner remains on the upper fusing roller.
SOLUTION: Install a new cleaning web (PCUA 947-512) and ensure that it is advancing properly.
TAUS0603905EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
P91 at power up with no duplexer installed.
CAUSE: CN17 of the ST205S sorter is connected to CN150 on the copier control board instead of CN142.
SOLUTION: Connect CN17 to CN142.
TAUS0604261EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
DF203, J 62, 8.5x11R and 8.5x14 originals with 8.5x14 paper selected and AMS OFF.
CAUSE: A faulty EPROM is creating a miscommunication problem which leads to the false jam code.
SOLUTION: Install DF203 EPROM (p/n DF20330-11.1). Ensure proper operation.
TAUS0604554EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
F34 is displayed while copying.
CAUSE: Incorrect wiring for TH2 on the main CB. CN6-B1 (gray wire) should be in position B8. B1 should be blank.
Problem may only occurr after about 30 to 50 copies are run.
Data of 1 will be found in address 47 of the 25 mode.
SOLUTION: Remove the gray wire located on CN6-B1, of the main CB, and insert into CN6-B8. CN6-B1 should remain blank.
TAUS0604968EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Light copies, ADD TONER is not displayed.
CAUSE: The TLD sensor has toner caked around it.
SOLUTION: Loosen the caked toner around the TLD sensor in the toner hopper.
TAUS0605086EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
COPY IN PROGREES displayed intermittently the main motor runs, no codes.
CAUSE: The lens assembly was not initializing properly which causes to the erratic operation.
SOLUTION: Check the operation of the lens motor in 47 mode, code 31. If lens is not moving to its correct position, ensure that the pulley on M7 is not
slipping and that the guide rail is clean. If necessary replace M7 (p/n 25BA-7404).
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0605164EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Original is not feeding completely onto the glass.
CAUSE: The RADF height and position need adjustment.
SOLUTION: Adjust the RADF height and position.
TAUS0605179EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
How to order a User's Reference Guide.
The User's Reference Guide must ordered through the servicing dealer. The part number is OP-01-2125
TAUS0605402EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Intermittent light band from front to rear.
CAUSE: A warped conveyance plate [p/n 540045183].
SOLUTION: Replace the plate.
TAUS0605868EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
What is the part number for the charging correction board?
To obtain a new charging correction board order (p/n 25J Y87090). This information can be found in Parts Information Bulletin #85.
TAUS0606780EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Enlarged copies are blurry.
CAUSE: The 200% focus and horizontal magnification adjustments need to be performed.
SOLUTION: Address P21 in 25 mode must contain a value of 0 before the 200% focus or horizontal magnification adjustments can be performed.
To perform the 200% horizontal magnification:
1. Enter the 36 mode by turning the copier ON while press the 3 and 6 keys.
2. Enter code 95 by pressing the 9 and then the 5 key.
3. Press the Start Print button.
4. Select 200% and make a sample copy.
5. While pressing the P key, press the 2 key.
6. Change the data. The range is -34 to 34.
7. Press the P key to enter the new data.
8. Make a sample copy and repeat steps 4 through 7 until the horizontal magnification is within the standard of 1 mm for every 200 mm.
9. Exit the 36 mode by turning the copier OFF.
To perform the 200% focus adjustment:
1. Enter the 36 mode by turning the copier ON while pressing the 3 and 6 keys.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
2. Enter code 95 by pressing the 9 key and then the 5 key.
3. Select 200% and make a sample copy.
4. While pressing the P key, press the 3 key.
5. Change the data. The range is -99 to 99.
6. Press the P key to enter the new data.
7. Make a sample copy and repeat steps 4-7 until the focus adjustment meets the standard. The difference between the diagonal lines of a 200 mm square
should be within 1.4 mm to meet the standard.
8. Exit the 36 mode by turning the copier OFF.
TAUS0607081EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Intermittent F35 shortly after power up.
CAUSE: The temperature sensors (TH1 and TH2) have failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the sensors, TH1 (p/n 5400-5466), TH2 (p/n 5400-5475).
TAUS0607752EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Intermittent F43 accompanied by an elongated image on copies.
CAUSE: The optics slide shaft holder (p/n 540061430) is dislodged from the main reflector base assembly (p/n 5400-6129) and/or the optics slide shaft (p/n
540061090) is dirty. This causes the reflector base assembly to bind on the optics slide shaft, affecting optics scan timing.
SOLUTION: Reposition the optics slide shaft holder and/or clean the optics slide shaft. Lubricate the shaft with light oil (see Technical Education Bulletin
#7A regarding lubricant applications).
TAUS0608445EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
AD205, when duplexing, a second side-1 copy is made without the previous copy being fed from the ADU.
CAUSE: The copy is not properly positioned in the ADU stacker because it contacts the holder plate (p/n 048640080). The stacker plate will be in a partially
lowered position if the holder spring (p/n 048640130) is missing, broken, or not fastened on one end. This prevents the paper from being detected by PS502.
SOLUTION: Ensure that the holder spring is operating correctly, positioning the open/close plate (p/n 048640110) against the spring clutch rotary plate (p/n
TAUS0608897EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
DF305, photosensor adjustment procedure.
To adjust PS302 and PS303, perform the following:
1. Entrance sensor (PS302) adjustment procedure:
a. Clean the sensor and reflector.
b. Reinstall RADF covers.
c. Remove the cover to the RADF CB.
d. Rotate VR1, on the RADF CB, fully counterclockwise.
e. Rotate VR1 clockwise until LED 1 lights.
f. Rotate VR1 clockwise 1 graduations past the point where LED 1 lights.
Note: An alternate method is to adjust VR1 to 0.3V DC using CN906-7 and TP3 (ground).
2. Exit sensor (PS303) adjustment procedure:
a. Clean the sensor and reflector.
b. Reinstall RADF covers.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
c. Remove the cover to the RADF CB.
d. Rotate VR2, on the RADF CB, fully counterclockwise.
e. Rotate VR2 clockwise until LED 2 lights.
f. Rotate VR2 clockwise 2 graduations past the point where LED 2 lights.
Note: An alternate method is to adjust VR2 to 0.3V DC using CN906-8 and TP3 (ground).
TAUS0609219EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
How to read the software total counter.
To read the software total counter, press and hold the P-key and then press the 1-key.
TAUS0611764EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
F45 shortly after power up.
CAUSE: The pulley on the lens drive motor (M7) is loose.
SOLUTION: An interim repair for a slipping drive pulley (A) is to apply a small amount of instant adhesive between the drive pulley and motor shaft. For a
permanent repair, replace M7 with the new-style (p/n 25BA-7404). M7 must be used with the new-style adjustable drive plate assembly (p/n 5400-6321). In
addition, a new motor cover mylar (p/n 35AE61990) has been established to prevent M7 from interfering with the cover of the door detect wiring. The mylar is
placed onto the bottom of the motor. These newer parts can not be mixed with the original parts. They must be used as a set.
Note: For more detail, refer to Parts Information Bulletin #81.
TAUS0612210EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
When installing a DF203 on a 2125 is an EPROM change necessary?
No DF EPROM update is necessary.
TAUS0612376EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Does the DB201 drawer base require the installation kit (included)?
The DB201 drawer base installation kit is required only when installing this drawer base on models 3135 and 4145.
TAUS0613133EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
COPYING IN PROGRESS is continuously displayed after pressing the START/PRINT key, but no paper is fed into the machine.
CAUSE: The main CB has failed, resulting in no paper feed control signal output from the main CB.
SOLUTION: To check the operation of the main CB, perform the following:
1. Power the copier OFF
2. Access the 47 mode (power the copier ON, while pressing the 4 and 7 keys).
3. Using a voltmeter (200V DC range), verify that the DCPS is supplying the proper voltages to the main CB at CN4-1=10V DC, CN4-2=8V DC, CN4-3=5V
DC, CN4-4=5V DC, CN61-1=28V DC, CN61-2=28V DC, and CN61-3=24V DC.
4. Reseat all connectors on the main CB. Replace the main CB (p/n 35AE-9010) as necessary.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0614314EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
Soiling of the lower fuser roller.
CAUSE: The fuser cleaning web is advancing once for every two copies because address 65 in the 25 mode is set to 1 instead of 0.
SOLUTION: To change address 65 to 0, perform the following:
1. Access the 25 mode (power the copier ON while simultaneously pressing the 2 and 5 keys), P65 to 0.
2. Power the copier OFF/ON to exit the 25 mode.
TAUS0620384EN00 Solution ID 2 Solution Usage
DF305, how to adjust the lead edge registration when feeding from the DF305.
To adjust the lead edge registration when feeding from the DF305, perform the following:
1. Loosen the front screws of the rear hinge mounting plate.
2. Open the RADF and place the RADF positioning block (p/n 048012120) on the rear side of the original scale plate.
3. Close the RADF. Slide it to the right and to the left; to a position where the lower portion at the front contacts the end of the original scale plate and the
portion at the rear contacts the end of the RADF positioning block. Secure the rear of the hinges.
4. Open the RADF and remove the positioning block.
5. Tighten the front screws of the hinge mounting plate.
6. Close the RADF.
TAUS0601320EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
After entering a passcode, machine displays ENTER PASSWORD again.
The copy limit for that passcode is reached.
TAUS0601920EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Optics perform a partial scan when making multiple copies. When making one copy, a full scan is performed.
This is normal operation. During a single scan the optics will return to its rest position on the far right.
TAUS0602028EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Fuser jams when running label paper.
Konica recommends to run the labels using the sheet bypass tray only, one sheet at a time.
Note: When running from a stack, the double feed prevention system will apply more pressure causing the label glue to ooze. This will result in the glue
sticking to the upper roller as they pass through the fixing unit.
TAUS0602075EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
Can the machine copy twice on the same side?
Not recommended. The curl created from 1st side copying would cause misfeeding.
TAUS0602112EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Please remove paper from bins is displayed when sort/staple is selected.
CAUSE: Paper folded up in one of the bins blocking PS201 (paper sensor).
SOLUTION: Check all sorter bins for torn paper.
TAUS0602252EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to program 2nd paper priority.
Set 25 mode, P17:
0 =11x17
1 =8x14
2 =8x11
3 =8x11R
4 =5x8
To access secondary paper priority, hold the P button and press the paper size button.
TAUS0602383EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
2125 peripheral configurations.
2125 with a DF305 and no ADU, order the following PCUA numbers:
Copier, 947-205
RADF, 947-351
Plain drawer base, 947-371.
2125 with ADU only, order the following PCUA numbers:
Copier, 947-205
Platen cover, 947-252
Drawer base with ADU only, 947-366.
The compatible sorters for the 2125 model are:
ST102 (10 bin sorter) 947-355
ST205S (20 bin sorter) 947-368
ST206 (20 bin stapling sorter) 947-370
The product configuration sheet shows that only a ST102 sorter (10-bin) is recommended for installation on a model 2125.
TAUS0602492EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to select the pre-transfer lamp (PTL) ON/OFF.
To set the lamp use the 25 mode, P11 to 0 =OFF, 1 =ON.
Note: If the PTL is ON in normal humidity environments copy quality problems (light copies) may occur.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0603201EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to set bypass tray as the default when using book copy mode.
All of the operation panel selections must be made first, then insert paper into the bypass tray. The machine will select the bypass automatically.
Note: If the paper is inserted first, then the operation panel selections are made, the upper port will be automatically selected.
TAUS0603725EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Type of staples, ST206.
The PCUA number for ST206 staples is (947-381).
TAUS0603872EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
When feeding from the ADU, paper also feeds from the main body at the same time.
CAUSE: The 1st feed spring clutch or solenoid is sticking or not adjusted correctly.
SOLUTION: Inspect the first feed spring clutch assembly and the 1st feed solenoid, replace or clean as necessary.
TAUS0603929EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
ST102, stapler does not operate.
CAUSE: Loose wiring at the sorter CB causes the LED to stay in the red light condition (no staple action when paper is inserted).
SOLUTION: Inspect and reseat all connectors on the sorter CB.
TAUS0604159EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
APS and ADF are not displayed in idle mode.
CAUSE: The main body was not detecting that a DF203 was present due to a loose connector on the main CB.
SOLUTION: Verify the operation of PS305 in 47 mode, input code 60 and actuate the flag (black plastic actuator at front edge of the DF203). The indication
should change between hi and lo on the operation panel.
Reseat all connectors between the DF203 and the main CB.
In this case, CN104 on the main CB was loose.
TAUS0604252EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Originals feed through the RADF but process start is not initiated.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
CAUSE: The green L button is depressed in the 8.5x11 universal paper tray.
SOLUTION: The green S must be selected for 8.5x11.
TAUS0604259EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
DF305, when 5.5x8.5 originals are fed through the RADF, APS selects 8.5x11.
CAUSE: The RADF APS reads the 8.5" feeding through as an 8.5x11 original. It does not read the leading edge measurement to differentiate between 5.5"
and 11".
SOLUTION: The 5.5x8.5 paper size must be selected manually.
TAUS0604522EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to reset the drum counter.
Enter the 47 mode, code 91, PRINT.
TAUS0604637EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
2:2 mode does not operate when the original is placed on the platen glass.
CAUSE: The operator is attempting to select 2:2 as the copy mode while copying from the platen glass. 2:2 will only operate when the RADF is used.
SOLUTION: The 1:2 mode must be selected when copying form the platen glass.
Instruct operator.
TAUS0604868EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to print the ECM information.
ECM data cannot be printed on the model 2125.
TAUS0604926EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Can a 25A stapler be used on the ST205S?
The correct stapler is the 25B.
TAUS0604999EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to copy onto metric paper.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
Metric or odd-sized paper can only be run though the bypass tray. Only standard inch sized paper will operate from the feed trays.
TAUS0605163EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
The toner motor runs at power up.
CAUSE: Main CB failure due to the toner motor (M6) shorted or binding.
SOLUTION: Perform a resistance check to the motor (approximately 41 ohms). Verify that F2 fuse (2.5A solid state) on the main CB is not open. Replace
the main CB.
TAUS0605312EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
When duplexing, copier will continue to run for approximately 20-25 seconds after the last copy exits. No jam code.
CAUSE: With the ADU operating, additional load is placed on a marginal DCPS.
SOLUTION: Replace the DCPS (p/n 540084513).
TAUS0605668EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
DF203, ORIGINAL POSITION INCORRECT is displayed when originals are placed in the DF feed tray.
CAUSE: PS302 (entrance sensor) is not adjusted to the correct voltage.
SOLUTION: Adjust VR1 two graduations past the point where LED 1 lights. If no results are seen, utilize the alternate method by adjusting VR1 to .30V DC
using CN906-7 and TP-3 (ground).
TAUS0605822EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Wrinkled copies 8.5x14 only duplex mode.
Excessive loop timing in duplex mode. To adjust loop timing for duplex, perform the following:
1. Enter 36 mode code 80.
2. Select any paper size, 1:2 mode.
3. When 1st side is completed and sheets are
stacked in the ADU, press P then 8. The
display should indicate loop timing OPTION.
4. Select desired setting (-20 to 99).
5. Confirm the paper feeds normally.
6. Turn machine off/on.
TAUS0605883EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
F34 is displayed while copying.
CAUSE: A faulty main control board is not detecting the proper operating temperature of the fixing unit.
SOLUTION: Ensure that Konica parts are being used which will lead to incorrect temperature detection. Ensure that the connectors at the rear of the fixing
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
unit are making proper contact with the main body connector. If problem persists, replace the main CB (p/n 35AE-9010) due to incorrect temperature control
of the fixing unit.
TAUS0605975EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to run 11x17 paper size.
There are 2 methods that can be used to run 11x17 paper size:
1. Use the bypass tray.
a. Open the far right door (bypass tray).
b. Place 11x17 in the bypass tray.
c. Ensure copy size indicates special.
d. Ensure magnification is selected properly.
e. Place original in RADF or on the glass.
f. Press the start print button.
2. Configure tray 1 for 11x17.
a. Open tray 1, and remove 8.5x11 paper.
b. Lay the rear guide (metal plate) down flat.
c. Move the side guides to the fully open position.
d. Insert 11x17 paper in tray 1.
e. Move the side guides to the edge of the paper.
f. Press the green button labeled L, at the rear of the tray.
g. Insert original in the RADF or on the glass.
h. Press the start print button.
TAUS0606169EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
The green lever on the toner hopper does not move when a toner cartridge is inserted.
If the customer has difficulty moving the green toner lever when adding toner, remove the toner cartridge and place a small amount of pressure on the toner
hopper inlet plate. While pressing the inlet plate, move the green lever away from its location. Advise customer to move the lever back and forth a few times
before installing the toner cartridge.
TAUS0606190EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
DF305, original exits when the original is inverted during two sided mode.
CAUSE: The gate solenoid (SD302- p/n 048082520) is not energizing to allow the original to be returned to the platen glass.
SOLUTION: Check the operation of SD302 by entering 47 mode, output code 65. If SD302 does not operate, check for 28V DC (supply voltage) at CN903-3
and for a change of 28V to 0V (SD302 drive) at CN903-4 when in the diagnostic code. If a change does occur, inspect the wiring from the ADF control board
to SD302 for damage and repair as necessary. If the signal at CN903-4 does not occur, replace the ADF control board (p/n 0480-9001).
TAUS0606348EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Rattling paper noise when paper enters the sorter.
CAUSE: Fuser paper exit rollers (p/n 540053220) Are not contacting the lower paper exit collar rollers (p/n 540053270) because the (4) holder springs (p/n
540053231) are applying uneven pressure.
SOLUTION: Reform holder springs (p/n 540053231), so all 4 are applying even pressure.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0606395EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
ADD PAPER indication for Tray 1 when the START/PRINT key is pressed. Paper is in the drawer.
CAUSE: The upper no paper sensor (PS13) is constantly indicating HIGH (5V DC) at CN7-B2. LOW (0V DC) should be indicated when the tray is raised.
SOLUTION: Replace PS13 (p/n 540085510).
Note: To troubleshoot the photosensor, swap PS13 with either PS14 (lower no paper), PS15 (upper paper limit), or PS16 (lower paper limit). All these
photosensors are the same part.
TAUS0606957EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Can computer forms be fed from the document feeder?
Computer forms can only be fed from the MT516 CFF. This is a separate accessory (PCUA 946245), not part of the 2125.
TAUS0608142EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Machine runs slowly as if in thick stock mode. Thick stock mode is not selected.
CAUSE: Optics cooling fan (M10) is binding.
SOLUTION: Clean the cooling fan bearing or replace M10 (p/n 25AA80540).
TAUS0608873EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Copies are enlarged, approximately 33%.
CAUSE: Failed ACDB is causing the lens assembly to be incorrectly positioned during copy operation.
SOLUTION: To verify the physical position of the lens and V-mirror assembly, perform the following:
1. Ensure the lens and V-mirror assemblies are not binding during drive.
2. Verify all 36 mode adjustments have been completed properly. If adjustments do not correct the problem, replace the ACDB (p/n 5400-9085).
TAUS0609642EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
INSERT 5.5x8.5 TRAY IF REQUIRED message.
CAUSE: Levers L and S for one or both of the universal trays have not been selected correctly for the size of paper loaded.
SOLUTION: Refer to User Reference Guide, page 10-6. Utilize one of the following configurations:
Tray 1
1. When using 11x17 in Tray 1, lower the back support plate and select lever L (long paper).
2. When using 8.5x11 in Tray 1, raise the back support plate and select lever S (short paper).
Tray 2
1. When using 8.5x14 in Tray 2, lower the back support plate in the middle and select lever L (long paper).
2. When using 8.5x11R in Tray 2, raise the back support plate in the middle and select lever S (short paper).
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0609660EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
After the first copy during a multiple run, the copier runs for a few minutes and then stops without a failure code.
CAUSE: A failed center optics sensor (PS6).
SOLUTION: Replace PS6 (p/n 540085510).
TAUS0610473EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Unable to locate M10 (optics fan) on the main wiring diagram.
CAUSE: This fan was not added to the 2125/2130 main wiring diagrams.
SOLUTION: M10 is located on the main CB. Connector CN8 pinout is as follows:
B12 - 28V DC
A11 - 5V DC
A12 - PGRD
TAUS0611190EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
AD205, P33 when the ADU is selected.
CAUSE: There is no voltage at MS1 (interlock microswitch).
SOLUTION: To verify MS1 operation, perform the following:
1. Check for 115V AC going to MS1 and the voltage across MS1.
2. If there is no voltage going to MS1, measure for continuity on the wires from the leakage breaker to the switch.
3. If there is voltage to MS1 and no voltage across MS1, replace the switch (p/n 392085020).
TAUS0611940EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
BTU information - 2125.
Warm-Up Standby Running
144 611 3884
TAUS0611949EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
PFUDB will not plug into the main CB. The connector is too large.
CAUSE: The conversion kit harness is installed (p/n 12J F95011).
SOLUTION: Install the original PF201 wiring harness (p/n 049295010).
TAUS0611961EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Can velum paper be fed through the document feeder?
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
Vellum paper is not recommended to be used in the DF305 or DF203 due to rigidity and opaqueness.
20 to 24lb bond paper is recommended.
TAUS0612020EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
CAUSE: Poor connection to toner detect sensor board located within the toner detect assembly under the waste collection bottle.
SOLUTION: Repairing the connection resolves the problem.
TAUS0612727EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Intermittent F55 in idle.
CAUSE: Poor AC power supplied to the copier.
SOLUTION: A dedicated AC line with an isolated ground is strongly recommended. Instruct the operator.
Note: A dedicated line mandates the exclusive use of an electrical branch circuit where the receptacle grounding terminal is grounded by an insulated
grounding conductor that is isolated from the receptacle mounting hardware (per National Electrical code, article 250-74 exception no. 4).
The following is the AC power specification for the 2125:
Voltage: 115V AC 10% dedicated line
Current: 15A
Frequency: 60 Hz
Grounding: Isolated ground is recommended.
Termination: NEMA Type 5-15R receptacle (125V 2-pole, 3 wire, grounded)
TAUS0612902EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Noise, blank copies, and paper jams above the T/S corona unit.
CAUSE: The drum has a broken tooth on the drive gear, resulting in no drum rotation.
SOLUTION: To check the drum for proper rotation, perform the following:
1. Power the copier OFF.
2. Open the front door, lower the T/S corona unit, actuate the door interlocks, and place a small mark of white correction fluid on the front aluminum portion of
the drum.
3. Access the 47 mode (power the copier on while pressing the 4 and 7 keys), output code 40.
4. Using a flashlight observe the white mark placed on the drum. The mark should be seen making a rotational pass approximately once every three (3)
seconds. If the mark remains stationary, drum drive is not being effectively conveyed to the drum.
5. Power the copier OFF and remove the drum unit.
6. Repeat step 3 and check the drum input gear for proper rotation. If the drum input gear is rotating properly, throughly inspect the face of the drum input
gear for any broken teeth. Replace the drum input gear (p/n 540077124) as necessary.
7. Thoroughly inspect the drum drive gear for any broken teeth. Replace the drum (PCUA 947379) as necessary.
Note: The damage associated with a failed gear will usually only be present on one or two of the teeth, the rest of the gear will look perfectly good.
Therefore, a thorough inspection is required.
TAUS0613287EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
PLEASE UNLOAD DUPLEX TRAY message when a duplex mode (1:2 or 2:2) is selected.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
CAUSE: Paper remains in the ADU.
SOLUTION: To empty the ADU, perform the following:
1. Pull out the ADU.
2. Lift the conveyance plate by the green handle.
3. Remove paper.
4. Insert the ADU unit.
TAUS0613299EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
AD205, P33 when the ADU is selected.
CAUSE: The entrance solenoid (SD502) is binding due to a damaged ADU entrance gate.
SOLUTION: If possible, repair the entrance gate (p/n 048644230). Test SD502 operation in the 47 mode (power the copier ON while simultaneously
pressing the 4 and 7 keys) output code 85. If the solenoid does not operate, yet the entrance gate and solenoid plunger are no longer binding, replace the
ADU DB (p/n 0486-9010).
TAUS0613983EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to adjust the focus in 1:1 mode.
To adjust the focus in 1:1 mode, perform the following:
1. Access the 36 mode (power the copier ON while pressing the 3 and 6 keys); enter code 95, then press START PRINT to make a copy and check the
2. Press and hold the P key, and then press the 3 key.
3. Enter the applicable data (-48 to 48) and press the P key.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until focus is achieved.
5. Power the copier OFF/ON to exit the 36 mode.
TAUS0614884EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
How to reset the PM counter.
To reset the PM counter, perform the following:
1. Access the 47 mode (power the copier ON while pressing the 4 and 7 keys simultaneously), output code 90.
2. Enter the start date, (month/day/year) using the numeric keys. This is the date of the PM.
3. Press the START/PRINT button again.
4. Power the copier OFF/ON to return to normal copy mode.
TAUS0615209EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
AD205, noise while duplexing
CAUSE: Dirty or worn feed roller bushings found on the first feed roller shaft A (p/n 048640010) and first feed roller shaft B (p/n 048640020).
SOLUTION: Clean or replace the feed roller bushings (p/n 396076050).
Note: For further explanation of parts layout refer to the AD205 Service Manual including parts catalog (September1992) page 10.
TAUS0615765EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
The 36 mode does not operate properly after replacing the operation panel.
CAUSE: The incorrect operation panel was installed.
SOLUTION: Install the correct operation panel (p/n 35AE-7000)
Note: The 2125/2130 operation panel and the 2028/3035/4045 are not interchangeable.
TAUS0615852EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
PM cycle.
The PM cycle is 80,000 copies under normal operating conditions and 60,000 copies under special operating conditions. Normal operating conditions are
defined as any environment that falls between 65F and 75F and 45% to 55% relative humidity. For an environment that does not meet these
specifications, the preventative maintenance must be performed at 60,000 copies. The operating environment must fall between 50F to 91F and 10% to
80% relative humidity.
TAUS0617439EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
When 8.5x11 copies are run in platen mode using 1:1, the copies are reduced 77%.
CAUSE: The T/S corona failed.
SOLUTION: To check the T/S corona, perform the following:
1. Apply electrical tape on the front end cap and the rear end cap.
2. Make a copy using the platen mode.
3. If the machine does not reduce the copies 77%, replace the T/S corona (p/n 5400-2605).
TAUS0617742EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
No power to the machine after servicing the fuser. Leakage breaker may be open.
CAUSE: There is a possibility that after replacing the fuser rollers or the fuser lamps, the AC leads on TH1 may break due to a deteriorated plastic housing.
This in turn may cause the AC wiring to short to frame ground.
SOLUTION: Periodically inspect the plastic coated housing for TH1 and replace as needed (p/n 540088420). Additionally, take extra care after replacing
fuser rollers and or fuser lamps and inspect the wiring and plastic housing of TH1 thoroughly.
TAUS0618304EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
What are the specifications for HV adjustments?
The specifications for the High Voltage (HV) adjustments are:
-680+/-30 uA DC Charge
-90+/-30 uA DC Transfer
305+/-30 uA DC Separation
TAUS0619098EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
DF205, premature wear of the double feed prevention roller.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
CAUSE: The double feed prevention roller rotates each time the RADF is opened and then closed. If the cutomer makes few or no copies off the glass, the
roller will wear in one spot.
SOLUTION: Instruct the customer to open the RADF a few times each day to rotate the roller.
TAUS0619404EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
A blank display and a noise.
CAUSE: A failed main CB causing the lens motor (M7) to vibrate (noise).
SOLUTION: Replace the main CB (p/n 35AE-9010).
TAUS0655170EN00 Solution ID 1 Solution Usage
Unable to select frame or fold in the book copy mode.
Frame and fold erase are not available in the book copy mode.
TAUS0601309EN00 Solution ID 0 Solution Usage
LT151, clutch assembly (p/n 5640-4080) does not fit properly on the shaft.
Anyone reporting the problem of the inability to install the E-ring on the shaft, should be advised to use (p/n 00Z183081) a flat headed screw. This will
correct the problem.
TAUS0602190EN00 Solution ID 0 Solution Usage
New high yield drums.
A new drum is available (PCUA 947542) with an increased yield of 250,000 copies.
Note: The machine drum counter will reset at 200,000 copies. The effect is dramatically darker copies. Reset the drum counter at the first PM, after a long
life drum has been installed. This is done at the first PM only. Use 47 mode, code 91 to set the drum counter to 0, then perform CVR and corona current
adjustments to compensate for copy quality differences. This will allow the drum life to meet or exceed 250,000 copies. The field is to continue to reset the
drum counter when a new drum is installed.
TAUS0602647EN00 Solution ID 0 Solution Usage
In duplex mode, approximately 1/3 of the image is missing on both sides of copy.
CAUSE: The HV(B) power supply (p/n 540084022) is not grounded.
SOLUTION: Connect the ground wire at the power supply to frame ground on the second paper feed unit.
Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006
TAUS0607734EN00 Solution ID 0 Solution Usage
DF305, J 62 when copying originals from the platen glass. Both the RADF conveyance belt and the feed tires activate when START/PRINT is pressed.
CAUSE: The remainder detect actuator (p/n 048040110) is installed in the reversed direction.
SOLUTION: To check the actuator (PS301) for proper installation, perform the following:
1. Power the copier OFF.
2. Enter the 47 mode (power the copier ON, while holding the 4 and 7 keys), input code 62.
3. The magnification indicator, on the operation panel should display HI (HIGH) with no paper loaded in the original tray, and LO (LOW) with paper loaded.
4. If the magnification indicator displays LO with no paper loaded in the original tray and HI with paper, the PS301 actuator is installed incorrectly.
5. Remove the PS310 actuator, rotating its orientation 180 degrees and reinstall it. When properly installed, PS301 should not be flagged when the original
tray is empty.
6. The illustration on page 6 of the DF305 Parts Catalog, Third Edition, contained in the DF305 Service Manual (2/93), has the actuator shown in reversed
7. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to ensure that the magnification indicator displays HI with no paper loaded in the original tray and LO with paper loaded.
TAUS0609883EN00 Solution ID 0 Solution Usage
On every third copy, 2.5 inches of the lead edge is light.
CAUSE: Corona currents have not been set to specification.
SOLUTION: Set corona currents to specification:
CHARGE: -680 30mA DC
Note: Refer to the 2028/3035/4045 Service Manual (9/95), Fourth Edition, page 6-15 for the procedure on how to adjust corona currents.
TAUS0641176EN00 Solution ID 0 Solution Usage
Thermostat replacement precautions for all models using Faston Terminals.
CAUSE: Damage to the Faston terminal when replacing the thermostat to the Faston terminal can result in the generation of heat and cause the plastic
insulating material around the terminal to melt.
SOLUTION: See Bulletin Number 5005 for details.
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Copyright 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. October 2006