History of Blood Banking
History of Blood Banking
History of Blood Banking
Bloodletting was based on an ancient system of medicine in
which blood and other bodily fluid were considered to be
"humors," the proper balance of which maintained health.
c. 2500 BCE: Egyptians Use Bleeding
A tomb illustration in Memphis, Egypt, depicts a patient being
bled from the foot and neck. Though the bloodletting was often
recommended by physicians it was carried out by barbers,
eventually symbolized by the red-and-white-striped barber
1897: Dracula by Irish Author Bram Stoker is Published
Remembered as the quintessential vampire novel, it provided
the basis of modern vampire fiction the taking of blood from
the living to sustain the "life" of the undead.
Late 1800s: Bloodletting Medically Questioned
The benefits of bloodletting began to be seriously questioned in
the second half of the 1800s. Some still considered it beneficial
in some circumstances, for instance to "clear out" infected or
weakened blood or to stop hemorrhaging. Some forms of
bloodletting persisted into the 20th century.
1492: First Historical Transfusion Attempt
The blood of three 10-year-old boys was infused by mouth into
Pope Innocent VIII as he sank into a coma. The Pope and the
boys died.
1667: First Recorded Human Transfusion
The first fully documented human blood transfusion was
administered in France. King Louis XIV's doctor transfused the
blood of a sheep into a 15-year-old boy, who survived.
1818: First Recorded Human-to-Human Transfusion
British obstetrician and physiologist James Blundell performs
the first recorded human-to-human blood transfusion. He
injected a patient suffering from internal bleeding with 12 to 14
ounces of blood from several donors. The patient died after
initially showing improvement.
1901: Three Main Blood Groups Discovered
Discovery of the three main human blood groups, A, B, and C,
which is later changed to O. Research charts the regular pattern
of reaction that occurs after mingling the serum and red cells of
an initial set of six blood specimens.
1902: Fourth Blood Group Discovered
Fourth blood group, AB, is identified.
1907: First Use of Cross Matching
Cross matching checks the blood of donors and recipients for
signs of incompatibility.
1914: First Non-Direct Transfusion
The first transfusions had to be made directly from donor to
receiver before coagulation. Researchers discover that adding
sodium citrate to blood will prevent it from clotting. Adding
anticoagulant and refrigerating the blood made it possible to
store it for days, opening the way for blood banking.
1917: First Blood Depot
Army doctor collects and stores type O blood, with citrate-
glucose solution, in advance of the Battle of Cambrai in World
War I.
The I mpact of War
1922: Blood Donor Service Established in London
Volunteers agree to be on 24-hour call and to travel to local
hospitals to give blood as the need arises. All volunteers are
screened for disease, tested for blood type, and their names are
entered into a phone log.
1930: First Network of Blood Facilities
The Soviets are the first to establish a network of facilities to
collect and store blood for use in transfusions at hospitals.
1935: First In-Hospital Blood Facilities
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN is the first to begin storing
citrated blood and utilizing it for transfusions within a hospital
setting in the U.S.
1936: Barcelona Blood-Transfusion Service
The Barcelona Blood-Transfusion Service collects blood, tests
it, pools it by blood group, preserves and stores it in bottles
under refrigeration, and by way of vehicles fitted with
refrigerators, transports it to front line hospitals during the
Spanish Civil War.
1937: Term "Blood Bank" Coined
Dr. Bernard Fantus at Chicago's Cook Co. Hospital coins the
term "blood bank."
1939-40: Discovery of Rh Blood Group
Discovery of the Rh blood group and identification of the
antibody causing still births as the anti-Rh.
1940: U.S. Sends Blood Plasma to Great Britain
U.S. processes, tests, and stores plasma for shipment to Great
1941: Red Cross Organizes Blood Plasma War Effort
Red Cross agrees to organize a civilian blood donor service to
collect blood plasma for the war effort.
1943: Transfusion-Transmitted Hepatitis
First description of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis.
1947: American Association of Blood Banks
Community blood banks join together to form a national
network of blood banks called the American Association of
Blood Banks.
1948: Development of Plastic Bag
Development of the plastic bag revolutionizes blood collection.
1962: America's Blood Centers Founded
Seven community-based blood centers came together with the
help of local hospitals, physicians and civic groups to establish
America's Blood Centers.
1964: Community Blood Center Established
Community Blood Center (CBC) established in a Dayton
medical building basement.
1971: CBC Moves to Current Location
CBC moved to current Dayton headquarters.
1965: Cryoprecipitates Developed
The discovery that slowly thawed frozen plasma yields deposits
high in Factor VIII. These deposits, called cryoprecipitates - or
cryo - are found to have much greater clotting power than
plasma and are given to hemophiliacs to stop bleeding
1971: FDA Regulation
Regulation of blood banking transfers from the Division of
Biologics Standards (DBS) to the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).
1971: Testing for Hepatitis B
Development of a test for hepatitis B antibodies, thereby
identifying infected donors; the test is mandated by the FDA.
The Era of AIDS
1981: First Case of AIDS
The first cases of a syndrome initially called GRID (Gay-related Immunodeficiency Disease),
due to its prevalence among gay men, are reported. It is later renamed AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome).
1982: Blood-Borne Theory
When hemophiliacs also begin to develop GRID, theory developed that the syndrome may be
blood borne.
1983: AIDS Virus Isolated
Researchers isolate the virus that causes AIDS.
1984: AIDS Virus Identified
Virus that causes AIDS identified as HTLV III - human T-cell lymphotropic virus.
1985: First AIDS Blood-Screening Test
First blood-screening test to detect the presence or absence of HIV antibodies. The ELISA test is
universally adopted by American blood banks and plasma centers.
1999: NAT Testing
Blood centers in the United States begin implementation of Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) for all
blood donations. It narrows the so-called window period - after - a donor is infected by HIV,
Hepatitis-B and Hepatitis-C but - before - the condition is detectable by routine methods.
Prepared by :- Nyraz Chaudhary