Chess and Nutrition
Chess and Nutrition
Chess and Nutrition
chess grandmaster
racing and golf; consequently, chess
Many aspects of the extraordinary could be classified as the same
abilities of top chess players have category of sport as those according to
undergone the scrutiny of science. these criteria.
Mental and physical exercises have
As a result, it will be necessary not to
been devised to optimize their
limit preparation to hours of study on the
performance. Now a nutritional scientist
board, but to extend it to a more
has systematically studied the eating
complete program involving physical
habits of grandmasters – 72 of them.
training and an adequate nutritional plan
His paper culminates in a catalog of
for the demands, among others.
dietary instructions for serious chess
players. In order to analyze the sports habits of
active International Grandmasters, a
world survey was conducted in 2006,
Nutritional Practices of Chess with particular emphasis on dietary
By Roberto H. Baglione, RD We haven’t found previous studies
Department of Nutrition, National Sport referred to nutritional practices of elite
High Performance Center (CeNARD), chess players, and we expect that the
Buenos Aires, Argentina. results of this research can be
High-level competitive chess is interesting and useful for chess players,
considered a demanding sport, not only including Grandmasters, as well as
mentally speaking but also, physically. A medical doctors, nutritionists, and
tournament chess game can take more physical trainers.
than seven hours under stressful
The present study involved seventy-two
conditions for players.
active International Grandmasters (17
Investigations carried out by the
women and 55 men, 18-55 years old)
German International Chess
from thirty-five countries who answered
Grandmaster Helmut Pfleger, MD, et al.
an e-mail questionnaire including fifteen
have demonstrated that the elite chess
topics. The average Elo rating of the
players have comparable physiological
surveyed players (according to the FIDE
parameters in competition as those who
list, October 2006) was 2402 for women Among the reasons why breakfast is
and 2551 for men. skipped, the most common one is that
some players study chess until late in
Nutritional Habits
the evening and then get up after
66.7% of the surveyed Grandmasters breakfast time.
ate at least three meals a day and
Regarding the specific nutrition scheme
36.1% often skipped breakfast.
for tournaments, the main results were
Breakfast is one of the most important
the following.
meals of the day because of its direct
impact on the mental (and physical) The majority of Grandmasters (66.7%)
performance in the morning. It has a avoided overeating or having food of
direct effect on the glucose difficult digestion before the games,
concentration in the brain and liver, and while the rest preferred a regular or
supplies a number of nutrients which are habitual intake.
essentials to produce neurotransmitters, It is known that after eating, the
chemical messengers which act over bloodstream of the organs involved in
neuronal cells communications. the digestion process rises and,
consequently, the blood and oxygen
Many investigations have shown that
supply to other organs, as the brain,
mental concentration can be affected
decreases. If the quantity of food is
when doing intellectual activities in the
voluminous or of difficult digestion,
morning without having had breakfast
consequences will be even more severe
previously, and that a proper breakfast
or last longer, and people may feel
helps to keep the mental performance in
sleepy and tired, less alert and focused,
that moment of the day, according to
and prone to make more mistakes in
tests on memory and attention. Even if
relation to attention and search tasks.
specific investigations are still necessary
for chess on this matter, it can be During games, a great number of chess
inferred that the performance of chess players (95.8%) ate some sort of solid
players who train or compete during the food or fluid, while the rest did not. The
morning hours could be affected in the most preferred solid food by
same way. Grandmasters included chocolate
(80.5%), fruits (14.6%) and cereal bars
(9.8%). Regarding types of fluid, main
preferences were water (72.1%), coffee skin surface area, gender and
(42.6%), tea (29.5%) and fruit juice maturation, work intensity, cloth, fitness,
(23.6%). heat acclimatization, diet, etc., and
therefore individual recommendations to
From a qualitative point of view, these effective fluid replacement are difficult to
liquid and solid foods choices can be make.
considered as satisfactory, for their
A very important finding of the present
supply of glucose, water and other
study was that a minority of
nutrients, and their adequate digestion
Grandmasters (two players) reported to
follow a diet supervised by nutritional
Half of the surveyed players (thirty-six) specialists, designed to reach their
took some sort of fluid even without mental and physical demands of energy
feeling thirsty. and nutrients.
Feeling thirsty is a sign of needing a
Approximately one third of the chess
drink but it is a late symptom and, as a
players (twenty-three) reported dietary
result, it is not the right indicator to
supplements use. The most frequent
determine the state of hydration. A
ones were vitamins, minerals, amino-
percentage of the quantity of water in
acids and proteins.
the body may be lost before feeling
Even if all the dietary supplements taken
thirsty, enough to affect and decrease
by the surveyed Grandmasters are
the mental performance in attention,
permitted by the World Anti-Doping
efficient arithmetic and short-term
Agency (WADA) for their use out and in-
memory, in comparison with a proper
competition, we must take into account
hydration condition, as shown by a
that a wrong use of this kind of products
research. Also, thirst is an
can damage the health condition and
uncomfortable sensation for a player.
that there is scientific proof that an
During competitive chess games, it is important number of these supplements
common to lose water by sweating and, may contain prohibited substances, not
many times, the environment is hot specified on their labels. Despite the
and/or humid. Furthermore, sweat controversy about the implementation of
losses can vary a lot among athletes anti-dope controls over chess, these are
because of a multitude of factors like being carried out in some of the top-
level competitions (World and stress, and can slightly improve the
Championships, Olympiad) and, cognitive performance (memory,
therefore, a player can be penalized due intelligence, creativity), vigor, and keep
to the consumption of a prohibited mental clearness. It also contributes to
substance, voluntarily or involuntarily. manage and keep an ideal weight and
reduce body fat, it reduces the
Other related habits
concentration of lipids in the blood,
Regarding to physical training, 87.5% raises the HDL cholesterol level (“good
said to do some kind of physical activity cholesterol”), it is one of the basis for
besides chess training. 51.4% reported the treatment of mellitus diabetes, and
to do it on a regular basis (three or more strengthens bone mass, among others.
times a week) as part of their general
It is a fact that, from decades until now,
training, while 36.1% claimed to do it
many ex-world champions and other
less times a week or on even a more
top-level chess players have been
sporadic basis. The rest 12.5%
undertaking programs that included
preferred not to do any kind of physical
physical training.
activity at all.
Grandmasters within the group of those One question about tobacco
who did some kind of physical activity consumption was included in the survey,
on a regular basis chose among for the well-known negative effect of this
swimming (nineteen players), jogging habit on health condition. Smoking is an
(fifteen players) and gym (fourteen important cardiovascular risk illness
players), followed by football, tennis, factor, it predisposes to cancer of the
long-distance walks and cycling. lung, larynx, pharynx and mouth cavity;
The physical activity done on a regular may cause emphysema; etc. And also
basis, specially aerobic, may help the this habit affects nutrients negatively.
chess player in many ways: it makes Tobacco nicotine reduces the possibility
body posture better, improves for the body to make use of calcium
resistance and endorphins production leading to osteoporosis, and smokers
(substances produced by the body that suffer from vitamins (and precursors)
have a positive effect on the emotional deficiency, like B1, B12, C and ß-
state, causing a sense of comfort) and carotene, among others.
can reduce anxiety, depression, tension
In this research, we found that 15.3% of During the games, it is recommended
the surveyed chess players claimed to fluid ingestion, and, if the chess player
be smokers. wants it (or when the game becomes
long), solid foods. Mineral water, fruit
Conclusions and recommendations
juices, tea, coffee, sports drinks, cereal
The results of this research provide bars, fruits, raisins, dry fruits (almonds,
information about sport and nutritional e.g.), chocolate, cereal cookies, can be
habits of the active International chosen. In all cases, moderate
Grandmasters, but it is necessary to quantities should be taken.
take into account that more
The best strategy to hydration is to drink
investigations on these topics are
small quantities at regular intervals,
instead of greater quantities at a few
Regarding these results, author carries
intervals, and avoid being thirsty. The
out some practical recommendations
same indication should be followed
about healthy habits to athletes, which
during board training and physical
could help to improve a sport
activity. It is also important to begin the
performance too.
activity properly hydrated.
Chess players should try to have
It would be good for chess players “to
breakfast daily.
train” the quantity of fluid to be drunk
Avoiding “heavy foods” or foods of while playing training games in
difficult digestion before games must be situations similar to the tournament’s; in
adopted as a regular habit for chess order to determine if the options and
players. The last “main” meal before a quantities are well tolerated (and to
game has to be had at least three hours become familiarized with them) and
in advance. If a player wishes to have then, avoid drinking quantities during an
something to eat nearer the time of the important game which may result in
beginning of a competition (one or two concentration loss. The same routine
hours before, e.g.) he/she should should be taken into account for solid
choose among fruits (whole ones, fruit foods.
salad or juices, raisins), cereal bars,
Some characteristics of the urine can
pretzels, cookies, low fat yogurt with fruit
show the state of hydration, which gives
or cereals, sports drinks.
players a very good reference. If at any
moment of the day the color of the urine doing this type of activity and this
is dark yellow, it is small in volume and program must be designed by a doctor
has a strong smell, then all these signs or a physical trainer.
could be showing that the chess player
might not be properly hydrated and,
consequently, should drink plenty of
water or fluids containing water in
considerable proportion.