Notation PDF
Notation PDF
Notation PDF
20-25 minutes
Learning Objectives
Students will learn how to read and use notation
Demo board
Chess boards for students
Notation sheets (printable score sheets found at Chess 101 and Professor Chess listed below)
Printed list of chess notation symbols
Chess Corner
Chess Central
Chess 101: The Basics
Printable score sheet:
Mark Lowreys Exciting World of Chess
Logical Chess
Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess
Professor Chess
score sheet downloads:
Teaching and Learning Sequence
Discuss the advantages of knowing chess notation such as checking answers to chess puzzles and
replaying games. Additional reasons are listed at Chess Central.
Lesson Development:
1. Following the introduction of chess notation at Chess Central,
Introduce files and ranks; then check understanding by having students identify squares
Introduce notation for pieces. Check understanding using demo board. Move pieces and
have students provide the corresponding notation. Provide the notation and have students
move the piece.
Introduce notation for capturing a piece and practice.
Continue with promotion, castling, check and check mate.
2. Provide students with score sheets and pencils. Play through Fools Mate and Scholars Mate
games found at the Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess site. Check notation accuracy.
Provide students with a printed list such as the notation help sheet provided at the end of this lesson.
Have students play through the game illustrated at Logical Chess. Verify the final board position.
Study Sheets / Future Review:
Have students turn over their notation help sheet. Let them play through the game listed under
II.G at Mark Lowreys Exciting World of Chess. Verify final board position. The two-page hand
out on notation at Chess 101 may be printed and sent home with students.
Notation OSCO Online Curriculum Guide
K =King
Q =Queen
R =Rook
B =Bishop
N =kNight
e4 =pawn move to e4
x =capture
#or ++=checkmate
O-O =castle Kingside
O-O-O =castle Queenside
a8Q or a8=Q =promotion
exf6 e.p. =en passant
! =an excellent move
? =a poor move
1-0 =white won
0-1 =black won
--=draw or stalemate
K =King
Q =Queen
R =Rook
B =Bishop
N =kNight
e4 =pawn move to e4
x =capture
#or ++=checkmate
O-O =castle Kingside
O-O-O =castle Queenside
a8Q or a8=Q =promotion
exf6 e.p. =en passant
! =an excellent move
? =a poor move
1-0 =white won
0-1 =black won
--=draw or stalemate
K =King
Q =Queen
R =Rook
B =Bishop
N =kNight
e4 =pawn move to e4
x =capture
#or ++=checkmate
O-O =castle Kingside
O-O-O =castle Queenside
a8Q or a8=Q =promotion
exf6 e.p. =en passant
! =an excellent move
? =a poor move
1-0 =white won
0-1 =black won
--=draw or stalemate
K =King
Q =Queen
R =Rook
B =Bishop
N =kNight
e4 =pawn move to e4
x =capture
#or ++=checkmate
O-O =castle Kingside
O-O-O =castle Queenside
a8Q or a8=Q =promotion
exf6 e.p. =en passant
! =an excellent move
? =a poor move
1-0 =white won
0-1 =black won
--=draw or stalemate
K =King
Q =Queen
R =Rook
B =Bishop
N =kNight
e4 =pawn move to e4
x =capture
#or ++=checkmate
O-O =castle Kingside
O-O-O =castle Queenside
a8Q or a8=Q =promotion
exf6 e.p. =en passant
! =an excellent move
? =a poor move
1-0 =white won
0-1 =black won
--=draw or stalemate
K =King
Q =Queen
R =Rook
B =Bishop
N =kNight
e4 =pawn move to e4
x =capture
#or ++=checkmate
O-O =castle Kingside
O-O-O =castle Queenside
a8Q or a8=Q =promotion
exf6 e.p. =en passant
! =an excellent move
? =a poor move
1-0 =white won
0-1 =black won
--=draw or stalemate
K =King
Q =Queen
R =Rook
B =Bishop
N =kNight
e4 =pawn move to e4
x =capture
#or ++=checkmate
O-O =castle Kingside
O-O-O =castle Queenside
a8Q or a8=Q =promotion
exf6 e.p. =en passant
! =an excellent move
? =a poor move
1-0 =white won
0-1 =black won
--=draw or stalemate
K =King
Q =Queen
R =Rook
B =Bishop
N =kNight
e4 =pawn move to e4
x =capture
#or ++=checkmate
O-O =castle Kingside
O-O-O =castle Queenside
a8Q or a8=Q =promotion
exf6 e.p. =en passant
! =an excellent move
? =a poor move
1-0 =white won
0-1 =black won
--=draw or stalemate