Come With Me by Yourselves To A Quiet Place and Get Some Rest

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October 2014

Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet
place and get some rest.
Mark 6:31

Dear friends in Christ,
Jesus invites us to follow him, to believe what he says and to do what he does. This obedient
following is relational, a learner walking alongside the teacher - not merely jotting down the
teacher's words but taking on the teacher's ways.
Dallas Willard described the gospel this way: Two words, trust Jesus. Trust him for everything, not
just what happens when I die. Trusting Jesus and becoming his disciple is the same thing. I like the word
apprentice because it means I'm with Jesus learning to do what he did. When you look at the first
disciples, that's what they were doing. They watched Jesus and listened to him, and then Jesus said, "Now
you do it."
Our Quiet Morning Apart on October 11 is one opportunity to do what Jesus didcome away
for awhile and pray. Jesus regularly withdrew from the active, engaged life he lived to
commune with the One who called him his beloved Son.
In our fall small groups, we are beginning with a deeper understanding of what it means to be
held in the gaze of a God who calls us Beloved. Our story of faith is a personal story, our life
caught up in God's life. Christianity is a life lived in personal relationship with God, fostered
in the context of community. Our groups are exploring essential aspects of living life with
God, including the practice of listening to God in Scripture and practicing various forms of
prayer. This path of apprenticeship to Jesus also includes the spiritual rhythm of rest and
renewal through retreat and times of dedicated prayer and reflection.
We are going to gather together for our second Day Apart at Arlington Garden, on the corner
of Pasadena Avenue and Arlington Drive, on October 11, from 9:30-noon. Please consider
coming with your small group, with a prayer partner, friends, or family. The Garden is a family
-friendly place and large enough to accommodate those who seek silence, quiet conversation,
or joyful exploration of the beautiful grounds. Come for an hour or the whole morning and
let God refresh you.

Community Potluck Dinner
Come eat with us! At Pasadena Covenant
Church, we think community is important
and you are important. The second Tuesday of
each month is our Community Dinner, so join
us this Tuesday, October 14th, from 5-8pm at
Megan Dally & Steve Lammes home (452
Alberta St. in Altadena). Its a potluck so bring
something delicious to share.

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The next Urban Ministries Team meeting
will be on Monday, October 6th, at
6:45pm in the Santa Barbara Room. We
will have an update on our partnership with
Madison and hear about the local ministry
of Kyle Michealsen. For more info, contact
Wayne Aoki at
We need your old magazines
Have you been
wondering what to
do with all of your
used magazines or
how to repurpose
them? Sarah Circle
can use them to cut out pictures for use by
the CAN-DO Kids after school tutoring
program that meets on our campus. Bring
your magazines to church and put them in
the box by the table outside the gathering

The Mens Book Club will meet on Thursday,
October 9th, at 7pm. at the Corner House .
We will discuss "The Boys in the Boat," by
Daniel James Brown, the surprisingly spiritual
journey by a University of Washington crew
team to the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin..
For more information, contact Rich Doyle at

Sarah Circle will meet on Tuesday, October
21st, 9:30am - noon in Fireside. We
welcome all women to join us for service
projects, fellowship and refreshments.
For more information, contact Julie Maljian
at (818) 790-5911.
Womens Book Club
Womens Book Club will meet Tuesday,
October 28th, from 7:30 - 9:00pm, at the
Corner House to discuss Great Divorce, by
C.S. Lewis.
Newcomers are welcome. For more info, please
contact Jennifer Mawhorter at

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Journey to the Promised Land
Sunday mornings at 10:30 for Kids:
This year's theme for our Kids' programs is Journey to the Promised Land: Jesus is our Hope. We will be
focusing on Old Testament stories of the people of God journeying to the promised land. In those stories
we find our own journey of hope following Jesus to the promised Kingdom. All grade levels (2 years thru
grade) will focus on the same biblical narrative each week, so families can follow up at home with your
own conversations about our journey.
During September and October, our stories will focus on the journey of Abraham from Ur to Canaan
(the Promised Land), and the birth of his promised son, Isaac. In November we'll focus on Isaac's son
Jacoba bit of a scoundrel who seems at first like an unlikely choice to carry God's blessing, but thru Jacob
we can see how God redeems our hearts and lives. Throughout the fall we'll focus on God's great promise
to Abraham: a great name, great land, and great nation, through which all the nations of the world will
be blessed. We'll connect those great promises to God's great promise to us in 1 Peter 2:9that through
Jesus God has given us those same thingsa great name (Christ-follower), a great people (the people of
God) and a great place (the Kingdom of God). In the journey of Abraham and his descendants, then, we
see our own journey of faith.

Some ideas for following up at home:
1. Plan a family trip together, whether a day trip to the beach or a longer vacation for a weekend or more.
Involve the kids in planning the details, packing bags, etc. Discuss how your journey is both similar and
different from Abraham's. Begin your trip with prayer, remember that the promise given to Abraham that
God would be with him and bless him, is still God's promise to us today.
2. Talk about names: share the story of how your child got his/her name, if it comes from a friend or
relative, and what it means.
3. Begin a time of blessing: the stories we'll be looking at in fall all contain the idea of passing along a
"blessing." One of the kids' favorite components of our Godly Play story time is when we close with an
individual blessing given to each of the children. If you don't already have some sort of ritual of blessing
in your home, this might be a time to begin. Bedtime or mealtimes lend themselves in particular to such
rituals, when our kids can see how much we pray for God's presence and blessing on their lives and

Continued on next page

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Edge: Sunday Mornings at 9:00 for 4
Led by Doug Berry
Edge is a small group for 4
graders when they can build friendships and talk on a deeper level about
issues of faith. Edge meets in the Edge room (of course!) above the gym.
Sunday mornings at 10:30 for 1
This fall Club 1-2-5 official became Logosland (Bible + Legos). Logosland is using lots of creative,
interactive tools to help kids connect our Journey to the Promised land to their own journey of faith.
Mighty Memorizers
New to our kids' program this year is Bible memory. Memorizing portions of Scripture is one of the ways
we "hide God's word in our hearts", allowing it to sink in and nourish our souls. We will encourage
families to learn these verses together, with our preschoolers learning a shorter version and our
gradeschoolers (Logosland) learning the full text and reference. At the end of the year we will have a
special celebration to honor all our memorizers. September's verse was our theme verse for the year:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for
the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. - Josh. 1:9. October's verse is: "I will establish
my covenant as an everlasting covenant.. to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. " -
Gen. 17:7
Family Prayer of Examen
Our goal for our PCC Kids' Ministry is to equip kids and families to see God's presence and activity in
the stories of the Bible, and to find in those stories their own story how God is present & active in our
lives & world today. One way we can do that is through the daily practice of the prayer of examen. This
is a set of simple, prayerful questions you can use to help you be more attentive to God's presence in
your life. In families, this can take the form of simple questions you ask each day around mealtime or
bedtime. Questions like: When were you farthest from God today? When were you closest? Or even,
What were you thankful for today? When were you unthankful? The goal is simply to be more aware of
God's movement in our daily lives. In our Sunday kids' programs each week, we begin our time together
asking, "Where did you see God's presence this week?" (For more on using the Examen with families and
kids, see Sleeping with Bread: Holding what Gives you Life, by Linn).
( Continued )

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Logosland Adventure Party!
Gradeschoolers kicked off their new Sunday theme: Logosland (bible + legos): Journey to the Promised
Land with an adventure party after church on Sept. 14th. Their weekly Logosland experience will use fun
interactive elements and a choose-your-own-adventure narrative style to lead kids through the Journey
stories of the Old Testament, connecting the journey of Gods people thru the desert to the promised land
with our own journey of faith.

Pasadena Covenant Play Club
Hello Pasadena Covenant Parents...

Lisa Thackwell and Brittany Burian are excited to announce that Pasadena Covenant Play Club fall
session is starting back up on October 7th. Play Club is a group for preschool kids and their moms or
dads that will meet the first and third Tuesday mornings at Pasadena Covenant Church's nursery from
9:00-11:00. Play Club is a place for kids to gather and have a great time singing songs, hearing Bible
stories and playing while their parents connect with each other as well.

We hope that your children will find Play Club to be a joyful place filled with fun friends and loving
grown-ups. We hope that you will find Play Club to be meaningful as you grow closer with other parents
and receive support and friendship as you strive to be good and loving parents to your kids!

Feel free to invite your friends. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Lisa Thackwell at or Brittany Burian at

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The next Koinonia Prayer and Praise
potluck will be on Sunday, October 5th, at
6 pm, at the home of Jack and Judy
Please contact Judy at to
coordinate your salad dish.
Upcoming Trustee Meeting
Monday, October 6, 2014
7:00pm, Corner House

Preschool Ministry Need Donated Items:
Christmas is around the corner and may I suggest preparing for it by cleaning out the kids' toy boxes?
Pasadena Covenant Churchs Preschool Ministry is looking for the following donations. Thank you
in advance for your generosity. The classrooms are going to be so fun!
Baby dolls, clothes & accessories
Hot wheel cars and tracks, garages, etc.
Preschool Board Games - good condition
Dress-up clothes - especially princess; shoes, jewelry, crowns, etc..

CPR & AED training!
Thank you to everyone who participated in
the CPR & AED training on September
20th! There were 18 in attendance from our
congregation from a variety of age groups!
Cross-Cultural Ministries Team
The Cross-Cultural Ministry Team will meet
on Thursday, October 2nd at 7pm, at the
home of Sam and Mary Wong.
For more info or for directions to the Wongs
house, please contact Bruce Wear at

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Sunday Mornings
TheStudy: Numbers, Sunday mornings, 9-10am in the Youth Room

Upcoming Events
Oct. 4th - ServiceSaturday: 9am-12pm at Pasadena Covenant Church
Oct. 8th - Lifegroup: 6-8pm at Pasadena Covenant Church
Oct. 15th - TableTalk with Peter Rollins: 6-8pm in the Youth Room
Oct. 22nd - Lifegroup: 6-8pm at Pasadena Covenant Church
Oct. 29th - All Saints' Party: 6-8pm in the Youth Room

For more information about any of the events, please contact Dave Rinker at
Looking for a Part-Time Youth Pastor
Resumes are being accepted for the part-time position of Pasadena
Covenant Church Youth Pastor, for youth grades 6th-12th. Please e-mail
your resume to the main office: subject:
Youth Pastor Resume

Pasadena Covenant Church
539 North Lake Avenue
Pasadena, California, 91101-1217

Return Service Requested
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1 Wednesday
2 Thursday
7:00 pm Cross-Cultural Team Meeting
3 Friday
4 Saturday
9:00am PCSM Service Saturday
5 Sunday
9:00am Classes
10:30am Worship Service
11:45am Hospitality
12:00pm Miriam Singers
3:45pm Pas Cov Choir
6:00pm Koinonia Prayer and Praise
6 Monday
6:45pm Urban Ministries Mtg.
7:00pm Trustee Meeting
7 Tuesday
9:30am Pas Cov Play Club
8 Wednesday
6:00pm PCSM Life group
9 Thursday
7:00pm A Quiet Morning Apart
10 Friday
11 Saturday
9:30am Miriam Singers
12 Sunday Kick Off Sunday
9:00am Classes
10:30am Worship Service
11:45am Hospitality
12:00 pm Miriam Singers
12:00 pm Miriam Singers
3:45 pm Pas Cov Choir
27 Monday
28 Tuesday
7:30pm Womens Book Club
29 Wednesday
5:45pm Childrens Choir Rehearsal
6:00pm PCSM All Saints Party
30 Thursday
31 Friday

October 2014
3:45 pm Pas Cov Choir
13 Monday
14 Tuesday
5:00pm Community Potluck Dinner
15 Wednesday
5:45pm Childrens Choir Rehearsal
6:00pm PCSM Table Talk
16 Thursday
17 Friday
18 Saturday
19 Sunday
9:00am Classes
10:30am Worship Service
11:45am Hospitality
12:00 pm Miriam Singers
3:45 pm Pas Cov Choir
20 Monday
21 Tuesday
9:30am Pas Cov Play Club
9:30am Sarah Circle
22 Wednesday
5:45pm Childrens Choir Rehearsal
6:00pm PCSM Life group
23 Thursday
24 Friday
25 Saturday
26 Sunday
9:00am Classes
10:30am Worship Service
11:45am Hospitality

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