3.1 Introduction To Embedded System
3.1 Introduction To Embedded System
3.1 Introduction To Embedded System
An embedded system is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform one
or a few dedicated functions, sometimes with real-time computing constraints. It is usually
embedded as part of a complete device including hardware and mechanical parts. In contrast,
a general-purpose computer, such as a personal computer, can do many different tasks
depending on programming. Embedded systems have become very important today as they
control many of the common devices we use. Since the embedded system is dedicated to
specific tasks, design engineers can optimize it, reducing the size and cost of the product, or
increasing the reliability and performance. Some embedded systems are mass-produced,
benefiting from economies of scale.
hysically embedded systems range from portable devices such as digital watches
and !" players, to large stationary installations like traffic lights, factory controllers, or the
systems controlling nuclear power plants. In general, #embedded system# is not an e$actly
defined term, as many systems have some element of programmability. %or e$ample,
&andheld computers share some elements with embedded systems ' such as the operating
systems and microprocessors which power them ' but are not truly embedded systems,
because they allow different applications to be loaded and peripherals to be connected.
An embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software, either
fi$ed in capability or programmable, that is specifically designed for a particular kind of
application device. Industrial machines, automobiles, medical e(uipment, cameras,
household appliances, airplanes, vending machines, and toys )as well as the more obvious
cellular phone and *A+ are among the myriad possible hosts of an embedded system.
Embedded systems that are programmable are provided with a programming interface, and
embedded systems programming is a specialized occupation.
,ertain operating systems or language platforms are tailored for the embedded
market, such as Embedded -ava and .indows / Embedded. &owever, some low-end
consumer products use very ine$pensive microprocessors and limited storage, with the
application and operating system both part of a single program. 0he program is written
permanently into the system1s memory in this case, rather than being loaded into 2A!
)random access memory+, as programs on a personal computer.
.e are living in the Embedded .orld. 3ou are surrounded with many embedded
products and your daily life largely depends on the proper functioning of these gadgets.
0elevision, 2adio, ,* player of your living room, .ashing !achine or !icrowave 4ven in
your kitchen, ,ard readers, Access ,ontrollers, alm devices of your work space enable you
to do many of your tasks very effectively. Apart from all these, many controllers embedded
in your car take care of car operations between the bumpers and most of the times you tend
to ignore all these controllers.
In recent days, you are showered with variety of information about these embedded
controllers in many places. All kinds of magazines and 5ournals regularly dish out details
about latest technologies, new devices6 fast applications which make you believe that your
basic survival is controlled by these embedded products. 7ow you can agree to the fact that
these embedded products have successfully invaded into our world. 3ou must be wondering
about these embedded controllers or systems.
0he computer you use to compose your mails, or create a document or analyze the
database is known as the standard desktop computer. 0hese desktop computers are
manufactured to serve many purposes and applications.
3ou need to install the relevant software to get the re(uired processing facility. So,
these desktop computers can do many things. In contrast, embedded controllers carryout a
specific work for which they are designed. !ost of the time, engineers design these
embedded controllers with a specific goal in mind. So these controllers cannot be used in any
other place.
0heoretically, an embedded controller is a combination of a piece of microprocessor
based hardware and the suitable software to undertake a specific task.
0hese days designers have many choices in microprocessors8microcontrollers.
Especially, in 9 bit and ": bit, the available variety really may overwhelm even an
e$perienced designer. Selecting a right microprocessor may turn out as a most difficult first
step and it is getting complicated as new devices continue to pop-up very often.
In the 9 bit segment, the most popular and used architecture is Intel1s 9;"<. !arket
acceptance of this particular family has driven many semiconductor manufacturers to
develop something new based on this particular architecture. Even after := years of
e$istence, semiconductor manufacturers still come out with some kind of device using this
9;"< core.
In the >iterature discussing microprocessors, we often see the term Embedded
System. !icroprocessors and !icrocontrollers are widely used in embedded system
products. An embedded system product uses a microprocessor )or !icrocontroller+ to do one
task only. A printer is an e$ample of embedded system since the processor inside it performs
one task only6 namely getting the data and printing it. ,ontrast this with a entium based ,.
A , can be used for any number of applications such as word processor, print-server, bank
teller terminal, ?ideo game, network server, or Internet terminal. Software for a variety of
applications can be loaded and run. 4f course the reason a pc can perform myriad tasks is
that it has 2A! memory and an operating system that loads the application software into
2A! memory and lets the ,@ run it.
In an Embedded system, there is only one application software that is typically
burned into 24!. An $9A , contains or is connected to various embedded products such as
keyboard, printer, modem, disk controller, sound card, ,*-24! drives, mouse, and so on.
Each one of these peripherals has a !icrocontroller inside it that performs only one task. %or
e$ample, inside every mouse there is a !icrocontroller to perform the task of finding the
mouse position and sending it to the ,.