Value Assurance 360 Project AssessmentPSP
Value Assurance 360 Project AssessmentPSP
Value Assurance 360 Project AssessmentPSP
360 Project
Public Sector Practice
The Value Assurance 360 Project Assessment (Value Assurance 360)
helps CIOs and senior leaders diagnose the challenges they face on
their most critical IT-enabled projects
A joint study by McKinsey and the University of Oxford on IT project management showed that 87% of IT
projects with an investment of more than $15 million fail. The study also showed that 23% of IT projects run
more than 80% over budget.
Value Assurance 360 can help you understand
whether your large IT-enabled project is on track to deliver its stated objectives.
how to improve the likelihood of success for the IT project, or save a struggling project from failure.
how to expedite IT project delivery.
how your IT project team can work together more effectively.
the risks that will actually cause an IT project to fail and how to mitigate them.
how to capture the full value of the IT project.
Schedule interviews
Send out brief data
Launch web survey
Interview project sponsor(s) to develop hypotheses on issues
Launch web-based survey on project health to project team members and key
Send out initial data requests: description of project/objectives, budgets,
Schedule 4-6 key inerviewees (e.g., PM, business, and tech leads, vendor lead)
1 week (before
official start)
1-2 days
for smaller
projects; up to 2
weeks for larger
and select
Review project documentation in preparation for interviews
Review preliminary web-survey results and refine hypotheses on key issues
Conduct and document 4-6 interviews with pre-selected stakeholders
Sit in cross-team meeting if feasbile
Project review
Analyze documents
Conduct interviews
1 day Project
and top
Consolidate interview and survey results to create heat map along project
success factors
Managing strategy and stakeholders
Mastering technology and content
Building team and capabilities
Excelling at project management practices
Facilitate a structured debrief with project sponsors and leadership to review
Brainstorm possible remedies and next steps
Facilitate discussion to
review findings
Sample activities
Typical calendar
How Value Assurance 360 works
Value Assurance 360 is a turn-key solution to rapidly assess IT project effectiveness and help an organization maximize
the yield in value of its IT investment.
Through structured interviews, a web-based survey across IT project team members and stakeholders, and a
collaborative senior-team workshop, Value Assurance 360 identifies and delivers a clear articulation of the issues driving
suboptimal performance in an IT project.
The assessment requires a week of light preparation and as little as 2 days of intensive project review (e.g., structured
interviews, document reviews, survey analysis). The final step is a facilitated 1 day workshop to discuss results and
advance remedies and next steps.
The distinctiveness of the Value Assurance 360 Project
Value Assurance 360 is the fastest and most comprehensive IT project diagnostic tool available. It
is the outcome of years of research and real-world experience.
Deliver impact in days. The assessment involves 1 week of light preparation (e.g., scheduling of
interviews) and depending on project size and complexity usually 2 days for the intensive
review. It gets the facts to project leaders fast, allowing the project to proceed without delay.
Focus on what matters. In partnership with Oxford University, and drawing on our proprietary
research and dozens of private and public sector engagements, McKinsey has identifed the
factors that determine IT project performance (e.g., a sustainable balance of internal and external
resources, a standard and proven technical architecture). Value Assurance 360 employs this
knowledge to help organizations focus on what really matters.
Connect business and technology. Value Assurance 360 integrates McKinseys top-
management consulting approach, in-depth technical expertise, and private- and public-sector
insights to lead alignment of business and organization leaders with technology leaders.
Attain objectivity. Value Assurance 360 is a fact-based assessment, providing transparency into
the causes of suboptimal IT project performance. Leaders achieve unbiased results because we
have no conficts of interest arising from vendor or project partnership, or interest in downstream
system integration or implementation work.
What Value
Assurance 360
The assessment output
is a project report
outlining key challenges
and risk factors for the IT
project, as well as areas
of project strength.
The report comprises
a summary review and
more detailed looks
at the assessment
components: document
review, interview
summary, and survey
Project reviews using the assessment methodology are among the best services I have ever received quick and
comprehensive issue identifcation, deep insights in relevant topics, and actionable advice.
- CIO of a large government organization
Low Risk High Risk Medium Risk
Project success drivers
Current situation
of risk
s e v i t c e j b o r a e l C Clear objectives set; timeline of other projects should
be synchornized
r e g a n a m t c e j o r p d e c n e i r e p x E Project leaders on both sides very strong, yet
interaction mode to be stabilized
s t c a r t n o c r o d n e v t s u b o R Contractual duties clearly defned
s l o o t d n a s d o h t e m e t a i r p o r p p A Proven process model, lack of well organized and
regular project meetings
s r e d l o h e k a t s r o j a m f o t n e m n g i l A Stakeholders unable to describe expected outcome
or benefts
s r e d l o h e k a t s l a n r e t x e d n a l a n r e t n i f o x i m e l b a n i a t s u S Clear path for employees to take ownership
y g o l o n h c e t n e v o r p , d e z i d r a d n a t S Market leader in standard software
e s a C s s e n i s u B d e n i f e d - l l e W Business needs known, but no business case; change
management short on content
m a e t t c e j o r p d e t a v i t o m d n a d e i f i l a u Q Strong motivation with entire team, all necessary
qualifcations gathered
t r o p p u s p i h s r e d a e l r o i n e S Strong support from senior leadership
e p o c s t c e j o r p e l b a t s , d e z i m i n i M Scope reduced to most important needs but
participation of aflates unclear
Reliable estimates and plans, appropriate
transparency on status
Project schedule and risk/issue list needs to be
fnalized and tracked
t n e m e v l o v n i r e s U High percentage of users involved, more regular
communication needed
Excelling at project
management practices
Building team and
Mastering technology
and content
Managing strategy and
For more information contact McKinseys Public Sector Practice at
Example project report
Copyright McKinsey & Company Public Sector Practice
For more information contact McKinseys Public Sector Practice at